path: root/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/backend/
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/mozbuild/mozbuild/backend/')
1 files changed, 567 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/backend/ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/backend/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12b2a27c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/backend/
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
+import cPickle as pickle
+import itertools
+import json
+import os
+import mozpack.path as mozpath
+from mozbuild.backend.base import BuildBackend
+from mozbuild.frontend.context import (
+ Context,
+ Path,
+ RenamedSourcePath,
+from import (
+ BaseProgram,
+ ChromeManifestEntry,
+ ConfigFileSubstitution,
+ ExampleWebIDLInterface,
+ IPDLFile,
+ FinalTargetPreprocessedFiles,
+ FinalTargetFiles,
+ GeneratedEventWebIDLFile,
+ GeneratedWebIDLFile,
+ PreprocessedTestWebIDLFile,
+ PreprocessedWebIDLFile,
+ SharedLibrary,
+ TestManifest,
+ TestWebIDLFile,
+ UnifiedSources,
+ XPIDLFile,
+ WebIDLFile,
+from mozbuild.jar import (
+ DeprecatedJarManifest,
+ JarManifestParser,
+from mozbuild.preprocessor import Preprocessor
+from import parse_manifest_line
+from collections import defaultdict
+from mozbuild.util import group_unified_files
+class XPIDLManager(object):
+ """Helps manage XPCOM IDLs in the context of the build system."""
+ def __init__(self, config):
+ self.config = config
+ self.topsrcdir = config.topsrcdir
+ self.topobjdir = config.topobjdir
+ self.idls = {}
+ self.modules = {}
+ self.interface_manifests = {}
+ self.chrome_manifests = set()
+ def register_idl(self, idl, allow_existing=False):
+ """Registers an IDL file with this instance.
+ The IDL file will be built, installed, etc.
+ """
+ basename = mozpath.basename(idl.source_path)
+ root = mozpath.splitext(basename)[0]
+ xpt = '%s.xpt' % idl.module
+ manifest = mozpath.join(idl.install_target, 'components', 'interfaces.manifest')
+ chrome_manifest = mozpath.join(idl.install_target, 'chrome.manifest')
+ entry = {
+ 'source': idl.source_path,
+ 'module': idl.module,
+ 'basename': basename,
+ 'root': root,
+ 'manifest': manifest,
+ }
+ if not allow_existing and entry['basename'] in self.idls:
+ raise Exception('IDL already registered: %s' % entry['basename'])
+ self.idls[entry['basename']] = entry
+ t = self.modules.setdefault(entry['module'], (idl.install_target, set()))
+ t[1].add(entry['root'])
+ if idl.add_to_manifest:
+ self.interface_manifests.setdefault(manifest, set()).add(xpt)
+ self.chrome_manifests.add(chrome_manifest)
+class WebIDLCollection(object):
+ """Collects WebIDL info referenced during the build."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.sources = set()
+ self.generated_sources = set()
+ self.generated_events_sources = set()
+ self.preprocessed_sources = set()
+ self.test_sources = set()
+ self.preprocessed_test_sources = set()
+ self.example_interfaces = set()
+ def all_regular_sources(self):
+ return self.sources | self.generated_sources | \
+ self.generated_events_sources | self.preprocessed_sources
+ def all_regular_basenames(self):
+ return [os.path.basename(source) for source in self.all_regular_sources()]
+ def all_regular_stems(self):
+ return [os.path.splitext(b)[0] for b in self.all_regular_basenames()]
+ def all_regular_bindinggen_stems(self):
+ for stem in self.all_regular_stems():
+ yield '%sBinding' % stem
+ for source in self.generated_events_sources:
+ yield os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source))[0]
+ def all_regular_cpp_basenames(self):
+ for stem in self.all_regular_bindinggen_stems():
+ yield '%s.cpp' % stem
+ def all_test_sources(self):
+ return self.test_sources | self.preprocessed_test_sources
+ def all_test_basenames(self):
+ return [os.path.basename(source) for source in self.all_test_sources()]
+ def all_test_stems(self):
+ return [os.path.splitext(b)[0] for b in self.all_test_basenames()]
+ def all_test_cpp_basenames(self):
+ return ['%sBinding.cpp' % s for s in self.all_test_stems()]
+ def all_static_sources(self):
+ return self.sources | self.generated_events_sources | \
+ self.test_sources
+ def all_non_static_sources(self):
+ return self.generated_sources | self.all_preprocessed_sources()
+ def all_non_static_basenames(self):
+ return [os.path.basename(s) for s in self.all_non_static_sources()]
+ def all_preprocessed_sources(self):
+ return self.preprocessed_sources | self.preprocessed_test_sources
+ def all_sources(self):
+ return set(self.all_regular_sources()) | set(self.all_test_sources())
+ def all_basenames(self):
+ return [os.path.basename(source) for source in self.all_sources()]
+ def all_stems(self):
+ return [os.path.splitext(b)[0] for b in self.all_basenames()]
+ def generated_events_basenames(self):
+ return [os.path.basename(s) for s in self.generated_events_sources]
+ def generated_events_stems(self):
+ return [os.path.splitext(b)[0] for b in self.generated_events_basenames()]
+class TestManager(object):
+ """Helps hold state related to tests."""
