path: root/toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/mozapps/extensions/extensions.dtd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/mozapps/extensions/extensions.dtd')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/mozapps/extensions/extensions.dtd b/toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/mozapps/extensions/extensions.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 99c940b33..000000000
--- a/toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/mozapps/extensions/extensions.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- - file, You can obtain one at -->
-<!ENTITY addons.windowTitle "Add-ons Manager">
-<!ENTITY search.placeholder "Search all add-ons">
-<!ENTITY search.buttonlabel "Search">
-<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (search.commandKey):
- The search command key should match findOnCmd.commandkey from browser.dtd -->
-<!ENTITY search.commandkey "f">
-<!ENTITY loading.label "Loading…">
-<!ENTITY listEmpty.installed.label "You don’t have any add-ons of this type installed">
-<!ENTITY listEmpty.availableUpdates.label "No updates found">
-<!ENTITY listEmpty.recentUpdates.label "You haven’t recently updated any add-ons">
-<!ENTITY listEmpty.findUpdates.label "Check For Updates">
-<!ENTITY "Could not find any matching add-ons">
-<!ENTITY listEmpty.button.label "Learn more about add-ons">
-<!ENTITY installAddonFromFile.label "Install Add-on From File…">
-<!ENTITY installAddonFromFile.accesskey "I">
-<!ENTITY toolsMenu.tooltip "Tools for all add-ons">
-<!ENTITY cmd.back.tooltip "Go back one page">
-<!ENTITY cmd.forward.tooltip "Go forward one page">
-<!ENTITY showUnsignedExtensions.button.label "Some extensions could not be verified">
-<!ENTITY showAllExtensions.button.label "Show all extensions">
-<!ENTITY debugAddons.label "Debug Add-ons">
-<!ENTITY debugAddons.accesskey "B">
-<!-- global warnings -->
-<!ENTITY warning.safemode.label "All add-ons have been disabled by safe mode.">
-<!ENTITY warning.checkcompatibility.label "Add-on compatibility checking is disabled. You may have incompatible add-ons.">
-<!ENTITY warning.checkcompatibility.enable.label "Enable">
-<!ENTITY warning.checkcompatibility.enable.tooltip "Enable add-on compatibility checking">
-<!ENTITY warning.updatesecurity.label "Add-on update security checking is disabled. You may be compromised by updates.">
-<!ENTITY warning.updatesecurity.enable.label "Enable">
-<!ENTITY warning.updatesecurity.enable.tooltip "Enable add-on update security checking">
-<!-- categories / views -->
-<!ENTITY "Search">
-<!ENTITY "Get Add-ons">
-<!ENTITY view.recentUpdates.label "Recent Updates">
-<!ENTITY view.availableUpdates.label "Available Updates">
-<!-- addon updates -->
-<!ENTITY updates.checkForUpdates.label "Check for Updates">
-<!ENTITY updates.checkForUpdates.accesskey "C">
-<!ENTITY updates.viewUpdates.label "View Recent Updates">
-<!ENTITY updates.viewUpdates.accesskey "V">
-<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (updates.updateAddonsAutomatically.label): This menu item
- is a checkbox that toggles the default global behavior for add-on update
- checking. -->
-<!ENTITY updates.updateAddonsAutomatically.label "Update Add-ons Automatically">
-<!ENTITY updates.updateAddonsAutomatically.accesskey "A">
-<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (updates.resetUpdatesToAutomatic.label, updates.resetUpdatesToManual.label):
- Specific addons can have custom update checking behaviors ("Manually",
- "Automatically", "Use default global behavior"). These menu items reset the
- update checking behavior for all add-ons to the default global behavior
- (which itself is either "Automatically" or "Manually", controlled by the
- updates.updateAddonsAutomatically.label menu item). -->
-<!ENTITY updates.resetUpdatesToAutomatic.label "Reset All Add-ons to Update Automatically">
-<!ENTITY updates.resetUpdatesToAutomatic.accesskey "R">
-<!ENTITY updates.resetUpdatesToManual.label "Reset All Add-ons to Update Manually">
-<!ENTITY updates.resetUpdatesToManual.accesskey "R">
-<!ENTITY updates.updating.label "Updating add-ons">
-<!ENTITY updates.installed.label "Your add-ons have been updated.">
-<!ENTITY updates.downloaded.label "Your add-on updates have been downloaded.">
-<!ENTITY updates.restart.label "Restart now to complete installation">
-<!ENTITY updates.noneFound.label "No updates found">
-<!ENTITY updates.manualUpdatesFound.label "View Available Updates">
