path: root/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/popup_trigger.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/content/tests/chrome/popup_trigger.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 859 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/popup_trigger.js b/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/popup_trigger.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 920d4d070..000000000
--- a/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/popup_trigger.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,859 +0,0 @@
-var gMenuPopup = null;
-var gTrigger = null;
-var gIsMenu = false;
-var gScreenX = -1, gScreenY = -1;
-var gCachedEvent = null;
-var gCachedEvent2 = null;
-function cacheEvent(modifiers)
- var cachedEvent = null;
- var mouseFn = function(event) {
- cachedEvent = event;
- }
- window.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseFn, false);
- synthesizeMouse(document.documentElement, 0, 0, modifiers);
- window.removeEventListener("mousedown", mouseFn, false);
- return cachedEvent;
-function runTests()
- if (screen.height < 768) {
- ok(false, "popup tests are likely to fail for screen heights less than 768 pixels");
- }
- gMenuPopup = document.getElementById("thepopup");
- gTrigger = document.getElementById("trigger");
- gIsMenu = gTrigger.boxObject instanceof MenuBoxObject;
- // a hacky way to get the screen position of the document. Cache the event
- // so that we can use it in calls to openPopup.
- gCachedEvent = cacheEvent({ shiftKey: true });
- gScreenX = gCachedEvent.screenX;
- gScreenY = gCachedEvent.screenY;
- gCachedEvent2 = cacheEvent({ altKey: true, ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true });
- startPopupTests(popupTests);
-var popupTests = [
- testname: "mouse click on trigger",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- test: function() {
- // for menus, no trigger will be set. For non-menus using the popup
- // attribute, the trigger will be set to the node with the popup attribute
- gExpectedTriggerNode = gIsMenu ? "notset" : gTrigger;
- synthesizeMouse(gTrigger, 4, 4, { });
- },
- result: function (testname) {
- gExpectedTriggerNode = null;
- // menus are the anchor but non-menus are opened at screen coordinates
- is(gMenuPopup.anchorNode, gIsMenu ? gTrigger : null, testname + " anchorNode");
- // menus are opened internally, but non-menus have a mouse event which
- // triggered them
- is(gMenuPopup.triggerNode, gIsMenu ? null : gTrigger, testname + " triggerNode");
- is(document.popupNode, gIsMenu ? null : gTrigger, testname + " document.popupNode");
- is(document.tooltipNode, null, testname + " document.tooltipNode");
- // check to ensure the popup node for a different document isn't used
- if (window.opener)
- is(window.opener.document.popupNode, null, testname + " opener.document.popupNode");
- // this will be used in some tests to ensure the size doesn't change
- var popuprect = gMenuPopup.getBoundingClientRect();
- gPopupWidth = Math.round(popuprect.width);
- gPopupHeight = Math.round(popuprect.height);
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "", testname);
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- // if a menu, the popup should be opened underneath the menu in the
- // 'after_start' position, otherwise it is opened at the mouse position
- if (gIsMenu)
- compareEdge(gTrigger, gMenuPopup, "after_start", 0, 0, testname);
- }
- // check that pressing cursor down while there is no selection
- // highlights the first item
- testname: "cursor down no selection",
- events: [ "DOMMenuItemActive item1" ],
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", { }); },
- result: function(testname) { checkActive(gMenuPopup, "item1", testname); }
- // check that pressing cursor up wraps and highlights the last item
- testname: "cursor up wrap",
- events: [ "DOMMenuItemInactive item1", "DOMMenuItemActive last" ],
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("VK_UP", { }); },
- result: function(testname) {
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "last", testname);
- }
- // check that pressing cursor down wraps and highlights the first item
- testname: "cursor down wrap",
- events: [ "DOMMenuItemInactive last", "DOMMenuItemActive item1" ],
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", { }); },
- result: function(testname) { checkActive(gMenuPopup, "item1", testname); }
- // check that pressing cursor down highlights the second item
- testname: "cursor down",
- events: [ "DOMMenuItemInactive item1", "DOMMenuItemActive item2" ],
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", { }); },
- result: function(testname) { checkActive(gMenuPopup, "item2", testname); }
- // check that pressing cursor up highlights the second item
- testname: "cursor up",
