path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect
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9 files changed, 2492 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/constructor.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/constructor.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97c7613f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/constructor.html
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<title>KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor tests</title>
+<link rel="help" href="">
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<script src="../../testcommon.js"></script>
+<script src="../../resources/keyframe-utils.js"></script>
+<div id="log"></div>
+<div id="target"></div>
+#target {
+ border-style: solid; /* so border-*-width values don't compute to 0 */
+"use strict";
+var target = document.getElementById("target");
+test(function(t) {
+ gEmptyKeyframeListTests.forEach(function(frames) {
+ assert_equals(new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, frames)
+ .getKeyframes().length,
+ 0, "number of frames for " + JSON.stringify(frames));
+ });
+}, "a KeyframeEffectReadOnly can be constructed with no frames");
+test(function(t) {
+ gEasingValueTests.forEach(function(subtest) {
+ var easing = subtest[0];
+ var expected = subtest[1];
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, {
+ left: ["10px", "20px"],
+ easing: easing
+ });
+ assert_equals(effect.getKeyframes()[0].easing, expected,
+ "resulting easing for '" + easing + "'");
+ });
+}, "easing values are parsed correctly when passed to the " +
+ "KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor in a property-indexed keyframe");
+test(function(t) {
+ gEasingValueTests.forEach(function(subtest) {
+ var easing = subtest[0];
+ var expected = subtest[1];
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, [
+ { offset: 0, left: "10px", easing: easing },
+ { offset: 1, left: "20px" }
+ ]);
+ assert_equals(effect.getKeyframes()[0].easing, expected,
+ "resulting easing for '" + easing + "'");
+ });
+}, "easing values are parsed correctly when passed to the " +
+ "KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor in regular keyframes");
+test(function(t) {
+ gEasingValueTests.forEach(function(subtest) {
+ var easing = subtest[0];
+ var expected = subtest[1];
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, {
+ left: ["10px", "20px"]
+ }, { easing: easing });
+ assert_equals(effect.timing.easing, expected,
+ "resulting easing for '" + easing + "'");
+ });
+}, "easing values are parsed correctly when passed to the " +
+ "KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor in KeyframeTimingOptions");
+test(function(t) {
+ var getKeyframe = function(composite) {
+ return { left: [ "10px", "20px" ], composite: composite };
+ };
+ gGoodKeyframeCompositeValueTests.forEach(function(composite) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, getKeyframe(composite));
+ assert_equals(effect.getKeyframes()[0].composite, composite,
+ "resulting composite for '" + composite + "'");
+ });
+ gBadCompositeValueTests.forEach(function(composite) {
+ assert_throws(new TypeError, function() {
+ new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, getKeyframe(composite));
+ });
+ });
+}, "composite values are parsed correctly when passed to the " +
+ "KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor in property-indexed keyframes");
+test(function(t) {
+ var getKeyframes = function(composite) {
+ return [
+ { offset: 0, left: "10px", composite: composite },
+ { offset: 1, left: "20px" }
+ ];
+ };
+ gGoodKeyframeCompositeValueTests.forEach(function(composite) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, getKeyframes(composite));
+ assert_equals(effect.getKeyframes()[0].composite, composite,
+ "resulting composite for '" + composite + "'");
+ });
+ gBadCompositeValueTests.forEach(function(composite) {
+ assert_throws(new TypeError, function() {
+ new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, getKeyframes(composite));
+ });
+ });
+}, "composite values are parsed correctly when passed to the " +
+ "KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor in regular keyframes");
+test(function(t) {
+ gGoodOptionsCompositeValueTests.forEach(function(composite) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, {
+ left: ["10px", "20px"]
+ }, { composite: composite });
+ assert_equals(effect.getKeyframes()[0].composite, composite,
+ "resulting composite for '" + composite + "'");
+ });
+ gBadCompositeValueTests.forEach(function(composite) {
+ assert_throws(new TypeError, function() {
+ new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, {
+ left: ["10px", "20px"]
+ }, { composite: composite });
+ });
+ });
+}, "composite values are parsed correctly when passed to the " +
+ "KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor in KeyframeTimingOptions");
+gPropertyIndexedKeyframesTests.forEach(function(subtest) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, subtest.input);
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), subtest.output);
+ }, "a KeyframeEffectReadOnly can be constructed with " + subtest.desc);
+ test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, subtest.input);
+ var secondEffect =
+ new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, effect.getKeyframes());
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(secondEffect.getKeyframes(),
+ effect.getKeyframes());
+ }, "a KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructed with " + subtest.desc +
+ " roundtrips");
+test(function(t) {
+ var expectedOrder = ["composite", "easing", "offset", "left", "marginLeft"];
+ var actualOrder = [];
+ var kf1 = {};
+ var kf2 = { marginLeft: "10px", left: "20px", offset: 1 };
+ [{ p: "marginLeft", v: "10px" },
+ { p: "left", v: "20px" },
+ { p: "offset", v: "0" },
+ { p: "easing", v: "linear" },
+ { p: "composite", v: "replace" }].forEach(function(e) {
+ Object.defineProperty(kf1, e.p, {
+ enumerable: true,
+ get: function() { actualOrder.push(e.p); return e.v; }
+ });
+ });
+ new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, [kf1, kf2]);
+ assert_array_equals(actualOrder, expectedOrder, "property access order");
+}, "the KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor reads keyframe properties in the " +
+ "expected order");
+gKeyframeSequenceTests.forEach(function(subtest) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, subtest.input);
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), subtest.output);
+ }, "a KeyframeEffectReadOnly can be constructed with " + subtest.desc);
+ test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, subtest.input);
+ var secondEffect =
+ new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, effect.getKeyframes());
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(secondEffect.getKeyframes(),
+ effect.getKeyframes());
+ }, "a KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructed with " + subtest.desc +
+ " roundtrips");
+gInvalidKeyframesTests.forEach(function(subtest) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ assert_throws(subtest.expected, function() {
+ new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, subtest.input);
+ });
+ }, "KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor throws with " + subtest.desc);
+gInvalidEasingInKeyframeSequenceTests.forEach(function(subtest) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ assert_throws(new TypeError, function() {
+ new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target, subtest.input);
+ });
+ }, "Invalid easing [" + subtest.desc + "] in keyframe sequence " +
+ "should be thrown");
+test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target,
+ { left: ["10px", "20px"] });
+ var timing = effect.timing;
+ assert_equals(timing.delay, 0, "default delay");
+ assert_equals(timing.endDelay, 0, "default endDelay");
+ assert_equals(timing.fill, "auto", "default fill");
+ assert_equals(timing.iterations, 1.0, "default iterations");
+ assert_equals(timing.iterationStart, 0.0, "default iterationStart");
+ assert_equals(timing.duration, "auto", "default duration");
+ assert_equals(timing.direction, "normal", "default direction");
+ assert_equals(timing.easing, "linear", "default easing");
+ assert_equals(effect.composite, "replace", "default composite");
+ assert_equals(effect.iterationComposite, "replace",
+ "default iterationComposite");
+ assert_equals(effect.spacing, "distribute",
+ "default spacing");
+}, "a KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructed without any " +
+ "KeyframeEffectOptions object");
+gKeyframeEffectOptionTests.forEach(function(stest) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target,
+ { left: ["10px", "20px"] },
+ stest.input);
+ // Helper function to provide default expected values when the test does
+ // not supply them.
