path: root/config/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config/')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/ b/config/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..47c7dfe30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+#use diagnostics;
+require strict;
+my $dir = $0;
+$dir =~ s/[^\/]*$//;
+push(@INC, "$dir");
+require "Moz/";
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+# Calculate the number of days since Jan. 1, 2000 from a buildid string
+sub daysFromBuildID
+ my ($buildid,) = @_;
+ my ($y, $m, $d, $h) = ($buildid =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/);
+ $d || die("Unrecognized buildid string.");
+ my $secondstodays = 60 * 60 * 24;
+ return sprintf("%d",
+ (POSIX::mktime(00, 00, 00, $d, $m - 1, $y - 1900) -
+ POSIX::mktime(00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 100)) / $secondstodays);
+#Creates version resource file
+#Paramaters are passed on the command line:
+#Example: -MODNAME nsToolkitCompsModule -DEBUG=1
+# DEBUG - Mozilla's global debug variable - tells if its debug version
+# OFFICIAL - tells Mozilla is building a milestone or nightly
+# MSTONE - tells which milestone is being built;
+# OBJDIR - Holds the object directory;
+# MODNAME - tells what the name of the module is like nsBMPModule
+# DEPTH - Holds the path to the root obj dir
+# TOPSRCDIR - Holds the path to the root mozilla dir
+# SRCDIR - Holds module.ver and source
+# BINARY - Holds the name of the binary file
+# DISPNAME - Holds the display name of the built application
+# APPVERSION - Holds the version string of the built application
+# RCINCLUDE - Holds the name of the RC File to include or ""
+# QUIET - Turns off output
+#Description and Comment come from module.ver
+#Bug 23560
+#Get next .ver file entry
+sub getNextEntry
+ while (<VERFILE>)
+ {
+ my $mline = $_;
+ ($mline) = split(/#/,$mline);
+ my ($entry, $value)=split(/=/,$mline,2);
+ if (defined($entry))
+ {
+ if (defined($value))
+ {
+ $entry =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+ $value =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+ return ($entry,$value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+my ($quiet,$objdir,$debug,$official,$milestone,$buildid,$module,$binary,$depth,$rcinclude,$srcdir,$fileversion,$productversion);
+GetOptions( "QUIET" => \$quiet,
+ "DEBUG=s" => \$debug,
+ "OFFICIAL=s" => \$official,
+ "MSTONE=s" => \$milestone,
+ "MODNAME=s" => \$module,
+ "BINARY=s" => \$binary,
+ "DISPNAME=s" => \$displayname,
+ "APPVERSION=s" => \$appversion,
+ "SRCDIR=s" => \$srcdir,
+ "TOPSRCDIR=s" => \$topsrcdir,
+ "DEPTH=s" => \$depth,
+ "RCINCLUDE=s" => \$rcinclude,
+ "OBJDIR=s" => \$objdir);
+if (!defined($debug)) {$debug="";}
+if (!defined($official)) {$official="";}
+if (!defined($milestone)) {$milestone="";}
+if (!defined($module)) {$module="";}
+if (!defined($binary)) {$binary="";}
+if (!defined($displayname)) {$displayname="Mozilla";}
+if (!defined($appversion)) {$appversion=$milestone;}
+if (!defined($depth)) {$depth=".";}
+if (!defined($rcinclude)) {$rcinclude="";}
+if (!defined($objdir)) {$objdir=".";}
+if (!defined($srcdir)) {$srcdir=".";}
+if (!defined($topsrcdir)) {$topsrcdir=".";}
+my $mfversion = "Personal";
+my $mpversion = "Personal";
+my @fileflags = ("0");
+my $comment="";
+my $description="";
+if (!defined($module))
+ $module = $binary;
+ ($module) = split(/\./,$module);
+my $bufferstr=" ";
+my $MILESTONE_FILE = "$topsrcdir/config/milestone.txt";
+my $BUILDID_FILE = "$depth/buildid.h";
+#Read module.ver file
+#Version file overrides for WIN32:
+#Override values obtained from the .ver file
+my $override_comment;
+my $override_description;
+my $override_fileversion;
+my $override_company;
+my $override_mfversion;
+my $override_module;
+my $override_copyright;
