path: root/security/nss/cmd/lib/pk11table.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'security/nss/cmd/lib/pk11table.c')
1 files changed, 1517 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/security/nss/cmd/lib/pk11table.c b/security/nss/cmd/lib/pk11table.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15c0a8d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/nss/cmd/lib/pk11table.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1517 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "pk11table.h"
+const char *_valueString[] = {
+ "None",
+ "Variable",
+ "Data",
+ "UTF8",
+ "CK_INFO",
+const char **valueString = &_valueString[0];
+const int valueCount = sizeof(_valueString) / sizeof(_valueString[0]);
+const char *_constTypeString[] = {
+ "None",
+ "Bool",
+ "InfoFlags",
+ "SlotFlags",
+ "TokenFlags",
+ "SessionFlags",
+ "MechanismFlags",
+ "InitializeFlags",
+ "Users",
+ "SessionState",
+ "Object",
+ "Hardware",
+ "KeyType",
+ "CertificateType",
+ "Attribute",
+ "Mechanism",
+ "Result",
+ "Trust",
+ "AvailableSizes",
+ "CurrentSize"
+const char **constTypeString = &_constTypeString[0];
+const int constTypeCount = sizeof(_constTypeString) / sizeof(_constTypeString[0]);
+#define mkEntry(x, t) \
+ { \
+ #x, x, Const##t, ConstNone \
+ }
+#define mkEntry2(x, t, t2) \
+ { \
+ #x, x, Const##t, Const##t2 \
+ }
+const Constant _consts[] = {
+ mkEntry(CK_FALSE, Bool),
+ mkEntry(CK_TRUE, Bool),
+ mkEntry(CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT, SlotFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_REMOVABLE_DEVICE, SlotFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_HW_SLOT, SlotFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_RNG, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_WRITE_PROTECTED, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_USER_PIN_INITIALIZED, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_RESTORE_KEY_NOT_NEEDED, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_CLOCK_ON_TOKEN, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_TOKEN_INITIALIZED, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_USER_PIN_COUNT_LOW, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_USER_PIN_FINAL_TRY, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_USER_PIN_LOCKED, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_USER_PIN_TO_BE_CHANGED, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_SO_PIN_COUNT_LOW, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_SO_PIN_FINAL_TRY, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_SO_PIN_LOCKED, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_SO_PIN_TO_BE_CHANGED, TokenFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_RW_SESSION, SessionFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_SERIAL_SESSION, SessionFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_HW, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_ENCRYPT, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_DECRYPT, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_DIGEST, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_SIGN, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_SIGN_RECOVER, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_VERIFY, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_VERIFY_RECOVER, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_GENERATE, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_GENERATE_KEY_PAIR, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_WRAP, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_UNWRAP, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_DERIVE, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_EC_FP, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_EC_F_2M, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_EC_ECPARAMETERS, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_EC_NAMEDCURVE, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_EC_UNCOMPRESS, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_EC_COMPRESS, MechanismFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKF_OS_LOCKING_OK, InitializeFlags),
+ mkEntry(CKU_SO, Users),
+ mkEntry(CKU_USER, Users),
+ mkEntry(CKS_RO_PUBLIC_SESSION, SessionState),
+ mkEntry(CKS_RO_USER_FUNCTIONS, SessionState),
+ mkEntry(CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION, SessionState),
+ mkEntry(CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS, SessionState),
+ mkEntry(CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS, SessionState),
+ mkEntry(CKO_DATA, Object),
+ mkEntry(CKO_CERTIFICATE, Object),
+ mkEntry(CKO_PUBLIC_KEY, Object),
+ mkEntry(CKO_PRIVATE_KEY, Object),
+ mkEntry(CKO_SECRET_KEY, Object),
+ mkEntry(CKO_HW_FEATURE, Object),
+ mkEntry(CKO_KG_PARAMETERS, Object),
+ mkEntry(CKO_NSS_CRL, Object),
+ mkEntry(CKO_NSS_SMIME, Object),
+ mkEntry(CKO_NSS_TRUST, Object),
+ mkEntry(CKH_MONOTONIC_COUNTER, Hardware),
+ mkEntry(CKH_CLOCK, Hardware),
+ mkEntry(CKK_RSA, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_DSA, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_DH, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_ECDSA, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_EC, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_X9_42_DH, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_KEA, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_GENERIC_SECRET, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_RC2, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_RC4, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_DES, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_DES2, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_DES3, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_CAST, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_CAST3, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_CAST5, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_CAST128, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_RC5, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_IDEA, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_SKIPJACK, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_BATON, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_JUNIPER, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_CDMF, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_AES, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_CAMELLIA, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKK_NSS_PKCS8, KeyType),
+ mkEntry(CKC_X_509, CertType),
+ mkEntry(CKC_X_509_ATTR_CERT, CertType),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_CLASS, Attribute, Object),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TOKEN, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_PRIVATE, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_LABEL, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_APPLICATION, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_VALUE, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_OBJECT_ID, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_CERTIFICATE_TYPE, Attribute, CertType),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_ISSUER, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_AC_ISSUER, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_OWNER, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_ATTR_TYPES, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUSTED, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_KEY_TYPE, Attribute, KeyType),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_SUBJECT, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_ID, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_SENSITIVE, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_ENCRYPT, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_DECRYPT, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_WRAP, