From 5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Matt A. Tobin" <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 04:16:08 -0500
Subject: Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0

 netwerk/cookie/test/unit/test_eviction.js | 296 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 296 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 netwerk/cookie/test/unit/test_eviction.js

(limited to 'netwerk/cookie/test/unit/test_eviction.js')

diff --git a/netwerk/cookie/test/unit/test_eviction.js b/netwerk/cookie/test/unit/test_eviction.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f693ee94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netwerk/cookie/test/unit/test_eviction.js
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+var {utils: Cu, interfaces: Ci, classes: Cc} = Components;
+const BASE_HOSTNAMES = ["", ""];
+const SUBDOMAINS = ["", "pub.", "www.", "other."];
+const cs = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsICookieService);
+const cm = cs.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICookieManager2);
+function run_test() {
+    var tests = [];
+    Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.cookie.staleThreshold", 0);
+    for (var host of BASE_HOSTNAMES) {
+        var base = SUBDOMAINS[0] + host;
+        var sub = SUBDOMAINS[1] + host;
+        var other = SUBDOMAINS[2] + host;
+        var another = SUBDOMAINS[3] + host;
+        tests.push([host, test_basic_eviction.bind(this, base, sub, other, another)]);
+        add_task(function* a() {
+            var t = tests.splice(0, 1)[0];
+            do_print('testing with host ' + t[0]);
+            yield t[1]();
+            cm.removeAll();
+        });
+        tests.push([host, test_domain_or_path_matches_not_both.bind(this, base, sub, other, another)]);
+        add_task(function*() {
+            var t = tests.splice(0, 1)[0];
+            do_print('testing with host ' + t[0]);
+            yield t[1]();
+            cm.removeAll();
+        });
+    }
+    add_task(function*() {
+        yield test_localdomain();
+        cm.removeAll();
+    });
+    add_task(function*() {
+        yield test_path_prefix();
+    });
+    run_next_test();
+// Verify that cookies that share a path prefix with the URI path are still considered
+// candidates for eviction, since the paths do not actually match.
+function* test_path_prefix() {
+    Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.cookie.maxPerHost", 2);
+    const BASE_URI ="", null, null);
+    const BASE_BAR ="", null, null);
+    const BASE_BARBAR ="", null, null);
+    yield setCookie("session_first", null, null, null, BASE_URI);
+    yield setCookie("session_second", null, "/bar", null, BASE_BAR);
+    verifyCookies(['session_first', 'session_second'], BASE_URI);
+    yield setCookie("session_third", null, "/barbar", null, BASE_BARBAR);
+    verifyCookies(['session_first', 'session_third'], BASE_URI);
+// Verify that subdomains of localhost are treated as separate hosts and aren't considered
+// candidates for eviction.
+function* test_localdomain() {
+    Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.cookie.maxPerHost", 2);
+    const BASE_URI ="http://localhost", null, null);
+    const BASE_BAR ="http://localhost/bar", null, null);
+    const OTHER_URI ="http://other.localhost", null, null);
+    const OTHER_BAR ="http://other.localhost/bar", null, null);
+    yield setCookie("session_no_path", null, null, null, BASE_URI);
+    yield setCookie("session_bar_path", null, "/bar", null, BASE_BAR);
+    yield setCookie("session_no_path", null, null, null, OTHER_URI);
+    yield setCookie("session_bar_path", null, "/bar", null, OTHER_BAR);
+    verifyCookies(['session_no_path',
+                   'session_bar_path'], BASE_URI);
+    verifyCookies(['session_no_path',
+                   'session_bar_path'], OTHER_URI);
+    yield setCookie("session_another_no_path", null, null, null, BASE_URI);
+    verifyCookies(['session_no_path',
+                   'session_another_no_path'], BASE_URI);
+    yield setCookie("session_another_no_path", null, null, null, OTHER_URI);
+    verifyCookies(['session_no_path',
+                   'session_another_no_path'], OTHER_URI);
+// Ensure that cookies are still considered candidates for eviction if either the domain
+// or path matches, but not both.
