path: root/dom/media/MediaDecoder.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/media/MediaDecoder.h')
1 files changed, 861 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/media/MediaDecoder.h b/dom/media/MediaDecoder.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..825bbbd2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/media/MediaDecoder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,861 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#if !defined(MediaDecoder_h_)
+#define MediaDecoder_h_
+#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
+#include "mozilla/CDMProxy.h"
+#include "mozilla/MozPromise.h"
+#include "mozilla/ReentrantMonitor.h"
+#include "mozilla/StateMirroring.h"
+#include "mozilla/StateWatching.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/AudioChannelBinding.h"
+#include "necko-config.h"
+#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
+#include "nsIObserver.h"
+#include "nsISupports.h"
+#include "nsITimer.h"
+#include "AbstractMediaDecoder.h"
+#include "DecoderDoctorDiagnostics.h"
+#include "MediaDecoderOwner.h"
+#include "MediaEventSource.h"
+#include "MediaMetadataManager.h"
+#include "MediaResource.h"
+#include "MediaResourceCallback.h"
+#include "MediaStatistics.h"
+#include "MediaStreamGraph.h"
+#include "TimeUnits.h"
+#include "SeekTarget.h"
+class nsIStreamListener;
+class nsIPrincipal;
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace dom {
+class Promise;
+class VideoFrameContainer;
+class MediaDecoderStateMachine;
+enum class MediaEventType : int8_t;
+// GetCurrentTime is defined in winbase.h as zero argument macro forwarding to
+// GetTickCount() and conflicts with MediaDecoder::GetCurrentTime implementation.
+#ifdef GetCurrentTime
+#undef GetCurrentTime
+class MediaDecoder : public AbstractMediaDecoder
+ struct SeekResolveValue {
+ bool mAtEnd;
+ };
+ // Used to register with MediaResource to receive notifications which will
+ // be forwarded to MediaDecoder.
+ class ResourceCallback : public MediaResourceCallback {
+ // Throttle calls to MediaDecoder::NotifyDataArrived()
+ // to be at most once per 500ms.
+ static const uint32_t sDelay = 500;
+ public:
+ // Start to receive notifications from ResourceCallback.
+ void Connect(MediaDecoder* aDecoder);
+ // Called upon shutdown to stop receiving notifications.
+ void Disconnect();
+ private:
+ /* MediaResourceCallback functions */
+ MediaDecoderOwner* GetMediaOwner() const override;
+ void SetInfinite(bool aInfinite) override;
+ void NotifyNetworkError() override;
+ void NotifyDecodeError() override;
+ void NotifyDataArrived() override;
+ void NotifyBytesDownloaded() override;
+ void NotifyDataEnded(nsresult aStatus) override;
+ void NotifyPrincipalChanged() override;
+ void NotifySuspendedStatusChanged() override;
+ void NotifyBytesConsumed(int64_t aBytes, int64_t aOffset) override;
+ static void TimerCallback(nsITimer* aTimer, void* aClosure);
+ // The decoder to send notifications. Main-thread only.
+ MediaDecoder* mDecoder = nullptr;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mTimer;
+ bool mTimerArmed = false;
+ };
+ typedef MozPromise<SeekResolveValue, bool /* aIgnored */, /* IsExclusive = */ true> SeekPromise;
+ // Enumeration for the valid play states (see mPlayState)
+ enum PlayState {
+ };
+ // Must be called exactly once, on the main thread, during startup.
+ static void InitStatics();
+ explicit MediaDecoder(MediaDecoderOwner* aOwner);
+ // Return a callback object used to register with MediaResource to receive
+ // notifications.
+ MediaResourceCallback* GetResourceCallback() const;
+ // Create a new decoder of the same type as this one.
+ // Subclasses must implement this.
+ virtual MediaDecoder* Clone(MediaDecoderOwner* aOwner) = 0;
+ // Create a new state machine to run this decoder.
+ // Subclasses must implement this.
