From ff2f287f82630ab3887d7d5c1e64e5b888ea0beb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wolfbeast <>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 13:05:24 +0200
Subject: Remove crashreporter toolkit files.

Resolves #20
 .../jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_reader.cpp           | 2039 --------------------
 .../crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_tool.h |  111 --
 .../jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_value.cpp            | 1604 ---------------
 .../jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_valueiterator.inl    |  167 --
 .../jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp           | 1218 ------------
 .../crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/   |   39 -
 6 files changed, 5178 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_reader.cpp
 delete mode 100644 toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_tool.h
 delete mode 100644 toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_value.cpp
 delete mode 100644 toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_valueiterator.inl
 delete mode 100644 toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp
 delete mode 100644 toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/

(limited to 'toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src')

diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_reader.cpp b/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_reader.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e04d7447..000000000
--- a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_reader.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2039 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2011 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at
-#include <json/assertions.h>
-#include <json/reader.h>
-#include <json/value.h>
-#include "json_tool.h"
-#endif // if !defined(JSON_IS_AMALGAMATION)
-#include <utility>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <istream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <memory>
-#include <set>
-#include <limits>
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if !defined(WINCE) && defined(__STDC_SECURE_LIB__) && _MSC_VER >= 1500 // VC++ 9.0 and above 
-#define snprintf sprintf_s
-#elif _MSC_VER >= 1900 // VC++ 14.0 and above
-#define snprintf std::snprintf
-#define snprintf _snprintf
-#elif defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(__QNXNTO__)
-#define snprintf snprintf
-#elif __cplusplus >= 201103L
-#if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
-#define snprintf std::snprintf
-#if defined(__QNXNTO__)
-#define sscanf std::sscanf
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 // VC++ 8.0
-// Disable warning about strdup being deprecated.
-#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
-static int const stackLimit_g = 1000;
-static int       stackDepth_g = 0;  // see readValue()
-namespace Json {
-#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || (defined(_CPPLIB_VER) && _CPPLIB_VER >= 520)
-typedef std::unique_ptr<CharReader> CharReaderPtr;
-typedef std::auto_ptr<CharReader>   CharReaderPtr;
-// Implementation of class Features
-// ////////////////////////////////
-    : allowComments_(true), strictRoot_(false),
-      allowDroppedNullPlaceholders_(false), allowNumericKeys_(false) {}
-Features Features::all() { return Features(); }
-Features Features::strictMode() {
-  Features features;
-  features.allowComments_ = false;
-  features.strictRoot_ = true;
-  features.allowDroppedNullPlaceholders_ = false;
-  features.allowNumericKeys_ = false;
-  return features;
-// Implementation of class Reader
-// ////////////////////////////////
-static bool containsNewLine(Reader::Location begin, Reader::Location end) {
-  for (; begin < end; ++begin)
-    if (*begin == '\n' || *begin == '\r')
-      return true;
-  return false;
-// Class Reader
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    : errors_(), document_(), begin_(), end_(), current_(), lastValueEnd_(),
-      lastValue_(), commentsBefore_(), features_(Features::all()),
-      collectComments_() {}
-Reader::Reader(const Features& features)
-    : errors_(), document_(), begin_(), end_(), current_(), lastValueEnd_(),
-      lastValue_(), commentsBefore_(), features_(features), collectComments_() {
-Reader::parse(const std::string& document, Value& root, bool collectComments) {
-  JSONCPP_STRING documentCopy(, + document.capacity());
-  std::swap(documentCopy, document_);
-  const char* begin = document_.c_str();
-  const char* end = begin + document_.length();
-  return parse(begin, end, root, collectComments);
-bool Reader::parse(std::istream& sin, Value& root, bool collectComments) {
-  // std::istream_iterator<char> begin(sin);
-  // std::istream_iterator<char> end;
-  // Those would allow streamed input from a file, if parse() were a
-  // template function.
-  // Since JSONCPP_STRING is reference-counted, this at least does not
-  // create an extra copy.
-  std::getline(sin, doc, (char)EOF);
-  return parse(, + doc.size(), root, collectComments);
-bool Reader::parse(const char* beginDoc,
-                   const char* endDoc,
-                   Value& root,
-                   bool collectComments) {
-  if (!features_.allowComments_) {
-    collectComments = false;
-  }
-  begin_ = beginDoc;
-  end_ = endDoc;
-  collectComments_ = collectComments;
-  current_ = begin_;
-  lastValueEnd_ = 0;
-  lastValue_ = 0;
-  commentsBefore_ = "";
-  errors_.clear();
-  while (!nodes_.empty())
-    nodes_.pop();
-  nodes_.push(&root);
-  stackDepth_g = 0;  // Yes, this is bad coding, but options are limited.
-  bool successful = readValue();
-  Token token;
-  skipCommentTokens(token);
-  if (collectComments_ && !commentsBefore_.empty())
-    root.setComment(commentsBefore_, commentAfter);
-  if (features_.strictRoot_) {
-    if (!root.isArray() && !root.isObject()) {
-      // Set error location to start of doc, ideally should be first token found
-      // in doc
-      token.type_ = tokenError;
-      token.start_ = beginDoc;
-      token.end_ = endDoc;
-      addError(
-          "A valid JSON document must be either an array or an object value.",
-          token);
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return successful;
-bool Reader::readValue() {
-  // This is a non-reentrant way to support a stackLimit. Terrible!
-  // But this deprecated class has a security problem: Bad input can
-  // cause a seg-fault. This seems like a fair, binary-compatible way
-  // to prevent the problem.
-  if (stackDepth_g >= stackLimit_g) throwRuntimeError("Exceeded stackLimit in readValue().");
-  ++stackDepth_g;
-  Token token;
-  skipCommentTokens(token);
-  bool successful = true;
-  if (collectComments_ && !commentsBefore_.empty()) {
-    currentValue().setComment(commentsBefore_, commentBefore);
-    commentsBefore_ = "";
-  }
-  switch (token.type_) {
-  case tokenObjectBegin:
-    successful = readObject(token);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(current_ - begin_);
-    break;
-  case tokenArrayBegin:
-    successful = readArray(token);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(current_ - begin_);
-    break;
-  case tokenNumber:
-    successful = decodeNumber(token);
-    break;
-  case tokenString:
-    successful = decodeString(token);
-    break;
-  case tokenTrue:
-    {
-    Value v(true);
-    currentValue().swapPayload(v);
-    currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-    }
-    break;
-  case tokenFalse:
-    {
-    Value v(false);
-    currentValue().swapPayload(v);
-    currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-    }
-    break;
-  case tokenNull:
-    {
-    Value v;
-    currentValue().swapPayload(v);
-    currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-    }
-    break;
-  case tokenArraySeparator:
-  case tokenObjectEnd:
-  case tokenArrayEnd:
-    if (features_.allowDroppedNullPlaceholders_) {
-      // "Un-read" the current token and mark the current value as a null
-      // token.
-      current_--;
-      Value v;
-      currentValue().swapPayload(v);
-      currentValue().setOffsetStart(current_ - begin_ - 1);
-      currentValue().setOffsetLimit(current_ - begin_);
-      break;
-    } // Else, fall through...
-  default:
-    currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-    return addError("Syntax error: value, object or array expected.", token);
-  }
-  if (collectComments_) {
-    lastValueEnd_ = current_;
-    lastValue_ = &currentValue();
-  }
-  --stackDepth_g;
-  return successful;
-void Reader::skipCommentTokens(Token& token) {
-  if (features_.allowComments_) {
-    do {
-      readToken(token);
-    } while (token.type_ == tokenComment);
-  } else {
-    readToken(token);
-  }
-bool Reader::readToken(Token& token) {
-  skipSpaces();
-  token.start_ = current_;
-  Char c = getNextChar();
-  bool ok = true;
-  switch (c) {
-  case '{':
-    token.type_ = tokenObjectBegin;
-    break;
-  case '}':
-    token.type_ = tokenObjectEnd;
-    break;
-  case '[':
-    token.type_ = tokenArrayBegin;
-    break;
-  case ']':
-    token.type_ = tokenArrayEnd;
-    break;
-  case '"':
-    token.type_ = tokenString;
-    ok = readString();
-    break;
-  case '/':
-    token.type_ = tokenComment;
-    ok = readComment();
-    break;
-  case '0':
-  case '1':
-  case '2':
-  case '3':
-  case '4':
-  case '5':
-  case '6':
-  case '7':
-  case '8':
-  case '9':
-  case '-':
-    token.type_ = tokenNumber;
-    readNumber();
-    break;
-  case 't':
-    token.type_ = tokenTrue;
-    ok = match("rue", 3);
-    break;
-  case 'f':
-    token.type_ = tokenFalse;
-    ok = match("alse", 4);
-    break;
-  case 'n':
-    token.type_ = tokenNull;
-    ok = match("ull", 3);
-    break;
-  case ',':
-    token.type_ = tokenArraySeparator;
-    break;
-  case ':':
-    token.type_ = tokenMemberSeparator;
-    break;
-  case 0:
-    token.type_ = tokenEndOfStream;
-    break;
-  default:
-    ok = false;
-    break;
-  }
-  if (!ok)
-    token.type_ = tokenError;
-  token.end_ = current_;
-  return true;
-void Reader::skipSpaces() {
-  while (current_ != end_) {
-    Char c = *current_;
-    if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')
-      ++current_;
-    else
-      break;
-  }
-bool Reader::match(Location pattern, int patternLength) {
-  if (end_ - current_ < patternLength)
-    return false;
-  int index = patternLength;
-  while (index--)
-    if (current_[index] != pattern[index])
-      return false;
-  current_ += patternLength;
-  return true;
-bool Reader::readComment() {
-  Location commentBegin = current_ - 1;
-  Char c = getNextChar();
-  bool successful = false;
-  if (c == '*')
-    successful = readCStyleComment();
-  else if (c == '/')
-    successful = readCppStyleComment();
-  if (!successful)
-    return false;
-  if (collectComments_) {
-    CommentPlacement placement = commentBefore;
-    if (lastValueEnd_ && !containsNewLine(lastValueEnd_, commentBegin)) {
-      if (c != '*' || !containsNewLine(commentBegin, current_))
-        placement = commentAfterOnSameLine;
-    }
-    addComment(commentBegin, current_, placement);
-  }
-  return true;
-static JSONCPP_STRING normalizeEOL(Reader::Location begin, Reader::Location end) {
-  JSONCPP_STRING normalized;
-  normalized.reserve(static_cast<size_t>(end - begin));
-  Reader::Location current = begin;
-  while (current != end) {
-    char c = *current++;
-    if (c == '\r') {
-      if (current != end && *current == '\n')
-         // convert dos EOL
-         ++current;
-      // convert Mac EOL
-      normalized += '\n';
-    } else {
-      normalized += c;
-    }
-  }
-  return normalized;
-Reader::addComment(Location begin, Location end, CommentPlacement placement) {
-  assert(collectComments_);
-  const JSONCPP_STRING& normalized = normalizeEOL(begin, end);
-  if (placement == commentAfterOnSameLine) {
-    assert(lastValue_ != 0);
-    lastValue_->setComment(normalized, placement);
-  } else {
-    commentsBefore_ += normalized;
-  }
-bool Reader::readCStyleComment() {
-  while ((current_ + 1) < end_) {
-    Char c = getNextChar();
-    if (c == '*' && *current_ == '/')
-      break;
-  }
-  return getNextChar() == '/';
-bool Reader::readCppStyleComment() {
-  while (current_ != end_) {
-    Char c = getNextChar();
-    if (c == '\n')
-      break;
-    if (c == '\r') {
-      // Consume DOS EOL. It will be normalized in addComment.
-      if (current_ != end_ && *current_ == '\n')
-        getNextChar();
-      // Break on Moc OS 9 EOL.
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-void Reader::readNumber() {
-  const char *p = current_;
-  char c = '0'; // stopgap for already consumed character
-  // integral part
-  while (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-    c = (current_ = p) < end_ ? *p++ : '\0';
-  // fractional part
-  if (c == '.') {
-    c = (current_ = p) < end_ ? *p++ : '\0';
-    while (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-      c = (current_ = p) < end_ ? *p++ : '\0';
-  }
-  // exponential part
-  if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
-    c = (current_ = p) < end_ ? *p++ : '\0';
-    if (c == '+' || c == '-')
-      c = (current_ = p) < end_ ? *p++ : '\0';
-    while (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-      c = (current_ = p) < end_ ? *p++ : '\0';
-  }
-bool Reader::readString() {
-  Char c = '\0';
-  while (current_ != end_) {
-    c = getNextChar();
-    if (c == '\\')
-      getNextChar();
-    else if (c == '"')
-      break;
-  }
-  return c == '"';
-bool Reader::readObject(Token& tokenStart) {
-  Token tokenName;
-  Value init(objectValue);
-  currentValue().swapPayload(init);
-  currentValue().setOffsetStart(tokenStart.start_ - begin_);
-  while (readToken(tokenName)) {
-    bool initialTokenOk = true;
-    while (tokenName.type_ == tokenComment && initialTokenOk)
-      initialTokenOk = readToken(tokenName);
-    if (!initialTokenOk)
-      break;
-    if (tokenName.type_ == tokenObjectEnd && name.empty()) // empty object
-      return true;
-    name = "";
-    if (tokenName.type_ == tokenString) {
-      if (!decodeString(tokenName, name))
-        return recoverFromError(tokenObjectEnd);
-    } else if (tokenName.type_ == tokenNumber && features_.allowNumericKeys_) {
-      Value numberName;
-      if (!decodeNumber(tokenName, numberName))
-        return recoverFromError(tokenObjectEnd);
-      name = JSONCPP_STRING(numberName.asCString());
-    } else {
-      break;
-    }
-    Token colon;
-    if (!readToken(colon) || colon.type_ != tokenMemberSeparator) {
-      return addErrorAndRecover(
-          "Missing ':' after object member name", colon, tokenObjectEnd);
-    }
-    Value& value = currentValue()[name];
-    nodes_.push(&value);
-    bool ok = readValue();
-    nodes_.pop();
-    if (!ok) // error already set
-      return recoverFromError(tokenObjectEnd);
-    Token comma;
-    if (!readToken(comma) ||
-        (comma.type_ != tokenObjectEnd && comma.type_ != tokenArraySeparator &&
-         comma.type_ != tokenComment)) {
-      return addErrorAndRecover(
-          "Missing ',' or '}' in object declaration", comma, tokenObjectEnd);
-    }
-    bool finalizeTokenOk = true;
-    while (comma.type_ == tokenComment && finalizeTokenOk)
-      finalizeTokenOk = readToken(comma);
-    if (comma.type_ == tokenObjectEnd)
-      return true;
-  }
-  return addErrorAndRecover(
-      "Missing '}' or object member name", tokenName, tokenObjectEnd);
-bool Reader::readArray(Token& tokenStart) {
-  Value init(arrayValue);
-  currentValue().swapPayload(init);
-  currentValue().setOffsetStart(tokenStart.start_ - begin_);
-  skipSpaces();
-  if (current_ != end_ && *current_ == ']') // empty array
-  {
-    Token endArray;
-    readToken(endArray);
-    return true;
-  }
-  int index = 0;
-  for (;;) {
-    Value& value = currentValue()[index++];
-    nodes_.push(&value);
-    bool ok = readValue();
-    nodes_.pop();
-    if (!ok) // error already set
-      return recoverFromError(tokenArrayEnd);
-    Token token;
-    // Accept Comment after last item in the array.
-    ok = readToken(token);
-    while (token.type_ == tokenComment && ok) {
-      ok = readToken(token);
-    }
-    bool badTokenType =
-        (token.type_ != tokenArraySeparator && token.type_ != tokenArrayEnd);
-    if (!ok || badTokenType) {
-      return addErrorAndRecover(
-          "Missing ',' or ']' in array declaration", token, tokenArrayEnd);
-    }
-    if (token.type_ == tokenArrayEnd)
-      break;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool Reader::decodeNumber(Token& token) {
-  Value decoded;
-  if (!decodeNumber(token, decoded))
-    return false;
-  currentValue().swapPayload(decoded);
-  currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-  currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-  return true;
-bool Reader::decodeNumber(Token& token, Value& decoded) {
-  // Attempts to parse the number as an integer. If the number is
-  // larger than the maximum supported value of an integer then
-  // we decode the number as a double.
-  Location current = token.start_;
-  bool isNegative = *current == '-';
-  if (isNegative)
-    ++current;
-  // TODO: Help the compiler do the div and mod at compile time or get rid of them.
-  Value::LargestUInt maxIntegerValue =
-      isNegative ? Value::LargestUInt(Value::maxLargestInt) + 1
-                 : Value::maxLargestUInt;
-  Value::LargestUInt threshold = maxIntegerValue / 10;
-  Value::LargestUInt value = 0;
-  while (current < token.end_) {
-    Char c = *current++;
-    if (c < '0' || c > '9')
-      return decodeDouble(token, decoded);
-    Value::UInt digit(static_cast<Value::UInt>(c - '0'));
-    if (value >= threshold) {
-      // We've hit or exceeded the max value divided by 10 (rounded down). If
-      // a) we've only just touched the limit, b) this is the last digit, and
-      // c) it's small enough to fit in that rounding delta, we're okay.
-      // Otherwise treat this number as a double to avoid overflow.