+ def __init__(self, config):
+ self.config = config
+ self.topsrcdir = mozpath.normpath(config.topsrcdir)
+ self.tests_by_path = defaultdict(list)
+ self.installs_by_path = defaultdict(list)
+ self.deferred_installs = set()
+ self.manifest_defaults = {}
+ def add(self, t, flavor, topsrcdir):
+ t = dict(t)
+ t['flavor'] = flavor
+ path = mozpath.normpath(t['path'])
+ assert mozpath.basedir(path, [topsrcdir])
+ key = path[len(topsrcdir)+1:]
+ t['file_relpath'] = key
+ t['dir_relpath'] = mozpath.dirname(key)
+ self.tests_by_path[key].append(t)
+ def add_defaults(self, manifest):
+ if not hasattr(manifest, 'manifest_defaults'):
+ return
+ for sub_manifest, defaults in manifest.manifest_defaults.items():
+ self.manifest_defaults[sub_manifest] = defaults
+ def add_installs(self, obj, topsrcdir):
+ for src, (dest, _) in obj.installs.iteritems():
+ key = src[len(topsrcdir)+1:]
+ self.installs_by_path[key].append((src, dest))
+ for src, pat, dest in obj.pattern_installs:
+ key = mozpath.join(src[len(topsrcdir)+1:], pat)
+ self.installs_by_path[key].append((src, pat, dest))
+ for path in obj.deferred_installs:
+ self.deferred_installs.add(path[2:])
+class BinariesCollection(object):
+ """Tracks state of binaries produced by the build."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.shared_libraries = []
+ self.programs = []
+class CommonBackend(BuildBackend):
+ """Holds logic common to all build backends."""
+ def _init(self):
+ self._idl_manager = XPIDLManager(self.environment)
+ self._test_manager = TestManager(self.environment)
+ self._webidls = WebIDLCollection()
+ self._binaries = BinariesCollection()
+ self._configs = set()
+ self._ipdl_sources = set()
+ def consume_object(self, obj):
+ self._configs.add(obj.config)
+ if isinstance(obj, TestManifest):
+ for test in obj.tests:
+ self._test_manager.add(test, obj.flavor, obj.topsrcdir)
+ self._test_manager.add_defaults(obj.manifest)
+ self._test_manager.add_installs(obj, obj.topsrcdir)
+ elif isinstance(obj, XPIDLFile):
+ # TODO bug 1240134 tracks not processing XPIDL files during
+ # artifact builds.
+ self._idl_manager.register_idl(obj)
+ elif isinstance(obj, ConfigFileSubstitution):
+ # Do not handle ConfigFileSubstitution for Makefiles. Leave that
+ # to other
+ if mozpath.basename(obj.output_path) == 'Makefile':
+ return False
+ with self._get_preprocessor(obj) as pp:
+ pp.do_include(obj.input_path)
+ self.backend_input_files.add(obj.input_path)
+ # We should consider aggregating WebIDL types in
+ elif isinstance(obj, WebIDLFile):
+ # WebIDL isn't relevant to artifact builds.