+ var expected = function(field, defaultValue) {
+ return field in stest.expected ? stest.expected[field] : defaultValue;
+ };
+ var timing = effect.timing;
+ assert_equals(timing.delay, expected("delay", 0),
+ "timing delay");
+ assert_equals(timing.fill, expected("fill", "auto"),
+ "timing fill");
+ assert_equals(timing.iterations, expected("iterations", 1),
+ "timing iterations");
+ assert_equals(timing.duration, expected("duration", "auto"),
+ "timing duration");
+ assert_equals(timing.direction, expected("direction", "normal"),
+ "timing direction");
+ }, "a KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructed by " + stest.desc);
+gInvalidKeyframeEffectOptionTests.forEach(function(stest) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ assert_throws(stest.expected, function() {
+ new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target,
+ { left: ["10px", "20px"] },
+ stest.input);
+ });
+ }, "Invalid KeyframeEffectReadOnly option by " + stest.desc);
+test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(null,
+ { left: ["10px", "20px"] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ fill: "forwards" });
+ assert_equals(, null,
+ "Effect created with null target has correct target");
+}, "a KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructed with null target");
+test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffect(target, null);
+ assert_class_string(effect, "KeyframeEffect");
+ assert_class_string(effect.timing, "AnimationEffectTiming");
+}, "KeyframeEffect constructor creates an AnimationEffectTiming timing object");
+test(function(t) {
+ var test_error = { name: "test" };
+ assert_throws(test_error, function() {
+ new KeyframeEffect(target, { get left() { throw test_error }})
+ });
+}, "KeyframeEffect constructor propagates exceptions generated by accessing"
+ + " the options object");
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/copy-contructor.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/copy-contructor.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc278389c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/copy-contructor.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<title>KeyframeEffect copy constructor tests</title>
+<link rel="help"
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<script src="../../testcommon.js"></script>
+<div id="log"></div>
+"use strict";
+test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(createDiv(t), null);
+ assert_equals(, 'KeyframeEffectReadOnly');
+ assert_equals(,
+ 'AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly');
+ // Make a mutable copy
+ var copiedEffect = new KeyframeEffect(effect);
+ assert_equals(, 'KeyframeEffect');
+ assert_equals(, 'AnimationEffectTiming');
+}, 'Test mutable copy from a KeyframeEffectReadOnly source');
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/effect-easing.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/effect-easing.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05019cdf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/effect-easing.html
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<title>Effect-level easing tests</title>
+<link rel="help" href="">
+<link rel="author" title="Hiroyuki Ikezoe" href="">
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<script src="../../testcommon.js"></script>
+<script src="../../resources/effect-easing-tests.js"></script>
+<div id="log"></div>
+<div id="target"></div>
+"use strict";
+function assert_style_left_at(animation, time, easingFunction) {
+ animation.currentTime = time;
+ var portion = time / animation.effect.timing.duration;
+ assert_approx_equals(pxToNum(getComputedStyle(,
+ easingFunction(portion) * 100,
+ 0.01,
+ 'The left of the animation should be approximately ' +
+ easingFunction(portion) * 100 + ' at ' + time + 'ms');
+gEffectEasingTests.forEach(function(options) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var target = createDiv(t);
+ = 'absolute';
+ var anim = target.animate([ { left: '0px' }, { left: '100px' } ],
+ { duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'forwards',
+ easing: options.easing });
+ var easing = options.easingFunction;
+ anim.pause();
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 0, easing);
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 250, easing);
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 500, easing);
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 750, easing);
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 1000, easing);
+ }, options.desc);
+var gEffectEasingTestsWithKeyframeEasing = [
+ {
+ desc: 'effect easing produces values greater than 1 with keyframe ' +
+ 'easing cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0, 0)',
+ easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 1.5, 1, 1.5)',
+ keyframeEasing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0, 0)', // linear
+ easingFunction: cubicBezier(0, 1.5, 1, 1.5)
+ },
+ {
+ desc: 'effect easing produces values greater than 1 with keyframe ' +
+ 'easing cubic-bezier(1, 1, 1, 1)',
+ easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 1.5, 1, 1.5)',
+ keyframeEasing: 'cubic-bezier(1, 1, 1, 1)', // linear
+ easingFunction: cubicBezier(0, 1.5, 1, 1.5)
+ },
+ {
+ desc: 'effect easing produces negative values 1 with keyframe ' +
+ 'easing cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0, 0)',
+ easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, -0.5, 1, -0.5)',
+ keyframeEasing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0, 0)', // linear
+ easingFunction: cubicBezier(0, -0.5, 1, -0.5)
+ },
+ {
+ desc: 'effect easing produces negative values 1 with keyframe ' +
+ 'easing cubic-bezier(1, 1, 1, 1)',
+ easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, -0.5, 1, -0.5)',
+ keyframeEasing: 'cubic-bezier(1, 1, 1, 1)', // linear
+ easingFunction: cubicBezier(0, -0.5, 1, -0.5)
+ },
+gEffectEasingTestsWithKeyframeEasing.forEach(function(options) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var target = createDiv(t);
+ = 'absolute';
+ var anim = target.animate(
+ [ { left: '0px', easing: options.keyframeEasing },
+ { left: '100px' } ],
+ { duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'forwards',
+ easing: options.easing });
+ var easing = options.easingFunction;
+ anim.pause();
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 0, easing);
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 250, easing);
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 500, easing);
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 750, easing);
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 1000, easing);
+ }, options.desc);
+// Other test cases that effect easing produces values outside of [0,1].
+test(function(t) {
+ var target = createDiv(t);
+ = 'absolute';
+ var anim = target.animate([ { left: '0px', easing: 'step-start' },
+ { left: '100px' } ],
+ { duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'forwards',
+ easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 1.5, 1, 1.5)' });
+ anim.pause();
+ // The bezier function produces values greater than 1 in (0.23368794, 1)
+ anim.currentTime = 0;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '100px');
+ anim.currentTime = 230;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '100px');
+ anim.currentTime = 250;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '100px');
+ anim.currentTime = 1000;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '100px');
+}, 'effect easing produces values greater than 1 with step-start keyframe');
+test(function(t) {
+ var target = createDiv(t);
+ = 'absolute';
+ var anim = target.animate([ { left: '0px', easing: 'step-end' },
+ { left: '100px' } ],
+ { duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'forwards',
+ easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 1.5, 1, 1.5)' });
+ anim.pause();
+ // The bezier function produces values greater than 1 in (0.23368794, 1)
+ anim.currentTime = 0;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '0px');
+ anim.currentTime = 230;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '0px');
+ anim.currentTime = 250;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '100px');
+ anim.currentTime = 1000;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '100px');
+}, 'effect easing produces values greater than 1 with step-end keyframe');
+test(function(t) {
+ var target = createDiv(t);
+ = 'absolute';
+ var anim = target.animate([ { left: '0px', easing: 'step-start' },
+ { left: '100px' } ],
+ { duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'forwards',
+ easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, -0.5, 1, -0.5)' });
+ anim.pause();
+ // The bezier function produces negative values in (0, 0.766312060)
+ anim.currentTime = 0;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '100px');
+ anim.currentTime = 750;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '0px');
+ anim.currentTime = 800;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '100px');
+ anim.currentTime = 1000;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '100px');
+}, 'effect easing produces negative values with step-start keyframe');
+test(function(t) {
+ var target = createDiv(t);
+ = 'absolute';
+ var anim = target.animate([ { left: '0px', easing: 'step-end' },
+ { left: '100px' } ],
+ { duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'forwards',
+ easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, -0.5, 1, -0.5)' });
+ anim.pause();
+ // The bezier function produces negative values in (0, 0.766312060)
+ anim.currentTime = 0;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '0px');
+ anim.currentTime = 750;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '0px');
+ anim.currentTime = 800;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '0px');
+ anim.currentTime = 1000;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).left, '100px');
+}, 'effect easing produces negative values with step-end keyframe');
+test(function(t) {
+ var target = createDiv(t);
+ = 'absolute';
+ var anim = target.animate(
+ //,1,.5,0
+ [ { left: '0px', easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.5, 1, 0.5, 0)' },
+ { left: '100px' } ],
+ { duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'forwards',
+ easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 1.5, 1, 1.5)' });
+ var keyframeEasing = function(x) {
+ assert_greater_than_equal(x, 0.0,
+ 'This function should be called in [0, 1.0] range');
+ assert_less_than_equal(x, 1.0,
+ 'This function should be called in [0, 1.0] range');
+ return cubicBezier(0.5, 1, 0.5, 0)(x);
+ }
+ var keyframeEasingExtrapolated = function(x) {
+ assert_greater_than(x, 1.0,
+ 'This function should be called in (1.0, infinity) range');
+ // p3x + (p2y - p3y) / (p2x - p3x) * (x - p3x)
+ return 1.0 + (0 - 1) / (0.5 - 1) * (x - 1.0);
+ }
+ var effectEasing = function(x) {
+ return cubicBezier(0, 1.5, 1, 1.5)(x);
+ }
+ anim.pause();
+ // The effect-easing produces values greater than 1 in (0.23368794, 1)
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 0, function(x) {
+ return keyframeEasing(effectEasing(x));
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 230, function(x) {
+ return keyframeEasing(effectEasing(x));
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 240, function(x) {
+ return keyframeEasingExtrapolated(effectEasing(x));
+ });
+ // Near the extreme point of the effect-easing function
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 700, function(x) {
+ return keyframeEasingExtrapolated(effectEasing(x));
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 990, function(x) {
+ return keyframeEasingExtrapolated(effectEasing(x));
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 1000, function(x) {
+ return keyframeEasing(effectEasing(x));
+ });
+}, 'effect easing produces values greater than 1 with keyframe easing ' +
+ 'producing values greater than 1');
+test(function(t) {
+ var target = createDiv(t);
+ = 'absolute';
+ var anim = target.animate(
+ //,1.5,1,1.5
+ [ { left: '0px', easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 1.5, 1, 1.5)' },
+ { left: '100px' } ],
+ { duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'forwards',
+ easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, 1.5, 1, 1.5)' });
+ var easing = function(x) {
+ assert_greater_than_equal(x, 0.0,
+ 'This function should be called in [0, 1.0] range');
+ assert_less_than_equal(x, 1.0,
+ 'This function should be called in [0, 1.0] range');
+ return cubicBezier(0, 1.5, 1, 1.5)(x);
+ }
+ var easingExtrapolated = function(x) {
+ assert_greater_than(x, 1.0,
+ 'This function should be called in negative range');
+ // For cubic-bezier(0, 1.5, 1, 1.5), the tangent at the
+ // endpoint (x = 1.0) is infinity so we should just return 1.0.
