path: root/dom/ipc/ProcessPriorityManager.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/ipc/ProcessPriorityManager.cpp')
1 files changed, 1454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/ipc/ProcessPriorityManager.cpp b/dom/ipc/ProcessPriorityManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80839796d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/ipc/ProcessPriorityManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1454 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+#include "ProcessPriorityManager.h"
+#include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/ContentParent.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/TabParent.h"
+#include "mozilla/Hal.h"
+#include "mozilla/IntegerPrintfMacros.h"
+#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
+#include "mozilla/Services.h"
+#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
+#include "AudioChannelService.h"
+#include "mozilla/Logging.h"
+#include "nsPrintfCString.h"
+#include "nsXULAppAPI.h"
+#include "nsIFrameLoader.h"
+#include "nsIObserverService.h"
+#include "StaticPtr.h"
+#include "nsIMozBrowserFrame.h"
+#include "nsIObserver.h"
+#include "nsITimer.h"
+#include "nsIPropertyBag2.h"
+#include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h"
+#include "nsCRT.h"
+using namespace mozilla;
+using namespace mozilla::dom;
+using namespace mozilla::hal;
+#ifdef XP_WIN
+#include <process.h>
+#define getpid _getpid
+#include <unistd.h>
+#ifdef LOG
+#undef LOG
+// Use LOGP inside a ParticularProcessPriorityManager method; use LOG
+// everywhere else. LOGP prints out information about the particular process
+// priority manager.
+// (Wow, our logging story is a huge mess.)
+// #define ENABLE_LOGGING 1
+#if defined(ANDROID) && defined(ENABLE_LOGGING)
+# include <android/log.h>
+# define LOG(fmt, ...) \
+ __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, \
+ "Gecko:ProcessPriorityManager", \
+ fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
+# define LOGP(fmt, ...) \
+ __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, \
+ "Gecko:ProcessPriorityManager", \
+ "[%schild-id=%" PRIu64 ", pid=%d] " fmt, \
+ NameWithComma().get(), \
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(ChildID()), Pid(), ## __VA_ARGS__)
+#elif defined(ENABLE_LOGGING)
+# define LOG(fmt, ...) \
+ printf("ProcessPriorityManager - " fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__)
+# define LOGP(fmt, ...) \
+ printf("ProcessPriorityManager[%schild-id=%" PRIu64 ", pid=%d] - " \
+ fmt "\n", \
+ NameWithComma().get(), \
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(ChildID()), Pid(), ##__VA_ARGS__)
+ static LogModule*
+ GetPPMLog()
+ {
+ static LazyLogModule sLog("ProcessPriorityManager");
+ return sLog;
+ }
+# define LOG(fmt, ...) \
+ MOZ_LOG(GetPPMLog(), LogLevel::Debug, \
+ ("ProcessPriorityManager - " fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__))
+# define LOGP(fmt, ...) \
+ MOZ_LOG(GetPPMLog(), LogLevel::Debug, \
+ ("ProcessPriorityManager[%schild-id=%" PRIu64 ", pid=%d] - " fmt, \
+ NameWithComma().get(), \
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(ChildID()), Pid(), ##__VA_ARGS__))
+namespace {
+class ParticularProcessPriorityManager;
+class ProcessLRUPool final
+ /**
+ * Creates a new process LRU pool for the specified priority.
+ */
+ explicit ProcessLRUPool(ProcessPriority aPriority);
+ /**
+ * Used to remove a particular process priority manager from the LRU pool
+ * when the associated ContentParent is destroyed or its priority changes.
+ */
+ void Remove(ParticularProcessPriorityManager* aParticularManager);
+ /**
+ * Used to add a particular process priority manager into the LRU pool when
+ * the associated ContentParent's priority changes.
+ */
+ void Add(ParticularProcessPriorityManager* aParticularManager);
+ ProcessPriority mPriority;
+ uint32_t mLRUPoolLevels;
+ nsTArray<ParticularProcessPriorityManager*> mLRUPool;
+ uint32_t CalculateLRULevel(uint32_t aLRUPoolIndex);
+ void AdjustLRUValues(
+ nsTArray<ParticularProcessPriorityManager*>::index_type aStart,
+ bool removed);
+ * This singleton class does the work to implement the process priority manager
+ * in the main process. This class may not be used in child processes. (You
+ * can call StaticInit, but it won't do anything, and GetSingleton() will
+ * return null.)
+ *
+ * ProcessPriorityManager::CurrentProcessIsForeground() and
+ * ProcessPriorityManager::AnyProcessHasHighPriority() which can be called in
+ * any process, are handled separately, by the ProcessPriorityManagerChild
+ * class.
+ */
+class ProcessPriorityManagerImpl final
+ : public nsIObserver
+ , public WakeLockObserver
+ , public nsSupportsWeakReference
+ /**
+ * If we're in the main process, get the ProcessPriorityManagerImpl
+ * singleton. If we're in a child process, return null.
