path: root/mailnews/import/content/importDialog.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mailnews/import/content/importDialog.js')
1 files changed, 1066 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mailnews/import/content/importDialog.js b/mailnews/import/content/importDialog.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ad7c6fb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailnews/import/content/importDialog.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1066 @@
+/* -*- Mode: Javascript; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var gImportType = null;
+var gImportMsgsBundle;
+var gFeedsBundle;
+var gImportService = null;
+var gSuccessStr = null;
+var gErrorStr = null;
+var gInputStr = null;
+var gProgressInfo = null;
+var gSelectedModuleName = null;
+var gAddInterface = null;
+var gNewFeedAcctCreated = false;
+var Ci = Components.interfaces;
+var nsISupportsString = Ci.nsISupportsString;
+function OnLoadImportDialog()
+ gImportMsgsBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_importMsgs");
+ gFeedsBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_feeds");
+ gImportService = Components.classes[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIImportService);
+ gProgressInfo = { };
+ gProgressInfo.progressWindow = null;
+ gProgressInfo.importInterface = null;
+ gProgressInfo.mainWindow = window;
+ gProgressInfo.intervalState = 0;
+ gProgressInfo.importSuccess = false;
+ gProgressInfo.importType = null;
+ gProgressInfo.localFolderExists = false;
+ gSuccessStr = Components.classes[";1"]
+ .createInstance(nsISupportsString);
+ gErrorStr = Components.classes[";1"]
+ .createInstance(nsISupportsString);
+ gInputStr = Components.classes[";1"]
+ .createInstance(nsISupportsString);
+ // look in arguments[0] for parameters
+ if (("arguments" in window) && window.arguments.length >= 1 &&
+ ("importType" in window.arguments[0]) && window.arguments[0].importType)
+ {
+ // keep parameters in global for later
+ gImportType = window.arguments[0].importType;
+ gProgressInfo.importType = gImportType;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gImportType = "all";
+ gProgressInfo.importType = "all";
+ }
+ SetUpImportType();
+ // on startup, set the focus to the control element
+ // for accessibility reasons.
+ // if we used the wizardOverlay, we would get this for free.
+ // see bug #101874
+ document.getElementById("importFields").focus();
+function SetUpImportType()
+ // set dialog title
+ document.getElementById("importFields").value = gImportType;
+ // Mac migration not working right now, so disable it.
+ if (Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin")
+ {
+ document.getElementById("allRadio").setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ if (gImportType == "all")
+ document.getElementById("importFields").value = "addressbook";
+ }
+ let descriptionDeck = document.getElementById("selectDescriptionDeck");
+ descriptionDeck.selectedIndex = 0;
+ if (gImportType == "feeds")
+ {
+ descriptionDeck.selectedIndex = 1;
+ ListFeedAccounts();
+ }
+ else
+ ListModules();
+function SetDivText(id, text)
+ var div = document.getElementById(id);
+ if (div) {
+ if (!div.hasChildNodes()) {
+ var textNode = document.createTextNode(text);
+ div.appendChild(textNode);
+ }
+ else if (div.childNodes.length == 1) {
+ div.childNodes[0].nodeValue = text;
+ }
+ }
+function CheckIfLocalFolderExists()
+ try {
+ if (MailServices.accounts.localFoldersServer)
+ gProgressInfo.localFolderExists = true;
+ }
+ catch (ex) {
+ gProgressInfo.localFolderExists = false;
+ }
+function ImportDialogOKButton()
+ var listbox = document.getElementById("moduleList");
+ var deck = document.getElementById("stateDeck");
+ var header = document.getElementById("header");
+ var progressMeterEl = document.getElementById("progressMeter");
+ progressMeterEl.mode = "determined";
+ var progressStatusEl = document.getElementById("progressStatus");
+ var progressTitleEl = document.getElementById("progressTitle");
+ // better not mess around with navigation at this point
+ var nextButton = document.getElementById("forward");
+ nextButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ var backButton = document.getElementById("back");
+ backButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ if (listbox && (listbox.selectedCount == 1))
+ {
+ let module = "";
+ let name = "";
+ gImportType = document.getElementById("importFields").value;
+ let index = listbox.selectedItem.getAttribute("list-index");
+ if (index == -1)
+ return false;
+ if (gImportType == "feeds")
+ module = "Feeds";
+ else
+ {
+ module = gImportService.GetModule(gImportType, index);
+ name = gImportService.GetModuleName(gImportType, index);
+ }
+ gSelectedModuleName = name;
+ if (module)
+ {
+ // Fix for Bug 57839 & 85219
+ // We use localFoldersServer(in nsIMsgAccountManager) to check if Local Folder exists.
