path: root/layout/tools/reftest/reftest-content.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'layout/tools/reftest/reftest-content.js')
1 files changed, 1174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/layout/tools/reftest/reftest-content.js b/layout/tools/reftest/reftest-content.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f26cae8ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layout/tools/reftest/reftest-content.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1174 @@
+/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- /
+/* vim: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+var CC = Components.classes;
+const CI = Components.interfaces;
+const CR = Components.results;
+const CU = Components.utils;
+const XHTML_NS = "";
+const DEBUG_CONTRACTID = ";1";
+// "<!--CLEAR-->"
+const BLANK_URL_FOR_CLEARING = "data:text/html;charset=UTF-8,%3C%21%2D%2DCLEAR%2D%2D%3E";
+var gBrowserIsRemote;
+var gHaveCanvasSnapshot = false;
+// Plugin layers can be updated asynchronously, so to make sure that all
+// layer surfaces have the right content, we need to listen for explicit
+// "MozPaintWait" and "MozPaintWaitFinished" events that signal when it's OK
+// to take snapshots. We cannot take a snapshot while the number of
+// "MozPaintWait" events fired exceeds the number of "MozPaintWaitFinished"
+// events fired. We count the number of such excess events here. When
+// the counter reaches zero we call gExplicitPendingPaintsCompleteHook.
+var gExplicitPendingPaintCount = 0;
+var gExplicitPendingPaintsCompleteHook;
+var gCurrentURL;
+var gCurrentTestType;
+var gTimeoutHook = null;
+var gFailureTimeout = null;
+var gFailureReason;
+var gAssertionCount = 0;
+var gTestCount = 0;
+var gDebug;
+var gVerbose = false;
+var gCurrentTestStartTime;
+var gClearingForAssertionCheck = false;
+const TYPE_LOAD = 'load'; // test without a reference (just test that it does
+ // not assert, crash, hang, or leak)
+const TYPE_SCRIPT = 'script'; // test contains individual test results
+function markupDocumentViewer() {
+ return docShell.contentViewer;
+function webNavigation() {
+ return docShell.QueryInterface(CI.nsIWebNavigation);
+function windowUtilsForWindow(w) {
+ return w.QueryInterface(CI.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
+ .getInterface(CI.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
+function windowUtils() {
+ return windowUtilsForWindow(content);
+function IDForEventTarget(event)
+ try {
+ return "'" +'id') + "'";
+ } catch (ex) {
+ return "<unknown>";
+ }
+function PaintWaitListener(event)
+ LogInfo("MozPaintWait received for ID " + IDForEventTarget(event));
+ gExplicitPendingPaintCount++;
+function PaintWaitFinishedListener(event)
+ LogInfo("MozPaintWaitFinished received for ID " + IDForEventTarget(event));
+ gExplicitPendingPaintCount--;
+ if (gExplicitPendingPaintCount < 0) {
+ LogWarning("Underrun in gExplicitPendingPaintCount\n");
+ gExplicitPendingPaintCount = 0;
+ }
+ if (gExplicitPendingPaintCount == 0 &&
+ gExplicitPendingPaintsCompleteHook) {
+ gExplicitPendingPaintsCompleteHook();
+ }
+function OnInitialLoad()
+#ifndef REFTEST_B2G
+ removeEventListener("load", OnInitialLoad, true);
+ gDebug = CC[DEBUG_CONTRACTID].getService(CI.nsIDebug2);
+ var env = CC[ENVIRONMENT_CONTRACTID].getService(CI.nsIEnvironment);
+ gVerbose = !!env.get("MOZ_REFTEST_VERBOSE");
+ RegisterMessageListeners();
+ var initInfo = SendContentReady();
+ gBrowserIsRemote = initInfo.remote;
+ addEventListener("load", OnDocumentLoad, true);
+ addEventListener("MozPaintWait", PaintWaitListener, true);
+ addEventListener("MozPaintWaitFinished", PaintWaitFinishedListener, true);
+ LogInfo("Using browser remote="+ gBrowserIsRemote +"\n");
+function SetFailureTimeout(cb, timeout)
+ var targetTime = + timeout;
+ var wrapper = function() {
+ // Timeouts can fire prematurely in some cases (e.g. in chaos mode). If this
+ // happens, set another timeout for the remaining time.
+ let remainingMs = targetTime -;
+ if (remainingMs > 0) {
+ SetFailureTimeout(cb, remainingMs);
+ } else {
+ cb();
+ }
+ }
+ gFailureTimeout = setTimeout(wrapper, timeout);
+function StartTestURI(type, uri, timeout)
+ // The GC is only able to clean up compartments after the CC runs. Since
+ // the JS ref tests disable the normal browser chrome and do not otherwise
+ // create substatial DOM garbage, the CC tends not to run enough normally.
