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#include "nsISupports.idl"

[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(42a1e1dc-58cf-419d-bff0-ed3314c70016)]
interface nsIAccessibleValue : nsISupports
  readonly attribute double maximumValue;
  readonly attribute double minimumValue;
  attribute double currentValue;
  readonly attribute double minimumIncrement;


 The attribute currentValue will throw an exception
 if it cannot be set i.e. if the value is not a
 member of the interval.
 This may not be the 'desired' behaviour given gObject
 equivalent. Thus it could be changed to be:

 readonly attribute double currentValue;
 boolean setCurrentValue (double long value);

 GValue can represent many basic types.
 Since this interface is designed to represent
 an interval and a member of double should
 cover the cases of char int and float.