- events: [ "DOMMenuItemInactive item2", "DOMMenuItemActive item1" ],
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("VK_UP", { }); },
- result: function(testname) { checkActive(gMenuPopup, "item1", testname); }
- // cursor left should not do anything
- testname: "cursor left",
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("VK_LEFT", { }); },
- result: function(testname) { checkActive(gMenuPopup, "item1", testname); }
- // cursor right should not do anything
- testname: "cursor right",
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("VK_RIGHT", { }); },
- result: function(testname) { checkActive(gMenuPopup, "item1", testname); }
- // check cursor down when a disabled item exists in the menu
- testname: "cursor down disabled",
- events: function() {
- // On Windows, disabled items are included when navigating, but on
- // other platforms, disabled items are skipped over
- if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0) {
- return [ "DOMMenuItemInactive item1", "DOMMenuItemActive item2" ];
- }
- return [ "DOMMenuItemInactive item1", "DOMMenuItemActive amenu" ];
- },
- test: function() {
- document.getElementById("item2").disabled = true;
- synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", { });
- }
- // check cursor up when a disabled item exists in the menu
- testname: "cursor up disabled",
- events: function() {
- if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0) {
- return [ "DOMMenuItemInactive item2", "DOMMenuItemActive amenu",
- "DOMMenuItemInactive amenu", "DOMMenuItemActive item2",
- "DOMMenuItemInactive item2", "DOMMenuItemActive item1" ];
- }
- return [ "DOMMenuItemInactive amenu", "DOMMenuItemActive item1" ];
- },
- test: function() {
- if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0)
- synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", { });
- synthesizeKey("VK_UP", { });
- if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0)
- synthesizeKey("VK_UP", { });
- }
- testname: "mouse click outside",
- events: [ "popuphiding thepopup", "popuphidden thepopup",
- "DOMMenuItemInactive item1", "DOMMenuInactive thepopup" ],
- test: function() {
- gMenuPopup.hidePopup();
- // XXXndeakin event simulation fires events outside of the platform specific
- // widget code so the popup capturing isn't handled. Thus, the menu won't
- // rollup this way.
- // synthesizeMouse(gTrigger, 0, -12, { });
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- is(gMenuPopup.anchorNode, null, testname + " anchorNode");
- is(gMenuPopup.triggerNode, null, testname + " triggerNode");
- is(document.popupNode, null, testname + " document.popupNode");
- checkClosed("trigger", testname);
- }
- // these tests check to ensure that passing an anchor and position
- // puts the popup in the right place
- testname: "open popup anchored",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- steps: ["before_start", "before_end", "after_start", "after_end",
- "start_before", "start_after", "end_before", "end_after", "after_pointer", "overlap",
- "topleft topleft", "topcenter topleft", "topright topleft",
- "leftcenter topright", "rightcenter topright",
- "bottomleft bottomleft", "bottomcenter bottomleft", "bottomright bottomleft",
- "topleft bottomright", "bottomcenter bottomright", "rightcenter topright"],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gExpectedTriggerNode = "notset";
- gMenuPopup.openPopup(gTrigger, step, 0, 0, false, false);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- // no triggerNode because it was opened without passing an event
- gExpectedTriggerNode = null;
- is(gMenuPopup.anchorNode, gTrigger, testname + " anchorNode");
- is(gMenuPopup.triggerNode, null, testname + " triggerNode");
- is(document.popupNode, null, testname + " document.popupNode");
- compareEdge(gTrigger, gMenuPopup, step, 0, 0, testname);
- }
- // these tests check the same but with a 10 pixel margin on the popup
- testname: "open popup anchored with margin",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- steps: ["before_start", "before_end", "after_start", "after_end",
- "start_before", "start_after", "end_before", "end_after", "after_pointer", "overlap",
- "topleft topleft", "topcenter topleft", "topright topleft",
- "leftcenter topright", "rightcenter topright",
- "bottomleft bottomleft", "bottomcenter bottomleft", "bottomright bottomleft",
- "topleft bottomright", "bottomcenter bottomright", "rightcenter topright"],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("style", "margin: 10px;");
- gMenuPopup.openPopup(gTrigger, step, 0, 0, false, false);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- var rightmod = step == "before_end" || step == "after_end" ||
- step == "start_before" || step == "start_after" ||
- step.match(/topright$/) || step.match(/bottomright$/);
