path: root/browser/components/sessionstore/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/sessionstore/test')
214 files changed, 0 insertions, 15677 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/.eslintrc.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/.eslintrc.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c764b133d..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/.eslintrc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-module.exports = {
- "extends": [
- "../../../../testing/mochitest/browser.eslintrc.js"
- ]
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser.ini b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 37154a0cc..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# browser_506482.js is disabled because of frequent failures (bug 538672)
-# browser_526613.js is disabled because of frequent failures (bug 534489)
-# browser_589246.js is disabled for leaking browser windows (bug 752467)
-# browser_580512.js is disabled for leaking browser windows (bug 752467)
-support-files =
- head.js
- content.js
- content-forms.js
- browser_cookies.sjs
- browser_formdata_sample.html
- browser_formdata_xpath_sample.html
- browser_frametree_sample.html
- browser_frametree_sample_frameset.html
- browser_frame_history_index.html
- browser_frame_history_index2.html
- browser_frame_history_index_blank.html
- browser_frame_history_a.html
- browser_frame_history_b.html
- browser_frame_history_c.html
- browser_frame_history_c1.html
- browser_frame_history_c2.html
- browser_form_restore_events_sample.html
- browser_formdata_format_sample.html
- browser_pageStyle_sample.html
- browser_pageStyle_sample_nested.html
- browser_sessionHistory_slow.sjs
- browser_scrollPositions_sample.html
- browser_scrollPositions_sample_frameset.html
- browser_scrollPositions_readerModeArticle.html
- browser_sessionStorage.html
- browser_248970_b_sample.html
- browser_339445_sample.html
- browser_423132_sample.html
- browser_447951_sample.html
- browser_454908_sample.html
- browser_456342_sample.xhtml
- browser_463205_sample.html
- browser_463206_sample.html
- browser_466937_sample.html
- browser_485482_sample.html
- browser_637020_slow.sjs
- browser_662743_sample.html
- browser_739531_sample.html
- browser_911547_sample.html
- browser_911547_sample.html^headers^
- restore_redirect_http.html
- restore_redirect_http.html^headers^
- restore_redirect_js.html
- restore_redirect_target.html
- browser_1234021_page.html
-#NB: the following are disabled
-# browser_464620_a.html
-# browser_464620_b.html
-# browser_464620_xd.html
-#disabled-for-intermittent-failures--bug-766044, browser_459906_empty.html
-#disabled-for-intermittent-failures--bug-766044, browser_459906_sample.html
-#disabled-for-intermittent-failures--bug-765389, browser_461743_sample.html
-run-if = e10s && crashreporter
-skip-if = debug # bug 1167933
-run-if = e10s
-skip-if = debug # bug 1211084
-skip-if = !e10s || !crashreporter
-skip-if = !e10s || !crashreporter
-skip-if = !e10s || !crashreporter
-skip-if = e10s # Bug 1271024
-run-if = e10s
-# Disabled because of leaks.
-# Re-enabling and rewriting this test is tracked in bug 936919.
-skip-if = true
-# Disabled for intermittent failures, bug 944372.
-skip-if = true
-skip-if = (os == 'linux' && e10s && (debug||asan)) # Bug 1234404
-skip-if = true # Needs to be rewritten as Marionette test, bug 995916
-skip-if = (os == 'win' && bits == 64) # Bug 1284312
-# Disabled for frequent intermittent failures
-skip-if = true
-skip-if = true
-# Disabled on OS X:
-skip-if = os == "mac"
-run-if = e10s
-run-if = e10s
-run-if = e10s
-run-if = e10s && crashreporter
-# Disabled on debug for frequent intermittent failures:
-skip-if = debug
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_1234021.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_1234021.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a307d1e01..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_1234021.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const PREF = 'network.cookie.cookieBehavior';
-const PAGE_URL = 'http://mochi.test:8888/browser/' +
- 'browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_1234021_page.html';
-add_task(function* test() {
- yield pushPrefs([PREF, BEHAVIOR_REJECT]);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({
- gBrowser: gBrowser,
- url: PAGE_URL
- }, function* handler(aBrowser) {
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(aBrowser);
- ok(true, "Flush didn't time out");
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_1234021_page.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_1234021_page.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a74fbc02..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_1234021_page.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html>
- <script>
- sessionStorage
- </script>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_248970_b_perwindowpb.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_248970_b_perwindowpb.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f5775cd5b..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_248970_b_perwindowpb.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test (B) for Bug 248970 **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let windowsToClose = [];
- let file = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile);
- let filePath = file.path;
- let fieldList = {
- "//input[@name='input']":,
- "//input[@name='spaced 1']": Math.random().toString(),
- "//input[3]": "three",
- "//input[@type='checkbox']": true,
- "//input[@name='uncheck']": false,
- "//input[@type='radio'][1]": false,
- "//input[@type='radio'][2]": true,
- "//input[@type='radio'][3]": false,
- "//select": 2,
- "//select[@multiple]": [1, 3],
- "//textarea[1]": "",
- "//textarea[2]": "Some text... " + Math.random(),
- "//textarea[3]": "Some more text\n" + new Date(),
- "//input[@type='file']": filePath
- };
- registerCleanupFunction(function* () {
- for (let win of windowsToClose) {
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- }
- });
- function test(aLambda) {
- try {
- return aLambda() || true;
- } catch(ex) { }
- return false;
- }
- function getElementByXPath(aTab, aQuery) {
- let doc = aTab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument;
- let xptype = Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE;
- return doc.evaluate(aQuery, doc, null, xptype, null).singleNodeValue;
- }
- function setFormValue(aTab, aQuery, aValue) {
- let node = getElementByXPath(aTab, aQuery);
- if (typeof aValue == "string")
- node.value = aValue;
- else if (typeof aValue == "boolean")
- node.checked = aValue;
- else if (typeof aValue == "number")
- node.selectedIndex = aValue;
- else
- Array.forEach(node.options, (aOpt, aIx) =>
- (aOpt.selected = aValue.indexOf(aIx) > -1));
- }
- function compareFormValue(aTab, aQuery, aValue) {
- let node = getElementByXPath(aTab, aQuery);
- if (!node)
- return false;
- if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement)
- return aValue == (node.type == "checkbox" || node.type == "radio" ?
- node.checked : node.value);
- if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement)
- return aValue == node.value;
- if (!node.multiple)
- return aValue == node.selectedIndex;
- return Array.every(node.options, (aOpt, aIx) =>
- (aValue.indexOf(aIx) > -1) == aOpt.selected);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Test (B) : Session data restoration between windows //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- let rootDir = getRootDirectory(gTestPath);
- const testURL = rootDir + "browser_248970_b_sample.html";
- const testURL2 = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_248970_b_sample.html";
- whenNewWindowLoaded({ private: false }, function(aWin) {
- windowsToClose.push(aWin);
- // get closed tab count
- let count = ss.getClosedTabCount(aWin);
- let max_tabs_undo =
- Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo");
- ok(0 <= count && count <= max_tabs_undo,
- "getClosedTabCount should return zero or at most max_tabs_undo");
- // setup a state for tab (A) so we can check later that is restored
- let key = "key";
- let value = "Value " + Math.random();
- let state = { entries: [{ url: testURL }], extData: { key: value } };
- // public session, add new tab: (A)
- let tab_A = aWin.gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
- ss.setTabState(tab_A, JSON.stringify(state));
- promiseBrowserLoaded(tab_A.linkedBrowser).then(() => {
- // make sure that the next closed tab will increase getClosedTabCount
- Services.prefs.setIntPref(
- "browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", max_tabs_undo + 1)
- // populate tab_A with form data
- for (let i in fieldList)
- setFormValue(tab_A, i, fieldList[i]);
- // public session, close tab: (A)
- aWin.gBrowser.removeTab(tab_A);
- // verify that closedTabCount increased
- ok(ss.getClosedTabCount(aWin) > count,
- "getClosedTabCount has increased after closing a tab");
- // verify tab: (A), in undo list
- let tab_A_restored = test(() => ss.undoCloseTab(aWin, 0));
- ok(tab_A_restored, "a tab is in undo list");
- promiseTabRestored(tab_A_restored).then(() => {
- is(testURL, tab_A_restored.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec,
- "it's the same tab that we expect");
- aWin.gBrowser.removeTab(tab_A_restored);
- whenNewWindowLoaded({ private: true }, function(aWin) {
- windowsToClose.push(aWin);
- // setup a state for tab (B) so we can check that its duplicated
- // properly
- let key1 = "key1";
- let value1 = "Value " + Math.random();
- let state1 = {
- entries: [{ url: testURL2 }], extData: { key1: value1 }
- };
- let tab_B = aWin.gBrowser.addTab(testURL2);
- promiseTabState(tab_B, state1).then(() => {
- // populate tab: (B) with different form data
- for (let item in fieldList)
- setFormValue(tab_B, item, fieldList[item]);
- // duplicate tab: (B)
- let tab_C = aWin.gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab_B);
- promiseTabRestored(tab_C).then(() => {
- // verify the correctness of the duplicated tab
- is(ss.getTabValue(tab_C, key1), value1,
- "tab successfully duplicated - correct state");
- for (let item in fieldList)
- ok(compareFormValue(tab_C, item, fieldList[item]),
- "The value for \"" + item + "\" was correctly duplicated");
- // private browsing session, close tab: (C) and (B)
- aWin.gBrowser.removeTab(tab_C);
- aWin.gBrowser.removeTab(tab_B);
- finish();
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_248970_b_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_248970_b_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c3ae1aa..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_248970_b_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>Test for bug 248970</title>
-<h3>Text Fields</h3>
-<input type="text" name="input">
-<input type="text" name="spaced 1">
-<h3>Checkboxes and Radio buttons</h3>
-<input type="checkbox" name="check"> Check 1
-<input type="checkbox" name="uncheck" checked> Check 2
-<input type="radio" name="group" value="1"> Radio 1
-<input type="radio" name="group" value="some"> Radio 2
-<input type="radio" name="group" checked> Radio 3
-<select name="any">
- <option value="1"> Select 1
- <option value="some"> Select 2
- <option>Select 3
-<select multiple="multiple">
- <option value=1> Multi-select 1
- <option value=2> Multi-select 2
- <option value=3> Multi-select 3
- <option value=4> Multi-select 4
-<h3>Text Areas</h3>
-<textarea name="testarea"></textarea>
-<textarea name="sized one" rows="5" cols="25"></textarea>
-<h3>File Selector</h3>
-<input type="file">
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_339445.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_339445.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c38a6cb18..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_339445.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-add_task(function* test() {
- /** Test for Bug 339445 **/
- let testURL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_339445_sample.html";
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, null, function() {
- let doc = content.document;
- is(doc.getElementById("storageTestItem").textContent, "PENDING",
- "sessionStorage value has been set");
- });
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- yield ContentTask.spawn(tab2.linkedBrowser, null, function() {
- let doc2 = content.document;
- is(doc2.getElementById("storageTestItem").textContent, "SUCCESS",
- "sessionStorage value has been duplicated");
- });
- // clean up
- yield Promise.all([ BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab2),
- BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab) ]);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_339445_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_339445_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 32656a8d9..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_339445_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>Test for bug 339445</title>
-storageTestItem = <span id="storageTestItem">FAIL</span>
- storageTestItem's textContent will be one of the following:
- * FAIL : sessionStorage wasn't available
- * PENDING : the test value has been initialized on first load
- * SUCCESS : the test value was correctly retrieved
-<script type="application/javascript">
- document.getElementById("storageTestItem").textContent =
- sessionStorage["storageTestItem"] || "PENDING";
- sessionStorage["storageTestItem"] = "SUCCESS";
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_345898.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_345898.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bd4a46e69..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_345898.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 345898 **/
- function test(aLambda) {
- try {
- aLambda();
- return false;
- }
- catch (ex) {
- return == "NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE" ||
- }
- }
- // all of the following calls with illegal arguments should throw NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE
- ok(test(() => ss.getWindowState({})),
- "Invalid window for getWindowState throws");
- ok(test(() => ss.setWindowState({}, "", false)),
- "Invalid window for setWindowState throws");
- ok(test(() => ss.getTabState({})),
- "Invalid tab for getTabState throws");
- ok(test(() => ss.setTabState({}, "{}")),
- "Invalid tab state for setTabState throws");
- ok(test(() => ss.setTabState({}, JSON.stringify({ entries: [] }))),
- "Invalid tab for setTabState throws");
- ok(test(() => ss.duplicateTab({}, {})),
- "Invalid tab for duplicateTab throws");
- ok(test(() => ss.duplicateTab({}, gBrowser.selectedTab)),
- "Invalid window for duplicateTab throws");
- ok(test(() => ss.getClosedTabData({})),
- "Invalid window for getClosedTabData throws");
- ok(test(() => ss.undoCloseTab({}, 0)),
- "Invalid window for undoCloseTab throws");
- ok(test(() => ss.undoCloseTab(window, -1)),
- "Invalid index for undoCloseTab throws");
- ok(test(() => ss.getWindowValue({}, "")),
- "Invalid window for getWindowValue throws");
- ok(test(() => ss.setWindowValue({}, "", "")),
- "Invalid window for setWindowValue throws");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_350525.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_350525.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d87b3754..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_350525.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-add_task(function* setup() {
- yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
- set: [["dom.ipc.processCount", 1]]
- });
-add_task(function* () {
- /** Test for Bug 350525 **/
- function test(aLambda) {
- try {
- return aLambda() || true;
- }
- catch (ex) { }
- return false;
- }
- ////////////////////////////
- // setWindowValue, et al. //
- ////////////////////////////
- let key = "Unique name: " +;
- let value = "Unique value: " + Math.random();
- // test adding
- ok(test(() => ss.setWindowValue(window, key, value)), "set a window value");
- // test retrieving
- is(ss.getWindowValue(window, key), value, "stored window value matches original");
- // test deleting
- ok(test(() => ss.deleteWindowValue(window, key)), "delete the window value");
- // value should not exist post-delete
- is(ss.getWindowValue(window, key), "", "window value was deleted");
- // test deleting a non-existent value
- ok(test(() => ss.deleteWindowValue(window, key)), "delete non-existent window value");
- /////////////////////////
- // setTabValue, et al. //
- /////////////////////////
- key = "Unique name: " + Math.random();
- value = "Unique value: " +;
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab();
- tab.linkedBrowser.stop();
- // test adding
- ok(test(() => ss.setTabValue(tab, key, value)), "store a tab value");
- // test retrieving
- is(ss.getTabValue(tab, key), value, "stored tab value match original");
- // test deleting
- ok(test(() => ss.deleteTabValue(tab, key)), "delete the tab value");
- // value should not exist post-delete
- is(ss.getTabValue(tab, key), "", "tab value was deleted");
- // test deleting a non-existent value
- ok(test(() => ss.deleteTabValue(tab, key)), "delete non-existent tab value");
- // clean up
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- /////////////////////////////////////
- // getClosedTabCount, undoCloseTab //
- /////////////////////////////////////
- // get closed tab count
- let count = ss.getClosedTabCount(window);
- let max_tabs_undo = gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo");
- ok(0 <= count && count <= max_tabs_undo,
- "getClosedTabCount returns zero or at most max_tabs_undo");
- // create a new tab
- let testURL = "about:";
- tab = gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- // make sure that the next closed tab will increase getClosedTabCount
- gPrefService.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", max_tabs_undo + 1);
- registerCleanupFunction(() => gPrefService.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo"));
- // remove tab
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // getClosedTabCount
- let newcount = ss.getClosedTabCount(window);
- ok(newcount > count, "after closing a tab, getClosedTabCount has been incremented");
- // undoCloseTab
- tab = test(() => ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0));
- ok(tab, "undoCloseTab doesn't throw")
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- is(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, testURL, "correct tab was reopened");
- // clean up
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_354894_perwindowpb.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_354894_perwindowpb.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bf80cd710..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_354894_perwindowpb.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Checks that restoring the last browser window in session is actually
- * working.
- *
- * @see
- * @note It is implicitly tested that restoring the last window works when
- * non-browser windows are around. The "Run Tests" window as well as the main
- * browser window (wherein the test code gets executed) won't be considered
- * browser windows. To achiveve this said main browser window has it's windowtype
- * attribute modified so that it's not considered a browser window any longer.
- * This is crucial, because otherwise there would be two browser windows around,
- * said main test window and the one opened by the tests, and hence the new
- * logic wouldn't be executed at all.
- * @note Mac only tests the new notifications, as restoring the last window is
- * not enabled on that platform (platform shim; the application is kept running
- * although there are no windows left)
- * @note There is a difference when closing a browser window with
- * BrowserTryToCloseWindow() as opposed to close(). The former will make
- * nsSessionStore restore a window next time it gets a chance and will post
- * notifications. The latter won't.
- */
-// Some urls that might be opened in tabs and/or popups
-// Do not use about:blank:
-// That one is reserved for special purposes in the tests
-const TEST_URLS = ["about:mozilla", "about:buildconfig"];
-// Number of -request notifications to except
-// remember to adjust when adding new tests
-// Window features of popup windows
-const POPUP_FEATURES = "toolbar=no,resizable=no,status=no";
-// Window features of browser windows
-const CHROME_FEATURES = "chrome,all,dialog=no";
-const IS_MAC = navigator.platform.match(/Mac/);
- * Returns an Object with two properties:
- * open (int):
- * A count of how many non-closed navigator:browser windows there are.
- * winstates (int):
- * A count of how many windows there are in the SessionStore state.
- */
-function getBrowserWindowsCount() {
- let open = 0;
- let e = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
- while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
- if (!e.getNext().closed)
- ++open;
- }
- let winstates = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState()).windows.length;
- return { open, winstates };
-add_task(function* setup() {
- // Make sure we've only got one browser window to start with
- let { open, winstates } = getBrowserWindowsCount();
- is(open, 1, "Should only be one open window");
- is(winstates, 1, "Should only be one window state in SessionStore");
- // This test takes some time to run, and it could timeout randomly.
- // So we require a longer timeout. See bug 528219.
- requestLongerTimeout(3);
- // Make the main test window not count as a browser window any longer
- let oldWinType = document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype");
- document.documentElement.setAttribute("windowtype", "navigator:testrunner");
- registerCleanupFunction(() => {
- document.documentElement.setAttribute("windowtype", "navigator:browser");
- });
- * Sets up one of our tests by setting the right preferences, and
- * then opening up a browser window preloaded with some tabs.
- *
- * @param options (Object)
- * An object that can contain the following properties:
- *
- * private:
- * Whether or not the opened window should be private.
- *
- * denyFirst:
- * Whether or not the first window that attempts to close
- * via closeWindowForRestoration should be denied.
- *
- * @param testFunction (Function*)
- * A generator function that yields Promises to be run
- * once the test has been set up.
- *
- * @returns Promise
- * Resolves once the test has been cleaned up.
- */
-let setupTest = Task.async(function*(options, testFunction) {
- yield pushPrefs(["", 3],
- ["browser.tabs.warnOnClose", false]);
- // Observe these, and also use to count the number of hits
- let observing = {
- "browser-lastwindow-close-requested": 0,
- "browser-lastwindow-close-granted": 0
- };
- /**
- * Helper: Will observe and handle the notifications for us
- */
- let hitCount = 0;
- function observer(aCancel, aTopic, aData) {
- // count so that we later may compare
- observing[aTopic]++;
- // handle some tests
- if (options.denyFirst && ++hitCount == 1) {
- aCancel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRBool).data = true;
- }
- }
- for (let o in observing) {
- Services.obs.addObserver(observer, o, false);
- }
- let private = options.private || false;
- let newWin = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded({ private });
- injectTestTabs(newWin);
- yield testFunction(newWin, observing);
- let count = getBrowserWindowsCount();
- is(, 0, "Got right number of open windows");
- is(count.winstates, 1, "Got right number of stored window states");
- for (let o in observing) {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, o);
- }
- yield popPrefs();
- * Loads a TEST_URLS into a browser window.
- *
- * @param win (Window)
- * The browser window to load the tabs in
- */
-function injectTestTabs(win) {
- TEST_URLS.forEach(function (url) {
- win.gBrowser.addTab(url);
- });
- * Attempts to close a window via BrowserTryToCloseWindow so that
- * we get the browser-lastwindow-close-requested and
- * browser-lastwindow-close-granted observer notifications.
- *
- * @param win (Window)
- * The window to try to close
- * @returns Promise
- * Resolves to true if the window closed, or false if the window
- * was denied the ability to close.
- */
-function closeWindowForRestoration(win) {
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- let closePromise = BrowserTestUtils.windowClosed(win);
- win.BrowserTryToCloseWindow();
- if (!win.closed) {
- resolve(false);
- return;
- }
- closePromise.then(() => {
- resolve(true);
- });
- });
- * Normal in-session restore
- *
- * @note: Non-Mac only
- *
- * Should do the following:
- * 1. Open a new browser window
- * 2. Add some tabs
- * 3. Close that window
- * 4. Opening another window
- * 5. Checks that state is restored
- */
-add_task(function* test_open_close_normal() {
- if (IS_MAC) {
- return;
- }
- yield setupTest({ denyFirst: true }, function*(newWin, obs) {
- let closed = yield closeWindowForRestoration(newWin);
- ok(!closed, "First close request should have been denied");
- closed = yield closeWindowForRestoration(newWin);
- ok(closed, "Second close request should be accepted");
- newWin = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- is(newWin.gBrowser.browsers.length, TEST_URLS.length + 2,
- "Restored window in-session with otherpopup windows around");
- // Note that this will not result in the the browser-lastwindow-close
- // notifications firing for this other newWin.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
- // setupTest gave us a window which was denied for closing once, and then
- // closed.
- is(obs["browser-lastwindow-close-requested"], 2,
- "Got expected browser-lastwindow-close-requested notifications");
- is(obs["browser-lastwindow-close-granted"], 1,
- "Got expected browser-lastwindow-close-granted notifications");
- });
- * PrivateBrowsing in-session restore
- *
- * @note: Non-Mac only
- *
- * Should do the following:
- * 1. Open a new browser window A
- * 2. Add some tabs
- * 3. Close the window A as the last window
- * 4. Open a private browsing window B
- * 5. Make sure that B didn't restore the tabs from A
- * 6. Close private browsing window B
- * 7. Open a new window C
- * 8. Make sure that new window C has restored tabs from A
- */
-add_task(function* test_open_close_private_browsing() {
- if (IS_MAC) {
- return;
- }
- yield setupTest({}, function*(newWin, obs) {
- let closed = yield closeWindowForRestoration(newWin);
- ok(closed, "Should be able to close the window");
- newWin = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded({private: true});
- is(newWin.gBrowser.browsers.length, 1,
- "Did not restore in private browing mode");
- closed = yield closeWindowForRestoration(newWin);
- ok(closed, "Should be able to close the window");
- newWin = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- is(newWin.gBrowser.browsers.length, TEST_URLS.length + 2,
- "Restored tabs in a new non-private window");
- // Note that this will not result in the the browser-lastwindow-close
- // notifications firing for this other newWin.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
- // We closed two windows with closeWindowForRestoration, and both
- // should have been successful.
- is(obs["browser-lastwindow-close-requested"], 2,
- "Got expected browser-lastwindow-close-requested notifications");
- is(obs["browser-lastwindow-close-granted"], 2,
- "Got expected browser-lastwindow-close-granted notifications");
- });
- * Open some popup windows to check those aren't restored, but the browser
- * window is.
- *
- * @note: Non-Mac only
- *
- * Should do the following:
- * 1. Open a new browser window
- * 2. Add some tabs
- * 3. Open some popups
- * 4. Add another tab to one popup (so that it gets stored) and close it again
- * 5. Close the browser window
- * 6. Open another browser window
- * 7. Make sure that the tabs of the closed browser window, but not the popup,
- * are restored
- */
-add_task(function* test_open_close_window_and_popup() {
- if (IS_MAC) {
- return;
- }
- yield setupTest({}, function*(newWin, obs) {
- let popupPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewWindow();
- openDialog(location, "popup", POPUP_FEATURES, TEST_URLS[0]);
- let popup = yield popupPromise;
- let popup2Promise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewWindow();
- openDialog(location, "popup2", POPUP_FEATURES, TEST_URLS[1]);
- let popup2 = yield popup2Promise;
- popup2.gBrowser.addTab(TEST_URLS[0]);
- let closed = yield closeWindowForRestoration(newWin);
- ok(closed, "Should be able to close the window");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(popup2);
- newWin = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- is(newWin.gBrowser.browsers.length, TEST_URLS.length + 2,
- "Restored window and associated tabs in session");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(popup);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
- // We closed one window with closeWindowForRestoration, and it should
- // have been successful.
- is(obs["browser-lastwindow-close-requested"], 1,
- "Got expected browser-lastwindow-close-requested notifications");
- is(obs["browser-lastwindow-close-granted"], 1,
- "Got expected browser-lastwindow-close-granted notifications");
- });
- * Open some popup window to check it isn't restored. Instead nothing at all
- * should be restored
- *
- * @note: Non-Mac only
- *
- * Should do the following:
- * 1. Open a popup
- * 2. Add another tab to the popup (so that it gets stored) and close it again
- * 3. Open a window
- * 4. Check that nothing at all is restored
- * 5. Open two browser windows and close them again
- * 6. undoCloseWindow() one
- * 7. Open another browser window
- * 8. Check that nothing at all is restored
- */
-add_task(function* test_open_close_only_popup() {
- if (IS_MAC) {
- return;
- }
- yield setupTest({}, function*(newWin, obs) {
- // We actually don't care about the initial window in this test.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
- // This will cause nsSessionStore to restore a window the next time it
- // gets a chance.
- let popupPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewWindow();
- openDialog(location, "popup", POPUP_FEATURES, TEST_URLS[1]);
- let popup = yield popupPromise;
- is(popup.gBrowser.browsers.length, 1,
- "Did not restore the popup window (1)");
- let closed = yield closeWindowForRestoration(popup);
- ok(closed, "Should be able to close the window");
- popupPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewWindow();
- openDialog(location, "popup", POPUP_FEATURES, TEST_URLS[1]);
- popup = yield popupPromise;
- popup.gBrowser.addTab(TEST_URLS[0]);
- is(popup.gBrowser.browsers.length, 2,
- "Did not restore to the popup window (2)");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(popup);
- newWin = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- isnot(newWin.gBrowser.browsers.length, 2,
- "Did not restore the popup window");
- is(TEST_URLS.indexOf(newWin.gBrowser.browsers[0].currentURI.spec), -1,
- "Did not restore the popup window (2)");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
- // We closed one popup window with closeWindowForRestoration, and popup
- // windows should never fire the browser-lastwindow notifications.
- is(obs["browser-lastwindow-close-requested"], 0,
- "Got expected browser-lastwindow-close-requested notifications");
- is(obs["browser-lastwindow-close-granted"], 0,
- "Got expected browser-lastwindow-close-granted notifications");
- });
- * Open some windows and do undoCloseWindow. This should prevent any
- * restoring later in the test
- *
- * @note: Non-Mac only
- *
- * Should do the following:
- * 1. Open two browser windows and close them again
- * 2. undoCloseWindow() one
- * 3. Open another browser window
- * 4. Make sure nothing at all is restored
- */
-add_task(function* test_open_close_restore_from_popup() {
- if (IS_MAC) {
- return;
- }
- yield setupTest({}, function*(newWin, obs) {
- let newWin2 = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- yield injectTestTabs(newWin2);
- let closed = yield closeWindowForRestoration(newWin);
- ok(closed, "Should be able to close the window");
- closed = yield closeWindowForRestoration(newWin2);
- ok(closed, "Should be able to close the window");
- let counts = getBrowserWindowsCount();
- is(, 0, "Got right number of open windows");
- is(counts.winstates, 1, "Got right number of window states");
- newWin = undoCloseWindow(0);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(newWin, "load");
- // Make sure we wait until this window is restored.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(newWin.gBrowser.tabContainer,
- "SSTabRestored");
- newWin2 = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- is(newWin2.gBrowser.browsers.length, 1,
- "Did not restore, as undoCloseWindow() was last called");
- is(TEST_URLS.indexOf(newWin2.gBrowser.browsers[0].currentURI.spec), -1,
- "Did not restore, as undoCloseWindow() was last called (2)");
- counts = getBrowserWindowsCount();
- is(, 2, "Got right number of open windows");
- is(counts.winstates, 3, "Got right number of window states");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin2);
- counts = getBrowserWindowsCount();
- is(, 0, "Got right number of open windows");
- is(counts.winstates, 1, "Got right number of window states");
- });
- * Test if closing can be denied on Mac.
- * @note: Mac only
- */
-add_task(function* test_mac_notifications() {
- if (!IS_MAC) {
- return;
- }
- yield setupTest({ denyFirst: true }, function*(newWin, obs) {
- let closed = yield closeWindowForRestoration(newWin);
- ok(!closed, "First close attempt should be denied");
- closed = yield closeWindowForRestoration(newWin);
- ok(closed, "Second close attempt should be granted");
- // We tried closing once, and got denied. Then we tried again and
- // succeeded. That means 2 close requests, and 1 close granted.
- is(obs["browser-lastwindow-close-requested"], 2,
- "Got expected browser-lastwindow-close-requested notifications");
- is(obs["browser-lastwindow-close-granted"], 1,
- "Got expected browser-lastwindow-close-granted notifications");
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_367052.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_367052.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cc89a66c..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_367052.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-add_task(function* () {
- // make sure that the next closed tab will increase getClosedTabCount
- let max_tabs_undo = gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo");
- gPrefService.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", max_tabs_undo + 1);
- registerCleanupFunction(() => gPrefService.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo"));
- // Empty the list of closed tabs.
- while (ss.getClosedTabCount(window)) {
- ss.forgetClosedTab(window, 0);
- }
- // restore a blank tab
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- let count = yield promiseSHistoryCount(tab.linkedBrowser);
- ok(count >= 1, "the new tab does have at least one history entry");
- yield promiseTabState(tab, {entries: []});
- // We may have a different sessionHistory object if the tab
- // switched from non-remote to remote.
- count = yield promiseSHistoryCount(tab.linkedBrowser);
- is(count, 0, "the tab was restored without any history whatsoever");
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- is(ss.getClosedTabCount(window), 0,
- "The closed blank tab wasn't added to Recently Closed Tabs");
-function promiseSHistoryCount(browser) {
- return ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () {
- return docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation).sessionHistory.count;
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_393716.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_393716.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c59bdcc8b..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_393716.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const URL = "about:config";
- * Bug 393716 - Basic tests for getTabState(), setTabState(), and duplicateTab().
- */
-add_task(function test_set_tabstate() {
- let key = "Unique key: " +;
- let value = "Unique value: " + Math.random();
- // create a new tab
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- ss.setTabValue(tab, key, value);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- // get the tab's state
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
- let state = ss.getTabState(tab);
- ok(state, "get the tab's state");
- // verify the tab state's integrity
- state = JSON.parse(state);
- ok(state instanceof Object && state.entries instanceof Array && state.entries.length > 0,
- "state object seems valid");
- ok(state.entries.length == 1 && state.entries[0].url == URL,
- "Got the expected state object (test URL)");
- ok(state.extData && state.extData[key] == value,
- "Got the expected state object (test manually set tab value)");
- // clean up
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
-add_task(function test_set_tabstate_and_duplicate() {
- let key2 = "key2";
- let value2 = "Value " + Math.random();
- let value3 = "Another value: " +;
- let state = { entries: [{ url: URL }], extData: { key2: value2 } };
- // create a new tab
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab();
- // set the tab's state
- ss.setTabState(tab, JSON.stringify(state));
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- // verify the correctness of the restored tab
- ok(ss.getTabValue(tab, key2) == value2 && tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec == URL,
- "the tab's state was correctly restored");
- // add text data
- yield setInputValue(tab.linkedBrowser, {id: "textbox", value: value3});
- // duplicate the tab
- let tab2 = ss.duplicateTab(window, tab);
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- // verify the correctness of the duplicated tab
- ok(ss.getTabValue(tab2, key2) == value2 &&
- tab2.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec == URL,
- "correctly duplicated the tab's state");
- let textbox = yield getInputValue(tab2.linkedBrowser, {id: "textbox"});
- is(textbox, value3, "also duplicated text data");
- // clean up
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_394759_basic.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_394759_basic.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b1650e27..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_394759_basic.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-const TEST_URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<input%20id=txt>" +
- "<input%20type=checkbox%20id=chk>";
- * This test ensures that closing a window is a reversible action. We will
- * close the the window, restore it and check that all data has been restored.
- * This includes window-specific data as well as form data for tabs.
- */
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let uniqueKey = "bug 394759";
- let uniqueValue = "unik" +;
- let uniqueText = "pi != " + Math.random();
- // Clear the list of closed windows.
- forgetClosedWindows();
- provideWindow(function onTestURLLoaded(newWin) {
- newWin.gBrowser.addTab().linkedBrowser.stop();
- // Mark the window with some unique data to be restored later on.
- ss.setWindowValue(newWin, uniqueKey, uniqueValue);
- let [txt, chk] = newWin.content.document.querySelectorAll("#txt, #chk");
- txt.value = uniqueText;
- let browser = newWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- setInputChecked(browser, {id: "chk", checked: true}).then(() => {
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin).then(() => {
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 1,
- "The closed window was added to Recently Closed Windows");
- let data = SessionStore.getClosedWindowData(false);
- // Verify that non JSON serialized data is the same as JSON serialized data.
- is(JSON.stringify(data), ss.getClosedWindowData(),
- "Non-serialized data is the same as serialized data")
- ok(data[0].title == TEST_URL && JSON.stringify(data[0]).indexOf(uniqueText) > -1,
- "The closed window data was stored correctly");
- // Reopen the closed window and ensure its integrity.
- let newWin2 = ss.undoCloseWindow(0);
- ok(newWin2 instanceof ChromeWindow,
- "undoCloseWindow actually returned a window");
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 0,
- "The reopened window was removed from Recently Closed Windows");
- // SSTabRestored will fire more than once, so we need to make sure we count them.
- let restoredTabs = 0;
- let expectedTabs = data[0].tabs.length;
- newWin2.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", function sstabrestoredListener(aEvent) {
- ++restoredTabs;
- info("Restored tab " + restoredTabs + "/" + expectedTabs);
- if (restoredTabs < expectedTabs) {
- return;
- }
- is(restoredTabs, expectedTabs, "Correct number of tabs restored");
- newWin2.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", sstabrestoredListener, true);
- is(newWin2.gBrowser.tabs.length, 2,
- "The window correctly restored 2 tabs");
- is(newWin2.gBrowser.currentURI.spec, TEST_URL,
- "The window correctly restored the URL");
- let [txt, chk] = newWin2.content.document.querySelectorAll("#txt, #chk");
- ok(txt.value == uniqueText && chk.checked,
- "The window correctly restored the form");
- is(ss.getWindowValue(newWin2, uniqueKey), uniqueValue,
- "The window correctly restored the data associated with it");
- // Clean up.