-      if (value > threshold || current != token.end_ ||
-          digit > maxIntegerValue % 10) {
-        return decodeDouble(token, decoded);
-      }
-    }
-    value = value * 10 + digit;
-  }
-  if (isNegative && value == maxIntegerValue)
-    decoded = Value::minLargestInt;
-  else if (isNegative)
-    decoded = -Value::LargestInt(value);
-  else if (value <= Value::LargestUInt(Value::maxInt))
-    decoded = Value::LargestInt(value);
-  else
-    decoded = value;
-  return true;
-bool Reader::decodeDouble(Token& token) {
-  Value decoded;
-  if (!decodeDouble(token, decoded))
-    return false;
-  currentValue().swapPayload(decoded);
-  currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-  currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-  return true;
-bool Reader::decodeDouble(Token& token, Value& decoded) {
-  double value = 0;
-  JSONCPP_STRING buffer(token.start_, token.end_);
-  if (!(is >> value))
-    return addError("'" + JSONCPP_STRING(token.start_, token.end_) +
-                        "' is not a number.",
-                    token);
-  decoded = value;
-  return true;
-bool Reader::decodeString(Token& token) {
-  JSONCPP_STRING decoded_string;
-  if (!decodeString(token, decoded_string))
-    return false;
-  Value decoded(decoded_string);
-  currentValue().swapPayload(decoded);
-  currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-  currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-  return true;
-bool Reader::decodeString(Token& token, JSONCPP_STRING& decoded) {
-  decoded.reserve(static_cast<size_t>(token.end_ - token.start_ - 2));
-  Location current = token.start_ + 1; // skip '"'
-  Location end = token.end_ - 1;       // do not include '"'
-  while (current != end) {
-    Char c = *current++;
-    if (c == '"')
-      break;
-    else if (c == '\\') {
-      if (current == end)
-        return addError("Empty escape sequence in string", token, current);
-      Char escape = *current++;
-      switch (escape) {
-      case '"':
-        decoded += '"';
-        break;
-      case '/':
-        decoded += '/';
-        break;
-      case '\\':
-        decoded += '\\';
-        break;
-      case 'b':
-        decoded += '\b';
-        break;
-      case 'f':
-        decoded += '\f';
-        break;
-      case 'n':
-        decoded += '\n';
-        break;
-      case 'r':
-        decoded += '\r';
-        break;
-      case 't':
-        decoded += '\t';
-        break;
-      case 'u': {
-        unsigned int unicode;
-        if (!decodeUnicodeCodePoint(token, current, end, unicode))
-          return false;
-        decoded += codePointToUTF8(unicode);
-      } break;
-      default:
-        return addError("Bad escape sequence in string", token, current);
-      }
-    } else {
-      decoded += c;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-bool Reader::decodeUnicodeCodePoint(Token& token,
-                                    Location& current,
-                                    Location end,
-                                    unsigned int& unicode) {
-  if (!decodeUnicodeEscapeSequence(token, current, end, unicode))
-    return false;
-  if (unicode >= 0xD800 && unicode <= 0xDBFF) {
-    // surrogate pairs
-    if (end - current < 6)
-      return addError(
-          "additional six characters expected to parse unicode surrogate pair.",
-          token,
-          current);
-    unsigned int surrogatePair;
-    if (*(current++) == '\\' && *(current++) == 'u') {
-      if (decodeUnicodeEscapeSequence(token, current, end, surrogatePair)) {
-        unicode = 0x10000 + ((unicode & 0x3FF) << 10) + (surrogatePair & 0x3FF);
-      } else
-        return false;
-    } else
-      return addError("expecting another \\u token to begin the second half of "
-                      "a unicode surrogate pair",
-                      token,
-                      current);
-  }
-  return true;
-bool Reader::decodeUnicodeEscapeSequence(Token& token,
-                                         Location& current,
-                                         Location end,
-                                         unsigned int& ret_unicode) {
-  if (end - current < 4)
-    return addError(
-        "Bad unicode escape sequence in string: four digits expected.",
-        token,
-        current);
-  int unicode = 0;
-  for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
-    Char c = *current++;
-    unicode *= 16;
-    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-      unicode += c - '0';
-    else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
-      unicode += c - 'a' + 10;
-    else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
-      unicode += c - 'A' + 10;
-    else
-      return addError(
-          "Bad unicode escape sequence in string: hexadecimal digit expected.",
-          token,
-          current);
-  }
-  ret_unicode = static_cast<unsigned int>(unicode);
-  return true;
-Reader::addError(const JSONCPP_STRING& message, Token& token, Location extra) {
-  ErrorInfo info;
-  info.token_ = token;
-  info.message_ = message;
-  info.extra_ = extra;
-  errors_.push_back(info);
-  return false;
-bool Reader::recoverFromError(TokenType skipUntilToken) {
-  size_t const errorCount = errors_.size();
-  Token skip;
-  for (;;) {
-    if (!readToken(skip))
-      errors_.resize(errorCount); // discard errors caused by recovery
-    if (skip.type_ == skipUntilToken || skip.type_ == tokenEndOfStream)
-      break;
-  }
-  errors_.resize(errorCount);
-  return false;
-bool Reader::addErrorAndRecover(const JSONCPP_STRING& message,
-                                Token& token,
-                                TokenType skipUntilToken) {
-  addError(message, token);
-  return recoverFromError(skipUntilToken);
-Value& Reader::currentValue() { return *(; }
-Reader::Char Reader::getNextChar() {
-  if (current_ == end_)
-    return 0;
-  return *current_++;
-void Reader::getLocationLineAndColumn(Location location,
-                                      int& line,
-                                      int& column) const {
-  Location current = begin_;
-  Location lastLineStart = current;
-  line = 0;
-  while (current < location && current != end_) {
-    Char c = *current++;
-    if (c == '\r') {
-      if (*current == '\n')
-        ++current;
-      lastLineStart = current;
-      ++line;
-    } else if (c == '\n') {
-      lastLineStart = current;
-      ++line;
-    }
-  }
-  // column & line start at 1
-  column = int(location - lastLineStart) + 1;
-  ++line;
-JSONCPP_STRING Reader::getLocationLineAndColumn(Location location) const {
-  int line, column;
-  getLocationLineAndColumn(location, line, column);
-  char buffer[18 + 16 + 16 + 1];
-  snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Line %d, Column %d", line, column);
-  return buffer;
-// Deprecated. Preserved for backward compatibility
-JSONCPP_STRING Reader::getFormatedErrorMessages() const {
-  return getFormattedErrorMessages();
-JSONCPP_STRING Reader::getFormattedErrorMessages() const {
-  JSONCPP_STRING formattedMessage;
-  for (Errors::const_iterator itError = errors_.begin();
-       itError != errors_.end();
-       ++itError) {
-    const ErrorInfo& error = *itError;
-    formattedMessage +=
-        "* " + getLocationLineAndColumn(error.token_.start_) + "\n";
-    formattedMessage += "  " + error.message_ + "\n";
-    if (error.extra_)
-      formattedMessage +=
-          "See " + getLocationLineAndColumn(error.extra_) + " for detail.\n";
-  }
-  return formattedMessage;
-std::vector<Reader::StructuredError> Reader::getStructuredErrors() const {
-  std::vector<Reader::StructuredError> allErrors;
-  for (Errors::const_iterator itError = errors_.begin();
-       itError != errors_.end();
-       ++itError) {
-    const ErrorInfo& error = *itError;
-    Reader::StructuredError structured;
-    structured.offset_start = error.token_.start_ - begin_;
-    structured.offset_limit = error.token_.end_ - begin_;
-    structured.message = error.message_;
-    allErrors.push_back(structured);
-  }
-  return allErrors;
-bool Reader::pushError(const Value& value, const JSONCPP_STRING& message) {
-  ptrdiff_t const length = end_ - begin_;
-  if(value.getOffsetStart() > length
-    || value.getOffsetLimit() > length)
-    return false;
-  Token token;
-  token.type_ = tokenError;
-  token.start_ = begin_ + value.getOffsetStart();
-  token.end_ = end_ + value.getOffsetLimit();
-  ErrorInfo info;
-  info.token_ = token;
-  info.message_ = message;
-  info.extra_ = 0;
-  errors_.push_back(info);
-  return true;
-bool Reader::pushError(const Value& value, const JSONCPP_STRING& message, const Value& extra) {
-  ptrdiff_t const length = end_ - begin_;
-  if(value.getOffsetStart() > length
-    || value.getOffsetLimit() > length
-    || extra.getOffsetLimit() > length)
-    return false;
-  Token token;
-  token.type_ = tokenError;
-  token.start_ = begin_ + value.getOffsetStart();
-  token.end_ = begin_ + value.getOffsetLimit();
-  ErrorInfo info;
-  info.token_ = token;
-  info.message_ = message;
-  info.extra_ = begin_ + extra.getOffsetStart();
-  errors_.push_back(info);
-  return true;
-bool Reader::good() const {
-  return !errors_.size();
-// exact copy of Features
-class OurFeatures {
-  static OurFeatures all();
-  bool allowComments_;
-  bool strictRoot_;
-  bool allowDroppedNullPlaceholders_;
-  bool allowNumericKeys_;
-  bool allowSingleQuotes_;
-  bool failIfExtra_;
-  bool rejectDupKeys_;
-  bool allowSpecialFloats_;
-  int stackLimit_;
-};  // OurFeatures
-// exact copy of Implementation of class Features
-// ////////////////////////////////
-OurFeatures OurFeatures::all() { return OurFeatures(); }
-// Implementation of class Reader
-// ////////////////////////////////
-// exact copy of Reader, renamed to OurReader
-class OurReader {
-  typedef char Char;
-  typedef const Char* Location;
-  struct StructuredError {
-    ptrdiff_t offset_start;
-    ptrdiff_t offset_limit;
-    JSONCPP_STRING message;
-  };
-  OurReader(OurFeatures const& features);
-  bool parse(const char* beginDoc,
-             const char* endDoc,
-             Value& root,
-             bool collectComments = true);
-  JSONCPP_STRING getFormattedErrorMessages() const;
-  std::vector<StructuredError> getStructuredErrors() const;
-  bool pushError(const Value& value, const JSONCPP_STRING& message);
-  bool pushError(const Value& value, const JSONCPP_STRING& message, const Value& extra);
-  bool good() const;
-  OurReader(OurReader const&);  // no impl
-  void operator=(OurReader const&);  // no impl
-  enum TokenType {
-    tokenEndOfStream = 0,
-    tokenObjectBegin,
-    tokenObjectEnd,
-    tokenArrayBegin,
-    tokenArrayEnd,
-    tokenString,
-    tokenNumber,
-    tokenTrue,
-    tokenFalse,
-    tokenNull,
-    tokenNaN,
-    tokenPosInf,
-    tokenNegInf,
-    tokenArraySeparator,
-    tokenMemberSeparator,
-    tokenComment,
-    tokenError
-  };
-  class Token {
-  public:
-    TokenType type_;
-    Location start_;
-    Location end_;
-  };
-  class ErrorInfo {
-  public:
-    Token token_;
-    JSONCPP_STRING message_;
-    Location extra_;
-  };
-  typedef std::deque<ErrorInfo> Errors;
-  bool readToken(Token& token);
-  void skipSpaces();
-  bool match(Location pattern, int patternLength);
-  bool readComment();
-  bool readCStyleComment();
-  bool readCppStyleComment();
-  bool readString();
-  bool readStringSingleQuote();
-  bool readNumber(bool checkInf);
-  bool readValue();
-  bool readObject(Token& token);
-  bool readArray(Token& token);
-  bool decodeNumber(Token& token);
-  bool decodeNumber(Token& token, Value& decoded);
-  bool decodeString(Token& token);
-  bool decodeString(Token& token, JSONCPP_STRING& decoded);
-  bool decodeDouble(Token& token);
-  bool decodeDouble(Token& token, Value& decoded);
-  bool decodeUnicodeCodePoint(Token& token,
-                              Location& current,
-                              Location end,
-                              unsigned int& unicode);
-  bool decodeUnicodeEscapeSequence(Token& token,
-                                   Location& current,
-                                   Location end,
-                                   unsigned int& unicode);
-  bool addError(const JSONCPP_STRING& message, Token& token, Location extra = 0);
-  bool recoverFromError(TokenType skipUntilToken);
-  bool addErrorAndRecover(const JSONCPP_STRING& message,
-                          Token& token,
-                          TokenType skipUntilToken);
-  void skipUntilSpace();
-  Value& currentValue();
-  Char getNextChar();
-  void
-  getLocationLineAndColumn(Location location, int& line, int& column) const;
-  JSONCPP_STRING getLocationLineAndColumn(Location location) const;
-  void addComment(Location begin, Location end, CommentPlacement placement);
-  void skipCommentTokens(Token& token);
-  typedef std::stack<Value*> Nodes;
-  Nodes nodes_;
-  Errors errors_;
-  JSONCPP_STRING document_;
-  Location begin_;
-  Location end_;
-  Location current_;
-  Location lastValueEnd_;
-  Value* lastValue_;
-  JSONCPP_STRING commentsBefore_;
-  int stackDepth_;
-  OurFeatures const features_;
-  bool collectComments_;
-};  // OurReader
-// complete copy of Read impl, for OurReader
-OurReader::OurReader(OurFeatures const& features)
-    : errors_(), document_(), begin_(), end_(), current_(), lastValueEnd_(),
-      lastValue_(), commentsBefore_(),
-      stackDepth_(0),
-      features_(features), collectComments_() {
-bool OurReader::parse(const char* beginDoc,
-                   const char* endDoc,
-                   Value& root,
-                   bool collectComments) {
-  if (!features_.allowComments_) {
-    collectComments = false;
-  }
-  begin_ = beginDoc;
-  end_ = endDoc;
-  collectComments_ = collectComments;
-  current_ = begin_;
-  lastValueEnd_ = 0;
-  lastValue_ = 0;
-  commentsBefore_ = "";
-  errors_.clear();
-  while (!nodes_.empty())
-    nodes_.pop();
-  nodes_.push(&root);
-  stackDepth_ = 0;
-  bool successful = readValue();
-  Token token;
-  skipCommentTokens(token);
-  if (features_.failIfExtra_) {
-    if ((features_.strictRoot_ || token.type_ != tokenError) && token.type_ != tokenEndOfStream) {
-      addError("Extra non-whitespace after JSON value.", token);
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  if (collectComments_ && !commentsBefore_.empty())
-    root.setComment(commentsBefore_, commentAfter);
-  if (features_.strictRoot_) {
-    if (!root.isArray() && !root.isObject()) {
-      // Set error location to start of doc, ideally should be first token found
-      // in doc
-      token.type_ = tokenError;
-      token.start_ = beginDoc;
-      token.end_ = endDoc;
-      addError(
-          "A valid JSON document must be either an array or an object value.",
-          token);
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return successful;
-bool OurReader::readValue() {
-  if (stackDepth_ >= features_.stackLimit_) throwRuntimeError("Exceeded stackLimit in readValue().");
-  ++stackDepth_;
-  Token token;
-  skipCommentTokens(token);
-  bool successful = true;
-  if (collectComments_ && !commentsBefore_.empty()) {
-    currentValue().setComment(commentsBefore_, commentBefore);
-    commentsBefore_ = "";
-  }
-  switch (token.type_) {
-  case tokenObjectBegin:
-    successful = readObject(token);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(current_ - begin_);
-    break;
-  case tokenArrayBegin:
-    successful = readArray(token);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(current_ - begin_);
-    break;
-  case tokenNumber:
-    successful = decodeNumber(token);
-    break;
-  case tokenString:
-    successful = decodeString(token);
-    break;
-  case tokenTrue:
-    {
-    Value v(true);
-    currentValue().swapPayload(v);
-    currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-    }
-    break;
-  case tokenFalse:
-    {
-    Value v(false);
-    currentValue().swapPayload(v);
-    currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-    }
-    break;
-  case tokenNull:
-    {
-    Value v;
-    currentValue().swapPayload(v);
-    currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-    }
-    break;
-  case tokenNaN:
-    {
-    Value v(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
-    currentValue().swapPayload(v);
-    currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-    }
-    break;
-  case tokenPosInf:
-    {
-    Value v(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
-    currentValue().swapPayload(v);
-    currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-    }
-    break;
-  case tokenNegInf:
-    {
-    Value v(-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
-    currentValue().swapPayload(v);
-    currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-    }
-    break;
-  case tokenArraySeparator:
-  case tokenObjectEnd:
-  case tokenArrayEnd:
-    if (features_.allowDroppedNullPlaceholders_) {
-      // "Un-read" the current token and mark the current value as a null
-      // token.
-      current_--;
-      Value v;
-      currentValue().swapPayload(v);
-      currentValue().setOffsetStart(current_ - begin_ - 1);
-      currentValue().setOffsetLimit(current_ - begin_);
-      break;
-    } // else, fall through ...
-  default:
-    currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-    currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-    return addError("Syntax error: value, object or array expected.", token);
-  }
-  if (collectComments_) {
-    lastValueEnd_ = current_;
-    lastValue_ = &currentValue();
-  }
-  --stackDepth_;
-  return successful;
-void OurReader::skipCommentTokens(Token& token) {
-  if (features_.allowComments_) {
-    do {
-      readToken(token);
-    } while (token.type_ == tokenComment);
-  } else {
-    readToken(token);
-  }
-bool OurReader::readToken(Token& token) {
-  skipSpaces();
-  token.start_ = current_;
-  Char c = getNextChar();
-  bool ok = true;
-  switch (c) {
-  case '{':
-    token.type_ = tokenObjectBegin;
-    break;
-  case '}':
-    token.type_ = tokenObjectEnd;
-    break;
-  case '[':
-    token.type_ = tokenArrayBegin;
-    break;
-  case ']':
-    token.type_ = tokenArrayEnd;
-    break;
-  case '"':
-    token.type_ = tokenString;
-    ok = readString();
-    break;
-  case '\'':
-    if (features_.allowSingleQuotes_) {
-    token.type_ = tokenString;
-    ok = readStringSingleQuote();
-    break;
-    } // else continue
-  case '/':
-    token.type_ = tokenComment;
-    ok = readComment();
-    break;
-  case '0':
-  case '1':
-  case '2':
-  case '3':
-  case '4':
-  case '5':
-  case '6':
-  case '7':
-  case '8':
-  case '9':
-    token.type_ = tokenNumber;
-    readNumber(false);
-    break;
-  case '-':
-    if (readNumber(true)) {
-      token.type_ = tokenNumber;
-    } else {
-      token.type_ = tokenNegInf;
-      ok = features_.allowSpecialFloats_ && match("nfinity", 7);
-    }
-    break;
-  case 't':
-    token.type_ = tokenTrue;
-    ok = match("rue", 3);
-    break;
-  case 'f':
-    token.type_ = tokenFalse;
-    ok = match("alse", 4);
-    break;
-  case 'n':
-    token.type_ = tokenNull;
-    ok = match("ull", 3);
-    break;
-  case 'N':
-    if (features_.allowSpecialFloats_) {
-      token.type_ = tokenNaN;
-      ok = match("aN", 2);
-    } else {
-      ok = false;
-    }
-    break;
-  case 'I':
-    if (features_.allowSpecialFloats_) {
-      token.type_ = tokenPosInf;
-      ok = match("nfinity", 7);
-    } else {
-      ok = false;
-    }
-    break;
-  case ',':
-    token.type_ = tokenArraySeparator;
-    break;
-  case ':':
-    token.type_ = tokenMemberSeparator;
-    break;
-  case 0:
-    token.type_ = tokenEndOfStream;
-    break;
-  default:
-    ok = false;
-    break;
-  }
-  if (!ok)
-    token.type_ = tokenError;
-  token.end_ = current_;
-  return true;
-void OurReader::skipSpaces() {
-  while (current_ != end_) {
-    Char c = *current_;
-    if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')
-      ++current_;
-    else
-      break;
-  }
-bool OurReader::match(Location pattern, int patternLength) {
-  if (end_ - current_ < patternLength)
-    return false;
-  int index = patternLength;
-  while (index--)
-    if (current_[index] != pattern[index])
-      return false;
-  current_ += patternLength;
-  return true;
-bool OurReader::readComment() {
-  Location commentBegin = current_ - 1;
-  Char c = getNextChar();
-  bool successful = false;
-  if (c == '*')
-    successful = readCStyleComment();
-  else if (c == '/')
-    successful = readCppStyleComment();
-  if (!successful)
-    return false;
-  if (collectComments_) {
-    CommentPlacement placement = commentBefore;
-    if (lastValueEnd_ && !containsNewLine(lastValueEnd_, commentBegin)) {
-      if (c != '*' || !containsNewLine(commentBegin, current_))
-        placement = commentAfterOnSameLine;
-    }
-    addComment(commentBegin, current_, placement);
-  }
-  return true;
-OurReader::addComment(Location begin, Location end, CommentPlacement placement) {
-  assert(collectComments_);
-  const JSONCPP_STRING& normalized = normalizeEOL(begin, end);
-  if (placement == commentAfterOnSameLine) {
-    assert(lastValue_ != 0);
-    lastValue_->setComment(normalized, placement);
-  } else {
-    commentsBefore_ += normalized;
-  }
-bool OurReader::readCStyleComment() {
-  while ((current_ + 1) < end_) {
-    Char c = getNextChar();
-    if (c == '*' && *current_ == '/')
-      break;
-  }
-  return getNextChar() == '/';
-bool OurReader::readCppStyleComment() {
-  while (current_ != end_) {
-    Char c = getNextChar();
-    if (c == '\n')
-      break;
-    if (c == '\r') {
-      // Consume DOS EOL. It will be normalized in addComment.
