path: root/media/webrtc/signaling/src/mediapipeline/MediaPipeline.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'media/webrtc/signaling/src/mediapipeline/MediaPipeline.h')
1 files changed, 479 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/webrtc/signaling/src/mediapipeline/MediaPipeline.h b/media/webrtc/signaling/src/mediapipeline/MediaPipeline.h
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index 000000000..d609cbd47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/webrtc/signaling/src/mediapipeline/MediaPipeline.h
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+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+// Original author:
+#ifndef mediapipeline_h__
+#define mediapipeline_h__
+#include "sigslot.h"
+#include "FakeMediaStreams.h"
+#include "MediaConduitInterface.h"
+#include "mozilla/ReentrantMonitor.h"
+#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
+#include "SrtpFlow.h"
+#include "databuffer.h"
+#include "runnable_utils.h"
+#include "transportflow.h"
+#include "AudioPacketizer.h"
+#include "StreamTracks.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_header_parser.h"
+// Should come from MediaEngine.h, but that's a pain to include here
+// because of the MOZILLA_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE stuff.
+class nsIPrincipal;
+namespace mozilla {
+class MediaPipelineFilter;
+class PeerIdentity;
+class AudioProxyThread;
+class VideoFrameConverter;
+namespace dom {
+ class MediaStreamTrack;
+} // namespace dom
+class SourceMediaStream;
+// A class that represents the pipeline of audio and video
+// The dataflow looks like:
+// CaptureDevice -> stream -> [us] -> conduit -> [us] -> transport -> network
+// network -> transport -> [us] -> conduit -> [us] -> stream -> Playout
+// The boxes labeled [us] are just bridge logic implemented in this class
+// We have to deal with a number of threads:
+// GSM:
+// * Assembles the pipeline
+// SocketTransportService
+// * Receives notification that ICE and DTLS have completed
+// * Processes incoming network data and passes it to the conduit
+// * Processes outgoing RTP and RTCP
+// MediaStreamGraph
+// * Receives outgoing data from the MediaStreamGraph
+// * Receives pull requests for more data from the
+// MediaStreamGraph
+// One or another GIPS threads
+// * Receives RTCP messages to send to the other side
+// * Processes video frames GIPS wants to render
+// For a transmitting conduit, "output" is RTP and "input" is RTCP.
+// For a receiving conduit, "input" is RTP and "output" is RTCP.
+class MediaPipeline : public sigslot::has_slots<> {
+ public:
+ enum Direction { TRANSMIT, RECEIVE };
+ MediaPipeline(const std::string& pc,
+ Direction direction,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> main_thread,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> sts_thread,
+ const std::string& track_id,
+ int level,
+ RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit> conduit,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtp_transport,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtcp_transport,
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> filter);
+ // Must be called on the STS thread. Must be called after ShutdownMedia_m().
+ void DetachTransport_s();
+ // Must be called on the main thread.
+ void ShutdownMedia_m()
+ {
+ ASSERT_ON_THREAD(main_thread_);
+ if (direction_ == RECEIVE) {
+ conduit_->StopReceiving();
+ } else {
+ conduit_->StopTransmitting();
+ }
+ DetachMedia();
+ }
+ virtual nsresult Init();
+ void UpdateTransport_m(int level,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtp_transport,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtcp_transport,
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> filter);
+ void UpdateTransport_s(int level,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtp_transport,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtcp_transport,
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> filter);
+ // Used only for testing; installs a MediaPipelineFilter that filters
+ // everything but the nth ssrc
+ void SelectSsrc_m(size_t ssrc_index);
+ void SelectSsrc_s(size_t ssrc_index);
+ virtual Direction direction() const { return direction_; }
+ virtual const std::string& trackid() const { return track_id_; }
+ virtual int level() const { return level_; }
+ virtual bool IsVideo() const = 0;
+ bool IsDoingRtcpMux() const {
+ return (rtp_.type_ == MUX);
+ }
+ int32_t rtp_packets_sent() const { return rtp_packets_sent_; }
+ int64_t rtp_bytes_sent() const { return rtp_bytes_sent_; }
+ int32_t rtcp_packets_sent() const { return rtcp_packets_sent_; }
+ int32_t rtp_packets_received() const { return rtp_packets_received_; }
+ int64_t rtp_bytes_received() const { return rtp_bytes_received_; }
