path: root/dom/smil/test/db_smilCSSFromTo.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/smil/test/db_smilCSSFromTo.js')
1 files changed, 483 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/smil/test/db_smilCSSFromTo.js b/dom/smil/test/db_smilCSSFromTo.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe9cecd6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/smil/test/db_smilCSSFromTo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/* testcase data for simple "from-to" animations of CSS properties */
+// NOTE: This js file requires db_smilCSSPropertyList.js
+// NOTE: I'm Including 'inherit' and 'currentColor' as interpolatable values.
+// According to SVG Mobile 1.2 section 16.2.9, "keywords such as inherit which
+// yield a numeric computed value may be included in the values list for an
+// interpolated animation".
+// Path of test URL (stripping off final slash + filename), for use in
+// generating computed value of 'cursor' property
+var _testPath = document.URL.substring(0, document.URL.lastIndexOf('/'));
+// Lists of testcases for re-use across multiple properties of the same type
+var _fromToTestLists = {
+ color: [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("rgb(100, 100, 100)", "rgb(200, 200, 200)",
+ { midComp: "rgb(150, 150, 150)" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("#F02000", "#0080A0",
+ { fromComp: "rgb(240, 32, 0)",
+ midComp: "rgb(120, 80, 80)",
+ toComp: "rgb(0, 128, 160)" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("crimson", "lawngreen",
+ { fromComp: "rgb(220, 20, 60)",
+ midComp: "rgb(172, 136, 30)",
+ toComp: "rgb(124, 252, 0)" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("currentColor", "rgb(100, 100, 100)",
+ { fromComp: "rgb(50, 50, 50)",
+ midComp: "rgb(75, 75, 75)" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.2)", "rgba(50, 50, 50, 1)",
+ // (rgb(10, 20, 30) * 0.2 * 0.5 + rgb(50, 50, 50) * 1.0 * 0.5) * (1 / 0.6)
+ { midComp: "rgba(43, 45, 47, 0.6)",
+ toComp: "rgb(50, 50, 50)"}),
+ ],
+ colorFromInheritBlack: [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("inherit", "rgb(200, 200, 200)",
+ { fromComp: "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
+ midComp: "rgb(100, 100, 100)" }),
+ ],
+ colorFromInheritWhite: [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("inherit", "rgb(205, 205, 205)",
+ { fromComp: "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
+ midComp: "rgb(230, 230, 230)" }),
+ ],
+ paintServer: [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("none", "none"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("none", "blue", { toComp : "rgb(0, 0, 255)" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("rgb(50, 50, 50)", "none"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("url(#gradA)", "url(#gradB) currentColor",
+ { fromComp: "url(\"" + document.URL +
+ "#gradA\") rgb(0, 0, 0)",
+ toComp: "url(\"" + document.URL +
+ "#gradB\") rgb(50, 50, 50)" },
+ "need support for URI-based paints"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("url(#gradA) orange", "url(#gradB)",
+ { fromComp: "url(\"" + document.URL +
+ "#gradA\") rgb(255, 165, 0)",
+ toComp: "url(\"" + document.URL +
+ "#gradB\") rgb(0, 0, 0)" },
+ "need support for URI-based paints"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("url(#no_grad)", "url(#gradB)",
+ { fromComp: "url(\"" + document.URL +
+ "#no_grad\") " + "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
+ toComp: "url(\"" + document.URL +
+ "#gradB\") rgb(0, 0, 0)" },
+ "need support for URI-based paints"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("url(#no_grad) rgb(1,2,3)", "url(#gradB) blue",
+ { fromComp: "url(\"" + document.URL +
+ "#no_grad\") " + "rgb(1, 2, 3)",
+ toComp: "url(\"" + document.URL +
+ "#gradB\") rgb(0, 0, 255)" },
+ "need support for URI-based paints"),
+ ],
+ lengthNoUnits: [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("0", "20", { fromComp: "0px",
+ midComp: "10px",
+ toComp: "20px"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("50", "0", { fromComp: "50px",
+ midComp: "25px",
+ toComp: "0px"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("30", "80", { fromComp: "30px",
+ midComp: "55px",
+ toComp: "80px"}),
+ ],
+ lengthNoUnitsSVG: [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("0", "20", { fromComp: "0",
+ midComp: "10",
+ toComp: "20"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("50", "0", { fromComp: "50",
+ midComp: "25",
+ toComp: "0"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("30", "80", { fromComp: "30",
+ midComp: "55",
+ toComp: "80"}),
+ ],
+ lengthPx: [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("0px", "12px", { fromComp: "0px",
+ midComp: "6px"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("16px", "0px", { midComp: "8px",
+ toComp: "0px"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("10px", "20px", { midComp: "15px"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("41px", "1px", { midComp: "21px"}),
+ ],
+ lengthPxSVG: [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("0px", "12px", { fromComp: "0",
+ midComp: "6",
+ toComp: "12"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("16px", "0px", { fromComp: "16",
+ midComp: "8",
+ toComp: "0"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("10px", "20px", { fromComp: "10",
+ midComp: "15",
+ toComp: "20"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("41px", "1px", { fromComp: "41",
+ midComp: "21",
+ toComp: "1"}),
+ ],
+ lengthPctSVG: [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("20.5%", "0.5%", { midComp: "10.5%" }),
+ ],
+ lengthPxPctSVG: [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("10px", "10%", { midComp: "15px"},
+ "need support for interpolating between " +
+ "px and percent values"),
+ ],
+ lengthPxNoUnitsSVG: [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("10", "20px", { fromComp: "10",