-      if (current_ != end_ && *current_ == '\n')
-        getNextChar();
-      // Break on Moc OS 9 EOL.
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-bool OurReader::readNumber(bool checkInf) {
-  const char *p = current_;
-  if (checkInf && p != end_ && *p == 'I') {
-    current_ = ++p;
-    return false;
-  }
-  char c = '0'; // stopgap for already consumed character
-  // integral part
-  while (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-    c = (current_ = p) < end_ ? *p++ : '\0';
-  // fractional part
-  if (c == '.') {
-    c = (current_ = p) < end_ ? *p++ : '\0';
-    while (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-      c = (current_ = p) < end_ ? *p++ : '\0';
-  }
-  // exponential part
-  if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
-    c = (current_ = p) < end_ ? *p++ : '\0';
-    if (c == '+' || c == '-')
-      c = (current_ = p) < end_ ? *p++ : '\0';
-    while (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-      c = (current_ = p) < end_ ? *p++ : '\0';
-  }
-  return true;
-bool OurReader::readString() {
-  Char c = 0;
-  while (current_ != end_) {
-    c = getNextChar();
-    if (c == '\\')
-      getNextChar();
-    else if (c == '"')
-      break;
-  }
-  return c == '"';
-bool OurReader::readStringSingleQuote() {
-  Char c = 0;
-  while (current_ != end_) {
-    c = getNextChar();
-    if (c == '\\')
-      getNextChar();
-    else if (c == '\'')
-      break;
-  }
-  return c == '\'';
-bool OurReader::readObject(Token& tokenStart) {
-  Token tokenName;
-  Value init(objectValue);
-  currentValue().swapPayload(init);
-  currentValue().setOffsetStart(tokenStart.start_ - begin_);
-  while (readToken(tokenName)) {
-    bool initialTokenOk = true;
-    while (tokenName.type_ == tokenComment && initialTokenOk)
-      initialTokenOk = readToken(tokenName);
-    if (!initialTokenOk)
-      break;
-    if (tokenName.type_ == tokenObjectEnd && name.empty()) // empty object
-      return true;
-    name = "";
-    if (tokenName.type_ == tokenString) {
-      if (!decodeString(tokenName, name))
-        return recoverFromError(tokenObjectEnd);
-    } else if (tokenName.type_ == tokenNumber && features_.allowNumericKeys_) {
-      Value numberName;
-      if (!decodeNumber(tokenName, numberName))
-        return recoverFromError(tokenObjectEnd);
-      name = numberName.asString();
-    } else {
-      break;
-    }
-    Token colon;
-    if (!readToken(colon) || colon.type_ != tokenMemberSeparator) {
-      return addErrorAndRecover(
-          "Missing ':' after object member name", colon, tokenObjectEnd);
-    }
-    if (name.length() >= (1U<<30)) throwRuntimeError("keylength >= 2^30");
-    if (features_.rejectDupKeys_ && currentValue().isMember(name)) {
-      JSONCPP_STRING msg = "Duplicate key: '" + name + "'";
-      return addErrorAndRecover(
-          msg, tokenName, tokenObjectEnd);
-    }
-    Value& value = currentValue()[name];
-    nodes_.push(&value);
-    bool ok = readValue();
-    nodes_.pop();
-    if (!ok) // error already set
-      return recoverFromError(tokenObjectEnd);
-    Token comma;
-    if (!readToken(comma) ||
-        (comma.type_ != tokenObjectEnd && comma.type_ != tokenArraySeparator &&
-         comma.type_ != tokenComment)) {
-      return addErrorAndRecover(
-          "Missing ',' or '}' in object declaration", comma, tokenObjectEnd);
-    }
-    bool finalizeTokenOk = true;
-    while (comma.type_ == tokenComment && finalizeTokenOk)
-      finalizeTokenOk = readToken(comma);
-    if (comma.type_ == tokenObjectEnd)
-      return true;
-  }
-  return addErrorAndRecover(
-      "Missing '}' or object member name", tokenName, tokenObjectEnd);
-bool OurReader::readArray(Token& tokenStart) {
-  Value init(arrayValue);
-  currentValue().swapPayload(init);
-  currentValue().setOffsetStart(tokenStart.start_ - begin_);
-  skipSpaces();
-  if (current_ != end_ && *current_ == ']') // empty array
-  {
-    Token endArray;
-    readToken(endArray);
-    return true;
-  }
-  int index = 0;
-  for (;;) {
-    Value& value = currentValue()[index++];
-    nodes_.push(&value);
-    bool ok = readValue();
-    nodes_.pop();
-    if (!ok) // error already set
-      return recoverFromError(tokenArrayEnd);
-    Token token;
-    // Accept Comment after last item in the array.
-    ok = readToken(token);
-    while (token.type_ == tokenComment && ok) {
-      ok = readToken(token);
-    }
-    bool badTokenType =
-        (token.type_ != tokenArraySeparator && token.type_ != tokenArrayEnd);
-    if (!ok || badTokenType) {
-      return addErrorAndRecover(
-          "Missing ',' or ']' in array declaration", token, tokenArrayEnd);
-    }
-    if (token.type_ == tokenArrayEnd)
-      break;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool OurReader::decodeNumber(Token& token) {
-  Value decoded;
-  if (!decodeNumber(token, decoded))
-    return false;
-  currentValue().swapPayload(decoded);
-  currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-  currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-  return true;
-bool OurReader::decodeNumber(Token& token, Value& decoded) {
-  // Attempts to parse the number as an integer. If the number is
-  // larger than the maximum supported value of an integer then
-  // we decode the number as a double.
-  Location current = token.start_;
-  bool isNegative = *current == '-';
-  if (isNegative)
-    ++current;
-  // TODO: Help the compiler do the div and mod at compile time or get rid of them.
-  Value::LargestUInt maxIntegerValue =
-      isNegative ? Value::LargestUInt(-Value::minLargestInt)
-                 : Value::maxLargestUInt;
-  Value::LargestUInt threshold = maxIntegerValue / 10;
-  Value::LargestUInt value = 0;
-  while (current < token.end_) {
-    Char c = *current++;
-    if (c < '0' || c > '9')
-      return decodeDouble(token, decoded);
-    Value::UInt digit(static_cast<Value::UInt>(c - '0'));
-    if (value >= threshold) {
-      // We've hit or exceeded the max value divided by 10 (rounded down). If
-      // a) we've only just touched the limit, b) this is the last digit, and
-      // c) it's small enough to fit in that rounding delta, we're okay.
-      // Otherwise treat this number as a double to avoid overflow.
-      if (value > threshold || current != token.end_ ||
-          digit > maxIntegerValue % 10) {
-        return decodeDouble(token, decoded);
-      }
-    }
-    value = value * 10 + digit;
-  }
-  if (isNegative)
-    decoded = -Value::LargestInt(value);
-  else if (value <= Value::LargestUInt(Value::maxInt))
-    decoded = Value::LargestInt(value);
-  else
-    decoded = value;
-  return true;
-bool OurReader::decodeDouble(Token& token) {
-  Value decoded;
-  if (!decodeDouble(token, decoded))
-    return false;
-  currentValue().swapPayload(decoded);
-  currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-  currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-  return true;
-bool OurReader::decodeDouble(Token& token, Value& decoded) {
-  double value = 0;
-  const int bufferSize = 32;
-  int count;
-  ptrdiff_t const length = token.end_ - token.start_;
-  // Sanity check to avoid buffer overflow exploits.
-  if (length < 0) {
-    return addError("Unable to parse token length", token);
-  }
-  size_t const ulength = static_cast<size_t>(length);
-  // Avoid using a string constant for the format control string given to
-  // sscanf, as this can cause hard to debug crashes on OS X. See here for more
-  // info:
-  //
-  //
-  char format[] = "%lf";
-  if (length <= bufferSize) {
-    Char buffer[bufferSize + 1];
-    memcpy(buffer, token.start_, ulength);
-    buffer[length] = 0;
-    fixNumericLocaleInput(buffer, buffer + length);
-    count = sscanf(buffer, format, &value);
-  } else {
-    JSONCPP_STRING buffer(token.start_, token.end_);
-    count = sscanf(buffer.c_str(), format, &value);
-  }
-  if (count != 1)
-    return addError("'" + JSONCPP_STRING(token.start_, token.end_) +
-                        "' is not a number.",
-                    token);
-  decoded = value;
-  return true;
-bool OurReader::decodeString(Token& token) {
-  JSONCPP_STRING decoded_string;
-  if (!decodeString(token, decoded_string))
-    return false;
-  Value decoded(decoded_string);
-  currentValue().swapPayload(decoded);
-  currentValue().setOffsetStart(token.start_ - begin_);
-  currentValue().setOffsetLimit(token.end_ - begin_);
-  return true;
-bool OurReader::decodeString(Token& token, JSONCPP_STRING& decoded) {
-  decoded.reserve(static_cast<size_t>(token.end_ - token.start_ - 2));
-  Location current = token.start_ + 1; // skip '"'
-  Location end = token.end_ - 1;       // do not include '"'
-  while (current != end) {
-    Char c = *current++;
-    if (c == '"')
-      break;
-    else if (c == '\\') {
-      if (current == end)
-        return addError("Empty escape sequence in string", token, current);
-      Char escape = *current++;
-      switch (escape) {
-      case '"':
-        decoded += '"';
-        break;
-      case '/':
-        decoded += '/';
-        break;
-      case '\\':
-        decoded += '\\';
-        break;
-      case 'b':
-        decoded += '\b';
-        break;
-      case 'f':
-        decoded += '\f';
-        break;
-      case 'n':
-        decoded += '\n';
-        break;
-      case 'r':
-        decoded += '\r';
-        break;
-      case 't':
-        decoded += '\t';
-        break;
-      case 'u': {
-        unsigned int unicode;
-        if (!decodeUnicodeCodePoint(token, current, end, unicode))
-          return false;
-        decoded += codePointToUTF8(unicode);
-      } break;
-      default:
-        return addError("Bad escape sequence in string", token, current);
-      }
-    } else {
-      decoded += c;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-bool OurReader::decodeUnicodeCodePoint(Token& token,
-                                    Location& current,
-                                    Location end,
-                                    unsigned int& unicode) {
-  if (!decodeUnicodeEscapeSequence(token, current, end, unicode))
-    return false;
-  if (unicode >= 0xD800 && unicode <= 0xDBFF) {
-    // surrogate pairs
-    if (end - current < 6)
-      return addError(
-          "additional six characters expected to parse unicode surrogate pair.",
-          token,
-          current);
-    unsigned int surrogatePair;
-    if (*(current++) == '\\' && *(current++) == 'u') {
-      if (decodeUnicodeEscapeSequence(token, current, end, surrogatePair)) {
-        unicode = 0x10000 + ((unicode & 0x3FF) << 10) + (surrogatePair & 0x3FF);
-      } else
-        return false;
-    } else
-      return addError("expecting another \\u token to begin the second half of "
-                      "a unicode surrogate pair",
-                      token,
-                      current);
-  }
-  return true;
-bool OurReader::decodeUnicodeEscapeSequence(Token& token,
-                                         Location& current,
-                                         Location end,
-                                         unsigned int& ret_unicode) {
-  if (end - current < 4)
-    return addError(
-        "Bad unicode escape sequence in string: four digits expected.",
-        token,
-        current);
-  int unicode = 0;
-  for (int index = 0; index < 4; ++index) {
-    Char c = *current++;
-    unicode *= 16;
-    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-      unicode += c - '0';
-    else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
-      unicode += c - 'a' + 10;
-    else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
-      unicode += c - 'A' + 10;
-    else
-      return addError(
-          "Bad unicode escape sequence in string: hexadecimal digit expected.",
-          token,
-          current);
-  }
-  ret_unicode = static_cast<unsigned int>(unicode);
-  return true;
-OurReader::addError(const JSONCPP_STRING& message, Token& token, Location extra) {
-  ErrorInfo info;
-  info.token_ = token;
-  info.message_ = message;
-  info.extra_ = extra;
-  errors_.push_back(info);
-  return false;
-bool OurReader::recoverFromError(TokenType skipUntilToken) {
-  size_t errorCount = errors_.size();
-  Token skip;
-  for (;;) {
-    if (!readToken(skip))
-      errors_.resize(errorCount); // discard errors caused by recovery
-    if (skip.type_ == skipUntilToken || skip.type_ == tokenEndOfStream)
-      break;
-  }
-  errors_.resize(errorCount);
-  return false;
-bool OurReader::addErrorAndRecover(const JSONCPP_STRING& message,
-                                Token& token,
-                                TokenType skipUntilToken) {
-  addError(message, token);
-  return recoverFromError(skipUntilToken);
-Value& OurReader::currentValue() { return *(; }
-OurReader::Char OurReader::getNextChar() {
-  if (current_ == end_)
-    return 0;
-  return *current_++;
-void OurReader::getLocationLineAndColumn(Location location,
-                                      int& line,
-                                      int& column) const {
-  Location current = begin_;
-  Location lastLineStart = current;
-  line = 0;
-  while (current < location && current != end_) {
-    Char c = *current++;
-    if (c == '\r') {
-      if (*current == '\n')
-        ++current;
-      lastLineStart = current;
-      ++line;
-    } else if (c == '\n') {
-      lastLineStart = current;
-      ++line;
-    }
-  }
-  // column & line start at 1
-  column = int(location - lastLineStart) + 1;
-  ++line;
-JSONCPP_STRING OurReader::getLocationLineAndColumn(Location location) const {
-  int line, column;
-  getLocationLineAndColumn(location, line, column);
-  char buffer[18 + 16 + 16 + 1];
-  snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Line %d, Column %d", line, column);
-  return buffer;
-JSONCPP_STRING OurReader::getFormattedErrorMessages() const {
-  JSONCPP_STRING formattedMessage;
-  for (Errors::const_iterator itError = errors_.begin();
-       itError != errors_.end();
-       ++itError) {
-    const ErrorInfo& error = *itError;
-    formattedMessage +=
-        "* " + getLocationLineAndColumn(error.token_.start_) + "\n";
-    formattedMessage += "  " + error.message_ + "\n";
-    if (error.extra_)
-      formattedMessage +=
-          "See " + getLocationLineAndColumn(error.extra_) + " for detail.\n";
-  }
-  return formattedMessage;
-std::vector<OurReader::StructuredError> OurReader::getStructuredErrors() const {
-  std::vector<OurReader::StructuredError> allErrors;
-  for (Errors::const_iterator itError = errors_.begin();
-       itError != errors_.end();
-       ++itError) {
-    const ErrorInfo& error = *itError;
-    OurReader::StructuredError structured;
-    structured.offset_start = error.token_.start_ - begin_;
-    structured.offset_limit = error.token_.end_ - begin_;
-    structured.message = error.message_;
-    allErrors.push_back(structured);
-  }
-  return allErrors;
-bool OurReader::pushError(const Value& value, const JSONCPP_STRING& message) {
-  ptrdiff_t length = end_ - begin_;
-  if(value.getOffsetStart() > length
-    || value.getOffsetLimit() > length)
-    return false;
-  Token token;
-  token.type_ = tokenError;
-  token.start_ = begin_ + value.getOffsetStart();
-  token.end_ = end_ + value.getOffsetLimit();
-  ErrorInfo info;
-  info.token_ = token;
-  info.message_ = message;
-  info.extra_ = 0;
-  errors_.push_back(info);
-  return true;
-bool OurReader::pushError(const Value& value, const JSONCPP_STRING& message, const Value& extra) {
-  ptrdiff_t length = end_ - begin_;
-  if(value.getOffsetStart() > length
-    || value.getOffsetLimit() > length
-    || extra.getOffsetLimit() > length)
-    return false;
-  Token token;
-  token.type_ = tokenError;
-  token.start_ = begin_ + value.getOffsetStart();
-  token.end_ = begin_ + value.getOffsetLimit();
-  ErrorInfo info;
-  info.token_ = token;
-  info.message_ = message;
-  info.extra_ = begin_ + extra.getOffsetStart();
-  errors_.push_back(info);
-  return true;
-bool OurReader::good() const {
-  return !errors_.size();
-class OurCharReader : public CharReader {
-  bool const collectComments_;
-  OurReader reader_;
-  OurCharReader(
-    bool collectComments,
-    OurFeatures const& features)
-  : collectComments_(collectComments)
-  , reader_(features)
-  {}
-  bool parse(
-      char const* beginDoc, char const* endDoc,
-      Value* root, JSONCPP_STRING* errs) JSONCPP_OVERRIDE {
-    bool ok = reader_.parse(beginDoc, endDoc, *root, collectComments_);
-    if (errs) {
-      *errs = reader_.getFormattedErrorMessages();
-    }
-    return ok;
-  }
-  setDefaults(&settings_);
-CharReader* CharReaderBuilder::newCharReader() const
-  bool collectComments = settings_["collectComments"].asBool();
-  OurFeatures features = OurFeatures::all();
-  features.allowComments_ = settings_["allowComments"].asBool();
-  features.strictRoot_ = settings_["strictRoot"].asBool();
-  features.allowDroppedNullPlaceholders_ = settings_["allowDroppedNullPlaceholders"].asBool();
-  features.allowNumericKeys_ = settings_["allowNumericKeys"].asBool();
-  features.allowSingleQuotes_ = settings_["allowSingleQuotes"].asBool();
-  features.stackLimit_ = settings_["stackLimit"].asInt();
-  features.failIfExtra_ = settings_["failIfExtra"].asBool();
-  features.rejectDupKeys_ = settings_["rejectDupKeys"].asBool();
-  features.allowSpecialFloats_ = settings_["allowSpecialFloats"].asBool();
-  return new OurCharReader(collectComments, features);
-static void getValidReaderKeys(std::set<JSONCPP_STRING>* valid_keys)
-  valid_keys->clear();
-  valid_keys->insert("collectComments");
-  valid_keys->insert("allowComments");
-  valid_keys->insert("strictRoot");
-  valid_keys->insert("allowDroppedNullPlaceholders");
-  valid_keys->insert("allowNumericKeys");
-  valid_keys->insert("allowSingleQuotes");
-  valid_keys->insert("stackLimit");
-  valid_keys->insert("failIfExtra");
-  valid_keys->insert("rejectDupKeys");
-  valid_keys->insert("allowSpecialFloats");
-bool CharReaderBuilder::validate(Json::Value* invalid) const
-  Json::Value my_invalid;
-  if (!invalid) invalid = &my_invalid;  // so we do not need to test for NULL
-  Json::Value& inv = *invalid;
-  std::set<JSONCPP_STRING> valid_keys;
-  getValidReaderKeys(&valid_keys);
-  Value::Members keys = settings_.getMemberNames();
-  size_t n = keys.size();
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    JSONCPP_STRING const& key = keys[i];
-    if (valid_keys.find(key) == valid_keys.end()) {
-      inv[key] = settings_[key];
-    }
-  }
-  return 0u == inv.size();
-Value& CharReaderBuilder::operator[](JSONCPP_STRING key)
-  return settings_[key];
-// static
-void CharReaderBuilder::strictMode(Json::Value* settings)
-//! [CharReaderBuilderStrictMode]
-  (*settings)["allowComments"] = false;
-  (*settings)["strictRoot"] = true;
-  (*settings)["allowDroppedNullPlaceholders"] = false;
-  (*settings)["allowNumericKeys"] = false;
-  (*settings)["allowSingleQuotes"] = false;
-  (*settings)["stackLimit"] = 1000;
-  (*settings)["failIfExtra"] = true;
-  (*settings)["rejectDupKeys"] = true;
-  (*settings)["allowSpecialFloats"] = false;
-//! [CharReaderBuilderStrictMode]
-// static
-void CharReaderBuilder::setDefaults(Json::Value* settings)
-//! [CharReaderBuilderDefaults]
-  (*settings)["collectComments"] = true;
-  (*settings)["allowComments"] = true;
-  (*settings)["strictRoot"] = false;
-  (*settings)["allowDroppedNullPlaceholders"] = false;
-  (*settings)["allowNumericKeys"] = false;
-  (*settings)["allowSingleQuotes"] = false;
-  (*settings)["stackLimit"] = 1000;
-  (*settings)["failIfExtra"] = false;
-  (*settings)["rejectDupKeys"] = false;
-  (*settings)["allowSpecialFloats"] = false;
-//! [CharReaderBuilderDefaults]
-// global functions
-bool parseFromStream(
-    CharReader::Factory const& fact, JSONCPP_ISTREAM& sin,
-    Value* root, JSONCPP_STRING* errs)
-  ssin << sin.rdbuf();
-  JSONCPP_STRING doc = ssin.str();
-  char const* begin =;
-  char const* end = begin + doc.size();
-  // Note that we do not actually need a null-terminator.
