path: root/browser/modules/test/browser_UnsubmittedCrashHandler.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/modules/test/browser_UnsubmittedCrashHandler.js')
1 files changed, 680 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/modules/test/browser_UnsubmittedCrashHandler.js b/browser/modules/test/browser_UnsubmittedCrashHandler.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d78c746b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/modules/test/browser_UnsubmittedCrashHandler.js
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+"use strict";
+ * This suite tests the "unsubmitted crash report" notification
+ * that is seen when we detect pending crash reports on startup.
+ */
+const { UnsubmittedCrashHandler } =
+ Cu.import("resource:///modules/ContentCrashHandlers.jsm", this);
+const { FileUtils } =
+ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm", this);
+const { makeFakeAppDir } =
+ Cu.import("resource://testing-common/AppData.jsm", this);
+const { OS } =
+ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", this);
+const DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // milliseconds
+const SERVER_URL = "";
+ * Returns the directly where the browsing is storing the
+ * pending crash reports.
+ *
+ * @returns nsIFile
+ */
+function getPendingCrashReportDir() {
+ // The fake UAppData directory that makeFakeAppDir provides
+ // is just UAppData under the profile directory.
+ return FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", [
+ "UAppData",
+ "Crash Reports",
+ "pending",
+ ], false);
+ * Synchronously deletes all entries inside the pending
+ * crash report directory.
+ */
+function clearPendingCrashReports() {
+ let dir = getPendingCrashReportDir();
+ let entries = dir.directoryEntries;
+ while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
+ let entry = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile);
+ if (entry.isFile()) {
+ entry.remove(false);
+ }
+ }
+ * Randomly generates howMany crash report .dmp and .extra files
+ * to put into the pending crash report directory. We're not
+ * actually creating real crash reports here, just stubbing
+ * out enough of the files to satisfy our notification and
+ * submission code.
+ *
+ * @param howMany (int)
+ * How many pending crash reports to put in the pending
+ * crash report directory.
+ * @param accessDate (Date, optional)
+ * What date to set as the last accessed time on the created
+ * crash reports. This defaults to the current date and time.
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+function* createPendingCrashReports(howMany, accessDate) {
+ let dir = getPendingCrashReportDir();
+ if (!accessDate) {
+ accessDate = new Date();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper function for creating a file in the pending crash report
+ * directory.
+ *
+ * @param fileName (string)
+ * The filename for the crash report, not including the
+ * extension. This is usually a UUID.
+ * @param extension (string)
+ * The file extension for the created file.
+ * @param accessDate (Date)
+ * The date to set lastAccessed to.
+ * @param contents (string, optional)
+ * Set this to whatever the file needs to contain, if anything.
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+ let createFile = (fileName, extension, accessDate, contents) => {
+ let file = dir.clone();
+ file.append(fileName + "." + extension);
+ file.create(Ci.nsILocalFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE);
+ let promises = [OS.File.setDates(file.path, accessDate)];
+ if (contents) {
+ let encoder = new TextEncoder();
+ let array = encoder.encode(contents);
+ promises.push(OS.File.writeAtomic(file.path, array, {
+ tmpPath: file.path + ".tmp",
+ }));
+ }
+ return Promise.all(promises);
+ }
+ let uuidGenerator = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator);
+ // CrashSubmit expects there to be a ServerURL key-value
+ // pair in the .extra file, so we'll satisfy it.
+ let extraFileContents = "ServerURL=" + SERVER_URL;
+ return Task.spawn(function*() {
+ let uuids = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < howMany; ++i) {
+ let uuid = uuidGenerator.generateUUID().toString();
+ // Strip the {}...
+ uuid = uuid.substring(1, uuid.length - 1);
+ yield createFile(uuid, "dmp", accessDate);
+ yield createFile(uuid, "extra", accessDate, extraFileContents);
+ uuids.push(uuid);
+ }
+ return uuids;
+ });
+ * Returns a Promise that resolves once CrashSubmit starts sending
+ * success notifications for crash submission matching the reportIDs
+ * being passed in.
+ *
+ * @param reportIDs (Array<string>)
+ * The IDs for the reports that we expect CrashSubmit to have sent.
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+function waitForSubmittedReports(reportIDs) {
+ let promises = [];
+ for (let reportID of reportIDs) {
+ let promise = TestUtils.topicObserved("crash-report-status", (subject, data) => {
+ if (data == "success") {
+ let propBag = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPropertyBag2);
+ let dumpID = propBag.getPropertyAsAString("minidumpID");
+ if (dumpID == reportID) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ promises.push(promise);
+ }
+ return Promise.all(promises);
+ * Returns a Promise that resolves once a .dmp.ignore file is created for
+ * the crashes in the pending directory matching the reportIDs being
+ * passed in.