- var bottommod = step == "before_start" || step == "before_end" ||
- step == "start_after" || step == "end_after" ||
- step.match(/bottomleft$/) || step.match(/bottomright$/);
- compareEdge(gTrigger, gMenuPopup, step, rightmod ? -10 : 10, bottommod ? -10 : 10, testname);
- gMenuPopup.removeAttribute("style");
- }
- // these tests check the same but with a -8 pixel margin on the popup
- testname: "open popup anchored with negative margin",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- steps: ["before_start", "before_end", "after_start", "after_end",
- "start_before", "start_after", "end_before", "end_after", "after_pointer", "overlap"],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("style", "margin: -8px;");
- gMenuPopup.openPopup(gTrigger, step, 0, 0, false, false);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- var rightmod = step == "before_end" || step == "after_end" ||
- step == "start_before" || step == "start_after";
- var bottommod = step == "before_start" || step == "before_end" ||
- step == "start_after" || step == "end_after";
- compareEdge(gTrigger, gMenuPopup, step, rightmod ? 8 : -8, bottommod ? 8 : -8, testname);
- gMenuPopup.removeAttribute("style");
- }
- {
- testname: "open popup with large positive margin",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- steps: ["before_start", "before_end", "after_start", "after_end",
- "start_before", "start_after", "end_before", "end_after", "after_pointer", "overlap"],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("style", "margin: 1000px;");
- gMenuPopup.openPopup(gTrigger, step, 0, 0, false, false);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- var popuprect = gMenuPopup.getBoundingClientRect();
- // as there is more room on the 'end' or 'after' side, popups will always
- // appear on the right or bottom corners, depending on which side they are
- // allowed to be flipped by.
- var expectedleft = step == "before_end" || step == "after_end" ?
- 0 : Math.round(window.innerWidth - gPopupWidth);
- var expectedtop = step == "start_after" || step == "end_after" ?
- 0 : Math.round(window.innerHeight - gPopupHeight);
- is(Math.round(popuprect.left), expectedleft, testname + " x position " + step);
- is(Math.round(, expectedtop, testname + " y position " + step);
- gMenuPopup.removeAttribute("style");
- }
- testname: "open popup with large negative margin",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- steps: ["before_start", "before_end", "after_start", "after_end",
- "start_before", "start_after", "end_before", "end_after", "after_pointer", "overlap"],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("style", "margin: -1000px;");
- gMenuPopup.openPopup(gTrigger, step, 0, 0, false, false);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- var popuprect = gMenuPopup.getBoundingClientRect();
- // using negative margins causes the reverse of positive margins, and
- // popups will appear on the left or top corners.
- var expectedleft = step == "before_end" || step == "after_end" ?
- Math.round(window.innerWidth - gPopupWidth) : 0;
- var expectedtop = step == "start_after" || step == "end_after" ?
- Math.round(window.innerHeight - gPopupHeight) : 0;
- is(Math.round(popuprect.left), expectedleft, testname + " x position " + step);
- is(Math.round(, expectedtop, testname + " y position " + step);
- gMenuPopup.removeAttribute("style");
- }
- testname: "popup with unknown step",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- test: function() {
- gMenuPopup.openPopup(gTrigger, "other", 0, 0, false, false);
- },
- result: function (testname) {
- var triggerrect = gMenuPopup.getBoundingClientRect();
- var popuprect = gMenuPopup.getBoundingClientRect();
- is(Math.round(popuprect.left), triggerrect.left, testname + " x position ");
- is(Math.round(,, testname + " y position ");
- }
- // these tests check to ensure that the position attribute can be used
- // to set the position of a popup instead of passing it as an argument
- testname: "open popup anchored with attribute",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- steps: ["before_start", "before_end", "after_start", "after_end",
- "start_before", "start_after", "end_before", "end_after", "after_pointer", "overlap",
- "topcenter topleft", "topright bottomright", "leftcenter topright"],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("position", step);
- gMenuPopup.openPopup(gTrigger, "", 0, 0, false, false);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) { compareEdge(gTrigger, gMenuPopup, step, 0, 0, testname); }
- // this test checks to ensure that the attributes override flag to openPopup
- // can be used to override the popup's position. This test also passes an
- // event to openPopup to check the trigger node.