-  CharReaderPtr const reader(fact.newCharReader());
-  return reader->parse(begin, end, root, errs);
-JSONCPP_ISTREAM& operator>>(JSONCPP_ISTREAM& sin, Value& root) {
-  CharReaderBuilder b;
-  bool ok = parseFromStream(b, sin, &root, &errs);
-  if (!ok) {
-    fprintf(stderr,
-            "Error from reader: %s",
-            errs.c_str());
-    throwRuntimeError(errs);
-  }
-  return sin;
-} // namespace Json
diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_tool.h b/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_tool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e729e637..000000000
--- a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_tool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at
-#include <clocale>
-/* This header provides common string manipulation support, such as UTF-8,
- * portable conversion from/to string...
- *
- * It is an internal header that must not be exposed.
- */
-namespace Json {
-static char getDecimalPoint() {
-  return '\0';
-  struct lconv* lc = localeconv();
-  return lc ? *(lc->decimal_point) : '\0';
-/// Converts a unicode code-point to UTF-8.
-static inline JSONCPP_STRING codePointToUTF8(unsigned int cp) {
-  // based on description from
-  if (cp <= 0x7f) {
-    result.resize(1);
-    result[0] = static_cast<char>(cp);
-  } else if (cp <= 0x7FF) {
-    result.resize(2);
-    result[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & cp));
-    result[0] = static_cast<char>(0xC0 | (0x1f & (cp >> 6)));
-  } else if (cp <= 0xFFFF) {
-    result.resize(3);
-    result[2] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & cp));
-    result[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & (cp >> 6)));
-    result[0] = static_cast<char>(0xE0 | (0xf & (cp >> 12)));
-  } else if (cp <= 0x10FFFF) {
-    result.resize(4);
-    result[3] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & cp));
-    result[2] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & (cp >> 6)));
-    result[1] = static_cast<char>(0x80 | (0x3f & (cp >> 12)));
-    result[0] = static_cast<char>(0xF0 | (0x7 & (cp >> 18)));
-  }
-  return result;
-/// Returns true if ch is a control character (in range [1,31]).
-static inline bool isControlCharacter(char ch) { return ch > 0 && ch <= 0x1F; }
-enum {
-  /// Constant that specify the size of the buffer that must be passed to
-  /// uintToString.
-  uintToStringBufferSize = 3 * sizeof(LargestUInt) + 1
-// Defines a char buffer for use with uintToString().
-typedef char UIntToStringBuffer[uintToStringBufferSize];
-/** Converts an unsigned integer to string.
- * @param value Unsigned interger to convert to string
- * @param current Input/Output string buffer.
- *        Must have at least uintToStringBufferSize chars free.
- */
-static inline void uintToString(LargestUInt value, char*& current) {
-  *--current = 0;
-  do {
-    *--current = static_cast<char>(value % 10U + static_cast<unsigned>('0'));
-    value /= 10;
-  } while (value != 0);
-/** Change ',' to '.' everywhere in buffer.
- *
- * We had a sophisticated way, but it did not work in WinCE.
- * @see
- */
-static inline void fixNumericLocale(char* begin, char* end) {
-  while (begin < end) {
-    if (*begin == ',') {
-      *begin = '.';
-    }
-    ++begin;
-  }
-static inline void fixNumericLocaleInput(char* begin, char* end) {
-  char decimalPoint = getDecimalPoint();
-  if (decimalPoint != '\0' && decimalPoint != '.') {
-    while (begin < end) {
-      if (*begin == '.') {
-        *begin = decimalPoint;
-      }
-      ++begin;
-    }
-  }
-} // namespace Json {
diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_value.cpp b/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_value.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 88c630fdd..000000000
--- a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_value.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1604 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at
-#include <json/assertions.h>
-#include <json/value.h>
-#include <json/writer.h>
-#endif // if !defined(JSON_IS_AMALGAMATION)
-#include <math.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <utility>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cpptl/conststring.h>
-#include <cstddef> // size_t
-#include <algorithm> // min()
-#define JSON_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE assert(false)
-namespace Json {
-// This is a walkaround to avoid the static initialization of Value::null.
-// kNull must be word-aligned to avoid crashing on ARM.  We use an alignment of
-// 8 (instead of 4) as a bit of future-proofing.
-#if defined(__ARMEL__)
-#define ALIGNAS(byte_alignment) __attribute__((aligned(byte_alignment)))
-#define ALIGNAS(byte_alignment)
-//static const unsigned char ALIGNAS(8) kNull[sizeof(Value)] = { 0 };
-//const unsigned char& kNullRef = kNull[0];
-//const Value& Value::null = reinterpret_cast<const Value&>(kNullRef);
-//const Value& Value::nullRef = null;
-// static
-Value const& Value::nullSingleton()
- static Value const nullStatic;
- return nullStatic;
-// for backwards compatibility, we'll leave these global references around, but DO NOT
-// use them in JSONCPP library code any more!
-Value const& Value::null = Value::nullSingleton();
-Value const& Value::nullRef = Value::nullSingleton();
-const Int Value::minInt = Int(~(UInt(-1) / 2));
-const Int Value::maxInt = Int(UInt(-1) / 2);
-const UInt Value::maxUInt = UInt(-1);
-#if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-const Int64 Value::minInt64 = Int64(~(UInt64(-1) / 2));
-const Int64 Value::maxInt64 = Int64(UInt64(-1) / 2);
-const UInt64 Value::maxUInt64 = UInt64(-1);
-// The constant is hard-coded because some compiler have trouble
-// converting Value::maxUInt64 to a double correctly (AIX/xlC).
-// Assumes that UInt64 is a 64 bits integer.
-static const double maxUInt64AsDouble = 18446744073709551615.0;
-#endif // defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-const LargestInt Value::minLargestInt = LargestInt(~(LargestUInt(-1) / 2));
-const LargestInt Value::maxLargestInt = LargestInt(LargestUInt(-1) / 2);
-const LargestUInt Value::maxLargestUInt = LargestUInt(-1);
-template <typename T, typename U>
-static inline bool InRange(double d, T min, U max) {
-  // The casts can lose precision, but we are looking only for
-  // an approximate range. Might fail on edge cases though. ~cdunn
-  //return d >= static_cast<double>(min) && d <= static_cast<double>(max);
-  return d >= min && d <= max;
-#else  // if !defined(JSON_USE_INT64_DOUBLE_CONVERSION)
-static inline double integerToDouble(Json::UInt64 value) {
-  return static_cast<double>(Int64(value / 2)) * 2.0 + static_cast<double>(Int64(value & 1));
-template <typename T> static inline double integerToDouble(T value) {
-  return static_cast<double>(value);
-template <typename T, typename U>
-static inline bool InRange(double d, T min, U max) {
-  return d >= integerToDouble(min) && d <= integerToDouble(max);
-#endif // if !defined(JSON_USE_INT64_DOUBLE_CONVERSION)
-/** Duplicates the specified string value.
- * @param value Pointer to the string to duplicate. Must be zero-terminated if
- *              length is "unknown".
- * @param length Length of the value. if equals to unknown, then it will be
- *               computed using strlen(value).
- * @return Pointer on the duplicate instance of string.
- */
-static inline char* duplicateStringValue(const char* value,
-                                         size_t length)
-  // Avoid an integer overflow in the call to malloc below by limiting length
-  // to a sane value.
-  if (length >= static_cast<size_t>(Value::maxInt))
-    length = Value::maxInt - 1;
-  char* newString = static_cast<char*>(malloc(length + 1));
-  if (newString == NULL) {
-    throwRuntimeError(
-        "in Json::Value::duplicateStringValue(): "
-        "Failed to allocate string value buffer");
-  }
-  memcpy(newString, value, length);
-  newString[length] = 0;
-  return newString;
-/* Record the length as a prefix.
- */
-static inline char* duplicateAndPrefixStringValue(
-    const char* value,
-    unsigned int length)
-  // Avoid an integer overflow in the call to malloc below by limiting length
-  // to a sane value.
-  JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(length <= static_cast<unsigned>(Value::maxInt) - sizeof(unsigned) - 1U,
-                      "in Json::Value::duplicateAndPrefixStringValue(): "
-                      "length too big for prefixing");
-  unsigned actualLength = length + static_cast<unsigned>(sizeof(unsigned)) + 1U;
-  char* newString = static_cast<char*>(malloc(actualLength));
-  if (newString == 0) {
-    throwRuntimeError(
-        "in Json::Value::duplicateAndPrefixStringValue(): "
-        "Failed to allocate string value buffer");
-  }
-  *reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(newString) = length;
-  memcpy(newString + sizeof(unsigned), value, length);
-  newString[actualLength - 1U] = 0; // to avoid buffer over-run accidents by users later
-  return newString;
-inline static void decodePrefixedString(
-    bool isPrefixed, char const* prefixed,
-    unsigned* length, char const** value)
-  if (!isPrefixed) {
-    *length = static_cast<unsigned>(strlen(prefixed));
-    *value = prefixed;
-  } else {
-    *length = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned const*>(prefixed);
-    *value = prefixed + sizeof(unsigned);
-  }
-/** Free the string duplicated by duplicateStringValue()/duplicateAndPrefixStringValue().
- */
-static inline void releasePrefixedStringValue(char* value) {
-  unsigned length = 0;
-  char const* valueDecoded;
-  decodePrefixedString(true, value, &length, &valueDecoded);
-  size_t const size = sizeof(unsigned) + length + 1U;
-  memset(value, 0, size);
-  free(value);
-static inline void releaseStringValue(char* value, unsigned length) {
-  // length==0 => we allocated the strings memory
-  size_t size = (length==0) ? strlen(value) : length;
-  memset(value, 0, size);
-  free(value);
-static inline void releasePrefixedStringValue(char* value) {
-  free(value);
-static inline void releaseStringValue(char* value, unsigned) {
-  free(value);
-} // namespace Json
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// ValueInternals...
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-#include "json_valueiterator.inl"
-#endif // if !defined(JSON_IS_AMALGAMATION)
-namespace Json {
-Exception::Exception(JSONCPP_STRING const& msg)
-  : msg_(msg)
-Exception::~Exception() throw()
-char const* Exception::what() const throw()
-  return msg_.c_str();
-RuntimeError::RuntimeError(JSONCPP_STRING const& msg)
-  : Exception(msg)
-LogicError::LogicError(JSONCPP_STRING const& msg)
-  : Exception(msg)
-JSONCPP_NORETURN void throwRuntimeError(JSONCPP_STRING const& msg)
-  throw RuntimeError(msg);
-JSONCPP_NORETURN void throwLogicError(JSONCPP_STRING const& msg)
-  throw LogicError(msg);
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class Value::CommentInfo
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Value::CommentInfo::CommentInfo() : comment_(0)
-Value::CommentInfo::~CommentInfo() {
-  if (comment_)
-    releaseStringValue(comment_, 0u);
-void Value::CommentInfo::setComment(const char* text, size_t len) {
-  if (comment_) {
-    releaseStringValue(comment_, 0u);
-    comment_ = 0;
-  }
-  JSON_ASSERT(text != 0);
-      text[0] == '\0' || text[0] == '/',
-      "in Json::Value::setComment(): Comments must start with /");
-  // It seems that /**/ style comments are acceptable as well.
-  comment_ = duplicateStringValue(text, len);
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class Value::CZString
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Notes: policy_ indicates if the string was allocated when
-// a string is stored.
-Value::CZString::CZString(ArrayIndex aindex) : cstr_(0), index_(aindex) {}
-Value::CZString::CZString(char const* str, unsigned ulength, DuplicationPolicy allocate)
-    : cstr_(str) {
-  // allocate != duplicate
-  storage_.policy_ = allocate & 0x3;
-  storage_.length_ = ulength & 0x3FFFFFFF;
-Value::CZString::CZString(const CZString& other) {
-  cstr_ = (other.storage_.policy_ != noDuplication && other.cstr_ != 0
-				 ? duplicateStringValue(other.cstr_, other.storage_.length_)
-				 : other.cstr_);
-  storage_.policy_ = static_cast<unsigned>(other.cstr_
-                 ? (static_cast<DuplicationPolicy>(other.storage_.policy_) == noDuplication
-                     ? noDuplication : duplicate)
-                 : static_cast<DuplicationPolicy>(other.storage_.policy_)) & 3U;
-  storage_.length_ = other.storage_.length_;
-Value::CZString::CZString(CZString&& other)
-  : cstr_(other.cstr_), index_(other.index_) {
-  other.cstr_ = nullptr;
-Value::CZString::~CZString() {
-  if (cstr_ && storage_.policy_ == duplicate) {
-	  releaseStringValue(const_cast<char*>(cstr_), storage_.length_ + 1u); //+1 for null terminating character for sake of completeness but not actually necessary
-  }
-void Value::CZString::swap(CZString& other) {
-  std::swap(cstr_, other.cstr_);
-  std::swap(index_, other.index_);
-Value::CZString& Value::CZString::operator=(CZString other) {
-  swap(other);
-  return *this;
-bool Value::CZString::operator<(const CZString& other) const {
-  if (!cstr_) return index_ < other.index_;
-  //return strcmp(cstr_, other.cstr_) < 0;
-  // Assume both are strings.
-  unsigned this_len = this->storage_.length_;
-  unsigned other_len = other.storage_.length_;
-  unsigned min_len = std::min(this_len, other_len);
-  JSON_ASSERT(this->cstr_ && other.cstr_);
-  int comp = memcmp(this->cstr_, other.cstr_, min_len);
-  if (comp < 0) return true;
-  if (comp > 0) return false;
-  return (this_len < other_len);
-bool Value::CZString::operator==(const CZString& other) const {
-  if (!cstr_) return index_ == other.index_;
-  //return strcmp(cstr_, other.cstr_) == 0;
-  // Assume both are strings.
-  unsigned this_len = this->storage_.length_;
-  unsigned other_len = other.storage_.length_;
-  if (this_len != other_len) return false;
-  JSON_ASSERT(this->cstr_ && other.cstr_);
-  int comp = memcmp(this->cstr_, other.cstr_, this_len);
-  return comp == 0;
-ArrayIndex Value::CZString::index() const { return index_; }
-//const char* Value::CZString::c_str() const { return cstr_; }
-const char* Value::CZString::data() const { return cstr_; }
-unsigned Value::CZString::length() const { return storage_.length_; }
-bool Value::CZString::isStaticString() const { return storage_.policy_ == noDuplication; }
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class Value::Value
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-/*! \internal Default constructor initialization must be equivalent to:
- * memset( this, 0, sizeof(Value) )
- * This optimization is used in ValueInternalMap fast allocator.
- */
-Value::Value(ValueType vtype) {
-  static char const empty[] = "";
-  initBasic(vtype);
-  switch (vtype) {
-  case nullValue:
-    break;
-  case intValue:
-  case uintValue:
-    value_.int_ = 0;
-    break;
-  case realValue:
-    value_.real_ = 0.0;
-    break;
-  case stringValue:
-    // allocated_ == false, so this is safe.
