path: root/dom/ipc/TabChild.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/ipc/TabChild.h')
1 files changed, 818 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/ipc/TabChild.h b/dom/ipc/TabChild.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b23c7c19e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/ipc/TabChild.h
@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef mozilla_dom_TabChild_h
+#define mozilla_dom_TabChild_h
+#include "mozilla/dom/PBrowserChild.h"
+#include "nsIWebNavigation.h"
+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
+#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
+#include "nsIWebBrowserChrome2.h"
+#include "nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow.h"
+#include "nsIWebBrowserChromeFocus.h"
+#include "nsIDOMEventListener.h"
+#include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h"
+#include "nsIWindowProvider.h"
+#include "nsIDOMWindow.h"
+#include "nsIDocShell.h"
+#include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h"
+#include "nsFrameMessageManager.h"
+#include "nsIPresShell.h"
+#include "nsIScriptObjectPrincipal.h"
+#include "nsWeakReference.h"
+#include "nsITabChild.h"
+#include "nsITooltipListener.h"
+#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/TabContext.h"
+#include "mozilla/DOMEventTargetHelper.h"
+#include "mozilla/EventDispatcher.h"
+#include "mozilla/EventForwards.h"
+#include "mozilla/layers/CompositorTypes.h"
+#include "mozilla/layers/APZCCallbackHelper.h"
+#include "nsIWebBrowserChrome3.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/ipc/IdType.h"
+#include "AudioChannelService.h"
+#include "PuppetWidget.h"
+#include "mozilla/layers/GeckoContentController.h"
+#include "nsISHistoryListener.h"
+#include "nsIPartialSHistoryListener.h"
+class nsIDOMWindowUtils;
+class nsIHttpChannel;
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace layout {
+class RenderFrameChild;
+} // namespace layout
+namespace layers {
+class APZChild;
+class APZEventState;
+class AsyncDragMetrics;
+class IAPZCTreeManager;
+class ImageCompositeNotification;
+} // namespace layers
+namespace widget {
+struct AutoCacheNativeKeyCommands;
+} // namespace widget
+namespace plugins {
+class PluginWidgetChild;
+} // namespace plugins
+namespace dom {
+class TabChild;
+class ClonedMessageData;
+class TabChildBase;
+class TabChildGlobal : public DOMEventTargetHelper,
+ public nsIContentFrameMessageManager,
+ public nsIScriptObjectPrincipal,
+ public nsIGlobalObject,
+ public nsSupportsWeakReference
+ explicit TabChildGlobal(TabChildBase* aTabChild);
+ void Init();
+ NS_IMETHOD SendSyncMessage(const nsAString& aMessageName,
+ JS::Handle<JS::Value> aObject,
+ JS::Handle<JS::Value> aRemote,
+ nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
+ JSContext* aCx,
+ uint8_t aArgc,
+ JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval) override
+ {
+ return mMessageManager
+ ? mMessageManager->SendSyncMessage(aMessageName, aObject, aRemote,
+ aPrincipal, aCx, aArgc, aRetval)
+ }
+ NS_IMETHOD SendRpcMessage(const nsAString& aMessageName,
+ JS::Handle<JS::Value> aObject,
+ JS::Handle<JS::Value> aRemote,
+ nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
+ JSContext* aCx,
+ uint8_t aArgc,
+ JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval) override
+ {
+ return mMessageManager
+ ? mMessageManager->SendRpcMessage(aMessageName, aObject, aRemote,
+ aPrincipal, aCx, aArgc, aRetval)
+ }
+ NS_IMETHOD GetContent(mozIDOMWindowProxy** aContent) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetDocShell(nsIDocShell** aDocShell) override;
+ nsresult AddEventListener(const nsAString& aType,
+ nsIDOMEventListener* aListener,
+ bool aUseCapture)
+ {
+ // By default add listeners only for trusted events!