+ */
+ static ProcessPriorityManagerImpl* GetSingleton();
+ static void StaticInit();
+ static bool PrefsEnabled();
+ static bool TestMode();
+ /**
+ * This function implements ProcessPriorityManager::SetProcessPriority.
+ */
+ void SetProcessPriority(ContentParent* aContentParent,
+ ProcessPriority aPriority,
+ uint32_t aLRU = 0);
+ /**
+ * If a magic testing-only pref is set, notify the observer service on the
+ * given topic with the given data. This is used for testing
+ */
+ void FireTestOnlyObserverNotification(const char* aTopic,
+ const nsACString& aData = EmptyCString());
+ /**
+ * Does one of the child processes have priority FOREGROUND_HIGH?
+ */
+ bool ChildProcessHasHighPriority();
+ /**
+ * This must be called by a ParticularProcessPriorityManager when it changes
+ * its priority.
+ */
+ void NotifyProcessPriorityChanged(
+ ParticularProcessPriorityManager* aParticularManager,
+ hal::ProcessPriority aOldPriority);
+ /**
+ * Implements WakeLockObserver, used to monitor wake lock changes in the
+ * main process.
+ */
+ virtual void Notify(const WakeLockInformation& aInfo) override;
+ /**
+ * Prevents processes from changing priority until unfrozen.
+ */
+ void Freeze();
+ /**
+ * Allow process' priorities to change again. This will immediately adjust
+ * processes whose priority change did not happen because of the freeze.
+ */
+ void Unfreeze();
+ /**
+ * Call ShutDown before destroying the ProcessPriorityManager because
+ * WakeLockObserver hols a strong reference to it.
+ */
+ void ShutDown();
+ static bool sPrefsEnabled;
+ static bool sRemoteTabsDisabled;
+ static bool sTestMode;
+ static bool sPrefListenersRegistered;
+ static bool sInitialized;
+ static bool sFrozen;
+ static StaticRefPtr<ProcessPriorityManagerImpl> sSingleton;
+ static void PrefChangedCallback(const char* aPref, void* aClosure);
+ ProcessPriorityManagerImpl();
+ ~ProcessPriorityManagerImpl();
+ DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(ProcessPriorityManagerImpl);
+ void Init();
+ already_AddRefed<ParticularProcessPriorityManager>
+ GetParticularProcessPriorityManager(ContentParent* aContentParent);
+ void ObserveContentParentCreated(nsISupports* aContentParent);
+ void ObserveContentParentDestroyed(nsISupports* aSubject);
+ void ObserveScreenStateChanged(const char16_t* aData);
+ nsDataHashtable<nsUint64HashKey, RefPtr<ParticularProcessPriorityManager> >
+ mParticularManagers;
+ /** True if the main process is holding a high-priority wakelock */
+ bool mHighPriority;
+ /** Contains the PIDs of child processes holding high-priority wakelocks */
+ nsTHashtable<nsUint64HashKey> mHighPriorityChildIDs;
+ /** Contains a pseudo-LRU list of background processes */
+ ProcessLRUPool mBackgroundLRUPool;
+ /** Contains a pseudo-LRU list of background-perceivable processes */
+ ProcessLRUPool mBackgroundPerceivableLRUPool;
+ * This singleton class implements the parts of the process priority manager
+ * that are available from all processes.
+ */
+class ProcessPriorityManagerChild final
+ : public nsIObserver
+ static void StaticInit();
+ static ProcessPriorityManagerChild* Singleton();
+ bool CurrentProcessIsForeground();
+ bool CurrentProcessIsHighPriority();
+ static StaticRefPtr<ProcessPriorityManagerChild> sSingleton;
+ ProcessPriorityManagerChild();
+ ~ProcessPriorityManagerChild() {}
+ DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(ProcessPriorityManagerChild);
+ void Init();
+ hal::ProcessPriority mCachedPriority;
+ * This class manages the priority of one particular process. It is
+ * main-process only.
+ */
+class ParticularProcessPriorityManager final
+ : public WakeLockObserver
+ , public nsIObserver
+ , public nsITimerCallback
+ , public nsSupportsWeakReference
+ ~ParticularProcessPriorityManager();
+ explicit ParticularProcessPriorityManager(ContentParent* aContentParent,
+ bool aFrozen = false);
+ virtual void Notify(const WakeLockInformation& aInfo) override;
+ static void StaticInit();
+ void Init();
+ int32_t Pid() const;
+ uint64_t ChildID() const;
+ bool IsPreallocated() const;
+ /**
+ * Used in logging, this method returns the ContentParent's name followed by
+ * ", ". If we can't get the ContentParent's name for some reason, it
+ * returns an empty string.
+ *
+ * The reference returned here is guaranteed to be live until the next call
+ * to NameWithComma() or until the ParticularProcessPriorityManager is
+ * destroyed, whichever comes first.