+ return 1.0;
+ }
+ anim.pause();
+ // The effect-easing produces values greater than 1 in (0.23368794, 1)
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 0, function(x) {
+ return easing(easing(x))
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 230, function(x) {
+ return easing(easing(x))
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 240, function(x) {
+ return easingExtrapolated(easing(x));
+ });
+ // Near the extreme point of the effect-easing function
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 700, function(x) {
+ return easingExtrapolated(easing(x));
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 990, function(x) {
+ return easingExtrapolated(easing(x));
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 1000, function(x) {
+ return easing(easing(x))
+ });
+}, 'effect easing which produces values greater than 1 and the tangent on ' +
+ 'the upper boundary is infinity with keyframe easing producing values ' +
+ 'greater than 1');
+test(function(t) {
+ var target = createDiv(t);
+ = 'absolute';
+ var anim = target.animate(
+ //,1,.5,0
+ [ { left: '0px', easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.5, 1, 0.5, 0)' },
+ { left: '100px' } ],
+ { duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'forwards',
+ easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, -0.5, 1, -0.5)' });
+ var keyframeEasing = function(x) {
+ assert_greater_than_equal(x, 0.0,
+ 'This function should be called in [0, 1.0] range');
+ assert_less_than_equal(x, 1.0,
+ 'This function should be called in [0, 1.0] range');
+ return cubicBezier(0.5, 1, 0.5, 0)(x);
+ }
+ var keyframeEasingExtrapolated = function(x) {
+ assert_less_than(x, 0.0,
+ 'This function should be called in negative range');
+ // p0x + (p1y - p0y) / (p1x - p0x) * (x - p0x)
+ return (1 / 0.5) * x;
+ }
+ var effectEasing = function(x) {
+ return cubicBezier(0, -0.5, 1, -0.5)(x);
+ }
+ anim.pause();
+ // The effect-easing produces negative values in (0, 0.766312060)
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 0, function(x) {
+ return keyframeEasing(effectEasing(x));
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 10, function(x) {
+ return keyframeEasingExtrapolated(effectEasing(x));
+ });
+ // Near the extreme point of the effect-easing function
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 300, function(x) {
+ return keyframeEasingExtrapolated(effectEasing(x));
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 750, function(x) {
+ return keyframeEasingExtrapolated(effectEasing(x));
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 770, function(x) {
+ return keyframeEasing(effectEasing(x));
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 1000, function(x) {
+ return keyframeEasing(effectEasing(x));
+ });
+}, 'effect easing produces negative values with keyframe easing ' +
+ 'producing negative values');
+test(function(t) {
+ var target = createDiv(t);
+ = 'absolute';
+ var anim = target.animate(
+ //,-0.5,1,-0.5
+ [ { left: '0px', easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, -0.5, 1, -0.5)' },
+ { left: '100px' } ],
+ { duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'forwards',
+ easing: 'cubic-bezier(0, -0.5, 1, -0.5)' });
+ var easing = function(x) {
+ assert_greater_than_equal(x, 0.0,
+ 'This function should be called in [0, 1.0] range');
+ assert_less_than_equal(x, 1.0,
+ 'This function should be called in [0, 1.0] range');
+ return cubicBezier(0, -0.5, 1, -0.5)(x);
+ }
+ var easingExtrapolated = function(x) {
+ assert_less_than(x, 0.0,
+ 'This function should be called in negative range');
+ // For cubic-bezier(0, -0.5, 1, -0.5), the tangent at the
+ // endpoint (x = 0.0) is infinity so we should just return 0.0.
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ anim.pause();
+ // The effect-easing produces negative values in (0, 0.766312060)
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 0, function(x) {
+ return easing(easing(x))
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 10, function(x) {
+ return easingExtrapolated(easing(x));
+ });
+ // Near the extreme point of the effect-easing function
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 300, function(x) {
+ return easingExtrapolated(easing(x));
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 750, function(x) {
+ return easingExtrapolated(easing(x));
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 770, function(x) {
+ return easing(easing(x))
+ });
+ assert_style_left_at(anim, 1000, function(x) {
+ return easing(easing(x))
+ });
+}, 'effect easing which produces negative values and the tangent on ' +
+ 'the lower boundary is infinity with keyframe easing producing ' +
+ 'negative values');
+var gStepTimingFunctionTests = [
+ {
+ description: 'Test bounds point of step-start easing',
+ keyframe: [ { width: '0px' },
+ { width: '100px' } ],
+ effect: {
+ delay: 1000,
+ duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'both',
+ easing: 'steps(2, start)'
+ },
+ conditions: [
+ { currentTime: 0, progress: 0 },
+ { currentTime: 999, progress: 0 },
+ { currentTime: 1000, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1499, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1500, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 2000, progress: 1 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'Test bounds point of step-start easing with compositor',
+ keyframe: [ { opacity: 0 },
+ { opacity: 1 } ],
+ effect: {
+ delay: 1000,
+ duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'both',
+ easing: 'steps(2, start)'
+ },
+ conditions: [
+ { currentTime: 0, progress: 0 },
+ { currentTime: 999, progress: 0 },
+ { currentTime: 1000, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1499, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1500, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 2000, progress: 1 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'Test bounds point of step-start easing with reverse direction',
+ keyframe: [ { width: '0px' },
+ { width: '100px' } ],
+ effect: {
+ delay: 1000,
+ duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'both',
+ direction: 'reverse',
+ easing: 'steps(2, start)'
+ },
+ conditions: [
+ { currentTime: 0, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1001, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1500, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1501, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 2000, progress: 0 },
+ { currentTime: 2500, progress: 0 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'Test bounds point of step-start easing ' +
+ 'with iterationStart not at a transition point',
+ keyframe: [ { width: '0px' },
+ { width: '100px' } ],
+ effect: {
+ delay: 1000,
+ duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'both',
+ iterationStart: 0.25,
+ easing: 'steps(2, start)'
+ },
+ conditions: [
+ { currentTime: 0, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 999, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1000, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1249, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1250, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1749, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1750, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 2000, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 2500, progress: 0.5 },
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'Test bounds point of step-start easing ' +
+ 'with iterationStart and delay',
+ keyframe: [ { width: '0px' },
+ { width: '100px' } ],
+ effect: {
+ delay: 1000,
+ duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'both',
+ iterationStart: 0.5,
+ easing: 'steps(2, start)'
+ },
+ conditions: [
+ { currentTime: 0, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 999, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1000, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1499, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1500, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 2000, progress: 1 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'Test bounds point of step-start easing ' +
+ 'with iterationStart and reverse direction',
+ keyframe: [ { width: '0px' },
+ { width: '100px' } ],
+ effect: {
+ delay: 1000,
+ duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'both',
