path: root/media/webrtc/trunk/build/android/gdb_apk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'media/webrtc/trunk/build/android/gdb_apk')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/webrtc/trunk/build/android/gdb_apk b/media/webrtc/trunk/build/android/gdb_apk
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7e657d6b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/webrtc/trunk/build/android/gdb_apk
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Attach gdb to a running android application. Similar to ndk-gdb.
+# Run with --annotate=3 if running under emacs (M-x gdb).
+# By default it is used to debug content shell, if it is used to
+# debug other piceces, '-p' and '-l' options are needed.
+# For *unittests_apk (like base_unittests_apk), run with:
+# "gdb_apk -p org.chromium.native_test -l out/Release/ -r"
+# Run a command through adb shell, strip the extra \r from the output
+# and return the correct status code to detect failures. This assumes
+# that the adb shell command prints a final \n to stdout.
+# args: command to run
+# Prints the command's stdout on stdout
+# Returns the command's status
+# Note: the command's stderr is lost
+adb_shell () {
+ local TMPOUT="$(mktemp)"
+ local ADB=${ADB:-adb}
+ # The weird sed rule is to strip the final \r on each output line
+ # Since 'adb shell' never returns the command's proper exit/status code,
+ # we force it to print it as '%%<status>' in the temporary output file,
+ # which we will later strip from it.
+ $ADB shell $@ ";" echo "%%\$?" 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's![[:cntrl:]]!!g' > $TMPOUT
+ # Get last line in log, which contains the exit code from the command
+ LASTLINE=$(sed -e '$!d' $TMPOUT)
+ # Extract the status code from the end of the line, which must be '%%<code>'
+ RET=$(echo "$LASTLINE" | awk '{ if (match($0, "%%[0-9]+$")) { print substr($0,RSTART+2); } }')
+ # Remove the status code from the last line. Note that this may result in an empty line
+ LASTLINE=$(echo "$LASTLINE" | awk '{ if (match($0, "%%[0-9]+$")) { print substr($0,1,RSTART-1); } }')
+ # The output itself: all lines except the status code
+ sed -e '$d' $TMPOUT && echo -n "$LASTLINE"
+ # Remove temp file
+ rm -f $TMPOUT
+ # Exit with the appropriate status
+ return $RET
+adb=$(which adb)
+if [[ "$adb" = "" ]] ; then
+ echo "Need adb in your path"
+ exit 1
+usage() {
+ echo "usage: ${0##*/} [-p package_name] [-l shared_lib_dir] [-g gdb] [-r]"
+ echo "-p package_name the android APK package to be debugged"
+ echo "-l shared_lib_dir directory containes native shared library"
+ echo "-g gdb_args agruments for gdb, eg: -g '-n -write'"
+ echo "-r the target device is rooted"
+process_options() {
+ while getopts ":p:l:g:r" OPTNAME; do
+ case "$OPTNAME" in
+ p)
+ package_name="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ l)
+ shared_lib_dir="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ g)
+ gdb_args="$OPTARG"
+ ;;
+ r)
+ rooted_phone=1
+ ;;
+ \:)
+ echo "'-$OPTARG' needs an argument."
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "invalid command line option: $OPTARG"
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [ $# -ge ${OPTIND} ]; then
+ eval echo "Unexpected command line argument: \${${OPTIND}}"
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+root=$(dirname $0)/../..
+#process options
+process_options "$@"
+echo "Debug package $package_name"
+echo "Assume native shared library is under $shared_lib_dir"
+# Kill any running gdbserver
+pid=$(adb shell ps | awk '/gdbserver/ {print $2}')
+if [[ "$pid" != "" ]] ; then
+ if [[ $rooted_phone -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ adb shell kill $pid
+ else
+ adb shell run-as $package_name kill $pid
+ fi
+pid=$(adb_shell ps | awk "/$package_name$/ {print \$2}")
+if [[ "$pid" = "" ]] ; then
+ echo "No $package_name running?"
+ echo "Try this: adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW " \
+ "-n $package_name/.SomethingActivity (Something might be ContentShell)"
+ exit 2
+no_gdb_server=$(adb shell ls $gdb_server_on_device | grep 'No such file')
+if [[ "$no_gdb_server" != "" ]] ; then
+ echo "No gdb server on device at $gdb_server_on_device"
+ echo "Please install a debug build."
+ exit 3
+if [[ $rooted_phone -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ adb shell $gdb_server_on_device :4321 --attach $pid &
+ adb forward tcp:4321 tcp:4321
+ adb shell run-as $package_name lib/gdbserver +debug-socket --attach $pid &
+ adb forward tcp:4321 localfilesystem:$data_dir/debug-socket
+sleep 2
+# Pull app_process and C libraries from device if needed
+if [[ ! -f ${app_process} ]] ; then
+ adb pull /system/bin/app_process ${app_process}
+ adb pull /system/lib/ ${shared_lib_dir}
+# gdb commands
+cmdfile=$(mktemp /tmp/gdb_android_XXXXXXXX)
+cat >$cmdfile<<EOF
+# set solib-absolute-prefix null
+set solib-search-path ${shared_lib_dir}
+file ${app_process}
+target remote :4321
+gdb=$(echo $ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN/../../linux-x86/bin/*gdb)
+if [[ ! -f ${gdb} ]] ; then
+ echo "Wow no gdb in env var ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN which is $ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN"
+ exit 4
+ echo Using $gdb
+# ${gdb} -x $cmdfile $* $app_process
+${gdb} -x $cmdfile $gdb_args
+rm $cmdfile