- testname: "open popup anchored with override",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup 0010", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- // attribute overrides the position passed in
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("position", "end_after");
- gExpectedTriggerNode =;
- gMenuPopup.openPopup(gTrigger, "before_start", 0, 0, false, true, gCachedEvent);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- gExpectedTriggerNode = null;
- is(gMenuPopup.anchorNode, gTrigger, testname + " anchorNode");
- is(gMenuPopup.triggerNode,, testname + " triggerNode");
- is(document.popupNode,, testname + " document.popupNode");
- compareEdge(gTrigger, gMenuPopup, "end_after", 0, 0, testname);
- }
- testname: "close popup with escape",
- events: [ "popuphiding thepopup", "popuphidden thepopup",
- "DOMMenuInactive thepopup", ],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", { });
- checkClosed("trigger", testname);
- }
- // check that offsets may be supplied to the openPopup method
- testname: "open popup anchored with offsets",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- test: function(testname, step) {
- // attribute is empty so does not override
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("position", "");
- gMenuPopup.openPopup(gTrigger, "before_start", 5, 10, true, true);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) { compareEdge(gTrigger, gMenuPopup, "before_start", 5, 10, testname); }
- // these tests check to ensure that passing an anchor and position
- // puts the popup in the right place
- testname: "show popup anchored",
- condition: function() {
- // only perform this test for popups not in a menu, such as those using
- // the popup attribute, as the showPopup implementation in popup.xml
- // calls openMenu if the popup is inside a menu
- return !gIsMenu;
- },
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- steps: [["topleft", "topleft"],
- ["topleft", "topright"], ["topleft", "bottomleft"],
- ["topright", "topleft"], ["topright", "bottomright"],
- ["bottomleft", "bottomright"], ["bottomleft", "topleft"],
- ["bottomright", "bottomleft"], ["bottomright", "topright"]],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- // the attributes should be ignored
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("popupanchor", "topright");
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("popupalign", "bottomright");
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("position", "end_after");
- gMenuPopup.showPopup(gTrigger, -1, -1, "popup", step[0], step[1]);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- var pos = convertPosition(step[0], step[1]);
- compareEdge(gTrigger, gMenuPopup, pos, 0, 0, testname);
- gMenuPopup.removeAttribute("popupanchor");
- gMenuPopup.removeAttribute("popupalign");
- gMenuPopup.removeAttribute("position");
- }
- testname: "show popup with position",
- condition: function() { return !gIsMenu; },
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gMenuPopup.showPopup(gTrigger, gScreenX + 60, gScreenY + 15,
- "context", "topleft", "bottomright");
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- var rect = gMenuPopup.getBoundingClientRect();
- ok(true, gScreenX + "," + gScreenY);
- is(rect.left, 60, testname + " left");
- is(, 15, testname + " top");
- ok(rect.right, testname + " right is " + rect.right);
- ok(rect.bottom, testname + " bottom is " + rect.bottom);
- }
- // if no anchor is supplied to openPopup, it should be opened relative
- // to the viewport.