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin2).then(finish);
- }, true);
- });
- });
- }, TEST_URL);
-function setInputChecked(browser, data) {
- return sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setInputChecked", data);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_394759_behavior.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_394759_behavior.js
deleted file mode 100644
index aa74dc061..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_394759_behavior.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- * Test helper function that opens a series of windows, closes them
- * and then checks the closed window data from SessionStore against
- * expected results.
- *
- * @param windowsToOpen (Array)
- * An array of Objects, where each object must define a single
- * property "isPopup" for whether or not the opened window should
- * be a popup.
- * @param expectedResults (Array)
- * An Object with two properies: mac and other, where each points
- * at yet another Object, with the following properties:
- *
- * popup (int):
- * The number of popup windows we expect to be in the closed window
- * data.
- * normal (int):
- * The number of normal windows we expect to be in the closed window
- * data.
- * @returns Promise
- */
-function testWindows(windowsToOpen, expectedResults) {
- return Task.spawn(function*() {
- for (let winData of windowsToOpen) {
- let features = "chrome,dialog=no," +
- (winData.isPopup ? "all=no" : "all");
- let url = "" + windowsToOpen.length;
- let openWindowPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewWindow(true, url);
- openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "", features, url);
- let win = yield openWindowPromise;
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- }
- let closedWindowData = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedWindowData());
- let numPopups = closedWindowData.filter(function(el, i, arr) {
- return el.isPopup;
- }).length;
- let numNormal = ss.getClosedWindowCount() - numPopups;
- // #ifdef doesn't work in browser-chrome tests, so do a simple regex on platform
- let oResults = navigator.platform.match(/Mac/) ? expectedResults.mac
- : expectedResults.other;
- is(numPopups, oResults.popup,
- "There were " + oResults.popup + " popup windows to reopen");
- is(numNormal, oResults.normal,
- "There were " + oResults.normal + " normal windows to repoen");
- });
-add_task(function* test_closed_window_states() {
- // This test takes quite some time, and timeouts frequently, so we require
- // more time to run.
- // See Bug 518970.
- requestLongerTimeout(2);
- let windowsToOpen = [{isPopup: false},
- {isPopup: false},
- {isPopup: true},
- {isPopup: true},
- {isPopup: true}];
- let expectedResults = {mac: {popup: 3, normal: 0},
- other: {popup: 3, normal: 1}};
- yield testWindows(windowsToOpen, expectedResults);
- let windowsToOpen2 = [{isPopup: false},
- {isPopup: false},
- {isPopup: false},
- {isPopup: false},
- {isPopup: false}];
- let expectedResults2 = {mac: {popup: 0, normal: 3},
- other: {popup: 0, normal: 3}};
- yield testWindows(windowsToOpen2, expectedResults2);
-}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_394759_perwindowpb.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_394759_perwindowpb.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 83eec3070..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_394759_perwindowpb.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-const TESTS = [
- { url: "about:config",
- key: "bug 394759 Non-PB",
- value: "uniq" + r() },
- { url: "about:mozilla",
- key: "bug 394759 PB",
- value: "uniq" + r() },
-function promiseTestOpenCloseWindow(aIsPrivate, aTest) {
- return Task.spawn(function*() {
- let win = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({ "private": aIsPrivate });
- win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.loadURI(aTest.url);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
- yield Promise.resolve();
- // Mark the window with some unique data to be restored later on.
- ss.setWindowValue(win, aTest.key, aTest.value);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flushWindow(win);
- // Close.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- });
-function promiseTestOnWindow(aIsPrivate, aValue) {
- return Task.spawn(function*() {
- let win = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({ "private": aIsPrivate });
- yield TabStateFlusher.flushWindow(win);
- let data = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedWindowData())[0];
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 1, "Check that the closed window count hasn't changed");
- ok(JSON.stringify(data).indexOf(aValue) > -1,
- "Check the closed window data was stored correctly");
- registerCleanupFunction(() => BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win));
- });
-add_task(function* init() {
- forgetClosedWindows();
- while (ss.getClosedTabCount(window) > 0) {
- ss.forgetClosedTab(window, 0);
- }
-add_task(function* main() {
- yield promiseTestOpenCloseWindow(false, TESTS[0]);
- yield promiseTestOpenCloseWindow(true, TESTS[1]);
- yield promiseTestOnWindow(false, TESTS[0].value);
- yield promiseTestOnWindow(true, TESTS[0].value);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_394759_purge.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_394759_purge.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 75144aba1..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_394759_purge.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function waitForClearHistory(aCallback) {
- let observer = {
- observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "browser:purge-domain-data");
- setTimeout(aCallback, 0);
- }
- };
- Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "browser:purge-domain-data", false);
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- // utility functions
- function countClosedTabsByTitle(aClosedTabList, aTitle) {
- return aClosedTabList.filter(aData => aData.title == aTitle).length;
- }
- function countOpenTabsByTitle(aOpenTabList, aTitle) {
- return aOpenTabList.filter(aData => aData.entries.some(aEntry => aEntry.title == aTitle)).length;
- }
- // backup old state
- let oldState = ss.getBrowserState();
- let oldState_wins = JSON.parse(oldState).windows.length;
- if (oldState_wins != 1)
- ok(false, "oldState in test_purge has " + oldState_wins + " windows instead of 1");
- // create a new state for testing
- const REMEMBER =, FORGET = Math.random();
- let testState = {
- windows: [ { tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "" }] }], selected: 1 } ],
- _closedWindows : [
- // _closedWindows[0]
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: REMEMBER }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: FORGET }] }
- ],
- selected: 2,
- title: "",
- _closedTabs: []
- },
- // _closedWindows[1]
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: FORGET }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: REMEMBER }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: REMEMBER }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: FORGET }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: REMEMBER }] }
- ],
- selected: 5,
- _closedTabs: []
- },
- // _closedWindows[2]
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: REMEMBER }] }
- ],
- selected: 1,
- _closedTabs: [
- {
- state: {
- entries: [
- { url: "", title: FORGET },
- { url: "", title: "doesn't matter" }
- ]
- },
- pos: 1,
- title: FORGET
- },
- {
- state: {
- entries: [
- { url: "", title: REMEMBER }
- ]
- },
- title: REMEMBER
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- };
- // set browser to test state
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(testState));
- // purge domain & check that we purged correctly for closed windows
- ForgetAboutSite.removeDataFromDomain("");
- waitForClearHistory(function() {
- let closedWindowData = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedWindowData());
- // First set of tests for _closedWindows[0] - tests basics
- let win = closedWindowData[0];
- is(win.tabs.length, 1, "1 tab was removed");
- is(countOpenTabsByTitle(win.tabs, FORGET), 0,
- "The correct tab was removed");
- is(countOpenTabsByTitle(win.tabs, REMEMBER), 1,
- "The correct tab was remembered");
- is(win.selected, 1, "Selected tab has changed");
- is(win.title, REMEMBER, "The window title was correctly updated");
- // Test more complicated case
- win = closedWindowData[1];
- is(win.tabs.length, 3, "2 tabs were removed");
- is(countOpenTabsByTitle(win.tabs, FORGET), 0,
- "The correct tabs were removed");
- is(countOpenTabsByTitle(win.tabs, REMEMBER), 3,
- "The correct tabs were remembered");
- is(win.selected, 3, "Selected tab has changed");
- is(win.title, REMEMBER, "The window title was correctly updated");
- // Tests handling of _closedTabs
- win = closedWindowData[2];
- is(countClosedTabsByTitle(win._closedTabs, REMEMBER), 1,
- "The correct number of tabs were removed, and the correct ones");
- is(countClosedTabsByTitle(win._closedTabs, FORGET), 0,
- "All tabs to be forgotten were indeed removed");
- // restore pre-test state
- ss.setBrowserState(oldState);
- finish();
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_423132.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_423132.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 584002cff..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_423132.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
- * Tests that cookies are stored and restored correctly
- * by sessionstore (bug 423132).
- */
-add_task(function*() {
- const testURL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_423132_sample.html";
- Services.cookies.removeAll();
- // make sure that sessionstore.js can be forced to be created by setting
- // the interval pref to 0
- yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
- set: [["browser.sessionstore.interval", 0]]
- });
- let win = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- let browser = win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- browser.loadURI(testURL);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // get the sessionstore state for the window
- let state = ss.getWindowState(win);
- // verify our cookie got set during pageload
- let enumerator = Services.cookies.enumerator;
- let cookie;
- let i = 0;
- while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
- cookie = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsICookie);
- i++;
- }
- Assert.equal(i, 1, "expected one cookie");
- // remove the cookie
- Services.cookies.removeAll();
- // restore the window state
- ss.setWindowState(win, state, true);
- // at this point, the cookie should be restored...
- enumerator = Services.cookies.enumerator;
- let cookie2;
- while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
- cookie2 = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsICookie);
- if ( ==
- break;
- }
- is(,, "cookie name successfully restored");
- is(cookie.value, cookie2.value, "cookie value successfully restored");
- is(cookie.path, cookie2.path, "cookie path successfully restored");
- // clean up
- Services.cookies.removeAll();
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_423132_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_423132_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ff7e7aa3..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_423132_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <script type="text/javascript">
- // generate an enormous random number...
- var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 62)).toString();
- // ... and use it to set a randomly named cookie
- document.cookie = r + "=value; path=/ohai";
- </script>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_447951.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_447951.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a7b6a5ee8..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_447951.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 447951 **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- const baseURL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_447951_sample.html#";
- // Make sure the functionality added in bug 943339 doesn't affect the results
- gPrefService.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_serialize_back", -1);
- gPrefService.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_serialize_forward", -1);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- gPrefService.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.max_serialize_back");
- gPrefService.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.max_serialize_forward");
- });
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab();
- promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser).then(() => {
- let tabState = { entries: [] };
- let max_entries = gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.sessionhistory.max_entries");
- for (let i = 0; i < max_entries; i++)
- tabState.entries.push({ url: baseURL + i });
- promiseTabState(tab, tabState).then(() => {
- return TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
- }).then(() => {
- tabState = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(tabState.entries.length, max_entries, "session history filled to the limit");
- is(tabState.entries[0].url, baseURL + 0, "... but not more");
- // visit yet another anchor (appending it to session history)
- ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, null, function() {
- content.window.document.querySelector("a").click();
- }).then(flushAndCheck);
- function flushAndCheck() {
- TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser).then(check);
- }
- function check() {
- tabState = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- if (tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec != baseURL + "end") {
- // It may take a few passes through the event loop before we
- // get the right URL.
- executeSoon(flushAndCheck);
- return;
- }
- is(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, baseURL + "end",
- "the new anchor was loaded");
- is(tabState.entries[tabState.entries.length - 1].url, baseURL + "end",
- "... and ignored");
- is(tabState.entries[0].url, baseURL + 1,
- "... and the first item was removed");
- // clean up
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- finish();
- }
- });
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_447951_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_447951_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 00282f25e..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_447951_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>Testcase for bug 447951</title>
-<a href="#end">click me</a>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_454908.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_454908.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fb8206e2f..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_454908.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const URL = ROOT + "browser_454908_sample.html";
-const PASS = "pwd-" + Math.random();
- * Bug 454908 - Don't save/restore values of password fields.
- */
-add_task(function* test_dont_save_passwords() {
- // Make sure we do save form data.
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.privacy_level");
- // Add a tab with a password field.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Fill in some values.
- let usernameValue = "User " + Math.random();
- yield setInputValue(browser, {id: "username", value: usernameValue});
- yield setInputValue(browser, {id: "passwd", value: PASS});
- // Close and restore the tab.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- tab = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- // Check that password fields aren't saved/restored.
- let username = yield getInputValue(browser, {id: "username"});
- is(username, usernameValue, "username was saved/restored");
- let passwd = yield getInputValue(browser, {id: "passwd"});
- is(passwd, "", "password wasn't saved/restored");
- // Write to disk and read our file.
- yield forceSaveState();
- yield promiseForEachSessionRestoreFile((state, key) =>
- // Ensure that we have not saved our password.
- ok(!state.includes(PASS), "password has not been written to file " + key)
- );
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_454908_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_454908_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 02f40bf20..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_454908_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<title>Test for bug 454908</title>
-<h3>Dummy Login</h3>
-<p>Username: <input type="text" id="username">
-<p>Password: <input type="password" id="passwd">
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_456342.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_456342.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d7ed33ee5..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_456342.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const URL = ROOT + "browser_456342_sample.xhtml";
- * Bug 456342 - Restore values from non-standard input field types.
- */
-add_task(function test_restore_nonstandard_input_values() {
- // Add tab with various non-standard input field types.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Fill in form values.
- let expectedValue = Math.random();
- yield setFormElementValues(browser, {value: expectedValue});
- // Remove tab and check collected form data.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- let undoItems = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- let savedFormData = undoItems[0].state.formdata;
- let countGood = 0, countBad = 0;
- for (let id of Object.keys( {
- if ([id] == expectedValue) {
- countGood++;
- } else {
- countBad++;
- }
- }
- for (let exp of Object.keys(savedFormData.xpath)) {
- if (savedFormData.xpath[exp] == expectedValue) {
- countGood++;
- } else {
- countBad++;
- }
- }
- is(countGood, 4, "Saved text for non-standard input fields");
- is(countBad, 0, "Didn't save text for ignored field types");
-function setFormElementValues(browser, data) {
- return sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setFormElementValues", data);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_456342_sample.xhtml b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_456342_sample.xhtml
deleted file mode 100644
index a08777a8d..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_456342_sample.xhtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
-<html xmlns="">
-<head><title>Test for bug 456342</title></head>
-<h3>Non-standard &lt;input&gt;s</h3>
-<p>Search <input type="search" id="searchTerm"/></p>
-<p>Image Search: <input type="image search" /></p>
-<p>Autocomplete: <input type="autocomplete" name="fill-in"/></p>
-<p>Mistyped: <input type="txet" name="mistyped"/></p>
-<h3>Ignored types</h3>
-<input type="hidden" name="hideme"/>
-<input type="HIDDEN" name="hideme2"/>
-<input type="submit" name="submit"/>
-<input type="reset" name="reset"/>
-<input type="image" name="image"/>
-<input type="button" name="button"/>
-<input type="password" name="password"/>
-<input type="PassWord" name="password2"/>
-<input type="PASSWORD" name="password3"/>
-<input autocomplete="off" name="auto1"/>
-<input type="text" autocomplete="OFF" name="auto2"/>
-<textarea autocomplete="off" name="auto3"/>
-<select autocomplete="off" name="auto4">
- <option value="1" selected="true"/>
- <option value="2"/>
- <option value="3"/>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_459906.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_459906.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cadab3e5c..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_459906.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 459906 **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let testURL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_459906_sample.html";
- let uniqueValue = "<b>Unique:</b> " +;
- var frameCount = 0;
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
- tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
- // wait for all frames to load completely
- if (frameCount++ < 2)
- return;
- tab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
- let iframes = tab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow.frames;
- iframes[1].document.body.innerHTML = uniqueValue;
- frameCount = 0;
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- tab2.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
- // wait for all frames to load (and reload!) completely
- if (frameCount++ < 2)
- return;
- tab2.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
- executeSoon(function() {
- let iframes = tab2.linkedBrowser.contentWindow.frames;
- if (iframes[1].document.body.innerHTML !== uniqueValue) {
- // Poll again the value, since we can't ensure to run
- // after SessionStore has injected innerHTML value.
- // See bug 521802.
- info("Polling for innerHTML value");
- setTimeout(arguments.callee, 100);
- return;
- }
- is(iframes[1].document.body.innerHTML, uniqueValue,
- "rich textarea's content correctly duplicated");
- let innerDomain = null;
- try {
- innerDomain = iframes[0].document.domain;
- }
- catch (ex) { /* throws for chrome: documents */ }
- is(innerDomain, "mochi.test", "XSS exploit prevented!");
- // clean up
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- finish();
- });
- }, true);
- }, true);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_459906_empty.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_459906_empty.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e01aaa339..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_459906_empty.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<title>Cross Domain File for bug 459906</title>
-cheers from localhost
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_459906_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_459906_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 39b789776..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_459906_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Testcase originally by David Bloom <> -->
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<title>Test for bug 459906</title>
-<iframe src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8,not_on_localhost"></iframe>
-<script type="application/javascript">
- var loadCount = 0;
- frames[0].addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", handleLoad, false);
- frames[1].addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", handleLoad, false);
- function handleLoad() {
- if (++loadCount < 2)
- return;
- frames[0].removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", handleLoad, false);
- frames[1].removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", handleLoad, false);
- frames[0].document.designMode = "on";
- frames[0].document.__defineGetter__("designMode", function() {
- // inject a cross domain file ...
- var documentInjected = false;
- document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].onload =
- function() { documentInjected = true; };
- frames[0].location = "browser_459906_empty.html";
- // ... and ensure that it has time to load
- for (var c = 0; !documentInjected && c < 20; c++) {
- var r = new XMLHttpRequest();
-"GET", location.href, false);
- r.overrideMimeType("text/plain");
- r.send(null);
- }
- return "on";
- });
- frames[1].document.designMode = "on";
- };
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_461634.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_461634.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 01d3a4b0d..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_461634.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 461634 **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- const REMEMBER =, FORGET = Math.random();
- let test_state = { windows: [{ "tabs": [{ "entries": [] }], _closedTabs: [
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "" }] }, title: FORGET },
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "" }] }, title: REMEMBER },
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "" }] }, title: FORGET },
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "" }] }, title: REMEMBER },
- ] }] };
- let remember_count = 2;
- function countByTitle(aClosedTabList, aTitle) {
- return aClosedTabList.filter(aData => aData.title == aTitle).length;
- }
- function testForError(aFunction) {
- try {
- aFunction();
- return false;
- }
- catch (ex) {
- }
- }
- // Open a window and add the above closed tab list.
- let newWin = openDialog(location, "", "chrome,all,dialog=no");
- promiseWindowLoaded(newWin).then(() => {
- gPrefService.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo",
- ss.setWindowState(newWin, JSON.stringify(test_state), true);
- let closedTabs = SessionStore.getClosedTabData(newWin, false);
- // Verify that non JSON serialized data is the same as JSON serialized data.
- is(JSON.stringify(closedTabs), SessionStore.getClosedTabData(newWin),
- "Non-serialized data is the same as serialized data")
- is(closedTabs.length,[0]._closedTabs.length,
- "Closed tab list has the expected length");
- is(countByTitle(closedTabs, FORGET),
-[0]._closedTabs.length - remember_count,
- "The correct amout of tabs are to be forgotten");
- is(countByTitle(closedTabs, REMEMBER), remember_count,
- "Everything is set up");
- // All of the following calls with illegal arguments should throw NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE.
- ok(testForError(() => ss.forgetClosedTab({}, 0)),
- "Invalid window for forgetClosedTab throws");
- ok(testForError(() => ss.forgetClosedTab(newWin, -1)),
- "Invalid tab for forgetClosedTab throws");
- ok(testForError(() => ss.forgetClosedTab(newWin,[0]._closedTabs.length + 1)),
- "Invalid tab for forgetClosedTab throws");
- // Remove third tab, then first tab.
- ss.forgetClosedTab(newWin, 2);
- ss.forgetClosedTab(newWin, null);
- closedTabs = SessionStore.getClosedTabData(newWin, false);
- // Verify that non JSON serialized data is the same as JSON serialized data.
- is(JSON.stringify(closedTabs), SessionStore.getClosedTabData(newWin),
- "Non-serialized data is the same as serialized data")
- is(closedTabs.length, remember_count,
- "The correct amout of tabs was removed");
- is(countByTitle(closedTabs, FORGET), 0,
- "All tabs specifically forgotten were indeed removed");
- is(countByTitle(closedTabs, REMEMBER), remember_count,
- "... and tabs not specifically forgetten weren't");
- // Clean up.
- gPrefService.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo");
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin).then(finish);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_461743.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_461743.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 263fff5f2..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_461743.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 461743 **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let testURL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_461743_sample.html";
- let frameCount = 0;
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
- tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
- // Wait for all frames to load completely.
- if (frameCount++ < 2)
- return;
- tab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- tab2.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("461743", function(aEvent) {
- tab2.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("461743", arguments.callee, true);
- is(, "done", "XSS injection was attempted");
- executeSoon(function() {
- let iframes = tab2.linkedBrowser.contentWindow.frames;
- let innerHTML = iframes[1].document.body.innerHTML;
- isnot(innerHTML, Components.utils.reportError.toString(),
- "chrome access denied!");
- // Clean up.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- finish();
- });
- }, true, true);
- }, true);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_461743_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_461743_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 80c9e612a..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_461743_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Testcase originally by <> -->
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<title>Test for bug 461743</title>
-<iframe src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8,empty"></iframe>
-<script type="application/javascript">
- var chromeUrl = "chrome://global/content/mozilla.xhtml";
- var exploitUrl = "javascript:try { document.body.innerHTML = Components.utils.reportError; } catch (ex) { }";
- var loadCount = 0;
- frames[0].addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", handleLoad, false);
- frames[1].addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", handleLoad, false);
- function handleLoad() {
- if (++loadCount < 2)
- return;
- frames[0].removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", handleLoad, false);
- frames[1].removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", handleLoad, false);
- var flip = 0;
- MutationEvent.prototype.toString = function() {
- return flip++ == 0 ? chromeUrl : exploitUrl;
- };
- var href = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(frames[1].location), "href").get;
- var loadChrome = { handleEvent: href };
- var loadExploit = { handleEvent: href };
- function delay() {
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
-"GET", location.href, false);
- xhr.send(null);
- }
- function done() {
- var event = new MessageEvent('461743', { bubbles: true, cancelable: false,
- data: "done", origin: location.href,
- source: window });
- document.dispatchEvent(event);
- frames[0].document.removeEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", loadChrome, true);
- frames[0].document.removeEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", delay, true);
- frames[0].document.removeEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", loadExploit, true);
- frames[0].document.removeEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", done, true);
- }
- frames[0].document.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", loadChrome, true);
- frames[0].document.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", delay, true);
- frames[0].document.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", loadExploit, true);
- frames[0].document.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", done, true);
- frames[0].document.designMode = "on";
- };
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_463205.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_463205.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ad3f22794..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_463205.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const URL = ROOT + "browser_463205_sample.html";
- * Bug 463205 - Check URLs before restoring form data to make sure a malicious
- * website can't modify frame URLs and make us inject form data into the wrong
- * web pages.
- */
-add_task(function test_check_urls_before_restoring() {
- // Add a blank tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Restore form data with a valid URL.
- yield promiseTabState(tab, getState(URL));
- let value = yield getInputValue(browser, {id: "text"});
- is(value, "foobar", "value was restored");
- // Restore form data with an invalid URL.
- yield promiseTabState(tab, getState(""));
- value = yield getInputValue(browser, {id: "text"});
- is(value, "", "value was not restored");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
-function getState(url) {
- return JSON.stringify({
- entries: [{url: URL}],
- formdata: {url: url, id: {text: "foobar"}}
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_463205_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_463205_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6591401b6..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_463205_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>bug 463205</title>
- <input type="text" id="text" />
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_463206.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_463206.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 99ee8373e..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_463206.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-const TEST_URL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_463206_sample.html";
-add_task(function* () {
- // Add a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(TEST_URL);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- // "Type in" some random values.
- yield ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, null, function* () {
- function typeText(aTextField, aValue) {
- aTextField.value = aValue;
- let event = aTextField.ownerDocument.createEvent("UIEvents");
- event.initUIEvent("input", true, true, aTextField.ownerGlobal, 0);
- aTextField.dispatchEvent(event);
- }
- typeText(content.document.getElementById("out1"),;
- typeText(content.document.getElementsByName("1|#out2")[0], Math.random());
- typeText(content.frames[0].frames[1].document.getElementById("in1"), new Date());
- });
- // Duplicate the tab.
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- // Query a few values from the top and its child frames.
- yield ContentTask.spawn(tab2.linkedBrowser, null, function* () {
- Assert.notEqual(content.document.getElementById("out1").value,
- content.frames[1].document.getElementById("out1").value,
- "text isn't reused for frames");
- Assert.notEqual(content.document.getElementsByName("1|#out2")[0].value,
- "", "text containing | and # is correctly restored");
- Assert.equal(content.frames[1].document.getElementById("out2").value,
- "", "id prefixes can't be faked");
- // Disabled for now, Bug 588077
- //Assert.equal(content.frames[0].frames[1].document.getElementById("in1").value,
- // "", "id prefixes aren't mixed up");
- Assert.equal(content.frames[1].frames[0].document.getElementById("in1").value,
- "", "id prefixes aren't mixed up");
- });
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_463206_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_463206_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d31f2906..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_463206_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Testcase originally by <> -->
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>Test for bug 463206</title>
-<iframe src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<iframe></iframe><iframe%20src='data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<input%2520id=%2522in1%2522>'></iframe>"></iframe>
-<iframe src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<input%20id='out1'><input%20id='out2'><iframe%20src='data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<input%2520id=%2522in1%2522>'>"></iframe>
-<input id="out1">
-<input name="1|#out2">
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464199.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464199.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 36f07832c..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464199.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function waitForClearHistory(aCallback) {
- let observer = {
- observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "browser:purge-domain-data");
- setTimeout(aCallback, 0);
- }
- };
- Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "browser:purge-domain-data", false);
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 464199 **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- const REMEMBER =, FORGET = Math.random();
- let test_state = { windows: [{ "tabs": [{ "entries": [] }], _closedTabs: [
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "" }] }, title: FORGET },
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "" }] }, title: REMEMBER },
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "" },
- { url: "" }] }, title: FORGET },
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "" }] }, title: FORGET },
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "" }] }, title: FORGET },
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "" }] }, title: FORGET },
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "about:license" }] }, title: REMEMBER },
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "",
- children: [
- { url: "" },
- { url: "" }
- ] }] }, title: REMEMBER },
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "",
- children: [
- { url: "" },
- { url: "" }
- ] }] }, title: FORGET },
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "",
- formdata: { id: { "url": "" } }
- }] }, title: REMEMBER },
- { state: { entries: [{ url: "" }],
- extData: { "setTabValue": "" } }, title: REMEMBER }
- ] }] };
- let remember_count = 5;
- function countByTitle(aClosedTabList, aTitle) {
- return aClosedTabList.filter(aData => aData.title == aTitle).length;
- }
- // open a window and add the above closed tab list
- let newWin = openDialog(location, "", "chrome,all,dialog=no");
- promiseWindowLoaded(newWin).then(() => {
- gPrefService.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo",
- ss.setWindowState(newWin, JSON.stringify(test_state), true);
- let closedTabs = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(newWin));
- is(closedTabs.length,[0]._closedTabs.length,
- "Closed tab list has the expected length");
- is(countByTitle(closedTabs, FORGET),
-[0]._closedTabs.length - remember_count,
- "The correct amout of tabs are to be forgotten");
- is(countByTitle(closedTabs, REMEMBER), remember_count,
- "Everything is set up.");
- ForgetAboutSite.removeDataFromDomain("");
- waitForClearHistory(function() {
- closedTabs = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(newWin));
- is(closedTabs.length, remember_count,
- "The correct amout of tabs was removed");
- is(countByTitle(closedTabs, FORGET), 0,
- "All tabs to be forgotten were indeed removed");
- is(countByTitle(closedTabs, REMEMBER), remember_count,
- "... and tabs to be remembered weren't.");
- // clean up
- gPrefService.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo");
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin).then(finish);
- });
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_a.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_a.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f03c92c7..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_a.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Testcase originally by <> -->
-<title>Test for bug 464620 (injection on input)</title>
-<iframe onload="setup()"></iframe>
- var targetUrl = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_xd.html";
- var firstPass;
- function setup() {
- if (firstPass !== undefined)
- return;
- firstPass = frames[1].location.href == "about:blank";
- if (firstPass) {
- frames[0].location = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<body onload="if (parent.firstPass) parent.step();"><input id="x" oninput="parent.xss()">XXX</body>';
- }
- frames[1].location = targetUrl;
- }
- function step() {
- var x = frames[0].document.getElementById("x");
- if (x.value == "")
- x.value = "ready";
- = "none";
- frames[0].document.designMode = "on";
- }
- function xss() {
- step();
- var documentInjected = false;
- document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].onload =
- function() { documentInjected = true; };
- frames[0].location = targetUrl;
- for (var c = 0; !documentInjected && c < 20; c++) {
- var r = new XMLHttpRequest();
-"GET", location.href, false);
- r.overrideMimeType("text/plain");
- r.send(null);
- }
- document.getElementById("state").textContent = "done";
- var event = new MessageEvent('464620_a', { bubbles: true, cancelable: false,
- data: "done", origin: location.href,
- source: window });
- document.dispatchEvent(event);
- }
-<p id="state">pending</p>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_a.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_a.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9756fa703..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_a.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 464620 (injection on input) **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let testURL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_a.html";
- var frameCount = 0;
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
- tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
- // wait for all frames to load completely
- if (frameCount++ < 4)
- return;
- this.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
- executeSoon(function() {
- frameCount = 0;
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- tab2.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("464620_a", function(aEvent) {
- tab2.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("464620_a", arguments.callee, true);
- is(, "done", "XSS injection was attempted");
- // let form restoration complete and take into account the
- // setTimeout(..., 0) in sss_restoreDocument_proxy
- executeSoon(function() {
- setTimeout(function() {
- let win = tab2.linkedBrowser.contentWindow;
- isnot(win.frames[0].document.location, testURL,
- "cross domain document was loaded");
- ok(!/XXX/.test(win.frames[0].document.body.innerHTML),
- "no content was injected");
- // clean up
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- finish();
- }, 0);
- });
- }, true, true);
- });
- }, true);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_b.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_b.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c86d2152..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_b.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Testcase originally by <> -->
-<title>Test for bug 464620 (injection on DOM node insertion)</title>
-<iframe onload="setup()"></iframe>
- var targetUrl = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_xd.html";
- var firstPass;
- function setup() {
- if (firstPass !== undefined)
- return;
- firstPass = frames[2].location.href == "about:blank";
- if (firstPass) {
- frames[0].location = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<body onload="parent.step()">a</body>';
- frames[1].location = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<body onload="document.designMode=\'on\';">XXX</body>';
- }
- frames[2].location = targetUrl;
- }
- function step() {
- frames[0].document.designMode = "on";
- if (firstPass)
- return;
- var body = frames[0].document.body;
- body.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function() {
- body.removeEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", arguments.callee, true);
- xss();
- }, true);
- }
- function xss() {
- var documentInjected = false;
- document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[1].onload =
- function() { documentInjected = true; };
- frames[1].location = targetUrl;
- for (var c = 0; !documentInjected && c < 20; c++) {
- var r = new XMLHttpRequest();
-"GET", location.href, false);
- r.overrideMimeType("text/plain");
- r.send(null);
- }
- document.getElementById("state").textContent = "done";
- var event = new MessageEvent('464620_b', { bubbles: true, cancelable: false,
- data: "done", origin: location.href,
- source: window });
- document.dispatchEvent(event);
- }
-<p id="state">pending</p>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_b.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_b.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cf23aa460..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_b.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 464620 (injection on DOM node insertion) **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let testURL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_b.html";
- var frameCount = 0;
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
- tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
- // wait for all frames to load completely
- if (frameCount++ < 6)
- return;
- this.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
- executeSoon(function() {
- frameCount = 0;
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- tab2.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("464620_b", function(aEvent) {
- tab2.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("464620_b", arguments.callee, true);
- is(, "done", "XSS injection was attempted");
- // let form restoration complete and take into account the
- // setTimeout(..., 0) in sss_restoreDocument_proxy
- executeSoon(function() {
- setTimeout(function() {
- let win = tab2.linkedBrowser.contentWindow;
- isnot(win.frames[1].document.location, testURL,
- "cross domain document was loaded");
- ok(!/XXX/.test(win.frames[1].document.body.innerHTML),
- "no content was injected");
- // clean up
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- finish();
- }, 0);
- });
- }, true, true);
- });
- }, true);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_xd.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_xd.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ec51c4c7..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_464620_xd.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<title>Cross Document File for bug 464620</title>
-<body onload="document.designMode='on';" bgcolor="red">
- This document is editable.
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_465215.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_465215.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a0a7b9c5..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_465215.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-var uniqueName = "bug 465215";
-var uniqueValue1 = "as good as unique: " +;
-var uniqueValue2 = "as good as unique: " + Math.random();
-add_task(function* () {
- // set a unique value on a new, blank tab
- let tab1 = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab1.linkedBrowser);
- ss.setTabValue(tab1, uniqueName, uniqueValue1);
- // duplicate the tab with that value
- let tab2 = ss.duplicateTab(window, tab1);
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- is(ss.getTabValue(tab2, uniqueName), uniqueValue1, "tab value was duplicated");
- ss.setTabValue(tab2, uniqueName, uniqueValue2);
- isnot(ss.getTabValue(tab1, uniqueName), uniqueValue2, "tab values aren't sync'd");
- // overwrite the tab with the value which should remove it
- yield promiseTabState(tab1, {entries: []});
- is(ss.getTabValue(tab1, uniqueName), "", "tab value was cleared");
- // clean up
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab1);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_465223.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_465223.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 04f888b30..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_465223.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 465223 **/
- // test setup
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let uniqueKey1 = "bug 465223.1";
- let uniqueKey2 = "bug 465223.2";
- let uniqueValue1 = "unik" +;
- let uniqueValue2 = "pi != " + Math.random();
- // open a window and set a value on it
- let newWin = openDialog(location, "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no");
- promiseWindowLoaded(newWin).then(() => {
- ss.setWindowValue(newWin, uniqueKey1, uniqueValue1);
- let newState = { windows: [{ tabs:[{ entries: [] }], extData: {} }] };
-[0].extData[uniqueKey2] = uniqueValue2;
- ss.setWindowState(newWin, JSON.stringify(newState), false);
- is(newWin.gBrowser.tabs.length, 2,
- "original tab wasn't overwritten");
- is(ss.getWindowValue(newWin, uniqueKey1), uniqueValue1,
- "window value wasn't overwritten when the tabs weren't");
- is(ss.getWindowValue(newWin, uniqueKey2), uniqueValue2,
- "new window value was correctly added");
-[0].extData[uniqueKey2] = uniqueValue1;
- ss.setWindowState(newWin, JSON.stringify(newState), true);
- is(newWin.gBrowser.tabs.length, 1,
- "original tabs were overwritten");
- is(ss.getWindowValue(newWin, uniqueKey1), "",
- "window value was cleared");
- is(ss.getWindowValue(newWin, uniqueKey2), uniqueValue1,
- "window value was correctly overwritten");
- // clean up
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin).then(finish);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_466937.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_466937.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a07caa0c..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_466937.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const URL = ROOT + "browser_466937_sample.html";
- * Bug 466937 - Prevent file stealing with sessionstore.
- */
-add_task(function test_prevent_file_stealing() {
- // Add a tab with some file input fields.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Generate a path to a 'secret' file.
- let file = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile);
- file.append("466937_test.file");
- file.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0o666);
- let testPath = file.path;
- // Fill in form values.
- yield setInputValue(browser, {id: "reverse_thief", value: "/home/user/secret2"});
- yield setInputValue(browser, {id: "bystander", value: testPath});
- // Duplicate and check form values.
