path: root/dom/audiochannel/AudioChannelService.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/audiochannel/AudioChannelService.h')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/audiochannel/AudioChannelService.h b/dom/audiochannel/AudioChannelService.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b16832b5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/audiochannel/AudioChannelService.h
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef mozilla_dom_audiochannelservice_h__
+#define mozilla_dom_audiochannelservice_h__
+#include "nsIAudioChannelService.h"
+#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
+#include "nsIObserver.h"
+#include "nsTObserverArray.h"
+#include "nsTArray.h"
+#include "AudioChannelAgent.h"
+#include "nsAttrValue.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/AudioChannelBinding.h"
+#include "mozilla/Function.h"
+class nsIRunnable;
+class nsPIDOMWindowOuter;
+struct PRLogModuleInfo;
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace dom {
+class SpeakerManagerService;
+class TabParent;
+#define NUMBER_OF_AUDIO_CHANNELS (uint32_t)AudioChannel::EndGuard_
+class AudioPlaybackConfig
+ AudioPlaybackConfig()
+ : mVolume(1.0)
+ , mMuted(false)
+ , mSuspend(nsISuspendedTypes::NONE_SUSPENDED)
+ {}
+ AudioPlaybackConfig(float aVolume, bool aMuted, uint32_t aSuspended)
+ : mVolume(aVolume)
+ , mMuted(aMuted)
+ , mSuspend(aSuspended)
+ {}
+ void SetConfig(float aVolume, bool aMuted, uint32_t aSuspended)
+ {
+ mVolume = aVolume;
+ mMuted = aMuted;
+ mSuspend = aSuspended;
+ }
+ float mVolume;
+ bool mMuted;
+ uint32_t mSuspend;
+class AudioChannelService final : public nsIAudioChannelService
+ , public nsIObserver
+ /**
+ * eNotAudible : agent is not audible
+ * eMaybeAudible : agent is not audible now, but it might be audible later
+ * eAudible : agent is audible now
+ */
+ enum AudibleState : uint8_t {
+ eNotAudible = 0,
+ eMaybeAudible = 1,
+ eAudible = 2
+ };
+ enum AudioCaptureState : bool {
+ eCapturing = true,
+ eNotCapturing = false
+ };
+ enum AudibleChangedReasons : uint32_t {
+ eVolumeChanged = 0,
+ eDataAudibleChanged = 1,
+ ePauseStateChanged = 2
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the AudioChannelServce singleton.
+ * If AudioChannelServce is not exist, create and return new one.
+ * Only to be called from main thread.
+ */
+ static already_AddRefed<AudioChannelService> GetOrCreate();
+ static bool IsAudioChannelMutedByDefault();
+ static PRLogModuleInfo* GetAudioChannelLog();
+ static bool IsEnableAudioCompeting();
+ /**
+ * Any audio channel agent that starts playing should register itself to
+ * this service, sharing the AudioChannel.
+ */
+ void RegisterAudioChannelAgent(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent,
+ AudibleState aAudible);
+ /**
+ * Any audio channel agent that stops playing should unregister itself to
+ * this service.
+ */
+ void UnregisterAudioChannelAgent(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent);
+ /**
+ * For nested iframes.
+ */
+ void RegisterTabParent(TabParent* aTabParent);
+ void UnregisterTabParent(TabParent* aTabParent);
+ /**
+ * Return the state to indicate this audioChannel for his window should keep
+ * playing/muted/suspended.
+ */
+ AudioPlaybackConfig GetMediaConfig(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow,
+ uint32_t aAudioChannel) const;
+ /**
+ * Called this method when the audible state of the audio playback changed,
+ * it would dispatch the playback event to observers which want to know the
+ * actual audible state of the window.