+ // We need to check localFoldersServer before importing "mail", "settings", or "filters".
+ // Reason: We will create an account with an incoming server of type "none" after
+ // importing "mail", so the localFoldersServer is valid even though the Local Folder
+ // is not created.
+ if (gImportType == "mail" || gImportType == "settings" || gImportType == "filters")
+ CheckIfLocalFolderExists();
+ let meterText = "";
+ let error = {};
+ switch(gImportType)
+ {
+ case "mail":
+ if (ImportMail(module, gSuccessStr, gErrorStr))
+ {
+ // We think it was a success, either, we need to
+ // wait for the import to finish
+ // or we are done!
+ if (gProgressInfo.importInterface == null) {
+ ShowImportResults(true, 'Mail');
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ meterText = gImportMsgsBundle.getFormattedString('MailProgressMeterText',
+ [ name ]);
+ header.setAttribute("description", meterText);
+ progressStatusEl.setAttribute("label", "");
+ progressTitleEl.setAttribute("label", meterText);
+ deck.selectedIndex = 2;
+ gProgressInfo.progressWindow = window;
+ gProgressInfo.intervalState = setInterval(ContinueImportCallback, 100);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShowImportResults(false, 'Mail');
+ // Re-enable the next button, as we are here, because the user cancelled the picking.
+ // Enable next, so they can try again.
+ nextButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ // Also enable back button so that users can pick other import options.
+ backButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "feeds":
+ if (ImportFeeds())
+ {
+ // Successful completion of pre processing and launch of async import.
+ meterText = document.getElementById("description").textContent;
+ header.setAttribute("description", meterText);
+ progressStatusEl.setAttribute("label", "");
+ progressTitleEl.setAttribute("label", meterText);
+ progressMeterEl.mode = "undetermined";
+ deck.selectedIndex = 2;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Re-enable the next button, as we are here, because the user cancelled the picking.
+ // Enable next, so they can try again.
+ nextButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ // Also enable back button so that users can pick other import options.
+ backButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "addressbook":
+ if (ImportAddress(module, gSuccessStr, gErrorStr)) {
+ // We think it was a success, either, we need to
+ // wait for the import to finish
+ // or we are done!
+ if (gProgressInfo.importInterface == null) {
+ ShowImportResults(true, 'Address');
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ meterText = gImportMsgsBundle.getFormattedString('AddrProgressMeterText',
+ [ name ]);
+ header.setAttribute("description", meterText);
+ progressStatusEl.setAttribute("label", "");
+ progressTitleEl.setAttribute("label", meterText);
+ deck.selectedIndex = 2;
+ gProgressInfo.progressWindow = window;
+ gProgressInfo.intervalState = setInterval(ContinueImportCallback, 100);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShowImportResults(false, 'Address');
+ // Re-enable the next button, as we are here, because the user cancelled the picking.
+ // Enable next, so they can try again.
+ nextButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ // Also enable back button so that users can pick other import options.
+ backButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "settings":
+ error.value = null;
+ let newAccount = {};
+ if (!ImportSettings(module, newAccount, error))
+ {
+ if (error.value)
+ ShowImportResultsRaw(gImportMsgsBundle.getString("ImportSettingsFailed"),
+ null, false);
+ // Re-enable the next button, as we are here, because the user cancelled the picking.
+ // Enable next, so they can try again.
+ nextButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ // Also enable back button so that users can pick other import options.
+ backButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ ShowImportResultsRaw(
+ gImportMsgsBundle.getFormattedString("ImportSettingsSuccess", [ name ]),
+ null, true);
+ break;
+ case "filters":
+ error.value = null;
+ if (!ImportFilters(module, error))
+ {
+ if (error.value)
+ ShowImportResultsRaw(
+ gImportMsgsBundle.getFormattedString("ImportFiltersFailed", [ name ]),
+ error.value, false);
+ // Re-enable the next button, as we are here, because the user cancelled the picking.
+ // Enable next, so they can try again.
+ nextButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ // Also enable back button so that users can pick other import options.
+ backButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (error.value)
+ ShowImportResultsRaw(
+ gImportMsgsBundle.getFormattedString('ImportFiltersPartial', [ name ]),
+ error.value, true);
+ else
+ ShowImportResultsRaw(
+ gImportMsgsBundle.getFormattedString('ImportFiltersSuccess', [ name ]),
+ null, true);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+function SetStatusText(val)
+ var progressStatus = document.getElementById("progressStatus");
+ progressStatus.setAttribute("label", val);
+function SetProgress(val)
+ var progressMeter = document.getElementById("progressMeter");
+ progressMeter.value = val;
+function ContinueImportCallback()
+ gProgressInfo.mainWindow.ContinueImport(gProgressInfo);
+function ImportSelectionChanged()
+ let listbox = document.getElementById('moduleList');
+ let acctNameBox = document.getElementById('acctName-box');
+ if (listbox && (listbox.selectedCount == 1))
+ {
+ let index = listbox.selectedItem.getAttribute("list-index");
+ if (index == -1)
+ return;
+ acctNameBox.setAttribute('style', 'visibility: hidden;');
+ if (gImportType == "feeds")
+ {
+ if (index == 0)
+ {
+ SetDivText('description', gFeedsBundle.getString('ImportFeedsNewAccount'));
+ let defaultName = gFeedsBundle.getString("feeds-accountname");
+ document.getElementById("acctName").value = defaultName;
+ acctNameBox.removeAttribute('style');
+ }
+ else
+ SetDivText('description', gFeedsBundle.getString('ImportFeedsExistingAccount'));
+ }
+ else
+ SetDivText("description", gImportService.GetModuleDescription(gImportType, index));
+ }
+function CompareImportModuleName(a, b)
+ if ( >
+ return 1;
+ if ( <
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+function ListModules() {
+ if (gImportService == null)
+ return;
+ var body = document.getElementById("moduleList");
+ while (body.hasChildNodes()) {
+ body.lastChild.remove();
+ }
+ var count = gImportService.GetModuleCount(gImportType);
+ var i;
+ var moduleArray = new Array(count);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ moduleArray[i] = { name: gImportService.GetModuleName(gImportType, i), index: i };
+ }
+ // sort the array of modules by name, so that they'll show up in the right order
+ moduleArray.sort(CompareImportModuleName);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ AddModuleToList(moduleArray[i].name, moduleArray[i].index);
+ }
+function AddModuleToList(moduleName, index)
+ var body = document.getElementById("moduleList");
+ var item = document.createElement('listitem');
+ item.setAttribute('label', moduleName);
+ // Temporarily skip Outlook Import which are busted (Bug 1175055).
+ if (moduleName == "Outlook") {
+ item.setAttribute('list-index', -1);
+ item.setAttribute('disabled', true);
+ item.setAttribute('tooltiptext', "Currently disabled due to bug 1175055");
+ } else {
+ item.setAttribute('list-index', index);
+ }
+ body.appendChild(item);
+function ListFeedAccounts() {
+ let body = document.getElementById("moduleList");
+ while (body.hasChildNodes())
+ body.lastChild.remove();
+ // Add item to allow for new account creation.
+ let item = document.createElement("listitem");
+ item.setAttribute("label", gFeedsBundle.getString('ImportFeedsCreateNewListItem'));
+ item.setAttribute("list-index", 0);
+ body.appendChild(item);
+ let index = 0;
+ let feedRootFolders = FeedUtils.getAllRssServerRootFolders();
+ feedRootFolders.forEach(function(rootFolder) {
+ item = document.createElement("listitem");
+ item.setAttribute("label", rootFolder.prettyName);
+ item.setAttribute("list-index", ++index);
+ item.server = rootFolder.server;
+ body.appendChild(item);
+ }, this);
+ if (index)
+ // If there is an existing feed account, select the first one.