+ *
+ * @param reportIDs (Array<string>)
+ * The IDs for the reports that we expect CrashSubmit to have been
+ * marked for ignoring.
+ * @returns Promise
+ */
+function waitForIgnoredReports(reportIDs) {
+ let dir = getPendingCrashReportDir();
+ let promises = [];
+ for (let reportID of reportIDs) {
+ let file = dir.clone();
+ file.append(reportID + ".dmp.ignore");
+ promises.push(OS.File.exists(file.path));
+ }
+ return Promise.all(promises);
+let gNotificationBox;
+add_task(function* setup() {
+ // Pending crash reports are stored in the UAppData folder,
+ // which exists outside of the profile folder. In order to
+ // not overwrite / clear pending crash reports for the poor
+ // soul who runs this test, we use AppData.jsm to point to
+ // a special made-up directory inside the profile
+ // directory.
+ yield makeFakeAppDir();
+ // We'll assume that the notifications will be shown in the current
+ // browser window's global notification box.
+ gNotificationBox = document.getElementById("global-notificationbox");
+ // If we happen to already be seeing the unsent crash report
+ // notification, it's because the developer running this test
+ // happened to have some unsent reports in their UAppDir.
+ // We'll remove the notification without touching those reports.
+ let notification =
+ gNotificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("pending-crash-reports");
+ if (notification) {
+ notification.close();
+ }
+ let env = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIEnvironment);
+ let oldServerURL = env.get("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_URL");
+ // nsBrowserGlue starts up UnsubmittedCrashHandler automatically
+ // so at this point, it is initialized. It's possible that it
+ // was initialized, but is preffed off, so it's inert, so we
+ // shut it down, make sure it's preffed on, and then restart it.
+ // Note that making the component initialize even when it's
+ // disabled is an intentional choice, as this allows for easier
+ // simulation of startup and shutdown.
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.uninit();
+ yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
+ set: [
+ ["browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.enabled", true],
+ ],
+ });
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.init();
+ registerCleanupFunction(function() {
+ gNotificationBox = null;
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ env.set("MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_URL", oldServerURL);
+ });
+ * Tests that if there are no pending crash reports, then the
+ * notification will not show up.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_no_pending_no_notification() {
+ // Make absolutely sure there are no pending crash reports first...
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.equal(notification, null,
+ "There should not be a notification if there are no " +
+ "pending crash reports");
+ * Tests that there is a notification if there is one pending
+ * crash report.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_one_pending() {
+ yield createPendingCrashReports(1);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should be a notification");
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ * Tests that there is a notification if there is more than one
+ * pending crash report.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_several_pending() {
+ yield createPendingCrashReports(3);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should be a notification");
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ * Tests that there is no notification if the only pending crash
+ * reports are over 28 days old. Also checks that if we put a newer
+ * crash with that older set, that we can still get a notification.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_several_pending() {
+ // Let's create some crash reports from 30 days ago.
+ let oldDate = new Date( - (30 * DAY));
+ yield createPendingCrashReports(3, oldDate);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.equal(notification, null,
+ "There should not be a notification if there are only " +
+ "old pending crash reports");
+ // Now let's create a new one and check again
+ yield createPendingCrashReports(1);
+ notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should be a notification");
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ * Tests that the notification can submit a report.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_can_submit() {
+ let reportIDs = yield createPendingCrashReports(1);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should be a notification");
+ // Attempt to submit the notification by clicking on the submit
+ // button
+ let buttons = notification.querySelectorAll(".notification-button");
+ // ...which should be the first button.
+ let submit = buttons[0];
+ let promiseReports = waitForSubmittedReports(reportIDs);
+ info("Sending crash report");
+ info("Sent!");
+ // We'll not wait for the notification to finish its transition -
+ // we'll just remove it right away.
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ info("Waiting on reports to be received.");
+ yield promiseReports;
+ info("Received!");
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ * Tests that the notification can submit multiple reports.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_can_submit_several() {
+ let reportIDs = yield createPendingCrashReports(3);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should be a notification");
+ // Attempt to submit the notification by clicking on the submit
+ // button
+ let buttons = notification.querySelectorAll(".notification-button");
+ // ...which should be the first button.
