/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "DocAccessibleChild.h" #include "Accessible-inl.h" #include "ProxyAccessible.h" #include "Relation.h" #include "HyperTextAccessible-inl.h" #include "TextLeafAccessible.h" #include "ImageAccessible.h" #include "TableAccessible.h" #include "TableCellAccessible.h" #include "nsIPersistentProperties2.h" #include "nsISimpleEnumerator.h" #include "nsAccUtils.h" #ifdef MOZ_ACCESSIBILITY_ATK #include "AccessibleWrap.h" #endif namespace mozilla { namespace a11y { Accessible* DocAccessibleChild::IdToAccessible(const uint64_t& aID) const { if (!aID) return mDoc; if (!mDoc) return nullptr; return mDoc->GetAccessibleByUniqueID(reinterpret_cast<void*>(aID)); } Accessible* DocAccessibleChild::IdToAccessibleLink(const uint64_t& aID) const { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); return acc && acc->IsLink() ? acc : nullptr; } Accessible* DocAccessibleChild::IdToAccessibleSelect(const uint64_t& aID) const { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); return acc && acc->IsSelect() ? acc : nullptr; } HyperTextAccessible* DocAccessibleChild::IdToHyperTextAccessible(const uint64_t& aID) const { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); return acc && acc->IsHyperText() ? acc->AsHyperText() : nullptr; } TextLeafAccessible* DocAccessibleChild::IdToTextLeafAccessible(const uint64_t& aID) const { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); return acc && acc->IsTextLeaf() ? acc->AsTextLeaf() : nullptr; } ImageAccessible* DocAccessibleChild::IdToImageAccessible(const uint64_t& aID) const { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); return (acc && acc->IsImage()) ? acc->AsImage() : nullptr; } TableCellAccessible* DocAccessibleChild::IdToTableCellAccessible(const uint64_t& aID) const { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); return (acc && acc->IsTableCell()) ? acc->AsTableCell() : nullptr; } TableAccessible* DocAccessibleChild::IdToTableAccessible(const uint64_t& aID) const { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); return (acc && acc->IsTable()) ? acc->AsTable() : nullptr; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvState(const uint64_t& aID, uint64_t* aState) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (!acc) { *aState = states::DEFUNCT; return true; } *aState = acc->State(); return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvNativeState(const uint64_t& aID, uint64_t* aState) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (!acc) { *aState = states::DEFUNCT; return true; } *aState = acc->NativeState(); return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvName(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aName) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (!acc) return true; acc->Name(*aName); return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvValue(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aValue) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (!acc) { return true; } acc->Value(*aValue); return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvHelp(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aHelp) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (!acc) { return true; } acc->Help(*aHelp); return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvDescription(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aDesc) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (!acc) return true; acc->Description(*aDesc); return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvAttributes(const uint64_t& aID, nsTArray<Attribute>* aAttributes) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (!acc) return true; nsCOMPtr<nsIPersistentProperties> props = acc->Attributes(); return PersistentPropertiesToArray(props, aAttributes); } bool DocAccessibleChild::PersistentPropertiesToArray(nsIPersistentProperties* aProps, nsTArray<Attribute>* aAttributes) { if (!aProps) { return true; } nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> propEnum; nsresult rv = aProps->Enumerate(getter_AddRefs(propEnum)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); bool hasMore; while (NS_SUCCEEDED(propEnum->HasMoreElements(&hasMore)) && hasMore) { nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> sup; rv = propEnum->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(sup)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); nsCOMPtr<nsIPropertyElement> propElem(do_QueryInterface(sup)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(propElem, false); nsAutoCString name; rv = propElem->GetKey(name); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); nsAutoString value; rv = propElem->GetValue(value); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false); aAttributes->AppendElement(Attribute(name, value)); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvRelationByType(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aType, nsTArray<uint64_t>* aTargets) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (!acc) return true; auto type = static_cast<RelationType>(aType); Relation rel = acc->RelationByType(type); while (Accessible* target = rel.Next()) aTargets->AppendElement(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(target)); return true; } static void AddRelation(Accessible* aAcc, RelationType aType, nsTArray<RelationTargets>* aTargets) { Relation rel = aAcc->RelationByType(aType); nsTArray<uint64_t> targets; while (Accessible* target = rel.Next()) targets.AppendElement(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(target)); if (!targets.IsEmpty()) { RelationTargets* newRelation = aTargets->AppendElement(RelationTargets(static_cast<uint32_t>(aType), nsTArray<uint64_t>())); newRelation->Targets().SwapElements(targets); } } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvRelations(const