+ ++gTestCount;
+ if (gTestCount % 1000 == 0) {
+ CU.forceGC();
+ CU.forceCC();
+ }
+ // Reset gExplicitPendingPaintCount in case there was a timeout or
+ // the count is out of sync for some other reason
+ if (gExplicitPendingPaintCount != 0) {
+ LogWarning("Resetting gExplicitPendingPaintCount to zero (currently " +
+ gExplicitPendingPaintCount + "\n");
+ gExplicitPendingPaintCount = 0;
+ }
+ gCurrentTestType = type;
+ gCurrentURL = uri;
+ gCurrentTestStartTime =;
+ if (gFailureTimeout != null) {
+ SendException("program error managing timeouts\n");
+ }
+ SetFailureTimeout(LoadFailed, timeout);
+ LoadURI(gCurrentURL);
+function setupFullZoom(contentRootElement) {
+ if (!contentRootElement || !contentRootElement.hasAttribute('reftest-zoom'))
+ return;
+ markupDocumentViewer().fullZoom =
+ contentRootElement.getAttribute('reftest-zoom');
+function resetZoom() {
+ markupDocumentViewer().fullZoom = 1.0;
+function doPrintMode(contentRootElement) {
+ // nsIPrintSettings not available in B2G
+ return false;
+ // use getAttribute because className works differently in HTML and SVG
+ return contentRootElement &&
+ contentRootElement.hasAttribute('class') &&
+ contentRootElement.getAttribute('class').split(/\s+/)
+ .indexOf("reftest-print") != -1;
+function setupPrintMode() {
+ var PSSVC =
+ CC[PRINTSETTINGS_CONTRACTID].getService(CI.nsIPrintSettingsService);
+ var ps = PSSVC.newPrintSettings;
+ ps.paperWidth = 5;
+ ps.paperHeight = 3;
+ // Override any os-specific unwriteable margins
+ ps.unwriteableMarginTop = 0;
+ ps.unwriteableMarginLeft = 0;
+ ps.unwriteableMarginBottom = 0;
+ ps.unwriteableMarginRight = 0;
+ ps.headerStrLeft = "";
+ ps.headerStrCenter = "";
+ ps.headerStrRight = "";
+ ps.footerStrLeft = "";
+ ps.footerStrCenter = "";
+ ps.footerStrRight = "";
+ docShell.contentViewer.setPageMode(true, ps);
+function attrOrDefault(element, attr, def) {
+ return element.hasAttribute(attr) ? Number(element.getAttribute(attr)) : def;
+function setupViewport(contentRootElement) {
+ if (!contentRootElement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var sw = attrOrDefault(contentRootElement, "reftest-scrollport-w", 0);
+ var sh = attrOrDefault(contentRootElement, "reftest-scrollport-h", 0);
+ if (sw !== 0 || sh !== 0) {
+ LogInfo("Setting scrollport to <w=" + sw + ", h=" + sh + ">");
+ windowUtils().setScrollPositionClampingScrollPortSize(sw, sh);
+ }
+ // XXX support resolution when needed
+ // XXX support viewconfig when needed
+function setupDisplayport(contentRootElement) {
+ if (!contentRootElement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ function setupDisplayportForElement(element, winUtils) {
+ var dpw = attrOrDefault(element, "reftest-displayport-w", 0);
+ var dph = attrOrDefault(element, "reftest-displayport-h", 0);
+ var dpx = attrOrDefault(element, "reftest-displayport-x", 0);
+ var dpy = attrOrDefault(element, "reftest-displayport-y", 0);
+ if (dpw !== 0 || dph !== 0 || dpx != 0 || dpy != 0) {
+ LogInfo("Setting displayport to <x="+ dpx +", y="+ dpy +", w="+ dpw +", h="+ dph +">");
+ winUtils.setDisplayPortForElement(dpx, dpy, dpw, dph, element, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ function setupDisplayportForElementSubtree(element, winUtils) {
+ setupDisplayportForElement(element, winUtils);
+ for (var c = element.firstElementChild; c; c = c.nextElementSibling) {
+ setupDisplayportForElementSubtree(c, winUtils);
+ }
+ if (element.contentDocument) {
+ LogInfo("Descending into subdocument");
+ setupDisplayportForElementSubtree(element.contentDocument.documentElement,
+ windowUtilsForWindow(element.contentWindow));
+ }
+ }
+ if (contentRootElement.hasAttribute("reftest-async-scroll")) {
+ setupDisplayportForElementSubtree(contentRootElement, windowUtils());
+ } else {
+ setupDisplayportForElement(contentRootElement, windowUtils());
+ }
+// Returns whether any offsets were updated
+function setupAsyncScrollOffsets(options) {
+ var currentDoc = content.document;
+ var contentRootElement = currentDoc ? currentDoc.documentElement : null;
+ if (!contentRootElement) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ function setupAsyncScrollOffsetsForElement(element, winUtils) {
+ var sx = attrOrDefault(element, "reftest-async-scroll-x", 0);
+ var sy = attrOrDefault(element, "reftest-async-scroll-y", 0);
+ if (sx != 0 || sy != 0) {
+ try {
+ // This might fail when called from RecordResult since layers
+ // may not have been constructed yet
+ winUtils.setAsyncScrollOffset(element, sx, sy);
+ return true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (!options.allowFailure) {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function setupAsyncScrollOffsetsForElementSubtree(element, winUtils) {
+ var updatedAny = setupAsyncScrollOffsetsForElement(element, winUtils);
+ for (var c = element.firstElementChild; c; c = c.nextElementSibling) {
+ if (setupAsyncScrollOffsetsForElementSubtree(c, winUtils)) {
+ updatedAny = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (element.contentDocument) {
+ LogInfo("Descending into subdocument (async offsets)");
