/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef mozilla_a11y_NotificationController_h_
#define mozilla_a11y_NotificationController_h_

#include "EventQueue.h"
#include "EventTree.h"

#include "mozilla/IndexSequence.h"
#include "mozilla/Tuple.h"
#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
#include "nsRefreshDriver.h"

#ifdef A11Y_LOG
#include "Logging.h"

namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {

class DocAccessible;

 * Notification interface.
class Notification

   * Process notification.
  virtual void Process() = 0;

  Notification() { }

   * Protected destructor, to discourage deletion outside of Release():
  virtual ~Notification() { }

  Notification(const Notification&);
  Notification& operator = (const Notification&);

 * Template class for generic notification.
 * @note  Instance is kept as a weak ref, the caller must guarantee it exists
 *        longer than the document accessible owning the notification controller
 *        that this notification is processed by.
template<class Class, class ... Args>
class TNotification : public Notification
  typedef void (Class::*Callback)(Args* ...);

  TNotification(Class* aInstance, Callback aCallback, Args* ... aArgs) :
    mInstance(aInstance), mCallback(aCallback), mArgs(aArgs...) { }
  virtual ~TNotification() { mInstance = nullptr; }

  virtual void Process() override
    { ProcessHelper(typename IndexSequenceFor<Args...>::Type()); }

  TNotification(const TNotification&);
  TNotification& operator = (const TNotification&);

  template <size_t... Indices>
    void ProcessHelper(IndexSequence<Indices...>)

  Class* mInstance;
  Callback mCallback;
  Tuple<RefPtr<Args> ...> mArgs;

 * Used to process notifications from core for the document accessible.
class NotificationController final : public EventQueue,
                                     public nsARefreshObserver
  NotificationController(DocAccessible* aDocument, nsIPresShell* aPresShell);

  NS_IMETHOD_(MozExternalRefCountType) AddRef(void) override;
  NS_IMETHOD_(MozExternalRefCountType) Release(void) override;


   * Shutdown the notification controller.
  void Shutdown();

   * Add an accessible event into the queue to process it later.
  void QueueEvent(AccEvent* aEvent)
    if (PushEvent(aEvent)) {

   * Creates and adds a name change event into the queue for a container of
   * the given accessible, if the accessible is a part of name computation of
   * the container.
  void QueueNameChange(Accessible* aChangeTarget)
    if (PushNameChange(aChangeTarget)) {

   * Returns existing event tree for the given the accessible or creates one if
   * it doesn't exists yet.
  EventTree* QueueMutation(Accessible* aContainer);

  class MoveGuard final {
    explicit MoveGuard(NotificationController* aController) :
#ifdef DEBUG
                 "Move guard is on stack already!");
      mController->mMoveGuardOnStack = true;
    ~MoveGuard() {
#ifdef DEBUG
      MOZ_ASSERT(mController->mMoveGuardOnStack, "No move guard on stack!");
      mController->mMoveGuardOnStack = false;

    NotificationController* mController;

#ifdef A11Y_LOG
  const EventTree& RootEventTree() const { return mEventTree; };

   * Queue a mutation event to emit if not coalesced away.  Returns true if the
   * event was queued and has not yet been coalesced.
  bool QueueMutationEvent(AccTreeMutationEvent* aEvent);

   * Coalesce all queued mutation events.
  void CoalesceMutationEvents();

   * Schedule binding the child document to the tree of this document.
  void ScheduleChildDocBinding(DocAccessible* aDocument);

   * Schedule the accessible tree update because of rendered text changes.
  inline void ScheduleTextUpdate(nsIContent* aTextNode)
    // Make sure we are not called with a node that is not in the DOM tree or
    // not visible.
    MOZ_ASSERT(aTextNode->GetParentNode(), "A text node is not in DOM");
    MOZ_ASSERT(aTextNode->GetPrimaryFrame(), "A text node doesn't have a frame");
               "A text node is not visible");


   * Pend accessible tree update for content insertion.
  void ScheduleContentInsertion(Accessible* aContainer,
                                nsIContent* aStartChildNode,
                                nsIContent* aEndChildNode);

   * Pend an accessible subtree relocation.
  void ScheduleRelocation(Accessible* aOwner)
    if (!mRelocations.Contains(aOwner) && mRelocations.AppendElement(aOwner)) {

   * Start to observe refresh to make notifications and events processing after
   * layout.
  void ScheduleProcessing();

   * Process the generic notification synchronously if there are no pending
   * layout changes and no notifications are pending or being processed right
   * now. Otherwise, queue it up to process asynchronously.
   * @note  The caller must guarantee that the given instance still exists when
   *        the notification is processed.
  template<class Class, class Arg>
  inline void HandleNotification(Class* aInstance,
                                 typename TNotification<Class, Arg>::Callback aMethod,
                                 Arg* aArg)
    if (!IsUpdatePending()) {
#ifdef A11Y_LOG
      if (mozilla::a11y::logging::IsEnabled(mozilla::a11y::logging::eNotifications))
        mozilla::a11y::logging::Text("sync notification processing");