+ midComp: "15",
+ toComp: "20"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("10px", "20", { fromComp: "10",
+ midComp: "15",
+ toComp: "20"}),
+ ],
+ opacity: [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("1", "0", { midComp: "0.5" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("0.2", "0.12", { midComp: "0.16" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("0.5", "0.7", { midComp: "0.6" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("0.5", "inherit",
+ { midComp: "0.75", toComp: "1" }),
+ // Make sure we don't clamp out-of-range values before interpolation
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("0.2", "1.2",
+ { midComp: "0.7", toComp: "1" },
+ "opacities with abs val >1 get clamped too early"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("-0.2", "0.6",
+ { fromComp: "0", midComp: "0.2" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("-1.2", "1.6",
+ { fromComp: "0", midComp: "0.2", toComp: "1" },
+ "opacities with abs val >1 get clamped too early"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("-0.6", "1.4",
+ { fromComp: "0", midComp: "0.4", toComp: "1" },
+ "opacities with abs val >1 get clamped too early"),
+ ],
+ URIsAndNone: [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("url(#idA)", "url(#idB)",
+ { fromComp: "url(\"#idA\")",
+ toComp: "url(\"#idB\")"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("none", "url(#idB)",
+ { toComp: "url(\"#idB\")"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("url(#idB)", "inherit",
+ { fromComp: "url(\"#idB\")",
+ toComp: "none"}),
+ ],
+// List of attribute/testcase-list bundles to be tested
+var gFromToBundles = [
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.clip, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("rect(1px, 2px, 3px, 4px)",
+ "rect(11px, 22px, 33px, 44px)",
+ { midComp: "rect(6px, 12px, 18px, 24px)" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("rect(1px, auto, 3px, 4px)",
+ "rect(11px, auto, 33px, 44px)",
+ { midComp: "rect(6px, auto, 18px, 24px)" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("auto", "auto"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("rect(auto, auto, auto, auto)",
+ "rect(auto, auto, auto, auto)"),
+ // Interpolation not supported in these next cases (with auto --> px-value)
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("rect(1px, auto, 3px, auto)",
+ "rect(11px, auto, 33px, 44px)"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("rect(1px, 2px, 3px, 4px)",
+ "rect(11px, auto, 33px, 44px)"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("rect(1px, 2px, 3px, 4px)", "auto"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("auto", "rect(1px, 2px, 3px, 4px)"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.clip_path, _fromToTestLists.URIsAndNone),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.clip_rule, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("nonzero", "evenodd"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("evenodd", "inherit", { toComp: "nonzero" }),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.color,
+ [].concat(_fromToTestLists.color, [
+ // Note: inherited value is rgb(50, 50, 50) (set on <svg>)
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("inherit", "rgb(200, 200, 200)",
+ { fromComp: "rgb(50, 50, 50)",
+ midComp: "rgb(125, 125, 125)" }),
+ ])),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.color_interpolation, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("sRGB", "auto", { fromComp: "srgb" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("inherit", "linearRGB",
+ { fromComp: "srgb", toComp: "linearrgb" }),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.color_interpolation_filters, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("sRGB", "auto", { fromComp: "srgb" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("auto", "inherit",
+ { toComp: "linearrgb" }),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.cursor, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("crosshair", "move"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("url('a.cur'), url('b.cur'), nw-resize", "sw-resize",
+ { fromComp: "url(\"" + _testPath + "/a.cur\"), " +
+ "url(\"" + _testPath + "/b.cur\"), " +
+ "nw-resize"}),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.direction, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("ltr", "rtl"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("rtl", "inherit"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.display, [
+ // I'm not testing the "inherit" value for "display", because part of
+ // my test runs with "display: none" on everything, and so the
+ // inherited value isn't always the same. (i.e. the computed value
+ // of 'inherit' will be different in different tests)
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("block", "table-cell"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("inline", "inline-table"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("table-row", "none"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.dominant_baseline, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("use-script", "no-change"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("reset-size", "ideographic"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("alphabetic", "hanging"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("mathematical", "central"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("middle", "text-after-edge"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("text-before-edge", "auto"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("use-script", "inherit", { toComp: "auto" } ),
+ ]),
+ // NOTE: Mozilla doesn't currently support "enable-background", but I'm
+ // testing it here in case we ever add support for it, because it's
+ // explicitly not animatable in the SVG spec.
