path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/custom-elements/reactions/resources
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/custom-elements/reactions/resources')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/custom-elements/reactions/resources/reactions.js b/testing/web-platform/tests/custom-elements/reactions/resources/reactions.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c260dc4f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/custom-elements/reactions/resources/reactions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+let testNumber = 1;
+function testNodeConnector(testFunction, name) {
+ let container = document.createElement('div');
+ container.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
+ document.body.appendChild(container);
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element();
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']);
+ testFunction(container, instance);
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['connected']);
+ }, name + ' must enqueue a connected reaction');
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element();
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']);
+ var newDoc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
+ testFunction(container, instance);
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['connected']);
+ testFunction(newDoc.documentElement, instance);
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['disconnected', 'adopted', 'connected']);
+ }, name + ' must enqueue a disconnected reaction, an adopted reaction, and a connected reaction when the custom element was in another document');
+ container.parentNode.removeChild(container);
+function testNodeDisconnector(testFunction, name) {
+ let container = document.createElement('div');
+ container.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
+ document.body.appendChild(container);
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element();
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']);
+ container.appendChild(instance);
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['connected']);
+ testFunction(instance);
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['disconnected']);
+ }, name + ' must enqueue a disconnected reaction');
+ container.parentNode.removeChild(container);
+function testCloner(testFunction, name) {
+ let container = document.createElement('div');
+ container.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
+ document.body.appendChild(container);
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element(['id']);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ container.appendChild(instance);
+ instance.setAttribute('id', 'foo');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed', 'connected', 'attributeChanged']);
+ var newInstance = testFunction(instance);
+ var logEntries = element.takeLog();
+ assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['constructed', 'attributeChanged']);
+ assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: 'id', oldValue: null, newValue: 'foo', namespace: null});
+ }, name + ' must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when cloning an element with an observed attribute');
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element(['id']);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ container.appendChild(instance);
+ instance.setAttribute('lang', 'en');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed', 'connected']);
+ var newInstance = testFunction(instance);
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']);
+ }, name + ' must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when cloning an element with an unobserved attribute');
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element(['title', 'class']);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ container.appendChild(instance);
+ instance.setAttribute('lang', 'en');
+ instance.className = 'foo';
+ instance.setAttribute('title', 'hello world');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed', 'connected', 'attributeChanged', 'attributeChanged']);
+ var newInstance = testFunction(instance);
+ var logEntries = element.takeLog();
+ assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['constructed', 'attributeChanged', 'attributeChanged']);
+ assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries[1], {name: 'class', oldValue: null, newValue: 'foo', namespace: null});
+ assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries[2], {name: 'title', oldValue: null, newValue: 'hello world', namespace: null});
+ }, name + ' must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when cloning an element only for observed attributes');
+function testReflectAttribute(jsAttributeName, contentAttributeName, validValue1, validValue2, name) {
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element([contentAttributeName]);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']);
+ instance[jsAttributeName] = validValue1;
+ var logEntries = element.takeLog();
+ assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']);
+ assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: contentAttributeName, oldValue: null, newValue: validValue1, namespace: null});
+ }, name + ' must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding ' + contentAttributeName + ' content attribute');
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element([contentAttributeName]);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ instance[jsAttributeName] = validValue1;
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed', 'attributeChanged']);
+ instance[jsAttributeName] = validValue2;
+ var logEntries = element.takeLog();
+ assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']);
+ assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: contentAttributeName, oldValue: validValue1, newValue: validValue2, namespace: null});
+ }, name + ' must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing attribute');
+function testAttributeAdder(testFunction, name) {
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element(['id']);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']);
+ testFunction(instance, 'id', 'foo');
+ var logEntries = element.takeLog();
+ assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']);
+ assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: 'id', oldValue: null, newValue: 'foo', namespace: null});
+ }, name + ' must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an attribute');
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element(['class']);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']);
+ testFunction(instance, 'data-lang', 'en');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), []);
+ }, name + ' must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when adding an unobserved attribute');
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element(['title']);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ instance.setAttribute('title', 'hello');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed', 'attributeChanged']);
+ testFunction(instance, 'title', 'world');
+ var logEntries = element.takeLog();
+ assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']);
+ assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: 'title', oldValue: 'hello', newValue: 'world', namespace: null});
+ }, name + ' must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing attribute');
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element([]);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ instance.setAttribute('data-lang', 'zh');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']);
+ testFunction(instance, 'data-lang', 'en');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), []);
+ }, name + ' must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing unobserved attribute');
+function testAttributeMutator(testFunction, name) {
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element(['title']);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ instance.setAttribute('title', 'hello');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed', 'attributeChanged']);
+ testFunction(instance, 'title', 'world');
+ var logEntries = element.takeLog();
+ assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']);
+ assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: 'title', oldValue: 'hello', newValue: 'world', namespace: null});
+ }, name + ' must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing attribute');
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element(['class']);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ instance.setAttribute('data-lang', 'zh');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']);
+ testFunction(instance, 'data-lang', 'en');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), []);
+ }, name + ' must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when replacing an existing unobserved attribute');
+function testAttributeRemover(testFunction, name) {
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element(['title']);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']);
+ testFunction(instance, 'title');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), []);
+ }, name + ' must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an attribute that does not exist');
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element([]);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ instance.setAttribute('data-lang', 'hello');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']);
+ testFunction(instance, 'data-lang');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), []);
+ }, name + ' must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an unobserved attribute');
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element(['title']);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ instance.setAttribute('title', 'hello');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed', 'attributeChanged']);
+ testFunction(instance, 'title');
+ var logEntries = element.takeLog();
+ assert_array_equals(logEntries.types(), ['attributeChanged']);
+ assert_attribute_log_entry(logEntries.last(), {name: 'title', oldValue: 'hello', newValue: null, namespace: null});
+ }, name + ' must enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an existing attribute');
+ test(function () {
+ var element = define_new_custom_element([]);
+ var instance = document.createElement(;
+ instance.setAttribute('data-lang', 'ja');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), ['constructed']);
+ testFunction(instance, 'data-lang');
+ assert_array_equals(element.takeLog().types(), []);
+ }, name + ' must not enqueue an attributeChanged reaction when removing an existing unobserved attribute');