+ return DOMEventTargetHelper::AddEventListener(aType, aListener,
+ aUseCapture, false, 2);
+ }
+ using DOMEventTargetHelper::AddEventListener;
+ NS_IMETHOD AddEventListener(const nsAString& aType,
+ nsIDOMEventListener* aListener,
+ bool aUseCapture, bool aWantsUntrusted,
+ uint8_t optional_argc) override
+ {
+ return DOMEventTargetHelper::AddEventListener(aType, aListener,
+ aUseCapture,
+ aWantsUntrusted,
+ optional_argc);
+ }
+ nsresult
+ PreHandleEvent(EventChainPreVisitor& aVisitor) override
+ {
+ aVisitor.mForceContentDispatch = true;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ virtual nsIPrincipal* GetPrincipal() override;
+ virtual JSObject* GetGlobalJSObject() override;
+ virtual JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override
+ {
+ MOZ_CRASH("TabChildGlobal doesn't use DOM bindings!");
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentFrameMessageManager> mMessageManager;
+ RefPtr<TabChildBase> mTabChild;
+ ~TabChildGlobal();
+class ContentListener final : public nsIDOMEventListener
+ explicit ContentListener(TabChild* aTabChild) : mTabChild(aTabChild) {}
+ ~ContentListener() {}
+ TabChild* mTabChild;
+ * Listens on session history change, and sends NotifySessionHistoryChange to
+ * parent process.
+ */
+class TabChildSHistoryListener final : public nsISHistoryListener,
+ public nsIPartialSHistoryListener,
+ public nsSupportsWeakReference
+ explicit TabChildSHistoryListener(TabChild* aTabChild) : mTabChild(aTabChild) {}
+ void ClearTabChild() { mTabChild = nullptr; }
+ ~TabChildSHistoryListener() {}
+ TabChild* mTabChild;
+// This is base clase which helps to share Viewport and touch related
+// functionality between b2g/android FF/embedlite clients implementation.
+// It make sense to place in this class all helper functions, and functionality
+// which could be shared between Cross-process/Cross-thread implmentations.
+class TabChildBase : public nsISupports,
+ public nsMessageManagerScriptExecutor,
+ public ipc::MessageManagerCallback
+ typedef mozilla::widget::PuppetWidget PuppetWidget;
+ TabChildBase();
+ virtual nsIWebNavigation* WebNavigation() const = 0;
+ virtual PuppetWidget* WebWidget() = 0;
+ nsIPrincipal* GetPrincipal() { return mPrincipal; }
+ virtual bool DoUpdateZoomConstraints(const uint32_t& aPresShellId,
+ const mozilla::layers::FrameMetrics::ViewID& aViewId,
+ const Maybe<mozilla::layers::ZoomConstraints>& aConstraints) = 0;
+ virtual ScreenIntSize GetInnerSize() = 0;
+ // Get the Document for the top-level window in this tab.
+ already_AddRefed<nsIDocument> GetDocument() const;
+ // Get the pres-shell of the document for the top-level window in this tab.
+ already_AddRefed<nsIPresShell> GetPresShell() const;
+ virtual ~TabChildBase();
+ // Wraps up a JSON object as a structured clone and sends it to the browser
+ // chrome script.
+ //
+ // XXX/bug 780335: Do the work the browser chrome script does in C++ instead
+ // so we don't need things like this.
+ void DispatchMessageManagerMessage(const nsAString& aMessageName,
+ const nsAString& aJSONData);
+ void ProcessUpdateFrame(const mozilla::layers::FrameMetrics& aFrameMetrics);
+ bool UpdateFrameHandler(const mozilla::layers::FrameMetrics& aFrameMetrics);
+ RefPtr<TabChildGlobal> mTabChildGlobal;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowserChrome3> mWebBrowserChrome;
+class TabChild final : public TabChildBase,
+ public PBrowserChild,
+ public nsIWebBrowserChrome2,
+ public nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow,
+ public nsIWebBrowserChromeFocus,
+ public nsIInterfaceRequestor,
+ public nsIWindowProvider,
+ public nsSupportsWeakReference,
+ public nsITabChild,
+ public nsIObserver,
+ public TabContext,
+ public nsITooltipListener,
+ public mozilla::ipc::IShmemAllocator
+ typedef mozilla::dom::ClonedMessageData ClonedMessageData;
+ typedef mozilla::layout::RenderFrameChild RenderFrameChild;
+ typedef mozilla::layers::APZEventState APZEventState;
+ typedef mozilla::layers::SetAllowedTouchBehaviorCallback SetAllowedTouchBehaviorCallback;
+ /**
+ * Find TabChild of aTabId in the same content process of the
+ * caller.
