From 5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Matt A. Tobin" Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 04:16:08 -0500 Subject: Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0 --- python/mock-1.0.0/html/compare.html | 672 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 672 insertions(+) create mode 100644 python/mock-1.0.0/html/compare.html (limited to 'python/mock-1.0.0/html/compare.html') diff --git a/python/mock-1.0.0/html/compare.html b/python/mock-1.0.0/html/compare.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bfc9d519a --- /dev/null +++ b/python/mock-1.0.0/html/compare.html @@ -0,0 +1,672 @@ + + + + + + + + + Mock Library Comparison — Mock 1.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Mock Library Comparison


A side-by-side comparison of how to accomplish some basic tasks with mock and +some other popular Python mocking libraries and frameworks.


These are:

+ +

Popular python mocking frameworks not yet represented here include +MiniMock.


pMock (last release 2004 and doesn’t import +in recent versions of Python) and +python-mock (last release 2005) are +intentionally omitted.




A more up to date, and tested for all mock libraries (only the mock +examples on this page can be executed as doctests) version of this +comparison is maintained by Gary Bernhardt:

+ +

This comparison is by no means complete, and also may not be fully idiomatic +for all the libraries represented. Please contribute corrections, missing +comparisons, or comparisons for additional libraries to the mock issue +tracker.


This comparison page was originally created by the Mox project and then extended for +flexmock and mock by +Herman Sheremetyev. Dingus examples written by Gary Bernhadt. fudge examples +provided by Kumar McMillan.




The examples tasks here were originally created by Mox which is a mocking +framework rather than a library like mock. The tasks shown naturally +exemplify tasks that frameworks are good at and not the ones they make +harder. In particular you can take a Mock or MagicMock object and use +it in any way you want with no up-front configuration. The same is also +true for Dingus.


The examples for mock here assume version 0.7.0.


Simple fake object

>>> # mock
+>>> my_mock = mock.Mock()
+>>> my_mock.some_method.return_value = "calculated value"
+>>> my_mock.some_attribute = "value"
+>>> assertEqual("calculated value", my_mock.some_method())
+>>> assertEqual("value", my_mock.some_attribute)
# Flexmock
+mock = flexmock(some_method=lambda: "calculated value", some_attribute="value")
+assertEqual("calculated value", mock.some_method())
+assertEqual("value", mock.some_attribute)
+# Mox
+mock = mox.MockAnything()
+mock.some_method().AndReturn("calculated value")
+mock.some_attribute = "value"
+assertEqual("calculated value", mock.some_method())
+assertEqual("value", mock.some_attribute)
+# Mocker
+mock = mocker.mock()
+mocker.result("calculated value")
+mock.some_attribute = "value"
+assertEqual("calculated value", mock.some_method())
+assertEqual("value", mock.some_attribute)
>>> # Dingus
+>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus(some_attribute="value",
+...                           some_method__returns="calculated value")
+>>> assertEqual("calculated value", my_dingus.some_method())
+>>> assertEqual("value", my_dingus.some_attribute)
>>> # fudge
+>>> my_fake = (fudge.Fake()
+...            .provides('some_method')
+...            .returns("calculated value")
+...            .has_attr(some_attribute="value"))
+>>> assertEqual("calculated value", my_fake.some_method())
+>>> assertEqual("value", my_fake.some_attribute)

Simple mock

>>> # mock
+>>> my_mock = mock.Mock()
+>>> my_mock.some_method.return_value = "value"
+>>> assertEqual("value", my_mock.some_method())
+>>> my_mock.some_method.assert_called_once_with()
# Flexmock
+mock = flexmock()
+assertEqual("value", mock.some_method())
+# Mox
+mock = mox.MockAnything()
+assertEqual("value", mock.some_method())
+# Mocker
+mock = mocker.mock()
+assertEqual("value", mock.some_method())
>>> # Dingus
+>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus(some_method__returns="value")
+>>> assertEqual("value", my_dingus.some_method())
+>>> assert my_dingus.some_method.calls().once()
>>> # fudge
+>>> @fudge.test
+... def test():
+...     my_fake = (fudge.Fake()
+...                .expects('some_method')
+...                .returns("value")
+...                .times_called(1))
+>>> test()
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+AssertionError: fake:my_fake.some_method() was not called