+function* test_domain_or_path_matches_not_both(base_host,
+                                               subdomain_host,
+                                               other_subdomain_host,
+                                               another_subdomain_host) {
+    Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.cookie.maxPerHost", 2);
+    const BASE_URI ="http://" + base_host, null, null);
+    const PUB_FOO_PATH ="http://" + subdomain_host + "/foo/", null, null);
+    const WWW_BAR_PATH ="http://" + other_subdomain_host + "/bar/", null, null);
+    const OTHER_BAR_PATH ="http://" + another_subdomain_host + "/bar/", null, null);
+    const PUB_BAR_PATH ="http://" + subdomain_host + "/bar/", null, null);
+    const WWW_FOO_PATH ="http://" + other_subdomain_host + "/foo/", null, null);
+    yield setCookie("session_pub_with_foo_path", subdomain_host, "/foo", null, PUB_FOO_PATH);
+    yield setCookie("session_www_with_bar_path", other_subdomain_host, "/bar", null, WWW_BAR_PATH);
+    verifyCookies(['session_pub_with_foo_path',
+                   'session_www_with_bar_path'], BASE_URI);
+    yield setCookie("session_pub_with_bar_path", subdomain_host, "/bar", null, PUB_BAR_PATH);
+    verifyCookies(['session_www_with_bar_path',
+                   'session_pub_with_bar_path'], BASE_URI);
+    yield setCookie("session_other_with_bar_path", another_subdomain_host, "/bar", null, OTHER_BAR_PATH);
+    verifyCookies(['session_pub_with_bar_path',
+                   'session_other_with_bar_path'], BASE_URI);
+function* test_basic_eviction(base_host, subdomain_host, other_subdomain_host) {
+    Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.cookie.maxPerHost", 5);
+    const BASE_URI ="http://" + base_host, null, null);
+    const SUBDOMAIN_URI ="http://" + subdomain_host, null, null);
+    const OTHER_SUBDOMAIN_URI ="http://" + other_subdomain_host, null, null);
+    const FOO_PATH ="http://" + base_host + "/foo/", null, null);
+    const BAR_PATH ="http://" + base_host + "/bar/", null, null);
+    const ALL_SUBDOMAINS = '.' + base_host;
+    const OTHER_SUBDOMAIN = other_subdomain_host;
+    // Initialize the set of cookies with a mix of non-session cookies with no path,
+    // and session cookies with explicit paths. Any subsequent cookies added will cause
+    // existing cookies to be evicted.
+    yield setCookie("non_session_non_path_non_domain", null, null, 100000, BASE_URI);
+    yield setCookie("non_session_non_path_subdomain", ALL_SUBDOMAINS, null, 100000, SUBDOMAIN_URI);
+    yield setCookie("session_non_path_pub_domain", OTHER_SUBDOMAIN, null, null, OTHER_SUBDOMAIN_URI);
+    yield setCookie("session_foo_path", null, "/foo", null, FOO_PATH);
+    yield setCookie("session_bar_path", null, "/bar", null, BAR_PATH);
+    verifyCookies(['non_session_non_path_non_domain',
+                   'non_session_non_path_subdomain',
+                   'session_non_path_pub_domain',
+                   'session_foo_path',
+                   'session_bar_path'], BASE_URI);
+    // Ensure that cookies set for the / path appear more recent.
+    cs.getCookieString(OTHER_SUBDOMAIN_URI, null)
+    verifyCookies(['non_session_non_path_non_domain',
+                   'session_foo_path',
+                   'session_bar_path',
+                   'non_session_non_path_subdomain',
+                   'session_non_path_pub_domain'], BASE_URI);
+    // Evict oldest session cookie that does not match (session_bar_path)
+    yield setCookie("session_foo_path_2", null, "/foo", null, FOO_PATH);
+    verifyCookies(['non_session_non_path_non_domain',
+                   'session_foo_path',
+                   'non_session_non_path_subdomain',
+                   'session_non_path_pub_domain',
+                   'session_foo_path_2'], BASE_URI);
+    // Evict oldest session cookie that does not match (session_foo_path)
+    yield setCookie("session_bar_path_2", null, "/bar", null, BAR_PATH);
+    verifyCookies(['non_session_non_path_non_domain',
+                   'non_session_non_path_subdomain',
+                   'session_non_path_pub_domain',
+                   'session_foo_path_2',
+                   'session_bar_path_2'], BASE_URI);
+    // Evict oldest session cookie that does not match (session_non_path_pub_domain)
+    yield setCookie("non_session_non_path_non_domain_2", null, null, 100000, BASE_URI);
+    verifyCookies(['non_session_non_path_non_domain',
+                   'non_session_non_path_subdomain',
+                   'session_foo_path_2',
+                   'session_bar_path_2',
+                   'non_session_non_path_non_domain_2'], BASE_URI);
+    // Evict oldest session cookie that does not match (session_foo_path_2)
+    yield setCookie("session_non_path_non_domain_3", null, null, null, BASE_URI);
+    verifyCookies(['non_session_non_path_non_domain',
+                   'non_session_non_path_subdomain',
+                   'session_bar_path_2',
+                   'non_session_non_path_non_domain_2',
+                   'session_non_path_non_domain_3'], BASE_URI);
+    // Evict oldest session cookie; all such cookies match (session_bar_path_2)
+    // note: this new cookie doesn't have an explicit path, but empty paths inherit the
+    // request's path
+    yield setCookie("non_session_bar_path_non_domain", null, null, 100000, BAR_PATH);
+    verifyCookies(['non_session_non_path_non_domain',
+                   'non_session_non_path_subdomain',
+                   'non_session_non_path_non_domain_2',
+                   'session_non_path_non_domain_3',
+                   'non_session_bar_path_non_domain'], BASE_URI);
+    // Evict oldest session cookie, even though it matches (session_non_path_non_domain_3)
+    yield setCookie("non_session_non_path_pub_domain", null, null, 100000, OTHER_SUBDOMAIN_URI);
+    verifyCookies(['non_session_non_path_non_domain',
+                   'non_session_non_path_subdomain',
+                   'non_session_non_path_non_domain_2',
+                   'non_session_bar_path_non_domain',
+                   'non_session_non_path_pub_domain'], BASE_URI);
+    // All session cookies have been evicted.