+ */
+ const nsAutoCString& NameWithComma();
+ bool HasAppType(const char* aAppType);
+ bool IsExpectingSystemMessage();
+ void OnAudioChannelProcessChanged(nsISupports* aSubject);
+ void OnRemoteBrowserFrameShown(nsISupports* aSubject);
+ void OnTabParentDestroyed(nsISupports* aSubject);
+ void OnFrameloaderVisibleChanged(nsISupports* aSubject);
+ void OnActivityOpened(const char16_t* aData);
+ void OnActivityClosed(const char16_t* aData);
+ ProcessPriority CurrentPriority();
+ ProcessPriority ComputePriority();
+ enum TimeoutPref {
+ };
+ void ScheduleResetPriority(TimeoutPref aTimeoutPref);
+ void ResetPriority();
+ void ResetPriorityNow();
+ void SetPriorityNow(ProcessPriority aPriority, uint32_t aLRU = 0);
+ void Freeze();
+ void Unfreeze();
+ void ShutDown();
+ static uint32_t sBackgroundPerceivableGracePeriodMS;
+ static uint32_t sBackgroundGracePeriodMS;
+ void FireTestOnlyObserverNotification(
+ const char* aTopic,
+ const nsACString& aData = EmptyCString());
+ void FireTestOnlyObserverNotification(
+ const char* aTopic,
+ const char* aData = nullptr);
+ ContentParent* mContentParent;
+ uint64_t mChildID;
+ ProcessPriority mPriority;
+ uint32_t mLRU;
+ bool mHoldsCPUWakeLock;
+ bool mHoldsHighPriorityWakeLock;
+ bool mIsActivityOpener;
+ bool mFrozen;
+ /**
+ * Used to implement NameWithComma().
+ */
+ nsAutoCString mNameWithComma;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mResetPriorityTimer;
+/* static */ bool ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::sInitialized = false;
+/* static */ bool ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::sPrefsEnabled = false;
+/* static */ bool ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::sRemoteTabsDisabled = true;
+/* static */ bool ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::sTestMode = false;
+/* static */ bool ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::sPrefListenersRegistered = false;
+/* static */ bool ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::sFrozen = false;
+/* static */ StaticRefPtr<ProcessPriorityManagerImpl>
+ ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::sSingleton;
+/* static */ uint32_t ParticularProcessPriorityManager::sBackgroundPerceivableGracePeriodMS = 0;
+/* static */ uint32_t ParticularProcessPriorityManager::sBackgroundGracePeriodMS = 0;
+ nsIObserver,
+ nsISupportsWeakReference);
+/* static */ void
+ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::PrefChangedCallback(const char* aPref,
+ void* aClosure)
+ StaticInit();
+ if (!PrefsEnabled() && sSingleton) {
+ sSingleton->ShutDown();
+ sSingleton = nullptr;
+ sInitialized = false;
+ }
+/* static */ bool
+ return sPrefsEnabled && !sRemoteTabsDisabled;
+/* static */ bool
+ return sTestMode;
+/* static */ void
+ if (sInitialized) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // The process priority manager is main-process only.
+ if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) {
+ sInitialized = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!sPrefListenersRegistered) {
+ Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sPrefsEnabled,
+ "dom.ipc.processPriorityManager.enabled");
+ Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sRemoteTabsDisabled,
+ "dom.ipc.tabs.disabled");
+ Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sTestMode,
+ "dom.ipc.processPriorityManager.testMode");
+ }
+ // If IPC tabs aren't enabled at startup, don't bother with any of this.
+ if (!PrefsEnabled()) {
+ LOG("InitProcessPriorityManager bailing due to prefs.");
+ // Run StaticInit() again if the prefs change. We don't expect this to
+ // happen in normal operation, but it happens during testing.
+ if (!sPrefListenersRegistered) {
+ sPrefListenersRegistered = true;
+ Preferences::RegisterCallback(PrefChangedCallback,
+ "dom.ipc.processPriorityManager.enabled");
+ Preferences::RegisterCallback(PrefChangedCallback,
+ "dom.ipc.tabs.disabled");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ sInitialized = true;
+ sSingleton = new ProcessPriorityManagerImpl();
+ sSingleton->Init();
+ ClearOnShutdown(&sSingleton);
+/* static */ ProcessPriorityManagerImpl*
+ if (!sSingleton) {
+ StaticInit();
+ }
+ return sSingleton;
+ : mHighPriority(false)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess());
+ RegisterWakeLockObserver(this);
+ ShutDown();
+ UnregisterWakeLockObserver(this);
+ LOG("Starting up. This is the master process.");
+ // The master process's priority never changes; set it here and then forget
+ // about it. We'll manage only subprocesses' priorities using the process
+ // priority manager.