Creating partial mocks

>>> # mock
+>>> SomeObject.some_method = mock.Mock(return_value='value')
+>>> assertEqual("value", SomeObject.some_method())
# Flexmock
+assertEqual("value", mock.some_method())
+# Mox
+mock = mox.MockObject(SomeObject)
+assertEqual("value", mock.some_method())
+# Mocker
+mock = mocker.mock(SomeObject)
+assertEqual("value", mock.some_method())
>>> # Dingus
+>>> object = SomeObject
+>>> object.some_method = dingus.Dingus(return_value="value")
+>>> assertEqual("value", object.some_method())
>>> # fudge
+>>> fake = fudge.Fake().is_callable().returns("<fudge-value>")
+>>> with fudge.patched_context(SomeObject, 'some_method', fake):
+...     s = SomeObject()
+...     assertEqual("<fudge-value>", s.some_method())

Ensure calls are made in specific order

>>> # mock
+>>> my_mock = mock.Mock(spec=SomeObject)
+>>> my_mock.method1()
+<Mock name='mock.method1()' id='...'>
+>>> my_mock.method2()
+<Mock name='mock.method2()' id='...'>
+>>> assertEqual(my_mock.mock_calls, [call.method1(), call.method2()])
# Flexmock
+mock = flexmock(SomeObject)
+mock.should_receive('method1').once.ordered.and_return('first thing')
+mock.should_receive('method2').once.ordered.and_return('second thing')
+# Mox
+mock = mox.MockObject(SomeObject)
+mock.method1().AndReturn('first thing')
+mock.method2().AndReturn('second thing')
+# Mocker
+mock = mocker.mock()
+with mocker.order():
+    mock.method1()
+    mocker.result('first thing')
+    mock.method2()
+    mocker.result('second thing')
+    mocker.replay()
+    mocker.verify()
>>> # Dingus
+>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus()
+>>> my_dingus.method1()
+<Dingus ...>
+>>> my_dingus.method2()
+<Dingus ...>
+>>> assertEqual(['method1', 'method2'], [ for call in my_dingus.calls])
>>> # fudge
+>>> @fudge.test
+... def test():
+...     my_fake = (fudge.Fake()
+...                .remember_order()
+...                .expects('method1')
+...                .expects('method2'))
+...     my_fake.method2()
+...     my_fake.method1()
+>>> test()
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+AssertionError: Call #1 was fake:my_fake.method2(); Expected: #1 fake:my_fake.method1(), #2 fake:my_fake.method2(), end

Raising exceptions

>>> # mock
+>>> my_mock = mock.Mock()
+>>> my_mock.some_method.side_effect = SomeException("message")
+>>> assertRaises(SomeException, my_mock.some_method)
# Flexmock
+mock = flexmock()
+assertRaises(SomeException, mock.some_method)
+# Mox
+mock = mox.MockAnything()
+assertRaises(SomeException, mock.some_method)
+# Mocker
+mock = mocker.mock()
+assertRaises(SomeException, mock.some_method)
>>> # Dingus
+>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus()
+>>> my_dingus.some_method = dingus.exception_raiser(SomeException)
+>>> assertRaises(SomeException, my_dingus.some_method)
>>> # fudge
+>>> my_fake = (fudge.Fake()
+...            .is_callable()
+...            .raises(SomeException("message")))
+>>> my_fake()
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+SomeException: message

Override new instances of a class

>>> # mock
+>>> with mock.patch('somemodule.Someclass') as MockClass:
+...     MockClass.return_value = some_other_object
+...     assertEqual(some_other_object, somemodule.Someclass())
# Flexmock
+flexmock(some_module.SomeClass, new_instances=some_other_object)
+assertEqual(some_other_object, some_module.SomeClass())
+# Mox
+# (you will probably have mox.Mox() available as self.mox in a real test)
+mox.Mox().StubOutWithMock(some_module, 'SomeClass', use_mock_anything=True)
+assertEqual(some_other_object, some_module.SomeClass())
+# Mocker
+instance = mocker.mock()
+klass = mocker.replace(SomeClass, spec=None)
+klass('expected', 'args')
>>> # Dingus
+>>> MockClass = dingus.Dingus(return_value=some_other_object)
+>>> with dingus.patch('somemodule.SomeClass', MockClass):
+...     assertEqual(some_other_object, somemodule.SomeClass())
>>> # fudge
+>>> @fudge.patch('somemodule.SomeClass')
+... def test(FakeClass):
+...     FakeClass.is_callable().returns(some_other_object)
+...     assertEqual(some_other_object, somemodule.SomeClass())
+>>> test()

Call the same method multiple times




You don’t need to do any configuration to call mock.Mock() methods +multiple times. Attributes like call_count, call_args_list and +method_calls provide various different ways of making assertions about +how the mock was used.