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.enable_background, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("new", "accumulate"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.fill,
+ [].concat(_fromToTestLists.color,
+ _fromToTestLists.paintServer,
+ _fromToTestLists.colorFromInheritBlack)),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.fill_opacity, _fromToTestLists.opacity),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.fill_rule, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("nonzero", "evenodd"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("evenodd", "inherit", { toComp: "nonzero" }),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.filter, _fromToTestLists.URIsAndNone),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.flood_color,
+ [].concat(_fromToTestLists.color,
+ _fromToTestLists.colorFromInheritBlack)),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.flood_opacity, _fromToTestLists.opacity),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.font, [
+ // NOTE: 'line-height' is hard-wired at 10px in test_smilCSSFromTo.xhtml
+ // because if it's not explicitly set, its value varies across platforms.
+ // NOTE: System font values can't be tested here, because their computed
+ // values vary from platform to platform. However, they are tested
+ // visually, in the reftest "anim-css-font-1.svg"
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("10px serif", "30px serif",
+ { fromComp: "normal normal 400 10px / 10px serif",
+ toComp: "normal normal 400 30px / 10px serif"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("10px serif", "30px sans-serif",
+ { fromComp: "normal normal 400 10px / 10px serif",
+ toComp: "normal normal 400 30px / 10px sans-serif"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("1px / 90px cursive", "100px monospace",
+ { fromComp: "normal normal 400 1px / 10px cursive",
+ toComp: "normal normal 400 100px / 10px monospace"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("italic small-caps 200 1px cursive",
+ "100px monospace",
+ { fromComp: "italic small-caps 200 1px / 10px cursive",
+ toComp: "normal normal 400 100px / 10px monospace"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("oblique normal 200 30px / 10px cursive",
+ "normal small-caps 800 40px / 10px serif"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.font_family, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("serif", "sans-serif"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("cursive", "monospace"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.font_size,
+ [].concat(_fromToTestLists.lengthNoUnits,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPx, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("10px", "40%", { midComp: "15px", toComp: "20px" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("160%", "80%",
+ { fromComp: "80px",
+ midComp: "60px",
+ toComp: "40px"}),
+ ])),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.font_size_adjust, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("0.9", "0.1", { midComp: "0.5" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("0.5", "0.6", { midComp: "0.55" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("none", "0.4"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.font_stretch, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("normal", "wider", {},
+ "need support for animating between " +
+ "relative 'font-stretch' values"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("narrower", "ultra-condensed", {},
+ "need support for animating between " +
+ "relative 'font-stretch' values"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("ultra-condensed", "condensed",
+ { midComp: "extra-condensed" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("semi-condensed", "semi-expanded",
+ { midComp: "normal" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("expanded", "ultra-expanded",
+ { midComp: "extra-expanded" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("ultra-expanded", "inherit",
+ { midComp: "expanded", toComp: "normal" }),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.font_style, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("italic", "inherit", { toComp: "normal" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("normal", "italic"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("italic", "oblique"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("oblique", "normal"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.font_variant, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("inherit", "small-caps", { fromComp: "normal" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("small-caps", "normal"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.font_weight, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("100", "900", { midComp: "500" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("700", "100", { midComp: "400" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("inherit", "200",
+ { fromComp: "400", midComp: "300" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("normal", "bold",
+ { fromComp: "400", midComp: "500", toComp: "700" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("lighter", "bolder", {},
+ "need support for animating between " +
+ "relative 'font-weight' values"),
+ ]),
+ // NOTE: Mozilla doesn't currently support "glyph-orientation-horizontal" or
+ // "glyph-orientation-vertical", but I'm testing them here in case we ever
+ // add support for them, because they're explicitly not animatable in the SVG
+ // spec.