+ body.selectedIndex = 1;
+function ContinueImport(info) {
+ var isMail = info.importType == 'mail';
+ var clear = true;
+ var deck;
+ var pcnt;
+ if (info.importInterface) {
+ if (!info.importInterface.ContinueImport()) {
+ info.importSuccess = false;
+ clearInterval(info.intervalState);
+ if (info.progressWindow != null) {
+ deck = document.getElementById("stateDeck");
+ deck.selectedIndex = 3;
+ info.progressWindow = null;
+ }
+ ShowImportResults(false, isMail ? 'Mail' : 'Address');
+ }
+ else if ((pcnt = info.importInterface.GetProgress()) < 100) {
+ clear = false;
+ if (info.progressWindow != null) {
+ if (pcnt < 5)
+ pcnt = 5;
+ SetProgress(pcnt);
+ if (isMail) {
+ let mailName = info.importInterface.GetData("currentMailbox");
+ if (mailName) {
+ mailName = mailName.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString);
+ if (mailName)
+ SetStatusText(;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ dump("*** WARNING! sometimes this shows results too early. \n");
+ dump(" something screwy here. this used to work fine.\n");
+ clearInterval(info.intervalState);
+ info.importSuccess = true;
+ if (info.progressWindow) {
+ deck = document.getElementById("stateDeck");
+ deck.selectedIndex = 3;
+ info.progressWindow = null;
+ }
+ ShowImportResults(true, isMail ? 'Mail' : 'Address');
+ }
+ }
+ if (clear) {
+ info.intervalState = null;
+ info.importInterface = null;
+ }
+function ShowResults(doesWantProgress, result)
+ if (result)
+ {
+ if (doesWantProgress)
+ {
+ let deck = document.getElementById("stateDeck");
+ let header = document.getElementById("header");
+ let progressStatusEl = document.getElementById("progressStatus");
+ let progressTitleEl = document.getElementById("progressTitle");
+ let meterText = gImportMsgsBundle.getFormattedString("AddrProgressMeterText", [ name ]);
+ header.setAttribute("description", meterText);
+ progressStatusEl.setAttribute("label", "");
+ progressTitleEl.setAttribute("label", meterText);
+ deck.selectedIndex = 2;
+ gProgressInfo.progressWindow = window;
+ gProgressInfo.intervalState = setInterval(ContinueImportCallback, 100);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShowImportResults(true, 'Address');
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShowImportResults(false, 'Address');
+ }
+ return true;
+function ShowImportResults(good, module)
+ // String keys for ImportSettingsSuccess, ImportSettingsFailed,
+ // ImportMailSuccess, ImportMailFailed, ImportAddressSuccess,
+ // ImportAddressFailed, ImportFiltersSuccess, and ImportFiltersFailed.
+ var modSuccess = 'Import' + module + 'Success';
+ var modFailed = 'Import' + module + 'Failed';
+ // The callers seem to set 'good' to true even if there's something
+ // in the error log. So we should only make it a success case if
+ // error log/str is empty.
+ var results, title;
+ var moduleName = gSelectedModuleName ? gSelectedModuleName : "";
+ if (good && ! {
+ title = gImportMsgsBundle.getFormattedString(modSuccess, [ moduleName ]);
+ results =;
+ }
+ else if ( {
+ title = gImportMsgsBundle.getFormattedString(modFailed, [ moduleName ]);
+ results =;
+ }
+ if (results && title)
+ ShowImportResultsRaw(title, results, good);
+function ShowImportResultsRaw(title, results, good)
+ SetDivText("status", title);
+ var header = document.getElementById("header");
+ header.setAttribute("description", title);
+ dump("*** results = " + results + "\n");
+ attachStrings("results", results);
+ var deck = document.getElementById("stateDeck");
+ deck.selectedIndex = 3;
+ var nextButton = document.getElementById("forward");
+ nextButton.label = nextButton.getAttribute("finishedval");
+ nextButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ var cancelButton = document.getElementById("cancel");
+ cancelButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ var backButton = document.getElementById("back");
+ backButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ // If the Local Folder doesn't exist, create it after successfully
+ // importing "mail" and "settings"
+ var checkLocalFolder = (gProgressInfo.importType == "mail" ||
+ gProgressInfo.importType == "settings");
+ if (good && checkLocalFolder && !gProgressInfo.localFolderExists) {
+ MailServices.accounts.createLocalMailAccount();
+ }
+function attachStrings(aNode, aString)
+ var attachNode = document.getElementById(aNode);
+ if (!aString) {
+ attachNode.parentNode.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ return;
+ }
+ var strings = aString.split("\n");
+ for (let string of strings) {
+ if (string) {
+ let currNode = document.createTextNode(string);
+ attachNode.appendChild(currNode);
+ let br = document.createElementNS("", 'br');
+ attachNode.appendChild(br);
+ }
+ }
+ Import Settings from a specific module, returns false if it failed
+ and true if successful. A "local mail" account is returned in newAccount.