+ virtual MediaDecoderStateMachine* CreateStateMachine() = 0;
+ // Cleanup internal data structures. Must be called on the main
+ // thread by the owning object before that object disposes of this object.
+ virtual void Shutdown();
+ // Notified by the shutdown manager that XPCOM shutdown has begun.
+ // The decoder should notify its owner to drop the reference to the decoder
+ // to prevent further calls into the decoder.
+ void NotifyXPCOMShutdown();
+ // Start downloading the media. Decode the downloaded data up to the
+ // point of the first frame of data.
+ // This is called at most once per decoder, after Init().
+ virtual nsresult Load(nsIStreamListener** aListener);
+ // Called in |Load| to open mResource.
+ nsresult OpenResource(nsIStreamListener** aStreamListener);
+ // Called if the media file encounters a network error.
+ void NetworkError();
+ // Get the current MediaResource being used. Its URI will be returned
+ // by currentSrc. Returns what was passed to Load(), if Load() has been called.
+ // Note: The MediaResource is refcounted, but it outlives the MediaDecoder,
+ // so it's OK to use the reference returned by this function without
+ // refcounting, *unless* you need to store and use the reference after the
+ // MediaDecoder has been destroyed. You might need to do this if you're
+ // wrapping the MediaResource in some kind of byte stream interface to be
+ // passed to a platform decoder.
+ MediaResource* GetResource() const final override
+ {
+ return mResource;
+ }
+ void SetResource(MediaResource* aResource)
+ {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ mResource = aResource;
+ }
+ // Return the principal of the current URI being played or downloaded.
+ virtual already_AddRefed<nsIPrincipal> GetCurrentPrincipal();
+ // Return the time position in the video stream being
+ // played measured in seconds.
+ virtual double GetCurrentTime();
+ // Seek to the time position in (seconds) from the start of the video.
+ // If aDoFastSeek is true, we'll seek to the sync point/keyframe preceeding
+ // the seek target.
+ virtual nsresult Seek(double aTime, SeekTarget::Type aSeekType,
+ dom::Promise* aPromise = nullptr);
+ // Initialize state machine and schedule it.
+ nsresult InitializeStateMachine();
+ // Start playback of a video. 'Load' must have previously been
+ // called.
+ virtual nsresult Play();
+ // Notify activity of the decoder owner is changed.
+ virtual void NotifyOwnerActivityChanged(bool aIsVisible);
+ // Pause video playback.
+ virtual void Pause();
+ // Adjust the speed of the playback, optionally with pitch correction,
+ virtual void SetVolume(double aVolume);
+ virtual void SetPlaybackRate(double aPlaybackRate);
+ void SetPreservesPitch(bool aPreservesPitch);
+ // Directs the decoder to not preroll extra samples until the media is
+ // played. This reduces the memory overhead of media elements that may
+ // not be played. Note that seeking also doesn't cause us start prerolling.
+ void SetMinimizePrerollUntilPlaybackStarts();
+ // All MediaStream-related data is protected by mReentrantMonitor.
+ // We have at most one DecodedStreamData per MediaDecoder. Its stream
+ // is used as the input for each ProcessedMediaStream created by calls to
+ // captureStream(UntilEnded). Seeking creates a new source stream, as does
+ // replaying after the input as ended. In the latter case, the new source is
+ // not connected to streams created by captureStreamUntilEnded.
+ // Add an output stream. All decoder output will be sent to the stream.
+ // The stream is initially blocked. The decoder is responsible for unblocking
+ // it while it is playing back.
+ virtual void AddOutputStream(ProcessedMediaStream* aStream, bool aFinishWhenEnded);
+ // Remove an output stream added with AddOutputStream.
+ virtual void RemoveOutputStream(MediaStream* aStream);
+ // Return the duration of the video in seconds.
+ virtual double GetDuration();
+ // Return true if the stream is infinite (see SetInfinite).
+ bool IsInfinite() const;
+ // Called by MediaResource when some data has been received.