+ */
+ void AudioAudibleChanged(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent,
+ AudibleState aAudible,
+ AudibleChangedReasons aReason);
+ /* Methods for the BrowserElementAudioChannel */
+ float GetAudioChannelVolume(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow, AudioChannel aChannel);
+ void SetAudioChannelVolume(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow, AudioChannel aChannel,
+ float aVolume);
+ bool GetAudioChannelMuted(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow, AudioChannel aChannel);
+ void SetAudioChannelMuted(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow, AudioChannel aChannel,
+ bool aMuted);
+ bool IsAudioChannelActive(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow, AudioChannel aChannel);
+ /**
+ * Return true if there is a telephony channel active in this process
+ * or one of its subprocesses.
+ */
+ bool TelephonyChannelIsActive();
+ /**
+ * Return true if a normal or content channel is active for the given
+ * process ID.
+ */
+ bool ProcessContentOrNormalChannelIsActive(uint64_t aChildID);
+ /***
+ * AudioChannelManager calls this function to notify the default channel used
+ * to adjust volume when there is no any active channel. if aChannel is -1,
+ * the default audio channel will be used. Otherwise aChannel is casted to
+ * AudioChannel enum.
+ */
+ virtual void SetDefaultVolumeControlChannel(int32_t aChannel,
+ bool aVisible);
+ bool AnyAudioChannelIsActive();
+ void RefreshAgentsVolume(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow);
+ void RefreshAgentsSuspend(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow,
+ nsSuspendedTypes aSuspend);
+ void RefreshAgentsVolumeAndPropagate(AudioChannel aAudioChannel,
+ nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow);
+ // This method needs to know the inner window that wants to capture audio. We
+ // group agents per top outer window, but we can have multiple innerWindow per
+ // top outerWindow (subiframes, etc.) and we have to identify all the agents
+ // just for a particular innerWindow.
+ void SetWindowAudioCaptured(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow,
+ uint64_t aInnerWindowID,
+ bool aCapture);
+ void RegisterSpeakerManager(SpeakerManagerService* aSpeakerManager)
+ {
+ if (!mSpeakerManager.Contains(aSpeakerManager)) {
+ mSpeakerManager.AppendElement(aSpeakerManager);
+ }
+ }
+ void UnregisterSpeakerManager(SpeakerManagerService* aSpeakerManager)
+ {
+ mSpeakerManager.RemoveElement(aSpeakerManager);
+ }
+ static const nsAttrValue::EnumTable* GetAudioChannelTable();
+ static AudioChannel GetAudioChannel(const nsAString& aString);
+ static AudioChannel GetDefaultAudioChannel();
+ static void GetAudioChannelString(AudioChannel aChannel, nsAString& aString);
+ static void GetDefaultAudioChannelString(nsAString& aString);
+ void Notify(uint64_t aWindowID);
+ void ChildStatusReceived(uint64_t aChildID, bool aTelephonyChannel,
+ bool aContentOrNormalChannel, bool aAnyChannel);
+ AudioChannelService();
+ ~AudioChannelService();
+ void RefreshAgents(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow,
+ mozilla::function<void(AudioChannelAgent*)> aFunc);
+ static void CreateServiceIfNeeded();
+ /**
+ * Shutdown the singleton.
+ */
+ static void Shutdown();
+ void MaybeSendStatusUpdate();
+ bool ContentOrNormalChannelIsActive();
+ /* Send the default-volume-channel-changed notification */
+ void SetDefaultVolumeControlChannelInternal(int32_t aChannel,
+ bool aVisible, uint64_t aChildID);
+ void RefreshAgentsAudioFocusChanged(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent);
+ class AudioChannelConfig final : public AudioPlaybackConfig
+ {
+ public:
+ AudioChannelConfig()
+ : AudioPlaybackConfig(1.0, IsAudioChannelMutedByDefault(),
+ nsISuspendedTypes::NONE_SUSPENDED)
+ , mNumberOfAgents(0)
+ {}
+ uint32_t mNumberOfAgents;
+ };
+ class AudioChannelWindow final
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit AudioChannelWindow(uint64_t aWindowID)
+ : mWindowID(aWindowID)
+ , mIsAudioCaptured(false)
+ , mOwningAudioFocus(!AudioChannelService::IsEnableAudioCompeting())
+ {
+ // Workaround for bug1183033, system channel type can always playback.
