path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/docs/
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1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/docs/ b/testing/web-platform/tests/docs/
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+A reftest is a test that compares the visual output of one file (the
+test case) with the output of one or more other files (the
+references). The test and the reference must be carefully written so
+that when the test passes they have identical rendering, but different
+rendering when the test fails.
+## How to Run Reftests
+Reftests can be run manually simply by opening the test and the
+reference file in multiple windows or tabs and either placing them
+side-by side or flipping between the two. In automation the comparison
+is done in an automated fashion, which can lead to differences too
+small for the human eye to notice causing tests to fail.
+## Components of a Reftest
+In the simplest case, a reftest consists of a pair of files called the
+*test* and the *reference*.
+The *test* file is the one that makes use of the technology being
+tested. It also contains a `link` element with `rel="match"` or
+`rel="mismatch"` and `href` attribute pointing to the *reference* file
+e.g. `<link rel=match href=references/green-box-ref.html>`.
+The *reference* file is typically written to be as simple as possible,
+and does not use the technology under test. It is desirable that the
+reference be rendered correctly even in UAs with relatively poor
+support for CSS and no support for the technology under test.
+When the `<link>` element in the *test* has `rel="match"`, the test
+only passes if the *test* and *reference* have pixel-perfect identical
+rendering. `rel="mismatch"` inverts this so the test only passes when
+the renderings differ.
+In general the files used in a reftest should follow the
+[format][format] and [style][style] guidelines. The *test* should also
+be [self-describing][selfdesc], to allow a human to determine whether
+the the rendering is as expected.
+Note that references can be shared between tests; this is strongly
+encouraged since it permits optimizations when running tests.
+## Controlling When Comparison Occurs
+By default reftest screenshots are taken in response to the `load`
+event firing. In some cases it is necessary to delay the screenshot
+later than this, for example becase some DOM manipulation is
+required to set up the desired test conditions. To enable this, the
+test may have a `class="reftest-wait"` attribute specified on the root
+element. This will cause the screenshot to be delayed until the `load`
+event has fired and the `reftest-wait` class has been removed from the
+root element (technical note: the implementation in wptrunner uses
+mutation observers so the screenshot will be triggered in the
+microtask checkpoint after the class is removed. Because the harness
+isn't synchronized with the browser event loop it is dangerous to rely
+on precise timing here).
+## Matching Multiple References
+Sometimes it is desirable for a file to match multiple references or,
+in rare cases, to allow it to match more than one possible
+reference. Note: *this is not currently supported by test runners and
+so best avoided if possible until that support improves*.
+Multiple references linked from a single file are interpreted as
+multiple possible renderings for that file. `<link rel=[mis]match>`
+elements in a reference create further conditions that must be met in
+order for the test to pass. For example, consider a situation where
+`a.html` has `<link rel=match href=b.html>` and `<link rel=match
+href=c.html>`, `b.html` has `<link rel=match href=b1.html>` and `c.html`
+has `<link rel=mismatch href=c1.html>`. In this case, to pass we must
+either have `a.html`, `b.html` and `b1.html` all rendering identically, or
+`a.html` and `c.html` rendering identically, but `c.html` rendering
+differently from `c1.html`.
+## Fuzzy Matching
+In some situations a test may have subtle differences in rendering
+compared to the reference due to e.g. antialiasing. This may cause the
+test to pass on some platforms but fail on others. In this case some
+affordance for subtle discrepancies is desirable. However no mechanism
+to allow this has yet been standardized.
+## Limitations
+In some cases, a test cannot be a reftest. For example, there is no
+way to create a reference for underlining, since the position and
+thickness of the underline depends on the UA, the font, and/or the
+platform. However, once it's established that underlining an inline
+element works, it's possible to construct a reftest for underlining
+a block element, by constructing a reference using underlines on a
+```<span>``` that wraps all the content inside the block.
+## Example Reftests
+These examples are all [self-describing][selfdesc] tests as they
+each have a simple statement on the page describing how it should
+render to pass the tests.
+### HTML example
+### Test File
+This test verifies that a right-to-left rendering of **SAW** within a
+```<bdo>``` element displays as **WAS**.
+([view page rendering][html-reftest-example])
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset="utf-8">
+<title>BDO element dir=rtl</title>
+<link rel="help" href="">
+<meta name="assert" content="BDO element's DIR content attribute renders corrently given value of 'rtl'.">
+<link rel="match" href="test-bdo-001.html">
+<p>Pass if you see WAS displayed below.</p>
+<bdo dir="rtl">SAW</bdo>
+### Reference File
+The reference file must look exactly like the test file,
+except that the code behind it is different.
+* All metadata is removed.
+* The ```title``` need not match.
+* The markup that created the actual test data is
+ different: here, the same effect is created with
+ very mundane, dependable technology.
+([view page rendering][html-reffile-example])
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset="utf-8">
+<title>HTML Reference File</title>
+<p>Pass if you see WAS displayed below.</p>
+[testharness]: ./testharness-documentation.html
+[format]: ./test-format-guidelines.html
+[style]: ./test-style-guidelines.html
+[selfdesc]: ./test-style-guidelines.html#self-describing-tests
+[reference-links]: ./test-templates.html#reference-links
+[html-reftest-example]: ./html-reftest-example.html
+[html-reffile-example]: ./html-reffile-example.html
+[indicating-failure]: ./test-style-guidelines.html#failure