path: root/security/manager/ssl/tests/unit/test_signed_apps/gentestfiles/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'security/manager/ssl/tests/unit/test_signed_apps/gentestfiles/')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/security/manager/ssl/tests/unit/test_signed_apps/gentestfiles/ b/security/manager/ssl/tests/unit/test_signed_apps/gentestfiles/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e211c3685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/manager/ssl/tests/unit/test_signed_apps/gentestfiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+export BASE_PATH=`dirname $0`
+export SIGN_SCR_LOC=.
+export APPS_TEST_LOC=../../../../../../../dom/apps/tests/signed
+export TOOLKIT_WEBAPPS_TEST_LOC=../../../../../../../toolkit/webapps/tests/data/
+# Creates the entry zip files (unsigned apps) from the source directories
+packageApps() {
+APPS="unsigned_app_1 unsigned_app_origin unsigned_app_origin_toolkit_webapps"
+cd ${BASE_PATH}
+for i in $APPS
+ echo "Creating $"
+ cd $i && zip -r ../$ . && cd ..
+cd ${OLD_PWD}
+# Function to create a signing database
+# Parameters:
+# $1: Output directory (where the DB will be created)
+createDb() {
+ db=$1
+ mkdir -p $db
+ # Insecure by design, so... please don't use this for anything serious
+ passwordfile=$db/passwordfile
+ echo insecurepassword > $passwordfile
+ certutil -d $db -N -f $passwordfile 2>&1 >/dev/null
+# Add a CA cert and a signing cert to the database
+# Arguments:
+# $1: DB directory
+# $2: CA CN (don't include the CN=, just the value)
+# $3: Signing Cert CN (don't include the CN=, just the value)
+# $4: CA short name (don't use spaces!)
+# $5: Signing Cert short name (don't use spaces!)
+addCerts() {
+ org="O=Examplla Corporation,L=Mountain View,ST=CA,C=US"
+ ca_subj="CN=${2},${org}"
+ ee_subj="CN=${3},${org}"
+ noisefile=/tmp/noise.$$
+ head -c 32 /dev/urandom > $noisefile
+ ca_responses=/tmp/caresponses.$$
+ ee_responses=/tmp/earesponses
+ echo y > $ca_responses # Is this a CA?
+ echo >> $ca_responses # Accept default path length constraint (no constraint)
+ echo y >> $ca_responses # Is this a critical constraint?
+ echo n > $ee_responses # Is this a CA?
+ echo >> $ee_responses # Accept default path length constraint (no constraint)
+ echo y >> $ee_responses # Is this a critical constraint?
+ make_cert="certutil -d $db -f $passwordfile -S -g 2048 -Z SHA256 \
+ -z $noisefile -y 3 -2 --extKeyUsage critical,codeSigning"
+ $make_cert -v 480 -n ${4} -m 1 -s "$ca_subj" \
+ --keyUsage critical,certSigning -t ",,CTu" -x < $ca_responses 2>&1 >/dev/null
+ $make_cert -v 240 -n ${5} -c ${4} -m 2 -s "$ee_subj" \
+ --keyUsage critical,digitalSignature -t ",,," < $ee_responses 2>&1 >/dev/null
+ # In case we want to inspect the generated certs
+ # Also, we'll need this one later on
+ certutil -d $db -L -n ${4} -r -o $db/${4}.der
+ certutil -d $db -L -n ${5} -r -o $db/${5}.der
+ rm -f $noisefile $ee_responses $ca_responses
+# Signs an app
+# Parameters:
+# $1: Database directory
+# $2: Unsigned ZIP file path
+# $3: Signed ZIP file path
+# $4: Store ID for the signed App
+# $5: Version of the signed App
+# $6: Nickname of the signing certificate
+signApp() {
+ db=$1
+ # Once again, this is INSECURE. It doesn't matter here but
+ # DON'T use this for anything production related
+ passwordfile=$db/passwordfile
+ python ${BASE_PATH}/${SIGN_SCR_LOC}/ -d $db -f $passwordfile \
+ -k ${6} -i ${2} -o ${3} -S ${4} -V ${5}
+echo "Warning! The directories ${DB_PATH} and ${TEST_APP_PATH} will be erased!"
+echo "Do you want to proceed anyway?"
+select answer in "Yes" "No"
+ case $answer in
+ Yes) break;;
+ No) exit 1;;
+ esac
+rm -rf ${DB_PATH} ${TEST_APP_PATH}
+# First, we'll create a new couple of signing DBs
+createDb $DB_PATH
+addCerts $DB_PATH "Valid CA" "Store Cert" trusted_ca1 ${TRUSTED_EE}
+addCerts $DB_PATH "Invalid CA" "Invalid Cert" ${UNTRUSTED_CA} ${UNTRUSTED_EE}
+# Then we'll create the unsigned apps
+echo "Creating unsigned apps"
+# And then we'll create all the test apps...
+mkdir -p ${TEST_APP_PATH}
+# We need:
+# A valid signed file, with two different versions:
+signApp $DB_PATH ${BASE_PATH}/ \
+signApp $DB_PATH ${BASE_PATH}/ \
+# A corrupt_package:
+# A corrupt package is a package with a entry modified, for example...
+export TEMP_DIR=$TEST_APP_PATH/aux_unzip_$$
+mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR
+unzip ../ 2>&1 >/dev/null
+echo " - " >> index.html
+zip -r ../ * 2>&1 >/dev/null
+rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
+# A file signed by a unknown issuer
+signApp $DB_PATH ${BASE_PATH}/ \
+# And finally a priviledged signed file that includes the origin on the manifest
+# to avoid that reverting again
+signApp $DB_PATH ${BASE_PATH}/ \
+# A privileged signed app needed for a toolkit/webapps test
+signApp $DB_PATH ${BASE_PATH}/ \
+# Now let's copy the trusted cert to the app directory so we have everything
+# on the same place...
+cat <<EOF
+All done. The new test files are in ${TEST_APP_PATH}. You should copy the
+contents of that directory to the dom/apps/tests/signed directory and to
+the security/manager/ssl/tests/unit/test_signed_apps (which should be the
+parent of this directory) to install them.
+echo "Do you wish me to do that for you now?"
+select answer in "Yes" "No"
+ case $answer in
+ Yes) break;;
+ No) echo "Ok, not installing the new files"
+ echo "You should run: "
+ echo cp ${TEST_APP_PATH}/* ${TEST_APP_PATH}/../ ${BASE_PATH}/..
+ echo "to install them"
+ exit 0;;
+ esac
+echo "Done!"