/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsAccessibilityService.h" // NOTE: alphabetically ordered #include "ApplicationAccessibleWrap.h" #include "ARIAGridAccessibleWrap.h" #include "ARIAMap.h" #include "DocAccessible-inl.h" #include "FocusManager.h" #include "HTMLCanvasAccessible.h" #include "HTMLElementAccessibles.h" #include "HTMLImageMapAccessible.h" #include "HTMLLinkAccessible.h" #include "HTMLListAccessible.h" #include "HTMLSelectAccessible.h" #include "HTMLTableAccessibleWrap.h" #include "HyperTextAccessibleWrap.h" #include "RootAccessible.h" #include "nsAccUtils.h" #include "nsArrayUtils.h" #include "nsAttrName.h" #include "nsEventShell.h" #include "nsIURI.h" #include "OuterDocAccessible.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "Role.h" #ifdef MOZ_ACCESSIBILITY_ATK #include "RootAccessibleWrap.h" #endif #include "States.h" #include "Statistics.h" #include "TextLeafAccessibleWrap.h" #include "TreeWalker.h" #include "xpcAccessibleApplication.h" #include "xpcAccessibleDocument.h" #ifdef MOZ_ACCESSIBILITY_ATK #include "AtkSocketAccessible.h" #endif #ifdef XP_WIN #include "mozilla/a11y/Compatibility.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentChild.h" #include "HTMLWin32ObjectAccessible.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h" #endif #ifdef A11Y_LOG #include "Logging.h" #endif #include "nsImageFrame.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "nsLayoutUtils.h" #include "nsPluginFrame.h" #include "nsSVGPathGeometryFrame.h" #include "nsTreeBodyFrame.h" #include "nsTreeColumns.h" #include "nsTreeUtils.h" #include "nsXBLPrototypeBinding.h" #include "nsXBLBinding.h" #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DOMStringList.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/Services.h" #include "nsDeckFrame.h" #ifdef MOZ_XUL #include "XULAlertAccessible.h" #include "XULColorPickerAccessible.h" #include "XULComboboxAccessible.h" #include "XULElementAccessibles.h" #include "XULFormControlAccessible.h" #include "XULListboxAccessibleWrap.h" #include "XULMenuAccessibleWrap.h" #include "XULSliderAccessible.h" #include "XULTabAccessible.h" #include "XULTreeGridAccessibleWrap.h" #endif #if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(MOZ_ACCESSIBILITY_ATK) #include "nsNPAPIPluginInstance.h" #endif using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::a11y; using namespace mozilla::dom; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Statics //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Return true if the element must be accessible. */ static bool MustBeAccessible(nsIContent* aContent, DocAccessible* aDocument) { if (aContent->GetPrimaryFrame()->IsFocusable()) return true; uint32_t attrCount = aContent->GetAttrCount(); for (uint32_t attrIdx = 0; attrIdx < attrCount; attrIdx++) { const nsAttrName* attr = aContent->GetAttrNameAt(attrIdx); if (attr->NamespaceEquals(kNameSpaceID_None)) { nsIAtom* attrAtom = attr->Atom(); nsDependentAtomString attrStr(attrAtom); if (!StringBeginsWith(attrStr, NS_LITERAL_STRING("aria-"))) continue; // not ARIA // A global state or a property and in case of token defined. uint8_t attrFlags = aria::AttrCharacteristicsFor(attrAtom); if ((attrFlags & ATTR_GLOBAL) && (!(attrFlags & ATTR_VALTOKEN) || nsAccUtils::HasDefinedARIAToken(aContent, attrAtom))) { return true; } } } // If the given ID is referred by relation attribute then create an accessible // for it. nsAutoString id; if (nsCoreUtils::GetID(aContent, id) && !id.IsEmpty()) return aDocument->IsDependentID(id); return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Accessible constructors static Accessible* New_HTMLLink(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { // Only some roles truly enjoy life as HTMLLinkAccessibles, for details // see closed bug 494807. const nsRoleMapEntry* roleMapEntry = aria::GetRoleMap(aContent->AsElement()); if (roleMapEntry && roleMapEntry->role != roles::NOTHING && roleMapEntry->role != roles::LINK) { return new HyperTextAccessibleWrap(aContent, aContext->Document()); } return new HTMLLinkAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HyperText(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HyperTextAccessibleWrap(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLFigcaption(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HTMLFigcaptionAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLFigure(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HTMLFigureAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLLegend(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HTMLLegendAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLOption(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HTMLSelectOptionAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLOptgroup(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HTMLSelectOptGroupAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLList(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HTMLListAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLListitem(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { // If list item is a child of accessible list then create an accessible for // it unconditionally by tag name. nsBlockFrame creates the list item // accessible for other elements styled as list items. if (aContext->IsList() && aContext->GetContent() == aContent->GetParent()) return new HTMLLIAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); return nullptr; } static Accessible* New_HTMLDefinition(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { if (aContext->IsList()) return new HyperTextAccessibleWrap(aContent, aContext->Document()); return nullptr; } static Accessible* New_HTMLLabel(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HTMLLabelAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLOutput(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HTMLOutputAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLProgress(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HTMLProgressMeterAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLSummary(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HTMLSummaryAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLTableAccessible(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HTMLTableAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLTableRowAccessible(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HTMLTableRowAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLTableCellAccessible(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { return new HTMLTableCellAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document()); } static Accessible* New_HTMLTableHeaderCell(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { if (aContext->IsTableRow() && aContext->GetContent() == aContent->GetParent()) return new HTMLTableHeaderCellAccessibleWrap(aContent, aContext->Document()); return nullptr; } static Accessible* New_HTMLTableHeaderCellIfScope(nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { if (aContext->IsTableRow() && aContext->GetContent() == aContent->GetParent() && aContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::scope)) return new HTMLTableHeaderCellAccessibleWrap(aContent, aContext->Document()); return nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Markup maps array. #define Attr(name, value) \ { &nsGkAtoms::name, &nsGkAtoms::value } #define AttrFromDOM(name, DOMAttrName) \ { &nsGkAtoms::name, nullptr, &nsGkAtoms::DOMAttrName } #define AttrFromDOMIf(name, DOMAttrName, DOMAttrValue) \ { &nsGkAtoms::name, nullptr, &nsGkAtoms::DOMAttrName, &nsGkAtoms::DOMAttrValue } #define MARKUPMAP(atom, new_func, r, ... ) \ { &nsGkAtoms::atom, new_func, static_cast<a11y::role>(r), { __VA_ARGS__ } }, static const MarkupMapInfo sMarkupMapList[] = { #include "MarkupMap.h" }; #undef Attr #undef AttrFromDOM #undef AttrFromDOMIf #undef MARKUPMAP //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsAccessibilityService //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// nsAccessibilityService *nsAccessibilityService::gAccessibilityService = nullptr; ApplicationAccessible* nsAccessibilityService::gApplicationAccessible = nullptr; xpcAccessibleApplication* nsAccessibilityService::gXPCApplicationAccessible = nullptr; uint32_t nsAccessibilityService::gConsumers = 0; nsAccessibilityService::nsAccessibilityService() : DocManager(), FocusManager(), mMarkupMaps(ArrayLength(sMarkupMapList)) { } nsAccessibilityService::~nsAccessibilityService() { NS_ASSERTION(IsShutdown(), "Accessibility wasn't shutdown!"); gAccessibilityService = nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsIListenerChangeListener NS_IMETHODIMP nsAccessibilityService::ListenersChanged(nsIArray* aEventChanges) { uint32_t targetCount; nsresult rv = aEventChanges->GetLength(&targetCount); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < targetCount ; i++) { nsCOMPtr<nsIEventListenerChange> change = do_QueryElementAt(aEventChanges, i); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventTarget> target; change->GetTarget(getter_AddRefs(target)); nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> node(do_QueryInterface(target)); if (!node || !node->IsHTMLElement()) { continue; } nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> listenerNames; change->GetChangedListenerNames(getter_AddRefs(listenerNames)); uint32_t changeCount; rv = listenerNames->GetLength(&changeCount); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < changeCount ; i++) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> listenerName = do_QueryElementAt(listenerNames, i); // We are only interested in event listener changes which may // make an element accessible or inaccessible. if (listenerName != nsGkAtoms::onclick && listenerName != nsGkAtoms::onmousedown && listenerName != nsGkAtoms::onmouseup) { continue; } nsIDocument* ownerDoc = node->OwnerDoc(); DocAccessible* document = GetExistingDocAccessible(ownerDoc); // Create an accessible for a inaccessible element having click event // handler. if (document && !document->HasAccessible(node) && nsCoreUtils::HasClickListener(node)) { nsIContent* parentEl = node->GetFlattenedTreeParent(); if (parentEl) { document->ContentInserted(parentEl, node, node->GetNextSibling()); } break; } } } return NS_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsISupports NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED(nsAccessibilityService, DocManager, nsIObserver, nsIListenerChangeListener, nsISelectionListener) // from SelectionManager //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsIObserver NS_IMETHODIMP nsAccessibilityService::Observe(nsISupports *aSubject, const char *aTopic, const char16_t *aData) { if (!nsCRT::strcmp(aTopic, NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID)) Shutdown(); return NS_OK; } void nsAccessibilityService::NotifyOfAnchorJumpTo(nsIContent* aTargetNode) { nsIDocument* documentNode = aTargetNode->GetUncomposedDoc(); if (documentNode) { DocAccessible* document = GetDocAccessible(documentNode); if (document) document->SetAnchorJump(aTargetNode); } } void nsAccessibilityService::FireAccessibleEvent(uint32_t aEvent, Accessible* aTarget) { nsEventShell::FireEvent(aEvent, aTarget); } Accessible* nsAccessibilityService::GetRootDocumentAccessible(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, bool aCanCreate) { nsIPresShell* ps = aPresShell; nsIDocument* documentNode = aPresShell->GetDocument(); if (documentNode) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> treeItem(documentNode->GetDocShell()); if (treeItem) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> rootTreeItem; treeItem->GetRootTreeItem(getter_AddRefs(rootTreeItem)); if (treeItem != rootTreeItem) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell(do_QueryInterface(rootTreeItem)); ps = docShell->GetPresShell(); } return aCanCreate ? GetDocAccessible(ps) : ps->GetDocAccessible(); } } return nullptr; } #ifdef XP_WIN static StaticAutoPtr<nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> > > sPendingPlugins; static StaticAutoPtr<nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> > > sPluginTimers; class PluginTimerCallBack final : public nsITimerCallback { ~PluginTimerCallBack() {} public: PluginTimerCallBack(nsIContent* aContent) : mContent(aContent) {} NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_IMETHOD Notify(nsITimer* aTimer) final { if (!mContent->IsInUncomposedDoc()) return NS_OK; nsIPresShell* ps = mContent->OwnerDoc()->GetShell(); if (ps) { DocAccessible* doc = ps->GetDocAccessible(); if (doc) { // Make sure that if we created an accessible for the plugin that wasn't // a plugin accessible we remove it before creating the right accessible. doc->RecreateAccessible(mContent); sPluginTimers->RemoveElement(aTimer); return NS_OK; } } // We couldn't get a doc accessible so presumably the document went away. // In this case don't leak our ref to the content or timer. sPendingPlugins->RemoveElement(mContent); sPluginTimers->RemoveElement(aTimer); return NS_OK; } private: nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mContent; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(PluginTimerCallBack, nsITimerCallback) #endif already_AddRefed<Accessible> nsAccessibilityService::CreatePluginAccessible(nsPluginFrame* aFrame, nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { // nsPluginFrame means a plugin, so we need to use the accessibility support // of the plugin. if (aFrame->GetRect().IsEmpty()) return nullptr; #if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(MOZ_ACCESSIBILITY_ATK) RefPtr<nsNPAPIPluginInstance> pluginInstance; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aFrame->GetPluginInstance(getter_AddRefs(pluginInstance))) && pluginInstance) { #ifdef XP_WIN if (!sPendingPlugins->Contains(aContent) && (Preferences::GetBool("accessibility.delay_plugins") || Compatibility::IsJAWS() || Compatibility::IsWE())) { nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> timer = do_CreateInstance(NS_TIMER_CONTRACTID); RefPtr<PluginTimerCallBack> cb = new