+ iterationStart: 0.5,
+ direction: 'reverse',
+ easing: 'steps(2, start)'
+ },
+ conditions: [
+ { currentTime: 0, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1000, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1001, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1499, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1500, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1999, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 2000, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 2500, progress: 0.5 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'Test bounds point of step(4, start) easing ' +
+ 'with iterationStart 0.75 and delay',
+ keyframe: [ { width: '0px' },
+ { width: '100px' } ],
+ effect: {
+ duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'both',
+ delay: 1000,
+ iterationStart: 0.75,
+ easing: 'steps(4, start)'
+ },
+ conditions: [
+ { currentTime: 0, progress: 0.75 },
+ { currentTime: 999, progress: 0.75 },
+ { currentTime: 1000, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 2000, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 2500, progress: 1 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'Test bounds point of step-start easing ' +
+ 'with alternate direction',
+ keyframe: [ { width: '0px' },
+ { width: '100px' } ],
+ effect: {
+ duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'both',
+ delay: 1000,
+ iterations: 2,
+ iterationStart: 1.5,
+ direction: 'alternate',
+ easing: 'steps(2, start)'
+ },
+ conditions: [
+ { currentTime: 0, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1000, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1001, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 2999, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 3000, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 3500, progress: 0.5 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'Test bounds point of step-start easing ' +
+ 'with alternate-reverse direction',
+ keyframe: [ { width: '0px' },
+ { width: '100px' } ],
+ effect: {
+ duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'both',
+ delay: 1000,
+ iterations: 2,
+ iterationStart: 0.5,
+ direction: 'alternate-reverse',
+ easing: 'steps(2, start)'
+ },
+ conditions: [
+ { currentTime: 0, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1000, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 1001, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 2999, progress: 1 },
+ { currentTime: 3000, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 3500, progress: 0.5 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'Test bounds point of step-start easing in keyframe',
+ keyframe: [ { width: '0px', easing: 'steps(2, start)' },
+ { width: '100px' } ],
+ effect: {
+ delay: 1000,
+ duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'both',
+ },
+ conditions: [
+ { currentTime: 0, progress: 0, width: '0px' },
+ { currentTime: 999, progress: 0, width: '0px' },
+ { currentTime: 1000, progress: 0, width: '50px' },
+ { currentTime: 1499, progress: 0.499, width: '50px' },
+ { currentTime: 1500, progress: 0.5, width: '100px' },
+ { currentTime: 2000, progress: 1, width: '100px' },
+ { currentTime: 2500, progress: 1, width: '100px' }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'Test bounds point of step-end easing ' +
+ 'with iterationStart and delay',
+ keyframe: [ { width: '0px' },
+ { width: '100px' } ],
+ effect: {
+ duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'both',
+ delay: 1000,
+ iterationStart: 0.5,
+ easing: 'steps(2, end)'
+ },
+ conditions: [
+ { currentTime: 0, progress: 0 },
+ { currentTime: 999, progress: 0 },
+ { currentTime: 1000, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1499, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1500, progress: 0 },
+ { currentTime: 1999, progress: 0 },
+ { currentTime: 2000, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 2500, progress: 0.5 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'Test bounds point of step-end easing ' +
+ 'with iterationStart not at a transition point',
+ keyframe: [ { width: '0px' },
+ { width: '100px' } ],
+ effect: {
+ delay: 1000,
+ duration: 1000,
+ fill: 'both',
+ iterationStart: 0.75,
+ easing: 'steps(2, end)'
+ },
+ conditions: [
+ { currentTime: 0, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 999, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1000, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1249, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 1250, progress: 0 },
+ { currentTime: 1749, progress: 0 },
+ { currentTime: 1750, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 2000, progress: 0.5 },
+ { currentTime: 2500, progress: 0.5 },
+ ]
+ }
+gStepTimingFunctionTests.forEach(function(options) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var target = createDiv(t);
+ var animation = target.animate(options.keyframe, options.effect);
+ options.conditions.forEach(function(condition) {
+ animation.currentTime = condition.currentTime;
+ if (typeof condition.progress !== 'undefined') {
+ assert_equals(animation.effect.getComputedTiming().progress,
+ condition.progress,
+ 'Progress at ' + animation.currentTime + 'ms');
+ }
+ if (typeof condition.width !== 'undefined') {
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target).width,
+ condition.width,
+ 'Progress at ' + animation.currentTime + 'ms');
+ }
+ });
+ }, options.description);
+gInvalidEasingTests.forEach(function(options) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ assert_throws({ name: 'TypeError' },
+ function() {
+ div.animate({ easing: options.easing }, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
+ });
+ }, 'Invalid keyframe easing value: \'' + options.easing + '\'');
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/getComputedTiming.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/getComputedTiming.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d799272b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/getComputedTiming.html
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<title>KeyframeEffectReadOnly getComputedTiming() tests</title>
+<link rel="help" href="">
+<link rel="author" title="Boris Chiou" href="">
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<script src="../../testcommon.js"></script>
+<div id="log"></div>
+<div id="target"></div>
+"use strict";
+var target = document.getElementById("target");
+test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target,
+ { left: ["10px", "20px"] });
+ var ct = effect.getComputedTiming();
+ assert_equals(ct.delay, 0, "computed delay");
+ assert_equals(ct.fill, "none", "computed fill");
+ assert_equals(ct.iterations, 1.0, "computed iterations");
+ assert_equals(ct.duration, 0, "computed duration");
+ assert_equals(ct.direction, "normal", "computed direction");
+}, "values of getComputedTiming() when a KeyframeEffectReadOnly is " +
+ "constructed without any KeyframeEffectOptions object");
+var gGetComputedTimingTests = [
+ { desc: "an empty KeyframeEffectOptions object",
+ input: { },
+ expected: { } },
+ { desc: "a normal KeyframeEffectOptions object",
+ input: { delay: 1000,
+ fill: "auto",
+ iterations: 5.5,
+ duration: "auto",
+ direction: "alternate" },
+ expected: { delay: 1000,
+ fill: "none",
+ iterations: 5.5,
+ duration: 0,
+ direction: "alternate" } },
+ { desc: "a double value",
+ input: 3000,
+ timing: { duration: 3000 },
+ expected: { delay: 0,
+ fill: "none",
+ iterations: 1,
+ duration: 3000,
+ direction: "normal" } },
+ { desc: "+Infinity",
+ input: Infinity,
+ expected: { duration: Infinity } },
+ { desc: "an Infinity duration",
+ input: { duration: Infinity },
+ expected: { duration: Infinity } },
+ { desc: "an auto duration",
+ input: { duration: "auto" },
+ expected: { duration: 0 } },
+ { desc: "an Infinity iterations",
+ input: { iterations: Infinity },
+ expected: { iterations: Infinity } },
+ { desc: "an auto fill",
+ input: { fill: "auto" },
+ expected: { fill: "none" } },
+ { desc: "a forwards fill",
+ input: { fill: "forwards" },
+ expected: { fill: "forwards" } }
+gGetComputedTimingTests.forEach(function(stest) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target,
+ { left: ["10px", "20px"] },
+ stest.input);
+ // Helper function to provide default expected values when the test does
+ // not supply them.