+ if (setupAsyncScrollOffsetsForElementSubtree(element.contentDocument.documentElement,
+ windowUtilsForWindow(element.contentWindow))) {
+ updatedAny = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return updatedAny;
+ }
+ var asyncScroll = contentRootElement.hasAttribute("reftest-async-scroll");
+ if (asyncScroll) {
+ return setupAsyncScrollOffsetsForElementSubtree(contentRootElement, windowUtils());
+ }
+ return false;
+function setupAsyncZoom(options) {
+ var currentDoc = content.document;
+ var contentRootElement = currentDoc ? currentDoc.documentElement : null;
+ if (!contentRootElement || !contentRootElement.hasAttribute('reftest-async-zoom'))
+ return false;
+ var zoom = attrOrDefault(contentRootElement, "reftest-async-zoom", 1);
+ if (zoom != 1) {
+ try {
+ windowUtils().setAsyncZoom(contentRootElement, zoom);
+ return true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (!options.allowFailure) {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+function resetDisplayportAndViewport() {
+ // XXX currently the displayport configuration lives on the
+ // presshell and so is "reset" on nav when we get a new presshell.
+function shouldWaitForExplicitPaintWaiters() {
+ return gExplicitPendingPaintCount > 0;
+function shouldWaitForPendingPaints() {
+ // if gHaveCanvasSnapshot is false, we're not taking snapshots so
+ // there is no need to wait for pending paints to be flushed.
+ return gHaveCanvasSnapshot && windowUtils().isMozAfterPaintPending;
+function shouldWaitForReftestWaitRemoval(contentRootElement) {
+ // use getAttribute because className works differently in HTML and SVG
+ return contentRootElement &&
+ contentRootElement.hasAttribute('class') &&
+ contentRootElement.getAttribute('class').split(/\s+/)
+ .indexOf("reftest-wait") != -1;
+function shouldSnapshotWholePage(contentRootElement) {
+ // use getAttribute because className works differently in HTML and SVG
+ return contentRootElement &&
+ contentRootElement.hasAttribute('class') &&
+ contentRootElement.getAttribute('class').split(/\s+/)
+ .indexOf("reftest-snapshot-all") != -1;
+function getNoPaintElements(contentRootElement) {
+ return contentRootElement.getElementsByClassName('reftest-no-paint');
+function getOpaqueLayerElements(contentRootElement) {
+ return contentRootElement.getElementsByClassName('reftest-opaque-layer');
+function getAssignedLayerMap(contentRootElement) {
+ var layerNameToElementsMap = {};
+ var elements = contentRootElement.querySelectorAll('[reftest-assigned-layer]');
+ for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
+ var element = elements[i];
+ var layerName = element.getAttribute('reftest-assigned-layer');
+ if (!(layerName in layerNameToElementsMap)) {
+ layerNameToElementsMap[layerName] = [];
+ }
+ layerNameToElementsMap[layerName].push(element);
+ }
+ return layerNameToElementsMap;
+// Initial state. When the document has loaded and all MozAfterPaint events and
+// all explicit paint waits are flushed, we can fire the MozReftestInvalidate
+// event and move to the next state.
+// When reftest-wait has been removed from the root element, we can move to the
+// next state.
+// When spell checking is done on all spell-checked elements, we can move to the
+// next state.
+// When any pending compositor-side repaint requests have been flushed, we can
+// move to the next state.
+// When all MozAfterPaint events and all explicit paint waits are flushed, we're
+// done and can move to the COMPLETED state.
+function FlushRendering() {
+ var anyPendingPaintsGeneratedInDescendants = false;
+ function flushWindow(win) {
+ var utils = win.QueryInterface(CI.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
+ .getInterface(CI.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
+ var afterPaintWasPending = utils.isMozAfterPaintPending;
+ var root = win.document.documentElement;
+ if (root && !root.classList.contains("reftest-no-flush")) {
+ try {
+ // Flush pending restyles and reflows for this window
+ root.getBoundingClientRect();
+ } catch (e) {
+ LogWarning("flushWindow failed: " + e + "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!afterPaintWasPending && utils.isMozAfterPaintPending) {
+ LogInfo("FlushRendering generated paint for window " + win.location.href);
+ anyPendingPaintsGeneratedInDescendants = true;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < win.frames.length; ++i) {
+ flushWindow(win.frames[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ flushWindow(content);
+ if (anyPendingPaintsGeneratedInDescendants &&
+ !windowUtils().isMozAfterPaintPending) {
+ LogWarning("Internal error: descendant frame generated a MozAfterPaint event, but the root document doesn't have one!");
+ }
+function WaitForTestEnd(contentRootElement, inPrintMode, spellCheckedElements) {
+ var stopAfterPaintReceived = false;
+ var currentDoc = content.document;
+ function AfterPaintListener(event) {
+ LogInfo("AfterPaintListener in " +;
+ if ( != currentDoc) {
+ // ignore paint events for subframes or old documents in the window.