PluginTimerCallBack(aContent); timer->InitWithCallback(cb, Preferences::GetUint("accessibility.delay_plugin_time"), nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT); sPluginTimers->AppendElement(timer); sPendingPlugins->AppendElement(aContent); return nullptr; } // We need to remove aContent from the pending plugins here to avoid // reentrancy. When the timer fires it calls // DocAccessible::ContentInserted() which does the work async. sPendingPlugins->RemoveElement(aContent); // Note: pluginPort will be null if windowless. HWND pluginPort = nullptr; aFrame->GetPluginPort(&pluginPort); RefPtr<Accessible> accessible = new HTMLWin32ObjectOwnerAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document(), pluginPort); return accessible.forget(); #elif MOZ_ACCESSIBILITY_ATK if (!AtkSocketAccessible::gCanEmbed) return nullptr; // Note this calls into the plugin, so crazy things may happen and aFrame // may go away. nsCString plugId; nsresult rv = pluginInstance->GetValueFromPlugin( NPPVpluginNativeAccessibleAtkPlugId, &plugId); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !plugId.IsEmpty()) { RefPtr<AtkSocketAccessible> socketAccessible = new AtkSocketAccessible(aContent, aContext->Document(), plugId); return socketAccessible.forget(); } #endif } #endif return nullptr; } void nsAccessibilityService::DeckPanelSwitched(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aDeckNode, nsIFrame* aPrevBoxFrame, nsIFrame* aCurrentBoxFrame) { // Ignore tabpanels elements (a deck having an accessible) since their // children are accessible not depending on selected tab. DocAccessible* document = GetDocAccessible(aPresShell); if (!document || document->HasAccessible(aDeckNode)) return; if (aPrevBoxFrame) { nsIContent* panelNode = aPrevBoxFrame->GetContent(); #ifdef A11Y_LOG if (logging::IsEnabled(logging::eTree)) { logging::MsgBegin("TREE", "deck panel unselected"); logging::Node("container", panelNode); logging::Node("content", aDeckNode); logging::MsgEnd(); } #endif document->ContentRemoved(aDeckNode, panelNode); } if (aCurrentBoxFrame) { nsIContent* panelNode = aCurrentBoxFrame->GetContent(); #ifdef A11Y_LOG if (logging::IsEnabled(logging::eTree)) { logging::MsgBegin("TREE", "deck panel selected"); logging::Node("container", panelNode); logging::Node("content", aDeckNode); logging::MsgEnd(); } #endif document->ContentInserted(aDeckNode, panelNode, panelNode->GetNextSibling()); } } void nsAccessibilityService::ContentRangeInserted(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aContainer, nsIContent* aStartChild, nsIContent* aEndChild) { DocAccessible* document = GetDocAccessible(aPresShell); #ifdef A11Y_LOG if (logging::IsEnabled(logging::eTree)) { logging::MsgBegin("TREE", "content inserted; doc: %p", document); logging::Node("container", aContainer); for (nsIContent* child = aStartChild; child != aEndChild; child = child->GetNextSibling()) { logging::Node("content", child); } logging::MsgEnd(); logging::Stack(); } #endif if (document) { document->ContentInserted(aContainer, aStartChild, aEndChild); } } void nsAccessibilityService::ContentRemoved(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aChildNode) { DocAccessible* document = GetDocAccessible(aPresShell); #ifdef A11Y_LOG if (logging::IsEnabled(logging::eTree)) { logging::MsgBegin("TREE", "content removed; doc: %p", document); logging::Node("container node", aChildNode->GetFlattenedTreeParent()); logging::Node("content node", aChildNode); logging::MsgEnd(); } #endif if (document) { // Flatten hierarchy may be broken at this point so we cannot get a true // container by traversing up the DOM tree. Find a parent of first accessible // from the subtree of the given DOM node, that'll be a container. If no // accessibles in subtree then we don't care about the change. Accessible* child = document->GetAccessible(aChildNode); if (!child) { Accessible* container = document->GetContainerAccessible(aChildNode); a11y::TreeWalker walker(container ? container : document, aChildNode, a11y::TreeWalker::eWalkCache); child = walker.Next(); } if (child) { document->ContentRemoved(child->Parent(), aChildNode); #ifdef A11Y_LOG if (logging::IsEnabled(logging::eTree)) logging::AccessibleNNode("real container", child->Parent()); #endif } } #ifdef A11Y_LOG if (logging::IsEnabled(logging::eTree)) { logging::MsgEnd(); logging::Stack(); } #endif } void nsAccessibilityService::UpdateText(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aContent) { DocAccessible* document = GetDocAccessible(aPresShell); if (document) document->UpdateText(aContent); } void nsAccessibilityService::TreeViewChanged(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aContent, nsITreeView* aView) { DocAccessible* document = GetDocAccessible(aPresShell); if (document) { Accessible* accessible = document->GetAccessible(aContent); if (accessible) { XULTreeAccessible* treeAcc = accessible->AsXULTree(); if (treeAcc) treeAcc->TreeViewChanged(aView); } } } void nsAccessibilityService::RangeValueChanged(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aContent) { DocAccessible* document = GetDocAccessible(aPresShell); if (document) { Accessible* accessible = document->GetAccessible(aContent); if (accessible) { document->FireDelayedEvent(nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE, accessible); } } } void nsAccessibilityService::UpdateListBullet(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aHTMLListItemContent, bool aHasBullet) { DocAccessible* document = GetDocAccessible(aPresShell); if (document) { Accessible* accessible = document->GetAccessible(aHTMLListItemContent); if (accessible) { HTMLLIAccessible* listItem = accessible->AsHTMLListItem(); if (listItem) listItem->UpdateBullet(aHasBullet); } } } void nsAccessibilityService::UpdateImageMap(nsImageFrame* aImageFrame) { nsIPresShell* presShell = aImageFrame->PresContext()->PresShell(); DocAccessible* document = GetDocAccessible(presShell); if (document) { Accessible* accessible = document->GetAccessible(aImageFrame->GetContent()); if (accessible) { HTMLImageMapAccessible* imageMap = accessible->AsImageMap(); if (imageMap) { imageMap->UpdateChildAreas(); return; } // If image map was initialized after we created an accessible (that'll // be an image accessible) then recreate it. RecreateAccessible(presShell, aImageFrame->GetContent()); } } } void nsAccessibilityService::UpdateLabelValue(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aLabelElm, const nsString& aNewValue) { DocAccessible* document = GetDocAccessible(aPresShell); if (document) { Accessible* accessible = document->GetAccessible(aLabelElm); if (accessible) { XULLabelAccessible* xulLabel = accessible->AsXULLabel(); NS_ASSERTION(xulLabel, "UpdateLabelValue was called for wrong accessible!"); if (xulLabel) xulLabel->UpdateLabelValue(aNewValue); } } } void nsAccessibilityService::PresShellActivated(nsIPresShell* aPresShell) { DocAccessible* document = aPresShell->GetDocAccessible(); if (document) { RootAccessible* rootDocument = document->RootAccessible(); NS_ASSERTION(rootDocument, "Entirely broken tree: no root document!"); if (rootDocument) rootDocument->DocumentActivated(document); } } void