+ var expected = function(field, defaultValue) {
+ return field in stest.expected ? stest.expected[field] : defaultValue;
+ };
+ var ct = effect.getComputedTiming();
+ assert_equals(ct.delay, expected("delay", 0),
+ "computed delay");
+ assert_equals(ct.fill, expected("fill", "none"),
+ "computed fill");
+ assert_equals(ct.iterations, expected("iterations", 1),
+ "computed iterations");
+ assert_equals(ct.duration, expected("duration", 0),
+ "computed duration");
+ assert_equals(ct.direction, expected("direction", "normal"),
+ "computed direction");
+ }, "values of getComputedTiming() when a KeyframeEffectReadOnly is " +
+ "constructed by " + stest.desc);
+var gActiveDurationTests = [
+ { desc: "an empty KeyframeEffectOptions object",
+ input: { },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: "a non-zero duration and default iteration count",
+ input: { duration: 1000 },
+ expected: 1000 },
+ { desc: "a non-zero duration and integral iteration count",
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: 7 },
+ expected: 7000 },
+ { desc: "a non-zero duration and fractional iteration count",
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: 2.5 },
+ expected: 2500 },
+ { desc: "an non-zero duration and infinite iteration count",
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: Infinity },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: "an non-zero duration and zero iteration count",
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: 0 },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: "a zero duration and default iteration count",
+ input: { duration: 0 },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: "a zero duration and fractional iteration count",
+ input: { duration: 0, iterations: 2.5 },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: "a zero duration and infinite iteration count",
+ input: { duration: 0, iterations: Infinity },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: "a zero duration and zero iteration count",
+ input: { duration: 0, iterations: 0 },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: "an infinite duration and default iteration count",
+ input: { duration: Infinity },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: "an infinite duration and zero iteration count",
+ input: { duration: Infinity, iterations: 0 },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: "an infinite duration and fractional iteration count",
+ input: { duration: Infinity, iterations: 2.5 },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: "an infinite duration and infinite iteration count",
+ input: { duration: Infinity, iterations: Infinity },
+ expected: Infinity },
+gActiveDurationTests.forEach(function(stest) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target,
+ { left: ["10px", "20px"] },
+ stest.input);
+ assert_equals(effect.getComputedTiming().activeDuration,
+ stest.expected);
+ }, "getComputedTiming().activeDuration for " + stest.desc);
+var gEndTimeTests = [
+ { desc: "an empty KeyframeEffectOptions object",
+ input: { },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: "a non-zero duration and default iteration count",
+ input: { duration: 1000 },
+ expected: 1000 },
+ { desc: "a non-zero duration and non-default iteration count",
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: 2.5 },
+ expected: 2500 },
+ { desc: "a non-zero duration and non-zero delay",
+ input: { duration: 1000, delay: 1500 },
+ expected: 2500 },
+ { desc: "a non-zero duration, non-zero delay and non-default iteration",
+ input: { duration: 1000, delay: 1500, iterations: 2 },
+ expected: 3500 },
+ { desc: "an infinite iteration count",
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: Infinity },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: "an infinite duration",
+ input: { duration: Infinity, iterations: 10 },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: "an infinite duration and delay",
+ input: { duration: Infinity, iterations: 10, delay: 1000 },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: "an infinite duration and negative delay",
+ input: { duration: Infinity, iterations: 10, delay: -1000 },
+ expected: Infinity },
+ { desc: "an non-zero duration and negative delay",
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: 2, delay: -1000 },
+ expected: 1000 },
+ { desc: "an non-zero duration and negative delay greater than active " +
+ "duration",
+ input: { duration: 1000, iterations: 2, delay: -3000 },
+ expected: 0 },
+ { desc: "a zero duration and negative delay",
+ input: { duration: 0, iterations: 2, delay: -1000 },
+ expected: 0 }
+gEndTimeTests.forEach(function(stest) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(target,
+ { left: ["10px", "20px"] },
+ stest.input);
+ assert_equals(effect.getComputedTiming().endTime,
+ stest.expected);
+ }, "getComputedTiming().endTime for " + stest.desc);
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/iterationComposite.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/iterationComposite.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..743d10887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/iterationComposite.html
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<title>KeyframeEffect.iterationComposite tests</title>
+<link rel="help" href="">
+<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
+<script src="../../testcommon.js"></script>
+<div id="log"></div>
+'use strict';
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ marginLeft: ['0px', '10px'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '5px',
+ 'Animated margin-left style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '20px',
+ 'Animated margin-left style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '25px',
+ 'Animated margin-left style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of <length> type animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var parent = createDiv(t);
+ = '100px';
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ parent.appendChild(div);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ width: ['0%', '50%'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).width, '25px',
+ 'Animated width style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).width, '100px',
+ 'Animated width style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).width, '125px',
+ 'Animated width style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of <percentage> type animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ color: ['rgb(0, 0, 0)', 'rgb(120, 120, 120)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).color, 'rgb(60, 60, 60)',
+ 'Animated color style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).color, 'rgb(240, 240, 240)',
+ 'Animated color style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).color, 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
+ 'Animated color style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of <color> type animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ color: ['rgb(0, 120, 0)', 'rgb(60, 60, 60)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).color, 'rgb(30, 90, 30)',
+ 'Animated color style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).color, 'rgb(120, 240, 120)',
+ 'Animated color style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ // The green color is (240 + 180) / 2 = 210
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).color, 'rgb(150, 210, 150)',
+ 'Animated color style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of <color> type animation that green component is ' +
+ 'decreasing');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ flexGrow: [0, 10] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).flexGrow, '5',
+ 'Animated flex-grow style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).flexGrow, '20',
+ 'Animated flex-grow style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).flexGrow, '25',
+ 'Animated flex-grow style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of <number> type animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ = 'absolute';
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ clip: ['rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px)',
+ 'rect(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).clip, 'rect(5px, 5px, 5px, 5px)',
+ 'Animated clip style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).clip, 'rect(20px, 20px, 20px, 20px)',
+ 'Animated clip style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).clip, 'rect(25px, 25px, 25px, 25px)',
+ 'Animated clip style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of <shape> type animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ width: ['calc(0vw + 0px)', 'calc(0vw + 10px)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).width, '5px',
+ 'Animated calc width style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).width, '20px',
+ 'Animated calc width style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).width, '25px',
+ 'Animated calc width style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of <calc()> value animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var parent = createDiv(t);
+ = '100px';
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ parent.appendChild(div);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ width: ['calc(0% + 0px)', 'calc(10% + 10px)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).width, '10px',
+ // 100px * 5% + 5px
+ 'Animated calc width style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).width,
+ '40px', // 100px * (10% + 10%) + (10px + 10px)
+ 'Animated calc width style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).width,
+ '50px', // (40px + 60px) / 2
+ 'Animated calc width style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of <calc()> value animation that the values can\'t' +
+ 'be reduced');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ opacity: [0, 0.4] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).opacity, '0.2',
+ 'Animated opacity style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).opacity, '0.8',
+ 'Animated opacity style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).opacity, '1', // (0.8 + 1.2) * 0.5
+ 'Animated opacity style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of opacity animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ boxShadow: ['rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px 0px',
+ 'rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px 0px'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).boxShadow,
+ 'rgb(60, 60, 60) 5px 5px 5px 0px',
+ 'Animated box-shadow style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).boxShadow,
+ 'rgb(240, 240, 240) 20px 20px 20px 0px',
+ 'Animated box-shadow style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).boxShadow,
+ 'rgb(255, 255, 255) 25px 25px 25px 0px',
+ 'Animated box-shadow style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of box-shadow animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ filter: ['blur(0px)', 'blur(10px)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter, 'blur(5px)',
+ 'Animated filter blur style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter, 'blur(20px)',
+ 'Animated filter blur style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter, 'blur(25px)',
+ 'Animated filter blur style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of filter blur animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ filter: ['brightness(1)',
+ 'brightness(180%)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'brightness(1.4)',
+ 'Animated filter brightness style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'brightness(2.6)', // brightness(1) + brightness(0.8) + brightness(0.8)
+ 'Animated filter brightness style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'brightness(3)', // (brightness(2.6) + brightness(3.4)) * 0.5
+ 'Animated filter brightness style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of filter brightness for different unit animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ filter: ['brightness(0)',
+ 'brightness(1)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'brightness(0.5)',
+ 'Animated filter brightness style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'brightness(0)', // brightness(1) is an identity element, not accumulated.
+ 'Animated filter brightness style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'brightness(0.5)', // brightness(1) is an identity element, not accumulated.
+ 'Animated filter brightness style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of filter brightness animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ filter: ['drop-shadow(rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px)',
+ 'drop-shadow(rgb(120, 120, 120) 10px 10px 10px)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'drop-shadow(rgb(60, 60, 60) 5px 5px 5px)',
+ 'Animated filter drop-shadow style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'drop-shadow(rgb(240, 240, 240) 20px 20px 20px)',
+ 'Animated filter drop-shadow style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'drop-shadow(rgb(255, 255, 255) 25px 25px 25px)',
+ 'Animated filter drop-shadow style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of filter drop-shadow animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ filter: ['brightness(1) contrast(1)',
+ 'brightness(2) contrast(2)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'brightness(1.5) contrast(1.5)',
+ 'Animated filter list at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'brightness(3) contrast(3)',
+ 'Animated filter list at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'brightness(3.5) contrast(3.5)',
+ 'Animated filter list at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of same filter list animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ filter: ['brightness(1) contrast(1)',
+ 'contrast(2) brightness(2)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'contrast(2) brightness(2)', // discrete
+ 'Animated filter list at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ // We can't accumulate 'contrast(2) brightness(2)' onto
+ // the first list 'brightness(1) contrast(1)' because of
+ // mismatch of the order.