+ // Call on the main thread only.
+ virtual void NotifyBytesDownloaded();
+ // Called as data arrives on the stream and is read into the cache. Called
+ // on the main thread only.
+ void NotifyDataArrived();
+ // Return true if we are currently seeking in the media resource.
+ // Call on the main thread only.
+ bool IsSeeking() const;
+ // Return true if the decoder has reached the end of playback.
+ bool IsEnded() const;
+ // Return true if the MediaDecoderOwner's error attribute is not null.
+ // Must be called before Shutdown().
+ bool OwnerHasError() const;
+ already_AddRefed<GMPCrashHelper> GetCrashHelper() override;
+ // Updates the media duration. This is called while the media is being
+ // played, calls before the media has reached loaded metadata are ignored.
+ // The duration is assumed to be an estimate, and so a degree of
+ // instability is expected; if the incoming duration is not significantly
+ // different from the existing duration, the change request is ignored.
+ // If the incoming duration is significantly different, the duration is
+ // changed, this causes a durationchanged event to fire to the media
+ // element.
+ void UpdateEstimatedMediaDuration(int64_t aDuration) override;
+ // Returns true if this media supports random seeking. False for example with
+ // chained ogg files.
+ bool IsMediaSeekable();
+ // Returns true if seeking is supported on a transport level (e.g. the server
+ // supports range requests, we are playing a file, etc.).
+ bool IsTransportSeekable();
+ // Return the time ranges that can be seeked into.
+ virtual media::TimeIntervals GetSeekable();
+ // Set the end time of the media resource. When playback reaches
+ // this point the media pauses. aTime is in seconds.
+ virtual void SetFragmentEndTime(double aTime);
+ // Invalidate the frame.
+ void Invalidate();
+ void InvalidateWithFlags(uint32_t aFlags);
+ // Suspend any media downloads that are in progress. Called by the
+ // media element when it is sent to the bfcache, or when we need
+ // to throttle the download. Call on the main thread only. This can
+ // be called multiple times, there's an internal "suspend count".
+ virtual void Suspend();
+ // Resume any media downloads that have been suspended. Called by the
+ // media element when it is restored from the bfcache, or when we need
+ // to stop throttling the download. Call on the main thread only.
+ // The download will only actually resume once as many Resume calls
+ // have been made as Suspend calls.
+ virtual void Resume();
+ // Moves any existing channel loads into or out of background. Background
+ // loads don't block the load event. This is called when we stop or restart
+ // delaying the load event. This also determines whether any new loads
+ // initiated (for example to seek) will be in the background. This calls
+ // SetLoadInBackground() on mResource.
+ void SetLoadInBackground(bool aLoadInBackground);
+ MediaDecoderStateMachine* GetStateMachine() const;
+ void SetStateMachine(MediaDecoderStateMachine* aStateMachine);
+ // Constructs the time ranges representing what segments of the media
+ // are buffered and playable.
+ virtual media::TimeIntervals GetBuffered();
+ // Returns the size, in bytes, of the heap memory used by the currently
+ // queued decoded video and audio data.
+ size_t SizeOfVideoQueue();
+ size_t SizeOfAudioQueue();
+ // Helper struct for accumulating resource sizes that need to be measured
+ // asynchronously. Once all references are dropped the callback will be
+ // invoked.
+ struct ResourceSizes
+ {
+ typedef MozPromise<size_t, size_t, true> SizeOfPromise;
+ explicit ResourceSizes(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf)
+ : mMallocSizeOf(aMallocSizeOf)
+ , mByteSize(0)
+ , mCallback()
+ {
+ }
+ mozilla::MallocSizeOf mMallocSizeOf;
+ mozilla::Atomic<size_t> mByteSize;
+ RefPtr<SizeOfPromise> Promise()
+ {
+ return mCallback.Ensure(__func__);
+ }
+ ~ResourceSizes()
+ {
+ mCallback.ResolveIfExists(mByteSize, __func__);
+ }
+ MozPromiseHolder<SizeOfPromise> mCallback;
+ };
+ virtual void AddSizeOfResources(ResourceSizes* aSizes);
+ VideoFrameContainer* GetVideoFrameContainer() final override
+ {
+ return mVideoFrameContainer;
+ }
+ layers::ImageContainer* GetImageContainer() override;
+ // Fire timeupdate events if needed according to the time constraints
+ // outlined in the specification.