+my $override_trademarks;
+my $override_filename;
+my $override_productname;
+my $override_productversion;
+my $override_mpversion;
+if (open(VERFILE, "<$srcdir/module.ver"))
+ my ($a,$b) = getNextEntry();
+ while (defined($a))
+ {
+ if ($a eq "WIN32_MODULE_COMMENT") { $override_comment = $b; }
+ if ($a eq "WIN32_MODULE_DESCRIPTION") { $override_description = $b; }
+ if ($a eq "WIN32_MODULE_FILEVERSION") { $override_fileversion = $b; }
+ if ($a eq "WIN32_MODULE_COMPANYNAME") { $override_company = $b; }
+ if ($a eq "WIN32_MODULE_FILEVERSION_STRING") { $override_mfversion = $b; }
+ if ($a eq "WIN32_MODULE_NAME") { $override_module = $b; }
+ if ($a eq "WIN32_MODULE_COPYRIGHT") { $override_copyright = $b; }
+ if ($a eq "WIN32_MODULE_TRADEMARKS") { $override_trademarks = $b; }
+ if ($a eq "WIN32_MODULE_ORIGINAL_FILENAME") { $override_filename = $b; }
+ if ($a eq "WIN32_MODULE_PRODUCTNAME") { $override_productname = $b; }
+ if ($a eq "WIN32_MODULE_PRODUCTVERSION") { $override_productversion = $b; }
+ if ($a eq "WIN32_MODULE_PRODUCTVERSION_STRING") { $override_mpversion = $b; }
+ ($a,$b) = getNextEntry();
+ }
+ close(VERFILE)
+ if (!$quiet || $quiet ne "1") { print "$bufferstr" . "WARNING: No module.ver file included ($module, $binary). Default values used\n"; }
+#Get rid of trailing and leading whitespace
+$debug =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;
+$comment =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;
+$official =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;
+$milestone =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;
+$description =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;
+$module =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;
+$depth =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;
+$binary =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;
+$displayname =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;
+open(BUILDID, "<", $BUILDID_FILE) || die("Couldn't open buildid file: $BUILDID_FILE");
+$buildid = <BUILDID>;
+$buildid =~ s/^#define MOZ_BUILDID\s+(\S+)\s*$/$1/;
+close BUILDID;
+my $daycount = daysFromBuildID($buildid);
+if ($milestone eq "") {
+ $milestone = Moz::Milestone::getOfficialMilestone($MILESTONE_FILE);
+$mfversion = $mpversion = $milestone;
+if ($appversion eq "") {
+ $appversion = $milestone;
+if ($debug eq "1")
+ push @fileflags, "VS_FF_DEBUG";
+ $mpversion .= " Debug";
+ $mfversion .= " Debug";
+if ($official ne "1") {
+ push @fileflags, "VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD";
+if ($milestone =~ /[a-z]/) {
+ push @fileflags, "VS_FF_PRERELEASE";
+my @mstone = split(/\./,$milestone);
+$mstone[1] =~s/\D.*$//;
+if (!$mstone[2]) {
+ $mstone[2] = "0";
+else {
+ $mstone[2] =~s/\D.*$//;
+$fileversion = $productversion="$mstone[0],$mstone[1],$mstone[2],$daycount";
+my @appver = split(/\./,$appversion);
+for ($j = 1; $j < 4; $j++)
+ if (!$appver[$j]) {
+ $appver[$j] = "0";
+ }
+ else {
+ $appver[$j] =~s/\D.*$//;
+ }
+my $winappversion = "$appver[0],$appver[1],$appver[2],$appver[3]";
+my $copyright = "License: MPL 2";
+my $company = "Mozilla Foundation";
+my $trademarks = "Mozilla";
+my $productname = $displayname;
+if (defined($override_comment)){$override_comment =~ s/\@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME\@/$displayname/g; $comment=$override_comment;}
+if (defined($override_description)){$override_description =~ s/\@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME\@/$displayname/g; $description=$override_description;}
+if (defined($override_fileversion)){$override_fileversion =~ s/\@MOZ_APP_WINVERSION\@/$winappversion/g; $fileversion=$override_fileversion;}
+if (defined($override_mfversion)){$override_mfversion =~ s/\@MOZ_APP_VERSION\@/$appversion/g; $mfversion=$override_mfversion;}