uint64_t& aID, nsTArray<RelationTargets>* aRelations) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (!acc) return true; #define RELATIONTYPE(gecko, s, a, m, i) AddRelation(acc, RelationType::gecko, aRelations); #include "RelationTypeMap.h" #undef RELATIONTYPE return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvIsSearchbox(const uint64_t& aID, bool* aRetVal) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (!acc) return true; *aRetVal = acc->IsSearchbox(); return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvLandmarkRole(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aLandmark) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (!acc) { return true; } if (nsIAtom* roleAtom = acc->LandmarkRole()) { roleAtom->ToString(*aLandmark); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvARIARoleAtom(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aRole) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (!acc) { return true; } if (const nsRoleMapEntry* roleMap = acc->ARIARoleMap()) { if (nsIAtom* roleAtom = *(roleMap->roleAtom)) { roleAtom->ToString(*aRole); } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvGetLevelInternal(const uint64_t& aID, int32_t* aLevel) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aLevel = acc->GetLevelInternal(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvScrollTo(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aScrollType) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { nsCoreUtils::ScrollTo(acc->Document()->PresShell(), acc->GetContent(), aScrollType); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvScrollToPoint(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aScrollType, const int32_t& aX, const int32_t& aY) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->ScrollToPoint(aScrollType, aX, aY); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvCaretLineNumber(const uint64_t& aID, int32_t* aLineNumber) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); *aLineNumber = acc && acc->IsTextRole() ? acc->CaretLineNumber() : 0; return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvCaretOffset(const uint64_t& aID, int32_t* aOffset) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); *aOffset = acc && acc->IsTextRole() ? acc->CaretOffset() : 0; return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvSetCaretOffset(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aOffset) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole() && acc->IsValidOffset(aOffset)) { acc->SetCaretOffset(aOffset); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvCharacterCount(const uint64_t& aID, int32_t* aCount) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); *aCount = acc ? acc->CharacterCount() : 0; return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvSelectionCount(const uint64_t& aID, int32_t* aCount) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); *aCount = acc ? acc->SelectionCount() : 0; return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTextSubstring(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aStartOffset, const int32_t& aEndOffset, nsString* aText, bool* aValid) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (!acc) { return true; } *aValid = acc->IsValidRange(aStartOffset, aEndOffset); acc->TextSubstring(aStartOffset, aEndOffset, *aText); return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvGetTextAfterOffset(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aOffset, const int32_t& aBoundaryType, nsString* aText, int32_t* aStartOffset, int32_t* aEndOffset) { *aStartOffset = 0; *aEndOffset = 0; HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->TextAfterOffset(aOffset, aBoundaryType, aStartOffset, aEndOffset, *aText); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvGetTextAtOffset(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aOffset, const int32_t& aBoundaryType, nsString* aText, int32_t* aStartOffset, int32_t* aEndOffset) { *aStartOffset = 0; *aEndOffset = 0; HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->TextAtOffset(aOffset, aBoundaryType, aStartOffset, aEndOffset, *aText); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvGetTextBeforeOffset(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aOffset, const int32_t& aBoundaryType, nsString* aText, int32_t* aStartOffset, int32_t* aEndOffset) { *aStartOffset = 0; *aEndOffset = 0; HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->TextBeforeOffset(aOffset, aBoundaryType, aStartOffset, aEndOffset, *aText); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvCharAt(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aOffset, uint16_t* aChar) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); *aChar = acc && acc->IsTextRole() ? static_cast<uint16_t>(acc->CharAt(aOffset)) : 0; return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTextAttributes(const uint64_t& aID, const bool& aIncludeDefAttrs, const int32_t& aOffset, nsTArray<Attribute>* aAttributes, int32_t* aStartOffset, int32_t* aEndOffset) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (!acc || !acc->IsTextRole()) { return true; } nsCOMPtr<nsIPersistentProperties> props = acc->TextAttributes(aIncludeDefAttrs, aOffset, aStartOffset, aEndOffset); return PersistentPropertiesToArray(props, aAttributes); } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvDefaultTextAttributes(const uint64_t& aID, nsTArray<Attribute> *aAttributes) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (!acc || !acc->IsTextRole()) { return true; } nsCOMPtr<nsIPersistentProperties> props = acc->DefaultTextAttributes(); return PersistentPropertiesToArray(props, aAttributes); } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTextBounds(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aStartOffset, const int32_t& aEndOffset, const uint32_t& aCoordType, nsIntRect* aRetVal) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole()) { *aRetVal = acc->TextBounds(aStartOffset, aEndOffset, aCoordType); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvCharBounds(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aOffset, const uint32_t& aCoordType, nsIntRect* aRetVal) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole()) { *aRetVal = acc->CharBounds(aOffset, aCoordType); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvOffsetAtPoint(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aX, const int32_t& aY, const uint32_t& aCoordType, int32_t* aRetVal) { *aRetVal = -1; HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole()) { *aRetVal = acc->OffsetAtPoint(aX, aY, aCoordType); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvSelectionBoundsAt(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aSelectionNum, bool* aSucceeded, nsString* aData, int32_t* aStartOffset, int32_t* aEndOffset) { *aSucceeded = false; *aStartOffset = 0; *aEndOffset = 0; HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole()) { *aSucceeded = acc->SelectionBoundsAt(aSelectionNum, aStartOffset, aEndOffset); if (*aSucceeded) { acc->TextSubstring(*aStartOffset, *aEndOffset, *aData); } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvSetSelectionBoundsAt(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aSelectionNum, const int32_t& aStartOffset, const int32_t& aEndOffset, bool* aSucceeded) { *aSucceeded = false; HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole()) { *aSucceeded = acc->SetSelectionBoundsAt(aSelectionNum, aStartOffset, aEndOffset); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvAddToSelection(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aStartOffset, const int32_t& aEndOffset, bool* aSucceeded) { *aSucceeded = false; HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole()) { *aSucceeded = acc->AddToSelection(aStartOffset, aEndOffset); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvRemoveFromSelection(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aSelectionNum, bool* aSucceeded) { *aSucceeded = false; HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole()) { *aSucceeded = acc->RemoveFromSelection(aSelectionNum); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvScrollSubstringTo(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aStartOffset, const int32_t& aEndOffset, const uint32_t& aScrollType) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->ScrollSubstringTo(aStartOffset, aEndOffset, aScrollType); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvScrollSubstringToPoint(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aStartOffset, const int32_t& aEndOffset, const uint32_t& aCoordinateType, const int32_t& aX, const int32_t& aY) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->ScrollSubstringToPoint(aStartOffset, aEndOffset, aCoordinateType, aX, aY); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvText(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aText) { TextLeafAccessible* acc = IdToTextLeafAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aText = acc->Text(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvReplaceText(const uint64_t& aID, const nsString& aText) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole()) { acc->ReplaceText(aText); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvInsertText(const uint64_t& aID, const nsString& aText, const int32_t& aPosition, bool* aValid) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole()) { *aValid = acc->IsValidOffset(aPosition); acc->InsertText(aText, aPosition); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvCopyText(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aStartPos, const int32_t& aEndPos, bool* aValid) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole()) { acc->CopyText(aStartPos, aEndPos); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvCutText(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aStartPos, const int32_t& aEndPos, bool* aValid) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole()) { *aValid = acc->IsValidRange(aStartPos, aEndPos); acc->CutText(aStartPos, aEndPos); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvDeleteText(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aStartPos, const int32_t& aEndPos, bool* aValid) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole()) { *aValid = acc->IsValidRange(aStartPos, aEndPos); acc->DeleteText(aStartPos, aEndPos); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvPasteText(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aPosition, bool* aValid) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsTextRole()) { *aValid = acc->IsValidOffset(aPosition); acc->PasteText(aPosition); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvImagePosition(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aCoordType, nsIntPoint* aRetVal) { ImageAccessible* acc = IdToImageAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aRetVal = acc->Position(aCoordType); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvImageSize(const uint64_t& aID, nsIntSize* aRetVal) { ImageAccessible* acc = IdToImageAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aRetVal = acc->Size(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvStartOffset(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aRetVal, bool* aOk) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleLink(aID); if (acc) { *aRetVal = acc->StartOffset(); *aOk = true; } else { *aRetVal = 0; *aOk = false; } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvEndOffset(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aRetVal, bool* aOk) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleLink(aID); if (acc) { *aRetVal = acc->EndOffset(); *aOk = true; } else { *aRetVal = 0; *aOk = false; } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvIsLinkValid(const