+ void FireTimeUpdate();
+ // Something has changed that could affect the computed playback rate,
+ // so recompute it. The monitor must be held.
+ virtual void UpdatePlaybackRate();
+ // The actual playback rate computation. The monitor must be held.
+ void ComputePlaybackRate();
+ // Returns true if we can play the entire media through without stopping
+ // to buffer, given the current download and playback rates.
+ virtual bool CanPlayThrough();
+ void SetAudioChannel(dom::AudioChannel aChannel) { mAudioChannel = aChannel; }
+ dom::AudioChannel GetAudioChannel() { return mAudioChannel; }
+ // Called from HTMLMediaElement when owner document activity changes
+ virtual void SetElementVisibility(bool aIsVisible);
+ // Force override the visible state to hidden.
+ // Called from HTMLMediaElement when testing of video decode suspend from mochitests.
+ void SetForcedHidden(bool aForcedHidden);
+ /******
+ * The following methods must only be called on the main
+ * thread.
+ ******/
+ // Change to a new play state. This updates the mState variable and
+ // notifies any thread blocking on this object's monitor of the
+ // change. Call on the main thread only.
+ virtual void ChangeState(PlayState aState);
+ // Called from MetadataLoaded(). Creates audio tracks and adds them to its
+ // owner's audio track list, and implies to video tracks respectively.
+ // Call on the main thread only.
+ void ConstructMediaTracks();
+ // Removes all audio tracks and video tracks that are previously added into
+ // the track list. Call on the main thread only.
+ void RemoveMediaTracks();
+ // Called when the video has completed playing.
+ // Call on the main thread only.
+ void PlaybackEnded();
+ void OnSeekRejected();
+ void OnSeekResolved(SeekResolveValue aVal);
+ void SeekingChanged()
+ {
+ // Stop updating the bytes downloaded for progress notifications when
+ // seeking to prevent wild changes to the progress notification.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ mIgnoreProgressData = mLogicallySeeking;
+ }
+ // Seeking has started. Inform the element on the main thread.
+ void SeekingStarted();
+ void UpdateLogicalPositionInternal();
+ void UpdateLogicalPosition()
+ {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!IsShutdown());
+ // Per spec, offical position remains stable during pause and seek.
+ if (mPlayState == PLAY_STATE_PAUSED || IsSeeking()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ UpdateLogicalPositionInternal();
+ }
+ // Find the end of the cached data starting at the current decoder
+ // position.
+ int64_t GetDownloadPosition();
+ // Notifies the element that decoding has failed.
+ void DecodeError(const MediaResult& aError);
+ // Indicate whether the media is same-origin with the element.
+ void UpdateSameOriginStatus(bool aSameOrigin);
+ MediaDecoderOwner* GetOwner() const override;
+ typedef MozPromise<RefPtr<CDMProxy>, bool /* aIgnored */, /* IsExclusive = */ true> CDMProxyPromise;
+ // Resolved when a CDMProxy is available and the capabilities are known or
+ // rejected when this decoder is about to shut down.
+ RefPtr<CDMProxyPromise> RequestCDMProxy() const;
+ void SetCDMProxy(CDMProxy* aProxy);
+ void EnsureTelemetryReported();
+ static bool IsOggEnabled();
+ static bool IsOpusEnabled();
+ static bool IsWaveEnabled();
+ static bool IsWebMEnabled();
+ static bool IsAndroidMediaPluginEnabled();
+#ifdef MOZ_WMF
+ static bool IsWMFEnabled();
+ // Return statistics. This is used for progress events and other things.