+ */
+ static already_AddRefed<TabChild> FindTabChild(const TabId& aTabId);
+ // Return a list of all active TabChildren.
+ static nsTArray<RefPtr<TabChild>> GetAll();
+ /**
+ * Create a new TabChild object.
+ */
+ TabChild(nsIContentChild* aManager,
+ const TabId& aTabId,
+ const TabContext& aContext,
+ uint32_t aChromeFlags);
+ nsresult Init();
+ /**
+ * This is expected to be called off the critical path to content
+ * startup. This is an opportunity to load things that are slow
+ * on the critical path.
+ */
+ static void PreloadSlowThings();
+ /** Return a TabChild with the given attributes. */
+ static already_AddRefed<TabChild>
+ Create(nsIContentChild* aManager, const TabId& aTabId,
+ const TabContext& aContext, uint32_t aChromeFlags);
+ // Let managees query if it is safe to send messages.
+ bool IsDestroyed() const{ return mDestroyed; }
+ const TabId GetTabId() const
+ {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mUniqueId != 0);
+ return mUniqueId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * MessageManagerCallback methods that we override.
+ */
+ virtual bool DoSendBlockingMessage(JSContext* aCx,
+ const nsAString& aMessage,
+ StructuredCloneData& aData,
+ JS::Handle<JSObject *> aCpows,
+ nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
+ nsTArray<StructuredCloneData>* aRetVal,
+ bool aIsSync) override;
+ virtual nsresult DoSendAsyncMessage(JSContext* aCx,
+ const nsAString& aMessage,
+ StructuredCloneData& aData,
+ JS::Handle<JSObject *> aCpows,
+ nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal) override;
+ virtual bool
+ DoUpdateZoomConstraints(const uint32_t& aPresShellId,
+ const ViewID& aViewId,
+ const Maybe<ZoomConstraints>& aConstraints) override;
+ virtual bool RecvLoadURL(const nsCString& aURI,
+ const ShowInfo& aInfo) override;
+ virtual bool
+ RecvShow(const ScreenIntSize& aSize,
+ const ShowInfo& aInfo,
+ const TextureFactoryIdentifier& aTextureFactoryIdentifier,
+ const uint64_t& aLayersId,
+ PRenderFrameChild* aRenderFrame,
+ const bool& aParentIsActive,
+ const nsSizeMode& aSizeMode) override;
+ virtual bool
+ RecvUpdateDimensions(const CSSRect& aRect,
+ const CSSSize& aSize,
+ const ScreenOrientationInternal& aOrientation,
+ const LayoutDeviceIntPoint& aClientOffset,
+ const LayoutDeviceIntPoint& aChromeDisp) override;
+ virtual bool
+ RecvSizeModeChanged(const nsSizeMode& aSizeMode) override;
+ virtual bool RecvActivate() override;
+ virtual bool RecvDeactivate() override;
+ virtual bool RecvMouseEvent(const nsString& aType,
+ const float& aX,
+ const float& aY,
+ const int32_t& aButton,
+ const int32_t& aClickCount,
+ const int32_t& aModifiers,
+ const bool& aIgnoreRootScrollFrame) override;
+ virtual bool RecvRealMouseMoveEvent(const mozilla::WidgetMouseEvent& aEvent,
+ const ScrollableLayerGuid& aGuid,
+ const uint64_t& aInputBlockId) override;
+ virtual bool RecvSynthMouseMoveEvent(const mozilla::WidgetMouseEvent& aEvent,
+ const ScrollableLayerGuid& aGuid,
+ const uint64_t& aInputBlockId) override;
+ virtual bool RecvRealMouseButtonEvent(const mozilla::WidgetMouseEvent& aEvent,
+ const ScrollableLayerGuid& aGuid,
+ const uint64_t& aInputBlockId) override;
+ virtual bool RecvRealDragEvent(const WidgetDragEvent& aEvent,
+ const uint32_t& aDragAction,
+ const uint32_t& aDropEffect) override;
+ virtual bool
+ RecvRealKeyEvent(const mozilla::WidgetKeyboardEvent& aEvent,
+ const MaybeNativeKeyBinding& aBindings) override;