nsAccessibilityService::RecreateAccessible(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIContent* aContent) { DocAccessible* document = GetDocAccessible(aPresShell); if (document) document->RecreateAccessible(aContent); } void nsAccessibilityService::GetStringRole(uint32_t aRole, nsAString& aString) { #define ROLE(geckoRole, stringRole, atkRole, \ macRole, msaaRole, ia2Role, nameRule) \ case roles::geckoRole: \ CopyUTF8toUTF16(stringRole, aString); \ return; switch (aRole) { #include "RoleMap.h" default: aString.AssignLiteral("unknown"); return; } #undef ROLE } void nsAccessibilityService::GetStringStates(uint32_t aState, uint32_t aExtraState, nsISupports **aStringStates) { RefPtr<DOMStringList> stringStates = new DOMStringList(); uint64_t state = nsAccUtils::To64State(aState, aExtraState); // states if (state & states::UNAVAILABLE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("unavailable")); } if (state & states::SELECTED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("selected")); } if (state & states::FOCUSED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("focused")); } if (state & states::PRESSED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("pressed")); } if (state & states::CHECKED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("checked")); } if (state & states::MIXED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mixed")); } if (state & states::READONLY) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("readonly")); } if (state & states::HOTTRACKED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("hottracked")); } if (state & states::DEFAULT) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("default")); } if (state & states::EXPANDED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("expanded")); } if (state & states::COLLAPSED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("collapsed")); } if (state & states::BUSY) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("busy")); } if (state & states::FLOATING) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("floating")); } if (state & states::ANIMATED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("animated")); } if (state & states::INVISIBLE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("invisible")); } if (state & states::OFFSCREEN) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("offscreen")); } if (state & states::SIZEABLE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("sizeable")); } if (state & states::MOVEABLE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("moveable")); } if (state & states::SELFVOICING) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("selfvoicing")); } if (state & states::FOCUSABLE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("focusable")); } if (state & states::SELECTABLE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("selectable")); } if (state & states::LINKED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("linked")); } if (state & states::TRAVERSED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("traversed")); } if (state & states::MULTISELECTABLE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("multiselectable")); } if (state & states::EXTSELECTABLE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("extselectable")); } if (state & states::PROTECTED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("protected")); } if (state & states::HASPOPUP) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("haspopup")); } if (state & states::REQUIRED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("required")); } if (state & states::ALERT) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("alert")); } if (state & states::INVALID) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("invalid")); } if (state & states::CHECKABLE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("checkable")); } // extraStates if (state & states::SUPPORTS_AUTOCOMPLETION) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("autocompletion")); } if (state & states::DEFUNCT) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("defunct")); } if (state & states::SELECTABLE_TEXT) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("selectable text")); } if (state & states::EDITABLE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("editable")); } if (state & states::ACTIVE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("active")); } if (state & states::MODAL) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("modal")); } if (state & states::MULTI_LINE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("multi line")); } if (state & states::HORIZONTAL) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("horizontal")); } if (state & states::OPAQUE1) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("opaque")); } if (state & states::SINGLE_LINE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("single line")); } if (state & states::TRANSIENT) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("transient")); } if (state & states::VERTICAL) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("vertical")); } if (state & states::STALE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("stale")); } if (state & states::ENABLED) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("enabled")); } if (state & states::SENSITIVE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("sensitive")); } if (state & states::EXPANDABLE) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("expandable")); } //unknown states if (!stringStates->Length()) { stringStates->Add(NS_LITERAL_STRING("unknown")); } stringStates.forget(aStringStates); } void nsAccessibilityService::GetStringEventType(uint32_t aEventType, nsAString& aString) { NS_ASSERTION(nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_LAST_ENTRY == ArrayLength(kEventTypeNames), "nsIAccessibleEvent constants are out of sync to kEventTypeNames"); if (aEventType >= ArrayLength(kEventTypeNames)) { aString.AssignLiteral("unknown"); return; } CopyUTF8toUTF16(kEventTypeNames[aEventType], aString); } void nsAccessibilityService::GetStringRelationType(uint32_t aRelationType, nsAString& aString) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(aRelationType <= static_cast<uint32_t>(RelationType::LAST)); #define RELATIONTYPE(geckoType, geckoTypeName, atkType, msaaType, ia2Type) \ case RelationType::geckoType: \ aString.AssignLiteral(geckoTypeName); \ return; RelationType relationType = static_cast<RelationType>(aRelationType); switch (relationType) { #include "RelationTypeMap.h" default: aString.AssignLiteral("unknown"); return; } #undef RELATIONTYPE } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsAccessibilityService public Accessible* nsAccessibilityService::CreateAccessible(nsINode* aNode, Accessible* aContext, bool* aIsSubtreeHidden) { MOZ_ASSERT(aContext, "No context provided"); MOZ_ASSERT(aNode, "No node to create an accessible for"); MOZ_ASSERT(gConsumers, "No creation after shutdown"); if (aIsSubtreeHidden) *aIsSubtreeHidden = false; DocAccessible* document = aContext->Document(); MOZ_ASSERT(!document->GetAccessible(aNode), "We already have an accessible for this node."); if (aNode->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eDOCUMENT)) { // If it's document node then ask accessible document loader for // document accessible, otherwise return null. nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> document(do_QueryInterface(aNode)); return GetDocAccessible(document); } // We have a content node. if (!aNode->GetComposedDoc()) { NS_WARNING("Creating accessible for node with no document"); return nullptr; } if (aNode->OwnerDoc() != document->DocumentNode()) { NS_ERROR("Creating accessible for wrong document"); return nullptr; } if (!aNode->IsContent()) return nullptr; nsIContent* content = aNode->AsContent(); nsIFrame* frame = content->GetPrimaryFrame(); // Check frame and its visibility. Note, hidden frame allows visible // elements in subtree. if (!frame || !frame->StyleVisibility()->IsVisible()) { if (aIsSubtreeHidden && !frame) *aIsSubtreeHidden = true; return nullptr; } if (frame->GetContent() != content) { // Not the main content for this frame. This happens because <area> // elements return the image frame as their primary frame. The main content // for the image frame is the image content. If the frame is not an image // frame or the node is not an area element then null is returned. // This setup will change when bug 135040 is fixed. Make sure we don't // create area accessible here. Hopefully assertion below will handle that. #ifdef DEBUG nsImageFrame* imageFrame = do_QueryFrame(frame); NS_ASSERTION(imageFrame && content->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::area), "Unknown case of not main content for the frame!"); #endif return nullptr; } #ifdef DEBUG nsImageFrame* imageFrame = do_QueryFrame(frame); NS_ASSERTION(!imageFrame || !content->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::area), "Image map manages the area accessible creation!"); #endif // Attempt to create an accessible based on what we know. RefPtr<Accessible> newAcc; // Create accessible for visible text frames. if (content->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eTEXT)) { nsIFrame::RenderedText text = frame->GetRenderedText(0, UINT32_MAX, nsIFrame::TextOffsetType::OFFSETS_IN_CONTENT_TEXT, nsIFrame::TrailingWhitespace::DONT_TRIM_TRAILING_WHITESPACE); // Ignore not rendered text nodes and whitespace text nodes between table // cells. if (text.mString.IsEmpty() || (aContext->IsTableRow() && nsCoreUtils::IsWhitespaceString(text.mString))) { if (aIsSubtreeHidden) *aIsSubtreeHidden = true; return nullptr; } newAcc = CreateAccessibleByFrameType(frame, content, aContext); document->BindToDocument(newAcc, nullptr); newAcc->AsTextLeaf()->SetText(text.mString); return newAcc; } if (content->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::map)) { // Create hyper text accessible for HTML map if it is used to group links // (see http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10-HTML-TECHS/#group-bypass). If the HTML // map rect is empty then it is used for links grouping. Otherwise it should // be used in conjunction with HTML image element and in this case we don't // create any accessible for it and don't walk into it. The accessibles for // HTML area (HTMLAreaAccessible) the map contains are attached as // children of the appropriate accessible for HTML image // (ImageAccessible). if (nsLayoutUtils::GetAllInFlowRectsUnion(frame, frame->GetParent()).IsEmpty()) { if (aIsSubtreeHidden) *aIsSubtreeHidden = true; return nullptr; } newAcc = new HyperTextAccessibleWrap(content, document); document->BindToDocument(newAcc, aria::GetRoleMap(content->AsElement())); return newAcc; } const nsRoleMapEntry* roleMapEntry = aria::GetRoleMap(content->AsElement()); // If the element is focusable or global ARIA attribute is applied to it or // it is referenced by ARIA relationship then treat role="presentation" on // the element as the role is not there. if (roleMapEntry && (roleMapEntry->Is(nsGkAtoms::presentation) || roleMapEntry->Is(nsGkAtoms::none))) { if (!MustBeAccessible(content, document)) return nullptr; roleMapEntry = nullptr; } if (!newAcc && content->IsHTMLElement()) { // HTML accessibles bool isARIATablePart = roleMapEntry && (roleMapEntry->accTypes & (eTableCell | eTableRow | eTable)); if (!isARIATablePart || frame->AccessibleType() == eHTMLTableCellType || frame->AccessibleType() == eHTMLTableRowType || frame->AccessibleType() == eHTMLTableType) { // Prefer to use markup to decide if and what kind of accessible to create, const MarkupMapInfo* markupMap = mMarkupMaps.Get(content->NodeInfo()->NameAtom()); if (markupMap && markupMap->new_func) newAcc = markupMap->new_func(content, aContext); if (!newAcc) // try by frame accessible type. newAcc = CreateAccessibleByFrameType(frame, content, aContext); } // In case of ARIA grid or table use table-specific classes if it's not // native table based. if (isARIATablePart && (!newAcc || newAcc->IsGenericHyperText())) { if ((roleMapEntry->accTypes & eTableCell)) { if (aContext->IsTableRow()) newAcc = new ARIAGridCellAccessibleWrap(content, document); } else if (roleMapEntry->IsOfType(eTableRow)) { if (aContext->IsTable()) newAcc = new ARIARowAccessible(content, document); } else if (roleMapEntry->IsOfType(eTable)) { newAcc = new ARIAGridAccessibleWrap(content, document); } } // If table has strong ARIA role then all table descendants shouldn't // expose their native roles. if (!roleMapEntry && newAcc && aContext->HasStrongARIARole()) { if (frame->AccessibleType() == eHTMLTableRowType) { const nsRoleMapEntry* contextRoleMap = aContext->ARIARoleMap(); if (!contextRoleMap->IsOfType(eTable)) roleMapEntry = &aria::gEmptyRoleMap; } else if (frame->AccessibleType() == eHTMLTableCellType && aContext->ARIARoleMap() == &aria::gEmptyRoleMap) { roleMapEntry = &aria::gEmptyRoleMap; } else if (content->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::dt, nsGkAtoms::li, nsGkAtoms::dd) || frame->AccessibleType() == eHTMLLiType) { const nsRoleMapEntry* contextRoleMap = aContext->ARIARoleMap(); if (!contextRoleMap->IsOfType(eList)) roleMapEntry = &aria::gEmptyRoleMap; } } } // Accessible XBL types and deck stuff are used in XUL only currently. if (!newAcc && content->IsXULElement()) { // No accessible for not selected deck panel and its children. if (!aContext->IsXULTabpanels()) { nsDeckFrame* deckFrame = do_QueryFrame(frame->GetParent()); if (deckFrame && deckFrame->GetSelectedBox() != frame) { if (aIsSubtreeHidden) *aIsSubtreeHidden = true; return nullptr; } } // XBL bindings may use @role attribute to point the accessible type // they belong to. newAcc = CreateAccessibleByType(content, document); // Any XUL box can be used as tabpanel, make sure we create a proper // accessible for it. if (!newAcc && aContext->IsXULTabpanels() && content->GetParent() == aContext->GetContent()) { nsIAtom* frameType = frame->GetType(); if (frameType == nsGkAtoms::boxFrame || frameType == nsGkAtoms::scrollFrame) { newAcc = new XULTabpanelAccessible(content, document); } } } if (!newAcc) { if (content->IsSVGElement()) { nsSVGPathGeometryFrame* pathGeometryFrame = do_QueryFrame(frame); if (pathGeometryFrame) { // A graphic elements: rect, circle, ellipse, line, path, polygon, // polyline and image. A 'use' and 'text' graphic elements require // special support. newAcc = new EnumRoleAccessible<roles::GRAPHIC>(content, document); } else if (content->IsSVGElement(nsGkAtoms::svg)) { newAcc = new EnumRoleAccessible<roles::DIAGRAM>(content, document); } } else if (content->IsMathMLElement()) { const MarkupMapInfo* markupMap = mMarkupMaps.Get(content->NodeInfo()->NameAtom()); if (markupMap && markupMap->new_func) newAcc = markupMap->new_func(content, aContext); // Fall back to text when encountering Content MathML. if (!newAcc && !content->IsAnyOfMathMLElements(nsGkAtoms::annotation_, nsGkAtoms::annotation_xml_, nsGkAtoms::mpadded_, nsGkAtoms::mphantom_, nsGkAtoms::maligngroup_, nsGkAtoms::malignmark_, nsGkAtoms::mspace_, nsGkAtoms::semantics_)) { newAcc = new HyperTextAccessible(content, document); } } } // If no accessible, see if we need to create a generic accessible because // of some property that makes this object interesting // We don't do this for <body>, <html>, <window>, <dialog> etc. which // correspond to the doc accessible and will be created in any case if (!newAcc && !content->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::body) && content->GetParent() && (roleMapEntry || MustBeAccessible(content, document) || (content->IsHTMLElement() && nsCoreUtils::HasClickListener(content)))) { // This content is focusable or has an interesting dynamic content accessibility property. // If it's interesting we need it in the accessibility hierarchy so that events or // other accessibles can point to it, or so that it can hold a state, etc. if (content->IsHTMLElement()) { // Interesting HTML container which may have selectable text and/or embedded objects newAcc = new HyperTextAccessibleWrap(content, document); } else { // XUL, SVG, MathML etc. // Interesting generic non-HTML container newAcc = new AccessibleWrap(content, document); } } if (newAcc) { document->BindToDocument(newAcc, roleMapEntry); } return newAcc; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsAccessibilityService private bool nsAccessibilityService::Init() { // Initialize accessible document manager. if (!DocManager::Init()) return false; // Add observers. nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> observerService = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (!observerService) return false; observerService->AddObserver(this, NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID, false); static const char16_t kInitIndicator[] = { '1', 0 }; observerService->NotifyObservers(nullptr, "a11y-init-or-shutdown", kInitIndicator); // Subscribe to EventListenerService. nsCOMPtr<nsIEventListenerService> eventListenerService = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/eventlistenerservice;1"); if (!eventListenerService) return false; eventListenerService->AddListenerChangeListener(this); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(sMarkupMapList); i++) mMarkupMaps.Put(*sMarkupMapList[i].tag, &sMarkupMapList[i]); #ifdef A11Y_LOG logging::CheckEnv(); #endif gAccessibilityService = this; NS_ADDREF(gAccessibilityService); // will release in Shutdown() if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { gApplicationAccessible = new ApplicationAccessibleWrap(); } else { #if defined(XP_WIN) dom::ContentChild* contentChild = dom::ContentChild::GetSingleton(); MOZ_ASSERT(contentChild); // If we were instantiated by the chrome process, GetMsaaID() will return // a non-zero value and we may safely continue with initialization. if (!contentChild->GetMsaaID()) { // Since we were not instantiated by chrome, we need to synchronously // obtain a MSAA content process id. contentChild->SendGetA11yContentId(); } #endif // defined(XP_WIN) gApplicationAccessible = new ApplicationAccessible(); } NS_ADDREF(gApplicationAccessible); // will release in Shutdown() gApplicationAccessible->Init(); #ifdef XP_WIN sPendingPlugins = new nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> >; sPluginTimers = new nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> >; #endif // Now its safe to start platform accessibility. if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) PlatformInit(); statistics::A11yInitialized(); return true; } void nsAccessibilityService::Shutdown() { // Application is going to be closed, shutdown accessibility and mark // accessibility service as shutdown to prevent calls of its methods. // Don't null accessibility service static member at this point to be safe // if someone will try to operate with it. MOZ_ASSERT(gConsumers, "Accessibility was shutdown already"); gConsumers = 0; // Remove observers. nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> observerService = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (observerService) { observerService->RemoveObserver(this, NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID); static const char16_t kShutdownIndicator[] = { '0', 0 }; observerService->NotifyObservers(nullptr, "a11y-init-or-shutdown", kShutdownIndicator); } // Stop accessible document loader. DocManager::Shutdown(); SelectionManager::Shutdown(); #ifdef XP_WIN sPendingPlugins = nullptr; uint32_t timerCount = sPluginTimers->Length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < timerCount; i++) sPluginTimers->ElementAt(i)->Cancel(); sPluginTimers = nullptr; #endif if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) PlatformShutdown(); gApplicationAccessible->Shutdown(); NS_RELEASE(gApplicationAccessible); gApplicationAccessible = nullptr; NS_IF_RELEASE(gXPCApplicationAccessible); gXPCApplicationAccessible = nullptr; NS_RELEASE(gAccessibilityService); gAccessibilityService = nullptr; } already_AddRefed<Accessible> nsAccessibilityService::CreateAccessibleByType(nsIContent* aContent, DocAccessible* aDoc) { nsAutoString role; nsCoreUtils::XBLBindingRole(aContent, role); if (role.IsEmpty() || role.EqualsLiteral("none")) return nullptr; if (role.EqualsLiteral("outerdoc")) { RefPtr<Accessible> accessible = new OuterDocAccessible(aContent, aDoc); return accessible.forget(); } RefPtr<Accessible> accessible; #ifdef MOZ_XUL // XUL controls if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:alert")) { accessible = new XULAlertAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:button")) { accessible = new XULButtonAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:checkbox")) { accessible = new XULCheckboxAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:colorpicker")) { accessible = new XULColorPickerAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:colorpickertile")) { accessible = new XULColorPickerTileAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:combobox")) { accessible = new XULComboboxAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:tabpanels")) { accessible = new XULTabpanelsAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:dropmarker")) { accessible = new XULDropmarkerAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:groupbox")) { accessible = new XULGroupboxAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:image")) { if (aContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::onclick)) { accessible = new XULToolbarButtonAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else { // Don't include nameless images in accessible tree. if (!aContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::tooltiptext)) return nullptr; accessible = new ImageAccessibleWrap(aContent, aDoc); } } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:link")) { accessible = new XULLinkAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:listbox")) { accessible = new XULListboxAccessibleWrap(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:listcell")) { // Only create cells if there's more than one per row. nsIContent* listItem = aContent->GetParent(); if (!listItem) return nullptr; for (nsIContent* child = listItem->GetFirstChild(); child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) { if (child->IsXULElement(nsGkAtoms::listcell) && child != aContent) { accessible = new XULListCellAccessibleWrap(aContent, aDoc); break; } } } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:listhead")) { accessible = new XULColumAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:listheader")) { accessible = new XULColumnItemAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:listitem")) { accessible = new XULListitemAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:menubar")) { accessible = new XULMenubarAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:menulist")) { accessible = new XULComboboxAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:menuitem")) { accessible = new XULMenuitemAccessibleWrap(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:menupopup")) { #ifdef MOZ_ACCESSIBILITY_ATK // ATK considers this node to be redundant when within menubars, and it makes menu // navigation with assistive technologies more difficult // XXX In the future we will should this for consistency across the nsIAccessible // implementations on each platform for a consistent scripting environment, but // then strip out redundant accessibles in the AccessibleWrap class for each platform. nsIContent *parent = aContent->GetParent(); if (parent && parent->IsXULElement(nsGkAtoms::menu)) return nullptr; #endif accessible = new XULMenupopupAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if(role.EqualsLiteral("xul:menuseparator")) { accessible = new XULMenuSeparatorAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if(role.EqualsLiteral("xul:pane")) { accessible = new EnumRoleAccessible<roles::PANE>(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:panel")) { if (aContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::noautofocus, nsGkAtoms::_true, eCaseMatters)) accessible = new XULAlertAccessible(aContent, aDoc); else accessible = new EnumRoleAccessible<roles::PANE>(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:progressmeter")) { accessible = new XULProgressMeterAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:statusbar")) { accessible = new XULStatusBarAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:scale")) { accessible = new XULSliderAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:radiobutton")) { accessible = new XULRadioButtonAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:radiogroup")) { accessible = new XULRadioGroupAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:tab")) { accessible = new XULTabAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:tabs")) { accessible = new XULTabsAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:text")) { accessible = new XULLabelAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:textbox")) { accessible = new EnumRoleAccessible<roles::SECTION>(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:thumb")) { accessible = new XULThumbAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:tree")) { accessible = CreateAccessibleForXULTree(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:treecolumns")) { accessible = new XULTreeColumAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:treecolumnitem")) { accessible = new XULColumnItemAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:toolbar")) { accessible = new XULToolbarAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:toolbarseparator")) { accessible = new XULToolbarSeparatorAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:tooltip")) { accessible = new XULTooltipAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } else if (role.EqualsLiteral("xul:toolbarbutton")) { accessible = new XULToolbarButtonAccessible(aContent, aDoc); } #endif // MOZ_XUL return accessible.forget(); } already_AddRefed<Accessible> nsAccessibilityService::CreateAccessibleByFrameType(nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIContent* aContent, Accessible* aContext) { DocAccessible* document = aContext->Document(); RefPtr<Accessible> newAcc; switch (aFrame->AccessibleType()) { case eNoType: return nullptr; case eHTMLBRType: newAcc = new HTMLBRAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLButtonType: newAcc = new HTMLButtonAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLCanvasType: newAcc = new HTMLCanvasAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLCaptionType: if (aContext->IsTable() && aContext->GetContent() == aContent->GetParent()) { newAcc = new HTMLCaptionAccessible(aContent, document); } break; case eHTMLCheckboxType: newAcc = new HTMLCheckboxAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLComboboxType: newAcc = new HTMLComboboxAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLFileInputType: newAcc = new HTMLFileInputAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLGroupboxType: newAcc = new HTMLGroupboxAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLHRType: newAcc = new HTMLHRAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLImageMapType: newAcc = new HTMLImageMapAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLLiType: if (aContext->IsList() && aContext->GetContent() == aContent->GetParent()) { newAcc = new HTMLLIAccessible(aContent, document); } else { // Otherwise create a generic text accessible to avoid text jamming. newAcc = new HyperTextAccessibleWrap(aContent, document); } break; case eHTMLSelectListType: newAcc = new HTMLSelectListAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLMediaType: newAcc = new EnumRoleAccessible<roles::GROUPING>(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLRadioButtonType: newAcc = new HTMLRadioButtonAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLRangeType: newAcc = new HTMLRangeAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLSpinnerType: newAcc = new HTMLSpinnerAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLTableType: if (aContent->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::table)) newAcc = new HTMLTableAccessibleWrap(aContent, document); else newAcc = new