+ hal::SetProcessPriority(getpid(), PROCESS_PRIORITY_MASTER);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> os = services::GetObserverService();
+ if (os) {
+ os->AddObserver(this, "ipc:content-created", /* ownsWeak */ true);
+ os->AddObserver(this, "ipc:content-shutdown", /* ownsWeak */ true);
+ os->AddObserver(this, "screen-state-changed", /* ownsWeak */ true);
+ }
+ nsISupports* aSubject,
+ const char* aTopic,
+ const char16_t* aData)
+ nsDependentCString topic(aTopic);
+ if (topic.EqualsLiteral("ipc:content-created")) {
+ ObserveContentParentCreated(aSubject);
+ } else if (topic.EqualsLiteral("ipc:content-shutdown")) {
+ ObserveContentParentDestroyed(aSubject);
+ } else if (topic.EqualsLiteral("screen-state-changed")) {
+ ObserveScreenStateChanged(aData);
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ ContentParent* aContentParent)
+ RefPtr<ParticularProcessPriorityManager> pppm;
+ uint64_t cpId = aContentParent->ChildID();
+ mParticularManagers.Get(cpId, &pppm);
+ if (!pppm) {
+ pppm = new ParticularProcessPriorityManager(aContentParent, sFrozen);
+ pppm->Init();
+ mParticularManagers.Put(cpId, pppm);
+ FireTestOnlyObserverNotification("process-created",
+ nsPrintfCString("%lld", cpId));
+ }
+ return pppm.forget();
+ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::SetProcessPriority(ContentParent* aContentParent,
+ ProcessPriority aPriority,
+ uint32_t aLRU)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aContentParent);
+ RefPtr<ParticularProcessPriorityManager> pppm =
+ GetParticularProcessPriorityManager(aContentParent);
+ if (pppm) {
+ pppm->SetPriorityNow(aPriority, aLRU);
+ }
+ nsISupports* aContentParent)
+ // Do nothing; it's sufficient to get the PPPM. But assign to nsRefPtr so we
+ // don't leak the already_AddRefed object.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentParent> cp = do_QueryInterface(aContentParent);
+ RefPtr<ParticularProcessPriorityManager> pppm =
+ GetParticularProcessPriorityManager(cp->AsContentParent());
+ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::ObserveContentParentDestroyed(nsISupports* aSubject)
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPropertyBag2> props = do_QueryInterface(aSubject);
+ props->GetPropertyAsUint64(NS_LITERAL_STRING("childID"), &childID);
+ RefPtr<ParticularProcessPriorityManager> pppm;
+ mParticularManagers.Get(childID, &pppm);
+ if (pppm) {
+ // Unconditionally remove the manager from the pools
+ mBackgroundLRUPool.Remove(pppm);
+ mBackgroundPerceivableLRUPool.Remove(pppm);
+ pppm->ShutDown();
+ mParticularManagers.Remove(childID);
+ mHighPriorityChildIDs.RemoveEntry(childID);
+ }
+ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::ObserveScreenStateChanged(const char16_t* aData)
+ if (NS_LITERAL_STRING("on").Equals(aData)) {
+ sFrozen = false;
+ for (auto iter = mParticularManagers.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
+ iter.UserData()->Unfreeze();
+ }
+ } else {
+ sFrozen = true;
+ for (auto iter = mParticularManagers.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
+ iter.UserData()->Freeze();
+ }
+ }
+ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::ChildProcessHasHighPriority( void )
+ return mHighPriorityChildIDs.Count() > 0;
+ ParticularProcessPriorityManager* aParticularManager,
+ ProcessPriority aOldPriority)
+ ProcessPriority newPriority = aParticularManager->CurrentPriority();
+ bool isPreallocated = aParticularManager->IsPreallocated();
+ !isPreallocated) {
+ mBackgroundLRUPool.Add(aParticularManager);
+ } else if (newPriority != PROCESS_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND &&
+ !isPreallocated) {
+ mBackgroundLRUPool.Remove(aParticularManager);
+ }
+ mBackgroundPerceivableLRUPool.Add(aParticularManager);
+ mBackgroundPerceivableLRUPool.Remove(aParticularManager);
+ }
+ mHighPriorityChildIDs.PutEntry(aParticularManager->ChildID());
+ } else if (newPriority < PROCESS_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND_HIGH &&
+ mHighPriorityChildIDs.RemoveEntry(aParticularManager->ChildID());
+ }
+/* virtual */ void
+ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::Notify(const WakeLockInformation& aInfo)
+ /* The main process always has an ID of 0, if it is present in the wake-lock
+ * information then we explicitly requested a high-priority wake-lock for the
+ * main process. */
+ if (aInfo.topic().EqualsLiteral("high-priority")) {
+ if (aInfo.lockingProcesses().Contains((uint64_t)0)) {
+ mHighPriority = true;
+ } else {
+ mHighPriority = false;
+ }
+ LOG("Got wake lock changed event. "
+ "Now mHighPriorityParent = %d\n", mHighPriority);
+ }
+ nsIObserver,
+ nsITimerCallback,
+ nsISupportsWeakReference);
+ ContentParent* aContentParent, bool aFrozen)
+ : mContentParent(aContentParent)
+ , mChildID(aContentParent->ChildID())
+ , mLRU(0)
+ , mHoldsCPUWakeLock(false)
+ , mHoldsHighPriorityWakeLock(false)
+ , mIsActivityOpener(false)
+ , mFrozen(aFrozen)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess());
+ LOGP("Creating ParticularProcessPriorityManager.");
+ Preferences::AddUintVarCache(&sBackgroundPerceivableGracePeriodMS,
+ "dom.ipc.processPriorityManager.backgroundPerceivableGracePeriodMS");
+ Preferences::AddUintVarCache(&sBackgroundGracePeriodMS,
+ "dom.ipc.processPriorityManager.backgroundGracePeriodMS");
+ RegisterWakeLockObserver(this);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> os = services::GetObserverService();
+ if (os) {
+ os->AddObserver(this, "audio-channel-process-changed", /* ownsWeak */ true);
+ os->AddObserver(this, "remote-browser-shown", /* ownsWeak */ true);
+ os->AddObserver(this, "ipc:browser-destroyed", /* ownsWeak */ true);
+ os->AddObserver(this, "frameloader-visible-changed", /* ownsWeak */ true);
+ os->AddObserver(this, "activity-opened", /* ownsWeak */ true);
+ os->AddObserver(this, "activity-closed", /* ownsWeak */ true);
+ }
+ // This process may already hold the CPU lock; for example, our parent may
+ // have acquired it on our behalf.