+ virtual bool RecvMouseWheelEvent(const mozilla::WidgetWheelEvent& aEvent,
+ const ScrollableLayerGuid& aGuid,
+ const uint64_t& aInputBlockId) override;
+ virtual bool RecvRealTouchEvent(const WidgetTouchEvent& aEvent,
+ const ScrollableLayerGuid& aGuid,
+ const uint64_t& aInputBlockId,
+ const nsEventStatus& aApzResponse) override;
+ virtual bool
+ RecvRealTouchMoveEvent(const WidgetTouchEvent& aEvent,
+ const ScrollableLayerGuid& aGuid,
+ const uint64_t& aInputBlockId,
+ const nsEventStatus& aApzResponse) override;
+ virtual bool RecvKeyEvent(const nsString& aType,
+ const int32_t& aKeyCode,
+ const int32_t& aCharCode,
+ const int32_t& aModifiers,
+ const bool& aPreventDefault) override;
+ virtual bool RecvNativeSynthesisResponse(const uint64_t& aObserverId,
+ const nsCString& aResponse) override;
+ virtual bool RecvPluginEvent(const WidgetPluginEvent& aEvent) override;
+ virtual bool
+ RecvCompositionEvent(const mozilla::WidgetCompositionEvent& aEvent) override;
+ virtual bool
+ RecvSelectionEvent(const mozilla::WidgetSelectionEvent& aEvent) override;
+ virtual bool
+ RecvPasteTransferable(const IPCDataTransfer& aDataTransfer,
+ const bool& aIsPrivateData,
+ const IPC::Principal& aRequestingPrincipal) override;
+ virtual bool
+ RecvActivateFrameEvent(const nsString& aType, const bool& aCapture) override;
+ virtual bool RecvLoadRemoteScript(const nsString& aURL,
+ const bool& aRunInGlobalScope) override;
+ virtual bool RecvAsyncMessage(const nsString& aMessage,
+ InfallibleTArray<CpowEntry>&& aCpows,
+ const IPC::Principal& aPrincipal,
+ const ClonedMessageData& aData) override;
+ virtual bool
+ RecvSwappedWithOtherRemoteLoader(const IPCTabContext& aContext) override;
+ virtual PDocAccessibleChild*
+ AllocPDocAccessibleChild(PDocAccessibleChild*, const uint64_t&,
+ const uint32_t&, const IAccessibleHolder&) override;
+ virtual bool DeallocPDocAccessibleChild(PDocAccessibleChild*) override;
+ virtual PDocumentRendererChild*
+ AllocPDocumentRendererChild(const nsRect& aDocumentRect,
+ const gfx::Matrix& aTransform,
+ const nsString& aBggcolor,
+ const uint32_t& aRenderFlags,
+ const bool& aFlushLayout,
+ const nsIntSize& arenderSize) override;
+ virtual bool
+ DeallocPDocumentRendererChild(PDocumentRendererChild* aCctor) override;
+ virtual bool
+ RecvPDocumentRendererConstructor(PDocumentRendererChild* aActor,
+ const nsRect& aDocumentRect,
+ const gfx::Matrix& aTransform,
+ const nsString& aBgcolor,
+ const uint32_t& aRenderFlags,
+ const bool& aFlushLayout,
+ const nsIntSize& aRenderSize) override;
+ virtual PColorPickerChild*
+ AllocPColorPickerChild(const nsString& aTitle,
+ const nsString& aInitialColor) override;
+ virtual bool DeallocPColorPickerChild(PColorPickerChild* aActor) override;
+ virtual PDatePickerChild*
+ AllocPDatePickerChild(const nsString& title, const nsString& initialDate) override;
+ virtual bool DeallocPDatePickerChild(PDatePickerChild* actor) override;
+ virtual PFilePickerChild*
+ AllocPFilePickerChild(const nsString& aTitle, const int16_t& aMode) override;
+ virtual bool
+ DeallocPFilePickerChild(PFilePickerChild* aActor) override;
+ virtual PIndexedDBPermissionRequestChild*
+ AllocPIndexedDBPermissionRequestChild(const Principal& aPrincipal) override;
+ virtual bool
+ DeallocPIndexedDBPermissionRequestChild(PIndexedDBPermissionRequestChild* aActor) override;
+ virtual nsIWebNavigation* WebNavigation() const override
+ {
+ return mWebNav;
+ }