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_UNWRAP, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_SIGN, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_SIGN_RECOVER, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_VERIFY, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_VERIFY_RECOVER, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_DERIVE, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_START_DATE, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_END_DATE, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_MODULUS, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_MODULUS_BITS, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_PRIME_1, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_PRIME_2, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_EXPONENT_1, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_EXPONENT_2, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_COEFFICIENT, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_PRIME, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_SUBPRIME, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_BASE, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_PRIME_BITS, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_SUB_PRIME_BITS, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_VALUE_BITS, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_VALUE_LEN, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_EXTRACTABLE, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_LOCAL, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NEVER_EXTRACTABLE, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_ALWAYS_SENSITIVE, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_KEY_GEN_MECHANISM, Attribute, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_MODIFIABLE, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_ECDSA_PARAMS, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_EC_PARAMS, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_EC_POINT, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_SECONDARY_AUTH, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_AUTH_PIN_FLAGS, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_HW_FEATURE_TYPE, Attribute, Hardware),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_RESET_ON_INIT, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_HAS_RESET, Attribute, Bool),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NSS_URL, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NSS_EMAIL, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NSS_SMIME_INFO, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NSS_SMIME_TIMESTAMP, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NSS_PKCS8_SALT, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NSS_PASSWORD_CHECK, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NSS_EXPIRES, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NSS_KRL, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NSS_PQG_COUNTER, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NSS_PQG_SEED, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NSS_PQG_H, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NSS_PQG_SEED_BITS, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_NON_REPUDIATION, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_KEY_AGREEMENT, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_KEY_CERT_SIGN, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_CRL_SIGN, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_CLIENT_AUTH, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_IPSEC_END_SYSTEM, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_IPSEC_TUNNEL, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_IPSEC_USER, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_TRUST_TIME_STAMPING, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_CERT_SHA1_HASH, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_CERT_MD5_HASH, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NETSCAPE_DB, Attribute, None),
+ mkEntry2(CKA_NETSCAPE_TRUST, Attribute, Trust),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RSA_PKCS, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RSA_9796, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RSA_X_509, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_MD2_RSA_PKCS, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_MD5_RSA_PKCS, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RIPEMD128_RSA_PKCS, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RIPEMD160_RSA_PKCS, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RSA_PKCS_OAEP, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RSA_X9_31_KEY_PAIR_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RSA_X9_31, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA1_RSA_X9_31, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DSA_KEY_PAIR_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DSA, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DSA_SHA1, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DH_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DH_PKCS_DERIVE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_X9_42_DH_DERIVE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_X9_42_DH_HYBRID_DERIVE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_X9_42_MQV_DERIVE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC2_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC2_ECB, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC2_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC2_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC2_MAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC2_CBC_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC4_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC4, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DES_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DES_ECB, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DES_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DES_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DES_MAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DES_CBC_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DES2_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DES3_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DES3_ECB, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DES3_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DES3_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DES3_MAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DES3_CBC_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CDMF_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CDMF_ECB, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CDMF_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CDMF_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CDMF_MAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CDMF_CBC_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_MD2, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_MD2_HMAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_MD2_HMAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_MD5, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_MD5_HMAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_MD5_HMAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA_1, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA_1_HMAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA_1_HMAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RIPEMD128, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RIPEMD128_HMAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RIPEMD128_HMAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RIPEMD160, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RIPEMD160_HMAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RIPEMD160_HMAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA256, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA256_HMAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA256_HMAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA384, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA384_HMAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA384_HMAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA512, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA512_HMAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA512_HMAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST_ECB, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST_MAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST_CBC_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST3_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST3_ECB, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST3_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST3_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST3_MAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST3_CBC_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST5_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST128_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST5_ECB, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST128_ECB, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST5_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST128_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST5_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST128_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST5_MAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST128_MAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST5_CBC_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAST128_CBC_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC5_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC5_ECB, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC5_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC5_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC5_MAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_RC5_CBC_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_IDEA_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_IDEA_ECB, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_IDEA_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_IDEA_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_IDEA_MAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_IDEA_CBC_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_GENERIC_SECRET_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_XOR_BASE_AND_DATA, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_EXTRACT_KEY_FROM_KEY, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SSL3_PRE_MASTER_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SSL3_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SSL3_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SSL3_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_TLS_PRE_MASTER_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_TLS_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_NSS_TLS_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_SHA256, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_TLS_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_NSS_TLS_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE_SHA256, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_TLS_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_NSS_TLS_MASTER_KEY_DERIVE_DH_SHA256, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SSL3_SHA1_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_MD5_KEY_DERIVATION, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_MD2_KEY_DERIVATION, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA1_KEY_DERIVATION, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA256_KEY_DERIVATION, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA384_KEY_DERIVATION, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SHA512_KEY_DERIVATION, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_MD2_DES_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_MD5_DES_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_MD5_CAST_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_MD5_CAST3_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_MD5_CAST5_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_MD5_CAST128_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_SHA1_CAST5_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_SHA1_CAST128_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_128, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC4_40, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES3_EDE_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_SHA1_DES2_EDE_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_128_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBE_SHA1_RC2_40_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_PBA_SHA1_WITH_SHA1_HMAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_KEY_WRAP_LYNKS, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_KEY_WRAP_SET_OAEP, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SKIPJACK_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SKIPJACK_ECB64, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SKIPJACK_OFB64, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB64, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB32, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB16, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SKIPJACK_CFB8, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SKIPJACK_WRAP, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SKIPJACK_PRIVATE_WRAP, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SKIPJACK_RELAYX, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_KEA_KEY_PAIR_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_KEA_KEY_DERIVE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_FORTEZZA_TIMESTAMP, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_BATON_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_BATON_ECB128, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_BATON_ECB96, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_BATON_CBC128, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_BATON_COUNTER, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_BATON_SHUFFLE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_BATON_WRAP, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_ECDSA_KEY_PAIR_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_ECDSA, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_ECDSA_SHA1, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_ECDH1_COFACTOR_DERIVE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_ECMQV_DERIVE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_JUNIPER_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_JUNIPER_ECB128, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_JUNIPER_CBC128, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_JUNIPER_COUNTER, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_JUNIPER_SHUFFLE, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_JUNIPER_WRAP, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_FASTHASH, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_AES_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_AES_ECB, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_AES_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_AES_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_AES_MAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_AES_CBC_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAMELLIA_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAMELLIA_ECB, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAMELLIA_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAMELLIA_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAMELLIA_MAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_CAMELLIA_CBC_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SEED_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SEED_ECB, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SEED_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SEED_MAC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SEED_MAC_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SEED_CBC_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SEED_ECB_ENCRYPT_DATA, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_SEED_CBC_ENCRYPT_DATA, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DSA_PARAMETER_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_DH_PKCS_PARAMETER_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_NSS_AES_KEY_WRAP, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_NSS_AES_KEY_WRAP_PAD, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_DES_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_40_BIT_RC2_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_128_BIT_RC2_CBC, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_40_BIT_RC4, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_SHA1_128_BIT_RC4, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_MD5_HMAC_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_NETSCAPE_PBE_MD2_HMAC_KEY_GEN, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_TLS_PRF_GENERAL, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKM_NSS_TLS_PRF_GENERAL_SHA256, Mechanism),
+ mkEntry(CKR_OK, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_CANCEL, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_HOST_MEMORY, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_GENERAL_ERROR, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_NO_EVENT, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_CANT_LOCK, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_DATA_INVALID, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_DEVICE_ERROR, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_KEY_NOT_NEEDED, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_KEY_CHANGED, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_KEY_NEEDED, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_KEY_INDIGESTIBLE, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_KEY_NOT_WRAPPABLE, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_KEY_PARAMS_INVALID, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_PIN_INCORRECT, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_PIN_INVALID, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_PIN_LEN_RANGE, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_PIN_EXPIRED, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_PIN_LOCKED, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_SESSION_CLOSED, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_SESSION_COUNT, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_SESSION_EXISTS, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_USER_TYPE_INVALID, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_USER_TOO_MANY_TYPES, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_RANDOM_NO_RNG, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_STATE_UNSAVEABLE, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_MUTEX_BAD, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_MUTEX_NOT_LOCKED, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKR_VENDOR_DEFINED, Result),
+ mkEntry(CKT_NSS_TRUSTED, Trust),
+ mkEntry(CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED, Trust),
+ mkEntry(CKT_NSS_TRUST_UNKNOWN, Trust),
+ mkEntry(CK_EFFECTIVELY_INFINITE, AvailableSizes),
+const Constant *consts = &_consts[0];
+const unsigned int constCount = sizeof(_consts) / sizeof(_consts[0]);
+const Commands _commands[] = {
+ { "C_Initialize",
+ F_C_Initialize,
+ "C_Initialize pInitArgs\n\n"
+ "C_Initialize initializes the PKCS #11 library.\n"
+ " pInitArgs if this is not NULL_PTR it gets cast to and dereferenced\n",
+ { ArgInitializeArgs, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_Finalize",
+ F_C_Finalize,
+ "C_Finalize pReserved\n\n"
+ "C_Finalize indicates that an application is done with the PKCS #11 library.\n"
+ " pReserved reserved. Should be NULL_PTR\n",
+ { ArgInitializeArgs, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GetInfo",
+ F_C_GetInfo,
+ "C_GetInfo pInfo\n\n"
+ "C_GetInfo returns general information about PKCS #11.\n"
+ " pInfo location that receives information\n",
+ { ArgInfo | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GetFunctionList",
+ F_C_GetFunctionList,
+ "C_GetFunctionList ppFunctionList\n\n"
+ "C_GetFunctionList returns the function list.\n"
+ " ppFunctionList receives pointer to function list\n",
+ { ArgFunctionList | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GetSlotList",
+ F_C_GetSlotList,
+ "C_GetSlotList tokenPresent pSlotList pulCount\n\n"
+ "C_GetSlotList obtains a list of slots in the system.\n"
+ " tokenPresent only slots with tokens?\n"
+ " pSlotList receives array of slot IDs\n"
+ " pulCount receives number of slots\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgULong | ArgArray | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GetSlotInfo",
+ F_C_GetSlotInfo,
+ "C_GetSlotInfo slotID pInfo\n\n"
+ "C_GetSlotInfo obtains information about a particular slot in the system.\n"
+ " slotID the ID of the slot\n"
+ " pInfo receives the slot information\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgSlotInfo | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GetTokenInfo",
+ F_C_GetTokenInfo,
+ "C_GetTokenInfo slotID pInfo\n\n"
+ "C_GetTokenInfo obtains information about a particular token in the system.\n"
+ " slotID ID of the token's slot\n"
+ " pInfo receives the token information\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgTokenInfo | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GetMechanismList",
+ F_C_GetMechanismList,
+ "C_GetMechanismList slotID pMechanismList pulCount\n\n"
+ "C_GetMechanismList obtains a list of mechanism types supported by a token.\n"
+ " slotID ID of token's slot\n"
+ " pMechanismList gets mech. array\n"
+ " pulCount gets # of mechs.\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgULong | ArgArray | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GetMechanismInfo",
+ F_C_GetMechanismInfo,
+ "C_GetMechanismInfo slotID type pInfo\n\n"
+ "C_GetMechanismInfo obtains information about a particular mechanism possibly\n"
+ "supported by a token.\n"
+ " slotID ID of the token's slot\n"
+ " type type of mechanism\n"
+ " pInfo receives mechanism info\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgMechanismInfo | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_InitToken",
+ F_C_InitToken,
+ "C_InitToken slotID pPin ulPinLen pLabel\n\n"
+ "C_InitToken initializes a token.\n"
+ " slotID ID of the token's slot\n"
+ " pPin the SO's initial PIN\n"
+ " ulPinLen length in bytes of the PIN\n"
+ " pLabel 32-byte token label (blank padded)\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgUTF8, ArgULong, ArgUTF8, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_InitPIN",
+ F_C_InitPIN,
+ "C_InitPIN hSession pPin ulPinLen\n\n"
+ "C_InitPIN initializes the normal user's PIN.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pPin the normal user's PIN\n"
+ " ulPinLen length in bytes of the PIN\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgUTF8, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_SetPIN",
+ F_C_SetPIN,
+ "C_SetPIN hSession pOldPin ulOldLen pNewPin ulNewLen\n\n"
+ "C_SetPIN modifies the PIN of the user who is logged in.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pOldPin the old PIN\n"
+ " ulOldLen length of the old PIN\n"
+ " pNewPin the new PIN\n"
