/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_a11y_TextRange_h__ #define mozilla_a11y_TextRange_h__ #include "mozilla/Move.h" #include "nsCaseTreatment.h" #include "nsRect.h" #include "nsTArray.h" class nsIVariant; namespace mozilla { namespace a11y { class Accessible; class HyperTextAccessible; /** * A text point (hyper text + offset), represents a boundary of text range. */ struct TextPoint final { TextPoint(HyperTextAccessible* aContainer, int32_t aOffset) : mContainer(aContainer), mOffset(aOffset) { } TextPoint(const TextPoint& aPoint) : mContainer(aPoint.mContainer), mOffset(aPoint.mOffset) { } HyperTextAccessible* mContainer; int32_t mOffset; bool operator ==(const TextPoint& aPoint) const { return mContainer == aPoint.mContainer && mOffset == aPoint.mOffset; } bool operator <(const TextPoint& aPoint) const; }; /** * Represents a text range within the text control or document. */ class TextRange final { public: TextRange(HyperTextAccessible* aRoot, HyperTextAccessible* aStartContainer, int32_t aStartOffset, HyperTextAccessible* aEndContainer, int32_t aEndOffset); TextRange() {} TextRange(TextRange&& aRange) : mRoot(mozilla::Move(aRange.mRoot)), mStartContainer(mozilla::Move(aRange.mStartContainer)), mEndContainer(mozilla::Move(aRange.mEndContainer)), mStartOffset(aRange.mStartOffset), mEndOffset(aRange.mEndOffset) {} TextRange& operator= (TextRange&& aRange) { mRoot = mozilla::Move(aRange.mRoot); mStartContainer = mozilla::Move(aRange.mStartContainer); mEndContainer = mozilla::Move(aRange.mEndContainer); mStartOffset = aRange.mStartOffset; mEndOffset = aRange.mEndOffset; return *this; } HyperTextAccessible* StartContainer() const { return mStartContainer; } int32_t StartOffset() const { return mStartOffset; } HyperTextAccessible* EndContainer() const { return mEndContainer; } int32_t EndOffset() const { return mEndOffset; } bool operator ==(const TextRange& aRange) const { return mStartContainer == aRange.mStartContainer && mStartOffset == aRange.mStartOffset && mEndContainer == aRange.mEndContainer && mEndOffset == aRange.mEndOffset; } TextPoint StartPoint() const { return TextPoint(mStartContainer, mStartOffset); } TextPoint EndPoint() const { return TextPoint(mEndContainer, mEndOffset); } /** * Return a container containing both start and end points. */ Accessible* Container() const; /** * Return a list of embedded objects enclosed by the text range (includes * partially overlapped objects). */ void EmbeddedChildren(nsTArray<Accessible*>* aChildren) const; /** * Return text enclosed by the range. */ void Text(nsAString& aText) const; /** * Return list of bounding rects of the text range by lines. */ void Bounds(nsTArray<nsIntRect> aRects) const; enum ETextUnit { eFormat, eWord, eLine, eParagraph, ePage, eDocument }; /** * Move the range or its points on specified amount of given units. */ void Move(ETextUnit aUnit, int32_t aCount) { MoveEnd(aUnit, aCount); MoveStart(aUnit, aCount); } void MoveStart(ETextUnit aUnit, int32_t aCount) { MoveInternal(aUnit, aCount, *mStartContainer, mStartOffset, mEndContainer, mEndOffset); } void MoveEnd(ETextUnit aUnit, int32_t aCount) { MoveInternal(aUnit, aCount, *mEndContainer, mEndOffset); } /** * Move the range points to the closest unit boundaries. */ void Normalize(ETextUnit aUnit); /** * Crops the range if it overlaps the given accessible element boundaries, * returns true if the range was cropped successfully. */ bool Crop(Accessible* aContainer); enum EDirection { eBackward, eForward }; /** * Return range enclosing the found text. */ void FindText(const nsAString& aText, EDirection aDirection, nsCaseTreatment aCaseSensitive, TextRange* aFoundRange) const; enum EAttr { eAnimationStyleAttr, eAnnotationObjectsAttr, eAnnotationTypesAttr, eBackgroundColorAttr, eBulletStyleAttr, eCapStyleAttr, eCaretBidiModeAttr, eCaretPositionAttr, eCultureAttr, eFontNameAttr, eFontSizeAttr, eFontWeightAttr, eForegroundColorAttr, eHorizontalTextAlignmentAttr, eIndentationFirstLineAttr, eIndentationLeadingAttr, eIndentationTrailingAttr, eIsActiveAttr, eIsHiddenAttr, eIsItalicAttr, eIsReadOnlyAttr, eIsSubscriptAttr, eIsSuperscriptAttr, eLinkAttr, eMarginBottomAttr, eMarginLeadingAttr, eMarginTopAttr, eMarginTrailingAttr, eOutlineStylesAttr, eOverlineColorAttr, eOverlineStyleAttr, eSelectionActiveEndAttr, eStrikethroughColorAttr, eStrikethroughStyleAttr, eStyleIdAttr, eStyleNameAttr, eTabsAttr, eTextFlowDirectionsAttr, eUnderlineColorAttr, eUnderlineStyleAttr }; /** * Return range enclosing text having requested attribute. */ void FindAttr(EAttr aAttr, nsIVariant* aValue, EDirection aDirection, TextRange* aFoundRange) const; /** * Add/remove the text range from selection. */ void AddToSelection() const; void RemoveFromSelection() const; void Select() const; /** * Scroll the text range into view. */ enum EHowToAlign { eAlignToTop, eAlignToBottom }; void ScrollIntoView(EHowToAlign aHow) const; /** * Return true if this TextRange object represents an actual range of text. */ bool IsValid() const { return mRoot; } void SetStartPoint(HyperTextAccessible* aContainer, int32_t aOffset) { mStartContainer = aContainer; mStartOffset = aOffset; } void SetEndPoint(HyperTextAccessible* aContainer, int32_t aOffset) { mStartContainer = aContainer; mStartOffset = aOffset; } private: TextRange(const TextRange& aRange) = delete; TextRange& operator=(const TextRange& aRange) = delete; friend class HyperTextAccessible; friend class xpcAccessibleTextRange; void Set(HyperTextAccessible* aRoot, HyperTextAccessible* aStartContainer, int32_t aStartOffset, HyperTextAccessible* aEndContainer, int32_t aEndOffset); /** * Text() method helper. * @param aText [in,out] calculated text * @param aCurrent [in] currently traversed node * @param aStartIntlOffset [in] start offset if current node is a text node * @return true if calculation is not finished yet */ bool TextInternal(nsAString& aText, Accessible* aCurrent, uint32_t aStartIntlOffset) const; void MoveInternal(ETextUnit aUnit, int32_t aCount, HyperTextAccessible& aContainer, int32_t aOffset, HyperTextAccessible* aStopContainer = nullptr, int32_t aStopOffset = 0); /** * A helper method returning a common parent for two given accessible * elements. */ Accessible* CommonParent(Accessible* aAcc1, Accessible* aAcc2, nsTArray<Accessible*>* aParents1, uint32_t* aPos1, nsTArray<Accessible*>* aParents2, uint32_t* aPos2) const; RefPtr<HyperTextAccessible> mRoot; RefPtr<HyperTextAccessible> mStartContainer; RefPtr<HyperTextAccessible> mEndContainer; int32_t mStartOffset; int32_t mEndOffset; }; } // namespace a11y } // namespace mozilla #endif