+ if self.environment.is_artifact_build:
+ return True
+ self._webidls.sources.add(mozpath.join(obj.srcdir, obj.basename))
+ elif isinstance(obj, GeneratedEventWebIDLFile):
+ # WebIDL isn't relevant to artifact builds.
+ if self.environment.is_artifact_build:
+ return True
+ self._webidls.generated_events_sources.add(mozpath.join(
+ obj.srcdir, obj.basename))
+ elif isinstance(obj, TestWebIDLFile):
+ # WebIDL isn't relevant to artifact builds.
+ if self.environment.is_artifact_build:
+ return True
+ self._webidls.test_sources.add(mozpath.join(obj.srcdir,
+ obj.basename))
+ elif isinstance(obj, PreprocessedTestWebIDLFile):
+ # WebIDL isn't relevant to artifact builds.
+ if self.environment.is_artifact_build:
+ return True
+ self._webidls.preprocessed_test_sources.add(mozpath.join(
+ obj.srcdir, obj.basename))
+ elif isinstance(obj, GeneratedWebIDLFile):
+ # WebIDL isn't relevant to artifact builds.
+ if self.environment.is_artifact_build:
+ return True
+ self._webidls.generated_sources.add(mozpath.join(obj.srcdir,
+ obj.basename))
+ elif isinstance(obj, PreprocessedWebIDLFile):
+ # WebIDL isn't relevant to artifact builds.
+ if self.environment.is_artifact_build:
+ return True
+ self._webidls.preprocessed_sources.add(mozpath.join(
+ obj.srcdir, obj.basename))
+ elif isinstance(obj, ExampleWebIDLInterface):
+ # WebIDL isn't relevant to artifact builds.
+ if self.environment.is_artifact_build:
+ return True
+ self._webidls.example_interfaces.add(
+ elif isinstance(obj, IPDLFile):
+ # IPDL isn't relevant to artifact builds.
+ if self.environment.is_artifact_build:
+ return True
+ self._ipdl_sources.add(mozpath.join(obj.srcdir, obj.basename))
+ elif isinstance(obj, UnifiedSources):
+ # Unified sources aren't relevant to artifact builds.
+ if self.environment.is_artifact_build:
+ return True
+ if obj.have_unified_mapping:
+ self._write_unified_files(obj.unified_source_mapping, obj.objdir)
+ if hasattr(self, '_process_unified_sources'):
+ self._process_unified_sources(obj)
+ elif isinstance(obj, BaseProgram):
+ self._binaries.programs.append(obj)
+ return False
+ elif isinstance(obj, SharedLibrary):
+ self._binaries.shared_libraries.append(obj)
+ return False
+ else:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def consume_finished(self):
+ if len(self._idl_manager.idls):
+ self._handle_idl_manager(self._idl_manager)
+ self._handle_webidl_collection(self._webidls)
+ sorted_ipdl_sources = list(sorted(self._ipdl_sources))
+ def files_from(ipdl):
+ base = mozpath.basename(ipdl)
+ root, ext = mozpath.splitext(base)
+ # Both .ipdl and .ipdlh become .cpp files
+ files = ['%s.cpp' % root]
+ if ext == '.ipdl':
+ # .ipdl also becomes Child/Parent.cpp files
+ files.extend(['%sChild.cpp' % root,
+ '%sParent.cpp' % root])
+ return files
+ ipdl_dir = mozpath.join(self.environment.topobjdir, 'ipc', 'ipdl')
+ ipdl_cppsrcs = list(itertools.chain(*[files_from(p) for p in sorted_ipdl_sources]))
+ unified_source_mapping = list(group_unified_files(ipdl_cppsrcs,
+ unified_prefix='UnifiedProtocols',
+ unified_suffix='cpp',
+ files_per_unified_file=16))
+ self._write_unified_files(unified_source_mapping, ipdl_dir, poison_windows_h=False)
+ self._handle_ipdl_sources(ipdl_dir, sorted_ipdl_sources, unified_source_mapping)
+ for config in self._configs:
+ self.backend_input_files.add(config.source)
+ # Write out a machine-readable file describing every test.