uint64_t& aID, bool* aRetVal) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleLink(aID); if (acc) { *aRetVal = acc->IsLinkValid(); } else { *aRetVal = false; } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvAnchorCount(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aRetVal, bool* aOk) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleLink(aID); if (acc) { *aRetVal = acc->AnchorCount(); *aOk = true; } else { *aRetVal = 0; *aOk = false; } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvAnchorURIAt(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aIndex, nsCString* aURI, bool* aOk) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleLink(aID); *aOk = false; if (acc) { nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = acc->AnchorURIAt(aIndex); if (uri) { uri->GetSpec(*aURI); *aOk = true; } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvAnchorAt(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aIndex, uint64_t* aIDOfAnchor, bool* aOk) { *aIDOfAnchor = 0; *aOk = false; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleLink(aID); if (acc) { Accessible* anchor = acc->AnchorAt(aIndex); if (anchor) { *aIDOfAnchor = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(anchor->UniqueID()); *aOk = true; } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvLinkCount(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aCount) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); *aCount = acc ? acc->LinkCount() : 0; return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvLinkAt(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aIndex, uint64_t* aIDOfLink, bool* aOk) { *aIDOfLink = 0; *aOk = false; HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); if (acc) { Accessible* link = acc->LinkAt(aIndex); if (link) { *aIDOfLink = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(link->UniqueID()); *aOk = true; } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvLinkIndexOf(const uint64_t& aID, const uint64_t& aLinkID, int32_t* aIndex) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); Accessible* link = IdToAccessible(aLinkID); *aIndex = -1; if (acc && link) { *aIndex = acc->LinkIndexOf(link); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvLinkIndexAtOffset(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aOffset, int32_t* aIndex) { HyperTextAccessible* acc = IdToHyperTextAccessible(aID); *aIndex = acc ? acc->LinkIndexAtOffset(aOffset) : -1; return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableOfACell(const uint64_t& aID, uint64_t* aTableID, bool* aOk) { *aTableID = 0; *aOk = false; TableCellAccessible* acc = IdToTableCellAccessible(aID); if (acc) { TableAccessible* table = acc->Table(); if (table) { *aTableID = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(table->AsAccessible()->UniqueID()); *aOk = true; } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvColIdx(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aIndex) { *aIndex = 0; TableCellAccessible* acc = IdToTableCellAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aIndex = acc->ColIdx(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvRowIdx(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aIndex) { *aIndex = 0; TableCellAccessible* acc = IdToTableCellAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aIndex = acc->RowIdx(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvGetPosition(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aColIdx, uint32_t* aRowIdx) { *aColIdx = 0; *aRowIdx = 0; TableCellAccessible* acc = IdToTableCellAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aColIdx = acc->ColIdx(); *aRowIdx = acc->RowIdx(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvGetColRowExtents(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aColIdx, uint32_t* aRowIdx, uint32_t* aColExtent, uint32_t* aRowExtent) { *aColIdx = 0; *aRowIdx = 0; *aColExtent = 0; *aRowExtent = 0; TableCellAccessible* acc = IdToTableCellAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aColIdx = acc->ColIdx(); *aRowIdx = acc->RowIdx(); *aColExtent = acc->ColExtent(); *aRowExtent = acc->RowExtent(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvColExtent(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aExtent) { *aExtent = 0; TableCellAccessible* acc = IdToTableCellAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aExtent = acc->ColExtent(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvRowExtent(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aExtent) { *aExtent = 0; TableCellAccessible* acc = IdToTableCellAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aExtent = acc->RowExtent(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvColHeaderCells(const uint64_t& aID, nsTArray<uint64_t>* aCells) { TableCellAccessible* acc = IdToTableCellAccessible(aID); if (acc) { AutoTArray<Accessible*, 10> headerCells; acc->ColHeaderCells(&headerCells); aCells->SetCapacity(headerCells.Length()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < headerCells.Length(); ++i) { aCells->AppendElement( reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(headerCells[i]->UniqueID())); } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvRowHeaderCells(const uint64_t& aID, nsTArray<uint64_t>* aCells) { TableCellAccessible* acc = IdToTableCellAccessible(aID); if (acc) { AutoTArray<Accessible*, 10> headerCells; acc->RowHeaderCells(&headerCells); aCells->SetCapacity(headerCells.Length()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < headerCells.Length(); ++i) { aCells->AppendElement( reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(headerCells[i]->UniqueID())); } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvIsCellSelected(const uint64_t& aID, bool* aSelected) { TableCellAccessible* acc = IdToTableCellAccessible(aID); *aSelected = acc && acc->Selected(); return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableCaption(const uint64_t& aID, uint64_t* aCaptionID, bool* aOk) { *aCaptionID = 0; *aOk = false; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { Accessible* caption = acc->Caption(); if (caption) { *aCaptionID = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(caption->UniqueID()); *aOk = true; } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableSummary(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aSummary) { TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->Summary(*aSummary); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableColumnCount(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aColCount) { *aColCount = 0; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aColCount = acc->ColCount(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableRowCount(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aRowCount) { *aRowCount = 0; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aRowCount = acc->RowCount(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableCellAt(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aRow, const uint32_t& aCol, uint64_t* aCellID, bool* aOk) { *aCellID = 0; *aOk = false; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { Accessible* cell = acc->CellAt(aRow, aCol); if (cell) { *aCellID = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(cell->UniqueID()); *aOk = true; } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableCellIndexAt(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aRow, const uint32_t& aCol, int32_t* aIndex) { *aIndex = -1; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aIndex = acc->CellIndexAt(aRow, aCol); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableColumnIndexAt(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aCellIndex, int32_t* aCol) { *aCol = -1; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aCol = acc->ColIndexAt(aCellIndex); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableRowIndexAt(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aCellIndex, int32_t* aRow) { *aRow = -1; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aRow = acc->RowIndexAt(aCellIndex); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableRowAndColumnIndicesAt(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aCellIndex, int32_t* aRow, int32_t* aCol) { *aRow = -1; *aCol = -1; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->RowAndColIndicesAt(aCellIndex, aRow, aCol); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableColumnExtentAt(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aRow, const uint32_t& aCol, uint32_t* aExtent) { *aExtent = 0; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aExtent = acc->ColExtentAt(aRow, aCol); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableRowExtentAt(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aRow, const uint32_t& aCol, uint32_t* aExtent) { *aExtent = 0; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aExtent = acc->RowExtentAt(aRow, aCol); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableColumnDescription(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aCol, nsString* aDescription) { TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->ColDescription(aCol, *aDescription); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableRowDescription(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aRow, nsString* aDescription) { TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->RowDescription(aRow, *aDescription); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableColumnSelected(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aCol, bool* aSelected) { *aSelected = false; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aSelected = acc->IsColSelected(aCol); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableRowSelected(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aRow, bool* aSelected) { *aSelected = false; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aSelected = acc->IsRowSelected(aRow); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableCellSelected(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aRow, const uint32_t& aCol, bool* aSelected) { *aSelected = false; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aSelected = acc->IsCellSelected(aRow, aCol); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableSelectedCellCount(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aSelectedCells) { *aSelectedCells = 0; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aSelectedCells = acc->SelectedCellCount(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableSelectedColumnCount(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aSelectedColumns) { *aSelectedColumns = 0; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aSelectedColumns = acc->SelectedColCount(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableSelectedRowCount(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aSelectedRows) { *aSelectedRows = 0; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aSelectedRows = acc->SelectedRowCount(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableSelectedCells(const uint64_t& aID, nsTArray<uint64_t>* aCellIDs) { TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { AutoTArray<Accessible*, 30> cells; acc->SelectedCells(&cells); aCellIDs->SetCapacity(cells.Length()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cells.Length(); ++i) { aCellIDs->AppendElement( reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(cells[i]->UniqueID())); } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableSelectedCellIndices(const uint64_t& aID, nsTArray<uint32_t>* aCellIndices) { TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->SelectedCellIndices(aCellIndices); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableSelectedColumnIndices(const