+ WakeLockInformation info1, info2;
+ GetWakeLockInfo(NS_LITERAL_STRING("cpu"), &info1);
+ mHoldsCPUWakeLock = info1.lockingProcesses().Contains(ChildID());
+ GetWakeLockInfo(NS_LITERAL_STRING("high-priority"), &info2);
+ mHoldsHighPriorityWakeLock = info2.lockingProcesses().Contains(ChildID());
+ LOGP("Done starting up. mHoldsCPUWakeLock=%d, mHoldsHighPriorityWakeLock=%d",
+ mHoldsCPUWakeLock, mHoldsHighPriorityWakeLock);
+ LOGP("Destroying ParticularProcessPriorityManager.");
+ // Unregister our wake lock observer if ShutDown hasn't been called. (The
+ // wake lock observer takes raw refs, so we don't want to take chances here!)
+ // We don't call UnregisterWakeLockObserver unconditionally because the code
+ // will print a warning if it's called unnecessarily.
+ if (mContentParent) {
+ UnregisterWakeLockObserver(this);
+ }
+/* virtual */ void
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::Notify(const WakeLockInformation& aInfo)
+ if (!mContentParent) {
+ // We've been shut down.
+ return;
+ }
+ bool* dest = nullptr;
+ if (aInfo.topic().EqualsLiteral("cpu")) {
+ dest = &mHoldsCPUWakeLock;
+ } else if (aInfo.topic().EqualsLiteral("high-priority")) {
+ dest = &mHoldsHighPriorityWakeLock;
+ }
+ if (dest) {
+ bool thisProcessLocks = aInfo.lockingProcesses().Contains(ChildID());
+ if (thisProcessLocks != *dest) {
+ *dest = thisProcessLocks;
+ LOGP("Got wake lock changed event. "
+ "Now mHoldsCPUWakeLock=%d, mHoldsHighPriorityWakeLock=%d",
+ mHoldsCPUWakeLock, mHoldsHighPriorityWakeLock);
+ ResetPriority();
+ }
+ }
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject,
+ const char* aTopic,
+ const char16_t* aData)
+ if (!mContentParent) {
+ // We've been shut down.
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsDependentCString topic(aTopic);
+ if (topic.EqualsLiteral("audio-channel-process-changed")) {
+ OnAudioChannelProcessChanged(aSubject);
+ } else if (topic.EqualsLiteral("remote-browser-shown")) {
+ OnRemoteBrowserFrameShown(aSubject);
+ } else if (topic.EqualsLiteral("ipc:browser-destroyed")) {
+ OnTabParentDestroyed(aSubject);
+ } else if (topic.EqualsLiteral("frameloader-visible-changed")) {
+ OnFrameloaderVisibleChanged(aSubject);
+ } else if (topic.EqualsLiteral("activity-opened")) {
+ OnActivityOpened(aData);
+ } else if (topic.EqualsLiteral("activity-closed")) {
+ OnActivityClosed(aData);
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::ChildID() const
+ // We have to cache mContentParent->ChildID() instead of getting it from the
+ // ContentParent each time because after ShutDown() is called, mContentParent
+ // is null. If we didn't cache ChildID(), then we wouldn't be able to run
+ // LOGP() after ShutDown().