    RefPtr<Notification> notification =
      new TNotification<Class, Arg>(aInstance, aMethod, aArg);
    if (notification && mNotifications.AppendElement(notification))

   * Schedule the generic notification to process asynchronously.
   * @note  The caller must guarantee that the given instance still exists when
   *        the notification is processed.
  template<class Class>
  inline void ScheduleNotification(Class* aInstance,
                                   typename TNotification<Class>::Callback aMethod)
    RefPtr<Notification> notification =
      new TNotification<Class>(aInstance, aMethod);
    if (notification && mNotifications.AppendElement(notification))

#ifdef DEBUG
  bool IsUpdating() const
    { return mObservingState == eRefreshProcessingForUpdate; }

  virtual ~NotificationController();

  nsCycleCollectingAutoRefCnt mRefCnt;

   * Return true if the accessible tree state update is pending.
  bool IsUpdatePending();

  NotificationController(const NotificationController&);
  NotificationController& operator = (const NotificationController&);

  // nsARefreshObserver
  virtual void WillRefresh(mozilla::TimeStamp aTime) override;

   * Set and returns a hide event, paired with a show event, for the move.
  void WithdrawPrecedingEvents(nsTArray<RefPtr<AccHideEvent>>* aEvs)
    if (mPrecedingEvents.Length() > 0) {
  void StorePrecedingEvent(AccHideEvent* aEv)
    MOZ_ASSERT(mMoveGuardOnStack, "No move guard on stack!");
  void StorePrecedingEvents(nsTArray<RefPtr<AccHideEvent>>&& aEvs)
    MOZ_ASSERT(mMoveGuardOnStack, "No move guard on stack!");
    mPrecedingEvents.InsertElementsAt(0, aEvs);

   * get rid of a mutation event that is no longer necessary.
  void DropMutationEvent(AccTreeMutationEvent* aEvent);

   * Fire all necessary mutation events.
  void ProcessMutationEvents();

   * Indicates whether we're waiting on an event queue processing from our
   * notification controller to flush events.
  enum eObservingState {
  eObservingState mObservingState;

   * The presshell of the document accessible.
  nsIPresShell* mPresShell;

   * Child documents that needs to be bound to the tree.
  nsTArray<RefPtr<DocAccessible> > mHangingChildDocuments;

   * Pending accessible tree update notifications for content insertions.
                   nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIContent>>> mContentInsertions;

  template<class T>
  class nsCOMPtrHashKey : public PLDHashEntryHdr
    typedef T* KeyType;
    typedef const T* KeyTypePointer;

    explicit nsCOMPtrHashKey(const T* aKey) : mKey(const_cast<T*>(aKey)) {}
    explicit nsCOMPtrHashKey(const nsPtrHashKey<T> &aToCopy) : mKey(aToCopy.mKey) {}
    ~nsCOMPtrHashKey() { }

    KeyType GetKey() const { return mKey; }
    bool KeyEquals(KeyTypePointer aKey) const { return aKey == mKey; }

    static KeyTypePointer KeyToPointer(KeyType aKey) { return aKey; }
    static PLDHashNumber HashKey(KeyTypePointer aKey)
      { return NS_PTR_TO_INT32(aKey) >> 2; }

    enum { ALLOW_MEMMOVE = true };

     nsCOMPtr<T> mKey;

   * Pending accessible tree update notifications for rendered text changes.
  nsTHashtable<nsCOMPtrHashKey<nsIContent> > mTextHash;

   * Other notifications like DOM events. Don't make this an AutoTArray; we
   * use SwapElements() on it.
  nsTArray<RefPtr<Notification> > mNotifications;

   * Holds all scheduled relocations.
  nsTArray<RefPtr<Accessible> > mRelocations;

   * Holds all mutation events.
  EventTree mEventTree;

   * A temporary collection of hide events that should be fired before related
   * show event. Used by EventTree.
  nsTArray<RefPtr<AccHideEvent>> mPrecedingEvents;

#ifdef DEBUG
  bool mMoveGuardOnStack;

  friend class MoveGuard;
  friend class EventTree;

   * A list of all mutation events we may want to emit.  Ordered from the first
   * event that should be emitted to the last one to emit.
  RefPtr<AccTreeMutationEvent> mFirstMutationEvent;
  RefPtr<AccTreeMutationEvent> mLastMutationEvent;

   * A class to map an accessible and event type to an event.
  class EventMap
    enum EventType
      ShowEvent = 0x0,
      HideEvent = 0x1,
      ReorderEvent = 0x2,

    void PutEvent(AccTreeMutationEvent* aEvent);
    AccTreeMutationEvent* GetEvent(Accessible* aTarget, EventType aType);
    void RemoveEvent(AccTreeMutationEvent* aEvent);
    void Clear() { mTable.Clear(); }

    EventType GetEventType(AccTreeMutationEvent* aEvent);

    nsRefPtrHashtable<nsUint64HashKey, AccTreeMutationEvent> mTable;

  EventMap mMutationMap;
  uint32_t mEventGeneration;

} // namespace a11y
} // namespace mozilla

#endif // mozilla_a11y_NotificationController_h_