+ topobjdir = self.environment.topobjdir
+ with self._write_file(mozpath.join(topobjdir, 'all-tests.pkl'), mode='rb') as fh:
+ pickle.dump(dict(self._test_manager.tests_by_path), fh, protocol=2)
+ with self._write_file(mozpath.join(topobjdir, 'test-defaults.pkl'), mode='rb') as fh:
+ pickle.dump(self._test_manager.manifest_defaults, fh, protocol=2)
+ path = mozpath.join(self.environment.topobjdir, 'test-installs.pkl')
+ with self._write_file(path, mode='rb') as fh:
+ pickle.dump({k: v for k, v in self._test_manager.installs_by_path.items()
+ if k in self._test_manager.deferred_installs},
+ fh,
+ protocol=2)
+ # Write out a machine-readable file describing binaries.
+ with self._write_file(mozpath.join(topobjdir, 'binaries.json')) as fh:
+ d = {
+ 'shared_libraries': [s.to_dict() for s in self._binaries.shared_libraries],
+ 'programs': [p.to_dict() for p in self._binaries.programs],
+ }
+ json.dump(d, fh, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
+ def _handle_webidl_collection(self, webidls):
+ if not webidls.all_stems():
+ return
+ bindings_dir = mozpath.join(self.environment.topobjdir, 'dom', 'bindings')
+ all_inputs = set(webidls.all_static_sources())
+ for s in webidls.all_non_static_basenames():
+ all_inputs.add(mozpath.join(bindings_dir, s))
+ generated_events_stems = webidls.generated_events_stems()
+ exported_stems = webidls.all_regular_stems()
+ # The WebIDL manager reads configuration from a JSON file. So, we
+ # need to write this file early.
+ o = dict(
+ webidls=sorted(all_inputs),
+ generated_events_stems=sorted(generated_events_stems),
+ exported_stems=sorted(exported_stems),
+ example_interfaces=sorted(webidls.example_interfaces),
+ )
+ file_lists = mozpath.join(bindings_dir, 'file-lists.json')
+ with self._write_file(file_lists) as fh:
+ json.dump(o, fh, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
+ import mozwebidlcodegen
+ manager = mozwebidlcodegen.create_build_system_manager(
+ self.environment.topsrcdir,
+ self.environment.topobjdir,
+ mozpath.join(self.environment.topobjdir, 'dist')
+ )
+ # Bindings are compiled in unified mode to speed up compilation and
+ # to reduce linker memory size. Note that test bindings are separated
+ # from regular ones so tests bindings aren't shipped.
+ unified_source_mapping = list(group_unified_files(webidls.all_regular_cpp_basenames(),
+ unified_prefix='UnifiedBindings',
+ unified_suffix='cpp',
+ files_per_unified_file=32))
+ self._write_unified_files(unified_source_mapping, bindings_dir,
+ poison_windows_h=True)
+ self._handle_webidl_build(bindings_dir, unified_source_mapping,
+ webidls,
+ manager.expected_build_output_files(),
+ def _write_unified_file(self, unified_file, source_filenames,
+ output_directory, poison_windows_h=False):
+ with self._write_file(mozpath.join(output_directory, unified_file)) as f:
+ f.write('#define MOZ_UNIFIED_BUILD\n')
+ includeTemplate = '#include "%(cppfile)s"'
+ if poison_windows_h:
+ includeTemplate += (
+ '\n'
+ '#ifdef _WINDOWS_\n'
+ '#error "%(cppfile)s included windows.h"\n'
+ "#endif")
+ includeTemplate += (
+ '\n'
+ '#error "%(cppfile)s uses PL_ARENA_CONST_ALIGN_MASK, '
+ 'so it cannot be built in unified mode."\n'
+ '#endif\n'
+ '#ifdef INITGUID\n'
+ '#error "%(cppfile)s defines INITGUID, '
+ 'so it cannot be built in unified mode."\n'
+ '#undef INITGUID\n'
+ '#endif')
+ f.write('\n'.join(includeTemplate % { "cppfile": s } for
+ s in source_filenames))
+ def _write_unified_files(self, unified_source_mapping, output_directory,
+ poison_windows_h=False):
+ for unified_file, source_filenames in unified_source_mapping:
+ self._write_unified_file(unified_file, source_filenames,
+ output_directory, poison_windows_h)
+ def _consume_jar_manifest(self, obj):
+ # Ideally, this would all be handled somehow in the emitter, but
+ # this would require all the magic surrounding l10n and addons in
+ # the recursive make backend to die, which is not going to happen
+ # any time soon enough.