+ return mChildID;
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::Pid() const
+ return mContentParent ? mContentParent->Pid() : -1;
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::IsPreallocated() const
+ return mContentParent ? mContentParent->IsPreallocated() : false;
+const nsAutoCString&
+ mNameWithComma.Truncate();
+ if (!mContentParent) {
+ return mNameWithComma; // empty string
+ }
+ nsAutoString name;
+ mContentParent->FriendlyName(name);
+ if (name.IsEmpty()) {
+ return mNameWithComma; // empty string
+ }
+ mNameWithComma = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(name);
+ mNameWithComma.AppendLiteral(", ");
+ return mNameWithComma;
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::OnAudioChannelProcessChanged(nsISupports* aSubject)
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPropertyBag2> props = do_QueryInterface(aSubject);
+ props->GetPropertyAsUint64(NS_LITERAL_STRING("childID"), &childID);
+ if (childID == ChildID()) {
+ ResetPriority();
+ }
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::OnRemoteBrowserFrameShown(nsISupports* aSubject)
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameLoader> fl = do_QueryInterface(aSubject);
+ TabParent* tp = TabParent::GetFrom(fl);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess());
+ if (tp->Manager() != mContentParent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Ignore notifications that aren't from a BrowserOrApp
+ bool isMozBrowserOrApp;
+ fl->GetOwnerIsMozBrowserOrAppFrame(&isMozBrowserOrApp);
+ if (isMozBrowserOrApp) {
+ ResetPriority();
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> os = services::GetObserverService();
+ if (os) {
+ os->RemoveObserver(this, "remote-browser-shown");
+ }
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::OnTabParentDestroyed(nsISupports* aSubject)
+ nsCOMPtr<nsITabParent> tp = do_QueryInterface(aSubject);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess());
+ if (TabParent::GetFrom(tp)->Manager() != mContentParent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ResetPriority();
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::OnFrameloaderVisibleChanged(nsISupports* aSubject)
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameLoader> fl = do_QueryInterface(aSubject);
+ if (mFrozen) {
+ return; // Ignore visibility changes when the screen is off
+ }
+ TabParent* tp = TabParent::GetFrom(fl);
+ if (!tp) {
+ return;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess());
+ if (tp->Manager() != mContentParent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Most of the time when something changes in a process we call
+ // ResetPriority(), giving a grace period before downgrading its priority.
+ // But notice that here don't give a grace period: We call ResetPriorityNow()
+ // instead.
+ //
+ // We do this because we're reacting here to a setVisibility() call, which is
+ // an explicit signal from the process embedder that we should re-prioritize
+ // a process. If we gave a grace period in response to setVisibility()
+ // calls, it would be impossible for the embedder to explicitly prioritize
+ // processes and prevent e.g. the case where we switch which process is in
+ // the foreground and, during the old fg processs's grace period, it OOMs the
+ // new fg process.
+ ResetPriorityNow();
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::OnActivityOpened(const char16_t* aData)
+ uint64_t childID = nsCRT::atoll(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aData).get());
+ if (ChildID() == childID) {
+ LOGP("Marking as activity opener");
+ mIsActivityOpener = true;
+ ResetPriority();
+ }
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::OnActivityClosed(const char16_t* aData)
+ uint64_t childID = nsCRT::atoll(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aData).get());
+ if (ChildID() == childID) {
+ LOGP("Unmarking as activity opener");
+ mIsActivityOpener = false;
+ ResetPriority();
+ }
+ ProcessPriority processPriority = ComputePriority();
+ if (mPriority == PROCESS_PRIORITY_UNKNOWN ||
+ mPriority > processPriority) {
+ // Apps set at a perceivable background priority are often playing media.
+ // Most media will have short gaps while changing tracks between songs,
+ // switching videos, etc. Give these apps a longer grace period so they
+ // can get their next track started, if there is one, before getting
+ // downgraded.
+ } else {
+ ScheduleResetPriority(BACKGROUND_GRACE_PERIOD);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ SetPriorityNow(processPriority);
+ SetPriorityNow(ComputePriority());
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::ScheduleResetPriority(TimeoutPref aTimeoutPref)
+ if (mResetPriorityTimer) {
+ LOGP("ScheduleResetPriority bailing; the timer is already running.");
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t timeout = 0;
+ switch (aTimeoutPref) {
+ timeout = sBackgroundPerceivableGracePeriodMS;
+ break;
+ timeout = sBackgroundGracePeriodMS;
+ break;
+ default:
+ MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Unrecognized timeout pref");
+ break;
+ }
+ LOGP("Scheduling reset timer to fire in %dms.", timeout);
+ mResetPriorityTimer = do_CreateInstance(NS_TIMER_CONTRACTID);
+ mResetPriorityTimer->InitWithCallback(this, timeout, nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::Notify(nsITimer* aTimer)
+ LOGP("Reset priority timer callback; about to ResetPriorityNow.");
+ ResetPriorityNow();
+ mResetPriorityTimer = nullptr;
+ return NS_OK;
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::HasAppType(const char* aAppType)
+ const ManagedContainer<PBrowserParent>& browsers =
+ mContentParent->ManagedPBrowserParent();
+ for (auto iter = browsers.ConstIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
+ nsAutoString appType;
+ TabParent::GetFrom(iter.Get()->GetKey())->GetAppType(appType);
+ if (appType.EqualsASCII(aAppType)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ const ManagedContainer<PBrowserParent>& browsers =
+ mContentParent->ManagedPBrowserParent();
+ for (auto iter = browsers.ConstIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
+ TabParent* tp = TabParent::GetFrom(iter.Get()->GetKey());
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIMozBrowserFrame> bf = do_QueryInterface(tp->GetOwnerElement());
+ if (!bf) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ return mPriority;
+ if ((mHoldsCPUWakeLock || mHoldsHighPriorityWakeLock) &&
+ HasAppType("critical")) {
+ }
+ bool isVisible = false;
+ const ManagedContainer<PBrowserParent>& browsers =
+ mContentParent->ManagedPBrowserParent();
+ for (auto iter = browsers.ConstIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
+ if (TabParent::GetFrom(iter.Get()->GetKey())->IsVisible()) {
+ isVisible = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isVisible) {
+ return HasAppType("inputmethod") ?
