path: root/python/mach/docs
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diff --git a/python/mach/docs/commands.rst b/python/mach/docs/commands.rst
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+.. _mach_commands:
+Implementing Commands
+Mach commands are defined via Python decorators.
+All the relevant decorators are defined in the *mach.decorators* module.
+The important decorators are as follows:
+:py:func:`CommandProvider <mach.decorators.CommandProvider>`
+ A class decorator that denotes that a class contains mach
+ commands. The decorator takes no arguments.
+:py:func:`Command <mach.decorators.Command>`
+ A method decorator that denotes that the method should be called when
+ the specified command is requested. The decorator takes a command name
+ as its first argument and a number of additional arguments to
+ configure the behavior of the command.
+:py:func:`CommandArgument <mach.decorators.CommandArgument>`
+ A method decorator that defines an argument to the command. Its
+ arguments are essentially proxied to ArgumentParser.add_argument()
+:py:func:`SubCommand <mach.decorators.SubCommand>`
+ A method decorator that denotes that the method should be a
+ sub-command to an existing ``@Command``. The decorator takes the
+ parent command name as its first argument and the sub-command name
+ as its second argument.
+ ``@CommandArgument`` can be used on ``@SubCommand`` instances just
+ like they can on ``@Command`` instances.
+Classes with the ``@CommandProvider`` decorator **must** have an
+``__init__`` method that accepts 1 or 2 arguments. If it accepts 2
+arguments, the 2nd argument will be a
+:py:class:`mach.base.CommandContext` instance.
+Here is a complete example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from mach.decorators import (
+ CommandArgument,
+ CommandProvider,
+ Command,
+ )
+ @CommandProvider
+ class MyClass(object):
+ @Command('doit', help='Do ALL OF THE THINGS.')
+ @CommandArgument('--force', '-f', action='store_true',
+ help='Force doing it.')
+ def doit(self, force=False):
+ # Do stuff here.
+When the module is loaded, the decorators tell mach about all handlers.
+When mach runs, it takes the assembled metadata from these handlers and
+hooks it up to the command line driver. Under the hood, arguments passed
+to the decorators are being used to help mach parse command arguments,
+formulate arguments to the methods, etc. See the documentation in the
+:py:mod:`mach.base` module for more.
+The Python modules defining mach commands do not need to live inside the
+main mach source tree.
+Conditionally Filtering Commands
+Sometimes it might only make sense to run a command given a certain
+context. For example, running tests only makes sense if the product
+they are testing has been built, and said build is available. To make
+sure a command is only runnable from within a correct context, you can
+define a series of conditions on the
+:py:func:`Command <mach.decorators.Command>` decorator.
+A condition is simply a function that takes an instance of the
+:py:func:`mach.decorators.CommandProvider` class as an argument, and
+returns ``True`` or ``False``. If any of the conditions defined on a
+command return ``False``, the command will not be runnable. The
+docstring of a condition function is used in error messages, to explain
+why the command cannot currently be run.
+Here is an example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from mach.decorators import (
+ CommandProvider,
+ Command,
+ )
+ def build_available(cls):
+ """The build needs to be available."""
+ return cls.build_path is not None
+ @CommandProvider
+ class MyClass(MachCommandBase):
+ def __init__(self, build_path=None):
+ self.build_path = build_path
+ @Command('run_tests', conditions=[build_available])
+ def run_tests(self):
+ # Do stuff here.
+It is important to make sure that any state needed by the condition is
+available to instances of the command provider.
+By default all commands without any conditions applied will be runnable,
+but it is possible to change this behaviour by setting
+``require_conditions`` to ``True``:
+.. code-block:: python
+ m = mach.main.Mach()
+ m.require_conditions = True
+Minimizing Code in Commands
+Mach command modules, classes, and methods work best when they are
+minimal dispatchers. The reason is import bloat. Currently, the mach
+core needs to import every Python file potentially containing mach
+commands for every command invocation. If you have dozens of commands or
+commands in modules that import a lot of Python code, these imports
+could slow mach down and waste memory.
+It is thus recommended that mach modules, classes, and methods do as
+little work as possible. Ideally the module should only import from
+the :py:mod:`mach` package. If you need external modules, you should
+import them from within the command method.
+To keep code size small, the body of a command method should be limited
+1. Obtaining user input (parsing arguments, prompting, etc)
+2. Calling into some other Python package
+3. Formatting output
+Of course, these recommendations can be ignored if you want to risk
+slower performance.