+ int32_t rtcp_packets_received() const { return rtcp_packets_received_; }
+ MediaSessionConduit *Conduit() const { return conduit_; }
+ // Thread counting
+ typedef enum {
+ RTP,
+ MUX,
+ } RtpType;
+ protected:
+ virtual ~MediaPipeline();
+ virtual void DetachMedia() {}
+ nsresult AttachTransport_s();
+ // Separate class to allow ref counting
+ class PipelineTransport : public TransportInterface {
+ public:
+ // Implement the TransportInterface functions
+ explicit PipelineTransport(MediaPipeline *pipeline)
+ : pipeline_(pipeline),
+ sts_thread_(pipeline->sts_thread_) {}
+ void Attach(MediaPipeline *pipeline) { pipeline_ = pipeline; }
+ void Detach() { pipeline_ = nullptr; }
+ MediaPipeline *pipeline() const { return pipeline_; }
+ virtual nsresult SendRtpPacket(const void* data, int len);
+ virtual nsresult SendRtcpPacket(const void* data, int len);
+ private:
+ nsresult SendRtpRtcpPacket_s(nsAutoPtr<DataBuffer> data,
+ bool is_rtp);
+ MediaPipeline *pipeline_; // Raw pointer to avoid cycles
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> sts_thread_;
+ };
+ friend class PipelineTransport;
+ class TransportInfo {
+ public:
+ TransportInfo(RefPtr<TransportFlow> flow, RtpType type) :
+ transport_(flow),
+ state_(MP_CONNECTING),
+ type_(type) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(flow);
+ }
+ void Detach()
+ {
+ transport_ = nullptr;
+ send_srtp_ = nullptr;
+ recv_srtp_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> transport_;
+ State state_;
+ RefPtr<SrtpFlow> send_srtp_;
+ RefPtr<SrtpFlow> recv_srtp_;
+ RtpType type_;
+ };
+ // The transport is down
+ virtual nsresult TransportFailed_s(TransportInfo &info);
+ // The transport is ready
+ virtual nsresult TransportReady_s(TransportInfo &info);
+ void UpdateRtcpMuxState(TransportInfo &info);
+ // Unhooks from signals
+ void DisconnectTransport_s(TransportInfo &info);
+ nsresult ConnectTransport_s(TransportInfo &info);
+ TransportInfo* GetTransportInfo_s(TransportFlow *flow);
+ void increment_rtp_packets_sent(int bytes);
+ void increment_rtcp_packets_sent();
+ void increment_rtp_packets_received(int bytes);
+ void increment_rtcp_packets_received();
+ virtual nsresult SendPacket(TransportFlow *flow, const void *data, int len);
+ // Process slots on transports
+ void StateChange(TransportFlow *flow, TransportLayer::State);
+ void RtpPacketReceived(TransportLayer *layer, const unsigned char *data,
+ size_t len);
+ void RtcpPacketReceived(TransportLayer *layer, const unsigned char *data,
+ size_t len);
+ void PacketReceived(TransportLayer *layer, const unsigned char *data,
+ size_t len);
+ Direction direction_;
+ std::string track_id_; // The track on the stream.
+ // Written on the main thread.
+ // Used on STS and MediaStreamGraph threads.
+ // Not used outside initialization in MediaPipelineTransmit
+ // The m-line index (starting at 0, to match convention) Atomic because
+ // this value is updated from STS, but read on main, and we don't want to
+ // bother with dispatches just to get an int occasionally.
+ Atomic<int> level_;
+ RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit> conduit_; // Our conduit. Written on the main
+ // thread. Read on STS thread.
+ // The transport objects. Read/written on STS thread.
+ TransportInfo rtp_;
+ TransportInfo rtcp_;
+ // Pointers to the threads we need. Initialized at creation
+ // and used all over the place.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> main_thread_;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> sts_thread_;
+ // Created on Init. Referenced by the conduit and eventually
+ // destroyed on the STS thread.
+ RefPtr<PipelineTransport> transport_;
+ // Only safe to access from STS thread.
+ // Build into TransportInfo?
+ int32_t rtp_packets_sent_;
+ int32_t rtcp_packets_sent_;
+ int32_t rtp_packets_received_;
+ int32_t rtcp_packets_received_;
+ int64_t rtp_bytes_sent_;
+ int64_t rtp_bytes_received_;
+ std::vector<uint32_t> ssrcs_received_;
+ // Written on Init. Read on STS thread.
+ std::string pc_;
+ std::string description_;
+ // Written on Init, all following accesses are on the STS thread.
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> filter_;
+ nsAutoPtr<webrtc::RtpHeaderParser> rtp_parser_;
+ private:
+ nsresult Init_s();
+ bool IsRtp(const unsigned char *data, size_t len);
+class ConduitDeleteEvent: public Runnable
+ explicit ConduitDeleteEvent(already_AddRefed<MediaSessionConduit> aConduit) :
+ mConduit(aConduit) {}
+ /* we exist solely to proxy release of the conduit */
+ NS_IMETHOD Run() override { return NS_OK; }
+ RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit> mConduit;
+// A specialization of pipeline for reading from an input device
+// and transmitting to the network.
