/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import "objidl.idl";
import "oaidl.idl";
cpp_quote("// ISimpleDOMText")
cpp_quote("// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=")
cpp_quote("// An interface that extends MSAA's IAccessible to provide important additional capabilities on text nodes")
cpp_quote("// [propget] domText(/* out,retval */ BSTR *domText")
cpp_quote("// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=")
cpp_quote("// Similar to IAccessible::get_accName, but does not strip out whitespace characters.")
cpp_quote("// Important for retrieving the correct start/end substring indices to use with other")
cpp_quote("// methods in ISimpleDOMText.")
cpp_quote("// get_[un]clippedSubstringBounds(")
cpp_quote("//   /* [in] */ unsigned int startIndex,")
cpp_quote("//   /* [in] */ unsigned int endIndex,")
cpp_quote("//   /* [out] */ int *x,")
cpp_quote("//   /* [out] */ int *y,")
cpp_quote("//   /* [out] */ int *width,")
cpp_quote("//   /* [out] */ int *height);")
cpp_quote("// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=")
cpp_quote("// Both methods get_clippedSubstringBounds and get_unclippedSubstringBounds return the screen pixel")
cpp_quote("// coordinates of the given text substring. The in parameters for start and end indices refer")
cpp_quote("// to the string returned by ISimpleDOMText::get_domText().")
cpp_quote("// scrollToSubstring(")
cpp_quote("//   /* [in] */ unsigned int startIndex,")
cpp_quote("//   /* [in] */ unsigned int endIndex);")
cpp_quote("// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=")
cpp_quote("// In scrollable views, scrolls to ensure that the specified substring is visible onscreen.")
cpp_quote("// The in parameters for start and end indices refer to the string returned")
cpp_quote("// by ISimpleDOMText::get_domText().")
cpp_quote("// [propget] fontFamily(/* out,retval */ BSTR *fontFamily);")
cpp_quote("// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=")
cpp_quote("// Return a single computed font family name, which is better than the comma delineated list")
cpp_quote("// that is returned by the ISimpleDOMNode computed style methods for font-family.")
cpp_quote("// In other words, return something like 'Arial' instead of 'Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif'.")

[object, uuid(4e747be5-2052-4265-8af0-8ecad7aad1c0)]
interface ISimpleDOMText: IUnknown
  // Includes whitespace in DOM
  [propget] HRESULT domText([out, retval] BSTR *domText);

  HRESULT get_clippedSubstringBounds([in] unsigned int startIndex, 
                                     [in] unsigned int endIndex, 
                                     [out] int *x,
                                     [out] int *y,
                                     [out] int *width,
                                     [out] int *height);

  HRESULT get_unclippedSubstringBounds([in] unsigned int startIndex, 
                                       [in] unsigned int endIndex, 
                                       [out] int *x,
                                       [out] int *y,
                                       [out] int *width,
                                       [out] int *height);

  HRESULT scrollToSubstring([in] unsigned int startIndex, 
                            [in] unsigned int endIndex);

  [propget] HRESULT fontFamily([out, retval] BSTR *fontFamily);