+ }
+ if ((mHoldsCPUWakeLock || mHoldsHighPriorityWakeLock) &&
+ IsExpectingSystemMessage()) {
+ }
+ RefPtr<AudioChannelService> service = AudioChannelService::GetOrCreate();
+ if (service && service->ProcessContentOrNormalChannelIsActive(ChildID())) {
+ }
+ParticularProcessPriorityManager::SetPriorityNow(ProcessPriority aPriority,
+ uint32_t aLRU)
+ if (aPriority == PROCESS_PRIORITY_UNKNOWN) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::PrefsEnabled() ||
+ !mContentParent ||
+ mFrozen ||
+ ((mPriority == aPriority) && (mLRU == aLRU))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((mPriority == aPriority) && (mLRU != aLRU)) {
+ mLRU = aLRU;
+ hal::SetProcessPriority(Pid(), mPriority, aLRU);
+ nsPrintfCString processPriorityWithLRU("%s:%d",
+ ProcessPriorityToString(mPriority), aLRU);
+ FireTestOnlyObserverNotification("process-priority-with-LRU-set",
+ processPriorityWithLRU.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ LOGP("Changing priority from %s to %s.",
+ ProcessPriorityToString(mPriority),
+ ProcessPriorityToString(aPriority));
+ ProcessPriority oldPriority = mPriority;
+ mPriority = aPriority;
+ hal::SetProcessPriority(Pid(), mPriority);
+ if (oldPriority != mPriority) {
+ ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::GetSingleton()->
+ NotifyProcessPriorityChanged(this, oldPriority);
+ Unused << mContentParent->SendNotifyProcessPriorityChanged(mPriority);
+ }
+ FireTestOnlyObserverNotification("process-priority-set",
+ ProcessPriorityToString(mPriority));
+ mFrozen = true;
+ mFrozen = false;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mContentParent);
+ UnregisterWakeLockObserver(this);
+ if (mResetPriorityTimer) {
+ mResetPriorityTimer->Cancel();
+ mResetPriorityTimer = nullptr;
+ }
+ mContentParent = nullptr;
+ const char* aTopic,
+ const nsACString& aData /* = EmptyCString() */)
+ if (!TestMode()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> os = services::GetObserverService();
+ nsPrintfCString topic("process-priority-manager:TEST-ONLY:%s", aTopic);
+ LOG("Notifying observer %s, data %s",
+ topic.get(), PromiseFlatCString(aData).get());
+ os->NotifyObservers(nullptr, topic.get(), NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(aData).get());
+ const char* aTopic,
+ const char* aData /* = nullptr */ )
+ if (!ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::TestMode()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ nsAutoCString data;
+ if (aData) {
+ data.AppendASCII(aData);
+ }
+ FireTestOnlyObserverNotification(aTopic, data);
+ const char* aTopic,
+ const nsACString& aData /* = EmptyCString() */)
+ if (!ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::TestMode()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ nsAutoCString data(nsPrintfCString("%lld", ChildID()));
+ if (!aData.IsEmpty()) {
+ data.Append(':');
+ data.Append(aData);
+ }
+ // ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::GetSingleton() is guaranteed not to return
+ // null, since ProcessPriorityManagerImpl is the only class which creates
+ // ParticularProcessPriorityManagers.
+ ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::GetSingleton()->
+ FireTestOnlyObserverNotification(aTopic, data);
+/* static */ void
+ if (!sSingleton) {
+ sSingleton = new ProcessPriorityManagerChild();
+ sSingleton->Init();
+ ClearOnShutdown(&sSingleton);
+ }
+/* static */ ProcessPriorityManagerChild*
+ StaticInit();
+ return sSingleton;
+ nsIObserver)
+ if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ // The process priority should only be changed in child processes; don't even
+ // bother listening for changes if we're in the main process.
+ if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> os = services::GetObserverService();
+ os->AddObserver(this, "ipc:process-priority-changed", /* weak = */ false);
+ }
+ nsISupports* aSubject,
+ const char* aTopic,
+ const char16_t* aData)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!strcmp(aTopic, "ipc:process-priority-changed"));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPropertyBag2> props = do_QueryInterface(aSubject);
+ int32_t priority = static_cast<int32_t>(PROCESS_PRIORITY_UNKNOWN);
+ props->GetPropertyAsInt32(NS_LITERAL_STRING("priority"), &priority);
+ mCachedPriority = static_cast<ProcessPriority>(priority);
+ return NS_OK;
+ return mCachedPriority == PROCESS_PRIORITY_UNKNOWN ||
+ return mCachedPriority == PROCESS_PRIORITY_UNKNOWN ||
+ProcessLRUPool::ProcessLRUPool(ProcessPriority aPriority)
+ : mPriority(aPriority)
+ , mLRUPoolLevels(1)
+ // We set mLRUPoolLevels according to our pref.
