path: root/media/webrtc/signaling/src/media-conduit/AudioConduit.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'media/webrtc/signaling/src/media-conduit/AudioConduit.h')
1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/webrtc/signaling/src/media-conduit/AudioConduit.h b/media/webrtc/signaling/src/media-conduit/AudioConduit.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..228736dcc
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+++ b/media/webrtc/signaling/src/media-conduit/AudioConduit.h
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+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
+#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
+#include "nsTArray.h"
+#include "MediaConduitInterface.h"
+#include "MediaEngineWrapper.h"
+// Audio Engine Includes
+#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
+#include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_base.h"
+#include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_volume_control.h"
+#include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_codec.h"
+#include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_file.h"
+#include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_network.h"
+#include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_external_media.h"
+#include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_audio_processing.h"
+#include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_video_sync.h"
+#include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_rtp_rtcp.h"
+//Some WebRTC types for short notations
+ using webrtc::VoEBase;
+ using webrtc::VoENetwork;
+ using webrtc::VoECodec;
+ using webrtc::VoEExternalMedia;
+ using webrtc::VoEAudioProcessing;
+ using webrtc::VoEVideoSync;
+ using webrtc::VoERTP_RTCP;
+/** This file hosts several structures identifying different aspects
+ * of a RTP Session.
+ */
+namespace mozilla {
+// Helper function
+NTPtoDOMHighResTimeStamp(uint32_t ntpHigh, uint32_t ntpLow);
+ * Concrete class for Audio session. Hooks up
+ * - media-source and target to external transport
+ */
+class WebrtcAudioConduit:public AudioSessionConduit
+ ,public webrtc::Transport
+ //VoiceEngine defined constant for Payload Name Size.
+ static const unsigned int CODEC_PLNAME_SIZE;
+ /**
+ * APIs used by the registered external transport to this Conduit to
+ * feed in received RTP Frames to the VoiceEngine for decoding
+ */
+ virtual MediaConduitErrorCode ReceivedRTPPacket(const void *data, int len) override;
+ /**
+ * APIs used by the registered external transport to this Conduit to
+ * feed in received RTCP Frames to the VoiceEngine for decoding
+ */
+ virtual MediaConduitErrorCode ReceivedRTCPPacket(const void *data, int len) override;
+ virtual MediaConduitErrorCode StopTransmitting() override;
+ virtual MediaConduitErrorCode StartTransmitting() override;
+ virtual MediaConduitErrorCode StopReceiving() override;
+ virtual MediaConduitErrorCode StartReceiving() override;
+ /**
+ * Function to configure send codec for the audio session
+ * @param sendSessionConfig: CodecConfiguration
+ * @result: On Success, the audio engine is configured with passed in codec for send
+ * On failure, audio engine transmit functionality is disabled.
+ * NOTE: This API can be invoked multiple time. Invoking this API may involve restarting
+ * transmission sub-system on the engine.
+ */
+ virtual MediaConduitErrorCode ConfigureSendMediaCodec(const AudioCodecConfig* codecConfig) override;
+ /**
+ * Function to configure list of receive codecs for the audio session
+ * @param sendSessionConfig: CodecConfiguration
+ * @result: On Success, the audio engine is configured with passed in codec for send
+ * Also the playout is enabled.
+ * On failure, audio engine transmit functionality is disabled.
+ * NOTE: This API can be invoked multiple time. Invoking this API may involve restarting
+ * transmission sub-system on the engine.
+ */
+ virtual MediaConduitErrorCode ConfigureRecvMediaCodecs(
+ const std::vector<AudioCodecConfig* >& codecConfigList) override;
+ /**
+ * Function to enable the audio level extension
+ * @param enabled: enable extension
+ */
+ virtual MediaConduitErrorCode EnableAudioLevelExtension(bool enabled, uint8_t id) override;
+ /**
+ * Register External Transport to this Conduit. RTP and RTCP frames from the VoiceEngine
+ * shall be passed to the registered transport for transporting externally.
+ */
+ virtual MediaConduitErrorCode SetTransmitterTransport(RefPtr<TransportInterface> aTransport) override;
+ virtual MediaConduitErrorCode SetReceiverTransport(RefPtr<TransportInterface> aTransport) override;
+ /**
+ * Function to deliver externally captured audio sample for encoding and transport
+ * @param audioData [in]: Pointer to array containing a frame of audio
+ * @param lengthSamples [in]: Length of audio frame in samples in multiple of 10 milliseconds
+ * Ex: Frame length is 160, 320, 440 for 16, 32, 44 kHz sampling rates
+ respectively.
