/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef mozilla_a11y_aria_ARIAMap_h_
#define mozilla_a11y_aria_ARIAMap_h_

#include "ARIAStateMap.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/AccTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/Role.h"

#include "nsIAtom.h"
#include "nsIContent.h"

class nsINode;

// Value constants

 * Used to define if role requires to expose Value interface.
enum EValueRule
   * Value interface isn't exposed.

   * Value interface is implemented, supports value, min and max from
   * aria-valuenow, aria-valuemin and aria-valuemax.

// Action constants

 * Used to define if the role requires to expose action.
enum EActionRule

// Live region constants

 * Used to define if role exposes default value of aria-live attribute.
enum ELiveAttrRule

// Role constants

 * ARIA role overrides role from native markup.
const bool kUseMapRole = true;

 * ARIA role doesn't override the role from native markup.
const bool kUseNativeRole = false;

// ARIA attribute characteristic masks

 * This mask indicates the attribute should not be exposed as an object
 * attribute via the catch-all logic in Accessible::Attributes().
 * This means it either isn't mean't to be exposed as an object attribute, or
 * that it should, but is already handled in other code.
const uint8_t ATTR_BYPASSOBJ = 0x1 << 0;
const uint8_t ATTR_BYPASSOBJ_IF_FALSE = 0x1 << 1;

 * This mask indicates the attribute is expected to have an NMTOKEN or bool value.
 * (See for example usage in Accessible::Attributes())
const uint8_t ATTR_VALTOKEN = 0x1 << 2;

 * Indicate the attribute is global state or property (refer to
 * http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/states_and_properties#global_states).
const uint8_t ATTR_GLOBAL = 0x1 << 3;

// State map entry

 * Used in nsRoleMapEntry.state if no nsIAccessibleStates are automatic for
 * a given role.
#define kNoReqStates 0

// Role map entry

 * For each ARIA role, this maps the nsIAccessible information.
struct nsRoleMapEntry
   * Return true if matches to the given ARIA role.
  bool Is(nsIAtom* aARIARole) const
    { return *roleAtom == aARIARole; }

   * Return true if ARIA role has the given accessible type.
  bool IsOfType(mozilla::a11y::AccGenericType aType) const
    { return accTypes & aType; }

   * Return ARIA role.
  const nsDependentAtomString ARIARoleString() const
    { return nsDependentAtomString(*roleAtom); }

  // ARIA role: string representation such as "button"
  nsIAtom** roleAtom;

  // Role mapping rule: maps to enum Role
  mozilla::a11y::role role;

  // Role rule: whether to use mapped role or native semantics
  bool roleRule;

  // Value mapping rule: how to compute accessible value
  EValueRule valueRule;

  // Action mapping rule, how to expose accessible action
  EActionRule actionRule;

  // 'live' and 'container-live' object attributes mapping rule: how to expose
  // these object attributes if ARIA 'live' attribute is missed.
  ELiveAttrRule liveAttRule;

  // Accessible types this role belongs to.
  uint32_t accTypes;

  // Automatic state mapping rule: always include in states
  uint64_t state; // or kNoReqStates if no default state for this role

  // ARIA properties supported for this role (in other words, the aria-foo
  // attribute to accessible states mapping rules).
  // Currently you cannot have unlimited mappings, because
  // a variable sized array would not allow the use of
  // C++'s struct initialization feature.
  mozilla::a11y::aria::EStateRule attributeMap1;
  mozilla::a11y::aria::EStateRule attributeMap2;
  mozilla::a11y::aria::EStateRule attributeMap3;
  mozilla::a11y::aria::EStateRule attributeMap4;

// ARIA map

 *  These provide the mappings for WAI-ARIA roles, states and properties using
 *  the structs defined in this file and ARIAStateMap files.
namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
namespace aria {

 * Empty role map entry. Used by accessibility service to create an accessible
 * if the accessible can't use role of used accessible class. For example,
 * it is used for table cells that aren't contained by table.
extern nsRoleMapEntry gEmptyRoleMap;

 * Constants for the role map entry index to indicate that the role map entry
 * isn't in sWAIRoleMaps, but rather is a special entry: nullptr,
 * gEmptyRoleMap, and sLandmarkRoleMap
const uint8_t NO_ROLE_MAP_ENTRY_INDEX = UINT8_MAX - 2;

 * Get the role map entry for a given DOM node. This will use the first
 * ARIA role if the role attribute provides a space delimited list of roles.
 * @param aEl     [in] the DOM node to get the role map entry for
 * @return        a pointer to the role map entry for the ARIA role, or nullptr
 *                if none
const nsRoleMapEntry* GetRoleMap(dom::Element* aEl);

 * Get the role map entry pointer's index for a given DOM node. This will use
 * the first ARIA role if the role attribute provides a space delimited list of
 * roles.
 * @param aEl     [in] the DOM node to get the role map entry for
 * @return        the index of the pointer to the role map entry for the ARIA
 *                role, or NO_ROLE_MAP_ENTRY_INDEX if none
uint8_t GetRoleMapIndex(dom::Element* aEl);

 * Get the role map entry pointer for a given role map entry index.
 * @param aRoleMapIndex  [in] the role map index to get the role map entry
 *                       pointer for
 * @return               a pointer to the role map entry for the ARIA role,
 *                       or nullptr, if none
const nsRoleMapEntry* GetRoleMapFromIndex(uint8_t aRoleMapIndex);

 * Get the role map entry index for a given role map entry pointer. If the role
 * map entry is within sWAIRoleMaps, return the index within that array,
 * otherwise return one of the special index constants listed above.
 * @param aRoleMap  [in] the role map entry pointer to get the index for
 * @return          the index of the pointer to the role map entry, or
 *                  NO_ROLE_MAP_ENTRY_INDEX if none
uint8_t GetIndexFromRoleMap(const nsRoleMapEntry* aRoleMap);

 * Return accessible state from ARIA universal states applied to the given
 * element.
uint64_t UniversalStatesFor(mozilla::dom::Element* aElement);

 * Get the ARIA attribute characteristics for a given ARIA attribute.
 * @param aAtom  ARIA attribute
 * @return       A bitflag representing the attribute characteristics
 *               (see above for possible bit masks, prefixed "ATTR_")
uint8_t AttrCharacteristicsFor(nsIAtom* aAtom);

 * Return true if the element has defined aria-hidden.
bool HasDefinedARIAHidden(nsIContent* aContent);

  * Represents a simple enumerator for iterating through ARIA attributes
  * exposed as object attributes on a given accessible.
class AttrIterator
  explicit AttrIterator(nsIContent* aContent) :
    mContent(aContent), mAttrIdx(0)
    mAttrCount = mContent->GetAttrCount();

  bool Next(nsAString& aAttrName, nsAString& aAttrValue);

  AttrIterator() = delete;
  AttrIterator(const AttrIterator&) = delete;
  AttrIterator& operator= (const AttrIterator&) = delete;

  nsIContent* mContent;
  uint32_t mAttrIdx;
  uint32_t mAttrCount;

} // namespace aria
} // namespace a11y
} // namespace mozilla