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- let browser2 = tab2.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- let thief = yield getInputValue(browser2, {id: "thief"});
- is(thief, "", "file path wasn't set to text field value");
- let reverse_thief = yield getInputValue(browser2, {id: "reverse_thief"});
- is(reverse_thief, "", "text field value wasn't set to full file path");
- let bystander = yield getInputValue(browser2, {id: "bystander"});
- is(bystander, testPath, "normal case: file path was correctly preserved");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_466937_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_466937_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d46c649a..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_466937_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Testcase originally by <> -->
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>Test for bug 466937</title>
-<input id="thief" value="/home/user/secret">
-<input type="file" id="reverse_thief">
-<input type="file" id="bystander">
- window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
- window.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", arguments.callee, false);
- if (!document.location.hash) {
- document.location.hash = "#ready";
- }
- else {
- document.getElementById("thief").type = "file";
- document.getElementById("reverse_thief").type = "text";
- }
- }, false);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_467409-backslashplosion.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_467409-backslashplosion.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e990c614..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_467409-backslashplosion.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-"use strict";
-// Test Summary:
-// 1. Open about:sessionrestore where formdata is a JS object, not a string
-// 1a. Check that #sessionData on the page is readable after JSON.parse (skipped, checking formdata is sufficient)
-// 1b. Check that there are no backslashes in the formdata
-// 1c. Check that formdata doesn't require JSON.parse
-// 2. Use the current state (currently about:sessionrestore with data) and then open that in a new instance of about:sessionrestore
-// 2a. Check that there are no backslashes in the formdata
-// 2b. Check that formdata doesn't require JSON.parse
-// 3. [backwards compat] Use a stringified state as formdata when opening about:sessionrestore
-// 3a. Make sure there are nodes in the tree on about:sessionrestore (skipped, checking formdata is sufficient)
-// 3b. Check that there are no backslashes in the formdata
-// 3c. Check that formdata doesn't require JSON.parse
-const CRASH_STATE = {windows: [{tabs: [{entries: [{url: "about:mozilla" }]}]}]};
-const STATE = createEntries(CRASH_STATE);
-const STATE2 = createEntries({windows: [{tabs: [STATE]}]});
-const STATE3 = createEntries(JSON.stringify(CRASH_STATE));
-function createEntries(sessionData) {
- return {
- entries: [{url: "about:sessionrestore"}],
- formdata: {id: {sessionData: sessionData}, url: "about:sessionrestore"}
- };
-add_task(function test_nested_about_sessionrestore() {
- // Prepare a blank tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // test 1
- yield promiseTabState(tab, STATE);
- yield checkState("test1", tab);
- // test 2
- yield promiseTabState(tab, STATE2);
- yield checkState("test2", tab);
- // test 3
- yield promiseTabState(tab, STATE3);
- yield checkState("test3", tab);
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
-function* checkState(prefix, tab) {
- // Flush and query tab state.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
- let {formdata} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- ok(["sessionData"], prefix + ": we have form data for about:sessionrestore");
- let sessionData_raw = JSON.stringify(["sessionData"]);
- ok(!/\\/.test(sessionData_raw), prefix + ": #sessionData contains no backslashes");
- info(sessionData_raw);
- let gotError = false;
- try {
- JSON.parse(["sessionData"]);
- } catch (e) {
- info(prefix + ": got error: " + e);
- gotError = true;
- }
- ok(gotError, prefix + ": attempting to JSON.parse form data threw error");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_477657.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_477657.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a8ee3412..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_477657.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 477657 **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let newWin = openDialog(location, "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no");
- promiseWindowLoaded(newWin).then(() => {
- let newState = { windows: [{
- tabs: [{ entries: [] }],
- _closedTabs: [{
- state: { entries: [{ url: "about:" }]},
- title: "About:"
- }],
- sizemode: "maximized"
- }] };
- let uniqueKey = "bug 477657";
- let uniqueValue = "unik" +;
- ss.setWindowValue(newWin, uniqueKey, uniqueValue);
- is(ss.getWindowValue(newWin, uniqueKey), uniqueValue,
- "window value was set before the window was overwritten");
- ss.setWindowState(newWin, JSON.stringify(newState), true);
- // use newWin.setTimeout(..., 0) to mirror sss_restoreWindowFeatures
- newWin.setTimeout(function() {
- is(ss.getWindowValue(newWin, uniqueKey), "",
- "window value was implicitly cleared");
- is(newWin.windowState, newWin.STATE_MAXIMIZED,
- "the window was maximized");
- is(JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(newWin)).length, 1,
- "the closed tab was added before the window was overwritten");
- delete[0]._closedTabs;
- delete[0].sizemode;
- ss.setWindowState(newWin, JSON.stringify(newState), true);
- newWin.setTimeout(function() {
- is(JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(newWin)).length, 0,
- "closed tabs were implicitly cleared");
- is(newWin.windowState, newWin.STATE_MAXIMIZED,
- "the window remains maximized");
-[0].sizemode = "normal";
- ss.setWindowState(newWin, JSON.stringify(newState), true);
- newWin.setTimeout(function() {
- isnot(newWin.windowState, newWin.STATE_MAXIMIZED,
- "the window was explicitly unmaximized");
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin).then(finish);
- }, 0);
- }, 0);
- }, 0);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_480893.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_480893.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e3ddb39b7..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_480893.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
- * Tests that we get sent to the right page when the user clicks
- * the "Close" button in about:sessionrestore
- */
-add_task(function*() {
- yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
- "set": [
- ["", 0],
- ]
- });
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:sessionrestore");
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, "about:sessionrestore");
- let doc = browser.contentDocument;
- // Click on the "Close" button after about:sessionrestore is loaded.
- doc.getElementById("errorCancel").click();
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, "about:blank");
- // Test that starting a new session loads the homepage (set to http://mochi.test:8888)
- // if Firefox is configured to display a homepage at startup ( = 1)
- let homepage = "http://mochi.test:8888/";
- yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
- "set": [
- ["browser.startup.homepage", homepage],
- ["", 1],
- ]
- });
- browser.loadURI("about:sessionrestore");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, "about:sessionrestore");
- doc = browser.contentDocument;
- // Click on the "Close" button after about:sessionrestore is loaded.
- doc.getElementById("errorCancel").click();
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
- is(browser.currentURI.spec, homepage, "loaded page is the homepage");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_485482.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_485482.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 68ec9941b..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_485482.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const URL = ROOT + "browser_485482_sample.html";
- * Bug 485482 - Make sure that we produce valid XPath expressions even for very
- * weird HTML documents.
- */
-add_task(function test_xpath_exp_for_strange_documents() {
- // Load a page with weird tag names.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Fill in some values.
- let uniqueValue = Math.random();
- yield setInputValue(browser, {selector: "input[type=text]", value: uniqueValue});
- yield setInputChecked(browser, {selector: "input[type=checkbox]", checked: true});
- // Duplicate the tab.
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- let browser2 = tab2.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- // Check that we generated valid XPath expressions to restore form values.
- let text = yield getInputValue(browser2, {selector: "input[type=text]"});
- is(text, uniqueValue, "generated XPath expression was valid");
- let checkbox = yield getInputChecked(browser2, {selector: "input[type=checkbox]"});
- ok(checkbox, "generated XPath expression was valid");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_485482_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_485482_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c2097b593..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_485482_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<title>Test for bug 485482</title>
- <input type="text">
- <l0c@l+na~e"'�>
- <input type="checkbox" name="check"> Check
- </l0c@l+na~e"'�>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_485563.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_485563.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f4e6b31cc..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_485563.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 485563 **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let uniqueValue = Math.random() + "\u2028Second line\u2029Second paragraph\u2027";
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab();
- promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser).then(() => {
- ss.setTabValue(tab, "bug485563", uniqueValue);
- let tabState = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(tabState.extData["bug485563"], uniqueValue,
- "unicode line separator wasn't over-encoded");
- ss.deleteTabValue(tab, "bug485563");
- ss.setTabState(tab, JSON.stringify(tabState));
- is(ss.getTabValue(tab, "bug485563"), uniqueValue,
- "unicode line separator was correctly preserved");
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- finish();
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_490040.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_490040.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bc680c32f..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_490040.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Only windows with open tabs are restorable. Windows where a lone tab is
-// detached may have _closedTabs, but is left with just an empty tab.
-const STATES = [{
- shouldBeAdded: true,
- windowState: {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "", title: "" }] }],
- selected: 1,
- _closedTabs: []
- }]
- }
- }, {
- shouldBeAdded: false,
- windowState: {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [{ entries: [] }],
- _closedTabs: []
- }]
- }
- }, {
- shouldBeAdded: false,
- windowState: {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [{ entries: [] }],
- _closedTabs: [{ state: { entries: [{ url: "", index: 1 }] } }]
- }]
- }
- }, {
- shouldBeAdded: false,
- windowState: {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [{ entries: [] }],
- _closedTabs: [],
- extData: { keyname: "pi != " + Math.random() }
- }]
- }
- }];
-add_task(function* test_bug_490040() {
- for (let state of STATES) {
- // Ensure we can store the window if needed.
- let startingClosedWindowCount = ss.getClosedWindowCount();
- yield pushPrefs(["browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo",
- startingClosedWindowCount + 1]);
- let curClosedWindowCount = ss.getClosedWindowCount();
- let win = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- ss.setWindowState(win, JSON.stringify(state.windowState), true);
- if ([0].tabs.length) {
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
- }
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(),
- curClosedWindowCount + (state.shouldBeAdded ? 1 : 0),
- "That window should " + (state.shouldBeAdded ? "" : "not ") +
- "be restorable");
- }
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_491168.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_491168.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ae66afe77..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_491168.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const REFERRER1 = "" +;
-const REFERRER2 = "" + Math.random();
-add_task(function* () {
- function* checkDocumentReferrer(referrer, msg) {
- yield ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, { referrer, msg }, function* (args) {
- Assert.equal(content.document.referrer, args.referrer, args.msg);
- });
- }
- // Add a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Load a new URI with a specific referrer.
- let referrerURI =, null, null);
- browser.loadURI("", referrerURI, null);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let tabState = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(tabState.entries[0].referrer, REFERRER1,
- "Referrer retrieved via getTabState matches referrer set via loadURI.");
- tabState.entries[0].referrer = REFERRER2;
- yield promiseTabState(tab, tabState);
- yield checkDocumentReferrer(REFERRER2,
- "document.referrer matches referrer set via setTabState.");
- gBrowser.removeCurrentTab();
- // Restore the closed tab.
- tab = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- yield checkDocumentReferrer(REFERRER2,
- "document.referrer is still correct after closing and reopening the tab.");
- gBrowser.removeCurrentTab();
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_491577.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_491577.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e088d702..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_491577.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 491577 **/
- // test setup
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- const REMEMBER =, FORGET = Math.random();
- let test_state = {
- windows: [ { tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "" }] }], selected: 1 } ],
- _closedWindows : [
- // _closedWindows[0]
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: "title" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: "title" }] }
- ],
- selected: 2,
- title: FORGET,
- _closedTabs: []
- },
- // _closedWindows[1]
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: "title" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: "title" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: "title" }] },
- ],
- selected: 3,
- title: REMEMBER,
- _closedTabs: []
- },
- // _closedWindows[2]
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: "title" }] }
- ],
- selected: 1,
- title: FORGET,
- _closedTabs: [
- {
- state: {
- entries: [
- { url: "", title: "title" },
- { url: "", title: "title" }
- ]
- },
- pos: 1,
- title: "title"
- },
- {
- state: {
- entries: [
- { url: "", title: "title" }
- ]
- },
- title: "title"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- };
- let remember_count = 1;
- function countByTitle(aClosedWindowList, aTitle) {
- return aClosedWindowList.filter(aData => aData.title == aTitle).length;
- }
- function testForError(aFunction) {
- try {
- aFunction();
- return false;
- }
- catch (ex) {
- }
- }
- // open a window and add the above closed window list
- let newWin = openDialog(location, "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no");
- promiseWindowLoaded(newWin).then(() => {
- gPrefService.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo",
- test_state._closedWindows.length);
- ss.setWindowState(newWin, JSON.stringify(test_state), true);
- let closedWindows = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedWindowData());
- is(closedWindows.length, test_state._closedWindows.length,
- "Closed window list has the expected length");
- is(countByTitle(closedWindows, FORGET),
- test_state._closedWindows.length - remember_count,
- "The correct amount of windows are to be forgotten");
- is(countByTitle(closedWindows, REMEMBER), remember_count,
- "Everything is set up.");
- // all of the following calls with illegal arguments should throw NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE
- ok(testForError(() => ss.forgetClosedWindow(-1)),
- "Invalid window for forgetClosedWindow throws");
- ok(testForError(() => ss.forgetClosedWindow(test_state._closedWindows.length + 1)),
- "Invalid window for forgetClosedWindow throws");
- // Remove third window, then first window
- ss.forgetClosedWindow(2);
- ss.forgetClosedWindow(null);
- closedWindows = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedWindowData());
- is(closedWindows.length, remember_count,
- "The correct amount of windows were removed");
- is(countByTitle(closedWindows, FORGET), 0,
- "All windows specifically forgotten were indeed removed");
- is(countByTitle(closedWindows, REMEMBER), remember_count,
- "... and windows not specifically forgetten weren't.");
- // clean up
- gPrefService.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo");
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin).then(finish);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_495495.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_495495.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 658f81c20..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_495495.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 495495 **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let newWin = openDialog(location, "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no,toolbar=yes");
- promiseWindowLoaded(newWin).then(() => {
- let state1 = ss.getWindowState(newWin);
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin).then(() => {
- newWin = openDialog(location, "_blank",
- "chrome,extrachrome,menubar,resizable,scrollbars,status,toolbar=no,location,personal,directories,dialog=no");
- promiseWindowLoaded(newWin).then(() => {
- let state2 = ss.getWindowState(newWin);
- function testState(state, expected, callback) {
- let win = openDialog(location, "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no");
- promiseWindowLoaded(win).then(() => {
- is(win.gURLBar.readOnly, false,
- "URL bar should not be read-only before setting the state");
- is(win.gURLBar.getAttribute("enablehistory"), "true",
- "URL bar autocomplete should be enabled before setting the state");
- ss.setWindowState(win, state, true);
- is(win.gURLBar.readOnly, expected.readOnly,
- "URL bar read-only state should be restored correctly");
- is(win.gURLBar.getAttribute("enablehistory"), expected.enablehistory,
- "URL bar autocomplete state should be restored correctly");
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win).then(callback);
- });
- }
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin).then(() => {
- testState(state1, {readOnly: false, enablehistory: "true"}, function() {
- testState(state2, {readOnly: true, enablehistory: "false"}, finish);
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_500328.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_500328.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 44650ef8b..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_500328.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-let checkState = Task.async(function*(browser) {
- // Go back and then forward, and make sure that the state objects received
- // from the popState event are as we expect them to be.
- //
- // We also add a node to the document's body when after going back and make
- // sure it's still there after we go forward -- this is to test that the two
- // history entries correspond to the same document.
- let deferred = {};
- deferred.promise = new Promise(resolve => deferred.resolve = resolve);
- let popStateCount = 0;
- browser.addEventListener("popstate", function(aEvent) {
- if (popStateCount == 0) {
- popStateCount++;
- ok(aEvent.state, "Event should have a state property.");
- ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function() {
- is(content.testState, "foo",
- "testState after going back");
- is(JSON.stringify(content.history.state), JSON.stringify({obj1:1}),
- "first popstate object.");
- // Add a node with id "new-elem" to the document.
- let doc = content.document;
- ok(!doc.getElementById("new-elem"),
- "doc shouldn't contain new-elem before we add it.");
- let elem = doc.createElement("div");
- = "new-elem";
- doc.body.appendChild(elem);
- }).then(() => {
- browser.goForward();
- });
- } else if (popStateCount == 1) {
- popStateCount++;
- // When content fires a PopStateEvent and we observe it from a chrome event
- // listener (as we do here, and, thankfully, nowhere else in the tree), the
- // state object will be a cross-compartment wrapper to an object that was
- // deserialized in the content scope. And in this case, since RegExps are
- // not currently Xrayable (see bug 1014991), trying to pull |obj3| (a RegExp)
- // off of an Xrayed Object won't work. So we need to waive.
- ContentTask.spawn(browser, aEvent.state, function(state) {
- Assert.equal(Cu.waiveXrays(state).obj3.toString(),
- "/^a$/", "second popstate object.");
- // Make sure that the new-elem node is present in the document. If it's
- // not, then this history entry has a different doc identifier than the
- // previous entry, which is bad.
- let doc = content.document;
- let newElem = doc.getElementById("new-elem");
- ok(newElem, "doc should contain new-elem.");
- newElem.parentNode.removeChild(newElem);
- ok(!doc.getElementById("new-elem"), "new-elem should be removed.");
- }).then(() => {
- browser.removeEventListener("popstate", arguments.callee, true);
- deferred.resolve();
- });
- }
- });
- // Set some state in the page's window. When we go back(), the page should
- // be retrieved from bfcache, and this state should still be there.
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function() {
- content.testState = "foo";
- });
- // Now go back. This should trigger the popstate event handler above.
- browser.goBack();
- yield deferred.promise;
-add_task(function* test() {
- // Tests session restore functionality of history.pushState and
- // history.replaceState(). (Bug 500328)
- // We open a new blank window, let it load, and then load in
- // We need to load the blank window first, otherwise the
- // docshell gets confused and doesn't have a current history entry.
- let state;
- yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "about:blank" }, function* (browser) {
- BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(browser, "");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
- // After these push/replaceState calls, the window should have three
- // history entries:
- // testURL (state object: null) <-- oldest
- // testURL (state object: {obj1:1})
- // testURL?page2 (state object: {obj3:/^a$/}) <-- newest
- function contentTest() {
- let history = content.window.history;
- history.pushState({obj1:1}, "title-obj1");
- history.pushState({obj2:2}, "title-obj2", "?page2");
- history.replaceState({obj3:/^a$/}, "title-obj3");
- }
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, contentTest);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- state = ss.getTabState(gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser));
- });
- // Restore the state into a new tab. Things don't work well when we
- // restore into the old tab, but that's not a real use case anyway.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "about:blank" }, function* (browser) {
- let tab2 = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser);
- let tabRestoredPromise = promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- ss.setTabState(tab2, state, true);
- // Run checkState() once the tab finishes loading its restored state.
- yield tabRestoredPromise;
- yield checkState(browser);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_506482.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_506482.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e5bd83bd..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_506482.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 506482 **/
- // test setup
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- // read the sessionstore.js mtime (picked from browser_248970_a.js)
- let profilePath = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIProperties).
- get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
- function getSessionstoreFile() {
- let sessionStoreJS = profilePath.clone();
- sessionStoreJS.append("sessionstore.js");
- return sessionStoreJS;
- }
- function getSessionstorejsModificationTime() {
- let file = getSessionstoreFile();
- if (file.exists())
- return file.lastModifiedTime;
- else
- return -1;
- }
- // delete existing sessionstore.js, to make sure we're not reading
- // the mtime of an old one initially.
- let sessionStoreJS = getSessionstoreFile();
- if (sessionStoreJS.exists())
- sessionStoreJS.remove(false);
- // test content URL
- const TEST_URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"
- + "<body style='width: 100000px; height: 100000px;'><p>top</p></body>"
- // preferences that we use
- const PREF_INTERVAL = "browser.sessionstore.interval";
- // make sure sessionstore.js is saved ASAP on all events
- gPrefService.setIntPref(PREF_INTERVAL, 0);
- // get the initial sessionstore.js mtime (-1 if it doesn't exist yet)
- let mtime0 = getSessionstorejsModificationTime();
- // create and select a first tab
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(TEST_URL);
- promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser).then(() => {
- // step1: the above has triggered some saveStateDelayed(), sleep until
- // it's done, and get the initial sessionstore.js mtime
- setTimeout(function step1(e) {
- let mtime1 = getSessionstorejsModificationTime();
- isnot(mtime1, mtime0, "initial sessionstore.js update");
- // step2: test sessionstore.js is not updated on tab selection
- // or content scrolling
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- tab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow.scrollTo(1100, 1200);
- setTimeout(function step2(e) {
- let mtime2 = getSessionstorejsModificationTime();
- is(mtime2, mtime1,
- "tab selection and scrolling: sessionstore.js not updated");
- // ok, done, cleanup and finish
- if (gPrefService.prefHasUserValue(PREF_INTERVAL))
- gPrefService.clearUserPref(PREF_INTERVAL);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- finish();
- }, 3500); // end of sleep after tab selection and scrolling
- }, 3500); // end of sleep after initial saveStateDelayed()
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_514751.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_514751.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ff80245c4..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_514751.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 514751 (Wallpaper) **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let state = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [{
- entries: [
- { url: "about:mozilla", title: "Mozilla" },
- {}
- ]
- }]
- }]
- };
- var theWin = openDialog(location, "", "chrome,all,dialog=no");
- theWin.addEventListener("load", function () {
- theWin.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
- executeSoon(function () {
- var gotError = false;
- try {
- ss.setWindowState(theWin, JSON.stringify(state), true);
- } catch (e) {
- if (/NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI/.test(e))
- gotError = true;
- }
- ok(!gotError, "Didn't get a malformed URI error.");
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(theWin).then(finish);
- });
- }, false);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_522375.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_522375.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 50b74d6cd..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_522375.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-function test() {
- var startup_info = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAppStartup).getStartupInfo();
- // No .process info on mac
- // Check if we encountered a telemetry error for the the process creation
- // timestamp and turn the first test into a known failure.
- var telemetry = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsITelemetry);
- var snapshot = telemetry.getHistogramById("STARTUP_MEASUREMENT_ERRORS")
- .snapshot();
- if (snapshot.counts[0] == 0)
- ok(startup_info.process <= startup_info.main, "process created before main is run " + uneval(startup_info));
- else
- todo(false, "An error occurred while recording the process creation timestamp, skipping this test");
- // on linux firstPaint can happen after everything is loaded (especially with remote X)
- if (startup_info.firstPaint)
- ok(startup_info.main <= startup_info.firstPaint, "main ran before first paint " + uneval(startup_info));
- ok(startup_info.main < startup_info.sessionRestored, "Session restored after main " + uneval(startup_info));
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_522545.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_522545.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f4d373166..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_522545.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 522545 **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- requestLongerTimeout(4);
- // This tests the following use case:
- // User opens a new tab which gets focus. The user types something into the
- // address bar, then crashes or quits.
- function test_newTabFocused() {
- let state = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }] },
- { entries: [], userTypedValue: "", userTypedClear: 0 }
- ],
- selected: 2
- }]
- };
- waitForBrowserState(state, function() {
- let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- is(browser.currentURI.spec, "about:blank",
- "No history entries still sets currentURI to about:blank");
- is(browser.userTypedValue, "",
- "userTypedValue was correctly restored");
- ok(!browser.didStartLoadSinceLastUserTyping(),
- "We still know that no load is ongoing");
- is(gURLBar.value, "",
- "Address bar's value correctly restored");
- // Change tabs to make sure address bar value gets updated
- gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.tabContainer.getItemAtIndex(0);
- is(gURLBar.value, "about:mozilla",
- "Address bar's value correctly updated");
- runNextTest();
- });
- }
- // This tests the following use case:
- // User opens a new tab which gets focus. The user types something into the
- // address bar, switches back to the first tab, then crashes or quits.
- function test_newTabNotFocused() {
- let state = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }] },
- { entries: [], userTypedValue: "", userTypedClear: 0 }
- ],
- selected: 1
- }]
- };
- waitForBrowserState(state, function() {
- let browser = gBrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(1);
- is(browser.currentURI.spec, "about:blank",
- "No history entries still sets currentURI to about:blank");
- is(browser.userTypedValue, "",
- "userTypedValue was correctly restored");
- ok(!browser.didStartLoadSinceLastUserTyping(),
- "We still know that no load is ongoing");
- is(gURLBar.value, "about:mozilla",
- "Address bar's value correctly restored");
- // Change tabs to make sure address bar value gets updated
- gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.tabContainer.getItemAtIndex(1);
- is(gURLBar.value, "",
- "Address bar's value correctly updated");
- runNextTest();
- });
- }
- // This tests the following use case:
- // User is in a tab with session history, then types something in the
- // address bar, then crashes or quits.
- function test_existingSHEnd_noClear() {
- let state = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [{
- entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }, { url: "about:config" }],
- index: 2,
- userTypedValue: "",
- userTypedClear: 0
- }]
- }]
- };
- waitForBrowserState(state, function() {
- let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- is(browser.currentURI.spec, "about:config",
- "browser.currentURI set to current entry in SH");
- is(browser.userTypedValue, "",
- "userTypedValue was correctly restored");
- ok(!browser.didStartLoadSinceLastUserTyping(),
- "We still know that no load is ongoing");
- is(gURLBar.value, "",
- "Address bar's value correctly restored to userTypedValue");
- runNextTest();
- });
- }
- // This tests the following use case:
- // User is in a tab with session history, presses back at some point, then
- // types something in the address bar, then crashes or quits.
- function test_existingSHMiddle_noClear() {
- let state = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [{
- entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }, { url: "about:config" }],
- index: 1,
- userTypedValue: "",
- userTypedClear: 0
- }]
- }]
- };
- waitForBrowserState(state, function() {
- let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- is(browser.currentURI.spec, "about:mozilla",
- "browser.currentURI set to current entry in SH");
- is(browser.userTypedValue, "",
- "userTypedValue was correctly restored");
- ok(!browser.didStartLoadSinceLastUserTyping(),
- "We still know that no load is ongoing");
- is(gURLBar.value, "",
- "Address bar's value correctly restored to userTypedValue");
- runNextTest();
- });
- }
- // This test simulates lots of tabs opening at once and then quitting/crashing.
- function test_getBrowserState_lotsOfTabsOpening() {
- gBrowser.stop();
- let uris = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++)
- uris.push("" + i);
- // We're waiting for the first location change, which should indicate
- // one of the tabs has loaded and the others haven't. So one should
- // be in a non-userTypedValue case, while others should still have
- // userTypedValue and userTypedClear set.
- gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener({
- onLocationChange: function (aBrowser) {
- if (uris.indexOf(aBrowser.currentURI.spec) > -1) {
- gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(this);
- firstLocationChange();
- }
- }
- });
- function firstLocationChange() {
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- let hasUTV =[0].tabs.some(function(aTab) {
- return aTab.userTypedValue && aTab.userTypedClear && !aTab.entries.length;
- });
- ok(hasUTV, "At least one tab has a userTypedValue with userTypedClear with no loaded URL");
- BrowserTestUtils.waitForMessage(gBrowser.selectedBrowser.messageManager, "SessionStore:update").then(firstLoad);
- }
- function firstLoad() {
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(gBrowser.selectedTab));
- let hasSH = !("userTypedValue" in state) && state.entries[0].url;
- ok(hasSH, "The selected tab has its entry in SH");
- runNextTest();
- }
- gBrowser.loadTabs(uris);
- }
- // This simulates setting a userTypedValue and ensures that just typing in the
- // URL bar doesn't set userTypedClear as well.
- function test_getBrowserState_userTypedValue() {
- let state = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [{ entries: [] }]
- }]
- };
- waitForBrowserState(state, function() {
- let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- // Make sure this tab isn't loading and state is clear before we test.
- is(browser.userTypedValue, null, "userTypedValue is empty to start");
- ok(!browser.didStartLoadSinceLastUserTyping(),
- "Initially, no load should be ongoing");
- let inputText = "";
- gURLBar.focus();
- gURLBar.value = inputText.slice(0, -1);
- EventUtils.synthesizeKey(inputText.slice(-1) , {});
- executeSoon(function () {
- is(browser.userTypedValue, "",
- "userTypedValue was set when changing URLBar value");
- ok(!browser.didStartLoadSinceLastUserTyping(),
- "No load started since changing URLBar value");
- // Now make sure ss gets these values too
- let newState = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is([0].tabs[0].userTypedValue, "",
- "sessionstore got correct userTypedValue");
- is([0].tabs[0].userTypedClear, 0,
- "sessionstore got correct userTypedClear");
- runNextTest();
- });
- });
- }
- // test_getBrowserState_lotsOfTabsOpening tested userTypedClear in a few cases,
- // but not necessarily any that had legitimate URIs in the state of loading
- // (eg, ""), so this test will cover that case.
- function test_userTypedClearLoadURI() {
- let state = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [
- { entries: [], userTypedValue: "", userTypedClear: 2 }
- ]
- }]
- };
- waitForBrowserState(state, function() {
- let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- is(browser.currentURI.spec, "",
- "userTypedClear=2 caused userTypedValue to be loaded");
- is(browser.userTypedValue, null,
- "userTypedValue was null after loading a URI");
- ok(!browser.didStartLoadSinceLastUserTyping(),
- "We should have reset the load state when the tab loaded");
- is(gURLBar.textValue, gURLBar.trimValue(""),
- "Address bar's value set after loading URI");
- runNextTest();
- });
- }
- let tests = [test_newTabFocused, test_newTabNotFocused,
- test_existingSHEnd_noClear, test_existingSHMiddle_noClear,
- test_getBrowserState_lotsOfTabsOpening,
- test_getBrowserState_userTypedValue, test_userTypedClearLoadURI];
- let originalState = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- let state = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }] }]
- }]
- };
- function runNextTest() {
- if (tests.length) {
- waitForBrowserState(state, function() {
- gBrowser.selectedBrowser.userTypedValue = null;
- URLBarSetURI();
- (tests.shift())();
- });
- } else {
- waitForBrowserState(originalState, function() {
- gBrowser.selectedBrowser.userTypedValue = null;
- URLBarSetURI();
- finish();
- });
- }
- }
- // Run the tests!
- runNextTest();
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_524745.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_524745.js
deleted file mode 100644
index de53f6c92..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_524745.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 524745 **/
- let uniqKey = "bug524745";
- let uniqVal =;
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- whenNewWindowLoaded({ private: false }, function (window_B) {
- waitForFocus(function() {
- // Add identifying information to window_B
- ss.setWindowValue(window_B, uniqKey, uniqVal);
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- let selectedWindow =[state.selectedWindow - 1];
- is(selectedWindow.extData && selectedWindow.extData[uniqKey], uniqVal,
- "selectedWindow is window_B");
- // Now minimize window_B. The selected window shouldn't have the secret data
- window_B.minimize();
- waitForFocus(function() {
- state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- selectedWindow =[state.selectedWindow - 1];
- ok(!selectedWindow.extData || !selectedWindow.extData[uniqKey],
- "selectedWindow is not window_B after minimizing it");
- // Now minimize the last open window (assumes no other tests left windows open)
- window.minimize();
- state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is(state.selectedWindow, 0,
- "selectedWindow should be 0 when all windows are minimized");
- // Cleanup
- window.restore();
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(window_B).then(finish);
- });
- }, window_B);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_526613.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_526613.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e7fe8059..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_526613.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 526613 **/
- // test setup
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- function browserWindowsCount(expected) {
- let count = 0;
- let e = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
- while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
- if (!e.getNext().closed)
- ++count;
- }
- is(count, expected,
- "number of open browser windows according to nsIWindowMediator");
- let state = ss.getBrowserState();
- info(state);
- is(JSON.parse(state).windows.length, expected,
- "number of open browser windows according to getBrowserState");
- }
- browserWindowsCount(1);
- // backup old state
- let oldState = ss.getBrowserState();
- // create a new state for testing
- let testState = {
- windows: [
- { tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "" }] }], selected: 1 },
- { tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }] }], selected: 1 },
- ],
- // make sure the first window is focused, otherwise when restoring the
- // old state, the first window is closed and the test harness gets unloaded
- selectedWindow: 1
- };
- let pass = 1;
- function observer(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- is(aTopic, "sessionstore-browser-state-restored",
- "The sessionstore-browser-state-restored notification was observed");
- if (pass++ == 1) {
- browserWindowsCount(2);
- // let the first window be focused (see above)
- function pollMostRecentWindow() {
- if (Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser") == window) {
- ss.setBrowserState(oldState);
- } else {
- info("waiting for the current window to become active");
- setTimeout(pollMostRecentWindow, 0);
- window.focus(); //XXX Why is this needed?
- }
- }
- pollMostRecentWindow();
- }
- else {
- browserWindowsCount(1);
- ok(!window.closed, "Restoring the old state should have left this window open");
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "sessionstore-browser-state-restored");
- finish();
- }
- }
- Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "sessionstore-browser-state-restored", false);
- // set browser to test state
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(testState));
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_528776.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_528776.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d799c9740..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_528776.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-function browserWindowsCount(expected) {
- var count = 0;
- var e = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
- while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
- if (!e.getNext().closed)
- ++count;
- }
- is(count, expected,
- "number of open browser windows according to nsIWindowMediator");
- is(JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState()).windows.length, expected,
- "number of open browser windows according to getBrowserState");
-add_task(function() {
- browserWindowsCount(1);
- let win = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- browserWindowsCount(2);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- browserWindowsCount(1);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_579868.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_579868.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d6c6245d0..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_579868.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let tab1 = gBrowser.addTab("about:rights");
- let tab2 = gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
- promiseBrowserLoaded(tab1.linkedBrowser).then(() => {
- // Tell the session storer that the tab is pinned
- let newTabState = '{"entries":[{"url":"about:rights"}],"pinned":true,"userTypedValue":"Hello World!"}';
- ss.setTabState(tab1, newTabState);
- // Undo pinning
- gBrowser.unpinTab(tab1);
- // Close and restore tab
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab1);
- let savedState = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window))[0].state;
- isnot(savedState.pinned, true, "Pinned should not be true");
- tab1 = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- isnot(tab1.pinned, true, "Should not be pinned");
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab1);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- finish();
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_579879.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_579879.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6886be038..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_579879.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-add_task(function* () {
- let tab1 = gBrowser.addTab("data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,foo");
- gBrowser.pinTab(tab1);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab1.linkedBrowser);
- let tab2 = gBrowser.addTab();
- gBrowser.pinTab(tab2);
- is(Array.indexOf(gBrowser.tabs, tab1), 0, "pinned tab 1 is at the first position");
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab1);
- tab1 = undoCloseTab();
- ok(tab1.pinned, "pinned tab 1 has been restored as a pinned tab");
- is(Array.indexOf(gBrowser.tabs, tab1), 0, "pinned tab 1 has been restored to the first position");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab1);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab2);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_580512.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_580512.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ef048cd37..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_580512.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const URIS_PINNED = ["about:license", "about:about"];
-const URIS_NORMAL_A = ["about:mozilla"];
-const URIS_NORMAL_B = ["about:buildconfig"];
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- isnot(Services.prefs.getIntPref(""), 3,
- "pref to save session must not be set for this test");
- ok(!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.resume_session_once"),
- "pref to save session once must not be set for this test");
- document.documentElement.setAttribute("windowtype", "navigator:browsertestdummy");
- openWinWithCb(closeFirstWin, URIS_PINNED.concat(URIS_NORMAL_A));
-function closeFirstWin(win) {
- win.gBrowser.pinTab(win.gBrowser.tabs[0]);
- win.gBrowser.pinTab(win.gBrowser.tabs[1]);
- let winClosed = BrowserTestUtils.windowClosed(win);
- // We need to call BrowserTryToCloseWindow in order to trigger
- // the machinery that chooses whether or not to save the session
- // for the last window.