+In the future, the mach driver may cache the dispatching information or
+have it intelligently loaded to facilitate lazy loading.
diff --git a/python/mach/docs/driver.rst b/python/mach/docs/driver.rst
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+.. _mach_driver:
+Entry Points
+It is possible to use setuptools' entry points to load commands
+directly from python packages. A mach entry point is a function which
+returns a list of files or directories containing mach command
+providers. e.g.:
+.. code-block:: python
+ def list_providers():
+ providers = []
+ here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+ for p in os.listdir(here):
+ if p.endswith('.py'):
+ providers.append(os.path.join(here, p))
+ return providers
+for more information on creating an entry point. To search for entry
+point plugins, you can call
+:py:meth:`mach.main.Mach.load_commands_from_entry_point`. e.g.:
+.. code-block:: python
+ mach.load_commands_from_entry_point("mach.external.providers")
+Adding Global Arguments
+Arguments to mach commands are usually command-specific. However,
+mach ships with a handful of global arguments that apply to all
+It is possible to extend the list of global arguments. In your
+*mach driver*, simply call
+:py:meth:`mach.main.Mach.add_global_argument`. e.g.:
+.. code-block:: python
+ mach = mach.main.Mach(os.getcwd())
+ # Will allow --example to be specified on every mach command.
+ mach.add_global_argument('--example', action='store_true',
+ help='Demonstrate an example global argument.')
diff --git a/python/mach/docs/index.rst b/python/mach/docs/index.rst
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+Mach (German for *do*) is a generic command dispatcher for the command
+To use mach, you install the mach core (a Python package), create an
+executable *driver* script (named whatever you want), and write mach
+commands. When the *driver* is executed, mach dispatches to the
+requested command handler automatically.
+On a high level, mach is similar to using argparse with subparsers (for
+command handling). When you dig deeper, mach offers a number of
+additional features:
+Distributed command definitions
+ With optparse/argparse, you have to define your commands on a central
+ parser instance. With mach, you annotate your command methods with
+ decorators and mach finds and dispatches to them automatically.
+Command categories
+ Mach commands can be grouped into categories when displayed in help.
+ This is currently not possible with argparse.
+Logging management
+ Mach provides a facility for logging (both classical text and
+ structured) that is available to any command handler.
+Settings files
+ Mach provides a facility for reading settings from an ini-like file
+ format.
+Mach is conceptually composed of the following components:
+ The mach core is the core code powering mach. This is a Python package
+ that contains all the business logic that makes mach work. The mach
+ core is common to all mach deployments.
+ These are what mach dispatches to. Commands are simply Python methods
+ registered as command names. The set of commands is unique to the
+ environment mach is deployed in.
+ The *driver* is the entry-point to mach. It is simply an executable
+ script that loads the mach core, tells it where commands can be found,
+ then asks the mach core to handle the current request. The driver is
+ unique to the deployed environment. But, it's usually based on an
+ example from this source tree.
+Project State
+mach was originally written as a command dispatching framework to aid
+Firefox development. While the code is mostly generic, there are still
+some pieces that closely tie it to Mozilla/Firefox. The goal is for
+these to eventually be removed and replaced with generic features so
+mach is suitable for anybody to use. Until then, mach may not be the
+best fit for you.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ commands
+ driver
+ logging
+ settings
diff --git a/python/mach/docs/logging.rst b/python/mach/docs/logging.rst
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+.. _mach_logging:
+Mach configures a built-in logging facility so commands can easily log
+What sets the logging facility apart from most loggers you've seen is
+that it encourages structured logging. Instead of conventional logging
+where simple strings are logged, the internal logging mechanism logs all
+events with the following pieces of information:
+* A string *action*
+* A dict of log message fields
+* A formatting string
+Essentially, instead of assembling a human-readable string at
+logging-time, you create an object holding all the pieces of data that
+will constitute your logged event. For each unique type of logged event,
+you assign an *action* name.
+Depending on how logging is configured, your logged event could get
+written a couple of different ways.
+JSON Logging
+Where machines are the intended target of the logging data, a JSON
+logger is configured. The JSON logger assembles an array consisting of
+the following elements:
+* Decimal wall clock time in seconds since UNIX epoch
+* String *action* of message
+* Object with structured message data
+The JSON-serialized array is written to a configured file handle.
+Consumers of this logging stream can just perform a readline() then feed
+that into a JSON deserializer to reconstruct the original logged
+message. They can key off the *action* element to determine how to
+process individual events. There is no need to invent a parser.
+Convenient, isn't it?
+Logging for Humans
+Where humans are the intended consumer of a log message, the structured
+log message are converted to more human-friendly form. This is done by
+utilizing the *formatting* string provided at log time. The logger
+simply calls the *format* method of the formatting string, passing the
+dict containing the message's fields.
+When *mach* is used in a terminal that supports it, the logging facility
+also supports terminal features such as colorization. This is done
+automatically in the logging layer - there is no need to control this at
+logging time.