+ // Invalidation in subframes will cause invalidation in the toplevel document anyway.
+ return;
+ }
+ SendUpdateCanvasForEvent(event, contentRootElement);
+ // These events are fired immediately after a paint. Don't
+ // confuse ourselves by firing synchronously if we triggered the
+ // paint ourselves.
+ setTimeout(MakeProgress, 0);
+ }
+ function AttrModifiedListener() {
+ LogInfo("AttrModifiedListener fired");
+ // Wait for the next return-to-event-loop before continuing --- for
+ // example, the attribute may have been modified in an subdocument's
+ // load event handler, in which case we need load event processing
+ // to complete and unsuppress painting before we check isMozAfterPaintPending.
+ setTimeout(MakeProgress, 0);
+ }
+ function ExplicitPaintsCompleteListener() {
+ LogInfo("ExplicitPaintsCompleteListener fired");
+ // Since this can fire while painting, don't confuse ourselves by
+ // firing synchronously. It's fine to do this asynchronously.
+ setTimeout(MakeProgress, 0);
+ }
+ function RemoveListeners() {
+ // OK, we can end the test now.
+ removeEventListener("MozAfterPaint", AfterPaintListener, false);
+ if (contentRootElement) {
+ contentRootElement.removeEventListener("DOMAttrModified", AttrModifiedListener, false);
+ }
+ gExplicitPendingPaintsCompleteHook = null;
+ gTimeoutHook = null;
+ // Make sure we're in the COMPLETED state just in case
+ // (this may be called via the test-timeout hook)
+ }
+ // Everything that could cause shouldWaitForXXX() to
+ // change from returning true to returning false is monitored via some kind
+ // of event listener which eventually calls this function.
+ function MakeProgress() {
+ if (state >= STATE_COMPLETED) {
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: STATE_COMPLETED");
+ return;
+ }
+ FlushRendering();
+ switch (state) {
+ if (shouldWaitForExplicitPaintWaiters() || shouldWaitForPendingPaints()) {
+ gFailureReason = "timed out waiting for pending paint count to reach zero";
+ if (shouldWaitForExplicitPaintWaiters()) {
+ gFailureReason += " (waiting for MozPaintWaitFinished)";
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: waiting for MozPaintWaitFinished");
+ }
+ if (shouldWaitForPendingPaints()) {
+ gFailureReason += " (waiting for MozAfterPaint)";
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: waiting for MozAfterPaint");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ var hasReftestWait = shouldWaitForReftestWaitRemoval(contentRootElement);
+ // Notify the test document that now is a good time to test some invalidation
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: dispatching MozReftestInvalidate");
+ if (contentRootElement) {
+ var elements = getNoPaintElements(contentRootElement);
+ for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
+ windowUtils().checkAndClearPaintedState(elements[i]);
+ }
+ var notification = content.document.createEvent("Events");
+ notification.initEvent("MozReftestInvalidate", true, false);
+ contentRootElement.dispatchEvent(notification);
+ }
+ if (!inPrintMode && doPrintMode(contentRootElement)) {
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: setting up print mode");
+ setupPrintMode();
+ }
+ if (hasReftestWait && !shouldWaitForReftestWaitRemoval(contentRootElement)) {
+ // MozReftestInvalidate handler removed reftest-wait.
+ // We expect something to have been invalidated...