+ let submit = buttons[0];
+ let promiseReports = waitForSubmittedReports(reportIDs);
+ info("Sending crash reports");
+ info("Sent!");
+ // We'll not wait for the notification to finish its transition -
+ // we'll just remove it right away.
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ info("Waiting on reports to be received.");
+ yield promiseReports;
+ info("Received!");
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ * Tests that choosing "Send Always" flips the autoSubmit pref
+ * and sends the pending crash reports.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_can_submit_always() {
+ let pref = "browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.autoSubmit2";
+ Assert.equal(Services.prefs.getBoolPref(pref), false,
+ "We should not be auto-submitting by default");
+ let reportIDs = yield createPendingCrashReports(1);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should be a notification");
+ // Attempt to submit the notification by clicking on the send all
+ // button
+ let buttons = notification.querySelectorAll(".notification-button");
+ // ...which should be the second button.
+ let sendAll = buttons[1];
+ let promiseReports = waitForSubmittedReports(reportIDs);
+ info("Sending crash reports");
+ info("Sent!");
+ // We'll not wait for the notification to finish its transition -
+ // we'll just remove it right away.
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ info("Waiting on reports to be received.");
+ yield promiseReports;
+ info("Received!");
+ // Make sure the pref was set
+ Assert.equal(Services.prefs.getBoolPref(pref), true,
+ "The autoSubmit pref should have been set");
+ // And revert back to default now.
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref(pref);
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ * Tests that if the user has chosen to automatically send
+ * crash reports that no notification is displayed to the
+ * user.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_can_auto_submit() {
+ yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [
+ ["browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.autoSubmit2", true],
+ ]});
+ let reportIDs = yield createPendingCrashReports(3);
+ let promiseReports = waitForSubmittedReports(reportIDs);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.equal(notification, null, "There should be no notification");
+ info("Waiting on reports to be received.");
+ yield promiseReports;
+ info("Received!");
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ yield SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
+ * Tests that if the user chooses to dismiss the notification,
+ * then the current pending requests won't cause the notification
+ * to appear again in the future.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_can_ignore() {
+ let reportIDs = yield createPendingCrashReports(3);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should be a notification");
+ // Dismiss the notification by clicking on the "X" button.
+ let anonyNodes = document.getAnonymousNodes(notification)[0];
+ let closeButton = anonyNodes.querySelector(".close-icon");
+ // We'll not wait for the notification to finish its transition -
+ // we'll just remove it right away.
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ yield waitForIgnoredReports(reportIDs);
+ notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.equal(notification, null, "There should be no notification");
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ * Tests that if the notification is shown, then the
+ * lastShownDate is set for today.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_last_shown_date() {
+ yield createPendingCrashReports(1);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should be a notification");
+ let today = UnsubmittedCrashHandler.dateString(new Date());
+ let lastShownDate =
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.getCharPref("lastShownDate");
+ Assert.equal(today, lastShownDate,
+ "Last shown date should be today.");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.clearUserPref("lastShownDate");
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ * Tests that if UnsubmittedCrashHandler is uninit with a
+ * notification still being shown, that
+ * browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.shutdownWhileShowing is
+ * set to true.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_shutdown_while_showing() {
+ yield createPendingCrashReports(1);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should be a notification");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.uninit();
+ let shutdownWhileShowing =
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.getBoolPref("shutdownWhileShowing");
+ Assert.ok(shutdownWhileShowing,
+ "We should have noticed that we uninitted while showing " +
+ "the notification.");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.clearUserPref("shutdownWhileShowing");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.init();
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ * Tests that if UnsubmittedCrashHandler is uninit after
+ * the notification has been closed, that
+ * browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.shutdownWhileShowing is
+ * not set in prefs.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_shutdown_while_not_showing() {
+ let reportIDs = yield createPendingCrashReports(1);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should be a notification");
+ // Dismiss the notification by clicking on the "X" button.
+ let anonyNodes = document.getAnonymousNodes(notification)[0];
+ let closeButton = anonyNodes.querySelector(".close-icon");
+ // We'll not wait for the notification to finish its transition -
+ // we'll just remove it right away.