+In addition, messages intended for humans typically prepends every line
+with the time passed since the application started.
+Logging HOWTO
+Structured logging piggybacks on top of Python's built-in logging
+infrastructure provided by the *logging* package. We accomplish this by
+taking advantage of *logging.Logger.log()*'s *extra* argument. To this
+argument, we pass a dict with the fields *action* and *params*. These
+are the string *action* and dict of message fields, respectively. The
+formatting string is passed as the *msg* argument, like normal.
+If you were logging to a logger directly, you would do something like:
+.. code-block:: python
+ logger.log(logging.INFO, 'My name is {name}',
+ extra={'action': 'my_name', 'params': {'name': 'Gregory'}})
+The JSON logging would produce something like::
+ [1339985554.306338, "my_name", {"name": "Gregory"}]
+Human logging would produce something like::
+ 0.52 My name is Gregory
+Since there is a lot of complexity using logger.log directly, it is
+recommended to go through a wrapping layer that hides part of the
+complexity for you. The easiest way to do this is by utilizing the
+.. code-block:: python
+ import logging
+ from mach.mixin.logging import LoggingMixin
+ class MyClass(LoggingMixin):
+ def foo(self):
+ self.log(logging.INFO, 'foo_start', {'bar': True},
+ 'Foo performed. Bar: {bar}')
diff --git a/python/mach/docs/settings.rst b/python/mach/docs/settings.rst
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+.. _mach_settings:
+Mach can read settings in from a set of configuration files. These
+configuration files are either named ``machrc`` or ``.machrc`` and
+are specified by the bootstrap script. In mozilla-central, these files
+can live in ``~/.mozbuild`` and/or ``topsrcdir``.
+Settings can be specified anywhere, and used both by mach core or
+individual commands.
+Core Settings
+These settings are implemented by mach core.
+* alias - Create a command alias. This is useful if you want to alias a command to something else, optionally including some defaults. It can either be used to create an entire new command, or provide defaults for an existing one. For example:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ [alias]
+ mochitest = mochitest -f browser
+ browser-test = mochitest -f browser
+Defining Settings
+Settings need to be explicitly defined, along with their type,
+otherwise mach will throw when trying to access them.
+To define settings, use the :func:`~decorators.SettingsProvider`
+decorator in an existing mach command module. E.g:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from mach.decorators import SettingsProvider
+ @SettingsProvider
+ class ArbitraryClassName(object):
+ config_settings = [
+ ('', 'string'),
+ ('foo.baz', 'int', 0, set([0,1,2])),
+ ]
+``@SettingsProvider``'s must specify a variable called ``config_settings``
+that returns a list of tuples. Alternatively, it can specify a function
+called ``config_settings`` that returns a list of tuples.
+Each tuple is of the form:
+.. code-block:: python
+ ('<section>.<option>', '<type>', default, extra)
+``type`` is a string and can be one of:
+string, boolean, int, pos_int, path
+``default`` is optional, and provides a default value in case none was
+specified by any of the configuration files.
+``extra`` is also optional and is a dict containing additional key/value
+pairs to add to the setting's metadata. The following keys may be specified
+in the ``extra`` dict:
+ * ``choices`` - A set of allowed values for the setting.
+Sometimes a section should allow arbitrarily defined options from the user, such
+as the ``alias`` section mentioned above. To define a section like this, use ``*``
+as the option name. For example:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ ('foo.*', 'string')
+This allows configuration files like this:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ [foo]
+ arbitrary1 = some string
+ arbitrary2 = some other string
+Documenting Settings
+All settings must at least be documented in the en_US locale. Otherwise,
+running ``mach settings`` will raise. Mach uses gettext to perform localization.
+A handy command exists to generate the localization files:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ mach settings locale-gen <section>
+You'll be prompted to add documentation for all options in section with the
+en_US locale. To add documentation in another locale, pass in ``--locale``.
+Accessing Settings
+Now that the settings are defined and documented, they're accessible from
+individual mach commands if the command receives a context in its constructor.
+For example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from mach.decorators import (
+ Command,
+ CommandProvider,
+ SettingsProvider,
+ )
+ @SettingsProvider
+ class ExampleSettings(object):
+ config_settings = [
+ ('a.b', 'string', 'default'),
+ ('', 'string'),
+ ('foo.baz', 'int', 0, {'choices': set([0,1,2])}),
+ ]
+ @CommandProvider
+ class Commands(object):
+ def __init__(self, context):
+ self.settings = context.settings
+ @Command('command', category='misc',
+ description='Prints a setting')
+ def command(self):
+ print(self.settings.a.b)
+ for option in
+ print([option])