+ " ulNewLen length of the new PIN\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgUTF8, ArgULong, ArgUTF8, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_OpenSession",
+ F_C_OpenSession,
+ "C_OpenSession slotID flags phSession\n\n"
+ "C_OpenSession opens a session between an application and a token.\n"
+ " slotID the slot's ID\n"
+ " flags from\n"
+ " phSession gets session handle\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_CloseSession",
+ F_C_CloseSession,
+ "C_CloseSession hSession\n\n"
+ "C_CloseSession closes a session between an application and a token.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_CloseAllSessions",
+ F_C_CloseAllSessions,
+ "C_CloseAllSessions slotID\n\n"
+ "C_CloseAllSessions closes all sessions with a token.\n"
+ " slotID the token's slot\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GetSessionInfo",
+ F_C_GetSessionInfo,
+ "C_GetSessionInfo hSession pInfo\n\n"
+ "C_GetSessionInfo obtains information about the session.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pInfo receives session info\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgSessionInfo | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GetOperationState",
+ F_C_GetOperationState,
+ "C_GetOperationState hSession pOpState pulOpStateLen\n\n"
+ "C_GetOperationState obtains the state of the cryptographic operation in a\n"
+ "session.\n"
+ " hSession session's handle\n"
+ " pOpState gets state\n"
+ " pulOpStateLen gets state length\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_SetOperationState",
+ F_C_SetOperationState,
+ "C_SetOperationState hSession pOpState ulOpStateLen hEncKey hAuthKey\n\n"
+ "C_SetOperationState restores the state of the cryptographic operation in a\n"
+ "session.\n"
+ " hSession session's handle\n"
+ " pOpState holds state\n"
+ " ulOpStateLen holds state length\n"
+ " hEncKey en/decryption key\n"
+ " hAuthnKey sign/verify key\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_Login",
+ F_C_Login,
+ "C_Login hSession userType pPin ulPinLen\n\n"
+ "C_Login logs a user into a token.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " userType the user type\n"
+ " pPin the user's PIN\n"
+ " ulPinLen the length of the PIN\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgVar, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_Logout",
+ F_C_Logout,
+ "C_Logout hSession\n\n"
+ "C_Logout logs a user out from a token.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_CreateObject",
+ F_C_CreateObject,
+ "C_CreateObject hSession pTemplate ulCount phObject\n\n"
+ "C_CreateObject creates a new object.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pTemplate the object's template\n"
+ " ulCount attributes in template\n"
+ " phObject gets new object's handle.\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgAttribute | ArgArray, ArgULong, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_CopyObject",
+ F_C_CopyObject,
+ "C_CopyObject hSession hObject pTemplate ulCount phNewObject\n\n"
+ "C_CopyObject copies an object creating a new object for the copy.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " hObject the object's handle\n"
+ " pTemplate template for new object\n"
+ " ulCount attributes in template\n"
+ " phNewObject receives handle of copy\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgAttribute | ArgArray, ArgULong, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_DestroyObject",
+ F_C_DestroyObject,
+ "C_DestroyObject hSession hObject\n\n"
+ "C_DestroyObject destroys an object.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " hObject the object's handle\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GetObjectSize",
+ F_C_GetObjectSize,
+ "C_GetObjectSize hSession hObject pulSize\n\n"
+ "C_GetObjectSize gets the size of an object in bytes.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " hObject the object's handle\n"
+ " pulSize receives size of object\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GetAttributeValue",
+ F_C_GetAttributeValue,
+ "C_GetAttributeValue hSession hObject pTemplate ulCount\n\n"
+ "C_GetAttributeValue obtains the value of one or more object attributes.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " hObject the object's handle\n"
+ " pTemplate specifies attrs; gets vals\n"
+ " ulCount attributes in template\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgAttribute | ArgArray, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_SetAttributeValue",
+ F_C_SetAttributeValue,
+ "C_SetAttributeValue hSession hObject pTemplate ulCount\n\n"
+ "C_SetAttributeValue modifies the value of one or more object attributes\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " hObject the object's handle\n"
+ " pTemplate specifies attrs and values\n"
+ " ulCount attributes in template\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgAttribute | ArgArray, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_FindObjectsInit",
+ F_C_FindObjectsInit,
+ "C_FindObjectsInit hSession pTemplate ulCount\n\n"
+ "C_FindObjectsInit initializes a search for token and session objects that\n"
+ "match a template.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pTemplate attribute values to match\n"
+ " ulCount attrs in search template\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgAttribute | ArgArray, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_FindObjectsFinal",
+ F_C_FindObjectsFinal,
+ "C_FindObjectsFinal hSession\n\n"
+ "C_FindObjectsFinal finishes a search for token and session objects.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_FindObjects",
+ F_C_FindObjects,
+ "C_FindObjects hSession phObject ulMaxObjectCount pulObjectCount\n\n"
+ "C_FindObjects continues a search for token and session objects that match\n"
+ "a template obtaining additional object handles.\n"
+ " hSession session's handle\n"
+ " phObject gets obj. handles\n"
+ " ulMaxObjectCount max handles to get\n"
+ " pulObjectCount actual # returned\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgULong, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_EncryptInit",
+ F_C_EncryptInit,
+ "C_EncryptInit hSession pMechanism hKey\n\n"
+ "C_EncryptInit initializes an encryption operation.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pMechanism the encryption mechanism\n"
+ " hKey handle of encryption key\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgMechanism, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_EncryptUpdate",
+ F_C_EncryptUpdate,
+ "C_EncryptUpdate hSession pPart ulPartLen pEncryptedPart pulEncryptedPartLen\n"
+ "\n"
+ "C_EncryptUpdate continues a multiple-part encryption operation.\n"
+ " hSession session's handle\n"
+ " pPart the plaintext data\n"
+ " ulPartLen plaintext data len\n"
+ " pEncryptedPart gets ciphertext\n"
+ " pulEncryptedPartLen gets c-text size\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_EncryptFinal",
+ F_C_EncryptFinal,
+ "C_EncryptFinal hSession pLastEncryptedPart pulLastEncryptedPartLen\n\n"
+ "C_EncryptFinal finishes a multiple-part encryption operation.\n"
+ " hSession session handle\n"
+ " pLastEncryptedPart last c-text\n"
+ " pulLastEncryptedPartLen gets last size\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_Encrypt",
+ F_C_Encrypt,
+ "C_Encrypt hSession pData ulDataLen pEncryptedData pulEncryptedDataLen\n\n"
+ "C_Encrypt encrypts single-part data.\n"
+ " hSession session's handle\n"
+ " pData the plaintext data\n"
+ " ulDataLen bytes of plaintext\n"
+ " pEncryptedData gets ciphertext\n"
+ " pulEncryptedDataLen gets c-text size\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_DecryptInit",
+ F_C_DecryptInit,
+ "C_DecryptInit hSession pMechanism hKey\n\n"
+ "C_DecryptInit initializes a decryption operation.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pMechanism the decryption mechanism\n"