- testname: "open popup unanchored",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- test: function(testname, step) { gMenuPopup.openPopup(null, "after_start", 6, 8, false); },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- var rect = gMenuPopup.getBoundingClientRect();
- ok(rect.left == 6 && == 8 && rect.right && rect.bottom, testname);
- }
- testname: "activate menuitem with mouse",
- events: [ "DOMMenuInactive thepopup", "command item3",
- "popuphiding thepopup", "popuphidden thepopup",
- "DOMMenuItemInactive item3" ],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- var item3 = document.getElementById("item3");
- synthesizeMouse(item3, 4, 4, { });
- },
- result: function(testname, step) { checkClosed("trigger", testname); }
- testname: "close popup",
- condition: function() { return false; },
- events: [ "popuphiding thepopup", "popuphidden thepopup",
- "DOMMenuInactive thepopup" ],
- test: function(testname, step) { gMenuPopup.hidePopup(); }
- testname: "open popup at screen",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gExpectedTriggerNode = "notset";
- gMenuPopup.openPopupAtScreen(gScreenX + 24, gScreenY + 20, false);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- gExpectedTriggerNode = null;
- is(gMenuPopup.anchorNode, null, testname + " anchorNode");
- is(gMenuPopup.triggerNode, null, testname + " triggerNode");
- is(document.popupNode, null, testname + " document.popupNode");
- var rect = gMenuPopup.getBoundingClientRect();
- is(rect.left, 24, testname + " left");
- is(, 20, testname + " top");
- ok(rect.right, testname + " right is " + rect.right);
- ok(rect.bottom, testname + " bottom is " + rect.bottom);
- }
- // check that pressing a menuitem's accelerator selects it. Note that
- // the menuitem with the M accesskey overrides the earlier menuitem that
- // begins with M.
- testname: "menuitem accelerator",
- events: [ "DOMMenuItemActive amenu", "DOMMenuItemInactive amenu",
- "DOMMenuInactive thepopup",
- "command amenu", "popuphiding thepopup", "popuphidden thepopup",
- "DOMMenuItemInactive amenu"
- ],
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("M", { }); },
- result: function(testname) { checkClosed("trigger", testname); }
- testname: "open context popup at screen",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup 0010", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gExpectedTriggerNode =;
- gMenuPopup.openPopupAtScreen(gScreenX + 8, gScreenY + 16, true, gCachedEvent);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- gExpectedTriggerNode = null;
- is(gMenuPopup.anchorNode, null, testname + " anchorNode");
- is(gMenuPopup.triggerNode,, testname + " triggerNode");
- is(document.popupNode,, testname + " document.popupNode");
- var childframe = document.getElementById("childframe");
- if (childframe) {
- for (var t = 0; t < 2; t++) {
- var child = childframe.contentDocument;
- var evt = child.createEvent("Event");
- evt.initEvent("click", true, true);
- child.documentElement.dispatchEvent(evt);
- is(child.documentElement.getAttribute("data"), "xnull",
- "cannot get popupNode from other document");
- child.documentElement.setAttribute("data", "none");
- // now try again with document.popupNode set explicitly
- document.popupNode =;
- }
- }
- var openX = 8;
- var openY = 16;
- var rect = gMenuPopup.getBoundingClientRect();
- is(rect.left, openX + (platformIsMac() ? 1 : 2), testname + " left");
- is(, openY + (platformIsMac() ? -6 : 2), testname + " top");
- ok(rect.right, testname + " right is " + rect.right);
- ok(rect.bottom, testname + " bottom is " + rect.bottom);
- }
- // pressing a letter that doesn't correspond to an accelerator, but does
- // correspond to the first letter in a menu's label. The menu should not
- // close because there is more than one item corresponding to that letter
- testname: "menuitem with non accelerator",
- events: [ "DOMMenuItemActive one" ],
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("O", { }); },
- result: function(testname) {
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "one", testname);
- }
- // pressing the letter again should select the next one that starts with
- // that letter
- testname: "menuitem with non accelerator again",
- events: [ "DOMMenuItemInactive one", "DOMMenuItemActive submenu" ],
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("O", { }); },
- result: function(testname) {
- // 'submenu' is a menu but it should not be open
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- checkClosed("submenu", testname);
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "submenu", testname);
- }
- // open the submenu with the cursor right key
- testname: "open submenu with cursor right",
- events: [ "popupshowing submenupopup", "DOMMenuItemActive submenuitem",
- "popupshown submenupopup" ],
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("VK_RIGHT", { }); },
- result: function(testname) {
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- checkOpen("submenu", testname);
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "submenu", testname);
- checkActive(document.getElementById("submenupopup"), "submenuitem", testname);
- }