+ This is only useful in upgrading - import the settings first, then
+ import mail into the account returned from ImportSettings, then
+ import address books.
+ An error string is returned as error.value
+function ImportSettings(module, newAccount, error) {
+ var setIntf = module.GetImportInterface("settings");
+ if (!(setIntf instanceof Ci.nsIImportSettings)) {
+ error.value = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportSettingsBadModule');
+ return false;
+ }
+ // determine if we can auto find the settings or if we need to ask the user
+ var location = {};
+ var description = {};
+ var result = setIntf.AutoLocate(description, location);
+ if (!result) {
+ // In this case, we couldn't find the settings
+ if (location.value != null) {
+ // Settings were not found, however, they are specified
+ // in a file, so ask the user for the settings file.
+ let filePicker = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance();
+ if (filePicker instanceof Ci.nsIFilePicker) {
+ let file = null;
+ try {
+ filePicker.init(window,
+ gImportMsgsBundle.getString("ImportSelectSettings"),
+ filePicker.modeOpen);
+ filePicker.appendFilters(filePicker.filterAll);
+ file = filePicker.file;
+ }
+ catch(ex) {
+ file = null;
+ error.value = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (file != null) {
+ setIntf.SetLocation(file);
+ }
+ else {
+ error.value = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error.value = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportSettingsNotFound');
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error.value = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportSettingsNotFound');
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // interesting, we need to return the account that new
+ // mail should be imported into?
+ // that's really only useful for "Upgrade"
+ result = setIntf.Import(newAccount);
+ if (!result) {
+ error.value = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportSettingsFailed');
+ }
+ return result;
+function ImportMail(module, success, error) {
+ if (gProgressInfo.importInterface || gProgressInfo.intervalState) {
+ = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportAlreadyInProgress');
+ return false;
+ }
+ gProgressInfo.importSuccess = false;
+ var mailInterface = module.GetImportInterface("mail");
+ if (!(mailInterface instanceof Ci.nsIImportGeneric)) {
+ = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportMailBadModule');
+ return false;
+ }
+ var loc = mailInterface.GetData("mailLocation");
+ if (loc == null) {
+ // No location found, check to see if we can ask the user.
+ if (mailInterface.GetStatus("canUserSetLocation") != 0) {
+ let filePicker = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance();
+ if (filePicker instanceof Ci.nsIFilePicker) {
+ try {
+ filePicker.init(window,
+ gImportMsgsBundle.getString("ImportSelectMailDir"),
+ filePicker.modeGetFolder);
+ filePicker.appendFilters(filePicker.filterAll);
+ if (filePicker.file && (filePicker.file.path.length > 0))
+ mailInterface.SetData("mailLocation", filePicker.file);
+ else
+ return false;
+ } catch(ex) {
+ // don't show an error when we return!
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportMailNotFound');
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportMailNotFound');
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mailInterface.WantsProgress()) {
+ if (mailInterface.BeginImport(success, error)) {
+ gProgressInfo.importInterface = mailInterface;
+ // intervalState = setInterval(ContinueImport, 100);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ return mailInterface.BeginImport(success, error);
+// The address import! A little more complicated than the mail import
+// due to field maps...
+function ImportAddress(module, success, error) {
+ if (gProgressInfo.importInterface || gProgressInfo.intervalState) {
+ = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportAlreadyInProgress');
+ return false;
+ }
+ gProgressInfo.importSuccess = false;
+ gAddInterface = module.GetImportInterface("addressbook");
+ if (!(gAddInterface instanceof Ci.nsIImportGeneric)) {
+ = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportAddressBadModule');
+ return false;
+ }
+ var loc = gAddInterface.GetStatus("autoFind");
+ if (loc == 0) {
+ loc = gAddInterface.GetData("addressLocation");
+ if ((loc instanceof Ci.nsIFile) && !loc.exists)
+ loc = null;
+ }
+ if (loc == null) {
+ // Couldn't find the address book, see if we can
+ // as the user for the location or not?
+ if (gAddInterface.GetStatus("canUserSetLocation") == 0) {
+ // an autofind address book that could not be found!
+ = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportAddressNotFound');
+ return false;
+ }
+ let filePicker = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance();
+ if (!(filePicker instanceof Ci.nsIFilePicker)) {
+ = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportAddressNotFound');
+ return false;
+ }
+ // The address book location was not found.