>>> # mock
+>>> my_mock = mock.Mock()
+>>> my_mock.some_method()
+<Mock name='mock.some_method()' id='...'>
+>>> my_mock.some_method()
+<Mock name='mock.some_method()' id='...'>
+>>> assert my_mock.some_method.call_count >= 2
# Flexmock # (verifies that the method gets called at least twice)
+# Mox
+# (does not support variable number of calls, so you need to create a new entry for each explicit call)
+mock = mox.MockObject(some_object)
+mock.some_method(mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg())
+mock.some_method(mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg())
+# Mocker
+# (TODO)
>>> # Dingus
+>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus()
+>>> my_dingus.some_method()
+<Dingus ...>
+>>> my_dingus.some_method()
+<Dingus ...>
+>>> assert len(my_dingus.calls('some_method')) == 2
>>> # fudge
+>>> @fudge.test
+... def test():
+...     my_fake = fudge.Fake().expects('some_method').times_called(2)
+...     my_fake.some_method()
+>>> test()
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+AssertionError: fake:my_fake.some_method() was called 1 time(s). Expected 2.

Mock chained methods

>>> # mock
+>>> my_mock = mock.Mock()
+>>> method3 = my_mock.method1.return_value.method2.return_value.method3
+>>> method3.return_value = 'some value'
+>>> assertEqual('some value', my_mock.method1().method2().method3(1, 2))
+>>> method3.assert_called_once_with(1, 2)
# Flexmock
+# (intermediate method calls are automatically assigned to temporary fake objects
+# and can be called with any arguments)
+    'method1.method2.method3'
+).with_args(arg1, arg2).and_return('some value')
+assertEqual('some_value', some_object.method1().method2().method3(arg1, arg2))
# Mox
+mock = mox.MockObject(some_object)
+mock2 = mox.MockAnything()
+mock3 = mox.MockAnything()
+mock3.method3(arg1, arg2).AndReturn('some_value')
+assertEqual("some_value", some_object.method1().method2().method3(arg1, arg2))
+# Mocker
+# (TODO)
>>> # Dingus
+>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus()
+>>> method3 = my_dingus.method1.return_value.method2.return_value.method3
+>>> method3.return_value = 'some value'
+>>> assertEqual('some value', my_dingus.method1().method2().method3(1, 2))
+>>> assert method3.calls('()', 1, 2).once()
>>> # fudge
+>>> @fudge.test
+... def test():
+...     my_fake = fudge.Fake()
+...     (my_fake
+...      .expects('method1')
+...      .returns_fake()
+...      .expects('method2')
+...      .returns_fake()
+...      .expects('method3')
+...      .with_args(1, 2)
+...      .returns('some value'))
+...     assertEqual('some value', my_fake.method1().method2().method3(1, 2))
+>>> test()

Mocking a context manager


Examples for mock, Dingus and fudge only (so far):

>>> # mock
+>>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock()
+>>> with my_mock:
+...     pass
+>>> my_mock.__enter__.assert_called_with()
+>>> my_mock.__exit__.assert_called_with(None, None, None)
>>> # Dingus (nothing special here; all dinguses are "magic mocks")
+>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus()
+>>> with my_dingus:
+...     pass
+>>> assert my_dingus.__enter__.calls()
+>>> assert my_dingus.__exit__.calls('()', None, None, None)
>>> # fudge
+>>> my_fake = fudge.Fake().provides('__enter__').provides('__exit__')
+>>> with my_fake:
+...     pass

Mocking the builtin open used as a context manager


Example for mock only (so far):

>>> # mock
+>>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock()
+>>> with mock.patch('', my_mock):
+...     manager = my_mock.return_value.__enter__.return_value
+... = 'some data'
+...     with open('foo') as h:
+...         data =
+>>> data
+'some data'
+>>> my_mock.assert_called_once_with('foo')


>>> # mock
+>>> with mock.patch('') as my_mock:
+...     my_mock.return_value.__enter__ = lambda s: s
+...     my_mock.return_value.__exit__ = mock.Mock()
+... = 'some data'
+...     with open('foo') as h:
+...         data =
+>>> data
+'some data'
+>>> my_mock.assert_called_once_with('foo')
>>> # Dingus
+>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus()
+>>> with dingus.patch('', my_dingus):
+...     file_ = open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
+... = 'some data'
+...     with open('foo') as h:
+...         data =
+>>> data
+'some data'
+>>> assert my_dingus.calls('()', 'foo').once()
>>> # fudge
+>>> from contextlib import contextmanager
+>>> from StringIO import StringIO
+>>> @contextmanager
+... def fake_file(filename):
+...     yield StringIO('sekrets')
+>>> with fudge.patch('') as fake_open:
+...     fake_open.is_callable().calls(fake_file)
+...     with open('/etc/password') as f:
+...         data =
+>>> data
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3