+ audioData[] should be of lengthSamples in size
+ say, for 16kz sampling rate, audioData[] should contain 160
+ samples of 16-bits each for a 10m audio frame.
+ * @param samplingFreqHz [in]: Frequency/rate of the sampling in Hz ( 16000, 32000 ...)
+ * @param capture_delay [in]: Approx Delay from recording until it is delivered to VoiceEngine
+ in milliseconds.
+ * NOTE: ConfigureSendMediaCodec() SHOULD be called before this function can be invoked
+ * This ensures the inserted audio-samples can be transmitted by the conduit
+ *
+ */
+ virtual MediaConduitErrorCode SendAudioFrame(const int16_t speechData[],
+ int32_t lengthSamples,
+ int32_t samplingFreqHz,
+ int32_t capture_time) override;
+ /**
+ * Function to grab a decoded audio-sample from the media engine for rendering
+ * / playoutof length 10 milliseconds.
+ *
+ * @param speechData [in]: Pointer to a array to which a 10ms frame of audio will be copied
+ * @param samplingFreqHz [in]: Frequency of the sampling for playback in Hertz (16000, 32000,..)
+ * @param capture_delay [in]: Estimated Time between reading of the samples to rendering/playback
+ * @param lengthSamples [out]: Will contain length of the audio frame in samples at return.
+ Ex: A value of 160 implies 160 samples each of 16-bits was copied
+ into speechData
+ * NOTE: This function should be invoked every 10 milliseconds for the best
+ * peformance
+ * NOTE: ConfigureRecvMediaCodec() SHOULD be called before this function can be invoked
+ * This ensures the decoded samples are ready for reading and playout is enabled.
+ *
+ */
+ virtual MediaConduitErrorCode GetAudioFrame(int16_t speechData[],
+ int32_t samplingFreqHz,
+ int32_t capture_delay,
+ int& lengthSamples) override;
+ /**
+ * Webrtc transport implementation to send and receive RTP packet.
+ * AudioConduit registers itself as ExternalTransport to the VoiceEngine
+ */
+ virtual int SendPacket(int channel, const void *data, size_t len) override;
+ /**
+ * Webrtc transport implementation to send and receive RTCP packet.
+ * AudioConduit registers itself as ExternalTransport to the VoiceEngine
+ */
+ virtual int SendRTCPPacket(int channel, const void *data, size_t len) override;
+ virtual uint64_t CodecPluginID() override { return 0; }
+ WebrtcAudioConduit():
+ mVoiceEngine(nullptr),
+ mTransportMonitor("WebrtcAudioConduit"),
+ mTransmitterTransport(nullptr),
+ mReceiverTransport(nullptr),
+ mEngineTransmitting(false),
+ mEngineReceiving(false),
+ mChannel(-1),
+ mDtmfEnabled(false),
+ mCodecMutex("AudioConduit codec db"),
+ mCaptureDelay(150),
+ mLastTimestamp(0),
+ mSamples(0),
+ mLastSyncLog(0)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~WebrtcAudioConduit();
+ MediaConduitErrorCode Init();
+ int GetChannel() { return mChannel; }
+ webrtc::VoiceEngine* GetVoiceEngine() { return mVoiceEngine; }
+ bool SetLocalSSRC(unsigned int ssrc) override;
+ bool GetLocalSSRC(unsigned int* ssrc) override;
+ bool GetRemoteSSRC(unsigned int* ssrc) override;
+ bool SetLocalCNAME(const char* cname) override;
+ bool GetVideoEncoderStats(double* framerateMean,
+ double* framerateStdDev,
+ double* bitrateMean,
+ double* bitrateStdDev,
+ uint32_t* droppedFrames) override
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool GetVideoDecoderStats(double* framerateMean,
+ double* framerateStdDev,
+ double* bitrateMean,
+ double* bitrateStdDev,
+ uint32_t* discardedPackets) override
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool GetAVStats(int32_t* jitterBufferDelayMs,