+ // Determine if we need to ask for a directory
+ // or a single file.
+ let file = null;
+ let fileIsDirectory = false;
+ if (gAddInterface.GetStatus("supportsMultiple") != 0) {
+ // ask for dir
+ try {
+ filePicker.init(window,
+ gImportMsgsBundle.getString("ImportSelectAddrDir"),
+ filePicker.modeGetFolder);
+ filePicker.appendFilters(filePicker.filterAll);
+ if (filePicker.file && (filePicker.file.path.length > 0)) {
+ file = filePicker.file;
+ fileIsDirectory = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ file = null;
+ }
+ } catch(ex) {
+ file = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // ask for file
+ try {
+ filePicker.init(window,
+ gImportMsgsBundle.getString("ImportSelectAddrFile"),
+ filePicker.modeOpen);
+ let addressbookBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_addressbook");
+ if (gSelectedModuleName ==
+ document.getElementById("bundle_vcardImportMsgs")
+ .getString("vCardImportName")) {
+ filePicker.appendFilter(addressbookBundle.getString('VCFFiles'), "*.vcf");
+ } else {
+ filePicker.appendFilter(addressbookBundle.getString('LDIFFiles'), "*.ldi; *.ldif");
+ filePicker.appendFilter(addressbookBundle.getString('CSVFiles'), "*.csv");
+ filePicker.appendFilter(addressbookBundle.getString('TABFiles'), "*.tab; *.txt");
+ filePicker.appendFilters(filePicker.filterAll);
+ }
+ if ( == filePicker.returnCancel)
+ return false;
+ if (filePicker.file && (filePicker.file.path.length > 0))
+ file = filePicker.file;
+ else
+ file = null;
+ } catch(ex) {
+ dump("ImportAddress(): failure when picking a file to import: " + ex + "\n");
+ file = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (file == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!fileIsDirectory && (file.fileSize == 0)) {
+ let errorText = gImportMsgsBundle.getFormattedString("ImportEmptyAddressBook",
+ [filePicker.file.leafName]);
+ Services.prompt.alert(window, document.title, errorText);
+ return false;
+ }
+ gAddInterface.SetData("addressLocation", file);
+ }
+ var map = gAddInterface.GetData("fieldMap");
+ if (map instanceof Ci.nsIImportFieldMap) {
+ let result = {};
+ result.ok = false;
+ window.openDialog(
+ "chrome://messenger/content/fieldMapImport.xul",
+ "",
+ "chrome,modal,titlebar",
+ { fieldMap: map,
+ addInterface: gAddInterface,
+ result: result });
+ if (!result.ok)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (gAddInterface.WantsProgress()) {
+ if (gAddInterface.BeginImport(success, error)) {
+ gProgressInfo.importInterface = gAddInterface;
+ // intervalState = setInterval(ContinueImport, 100);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return gAddInterface.BeginImport(success, error);
+ Import filters from a specific module.
+ Returns false if it failed and true if it succeeded.
+ An error string is returned as error.value.
+function ImportFilters(module, error)
+ if (gProgressInfo.importInterface || gProgressInfo.intervalState) {
+ = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportAlreadyInProgress');
+ return false;
+ }
+ gProgressInfo.importSuccess = false;
+ var filtersInterface = module.GetImportInterface("filters");
+ if (!(filtersInterface instanceof Ci.nsIImportFilters)) {
+ = gImportMsgsBundle.getString('ImportFiltersBadModule');
+ return false;
+ }
+ return filtersInterface.Import(error);
+ Import feeds.
+function ImportFeeds()
+ // Get file to open from filepicker.
+ let openFile = FeedSubscriptions.opmlPickOpenFile();
+ if (!openFile)
+ return false;
+ let acctName;
+ let acctNewExist = gFeedsBundle.getString("ImportFeedsExisting");
+ let fileName = openFile.path;
+ let server = document.getElementById("moduleList").selectedItem.server;
+ gNewFeedAcctCreated = false;
+ if (!server)
+ {
+ // Create a new Feeds account.
