path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/encrypted-media/polyfill/clearkey-polyfill.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/encrypted-media/polyfill/clearkey-polyfill.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 510 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/encrypted-media/polyfill/clearkey-polyfill.js b/testing/web-platform/tests/encrypted-media/polyfill/clearkey-polyfill.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 057ea3e03..000000000
--- a/testing/web-platform/tests/encrypted-media/polyfill/clearkey-polyfill.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
- // Save platform functions that will be modified
- var _requestMediaKeySystemAccess = navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess.bind( navigator ),
- _setMediaKeys = HTMLMediaElement.prototype.setMediaKeys;
- // Allow us to modify the target of Events
- Object.defineProperties( Event.prototype, {
- target: { get: function() { return this._target || this.currentTarget; },
- set: function( newtarget ) { this._target = newtarget; } }
- } );
- var EventTarget = function(){
- this.listeners = {};
- };
- EventTarget.prototype.listeners = null;
- EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function(type, callback){
- if(!(type in this.listeners)) {
- this.listeners[type] = [];
- }
- this.listeners[type].push(callback);
- };
- EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = function(type, callback){
- if(!(type in this.listeners)) {
- return;
- }
- var stack = this.listeners[type];
- for(var i = 0, l = stack.length; i < l; i++){
- if(stack[i] === callback){
- stack.splice(i, 1);
- return this.removeEventListener(type, callback);
- }
- }
- };
- EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(event){
- if(!(event.type in this.listeners)) {
- return;
- }
- var stack = this.listeners[event.type];
- = this;
- for(var i = 0, l = stack.length; i < l; i++) {
- stack[i].call(this, event);
- }
- };
- function MediaKeySystemAccessProxy( keysystem, access, configuration )
- {
- this._keysystem = keysystem;
- this._access = access;
- this._configuration = configuration;
- }
- Object.defineProperties( MediaKeySystemAccessProxy.prototype, {
- keysystem: { get: function() { return this._keysystem; } }
- });
- MediaKeySystemAccessProxy.prototype.getConfiguration = function getConfiguration()
- {
- return this._configuration;
- };
- MediaKeySystemAccessProxy.prototype.createMediaKeys = function createMediaKeys()
- {
- return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
- this._access.createMediaKeys()
- .then( function( mediaKeys ) { resolve( new MediaKeysProxy( mediaKeys ) ); })
- .catch( function( error ) { reject( error ); } );
- }.bind( this ) );
- };
- function MediaKeysProxy( mediaKeys )
- {
- this._mediaKeys = mediaKeys;
- this._sessions = [ ];
- this._videoelement = undefined;
- this._onTimeUpdateListener = MediaKeysProxy.prototype._onTimeUpdate.bind( this );
- }
- MediaKeysProxy.prototype._setVideoElement = function _setVideoElement( videoElement )
- {
- if ( videoElement !== this._videoelement )
- {
- if ( this._videoelement )
- {
- this._videoelement.removeEventListener( 'timeupdate', this._onTimeUpdateListener );
- }
- this._videoelement = videoElement;
- if ( this._videoelement )
- {
- this._videoelement.addEventListener( 'timeupdate', this._onTimeUpdateListener );
- }
- }
- };
- MediaKeysProxy.prototype._onTimeUpdate = function( event )
- {
- this._sessions.forEach( function( session ) {
- if ( session._sessionType === 'persistent-usage-record' )
- {
- session._onTimeUpdate( event );
- }
- } );
- };
- MediaKeysProxy.prototype._removeSession = function _removeSession( session )
- {
- var index = this._sessions.indexOf( session );
- if ( index !== -1 ) this._sessions.splice( index, 1 );
- };
- MediaKeysProxy.prototype.createSession = function createSession( sessionType )
- {
- if ( !sessionType || sessionType === 'temporary' ) return this._mediaKeys.createSession();
- var session = new MediaKeySessionProxy( this, sessionType );
- this._sessions.push( session );
- return session;
- };
- MediaKeysProxy.prototype.setServerCertificate = function setServerCertificate( certificate )
- {
- return this._mediaKeys.setServerCertificate( certificate );
- };
- function MediaKeySessionProxy( mediaKeysProxy, sessionType )
- {
- this );
- this._mediaKeysProxy = mediaKeysProxy
- this._sessionType = sessionType;
- this._sessionId = "";
- // MediaKeySessionProxy states
- // 'created' - After initial creation
- // 'loading' - Persistent license session waiting for key message to load stored keys
- // 'active' - Normal active state - proxy all key messages
- // 'removing' - Release message generated, waiting for ack