+ FlushRendering();
+ if (!shouldWaitForPendingPaints() && !shouldWaitForExplicitPaintWaiters()) {
+ LogWarning("MozInvalidateEvent didn't invalidate");
+ }
+ }
+ // Try next state
+ MakeProgress();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (shouldWaitForReftestWaitRemoval(contentRootElement)) {
+ gFailureReason = "timed out waiting for reftest-wait to be removed";
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: waiting for reftest-wait to be removed");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Try next state
+ MakeProgress();
+ return;
+ if (numPendingSpellChecks) {
+ gFailureReason = "timed out waiting for spell checks to end";
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: waiting for spell checks to end");
+ return;
+ }
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: STATE_WAITING_FOR_APZ_FLUSH");
+ gFailureReason = "timed out waiting for APZ flush to complete";
+ var os = CC[NS_OBSERVER_SERVICE_CONTRACTID].getService(CI.nsIObserverService);
+ var flushWaiter = function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
+ if (aTopic) LogInfo("MakeProgress: apz-repaints-flushed fired");
+ os.removeObserver(flushWaiter, "apz-repaints-flushed");
+ MakeProgress();
+ };
+ os.addObserver(flushWaiter, "apz-repaints-flushed", false);
+ var willSnapshot = (gCurrentTestType != TYPE_SCRIPT) &&
+ (gCurrentTestType != TYPE_LOAD);
+ var noFlush =
+ !(contentRootElement &&
+ contentRootElement.classList.contains("reftest-no-flush"));
+ if (noFlush && willSnapshot && windowUtils().flushApzRepaints()) {
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: done requesting APZ flush");
+ } else {
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: APZ flush not required");
+ flushWaiter(null, null, null);
+ }
+ return;
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: STATE_WAITING_FOR_APZ_FLUSH");
+ // Nothing to do here; once we get the apz-repaints-flushed event
+ // we will go to STATE_WAITING_TO_FINISH
+ return;
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: STATE_WAITING_TO_FINISH");
+ if (shouldWaitForExplicitPaintWaiters() || shouldWaitForPendingPaints()) {
+ gFailureReason = "timed out waiting for pending paint count to " +
+ "reach zero (after reftest-wait removed and switch to print mode)";
+ if (shouldWaitForExplicitPaintWaiters()) {
+ gFailureReason += " (waiting for MozPaintWaitFinished)";
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: waiting for MozPaintWaitFinished");
+ }
+ if (shouldWaitForPendingPaints()) {
+ gFailureReason += " (waiting for MozAfterPaint)";
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: waiting for MozAfterPaint");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (contentRootElement) {
+ var elements = getNoPaintElements(contentRootElement);
+ for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
+ if (windowUtils().checkAndClearPaintedState(elements[i])) {
+ SendFailedNoPaint();
+ }
+ }
+ CheckLayerAssertions(contentRootElement);
+ }
+ LogInfo("MakeProgress: Completed");
+ gFailureReason = "timed out while taking snapshot (bug in harness?)";
+ RemoveListeners();
+ CheckForProcessCrashExpectation();
+ setTimeout(RecordResult, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ LogInfo("WaitForTestEnd: Adding listeners");
+ addEventListener("MozAfterPaint", AfterPaintListener, false);
+ // If contentRootElement is null then shouldWaitForReftestWaitRemoval will
+ // always return false so we don't need a listener anyway
+ if (contentRootElement) {
+ contentRootElement.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", AttrModifiedListener, false);
+ }
+ gExplicitPendingPaintsCompleteHook = ExplicitPaintsCompleteListener;
+ gTimeoutHook = RemoveListeners;
+ // Listen for spell checks on spell-checked elements.
+ var numPendingSpellChecks = spellCheckedElements.length;
+ function decNumPendingSpellChecks() {
+ --numPendingSpellChecks;
+ MakeProgress();
+ }
+ for (let editable of spellCheckedElements) {
+ try {
+ onSpellCheck(editable, decNumPendingSpellChecks);
+ } catch (err) {
+ // The element may not have an editor, so ignore it.
+ setTimeout(decNumPendingSpellChecks, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Take a full snapshot now that all our listeners are set up. This
+ // ensures it's impossible for us to miss updates between taking the snapshot
+ // and adding our listeners.
+ SendInitCanvasWithSnapshot();
+ MakeProgress();
+function OnDocumentLoad(event)
+ var currentDoc = content.document;
+ if ( != currentDoc)
+ // Ignore load events for subframes.
+ return;
+ if (gClearingForAssertionCheck &&
+ currentDoc.location.href == BLANK_URL_FOR_CLEARING) {
+ DoAssertionCheck();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (currentDoc.location.href != gCurrentURL) {
+ LogInfo("OnDocumentLoad fired for previous document");
+ // Ignore load events for previous documents.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Collect all editable, spell-checked elements. It may be the case that
+ // not all the elements that match this selector will be spell checked: for
+ // example, a textarea without a spellcheck attribute may have a parent with
+ // spellcheck=false, or script may set spellcheck=false on an element whose
+ // markup sets it to true. But that's OK since onSpellCheck detects the
+ // absence of spell checking, too.
+ var querySelector =
+ '*[class~="spell-checked"],' +
+ 'textarea:not([spellcheck="false"]),' +
+ 'input[spellcheck]:-moz-any([spellcheck=""],[spellcheck="true"]),' +
+ '*[contenteditable]:-moz-any([contenteditable=""],[contenteditable="true"])';
+ var spellCheckedElements = currentDoc.querySelectorAll(querySelector);
+ var contentRootElement = currentDoc ? currentDoc.documentElement : null;
+ currentDoc = null;
+ setupFullZoom(contentRootElement);
+ setupViewport(contentRootElement);
+ setupDisplayport(contentRootElement);
+ var inPrintMode = false;
+ function AfterOnLoadScripts() {
+ // Regrab the root element, because the document may have changed.