- // close the submenu with the cursor left key
- testname: "close submenu with cursor left",
- events: [ "popuphiding submenupopup", "popuphidden submenupopup",
- "DOMMenuItemInactive submenuitem", "DOMMenuInactive submenupopup",
- "DOMMenuItemActive submenu" ],
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("VK_LEFT", { }); },
- result: function(testname) {
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- checkClosed("submenu", testname);
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "submenu", testname);
- checkActive(document.getElementById("submenupopup"), "", testname);
- }
- // open the submenu with the enter key
- testname: "open submenu with enter",
- events: [ "popupshowing submenupopup", "DOMMenuItemActive submenuitem",
- "popupshown submenupopup" ],
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", { }); },
- result: function(testname) {
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- checkOpen("submenu", testname);
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "submenu", testname);
- checkActive(document.getElementById("submenupopup"), "submenuitem", testname);
- }
- // close the submenu with the escape key
- testname: "close submenu with escape",
- events: [ "popuphiding submenupopup", "popuphidden submenupopup",
- "DOMMenuItemInactive submenuitem", "DOMMenuInactive submenupopup",
- "DOMMenuItemActive submenu" ],
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", { }); },
- result: function(testname) {
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- checkClosed("submenu", testname);
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "submenu", testname);
- checkActive(document.getElementById("submenupopup"), "", testname);
- }
- // pressing the letter again when the next item is disabled should still
- // select the disabled item on Windows, but select the next item on other
- // platforms
- testname: "menuitem with non accelerator disabled",
- events: function() {
- if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0) {
- return [ "DOMMenuItemInactive submenu", "DOMMenuItemActive other",
- "DOMMenuItemInactive other", "DOMMenuItemActive item1" ];
- }
- return [ "DOMMenuItemInactive submenu", "DOMMenuItemActive last",
- "DOMMenuItemInactive last", "DOMMenuItemActive item1" ];
- },
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("O", { }); synthesizeKey("F", { }); },
- result: function(testname) {
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "item1", testname);
- }
- // pressing a letter that doesn't correspond to an accelerator nor the
- // first letter of a menu. This should have no effect.
- testname: "menuitem with keypress no accelerator found",
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("G", { }); },
- result: function(testname) {
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "item1", testname);
- }
- // when only one menuitem starting with that letter exists, it should be
- // selected and the menu closed
- testname: "menuitem with non accelerator single",
- events: [ "DOMMenuItemInactive item1", "DOMMenuItemActive amenu",
- "DOMMenuItemInactive amenu", "DOMMenuInactive thepopup",
- "command amenu", "popuphiding thepopup", "popuphidden thepopup",
- "DOMMenuItemInactive amenu",
- ],
- test: function() { synthesizeKey("M", { }); },
- result: function(testname) {
- checkClosed("trigger", testname);
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "", testname);
- }
- testname: "open context popup at screen with all modifiers set",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup 1111", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gMenuPopup.openPopupAtScreen(gScreenX + 8, gScreenY + 16, true, gCachedEvent2);
- }
- testname: "open popup with open property",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- test: function(testname, step) { openMenu(gTrigger); },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- if (gIsMenu)
- compareEdge(gTrigger, gMenuPopup, "after_start", 0, 0, testname);
- }
- testname: "open submenu with open property",
- events: [ "popupshowing submenupopup", "DOMMenuItemActive submenu",
- "popupshown submenupopup" ],
- test: function(testname, step) { openMenu(document.getElementById("submenu")); },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- checkOpen("submenu", testname);
- // XXXndeakin
- // getBoundingClientRect doesn't seem to working right for submenus
- // so disable this test for now
- // compareEdge(document.getElementById("submenu"),
- // document.getElementById("submenupopup"), "end_before", 0, 0, testname);
- }
- testname: "hidePopup hides entire chain",
- events: [ "popuphiding submenupopup", "popuphidden submenupopup",
- "popuphiding thepopup", "popuphidden thepopup",
- "DOMMenuInactive submenupopup",
- "DOMMenuItemInactive submenu", "DOMMenuItemInactive submenu",
- "DOMMenuInactive thepopup", ],
- test: function() { gMenuPopup.hidePopup(); },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- checkClosed("trigger", testname);
- checkClosed("submenu", testname);
- }
- testname: "open submenu with open property without parent open",
- test: function(testname, step) { openMenu(document.getElementById("submenu")); },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- checkClosed("trigger", testname);