- win.BrowserTryToCloseWindow();
- ok(win.closed, "window closed");
- winClosed.then(() => {
- openWinWithCb(checkSecondWin, URIS_NORMAL_B, URIS_PINNED.concat(URIS_NORMAL_B));
- });
-function checkSecondWin(win) {
- is(win.gBrowser.browsers[0].currentURI.spec, URIS_PINNED[0], "first pinned tab restored");
- is(win.gBrowser.browsers[1].currentURI.spec, URIS_PINNED[1], "second pinned tab restored");
- ok(win.gBrowser.tabs[0].pinned, "first pinned tab is still pinned");
- ok(win.gBrowser.tabs[1].pinned, "second pinned tab is still pinned");
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win).then(() => {
- // cleanup
- document.documentElement.setAttribute("windowtype", "navigator:browser");
- finish();
- });
-function openWinWithCb(cb, argURIs, expectedURIs) {
- if (!expectedURIs)
- expectedURIs = argURIs;
- var win = openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank",
- "chrome,all,dialog=no", argURIs.join("|"));
- win.addEventListener("load", function () {
- win.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
- info("the window loaded");
- var expectedLoads = expectedURIs.length;
- win.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener({
- onStateChange: function (aBrowser, aWebProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus) {
- if (aRequest &&
- aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP &&
- aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK &&
- expectedURIs.indexOf(aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel).originalURI.spec) > -1 &&
- --expectedLoads <= 0) {
- win.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(this);
- info("all tabs loaded");
- is(win.gBrowser.tabs.length, expectedURIs.length, "didn't load any unexpected tabs");
- executeSoon(function () {
- cb(win);
- });
- }
- }
- });
- }, false);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_581937.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_581937.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 74ddaa9d2..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_581937.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// Tests that an about:blank tab with no history will not be saved into
-// session store and thus, it will not show up in Recently Closed Tabs.
-"use strict";
-add_task(function* () {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- is(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:blank",
- "we will be removing an about:blank tab");
- let r = `rand-${Math.random()}`;
- ss.setTabValue(tab, "foobar", r);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- let closedTabData = ss.getClosedTabData(window);
- ok(!closedTabData.includes(r), "tab not stored in _closedTabs");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-apptabs.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-apptabs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f8727c04f..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-apptabs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND = "browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand";
-add_task(function* test() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND, true);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND);
- });
- let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() }, pinned: true },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() }, pinned: true },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() }, pinned: true },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- ], selected: 5 }] };
- let loadCount = 0;
- let promiseRestoringTabs = new Promise(resolve => {
- gProgressListener.setCallback(function (aBrowser, aNeedRestore, aRestoring, aRestored) {
- loadCount++;
- // We'll make sure that the loads we get come from pinned tabs or the
- // the selected tab.
- // get the tab
- let tab;
- for (let i = 0; i < window.gBrowser.tabs.length; i++) {
- if (!tab && window.gBrowser.tabs[i].linkedBrowser == aBrowser)
- tab = window.gBrowser.tabs[i];
- }
- ok(tab.pinned || tab.selected,
- "load came from pinned or selected tab");
- // We should get 4 loads: 3 app tabs + 1 normal selected tab
- if (loadCount < 4)
- return;
- gProgressListener.unsetCallback();
- resolve();
- });
- });
- let backupState = ss.getBrowserState();
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(state));
- yield promiseRestoringTabs;
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseBrowserState(backupState);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-apptabs_ondemand.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-apptabs_ondemand.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b58aa649b..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-apptabs_ondemand.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND = "browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand";
-const PREF_RESTORE_PINNED_TABS_ON_DEMAND = "browser.sessionstore.restore_pinned_tabs_on_demand";
-add_task(function* test() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND, true);
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_RESTORE_PINNED_TABS_ON_DEMAND, true);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND);
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_RESTORE_PINNED_TABS_ON_DEMAND);
- });
- let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() }, pinned: true },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() }, pinned: true },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() }, pinned: true },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- ], selected: 5 }] };
- let promiseRestoringTabs = new Promise(resolve => {
- gProgressListener.setCallback(function (aBrowser, aNeedRestore, aRestoring, aRestored) {
- // get the tab
- let tab;
- for (let i = 0; i < window.gBrowser.tabs.length; i++) {
- if (!tab && window.gBrowser.tabs[i].linkedBrowser == aBrowser)
- tab = window.gBrowser.tabs[i];
- }
- // Check that the load only comes from the selected tab.
- ok(tab.selected, "load came from selected tab");
- is(aNeedRestore, 6, "six tabs left to restore");
- is(aRestoring, 1, "one tab is restoring");
- is(aRestored, 0, "no tabs have been restored, yet");
- gProgressListener.unsetCallback();
- resolve();
- });
- });
- let backupState = ss.getBrowserState();
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(state));
- yield promiseRestoringTabs;
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseBrowserState(backupState);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-browser_state_interrupted.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-browser_state_interrupted.js
deleted file mode 100644
index de8f1aba0..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-browser_state_interrupted.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND = "browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand";
-add_task(function* test() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND, false);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND);
- });
- // The first state will be loaded using setBrowserState, followed by the 2nd
- // state also being loaded using setBrowserState, interrupting the first restore.
- let state1 = { windows: [
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } }
- ],
- selected: 1
- },
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- ],
- selected: 3
- }
- ] };
- let state2 = { windows: [
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } }
- ],
- selected: 3
- },
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- ],
- selected: 1
- }
- ] };
- // interruptedAfter will be set after the selected tab from each window have loaded.
- let interruptedAfter = 0;
- let loadedWindow1 = false;
- let loadedWindow2 = false;
- let numTabs =[0].tabs.length +[1].tabs.length;
- let loadCount = 0;
- let promiseRestoringTabs = new Promise(resolve => {
- gProgressListener.setCallback(function (aBrowser, aNeedRestore, aRestoring, aRestored) {
- loadCount++;
- if (aBrowser.currentURI.spec ==[0].tabs[2].entries[0].url)
- loadedWindow1 = true;
- if (aBrowser.currentURI.spec ==[1].tabs[0].entries[0].url)
- loadedWindow2 = true;
- if (!interruptedAfter && loadedWindow1 && loadedWindow2) {
- interruptedAfter = loadCount;
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(state2));
- return;
- }
- if (loadCount < numTabs + interruptedAfter)
- return;
- // We don't actually care about load order in this test, just that they all
- // do load.
- is(loadCount, numTabs + interruptedAfter, "all tabs were restored");
- is(aNeedRestore, 0, "there are no tabs left needing restore");
- // Remove the progress listener.
- gProgressListener.unsetCallback();
- resolve();
- });
- });
- // We also want to catch the extra windows (there should be 2), so we need to observe domwindowopened
- Services.ww.registerNotification(function observer(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- if (aTopic == "domwindowopened") {
- let win = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
- win.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
- win.removeEventListener("load", onLoad);
- Services.ww.unregisterNotification(observer);
- win.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(gProgressListener);
- });
- }
- });
- let backupState = ss.getBrowserState();
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(state1));
- yield promiseRestoringTabs;
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseAllButPrimaryWindowClosed();
- yield promiseBrowserState(backupState);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-cascade.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-cascade.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 041aea85c..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-cascade.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND = "browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand";
-add_task(function* test() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND, false);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND);
- });
- let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } }
- ] }] };
- let expectedCounts = [
- [3, 3, 0],
- [2, 3, 1],
- [1, 3, 2],
- [0, 3, 3],
- [0, 2, 4],
- [0, 1, 5]
- ];
- let loadCount = 0;
- let promiseRestoringTabs = new Promise(resolve => {
- gProgressListener.setCallback(function (aBrowser, aNeedRestore, aRestoring, aRestored) {
- loadCount++;
- let expected = expectedCounts[loadCount - 1];
- is(aNeedRestore, expected[0], "load " + loadCount + " - # tabs that need to be restored");
- is(aRestoring, expected[1], "load " + loadCount + " - # tabs that are restoring");
- is(aRestored, expected[2], "load " + loadCount + " - # tabs that has been restored");
- if (loadCount ==[0].tabs.length) {
- gProgressListener.unsetCallback();
- resolve();
- }
- });
- });
- let backupState = ss.getBrowserState();
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(state));
- yield promiseRestoringTabs;
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseBrowserState(backupState);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-multi_window.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-multi_window.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 03337568e..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-multi_window.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND = "browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand";
-add_task(function* test() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND, false);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND);
- });
- // The first window will be put into the already open window and the second
- // window will be opened with _openWindowWithState, which is the source of the problem.
- let state = { windows: [
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } }
- ],
- selected: 1
- },
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } }
- ],
- selected: 4
- }
- ] };
- let numTabs =[0].tabs.length +[1].tabs.length;
- let loadCount = 0;
- let promiseRestoringTabs = new Promise(resolve => {
- gProgressListener.setCallback(function (aBrowser, aNeedRestore, aRestoring, aRestored) {
- if (++loadCount == numTabs) {
- // We don't actually care about load order in this test, just that they all
- // do load.
- is(loadCount, numTabs, "all tabs were restored");
- is(aNeedRestore, 0, "there are no tabs left needing restore");
- gProgressListener.unsetCallback();
- resolve();
- }
- });
- });
- // We also want to catch the 2nd window, so we need to observe domwindowopened
- Services.ww.registerNotification(function observer(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- if (aTopic == "domwindowopened") {
- let win = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
- win.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
- win.removeEventListener("load", onLoad);
- Services.ww.unregisterNotification(observer);
- win.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(gProgressListener);
- });
- }
- });
- let backupState = ss.getBrowserState();
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(state));
- yield promiseRestoringTabs;
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseAllButPrimaryWindowClosed();
- yield promiseBrowserState(backupState);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-reload.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-reload.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 630c91f2d..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-reload.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND = "browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand";
-add_task(function* test() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND, true);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND);
- });
- let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- ], selected: 1 }] };
- let loadCount = 0;
- let promiseRestoringTabs = new Promise(resolve => {
- gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", function onRestored(event) {
- let tab =;
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- let tabData =[0].tabs[loadCount++];
- // double check that this tab was the right one
- is(browser.currentURI.spec, tabData.entries[0].url,
- "load " + loadCount + " - browser loaded correct url");
- is(ss.getTabValue(tab, "uniq"), tabData.extData.uniq,
- "load " + loadCount + " - correct tab was restored");
- if (loadCount ==[0].tabs.length) {
- gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", onRestored);
- resolve();
- } else {
- // reload the next tab
- gBrowser.browsers[loadCount].reload();
- }
- });
- });
- let backupState = ss.getBrowserState();
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(state));
- yield promiseRestoringTabs;
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseBrowserState(backupState);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-select.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-select.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 433e1754c..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-select.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND = "browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand";
-add_task(function* test() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND, true);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND);
- });
- let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } }
- ], selected: 1 }] };
- let expectedCounts = [
- [5, 1, 0],
- [4, 1, 1],
- [3, 1, 2],
- [2, 1, 3],
- [1, 1, 4],
- [0, 1, 5]
- ];
- let tabOrder = [0, 5, 1, 4, 3, 2];
- let loadCount = 0;
- let promiseRestoringTabs = new Promise(resolve => {
- gProgressListener.setCallback(function (aBrowser, aNeedRestore, aRestoring, aRestored) {
- loadCount++;
- let expected = expectedCounts[loadCount - 1];
- is(aNeedRestore, expected[0], "load " + loadCount + " - # tabs that need to be restored");
- is(aRestoring, expected[1], "load " + loadCount + " - # tabs that are restoring");
- is(aRestored, expected[2], "load " + loadCount + " - # tabs that has been restored");
- if (loadCount <[0].tabs.length) {
- // double check that this tab was the right one
- let expectedData =[0].tabs[tabOrder[loadCount - 1]].extData.uniq;
- let tab;
- for (let i = 0; i < window.gBrowser.tabs.length; i++) {
- if (!tab && window.gBrowser.tabs[i].linkedBrowser == aBrowser)
- tab = window.gBrowser.tabs[i];
- }
- is(ss.getTabValue(tab, "uniq"), expectedData,
- "load " + loadCount + " - correct tab was restored");
- // select the next tab
- window.gBrowser.selectTabAtIndex(tabOrder[loadCount]);
- } else {
- gProgressListener.unsetCallback();
- resolve();
- }
- });
- });
- let backupState = ss.getBrowserState();
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(state));
- yield promiseRestoringTabs;
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseBrowserState(backupState);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-window_state.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-window_state.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6097a70db..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-window_state.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND = "browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand";
-add_task(function* test() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND, false);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND);
- });
- // We'll use 2 states so that we can make sure calling setWindowState doesn't
- // wipe out currently restoring data.
- let state1 = { windows: [{ tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- ] }] };
- let state2 = { windows: [{ tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] }
- ] }] };
- let numTabs =[0].tabs.length +[0].tabs.length;
- let loadCount = 0;
- let promiseRestoringTabs = new Promise(resolve => {
- gProgressListener.setCallback(function (aBrowser, aNeedRestore, aRestoring, aRestored) {
- // When loadCount == 2, we'll also restore state2 into the window
- if (++loadCount == 2) {
- ss.setWindowState(window, JSON.stringify(state2), false);
- }
- if (loadCount < numTabs) {
- return;
- }
- // We don't actually care about load order in this test, just that they all
- // do load.
- is(loadCount, numTabs, "test_setWindowStateNoOverwrite: all tabs were restored");
- is(aNeedRestore, 0, "there are no tabs left needing restore");
- gProgressListener.unsetCallback();
- resolve();
- });
- });
- let backupState = ss.getBrowserState();
- ss.setWindowState(window, JSON.stringify(state1), true);
- yield promiseRestoringTabs;
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseBrowserState(backupState);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-window_state_override.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-window_state_override.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 731e03307..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586068-window_state_override.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND = "browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand";
-add_task(function* test() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND, false);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_RESTORE_ON_DEMAND);
- });
- // We'll use 2 states so that we can make sure calling setWindowState doesn't
- // wipe out currently restoring data.
- let state1 = { windows: [{ tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- ] }] };
- let state2 = { windows: [{ tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] }
- ] }] };
- let numTabs = 2 +[0].tabs.length;
- let loadCount = 0;
- let promiseRestoringTabs = new Promise(resolve => {
- gProgressListener.setCallback(function (aBrowser, aNeedRestore, aRestoring, aRestored) {
- // When loadCount == 2, we'll also restore state2 into the window
- if (++loadCount == 2) {
- executeSoon(() => ss.setWindowState(window, JSON.stringify(state2), true));
- }
- if (loadCount < numTabs) {
- return;
- }
- // We don't actually care about load order in this test, just that they all
- // do load.
- is(loadCount, numTabs, "all tabs were restored");
- is(aNeedRestore, 0, "there are no tabs left needing restore");
- gProgressListener.unsetCallback();
- resolve();
- });
- });
- let backupState = ss.getBrowserState();
- ss.setWindowState(window, JSON.stringify(state1), true);
- yield promiseRestoringTabs;
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseBrowserState(backupState);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586147.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586147.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fbfec53c7..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_586147.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function observeOneRestore(callback) {
- let topic = "sessionstore-browser-state-restored";
- Services.obs.addObserver(function onRestore() {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(onRestore, topic);
- callback();
- }, topic, false);
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- // There should be one tab when we start the test
- let [origTab] = gBrowser.visibleTabs;
- let hiddenTab = gBrowser.addTab();
- is(gBrowser.visibleTabs.length, 2, "should have 2 tabs before hiding");
- gBrowser.showOnlyTheseTabs([origTab]);
- is(gBrowser.visibleTabs.length, 1, "only 1 after hiding");
- ok(hiddenTab.hidden, "sanity check that it's hidden");
- let extraTab = gBrowser.addTab();
- let state = ss.getBrowserState();
- let stateObj = JSON.parse(state);
- let tabs =[0].tabs;
- is(tabs.length, 3, "just checking that browser state is correct");
- ok(!tabs[0].hidden, "first tab is visible");
- ok(tabs[1].hidden, "second is hidden");
- ok(!tabs[2].hidden, "third is visible");
- // Make the third tab hidden and then restore the modified state object
- tabs[2].hidden = true;
- observeOneRestore(function() {
- let testWindow = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser").getNext();
- is(testWindow.gBrowser.visibleTabs.length, 1, "only restored 1 visible tab");
- let tabs = testWindow.gBrowser.tabs;
- ok(!tabs[0].hidden, "first is still visible");
- ok(tabs[1].hidden, "second tab is still hidden");
- ok(tabs[2].hidden, "third tab is now hidden");
- // Restore the original state and clean up now that we're done
- gBrowser.removeTab(hiddenTab);
- gBrowser.removeTab(extraTab);
- finish();
- });
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(stateObj));
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_588426.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_588426.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d2462f2bd..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_588426.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function test() {
- let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [
- {entries: [{url: "about:mozilla"}], hidden: true},
- {entries: [{url: "about:rights"}], hidden: true}
- ] }] };
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- newWindowWithState(state, function (win) {
- registerCleanupFunction(() => BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win));
- is(win.gBrowser.tabs.length, 2, "two tabs were restored");
- is(win.gBrowser.visibleTabs.length, 1, "one tab is visible");
- let tab = win.gBrowser.visibleTabs[0];
- is(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:mozilla", "visible tab is about:mozilla");
- finish();
- });
-function newWindowWithState(state, callback) {
- let opts = "chrome,all,dialog=no,height=800,width=800";
- let win = window.openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", opts);
- win.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
- win.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, false);
- executeSoon(function () {
- win.addEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", function onReady() {
- win.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onReady, false);
- promiseTabRestored(win.gBrowser.tabs[0]).then(() => callback(win));
- }, false);
- ss.setWindowState(win, JSON.stringify(state), true);
- });
- }, false);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_589246.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_589246.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d1f539073..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_589246.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Mirrors WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES IN nsSessionStore.js
-const WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES = ["width", "height", "screenX", "screenY", "sizemode"];
-var stateBackup = ss.getBrowserState();
-var originalWarnOnClose = gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose");
-var originalStartupPage = gPrefService.getIntPref("");
-var originalWindowType = document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype");
-var gotLastWindowClosedTopic = false;
-var shouldPinTab = false;
-var shouldOpenTabs = false;
-var shouldCloseTab = false;
-var testNum = 0;
-var afterTestCallback;
-// Set state so we know the closed windows content
-var testState = {
- windows: [
- { tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "" }] }] }
- ],
- _closedWindows: []
-// We'll push a set of conditions and callbacks into this array
-// Ideally we would also test win/linux under a complete set of conditions, but
-// the tests for osx mirror the other set of conditions possible on win/linux.
-var tests = [];
-// the third & fourth test share a condition check, keep it DRY
-function checkOSX34Generator(num) {
- return function(aPreviousState, aCurState) {
- // In here, we should have restored the pinned tab, so only the unpinned tab
- // should be in aCurState. So let's shape our expectations.
- let expectedState = JSON.parse(aPreviousState);
- expectedState[0].tabs.shift();
- // size attributes are stripped out in _prepDataForDeferredRestore in nsSessionStore.
- // This isn't the best approach, but neither is comparing JSON strings
- WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES.forEach(attr => delete expectedState[0][attr]);
- is(aCurState, JSON.stringify(expectedState),
- "test #" + num + ": closedWindowState is as expected");
- };
-function checkNoWindowsGenerator(num) {
- return function(aPreviousState, aCurState) {
- is(aCurState, "[]", "test #" + num + ": there should be no closedWindowsLeft");
- };
-// The first test has 0 pinned tabs and 1 unpinned tab
- pinned: false,
- extra: false,
- close: false,
- checkWinLin: checkNoWindowsGenerator(1),
- checkOSX: function(aPreviousState, aCurState) {
- is(aCurState, aPreviousState, "test #1: closed window state is unchanged");
- }
-// The second test has 1 pinned tab and 0 unpinned tabs.
- pinned: true,
- extra: false,
- close: false,
- checkWinLin: checkNoWindowsGenerator(2),
- checkOSX: checkNoWindowsGenerator(2)
-// The third test has 1 pinned tab and 2 unpinned tabs.
- pinned: true,
- extra: true,
- close: false,
- checkWinLin: checkNoWindowsGenerator(3),
- checkOSX: checkOSX34Generator(3)
-// The fourth test has 1 pinned tab, 2 unpinned tabs, and closes one unpinned tab.
- pinned: true,
- extra: true,
- close: "one",
- checkWinLin: checkNoWindowsGenerator(4),
- checkOSX: checkOSX34Generator(4)
-// The fifth test has 1 pinned tab, 2 unpinned tabs, and closes both unpinned tabs.
- pinned: true,
- extra: true,
- close: "both",
- checkWinLin: checkNoWindowsGenerator(5),
- checkOSX: checkNoWindowsGenerator(5)
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 589246 - Closed window state getting corrupted when closing
- and reopening last browser window without exiting browser **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- // windows opening & closing, so extending the timeout
- requestLongerTimeout(2);
- // We don't want the quit dialog pref
- gPrefService.setBoolPref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose", false);
- // Ensure that we would restore the session (important for Windows)
- gPrefService.setIntPref("", 3);
- runNextTestOrFinish();
-function runNextTestOrFinish() {
- if (tests.length) {
- setupForTest(tests.shift())
- }
- else {
- // some state is cleaned up at the end of each test, but not all
- ["browser.tabs.warnOnClose", ""].forEach(function(p) {
- if (gPrefService.prefHasUserValue(p))
- gPrefService.clearUserPref(p);
- });
- ss.setBrowserState(stateBackup);
- executeSoon(finish);
- }
-function setupForTest(aConditions) {
- // reset some checks
- gotLastWindowClosedTopic = false;
- shouldPinTab = aConditions.pinned;
- shouldOpenTabs = aConditions.extra;
- shouldCloseTab = aConditions.close;
- testNum++;
- // set our test callback
- afterTestCallback = /Mac/.test(navigator.platform) ? aConditions.checkOSX
- : aConditions.checkWinLin;
- // Add observers
- Services.obs.addObserver(onLastWindowClosed, "browser-lastwindow-close-granted", false);
- // Set the state
- Services.obs.addObserver(onStateRestored, "sessionstore-browser-state-restored", false);
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(testState));
-function onStateRestored(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- info("test #" + testNum + ": onStateRestored");
- Services.obs.removeObserver(onStateRestored, "sessionstore-browser-state-restored");
- // change this window's windowtype so that closing a new window will trigger
- // browser-lastwindow-close-granted.
- document.documentElement.setAttribute("windowtype", "navigator:testrunner");
- let newWin = openDialog(location, "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", "");
- newWin.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
- newWin.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
- promiseBrowserLoaded(newWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser).then(() => {
- // pin this tab
- if (shouldPinTab)
- newWin.gBrowser.pinTab(newWin.gBrowser.selectedTab);
- newWin.addEventListener("unload", function () {
- newWin.removeEventListener("unload", arguments.callee, false);
- onWindowUnloaded();
- }, false);
- // Open a new tab as well. On Windows/Linux this will be restored when the
- // new window is opened below (in onWindowUnloaded). On OS X we'll just
- // restore the pinned tabs, leaving the unpinned tab in the closedWindowsData.
- if (shouldOpenTabs) {
- let newTab = newWin.gBrowser.addTab("about:config");
- let newTab2 = newWin.gBrowser.addTab("about:buildconfig");
- newTab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function() {
- newTab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
- if (shouldCloseTab == "one") {
- newWin.gBrowser.removeTab(newTab2);
- }
- else if (shouldCloseTab == "both") {
- newWin.gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
- newWin.gBrowser.removeTab(newTab2);
- }
- newWin.BrowserTryToCloseWindow();
- }, true);
- }
- else {
- newWin.BrowserTryToCloseWindow();
- }
- });
- }, false);
-// This will be called before the window is actually closed
-function onLastWindowClosed(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- info("test #" + testNum + ": onLastWindowClosed");
- Services.obs.removeObserver(onLastWindowClosed, "browser-lastwindow-close-granted");
- gotLastWindowClosedTopic = true;
-// This is the unload event listener on the new window (from onStateRestored).
-// Unload is fired after the window is closed, so sessionstore has already
-// updated _closedWindows (which is important). We'll open a new window here
-// which should actually trigger the bug.
-function onWindowUnloaded() {
- info("test #" + testNum + ": onWindowClosed");
- ok(gotLastWindowClosedTopic, "test #" + testNum + ": browser-lastwindow-close-granted was notified prior");
- let previousClosedWindowData = ss.getClosedWindowData();
- // Now we want to open a new window
- let newWin = openDialog(location, "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", "about:mozilla");
- newWin.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
- newWin.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
- newWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function () {
- newWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
- // Good enough for checking the state
- afterTestCallback(previousClosedWindowData, ss.getClosedWindowData());
- afterTestCleanup(newWin);
- }, true);
- }, false);
-function afterTestCleanup(aNewWin) {
- executeSoon(function() {
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(aNewWin).then(() => {
- document.documentElement.setAttribute("windowtype", originalWindowType);
- runNextTestOrFinish();
- });
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_590268.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_590268.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b0c2f32d..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_590268.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const NUM_TABS = 12;
-var stateBackup = ss.getBrowserState();
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 590268 - Provide access to sessionstore tab data sooner **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- requestLongerTimeout(2);
- let startedTest = false;
- // wasLoaded will be used to keep track of tabs that have already had SSTabRestoring
- // fired for them.
- let wasLoaded = { };
- let restoringTabsCount = 0;
- let restoredTabsCount = 0;
- let uniq2 = { };
- let uniq2Count = 0;
- let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [] }] };
- // We're going to put a bunch of tabs into this state
- for (let i = 0; i < NUM_TABS; i++) {
- let uniq = r();
- let tabData = {
- entries: [{ url: "" + i }],
- extData: { "uniq": uniq, "baz": "qux" }
- };
- wasLoaded[uniq] = false;
- }
- function onSSTabRestoring(aEvent) {
- restoringTabsCount++;
- let uniq = ss.getTabValue(aEvent.originalTarget, "uniq");
- wasLoaded[uniq] = true;
- is(ss.getTabValue(aEvent.originalTarget, "foo"), "",
- "There is no value for 'foo'");
- // On the first SSTabRestoring we're going to run the the real test.
- // We'll keep this listener around so we can keep marking tabs as restored.
- if (restoringTabsCount == 1)
- onFirstSSTabRestoring();
- else if (restoringTabsCount == NUM_TABS)
- onLastSSTabRestoring();
- }
- function onSSTabRestored(aEvent) {
- if (++restoredTabsCount < NUM_TABS)
- return;
- cleanup();
- }
- function onTabOpen(aEvent) {
- // To test bug 614708, we'll just set a value on the tab here. This value
- // would previously cause us to not recognize the values in extData until
- // much later. So testing "uniq" failed.
- ss.setTabValue(aEvent.originalTarget, "foo", "bar");
- }
- // This does the actual testing. SSTabRestoring should be firing on tabs from
- // left to right, so we're going to start with the rightmost tab.
- function onFirstSSTabRestoring() {
- info("onFirstSSTabRestoring...");
- for (let i = gBrowser.tabs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- let tab = gBrowser.tabs[i];
- let actualUniq = ss.getTabValue(tab, "uniq");
- let expectedUniq =[0].tabs[i].extData["uniq"];
- if (wasLoaded[actualUniq]) {
- info("tab " + i + ": already restored");
- continue;
- }
- is(actualUniq, expectedUniq, "tab " + i + ": extData was correct");
- // Now we're going to set a piece of data back on the tab so it can be read
- // to test setting a value "early".
- uniq2[actualUniq] = r();
- ss.setTabValue(tab, "uniq2", uniq2[actualUniq]);
- // Delete the value we have for "baz". This tests that deleteTabValue
- // will delete "early access" values (c.f. bug 617175). If this doesn't throw
- // then the test is successful.
- try {
- ss.deleteTabValue(tab, "baz");
- }
- catch (e) {
- ok(false, "no error calling deleteTabValue - " + e);
- }
- // This will be used in the final comparison to make sure we checked the
- // same number as we set.
- uniq2Count++;
- }
- }
- function onLastSSTabRestoring() {
- let checked = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < gBrowser.tabs.length; i++) {
- let tab = gBrowser.tabs[i];
- let uniq = ss.getTabValue(tab, "uniq");
- // Look to see if we set a uniq2 value for this uniq value
- if (uniq in uniq2) {
- is(ss.getTabValue(tab, "uniq2"), uniq2[uniq], "tab " + i + " has correct uniq2 value");
- checked++;
- }
- }
- ok(uniq2Count > 0, "at least 1 tab properly checked 'early access'");
- is(checked, uniq2Count, "checked the same number of uniq2 as we set");
- }
- function cleanup() {
- // remove the event listener and clean up before finishing
- gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("SSTabRestoring", onSSTabRestoring, false);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, true);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabOpen", onTabOpen, false);
- // Put this in an executeSoon because we still haven't called restoreNextTab
- // in sessionstore for the last tab (we'll call it after this). We end up
- // trying to restore the tab (since we then add a closed tab to the array).
- executeSoon(function() {
- ss.setBrowserState(stateBackup);
- executeSoon(finish);
- });
- }
- // Add the event listeners
- gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("SSTabRestoring", onSSTabRestoring, false);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, true);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabOpen", onTabOpen, false);
- // Restore state
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(state));
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_590563.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_590563.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d1d8f866..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_590563.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function test() {
- let sessionData = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }], hidden: true },
- { entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }], hidden: false }
- ]
- }]
- };
- let url = "about:sessionrestore";
- let formdata = {id: {sessionData}, url};
- let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [{ entries: [{url}], formdata }] }] };
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- newWindowWithState(state, function (win) {
- registerCleanupFunction(() => BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win));
- is(gBrowser.tabs.length, 1, "The total number of tabs should be 1");
- is(gBrowser.visibleTabs.length, 1, "The total number of visible tabs should be 1");
- executeSoon(function () {
- waitForFocus(function () {
- middleClickTest(win);
- finish();
- }, win);
- });
- });
-function middleClickTest(win) {
- let browser = win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- let tree = browser.contentDocument.getElementById("tabList");
- is(tree.view.rowCount, 3, "There should be three items");
- // click on the first tab item
- var rect = tree.treeBoxObject.getCoordsForCellItem(1, tree.columns[1], "text");
- EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(tree.body, rect.x, rect.y, { button: 1 },
- browser.contentWindow);
- // click on the second tab item
- rect = tree.treeBoxObject.getCoordsForCellItem(2, tree.columns[1], "text");
- EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(tree.body, rect.x, rect.y, { button: 1 },
- browser.contentWindow);
- is(win.gBrowser.tabs.length, 3,
- "The total number of tabs should be 3 after restoring 2 tabs by middle click.");
- is(win.gBrowser.visibleTabs.length, 3,
- "The total number of visible tabs should be 3 after restoring 2 tabs by middle click");
-function newWindowWithState(state, callback) {
- let opts = "chrome,all,dialog=no,height=800,width=800";
- let win = window.openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", opts);
- win.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
- win.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, false);
- let tab = win.gBrowser.selectedTab;
- // The form data will be restored before SSTabRestored, so we want to listen
- // for that on the currently selected tab (it will be reused)
- tab.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", function onRestored() {
- tab.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", onRestored, true);
- callback(win);
- }, true);
- executeSoon(function () {
- ss.setWindowState(win, JSON.stringify(state), true);
- });
- }, false);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_595601-restore_hidden.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_595601-restore_hidden.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c2b2d24a..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_595601-restore_hidden.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-var state = {windows:[{tabs:[
- {entries:[{url:""}]},
- {entries:[{url:""}]},
- {entries:[{url:""}]},
- {entries:[{url:""}]},
- {entries:[{url:""}], hidden: true},
- {entries:[{url:""}], hidden: true},
- {entries:[{url:""}], hidden: true},
- {entries:[{url:""}], hidden: true}
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- requestLongerTimeout(2);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_hidden_tabs");
- });
- // First stage: restoreHiddenTabs = true
- // Second stage: restoreHiddenTabs = false
- test_loadTabs(true, function () {
- test_loadTabs(false, finish);
- });
-function test_loadTabs(restoreHiddenTabs, callback) {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_hidden_tabs", restoreHiddenTabs);
- let expectedTabs = restoreHiddenTabs ? 8 : 4;
- let firstProgress = true;
- newWindowWithState(state, function (win, needsRestore, isRestoring) {
- if (firstProgress) {
- firstProgress = false;
- is(isRestoring, 3, "restoring 3 tabs concurrently");
- } else {
- ok(isRestoring < 4, "restoring max. 3 tabs concurrently");
- }
- // We're explicity checking for (isRestoring == 1) here because the test
- // progress listener is called before the session store one. So when we're
- // called with one tab left to restore we know that the last tab has
- // finished restoring and will soon be handled by the SS listener.
- let tabsNeedingRestore = win.gBrowser.tabs.length - needsRestore;
- if (isRestoring == 1 && tabsNeedingRestore == expectedTabs) {
- is(win.gBrowser.visibleTabs.length, 4, "only 4 visible tabs");
- TabsProgressListener.uninit();
- executeSoon(callback);
- }
- });
-var TabsProgressListener = {
- init: function (win) {
- this.window = win;
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "sessionstore-debug-tab-restored", false);
- },
- uninit: function () {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "sessionstore-debug-tab-restored");
- delete this.window;
- delete this.callback;
- },
- setCallback: function (callback) {
- this.callback = callback;
- },
- observe: function (browser) {
- TabsProgressListener.onRestored(browser);
- },
- onRestored: function (browser) {
- if (this.callback && browser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_RESTORING)
- this.callback.apply(null, [this.window].concat(this.countTabs()));
- },
- countTabs: function () {
- let needsRestore = 0, isRestoring = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < this.window.gBrowser.tabs.length; i++) {
- let browser = this.window.gBrowser.tabs[i].linkedBrowser;
- if (browser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_RESTORING)
- isRestoring++;
- else if (browser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE)
- needsRestore++;
- }
- return [needsRestore, isRestoring];
- }
-// ----------
-function newWindowWithState(state, callback) {
- let opts = "chrome,all,dialog=no,height=800,width=800";
- let win = window.openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", opts);
- registerCleanupFunction(() => BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win));
- whenWindowLoaded(win, function onWindowLoaded(aWin) {
- TabsProgressListener.init(aWin);
- TabsProgressListener.setCallback(callback);
- ss.setWindowState(aWin, JSON.stringify(state), true);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_597071.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_597071.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f8ddaaf54..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_597071.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
- * Bug 597071 - Closed windows should only be resurrected when there is a single
- * popup window
- */
-add_task(function test_close_last_nonpopup_window() {
- // Purge the list of closed windows.
- forgetClosedWindows();
- let oldState = ss.getWindowState(window);
- let popupState = {windows: [
- {tabs: [{entries: []}], isPopup: true, hidden: "toolbar"}
- ]};
- // Set this window to be a popup.
- ss.setWindowState(window, JSON.stringify(popupState), true);
- // Open a new window with a tab.