+ // This value is used to set background process LRU pool
+ const char* str = ProcessPriorityToString(aPriority);
+ nsPrintfCString pref("dom.ipc.processPriorityManager.%s.LRUPoolLevels", str);
+ Preferences::GetUint(pref.get(), &mLRUPoolLevels);
+ // GonkHal defines OOM_ADJUST_MAX is 15 and b2g.js defines
+ // PROCESS_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND's oom_score_adj is 667 and oom_adj is 10.
+ // This means we can only have at most (15 -10 + 1) = 6 background LRU levels.
+ // Similarly we can have at most 4 background perceivable LRU levels. We
+ // should really be getting rid of oom_adj and just rely on oom_score_adj
+ // only which would lift this constraint.
+ mLRUPoolLevels <= 4);
+ // LRU pool size = 2 ^ (number of background LRU pool levels) - 1
+ uint32_t LRUPoolSize = (1 << mLRUPoolLevels) - 1;
+ LOG("Making %s LRU pool with size(%d)", str, LRUPoolSize);
+ProcessLRUPool::CalculateLRULevel(uint32_t aLRU)
+ // This is used to compute the LRU adjustment for the specified LRU position.
+ // We use power-of-two groups with increasing adjustments that look like the
+ // following:
+ // Priority : LRU0, LRU1
+ // Priority+1: LRU2, LRU3
+ // Priority+2: LRU4, LRU5, LRU6, LRU7
+ // Priority+3: LRU8, LRU9, LRU10, LRU11, LRU12, LRU12, LRU13, LRU14, LRU15
+ // ...
+ // Priority+L-1: 2^(number of LRU pool levels - 1)
+ // (End of buffer)
+ int exp;
+ Unused << frexp(static_cast<double>(aLRU), &exp);
+ uint32_t level = std::max(exp - 1, 0);
+ return std::min(mLRUPoolLevels - 1, level);
+ProcessLRUPool::Remove(ParticularProcessPriorityManager* aParticularManager)
+ nsTArray<ParticularProcessPriorityManager*>::index_type index =
+ mLRUPool.IndexOf(aParticularManager);
+ if (index == nsTArray<ParticularProcessPriorityManager*>::NoIndex) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mLRUPool.RemoveElementAt(index);
+ AdjustLRUValues(index, /* removed */ true);
+ LOG("Remove ChildID(%" PRIu64 ") from %s LRU pool",
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(aParticularManager->ChildID()),
+ ProcessPriorityToString(mPriority));
+ * Adjust the LRU values of all the processes in an LRU pool. When true the
+ * `removed` parameter indicates that the processes were shifted left because
+ * an element was removed; otherwise it means the elements were shifted right
+ * as an element was added.
+ */
+ nsTArray<ParticularProcessPriorityManager*>::index_type aStart,
+ bool removed)
+ uint32_t adj = (removed ? 2 : 1);
+ for (nsTArray<ParticularProcessPriorityManager*>::index_type i = aStart;
+ i < mLRUPool.Length();
+ i++) {
+ /* Check whether i is a power of two. If so, then it crossed a LRU group
+ * boundary and we need to assign its new process priority LRU. Note that
+ * depending on the direction and the bias this test will pick different
+ * elements. */
+ if (((i + adj) & (i + adj - 1)) == 0) {
+ mLRUPool[i]->SetPriorityNow(mPriority, CalculateLRULevel(i + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ProcessLRUPool::Add(ParticularProcessPriorityManager* aParticularManager)
+ // Shift the list in the pool, so we have room at index 0 for the newly added
+ // manager
+ mLRUPool.InsertElementAt(0, aParticularManager);
+ AdjustLRUValues(1, /* removed */ false);
+ LOG("Add ChildID(%" PRIu64 ") into %s LRU pool",
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(aParticularManager->ChildID()),
+ ProcessPriorityToString(mPriority));
+} // namespace
+namespace mozilla {
+/* static */ void
+ ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::StaticInit();
+ ProcessPriorityManagerChild::StaticInit();
+ ParticularProcessPriorityManager::StaticInit();
+/* static */ void
+ProcessPriorityManager::SetProcessPriority(ContentParent* aContentParent,
+ ProcessPriority aPriority)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aContentParent);
+ ProcessPriorityManagerImpl* singleton =
+ ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::GetSingleton();
+ if (singleton) {
+ singleton->SetProcessPriority(aContentParent, aPriority);
+ }
+/* static */ bool
+ return ProcessPriorityManagerChild::Singleton()->
+ CurrentProcessIsForeground();
+/* static */ bool
+ ProcessPriorityManagerImpl* singleton =
+ ProcessPriorityManagerImpl::GetSingleton();
+ if (singleton) {
+ return singleton->ChildProcessHasHighPriority();
+ } else {
+ return ProcessPriorityManagerChild::Singleton()->
+ CurrentProcessIsHighPriority();
+ }
+} // namespace mozilla