+ var contentRootElement =
+ content.document ? content.document.documentElement : null;
+ // Flush the document in case it got modified in a load event handler.
+ FlushRendering();
+ // Take a snapshot now. We need to do this before we check whether
+ // we should wait, since this might trigger dispatching of
+ // MozPaintWait events and make shouldWaitForExplicitPaintWaiters() true
+ // below.
+ var painted = SendInitCanvasWithSnapshot();
+ if (shouldWaitForExplicitPaintWaiters() ||
+ (!inPrintMode && doPrintMode(contentRootElement)) ||
+ // If we didn't force a paint above, in
+ // InitCurrentCanvasWithSnapshot, so we should wait for a
+ // paint before we consider them done.
+ !painted) {
+ LogInfo("AfterOnLoadScripts belatedly entering WaitForTestEnd");
+ // Go into reftest-wait mode belatedly.
+ WaitForTestEnd(contentRootElement, inPrintMode, []);
+ } else {
+ CheckLayerAssertions(contentRootElement);
+ CheckForProcessCrashExpectation(contentRootElement);
+ RecordResult();
+ }
+ }
+ if (shouldWaitForReftestWaitRemoval(contentRootElement) ||
+ shouldWaitForExplicitPaintWaiters() ||
+ spellCheckedElements.length) {
+ // Go into reftest-wait mode immediately after painting has been
+ // unsuppressed, after the onload event has finished dispatching.
+ gFailureReason = "timed out waiting for test to complete (trying to get into WaitForTestEnd)";
+ LogInfo("OnDocumentLoad triggering WaitForTestEnd");
+ setTimeout(function () { WaitForTestEnd(contentRootElement, inPrintMode, spellCheckedElements); }, 0);
+ } else {
+ if (doPrintMode(contentRootElement)) {
+ LogInfo("OnDocumentLoad setting up print mode");
+ setupPrintMode();
+ inPrintMode = true;
+ }
+ // Since we can't use a bubbling-phase load listener from chrome,
+ // this is a capturing phase listener. So do setTimeout twice, the
+ // first to get us after the onload has fired in the content, and
+ // the second to get us after any setTimeout(foo, 0) in the content.
+ gFailureReason = "timed out waiting for test to complete (waiting for onload scripts to complete)";
+ LogInfo("OnDocumentLoad triggering AfterOnLoadScripts");
+ setTimeout(function () { setTimeout(AfterOnLoadScripts, 0); }, 0);
+ }
+function CheckLayerAssertions(contentRootElement)
+ if (!contentRootElement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var opaqueLayerElements = getOpaqueLayerElements(contentRootElement);
+ for (var i = 0; i < opaqueLayerElements.length; ++i) {
+ var elem = opaqueLayerElements[i];
+ try {
+ if (!windowUtils().isPartOfOpaqueLayer(elem)) {
+ SendFailedOpaqueLayer(elementDescription(elem) + ' is not part of an opaque layer');
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ SendFailedOpaqueLayer('got an exception while checking whether ' + elementDescription(elem) + ' is part of an opaque layer');
+ }
+ }
+ var layerNameToElementsMap = getAssignedLayerMap(contentRootElement);
+ var oneOfEach = [];
+ // Check that elements with the same reftest-assigned-layer share the same PaintedLayer.
+ for (var layerName in layerNameToElementsMap) {
+ try {
+ var elements = layerNameToElementsMap[layerName];
+ oneOfEach.push(elements[0]);
+ var numberOfLayers = windowUtils().numberOfAssignedPaintedLayers(elements, elements.length);
+ if (numberOfLayers !== 1) {
+ SendFailedAssignedLayer('these elements are assigned to ' + numberOfLayers +
+ ' different layers, instead of sharing just one layer: ' +
+', '));
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ SendFailedAssignedLayer('got an exception while checking whether these elements share a layer: ' +
+', '));
+ }
+ }
+ // Check that elements with different reftest-assigned-layer are assigned to different PaintedLayers.
+ if (oneOfEach.length > 0) {
+ try {
+ var numberOfLayers = windowUtils().numberOfAssignedPaintedLayers(oneOfEach, oneOfEach.length);
+ if (numberOfLayers !== oneOfEach.length) {
+ SendFailedAssignedLayer('these elements are assigned to ' + numberOfLayers +
+ ' different layers, instead of having none in common (expected ' +
+ oneOfEach.length + ' different layers): ' +
+', '));
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ SendFailedAssignedLayer('got an exception while checking whether these elements are assigned to different layers: ' +
+', '));
+ }
+ }
+function CheckForProcessCrashExpectation(contentRootElement)
+ if (contentRootElement &&
+ contentRootElement.hasAttribute('class') &&
+ contentRootElement.getAttribute('class').split(/\s+/)
+ .indexOf("reftest-expect-process-crash") != -1) {
+ SendExpectProcessCrash();
+ }
+function RecordResult()
+ LogInfo("RecordResult fired");
+ var currentTestRunTime = - gCurrentTestStartTime;
+ clearTimeout(gFailureTimeout);
+ gFailureReason = null;
+ gFailureTimeout = null;
+ if (gCurrentTestType == TYPE_SCRIPT) {
+ var error = '';
+ var testwindow = content;
+ if (testwindow.wrappedJSObject)
+ testwindow = testwindow.wrappedJSObject;
+ var testcases;
+ if (!testwindow.getTestCases || typeof testwindow.getTestCases != "function") {
+ // Force an unexpected failure to alert the test author to fix the test.
