path: root/mailnews/base/content/newmailalert.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'mailnews/base/content/newmailalert.js')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mailnews/base/content/newmailalert.js b/mailnews/base/content/newmailalert.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..243934092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailnews/base/content/newmailalert.js
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// Copied from nsILookAndFeel.h, see comments on eMetric_AlertNotificationOrigin
+var NS_ALERT_LEFT = 2;
+var NS_ALERT_TOP = 4;
+var gNumNewMsgsToShowInAlert = 4; // the more messages we show in the alert, the larger it will be
+var gOpenTime = 4000; // total time the alert should stay up once we are done animating.
+var gAlertListener = null;
+var gPendingPreviewFetchRequests = 0;
+var gUserInitiated = false;
+var gOrigin = 0; // Default value: alert from bottom right.
+function prefillAlertInfo()
+ const Ci = Components.interfaces;
+ // unwrap all the args....
+ // arguments[0] --> nsIArray of folders with new mail
+ // arguments[1] --> the observer to call back with notifications about the alert
+ // arguments[2] --> user initiated boolean. true if the user initiated opening the alert
+ // (which means skip the fade effect and don't auto close the alert)
+ // arguments[3] --> the alert origin returned by the look and feel
+ var foldersWithNewMail = window.arguments[0];
+ gAlertListener = window.arguments[1];
+ gUserInitiated = window.arguments[2];
+ gOrigin = window.arguments[3];
+ // For now just grab the first folder which should be a root folder
+ // for the account that has new mail. If we can't find a folder, just
+ // return to avoid the exception and empty dialog in upper left-hand corner.
+ if (!foldersWithNewMail || foldersWithNewMail.length < 1)
+ return;
+ let rootFolder = foldersWithNewMail.queryElementAt(0, Ci.nsIWeakReference)
+ .QueryReferent(Ci.nsIMsgFolder);
+ // Generate an account label string based on the root folder.
+ var label = document.getElementById('alertTitle');
+ var totalNumNewMessages = rootFolder.getNumNewMessages(true);
+ var message = totalNumNewMessages == 1 ? "newMailNotification_message"
+ : "newMailNotification_messages";
+ label.value = document.getElementById('bundle_messenger')
+ .getFormattedString(message,
+ [rootFolder.prettiestName,
+ totalNumNewMessages]);
+ // This is really the root folder and we have to walk through the list to
+ // find the real folder that has new mail in it...:(
+ let allFolders = rootFolder.descendants;
+ var folderSummaryInfoEl = document.getElementById('folderSummaryInfo');
+ folderSummaryInfoEl.mMaxMsgHdrsInPopup = gNumNewMsgsToShowInAlert;
+ for (let folder in fixIterator(allFolders, Components.interfaces.nsIMsgFolder))
+ {
+ if (folder.hasNewMessages && !folder.getFlag(Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Virtual))
+ {
+ var asyncFetch = {};
+ folderSummaryInfoEl.parseFolder(folder, new urlListener(folder), asyncFetch);
+ if (asyncFetch.value)
+ gPendingPreviewFetchRequests++;
+ }
+ }
+function urlListener(aFolder)
+ this.mFolder = aFolder;
+urlListener.prototype =
+ OnStartRunningUrl: function(aUrl)
+ {
+ },
+ OnStopRunningUrl: function(aUrl, aExitCode)
+ {
+ var folderSummaryInfoEl = document.getElementById('folderSummaryInfo');
+ folderSummaryInfoEl.parseFolder(this.mFolder, null, {});
+ gPendingPreviewFetchRequests--;
+ // when we are done running all of our urls for fetching the preview text,
+ // start the alert.
+ if (!gPendingPreviewFetchRequests)
+ showAlert();
+ }
+function onAlertLoad()
+ prefillAlertInfo();
+ // read out our initial settings from prefs.
+ try
+ {
+ gOpenTime = Services.prefs.getIntPref("alerts.totalOpenTime");
+ } catch (ex) {}
+ // bogus call to make sure the window is moved offscreen until we are ready for it.
+ resizeAlert(true);
+ // if we aren't waiting to fetch preview text, then go ahead and
+ // start showing the alert.
+ if (!gPendingPreviewFetchRequests)
+ setTimeout(showAlert, 0); // let the JS thread unwind, to give layout
+ // a chance to recompute the styles and widths for our alert text.
+// If the user initiated the alert, show it right away, otherwise start opening the alert with
+// the fade effect.
+function showAlert()
+ if (!document.getElementById("folderSummaryInfo").hasMessages) {
+ closeAlert(); // no mail, so don't bother showing the alert...
+ return;
+ }
+ // resize the alert based on our current content
+ resizeAlert(false);
+ var alertContainer = document.getElementById("alertContainer");
+ // Don't fade in if the user opened the alert or the pref is true.
+ if (gUserInitiated ||
+ Services.prefs.getBoolPref("alerts.disableSlidingEffect")) {
+ alertContainer.setAttribute("noanimation", true);
+ setTimeout(closeAlert, gOpenTime);
+ return;
+ }
+ alertContainer.addEventListener("animationend", function hideAlert(event) {
+ if (event.animationName == "fade-in") {
+ alertContainer.removeEventListener("animationend", hideAlert, false);
+ let remaining = Math.max(Math.round(gOpenTime - event.elapsedTime * 1000), 0);
+ setTimeout(fadeOutAlert, remaining);
+ }
+ }, false);
+ alertContainer.setAttribute("fade-in", true);
+function resizeAlert(aMoveOffScreen)
+ var alertTextBox = document.getElementById("alertTextBox");
+ var alertImageBox = document.getElementById("alertImageBox");
+ = alertTextBox.scrollHeight + "px";
+ sizeToContent();
+ // leftover hack to get the window properly hidden when we first open it
+ if (aMoveOffScreen)
+ window.outerHeight = 1;
+ // Determine position
+ var x = gOrigin & NS_ALERT_LEFT ? screen.availLeft :
+ screen.availLeft + screen.availWidth - window.outerWidth;
+ var y = gOrigin & NS_ALERT_TOP ? screen.availTop :
+ screen.availTop + screen.availHeight - window.outerHeight;
+ // Offset the alert by 10 pixels from the edge of the screen
+ y += gOrigin & NS_ALERT_TOP ? 10 : -10;
+ x += gOrigin & NS_ALERT_LEFT ? 10 : -10;
+ window.moveTo(x, y);
+function fadeOutAlert()
+ var alertContainer = document.getElementById("alertContainer");
+ alertContainer.addEventListener("animationend", function fadeOut(event) {
+ if (event.animationName == "fade-out") {
+ alertContainer.removeEventListener("animationend", fadeOut, false);
+ closeAlert();
+ }
+ }, false);
+ alertContainer.setAttribute("fade-out", true);
+function closeAlert()
+ if (gAlertListener)
+ gAlertListener.observe(null, "alertfinished", "");
+ window.close();