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ yield waitForIgnoredReports(reportIDs);
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.uninit();
+ Assert.throws(() => {
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.getBoolPref("shutdownWhileShowing");
+ }, "We should have noticed that the notification had closed before " +
+ "uninitting.");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.init();
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ * Tests that if
+ * browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.shutdownWhileShowing is
+ * set and the lastShownDate is today, then we don't decrement
+ * browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.chancesUntilSuppress.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_dont_decrement_chances_on_same_day() {
+ let initChances =
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.getIntPref("chancesUntilSuppress");
+ Assert.ok(initChances > 1, "We should start with at least 1 chance.");
+ yield createPendingCrashReports(1);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should be a notification");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.uninit();
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ let shutdownWhileShowing =
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.getBoolPref("shutdownWhileShowing");
+ Assert.ok(shutdownWhileShowing,
+ "We should have noticed that we uninitted while showing " +
+ "the notification.");
+ let today = UnsubmittedCrashHandler.dateString(new Date());
+ let lastShownDate =
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.getCharPref("lastShownDate");
+ Assert.equal(today, lastShownDate,
+ "Last shown date should be today.");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.init();
+ notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should still be a notification");
+ let chances =
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.getIntPref("chancesUntilSuppress");
+ Assert.equal(initChances, chances,
+ "We should not have decremented chances.");
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ * Tests that if
+ * browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.shutdownWhileShowing is
+ * set and the lastShownDate is before today, then we decrement
+ * browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.chancesUntilSuppress.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_decrement_chances_on_other_day() {
+ let initChances =
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.getIntPref("chancesUntilSuppress");
+ Assert.ok(initChances > 1, "We should start with at least 1 chance.");
+ yield createPendingCrashReports(1);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should be a notification");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.uninit();
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ let shutdownWhileShowing =
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.getBoolPref("shutdownWhileShowing");
+ Assert.ok(shutdownWhileShowing,
+ "We should have noticed that we uninitted while showing " +
+ "the notification.");
+ // Now pretend that the notification was shown yesterday.
+ let yesterday = UnsubmittedCrashHandler.dateString(new Date( - DAY));
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.setCharPref("lastShownDate", yesterday);
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.init();
+ notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.ok(notification, "There should still be a notification");
+ let chances =
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.getIntPref("chancesUntilSuppress");
+ Assert.equal(initChances - 1, chances,
+ "We should have decremented our chances.");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.clearUserPref("chancesUntilSuppress");
+ gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification, true);
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ * Tests that if we've shutdown too many times showing the
+ * notification, and we've run out of chances, then
+ * browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.suppressUntilDate is
+ * set for some days into the future.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_can_suppress_after_chances() {
+ // Pretend that a notification was shown yesterday.
+ let yesterday = UnsubmittedCrashHandler.dateString(new Date( - DAY));
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.setCharPref("lastShownDate", yesterday);
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.setBoolPref("shutdownWhileShowing", true);
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.setIntPref("chancesUntilSuppress", 0);
+ yield createPendingCrashReports(1);
+ let notification =
+ yield UnsubmittedCrashHandler.checkForUnsubmittedCrashReports();
+ Assert.equal(notification, null,
+ "There should be no notification if we've run out of chances");
+ // We should have set suppressUntilDate into the future
+ let suppressUntilDate =
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.getCharPref("suppressUntilDate");
+ let today = UnsubmittedCrashHandler.dateString(new Date());
+ Assert.ok(suppressUntilDate > today,
+ "We should be suppressing until some days into the future.");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.clearUserPref("chancesUntilSuppress");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.clearUserPref("suppressUntilDate");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.clearUserPref("lastShownDate");
+ clearPendingCrashReports();
+ * Tests that if there's a suppression date set, then no notification
+ * will be shown even if there are pending crash reports.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_suppression() {
+ let future = UnsubmittedCrashHandler.dateString(new Date( + (DAY * 5)));
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.setCharPref("suppressUntilDate", future);
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.uninit();
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.init();
+ Assert.ok(UnsubmittedCrashHandler.suppressed,
+ "The UnsubmittedCrashHandler should be suppressed.");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.clearUserPref("suppressUntilDate");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.uninit();
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.init();
+ * Tests that if there's a suppression date set, but we've exceeded
+ * it, then we can show the notification again.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_end_suppression() {
+ let yesterday = UnsubmittedCrashHandler.dateString(new Date( - DAY));
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.setCharPref("suppressUntilDate", yesterday);
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.uninit();
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.init();
+ Assert.ok(!UnsubmittedCrashHandler.suppressed,
+ "The UnsubmittedCrashHandler should not be suppressed.");
+ Assert.ok(!UnsubmittedCrashHandler.prefs.prefHasUserValue("suppressUntilDate"),
+ "The suppression date should been cleared from preferences.");
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.uninit();
+ UnsubmittedCrashHandler.init();