+ error = "test must provide a function getTestCases(). (SCRIPT)\n";
+ }
+ else if (!(testcases = testwindow.getTestCases())) {
+ // Force an unexpected failure to alert the test author to fix the test.
+ error = "test's getTestCases() must return an Array-like Object. (SCRIPT)\n";
+ }
+ else if (testcases.length == 0) {
+ // This failure may be due to a JavaScript Engine bug causing
+ // early termination of the test. If we do not allow silent
+ // failure, the driver will report an error.
+ }
+ var results = [ ];
+ if (!error) {
+ // FIXME/bug 618176: temporary workaround
+ for (var i = 0; i < testcases.length; ++i) {
+ var test = testcases[i];
+ results.push({ passed: test.testPassed(),
+ description: test.testDescription() });
+ }
+ //results = {
+ // return { passed: test.testPassed(),
+ // description: test.testDescription() };
+ }
+ SendScriptResults(currentTestRunTime, error, results);
+ FinishTestItem();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Setup async scroll offsets now in case SynchronizeForSnapshot is not
+ // called (due to reftest-no-sync-layers being supplied, or in the single
+ // process case).
+ var changedAsyncScrollZoom = false;
+ if (setupAsyncScrollOffsets({allowFailure:true})) {
+ changedAsyncScrollZoom = true;
+ }
+ if (setupAsyncZoom({allowFailure:true})) {
+ changedAsyncScrollZoom = true;
+ }
+ if (changedAsyncScrollZoom && !gBrowserIsRemote) {
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:UpdateWholeCanvasForInvalidation");
+ }
+ SendTestDone(currentTestRunTime);
+ FinishTestItem();
+function LoadFailed()
+ if (gTimeoutHook) {
+ gTimeoutHook();
+ }
+ gFailureTimeout = null;
+ SendFailedLoad(gFailureReason);
+function FinishTestItem()
+ gHaveCanvasSnapshot = false;
+function DoAssertionCheck()
+ gClearingForAssertionCheck = false;
+ var numAsserts = 0;
+ if (gDebug.isDebugBuild) {
+ var newAssertionCount = gDebug.assertionCount;
+ numAsserts = newAssertionCount - gAssertionCount;
+ gAssertionCount = newAssertionCount;
+ }
+ SendAssertionCount(numAsserts);
+function LoadURI(uri)
+ var flags = webNavigation().LOAD_FLAGS_NONE;
+ webNavigation().loadURI(uri, flags, null, null, null);
+function LogWarning(str)
+ if (gVerbose) {
+ sendSyncMessage("reftest:Log", { type: "warning", msg: str });
+ } else {
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:Log", { type: "warning", msg: str });
+ }
+function LogInfo(str)
+ if (gVerbose) {
+ sendSyncMessage("reftest:Log", { type: "info", msg: str });
+ } else {
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:Log", { type: "info", msg: str });
+ }
+const SYNC_DEFAULT = 0x0;
+const SYNC_ALLOW_DISABLE = 0x1;
+function SynchronizeForSnapshot(flags)
+ if (gCurrentTestType == TYPE_SCRIPT ||
+ gCurrentTestType == TYPE_LOAD) {
+ // Script tests or load-only tests do not need any snapshotting
+ return;
+ }
+ if (flags & SYNC_ALLOW_DISABLE) {
+ var docElt = content.document.documentElement;
+ if (docElt && docElt.hasAttribute("reftest-no-sync-layers")) {
+ LogInfo("Test file chose to skip SynchronizeForSnapshot");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ windowUtils().updateLayerTree();
+ // Setup async scroll offsets now, because any scrollable layers should
+ // have had their AsyncPanZoomControllers created.