+ 'brightness(1) contrast(1)',
+ 'Animated filter list at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ // We *can* accumulate 'contrast(2) brightness(2)' onto
+ // the same list 'contrast(2) brightness(2)' here.
+ 'contrast(4) brightness(4)', // discrete
+ 'Animated filter list at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of discrete filter list because of mismatch ' +
+ 'of the order');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ filter: ['sepia(0)',
+ 'sepia(1) contrast(2)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'sepia(0.5) contrast(1.5)',
+ 'Animated filter list at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'sepia(2) contrast(3)',
+ 'Animated filter list at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).filter,
+ 'sepia(2.5) contrast(3.5)',
+ 'Animated filter list at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of different length filter list animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ transform: ['rotate(0deg)', 'rotate(180deg)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)', // rotate(90deg)
+ 'Animated transform(rotate) style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)', // rotate(360deg)
+ 'Animated transform(rotate) style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)', // rotate(450deg)
+ 'Animated transform(rotate) style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of transform(rotate) animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ transform: ['scale(0)', 'scale(1)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0)', // scale(0.5)
+ 'Animated transform(scale) style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)', // scale(0); scale(1) is an identity element,
+ // not accumulated.
+ 'Animated transform(scale) style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0)', // scale(0.5); scale(1) an identity
+ // element, not accumulated.
+ 'Animated transform(scale) style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of transform: [ scale(0), scale(1) ] animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ transform: ['scale(1)', 'scale(2)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(1.5, 0, 0, 1.5, 0, 0)', // scale(1.5)
+ 'Animated transform(scale) style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0)', // scale(1 + (2 -1) + (2 -1))
+ 'Animated transform(scale) style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(3.5, 0, 0, 3.5, 0, 0)', // (scale(3) + scale(4)) * 0.5
+ 'Animated transform(scale) style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of transform: [ scale(1), scale(2) ] animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ transform: ['scale(0)', 'scale(2)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)', // scale(1)
+ 'Animated transform(scale) style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0)', // (scale(0) + scale(2-1)*2)
+ 'Animated transform(scale) style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0)', // (scale(2) + scale(4)) * 0.5
+ 'Animated transform(scale) style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of transform: scale(2) animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ transform: ['rotate(0deg) translateX(0px)',
+ 'rotate(180deg) translateX(10px)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 5)', // rotate(90deg) translateX(5px)
+ 'Animated transform list at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 20, 0)', // rotate(360deg) translateX(20px)
+ 'Animated transform list at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 25)', // rotate(450deg) translateX(25px)
+ 'Animated transform list at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of transform list animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ // The transform list whose order is mismatched is compounded,
+ // so below animation is the same as;
+ // from matrix(2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0) to matrix(3, 0, 0, 3, 30, 0)
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ transform: ['translateX(0px) scale(2)',
+ 'scale(3) translateX(10px)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(2.5, 0, 0, 2.5, 15, 0)', // scale(2.5) (0px + 30px*2) / 2
+ 'Animated transform list at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(4, 0, 0, 4, 60, 0)', // scale(2+(3-2)*2) (0px + 30px*2)
+ 'Animated transform list at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(5.5, 0, 0, 5.5, 135, 0)', // scale(4+7)/2 (60px + 210px)
+ 'Animated transform list at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of transform list animation whose order is mismatched');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ // Even if each transform list does not have functions which exist in
+ // other pair of the list, we don't fill any missing functions at all,
+ // it's just computed as compounded matrices
+ // Below animation is the same as;
+ // from matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) to matrix(2, 0, 0, 2, 20, 0)
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ transform: ['translateX(0px)',
+ 'scale(2) translateX(10px)'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(1.5, 0, 0, 1.5, 10, 0)', // scale(1.5) (0px + 10px*2) / 2
+ 'Animated transform list at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(3, 0, 0, 3, 40, 0)', // scale(1+(2-1)*2) (0px + 20px*2)
+ 'Animated transform list at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).transform,
+ 'matrix(3.5, 0, 0, 3.5, 80, 0)', // scale(3+4)/2 (40px + 20px)
+ 'Animated transform list at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite of transform list animation whose order is mismatched');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ marginLeft: ['10px', '20px'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '15px',
+ 'Animated margin-left style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '50px', // 10px + 20px + 20px
+ 'Animated margin-left style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '55px', // (50px + 60px) * 0.5
+ 'Animated margin-left style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite starts with non-zero value animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim =
+ div.animate({ marginLeft: ['10px', '-10px'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft,
+ '0px',
+ 'Animated margin-left style at 50s of the first iteration');
+ anim.currentTime = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft,
+ '-10px', // 10px + -10px + -10px
+ 'Animated margin-left style at 0s of the third iteration');
+ anim.currentTime += anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft,
+ '-20px', // (-10px + -30px) * 0.5
+ 'Animated margin-left style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'iterationComposite with negative final value animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim = div.animate({ marginLeft: ['0px', '10px'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime =
+ anim.effect.timing.duration * 2 + anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '25px',
+ 'Animated style at 50s of the third iteration');
+ anim.effect.iterationComposite = 'replace';
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '5px',
+ 'Animated style at 50s of the third iteration');
+ anim.effect.iterationComposite = 'accumulate';
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '25px',
+ 'Animated style at 50s of the third iteration');
+}, 'interationComposite changes');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var anim = div.animate({ marginLeft: ['0px', '10px'] },
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ easing: 'linear',
+ iterations: 10,
+ iterationComposite: 'accumulate' });
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.currentTime =
+ anim.effect.timing.duration * 2 + anim.effect.timing.duration / 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '25px',
+ 'Animated style at 50s of the third iteration');
+ // double its duration.
+ anim.effect.timing.duration = anim.effect.timing.duration * 2;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '12.5px',
+ 'Animated style at 25s of the first iteration');
+ // half of original.
+ anim.effect.timing.duration = anim.effect.timing.duration / 4;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '50px',
+ 'Animated style at 50s of the fourth iteration');
+}, 'duration changes with iterationComposite(accumulate)');
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/processing-a-keyframes-argument.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/processing-a-keyframes-argument.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d16831281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/processing-a-keyframes-argument.html
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<title>KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor tests</title>
+<link rel="help" href="">
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<script src="../../testcommon.js"></script>
+<script src="../../resources/keyframe-utils.js"></script>
+<div id="log"></div>
+<div id="target"></div>
+'use strict';
+// Test the "process a keyframe-like object" procedure.
+// This file only tests the KeyframeEffectReadOnly constructor since it is
+// assumed that the implementation of the KeyframeEffect constructor,
+// Animatable.animate() method, and KeyframeEffect.setKeyframes() method will
+// all share common machinery and it is not necessary to test each method.
+// Test that only animatable properties are accessed
+var gNonAnimatableProps = [
+ 'animation', // Shorthands where all the longhand sub-properties are not
+ // animatable, are also not animatable.