+    // Evict oldest non-session non-domain-matching cookie (non_session_non_path_pub_domain)
+    yield setCookie("non_session_bar_path_non_domain_2", null, '/bar', 100000, BAR_PATH);
+    verifyCookies(['non_session_non_path_non_domain',
+                   'non_session_non_path_subdomain',
+                   'non_session_non_path_non_domain_2',
+                   'non_session_bar_path_non_domain',
+                   'non_session_bar_path_non_domain_2'], BASE_URI);
+    // Evict oldest non-session non-path-matching cookie (non_session_bar_path_non_domain)
+    yield setCookie("non_session_non_path_non_domain_4", null, null, 100000, BASE_URI);
+    verifyCookies(['non_session_non_path_non_domain',
+                   'non_session_non_path_subdomain',
+                   'non_session_non_path_non_domain_2',
+                   'non_session_bar_path_non_domain_2',
+                   'non_session_non_path_non_domain_4'], BASE_URI);
+    // At this point all remaining cookies are non-session cookies, have a path of /,
+    // and either don't have a domain or have one that matches subdomains.
+    // They will therefore be evicted from oldest to newest if all new cookies added share
+    // similar characteristics.
+// Verify that the given cookie names exist, and are ordered from least to most recently accessed
+function verifyCookies(names, uri) {
+    do_check_eq(cm.countCookiesFromHost(, names.length);
+    let cookies = cm.getCookiesFromHost(, {});
+    let actual_cookies = [];
+    while (cookies.hasMoreElements()) {
+        let cookie = cookies.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsICookie2);
+        actual_cookies.push(cookie);
+    }
+    if (names.length != actual_cookies.length) {
+        let left = names.filter(function(n) {
+            return actual_cookies.findIndex(function(c) {
+                return == n;
+            }) == -1;
+        });
+        let right = actual_cookies.filter(function(c) {
+            return names.findIndex(function(n) {
+                return == n;
+            }) == -1;
+        }).map(function(c) { return });
+        if (left.length) {
+            do_print("unexpected cookies: " + left);
+        }
+        if (right.length) {
+            do_print("expected cookies: " + right);
+        }
+    }
+    do_check_eq(names.length, actual_cookies.length);
+    actual_cookies.sort(function(a, b) {
+        if (a.lastAccessed < b.lastAccessed)
+            return -1;
+        if (a.lastAccessed > b.lastAccessed)
+            return 1;
+        return 0;
+    });
+    for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+        do_check_eq(names[i], actual_cookies[i].name);
+        do_check_eq(names[i].startsWith('session'), actual_cookies[i].isSession);
+    }
+var lastValue = 0
+function* setCookie(name, domain, path, maxAge, url) {
+    let value = name + "=" + ++lastValue;
+    var s = 'setting cookie ' + value;
+    if (domain) {
+        value += "; Domain=" + domain;
+        s += ' (d=' + domain + ')';
+    }
+    if (path) {
+        value += "; Path=" + path;
+        s += ' (p=' + path + ')';
+    }
+    if (maxAge) {
+        value += "; Max-Age=" + maxAge;
+        s += ' (non-session)';
+    } else {
+        s += ' (session)';
+    }
+    s += ' for ' + url.spec;
+    do_print(s);
+    cs.setCookieStringFromHttp(url, null, null, value, null, null);
+    return new Promise(function(resolve) {
+        // Windows XP has low precision timestamps that cause our cookie eviction
+        // algorithm to produce different results from other platforms. We work around
+        // this by ensuring that there's a clear gap between each cookie update.
+        do_timeout(10, resolve);
+    })
cgit v1.2.3