-    value_.string_ = const_cast<char*>(static_cast<char const*>(empty));
-    break;
-  case arrayValue:
-  case objectValue:
-    value_.map_ = new ObjectValues();
-    break;
-  case booleanValue:
-    value_.bool_ = false;
-    break;
-  default:
-  }
-Value::Value(Int value) {
-  initBasic(intValue);
-  value_.int_ = value;
-Value::Value(UInt value) {
-  initBasic(uintValue);
-  value_.uint_ = value;
-#if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-Value::Value(Int64 value) {
-  initBasic(intValue);
-  value_.int_ = value;
-Value::Value(UInt64 value) {
-  initBasic(uintValue);
-  value_.uint_ = value;
-#endif // defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-Value::Value(double value) {
-  initBasic(realValue);
-  value_.real_ = value;
-Value::Value(const char* value) {
-  initBasic(stringValue, true);
-  value_.string_ = duplicateAndPrefixStringValue(value, static_cast<unsigned>(strlen(value)));
-Value::Value(const char* beginValue, const char* endValue) {
-  initBasic(stringValue, true);
-  value_.string_ =
-      duplicateAndPrefixStringValue(beginValue, static_cast<unsigned>(endValue - beginValue));
-Value::Value(const JSONCPP_STRING& value) {
-  initBasic(stringValue, true);
-  value_.string_ =
-      duplicateAndPrefixStringValue(, static_cast<unsigned>(value.length()));
-Value::Value(const StaticString& value) {
-  initBasic(stringValue);
-  value_.string_ = const_cast<char*>(value.c_str());
-Value::Value(const CppTL::ConstString& value) {
-  initBasic(stringValue, true);
-  value_.string_ = duplicateAndPrefixStringValue(value, static_cast<unsigned>(value.length()));
-Value::Value(bool value) {
-  initBasic(booleanValue);
-  value_.bool_ = value;
-Value::Value(Value const& other)
-    : type_(other.type_), allocated_(false)
-      ,
-      comments_(0), start_(other.start_), limit_(other.limit_)
-  switch (type_) {
-  case nullValue:
-  case intValue:
-  case uintValue:
-  case realValue:
-  case booleanValue:
-    value_ = other.value_;
-    break;
-  case stringValue:
-    if (other.value_.string_ && other.allocated_) {
-      unsigned len;
-      char const* str;
-      decodePrefixedString(other.allocated_, other.value_.string_,
-          &len, &str);
-      value_.string_ = duplicateAndPrefixStringValue(str, len);
-      allocated_ = true;
-    } else {
-      value_.string_ = other.value_.string_;
-      allocated_ = false;
-    }
-    break;
-  case arrayValue:
-  case objectValue:
-    value_.map_ = new ObjectValues(*other.value_.map_);
-    break;
-  default:
-  }
-  if (other.comments_) {
-    comments_ = new CommentInfo[numberOfCommentPlacement];
-    for (int comment = 0; comment < numberOfCommentPlacement; ++comment) {
-      const CommentInfo& otherComment = other.comments_[comment];
-      if (otherComment.comment_)
-        comments_[comment].setComment(
-            otherComment.comment_, strlen(otherComment.comment_));
-    }
-  }
-// Move constructor
-Value::Value(Value&& other) {
-  initBasic(nullValue);
-  swap(other);
-Value::~Value() {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case nullValue:
-  case intValue:
-  case uintValue:
-  case realValue:
-  case booleanValue:
-    break;
-  case stringValue:
-    if (allocated_)
-      releasePrefixedStringValue(value_.string_);
-    break;
-  case arrayValue:
-  case objectValue:
-    delete value_.map_;
-    break;
-  default:
-  }
-  delete[] comments_;
-  value_.uint_ = 0;
-Value& Value::operator=(Value other) {
-  swap(other);
-  return *this;
-void Value::swapPayload(Value& other) {
-  ValueType temp = type_;
-  type_ = other.type_;
-  other.type_ = temp;
-  std::swap(value_, other.value_);
-  int temp2 = allocated_;
-  allocated_ = other.allocated_;
-  other.allocated_ = temp2 & 0x1;
-void Value::swap(Value& other) {
-  swapPayload(other);
-  std::swap(comments_, other.comments_);
-  std::swap(start_, other.start_);
-  std::swap(limit_, other.limit_);
-ValueType Value::type() const { return type_; }
-int Value::compare(const Value& other) const {
-  if (*this < other)
-    return -1;
-  if (*this > other)
-    return 1;
-  return 0;
-bool Value::operator<(const Value& other) const {
-  int typeDelta = type_ - other.type_;
-  if (typeDelta)
-    return typeDelta < 0 ? true : false;
-  switch (type_) {
-  case nullValue:
-    return false;
-  case intValue:
-    return value_.int_ < other.value_.int_;
-  case uintValue:
-    return value_.uint_ < other.value_.uint_;
-  case realValue:
-    return value_.real_ < other.value_.real_;
-  case booleanValue:
-    return value_.bool_ < other.value_.bool_;
-  case stringValue:
-  {
-    if ((value_.string_ == 0) || (other.value_.string_ == 0)) {
-      if (other.value_.string_) return true;
-      else return false;
-    }
-    unsigned this_len;
-    unsigned other_len;
-    char const* this_str;
-    char const* other_str;
-    decodePrefixedString(this->allocated_, this->value_.string_, &this_len, &this_str);
-    decodePrefixedString(other.allocated_, other.value_.string_, &other_len, &other_str);
-    unsigned min_len = std::min(this_len, other_len);
-    JSON_ASSERT(this_str && other_str);
-    int comp = memcmp(this_str, other_str, min_len);
-    if (comp < 0) return true;
-    if (comp > 0) return false;
-    return (this_len < other_len);
-  }
-  case arrayValue:
-  case objectValue: {
-    int delta = int(value_.map_->size() - other.value_.map_->size());
-    if (delta)
-      return delta < 0;
-    return (*value_.map_) < (*other.value_.map_);
-  }
-  default:
-  }
-  return false; // unreachable
-bool Value::operator<=(const Value& other) const { return !(other < *this); }
-bool Value::operator>=(const Value& other) const { return !(*this < other); }
-bool Value::operator>(const Value& other) const { return other < *this; }
-bool Value::operator==(const Value& other) const {
-  // if ( type_ != other.type_ )
-  // GCC 2.95.3 says:
-  // attempt to take address of bit-field structure member `Json::Value::type_'
-  // Beats me, but a temp solves the problem.
-  int temp = other.type_;
-  if (type_ != temp)
-    return false;
-  switch (type_) {
-  case nullValue:
-    return true;
-  case intValue:
-    return value_.int_ == other.value_.int_;
-  case uintValue:
-    return value_.uint_ == other.value_.uint_;
-  case realValue:
-    return value_.real_ == other.value_.real_;
-  case booleanValue:
-    return value_.bool_ == other.value_.bool_;
-  case stringValue:
-  {
-    if ((value_.string_ == 0) || (other.value_.string_ == 0)) {
-      return (value_.string_ == other.value_.string_);
-    }
-    unsigned this_len;
-    unsigned other_len;
-    char const* this_str;
-    char const* other_str;
-    decodePrefixedString(this->allocated_, this->value_.string_, &this_len, &this_str);
-    decodePrefixedString(other.allocated_, other.value_.string_, &other_len, &other_str);
-    if (this_len != other_len) return false;
-    JSON_ASSERT(this_str && other_str);
-    int comp = memcmp(this_str, other_str, this_len);
-    return comp == 0;
-  }
-  case arrayValue:
-  case objectValue:
-    return value_.map_->size() == other.value_.map_->size() &&
-           (*value_.map_) == (*other.value_.map_);
-  default:
-  }
-  return false; // unreachable
-bool Value::operator!=(const Value& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
-const char* Value::asCString() const {
-  JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(type_ == stringValue,
-                      "in Json::Value::asCString(): requires stringValue");
-  if (value_.string_ == 0) return 0;
-  unsigned this_len;
-  char const* this_str;
-  decodePrefixedString(this->allocated_, this->value_.string_, &this_len, &this_str);
-  return this_str;
-unsigned Value::getCStringLength() const {
-  JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(type_ == stringValue,
-	                  "in Json::Value::asCString(): requires stringValue");
-  if (value_.string_ == 0) return 0;
-  unsigned this_len;
-  char const* this_str;
-  decodePrefixedString(this->allocated_, this->value_.string_, &this_len, &this_str);
-  return this_len;
-bool Value::getString(char const** str, char const** cend) const {
-  if (type_ != stringValue) return false;
-  if (value_.string_ == 0) return false;
-  unsigned length;
-  decodePrefixedString(this->allocated_, this->value_.string_, &length, str);
-  *cend = *str + length;
-  return true;
-JSONCPP_STRING Value::asString() const {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case nullValue:
-    return "";
-  case stringValue:
-  {
-    if (value_.string_ == 0) return "";
-    unsigned this_len;
-    char const* this_str;
-    decodePrefixedString(this->allocated_, this->value_.string_, &this_len, &this_str);
-    return JSONCPP_STRING(this_str, this_len);
-  }
-  case booleanValue:
-    return value_.bool_ ? "true" : "false";
-  case intValue:
-    return valueToString(value_.int_);
-  case uintValue:
-    return valueToString(value_.uint_);
-  case realValue:
-    return valueToString(value_.real_);
-  default:
-    JSON_FAIL_MESSAGE("Type is not convertible to string");
-  }
-CppTL::ConstString Value::asConstString() const {
-  unsigned len;
-  char const* str;
-  decodePrefixedString(allocated_, value_.string_,
-      &len, &str);
-  return CppTL::ConstString(str, len);
-Value::Int Value::asInt() const {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case intValue:
-    JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(isInt(), "LargestInt out of Int range");
-    return Int(value_.int_);
-  case uintValue:
-    JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(isInt(), "LargestUInt out of Int range");
-    return Int(value_.uint_);
-  case realValue:
-    JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(InRange(value_.real_, minInt, maxInt),
-                        "double out of Int range");
-    return Int(value_.real_);
-  case nullValue:
-    return 0;
-  case booleanValue:
-    return value_.bool_ ? 1 : 0;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  JSON_FAIL_MESSAGE("Value is not convertible to Int.");
-Value::UInt Value::asUInt() const {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case intValue:
-    JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(isUInt(), "LargestInt out of UInt range");
-    return UInt(value_.int_);
-  case uintValue:
-    JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(isUInt(), "LargestUInt out of UInt range");
-    return UInt(value_.uint_);
-  case realValue:
-    JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(InRange(value_.real_, 0, maxUInt),
-                        "double out of UInt range");
-    return UInt(value_.real_);
-  case nullValue:
-    return 0;
-  case booleanValue:
-    return value_.bool_ ? 1 : 0;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  JSON_FAIL_MESSAGE("Value is not convertible to UInt.");
-#if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-Value::Int64 Value::asInt64() const {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case intValue:
-    return Int64(value_.int_);
-  case uintValue:
-    JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(isInt64(), "LargestUInt out of Int64 range");
-    return Int64(value_.uint_);
-  case realValue:
-    JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(InRange(value_.real_, minInt64, maxInt64),
-                        "double out of Int64 range");
-    return Int64(value_.real_);
-  case nullValue:
-    return 0;
-  case booleanValue:
-    return value_.bool_ ? 1 : 0;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  JSON_FAIL_MESSAGE("Value is not convertible to Int64.");
-Value::UInt64 Value::asUInt64() const {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case intValue:
-    JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(isUInt64(), "LargestInt out of UInt64 range");
-    return UInt64(value_.int_);
-  case uintValue:
-    return UInt64(value_.uint_);
-  case realValue:
-    JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(InRange(value_.real_, 0, maxUInt64),
-                        "double out of UInt64 range");
-    return UInt64(value_.real_);
-  case nullValue:
-    return 0;
-  case booleanValue:
-    return value_.bool_ ? 1 : 0;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  JSON_FAIL_MESSAGE("Value is not convertible to UInt64.");
-#endif // if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-LargestInt Value::asLargestInt() const {
-#if defined(JSON_NO_INT64)
-  return asInt();
-  return asInt64();
-LargestUInt Value::asLargestUInt() const {
-#if defined(JSON_NO_INT64)
-  return asUInt();
-  return asUInt64();
-double Value::asDouble() const {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case intValue:
-    return static_cast<double>(value_.int_);
-  case uintValue:
-    return static_cast<double>(value_.uint_);
-#else  // if !defined(JSON_USE_INT64_DOUBLE_CONVERSION)
-    return integerToDouble(value_.uint_);
-#endif // if !defined(JSON_USE_INT64_DOUBLE_CONVERSION)
-  case realValue:
-    return value_.real_;
-  case nullValue:
-    return 0.0;
-  case booleanValue:
-    return value_.bool_ ? 1.0 : 0.0;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  JSON_FAIL_MESSAGE("Value is not convertible to double.");
-float Value::asFloat() const {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case intValue:
-    return static_cast<float>(value_.int_);
-  case uintValue:
-    return static_cast<float>(value_.uint_);
-#else  // if !defined(JSON_USE_INT64_DOUBLE_CONVERSION)
-    // This can fail (silently?) if the value is bigger than MAX_FLOAT.
-    return static_cast<float>(integerToDouble(value_.uint_));
-#endif // if !defined(JSON_USE_INT64_DOUBLE_CONVERSION)
-  case realValue:
-    return static_cast<float>(value_.real_);
-  case nullValue:
-    return 0.0;
-  case booleanValue:
-    return value_.bool_ ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  JSON_FAIL_MESSAGE("Value is not convertible to float.");
-bool Value::asBool() const {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case booleanValue:
-    return value_.bool_;
-  case nullValue:
-    return false;
-  case intValue:
-    return value_.int_ ? true : false;
-  case uintValue:
-    return value_.uint_ ? true : false;
-  case realValue:
-    // This is kind of strange. Not recommended.
-    return (value_.real_ != 0.0) ? true : false;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  JSON_FAIL_MESSAGE("Value is not convertible to bool.");
-bool Value::isConvertibleTo(ValueType other) const {
-  switch (other) {
-  case nullValue:
-    return (isNumeric() && asDouble() == 0.0) ||
-           (type_ == booleanValue && value_.bool_ == false) ||
-           (type_ == stringValue && asString() == "") ||
-           (type_ == arrayValue && value_.map_->size() == 0) ||
-           (type_ == objectValue && value_.map_->size() == 0) ||
-           type_ == nullValue;
-  case intValue:
-    return isInt() ||
-           (type_ == realValue && InRange(value_.real_, minInt, maxInt)) ||
-           type_ == booleanValue || type_ == nullValue;
-  case uintValue:
-    return isUInt() ||
-           (type_ == realValue && InRange(value_.real_, 0, maxUInt)) ||
-           type_ == booleanValue || type_ == nullValue;
-  case realValue:
-    return isNumeric() || type_ == booleanValue || type_ == nullValue;
-  case booleanValue:
-    return isNumeric() || type_ == booleanValue || type_ == nullValue;
-  case stringValue:
-    return isNumeric() || type_ == booleanValue || type_ == stringValue ||
-           type_ == nullValue;
-  case arrayValue:
-    return type_ == arrayValue || type_ == nullValue;
-  case objectValue:
-    return type_ == objectValue || type_ == nullValue;
-  }
-  return false;
-/// Number of values in array or object
-ArrayIndex Value::size() const {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case nullValue:
-  case intValue:
-  case uintValue:
-  case realValue:
-  case booleanValue:
-  case stringValue:
-    return 0;
-  case arrayValue: // size of the array is highest index + 1
-    if (!value_.map_->empty()) {
-      ObjectValues::const_iterator itLast = value_.map_->end();
-      --itLast;
-      return (*itLast).first.index() + 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-  case objectValue:
-    return ArrayIndex(value_.map_->size());
-  }
-  return 0; // unreachable;
-bool Value::empty() const {
-  if (isNull() || isArray() || isObject())
-    return size() == 0u;
-  else
-    return false;
-bool Value::operator!() const { return isNull(); }
-void Value::clear() {
-  JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(type_ == nullValue || type_ == arrayValue ||
-                          type_ == objectValue,
-                      "in Json::Value::clear(): requires complex value");
-  start_ = 0;
-  limit_ = 0;
-  switch (type_) {
-  case arrayValue:
-  case objectValue:
-    value_.map_->clear();
-    break;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-void Value::resize(ArrayIndex newSize) {
-  JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(type_ == nullValue || type_ == arrayValue,
-                      "in Json::Value::resize(): requires arrayValue");
-  if (type_ == nullValue)
-    *this = Value(arrayValue);
-  ArrayIndex oldSize = size();
-  if (newSize == 0)
-    clear();
-  else if (newSize > oldSize)
-    (*this)[newSize - 1];
-  else {
-    for (ArrayIndex index = newSize; index < oldSize; ++index) {
-      value_.map_->erase(index);
-    }
-    JSON_ASSERT(size() == newSize);
-  }
-Value& Value::operator[](ArrayIndex index) {
-      type_ == nullValue || type_ == arrayValue,
-      "in Json::Value::operator[](ArrayIndex): requires arrayValue");
-  if (type_ == nullValue)
-    *this = Value(arrayValue);
-  CZString key(index);
-  ObjectValues::iterator it = value_.map_->lower_bound(key);
-  if (it != value_.map_->end() && (*it).first == key)
-    return (*it).second;
-  ObjectValues::value_type defaultValue(key, nullSingleton());
-  it = value_.map_->insert(it, defaultValue);
-  return (*it).second;
-Value& Value::operator[](int index) {
-      index >= 0,
-      "in Json::Value::operator[](int index): index cannot be negative");
-  return (*this)[ArrayIndex(index)];
-const Value& Value::operator[](ArrayIndex index) const {
-      type_ == nullValue || type_ == arrayValue,
-      "in Json::Value::operator[](ArrayIndex)const: requires arrayValue");
-  if (type_ == nullValue)
-    return nullSingleton();
-  CZString key(index);
-  ObjectValues::const_iterator it = value_.map_->find(key);
-  if (it == value_.map_->end())
-    return nullSingleton();
-  return (*it).second;
-const Value& Value::operator[](int index) const {
-      index >= 0,
-      "in Json::Value::operator[](int index) const: index cannot be negative");
-  return (*this)[ArrayIndex(index)];
-void Value::initBasic(ValueType vtype, bool allocated) {
-  type_ = vtype;
-  allocated_ = allocated;
-  comments_ = 0;
-  start_ = 0;
-  limit_ = 0;
-// Access an object value by name, create a null member if it does not exist.
-// @pre Type of '*this' is object or null.
-// @param key is null-terminated.
-Value& Value::resolveReference(const char* key) {
-      type_ == nullValue || type_ == objectValue,
-      "in Json::Value::resolveReference(): requires objectValue");
-  if (type_ == nullValue)
-    *this = Value(objectValue);
-  CZString actualKey(
-      key, static_cast<unsigned>(strlen(key)), CZString::noDuplication); // NOTE!