+if (defined($override_company)){$company=$override_company;}
+if (defined($override_module)){$override_module =~ s/\@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME\@/$displayname/g; $module=$override_module;}
+if (defined($override_copyright)){$override_copyright =~ s/\@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME\@/$displayname/g; $copyright=$override_copyright;}
+if (defined($override_trademarks)){$override_trademarks =~ s/\@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME\@/$displayname/g; $trademarks=$override_trademarks;}
+if (defined($override_filename)){$binary=$override_filename;}
+if (defined($override_productname)){$override_productname =~ s/\@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME\@/$displayname/g; $productname=$override_productname;}
+if (defined($override_productversion)){$override_productversion =~ s/\@MOZ_APP_WINVERSION\@/$winappversion/g; $productversion=$override_productversion;}
+if (defined($override_mpversion)){$override_mpversion =~ s/\@MOZ_APP_VERSION\@/$appversion/g; $mpversion=$override_mpversion;}
+#Override section
+open(RCFILE, ">$objdir/module.rc") || die("Can't edit module.rc - It must be locked.\n");
+print RCFILE qq{
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+// Note: if you contain versioning information in an included
+// RC script, it will be discarded
+// Use module.ver to explicitly set these values
+// Do not edit this file. Changes won't affect the build.
+my $versionlevel=0;
+my $insideversion=0;
+if (open(RCINCLUDE, "<$rcinclude"))
+ print RCFILE "// From included resource $rcinclude\n";
+# my $mstring="";
+ while (<RCINCLUDE>)
+ {
+ $_ =~ s/\@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME\@/$displayname/g;
+ print RCFILE $_;
+# my $instr=$_;
+# chomp($instr);
+# $mstring .= "$instr\;";
+ }
+ close(RCINCLUDE);
+# $mstring =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///g;
+# my @mlines = split(/\;/,$mstring);
+# for(@mlines)
+# {
+# my ($nocomment)=split(/\/\//,$_);
+# if (defined($nocomment) && $nocomment ne "")
+# {
+# my ($firststring,$secondstring) = split(/\s+/,$nocomment);
+# if (!defined($firststring)) {$firststring="";}
+# if (!defined($secondstring)) {$secondstring="";}
+# if ($secondstring eq "VERSIONINFO")
+# {
+#if (!$quiet || $quiet ne "1") {
+# print "$bufferstr" . "WARNING: Included RC file ($rcinclude, $module, $binary)\n";
+# print "$bufferstr" . "WARNING: contains versioning information that will be discarded\n";
+# print "$bufferstr" . "WARNING: Remove it and use relevant overrides (in module.ver)\n";
+# $versionlevel = 0;
+# $insideversion = 1;
+# }
+# if ($firststring eq "BEGIN") { $versionlevel++; }
+# if ($secondstring eq "END")
+# {
+# $versionlevel--;
+# if ($insideversion==1 && $versionlevel==0) {$versionlevel=0;}
+# }
+# my $includecheck = $firststring . $secondstring;
+# $includecheck =~ s/<|>/"/g;
+# $includecheck = lc($includecheck);
+# if ($includecheck ne "#include\"winver.h\"")
+# {
+# if ($insideversion == 0 && $versionlevel == 0)
+# {
+# print RCFILE "$nocomment\n";
+# }
+# }
+# }
+# }
+my $fileflags = join(' | ', @fileflags);
+print RCFILE qq{
+// Version
+ FILEVERSION $fileversion
+ PRODUCTVERSION $productversion
+ FILEFLAGS $fileflags
+ BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
+ BLOCK "000004b0"
+ VALUE "Comments", "$comment"
+ VALUE "LegalCopyright", "$copyright"
+ VALUE "CompanyName", "$company"
+ VALUE "FileDescription", "$description"
+ VALUE "FileVersion", "$mfversion"
+ VALUE "ProductVersion", "$mpversion"
+ VALUE "InternalName", "$module"
+ VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "$trademarks"
+ VALUE "OriginalFilename", "$binary"
+ VALUE "ProductName", "$productname"
+ VALUE "BuildID", "$buildid"
+ BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
+ VALUE "Translation", 0x0, 1200