+class MediaPipelineTransmit : public MediaPipeline {
+ // Set rtcp_transport to nullptr to use rtcp-mux
+ MediaPipelineTransmit(const std::string& pc,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> main_thread,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> sts_thread,
+ dom::MediaStreamTrack* domtrack,
+ const std::string& track_id,
+ int level,
+ RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit> conduit,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtp_transport,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtcp_transport,
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> filter);
+ // Initialize (stuff here may fail)
+ nsresult Init() override;
+ virtual void AttachToTrack(const std::string& track_id);
+ // written and used from MainThread
+ bool IsVideo() const override;
+ // When the principal of the domtrack changes, it calls through to here
+ // so that we can determine whether to enable track transmission.
+ // `track` has to be null or equal `domtrack_` for us to apply the update.
+ virtual void UpdateSinkIdentity_m(dom::MediaStreamTrack* track,
+ nsIPrincipal* principal,
+ const PeerIdentity* sinkIdentity);
+ // Called on the main thread.
+ void DetachMedia() override;
+ // Override MediaPipeline::TransportReady.
+ nsresult TransportReady_s(TransportInfo &info) override;
+ // Replace a track with a different one
+ // In non-compliance with the likely final spec, allow the new
+ // track to be part of a different stream (since we don't support
+ // multiple tracks of a type in a stream yet). bug 1056650
+ virtual nsresult ReplaceTrack(dom::MediaStreamTrack& domtrack);
+ // Separate classes to allow ref counting
+ class PipelineListener;
+ class VideoFrameFeeder;
+ class PipelineVideoSink;
+ protected:
+ ~MediaPipelineTransmit();
+ private:
+ RefPtr<PipelineListener> listener_;
+ RefPtr<AudioProxyThread> audio_processing_;
+ RefPtr<VideoFrameFeeder> feeder_;
+ RefPtr<VideoFrameConverter> converter_;
+ RefPtr<PipelineVideoSink> video_sink_;
+ dom::MediaStreamTrack* domtrack_;
+// A specialization of pipeline for reading from the network and
+// rendering video.
+class MediaPipelineReceive : public MediaPipeline {
+ public:
+ // Set rtcp_transport to nullptr to use rtcp-mux
+ MediaPipelineReceive(const std::string& pc,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> main_thread,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> sts_thread,
+ SourceMediaStream *stream,
+ const std::string& track_id,
+ int level,
+ RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit> conduit,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtp_transport,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtcp_transport,
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> filter);
+ int segments_added() const { return segments_added_; }
+ // Sets the PrincipalHandle we set on the media chunks produced by this
+ // pipeline. Must be called on the main thread.
+ virtual void SetPrincipalHandle_m(const PrincipalHandle& principal_handle) = 0;
+ protected:
+ ~MediaPipelineReceive();
+ RefPtr<SourceMediaStream> stream_;
+ int segments_added_;
+ private:
+// A specialization of pipeline for reading from the network and
+// rendering audio.
+class MediaPipelineReceiveAudio : public MediaPipelineReceive {
+ public:
+ MediaPipelineReceiveAudio(const std::string& pc,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> main_thread,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> sts_thread,
+ SourceMediaStream* stream,
+ // This comes from an msid attribute. Everywhere
+ // but MediaStreamGraph uses this.
+ const std::string& media_stream_track_id,
+ // This is an integer identifier that is only
+ // unique within a single DOMMediaStream, which is
+ // used by MediaStreamGraph
+ TrackID numeric_track_id,
+ int level,
+ RefPtr<AudioSessionConduit> conduit,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtp_transport,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtcp_transport,
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> filter);
+ void DetachMedia() override;
+ nsresult Init() override;
+ bool IsVideo() const override { return false; }
+ void SetPrincipalHandle_m(const PrincipalHandle& principal_handle) override;
+ private:
+ // Separate class to allow ref counting
+ class PipelineListener;
+ RefPtr<PipelineListener> listener_;
+// A specialization of pipeline for reading from the network and
+// rendering video.
+class MediaPipelineReceiveVideo : public MediaPipelineReceive {
+ public:
+ MediaPipelineReceiveVideo(const std::string& pc,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> main_thread,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> sts_thread,
+ SourceMediaStream *stream,
+ // This comes from an msid attribute. Everywhere
+ // but MediaStreamGraph uses this.
+ const std::string& media_stream_track_id,
+ // This is an integer identifier that is only
+ // unique within a single DOMMediaStream, which is
+ // used by MediaStreamGraph
+ TrackID numeric_track_id,
+ int level,
+ RefPtr<VideoSessionConduit> conduit,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtp_transport,
+ RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtcp_transport,
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> filter);
+ // Called on the main thread.
+ void DetachMedia() override;
+ nsresult Init() override;
+ bool IsVideo() const override { return true; }
+ void SetPrincipalHandle_m(const PrincipalHandle& principal_handle) override;
+ private:
+ class PipelineRenderer;
+ friend class PipelineRenderer;
+ // Separate class to allow ref counting
+ class PipelineListener;
+ RefPtr<PipelineRenderer> renderer_;
+ RefPtr<PipelineListener> listener_;
+} // namespace mozilla