- // 'closed' - Session closed
- this._state = 'created';
- this._closed = new Promise( function( resolve ) { this._resolveClosed = resolve; }.bind( this ) );
- }
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype = Object.create( EventTarget.prototype );
- Object.defineProperties( MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype, {
- sessionId: { get: function() { return this._sessionId; } },
- expiration: { get: function() { return NaN; } },
- closed: { get: function() { return this._closed; } },
- keyStatuses:{ get: function() { return this._session.keyStatuses; } }, // TODO this will fail if examined too early
- _kids: { get: function() { return function( key ) { return key.kid; } ); } },
- });
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype._createSession = function _createSession()
- {
- this._session = this._mediaKeysProxy._mediaKeys.createSession();
- this._session.addEventListener( 'message', MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype._onMessage.bind( this ) );
- this._session.addEventListener( 'keystatuseschange', MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype._onKeyStatusesChange.bind( this ) );
- };
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype._onMessage = function _onMessage( event )
- {
- switch( this._state )
- {
- case 'loading':
- this._session.update( toUtf8( { keys: this._keys } ) )
- .then( function() {
- this._state = 'active';
- this._loaded( true );
- }.bind(this)).catch( this._loadfailed );
- break;
- case 'active':
- this.dispatchEvent( event );
- break;
- default:
- // Swallow the event
- break;
- }
- };
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype._onKeyStatusesChange = function _onKeyStatusesChange( event )
- {
- switch( this._state )
- {
- case 'active' :
- case 'removing' :
- this.dispatchEvent( event );
- break;
- default:
- // Swallow the event
- break;
- }
- };
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype._onTimeUpdate = function _onTimeUpdate( event )
- {
- if ( !this._firstTime ) this._firstTime =;
- this._latestTime =;
- this._store();
- };
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype._queueMessage = function _queueMessage( messageType, message )
- {
- setTimeout( function() {
- var messageAsArray = toUtf8( message ).buffer;
- this.dispatchEvent( new MediaKeyMessageEvent( 'message', { messageType: messageType, message: messageAsArray } ) );
- }.bind( this ) );
- };
- function _storageKey( sessionId )
- {
- return sessionId;
- }
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype._store = function _store()
- {
- var data;
- if ( this._sessionType === 'persistent-usage-record' )
- {
- data = { kids: this._kids };
- if ( this._firstTime ) data.firstTime = this._firstTime;
- if ( this._latestTime ) data.latestTime = this._latestTime;
- }
- else
- {
- data = { keys: this._keys };
- }
- window.localStorage.setItem( _storageKey( this._sessionId ), JSON.stringify( data ) );
- };
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype._load = function _load( sessionId )
- {
- var store = window.localStorage.getItem( _storageKey( sessionId ) );
- if ( store === null ) return false;
- var data;
- try { data = JSON.parse( store ) } catch( error ) {
- return false;
- }
- if ( )
- {
- this._sessionType = 'persistent-usage-record';
- this._keys = function( kid ) { return { kid: kid }; } );
- if ( data.firstTime ) this._firstTime = data.firstTime;
- if ( data.latestTime ) this._latestTime = data.latestTime;
- }
- else
- {
- this._sessionType = 'persistent-license';
- this._keys = data.keys;
- }
- return true;
- };
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype._clear = function _clear()
- {
- window.localStorage.removeItem( _storageKey( this._sessionId ) );
- };
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype.generateRequest = function generateRequest( initDataType, initData )
- {
- if ( this._state !== 'created' ) return Promise.reject( new InvalidStateError() );
- this._createSession();
- this._state = 'active';
- return this._session.generateRequest( initDataType, initData )
- .then( function() {
- this._sessionId = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);
- }.bind( this ) );
- };
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype.load = function load( sessionId )
- {
- if ( this._state !== 'created' ) return Promise.reject( new InvalidStateError() );
- return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
- try
- {
- if ( !this._load( sessionId ) )
- {
- resolve( false );
- return;
- }
- this._sessionId = sessionId;
- if ( this._sessionType === 'persistent-usage-record' )
- {
- var msg = { kids: this._kids };