+ " hKey handle of decryption key\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgMechanism, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_DecryptUpdate",
+ F_C_DecryptUpdate,
+ "C_DecryptUpdate hSession pEncryptedPart ulEncryptedPartLen pPart pulPartLen\n"
+ "\n"
+ "C_DecryptUpdate continues a multiple-part decryption operation.\n"
+ " hSession session's handle\n"
+ " pEncryptedPart encrypted data\n"
+ " ulEncryptedPartLen input length\n"
+ " pPart gets plaintext\n"
+ " pulPartLen p-text size\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_DecryptFinal",
+ F_C_DecryptFinal,
+ "C_DecryptFinal hSession pLastPart pulLastPartLen\n\n"
+ "C_DecryptFinal finishes a multiple-part decryption operation.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pLastPart gets plaintext\n"
+ " pulLastPartLen p-text size\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_Decrypt",
+ F_C_Decrypt,
+ "C_Decrypt hSession pEncryptedData ulEncryptedDataLen pData pulDataLen\n\n"
+ "C_Decrypt decrypts encrypted data in a single part.\n"
+ " hSession session's handle\n"
+ " pEncryptedData ciphertext\n"
+ " ulEncryptedDataLen ciphertext length\n"
+ " pData gets plaintext\n"
+ " pulDataLen gets p-text size\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_DigestInit",
+ F_C_DigestInit,
+ "C_DigestInit hSession pMechanism\n\n"
+ "C_DigestInit initializes a message-digesting operation.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pMechanism the digesting mechanism\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgMechanism, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_DigestUpdate",
+ F_C_DigestUpdate,
+ "C_DigestUpdate hSession pPart ulPartLen\n\n"
+ "C_DigestUpdate continues a multiple-part message-digesting operation.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pPart data to be digested\n"
+ " ulPartLen bytes of data to be digested\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_DigestKey",
+ F_C_DigestKey,
+ "C_DigestKey hSession hKey\n\n"
+ "C_DigestKey continues a multi-part message-digesting operation by digesting\n"
+ "the value of a secret key as part of the data already digested.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " hKey secret key to digest\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_DigestFinal",
+ F_C_DigestFinal,
+ "C_DigestFinal hSession pDigest pulDigestLen\n\n"
+ "C_DigestFinal finishes a multiple-part message-digesting operation.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pDigest gets the message digest\n"
+ " pulDigestLen gets byte count of digest\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_Digest",
+ F_C_Digest,
+ "C_Digest hSession pData ulDataLen pDigest pulDigestLen\n\n"
+ "C_Digest digests data in a single part.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pData data to be digested\n"
+ " ulDataLen bytes of data to digest\n"
+ " pDigest gets the message digest\n"
+ " pulDigestLen gets digest length\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_SignInit",
+ F_C_SignInit,
+ "C_SignInit hSession pMechanism hKey\n\n"
+ "C_SignInit initializes a signature (private key encryption operation where\n"
+ "the signature is (will be) an appendix to the data and plaintext cannot be\n"
+ "recovered from the signature.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pMechanism the signature mechanism\n"
+ " hKey handle of signature key\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgMechanism, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_SignUpdate",
+ F_C_SignUpdate,
+ "C_SignUpdate hSession pPart ulPartLen\n\n"
+ "C_SignUpdate continues a multiple-part signature operation where the\n"
+ "signature is (will be) an appendix to the data and plaintext cannot be\n"
+ "recovered from the signature.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pPart the data to sign\n"
+ " ulPartLen count of bytes to sign\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_SignFinal",
+ F_C_SignFinal,
+ "C_SignFinal hSession pSignature pulSignatureLen\n\n"
+ "C_SignFinal finishes a multiple-part signature operation returning the\n"
+ "signature.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pSignature gets the signature\n"
+ " pulSignatureLen gets signature length\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_SignRecoverInit",
+ F_C_SignRecoverInit,
+ "C_SignRecoverInit hSession pMechanism hKey\n\n"
+ "C_SignRecoverInit initializes a signature operation where the data can be\n"
+ "recovered from the signature.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pMechanism the signature mechanism\n"
+ " hKey handle of the signature key\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgMechanism, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_SignRecover",
+ F_C_SignRecover,
+ "C_SignRecover hSession pData ulDataLen pSignature pulSignatureLen\n\n"
+ "C_SignRecover signs data in a single operation where the data can be\n"
+ "recovered from the signature.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pData the data to sign\n"
+ " ulDataLen count of bytes to sign\n"
+ " pSignature gets the signature\n"
+ " pulSignatureLen gets signature length\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_Sign",
+ F_C_Sign,
+ "C_Sign hSession pData ulDataLen pSignature pulSignatureLen\n\n"
+ "C_Sign signs (encrypts with private key) data in a single part where the\n"
+ "signature is (will be) an appendix to the data and plaintext cannot be\n"
+ "recovered from the signature.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pData the data to sign\n"
+ " ulDataLen count of bytes to sign\n"
+ " pSignature gets the signature\n"
+ " pulSignatureLen gets signature length\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_VerifyInit",
+ F_C_VerifyInit,
+ "C_VerifyInit hSession pMechanism hKey\n\n"
+ "C_VerifyInit initializes a verification operation where the signature is an\n"
+ "appendix to the data and plaintext cannot cannot be recovered from the\n"
+ "signature (e.g. DSA).\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pMechanism the verification mechanism\n"
+ " hKey verification key\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgMechanism, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_VerifyUpdate",
+ F_C_VerifyUpdate,
+ "C_VerifyUpdate hSession pPart ulPartLen\n\n"
+ "C_VerifyUpdate continues a multiple-part verification operation where the\n"
+ "signature is an appendix to the data and plaintext cannot be recovered from\n"
+ "the signature.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pPart signed data\n"
+ " ulPartLen length of signed data\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_VerifyFinal",
+ F_C_VerifyFinal,
+ "C_VerifyFinal hSession pSignature ulSignatureLen\n\n"
+ "C_VerifyFinal finishes a multiple-part verification operation checking the\n"
+ "signature.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pSignature signature to verify\n"
+ " ulSignatureLen signature length\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_VerifyRecoverInit",
+ F_C_VerifyRecoverInit,
+ "C_VerifyRecoverInit hSession pMechanism hKey\n\n"
+ "C_VerifyRecoverInit initializes a signature verification operation where the\n"
+ "data is recovered from the signature.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pMechanism the verification mechanism\n"
+ " hKey verification key\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgMechanism, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_VerifyRecover",
+ F_C_VerifyRecover,
+ "C_VerifyRecover hSession pSignature ulSignatureLen pData pulDataLen\n\n"
+ "C_VerifyRecover verifies a signature in a single-part operation where the\n"
+ "data is recovered from the signature.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pSignature signature to verify\n"
+ " ulSignatureLen signature length\n"
+ " pData gets signed data\n"
