path: root/layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/images3/support/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/images3/support/')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/images3/support/ b/layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/images3/support/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4763fabf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/images3/support/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+# This is a script that I used to generate a suite of tests for the CSS
+# properties "object-fit" and "object-position" (focusing on edge-case
+# object-position values that require pixel rounding), using a template
+# testcase file and reference case file.
+# The reference case uses the "background-size" & "background-position"
+# equivalent of the tested "object-fit" / "object-position" values.
+# Array of image files to use for testing:
+imageFileArr=("support/colors-16x8.png" "support/colors-8x16.png")
+# Array of CSS classes to delete from the template, for a given image-file.
+# DETAILS: The template files contain some elements/styles that exercise
+# object-position x-values (op_x), and other elements/styles that exercise
+# object-position y-values (op_y). But actually, we'll only have extra space
+# for these percent values to resolve against in *one* dimension (since our
+# image-files are rectangular, and the container element is square, and we
+# scale the image up with "object-fit: contain"). So, we delete the
+# elements/styles in the dimension where object-position % values will just
+# resolve to 0 ("op_x" for the fat image, and "op_y" for the tall image).
+classPatternToDeleteArr=("op_x" "op_y")
+# Array of tag-names for elements that we'd like to test:
+# (Also: array of a single-letter abbreviation for each element, an array of
+# the close tag for each element -- if a close tag is needed -- and an array
+# indicating the attribute that each element uses to specify its image source.)
+tagNameArr=( "embed" "img" "object" "video" )
+tagLetterArr=( "e" "i" "o" "p" )
+tagCloseTokenArr=( "" "" "</object>" "</video>" )
+tagSrcAttrArr=( "src" "src" "data" "poster" )
+ for ((j = 0; j < $numImageFiles; j++)); do
+ imageFile=${imageFileArr[$j]}
+ classPatternToDelete=${classPatternToDeleteArr[$j]}
+ let testNum=$j+1
+ testNum="00$testNum" # zero-pad to 3 digits, per w3c convention
+ filenameStub="object-position-$imageFileFormat-$testNum"
+ # Generate a reference case:
+ filenameRef="$filenameStub-ref.html"
+ echo Generating ${filenameRef}.
+ | sed "s,REPLACEME_IMAGE_FILENAME,$imageFile," \
+ | sed "/$classPatternToDelete/d" \
+ > $FILE_PATH/$filenameRef
+ # Generate a test for each of our tags:
+ for ((k = 0; k < $numTags; k++)); do
+ tagName=${tagNameArr[$k]}
+ tagLetter=${tagLetterArr[$k]}
+ tagCloseToken=${tagCloseTokenArr[$k]}
+ tagSrcAttr=${tagSrcAttrArr[$k]}
+ filenameTest="$filenameStub$tagLetter.html"
+ testTitle="various 'object-position' values on a fixed-size $tagName element, with a PNG image and 'object-fit:contain'."
+ echo Generating ${filenameTest}.
+ | sed "s,REPLACEME_IMAGE_FILENAME,$imageFile," \
+ | sed "s/REPLACEME_TEST_TITLE/$testTitle/" \
+ | sed "s,REPLACEME_REFERENCE_FILENAME,$filenameRef," \
+ | sed "s/REPLACEME_CONTAINER_TAG/$tagName/" \
+ | sed "s,REPLACEME_CONTAINER_CLOSETAG,$tagCloseToken," \
+ | sed "s/REPLACEME_SRC_ATTR/$tagSrcAttr/" \
+ | sed "/$classPatternToDelete/d" \
+ > $FILE_PATH/$filenameTest
+ echo "== $filenameTest $filenameRef" \
+ done
+ done