path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/domparsing/createContextualFragment.html
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diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/domparsing/createContextualFragment.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/domparsing/createContextualFragment.html
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--- a/testing/web-platform/tests/domparsing/createContextualFragment.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!doctype html>
-<title>createContextualFragment() tests</title>
-<div id=log></div>
-<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
-<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
-// We are not testing XML documents here, because apparently it's not clear
-// what we want to happen there. We also aren't testing the HTML parser in any
-// depth, just some basic sanity checks.
-// Exception-throwing
-test(function() {
- var range = document.createRange();
- range.detach();
- range.createContextualFragment("");
-}, "Must not throw INVALID_STATE_ERR for a detached node.");
-test(function() {
- var range = document.createRange();
- assert_throws(new TypeError(), function() {
- range.createContextualFragment();
- });
-}, "Must throw TypeError when calling without arguments");
-test(function() {
- // Simple test
- var range = document.createRange();
- range.selectNodeContents(document.body);
- var fragment = "<p CLaSs=testclass> Hi! <p>Hi!";
- var expected = document.createDocumentFragment();
- var tmpNode = document.createElement("p");
- tmpNode.setAttribute("class", "testclass");
- tmpNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" Hi! "));
- expected.appendChild(tmpNode);
- tmpNode = document.createElement("p");
- tmpNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Hi!"));
- expected.appendChild(tmpNode);
- var result = range.createContextualFragment(fragment);
- assert_true(expected.isEqualNode(result),
- "Unexpected result (collapsed Range)");
- // Token test that the end node makes no difference
- range.setEnd(document.body.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], 0);
- result = range.createContextualFragment(fragment);
- assert_true(expected.isEqualNode(result),
- "Unexpected result (Range ends in <script>)");
-}, "Simple test with paragraphs");
-test(function() {
- // This test based on,
- // from a real-world compat bug
- var range = document.createRange();
- range.selectNodeContents(document.documentElement);
- var fragment = "<span>Hello world</span>";
- var expected = document.createDocumentFragment();
- var tmpNode = document.createElement("span");
- tmpNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Hello world"));
- expected.appendChild(tmpNode);
- var result = range.createContextualFragment(fragment);
- assert_true(expected.isEqualNode(result),
- "Unexpected result (collapsed Range)");
- // Another token test that the end node makes no difference
- range.setEnd(document.head, 0);
- result = range.createContextualFragment(fragment);
- assert_true(expected.isEqualNode(result),
- "Unexpected result (Range ends in <head>)");
-}, "Don't auto-create <body> when applied to <html>");
-// Scripts should be run if inserted (that's what the "Unmark all scripts
-// . . ." line means, I'm told)
-var passed = false;
-test(function() {
- assert_false(passed, "Sanity check");
- var range = document.createRange();
- range.selectNodeContents(document.documentElement);
- var fragment = range.createContextualFragment("<script>passed = true</s" + "cript>");
- assert_false(passed, "Fragment created but not yet added to document, should not have run");
- document.body.appendChild(fragment);
- assert_true(passed, "Fragment created and added to document, should run");
-}, "<script>s should be run when appended to the document (but not before)");
-// Now that we've established basic sanity, let's do equivalence tests. Those
-// are easier to write anyway.
-function testEquivalence(element1, fragment1, element2, fragment2) {
- var range1 = element1.ownerDocument.createRange();
- range1.selectNodeContents(element1);
- var range2 = element2.ownerDocument.createRange();
- range2.selectNodeContents(element2);
- var result1 = range1.createContextualFragment(fragment1);
- var result2 = range2.createContextualFragment(fragment2);
- assert_true(result1.isEqualNode(result2), "Results are supposed to be equivalent");
- // Throw in partial ownerDocument tests on the side, since the algorithm
- // does specify that and we don't want to completely not test it.
- if (result1.firstChild != null) {
- assert_equals(result1.firstChild.ownerDocument, element1.ownerDocument,
- "ownerDocument must be set to that of the reference node");
- }
- if (result2.firstChild != null) {
- assert_equals(result2.firstChild.ownerDocument, element2.ownerDocument,
- "ownerDocument must be set to that of the reference node");
- }
-var tests = [
- ["<html> and <body> must work the same, 1", document.documentElement, "<span>Hello world</span>", document.body, "<span>Hello world</span>"],
- ["<html> and <body> must work the same, 2", document.documentElement, "<body><p>Hello world", document.body, "<body><p>Hello world"],
- ["Implicit <body> creation", document.documentElement, "<body><p>", document.documentElement, "<p>"],
- ["Namespace generally shouldn't matter",
- document.createElementNS("http://fake-namespace", "div"), "<body><p><span>Foo",
- document.createElement("div"), "<body><p><span>Foo"],
- ["<html> in a different namespace shouldn't be special",
- document.createElementNS("http://fake-namespace", "html"), "<body><p>",
- document.createElement("div"), "<body><p>"],
- ["null should be stringified", document.createElement("span"), null, document.createElement("span"), "null"],
- ["undefined should be stringified", document.createElement("span"), undefined, document.createElement("span"), "undefined"]/*,
- // FIXME: Spec doesn't say what to do about non-Elements!
- ["Text nodes?",
- document.createTextNode("?"), "<span>",
- document.createTextNode("?"), "<span>"]*/
-generate_tests(testEquivalence, tests);