+ // This can be called from any thread. It's only a snapshot of the
+ // current state, since other threads might be changing the state
+ // at any time.
+ MediaStatistics GetStatistics();
+ // Return the frame decode/paint related statistics.
+ FrameStatistics& GetFrameStatistics() { return *mFrameStats; }
+ // Increments the parsed and decoded frame counters by the passed in counts.
+ // Can be called on any thread.
+ virtual void NotifyDecodedFrames(const FrameStatisticsData& aStats) override
+ {
+ GetFrameStatistics().NotifyDecodedFrames(aStats);
+ }
+ void UpdateReadyState()
+ {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!IsShutdown());
+ mOwner->UpdateReadyState();
+ }
+ virtual MediaDecoderOwner::NextFrameStatus NextFrameStatus() { return mNextFrameStatus; }
+ virtual MediaDecoderOwner::NextFrameStatus NextFrameBufferedStatus();
+ // Returns a string describing the state of the media player internal
+ // data. Used for debugging purposes.
+ virtual void GetMozDebugReaderData(nsAString& aString) {}
+ virtual void DumpDebugInfo();
+ virtual ~MediaDecoder();
+ // Called when the first audio and/or video from the media file has been loaded
+ // by the state machine. Call on the main thread only.
+ virtual void FirstFrameLoaded(nsAutoPtr<MediaInfo> aInfo,
+ MediaDecoderEventVisibility aEventVisibility);
+ void SetStateMachineParameters();
+ bool IsShutdown() const;
+ // Called by the state machine to notify the decoder that the duration
+ // has changed.
+ void DurationChanged();
+ // State-watching manager.
+ WatchManager<MediaDecoder> mWatchManager;
+ // Used by the ogg decoder to watch mStateMachineIsShutdown.
+ virtual void ShutdownBitChanged() {}
+ double ExplicitDuration() { return mExplicitDuration.Ref().ref(); }
+ void SetExplicitDuration(double aValue)
+ {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!IsShutdown());
+ mExplicitDuration.Set(Some(aValue));
+ // We Invoke DurationChanged explicitly, rather than using a watcher, so
+ // that it takes effect immediately, rather than at the end of the current task.
+ DurationChanged();
+ }
+ /******
+ * The following members should be accessed with the decoder lock held.
+ ******/
+ // The logical playback position of the media resource in units of
+ // seconds. This corresponds to the "official position" in HTML5. Note that
+ // we need to store this as a double, rather than an int64_t (like
+ // mCurrentPosition), so that |v.currentTime = foo; v.currentTime == foo|
+ // returns true without being affected by rounding errors.
+ double mLogicalPosition;
+ // The current playback position of the underlying playback infrastructure.
+ // This corresponds to the "current position" in HTML5.
+ // We allow omx subclasses to substitute an alternative current position for
+ // usage with the audio offload player.
+ virtual int64_t CurrentPosition() { return mCurrentPosition; }
+ // Official duration of the media resource as observed by script.
+ double mDuration;
+ /******
+ * The following member variables can be accessed from any thread.
+ ******/
+ // Media data resource.
+ RefPtr<MediaResource> mResource;
+ // Amount of buffered data ahead of current time required to consider that
+ // the next frame is available.
+ // An arbitrary value of 250ms is used.
+ static const int DEFAULT_NEXT_FRAME_AVAILABLE_BUFFERED = 250000;
+ // Called when the metadata from the media file has been loaded by the
+ // state machine. Call on the main thread only.