- checkClosed("submenu", testname);
- }
- testname: "open popup with open property and position",
- condition: function() { return gIsMenu; },
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("position", "before_start");
- openMenu(gTrigger);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- compareEdge(gTrigger, gMenuPopup, "before_start", 0, 0, testname);
- }
- testname: "close popup with open property",
- condition: function() { return gIsMenu; },
- events: [ "popuphiding thepopup", "popuphidden thepopup",
- "DOMMenuInactive thepopup" ],
- test: function(testname, step) { closeMenu(gTrigger, gMenuPopup); },
- result: function(testname, step) { checkClosed("trigger", testname); }
- testname: "open popup with open property, position, anchor and alignment",
- condition: function() { return gIsMenu; },
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("position", "start_after");
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("popupanchor", "topright");
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("popupalign", "bottomright");
- openMenu(gTrigger);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- compareEdge(gTrigger, gMenuPopup, "start_after", 0, 0, testname);
- }
- testname: "open popup with open property, anchor and alignment",
- condition: function() { return gIsMenu; },
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gMenuPopup.removeAttribute("position");
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("popupanchor", "bottomright");
- gMenuPopup.setAttribute("popupalign", "topright");
- openMenu(gTrigger);
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- compareEdge(gTrigger, gMenuPopup, "after_end", 0, 0, testname);
- gMenuPopup.removeAttribute("popupanchor");
- gMenuPopup.removeAttribute("popupalign");
- }
- testname: "focus and cursor down on trigger",
- condition: function() { return gIsMenu; },
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gTrigger.focus();
- synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", { altKey: !platformIsMac() });
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "", testname);
- }
- testname: "focus and cursor up on trigger",
- condition: function() { return gIsMenu; },
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gTrigger.focus();
- synthesizeKey("VK_UP", { altKey: !platformIsMac() });
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "", testname);
- }
- testname: "select and enter on menuitem",
- condition: function() { return gIsMenu; },
- events: [ "DOMMenuItemActive item1", "DOMMenuItemInactive item1",
- "DOMMenuInactive thepopup", "command item1",
- "popuphiding thepopup", "popuphidden thepopup",
- "DOMMenuItemInactive item1" ],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", { });
- synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", { });
- },
- result: function(testname, step) { checkClosed("trigger", testname); }
- testname: "focus trigger and key to open",
- condition: function() { return gIsMenu; },
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshown thepopup" ],
- autohide: "thepopup",
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gTrigger.focus();
- synthesizeKey(platformIsMac() ? " " : "VK_F4", { });
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- checkActive(gMenuPopup, "", testname);
- }
- // the menu should only open when the meta or alt key is not pressed
- testname: "focus trigger and key wrong modifier",
- condition: function() { return gIsMenu; },
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gTrigger.focus();
- if (platformIsMac())
- synthesizeKey("VK_F4", { altKey: true });
- else
- synthesizeKey("", { metaKey: true });
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- checkClosed("trigger", testname);
- }
- testname: "mouse click on disabled menu",
- condition: function() { return gIsMenu; },
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gTrigger.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- synthesizeMouse(gTrigger, 4, 4, { });
- },
- result: function(testname, step) {
- checkClosed("trigger", testname);
- gTrigger.removeAttribute("disabled");
- }
- // openPopup should open the menu synchronously, however popupshown
- // is fired asynchronously
- testname: "openPopup synchronous",
- events: [ "popupshowing thepopup", "popupshowing submenupopup",
- "popupshown thepopup", "DOMMenuItemActive submenu",
- "popupshown submenupopup" ],
- test: function(testname, step) {
- gMenuPopup.openPopup(gTrigger, "after_start", 0, 0, false, true);
- document.getElementById("submenupopup").
- openPopup(gTrigger, "end_before", 0, 0, false, true);
- checkOpen("trigger", testname);
- checkOpen("submenu", testname);
- }
- // remove the content nodes for the popup
- testname: "remove content",
- test: function(testname, step) {
- var submenupopup = document.getElementById("submenupopup");
- submenupopup.parentNode.removeChild(submenupopup);
- var popup = document.getElementById("thepopup");
- popup.parentNode.removeChild(popup);
- }
-function platformIsMac()
- return navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") > -1;