- let win = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({private: false});
- let tab = win.gBrowser.addTab("");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- // Make sure sessionstore sees this window.
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is(, 2, "sessionstore knows about this window");
- // Closed the window and check the closed window count.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 1, "correct closed window count");
- // Cleanup.
- ss.setWindowState(window, oldState, true);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_599909.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_599909.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d2c411fe..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_599909.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var stateBackup = ss.getBrowserState();
-function cleanup() {
- // Reset the pref
- try {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand");
- } catch (e) {}
- ss.setBrowserState(stateBackup);
- executeSoon(finish);
-function test() {
- /** Bug 599909 - to-be-reloaded tabs don't show up in switch-to-tab **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- // Set the pref to true so we know exactly how many tabs should be restoring at
- // any given time. This guarantees that a finishing load won't start another.
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", true);
- let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] }
- ], selected: 1 }] };
- let tabsForEnsure = {};
-[0].tabs.forEach(function(tab) {
- tabsForEnsure[tab.entries[0].url] = 1;
- });
- let tabsRestoring = 0;
- let tabsRestored = 0;
- function handleEvent(aEvent) {
- if (aEvent.type == "SSTabRestoring")
- tabsRestoring++;
- else
- tabsRestored++;
- if (tabsRestoring <[0].tabs.length ||
- tabsRestored < 1)
- return;
- gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("SSTabRestoring", handleEvent, true);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", handleEvent, true);
- executeSoon(function() {
- checkAutocompleteResults(tabsForEnsure, cleanup);
- });
- }
- // currentURI is set before SSTabRestoring is fired, so we can sucessfully check
- // after that has fired for all tabs. Since 1 tab will be restored though, we
- // also need to wait for 1 SSTabRestored since currentURI will be set, unset, then set.
- gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("SSTabRestoring", handleEvent, true);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", handleEvent, true);
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(state));
-// The following was taken from browser/base/content/test/general/browser_tabMatchesInAwesomebar.js
-// so that we could do the same sort of checking.
-var gController = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController);
-function checkAutocompleteResults(aExpected, aCallback) {
- gController.input = {
- timeout: 10,
- textValue: "",
- searches: ["unifiedcomplete"],
- searchParam: "enable-actions",
- popupOpen: false,
- minResultsForPopup: 0,
- invalidate: function() {},
- disableAutoComplete: false,
- completeDefaultIndex: false,
- get popup() { return this; },
- onSearchBegin: function() {},
- onSearchComplete: function ()
- {
- info("Found " + gController.matchCount + " matches.");
- // Check to see the expected uris and titles match up (in any order)
- for (let i = 0; i < gController.matchCount; i++) {
- if (gController.getStyleAt(i).includes("heuristic")) {
- info("Skip heuristic match");
- continue;
- }
- let action = gURLBar.popup.input._parseActionUrl(gController.getValueAt(i));
- let uri = action.params.url;
- info("Search for '" + uri + "' in open tabs.");
- ok(uri in aExpected, "Registered open page found in autocomplete.");
- // Remove the found entry from expected results.
- delete aExpected[uri];
- }
- // Make sure there is no reported open page that is not open.
- for (let entry in aExpected) {
- ok(false, "'" + entry + "' not found in autocomplete.");
- }
- executeSoon(aCallback);
- },
- setSelectedIndex: function() {},
- get searchCount() { return this.searches.length; },
- getSearchAt: function(aIndex) {
- return this.searches[aIndex];
- },
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup,
- ])
- };
- info("Searching open pages.");
- gController.startSearch(Services.prefs.getCharPref("browser.urlbar.restrict.openpage"));
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_600545.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_600545.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6852357c2..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_600545.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var stateBackup = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 600545 **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- testBug600545();
-function testBug600545() {
- // Set the pref to false to cause non-app tabs to be stripped out on a save
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash", false);
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.interval", 2000);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash");
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.interval");
- });
- // This tests the following use case: When multiple windows are open
- // and browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash preference is false,
- // tab session data for non-active window is stripped for non-pinned
- // tabs. This occurs after "sessionstore-state-write-complete"
- // fires which will only fire in this case if there is at least one
- // pinned tab.
- let state = { windows: [
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], pinned:true },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- ],
- selected: 2
- },
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] }
- ],
- selected: 3
- }
- ] };
- waitForBrowserState(state, function() {
- // Need to wait for SessionStore's saveState function to be called
- // so that non-pinned tabs will be stripped from non-active window
- waitForSaveState(function () {
- let expectedNumberOfTabs = getStateTabCount(state);
- let retrievedState = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- let actualNumberOfTabs = getStateTabCount(retrievedState);
- is(actualNumberOfTabs, expectedNumberOfTabs,
- "Number of tabs in retreived session data, matches number of tabs set.");
- done();
- });
- });
-function done() {
- // Enumerate windows and close everything but our primary window. We can't
- // use waitForFocus() because apparently it's buggy. See bug 599253.
- let windowsEnum = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
- let closeWinPromises = [];
- while (windowsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
- let currentWindow = windowsEnum.getNext();
- if (currentWindow != window)
- closeWinPromises.push(BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(currentWindow));
- }
- Promise.all(closeWinPromises).then(() => {
- waitForBrowserState(stateBackup, finish);
- });
-// Count up the number of tabs in the state data
-function getStateTabCount(aState) {
- let tabCount = 0;
- for (let i in
- tabCount +=[i].tabs.length;
- return tabCount;
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_601955.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_601955.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 797d5d7cc..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_601955.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// This tests that pinning/unpinning a tab, on its own, eventually triggers a
-// session store.
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- // We speed up the interval between session saves to ensure that the test
- // runs quickly.
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.interval", 2000);
- // Loading a tab causes a save state and this is meant to catch that event.
- waitForSaveState(testBug601955_1);
- // Assumption: Only one window is open and it has one tab open.
- gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
-function testBug601955_1() {
- // Because pinned tabs are at the front of |gBrowser.tabs|, pinning tabs
- // re-arranges the |tabs| array.
- ok(!gBrowser.tabs[0].pinned, "first tab should not be pinned yet");
- ok(!gBrowser.tabs[1].pinned, "second tab should not be pinned yet");
- waitForSaveState(testBug601955_2);
- gBrowser.pinTab(gBrowser.tabs[0]);
-function testBug601955_2() {
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- ok([0].tabs[0].pinned, "first tab should be pinned by now");
- ok(![0].tabs[1].pinned, "second tab should still not be pinned");
- waitForSaveState(testBug601955_3);
- gBrowser.unpinTab(window.gBrowser.tabs[0]);
-function testBug601955_3() {
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- ok(![0].tabs[0].pinned, "first tab should not be pinned");
- ok(![0].tabs[1].pinned, "second tab should not be pinned");
- done();
-function done() {
- gBrowser.removeTab(window.gBrowser.tabs[1]);
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.interval");
- executeSoon(finish);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_607016.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_607016.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ed4b03b9c..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_607016.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-var stateBackup = ss.getBrowserState();
-add_task(function* () {
- /** Bug 607016 - If a tab is never restored, attributes (eg. hidden) aren't updated correctly **/
- ignoreAllUncaughtExceptions();
- // Set the pref to true so we know exactly how many tabs should be restoring at
- // any given time. This guarantees that a finishing load won't start another.
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", true);
- let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } }, // overwriting
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } }, // hiding
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } }, // adding
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } }, // deleting
- { entries: [{ url: "" }] } // creating
- ], selected: 1 }] };
- function* progressCallback() {
- let curState = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- for (let i = 0; i <[0].tabs.length; i++) {
- let tabState =[0].tabs[i];
- let tabCurState =[0].tabs[i];
- if (tabState.extData) {
- is(tabCurState.extData["uniq"], tabState.extData["uniq"],
- "sanity check that tab has correct extData");
- }
- else {
- // We aren't expecting there to be any data on extData, but panorama
- // may be setting something, so we need to make sure that if we do have
- // data, we just don't have anything for "uniq".
- ok(!("extData" in tabCurState) || !("uniq" in tabCurState.extData),
- "sanity check that tab doesn't have extData or extData doesn't have 'uniq'");
- }
- }
- // Now we'll set a new unique value on 1 of the tabs
- let newUniq = r();
- ss.setTabValue(gBrowser.tabs[1], "uniq", newUniq);
- let tabState = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(gBrowser.tabs[1]));
- is(tabState.extData.uniq, newUniq,
- "(overwriting) new data is stored in extData");
- // hide the next tab before closing it
- gBrowser.hideTab(gBrowser.tabs[2]);
- tabState = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(gBrowser.tabs[2]));
- ok(tabState.hidden, "(hiding) tab data has hidden == true");
- // set data that's not in a conflicting key
- let stillUniq = r();
- ss.setTabValue(gBrowser.tabs[3], "stillUniq", stillUniq);
- tabState = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(gBrowser.tabs[3]));
- is(tabState.extData.stillUniq, stillUniq,
- "(adding) new data is stored in extData");
- // remove the uniq value and make sure it's not there in the closed data
- ss.deleteTabValue(gBrowser.tabs[4], "uniq");
- tabState = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(gBrowser.tabs[4]));
- // Since Panorama might have put data in, first check if there is extData.
- // If there is explicitly check that "uniq" isn't in it. Otherwise, we're ok
- if ("extData" in tabState) {
- ok(!("uniq" in tabState.extData),
- "(deleting) uniq not in existing extData");
- }
- else {
- ok(true, "(deleting) no data is stored in extData");
- }
- // set unique data on the tab that never had any set, make sure that's saved
- let newUniq2 = r();
- ss.setTabValue(gBrowser.tabs[5], "uniq", newUniq2);
- tabState = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(gBrowser.tabs[5]));
- is(tabState.extData.uniq, newUniq2,
- "(creating) new data is stored in extData where there was none");
- while (gBrowser.tabs.length > 1) {
- yield promiseRemoveTab(gBrowser.tabs[1]);
- }
- }
- // Set the test state.
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(state));
- // Wait until the selected tab is restored and all others are pending.
- yield Promise.all(, tab => {
- return (tab == gBrowser.selectedTab) ?
- promiseTabRestored(tab) : promiseTabRestoring(tab)
- }));
- // Kick off the actual tests.
- yield progressCallback();
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseBrowserState(stateBackup);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_615394-SSWindowState_events.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_615394-SSWindowState_events.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b6b8faa6..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_615394-SSWindowState_events.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const stateBackup = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
-const testState = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "about:rights" }] }
- ]
- }]
-const lameMultiWindowState = { windows: [
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } }
- ],
- selected: 1
- },
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "uniq": r() } },
- ],
- selected: 3
- }
- ] };
-function getOuterWindowID(aWindow) {
- return aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
- getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils).outerWindowID;
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 615394 - Session Restore should notify when it is beginning and ending a restore **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- // Preemptively extend the timeout to prevent [orange]
- requestLongerTimeout(4);
- runNextTest();
-var tests = [
- test_setTabState,
- test_duplicateTab,
- test_undoCloseTab,
- test_setWindowState,
- test_setBrowserState,
- test_undoCloseWindow
-function runNextTest() {
- // set an empty state & run the next test, or finish
- if (tests.length) {
- // Enumerate windows and close everything but our primary window. We can't
- // use waitForFocus() because apparently it's buggy. See bug 599253.
- var windowsEnum = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
- let closeWinPromises = [];
- while (windowsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
- var currentWindow = windowsEnum.getNext();
- if (currentWindow != window) {
- closeWinPromises.push(BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(currentWindow));
- }
- }
- Promise.all(closeWinPromises).then(() => {
- let currentTest = tests.shift();
- info("prepping for " +;
- waitForBrowserState(testState, currentTest);
- });
- }
- else {
- waitForBrowserState(stateBackup, finish);
- }
-function test_setTabState() {
- let tab = gBrowser.tabs[1];
- let newTabState = JSON.stringify({ entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { foo: "bar" } });
- let busyEventCount = 0;
- let readyEventCount = 0;
- function onSSWindowStateBusy(aEvent) {
- busyEventCount++;
- }
- function onSSWindowStateReady(aEvent) {
- readyEventCount++;
- is(ss.getTabValue(tab, "foo"), "bar");
- ss.setTabValue(tab, "baz", "qux");
- }
- function onSSTabRestored(aEvent) {
- is(busyEventCount, 1);
- is(readyEventCount, 1);
- is(ss.getTabValue(tab, "baz"), "qux");
- is(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "");
- window.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- window.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, false);
- runNextTest();
- }
- window.addEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- window.addEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, false);
- ss.setTabState(tab, newTabState);
-function test_duplicateTab() {
- let tab = gBrowser.tabs[1];
- let busyEventCount = 0;
- let readyEventCount = 0;
- let newTab;
- // We'll look to make sure this value is on the duplicated tab
- ss.setTabValue(tab, "foo", "bar");
- function onSSWindowStateBusy(aEvent) {
- busyEventCount++;
- }
- function onSSWindowStateReady(aEvent) {
- newTab = gBrowser.tabs[2];
- readyEventCount++;
- is(ss.getTabValue(newTab, "foo"), "bar");
- ss.setTabValue(newTab, "baz", "qux");
- }
- function onSSTabRestored(aEvent) {
- is(busyEventCount, 1);
- is(readyEventCount, 1);
- is(ss.getTabValue(newTab, "baz"), "qux");
- is(newTab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:rights");
- window.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- window.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, false);
- runNextTest();
- }
- window.addEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- window.addEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, false);
- newTab = ss.duplicateTab(window, tab);
-function test_undoCloseTab() {
- let tab = gBrowser.tabs[1],
- busyEventCount = 0,
- readyEventCount = 0,
- reopenedTab;
- ss.setTabValue(tab, "foo", "bar");
- function onSSWindowStateBusy(aEvent) {
- busyEventCount++;
- }
- function onSSWindowStateReady(aEvent) {
- reopenedTab = gBrowser.tabs[1];
- readyEventCount++;
- is(ss.getTabValue(reopenedTab, "foo"), "bar");
- ss.setTabValue(reopenedTab, "baz", "qux");
- }
- function onSSTabRestored(aEvent) {
- is(busyEventCount, 1);
- is(readyEventCount, 1);
- is(ss.getTabValue(reopenedTab, "baz"), "qux");
- is(reopenedTab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:rights");
- window.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- window.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, false);
- runNextTest();
- }
- window.addEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- window.addEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, false);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- reopenedTab = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
-function test_setWindowState() {
- let testState = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }], extData: { "foo": "bar" } },
- { entries: [{ url: "" }], extData: { "baz": "qux" } }
- ]
- }]
- };
- let busyEventCount = 0,
- readyEventCount = 0,
- tabRestoredCount = 0;
- function onSSWindowStateBusy(aEvent) {
- busyEventCount++;
- }
- function onSSWindowStateReady(aEvent) {
- readyEventCount++;
- is(ss.getTabValue(gBrowser.tabs[0], "foo"), "bar");
- is(ss.getTabValue(gBrowser.tabs[1], "baz"), "qux");
- }
- function onSSTabRestored(aEvent) {
- if (++tabRestoredCount < 2)
- return;
- is(busyEventCount, 1);
- is(readyEventCount, 1);
- is(gBrowser.tabs[0].linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:mozilla");
- is(gBrowser.tabs[1].linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "");
- window.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- window.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, false);
- runNextTest();
- }
- window.addEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- window.addEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, false);
- ss.setWindowState(window, JSON.stringify(testState), true);
-function test_setBrowserState() {
- // We'll track events per window so we are sure that they are each happening once
- // pre window.
- let windowEvents = {};
- windowEvents[getOuterWindowID(window)] = { busyEventCount: 0, readyEventCount: 0 };
- // waitForBrowserState does it's own observing for windows, but doesn't attach
- // the listeners we want here, so do it ourselves.
- let newWindow;
- function windowObserver(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- if (aTopic == "domwindowopened") {
- newWindow = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
- newWindow.addEventListener("load", function() {
- newWindow.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
- Services.ww.unregisterNotification(windowObserver);
- windowEvents[getOuterWindowID(newWindow)] = { busyEventCount: 0, readyEventCount: 0 };
- newWindow.addEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- newWindow.addEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- }, false);
- }
- }
- function onSSWindowStateBusy(aEvent) {
- windowEvents[getOuterWindowID(aEvent.originalTarget)].busyEventCount++;
- }
- function onSSWindowStateReady(aEvent) {
- windowEvents[getOuterWindowID(aEvent.originalTarget)].readyEventCount++;
- }
- window.addEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- window.addEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- Services.ww.registerNotification(windowObserver);
- waitForBrowserState(lameMultiWindowState, function() {
- let checkedWindows = 0;
- for (let id of Object.keys(windowEvents)) {
- let winEvents = windowEvents[id];
- is(winEvents.busyEventCount, 1,
- "[test_setBrowserState] window" + id + " busy event count correct");
- is(winEvents.readyEventCount, 1,
- "[test_setBrowserState] window" + id + " ready event count correct");
- checkedWindows++;
- }
- is(checkedWindows, 2,
- "[test_setBrowserState] checked 2 windows");
- window.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- window.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- newWindow.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- newWindow.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- runNextTest();
- });
-function test_undoCloseWindow() {
- let newWindow, reopenedWindow;
- function firstWindowObserver(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- if (aTopic == "domwindowopened") {
- newWindow = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
- Services.ww.unregisterNotification(firstWindowObserver);
- }
- }
- Services.ww.registerNotification(firstWindowObserver);
- waitForBrowserState(lameMultiWindowState, function() {
- // Close the window which isn't window
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWindow).then(() => {
- // Now give it time to close
- reopenedWindow = ss.undoCloseWindow(0);
- reopenedWindow.addEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- reopenedWindow.addEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- reopenedWindow.addEventListener("load", function() {
- reopenedWindow.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
- reopenedWindow.gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, false);
- }, false);
- });
- });
- let busyEventCount = 0,
- readyEventCount = 0,
- tabRestoredCount = 0;
- // These will listen to the reopened closed window...
- function onSSWindowStateBusy(aEvent) {
- busyEventCount++;
- }
- function onSSWindowStateReady(aEvent) {
- readyEventCount++;
- }
- function onSSTabRestored(aEvent) {
- if (++tabRestoredCount < 4)
- return;
- is(busyEventCount, 1);
- is(readyEventCount, 1);
- reopenedWindow.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onSSWindowStateBusy, false);
- reopenedWindow.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onSSWindowStateReady, false);
- reopenedWindow.gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, false);
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(reopenedWindow).then(runNextTest);
- }
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_618151.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_618151.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bdc268e6c..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_618151.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const stateBackup = ss.getBrowserState();
-const testState = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }] }
- ]
- }]
-function test() {
- /** Test for Bug 618151 - Overwriting state can lead to unrestored tabs **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- runNextTest();
-// Just a subset of tests from bug 615394 that causes a timeout.
-var tests = [test_setup, test_hang];
-function runNextTest() {
- // set an empty state & run the next test, or finish
- if (tests.length) {
- // Enumerate windows and close everything but our primary window. We can't
- // use waitForFocus() because apparently it's buggy. See bug 599253.
- var windowsEnum = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
- let closeWinPromises = [];
- while (windowsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
- var currentWindow = windowsEnum.getNext();
- if (currentWindow != window) {
- closeWinPromises.push(BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(currentWindow));
- }
- }
- Promise.all(closeWinPromises).then(() => {
- let currentTest = tests.shift();
- info("running " +;
- waitForBrowserState(testState, currentTest);
- });
- }
- else {
- ss.setBrowserState(stateBackup);
- executeSoon(finish);
- }
-function test_setup() {
- function onSSTabRestored(aEvent) {
- gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, false);
- runNextTest();
- }
- gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, false);
- ss.setTabState(gBrowser.tabs[1], JSON.stringify({
- entries: [{ url: "" }],
- extData: { foo: "bar" } }));
-function test_hang() {
- ok(true, "test didn't time out");
- runNextTest();
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_623779.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_623779.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 267bccb2d..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_623779.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-add_task(function* () {
- gBrowser.pinTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
- let newTab = gBrowser.duplicateTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
- yield promiseTabRestored(newTab);
- ok(!newTab.pinned, "duplicating a pinned tab creates unpinned tab");
- yield promiseRemoveTab(newTab);
- gBrowser.unpinTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_624727.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_624727.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 85d6ff042..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_624727.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-var TEST_STATE = { windows: [{ tabs: [{ url: "about:blank" }] }] };
-add_task(function* () {
- function assertNumberOfTabs(num, msg) {
- is(gBrowser.tabs.length, num, msg);
- }
- function assertNumberOfPinnedTabs(num, msg) {
- is(gBrowser._numPinnedTabs, num, msg);
- }
- // check prerequisites
- assertNumberOfTabs(1, "we start off with one tab");
- assertNumberOfPinnedTabs(0, "no pinned tabs so far");
- // setup
- gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- assertNumberOfTabs(2, "there are two tabs, now");
- let [tab1, tab2] = gBrowser.tabs;
- let linkedBrowser = tab1.linkedBrowser;
- gBrowser.pinTab(tab1);
- gBrowser.pinTab(tab2);
- assertNumberOfPinnedTabs(2, "both tabs are now pinned");
- // run the test
- yield promiseBrowserState(TEST_STATE);
- assertNumberOfTabs(1, "one tab left after setBrowserState()");
- assertNumberOfPinnedTabs(0, "there are no pinned tabs");
- is(gBrowser.tabs[0].linkedBrowser, linkedBrowser, "first tab's browser got re-used");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_625016.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_625016.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b551fcbb3..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_625016.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-add_task(function* setup() {
- /** Test for Bug 625016 - Restore windows closed in succession to quit (non-OSX only) **/
- // We'll test this by opening a new window, waiting for the save
- // event, then closing that window. We'll observe the
- // "sessionstore-state-write-complete" notification and check that
- // the state contains no _closedWindows. We'll then add a new tab
- // and make sure that the state following that was reset and the
- // closed window is now in _closedWindows.
- requestLongerTimeout(2);
- yield forceSaveState();
- // We'll clear all closed windows to make sure our state is clean
- // forgetClosedWindow doesn't trigger a delayed save
- forgetClosedWindows();
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 0, "starting with no closed windows");
-add_task(function* new_window() {
- let newWin;
- try {
- newWin = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- let tab = newWin.gBrowser.addTab("" + Math.random());
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- // Double check that we have no closed windows
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 0, "no closed windows on first save");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
- newWin = null;
- let state = JSON.parse((yield promiseRecoveryFileContents()));
- is(, 2,
- "observe1: 2 windows in data written to disk");
- is(state._closedWindows.length, 0,
- "observe1: no closed windows in data written to disk");
- // The API still treats the closed window as closed, so ensure that window is there
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 1,
- "observe1: 1 closed window according to API");
- } finally {
- if (newWin) {
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
- }
- yield forceSaveState();
- }
-// We'll open a tab, which should trigger another state save which would wipe
-// the _shouldRestore attribute from the closed window
-add_task(function* new_tab() {
- let newTab;
- try {
- newTab = gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
- let state = JSON.parse((yield promiseRecoveryFileContents()));
- is(, 1,
- "observe2: 1 window in data being written to disk");
- is(state._closedWindows.length, 1,
- "observe2: 1 closed window in data being written to disk");
- // The API still treats the closed window as closed, so ensure that window is there
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 1,
- "observe2: 1 closed window according to API");
- } finally {
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
- }
-add_task(function* done() {
- // The API still represents the closed window as closed, so we can clear it
- // with the API, but just to make sure...
-// is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 1, "1 closed window according to API");
- forgetClosedWindows();
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.interval");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_628270.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_628270.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f552cbfda..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_628270.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function test() {
- let assertNumberOfTabs = function (num, msg) {
- is(gBrowser.tabs.length, num, msg);
- }
- let assertNumberOfVisibleTabs = function (num, msg) {
- is(gBrowser.visibleTabs.length, num, msg);
- }
- let assertNumberOfPinnedTabs = function (num, msg) {
- is(gBrowser._numPinnedTabs, num, msg);
- }
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- // check prerequisites
- assertNumberOfTabs(1, "we start off with one tab");
- // setup
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
- whenTabIsLoaded(tab, function () {
- // hide the newly created tab
- assertNumberOfVisibleTabs(2, "there are two visible tabs");
- gBrowser.showOnlyTheseTabs([gBrowser.tabs[0]]);
- assertNumberOfVisibleTabs(1, "there is one visible tab");
- ok(tab.hidden, "newly created tab is now hidden");
- // close and restore hidden tab
- promiseRemoveTab(tab).then(() => {
- tab = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- // check that everything was restored correctly, clean up and finish
- whenTabIsLoaded(tab, function () {
- is(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:mozilla", "restored tab has correct url");
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- finish();
- });
- });
- });
-function whenTabIsLoaded(tab, callback) {
- tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
- tab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
- callback();
- }, true);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_635418.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_635418.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b21c5b0f..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_635418.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// This tests that hiding/showing a tab, on its own, eventually triggers a
-// session store.
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- // We speed up the interval between session saves to ensure that the test
- // runs quickly.
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.interval", 2000);
- // Loading a tab causes a save state and this is meant to catch that event.
- waitForSaveState(testBug635418_1);
- // Assumption: Only one window is open and it has one tab open.
- gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
-function testBug635418_1() {
- ok(!gBrowser.tabs[0].hidden, "first tab should not be hidden");
- ok(!gBrowser.tabs[1].hidden, "second tab should not be hidden");
- waitForSaveState(testBug635418_2);
- // We can't hide the selected tab, so hide the new one
- gBrowser.hideTab(gBrowser.tabs[1]);
-function testBug635418_2() {
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- ok(![0].tabs[0].hidden, "first tab should still not be hidden");
- ok([0].tabs[1].hidden, "second tab should be hidden by now");
- waitForSaveState(testBug635418_3);
- gBrowser.showTab(gBrowser.tabs[1]);
-function testBug635418_3() {
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- ok(![0].tabs[0].hidden, "first tab should still still not be hidden");
- ok(![0].tabs[1].hidden, "second tab should not be hidden again");
- done();
-function done() {
- gBrowser.removeTab(window.gBrowser.tabs[1]);
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.interval");
- executeSoon(finish);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_636279.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_636279.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 250995606..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_636279.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-var stateBackup = ss.getBrowserState();
-var statePinned = {windows:[{tabs:[
- {entries:[{url:""}], pinned: true}
-var state = {windows:[{tabs:[
- {entries:[{url:""}]},
- {entries:[{url:""}]},
- {entries:[{url:""}]},
- {entries:[{url:""}]},
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- TabsProgressListener.uninit();
- ss.setBrowserState(stateBackup);
- });
- TabsProgressListener.init();
- window.addEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", function onReady() {
- window.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onReady, false);
- let firstProgress = true;
- TabsProgressListener.setCallback(function (needsRestore, isRestoring) {
- if (firstProgress) {
- firstProgress = false;
- is(isRestoring, 3, "restoring 3 tabs concurrently");
- } else {
- ok(isRestoring <= 3, "restoring max. 2 tabs concurrently");
- }
- if (0 == needsRestore) {
- TabsProgressListener.unsetCallback();
- waitForFocus(finish);
- }
- });
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(state));
- }, false);
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(statePinned));
-function countTabs() {
- let needsRestore = 0, isRestoring = 0;
- let windowsEnum = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
- while (windowsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
- let window = windowsEnum.getNext();
- if (window.closed)
- continue;
- for (let i = 0; i < window.gBrowser.tabs.length; i++) {
- let browser = window.gBrowser.tabs[i].linkedBrowser;
- if (browser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_RESTORING)
- isRestoring++;
- else if (browser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE)
- needsRestore++;
- }
- }
- return [needsRestore, isRestoring];
-var TabsProgressListener = {
- init: function () {
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "sessionstore-debug-tab-restored", false);
- },
- uninit: function () {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "sessionstore-debug-tab-restored");
- this.unsetCallback();
- },
- setCallback: function (callback) {
- this.callback = callback;
- },
- unsetCallback: function () {
- delete this.callback;
- },
- observe: function (browser, topic, data) {
- TabsProgressListener.onRestored(browser);
- },
- onRestored: function (browser) {
- if (this.callback && browser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_RESTORING) {
- this.callback.apply(null, countTabs());
- }
- }
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_637020.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_637020.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c1f357d7..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_637020.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-const TEST_URL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/components/" +
- "sessionstore/test/browser_637020_slow.sjs";
-const TEST_STATE = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "about:robots" }] }
- ]
- }, {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: TEST_URL }] },
- { entries: [{ url: TEST_URL }] }
- ]
- }]
- * This test ensures that windows that have just been restored will be marked
- * as dirty, otherwise _getCurrentState() might ignore them when collecting
- * state for the first time and we'd just save them as empty objects.
- *
- * The dirty state acts as a cache to not collect data from all windows all the
- * time, so at the beginning, each window must be dirty so that we collect
- * their state at least once.
- */
-add_task(function* test() {
- // Wait until the new window has been opened.
- let promiseWindow = new Promise(resolve => {
- Services.obs.addObserver(function onOpened(subject) {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(onOpened, "domwindowopened");
- resolve(subject);
- }, "domwindowopened", false);
- });
- // Set the new browser state that will
- // restore a window with two slowly loading tabs.
- let backupState = SessionStore.getBrowserState();
- SessionStore.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(TEST_STATE));
- let win = yield promiseWindow;
- // The window has now been opened. Check the state that is returned,
- // this should come from the cache while the window isn't restored, yet.
- info("the window has been opened");
- checkWindows();
- // The history has now been restored and the tabs are loading. The data must
- // now come from the window, if it's correctly been marked as dirty before.
- yield new Promise(resolve => whenDelayedStartupFinished(win, resolve));
- info("the delayed startup has finished");
- checkWindows();
- // Cleanup.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- yield promiseBrowserState(backupState);
-function checkWindows() {
- let state = JSON.parse(SessionStore.getBrowserState());
- is([0].tabs.length, 2, "first window has two tabs");
- is([1].tabs.length, 2, "second window has two tabs");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_637020_slow.sjs b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_637020_slow.sjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 41da3c2ad..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_637020_slow.sjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const DELAY_MS = "2000";
-let timer;
-function handleRequest(req, resp) {
- resp.processAsync();
- resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache", false);
- resp.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=utf-8", false);
- timer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
- timer.init(() => {
- resp.write("hi");
- resp.finish();
- }, DELAY_MS, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_644409-scratchpads.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_644409-scratchpads.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 56826801a..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_644409-scratchpads.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-const testState = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }] },
- ]
- }],
- scratchpads: [
- { text: "text1", executionContext: 1 },
- { text: "", executionContext: 2, filename: "test.js" }
- ]
-// only finish() when correct number of windows opened
-var restored = [];
-function addState(state) {
- restored.push(state);
- if (restored.length == testState.scratchpads.length) {
- ok(statesMatch(restored, testState.scratchpads),
- "Two scratchpad windows restored");
- Services.ww.unregisterNotification(windowObserver);
- finish();
- }
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- Services.ww.registerNotification(windowObserver);
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(testState));
-function windowObserver(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- if (aTopic == "domwindowopened") {
- let win = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
- win.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
- win.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, false);
- if (win.Scratchpad) {
- win.Scratchpad.addObserver({
- onReady: function() {
- win.Scratchpad.removeObserver(this);
- let state = win.Scratchpad.getState();
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win).then(() => {
- addState(state);
- });
- },
- });
- }
- }, false);
- }
-function statesMatch(restored, states) {
- return states.every(function(state) {
- return restored.some(function(restoredState) {
- return state.filename == restoredState.filename &&
- state.text == restoredState.text &&
- state.executionContext == restoredState.executionContext;
- })
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_645428.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_645428.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 124a7aea9..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_645428.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-const NOTIFICATION = "sessionstore-browser-state-restored";
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- function observe(subject, topic, data) {
- if (NOTIFICATION == topic) {
- finish();
- ok(true, "TOPIC received");
- }
- }
- Services.obs.addObserver(observe, NOTIFICATION, false);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observe, NOTIFICATION);
- });
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify({ windows: [] }));
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_659591.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_659591.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 60b1dcd2e..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_659591.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let eventReceived = false;
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- ok(eventReceived, "SSWindowClosing event received");
- });
- newWindow(function (win) {
- win.addEventListener("SSWindowClosing", function onWindowClosing() {
- win.removeEventListener("SSWindowClosing", onWindowClosing, false);
- eventReceived = true;
- }, false);
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win).then(() => {
- waitForFocus(finish);
- });
- });
-function newWindow(callback) {
- let opts = "chrome,all,dialog=no,height=800,width=800";
- let win = window.openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", opts);
- win.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
- win.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, false);
- executeSoon(() => callback(win));
- }, false);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_662743.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_662743.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 212180213..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_662743.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-"use strict";
-// This tests that session restore component does restore the right <select> option.
-// Session store should not rely only on previous user's selectedIndex, it should
-// check its value as well.
-function test() {
- /** Tests selected options **/
- requestLongerTimeout(2);
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let testTabCount = 0;
- let formData = [
- // default case
- { },
- // new format
- // index doesn't match value (testing an option in between (two))
- { id:{ "select_id": {"selectedIndex":0,"value":"val2"} } },
- // index doesn't match value (testing an invalid value)
- { id:{ "select_id": {"selectedIndex":4,"value":"val8"} } },
- // index doesn't match value (testing an invalid index)
- { id:{ "select_id": {"selectedIndex":8,"value":"val5"} } },
- // index and value match position zero
- { id:{ "select_id": {"selectedIndex":0,"value":"val0"} }, xpath: {} },
- // index doesn't match value (testing the last option (seven))
- { id:{},"xpath":{ "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:select[@name='select_name']": {"selectedIndex":1,"value":"val7"} } },
- // index and value match the default option "selectedIndex":3,"value":"val3"
- { xpath: { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:select[@name='select_name']" : {"selectedIndex":3,"value":"val3"} } },
- // index matches default option however it doesn't match value
- { id:{ "select_id": {"selectedIndex":3,"value":"val4"} } },
- ];
- let expectedValues = [
- null, // default value
- "val2",
- null, // default value (invalid value)
- "val5", // value is still valid (even it has an invalid index)
- "val0",
- "val7",
- null,
- "val4",
- ];
- let callback = function() {
- testTabCount--;
- if (testTabCount == 0) {
- finish();
- }
- };
- for (let i = 0; i < formData.length; i++) {
- testTabCount++;
- testTabRestoreData(formData[i], expectedValues[i], callback);
- }
-function testTabRestoreData(aFormData, aExpectedValue, aCallback) {
- let testURL =
- getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "browser_662743_sample.html";
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
- aFormData.url = testURL;
- let tabState = { entries: [{ url: testURL, }], formdata: aFormData };
- promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser).then(() => {
- promiseTabState(tab, tabState).then(() => {
- // Flush to make sure we have the latest form data.
- return TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
- }).then(() => {
- let doc = tab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument;
- let select = doc.getElementById("select_id");
- let value = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;
- let restoredTabState = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- // If aExpectedValue=null we don't expect any form data to be collected.
