path: root/dom/bindings/test/test_promise_rejections_from_jsimplemented.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/bindings/test/test_promise_rejections_from_jsimplemented.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/dom/bindings/test/test_promise_rejections_from_jsimplemented.html b/dom/bindings/test/test_promise_rejections_from_jsimplemented.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 68de079ed..000000000
--- a/dom/bindings/test/test_promise_rejections_from_jsimplemented.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Test for Bug 1107592</title>
- <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
- <script type="application/javascript">
- /** Test for Bug 1107592 **/
- SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
- function checkExn(lineNumber, name, message, code, filename, testNumber, stack, exn) {
- is(exn.lineNumber, lineNumber,
- "Should have the right line number in test " + testNumber);
- is(, name,
- "Should have the right exception name in test " + testNumber);
- is("filename" in exn ? exn.filename : exn.fileName, filename,
- "Should have the right file name in test " + testNumber);
- is(exn.message, message,
- "Should have the right message in test " + testNumber);
- is(exn.code, code, "Should have the right .code in test " + testNumber);
- if (message === "") {
- is(, "InternalError",
- "Should have one of our synthetic exceptions in test " + testNumber);
- }
- is(exn.stack, stack, "Should have the right stack in test " + testNumber);
- }
- function ensurePromiseFail(testNumber, value) {
- ok(false, "Test " + testNumber + " should not have a fulfilled promise");
- }
- function doTest() {
- var t = new TestInterfaceJS();
- /* Async parent frames from pushPrefEnv don't show up in e10s. */
- var isE10S = !SpecialPowers.isMainProcess();
- var asyncStack = SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("javascript.options.asyncstack");
- var ourFile = location.href;
- var unwrapError = "Promise rejection value is a non-unwrappable cross-compartment wrapper.";
- var parentFrame = (asyncStack && !isE10S) ? `Async*@${ourFile}:130:3
-` : "";
- Promise.all([
- t.testPromiseWithThrowingChromePromiseInit().then(
- ensurePromiseFail.bind(null, 1),
- checkExn.bind(null, 49, "InternalError", unwrapError,
- undefined, ourFile, 1,
- `doTest@${ourFile}:49:7
-` +
- parentFrame)),
- t.testPromiseWithThrowingContentPromiseInit(function() {
- thereIsNoSuchContentFunction1();
- }).then(
- ensurePromiseFail.bind(null, 2),
- checkExn.bind(null, 57, "ReferenceError",
- "thereIsNoSuchContentFunction1 is not defined",
- undefined, ourFile, 2,
- `doTest/<@${ourFile}:57:11
-` +
- parentFrame)),
- t.testPromiseWithThrowingChromeThenFunction().then(
- ensurePromiseFail.bind(null, 3),
- checkExn.bind(null, 0, "InternalError", unwrapError, undefined, "", 3, asyncStack ? (`Async*doTest@${ourFile}:67:7
-` +
- parentFrame) : "")),
- t.testPromiseWithThrowingContentThenFunction(function() {
- thereIsNoSuchContentFunction2();
- }).then(
- ensurePromiseFail.bind(null, 4),
- checkExn.bind(null, 73, "ReferenceError",
- "thereIsNoSuchContentFunction2 is not defined",
- undefined, ourFile, 4,
- `doTest/<@${ourFile}:73:11
-` +
- (asyncStack ? `Async*doTest@${ourFile}:72:7
-` : "") +
- parentFrame)),
- t.testPromiseWithThrowingChromeThenable().then(
- ensurePromiseFail.bind(null, 5),
- checkExn.bind(null, 0, "InternalError", unwrapError, undefined, "", 5, asyncStack ? (`Async*doTest@${ourFile}:84:7
-` +
- parentFrame) : "")),
- t.testPromiseWithThrowingContentThenable({
- then: function() { thereIsNoSuchContentFunction3(); }
- }).then(
- ensurePromiseFail.bind(null, 6),
- checkExn.bind(null, 90, "ReferenceError",
- "thereIsNoSuchContentFunction3 is not defined",
- undefined, ourFile, 6,
- `then@${ourFile}:90:32
-` + (asyncStack ? `Async*doTest@${ourFile}:89:7\n` + parentFrame : ""))),
- t.testPromiseWithDOMExceptionThrowingPromiseInit().then(
- ensurePromiseFail.bind(null, 7),
- checkExn.bind(null, 98, "NotFoundError",
- "We are a second DOMException",
- DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR, ourFile, 7,
- `doTest@${ourFile}:98:7
-` +
- parentFrame)),
- t.testPromiseWithDOMExceptionThrowingThenFunction().then(
- ensurePromiseFail.bind(null, 8),
- checkExn.bind(null, asyncStack ? 106 : 0, "NetworkError",
- "We are a third DOMException",
- DOMException.NETWORK_ERR, asyncStack ? ourFile : "", 8,
- (asyncStack ? `Async*doTest@${ourFile}:106:7
-` +
- parentFrame : ""))),
- t.testPromiseWithDOMExceptionThrowingThenable().then(
- ensurePromiseFail.bind(null, 9),
- checkExn.bind(null, asyncStack ? 114 : 0, "TypeMismatchError",
- "We are a fourth DOMException",
- asyncStack ? ourFile : "", 9,
- (asyncStack ? `Async*doTest@${ourFile}:114:7
-` +
- parentFrame : ""))),
- ]).then(SimpleTest.finish,
- function(err) {
- ok(false, "One of our catch statements totally failed with err" + err + ', stack: ' + (err ? err.stack : ''));
- SimpleTest.finish();
- });
- }
- SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({set: [['dom.expose_test_interfaces', true]]},
- doTest);
- </script>
-<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 1107592</a>
-<p id="display"></p>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-<pre id="test">