/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsIArray.idl"

interface nsIPersistentProperties;
interface nsIDOMCSSPrimitiveValue;
interface nsIDOMNode;
interface nsIAccessibleDocument;
interface nsIAccessibleRelation;

namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
class Accessible;

 * A cross-platform interface that supports platform-specific 
 * accessibility APIs like MSAA and ATK. Contains the sum of what's needed
 * to support IAccessible as well as ATK's generic accessibility objects.
 * Can also be used by in-process accessibility clients to get information
 * about objects in the accessible tree. The accessible tree is a subset of 
 * nodes in the DOM tree -- such as documents, focusable elements and text.
 * Mozilla creates the implementations of nsIAccessible on demand.
 * See http://www.mozilla.org/projects/ui/accessibility for more information.
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(de2869d9-563c-4943-996b-31a4daa4d097)]
interface nsIAccessible : nsISupports
   * Parent node in accessible tree.
  readonly attribute nsIAccessible parent;

   * Next sibling in accessible tree
  readonly attribute nsIAccessible nextSibling;

   * Previous sibling in accessible tree
  readonly attribute nsIAccessible previousSibling;

   * First child in accessible tree
  readonly attribute nsIAccessible firstChild;

   * Last child in accessible tree
  readonly attribute nsIAccessible lastChild;
   * Array of all this element's children.
  readonly attribute nsIArray children;

   * Number of accessible children
  readonly attribute long childCount;

   * The 0-based index of this accessible in its parent's list of children,
   * or -1 if this accessible does not have a parent.
  readonly attribute long indexInParent;

   * The DOM node this nsIAccessible is associated with.
  readonly attribute nsIDOMNode DOMNode;

    * For remote accessibles the id of the related DOM node.
  readonly attribute DOMString id;

   * The document accessible that this access node resides in.
  readonly attribute nsIAccessibleDocument document;

   * The root document accessible that this access node resides in.
  readonly attribute nsIAccessibleDocument rootDocument;

   * The language for the current DOM node, e.g. en, de, etc.
  readonly attribute DOMString language;

   * Accessible name -- the main text equivalent for this node. The name is
   * specified by ARIA or by native markup. Example of ARIA markup is
   * aria-labelledby attribute placed on element of this accessible. Example
   * of native markup is HTML label linked with HTML element of this accessible.
   * Value can be string or null. A null value indicates that AT may attempt to
   * compute the name. Any string value, including the empty string, should be
   * considered author-intentional, and respected.
  readonly attribute AString name;

   * Accessible value -- a number or a secondary text equivalent for this node
   * Widgets that use role attribute can force a value using the valuenow attribute
  readonly attribute AString value;

   * Accessible description -- long text associated with this node
  readonly attribute AString description;

   * Provides localized string of accesskey name, such as Alt+D.
   * The modifier may be affected by user and platform preferences.
   * Usually alt+letter, or just the letter alone for menu items. 
  readonly attribute AString accessKey;

   * Provides localized string of global keyboard accelerator for default
   * action, such as Ctrl+O for Open file
  readonly attribute AString keyboardShortcut;

   * Enumerated accessible role (see the constants defined in nsIAccessibleRole).
   * @note  The values might depend on platform because of variations. Widgets
   *        can use ARIA role attribute to force the final role.
  readonly attribute unsigned long role;

   * Accessible states -- bit fields which describe boolean properties of node.
   * Many states are only valid given a certain role attribute that supports
   * them.
   * @param aState - the first bit field (see nsIAccessibleStates::STATE_*
   *                 constants)
   * @param aExtraState - the second bit field
   *                      (see nsIAccessibleStates::EXT_STATE_* constants)
  void getState(out unsigned long aState, out unsigned long aExtraState);

   * Help text associated with node
   * @note As of now, this just returns empty string.
  readonly attribute AString help;

   * Focused accessible child of node
  readonly attribute nsIAccessible focusedChild;

   * Attributes of accessible
  readonly attribute nsIPersistentProperties attributes;

   * Returns grouping information. Used for tree items, list items, tab panel
   * labels, radio buttons, etc. Also used for collectons of non-text objects.
   * @param groupLevel - 1-based, similar to ARIA 'level' property
   * @param similarItemsInGroup - 1-based, similar to ARIA 'setsize' property,
   *                              inclusive of the current item
   * @param positionInGroup - 1-based, similar to ARIA 'posinset' property
  void groupPosition(out long aGroupLevel, out long aSimilarItemsInGroup,
                     out long aPositionInGroup);

   * Accessible child which contains the coordinate at (x, y) in screen pixels.
   * If the point is in the current accessible but not in a child, the
   * current accessible will be returned.
   * If the point is in neither the current accessible or a child, then
   * null will be returned.
   * @param x  screen's x coordinate
   * @param y  screen's y coordinate
   * @return   the deepest accessible child containing the given point
  nsIAccessible getChildAtPoint(in long x, in long y);

   * Deepest accessible child which contains the coordinate at (x, y) in screen
   * pixels. If the point is in the current accessible but not in a child, the
   * current accessible will be returned. If the point is in neither the current
   * accessible or a child, then null will be returned.
   * @param x  screen's x coordinate
   * @param y  screen's y coordinate
   * @return   the deepest accessible child containing the given point
  nsIAccessible getDeepestChildAtPoint(in long x, in long y);

   * Nth accessible child using zero-based index or last child if index less than zero
  nsIAccessible getChildAt(in long aChildIndex);

   * Return accessible relation by the given relation type (see.
   * constants defined in nsIAccessibleRelation).
  nsIAccessibleRelation getRelationByType(in unsigned long aRelationType);

   * Returns multiple accessible relations for this object.
  nsIArray getRelations();

   * Return accessible's x and y coordinates relative to the screen and
   * accessible's width and height.
  void getBounds(out long x, out long y, out long width, out long height);

   * Add or remove this accessible to the current selection
  void setSelected(in boolean isSelected);

   * Select this accessible node only
  void takeSelection();

   * Focus this accessible node,
   * The state STATE_FOCUSABLE indicates whether this node is normally focusable.
   * It is the callers responsibility to determine whether this node is focusable.
   * accTakeFocus on a node that is not normally focusable (such as a table),
   * will still set focus on that node, although normally that will not be visually
   * indicated in most style sheets.
  void takeFocus();

   * The number of accessible actions associated with this accessible
  readonly attribute uint8_t actionCount;

   * The name of the accessible action at the given zero-based index
  AString getActionName(in uint8_t index);

   * The description of the accessible action at the given zero-based index
  AString getActionDescription(in uint8_t aIndex);

   * Perform the accessible action at the given zero-based index
   * Action number 0 is the default action
  void doAction(in uint8_t index);

   * Makes an object visible on screen.
   * @param scrollType - defines where the object should be placed on
   *                     the screen (see nsIAccessibleScrollType for
   *                     available constants).
  void scrollTo(in unsigned long aScrollType);

   * Moves the top left of an object to a specified location.
   * @param coordinateType [in] - specifies whether the coordinates are relative to
   *                         the screen or the parent object (for available
   *                         constants refer to nsIAccessibleCoordinateType)
   * @param x [in] - defines the x coordinate
   * @param y [in] - defines the y coordinate
  void scrollToPoint(in unsigned long coordinateType, in long x, in long y);

  virtual mozilla::a11y::Accessible* ToInternalAccessible() const = 0;