- if (!aExpectedValue) {
- ok(!restoredTabState.hasOwnProperty("formdata"), "no formdata collected");
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- aCallback();
- return;
- }
- // test select options values
- is(value, aExpectedValue,
- "Select Option by selectedIndex &/or value has been restored correctly");
- let restoredFormData = restoredTabState.formdata;
- let selectIdFormData =;
- value =;
- // test format
- ok("id" in restoredFormData || "xpath" in restoredFormData,
- "FormData format is valid");
- // test format
- ok("selectedIndex" in selectIdFormData && "value" in selectIdFormData,
- "select format is valid");
- // test set collection values
- is(value, aExpectedValue,
- "Collection has been saved correctly");
- // clean up
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- aCallback();
- });
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_662743_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_662743_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index de48fa0c9..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_662743_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<title>Test 662743</title>
-<!-- Select events -->
-<h3>Select options</h3>
-<select id="select_id" name="select_name">
- <option value="val0">Zero</option>
- <option value="val1">One</option>
- <option value="val2">Two</option>
- <option value="val3" selected="selected">Three</option>
- <option value="val4">Four</option>
- <option value="val5">Five</option>
- <option value="val6">Six</option>
- <option value="val7">Seven</option>
-</select> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_662812.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_662812.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bbaf67dc..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_662812.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- window.addEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", function onBusy() {
- window.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateBusy", onBusy, false);
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getWindowState(window));
- ok([0].busy, "window is busy");
- window.addEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", function onReady() {
- window.removeEventListener("SSWindowStateReady", onReady, false);
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getWindowState(window));
- ok(![0].busy, "window is not busy");
- executeSoon(() => {
- gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.tabs[1]);
- finish();
- });
- }, false);
- }, false);
- // create a new tab
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- // close and restore it
- browser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
- browser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- }, true);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_665702-state_session.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_665702-state_session.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 524b4969f..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_665702-state_session.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function compareArray(a, b) {
- if (a.length !== b.length) {
- return false;
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
- if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-function test() {
- let currentState = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- ok(currentState.session, "session data returned by getBrowserState");
- let keys = Object.keys(currentState.session);
- let expectedKeys = ["lastUpdate", "startTime", "recentCrashes"];
- ok(compareArray(keys.sort(), expectedKeys.sort()),
- "session object from getBrowserState has correct keys");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_682507.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_682507.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 52b95341b..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_682507.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function test() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", true);
- gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
- ss.setTabState(gBrowser.tabs[1], ss.getTabState(gBrowser.tabs[1]));
- ok(gBrowser.tabs[1].hasAttribute("pending"), "second tab should have 'pending' attribute");
- gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.tabs[1];
- ok(!gBrowser.tabs[1].hasAttribute("pending"), "second tab should have not 'pending' attribute");
- gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.tabs[1]);
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_687710.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_687710.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 372ecf7ae..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_687710.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Test that sessionrestore handles cycles in the shentry graph properly.
-// These cycles shouldn't be there in the first place, but they cause hangs
-// when they mysteriously appear (bug 687710). Docshell code assumes this
-// graph is a tree and tires to walk to the root. But if there's a cycle,
-// there is no root, and we loop forever.
-var stateBackup = ss.getBrowserState();
-var state = {windows:[{tabs:[{entries:[
- {
- docIdentifier: 1,
- url: "",
- children: [
- {
- docIdentifier: 2,
- url: ""
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- docIdentifier: 2,
- url: "",
- children: [
- {
- docIdentifier: 1,
- url: ""
- }
- ]
- }
-function test() {
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- ss.setBrowserState(stateBackup);
- });
- /* This test fails by hanging. */
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(state));
- ok(true, "Didn't hang!");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_687710_2.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_687710_2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c22e73750..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_687710_2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-env mozilla/frame-script */
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Test that the fix for bug 687710 isn't too aggressive -- shentries which are
-// cousins should be able to share bfcache entries.
-var stateBackup = ss.getBrowserState();
-var state = {entries:[
- {
- docIdentifier: 1,
- url: "",
- children: [{ docIdentifier: 10,
- url: "" }]
- },
- {
- docIdentifier: 1,
- url: "",
- children: [{ docIdentifier: 10,
- url: "" }]
- }
-add_task(function* test() {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- yield promiseTabState(tab, state);
- yield ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, null, function() {
- function compareEntries(i, j, history) {
- let e1 = history.getEntryAtIndex(i, false)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsISHEntry)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsISHContainer);
- let e2 = history.getEntryAtIndex(j, false)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsISHEntry)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsISHContainer);
- ok(e1.sharesDocumentWith(e2),
- `${i} should share doc with ${j}`);
- is(e1.childCount, e2.childCount,
- `Child count mismatch (${i}, ${j})`);
- for (let c = 0; c < e1.childCount; c++) {
- let c1 = e1.GetChildAt(c);
- let c2 = e2.GetChildAt(c);
- ok(c1.sharesDocumentWith(c2),
- `Cousins should share documents. (${i}, ${j}, ${c})`);
- }
- }
- let history = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsISHistory);
- is(history.count, 2, "history.count");
- for (let i = 0; i < history.count; i++) {
- for (let j = 0; j < history.count; j++) {
- compareEntries(i, j, history);
- }
- }
- });
- ss.setBrowserState(stateBackup);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_694378.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_694378.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8578428d8..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_694378.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Test Summary:
-// 1. call ss.setWindowState with a broken state
-// 1a. ensure that it doesn't throw.
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let brokenState = {
- windows: [
- { tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }] }] }
- ],
- selectedWindow: 2
- };
- let brokenStateString = JSON.stringify(brokenState);
- let gotError = false;
- try {
- ss.setWindowState(window, brokenStateString, true);
- }
- catch (ex) {
- gotError = true;
- info(ex);
- }
- ok(!gotError, "ss.setWindowState did not throw an error");
- // Make sure that we reset the state. Use a full state just in case things get crazy.
- let blankState = { windows: [{ tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }] }]}]};
- waitForBrowserState(blankState, finish);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_701377.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_701377.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bf2625ef..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_701377.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-var state = {windows:[{tabs:[
- {entries:[{url:""}]},
- {entries:[{url:""}], hidden: true}
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- newWindowWithState(state, function (aWindow) {
- let tab = aWindow.gBrowser.tabs[1];
- ok(tab.hidden, "the second tab is hidden");
- let tabShown = false;
- let tabShowCallback = () => tabShown = true;
- tab.addEventListener("TabShow", tabShowCallback, false);
- let tabState = ss.getTabState(tab);
- ss.setTabState(tab, tabState);
- tab.removeEventListener("TabShow", tabShowCallback, false);
- ok(tab.hidden && !tabShown, "tab remains hidden");
- finish();
- });
-// ----------
-function newWindowWithState(aState, aCallback) {
- let opts = "chrome,all,dialog=no,height=800,width=800";
- let win = window.openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", opts);
- registerCleanupFunction(() => BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win));
- whenWindowLoaded(win, function onWindowLoaded(aWin) {
- ss.setWindowState(aWin, JSON.stringify(aState), true);
- executeSoon(() => aCallback(aWin));
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_705597.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_705597.js
deleted file mode 100644
index efadcfe88..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_705597.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-var tabState = {
- entries: [{url: "about:robots", children: [{url: "about:mozilla"}]}]
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- requestLongerTimeout(2);
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.interval", 4000);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.interval");
- });
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- promiseTabState(tab, tabState).then(() => {
- let sessionHistory = browser.sessionHistory;
- let entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(0, false);
- entry.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISHContainer);
- whenChildCount(entry, 1, function () {
- whenChildCount(entry, 2, function () {
- promiseBrowserLoaded(browser).then(() => {
- return TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- }).then(() => {
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(entries.length, 1, "tab has one history entry");
- ok(!entries[0].children, "history entry has no subframes");
- // Make sure that we reset the state.
- let blankState = { windows: [{ tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }] }]}]};
- waitForBrowserState(blankState, finish);
- });
- // reload the browser to deprecate the subframes
- browser.reload();
- });
- // create a dynamic subframe
- let doc = browser.contentDocument;
- let iframe = doc.createElement("iframe");
- doc.body.appendChild(iframe);
- iframe.setAttribute("src", "about:mozilla");
- });
- });
-function whenChildCount(aEntry, aChildCount, aCallback) {
- if (aEntry.childCount == aChildCount)
- aCallback();
- else
- setTimeout(() => whenChildCount(aEntry, aChildCount, aCallback), 100);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_707862.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_707862.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e12c44af4..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_707862.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-var tabState = {
- entries: [{url: "about:robots", children: [{url: "about:mozilla"}]}]
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- requestLongerTimeout(2);
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.interval", 4000);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.interval");
- });
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- promiseTabState(tab, tabState).then(() => {
- let sessionHistory = browser.sessionHistory;
- let entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(0, false);
- entry.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISHContainer);
- whenChildCount(entry, 1, function () {
- whenChildCount(entry, 2, function () {
- promiseBrowserLoaded(browser).then(() => {
- let sessionHistory = browser.sessionHistory;
- let entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(0, false);
- whenChildCount(entry, 0, function () {
- // Make sure that we reset the state.
- let blankState = { windows: [{ tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }] }]}]};
- waitForBrowserState(blankState, finish);
- });
- });
- // reload the browser to deprecate the subframes
- browser.reload();
- });
- // create a dynamic subframe
- let doc = browser.contentDocument;
- let iframe = doc.createElement("iframe");
- doc.body.appendChild(iframe);
- iframe.setAttribute("src", "about:mozilla");
- });
- });
- // This test relies on the test timing out in order to indicate failure so
- // let's add a dummy pass.
- ok(true, "Each test requires at least one pass, fail or todo so here is a pass.");
-function whenChildCount(aEntry, aChildCount, aCallback) {
- if (aEntry.childCount == aChildCount)
- aCallback();
- else
- setTimeout(() => whenChildCount(aEntry, aChildCount, aCallback), 100);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_739531.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_739531.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e5927caf6..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_739531.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// This test ensures that attempts made to save/restore ("duplicate") pages
-// using designmode AND make changes to document structure (remove body)
-// don't result in uncaught errors and a broken browser state.
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let testURL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_739531_sample.html";
- let loadCount = 0;
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
- tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad(aEvent) {
- // make sure both the page and the frame are loaded
- if (++loadCount < 2)
- return;
- tab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
- // executeSoon to allow the JS to execute on the page
- executeSoon(function() {
- let tab2;
- let caughtError = false;
- try {
- tab2 = ss.duplicateTab(window, tab);
- }
- catch (e) {
- caughtError = true;
- info(e);
- }
- is(gBrowser.tabs.length, 3, "there should be 3 tabs")
- ok(!caughtError, "duplicateTab didn't throw");
- // if the test fails, we don't want to try to close a tab that doesn't exist
- if (tab2)
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- finish();
- });
- }, true);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_739531_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_739531_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ad317ab0c..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_739531_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<!-- originally a crash test for bug 713417
- -->
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-function boom()
- var w = document.getElementById("f").contentWindow;
- var d = w.document;
- d.designMode = 'on';
- var r = d.documentElement;
- d.removeChild(r);
- document.adoptNode(r);
-<body onload="boom();">
-<iframe src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8,1" id="f"></iframe>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_739805.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_739805.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f00871661..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_739805.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-var url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<input%20id='foo'>";
-var tabState = {
- entries: [{ url }], formdata: { id: { "foo": "bar" }, url }
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", true);
- registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- if (gBrowser.tabs.length > 1)
- gBrowser.removeTab(gBrowser.tabs[1]);
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand");
- });
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- promiseBrowserLoaded(browser).then(() => {
- isnot(gBrowser.selectedTab, tab, "newly created tab is not selected");
- ss.setTabState(tab, JSON.stringify(tabState));
- is(browser.__SS_restoreState, TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE, "tab needs restoring");
- let {formdata} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(formdata &&["foo"], "bar", "tab state's formdata is valid");
- promiseTabRestored(tab).then(() => {
- ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function() {
- let input = content.document.getElementById("foo");
- is(input.value, "bar", "formdata has been restored correctly");
- }).then(() => { finish(); });
- });
- // Restore the tab by selecting it.
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_819510_perwindowpb.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_819510_perwindowpb.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 21f916f0d..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_819510_perwindowpb.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Test opening default mochitest-normal-private-normal-private windows
-// (saving the state with last window being private)
-add_task(function* test_1() {
- let win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- win.gBrowser.addTab("");
- win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded({private: true});
- win.gBrowser.addTab("");
- win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- win.gBrowser.addTab("");
- win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded({private: true});
- win.gBrowser.addTab("");
- let curState = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is(, 5, "Browser has opened 5 windows");
- is([2].isPrivate, true, "Window is private");
- is([4].isPrivate, true, "Last window is private");
- is(curState.selectedWindow, 5, "Last window opened is the one selected");
- let state = JSON.parse(yield promiseRecoveryFileContents());
- is(, 3,
- "sessionstore state: 3 windows in data being written to disk");
- is(state.selectedWindow, 3,
- "Selected window is updated to match one of the saved windows");
- ok( => !win.isPrivate),
- "Saved windows are not private");
- is(state._closedWindows.length, 0,
- "sessionstore state: no closed windows in data being written to disk");
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseAllButPrimaryWindowClosed();
- forgetClosedWindows();
-// Test opening default mochitest window + 2 private windows
-add_task(function* test_2() {
- let win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded({private: true});
- win.gBrowser.addTab("");
- win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded({private: true});
- win.gBrowser.addTab("");
- let curState = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is(, 3, "Browser has opened 3 windows");
- is([1].isPrivate, true, "Window 1 is private");
- is([2].isPrivate, true, "Window 2 is private");
- is(curState.selectedWindow, 3, "Last window opened is the one selected");
- let state = JSON.parse(yield promiseRecoveryFileContents());
- is(, 1,
- "sessionstore state: 1 windows in data being written to disk");
- is(state.selectedWindow, 1,
- "Selected window is updated to match one of the saved windows");
- is(state._closedWindows.length, 0,
- "sessionstore state: no closed windows in data being written to disk");
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseAllButPrimaryWindowClosed();
- forgetClosedWindows();
-// Test opening default-normal-private-normal windows and closing a normal window
-add_task(function* test_3() {
- let normalWindow = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- yield promiseTabLoad(normalWindow, "");
- let win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded({private: true});
- yield promiseTabLoad(win, "");
- win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- yield promiseTabLoad(win, "");
- let curState = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is(, 4, "Browser has opened 4 windows");
- is([2].isPrivate, true, "Window 2 is private");
- is(curState.selectedWindow, 4, "Last window opened is the one selected");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(normalWindow);
- // Pin and unpin a tab before checking the written state so that
- // the list of restoring windows gets cleared. Otherwise the
- // window we just closed would be marked as not closed.
- let tab = win.gBrowser.tabs[0];
- win.gBrowser.pinTab(tab);
- win.gBrowser.unpinTab(tab);
- let state = JSON.parse(yield promiseRecoveryFileContents());
- is(, 2,
- "sessionstore state: 2 windows in data being written to disk");
- is(state.selectedWindow, 2,
- "Selected window is updated to match one of the saved windows");
- ok( => !win.isPrivate),
- "Saved windows are not private");
- is(state._closedWindows.length, 1,
- "sessionstore state: 1 closed window in data being written to disk");
- ok(state._closedWindows.every(win => !win.isPrivate),
- "Closed windows are not private");
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseAllButPrimaryWindowClosed();
- forgetClosedWindows();
-function* promiseTabLoad(win, url) {
- let browser = win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- browser.loadURI(url);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_911547.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_911547.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 58b2e9ef1..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_911547.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// This tests that session restore component does restore the right content
-// security policy with the document.
-// The policy being tested disallows inline scripts
-add_task(function* test() {
- // create a tab that has a CSP
- let testURL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_911547_sample.html";
- let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // this is a baseline to ensure CSP is active
- // attempt to inject and run a script via inline (pre-restore, allowed)
- yield injectInlineScript(browser, `document.getElementById("test_id").value = "fail";`);
- let loadedPromise = promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function() {
- is(content.document.getElementById("test_id").value, "ok",
- "CSP should block the inline script that modifies test_id");
- // attempt to click a link to a data: URI (will inherit the CSP of the
- // origin document) and navigate to the data URI in the link.
- content.document.getElementById("test_data_link").click();
- });
- yield loadedPromise;
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function() {
- is(content.document.getElementById("test_id2").value, "ok",
- "CSP should block the script loaded by the clicked data URI");
- });
- // close the tab
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // open new tab and recover the state
- tab = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function() {
- is(content.document.getElementById("test_id2").value, "ok",
- "CSP should block the script loaded by the clicked data URI after restore");
- });
- // clean up
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
-// injects an inline script element (with a text body)
-function injectInlineScript(browser, scriptText) {
- return ContentTask.spawn(browser, scriptText, function(text) {
- let scriptElt = content.document.createElement("script");
- scriptElt.type = "text/javascript";
- scriptElt.text = text;
- content.document.body.appendChild(scriptElt);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_911547_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_911547_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ccc201159..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_911547_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>Test 911547</title>
- </head>
- <!--
- this element gets modified by an injected script;
- that script should be blocked by CSP.
- Inline scripts can modify it, but not data uris.
- -->
- <input type="text" id="test_id" value="ok">
- <a id="test_data_link" href="data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<input type='text' id='test_id2' value='ok'/> <script>document.getElementById('test_id2').value = 'fail';</script>">Test Link</a>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_911547_sample.html^headers^ b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_911547_sample.html^headers^
deleted file mode 100644
index 4623dec30..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_911547_sample.html^headers^
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self'
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_aboutPrivateBrowsing.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_aboutPrivateBrowsing.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3050bd4c1..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_aboutPrivateBrowsing.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-// Tests that an about:privatebrowsing tab with no history will not
-// be saved into session store and thus, it will not show up in
-// Recently Closed Tabs.
-add_task(function* () {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:privatebrowsing");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- is(gBrowser.browsers[1].currentURI.spec, "about:privatebrowsing",
- "we will be removing an about:privatebrowsing tab");
- let r = `rand-${Math.random()}`;
- ss.setTabValue(tab, "foobar", r);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- let closedTabData = ss.getClosedTabData(window);
- ok(!closedTabData.includes(r), "tab not stored in _closedTabs");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_aboutSessionRestore.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_aboutSessionRestore.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ab91e4df..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_aboutSessionRestore.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-"use strict";
-const CRASH_URL = "about:mozilla";
-const CRASH_FAVICON = "chrome://branding/content/icon32.png";
-const CRASH_SHENTRY = {url: CRASH_URL};
-const CRASH_TAB = {entries: [CRASH_SHENTRY], image: CRASH_FAVICON};
-const CRASH_STATE = {windows: [{tabs: [CRASH_TAB]}]};
-const TAB_URL = "about:sessionrestore";
-const TAB_FORMDATA = {url: TAB_URL, id: {sessionData: CRASH_STATE}};
-const TAB_SHENTRY = {url: TAB_URL};
-const TAB_STATE = {entries: [TAB_SHENTRY], formdata: TAB_FORMDATA};
-const FRAME_SCRIPT = "data:," +
- "content.document.getElementById('errorTryAgain').click()";
-add_task(function* () {
- // Prepare a blank tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Fake a post-crash tab.
- ss.setTabState(tab, JSON.stringify(TAB_STATE));
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- ok(gBrowser.tabs.length > 1, "we have more than one tab");
- let view = browser.contentDocument.getElementById("tabList").view;
- ok(view.isContainer(0), "first entry is the window");
- is(view.getCellProperties(1, { id: "title" }), "icon",
- "second entry is the tab and has a favicon");
- browser.messageManager.loadFrameScript(FRAME_SCRIPT, true);
- // Wait until the new window was restored.
- let win = yield waitForNewWindow();
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- let [{tabs: [{entries: [{url}]}]}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedWindowData());
- is(url, CRASH_URL, "session was restored correctly");
- ss.forgetClosedWindow(0);
-function waitForNewWindow() {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- Services.obs.addObserver(function observe(win, topic) {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observe, topic);
- resolve(win);
- }, "browser-delayed-startup-finished", false);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_async_duplicate_tab.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_async_duplicate_tab.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8696a284f..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_async_duplicate_tab.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<a href=%23>clickme</a>";
-add_task(function* test_duplicate() {
- // Create new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Flush to empty any queued update messages.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Click the link to navigate, this will add second shistory entry.
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- addEventListener("hashchange", function onHashChange() {
- removeEventListener("hashchange", onHashChange);
- resolve();
- });
- // Click the link.
- content.document.querySelector("a").click();
- });
- });
- // Duplicate the tab.
- let tab2 = ss.duplicateTab(window, tab);
- // Wait until the tab has fully restored.
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab2.linkedBrowser);
- // There should be two history entries now.
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab2));
- is(entries.length, 2, "there are two shistory entries");
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab2);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
-add_task(function* test_duplicate_remove() {
- // Create new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Flush to empty any queued update messages.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Click the link to navigate, this will add second shistory entry.
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- addEventListener("hashchange", function onHashChange() {
- removeEventListener("hashchange", onHashChange);
- resolve();
- });
- // Click the link.
- content.document.querySelector("a").click();
- });
- });
- // Duplicate the tab.
- let tab2 = ss.duplicateTab(window, tab);
- // Before the duplication finished, remove the tab.
- yield Promise.all([promiseRemoveTab(tab), promiseTabRestored(tab2)]);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab2.linkedBrowser);
- // There should be two history entries now.
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab2));
- is(entries.length, 2, "there are two shistory entries");
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab2);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_async_flushes.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_async_flushes.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a4cbbfbc7..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_async_flushes.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<a href=%23>clickme</a>";
-add_task(function* test_flush() {
- // Create new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Flush to empty any queued update messages.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // There should be one history entry.
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(entries.length, 1, "there is a single history entry");
- // Click the link to navigate, this will add second shistory entry.
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- addEventListener("hashchange", function onHashChange() {
- removeEventListener("hashchange", onHashChange);
- resolve();
- });
- // Click the link.
- content.document.querySelector("a").click();
- });
- });
- // Flush to empty any queued update messages.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // There should be two history entries now.
- ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- is(entries.length, 2, "there are two shistory entries");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
-add_task(function* test_crash() {
- // Create new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Flush to empty any queued update messages.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // There should be one history entry.
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(entries.length, 1, "there is a single history entry");
- // Click the link to navigate.
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- addEventListener("hashchange", function onHashChange() {
- removeEventListener("hashchange", onHashChange);
- resolve();
- });
- // Click the link.
- content.document.querySelector("a").click();
- });
- });
- // Crash the browser and flush. Both messages are async and will be sent to
- // the content process. The "crash" message makes it first so that we don't
- // get a chance to process the flush. The TabStateFlusher however should be
- // notified so that the flush still completes.
- let promise1 = BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
- let promise2 = TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- yield Promise.all([promise1, promise2]);
- // The pending update should be lost.
- ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- is(entries.length, 1, "still only one history entry");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
-add_task(function* test_remove() {
- // Create new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Flush to empty any queued update messages.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // There should be one history entry.
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(entries.length, 1, "there is a single history entry");
- // Click the link to navigate.
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- addEventListener("hashchange", function onHashChange() {
- removeEventListener("hashchange", onHashChange);
- resolve();
- });
- // Click the link.
- content.document.querySelector("a").click();
- });
- });
- // Request a flush and remove the tab. The flush should still complete.
- yield Promise.all([TabStateFlusher.flush(browser), promiseRemoveTab(tab)]);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_async_remove_tab.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_async_remove_tab.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 20f3463d0..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_async_remove_tab.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-function* createTabWithRandomValue(url) {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(url);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Set a random value.
- let r = `rand-${Math.random()}`;
- ss.setTabValue(tab, "foobar", r);
- // Flush to ensure there are no scheduled messages.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- return {tab, r};
-function isValueInClosedData(rval) {
- return ss.getClosedTabData(window).includes(rval);
-function restoreClosedTabWithValue(rval) {
- let closedTabData = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- let index = closedTabData.findIndex(function (data) {
- return (data.state.extData && data.state.extData.foobar) == rval;
- });
- if (index == -1) {
- throw new Error("no closed tab found for given rval");
- }
- return ss.undoCloseTab(window, index);
-function promiseNewLocationAndHistoryEntryReplaced(browser, snippet) {
- return ContentTask.spawn(browser, snippet, function* (snippet) {
- let webNavigation = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation);
- let shistory = webNavigation.sessionHistory;
- // Evaluate the snippet that the changes the location.
- eval(snippet);
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- let listener = {
- OnHistoryReplaceEntry() {
- shistory.removeSHistoryListener(this);
- resolve();
- },
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
- Ci.nsISHistoryListener,
- Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference
- ])
- };
- shistory.addSHistoryListener(listener);
- /* Keep the weak shistory listener alive. */
- addEventListener("unload", function () {
- try {
- shistory.removeSHistoryListener(listener);
- } catch (e) { /* Will most likely fail. */ }
- });
- });
- });
-function promiseHistoryEntryReplacedNonRemote(browser) {
- let {listeners} = promiseHistoryEntryReplacedNonRemote;
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- let shistory = browser.webNavigation.sessionHistory;
- let listener = {
- OnHistoryReplaceEntry() {
- shistory.removeSHistoryListener(this);
- resolve();
- },
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
- Ci.nsISHistoryListener,
- Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference
- ])
- };
- shistory.addSHistoryListener(listener);
- listeners.set(browser, listener);
- });
-promiseHistoryEntryReplacedNonRemote.listeners = new WeakMap();
-add_task(function* dont_save_empty_tabs() {
- let {tab, r} = yield createTabWithRandomValue("about:blank");
- // Remove the tab before the update arrives.
- let promise = promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // No tab state worth saving.
- ok(!isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab not saved");
- yield promise;
- // Still no tab state worth saving.
- ok(!isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab not saved");
-add_task(function* save_worthy_tabs_remote() {
- let {tab, r} = yield createTabWithRandomValue("");
- ok(tab.linkedBrowser.isRemoteBrowser, "browser is remote");
- // Remove the tab before the update arrives.
- let promise = promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // Tab state deemed worth saving.
- ok(isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab saved");
- yield promise;
- // Tab state still deemed worth saving.
- ok(isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab saved");
-add_task(function* save_worthy_tabs_nonremote() {
- let {tab, r} = yield createTabWithRandomValue("about:robots");
- ok(!tab.linkedBrowser.isRemoteBrowser, "browser is not remote");
- // Remove the tab before the update arrives.
- let promise = promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // Tab state deemed worth saving.
- ok(isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab saved");
- yield promise;
- // Tab state still deemed worth saving.
- ok(isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab saved");
-add_task(function* save_worthy_tabs_remote_final() {
- let {tab, r} = yield createTabWithRandomValue("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "browser is remote");
- // Replace about:blank with a new remote page.
- let snippet = 'webNavigation.loadURI("", null, null, null, null)';
- yield promiseNewLocationAndHistoryEntryReplaced(browser, snippet);
- // Remotness shouldn't have changed.
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "browser is still remote");
- // Remove the tab before the update arrives.
- let promise = promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // No tab state worth saving (that we know about yet).
- ok(!isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab not saved");
- yield promise;
- // Turns out there is a tab state worth saving.
- ok(isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab saved");
-add_task(function* save_worthy_tabs_nonremote_final() {
- let {tab, r} = yield createTabWithRandomValue("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "browser is remote");
- // Replace about:blank with a non-remote entry.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(browser, "about:robots");
- ok(!browser.isRemoteBrowser, "browser is not remote anymore");
- // Wait until the new entry replaces about:blank.
- yield promiseHistoryEntryReplacedNonRemote(browser);
- // Remove the tab before the update arrives.
- let promise = promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // No tab state worth saving (that we know about yet).
- ok(!isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab not saved");
- yield promise;
- // Turns out there is a tab state worth saving.
- ok(isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab saved");
-add_task(function* dont_save_empty_tabs_final() {
- let {tab, r} = yield createTabWithRandomValue("");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- // Replace the current page with an about:blank entry.
- let snippet = 'content.location.replace("about:blank")';
- yield promiseNewLocationAndHistoryEntryReplaced(browser, snippet);
- // Remove the tab before the update arrives.
- let promise = promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // Tab state deemed worth saving (yet).
- ok(isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab saved");
- yield promise;
- // Turns out we don't want to save the tab state.
- ok(!isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab not saved");
-add_task(function* undo_worthy_tabs() {
- let {tab, r} = yield createTabWithRandomValue("");
- ok(tab.linkedBrowser.isRemoteBrowser, "browser is remote");
- // Remove the tab before the update arrives.
- let promise = promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // Tab state deemed worth saving.
- ok(isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab saved");
- // Restore the closed tab before receiving its final message.
- tab = restoreClosedTabWithValue(r);
- // Wait for the final update message.
- yield promise;
- // Check we didn't add the tab back to the closed list.
- ok(!isValueInClosedData(r), "tab no longer closed");
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
-add_task(function* forget_worthy_tabs_remote() {
- let {tab, r} = yield createTabWithRandomValue("");
- ok(tab.linkedBrowser.isRemoteBrowser, "browser is remote");
- // Remove the tab before the update arrives.
- let promise = promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // Tab state deemed worth saving.
- ok(isValueInClosedData(r), "closed tab saved");
- // Forget the closed tab.
- ss.forgetClosedTab(window, 0);
- // Wait for the final update message.
- yield promise;
- // Check we didn't add the tab back to the closed list.
- ok(!isValueInClosedData(r), "we forgot about the tab");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_async_window_flushing.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_async_window_flushing.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 418c055c2..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_async_window_flushing.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const PAGE = "";
- * Tests that if we initially discard a window as not interesting
- * to save in the closed windows array, that we revisit that decision
- * after a window flush has completed.
- */
-add_task(function* test_add_interesting_window() {
- // We want to suppress all non-final updates from the browser tabs
- // so as to eliminate any racy-ness with this test.
- yield pushPrefs(["browser.sessionstore.debug.no_auto_updates", true]);
- // Depending on previous tests, we might already have some closed
- // windows stored. We'll use its length to determine whether or not
- // the window was added or not.
- let initialClosedWindows = ss.getClosedWindowCount();
- // Make sure we can actually store another closed window
- yield pushPrefs(["browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo",
- initialClosedWindows + 1]);
- // Create a new browser window. Since the default window will start
- // at about:blank, SessionStore should find this tab (and therefore the
- // whole window) uninteresting, and should not initially put it into
- // the closed windows array.
- let newWin = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- let browser = newWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- // Send a message that will cause the content to change its location
- // to someplace more interesting. We've disabled auto updates from
- // the browser, so the parent won't know about this
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, PAGE, function*(PAGE) {
- content.location = PAGE;
- });
- yield promiseContentMessage(browser, "ss-test:OnHistoryReplaceEntry");
- // Clear out the userTypedValue so that the new window looks like
- // it's really not worth restoring.
- browser.userTypedValue = null;
- // Once the domWindowClosed Promise resolves, the window should
- // have closed, and SessionStore's onClose handler should have just
- // run.
- let domWindowClosed = BrowserTestUtils.domWindowClosed(newWin);
- // Once this windowClosed Promise resolves, we should have finished
- // the flush and revisited our decision to put this window into
- // the closed windows array.
- let windowClosed = BrowserTestUtils.windowClosed(newWin);
- // Ok, let's close the window.
- newWin.close();
- yield domWindowClosed;
- // OnClose has just finished running.
- let currentClosedWindows = ss.getClosedWindowCount();
- is(currentClosedWindows, initialClosedWindows,
- "We should not have added the window to the closed windows array");
- yield windowClosed;
- // The window flush has finished
- currentClosedWindows = ss.getClosedWindowCount();
- is(currentClosedWindows,
- initialClosedWindows + 1,
- "We should have added the window to the closed windows array");
- * Tests that if we initially store a closed window as interesting
- * to save in the closed windows array, that we revisit that decision
- * after a window flush has completed, and stop storing a window that
- * we've deemed no longer interesting.
- */
-add_task(function* test_remove_uninteresting_window() {
- // We want to suppress all non-final updates from the browser tabs
- // so as to eliminate any racy-ness with this test.
- yield pushPrefs(["browser.sessionstore.debug.no_auto_updates", true]);
- // Depending on previous tests, we might already have some closed
- // windows stored. We'll use its length to determine whether or not
- // the window was added or not.
- let initialClosedWindows = ss.getClosedWindowCount();
- // Make sure we can actually store another closed window
- yield pushPrefs(["browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo",
- initialClosedWindows + 1]);
- let newWin = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- // Now browse the initial tab of that window to an interesting
- // site.
- let tab = newWin.gBrowser.selectedTab;
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- browser.loadURI(PAGE);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, PAGE);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Send a message that will cause the content to purge its
- // history entries and make itself seem uninteresting.
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function*() {
- // Epic hackery to make this browser seem suddenly boring.
- Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/BrowserUtils.jsm");
- docShell.setCurrentURI(BrowserUtils.makeURI("about:blank"));
- let {sessionHistory} = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation);
- sessionHistory.PurgeHistory(sessionHistory.count);
- });
- // Once the domWindowClosed Promise resolves, the window should
- // have closed, and SessionStore's onClose handler should have just
- // run.
- let domWindowClosed = BrowserTestUtils.domWindowClosed(newWin);
- // Once this windowClosed Promise resolves, we should have finished
- // the flush and revisited our decision to put this window into
- // the closed windows array.
- let windowClosed = BrowserTestUtils.windowClosed(newWin);
- // Ok, let's close the window.
- newWin.close();
- yield domWindowClosed;
- // OnClose has just finished running.
- let currentClosedWindows = ss.getClosedWindowCount();
- is(currentClosedWindows, initialClosedWindows + 1,
- "We should have added the window to the closed windows array");
- yield windowClosed;
- // The window flush has finished
- currentClosedWindows = ss.getClosedWindowCount();
- is(currentClosedWindows,
- initialClosedWindows,
- "We should have removed the window from the closed windows array");
- * Tests that when we close a window, it is immediately removed from the
- * _windows array.
- */
-add_task(function* test_synchronously_remove_window_state() {
- // Depending on previous tests, we might already have some closed
- // windows stored. We'll use its length to determine whether or not
- // the window was added or not.
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- ok(state, "Make sure we can get the state");
- let initialWindows =;
- // Open a new window and send the first tab somewhere
- // interesting.
- let newWin = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- let browser = newWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- browser.loadURI(PAGE);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, PAGE);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is(, initialWindows + 1,
- "The new window to be in the state");
- // Now close the window, and make sure that the window was removed
- // from the windows list from the SessionState. We're specifically
- // testing the case where the window is _not_ removed in between
- // the close-initiated flush request and the flush response.
- let windowClosed = BrowserTestUtils.windowClosed(newWin);
- newWin.close();
- state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is(, initialWindows,
- "The new window should have been removed from the state");
- // Wait for our window to go away
- yield windowClosed;
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_attributes.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_attributes.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 40c7b4e02..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_attributes.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
- * This test makes sure that we correctly preserve tab attributes when storing
- * and restoring tabs. It also ensures that we skip special attributes like
- * 'image', 'muted' and 'pending' that need to be handled differently or internally.