uint64_t& aID, nsTArray<uint32_t>* aColumnIndices) { TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->SelectedColIndices(aColumnIndices); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableSelectedRowIndices(const uint64_t& aID, nsTArray<uint32_t>* aRowIndices) { TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->SelectedRowIndices(aRowIndices); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableSelectColumn(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aCol) { TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->SelectCol(aCol); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableSelectRow(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aRow) { TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->SelectRow(aRow); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableUnselectColumn(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aCol) { TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->UnselectCol(aCol); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableUnselectRow(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aRow) { TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->UnselectRow(aRow); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTableIsProbablyForLayout(const uint64_t& aID, bool* aForLayout) { *aForLayout = false; TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aForLayout = acc->IsProbablyLayoutTable(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvAtkTableColumnHeader(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aCol, uint64_t* aHeader, bool* aOk) { *aHeader = 0; *aOk = false; #ifdef MOZ_ACCESSIBILITY_ATK TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { Accessible* header = AccessibleWrap::GetColumnHeader(acc, aCol); if (header) { *aHeader = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(header->UniqueID()); *aOk = true; } } #endif return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvAtkTableRowHeader(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aRow, uint64_t* aHeader, bool* aOk) { *aHeader = 0; *aOk = false; #ifdef MOZ_ACCESSIBILITY_ATK TableAccessible* acc = IdToTableAccessible(aID); if (acc) { Accessible* header = AccessibleWrap::GetRowHeader(acc, aRow); if (header) { *aHeader = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(header->UniqueID()); *aOk = true; } } #endif return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvSelectedItems(const uint64_t& aID, nsTArray<uint64_t>* aSelectedItemIDs) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleSelect(aID); if (acc) { AutoTArray<Accessible*, 10> selectedItems; acc->SelectedItems(&selectedItems); aSelectedItemIDs->SetCapacity(selectedItems.Length()); for (size_t i = 0; i < selectedItems.Length(); ++i) { aSelectedItemIDs->AppendElement( reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(selectedItems[i]->UniqueID())); } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvSelectedItemCount(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aCount) { *aCount = 0; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleSelect(aID); if (acc) { *aCount = acc->SelectedItemCount(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvGetSelectedItem(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aIndex, uint64_t* aSelected, bool* aOk) { *aSelected = 0; *aOk = false; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleSelect(aID); if (acc) { Accessible* item = acc->GetSelectedItem(aIndex); if (item) { *aSelected = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(item->UniqueID()); *aOk = true; } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvIsItemSelected(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aIndex, bool* aSelected) { *aSelected = false; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleSelect(aID); if (acc) { *aSelected = acc->IsItemSelected(aIndex); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvAddItemToSelection(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aIndex, bool* aSuccess) { *aSuccess = false; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleSelect(aID); if (acc) { *aSuccess = acc->AddItemToSelection(aIndex); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvRemoveItemFromSelection(const uint64_t& aID, const uint32_t& aIndex, bool* aSuccess) { *aSuccess = false; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleSelect(aID); if (acc) { *aSuccess = acc->RemoveItemFromSelection(aIndex); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvSelectAll(const uint64_t& aID, bool* aSuccess) { *aSuccess = false; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleSelect(aID); if (acc) { *aSuccess = acc->SelectAll(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvUnselectAll(const uint64_t& aID, bool* aSuccess) { *aSuccess = false; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessibleSelect(aID); if (acc) { *aSuccess = acc->UnselectAll(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTakeSelection(const uint64_t& aID) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->TakeSelection(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvSetSelected(const uint64_t& aID, const bool& aSelect) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->SetSelected(aSelect); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvDoAction(const uint64_t& aID, const uint8_t& aIndex, bool* aSuccess) { *aSuccess = false; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aSuccess = acc->DoAction(aIndex); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvActionCount(const uint64_t& aID, uint8_t* aCount) { *aCount = 0; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aCount = acc->ActionCount(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvActionDescriptionAt(const uint64_t& aID, const