+ 'animationDelay',
+ 'animationDirection',
+ 'animationDuration',
+ 'animationFillMode',
+ 'animationIterationCount',
+ 'animationName',
+ 'animationPlayState',
+ 'animationTimingFunction',
+ 'transition',
+ 'transitionDelay',
+ 'transitionDuration',
+ 'transitionProperty',
+ 'transitionTimingFunction',
+ 'display',
+ 'unsupportedProperty',
+function TestKeyframe(testProp) {
+ var _propAccessCount = 0;
+ Object.defineProperty(this, testProp, {
+ get: function() { _propAccessCount++; },
+ enumerable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(this, 'propAccessCount', {
+ get: function() { return _propAccessCount; }
+ });
+function GetTestKeyframeSequence(testProp) {
+ return [ new TestKeyframe(testProp) ]
+gNonAnimatableProps.forEach(function(prop) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var testKeyframe = new TestKeyframe(prop);
+ new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(null, testKeyframe);
+ assert_equals(testKeyframe.propAccessCount, 0, 'Accessor not called');
+ }, 'non-animatable property \'' + prop + '\' is not accessed when using'
+ + ' a property-indexed keyframe object');
+gNonAnimatableProps.forEach(function(prop) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var testKeyframes = GetTestKeyframeSequence(prop);
+ new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(null, testKeyframes);
+ assert_equals(testKeyframes[0].propAccessCount, 0, 'Accessor not called');
+ }, 'non-animatable property \'' + prop + '\' is not accessed when using'
+ + ' a keyframe sequence');
+// Test equivalent forms of property indexed and sequenced keyframe syntax
+function assertEquivalentKeyframeSyntax(keyframesA, keyframesB) {
+ var processedKeyframesA = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(null, keyframesA).getKeyframes();
+ var processedKeyframesB = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(null, keyframesB).getKeyframes();
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(processedKeyframesA, processedKeyframesB);
+var gEquivalentSyntaxTests = [
+ {
+ description: 'two properties with one value',
+ indexedKeyframes: {
+ left: '100px',
+ opacity: ['1'],
+ },
+ sequencedKeyframes: [
+ {left: '100px', opacity: '1'},
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'two properties with three values',
+ indexedKeyframes: {
+ left: ['10px', '100px', '150px'],
+ opacity: ['1', '0', '1'],
+ },
+ sequencedKeyframes: [
+ {left: '10px', opacity: '1'},
+ {left: '100px', opacity: '0'},
+ {left: '150px', opacity: '1'},
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'two properties with different numbers of values',
+ indexedKeyframes: {
+ left: ['0px', '100px', '200px'],
+ opacity: ['0', '1']
+ },
+ sequencedKeyframes: [
+ {left: '0px', opacity: '0'},
+ {left: '100px'},
+ {left: '200px', opacity: '1'},
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'same offset applied to all keyframes',
+ indexedKeyframes: {
+ left: ['0px', '100px'],
+ offset: 0.5,
+ },
+ sequencedKeyframes: [
+ {left: '0px', offset: 0.5},
+ {left: '100px', offset: 0.5},
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'same easing applied to all keyframes',
+ indexedKeyframes: {
+ left: ['10px', '100px', '150px'],
+ opacity: ['1', '0', '1'],
+ easing: 'ease',
+ },
+ sequencedKeyframes: [
+ {left: '10px', opacity: '1', easing: 'ease'},
+ {left: '100px', opacity: '0', easing: 'ease'},
+ {left: '150px', opacity: '1', easing: 'ease'},
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ description: 'same composite applied to all keyframes',
+ indexedKeyframes: {
+ left: ['0px', '100px'],
+ composite: 'add',
+ },
+ sequencedKeyframes: [
+ {left: '0px', composite: 'add'},
+ {left: '100px', composite: 'add'},
+ ],
+ },
+gEquivalentSyntaxTests.forEach(function({description, indexedKeyframes, sequencedKeyframes}) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ assertEquivalentKeyframeSyntax(indexedKeyframes, sequencedKeyframes);
+ }, 'Equivalent property indexed and sequenced keyframes: ' + description);
+// Test handling of custom iterable objects.
+function createIterable(iterations) {
+ return {
+ [Symbol.iterator]() {
+ var i = 0;
+ return {
+ next() {
+ return iterations[i++];
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ };
+test(() => {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, createIterable([
+ {done: false, value: {left: '100px'}},
+ {done: false, value: {left: '300px'}},
+ {done: false, value: {left: '200px'}},
+ {done: true},
+ ]));
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 0, easing: 'linear', left: '100px'},
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 0.5, easing: 'linear', left: '300px'},
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 1, easing: 'linear', left: '200px'},
+ ]);
+}, 'Custom iterator with basic keyframes.');
+test(() => {
+ var keyframes = createIterable([
+ {done: false, value: {left: '100px'}},
+ {done: false, value: {left: '300px'}},
+ {done: false, value: {left: '200px'}},
+ {done: true},
+ ]);
+ keyframes.easing = 'ease-in-out';
+ keyframes.offset = '0.1';
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, keyframes);
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 0, easing: 'linear', left: '100px'},
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 0.5, easing: 'linear', left: '300px'},
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 1, easing: 'linear', left: '200px'},
+ ]);
+}, 'easing and offset are ignored on iterable objects.');
+test(() => {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, createIterable([
+ {done: false, value: {left: '100px', top: '200px'}},
+ {done: false, value: {left: '300px'}},
+ {done: false, value: {left: '200px', top: '100px'}},
+ {done: true},
+ ]));
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 0, easing: 'linear', left: '100px', top: '200px'},
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 0.5, easing: 'linear', left: '300px'},
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 1, easing: 'linear', left: '200px', top: '100px'},
+ ]);
+}, 'Custom iterator with multiple properties specified.');
+test(() => {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, createIterable([
+ {done: false, value: {left: '100px'}},
+ {done: false, value: {left: '250px', offset: 0.75}},
+ {done: false, value: {left: '200px'}},
+ {done: true},
+ ]));
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 0, easing: 'linear', left: '100px'},
+ {offset: 0.75, computedOffset: 0.75, easing: 'linear', left: '250px'},
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 1, easing: 'linear', left: '200px'},
+ ]);
+}, 'Custom iterator with offset specified.');
+test(() => {
+ assert_throws({name: 'TypeError'}, function() {
+ new KeyframeEffect(null, createIterable([
+ {done: false, value: {left: '100px'}},
+ {done: false, value: 1234},
+ {done: false, value: {left: '200px'}},
+ {done: true},
+ ]));
+ });
+}, 'Custom iterator with non object keyframe should throw.');
+test(() => {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, createIterable([
+ {done: false, value: {left: ['100px', '200px']}},
+ {done: true},
+ ]));
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 1, easing: 'linear', left: '100px,200px'}
+ ]);
+}, 'Custom iterator with value list in keyframe should give bizarre string representation of list.');
+test(function(t) {
+ var keyframe = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(keyframe, 'width', {value: '200px'});
+ Object.defineProperty(keyframe, 'height', {
+ value: '100px',
+ enumerable: true});
+ assert_equals(keyframe.width, '200px', 'width of keyframe is readable');
+ assert_equals(keyframe.height, '100px', 'height of keyframe is readable');
+ var anim = createDiv(t).animate([keyframe, {height: '200px'}], 1);
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(anim.effect.getKeyframes(), [
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 0, easing: 'linear', height: '100px'},
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 1, easing: 'linear', height: '200px'},
+ ]);
+}, 'Only enumerable properties on keyframes are considered');
+test(function(t) {
+ var KeyframeParent = function() { this.width = '100px'; };
+ KeyframeParent.prototype = { height: '100px' };
+ var Keyframe = function() { = '100px'; };
+ Keyframe.prototype = Object.create(KeyframeParent.prototype);
+ Object.defineProperty(Keyframe.prototype, 'left', {
+ value: '100px',
+ enumerable: 'true'});
+ var keyframe = new Keyframe();
+ var anim = createDiv(t).animate([keyframe, {top: '200px'}], 1);
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(anim.effect.getKeyframes(), [
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 0, easing: 'linear', top: '100px'},
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 1, easing: 'linear', top: '200px'},
+ ]);
+}, 'Only properties defined directly on keyframes are considered');
+test(function(t) {
+ var keyframes = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(keyframes, 'width', ['100px', '200px']);
+ Object.defineProperty(keyframes, 'height', {
+ value: ['100px', '200px'],
+ enumerable: true});
+ var anim = createDiv(t).animate(keyframes, 1);
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(anim.effect.getKeyframes(), [
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 0, easing: 'linear', height: '100px'},
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 1, easing: 'linear', height: '200px'},
+ ]);
+}, 'Only enumerable properties on property indexed keyframes are considered');
+test(function(t) {
+ var KeyframesParent = function() { this.width = '100px'; };
+ KeyframesParent.prototype = { height: '100px' };
+ var Keyframes = function() { = ['100px', '200px']; };
+ Keyframes.prototype = Object.create(KeyframesParent.prototype);
+ Object.defineProperty(Keyframes.prototype, 'left', {
+ value: ['100px', '200px'],
+ enumerable: 'true'});
+ var keyframes = new Keyframes();
+ var anim = createDiv(t).animate(keyframes, 1);
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(anim.effect.getKeyframes(), [
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 0, easing: 'linear', top: '100px'},
+ {offset: null, computedOffset: 1, easing: 'linear', top: '200px'},
+ ]);
+}, 'Only properties defined directly on property indexed keyframes are considered');
+// FIXME: Test that properties are accessed in ascending order by Unicode
+// codepoint
+// (There is an existing test for this in
+// keyframe-effect/constructor.html that should be moved here.)