+ virtual PuppetWidget* WebWidget() override { return mPuppetWidget; }
+ /** Return the DPI of the widget this TabChild draws to. */
+ void GetDPI(float* aDPI);
+ void GetDefaultScale(double *aScale);
+ void GetWidgetRounding(int32_t* aRounding);
+ bool IsTransparent() const { return mIsTransparent; }
+ void GetMaxTouchPoints(uint32_t* aTouchPoints);
+ ScreenOrientationInternal GetOrientation() const { return mOrientation; }
+ void SetBackgroundColor(const nscolor& aColor);
+ void NotifyPainted();
+ void RequestNativeKeyBindings(mozilla::widget::AutoCacheNativeKeyCommands* aAutoCache,
+ const WidgetKeyboardEvent* aEvent);
+ /**
+ * Signal to this TabChild that it should be made visible:
+ * activated widget, retained layer tree, etc. (Respectively,
+ * made not visible.)
+ */
+ void MakeVisible();
+ void MakeHidden();
+ nsIContentChild* Manager() const { return mManager; }
+ static inline TabChild*
+ GetFrom(nsIDocShell* aDocShell)
+ {
+ if (!aDocShell) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsITabChild> tc = aDocShell->GetTabChild();
+ return static_cast<TabChild*>(tc.get());
+ }
+ static inline TabChild*
+ GetFrom(mozIDOMWindow* aWindow)
+ {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWebNavigation> webNav = do_GetInterface(aWindow);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell = do_QueryInterface(webNav);
+ return GetFrom(docShell);
+ }
+ static inline TabChild*
+ GetFrom(mozIDOMWindowProxy* aWindow)
+ {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWebNavigation> webNav = do_GetInterface(aWindow);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell = do_QueryInterface(webNav);
+ return GetFrom(docShell);
+ }
+ static TabChild* GetFrom(nsIPresShell* aPresShell);
+ static TabChild* GetFrom(uint64_t aLayersId);
+ uint64_t LayersId() { return mLayersId; }
+ void DidComposite(uint64_t aTransactionId,
+ const TimeStamp& aCompositeStart,
+ const TimeStamp& aCompositeEnd);
+ void DidRequestComposite(const TimeStamp& aCompositeReqStart,
+ const TimeStamp& aCompositeReqEnd);
+ void ClearCachedResources();
+ void InvalidateLayers();
+ void ReinitRendering();
+ void CompositorUpdated(const TextureFactoryIdentifier& aNewIdentifier);
+ static inline TabChild* GetFrom(nsIDOMWindow* aWindow)
+ {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWebNavigation> webNav = do_GetInterface(aWindow);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell = do_QueryInterface(webNav);
+ return GetFrom(docShell);
+ }
+ virtual bool RecvUIResolutionChanged(const float& aDpi,
+ const int32_t& aRounding,
+ const double& aScale) override;
+ virtual bool
+ RecvThemeChanged(nsTArray<LookAndFeelInt>&& aLookAndFeelIntCache) override;
+ virtual bool RecvHandleAccessKey(const WidgetKeyboardEvent& aEvent,
+ nsTArray<uint32_t>&& aCharCodes,
+ const int32_t& aModifierMask) override;
+ virtual bool RecvAudioChannelChangeNotification(const uint32_t& aAudioChannel,
+ const float& aVolume,
+ const bool& aMuted) override;
+ virtual bool RecvSetUseGlobalHistory(const bool& aUse) override;
+ virtual bool RecvHandledWindowedPluginKeyEvent(
+ const mozilla::NativeEventData& aKeyEventData,
+ const bool& aIsConsumed) override;
+ virtual bool RecvPrint(const uint64_t& aOuterWindowID,
+ const PrintData& aPrintData) override;
+ virtual bool RecvUpdateNativeWindowHandle(const uintptr_t& aNewHandle) override;
+ /**
+ * Native widget remoting protocol for use with windowed plugins with e10s.