+ " pulDataLen gets signed data len\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_Verify",
+ F_C_Verify,
+ "C_Verify hSession pData ulDataLen pSignature ulSignatureLen\n\n"
+ "C_Verify verifies a signature in a single-part operation where the signature\n"
+ "is an appendix to the data and plaintext cannot be recovered from the\n"
+ "signature.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pData signed data\n"
+ " ulDataLen length of signed data\n"
+ " pSignature signature\n"
+ " ulSignatureLen signature length*/\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_DigestEncryptUpdate",
+ F_C_DigestEncryptUpdate,
+ "C_DigestEncryptUpdate hSession pPart ulPartLen pEncryptedPart \\\n"
+ " pulEncryptedPartLen\n\n"
+ "C_DigestEncryptUpdate continues a multiple-part digesting and encryption\n"
+ "operation.\n"
+ " hSession session's handle\n"
+ " pPart the plaintext data\n"
+ " ulPartLen plaintext length\n"
+ " pEncryptedPart gets ciphertext\n"
+ " pulEncryptedPartLen gets c-text length\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_DecryptDigestUpdate",
+ F_C_DecryptDigestUpdate,
+ "C_DecryptDigestUpdate hSession pEncryptedPart ulEncryptedPartLen pPart \\\n"
+ " pulPartLen\n\n"
+ "C_DecryptDigestUpdate continues a multiple-part decryption and digesting\n"
+ "operation.\n"
+ " hSession session's handle\n"
+ " pEncryptedPart ciphertext\n"
+ " ulEncryptedPartLen ciphertext length\n"
+ " pPart gets plaintext\n"
+ " pulPartLen gets plaintext len\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_SignEncryptUpdate",
+ F_C_SignEncryptUpdate,
+ "C_SignEncryptUpdate hSession pPart ulPartLen pEncryptedPart \\\n"
+ " pulEncryptedPartLen\n\n"
+ "C_SignEncryptUpdate continues a multiple-part signing and encryption\n"
+ "operation.\n"
+ " hSession session's handle\n"
+ " pPart the plaintext data\n"
+ " ulPartLen plaintext length\n"
+ " pEncryptedPart gets ciphertext\n"
+ " pulEncryptedPartLen gets c-text length\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_DecryptVerifyUpdate",
+ F_C_DecryptVerifyUpdate,
+ "C_DecryptVerifyUpdate hSession pEncryptedPart ulEncryptedPartLen pPart \\\n"
+ " pulPartLen\n\n"
+ "C_DecryptVerifyUpdate continues a multiple-part decryption and verify\n"
+ "operation.\n"
+ " hSession session's handle\n"
+ " pEncryptedPart ciphertext\n"
+ " ulEncryptedPartLen ciphertext length\n"
+ " pPart gets plaintext\n"
+ " pulPartLen gets p-text length\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GenerateKeyPair",
+ F_C_GenerateKeyPair,
+ "C_GenerateKeyPair hSession pMechanism pPublicKeyTemplate \\\n"
+ " ulPublicKeyAttributeCount pPrivateKeyTemplate ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount \\\n"
+ " phPublicKey phPrivateKey\n\n"
+ "C_GenerateKeyPair generates a public-key/private-key pair creating new key\n"
+ "objects.\n"
+ " hSession sessionhandle\n"
+ " pMechanism key-genmech.\n"
+ " pPublicKeyTemplate templatefor pub. key\n"
+ " ulPublicKeyAttributeCount # pub. attrs.\n"
+ " pPrivateKeyTemplate templatefor priv. key\n"
+ " ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount # priv. attrs.\n"
+ " phPublicKey gets pub. keyhandle\n"
+ " phPrivateKey getspriv. keyhandle\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgMechanism, ArgAttribute | ArgArray, ArgULong,
+ ArgAttribute | ArgArray, ArgULong, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GenerateKey",
+ F_C_GenerateKey,
+ "C_GenerateKey hSession pMechanism pTemplate ulCount phKey\n\n"
+ "C_GenerateKey generates a secret key creating a new key object.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pMechanism key generation mech.\n"
+ " pTemplate template for new key\n"
+ " ulCount # of attrs in template\n"
+ " phKey gets handle of new key\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgMechanism, ArgAttribute | ArgArray, ArgULong, ArgULong | ArgOut,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_WrapKey",
+ F_C_WrapKey,
+ "C_WrapKey hSession pMechanism hWrappingKey hKey pWrappedKey pulWrappedKeyLen\n\n"
+ "C_WrapKey wraps (i.e. encrypts) a key.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pMechanism the wrapping mechanism\n"
+ " hWrappingKey wrapping key\n"
+ " hKey key to be wrapped\n"
+ " pWrappedKey gets wrapped key\n"
+ " pulWrappedKeyLen gets wrapped key size\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgMechanism, ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgChar | ArgOut,
+ ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_UnwrapKey",
+ F_C_UnwrapKey,
+ "C_UnwrapKey hSession pMechanism hUnwrappingKey pWrappedKey ulWrappedKeyLen \\\n"
+ " pTemplate ulAttributeCount phKey\n\n"
+ "C_UnwrapKey unwraps (decrypts) a wrapped key creating a new key object.\n"
+ " hSession session's handle\n"
+ " pMechanism unwrapping mech.\n"
+ " hUnwrappingKey unwrapping key\n"
+ " pWrappedKey the wrapped key\n"
+ " ulWrappedKeyLen wrapped key len\n"
+ " pTemplate new key template\n"
+ " ulAttributeCount template length\n"
+ " phKey gets new handle\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgMechanism, ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgAttribute | ArgArray,
+ ArgULong, ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_DeriveKey",
+ F_C_DeriveKey,
+ "C_DeriveKey hSession pMechanism hBaseKey pTemplate ulAttributeCount phKey\n\n"
+ "C_DeriveKey derives a key from a base key creating a new key object.\n"
+ " hSession session's handle\n"
+ " pMechanism key deriv. mech.\n"
+ " hBaseKey base key\n"
+ " pTemplate new key template\n"
+ " ulAttributeCount template length\n"
+ " phKey gets new handle\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgMechanism, ArgULong, ArgAttribute | ArgArray, ArgULong,
+ ArgULong | ArgOut, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "C_SeedRandom",
+ F_C_SeedRandom,
+ "C_SeedRandom hSession pSeed ulSeedLen\n\n"
+ "C_SeedRandom mixes additional seed material into the token's random number\n"
+ "generator.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " pSeed the seed material\n"
+ " ulSeedLen length of seed material\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GenerateRandom",
+ F_C_GenerateRandom,
+ "C_GenerateRandom hSession RandomData ulRandomLen\n\n"
+ "C_GenerateRandom generates random data.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n"
+ " RandomData receives the random data\n"
+ " ulRandomLen # of bytes to generate\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgChar, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_GetFunctionStatus",
+ F_C_GetFunctionStatus,
+ "C_GetFunctionStatus hSession\n\n"
+ "C_GetFunctionStatus is a legacy function; it obtains an updated status of\n"
+ "a function running in parallel with an application.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_CancelFunction",
+ F_C_CancelFunction,
+ "C_CancelFunction hSession\n\n"
+ "C_CancelFunction is a legacy function; it cancels a function running in\n"
+ "parallel.\n"
+ " hSession the session's handle\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "C_WaitForSlotEvent",
+ F_C_WaitForSlotEvent,
+ "C_WaitForSlotEvent flags pSlot pRserved\n\n"
+ "C_WaitForSlotEvent waits for a slot event (token insertion removal etc.)\n"
+ "to occur.\n"
+ " flags blocking/nonblocking flag\n"
+ " pSlot location that receives the slot ID\n"
+ " pRserved reserved. Should be NULL_PTR\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgULong | ArgArray, ArgVar, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "NewArray",
+ F_NewArray,
+ "NewArray varName varType array size\n\n"
+ "Creates a new array variable.\n"
+ " varName variable name of the new array\n"
+ " varType data type of the new array\n"
+ " size number of elements in the array\n",
+ { ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgVar, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "NewInitArg",
+ F_NewInitializeArgs,
+ "NewInitArg varName flags string\n\n"