- */
-const PREF = "browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand";
-add_task(function* test() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF, true)
- registerCleanupFunction(() => Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF));
- // Add a new tab with a nice icon.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:robots");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- // Check that the tab has 'image' and 'iconLoadingPrincipal' attributes.
- ok(tab.hasAttribute("image"), "tab.image exists");
- ok(tab.hasAttribute("iconLoadingPrincipal"), "tab.iconLoadingPrincipal exists");
- tab.toggleMuteAudio();
- // Check that the tab has a 'muted' attribute.
- ok(tab.hasAttribute("muted"), "tab.muted exists");
- // Make sure we do not persist 'image' or 'muted' attributes.
- ss.persistTabAttribute("image");
- ss.persistTabAttribute("muted");
- ss.persistTabAttribute("iconLoadingPrincipal");
- let {attributes} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- ok(!("image" in attributes), "'image' attribute not saved");
- ok(!("iconLoadingPrincipal" in attributes), "'iconLoadingPrincipal' attribute not saved");
- ok(!("muted" in attributes), "'muted' attribute not saved");
- ok(!("custom" in attributes), "'custom' attribute not saved");
- // Test persisting a custom attribute.
- tab.setAttribute("custom", "foobar");
- ss.persistTabAttribute("custom");
- ({attributes} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- is(attributes.custom, "foobar", "'custom' attribute is correct");
- // Make sure we're backwards compatible and restore old 'image' attributes.
- let state = {
- entries: [{url: "about:mozilla"}],
- attributes: {custom: "foobaz"},
- image: gBrowser.getIcon(tab)
- };
- // Prepare a pending tab waiting to be restored.
- let promise = promiseTabRestoring(tab);
- ss.setTabState(tab, JSON.stringify(state));
- yield promise;
- ok(tab.hasAttribute("pending"), "tab is pending");
- is(gBrowser.getIcon(tab), state.image, "tab has correct icon");
- ok(!state.attributes.image, "'image' attribute not saved");
- // Let the pending tab load.
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- // Ensure no 'image' or 'pending' attributes are stored.
- ({attributes} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- ok(!("image" in attributes), "'image' attribute not saved");
- ok(!("pending" in attributes), "'pending' attribute not saved");
- is(attributes.custom, "foobaz", "'custom' attribute is correct");
- // Clean up.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_background_tab_crash.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_background_tab_crash.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e804b177e..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_background_tab_crash.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
- * These tests the behaviour of the browser when background tabs crash,
- * while the foreground tab remains.
- *
- * The current behavioural rule is this: if only background tabs crash,
- * then only the first tab shown of that group should show the tab crash
- * page, and subsequent ones should restore on demand.
- */
- * Makes the current browser tab non-remote, and then sets up two remote
- * background tabs, ensuring that both belong to the same content process.
- * Callers should pass in a testing function that will execute (and possibly
- * yield Promises) taking the created background tabs as arguments. Once
- * the testing function completes, this function will take care of closing
- * the opened tabs.
- *
- * @param testFn (function)
- * A Promise-generating function that will be called once the tabs
- * are opened and ready.
- * @return Promise
- * Resolves once the testing function completes and the opened tabs
- * have been completely closed.
- */
-function* setupBackgroundTabs(testFn) {
- const REMOTE_PAGE = "";
- const NON_REMOTE_PAGE = "about:robots";
- // Browse the initial tab to a non-remote page, which we'll have in the
- // foreground.
- let initialTab = gBrowser.selectedTab;
- let initialBrowser = initialTab.linkedBrowser;
- initialBrowser.loadURI(NON_REMOTE_PAGE);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(initialBrowser);
- // Open some tabs that should be running in the content process.
- let tab1 =
- yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, REMOTE_PAGE);
- let remoteBrowser1 = tab1.linkedBrowser;
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(remoteBrowser1);
- let tab2 =
- yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, REMOTE_PAGE);
- let remoteBrowser2 = tab2.linkedBrowser;
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(remoteBrowser2);
- // Quick sanity check - the two browsers should be remote and share the
- // same childID, or else this test is not going to work.
- Assert.ok(remoteBrowser1.isRemoteBrowser,
- "Browser should be remote in order to crash.");
- Assert.ok(remoteBrowser2.isRemoteBrowser,
- "Browser should be remote in order to crash.");
- Assert.equal(remoteBrowser1.frameLoader.childID,
- remoteBrowser2.frameLoader.childID,
- "Both remote browsers should share the same content process.");
- // Now switch back to the non-remote browser...
- yield BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, initialTab);
- yield testFn([tab1, tab2]);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab1);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab2);
- * Takes some set of background tabs that are assumed to all belong to
- * the same content process, and crashes them.
- *
- * @param tabs (Array(<xul:tab>))
- * The tabs to crash.
- * @return Promise
- * Resolves once the tabs have crashed and entered the pending
- * background state.
- */
-function* crashBackgroundTabs(tabs) {
- Assert.ok(tabs.length > 0, "Need to crash at least one tab.");
- for (let tab of tabs) {
- Assert.ok(tab.linkedBrowser.isRemoteBrowser, "tab is remote");
- }
- let remotenessChangePromises = => {
- return BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(t, "TabRemotenessChange");
- });
- let tabsRevived = => {
- return promiseTabRestoring(t);
- });
- yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(tabs[0].linkedBrowser, false);
- yield Promise.all(remotenessChangePromises);
- yield Promise.all(tabsRevived);
- // Both background tabs should now be in the pending restore
- // state.
- for (let tab of tabs) {
- Assert.ok(!tab.linkedBrowser.isRemoteBrowser, "tab is not remote");
- Assert.ok(!tab.linkedBrowser.hasAttribute("crashed"), "tab is not crashed");
- Assert.ok(tab.linkedBrowser.hasAttribute("pending"), "tab is pending");
- }
-add_task(function* setup() {
- // We'll simplify by making sure we only ever one content process for this
- // test.
- yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [[ "dom.ipc.processCount", 1 ]] });
- // On debug builds, crashing tabs results in much thinking, which
- // slows down the test and results in intermittent test timeouts,
- // so we'll pump up the expected timeout for this test.
- requestLongerTimeout(5);
- * Tests that if a content process crashes taking down only
- * background tabs, then the first of those tabs that the user
- * selects will show the tab crash page, but the rest will restore
- * on demand.
- */
-add_task(function* test_background_crash_simple() {
- yield setupBackgroundTabs(function*([tab1, tab2]) {
- // Let's crash one of those background tabs now...
- yield crashBackgroundTabs([tab1, tab2]);
- // Selecting the first tab should now send it to the tab crashed page.
- let tabCrashedPagePromise =
- BrowserTestUtils.waitForContentEvent(tab1.linkedBrowser,
- "AboutTabCrashedReady",
- false, null, true);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, tab1);
- yield tabCrashedPagePromise;
- // Selecting the second tab should restore it.
- let tabRestored = promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, tab2);
- yield tabRestored;
- });
- * Tests that if a content process crashes taking down only
- * background tabs, and the user is configured to send backlogged
- * crash reports automatically, that the tab crashed page is not
- * shown.
- */
-add_task(function* test_background_crash_autosubmit_backlogged() {
- yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
- set: [["browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.autoSubmit2", true]],
- });
- yield setupBackgroundTabs(function*([tab1, tab2]) {
- // Let's crash one of those background tabs now...
- yield crashBackgroundTabs([tab1, tab2]);
- // Selecting the first tab should restore it.
- let tabRestored = promiseTabRestored(tab1);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, tab1);
- yield tabRestored;
- // Selecting the second tab should restore it.
- tabRestored = promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, tab2);
- yield tabRestored;
- });
- yield SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
- * Tests that if there are two background tab crashes in a row, that
- * the two sets of background crashes don't interfere with one another.
- *
- * Specifically, if we start with two background tabs (1, 2) which crash,
- * and we visit 1, 1 should go to the tab crashed page. If we then have
- * two new background tabs (3, 4) crash, visiting 2 should still restore.
- * Visiting 4 should show us the tab crashed page, and then visiting 3
- * should restore.
- */
-add_task(function* test_background_crash_multiple() {
- let initialTab = gBrowser.selectedTab;
- yield setupBackgroundTabs(function*([tab1, tab2]) {
- // Let's crash one of those background tabs now...
- yield crashBackgroundTabs([tab1, tab2]);
- // Selecting the first tab should now send it to the tab crashed page.
- let tabCrashedPagePromise =
- BrowserTestUtils.waitForContentEvent(tab1.linkedBrowser,
- "AboutTabCrashedReady",
- false, null, true);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, tab1);
- yield tabCrashedPagePromise;
- // Now switch back to the original non-remote tab...
- yield BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, initialTab);
- yield setupBackgroundTabs(function*([tab3, tab4]) {
- yield crashBackgroundTabs([tab3, tab4]);
- // Selecting the second tab should restore it.
- let tabRestored = promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, tab2);
- yield tabRestored;
- // Selecting the fourth tab should now send it to the tab crashed page.
- let tabCrashedPagePromise =
- BrowserTestUtils.waitForContentEvent(tab4.linkedBrowser,
- "AboutTabCrashedReady",
- false, null, true);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, tab4);
- yield tabCrashedPagePromise;
- // Selecting the third tab should restore it.
- tabRestored = promiseTabRestored(tab3);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, tab3);
- yield tabRestored;
- });
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_backup_recovery.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_backup_recovery.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 81f678856..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_backup_recovery.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// This tests are for a sessionstore.js atomic backup.
-// Each test will wait for a write to the Session Store
-// before executing.
-var OS = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", {}).OS;
-var {File, Constants, Path} = OS;
-const PREF_SS_INTERVAL = "browser.sessionstore.interval";
-const Paths = SessionFile.Paths;
-// A text decoder.
-var gDecoder = new TextDecoder();
-// Global variables that contain sessionstore.js and sessionstore.bak data for
-// comparison between tests.
-var gSSData;
-var gSSBakData;
-function promiseRead(path) {
- return, {encoding: "utf-8"});
-add_task(function* init() {
- // Make sure that we are not racing with SessionSaver's time based
- // saves.
- Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_SS_INTERVAL, 10000000);
- registerCleanupFunction(() => Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_SS_INTERVAL));
-add_task(function* test_creation() {
- // Create dummy sessionstore backups
- let OLD_BACKUP = Path.join(Constants.Path.profileDir, "sessionstore.bak");
- let OLD_UPGRADE_BACKUP = Path.join(Constants.Path.profileDir, "sessionstore.bak-0000000");
- yield File.writeAtomic(OLD_BACKUP, "sessionstore.bak");
- yield File.writeAtomic(OLD_UPGRADE_BACKUP, "sessionstore upgrade backup");
- yield SessionFile.wipe();
- yield; // Reinitializes SessionFile
- // Ensure none of the sessionstore files and backups exists
- for (let k of Paths.loadOrder) {
- ok(!(yield File.exists(Paths[k])), "After wipe " + k + " sessionstore file doesn't exist");
- }
- ok(!(yield File.exists(OLD_BACKUP)), "After wipe, old backup doesn't exist");
- ok(!(yield File.exists(OLD_UPGRADE_BACKUP)), "After wipe, old upgrade backup doesn't exist");
- // Open a new tab, save session, ensure that the correct files exist.
- let URL_BASE = "" + Math.random();
- let URL = URL_BASE + "?first_write";
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- info("Testing situation after a single write");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield;
- ok((yield File.exists(Paths.recovery)), "After write, recovery sessionstore file exists again");
- ok(!(yield File.exists(Paths.recoveryBackup)), "After write, recoveryBackup sessionstore doesn't exist");
- ok((yield promiseRead(Paths.recovery)).indexOf(URL) != -1, "Recovery sessionstore file contains the required tab");
- ok(!(yield File.exists(Paths.clean)), "After first write, clean shutdown sessionstore doesn't exist, since we haven't shutdown yet");
- // Open a second tab, save session, ensure that the correct files exist.
- info("Testing situation after a second write");
- let URL2 = URL_BASE + "?second_write";
- tab.linkedBrowser.loadURI(URL2);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield;
- ok((yield File.exists(Paths.recovery)), "After second write, recovery sessionstore file still exists");
- ok((yield promiseRead(Paths.recovery)).indexOf(URL2) != -1, "Recovery sessionstore file contains the latest url");
- ok((yield File.exists(Paths.recoveryBackup)), "After write, recoveryBackup sessionstore now exists");
- let backup = yield promiseRead(Paths.recoveryBackup);
- ok(backup.indexOf(URL2) == -1, "Recovery backup doesn't contain the latest url");
- ok(backup.indexOf(URL) != -1, "Recovery backup contains the original url");
- ok(!(yield File.exists(Paths.clean)), "After first write, clean shutdown sessinstore doesn't exist, since we haven't shutdown yet");
- info("Reinitialize, ensure that we haven't leaked sensitive files");
- yield; // Reinitializes SessionFile
- yield;
- ok(!(yield File.exists(Paths.clean)), "After second write, clean shutdown sessonstore doesn't exist, since we haven't shutdown yet");
- ok(!(yield File.exists(Paths.upgradeBackup)), "After second write, clean shutdwn sessionstore doesn't exist, since we haven't shutdown yet");
- ok(!(yield File.exists(Paths.nextUpgradeBackup)), "After second write, clean sutdown sessionstore doesn't exist, since we haven't shutdown yet");
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- yield SessionFile.wipe();
-var promiseSource = Task.async(function*(name) {
- let URL = "" + Math.random() + "&name=" + name;
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield;
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- let SOURCE = yield promiseRead(Paths.recovery);
- yield SessionFile.wipe();
- return SOURCE;
-add_task(function* test_recovery() {
- // Remove all files.
- yield SessionFile.wipe();
- info("Attempting to recover from the recovery file");
- // Create Paths.recovery, ensure that we can recover from it.
- let SOURCE = yield promiseSource("Paths.recovery");
- yield File.makeDir(Paths.backups);
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.recovery, SOURCE);
- is((yield, SOURCE, "Recovered the correct source from the recovery file");
- yield SessionFile.wipe();
- info("Corrupting recovery file, attempting to recover from recovery backup");
- SOURCE = yield promiseSource("Paths.recoveryBackup");
- yield File.makeDir(Paths.backups);
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.recoveryBackup, SOURCE);
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.recovery, "<Invalid JSON>");
- is((yield, SOURCE, "Recovered the correct source from the recovery file");
- yield SessionFile.wipe();
-add_task(function* test_recovery_inaccessible() {
- // Can't do chmod() on non-UNIX platforms, we need that for this test.
- if (AppConstants.platform != "macosx" && AppConstants.platform != "linux") {
- return;
- }
- info("Making recovery file inaccessible, attempting to recover from recovery backup");
- let SOURCE_RECOVERY = yield promiseSource("Paths.recovery");
- let SOURCE = yield promiseSource("Paths.recoveryBackup");
- yield File.makeDir(Paths.backups);
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.recoveryBackup, SOURCE);
- // Write a valid recovery file but make it inaccessible.
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.recovery, SOURCE_RECOVERY);
- yield File.setPermissions(Paths.recovery, { unixMode: 0 });
- is((yield, SOURCE, "Recovered the correct source from the recovery file");
- yield File.setPermissions(Paths.recovery, { unixMode: 0o644 });
-add_task(function* test_clean() {
- yield SessionFile.wipe();
- let SOURCE = yield promiseSource("Paths.clean");
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.clean, SOURCE);
- yield;
- yield;
- is((yield promiseRead(Paths.cleanBackup)), SOURCE, "After first read/write, clean shutdown file has been moved to cleanBackup");
- * Tests loading of sessionstore when format version is known.
- */
-add_task(function* test_version() {
- info("Preparing sessionstore");
- let SOURCE = yield promiseSource("Paths.clean");
- // Check there's a format version number
- is(JSON.parse(SOURCE).version[0], "sessionrestore", "Found sessionstore format version");
- // Create Paths.clean file
- yield File.makeDir(Paths.backups);
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.clean, SOURCE);
- info("Attempting to recover from the clean file");
- // Ensure that we can recover from Paths.recovery
- is((yield, SOURCE, "Recovered the correct source from the clean file");
- * Tests fallback to previous backups if format version is unknown.
- */
-add_task(function* test_version_fallback() {
- info("Preparing data, making sure that it has a version number");
- let SOURCE = yield promiseSource("Paths.clean");
- let BACKUP_SOURCE = yield promiseSource("Paths.cleanBackup");
- is(JSON.parse(SOURCE).version[0], "sessionrestore", "Found sessionstore format version");
- is(JSON.parse(BACKUP_SOURCE).version[0], "sessionrestore", "Found backup sessionstore format version");
- yield File.makeDir(Paths.backups);
- info("Modifying format version number to something incorrect, to make sure that we disregard the file.");
- let parsedSource = JSON.parse(SOURCE);
- parsedSource.version[0] = "bookmarks";
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.clean, JSON.stringify(parsedSource));
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.cleanBackup, BACKUP_SOURCE);
- is((yield, BACKUP_SOURCE, "Recovered the correct source from the backup recovery file");
- info("Modifying format version number to a future version, to make sure that we disregard the file.");
- parsedSource = JSON.parse(SOURCE);
- parsedSource.version[1] = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.clean, JSON.stringify(parsedSource));
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.cleanBackup, BACKUP_SOURCE);
- is((yield, BACKUP_SOURCE, "Recovered the correct source from the backup recovery file");
-add_task(function* cleanup() {
- yield SessionFile.wipe();
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_broadcast.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_broadcast.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 95984d6d0..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_broadcast.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const INITIAL_VALUE = "browser_broadcast.js-initial-value-" +;
- * This test ensures we won't lose tab data queued in the content script when
- * closing a tab.
- */
-add_task(function flush_on_tabclose() {
- let tab = yield createTabWithStorageData([""]);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield modifySessionStorage(browser, {test: "on-tab-close"});
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- let [{state: {storage}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- is(storage[""].test, "on-tab-close",
- "sessionStorage data has been flushed on TabClose");
- * This test ensures we won't lose tab data queued in the content script when
- * duplicating a tab.
- */
-add_task(function flush_on_duplicate() {
- let tab = yield createTabWithStorageData([""]);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield modifySessionStorage(browser, {test: "on-duplicate"});
- let tab2 = ss.duplicateTab(window, tab);
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab2);
- let [{state: {storage}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- is(storage[""].test, "on-duplicate",
- "sessionStorage data has been flushed when duplicating tabs");
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- * This test ensures we won't lose tab data queued in the content script when
- * a window is closed.
- */
-add_task(function flush_on_windowclose() {
- let win = yield promiseNewWindow();
- let tab = yield createTabWithStorageData([""], win);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield modifySessionStorage(browser, {test: "on-window-close"});
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- let [{tabs: [_, {storage}]}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedWindowData());
- is(storage[""].test, "on-window-close",
- "sessionStorage data has been flushed when closing a window");
- * This test ensures that stale tab data is ignored when reusing a tab
- * (via e.g. setTabState) and does not overwrite the new data.
- */
-add_task(function flush_on_settabstate() {
- let tab = yield createTabWithStorageData([""]);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- // Flush to make sure our tab state is up-to-date.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let state = ss.getTabState(tab);
- yield modifySessionStorage(browser, {test: "on-set-tab-state"});
- // Flush all data contained in the content script but send it using
- // asynchronous messages.
- TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- yield promiseTabState(tab, state);
- let {storage} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(storage[""].test, INITIAL_VALUE,
- "sessionStorage data has not been overwritten");
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- * This test ensures that we won't lose tab data that has been sent
- * asynchronously just before closing a tab. Flushing must re-send all data
- * that hasn't been received by chrome, yet.
- */
-add_task(function flush_on_tabclose_racy() {
- let tab = yield createTabWithStorageData([""]);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- // Flush to make sure we start with an empty queue.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- yield modifySessionStorage(browser, {test: "on-tab-close-racy"});
- // Flush all data contained in the content script but send it using
- // asynchronous messages.
- TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- let [{state: {storage}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- is(storage[""].test, "on-tab-close-racy",
- "sessionStorage data has been merged correctly to prevent data loss");
-function promiseNewWindow() {
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- whenNewWindowLoaded({private: false}, deferred.resolve);
- return deferred.promise;
-function createTabWithStorageData(urls, win = window) {
- return Task.spawn(function task() {
- let tab = win.gBrowser.addTab();
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- for (let url of urls) {
- browser.loadURI(url);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield modifySessionStorage(browser, {test: INITIAL_VALUE});
- }
- throw new Task.Result(tab);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_capabilities.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_capabilities.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 456e41882..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_capabilities.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
- * These tests ensures that disabling features by flipping nsIDocShell.allow*
- * properties are (re)stored as disabled. Disallowed features must be
- * re-enabled when the tab is re-used by another tab restoration.
- */
-add_task(function docshell_capabilities() {
- let tab = yield createTab();
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- let docShell = browser.docShell;
- // Get the list of capabilities for docShells.
- let flags = Object.keys(docShell).filter(k => k.startsWith("allow"));
- // Check that everything is allowed by default for new tabs.
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- ok(!("disallow" in state), "everything allowed by default");
- ok(flags.every(f => docShell[f]), "all flags set to true");
- // Flip a couple of allow* flags.
- docShell.allowImages = false;
- docShell.allowMetaRedirects = false;
- // Now reload the document to ensure that these capabilities
- // are taken into account.
- browser.reload();
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Flush to make sure chrome received all data.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Check that we correctly save disallowed features.
- let disallowedState = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- let disallow = new Set(disallowedState.disallow.split(","));
- ok(disallow.has("Images"), "images not allowed");
- ok(disallow.has("MetaRedirects"), "meta redirects not allowed");
- is(disallow.size, 2, "two capabilities disallowed");
- // Reuse the tab to restore a new, clean state into it.
- yield promiseTabState(tab, {entries: [{url: "about:robots"}]});
- // Flush to make sure chrome received all data.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // After restoring disallowed features must be available again.
- state = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- ok(!("disallow" in state), "everything allowed again");
- ok(flags.every(f => docShell[f]), "all flags set to true");
- // Restore the state with disallowed features.
- yield promiseTabState(tab, disallowedState);
- // Check that docShell flags are set.
- ok(!docShell.allowImages, "images not allowed");
- ok(!docShell.allowMetaRedirects, "meta redirects not allowed");
- // Check that we correctly restored features as disabled.
- state = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- disallow = new Set(state.disallow.split(","));
- ok(disallow.has("Images"), "images not allowed anymore");
- ok(disallow.has("MetaRedirects"), "meta redirects not allowed anymore");
- is(disallow.size, 2, "two capabilities disallowed");
- // Clean up after ourselves.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
-function createTab() {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- return promiseBrowserLoaded(browser).then(() => tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_cleaner.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_cleaner.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 921d7d3e4..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_cleaner.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
- * This test ensures that Session Restore eventually forgets about
- * tabs and windows that have been closed a long time ago.
- */
-"use strict";
-Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", this);
-Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", this);
-Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", this);
-const LONG_TIME_AGO = 1;
-const URL_TAB1 = "" + Math.random();
-const URL_TAB2 = "" + Math.random();
-const URL_NEWWIN = "" + Math.random();
-function isRecent(stamp) {
- is(typeof stamp, "number", "This is a timestamp");
- return - stamp <= 60000;
-function promiseCleanup () {
- info("Cleaning up browser");
- return promiseBrowserState(getClosedState());
-function getClosedState() {
- return Cu.cloneInto(CLOSED_STATE, {});
-add_task(function* init() {
- forgetClosedWindows();
- while (ss.getClosedTabCount(window) > 0) {
- ss.forgetClosedTab(window, 0);
- }
-add_task(function* test_open_and_close() {
- let newTab1 = gBrowser.addTab(URL_TAB1);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(newTab1.linkedBrowser);
- let newTab2 = gBrowser.addTab(URL_TAB2);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(newTab2.linkedBrowser);
- let newWin = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- let tab = newWin.gBrowser.addTab(URL_NEWWIN);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flushWindow(window);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flushWindow(newWin);
- info("1. Making sure that before closing, we don't have closedAt");
- // For the moment, no "closedAt"
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is([0].closedAt || false, false, "1. Main window doesn't have closedAt");
- is([1].closedAt || false, false, "1. Second window doesn't have closedAt");
- is([0].tabs[0].closedAt || false, false, "1. First tab doesn't have closedAt");
- is([0].tabs[1].closedAt || false, false, "1. Second tab doesn't have closedAt");
- info("2. Making sure that after closing, we have closedAt");
- // Now close stuff, this should add closeAt
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(newTab1);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(newTab2);
- state = CLOSED_STATE = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is([0].closedAt || false, false, "2. Main window doesn't have closedAt");
- ok(isRecent(state._closedWindows[0].closedAt), "2. Second window was closed recently");
- ok(isRecent([0]._closedTabs[0].closedAt), "2. First tab was closed recently");
- ok(isRecent([0]._closedTabs[1].closedAt), "2. Second tab was closed recently");
-add_task(function* test_restore() {
- info("3. Making sure that after restoring, we don't have closedAt");
- yield promiseBrowserState(CLOSED_STATE);
- let newWin = ss.undoCloseWindow(0);
- yield promiseDelayedStartupFinished(newWin);
- let newTab2 = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- yield promiseTabRestored(newTab2);
- let newTab1 = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- yield promiseTabRestored(newTab1);
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is([0].closedAt || false, false, "3. Main window doesn't have closedAt");
- is([1].closedAt || false, false, "3. Second window doesn't have closedAt");
- is([0].tabs[0].closedAt || false, false, "3. First tab doesn't have closedAt");
- is([0].tabs[1].closedAt || false, false, "3. Second tab doesn't have closedAt");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab1);
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab2);
-add_task(function* test_old_data() {
- info("4. Removing closedAt from the sessionstore, making sure that it is added upon idle-daily");
- let state = getClosedState();
- delete state._closedWindows[0].closedAt;
- delete[0]._closedTabs[0].closedAt;
- delete[0]._closedTabs[1].closedAt;
- yield promiseBrowserState(state);
- info("Sending idle-daily");
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "idle-daily", "");
- info("Sent idle-daily");
- state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is([0].closedAt || false, false, "4. Main window doesn't have closedAt");
- ok(isRecent(state._closedWindows[0].closedAt), "4. Second window was closed recently");
- ok(isRecent([0]._closedTabs[0].closedAt), "4. First tab was closed recently");
- ok(isRecent([0]._closedTabs[1].closedAt), "4. Second tab was closed recently");
- yield promiseCleanup();
-add_task(function* test_cleanup() {
- info("5. Altering closedAt to an old date, making sure that stuff gets collected, eventually");
- yield promiseCleanup();
- let state = getClosedState();
- state._closedWindows[0].closedAt = LONG_TIME_AGO;
-[0]._closedTabs[0].closedAt = LONG_TIME_AGO;
-[0]._closedTabs[1].closedAt =;
- let url =[0]._closedTabs[1].state.entries[0].url;
- yield promiseBrowserState(state);
- info("Sending idle-daily");
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "idle-daily", "");
- info("Sent idle-daily");
- state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is(state._closedWindows[0], undefined, "5. Second window was forgotten");
- is([0]._closedTabs.length, 1, "5. Only one closed tab left");
- is([0]._closedTabs[0].state.entries[0].url, url, "5. The second tab is still here");
- yield promiseCleanup();
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_cookies.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_cookies.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cc5b41e4b..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_cookies.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const PATH = "/browser/browser/components/sessionstore/test/";
- * Remove all cookies to start off a clean slate.
- */
-add_task(function* test_setup() {
- requestLongerTimeout(2);
- Services.cookies.removeAll();
- * Test multiple scenarios with different Set-Cookie header domain= params.
- */
-add_task(function* test_run() {
- // Set-Cookie: foobar=random()
- // The domain of the cookie should be the request domain (
- // We should collect data only for the request domain, no parent or subdomains.
- yield testCookieCollection({
- host: "",
- cookieHost: "",
- cookieURIs: ["" + PATH],
- noCookieURIs: ["" + PATH]
- });
- // Set-Cookie: foobar=random()
- // The domain of the cookie should be the request domain (
- // We should collect data only for the request domain, no parent or subdomains.
- yield testCookieCollection({
- host: "",
- cookieHost: "",
- cookieURIs: ["" + PATH],
- noCookieURIs: ["" + PATH]
- });
- // Set-Cookie: foobar=random();
- // The domain of the cookie should be the given one (
- // We should collect data for the given domain and its subdomains.
- yield testCookieCollection({
- host: "",
- domain: "",
- cookieHost: "",
- cookieURIs: ["" + PATH, "" + PATH],
- noCookieURIs: ["about:robots"]
- });
- // Set-Cookie: foobar=random();
- // The domain of the cookie should be the given one (
- // We should collect data for the given domain and its subdomains.
- yield testCookieCollection({
- host: "",
- domain: "",
- cookieHost: "",
- cookieURIs: ["" + PATH, "" + PATH],
- noCookieURIs: ["about:robots"]
- });
- // Set-Cookie: foobar=random();
- // The domain of the cookie should be the given one (
- // We should collect data for the given domain and its subdomains.
- yield testCookieCollection({
- host: "",
- domain: "",
- cookieHost: "",
- cookieURIs: ["" + PATH],
- noCookieURIs: [""]
- });
- // Set-Cookie: foobar=random();
- // The domain of the cookie should be the given one (
- // We should collect data for the given domain and its subdomains.
- yield testCookieCollection({
- host: "",
- domain: "",
- cookieHost: "",
- cookieURIs: ["" + PATH],
- noCookieURIs: [""]
- });
- * Generic test function to check sessionstore's cookie collection module with
- * different cookie domains given in the Set-Cookie header. See above for some
- * usage examples.
- */
-var testCookieCollection = Task.async(function (params) {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- let urlParams = new URLSearchParams();
- let value = Math.random();
- urlParams.append("value", value);
- if (params.domain) {
- urlParams.append("domain", params.domain);
- }
- // Construct request URI.
- let uri = `${}${PATH}browser_cookies.sjs?${urlParams}`;
- // Wait for the browser to load and the cookie to be set.
- // These two events can probably happen in no particular order,
- // so let's wait for them in parallel.
- yield Promise.all([
- waitForNewCookie(),
- replaceCurrentURI(browser, uri)
- ]);
- // Check all URIs for which the cookie should be collected.
- for (let uri of params.cookieURIs || []) {
- yield replaceCurrentURI(browser, uri);
- // Check the cookie.
- let cookie = getCookie();
- is(, params.cookieHost, "cookie host is correct");
- is(cookie.path, PATH, "cookie path is correct");
- is(, "foobar", "cookie name is correct");
- is(cookie.value, value, "cookie value is correct");
- }
- // Check all URIs for which the cookie should NOT be collected.
- for (let uri of params.noCookieURIs || []) {
- yield replaceCurrentURI(browser, uri);
- // Cookie should be ignored.
- ok(!getCookie(), "no cookie collected");
- }
- // Clean up.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- Services.cookies.removeAll();
- * Replace the current URI of the given browser by loading a new URI. The
- * browser's session history will be completely replaced. This function ensures
- * that the parent process has the lastest shistory data before resolving.
- */
-var replaceCurrentURI = Task.async(function* (browser, uri) {
- // Replace the tab's current URI with the parent domain.
- let flags = Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_REPLACE_HISTORY;
- browser.loadURIWithFlags(uri, flags);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Ensure the tab's session history is up-to-date.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- * Waits for a new "*" cookie to be added.
- */
-function waitForNewCookie() {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- Services.obs.addObserver(function observer(subj, topic, data) {
- let cookie = subj.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICookie2);
- if (data == "added" &&"")) {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, topic);
- resolve();
- }
- }, "cookie-changed", false);
- });
- * Retrieves the first cookie in the first window from the current sessionstore
- * state.
- */
-function getCookie() {
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getWindowState(window));
- let cookies =[0].cookies || [];
- return cookies[0] || null;
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_cookies.sjs b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_cookies.sjs
deleted file mode 100644
index bffbd66d9..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_cookies.sjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-function handleRequest(req, resp) {
- resp.setStatusLine(req.httpVersion, 200);
- let params = new URLSearchParams(req.queryString);
- let value = params.get("value");
- let domain = "";
- if (params.has("domain")) {
- domain = `; Domain=${params.get("domain")}`;
- }
- resp.setHeader("Set-Cookie", `foobar=${value}${domain}`);
- resp.write("<meta charset=utf-8>hi");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_crashedTabs.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_crashedTabs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5841d536a..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_crashedTabs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const PAGE_1 = "data:text/html,<html><body>A%20regular,%20everyday,%20normal%20page.";
-const PAGE_2 = "data:text/html,<html><body>Another%20regular,%20everyday,%20normal%20page.";
-// Turn off tab animations for testing and use a single content process
-// for these tests since we want to test tabs within the crashing process here.
-add_task(function* test_initialize() {
- yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
- set: [
- [ "dom.ipc.processCount", 1 ],
- [ "browser.tabs.animate", false]
- ] });
-// Allow tabs to restore on demand so we can test pending states
-function clickButton(browser, id) {
- info("Clicking " + id);
- let frame_script = (id) => {
- let button = content.document.getElementById(id);
- };
- let mm = browser.messageManager;
- mm.loadFrameScript("data:,(" + frame_script.toString() + ")('" + id + "');", false);
- * Checks the documentURI of the root document of a remote browser
- * to see if it equals URI. Returns a Promise that resolves if
- * there is a match, and rejects with an error message if they
- * do not match.
- *
- * @param browser
- * The remote <xul:browser> to check the root document URI in.
- * @param URI
- * A string to match the root document URI against.
- * @return Promise
- */
-function promiseContentDocumentURIEquals(browser, URI) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let frame_script = () => {
- sendAsyncMessage("test:documenturi", {
- uri: content.document.documentURI,
- });
- };
- let mm = browser.messageManager;
- mm.addMessageListener("test:documenturi", function onMessage(message) {
- mm.removeMessageListener("test:documenturi", onMessage);
- let contentURI =;
- if (contentURI == URI) {
- resolve();
- } else {
- reject(`Content has URI ${contentURI} which does not match ${URI}`);
- }
- });
- mm.loadFrameScript("data:,(" + frame_script.toString() + ")();", false);
- });
- * Checks the window.history.length of the root window of a remote
- * browser to see if it equals length. Returns a Promise that resolves
- * if there is a match, and rejects with an error message if they
- * do not match.
- *
- * @param browser
- * The remote <xul:browser> to check the root window.history.length
- * @param length
- * The expected history length
- * @return Promise
- */
-function promiseHistoryLength(browser, length) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let frame_script = () => {
- sendAsyncMessage("test:historylength", {
- length: content.history.length,
- });
- };
- let mm = browser.messageManager;
- mm.addMessageListener("test:historylength", function onMessage(message) {
- mm.removeMessageListener("test:historylength", onMessage);
- let contentLength =;
- if (contentLength == length) {
- resolve();
- } else {
- reject(`Content has window.history.length ${contentLength} which does ` +
- `not equal expected ${length}`);
- }
- });
- mm.loadFrameScript("data:,(" + frame_script.toString() + ")();", false);
- });
- * Returns a Promise that resolves when a browser has fired the
- * AboutTabCrashedReady event.
- *
- * @param browser
- * The remote <xul:browser> that will fire the event.