+ mChannels[(int16_t)AudioChannel::System].mMuted = false;
+ }
+ void AudioFocusChanged(AudioChannelAgent* aNewPlayingAgent);
+ void AudioAudibleChanged(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent,
+ AudibleState aAudible,
+ AudibleChangedReasons aReason);
+ void AppendAgent(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent, AudibleState aAudible);
+ void RemoveAgent(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent);
+ uint64_t mWindowID;
+ bool mIsAudioCaptured;
+ AudioChannelConfig mChannels[NUMBER_OF_AUDIO_CHANNELS];
+ // Raw pointer because the AudioChannelAgent must unregister itself.
+ nsTObserverArray<AudioChannelAgent*> mAgents;
+ nsTObserverArray<AudioChannelAgent*> mAudibleAgents;
+ // Owning audio focus when the window starts playing audible sound, and
+ // lose audio focus when other windows starts playing.
+ bool mOwningAudioFocus;
+ private:
+ void AudioCapturedChanged(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent,
+ AudioCaptureState aCapture);
+ void AppendAudibleAgentIfNotContained(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent,
+ AudibleChangedReasons aReason);
+ void RemoveAudibleAgentIfContained(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent,
+ AudibleChangedReasons aReason);
+ void AppendAgentAndIncreaseAgentsNum(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent);
+ void RemoveAgentAndReduceAgentsNum(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent);
+ bool IsFirstAudibleAgent() const;
+ bool IsLastAudibleAgent() const;
+ void NotifyAudioAudibleChanged(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow,
+ AudibleState aAudible,
+ AudibleChangedReasons aReason);
+ void NotifyChannelActive(uint64_t aWindowID, AudioChannel aChannel,
+ bool aActive);
+ void MaybeNotifyMediaBlocked(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent);
+ void RequestAudioFocus(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent);
+ // We need to do audio competing only when the new incoming agent started.
+ void NotifyAudioCompetingChanged(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent);
+ uint32_t GetCompetingBehavior(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent,
+ int32_t aIncomingChannelType) const;
+ bool IsAgentInvolvingInAudioCompeting(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent) const;
+ bool IsAudioCompetingInSameTab() const;
+ bool IsContainingPlayingAgent(AudioChannelAgent* aAgent) const;
+ bool IsInactiveWindow() const;
+ };
+ AudioChannelWindow*
+ GetOrCreateWindowData(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow);
+ AudioChannelWindow*
+ GetWindowData(uint64_t aWindowID) const;
+ struct AudioChannelChildStatus final
+ {
+ explicit AudioChannelChildStatus(uint64_t aChildID)
+ : mChildID(aChildID)
+ , mActiveTelephonyChannel(false)
+ , mActiveContentOrNormalChannel(false)
+ {}
+ uint64_t mChildID;
+ bool mActiveTelephonyChannel;
+ bool mActiveContentOrNormalChannel;
+ };
+ AudioChannelChildStatus*
+ GetChildStatus(uint64_t aChildID) const;
+ void
+ RemoveChildStatus(uint64_t aChildID);
+ nsTObserverArray<nsAutoPtr<AudioChannelWindow>> mWindows;
+ nsTObserverArray<nsAutoPtr<AudioChannelChildStatus>> mPlayingChildren;
+ nsTArray<SpeakerManagerService*> mSpeakerManager;
+ // Raw pointers because TabParents must unregister themselves.
+ nsTArray<TabParent*> mTabParents;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> mRunnable;
+ uint64_t mDefChannelChildID;
+ // These boolean are used to know if we have to send an status update to the
+ // service running in the main process.
+ bool mTelephonyChannel;
+ bool mContentOrNormalChannel;
+ bool mAnyChannel;
+ // This is needed for IPC comunication between
+ // AudioChannelServiceChild and this class.
+ friend class ContentParent;
+ friend class ContentChild;
+} // namespace dom
+} // namespace mozilla