-<!ENTITY updates.updateSelected.label "Install Updates">
-<!ENTITY updates.updateSelected.tooltip "Install available updates in this list">
-<!-- addon actions -->
-<!ENTITY cmd.showDetails.label "Show More Information">
-<!ENTITY cmd.showDetails.accesskey "S">
-<!ENTITY cmd.findUpdates.label "Find Updates">
-<!ENTITY cmd.findUpdates.accesskey "F">
-<!ENTITY cmd.preferencesWin.label "Options">
-<!ENTITY cmd.preferencesWin.accesskey "O">
-<!ENTITY cmd.preferencesUnix.label "Preferences">
-<!ENTITY cmd.preferencesUnix.accesskey "P">
-<!ENTITY cmd.about.label "About">
-<!ENTITY cmd.about.accesskey "A">
-<!ENTITY cmd.enableAddon.label "Enable">
-<!ENTITY cmd.enableAddon.accesskey "E">
-<!ENTITY cmd.disableAddon.label "Disable">
-<!ENTITY cmd.disableAddon.accesskey "D">
-<!ENTITY cmd.enableTheme.label "Wear Theme">
-<!ENTITY cmd.enableTheme.accesskey "W">
-<!ENTITY cmd.disableTheme.label "Stop Wearing Theme">
-<!ENTITY cmd.disableTheme.accesskey "W">
-<!ENTITY cmd.askToActivate.label "Ask to Activate">
-<!ENTITY cmd.askToActivate.tooltip "Ask to use this add-on each time">
-<!ENTITY cmd.alwaysActivate.label "Always Activate">
-<!ENTITY cmd.alwaysActivate.tooltip "Always use this add-on">
-<!ENTITY cmd.neverActivate.label "Never Activate">
-<!ENTITY cmd.neverActivate.tooltip "Never use this add-on">
-<!ENTITY cmd.stateMenu.tooltip "Change when this add-on runs">
-<!ENTITY cmd.installAddon.label "Install">
-<!ENTITY cmd.installAddon.accesskey "I">
-<!ENTITY cmd.uninstallAddon.label "Remove">
-<!ENTITY cmd.uninstallAddon.accesskey "R">
-<!ENTITY cmd.showPreferencesWin.label "Options">
-<!ENTITY cmd.showPreferencesWin.tooltip "Change this add-on’s options">
-<!ENTITY cmd.showPreferencesUnix.label "Preferences">
-<!ENTITY cmd.showPreferencesUnix.tooltip "Change this add-on’s preferences">
-<!ENTITY cmd.contribute.label "Contribute">
-<!ENTITY cmd.contribute.accesskey "C">
-<!ENTITY cmd.contribute.tooltip "Contribute to the development of this add-on">
-<!ENTITY cmd.showReleaseNotes.label "Show Release Notes">
-<!ENTITY cmd.showReleaseNotes.tooltip "Show the release notes for this update">
-<!ENTITY cmd.hideReleaseNotes.label "Hide Release Notes">
-<!ENTITY cmd.hideReleaseNotes.tooltip "Hide the release notes for this update">
-<!-- discovery view -->
-<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (discover.title,discover.description,discover.footer):
- Displayed in the center of the Get Add-ons view, see bug 601143 for mockups. -->
-<!ENTITY discover.title "What are Add-ons?">
-<!ENTITY discover.description2 "Add-ons are applications that let you personalize &brandShortName; with
- extra functionality or style. Try a time-saving sidebar, a weather notifier, or a themed look to make &brandShortName;
- your own.">
-<!ENTITY discover.footer "When you’re connected to the internet, this pane will feature
- some of the best and most popular add-ons for you to try out.">
-<!-- detail view -->
-<!ENTITY detail.version.label "Version">
-<!ENTITY detail.lastupdated.label "Last Updated">
-<!ENTITY detail.creator.label "Developer">
-<!ENTITY detail.homepage.label "Homepage">
-<!ENTITY detail.numberOfDownloads.label "Downloads">
-<!ENTITY detail.contributions.description "The developer of this add-on asks that you help support its continued development by making a small contribution.">
-<!ENTITY detail.updateType "Automatic Updates">
-<!ENTITY detail.updateDefault.label "Default">
-<!ENTITY detail.updateDefault.tooltip "Automatically install updates only if that’s the default">
-<!ENTITY detail.updateAutomatic.label "On">
-<!ENTITY detail.updateAutomatic.tooltip "Automatically install updates">
-<!ENTITY detail.updateManual.label "Off">
-<!ENTITY detail.updateManual.tooltip "Don’t automatically install updates">
-<!ENTITY detail.home "Homepage">
-<!ENTITY detail.repository "Add-on Profile">
-<!ENTITY detail.size "Size">
-<!ENTITY detail.checkForUpdates.label "Check for Updates">
-<!ENTITY detail.checkForUpdates.accesskey "F">
-<!ENTITY detail.checkForUpdates.tooltip "Check for updates for this add-on">
-<!ENTITY detail.showPreferencesWin.label "Options">
-<!ENTITY detail.showPreferencesWin.accesskey "O">
-<!ENTITY detail.showPreferencesWin.tooltip "Change this add-on’s options">
-<!ENTITY detail.showPreferencesUnix.label "Preferences">
-<!ENTITY detail.showPreferencesUnix.accesskey "P">
-<!ENTITY detail.showPreferencesUnix.tooltip "Change this add-on’s preferences">
-<!-- ratings -->
-<!ENTITY rating2.label "Rating">
-<!-- download/install progress -->