+ void MetadataLoaded(nsAutoPtr<MediaInfo> aInfo,
+ nsAutoPtr<MetadataTags> aTags,
+ MediaDecoderEventVisibility aEventVisibility);
+ MediaEventSource<void>*
+ DataArrivedEvent() override { return &mDataArrivedEvent; }
+ MediaEventSource<RefPtr<layers::KnowsCompositor>>*
+ CompositorUpdatedEvent() override { return &mCompositorUpdatedEvent; }
+ void OnPlaybackEvent(MediaEventType aEvent);
+ void OnPlaybackErrorEvent(const MediaResult& aError);
+ void OnDecoderDoctorEvent(DecoderDoctorEvent aEvent);
+ void OnMediaNotSeekable()
+ {
+ mMediaSeekable = false;
+ }
+ void FinishShutdown();
+ void ConnectMirrors(MediaDecoderStateMachine* aObject);
+ void DisconnectMirrors();
+ MediaEventProducer<void> mDataArrivedEvent;
+ MediaEventProducer<RefPtr<layers::KnowsCompositor>> mCompositorUpdatedEvent;
+ // The state machine object for handling the decoding. It is safe to
+ // call methods of this object from other threads. Its internal data
+ // is synchronised on a monitor. The lifetime of this object is
+ // after mPlayState is LOADING and before mPlayState is SHUTDOWN. It
+ // is safe to access it during this period.
+ //
+ // Explicitly prievate to force access via accessors.
+ RefPtr<MediaDecoderStateMachine> mDecoderStateMachine;
+ RefPtr<ResourceCallback> mResourceCallback;
+ MozPromiseHolder<CDMProxyPromise> mCDMProxyPromiseHolder;
+ RefPtr<CDMProxyPromise> mCDMProxyPromise;
+ // The promise resolving/rejection is queued as a "micro-task" which will be
+ // handled immediately after the current JS task and before any pending JS
+ // tasks.
+ // At the time we are going to resolve/reject a promise, the "seeking" event
+ // task should already be queued but might yet be processed, so we queue one
+ // more task to file the promise resolving/rejection micro-tasks
+ // asynchronously to make sure that the micro-tasks are processed after the
+ // "seeking" event task.
+ void AsyncResolveSeekDOMPromiseIfExists();
+ void AsyncRejectSeekDOMPromiseIfExists();
+ void DiscardOngoingSeekIfExists();
+ virtual void CallSeek(const SeekTarget& aTarget, dom::Promise* aPromise);
+ MozPromiseRequestHolder<SeekPromise> mSeekRequest;
+ RefPtr<dom::Promise> mSeekDOMPromise;
+ // True when seeking or otherwise moving the play position around in
+ // such a manner that progress event data is inaccurate. This is set
+ // during seek and duration operations to prevent the progress indicator
+ // from jumping around. Read/Write on the main thread only.
+ bool mIgnoreProgressData;
+ // True if the stream is infinite (e.g. a webradio).
+ bool mInfiniteStream;
+ // Ensures our media stream has been pinned.
+ void PinForSeek();
+ // Ensures our media stream has been unpinned.
+ void UnpinForSeek();
+ const char* PlayStateStr();
+ void OnMetadataUpdate(TimedMetadata&& aMetadata);
+ // This should only ever be accessed from the main thread.
+ // It is set in the constructor and cleared in Shutdown when the element goes
+ // away. The decoder does not add a reference the element.
+ MediaDecoderOwner* mOwner;
+ // Counters related to decode and presentation of frames.
+ const RefPtr<FrameStatistics> mFrameStats;
+ RefPtr<VideoFrameContainer> mVideoFrameContainer;
+ // Data needed to estimate playback data rate. The timeline used for
+ // this estimate is "decode time" (where the "current time" is the
+ // time of the last decoded video frame).
+ RefPtr<MediaChannelStatistics> mPlaybackStatistics;
+ // True when our media stream has been pinned. We pin the stream
+ // while seeking.
+ bool mPinnedForSeek;
+ // Be assigned from media element during the initialization and pass to
+ // AudioStream Class.
+ dom::AudioChannel mAudioChannel;
+ // True if the decoder has been directed to minimize its preroll before
+ // playback starts. After the first time playback starts, we don't attempt
+ // to minimize preroll, as we assume the user is likely to keep playing,
+ // or play the media again.