-  ObjectValues::iterator it = value_.map_->lower_bound(actualKey);
-  if (it != value_.map_->end() && (*it).first == actualKey)
-    return (*it).second;
-  ObjectValues::value_type defaultValue(actualKey, nullSingleton());
-  it = value_.map_->insert(it, defaultValue);
-  Value& value = (*it).second;
-  return value;
-// @param key is not null-terminated.
-Value& Value::resolveReference(char const* key, char const* cend)
-      type_ == nullValue || type_ == objectValue,
-      "in Json::Value::resolveReference(key, end): requires objectValue");
-  if (type_ == nullValue)
-    *this = Value(objectValue);
-  CZString actualKey(
-      key, static_cast<unsigned>(cend-key), CZString::duplicateOnCopy);
-  ObjectValues::iterator it = value_.map_->lower_bound(actualKey);
-  if (it != value_.map_->end() && (*it).first == actualKey)
-    return (*it).second;
-  ObjectValues::value_type defaultValue(actualKey, nullSingleton());
-  it = value_.map_->insert(it, defaultValue);
-  Value& value = (*it).second;
-  return value;
-Value Value::get(ArrayIndex index, const Value& defaultValue) const {
-  const Value* value = &((*this)[index]);
-  return value == &nullSingleton() ? defaultValue : *value;
-bool Value::isValidIndex(ArrayIndex index) const { return index < size(); }
-Value const* Value::find(char const* key, char const* cend) const
-      type_ == nullValue || type_ == objectValue,
-      "in Json::Value::find(key, end, found): requires objectValue or nullValue");
-  if (type_ == nullValue) return NULL;
-  CZString actualKey(key, static_cast<unsigned>(cend-key), CZString::noDuplication);
-  ObjectValues::const_iterator it = value_.map_->find(actualKey);
-  if (it == value_.map_->end()) return NULL;
-  return &(*it).second;
-const Value& Value::operator[](const char* key) const
-  Value const* found = find(key, key + strlen(key));
-  if (!found) return nullSingleton();
-  return *found;
-Value const& Value::operator[](JSONCPP_STRING const& key) const
-  Value const* found = find(, + key.length());
-  if (!found) return nullSingleton();
-  return *found;
-Value& Value::operator[](const char* key) {
-  return resolveReference(key, key + strlen(key));
-Value& Value::operator[](const JSONCPP_STRING& key) {
-  return resolveReference(, + key.length());
-Value& Value::operator[](const StaticString& key) {
-  return resolveReference(key.c_str());
-Value& Value::operator[](const CppTL::ConstString& key) {
-  return resolveReference(key.c_str(), key.end_c_str());
-Value const& Value::operator[](CppTL::ConstString const& key) const
-  Value const* found = find(key.c_str(), key.end_c_str());
-  if (!found) return nullSingleton();
-  return *found;
-Value& Value::append(const Value& value) { return (*this)[size()] = value; }
-Value Value::get(char const* key, char const* cend, Value const& defaultValue) const
-  Value const* found = find(key, cend);
-  return !found ? defaultValue : *found;
-Value Value::get(char const* key, Value const& defaultValue) const
-  return get(key, key + strlen(key), defaultValue);
-Value Value::get(JSONCPP_STRING const& key, Value const& defaultValue) const
-  return get(, + key.length(), defaultValue);
-bool Value::removeMember(const char* key, const char* cend, Value* removed)
-  if (type_ != objectValue) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  CZString actualKey(key, static_cast<unsigned>(cend-key), CZString::noDuplication);
-  ObjectValues::iterator it = value_.map_->find(actualKey);
-  if (it == value_.map_->end())
-    return false;
-  *removed = it->second;
-  value_.map_->erase(it);
-  return true;
-bool Value::removeMember(const char* key, Value* removed)
-  return removeMember(key, key + strlen(key), removed);
-bool Value::removeMember(JSONCPP_STRING const& key, Value* removed)
-  return removeMember(, + key.length(), removed);
-Value Value::removeMember(const char* key)
-  JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE(type_ == nullValue || type_ == objectValue,
-                      "in Json::Value::removeMember(): requires objectValue");
-  if (type_ == nullValue)
-    return nullSingleton();
-  Value removed;  // null
-  removeMember(key, key + strlen(key), &removed);
-  return removed; // still null if removeMember() did nothing
-Value Value::removeMember(const JSONCPP_STRING& key)
-  return removeMember(key.c_str());
-bool Value::removeIndex(ArrayIndex index, Value* removed) {
-  if (type_ != arrayValue) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  CZString key(index);
-  ObjectValues::iterator it = value_.map_->find(key);
-  if (it == value_.map_->end()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  *removed = it->second;
-  ArrayIndex oldSize = size();
-  // shift left all items left, into the place of the "removed"
-  for (ArrayIndex i = index; i < (oldSize - 1); ++i){
-    CZString keey(i);
-    (*value_.map_)[keey] = (*this)[i + 1];
-  }
-  // erase the last one ("leftover")
-  CZString keyLast(oldSize - 1);
-  ObjectValues::iterator itLast = value_.map_->find(keyLast);
-  value_.map_->erase(itLast);
-  return true;
-Value Value::get(const CppTL::ConstString& key,
-                 const Value& defaultValue) const {
-  return get(key.c_str(), key.end_c_str(), defaultValue);
-bool Value::isMember(char const* key, char const* cend) const
-  Value const* value = find(key, cend);
-  return NULL != value;
-bool Value::isMember(char const* key) const
-  return isMember(key, key + strlen(key));
-bool Value::isMember(JSONCPP_STRING const& key) const
-  return isMember(, + key.length());
-bool Value::isMember(const CppTL::ConstString& key) const {
-  return isMember(key.c_str(), key.end_c_str());
-Value::Members Value::getMemberNames() const {
-      type_ == nullValue || type_ == objectValue,
-      "in Json::Value::getMemberNames(), value must be objectValue");
-  if (type_ == nullValue)
-    return Value::Members();
-  Members members;
-  members.reserve(value_.map_->size());
-  ObjectValues::const_iterator it = value_.map_->begin();
-  ObjectValues::const_iterator itEnd = value_.map_->end();
-  for (; it != itEnd; ++it) {
-    members.push_back(JSONCPP_STRING((*it),
-                                  (*it).first.length()));
-  }
-  return members;
-//# ifdef JSON_USE_CPPTL
-// EnumMemberNames
-// Value::enumMemberNames() const
-//   if ( type_ == objectValue )
-//   {
-//      return CppTL::Enum::any(  CppTL::Enum::transform(
-//         CppTL::Enum::keys( *(value_.map_), CppTL::Type<const CZString &>() ),
-//         MemberNamesTransform() ) );
-//   }
-//   return EnumMemberNames();
-// EnumValues
-// Value::enumValues() const
-//   if ( type_ == objectValue  ||  type_ == arrayValue )
-//      return CppTL::Enum::anyValues( *(value_.map_),
-//                                     CppTL::Type<const Value &>() );
-//   return EnumValues();
-//# endif
-static bool IsIntegral(double d) {
-  double integral_part;
-  return modf(d, &integral_part) == 0.0;
-bool Value::isNull() const { return type_ == nullValue; }
-bool Value::isBool() const { return type_ == booleanValue; }
-bool Value::isInt() const {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case intValue:
-    return value_.int_ >= minInt && value_.int_ <= maxInt;
-  case uintValue:
-    return value_.uint_ <= UInt(maxInt);
-  case realValue:
-    return value_.real_ >= minInt && value_.real_ <= maxInt &&
-           IsIntegral(value_.real_);
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  return false;
-bool Value::isUInt() const {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case intValue:
-    return value_.int_ >= 0 && LargestUInt(value_.int_) <= LargestUInt(maxUInt);
-  case uintValue:
-    return value_.uint_ <= maxUInt;
-  case realValue:
-    return value_.real_ >= 0 && value_.real_ <= maxUInt &&
-           IsIntegral(value_.real_);
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  return false;
-bool Value::isInt64() const {
-#if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-  switch (type_) {
-  case intValue:
-    return true;
-  case uintValue:
-    return value_.uint_ <= UInt64(maxInt64);
-  case realValue:
-    // Note that maxInt64 (= 2^63 - 1) is not exactly representable as a
-    // double, so double(maxInt64) will be rounded up to 2^63. Therefore we
-    // require the value to be strictly less than the limit.
-    return value_.real_ >= double(minInt64) &&
-           value_.real_ < double(maxInt64) && IsIntegral(value_.real_);
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-#endif // JSON_HAS_INT64
-  return false;
-bool Value::isUInt64() const {
-#if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-  switch (type_) {
-  case intValue:
-    return value_.int_ >= 0;
-  case uintValue:
-    return true;
-  case realValue:
-    // Note that maxUInt64 (= 2^64 - 1) is not exactly representable as a
-    // double, so double(maxUInt64) will be rounded up to 2^64. Therefore we
-    // require the value to be strictly less than the limit.
-    return value_.real_ >= 0 && value_.real_ < maxUInt64AsDouble &&
-           IsIntegral(value_.real_);
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-#endif // JSON_HAS_INT64
-  return false;
-bool Value::isIntegral() const {
-#if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-  return isInt64() || isUInt64();
-  return isInt() || isUInt();
-bool Value::isDouble() const { return type_ == realValue || isIntegral(); }
-bool Value::isNumeric() const { return isIntegral() || isDouble(); }
-bool Value::isString() const { return type_ == stringValue; }
-bool Value::isArray() const { return type_ == arrayValue; }
-bool Value::isObject() const { return type_ == objectValue; }
-void Value::setComment(const char* comment, size_t len, CommentPlacement placement) {
-  if (!comments_)
-    comments_ = new CommentInfo[numberOfCommentPlacement];
-  if ((len > 0) && (comment[len-1] == '\n')) {
-    // Always discard trailing newline, to aid indentation.
-    len -= 1;
-  }
-  comments_[placement].setComment(comment, len);
-void Value::setComment(const char* comment, CommentPlacement placement) {
-  setComment(comment, strlen(comment), placement);
-void Value::setComment(const JSONCPP_STRING& comment, CommentPlacement placement) {
-  setComment(comment.c_str(), comment.length(), placement);
-bool Value::hasComment(CommentPlacement placement) const {
-  return comments_ != 0 && comments_[placement].comment_ != 0;
-JSONCPP_STRING Value::getComment(CommentPlacement placement) const {
-  if (hasComment(placement))
-    return comments_[placement].comment_;
-  return "";
-void Value::setOffsetStart(ptrdiff_t start) { start_ = start; }
-void Value::setOffsetLimit(ptrdiff_t limit) { limit_ = limit; }
-ptrdiff_t Value::getOffsetStart() const { return start_; }
-ptrdiff_t Value::getOffsetLimit() const { return limit_; }
-JSONCPP_STRING Value::toStyledString() const {
-  StyledWriter writer;
-  return writer.write(*this);
-Value::const_iterator Value::begin() const {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case arrayValue:
-  case objectValue:
-    if (value_.map_)
-      return const_iterator(value_.map_->begin());
-    break;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  return const_iterator();
-Value::const_iterator Value::end() const {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case arrayValue:
-  case objectValue:
-    if (value_.map_)
-      return const_iterator(value_.map_->end());
-    break;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  return const_iterator();
-Value::iterator Value::begin() {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case arrayValue:
-  case objectValue:
-    if (value_.map_)
-      return iterator(value_.map_->begin());
-    break;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  return iterator();
-Value::iterator Value::end() {
-  switch (type_) {
-  case arrayValue:
-  case objectValue:
-    if (value_.map_)
-      return iterator(value_.map_->end());
-    break;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  return iterator();
-// class PathArgument
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-PathArgument::PathArgument() : key_(), index_(), kind_(kindNone) {}
-PathArgument::PathArgument(ArrayIndex index)
-    : key_(), index_(index), kind_(kindIndex) {}
-PathArgument::PathArgument(const char* key)
-    : key_(key), index_(), kind_(kindKey) {}
-PathArgument::PathArgument(const JSONCPP_STRING& key)
-    : key_(key.c_str()), index_(), kind_(kindKey) {}
-// class Path
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Path::Path(const JSONCPP_STRING& path,
-           const PathArgument& a1,
-           const PathArgument& a2,
-           const PathArgument& a3,
-           const PathArgument& a4,
-           const PathArgument& a5) {
-  InArgs in;
-  in.push_back(&a1);
-  in.push_back(&a2);
-  in.push_back(&a3);
-  in.push_back(&a4);
-  in.push_back(&a5);
-  makePath(path, in);
-void Path::makePath(const JSONCPP_STRING& path, const InArgs& in) {
-  const char* current = path.c_str();
-  const char* end = current + path.length();
-  InArgs::const_iterator itInArg = in.begin();
-  while (current != end) {
-    if (*current == '[') {
-      ++current;
-      if (*current == '%')
-        addPathInArg(path, in, itInArg, PathArgument::kindIndex);
-      else {
-        ArrayIndex index = 0;
-        for (; current != end && *current >= '0' && *current <= '9'; ++current)
-          index = index * 10 + ArrayIndex(*current - '0');
-        args_.push_back(index);
-      }
-      if (current == end || *++current != ']')
-        invalidPath(path, int(current - path.c_str()));
-    } else if (*current == '%') {
-      addPathInArg(path, in, itInArg, PathArgument::kindKey);
-      ++current;
-    } else if (*current == '.' || *current == ']') {
-      ++current;
-    } else {
-      const char* beginName = current;
-      while (current != end && !strchr("[.", *current))
-        ++current;
-      args_.push_back(JSONCPP_STRING(beginName, current));
-    }
-  }
-void Path::addPathInArg(const JSONCPP_STRING& /*path*/,
-                        const InArgs& in,
-                        InArgs::const_iterator& itInArg,
-                        PathArgument::Kind kind) {
-  if (itInArg == in.end()) {
-    // Error: missing argument %d
-  } else if ((*itInArg)->kind_ != kind) {
-    // Error: bad argument type
-  } else {
-    args_.push_back(**itInArg++);
-  }
-void Path::invalidPath(const JSONCPP_STRING& /*path*/, int /*location*/) {
-  // Error: invalid path.
-const Value& Path::resolve(const Value& root) const {
-  const Value* node = &root;
-  for (Args::const_iterator it = args_.begin(); it != args_.end(); ++it) {
-    const PathArgument& arg = *it;
-    if (arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindIndex) {
-      if (!node->isArray() || !node->isValidIndex(arg.index_)) {
-        // Error: unable to resolve path (array value expected at position...
-        return Value::null;
-      }
-      node = &((*node)[arg.index_]);
-    } else if (arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindKey) {
-      if (!node->isObject()) {
-        // Error: unable to resolve path (object value expected at position...)
-        return Value::null;
-      }
-      node = &((*node)[arg.key_]);
-      if (node == &Value::nullSingleton()) {
-        // Error: unable to resolve path (object has no member named '' at
-        // position...)
-        return Value::null;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return *node;
-Value Path::resolve(const Value& root, const Value& defaultValue) const {
-  const Value* node = &root;
-  for (Args::const_iterator it = args_.begin(); it != args_.end(); ++it) {
-    const PathArgument& arg = *it;
-    if (arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindIndex) {
-      if (!node->isArray() || !node->isValidIndex(arg.index_))
-        return defaultValue;
-      node = &((*node)[arg.index_]);
-    } else if (arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindKey) {
-      if (!node->isObject())
-        return defaultValue;
-      node = &((*node)[arg.key_]);
-      if (node == &Value::nullSingleton())
-        return defaultValue;
-    }
-  }
-  return *node;
-Value& Path::make(Value& root) const {
-  Value* node = &root;
-  for (Args::const_iterator it = args_.begin(); it != args_.end(); ++it) {
-    const PathArgument& arg = *it;
-    if (arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindIndex) {
-      if (!node->isArray()) {
-        // Error: node is not an array at position ...
-      }
-      node = &((*node)[arg.index_]);
-    } else if (arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindKey) {
-      if (!node->isObject()) {
-        // Error: node is not an object at position...
-      }
-      node = &((*node)[arg.key_]);
-    }
-  }
-  return *node;
-} // namespace Json
diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_valueiterator.inl b/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_valueiterator.inl
deleted file mode 100644
index b45162b4a..000000000
--- a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_valueiterator.inl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at
-// included by json_value.cpp
-namespace Json {
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class ValueIteratorBase
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    : current_(), isNull_(true) {
-    const Value::ObjectValues::iterator& current)
-    : current_(current), isNull_(false) {}
-Value& ValueIteratorBase::deref() const {
-  return current_->second;
-void ValueIteratorBase::increment() {
-  ++current_;
-void ValueIteratorBase::decrement() {
-  --current_;
-ValueIteratorBase::computeDistance(const SelfType& other) const {
-  return other.current_ - current_;
-  // Iterator for null value are initialized using the default
-  // constructor, which initialize current_ to the default
-  // std::map::iterator. As begin() and end() are two instance
-  // of the default std::map::iterator, they can not be compared.
-  // To allow this, we handle this comparison specifically.
-  if (isNull_ && other.isNull_) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // Usage of std::distance is not portable (does not compile with Sun Studio 12
-  // RogueWave STL,
-  // which is the one used by default).
-  // Using a portable hand-made version for non random iterator instead:
-  //   return difference_type( std::distance( current_, other.current_ ) );
-  difference_type myDistance = 0;
-  for (Value::ObjectValues::iterator it = current_; it != other.current_;
-       ++it) {
-    ++myDistance;
-  }
-  return myDistance;
-bool ValueIteratorBase::isEqual(const SelfType& other) const {
-  if (isNull_) {
-    return other.isNull_;
-  }
-  return current_ == other.current_;
-void ValueIteratorBase::copy(const SelfType& other) {
-  current_ = other.current_;
-  isNull_ = other.isNull_;
-Value ValueIteratorBase::key() const {
-  const Value::CZString czstring = (*current_).first;
-  if ( {
-    if (czstring.isStaticString())
-      return Value(StaticString(;
-    return Value(, + czstring.length());
-  }
-  return Value(czstring.index());
-UInt ValueIteratorBase::index() const {
-  const Value::CZString czstring = (*current_).first;
-  if (!