- if ( this._firstTime ) msg.firstTime = this._firstTime;
- if ( this._latestTime ) msg.latestTime = this._latestTime;
- this._queueMessage( 'license-release', msg );
- this._state = 'removing';
- resolve( true );
- }
- else
- {
- this._createSession();
- this._state = 'loading';
- this._loaded = resolve;
- this._loadfailed = reject;
- var initData = { kids: this._kids };
- this._session.generateRequest( 'keyids', toUtf8( initData ) );
- }
- }
- catch( error )
- {
- reject( error );
- }
- }.bind( this ) );
- };
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype.update = function update( response )
- {
- return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
- switch( this._state ) {
- case 'active' :
- var message = fromUtf8( response );
- // JSON Web Key Set
- this._keys = message.keys;
- this._store();
- resolve( this._session.update( response ) );
- break;
- case 'removing' :
- this._state = 'closed';
- this._clear();
- this._mediaKeysProxy._removeSession( this );
- this._resolveClosed();
- delete this._session;
- resolve();
- break;
- default:
- reject( new InvalidStateError() );
- }
- }.bind( this ) );
- };
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype.close = function close()
- {
- if ( this._state === 'closed' ) return Promise.resolve();
- this._state = 'closed';
- this._mediaKeysProxy._removeSession( this );
- this._resolveClosed();
- var session = this._session;
- if ( !session ) return Promise.resolve();
- this._session = undefined;
- return session.close();
- };
- MediaKeySessionProxy.prototype.remove = function remove()
- {
- if ( this._state !== 'active' || !this._session ) return Promise.reject( new DOMException('InvalidStateError('+this._state+')') );
- this._state = 'removing';
- this._mediaKeysProxy._removeSession( this );
- return this._session.close()
- .then( function() {
- var msg = { kids: this._kids };
- if ( this._sessionType === 'persistent-usage-record' )
- {
- if ( this._firstTime ) msg.firstTime = this._firstTime;
- if ( this._latestTime ) msg.latestTime = this._latestTime;
- }
- this._queueMessage( 'license-release', msg );
- }.bind( this ) )
- };
- HTMLMediaElement.prototype.setMediaKeys = function setMediaKeys( mediaKeys )
- {
- if ( mediaKeys instanceof MediaKeysProxy )
- {
- mediaKeys._setVideoElement( this );
- return this, mediaKeys._mediaKeys );
- }
- else
- {
- return this, mediaKeys );
- }
- };
- navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess = function( keysystem, configurations )
- {
- // First, see if this is supported by the platform
- return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
- _requestMediaKeySystemAccess( keysystem, configurations )
- .then( function( access ) { resolve( access ); } )
- .catch( function( error ) {
- if ( error instanceof TypeError ) reject( error );
- if ( keysystem !== 'org.w3.clearkey' ) reject( error );
- if ( !configurations.some( is_persistent_configuration ) ) reject( error );
- // Shallow copy the configurations, swapping out the labels and omitting the sessiontypes
- var configurations_copy = function( config, index ) {
- var config_copy = copy_configuration( config );
- config_copy.label = index.toString();
- return config_copy;
- } );
- // And try again with these configurations
- _requestMediaKeySystemAccess( keysystem, configurations_copy )
- .then( function( access ) {
- // Create the supported configuration based on the original request
- var configuration = access.getConfiguration(),
- original_configuration = configurations[ configuration.label ];
- // If the original configuration did not need persistent session types, then we're done
- if ( !is_persistent_configuration( original_configuration ) ) resolve( access );
- // Create the configuration that we will return
- var returned_configuration = copy_configuration( configuration );
- if ( original_configuration.label )
- returned_configuration.label = original_configuration;
- else
- delete returned_configuration.label;
- returned_configuration.sessionTypes = original_configuration.sessionTypes;
- resolve( new MediaKeySystemAccessProxy( keysystem, access, returned_configuration ) );
- } )
- .catch( function( error ) { reject( error ); } );
- } );
- } );
- };
- function is_persistent_configuration( configuration )
- {
- return configuration.sessionTypes &&
- ( configuration.sessionTypes.indexOf( 'persistent-usage-record' ) !== -1
- || configuration.sessionTypes.indexOf( 'persistent-license' ) !== -1 );
- }
- function copy_configuration( src )
- {
- var dst = {};
- [ 'label', 'initDataTypes', 'audioCapabilities', 'videoCapabilities', 'distinctiveIdenfifier', 'persistentState' ]
- .forEach( function( item ) { if ( src[item] ) dst[item] = src[item]; } );
- return dst;
- }