+ # Notably missing:
+ # - DEFINES from config/
+ # - L10n support
+ # - The equivalent of -e when USE_EXTENSION_MANIFEST is set in
+ #, but it doesn't matter in dist/bin.
+ pp = Preprocessor()
+ if obj.defines:
+ pp.context.update(obj.defines.defines)
+ pp.context.update(self.environment.defines)
+ pp.context.update(
+ AB_CD='en-US',
+ )
+ pp.out = JarManifestParser()
+ try:
+ pp.do_include(obj.path.full_path)
+ except DeprecatedJarManifest as e:
+ raise DeprecatedJarManifest('Parsing error while processing %s: %s'
+ % (obj.path.full_path, e.message))
+ self.backend_input_files |= pp.includes
+ for jarinfo in pp.out:
+ jar_context = Context(
+ allowed_variables=VARIABLES, config=obj._context.config)
+ jar_context.push_source(obj._context.main_path)
+ jar_context.push_source(obj.path.full_path)
+ install_target = obj.install_target
+ if jarinfo.base:
+ install_target = mozpath.normpath(
+ mozpath.join(install_target, jarinfo.base))
+ jar_context['FINAL_TARGET'] = install_target
+ if obj.defines:
+ jar_context['DEFINES'] = obj.defines.defines
+ files = jar_context['FINAL_TARGET_FILES']
+ files_pp = jar_context['FINAL_TARGET_PP_FILES']
+ for e in jarinfo.entries:
+ if e.is_locale:
+ if jarinfo.relativesrcdir:
+ src = '/%s' % jarinfo.relativesrcdir
+ else:
+ src = ''
+ src = mozpath.join(src, 'en-US', e.source)
+ else:
+ src = e.source
+ src = Path(jar_context, src)
+ if '*' not in e.source and not os.path.exists(src.full_path):
+ if e.is_locale:
+ raise Exception(
+ '%s: Cannot find %s' % (obj.path, e.source))
+ if e.source.startswith('/'):
+ src = Path(jar_context, '!' + e.source)
+ else:
+ # This actually gets awkward if the is not
+ # in the same directory as the declaring
+ # it, but it's how it works in the recursive make,
+ # not that anything relies on that, but it's simpler.
+ src = Path(obj._context, '!' + e.source)
+ output_basename = mozpath.basename(e.output)
+ if output_basename != src.target_basename:
+ src = RenamedSourcePath(jar_context,
+ (src, output_basename))
+ path = mozpath.dirname(mozpath.join(, e.output))
+ if e.preprocess:
+ if '*' in e.source:
+ raise Exception('%s: Wildcards are not supported with '
+ 'preprocessing' % obj.path)
+ files_pp[path] += [src]
+ else:
+ files[path] += [src]
+ if files:
+ self.consume_object(FinalTargetFiles(jar_context, files))
+ if files_pp:
+ self.consume_object(
+ FinalTargetPreprocessedFiles(jar_context, files_pp))
+ for m in jarinfo.chrome_manifests:
+ entry = parse_manifest_line(
+ mozpath.dirname(,
+ m.replace('%', mozpath.basename( + '/'))
+ self.consume_object(ChromeManifestEntry(
+ jar_context, '%s.manifest' %, entry))