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/setKeyframes.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/setKeyframes.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c951411de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/setKeyframes.html
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<title>KeyframeEffect setKeyframes() tests</title>
+<link rel="help" href="">
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<script src="../../testcommon.js"></script>
+<script src="../../resources/keyframe-utils.js"></script>
+<div id="log"></div>
+<div id="target"></div>
+'use strict';
+var target = document.getElementById('target');
+test(function(t) {
+ gEmptyKeyframeListTests.forEach(function(frame) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffect(target, {});
+ effect.setKeyframes(frame);
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), []);
+ });
+}, 'Keyframes can be replaced with an empty keyframe');
+gPropertyIndexedKeyframesTests.forEach(function(subtest) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffect(target, {});
+ effect.setKeyframes(subtest.input);
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), subtest.output);
+ }, 'Keyframes can be replaced with ' + subtest.desc);
+gKeyframeSequenceTests.forEach(function(subtest) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffect(target, {});
+ effect.setKeyframes(subtest.input);
+ assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), subtest.output);
+ }, 'Keyframes can be replaced with ' + subtest.desc);
+gInvalidKeyframesTests.forEach(function(subtest) {
+ test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffect(target, {});
+ assert_throws(subtest.expected, function() {
+ effect.setKeyframes(subtest.input);
+ });
+ }, 'KeyframeEffect constructor throws with ' + subtest.desc);
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/setTarget.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/setTarget.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b07d3de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/setTarget.html
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<title>Writable tests</title>
+<link rel="help"
+ href="">
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<script src="../../testcommon.js"></script>
+<div id="log"></div>
+"use strict";
+var gKeyFrames = { 'marginLeft': ['0px', '100px'] };
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, gKeyFrames, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
+ = div;
+ var anim = new Animation(effect, document.timeline);
+ anim.currentTime = 50 * MS_PER_SEC;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '50px',
+ 'Value at 50% progress');
+}, 'Test setting target before constructing the associated animation');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ = '10px';
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, gKeyFrames, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
+ var anim = new Animation(effect, document.timeline);
+ anim.currentTime = 50 * MS_PER_SEC;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '10px',
+ 'Value at 50% progress before setting new target');
+ = div;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '50px',
+ 'Value at 50% progress after setting new target');
+}, 'Test setting target from null to a valid target');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div = createDiv(t);
+ = '10px';
+ var anim = div.animate(gKeyFrames, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
+ anim.currentTime = 50 * MS_PER_SEC;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '50px',
+ 'Value at 50% progress before clearing the target')
+ = null;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '10px',
+ 'Value after clearing the target')
+}, 'Test setting target from a valid target to null');
+test(function(t) {
+ var a = createDiv(t);
+ var b = createDiv(t);
+ = '10px';
+ = '20px';
+ var anim = a.animate(gKeyFrames, 100 * MS_PER_SEC);
+ anim.currentTime = 50 * MS_PER_SEC;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(a).marginLeft, '50px',
+ 'Value of 1st element (currently targeted) before ' +
+ 'changing the effect target');
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(b).marginLeft, '20px',
+ 'Value of 2nd element (currently not targeted) before ' +
+ 'changing the effect target');
+ = b;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(a).marginLeft, '10px',
+ 'Value of 1st element (currently not targeted) after ' +
+ 'changing the effect target');
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(b).marginLeft, '50px',
+ 'Value of 2nd element (currently targeted) after ' +
+ 'changing the effect target');
+ // This makes sure the animation property is changed correctly on new
+ // targeted element.
+ anim.currentTime = 75 * MS_PER_SEC;
+ assert_equals(getComputedStyle(b).marginLeft, '75px',
+ 'Value of 2nd target (currently targeted) after ' +
+ 'changing the animation current time.');
+}, 'Test setting target from a valid target to another target');
+test(function(t) {
+ var anim = createDiv(t).animate([ { marginLeft: '0px' },
+ { marginLeft: '-20px' },
+ { marginLeft: '100px' },
+ { marginLeft: '50px' } ],
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ spacing: 'paced(margin-left)' });
+ = null;
+ var frames = anim.effect.getKeyframes();
+ var slots = frames.length - 1;
+ assert_equals(frames[0].computedOffset, 0.0, '1st frame offset');
+ assert_equals(frames[1].computedOffset, 1.0 / slots, '2nd frame offset');
+ assert_equals(frames[2].computedOffset, 2.0 / slots, '3rd frame offset');
+ assert_equals(frames[3].computedOffset, 1.0, 'last frame offset');
+}, 'Test falling back to distribute spacing mode after setting null target');
+test(function(t) {
+ var effect = new KeyframeEffect(null,
+ [ { marginLeft: '0px' },
+ { marginLeft: '-20px' },
+ { marginLeft: '100px' },
+ { marginLeft: '50px' } ],
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ spacing: 'paced(margin-left)' });
+ var frames = effect.getKeyframes();
+ var slots = frames.length - 1;
+ assert_equals(frames[1].computedOffset, 1.0 / slots, '2nd frame offset');
+ assert_equals(frames[2].computedOffset, 2.0 / slots, '3rd frame offset');
+}, 'Test falling back to distribute spacing mode if there is no context ' +
+ 'element');
+test(function(t) {
+ var div1 = createDiv(t);
+ var div2 = createDiv(t);
+ = '-20px';
+ = '-50px';
+ var child1 = document.createElement('div');
+ var child2 = document.createElement('div');
+ div1.appendChild(child1);
+ div2.appendChild(child2);
+ // body
+ // / \
+ // div1 div2
+ // (-20px) (-50px)
+ // | |
+ // child1 child2
+ var anim = child1.animate([ { marginLeft: '0px' },
+ { marginLeft: 'inherit' },
+ { marginLeft: '100px' },
+ { marginLeft: '50px' } ],
+ { duration: 100 * MS_PER_SEC,
+ spacing: 'paced(margin-left)' });
+ var frames = anim.effect.getKeyframes();
+ var cumDist = [0, 20, 140, 190];
+ assert_equals(frames[1].computedOffset, cumDist[1] / cumDist[3],
+ '2nd frame offset');
+ assert_equals(frames[2].computedOffset, cumDist[2] / cumDist[3],
+ '3rd frame offset');
+ = child2;
+ frames = anim.effect.getKeyframes();
+ cumDist = [0, 50, 200, 250];
+ assert_equals(frames[1].computedOffset, cumDist[1] / cumDist[3],
+ '2nd frame offset after setting a new target');
+ assert_equals(frames[2].computedOffset, cumDist[2] / cumDist[3],
+ '3rd frame offset after setting a new target');
+}, 'Test paced spacing mode after setting a new target');
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/spacing.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/spacing.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..612a3af8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/spacing.html
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<title>KeyframeEffect spacing attribute tests</title>
+<link rel="help"
+ href="">
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<script src="../../testcommon.js"></script>
+<div id="log"></div>
+"use strict";
+test(function(t) {
+ var anim = createDiv(t).animate(null);
+ assert_throws(new TypeError, function() {
+ anim.effect.spacing = '';
+ });
+}, 'Test throwing TypeError if using empty string');
+test(function(t) {
+ var anim = createDiv(t).animate(null);
+ assert_throws(new TypeError, function() {
+ anim.effect.spacing = 'dist';
+ });
+}, 'Test throwing TypeError if not using the correct keyword');
+test(function(t) {
+ var anim = createDiv(t).animate(null);
+ anim.effect.spacing = 'paced(A)';
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.spacing, 'distribute', 'spacing mode');
+}, 'Test falling back to distribute spacing if using a unrecognized property');
+test(function(t) {
+ var anim = createDiv(t).animate(null);
+ anim.effect.spacing = 'paced(--bg-color)';
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.spacing, 'distribute', 'spacing mode');
+}, 'Test falling back to distribute spacing if using CSS variables');
+test(function(t) {
+ var anim = createDiv(t).animate(null);
+ anim.effect.spacing = 'paced(animation-duration)';
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.spacing, 'distribute', 'spacing mode');
+}, 'Test falling back to distribute spacing if using a non-animatable ' +
+ 'property');
+test(function(t) {
+ var anim = createDiv(t).animate(null);
+ anim.effect.spacing = 'distribute';
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.spacing, 'distribute', 'spacing mode');
+}, 'Test spacing value if setting distribute');
+test(function(t) {
+ var anim = createDiv(t).animate(null);
+ anim.effect.spacing = 'paced(transform)';
+ assert_equals(anim.effect.spacing, 'paced(transform)', 'spacing mode');
+}, 'Test spacing value if setting paced');