+ int32_t* playoutBufferDelayMs,
+ int32_t* avSyncOffsetMs) override;
+ bool GetRTPStats(unsigned int* jitterMs, unsigned int* cumulativeLost) override;
+ bool GetRTCPReceiverReport(DOMHighResTimeStamp* timestamp,
+ uint32_t* jitterMs,
+ uint32_t* packetsReceived,
+ uint64_t* bytesReceived,
+ uint32_t *cumulativeLost,
+ int32_t* rttMs) override;
+ bool GetRTCPSenderReport(DOMHighResTimeStamp* timestamp,
+ unsigned int* packetsSent,
+ uint64_t* bytesSent) override;
+ bool SetDtmfPayloadType(unsigned char type) override;
+ bool InsertDTMFTone(int channel, int eventCode, bool outOfBand,
+ int lengthMs, int attenuationDb) override;
+ WebrtcAudioConduit(const WebrtcAudioConduit& other) = delete;
+ void operator=(const WebrtcAudioConduit& other) = delete;
+ //Local database of currently applied receive codecs
+ typedef std::vector<AudioCodecConfig* > RecvCodecList;
+ //Function to convert between WebRTC and Conduit codec structures
+ bool CodecConfigToWebRTCCodec(const AudioCodecConfig* codecInfo,
+ webrtc::CodecInst& cinst);
+ //Checks if given sampling frequency is supported
+ bool IsSamplingFreqSupported(int freq) const;
+ //Generate block size in sample lenght for a given sampling frequency
+ unsigned int GetNum10msSamplesForFrequency(int samplingFreqHz) const;
+ // Function to copy a codec structure to Conduit's database
+ bool CopyCodecToDB(const AudioCodecConfig* codecInfo);
+ // Functions to verify if the codec passed is already in
+ // conduits database
+ bool CheckCodecForMatch(const AudioCodecConfig* codecInfo) const;
+ bool CheckCodecsForMatch(const AudioCodecConfig* curCodecConfig,
+ const AudioCodecConfig* codecInfo) const;
+ //Checks the codec to be applied
+ MediaConduitErrorCode ValidateCodecConfig(const AudioCodecConfig* codecInfo, bool send);
+ //Utility function to dump recv codec database
+ void DumpCodecDB() const;
+ webrtc::VoiceEngine* mVoiceEngine;
+ mozilla::ReentrantMonitor mTransportMonitor;
+ RefPtr<TransportInterface> mTransmitterTransport;
+ RefPtr<TransportInterface> mReceiverTransport;
+ ScopedCustomReleasePtr<webrtc::VoENetwork> mPtrVoENetwork;
+ ScopedCustomReleasePtr<webrtc::VoEBase> mPtrVoEBase;
+ ScopedCustomReleasePtr<webrtc::VoECodec> mPtrVoECodec;
+ ScopedCustomReleasePtr<webrtc::VoEExternalMedia> mPtrVoEXmedia;
+ ScopedCustomReleasePtr<webrtc::VoEAudioProcessing> mPtrVoEProcessing;
+ ScopedCustomReleasePtr<webrtc::VoEVideoSync> mPtrVoEVideoSync;
+ ScopedCustomReleasePtr<webrtc::VoERTP_RTCP> mPtrVoERTP_RTCP;
+ ScopedCustomReleasePtr<webrtc::VoERTP_RTCP> mPtrRTP;
+ //engine states of our interets
+ mozilla::Atomic<bool> mEngineTransmitting; // If true => VoiceEngine Send-subsystem is up
+ mozilla::Atomic<bool> mEngineReceiving; // If true => VoiceEngine Receive-subsystem is up
+ // and playout is enabled
+ // Keep track of each inserted RTP block and the time it was inserted
+ // so we can estimate the clock time for a specific TimeStamp coming out
+ // (for when we send data to MediaStreamTracks). Blocks are aged out as needed.
+ struct Processing {
+ TimeStamp mTimeStamp;
+ uint32_t mRTPTimeStamp; // RTP timestamps received
+ };
+ AutoTArray<Processing,8> mProcessing;
+ int mChannel;
+ bool mDtmfEnabled;
+ RecvCodecList mRecvCodecList;
+ Mutex mCodecMutex; // protects mCurSendCodecConfig
+ nsAutoPtr<AudioCodecConfig> mCurSendCodecConfig;
+ // Current "capture" delay (really output plus input delay)
+ int32_t mCaptureDelay;
+ uint32_t mLastTimestamp;
+ uint32_t mSamples;
+ uint32_t mLastSyncLog;
+} // end namespace