-    return czstring.index();
-  return Value::UInt(-1);
-JSONCPP_STRING ValueIteratorBase::name() const {
-  char const* keey;
-  char const* end;
-  keey = memberName(&end);
-  if (!keey) return JSONCPP_STRING();
-  return JSONCPP_STRING(keey, end);
-char const* ValueIteratorBase::memberName() const {
-  const char* cname = (*current_);
-  return cname ? cname : "";
-char const* ValueIteratorBase::memberName(char const** end) const {
-  const char* cname = (*current_);
-  if (!cname) {
-    *end = NULL;
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  *end = cname + (*current_).first.length();
-  return cname;
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class ValueConstIterator
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-ValueConstIterator::ValueConstIterator() {}
-    const Value::ObjectValues::iterator& current)
-    : ValueIteratorBase(current) {}
-ValueConstIterator::ValueConstIterator(ValueIterator const& other)
-    : ValueIteratorBase(other) {}
-ValueConstIterator& ValueConstIterator::
-operator=(const ValueIteratorBase& other) {
-  copy(other);
-  return *this;
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class ValueIterator
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator() {}
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator(const Value::ObjectValues::iterator& current)
-    : ValueIteratorBase(current) {}
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator(const ValueConstIterator& other)
-    : ValueIteratorBase(other) {
-  throwRuntimeError("ConstIterator to Iterator should never be allowed.");
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator(const ValueIterator& other)
-    : ValueIteratorBase(other) {}
-ValueIterator& ValueIterator::operator=(const SelfType& other) {
-  copy(other);
-  return *this;
-} // namespace Json
diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp b/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bb3b2182..000000000
--- a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1218 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at
-#include <json/writer.h>
-#include "json_tool.h"
-#endif // if !defined(JSON_IS_AMALGAMATION)
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <memory>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <utility>
-#include <set>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cstdio>
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1200 && _MSC_VER < 1800 // Between VC++ 6.0 and VC++ 11.0
-#include <float.h>
-#define isfinite _finite
-#elif defined(__sun) && defined(__SVR4) //Solaris
-#if !defined(isfinite)
-#include <ieeefp.h>
-#define isfinite finite
-#elif defined(_AIX)
-#if !defined(isfinite)
-#include <math.h>
-#define isfinite finite
-#elif defined(__hpux)
-#if !defined(isfinite)
-#if defined(__ia64) && !defined(finite)
-#define isfinite(x) ((sizeof(x) == sizeof(float) ? \
-                     _Isfinitef(x) : _IsFinite(x)))
-#include <math.h>
-#define isfinite finite
-#include <cmath>
-#if !(defined(__QNXNTO__)) // QNX already defines isfinite
-#define isfinite std::isfinite
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if !defined(WINCE) && defined(__STDC_SECURE_LIB__) && _MSC_VER >= 1500 // VC++ 9.0 and above
-#define snprintf sprintf_s
-#elif _MSC_VER >= 1900 // VC++ 14.0 and above
-#define snprintf std::snprintf
-#define snprintf _snprintf
-#elif defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(__QNXNTO__)
-#define snprintf snprintf
-#elif __cplusplus >= 201103L
-#if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
-#define snprintf std::snprintf
-#if defined(__BORLANDC__)  
-#include <float.h>
-#define isfinite _finite
-#define snprintf _snprintf
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 // VC++ 8.0
-// Disable warning about strdup being deprecated.
-#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
-namespace Json {
-#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || (defined(_CPPLIB_VER) && _CPPLIB_VER >= 520)
-typedef std::unique_ptr<StreamWriter> StreamWriterPtr;
-typedef std::auto_ptr<StreamWriter>   StreamWriterPtr;
-static bool containsControlCharacter(const char* str) {
-  while (*str) {
-    if (isControlCharacter(*(str++)))
-      return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-static bool containsControlCharacter0(const char* str, unsigned len) {
-  char const* end = str + len;
-  while (end != str) {
-    if (isControlCharacter(*str) || 0==*str)
-      return true;
-    ++str;
-  }
-  return false;
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(LargestInt value) {
-  UIntToStringBuffer buffer;
-  char* current = buffer + sizeof(buffer);
-  if (value == Value::minLargestInt) {
-    uintToString(LargestUInt(Value::maxLargestInt) + 1, current);
-    *--current = '-';
-  } else if (value < 0) {
-    uintToString(LargestUInt(-value), current);
-    *--current = '-';
-  } else {
-    uintToString(LargestUInt(value), current);
-  }
-  assert(current >= buffer);
-  return current;
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(LargestUInt value) {
-  UIntToStringBuffer buffer;
-  char* current = buffer + sizeof(buffer);
-  uintToString(value, current);
-  assert(current >= buffer);
-  return current;
-#if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(Int value) {
-  return valueToString(LargestInt(value));
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(UInt value) {
-  return valueToString(LargestUInt(value));
-#endif // # if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-namespace {
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(double value, bool useSpecialFloats, unsigned int precision) {
-  // Allocate a buffer that is more than large enough to store the 16 digits of
-  // precision requested below.
-  char buffer[32];
-  int len = -1;
-  char formatString[6];
-  sprintf(formatString, "%%.%dg", precision);
-  // Print into the buffer. We need not request the alternative representation
-  // that always has a decimal point because JSON doesn't distingish the
-  // concepts of reals and integers.
-  if (isfinite(value)) {
-    len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), formatString, value);
-  } else {
-    // IEEE standard states that NaN values will not compare to themselves
-    if (value != value) {
-      len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), useSpecialFloats ? "NaN" : "null");
-    } else if (value < 0) {
-      len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), useSpecialFloats ? "-Infinity" : "-1e+9999");
-    } else {
-      len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), useSpecialFloats ? "Infinity" : "1e+9999");
-    }
-    // For those, we do not need to call fixNumLoc, but it is fast.
-  }
-  assert(len >= 0);
-  fixNumericLocale(buffer, buffer + len);
-  return buffer;
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(double value) { return valueToString(value, false, 17); }
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(bool value) { return value ? "true" : "false"; }
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToQuotedString(const char* value) {
-  if (value == NULL)
-    return "";
-  // Not sure how to handle unicode...
-  if (strpbrk(value, "\"\\\b\f\n\r\t") == NULL &&
-      !containsControlCharacter(value))
-    return JSONCPP_STRING("\"") + value + "\"";
-  // We have to walk value and escape any special characters.
-  // Appending to JSONCPP_STRING is not efficient, but this should be rare.
-  // (Note: forward slashes are *not* rare, but I am not escaping them.)
-  JSONCPP_STRING::size_type maxsize =
-      strlen(value) * 2 + 3; // allescaped+quotes+NULL
-  result.reserve(maxsize); // to avoid lots of mallocs
-  result += "\"";
-  for (const char* c = value; *c != 0; ++c) {
-    switch (*c) {
-    case '\"':
-      result += "\\\"";
-      break;
-    case '\\':
-      result += "\\\\";
-      break;
-    case '\b':
-      result += "\\b";
-      break;
-    case '\f':
-      result += "\\f";
-      break;
-    case '\n':
-      result += "\\n";
-      break;
-    case '\r':
-      result += "\\r";
-      break;
-    case '\t':
-      result += "\\t";
-      break;
-    // case '/':
-    // Even though \/ is considered a legal escape in JSON, a bare
-    // slash is also legal, so I see no reason to escape it.
-    // (I hope I am not misunderstanding something.
-    // blep notes: actually escaping \/ may be useful in javascript to avoid </
-    // sequence.
-    // Should add a flag to allow this compatibility mode and prevent this
-    // sequence from occurring.
-    default:
-      if (isControlCharacter(*c)) {
-        oss << "\\u" << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0')
-            << std::setw(4) << static_cast<int>(*c);
-        result += oss.str();
-      } else {
-        result += *c;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  result += "\"";
-  return result;
-static char const* strnpbrk(char const* s, char const* accept, size_t n) {
-  assert((s || !n) && accept);
-  char const* const end = s + n;
-  for (char const* cur = s; cur < end; ++cur) {
-    int const c = *cur;
-    for (char const* a = accept; *a; ++a) {
-      if (*a == c) {
-        return cur;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return NULL;
-static JSONCPP_STRING valueToQuotedStringN(const char* value, unsigned length) {
-  if (value == NULL)
-    return "";
-  // Not sure how to handle unicode...
-  if (strnpbrk(value, "\"\\\b\f\n\r\t", length) == NULL &&
-      !containsControlCharacter0(value, length))
-    return JSONCPP_STRING("\"") + value + "\"";
-  // We have to walk value and escape any special characters.
-  // Appending to JSONCPP_STRING is not efficient, but this should be rare.
-  // (Note: forward slashes are *not* rare, but I am not escaping them.)
-  JSONCPP_STRING::size_type maxsize =
-      length * 2 + 3; // allescaped+quotes+NULL
-  result.reserve(maxsize); // to avoid lots of mallocs
-  result += "\"";
-  char const* end = value + length;
-  for (const char* c = value; c != end; ++c) {
-    switch (*c) {
-    case '\"':
-      result += "\\\"";
-      break;
-    case '\\':
-      result += "\\\\";
-      break;
-    case '\b':
-      result += "\\b";
-      break;
-    case '\f':
-      result += "\\f";
-      break;
-    case '\n':
-      result += "\\n";
-      break;
-    case '\r':
-      result += "\\r";
-      break;
-    case '\t':
-      result += "\\t";
-      break;
-    // case '/':
-    // Even though \/ is considered a legal escape in JSON, a bare
-    // slash is also legal, so I see no reason to escape it.
-    // (I hope I am not misunderstanding something.)
-    // blep notes: actually escaping \/ may be useful in javascript to avoid </
-    // sequence.
-    // Should add a flag to allow this compatibility mode and prevent this
-    // sequence from occurring.
-    default:
-      if ((isControlCharacter(*c)) || (*c == 0)) {
-        oss << "\\u" << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0')
-            << std::setw(4) << static_cast<int>(*c);
-        result += oss.str();
-      } else {
-        result += *c;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  result += "\"";
-  return result;
-// Class Writer
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Writer::~Writer() {}
-// Class FastWriter
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    : yamlCompatiblityEnabled_(false), dropNullPlaceholders_(false),
-      omitEndingLineFeed_(false) {}
-void FastWriter::enableYAMLCompatibility() { yamlCompatiblityEnabled_ = true; }
-void FastWriter::dropNullPlaceholders() { dropNullPlaceholders_ = true; }
-void FastWriter::omitEndingLineFeed() { omitEndingLineFeed_ = true; }
-JSONCPP_STRING FastWriter::write(const Value& root) {
-  document_ = "";
-  writeValue(root);
-  if (!omitEndingLineFeed_)
-    document_ += "\n";
-  return document_;
-void FastWriter::writeValue(const Value& value) {
-  switch (value.type()) {
-  case nullValue:
-    if (!dropNullPlaceholders_)
-      document_ += "null";
-    break;
-  case intValue:
-    document_ += valueToString(value.asLargestInt());
-    break;
-  case uintValue:
-    document_ += valueToString(value.asLargestUInt());
-    break;
-  case realValue:
-    document_ += valueToString(value.asDouble());
-    break;
-  case stringValue:
-  {
-    // Is NULL possible for value.string_? No.
-    char const* str;
-    char const* end;
-    bool ok = value.getString(&str, &end);
-    if (ok) document_ += valueToQuotedStringN(str, static_cast<unsigned>(end-str));
-    break;
-  }
-  case booleanValue:
-    document_ += valueToString(value.asBool());
-    break;
-  case arrayValue: {
-    document_ += '[';
-    ArrayIndex size = value.size();
-    for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
-      if (index > 0)
-        document_ += ',';
-      writeValue(value[index]);
-    }
-    document_ += ']';
-  } break;
-  case objectValue: {
-    Value::Members members(value.getMemberNames());
-    document_ += '{';
-    for (Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin(); it != members.end();
-         ++it) {
-      const JSONCPP_STRING& name = *it;
-      if (it != members.begin())
-        document_ += ',';
-      document_ += valueToQuotedStringN(, static_cast<unsigned>(name.length()));
-      document_ += yamlCompatiblityEnabled_ ? ": " : ":";
-      writeValue(value[name]);
-    }
-    document_ += '}';
-  } break;
-  }
-// Class StyledWriter
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    : rightMargin_(74), indentSize_(3), addChildValues_() {}
-JSONCPP_STRING StyledWriter::write(const Value& root) {
-  document_ = "";
-  addChildValues_ = false;
-  indentString_ = "";
-  writeCommentBeforeValue(root);
-  writeValue(root);
-  writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(root);
-  document_ += "\n";
-  return document_;
-void StyledWriter::writeValue(const Value& value) {
-  switch (value.type()) {
-  case nullValue:
-    pushValue("null");
-    break;
-  case intValue:
-    pushValue(valueToString(value.asLargestInt()));
-    break;
-  case uintValue:
-    pushValue(valueToString(value.asLargestUInt()));
-    break;
-  case realValue:
-    pushValue(valueToString(value.asDouble()));
-    break;
-  case stringValue:
-  {
-    // Is NULL possible for value.string_? No.
-    char const* str;
-    char const* end;
-    bool ok = value.getString(&str, &end);
-    if (ok) pushValue(valueToQuotedStringN(str, static_cast<unsigned>(end-str)));
-    else pushValue("");
-    break;
-  }
-  case booleanValue:
-    pushValue(valueToString(value.asBool()));
-    break;
-  case arrayValue:
-    writeArrayValue(value);
-    break;
-  case objectValue: {
-    Value::Members members(value.getMemberNames());
-    if (members.empty())
-      pushValue("{}");
-    else {
-      writeWithIndent("{");
-      indent();
-      Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin();
-      for (;;) {
-        const JSONCPP_STRING& name = *it;
-        const Value& childValue = value[name];
-        writeCommentBeforeValue(childValue);
-        writeWithIndent(valueToQuotedString(name.c_str()));
-        document_ += " : ";
-        writeValue(childValue);
-        if (++it == members.end()) {
-          writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
-          break;
-        }
-        document_ += ',';
-        writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
-      }
-      unindent();
-      writeWithIndent("}");
-    }
-  } break;
-  }
-void StyledWriter::writeArrayValue(const Value& value) {
-  unsigned size = value.size();
-  if (size == 0)
-    pushValue("[]");
-  else {
-    bool isArrayMultiLine = isMultineArray(value);
-    if (isArrayMultiLine) {
-      writeWithIndent("[");
-      indent();
-      bool hasChildValue = !childValues_.empty();
-      unsigned index = 0;
-      for (;;) {
-        const Value& childValue = value[index];
-        writeCommentBeforeValue(childValue);
-        if (hasChildValue)
-          writeWithIndent(childValues_[index]);
-        else {
-          writeIndent();
-          writeValue(childValue);
-        }
-        if (++index == size) {
-          writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
-          break;
-        }
-        document_ += ',';
-        writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
-      }
-      unindent();
-      writeWithIndent("]");
-    } else // output on a single line
-    {
-      assert(childValues_.size() == size);
-      document_ += "[ ";
-      for (unsigned index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
-        if (index > 0)
-          document_ += ", ";
-        document_ += childValues_[index];
-      }
-      document_ += " ]";
-    }
-  }
-bool StyledWriter::isMultineArray(const Value& value) {
-  ArrayIndex const size = value.size();
-  bool isMultiLine = size * 3 >= rightMargin_;
-  childValues_.clear();
-  for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size && !isMultiLine; ++index) {
-    const Value& childValue = value[index];
-    isMultiLine = ((childValue.isArray() || childValue.isObject()) &&
-                        childValue.size() > 0);
-  }
-  if (!isMultiLine) // check if line length > max line length
-  {
-    childValues_.reserve(size);
-    addChildValues_ = true;
-    ArrayIndex lineLength = 4 + (size - 1) * 2; // '[ ' + ', '*n + ' ]'
-    for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
-      if (hasCommentForValue(value[index])) {
-        isMultiLine = true;
-      }
-      writeValue(value[index]);
-      lineLength += static_cast<ArrayIndex>(childValues_[index].length());
-    }
-    addChildValues_ = false;
-    isMultiLine = isMultiLine || lineLength >= rightMargin_;
-  }
-  return isMultiLine;
-void StyledWriter::pushValue(const JSONCPP_STRING& value) {
-  if (addChildValues_)
-    childValues_.push_back(value);
-  else
-    document_ += value;
-void StyledWriter::writeIndent() {
-  if (!document_.empty()) {
-    char last = document_[document_.length() - 1];
-    if (last == ' ') // already indented
-      return;
-    if (last != '\n') // Comments may add new-line
-      document_ += '\n';
-  }
-  document_ += indentString_;
-void StyledWriter::writeWithIndent(const JSONCPP_STRING& value) {
-  writeIndent();
-  document_ += value;
-void StyledWriter::indent() { indentString_ += JSONCPP_STRING(indentSize_, ' '); }
-void StyledWriter::unindent() {
-  assert(indentString_.size() >= indentSize_);
-  indentString_.resize(indentString_.size() - indentSize_);
-void StyledWriter::writeCommentBeforeValue(const Value& root) {
-  if (!root.hasComment(commentBefore))
-    return;
-  document_ += "\n";
-  writeIndent();
-  const JSONCPP_STRING& comment = root.getComment(commentBefore);
-  JSONCPP_STRING::const_iterator iter = comment.begin();
-  while (iter != comment.end()) {
-    document_ += *iter;
-    if (*iter == '\n' &&
-       (iter != comment.end() && *(iter + 1) == '/'))
-      writeIndent();
-    ++iter;
-  }
-  // Comments are stripped of trailing newlines, so add one here
-  document_ += "\n";
-void StyledWriter::writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(const Value& root) {
-  if (root.hasComment(commentAfterOnSameLine))
-    document_ += " " + root.getComment(commentAfterOnSameLine);
-  if (root.hasComment(commentAfter)) {
-    document_ += "\n";
-    document_ += root.getComment(commentAfter);
-    document_ += "\n";
-  }
-bool StyledWriter::hasCommentForValue(const Value& value) {
-  return value.hasComment(commentBefore) ||
-         value.hasComment(commentAfterOnSameLine) ||
-         value.hasComment(commentAfter);
-// Class StyledStreamWriter
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-StyledStreamWriter::StyledStreamWriter(JSONCPP_STRING indentation)
-    : document_(NULL), rightMargin_(74), indentation_(indentation),
-      addChildValues_() {}
-void StyledStreamWriter::write(JSONCPP_OSTREAM& out, const Value& root) {
-  document_ = &out;
-  addChildValues_ = false;
-  indentString_ = "";
-  indented_ = true;
-  writeCommentBeforeValue(root);
-  if (!indented_) writeIndent();
-  indented_ = true;
-  writeValue(root);
-  writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(root);
-  *document_ << "\n";
-  document_ = NULL; // Forget the stream, for safety.
-void StyledStreamWriter::writeValue(const Value& value) {
-  switch (value.type()) {
-  case nullValue:
-    pushValue("null");
-    break;
-  case intValue:
-    pushValue(valueToString(value.asLargestInt()));
-    break;
-  case uintValue:
-    pushValue(valueToString(value.asLargestUInt()));
-    break;
-  case realValue:
-    pushValue(valueToString(value.asDouble()));
-    break;
-  case stringValue:
-  {
-    // Is NULL possible for value.string_? No.