uint8_t& aIndex, nsString* aDescription) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->ActionDescriptionAt(aIndex, *aDescription); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvActionNameAt(const uint64_t& aID, const uint8_t& aIndex, nsString* aName) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->ActionNameAt(aIndex, *aName); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvAccessKey(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aKey, uint32_t* aModifierMask) { *aKey = 0; *aModifierMask = 0; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { KeyBinding kb = acc->AccessKey(); *aKey = kb.Key(); *aModifierMask = kb.ModifierMask(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvKeyboardShortcut(const uint64_t& aID, uint32_t* aKey, uint32_t* aModifierMask) { *aKey = 0; *aModifierMask = 0; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { KeyBinding kb = acc->KeyboardShortcut(); *aKey = kb.Key(); *aModifierMask = kb.ModifierMask(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvAtkKeyBinding(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aResult) { #ifdef MOZ_ACCESSIBILITY_ATK Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { AccessibleWrap::GetKeyBinding(acc, *aResult); } #endif return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvCurValue(const uint64_t& aID, double* aValue) { *aValue = UnspecifiedNaN<double>(); Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aValue = acc->CurValue(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvSetCurValue(const uint64_t& aID, const double& aValue, bool* aRetVal) { *aRetVal = false; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aRetVal = acc->SetCurValue(aValue); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvMinValue(const uint64_t& aID, double* aValue) { *aValue = UnspecifiedNaN<double>(); Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aValue = acc->MinValue(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvMaxValue(const uint64_t& aID, double* aValue) { *aValue = UnspecifiedNaN<double>(); Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aValue = acc->MaxValue(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvStep(const uint64_t& aID, double* aStep) { *aStep = UnspecifiedNaN<double>(); Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { *aStep = acc->Step(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTakeFocus(const uint64_t& aID) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->TakeFocus(); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvFocusedChild(const uint64_t& aID, uint64_t* aChild, bool* aOk) { *aChild = 0; *aOk = false; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { Accessible* child = acc->FocusedChild(); if (child) { *aChild = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(child->UniqueID()); *aOk = true; } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvLanguage(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aLocale) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { acc->Language(*aLocale); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvDocType(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aType) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsDoc()) { acc->AsDoc()->DocType(*aType); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvTitle(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aTitle) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc) { mozilla::ErrorResult rv; acc->GetContent()->GetTextContent(*aTitle, rv); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvURL(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aURL) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsDoc()) { acc->AsDoc()->URL(*aURL); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvMimeType(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aMime) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsDoc()) { acc->AsDoc()->MimeType(*aMime); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvURLDocTypeMimeType(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aURL, nsString* aDocType, nsString* aMimeType) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc && acc->IsDoc()) { DocAccessible* doc = acc->AsDoc(); doc->URL(*aURL); doc->DocType(*aDocType); doc->MimeType(*aMimeType); } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvAccessibleAtPoint(const uint64_t& aID, const int32_t& aX, const int32_t& aY, const bool& aNeedsScreenCoords, const uint32_t& aWhich, uint64_t* aResult, bool* aOk) { *aResult = 0; *aOk = false; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc && !acc->IsDefunct() && !nsAccUtils::MustPrune(acc)) { int32_t x = aX; int32_t y = aY; if (aNeedsScreenCoords) { nsIntPoint winCoords = nsCoreUtils::GetScreenCoordsForWindow(acc->GetNode()); x += winCoords.x; y += winCoords.y; } Accessible* result = acc->ChildAtPoint(x, y, static_cast<Accessible::EWhichChildAtPoint>(aWhich)); if (result) { *aResult = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(result->UniqueID()); *aOk = true; } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvExtents(const uint64_t& aID, const bool& aNeedsScreenCoords, int32_t* aX, int32_t* aY, int32_t* aWidth, int32_t* aHeight) { *aX = 0; *aY = 0; *aWidth = 0; *aHeight = 0; Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (acc && !acc->IsDefunct()) { nsIntRect screenRect = acc->Bounds(); if (!screenRect.IsEmpty()) { if (aNeedsScreenCoords) { nsIntPoint winCoords = nsCoreUtils::GetScreenCoordsForWindow(acc->GetNode()); screenRect.x -= winCoords.x; screenRect.y -= winCoords.y; } *aX = screenRect.x; *aY = screenRect.y; *aWidth = screenRect.width; *aHeight = screenRect.height; } } return true; } bool DocAccessibleChild::RecvDOMNodeID(const uint64_t& aID, nsString* aDOMNodeID) { Accessible* acc = IdToAccessible(aID); if (!acc) { return true; } nsIContent* content = acc->GetContent(); if (!content) { return true; } nsIAtom* id = content->GetID(); if (id) { id->ToString(*aDOMNodeID); } return true; } } }