HyperTextAccessibleWrap(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLTableCellType: // Accessible HTML table cell should be a child of accessible HTML table // or its row (CSS HTML tables are polite to the used markup at // certain degree). // Otherwise create a generic text accessible to avoid text jamming // when reading by AT. if (aContext->IsHTMLTableRow() || aContext->IsHTMLTable()) newAcc = new HTMLTableCellAccessibleWrap(aContent, document); else newAcc = new HyperTextAccessibleWrap(aContent, document); break; case eHTMLTableRowType: { // Accessible HTML table row may be a child of tbody/tfoot/thead of // accessible HTML table or a direct child of accessible of HTML table. Accessible* table = aContext->IsTable() ? aContext : nullptr; if (!table && aContext->Parent() && aContext->Parent()->IsTable()) table = aContext->Parent(); if (table) { nsIContent* parentContent = aContent->GetParent(); nsIFrame* parentFrame = parentContent->GetPrimaryFrame(); if (parentFrame->GetType() != nsGkAtoms::tableWrapperFrame) { parentContent = parentContent->GetParent(); parentFrame = parentContent->GetPrimaryFrame(); } if (parentFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::tableWrapperFrame && table->GetContent() == parentContent) { newAcc = new HTMLTableRowAccessible(aContent, document); } } break; } case eHTMLTextFieldType: newAcc = new HTMLTextFieldAccessible(aContent, document); break; case eHyperTextType: if (!aContent->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::dt, nsGkAtoms::dd)) newAcc = new HyperTextAccessibleWrap(aContent, document); break; case eImageType: newAcc = new ImageAccessibleWrap(aContent, document); break; case eOuterDocType: newAcc = new OuterDocAccessible(aContent, document); break; case ePluginType: { nsPluginFrame* pluginFrame = do_QueryFrame(aFrame); newAcc = CreatePluginAccessible(pluginFrame, aContent, aContext); break; } case eTextLeafType: newAcc = new TextLeafAccessibleWrap(aContent, document); break; default: MOZ_ASSERT(false); break; } return newAcc.forget(); } void nsAccessibilityService::MarkupAttributes(const nsIContent* aContent, nsIPersistentProperties* aAttributes) const { const mozilla::a11y::MarkupMapInfo* markupMap = mMarkupMaps.Get(aContent->NodeInfo()->NameAtom()); if (!markupMap) return; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(markupMap->attrs); i++) { const MarkupAttrInfo* info = markupMap->attrs + i; if (!info->name) break; if (info->DOMAttrName) { if (info->DOMAttrValue) { if (aContent->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, *info->DOMAttrName, *info->DOMAttrValue, eCaseMatters)) { nsAccUtils::SetAccAttr(aAttributes, *info->name, *info->DOMAttrValue); } continue; } nsAutoString value; aContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, *info->DOMAttrName, value); if (!value.IsEmpty()) nsAccUtils::SetAccAttr(aAttributes, *info->name, value); continue; } nsAccUtils::SetAccAttr(aAttributes, *info->name, *info->value); } } Accessible* nsAccessibilityService::AddNativeRootAccessible(void* aAtkAccessible) { #ifdef MOZ_ACCESSIBILITY_ATK ApplicationAccessible* applicationAcc = ApplicationAcc(); if (!applicationAcc) return nullptr; GtkWindowAccessible* nativeWnd = new GtkWindowAccessible(static_cast<AtkObject*>(aAtkAccessible)); if (applicationAcc->AppendChild(nativeWnd)) return nativeWnd; #endif return nullptr; } void nsAccessibilityService::RemoveNativeRootAccessible(Accessible* aAccessible) { #ifdef MOZ_ACCESSIBILITY_ATK ApplicationAccessible* applicationAcc = ApplicationAcc(); if (applicationAcc) applicationAcc->RemoveChild(aAccessible); #endif } bool nsAccessibilityService::HasAccessible(nsIDOMNode* aDOMNode) { nsCOMPtr<nsINode> node(do_QueryInterface(aDOMNode)); if (!node) return false; DocAccessible* document = GetDocAccessible(node->OwnerDoc()); if (!document) return false; return document->HasAccessible(node); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsAccessibilityService private (DON'T put methods here) #ifdef MOZ_XUL already_AddRefed<Accessible> nsAccessibilityService::CreateAccessibleForXULTree(nsIContent* aContent, DocAccessible* aDoc) { nsIContent* child = nsTreeUtils::GetDescendantChild(aContent, nsGkAtoms::treechildren); if (!child) return nullptr; nsTreeBodyFrame* treeFrame = do_QueryFrame(child->GetPrimaryFrame()); if (!treeFrame) return nullptr; RefPtr<nsTreeColumns> treeCols = treeFrame->Columns(); int32_t count = 0; treeCols->GetCount(&count); // Outline of list accessible. if (count == 1) { RefPtr<Accessible> accessible = new XULTreeAccessible(aContent, aDoc, treeFrame); return accessible.forget(); } // Table or tree table accessible. RefPtr<Accessible> accessible = new XULTreeGridAccessibleWrap(aContent, aDoc, treeFrame); return accessible.forget(); } #endif nsAccessibilityService* GetOrCreateAccService(uint32_t aNewConsumer) { if (!nsAccessibilityService::gAccessibilityService) { RefPtr<nsAccessibilityService> service = new nsAccessibilityService(); if (!service->Init()) { service->Shutdown(); return nullptr; } } MOZ_ASSERT(nsAccessibilityService::gAccessibilityService, "Accessible service is not initialized."); nsAccessibilityService::gConsumers |= aNewConsumer; return nsAccessibilityService::gAccessibilityService; } void MaybeShutdownAccService(uint32_t aFormerConsumer) { nsAccessibilityService* accService = nsAccessibilityService::gAccessibilityService; if (!accService || accService->IsShutdown()) { return; } if (nsCoreUtils::AccEventObserversExist() || xpcAccessibilityService::IsInUse()) { // Still used by XPCOM nsAccessibilityService::gConsumers = (nsAccessibilityService::gConsumers & ~aFormerConsumer) | nsAccessibilityService::eXPCOM; return; } if (nsAccessibilityService::gConsumers & ~aFormerConsumer) { nsAccessibilityService::gConsumers &= ~aFormerConsumer; } else { accService->Shutdown(); // Will unset all nsAccessibilityService::gConsumers } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Services //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace mozilla { namespace a11y { FocusManager* FocusMgr() { return nsAccessibilityService::gAccessibilityService; } SelectionManager* SelectionMgr() { return nsAccessibilityService::gAccessibilityService; } ApplicationAccessible* ApplicationAcc() { return nsAccessibilityService::gApplicationAccessible; } xpcAccessibleApplication* XPCApplicationAcc() { if (!nsAccessibilityService::gXPCApplicationAccessible && nsAccessibilityService::gApplicationAccessible) { nsAccessibilityService::gXPCApplicationAccessible = new xpcAccessibleApplication(nsAccessibilityService::gApplicationAccessible); NS_ADDREF(nsAccessibilityService::gXPCApplicationAccessible); } return nsAccessibilityService::gXPCApplicationAccessible; } EPlatformDisabledState PlatformDisabledState() { static int disabledState = 0xff; if (disabledState == 0xff) { disabledState = Preferences::GetInt("accessibility.force_disabled", 0); if (disabledState < ePlatformIsForceEnabled) disabledState = ePlatformIsForceEnabled; else if (disabledState > ePlatformIsDisabled) disabledState = ePlatformIsDisabled; } return (EPlatformDisabledState)disabledState; } } }