-    char const* str;
-    char const* end;
-    bool ok = value.getString(&str, &end);
-    if (ok) pushValue(valueToQuotedStringN(str, static_cast<unsigned>(end-str)));
-    else pushValue("");
-    break;
-  }
-  case booleanValue:
-    pushValue(valueToString(value.asBool()));
-    break;
-  case arrayValue:
-    writeArrayValue(value);
-    break;
-  case objectValue: {
-    Value::Members members(value.getMemberNames());
-    if (members.empty())
-      pushValue("{}");
-    else {
-      writeWithIndent("{");
-      indent();
-      Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin();
-      for (;;) {
-        const JSONCPP_STRING& name = *it;
-        const Value& childValue = value[name];
-        writeCommentBeforeValue(childValue);
-        writeWithIndent(valueToQuotedString(name.c_str()));
-        *document_ << " : ";
-        writeValue(childValue);
-        if (++it == members.end()) {
-          writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
-          break;
-        }
-        *document_ << ",";
-        writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
-      }
-      unindent();
-      writeWithIndent("}");
-    }
-  } break;
-  }
-void StyledStreamWriter::writeArrayValue(const Value& value) {
-  unsigned size = value.size();
-  if (size == 0)
-    pushValue("[]");
-  else {
-    bool isArrayMultiLine = isMultineArray(value);
-    if (isArrayMultiLine) {
-      writeWithIndent("[");
-      indent();
-      bool hasChildValue = !childValues_.empty();
-      unsigned index = 0;
-      for (;;) {
-        const Value& childValue = value[index];
-        writeCommentBeforeValue(childValue);
-        if (hasChildValue)
-          writeWithIndent(childValues_[index]);
-        else {
-          if (!indented_) writeIndent();
-          indented_ = true;
-          writeValue(childValue);
-          indented_ = false;
-        }
-        if (++index == size) {
-          writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
-          break;
-        }
-        *document_ << ",";
-        writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
-      }
-      unindent();
-      writeWithIndent("]");
-    } else // output on a single line
-    {
-      assert(childValues_.size() == size);
-      *document_ << "[ ";
-      for (unsigned index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
-        if (index > 0)
-          *document_ << ", ";
-        *document_ << childValues_[index];
-      }
-      *document_ << " ]";
-    }
-  }
-bool StyledStreamWriter::isMultineArray(const Value& value) {
-  ArrayIndex const size = value.size();
-  bool isMultiLine = size * 3 >= rightMargin_;
-  childValues_.clear();
-  for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size && !isMultiLine; ++index) {
-    const Value& childValue = value[index];
-    isMultiLine = ((childValue.isArray() || childValue.isObject()) &&
-                        childValue.size() > 0);
-  }
-  if (!isMultiLine) // check if line length > max line length
-  {
-    childValues_.reserve(size);
-    addChildValues_ = true;
-    ArrayIndex lineLength = 4 + (size - 1) * 2; // '[ ' + ', '*n + ' ]'
-    for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
-      if (hasCommentForValue(value[index])) {
-        isMultiLine = true;
-      }
-      writeValue(value[index]);
-      lineLength += static_cast<ArrayIndex>(childValues_[index].length());
-    }
-    addChildValues_ = false;
-    isMultiLine = isMultiLine || lineLength >= rightMargin_;
-  }
-  return isMultiLine;
-void StyledStreamWriter::pushValue(const JSONCPP_STRING& value) {
-  if (addChildValues_)
-    childValues_.push_back(value);
-  else
-    *document_ << value;
-void StyledStreamWriter::writeIndent() {
-  // blep intended this to look at the so-far-written string
-  // to determine whether we are already indented, but
-  // with a stream we cannot do that. So we rely on some saved state.
-  // The caller checks indented_.
-  *document_ << '\n' << indentString_;
-void StyledStreamWriter::writeWithIndent(const JSONCPP_STRING& value) {
-  if (!indented_) writeIndent();
-  *document_ << value;
-  indented_ = false;
-void StyledStreamWriter::indent() { indentString_ += indentation_; }
-void StyledStreamWriter::unindent() {
-  assert(indentString_.size() >= indentation_.size());
-  indentString_.resize(indentString_.size() - indentation_.size());
-void StyledStreamWriter::writeCommentBeforeValue(const Value& root) {
-  if (!root.hasComment(commentBefore))
-    return;
-  if (!indented_) writeIndent();
-  const JSONCPP_STRING& comment = root.getComment(commentBefore);
-  JSONCPP_STRING::const_iterator iter = comment.begin();
-  while (iter != comment.end()) {
-    *document_ << *iter;
-    if (*iter == '\n' &&
-       (iter != comment.end() && *(iter + 1) == '/'))
-      // writeIndent();  // would include newline
-      *document_ << indentString_;
-    ++iter;
-  }
-  indented_ = false;
-void StyledStreamWriter::writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(const Value& root) {
-  if (root.hasComment(commentAfterOnSameLine))
-    *document_ << ' ' << root.getComment(commentAfterOnSameLine);
-  if (root.hasComment(commentAfter)) {
-    writeIndent();
-    *document_ << root.getComment(commentAfter);
-  }
-  indented_ = false;
-bool StyledStreamWriter::hasCommentForValue(const Value& value) {
-  return value.hasComment(commentBefore) ||
-         value.hasComment(commentAfterOnSameLine) ||
-         value.hasComment(commentAfter);
-// BuiltStyledStreamWriter
-/// Scoped enums are not available until C++11.
-struct CommentStyle {
-  /// Decide whether to write comments.
-  enum Enum {
-    None,  ///< Drop all comments.
-    Most,  ///< Recover odd behavior of previous versions (not implemented yet).
-    All  ///< Keep all comments.
-  };
-struct BuiltStyledStreamWriter : public StreamWriter
-  BuiltStyledStreamWriter(
-      JSONCPP_STRING const& indentation,
-      CommentStyle::Enum cs,
-      JSONCPP_STRING const& colonSymbol,
-      JSONCPP_STRING const& nullSymbol,
-      JSONCPP_STRING const& endingLineFeedSymbol,
-      bool useSpecialFloats,
-      unsigned int precision);
-  int write(Value const& root, JSONCPP_OSTREAM* sout) JSONCPP_OVERRIDE;
-  void writeValue(Value const& value);
-  void writeArrayValue(Value const& value);
-  bool isMultineArray(Value const& value);
-  void pushValue(JSONCPP_STRING const& value);
-  void writeIndent();
-  void writeWithIndent(JSONCPP_STRING const& value);
-  void indent();
-  void unindent();
-  void writeCommentBeforeValue(Value const& root);
-  void writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(Value const& root);
-  static bool hasCommentForValue(const Value& value);
-  typedef std::vector<JSONCPP_STRING> ChildValues;
-  ChildValues childValues_;
-  JSONCPP_STRING indentString_;
-  unsigned int rightMargin_;
-  JSONCPP_STRING indentation_;
-  CommentStyle::Enum cs_;
-  JSONCPP_STRING colonSymbol_;
-  JSONCPP_STRING nullSymbol_;
-  JSONCPP_STRING endingLineFeedSymbol_;
-  bool addChildValues_ : 1;
-  bool indented_ : 1;
-  bool useSpecialFloats_ : 1;
-  unsigned int precision_;
-      JSONCPP_STRING const& indentation,
-      CommentStyle::Enum cs,
-      JSONCPP_STRING const& colonSymbol,
-      JSONCPP_STRING const& nullSymbol,
-      JSONCPP_STRING const& endingLineFeedSymbol,
-      bool useSpecialFloats,
-      unsigned int precision)
-  : rightMargin_(74)
-  , indentation_(indentation)
-  , cs_(cs)
-  , colonSymbol_(colonSymbol)
-  , nullSymbol_(nullSymbol)
-  , endingLineFeedSymbol_(endingLineFeedSymbol)
-  , addChildValues_(false)
-  , indented_(false)
-  , useSpecialFloats_(useSpecialFloats)
-  , precision_(precision)
-int BuiltStyledStreamWriter::write(Value const& root, JSONCPP_OSTREAM* sout)
-  sout_ = sout;
-  addChildValues_ = false;
-  indented_ = true;
-  indentString_ = "";
-  writeCommentBeforeValue(root);
-  if (!indented_) writeIndent();
-  indented_ = true;
-  writeValue(root);
-  writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(root);
-  *sout_ << endingLineFeedSymbol_;
-  sout_ = NULL;
-  return 0;
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::writeValue(Value const& value) {
-  switch (value.type()) {
-  case nullValue:
-    pushValue(nullSymbol_);
-    break;
-  case intValue:
-    pushValue(valueToString(value.asLargestInt()));
-    break;
-  case uintValue:
-    pushValue(valueToString(value.asLargestUInt()));
-    break;
-  case realValue:
-    pushValue(valueToString(value.asDouble(), useSpecialFloats_, precision_));
-    break;
-  case stringValue:
-  {
-    // Is NULL is possible for value.string_? No.
-    char const* str;
-    char const* end;
-    bool ok = value.getString(&str, &end);
-    if (ok) pushValue(valueToQuotedStringN(str, static_cast<unsigned>(end-str)));
-    else pushValue("");
-    break;
-  }
-  case booleanValue:
-    pushValue(valueToString(value.asBool()));
-    break;
-  case arrayValue:
-    writeArrayValue(value);
-    break;
-  case objectValue: {
-    Value::Members members(value.getMemberNames());
-    if (members.empty())
-      pushValue("{}");
-    else {
-      writeWithIndent("{");
-      indent();
-      Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin();
-      for (;;) {
-        JSONCPP_STRING const& name = *it;
-        Value const& childValue = value[name];
-        writeCommentBeforeValue(childValue);
-        writeWithIndent(valueToQuotedStringN(, static_cast<unsigned>(name.length())));
-        *sout_ << colonSymbol_;
-        writeValue(childValue);
-        if (++it == members.end()) {
-          writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
-          break;
-        }
-        *sout_ << ",";
-        writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
-      }
-      unindent();
-      writeWithIndent("}");
-    }
-  } break;
-  }
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::writeArrayValue(Value const& value) {
-  unsigned size = value.size();
-  if (size == 0)
-    pushValue("[]");
-  else {
-    bool isMultiLine = (cs_ == CommentStyle::All) || isMultineArray(value);
-    if (isMultiLine) {
-      writeWithIndent("[");
-      indent();
-      bool hasChildValue = !childValues_.empty();
-      unsigned index = 0;
-      for (;;) {
-        Value const& childValue = value[index];
-        writeCommentBeforeValue(childValue);
-        if (hasChildValue)
-          writeWithIndent(childValues_[index]);
-        else {
-          if (!indented_) writeIndent();
-          indented_ = true;
-          writeValue(childValue);
-          indented_ = false;
-        }
-        if (++index == size) {
-          writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
-          break;
-        }
-        *sout_ << ",";
-        writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
-      }
-      unindent();
-      writeWithIndent("]");
-    } else // output on a single line
-    {
-      assert(childValues_.size() == size);
-      *sout_ << "[";
-      if (!indentation_.empty()) *sout_ << " ";
-      for (unsigned index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
-        if (index > 0)
-          *sout_ << ((!indentation_.empty()) ? ", " : ",");
-        *sout_ << childValues_[index];
-      }
-      if (!indentation_.empty()) *sout_ << " ";
-      *sout_ << "]";
-    }
-  }
-bool BuiltStyledStreamWriter::isMultineArray(Value const& value) {
-  ArrayIndex const size = value.size();
-  bool isMultiLine = size * 3 >= rightMargin_;
-  childValues_.clear();
-  for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size && !isMultiLine; ++index) {
-    Value const& childValue = value[index];
-    isMultiLine = ((childValue.isArray() || childValue.isObject()) &&
-                        childValue.size() > 0);
-  }
-  if (!isMultiLine) // check if line length > max line length
-  {
-    childValues_.reserve(size);
-    addChildValues_ = true;
-    ArrayIndex lineLength = 4 + (size - 1) * 2; // '[ ' + ', '*n + ' ]'
-    for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
-      if (hasCommentForValue(value[index])) {
-        isMultiLine = true;
-      }
-      writeValue(value[index]);
-      lineLength += static_cast<ArrayIndex>(childValues_[index].length());
-    }
-    addChildValues_ = false;
-    isMultiLine = isMultiLine || lineLength >= rightMargin_;
-  }
-  return isMultiLine;
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::pushValue(JSONCPP_STRING const& value) {
-  if (addChildValues_)
-    childValues_.push_back(value);
-  else
-    *sout_ << value;
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::writeIndent() {
-  // blep intended this to look at the so-far-written string
-  // to determine whether we are already indented, but
-  // with a stream we cannot do that. So we rely on some saved state.
-  // The caller checks indented_.
-  if (!indentation_.empty()) {
-    // In this case, drop newlines too.
-    *sout_ << '\n' << indentString_;
-  }
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::writeWithIndent(JSONCPP_STRING const& value) {
-  if (!indented_) writeIndent();
-  *sout_ << value;
-  indented_ = false;
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::indent() { indentString_ += indentation_; }
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::unindent() {
-  assert(indentString_.size() >= indentation_.size());
-  indentString_.resize(indentString_.size() - indentation_.size());
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::writeCommentBeforeValue(Value const& root) {
-  if (cs_ == CommentStyle::None) return;
-  if (!root.hasComment(commentBefore))
-    return;
-  if (!indented_) writeIndent();
-  const JSONCPP_STRING& comment = root.getComment(commentBefore);
-  JSONCPP_STRING::const_iterator iter = comment.begin();
-  while (iter != comment.end()) {
-    *sout_ << *iter;
-    if (*iter == '\n' &&
-       (iter != comment.end() && *(iter + 1) == '/'))
-      // writeIndent();  // would write extra newline
-      *sout_ << indentString_;
-    ++iter;
-  }
-  indented_ = false;
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(Value const& root) {
-  if (cs_ == CommentStyle::None) return;
-  if (root.hasComment(commentAfterOnSameLine))
-    *sout_ << " " + root.getComment(commentAfterOnSameLine);
-  if (root.hasComment(commentAfter)) {
-    writeIndent();
-    *sout_ << root.getComment(commentAfter);
-  }
-// static
-bool BuiltStyledStreamWriter::hasCommentForValue(const Value& value) {
-  return value.hasComment(commentBefore) ||
-         value.hasComment(commentAfterOnSameLine) ||
-         value.hasComment(commentAfter);
-// StreamWriter
-    : sout_(NULL)
-  setDefaults(&settings_);
-StreamWriter* StreamWriterBuilder::newStreamWriter() const
-  JSONCPP_STRING indentation = settings_["indentation"].asString();
-  JSONCPP_STRING cs_str = settings_["commentStyle"].asString();
-  bool eyc = settings_["enableYAMLCompatibility"].asBool();
-  bool dnp = settings_["dropNullPlaceholders"].asBool();
-  bool usf = settings_["useSpecialFloats"].asBool(); 
-  unsigned int pre = settings_["precision"].asUInt();
-  CommentStyle::Enum cs = CommentStyle::All;
-  if (cs_str == "All") {
-    cs = CommentStyle::All;
-  } else if (cs_str == "None") {
-    cs = CommentStyle::None;
-  } else {
-    throwRuntimeError("commentStyle must be 'All' or 'None'");
-  }
-  JSONCPP_STRING colonSymbol = " : ";
-  if (eyc) {
-    colonSymbol = ": ";
-  } else if (indentation.empty()) {
-    colonSymbol = ":";
-  }
-  JSONCPP_STRING nullSymbol = "null";
-  if (dnp) {
-    nullSymbol = "";
-  }
-  if (pre > 17) pre = 17;
-  JSONCPP_STRING endingLineFeedSymbol = "";
-  return new BuiltStyledStreamWriter(
-      indentation, cs,
-      colonSymbol, nullSymbol, endingLineFeedSymbol, usf, pre);
-static void getValidWriterKeys(std::set<JSONCPP_STRING>* valid_keys)
-  valid_keys->clear();
-  valid_keys->insert("indentation");
-  valid_keys->insert("commentStyle");
-  valid_keys->insert("enableYAMLCompatibility");
-  valid_keys->insert("dropNullPlaceholders");
-  valid_keys->insert("useSpecialFloats");
-  valid_keys->insert("precision");
-bool StreamWriterBuilder::validate(Json::Value* invalid) const
-  Json::Value my_invalid;
-  if (!invalid) invalid = &my_invalid;  // so we do not need to test for NULL
-  Json::Value& inv = *invalid;
-  std::set<JSONCPP_STRING> valid_keys;
-  getValidWriterKeys(&valid_keys);
-  Value::Members keys = settings_.getMemberNames();
-  size_t n = keys.size();
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-    JSONCPP_STRING const& key = keys[i];
-    if (valid_keys.find(key) == valid_keys.end()) {
-      inv[key] = settings_[key];
-    }
-  }
-  return 0u == inv.size();
-Value& StreamWriterBuilder::operator[](JSONCPP_STRING key)
-  return settings_[key];
-// static
-void StreamWriterBuilder::setDefaults(Json::Value* settings)
-  //! [StreamWriterBuilderDefaults]
-  (*settings)["commentStyle"] = "All";
-  (*settings)["indentation"] = "\t";
-  (*settings)["enableYAMLCompatibility"] = false;
-  (*settings)["dropNullPlaceholders"] = false;
-  (*settings)["useSpecialFloats"] = false;
-  (*settings)["precision"] = 17;
-  //! [StreamWriterBuilderDefaults]
-JSONCPP_STRING writeString(StreamWriter::Factory const& builder, Value const& root) {
-  StreamWriterPtr const writer(builder.newStreamWriter());
-  writer->write(root, &sout);
-  return sout.str();
-JSONCPP_OSTREAM& operator<<(JSONCPP_OSTREAM& sout, Value const& root) {
-  StreamWriterBuilder builder;
-  StreamWriterPtr const writer(builder.newStreamWriter());
-  writer->write(root, &sout);
-  return sout;
-} // namespace Json
diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/ b/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/
deleted file mode 100644
index c5c2a2980..000000000
--- a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
-# vim: set filetype=python:
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-    'json_reader.cpp',
-    'json_value.cpp',
-    'json_writer.cpp'
-    '/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/include',
-# This code is only used in the stand-alone minidump analyzer executable so
-# enabling exceptions should be fine.
-    CXXFLAGS += [
-        '-Xclang',
-        '-fcxx-exceptions',
-    ]
-elif not CONFIG['_MSC_VER']:
-    CXXFLAGS += [
-        '-fexceptions',
-    ]
-# Required to build with exceptions enabled
-    CXXFLAGS += [
-        '-Wno-implicit-fallthrough',
-    ]
cgit v1.2.3