path: root/dom/power/PowerManagerService.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/power/PowerManagerService.cpp')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/power/PowerManagerService.cpp b/dom/power/PowerManagerService.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40110aa67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/power/PowerManagerService.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "mozilla/dom/ContentParent.h"
+#include "mozilla/Hal.h"
+#include "mozilla/HalWakeLock.h"
+#include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h"
+#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
+#include "mozilla/Services.h"
+#include "jsprf.h"
+#include "nsIDOMWakeLockListener.h"
+#include "nsIDOMWindow.h"
+#include "nsIObserverService.h"
+#include "PowerManagerService.h"
+#include "WakeLock.h"
+// For _exit().
+#ifdef XP_WIN
+#include <process.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#ifdef ANDROID
+#include <android/log.h>
+extern "C" char* PrintJSStack();
+static void LogFunctionAndJSStack(const char* funcname) {
+ char *jsstack = PrintJSStack();
+ __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "PowerManagerService", \
+ "Call to %s. The JS stack is:\n%s\n",
+ funcname,
+ jsstack ? jsstack : "<no JS stack>");
+ JS_smprintf_free(jsstack);
+// bug 839452
+ LogFunctionAndJSStack(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace dom {
+namespace power {
+using namespace hal;
+NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(PowerManagerService, nsIPowerManagerService)
+/* static */ StaticRefPtr<PowerManagerService> PowerManagerService::sSingleton;
+/* static */ already_AddRefed<PowerManagerService>
+ if (!sSingleton) {
+ sSingleton = new PowerManagerService();
+ sSingleton->Init();
+ ClearOnShutdown(&sSingleton);
+ }
+ RefPtr<PowerManagerService> service = sSingleton.get();
+ return service.forget();
+ RegisterWakeLockObserver(this);
+ // NB: default to *enabling* the watchdog even when the pref is
+ // absent, in case the profile might be damaged and we need to
+ // restart to repair it.
+ mWatchdogTimeoutSecs =
+ Preferences::GetInt("shutdown.watchdog.timeoutSecs", 10);
+ UnregisterWakeLockObserver(this);
+PowerManagerService::ComputeWakeLockState(const WakeLockInformation& aWakeLockInfo,
+ nsAString &aState)
+ WakeLockState state = hal::ComputeWakeLockState(aWakeLockInfo.numLocks(),
+ aWakeLockInfo.numHidden());
+ switch (state) {
+ aState.AssignLiteral("unlocked");
+ break;
+ aState.AssignLiteral("locked-background");
+ break;
+ aState.AssignLiteral("locked-foreground");
+ break;
+ }
+PowerManagerService::Notify(const WakeLockInformation& aWakeLockInfo)
+ nsAutoString state;
+ ComputeWakeLockState(aWakeLockInfo, state);
+ /**
+ * Copy the listeners list before we walk through the callbacks
+ * because the callbacks may install new listeners. We expect no
+ * more than one listener per window, so it shouldn't be too long.
+ */
+ AutoTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMMozWakeLockListener>, 2> listeners(mWakeLockListeners);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < listeners.Length(); ++i) {
+ listeners[i]->Callback(aWakeLockInfo.topic(), state);
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> obsServ = services::GetObserverService();
+ if (obsServ) {
+ NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(context, "shutdown-persist");
+ obsServ->NotifyObservers(nullptr, "profile-change-net-teardown", context.get());
+ obsServ->NotifyObservers(nullptr, "profile-change-teardown", context.get());
+ obsServ->NotifyObservers(nullptr, "profile-before-change", context.get());
+ obsServ->NotifyObservers(nullptr, "profile-before-change-qm", context.get());
+ obsServ->NotifyObservers(nullptr, "profile-before-change-telemetry", context.get());
+ }
+ LOG_FUNCTION_AND_JS_STACK() // bug 839452
+ StartForceQuitWatchdog(eHalShutdownMode_Reboot, mWatchdogTimeoutSecs);
+ // To synchronize any unsaved user data before rebooting.
+ SyncProfile();
+ hal::Reboot();
+ MOZ_CRASH("hal::Reboot() shouldn't return");
+ LOG_FUNCTION_AND_JS_STACK() // bug 839452
+ StartForceQuitWatchdog(eHalShutdownMode_PowerOff, mWatchdogTimeoutSecs);
+ // To synchronize any unsaved user data before powering off.
+ SyncProfile();
+ hal::PowerOff();
+ MOZ_CRASH("hal::PowerOff() shouldn't return");
+ LOG_FUNCTION_AND_JS_STACK() // bug 839452
+ // FIXME/bug 796826 this implementation is currently gonk-specific,
+ // because it relies on the Gonk to initialize the Gecko processes to
+ // restart B2G. It's better to do it here to have a real "restart".
+ StartForceQuitWatchdog(eHalShutdownMode_Restart, mWatchdogTimeoutSecs);
+ // Ensure all content processes are dead before we continue
+ // restarting. This code is used to restart to apply updates, and
+ // if we don't join all the subprocesses, race conditions can cause
+ // them to see an inconsistent view of the application directory.
+ ContentParent::JoinAllSubprocesses();
+ // To synchronize any unsaved user data before restarting.
+ SyncProfile();
+#ifdef XP_UNIX
+ sync();
+ _exit(0);
+ MOZ_CRASH("_exit() shouldn't return");
+PowerManagerService::AddWakeLockListener(nsIDOMMozWakeLockListener *aListener)
+ if (mWakeLockListeners.Contains(aListener))
+ return NS_OK;
+ mWakeLockListeners.AppendElement(aListener);
+ return NS_OK;
+PowerManagerService::RemoveWakeLockListener(nsIDOMMozWakeLockListener *aListener)
+ mWakeLockListeners.RemoveElement(aListener);
+ return NS_OK;
+PowerManagerService::GetWakeLockState(const nsAString &aTopic, nsAString &aState)
+ WakeLockInformation info;
+ GetWakeLockInfo(aTopic, &info);
+ ComputeWakeLockState(info, aState);
+ return NS_OK;
+PowerManagerService::NewWakeLock(const nsAString& aTopic,
+ nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow,
+ mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv)
+ RefPtr<WakeLock> wakelock = new WakeLock();
+ aRv = wakelock->Init(aTopic, aWindow);
+ if (aRv.Failed()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return wakelock.forget();
+PowerManagerService::NewWakeLock(const nsAString &aTopic,
+ mozIDOMWindow *aWindow,
+ nsISupports **aWakeLock)
+ mozilla::ErrorResult rv;
+ RefPtr<WakeLock> wakelock =
+ NewWakeLock(aTopic, nsPIDOMWindowInner::From(aWindow), rv);
+ if (rv.Failed()) {
+ return rv.StealNSResult();
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventListener> eventListener = wakelock.get();
+ eventListener.forget(aWakeLock);
+ return NS_OK;
+PowerManagerService::NewWakeLockOnBehalfOfProcess(const nsAString& aTopic,
+ ContentParent* aContentParent)
+ RefPtr<WakeLock> wakelock = new WakeLock();
+ nsresult rv = wakelock->Init(aTopic, aContentParent);
+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, nullptr);
+ return wakelock.forget();
+} // namespace power
+} // namespace dom
+} // namespace mozilla