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.glyph_orientation_horizontal,
+ [ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("45deg", "60deg") ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.glyph_orientation_vertical,
+ [ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("45deg", "60deg") ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.image_rendering, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("auto", "optimizeQuality",
+ { toComp: "optimizequality" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("optimizeQuality", "optimizeSpeed",
+ { fromComp: "optimizequality",
+ toComp: "optimizespeed" }),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.letter_spacing,
+ [].concat(_fromToTestLists.lengthNoUnits,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPx,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPxPctSVG)),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.letter_spacing,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPctSVG,
+ "pct->pct animations don't currently work for " +
+ "*-spacing properties"),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.lighting_color,
+ [].concat(_fromToTestLists.color,
+ _fromToTestLists.colorFromInheritWhite)),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.marker, _fromToTestLists.URIsAndNone),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.marker_end, _fromToTestLists.URIsAndNone),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.marker_mid, _fromToTestLists.URIsAndNone),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.marker_start, _fromToTestLists.URIsAndNone),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.mask, _fromToTestLists.URIsAndNone),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.opacity, _fromToTestLists.opacity),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.overflow, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("auto", "visible"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("inherit", "visible", { fromComp: "hidden" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("scroll", "auto"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.pointer_events, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("visibleFill", "stroke",
+ { fromComp: "visiblefill" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("none", "visibleStroke",
+ { toComp: "visiblestroke" }),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.shape_rendering, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("auto", "optimizeSpeed",
+ { toComp: "optimizespeed" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("crispEdges", "geometricPrecision",
+ { fromComp: "crispedges",
+ toComp: "geometricprecision" }),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.stop_color,
+ [].concat(_fromToTestLists.color,
+ _fromToTestLists.colorFromInheritBlack)),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.stop_opacity, _fromToTestLists.opacity),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.stroke,
+ [].concat(_fromToTestLists.color,
+ _fromToTestLists.paintServer, [
+ // Note: inherited value is "none" (the default for "stroke" property)
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("inherit", "rgb(200, 200, 200)",
+ { fromComp: "none"})])),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.stroke_dasharray,
+ [].concat(_fromToTestLists.lengthPctSVG,
+ [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("inherit", "20", { fromComp: "none"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("1", "none"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("10", "20", { midComp: "15"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("1", "2, 3", { fromComp: "1, 1",
+ midComp: "1.5, 2"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("2, 8", "6", { midComp: "4, 7"}),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("1, 3", "1, 3, 5, 7, 9",
+ { fromComp: "1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3",
+ midComp: "1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6"}),
+ ])),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.stroke_dashoffset,
+ [].concat(_fromToTestLists.lengthNoUnitsSVG,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPxSVG,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPxPctSVG,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPctSVG,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPxNoUnitsSVG)),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.stroke_linecap, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("butt", "round"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("round", "square"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.stroke_linejoin, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("miter", "round"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("round", "bevel"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.stroke_miterlimit, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("1", "2", { midComp: "1.5" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("20.1", "10.1", { midComp: "15.1" }),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.stroke_opacity, _fromToTestLists.opacity),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.stroke_width,
+ [].concat(_fromToTestLists.lengthNoUnitsSVG,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPxSVG,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPxPctSVG,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPctSVG,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPxNoUnitsSVG, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("inherit", "7px",
+ { fromComp: "1", midComp: "4", toComp: "7" }),
+ ])),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.text_anchor, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("start", "middle"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("middle", "end"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.text_decoration, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("none", "underline"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("overline", "line-through"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("blink", "underline"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.text_rendering, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("auto", "optimizeSpeed",
+ { toComp: "optimizespeed" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("optimizeSpeed", "geometricPrecision",
+ { fromComp: "optimizespeed",
+ toComp: "geometricprecision" }),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("geometricPrecision", "optimizeLegibility",
+ { fromComp: "geometricprecision",
+ toComp: "optimizelegibility" }),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.unicode_bidi, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("embed", "bidi-override"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.vector_effect, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("none", "non-scaling-stroke"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.visibility, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("visible", "hidden"),
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("hidden", "collapse"),
+ ]),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.word_spacing,
+ [].concat(_fromToTestLists.lengthNoUnits,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPx,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPxPctSVG)),
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.word_spacing,
+ _fromToTestLists.lengthPctSVG,
+ "pct->pct animations don't currently work for " +
+ "*-spacing properties"),
+ // NOTE: Mozilla doesn't currently support "writing-mode", but I'm
+ // testing it here in case we ever add support for it, because it's
+ // explicitly not animatable in the SVG spec.
+ new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.writing_mode, [
+ new AnimTestcaseFromTo("lr", "rl"),
+ ]),