+ */
+ PPluginWidgetChild* AllocPPluginWidgetChild() override;
+ bool DeallocPPluginWidgetChild(PPluginWidgetChild* aActor) override;
+ nsresult CreatePluginWidget(nsIWidget* aParent, nsIWidget** aOut);
+ LayoutDeviceIntPoint GetClientOffset() const { return mClientOffset; }
+ LayoutDeviceIntPoint GetChromeDisplacement() const { return mChromeDisp; };
+ bool IPCOpen() const { return mIPCOpen; }
+ bool ParentIsActive() const
+ {
+ return mParentIsActive;
+ }
+ bool AsyncPanZoomEnabled() const { return mAsyncPanZoomEnabled; }
+ virtual ScreenIntSize GetInnerSize() override;
+ // Call RecvShow(nsIntSize(0, 0)) and block future calls to RecvShow().
+ void DoFakeShow(const TextureFactoryIdentifier& aTextureFactoryIdentifier,
+ const uint64_t& aLayersId,
+ PRenderFrameChild* aRenderFrame,
+ const ShowInfo& aShowInfo);
+ void ContentReceivedInputBlock(const ScrollableLayerGuid& aGuid,
+ uint64_t aInputBlockId,
+ bool aPreventDefault) const;
+ void SetTargetAPZC(uint64_t aInputBlockId,
+ const nsTArray<ScrollableLayerGuid>& aTargets) const;
+ bool RecvHandleTap(const layers::GeckoContentController::TapType& aType,
+ const LayoutDevicePoint& aPoint,
+ const Modifiers& aModifiers,
+ const ScrollableLayerGuid& aGuid,
+ const uint64_t& aInputBlockId) override;
+ void SetAllowedTouchBehavior(uint64_t aInputBlockId,
+ const nsTArray<TouchBehaviorFlags>& aFlags) const;
+ bool UpdateFrame(const FrameMetrics& aFrameMetrics);
+ bool NotifyAPZStateChange(const ViewID& aViewId,
+ const layers::GeckoContentController::APZStateChange& aChange,
+ const int& aArg);
+ void StartScrollbarDrag(const layers::AsyncDragMetrics& aDragMetrics);
+ void ZoomToRect(const uint32_t& aPresShellId,
+ const FrameMetrics::ViewID& aViewId,
+ const CSSRect& aRect,
+ const uint32_t& aFlags);
+ // Request that the docshell be marked as active.
+ void ForcePaint(uint64_t aLayerObserverEpoch);
+#if defined(XP_WIN) && defined(ACCESSIBILITY)
+ uintptr_t GetNativeWindowHandle() const { return mNativeWindowHandle; }
+ bool TakeIsFreshProcess()
+ {
+ bool wasFreshProcess = mIsFreshProcess;
+ mIsFreshProcess = false;
+ return wasFreshProcess;
+ }
+ virtual ~TabChild();
+ virtual PRenderFrameChild* AllocPRenderFrameChild() override;
+ virtual bool DeallocPRenderFrameChild(PRenderFrameChild* aFrame) override;
+ virtual bool RecvDestroy() override;
+ virtual bool RecvSetDocShellIsActive(const bool& aIsActive,
+ const bool& aIsHidden,
+ const uint64_t& aLayerObserverEpoch) override;
+ virtual bool RecvNavigateByKey(const bool& aForward,
+ const bool& aForDocumentNavigation) override;
+ virtual bool RecvRequestNotifyAfterRemotePaint() override;
+ virtual bool RecvSuppressDisplayport(const bool& aEnabled) override;
+ virtual bool RecvParentActivated(const bool& aActivated) override;
+ virtual bool RecvSetKeyboardIndicators(const UIStateChangeType& aShowAccelerators,
+ const UIStateChangeType& aShowFocusRings) override;
+ virtual bool RecvStopIMEStateManagement() override;
+ virtual bool RecvMenuKeyboardListenerInstalled(
+ const bool& aInstalled) override;
+ virtual bool RecvNotifyAttachGroupedSessionHistory(const uint32_t& aOffset) override;
+ virtual bool RecvNotifyPartialSessionHistoryActive(const uint32_t& aGlobalLength,
+ const uint32_t& aTargetLocalIndex) override;
+ virtual bool RecvNotifyPartialSessionHistoryDeactive() override;
+ virtual bool RecvSetFreshProcess() override;
+ void HandleDoubleTap(const CSSPoint& aPoint, const Modifiers& aModifiers,
+ const ScrollableLayerGuid& aGuid);
+ // Notify others that our TabContext has been updated.