+ bool mMinimizePreroll;
+ // True if audio tracks and video tracks are constructed and added into the
+ // track list, false if all tracks are removed from the track list.
+ bool mMediaTracksConstructed;
+ // True if we've already fired metadataloaded.
+ bool mFiredMetadataLoaded;
+ // True if the media is seekable (i.e. supports random access).
+ bool mMediaSeekable = true;
+ // True if the media is only seekable within its buffered ranges
+ // like WebMs with no cues.
+ bool mMediaSeekableOnlyInBufferedRanges = false;
+ // Stores media info, including info of audio tracks and video tracks, should
+ // only be accessed from main thread.
+ nsAutoPtr<MediaInfo> mInfo;
+ // Tracks the visiblity status from HTMLMediaElement
+ bool mElementVisible;
+ // If true, forces the decoder to be considered hidden.
+ bool mForcedHidden;
+ // A listener to receive metadata updates from MDSM.
+ MediaEventListener mTimedMetadataListener;
+ MediaEventListener mMetadataLoadedListener;
+ MediaEventListener mFirstFrameLoadedListener;
+ MediaEventListener mOnPlaybackEvent;
+ MediaEventListener mOnPlaybackErrorEvent;
+ MediaEventListener mOnDecoderDoctorEvent;
+ MediaEventListener mOnMediaNotSeekable;
+ // Whether the state machine is shut down.
+ Mirror<bool> mStateMachineIsShutdown;
+ // Buffered range, mirrored from the reader.
+ Mirror<media::TimeIntervals> mBuffered;
+ // NextFrameStatus, mirrored from the state machine.
+ Mirror<MediaDecoderOwner::NextFrameStatus> mNextFrameStatus;
+ // NB: Don't use mCurrentPosition directly, but rather CurrentPosition().
+ Mirror<int64_t> mCurrentPosition;
+ // Duration of the media resource according to the state machine.
+ Mirror<media::NullableTimeUnit> mStateMachineDuration;
+ // Current playback position in the stream. This is (approximately)
+ // where we're up to playing back the stream. This is not adjusted
+ // during decoder seek operations, but it's updated at the end when we
+ // start playing back again.
+ Mirror<int64_t> mPlaybackPosition;
+ // Used to distinguish whether the audio is producing sound.
+ Mirror<bool> mIsAudioDataAudible;
+ // Volume of playback. 0.0 = muted. 1.0 = full volume.
+ Canonical<double> mVolume;
+ // PlaybackRate and pitch preservation status we should start at.
+ double mPlaybackRate = 1;
+ Canonical<bool> mPreservesPitch;
+ // Media duration according to the demuxer's current estimate.
+ // Note that it's quite bizarre for this to live on the main thread - it would
+ // make much more sense for this to be owned by the demuxer's task queue. But
+ // currently this is only every changed in NotifyDataArrived, which runs on
+ // the main thread. That will need to be cleaned up at some point.
+ Canonical<media::NullableTimeUnit> mEstimatedDuration;
+ // Media duration set explicitly by JS. At present, this is only ever present
+ // for MSE.
+ Canonical<Maybe<double>> mExplicitDuration;
+ // Set to one of the valid play states.
+ // This can only be changed on the main thread while holding the decoder
+ // monitor. Thus, it can be safely read while holding the decoder monitor
+ // OR on the main thread.
+ Canonical<PlayState> mPlayState;
+ // This can only be changed on the main thread while holding the decoder
+ // monitor. Thus, it can be safely read while holding the decoder monitor
+ // OR on the main thread.
+ Canonical<PlayState> mNextState;
+ // True if the decoder is seeking.
+ Canonical<bool> mLogicallySeeking;
+ // True if the media is same-origin with the element. Data can only be
+ // passed to MediaStreams when this is true.
+ Canonical<bool> mSameOriginMedia;
+ // An identifier for the principal of the media. Used to track when
+ // main-thread induced principal changes get reflected on MSG thread.