-<!ENTITY progress.pause.tooltip "Pause">
-<!ENTITY progress.cancel.tooltip "Cancel">
-<!-- list sorting -->
-<!ENTITY "Name">
-<!ENTITY "Sort by name">
-<!ENTITY sort.dateUpdated.label "Last Updated">
-<!ENTITY sort.dateUpdated.tooltip "Sort by date updated">
-<!ENTITY sort.relevance.label "Best match">
-<!ENTITY sort.relevance.tooltip "Sort by relevance">
-<!ENTITY sort.price.label "Price">
-<!ENTITY sort.price.tooltip "Sort by price">
-<!ENTITY search.filter2.label "Search:">
-<!ENTITY search.filter2.installed.label "My Add-ons">
-<!ENTITY search.filter2.installed.tooltip "Show installed add-ons">
-<!ENTITY search.filter2.available.label "Available Add-ons">
-<!ENTITY search.filter2.available.tooltip "Show add-ons available to install">
-<!ENTITY addon.homepage "Homepage">
-<!ENTITY addon.details.label "More">
-<!ENTITY addon.details.tooltip "Show more details about this add-on">
-<!ENTITY addon.unknownDate "Unknown">
-<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (addon.disabled.postfix): This is used in a normal list
- to signify that an add-on is disabled, in the form
- "<Addon name> <1.0> (disabled)" -->
-<!ENTITY addon.disabled.postfix "(disabled)">
-<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (addon.update.postfix): This is used in the available
- updates list to signify that an item is an update, in the form
- "<Addon name> <1.1> Update". It is fine to use constructs like brackets if
- necessary -->
-<!ENTITY addon.update.postfix "Update">
-<!ENTITY addon.undoAction.label "Undo">
-<!ENTITY addon.undoAction.tooltip "Undo this action">
-<!ENTITY addon.undoRemove.label "Undo">
-<!ENTITY addon.undoRemove.tooltip "Keep this add-on installed">
-<!ENTITY addon.restartNow.label "Restart now">
-<!ENTITY addon.install.label "Install">
-<!ENTITY addon.install.tooltip "Install this add-on">
-<!ENTITY addon.updateNow.label "Update Now">
-<!ENTITY addon.updateNow.tooltip "Install the update for this add-on">
-<!ENTITY addon.includeUpdate.label "Include in Update">
-<!ENTITY addon.updateAvailable.label "An update is available">
-<!ENTITY addon.checkingForUpdates.label "Checking for updates…">
-<!ENTITY addon.releaseNotes.label "Release Notes:">
-<!ENTITY addon.loadingReleaseNotes.label "Loading…">
-<!ENTITY addon.errorLoadingReleaseNotes.label "Sorry, but there was an error loading the release notes.">
-<!ENTITY addon.createdBy.label "By ">
-<!ENTITY eula.title "End-User License Agreement">
-<!ENTITY eula.width "560px">
-<!ENTITY eula.height "400px">
-<!ENTITY eula.accept "Accept and Install…">
-<!ENTITY settings.path.button.label "Browse…">
-<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The strings related to
- experiments are present on the "Experiments" tab of the add-ons manager.
- This tab won't be displayed unless an Experiment add-on is installed.
- Install
- to cause this tab to appear. -->
-<!ENTITY "What’s this? Telemetry may install and run experiments from time to time.">
-<!ENTITY "Learn More">
-<!ENTITY "L">
-<!ENTITY "Telemetry Settings">
-<!ENTITY "T">
-<!ENTITY setting.learnmore "Learn More…">
-<!ENTITY disabledUnsigned.heading "Some add-ons have been disabled">
-<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (disabledUnsigned.description.start, disabledUnsigned.description.findAddonsLink, disabledUnsigned.description.end):
- These entities form a sentence, with
- disabledUnsigned.description.findAddonsLink being a link to an external site. -->
-<!ENTITY disabledUnsigned.description.start "The following add-ons have not been verified for use in &brandShortName;. You can ">
-<!ENTITY disabledUnsigned.description.findAddonsLink "find replacements">
-<!ENTITY disabledUnsigned.description.end " or ask the developer to get them verified.">
-<!ENTITY disabledUnsigned.learnMore "Learn more about our efforts to help keep you safe online.">
-<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (disabledUnsigned.devInfo.start, disabledUnsigned.devInfo.linkToManual, disabledUnsigned.devInfo.end):
- These entities form a sentence, with disabledUnsigned.devInfo.linkToManual
- being a link to an external site. -->
-<!ENTITY disabledUnsigned.devInfo.start "Developers interested in getting their add-ons verified can continue by reading our ">
-<!ENTITY disabledUnsigned.devInfo.linkToManual "manual">
-<!ENTITY disabledUnsigned.devInfo.end ".">
-<!ENTITY pluginDeprecation.description "Missing something? Some plugins are no longer supported by &brandShortName;.">
-<!ENTITY pluginDeprecation.learnMore "Learn More.">