+ //
+ // You should call this after calling TabContext::SetTabContext(). We also
+ // call this during Init().
+ //
+ // @param aIsPreallocated true if this is called for Preallocated Tab.
+ void NotifyTabContextUpdated(bool aIsPreallocated);
+ // Update the frameType on our docshell.
+ void UpdateFrameType();
+ void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason why) override;
+ bool InitTabChildGlobal(FrameScriptLoading aScriptLoading = DEFAULT_LOAD_SCRIPTS);
+ bool InitRenderingState(const TextureFactoryIdentifier& aTextureFactoryIdentifier,
+ const uint64_t& aLayersId,
+ PRenderFrameChild* aRenderFrame);
+ void DestroyWindow();
+ void SetProcessNameToAppName();
+ void ApplyShowInfo(const ShowInfo& aInfo);
+ bool HasValidInnerSize();
+ void SetTabId(const TabId& aTabId);
+ ScreenIntRect GetOuterRect();
+ void SetUnscaledInnerSize(const CSSSize& aSize)
+ {
+ mUnscaledInnerSize = aSize;
+ }
+ class DelayedDeleteRunnable;
+ TextureFactoryIdentifier mTextureFactoryIdentifier;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWebNavigation> mWebNav;
+ RefPtr<PuppetWidget> mPuppetWidget;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mLastURI;
+ RenderFrameChild* mRemoteFrame;
+ RefPtr<nsIContentChild> mManager;
+ RefPtr<TabChildSHistoryListener> mHistoryListener;
+ uint32_t mChromeFlags;
+ int32_t mActiveSuppressDisplayport;
+ uint64_t mLayersId;
+ CSSRect mUnscaledOuterRect;
+ nscolor mLastBackgroundColor;
+ bool mDidFakeShow;
+ bool mNotified;
+ bool mTriedBrowserInit;
+ ScreenOrientationInternal mOrientation;
+ bool mIgnoreKeyPressEvent;
+ RefPtr<APZEventState> mAPZEventState;
+ SetAllowedTouchBehaviorCallback mSetAllowedTouchBehaviorCallback;
+ bool mHasValidInnerSize;
+ bool mDestroyed;
+ // Position of client area relative to the outer window
+ LayoutDeviceIntPoint mClientOffset;
+ // Position of tab, relative to parent widget (typically the window)
+ LayoutDeviceIntPoint mChromeDisp;
+ TabId mUniqueId;
+ friend class ContentChild;
+ float mDPI;
+ int32_t mRounding;
+ double mDefaultScale;
+ bool mIsTransparent;
+ bool mIPCOpen;
+ bool mParentIsActive;
+ bool mAsyncPanZoomEnabled;
+ CSSSize mUnscaledInnerSize;
+ bool mDidSetRealShowInfo;
+ bool mDidLoadURLInit;
+ bool mIsFreshProcess;
+ AutoTArray<bool, NUMBER_OF_AUDIO_CHANNELS> mAudioChannelsActive;
+ RefPtr<layers::IAPZCTreeManager> mApzcTreeManager;
+ // APZChild clears this pointer from its destructor, so it shouldn't be a
+ // dangling pointer.
+ layers::APZChild* mAPZChild;
+ // The most recently seen layer observer epoch in RecvSetDocShellIsActive.
+ uint64_t mLayerObserverEpoch;
+#if defined(XP_WIN) && defined(ACCESSIBILITY)
+ // The handle associated with the native window that contains this tab
+ uintptr_t mNativeWindowHandle;
+#endif // defined(XP_WIN)
+} // namespace dom
+} // namespace mozilla
+#endif // mozilla_dom_TabChild_h