+ Canonical<PrincipalHandle> mMediaPrincipalHandle;
+ // Estimate of the current playback rate (bytes/second).
+ Canonical<double> mPlaybackBytesPerSecond;
+ // True if mPlaybackBytesPerSecond is a reliable estimate.
+ Canonical<bool> mPlaybackRateReliable;
+ // Current decoding position in the stream. This is where the decoder
+ // is up to consuming the stream. This is not adjusted during decoder
+ // seek operations, but it's updated at the end when we start playing
+ // back again.
+ Canonical<int64_t> mDecoderPosition;
+ // True if the decoder is visible.
+ Canonical<bool> mIsVisible;
+ AbstractCanonical<media::NullableTimeUnit>* CanonicalDurationOrNull() override;
+ AbstractCanonical<double>* CanonicalVolume() {
+ return &mVolume;
+ }
+ AbstractCanonical<bool>* CanonicalPreservesPitch() {
+ return &mPreservesPitch;
+ }
+ AbstractCanonical<media::NullableTimeUnit>* CanonicalEstimatedDuration() {
+ return &mEstimatedDuration;
+ }
+ AbstractCanonical<Maybe<double>>* CanonicalExplicitDuration() {
+ return &mExplicitDuration;
+ }
+ AbstractCanonical<PlayState>* CanonicalPlayState() {
+ return &mPlayState;
+ }
+ AbstractCanonical<PlayState>* CanonicalNextPlayState() {
+ return &mNextState;
+ }
+ AbstractCanonical<bool>* CanonicalLogicallySeeking() {
+ return &mLogicallySeeking;
+ }
+ AbstractCanonical<bool>* CanonicalSameOriginMedia() {
+ return &mSameOriginMedia;
+ }
+ AbstractCanonical<PrincipalHandle>* CanonicalMediaPrincipalHandle() {
+ return &mMediaPrincipalHandle;
+ }
+ AbstractCanonical<double>* CanonicalPlaybackBytesPerSecond() {
+ return &mPlaybackBytesPerSecond;
+ }
+ AbstractCanonical<bool>* CanonicalPlaybackRateReliable() {
+ return &mPlaybackRateReliable;
+ }
+ AbstractCanonical<int64_t>* CanonicalDecoderPosition() {
+ return &mDecoderPosition;
+ }
+ AbstractCanonical<bool>* CanonicalIsVisible() {
+ return &mIsVisible;
+ }
+ // Notify owner when the audible state changed
+ void NotifyAudibleStateChanged();
+ /* Functions called by ResourceCallback */
+ // A media stream is assumed to be infinite if the metadata doesn't
+ // contain the duration, and range requests are not supported, and
+ // no headers give a hint of a possible duration (Content-Length,
+ // Content-Duration, and variants), and we cannot seek in the media
+ // stream to determine the duration.
+ //
+ // When the media stream ends, we can know the duration, thus the stream is
+ // no longer considered to be infinite.
+ void SetInfinite(bool aInfinite);
+ // Called by MediaResource when the principal of the resource has
+ // changed. Called on main thread only.
+ void NotifyPrincipalChanged();
+ // Called by MediaResource when the "cache suspended" status changes.
+ // If MediaResource::IsSuspendedByCache returns true, then the decoder
+ // should stop buffering or otherwise waiting for download progress and
+ // start consuming data, if possible, because the cache is full.
+ void NotifySuspendedStatusChanged();
+ // Called by the MediaResource to keep track of the number of bytes read
+ // from the resource. Called on the main by an event runner dispatched
+ // by the MediaResource read functions.
+ void NotifyBytesConsumed(int64_t aBytes, int64_t aOffset);
+ // Called by nsChannelToPipeListener or MediaResource when the
+ // download has ended. Called on the main thread only. aStatus is
+ // the result from OnStopRequest.
+ void NotifyDownloadEnded(nsresult aStatus);
+ bool mTelemetryReported;
+} // namespace mozilla