+ "Creates a new init variable.\n"
+ " varName variable name of the new initArg\n"
+ " flags value to set the flags field\n"
+ " string string parameter for init arg\n",
+ { ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgULong, ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "NewTemplate",
+ F_NewTemplate,
+ "NewTemplate varName attributeList\n\n"
+ "Create a new empty template and populate the attribute list\n"
+ " varName variable name of the new template\n"
+ " attributeList comma separated list of CKA_ATTRIBUTE types\n",
+ { ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgVar, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "NewMechanism",
+ F_NewMechanism,
+ "NewMechanism varName mechanismType\n\n"
+ "Create a new CK_MECHANISM object with type NULL parameters and specified type\n"
+ " varName variable name of the new mechansim\n"
+ " mechanismType CKM_ mechanism type value to set int the type field\n",
+ { ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "BuildTemplate",
+ F_BuildTemplate,
+ "BuildTemplate template\n\n"
+ "Allocates space for the value in a template which has the sizes filled in,\n"
+ "but no values allocated yet.\n"
+ " template variable name of the template\n",
+ { ArgAttribute, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "SetTemplate",
+ F_SetTemplate,
+ "SetTemplate template index value\n\n"
+ "Sets a particular element of a template to a CK_ULONG\n"
+ " template variable name of the template\n"
+ " index index into the template to the element to change\n"
+ " value 32 bit value to set in the template\n",
+ { ArgAttribute, ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "SetString",
+ F_SetStringVar,
+ "SetString varName string\n\n"
+ "Sets a particular variable to a string value\n"
+ " variable variable name of new string\n"
+ " string String to set the variable to\n",
+ { ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgVar, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "Set",
+ F_SetVar,
+ "Set varName value\n\n"
+ "Sets a particular variable to CK_ULONG\n"
+ " variable name of the new variable\n"
+ " value 32 bit value to set variable to\n",
+ { ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "Print",
+ F_Print,
+ "Print varName\n\n"
+ "prints a variable\n"
+ " variable name of the variable to print\n",
+ { ArgVar, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "Delete",
+ F_Delete,
+ "Delete varName\n\n"
+ "delete a variable\n"
+ " variable name of the variable to delete\n",
+ { ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "Load",
+ F_Load,
+ "load libraryName\n\n"
+ "load a pkcs #11 module\n"
+ " libraryName Name of a shared library\n",
+ { ArgVar, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "Save",
+ F_SaveVar,
+ "Save filename variable\n\n"
+ "Saves the binary value of 'variable' in file 'filename'\n"
+ " fileName target file to save the variable in\n"
+ " variable variable to save\n",
+ { ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgVar, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "Restore",
+ F_RestoreVar,
+ "Restore filename variable\n\n"
+ "Restores a variable from a file\n"
+ " fileName target file to restore the variable from\n"
+ " variable variable to restore\n",
+ { ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgVar, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "Increment",
+ F_Increment,
+ "Increment variable value\n\n"
+ "Increment a variable by value\n",
+ { ArgVar, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "Decrement",
+ F_Decrement,
+ "Decrement variable value\n\n"
+ "Decrement a variable by value\n",
+ { ArgVar, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "List",
+ F_List,
+ "List all the variables\n",
+ { ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "Unload",
+ F_Unload,
+ "Unload the currrently loaded PKCS #11 library\n",
+ { ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "Run",
+ F_Run,
+ "Run filename\n\n"
+ "reads filename as script of commands to execute\n",
+ { ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "Time",
+ F_Time,
+ "Time pkcs11 command\n\n"
+ "Execute a pkcs #11 command and time the results\n",
+ { ArgVar | ArgFull, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "System",
+ F_System,
+ "Set System Flag",
+ { ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+ { "LoopRun",
+ F_Loop,
+ "LoopRun filename var start end step\n\n"
+ "Run in a loop. Loop exit if scrip does and explicit quit (Quit QuitIf etc.)",
+ { ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "Help",
+ F_Help,
+ "Help [command]\n\n"
+ "print general help, or help for a specific command\n",
+ { ArgVar | ArgOpt, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "QuitIf",
+ F_QuitIf,
+ "QuitIf arg1 comparator arg2\n\n"
+ "Exit from this program if Condition is valid, valid comparators:\n"
+ " < > <= >= = !=\n",
+ { ArgULong, ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgULong, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "QuitIfString",
+ F_QuitIfString,
+ "QuitIfString arg1 comparator arg2\n\n"
+ "Exit from this program if Condition is valid, valid comparators:\n"
+ " = !=\n",
+ { ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgVar | ArgNew, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone } },
+ { "Quit",
+ F_Quit,
+ "Exit from this program",
+ { ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone, ArgNone,
+ ArgNone } },
+const Commands *commands = &_commands[0];
+const int commandCount = sizeof(_commands) / sizeof(_commands[0]);
+const Topics _topics[] = {
+ { "variables",
+ "Variables are random strings of characters. These should begin with alpha\n"
+ " characters, and should not contain any spaces, nor should they match any\n"
+ " built-in constants. There is some checking in the code for these things,\n"
+ " but it's not 100% and using invalid variable names can cause problems.\n"
+ " Variables are created by any 'OUT' parameter. If the variable does not\n"
+ " exist, it will be created. For in parameters variables must already exist.\n" },
+ { "constants",
+ "pk11util recognizes *lots* of constants. All CKA_, CKF_, CKO_, CKU_, CKS_,\n"
+ " CKC_, CKK_, CKH_, CKM_, CKT_ values from the PKCS #11 spec are recognized.\n"
+ " Constants can be specified with their fully qualified CK?_ value, or the\n"
+ " prefix can be dropped. Constants are matched case insensitve.\n" },
+ { "arrays",
+ "Arrays are special variables which represent 'C' arrays. Each array \n"
+ " variable can be referenced as a group (using just the name), or as \n"
+ " individual elements (with the [int] operator). Example:\n"
+ " print myArray # prints the full array.\n"
+ " print myArray[3] # prints the 3rd elemement of the array \n" },
+ { "sizes",
+ "Size operaters returns the size in bytes of a variable, or the number of\n"
+ " elements in an array.\n"
+ " size(var) and sizeof(var) return the size of var in bytes.\n"
+ " sizea(var) and sizeofarray(var) return the number of elements in var.\n"
+ " If var is not an array, sizea(var) returns 1.\n" },
+const Topics *topics = &_topics[0];
+const int topicCount = sizeof(_topics) / sizeof(_topics[0]);
+const char *
+getName(CK_ULONG value, ConstType type)
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < constCount; i++) {
+ if (consts[i].type == type && consts[i].value == value) {
+ return consts[i].name;
+ }
+ if (type == ConstNone && consts[i].value == value) {
+ return consts[i].name;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+const char *
+getNameFromAttribute(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type)
+ return getName(type, ConstAttribute);
+unsigned int
+totalKnownType(ConstType type)
+ unsigned int count = 0;
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < constCount; i++) {
+ if (consts[i].type == type)
+ count++;
+ }
+ return count;