+ setupAsyncScrollOffsets({allowFailure:false});
+ setupAsyncZoom({allowFailure:false});
+function RegisterMessageListeners()
+ addMessageListener(
+ "reftest:Clear",
+ function (m) { RecvClear() }
+ );
+ addMessageListener(
+ "reftest:LoadScriptTest",
+ function (m) { RecvLoadScriptTest(m.json.uri, m.json.timeout); }
+ );
+ addMessageListener(
+ "reftest:LoadTest",
+ function (m) { RecvLoadTest(m.json.type, m.json.uri, m.json.timeout); }
+ );
+ addMessageListener(
+ "reftest:ResetRenderingState",
+ function (m) { RecvResetRenderingState(); }
+ );
+function RecvClear()
+ gClearingForAssertionCheck = true;
+function RecvLoadTest(type, uri, timeout)
+ StartTestURI(type, uri, timeout);
+function RecvLoadScriptTest(uri, timeout)
+ StartTestURI(TYPE_SCRIPT, uri, timeout);
+function RecvResetRenderingState()
+ resetZoom();
+ resetDisplayportAndViewport();
+function SendAssertionCount(numAssertions)
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:AssertionCount", { count: numAssertions });
+function SendContentReady()
+ let gfxInfo = (NS_GFXINFO_CONTRACTID in CC) && CC[NS_GFXINFO_CONTRACTID].getService(CI.nsIGfxInfo);
+ let info = gfxInfo.getInfo();
+ try {
+ info.D2DEnabled = gfxInfo.D2DEnabled;
+ info.DWriteEnabled = gfxInfo.DWriteEnabled;
+ } catch (e) {
+ info.D2DEnabled = false;
+ info.DWriteEnabled = false;
+ }
+ return sendSyncMessage("reftest:ContentReady", { 'gfx': info })[0];
+function SendException(what)
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:Exception", { what: what });
+function SendFailedLoad(why)
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:FailedLoad", { why: why });
+function SendFailedNoPaint()
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:FailedNoPaint");
+function SendFailedOpaqueLayer(why)
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:FailedOpaqueLayer", { why: why });
+function SendFailedAssignedLayer(why)
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:FailedAssignedLayer", { why: why });
+// Return true if a snapshot was taken.
+function SendInitCanvasWithSnapshot()
+ // If we're in the same process as the top-level XUL window, then
+ // drawing that window will also update our layers, so no
+ // synchronization is needed.
+ //
+ // NB: this is a test-harness optimization only, it must not
+ // affect the validity of the tests.
+ if (gBrowserIsRemote) {
+ SynchronizeForSnapshot(SYNC_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ // For in-process browser, we have to make a synchronous request
+ // here to make the above optimization valid, so that MozWaitPaint
+ // events dispatched (synchronously) during painting are received
+ // before we check the paint-wait counter. For out-of-process
+ // browser though, it doesn't wrt correctness whether this request
+ // is sync or async.
+ var ret = sendSyncMessage("reftest:InitCanvasWithSnapshot")[0];
+ gHaveCanvasSnapshot = ret.painted;
+ return ret.painted;
+function SendScriptResults(runtimeMs, error, results)
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:ScriptResults",
+ { runtimeMs: runtimeMs, error: error, results: results });
+function SendExpectProcessCrash(runtimeMs)
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:ExpectProcessCrash");
+function SendTestDone(runtimeMs)
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:TestDone", { runtimeMs: runtimeMs });
+function roundTo(x, fraction)
+ return Math.round(x/fraction)*fraction;
+function elementDescription(element)
+ return '<' + element.localName +
+ [] =>
+ ` ${attr.nodeName}="${attr.value}"`).join('') +
+ '>';
+function SendUpdateCanvasForEvent(event, contentRootElement)
+ var win = content;
+ var scale = markupDocumentViewer().fullZoom;
+ var rects = [ ];
+ if (shouldSnapshotWholePage(contentRootElement)) {
+ // See comments in SendInitCanvasWithSnapshot() re: the split
+ // logic here.
+ if (!gBrowserIsRemote) {
+ sendSyncMessage("reftest:UpdateWholeCanvasForInvalidation");
+ } else {
+ SynchronizeForSnapshot(SYNC_ALLOW_DISABLE);
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:UpdateWholeCanvasForInvalidation");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ var rectList = event.clientRects;
+ LogInfo("SendUpdateCanvasForEvent with " + rectList.length + " rects");
+ for (var i = 0; i < rectList.length; ++i) {
+ var r = rectList[i];
+ // Set left/top/right/bottom to "device pixel" boundaries
+ var left = Math.floor(roundTo(r.left*scale, 0.001));
+ var top = Math.floor(roundTo(*scale, 0.001));
+ var right = Math.ceil(roundTo(r.right*scale, 0.001));
+ var bottom = Math.ceil(roundTo(r.bottom*scale, 0.001));
+ LogInfo("Rect: " + left + " " + top + " " + right + " " + bottom);
+ rects.push({ left: left, top: top, right: right, bottom: bottom });
+ }
+ // See comments in SendInitCanvasWithSnapshot() re: the split
+ // logic here.
+ if (!gBrowserIsRemote) {
+ sendSyncMessage("reftest:UpdateCanvasForInvalidation", { rects: rects });
+ } else {
+ SynchronizeForSnapshot(SYNC_ALLOW_DISABLE);
+ sendAsyncMessage("reftest:UpdateCanvasForInvalidation", { rects: rects });
+ }
+if (content.document.readyState == "complete") {
+ // load event has already fired for content, get started
+ OnInitialLoad();
+} else {
+ addEventListener("load", OnInitialLoad, true);