+ acctName = document.getElementById("acctName").value;
+ server = FeedUtils.createRssAccount(acctName).incomingServer;
+ acctNewExist = gFeedsBundle.getString("ImportFeedsNew");
+ gNewFeedAcctCreated = true;
+ }
+ acctName = server.rootFolder.prettyName;
+ let callback = function(aStatusReport, aLastFolder , aFeedWin)
+ {
+ let message = gFeedsBundle.getFormattedString("ImportFeedsDone",
+ [fileName, acctNewExist, acctName]);
+ ShowImportResultsRaw(message + " " + aStatusReport, null, true);
+ document.getElementById("back").removeAttribute("disabled");
+ let subscriptionsWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("Mail:News-BlogSubscriptions");
+ if (subscriptionsWindow)
+ {
+ let feedWin = subscriptionsWindow.FeedSubscriptions;
+ if (aLastFolder)
+ feedWin.FolderListener.folderAdded(aLastFolder);
+ feedWin.mActionMode = null;
+ feedWin.updateButtons(feedWin.mView.currentItem);
+ feedWin.clearStatusInfo();
+ feedWin.updateStatusItem("statusText", aStatusReport);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!FeedSubscriptions.importOPMLFile(openFile, server, callback))
+ return false;
+ let subscriptionsWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("Mail:News-BlogSubscriptions");
+ if (subscriptionsWindow)
+ {
+ let feedWin = subscriptionsWindow.FeedSubscriptions;
+ feedWin.mActionMode = feedWin.kImportingOPML;
+ feedWin.updateButtons(null);
+ let statusReport = gFeedsBundle.getString("subscribe-loading");
+ feedWin.updateStatusItem("statusText", statusReport);
+ feedWin.updateStatusItem("progressMeter", "?");
+ }
+ return true;
+function SwitchType(newType)
+ if (gImportType == newType)
+ return;
+ gImportType = newType;
+ gProgressInfo.importType = newType;
+ SetUpImportType();
+ SetDivText('description', "");
+function next()
+ var deck = document.getElementById("stateDeck");
+ switch (deck.selectedIndex) {
+ case "0":
+ let backButton = document.getElementById("back");
+ backButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ let radioGroup = document.getElementById("importFields");
+ if (radioGroup.value == "all")
+ {
+ let args = { closeMigration: true };
+ let SEAMONKEY_ID = "{92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a}";
+ if (Services.appinfo.ID == SEAMONKEY_ID) {
+ window.openDialog("chrome://communicator/content/migration/migration.xul",
+ "", "chrome,dialog,modal,centerscreen");
+ } else {
+ // Running as Thunderbird or its clone.
+ window.openDialog("chrome://messenger/content/migration/migration.xul",
+ "", "chrome,dialog,modal,centerscreen", null, null, null, args);
+ }
+ if (args.closeMigration)
+ close();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SwitchType(radioGroup.value);
+ deck.selectedIndex = 1;
+ document.getElementById("modulesFound").selectedIndex =
+ (document.getElementById("moduleList").itemCount > 0) ? 0 : 1;
+ SelectFirstItem();
+ enableAdvance();
+ }
+ break;
+ case "1":
+ ImportDialogOKButton();
+ break;
+ case "3":
+ close();
+ break;
+ }
+function SelectFirstItem()
+ var listbox = document.getElementById("moduleList");
+ if ((listbox.selectedIndex == -1) && (listbox.itemCount > 0))
+ listbox.selectedIndex = 0;
+ ImportSelectionChanged();
+function enableAdvance()
+ var listbox = document.getElementById("moduleList");
+ var nextButton = document.getElementById("forward");
+ if (listbox.selectedCount > 0)
+ nextButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ else
+ nextButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+function back()
+ var deck = document.getElementById("stateDeck");
+ var backButton = document.getElementById("back");
+ var nextButton = document.getElementById("forward");
+ switch (deck.selectedIndex) {
+ case "1":
+ backButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ nextButton.label = nextButton.getAttribute("nextval");
+ nextButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ deck.selectedIndex = 0;
+ break;
+ case "3":
+ // Clear out the results box.
+ let results = document.getElementById("results");
+ while (results.hasChildNodes())
+ results.lastChild.remove();
+ // Reset the next button.
+ nextButton.label = nextButton.getAttribute("nextval");
+ nextButton.removeAttribute("disabled");
+ // Enable the cancel button again.
+ document.getElementById("cancel").removeAttribute("disabled");
+ // If a new Feed account has been created, rebuild the list.
+ if (gNewFeedAcctCreated)
+ ListFeedAccounts();
+ // Now go back to the second page.
+ deck.selectedIndex = 1;
+ break;
+ }