- * @return Promise
- */
-function promiseTabCrashedReady(browser) {
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- browser.addEventListener("AboutTabCrashedReady", function ready(e) {
- browser.removeEventListener("AboutTabCrashedReady", ready, false, true);
- resolve();
- }, false, true);
- });
- * Checks that if a tab crashes, that information about the tab crashed
- * page does not get added to the tab history.
- */
-add_task(function test_crash_page_not_in_history() {
- let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
- gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
- let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_1);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Crash the tab
- yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
- // Check the tab state and make sure the tab crashed page isn't
- // mentioned.
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(newTab));
- is(entries.length, 1, "Should have a single history entry");
- is(entries[0].url, PAGE_1,
- "Single entry should be the page we visited before crashing");
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
- * Checks that if a tab crashes, that when we browse away from that page
- * to a non-blacklisted site (so the browser becomes remote again), that
- * we record history for that new visit.
- */
-add_task(function test_revived_history_from_remote() {
- let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
- gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
- let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_1);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Crash the tab
- yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
- // Browse to a new site that will cause the browser to
- // become remote again.
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_2);
- yield promiseTabRestored(newTab);
- ok(!newTab.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Tab shouldn't be marked as crashed anymore.");
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Check the tab state and make sure the tab crashed page isn't
- // mentioned.
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(newTab));
- is(entries.length, 2, "Should have two history entries");
- is(entries[0].url, PAGE_1,
- "First entry should be the page we visited before crashing");
- is(entries[1].url, PAGE_2,
- "Second entry should be the page we visited after crashing");
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
- * Checks that if a tab crashes, that when we browse away from that page
- * to a blacklisted site (so the browser stays non-remote), that
- * we record history for that new visit.
- */
-add_task(function test_revived_history_from_non_remote() {
- let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
- gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
- let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_1);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Crash the tab
- yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
- // Browse to a new site that will not cause the browser to
- // become remote again.
- browser.loadURI("about:mozilla");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- ok(!newTab.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Tab shouldn't be marked as crashed anymore.");
- ok(!browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should not be a remote browser");
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Check the tab state and make sure the tab crashed page isn't
- // mentioned.
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(newTab));
- is(entries.length, 2, "Should have two history entries");
- is(entries[0].url, PAGE_1,
- "First entry should be the page we visited before crashing");
- is(entries[1].url, "about:mozilla",
- "Second entry should be the page we visited after crashing");
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
- * Checks that we can revive a crashed tab back to the page that
- * it was on when it crashed.
- */
-add_task(function test_revive_tab_from_session_store() {
- let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
- gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
- let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_1);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- let newTab2 = gBrowser.addTab();
- let browser2 = newTab2.linkedBrowser;
- ok(browser2.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser2);
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_1);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_2);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Crash the tab
- yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
- // Background tabs should not be crashed, but should be in the "to be restored"
- // state.
- ok(!newTab2.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Second tab should not be crashed.");
- ok(newTab2.hasAttribute("pending"), "Second tab should be pending.");
- // Use SessionStore to revive the first tab
- clickButton(browser, "restoreTab");
- yield promiseTabRestored(newTab);
- ok(!newTab.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Tab shouldn't be marked as crashed anymore.");
- ok(newTab2.hasAttribute("pending"), "Second tab should still be pending.");
- // We can't just check browser.currentURI.spec, because from
- // the outside, a crashed tab has the same URI as the page
- // it crashed on (much like an about:neterror page). Instead,
- // we have to use the documentURI on the content.
- yield promiseContentDocumentURIEquals(browser, PAGE_2);
- // We should also have two entries in the browser history.
- yield promiseHistoryLength(browser, 2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab2);
- * Checks that we can revive multiple crashed tabs back to the pages
- * that they were on when they crashed.
- */
-add_task(function test_revive_all_tabs_from_session_store() {
- let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
- gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
- let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_1);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // In order to see a second about:tabcrashed page, we'll need
- // a second window, since only selected tabs will show
- // about:tabcrashed.
- let win2 = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- let newTab2 = win2.gBrowser.addTab(PAGE_1);
- win2.gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab2;
- let browser2 = newTab2.linkedBrowser;
- ok(browser2.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser2);
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_1);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_2);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser2);
- // Crash the tab
- yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
- // Both tabs should now be crashed.
- is(newTab.getAttribute("crashed"), "true", "First tab should be crashed");
- is(newTab2.getAttribute("crashed"), "true", "Second window tab should be crashed");
- // Use SessionStore to revive all the tabs
- clickButton(browser, "restoreAll");
- yield promiseTabRestored(newTab);
- ok(!newTab.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Tab shouldn't be marked as crashed anymore.");
- ok(!newTab.hasAttribute("pending"), "Tab shouldn't be pending.");
- ok(!newTab2.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Second tab shouldn't be marked as crashed anymore.");
- ok(!newTab2.hasAttribute("pending"), "Second tab shouldn't be pending.");
- // We can't just check browser.currentURI.spec, because from
- // the outside, a crashed tab has the same URI as the page
- // it crashed on (much like an about:neterror page). Instead,
- // we have to use the documentURI on the content.
- yield promiseContentDocumentURIEquals(browser, PAGE_2);
- yield promiseContentDocumentURIEquals(browser2, PAGE_1);
- // We should also have two entries in the browser history.
- yield promiseHistoryLength(browser, 2);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
- * Checks that about:tabcrashed can close the current tab
- */
-add_task(function test_close_tab_after_crash() {
- let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
- gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
- let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_1);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Crash the tab
- yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
- let promise = promiseEvent(gBrowser.tabContainer, "TabClose");
- // Click the close tab button
- clickButton(browser, "closeTab");
- yield promise;
- is(gBrowser.tabs.length, 1, "Should have closed the tab");
- * Checks that "restore all" button is only shown if more than one tab
- * is showing about:tabcrashed
- */
-add_task(function* test_hide_restore_all_button() {
- let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
- gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
- let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_1);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Crash the tab
- yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
- let doc = browser.contentDocument;
- let restoreAllButton = doc.getElementById("restoreAll");
- let restoreOneButton = doc.getElementById("restoreTab");
- let restoreAllStyles = window.getComputedStyle(restoreAllButton);
- is(restoreAllStyles.display, "none", "Restore All button should be hidden");
- ok(restoreOneButton.classList.contains("primary"), "Restore Tab button should have the primary class");
- let newTab2 = gBrowser.addTab();
- gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_2);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Load up a second window so we can get another tab to show
- // about:tabcrashed
- let win2 = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- let newTab3 = win2.gBrowser.addTab(PAGE_2);
- win2.gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab3;
- let otherWinBrowser = newTab3.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(otherWinBrowser);
- // We'll need to make sure the second tab's browser has finished
- // sending its AboutTabCrashedReady event before we know for
- // sure whether or not we're showing the right Restore buttons.
- let otherBrowserReady = promiseTabCrashedReady(otherWinBrowser);
- // Crash the first tab.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
- yield otherBrowserReady;
- doc = browser.contentDocument;
- restoreAllButton = doc.getElementById("restoreAll");
- restoreOneButton = doc.getElementById("restoreTab");
- restoreAllStyles = window.getComputedStyle(restoreAllButton);
- isnot(restoreAllStyles.display, "none", "Restore All button should not be hidden");
- ok(!(restoreOneButton.classList.contains("primary")), "Restore Tab button should not have the primary class");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab2);
-add_task(function* test_aboutcrashedtabzoom() {
- let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
- gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
- let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should be a remote browser");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_1);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- FullZoom.enlarge();
- let zoomLevel = ZoomManager.getZoomForBrowser(browser);
- ok(zoomLevel !== 1, "should have enlarged");
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Crash the tab
- yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
- ok(ZoomManager.getZoomForBrowser(browser) === 1, "zoom should have reset on crash");
- clickButton(browser, "restoreTab");
- yield promiseTabRestored(newTab);
- ok(ZoomManager.getZoomForBrowser(browser) === zoomLevel, "zoom should have gone back to enlarged");
- FullZoom.reset();
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_dying_cache.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_dying_cache.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c573aa5d4..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_dying_cache.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
- * This test ensures that after closing a window we keep its state data around
- * as long as something keeps a reference to it. It should only be possible to
- * read data after closing - writing should fail.
- */
-add_task(function* test() {
- // Open a new window.
- let win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- // Load some URL in the current tab.
- let flags = Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_REPLACE_HISTORY;
- win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.loadURIWithFlags("about:robots", flags);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
- // Open a second tab and close the first one.
- let tab = win.gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(win.gBrowser.tabs[0]);
- // Make sure our window is still tracked by sessionstore
- // and the window state is as expected.
- ok("__SSi" in win, "window is being tracked by sessionstore");
- ss.setWindowValue(win, "foo", "bar");
- checkWindowState(win);
- let state = ss.getWindowState(win);
- let closedTabData = ss.getClosedTabData(win);
- // Close our window.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- // SessionStore should no longer track our window
- // but it should still report the same state.
- ok(!("__SSi" in win), "sessionstore does no longer track our window");
- checkWindowState(win);
- // Make sure we're not allowed to modify state data.
- Assert.throws(() => ss.setWindowState(win, {}),
- "we're not allowed to modify state data anymore");
- Assert.throws(() => ss.setWindowValue(win, "foo", "baz"),
- "we're not allowed to modify state data anymore");
-function checkWindowState(window) {
- let {windows: [{tabs}]} = JSON.parse(ss.getWindowState(window));
- is(tabs.length, 1, "the window has a single tab");
- is(tabs[0].entries[0].url, "about:mozilla", "the tab is about:mozilla");
- is(ss.getClosedTabCount(window), 1, "the window has one closed tab");
- let [{state: {entries: [{url}]}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- is(url, "about:robots", "the closed tab is about:robots");
- is(ss.getWindowValue(window, "foo"), "bar", "correct extData value");
-function shouldThrow(f) {
- try {
- f();
- } catch (e) {
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_dynamic_frames.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_dynamic_frames.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e4355fee3..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_dynamic_frames.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
- * Ensure that static frames of framesets are serialized but dynamically
- * inserted iframes are ignored.
- */
-add_task(function () {
- // This URL has the following frames:
- // + data:text/html,A (static)
- // + data:text/html,B (static)
- // + data:text/html,C (dynamic iframe)
- const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," +
- "<frameset cols=50%25,50%25><frame src='data:text/html,A'>" +
- "<frame src='data:text/html,B'></frameset>" +
- "<script>var i=document.createElement('iframe');" +
- "i.setAttribute('src', 'data:text/html,C');" +
- "document.body.appendChild(i);</script>";
- // Add a new tab with two "static" and one "dynamic" frame.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- // Check URLs.
- ok(entries[0].url.startsWith("data:text/html"), "correct root url");
- is(entries[0].children[0].url, "data:text/html,A", "correct url for 1st frame");
- is(entries[0].children[1].url, "data:text/html,B", "correct url for 2nd frame");
- // Check the number of children.
- is(entries.length, 1, "there is one root entry ...");
- is(entries[0].children.length, 2, "... with two child entries");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- * Ensure that iframes created by the network parser are serialized but
- * dynamically inserted iframes are ignored. Navigating a subframe should
- * create a second root entry that doesn't contain any dynamic children either.
- */
-add_task(function () {
- // This URL has the following frames:
- // + data:text/html,A (static)
- // + data:text/html,C (dynamic iframe)
- const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," +
- "<iframe name=t src='data:text/html,A'></iframe>" +
- "<a id=lnk href='data:text/html,B' target=t>clickme</a>" +
- "<script>var i=document.createElement('iframe');" +
- "i.setAttribute('src', 'data:text/html,C');" +
- "document.body.appendChild(i);</script>";
- // Add a new tab with one "static" and one "dynamic" frame.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- // Check URLs.
- ok(entries[0].url.startsWith("data:text/html"), "correct root url");
- ok(!entries[0].children, "no children collected");
- // Navigate the subframe.
- browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:click", {id: "lnk"});
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser, false /* don't ignore subframes */);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- // Check URLs.
- ok(entries[0].url.startsWith("data:text/html"), "correct 1st root url");
- ok(entries[1].url.startsWith("data:text/html"), "correct 2nd root url");
- ok(!entries.children, "no children collected");
- ok(!entries[0].children, "no children collected");
- ok(!entries[1].children, "no children collected");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_forget_async_closings.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_forget_async_closings.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c130ec5ad..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_forget_async_closings.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const PAGE = "";
- * Creates a tab in the current window worth storing in the
- * closedTabs array, and then closes it. Runs a synchronous
- * forgetFn passed in that should cause us to forget the tab,
- * and then ensures that after the tab has sent its final
- * update message that we didn't accidentally store it in
- * the closedTabs array.
- *
- * @param forgetFn (function)
- * A synchronous function that should cause the tab
- * to be forgotten.
- * @returns Promise
- */
-let forgetTabHelper = Task.async(function*(forgetFn) {
- // We want to suppress all non-final updates from the browser tabs
- // so as to eliminate any racy-ness with this test.
- yield pushPrefs(["browser.sessionstore.debug.no_auto_updates", true]);
- // Forget any previous closed tabs from other tests that may have
- // run in the same session.
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "browser:purge-session-history", 0);
- is(ss.getClosedTabCount(window), 0,
- "We should have 0 closed tabs being stored.");
- // Create a tab worth remembering.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(PAGE);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, PAGE);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Now close the tab, and immediately choose to forget it.
- let promise = BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);
- // At this point, the tab will have closed, but the final update
- // to SessionStore hasn't come up yet. Now do the operation that
- // should cause us to forget the tab.
- forgetFn();
- is(ss.getClosedTabCount(window), 0, "Should have forgotten the closed tab");
- // Now wait for the final update to come up.
- yield promise;
- is(ss.getClosedTabCount(window), 0,
- "Should not have stored the forgotten closed tab");
- * Creates a new window worth storing in the closeWIndows array,
- * and then closes it. Runs a synchronous forgetFn passed in that
- * should cause us to forget the window, and then ensures that after
- * the window has sent its final update message that we didn't
- * accidentally store it in the closedWindows array.
- *
- * @param forgetFn (function)
- * A synchronous function that should cause the window
- * to be forgotten.
- * @returns Promise
- */
-let forgetWinHelper = Task.async(function*(forgetFn) {
- // We want to suppress all non-final updates from the browser tabs
- // so as to eliminate any racy-ness with this test.
- yield pushPrefs(["browser.sessionstore.debug.no_auto_updates", true]);
- // Forget any previous closed windows from other tests that may have
- // run in the same session.
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "browser:purge-session-history", 0);
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 0, "We should have 0 closed windows being stored.");
- let newWin = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- // Create a tab worth remembering.
- let tab = newWin.gBrowser.selectedTab;
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- browser.loadURI(PAGE);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, PAGE);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Now close the window and immediately choose to forget it.
- let windowClosed = BrowserTestUtils.windowClosed(newWin);
- let domWindowClosed = BrowserTestUtils.domWindowClosed(newWin);
- newWin.close();
- yield domWindowClosed;
- // At this point, the window will have closed and the onClose handler
- // has run, but the final update to SessionStore hasn't come up yet.
- // Now do the oepration that should cause us to forget the window.
- forgetFn();
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 0, "Should have forgotten the closed window");
- // Now wait for the final update to come up.
- yield windowClosed;
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 0, "Should not have stored the closed window");
- * Tests that if we choose to forget a tab while waiting for its
- * final flush to complete, we don't accidentally store it.
- */
-add_task(function* test_forget_closed_tab() {
- yield forgetTabHelper(() => {
- ss.forgetClosedTab(window, 0);
- });
- * Tests that if we choose to forget a tab while waiting for its
- * final flush to complete, we don't accidentally store it.
- */
-add_task(function* test_forget_closed_window() {
- yield forgetWinHelper(() => {
- ss.forgetClosedWindow(0);
- });
- * Tests that if we choose to purge history while waiting for a
- * final flush of a tab to complete, we don't accidentally store it.
- */
-add_task(function* test_forget_purged_tab() {
- yield forgetTabHelper(() => {
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "browser:purge-session-history", 0);
- });
- * Tests that if we choose to purge history while waiting for a
- * final flush of a window to complete, we don't accidentally
- * store it.
- */
-add_task(function* test_forget_purged_window() {
- yield forgetWinHelper(() => {
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "browser:purge-session-history", 0);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_form_restore_events.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_form_restore_events.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fc2e0fd4..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_form_restore_events.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const URL = ROOT + "browser_form_restore_events_sample.html";
- * Originally a test for Bug 476161, but then expanded to include all input
- * types in bug 640136.
- */
-add_task(function () {
- // Load a page with some form elements.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // text fields
- yield setInputValue(browser, {id: "modify01", value: Math.random()});
- yield setInputValue(browser, {id: "modify02", value:});
- // textareas
- yield setInputValue(browser, {id: "modify03", value: Math.random()});
- yield setInputValue(browser, {id: "modify04", value:});
- // file
- let file = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile);
- yield setInputValue(browser, {id: "modify05", value: file.path});
- // select
- yield setSelectedIndex(browser, {id: "modify06", index: 1});
- yield setMultipleSelected(browser, {id: "modify07", indices: [0,1,2]});
- // checkbox
- yield setInputChecked(browser, {id: "modify08", checked: true});
- yield setInputChecked(browser, {id: "modify09", checked: false});
- // radio
- yield setInputChecked(browser, {id: "modify10", checked: true});
- yield setInputChecked(browser, {id: "modify11", checked: true});
- // Duplicate the tab and check that restoring form data yields the expected
- // input and change events for modified form fields.
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- let browser2 = tab2.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- let inputFired = yield getTextContent(browser2, {id: "inputFired"});
- inputFired = inputFired.trim().split().sort().join(" ");
- let changeFired = yield getTextContent(browser2, {id: "changeFired"});
- changeFired = changeFired.trim().split().sort().join(" ");
- is(inputFired, "modify01 modify02 modify03 modify04 modify05",
- "input events were only dispatched for modified input, textarea fields");
- is(changeFired, "modify06 modify07 modify08 modify09 modify11",
- "change events were only dispatched for modified select, checkbox, radio fields");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_form_restore_events_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_form_restore_events_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d46d4040..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_form_restore_events_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>Test for form restore events (originally bug 476161)</title>
-document.addEventListener("input", function(aEvent) {
- var inputEl = aEvent.originalTarget;
- var changedEl = document.getElementById("inputFired");
- changedEl.textContent += " " +;
-}, false);
-document.addEventListener("change", function(aEvent) {
- var inputEl = aEvent.originalTarget;
- var changedEl = document.getElementById("changeFired");
- changedEl.textContent += " " +;
-}, false);
-<!-- input events -->
-<h3>Text fields with changed text</h3>
-<input type="text" id="modify1">
-<input type="text" id="modify2" value="preset value">
-<input type="text" id="modify01">
-<input type="text" id="modify02" value="preset value">
-<h3>Text fields with unchanged text</h3>
-<input type="text" id="unchanged1">
-<input type="text" id="unchanged2" value="preset value">
-<input type="text" id="unchanged01">
-<input type="text" id="unchanged02" value="preset value">
-<h3>Textarea with changed text</h3>
-<textarea id="modify03"></textarea>
-<textarea id="modify04">preset value</textarea>
-<h3>Textarea with unchanged text</h3>
-<textarea id="unchanged03"></textarea>
-<textarea id="unchanged04">preset value</textarea>
-<h3>file field with changed value</h3>
-<input type="file" id="modify05">
-<h3>file field with unchanged value</h3>
-<input type="file" id="unchanged05">
-<!-- change events -->
-<h3>Select menu with changed selection</h3>
-<select id="modify06">
- <option value="one">one</option>
- <option value="two">two</option>
- <option value="three">three</option>
-<h3>Select menu with unchanged selection (change event still fires)</h3>
-<select id="unchanged06">
- <option value="one">one</option>
- <option value="two" selected>two</option>
- <option value="three">three</option>
-<h3>Multiple Select menu with changed selection</h3>
-<select id="modify07" multiple>
- <option value="one">one</option>
- <option value="two" selected>two</option>
- <option value="three">three</option>
-<h3>Select menu with unchanged selection</h3>
-<select id="unchanged07" multiple>
- <option value="one">one</option>
- <option value="two" selected>two</option>
- <option value="three" selected>three</option>
-<h3>checkbox with changed value</h3>
-<input type="checkbox" id="modify08">
-<input type="checkbox" id="modify09" checked>
-<h3>checkbox with unchanged value</h3>
-<input type="checkbox" id="unchanged08">
-<input type="checkbox" id="unchanged09" checked>
-<h3>radio with changed value</h3>
-<input type="radio" id="modify10" name="group">Radio 1</input>
-<input type="radio" id="modify11" name="group">Radio 2</input>
-<input type="radio" id="modify12" name="group" checked>Radio 3</input>
-<h3>radio with unchanged value</h3>
-<input type="radio" id="unchanged10" name="group2">Radio 4</input>
-<input type="radio" id="unchanged11" name="group2">Radio 5</input>
-<input type="radio" id="unchanged12" name="group2" checked>Radio 6</input>
-<h3>Changed field IDs</h3>
-<div id="changed"></div>
-<div id="inputFired"></div>
-<div id="changeFired"></div>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ce1272888..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
- * This test ensures that form data collection respects the privacy level as
- * set by the user.
- */
-add_task(function test_formdata() {
- const URL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/components/" +
- "sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_sample.html";
- const OUTER_VALUE = "browser_formdata_" + Math.random();
- const INNER_VALUE = "browser_formdata_" + Math.random();
- // Creates a tab, loads a page with some form fields,
- // modifies their values and closes the tab.
- function createAndRemoveTab() {
- return Task.spawn(function () {
- // Create a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Modify form data.
- yield setInputValue(browser, {id: "txt", value: OUTER_VALUE});
- yield setInputValue(browser, {id: "txt", value: INNER_VALUE, frame: 0});
- // Remove the tab.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- });
- }
- yield createAndRemoveTab();
- let [{state: {formdata}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- is(, OUTER_VALUE, "outer value is correct");
- is(formdata.children[0].id.txt, INNER_VALUE, "inner value is correct");
- // Disable saving data for encrypted sites.
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.privacy_level", 1);
- yield createAndRemoveTab();
- [{state: {formdata}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- is(, OUTER_VALUE, "outer value is correct");
- ok(!formdata.children, "inner value was *not* stored");
- // Disable saving data for any site.
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.privacy_level", 2);
- yield createAndRemoveTab();
- [{state: {formdata}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- ok(!formdata, "form data has *not* been stored");
- // Restore the default privacy level.
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.privacy_level");
- * This test ensures that a malicious website can't trick us into restoring
- * form data into a wrong website and that we always check the stored URL
- * before doing so.
- */
-add_task(function test_url_check() {
- const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<input%20id=input>";
- const VALUE = "value-" + Math.random();
- // Create a tab with an iframe containing an input field.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Restore a tab state with a given form data url.
- function restoreStateWithURL(url) {
- let state = {entries: [{url: URL}], formdata: {id: {input: VALUE}}};
- if (url) {
- state.formdata.url = url;
- }
- return promiseTabState(tab, state).then(() => getInputValue(browser, "input"));
- }
- // Check that the form value is restored with the correct URL.
- is((yield restoreStateWithURL(URL)), VALUE, "form data restored");
- // Check that the form value is *not* restored with the wrong URL.
- is((yield restoreStateWithURL(URL + "?")), "", "form data not restored");
- is((yield restoreStateWithURL()), "", "form data not restored");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- * This test ensures that collecting form data works as expected when having
- * nested frame sets.
- */
-add_task(function test_nested() {
- const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," +
- "<iframe src='data:text/html;charset=utf-8," +
- "<input autofocus=true>'/>";
- const FORM_DATA = {
- children: [{
- xpath: {"/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input": "M"},
- url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<input%20autofocus=true>"
- }]
- };
- // Create a tab with an iframe containing an input field.
- let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Modify the input field's value.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:sendKeyEvent", {key: "m", frame: 0});
- // Remove the tab and check that we stored form data correctly.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- let [{state: {formdata}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- is(JSON.stringify(formdata), JSON.stringify(FORM_DATA),
- "formdata for iframe stored correctly");
- // Restore the closed tab.
- tab = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- // Check that the input field has the right value.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- ({formdata} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- is(JSON.stringify(formdata), JSON.stringify(FORM_DATA),
- "formdata for iframe restored correctly");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- * This test ensures that collecting form data for documents with
- * designMode=on works as expected.
- */
-add_task(function test_design_mode() {
- const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<h1>mozilla</h1>" +
- "<script>document.designMode='on'</script>";
- // Load a tab with an editable document.
- let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Modify the document content.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:sendKeyEvent", {key: "m"});
- // Close and restore the tab.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- tab = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- // Check that the innerHTML value was restored.
- let html = yield getInnerHTML(browser);
- let expected = "<h1>Mmozilla</h1><script>document.designMode='on'</script>";
- is(html, expected, "editable document has been restored correctly");
- // Close and restore the tab.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- tab = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- // Check that the innerHTML value was restored.
- html = yield getInnerHTML(browser);
- expected = "<h1>Mmozilla</h1><script>document.designMode='on'</script>";
- is(html, expected, "editable document has been restored correctly");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
-function getInputValue(browser, id) {
- return sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:getInputValue", {id: id});
-function setInputValue(browser, data) {
- return sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setInputValue", data);
-function getInnerHTML(browser) {
- return sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:getInnerHTML", {selector: "body"});
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_cc.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_cc.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e27ca970..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_cc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const URL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/components/" +
- "sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_sample.html";
- * This test ensures that credit card numbers in form data will not be
- * collected, while numbers that don't look like credit card numbers will
- * still be collected.
- */
-add_task(function* () {
- const validCCNumbers = [
- // 15 digits
- "930771457288760", "474915027480942",
- "924894781317325", "714816113937185",
- "790466087343106", "474320195408363",
- "219211148122351", "633038472250799",
- "354236732906484", "095347810189325",
- // 16 digits
- "3091269135815020", "5471839082338112",
- "0580828863575793", "5015290610002932",
- "9465714503078607", "4302068493801686",
- "2721398408985465", "6160334316984331",
- "8643619970075142", "0218246069710785"
- ];
- const invalidCCNumbers = [
- // 15 digits
- "526931005800649", "724952425140686",
- "379761391174135", "030551436468583",
- "947377014076746", "254848023655752",
- "226871580283345", "708025346034339",
- "917585839076788", "918632588027666",
- // 16 digits
- "9946177098017064", "4081194386488872",
- "3095975979578034", "3662215692222536",
- "6723210018630429", "4411962856225025",
- "8276996369036686", "4449796938248871",
- "3350852696538147", "5011802870046957"
- ];
- // Creates a tab, loads a page with a form field, sets the value of the
- // field, and then removes the tab to trigger data collection.
- function* createAndRemoveTab(formValue) {
- // Create a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Set form value.
- yield setInputValue(browser, formValue);
- // Remove the tab.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- }
- // Test that valid CC numbers are not collected.
- for (let number of validCCNumbers) {
- yield createAndRemoveTab(number);
- let [{state}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- ok(!("formdata" in state), "valid CC numbers are not collected");
- }
- // Test that non-CC numbers are still collected.
- for (let number of invalidCCNumbers) {
- yield createAndRemoveTab(number);
- let [{state: {formdata}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- is(, number,
- "numbers that are not valid CC numbers are still collected");
- }
-function setInputValue(browser, formValue) {
- return ContentTask.spawn(browser, formValue, function* (formValue) {
- content.document.getElementById("txt").setUserInput(formValue);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_format.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_format.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a1b5975d..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_format.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-"use strict";
-function test() {
- /** Tests formdata format **/
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- let formData = [
- { },
- // old format
- { "#input1" : "value0" },
- { "#input1" : "value1", "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value2" },
- { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value3" },
- // new format
- { id: { "input1" : "value4" } },
- { id: { "input1" : "value5" }, xpath: {} },
- { id: { "input1" : "value6" }, xpath: { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value7" } },
- { id: {}, xpath: { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value8" } },
- { xpath: { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value9" } },
- // combinations
- { "#input1" : "value10", id: { "input1" : "value11" } },
- { "#input1" : "value12", id: { "input1" : "value13" }, xpath: { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value14" } },
- { "#input1" : "value15", xpath: { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value16" } },
- { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value17", id: { "input1" : "value18" } },
- { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value19", id: { "input1" : "value20" }, xpath: { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value21" } },
- { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value22", xpath: { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value23" } },
- { "#input1" : "value24", "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value25", id: { "input1" : "value26" } },
- { "#input1" : "value27", "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value28", id: { "input1" : "value29" }, xpath: { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value30" } },
- { "#input1" : "value31", "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value32", xpath: { "/xhtml:html/xhtml:body/xhtml:input[@name='input2']" : "value33" } }
- ]
- let expectedValues = [
- [ "" , "" ],
- // old format
- [ "value0", "" ],
- [ "value1", "value2" ],
- [ "", "value3" ],
- // new format
- [ "value4", "" ],
- [ "value5", "" ],
- [ "value6", "value7" ],
- [ "", "value8" ],
- [ "", "value9" ],
- // combinations
- [ "value11", "" ],
- [ "value13", "value14" ],
- [ "", "value16" ],
- [ "value18", "" ],
- [ "value20", "value21" ],
- [ "", "value23" ],
- [ "value26", "" ],
- [ "value29", "value30" ],
- [ "", "value33" ]
- ];
- let testTabCount = 0;
- let callback = function() {
- testTabCount--;
- if (testTabCount == 0) {
- finish();
- }
- };
- for (let i = 0; i < formData.length; i++) {
- testTabCount++;
- testTabRestoreData(formData[i], expectedValues[i], callback);
- }
-function testTabRestoreData(aFormData, aExpectedValue, aCallback) {
- let URL = ROOT + "browser_formdata_format_sample.html";
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- aFormData.url = URL;
- let tabState = { entries: [{ url: URL }], formdata: aFormData };
- Task.spawn(function () {
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield promiseTabState(tab, tabState);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
- let restoredTabState = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- let restoredFormData = restoredTabState.formdata;
- if (restoredFormData) {
- let doc = tab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument;
- let input1 = doc.getElementById("input1");
- let input2 = doc.querySelector("input[name=input2]");
- // test format
- ok("id" in restoredFormData || "xpath" in restoredFormData,
- "FormData format is valid: " + restoredFormData);
- // validate that there are no old keys
- for (let key of Object.keys(restoredFormData)) {
- if (["id", "xpath", "url"].indexOf(key) === -1) {
- ok(false, "FormData format is invalid.");
- }
- }
- // test id
- is(input1.value, aExpectedValue[0],
- "FormData by 'id' has been restored correctly");
- // test xpath
- is(input2.value, aExpectedValue[1],
- "FormData by 'xpath' has been restored correctly");
- }
- // clean up
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- // This test might time out if the task fails.
- }).then(aCallback);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_format_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_format_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f991e3657..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_format_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<title>Test formdata format</title>
-<!-- input events -->
-<h3>Input fields</h3>
-<input type="text" id="input1">
-<input type="text" name="input2"> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cbb54fb5..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>browser_formdata_sample.html</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <input id="txt" />
- <script type="text/javascript;version=1.8">
- let isOuter = window ==;
- if (isOuter) {
- let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
- iframe.setAttribute("src", "" + location.pathname);
- document.body.appendChild(iframe);
- }
- </script>
- </body>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_xpath.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_xpath.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d69feb546..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_xpath.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const URL = ROOT + "browser_formdata_xpath_sample.html";
- * Bug 346337 - Generic form data restoration tests.
- */
-add_task(function setup() {
- // make sure we don't save form data at all (except for tab duplication)
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.privacy_level", 2);
- registerCleanupFunction(() => {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.privacy_level");
- });
-const FILE1 = createFilePath("346337_test1.file");
-const FILE2 = createFilePath("346337_test2.file");
-const FIELDS = {
- "//input[@name='input']":,
- "//input[@name='spaced 1']": Math.random().toString(),
- "//input[3]": "three",
- "//input[@type='checkbox']": true,
- "//input[@name='uncheck']": false,
- "//input[@type='radio'][1]": false,
- "//input[@type='radio'][2]": true,
- "//input[@type='radio'][3]": false,
- "//select": 2,
- "//select[@multiple]": [1, 3],
- "//textarea[1]": "",
- "//textarea[2]": "Some text... " + Math.random(),
- "//textarea[3]": "Some more text\n" + new Date(),
- "//input[@type='file'][1]": [FILE1],
- "//input[@type='file'][2]": [FILE1, FILE2]
-add_task(function test_form_data_restoration() {
- // Load page with some input fields.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Fill in some values.
- for (let xpath of Object.keys(FIELDS)) {
- yield setFormValue(browser, xpath);
- }
- // Duplicate the tab.
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- let browser2 = tab2.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- // Check that all form values have been duplicated.
- for (let xpath of Object.keys(FIELDS)) {
- let expected = JSON.stringify(FIELDS[xpath]);
- let actual = JSON.stringify(yield getFormValue(browser2, xpath));
- is(actual, expected, "The value for \"" + xpath + "\" was correctly restored");
- }
- // Remove all tabs.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab2);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // Restore one of the tabs again.
- tab = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- // Check that none of the form values have been restored due to the privacy
- // level settings.
- for (let xpath of Object.keys(FIELDS)) {
- let expected = FIELDS[xpath];
- if (expected) {
- let actual = yield getFormValue(browser, xpath, expected);
- isnot(actual, expected, "The value for \"" + xpath + "\" was correctly discarded");
- }
- }
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
-function createFilePath(leaf) {
- let file = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile);
- file.append(leaf);
- return file.path;
-function isArrayOfNumbers(value) {
- return Array.isArray(value) && value.every(n => typeof(n) === "number");
-function isArrayOfStrings(value) {
- return Array.isArray(value) && value.every(n => typeof(n) === "string");
-function getFormValue(browser, xpath) {
- let value = FIELDS[xpath];
- if (typeof value == "string") {
- return getInputValue(browser, {xpath: xpath});
- }
- if (typeof value == "boolean") {
- return getInputChecked(browser, {xpath: xpath});
- }
- if (typeof value == "number") {
- return getSelectedIndex(browser, {xpath: xpath});
- }
- if (isArrayOfNumbers(value)) {
- return getMultipleSelected(browser, {xpath: xpath});
- }
- if (isArrayOfStrings(value)) {
- return getFileNameArray(browser, {xpath: xpath});
- }
- throw new Error("unknown input type");
-function setFormValue(browser, xpath) {
- let value = FIELDS[xpath];
- if (typeof value == "string") {
- return setInputValue(browser, {xpath: xpath, value: value});
- }
- if (typeof value == "boolean") {
- return setInputChecked(browser, {xpath: xpath, checked: value});
- }
- if (typeof value == "number") {
- return setSelectedIndex(browser, {xpath: xpath, index: value});
- }
- if (isArrayOfNumbers(value)) {
- return setMultipleSelected(browser, {xpath: xpath, indices: value});
- }
- if (isArrayOfStrings(value)) {
- return setFileNameArray(browser, {xpath: xpath, names: value});
- }
- throw new Error("unknown input type");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_xpath_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_xpath_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 682162d6a..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_formdata_xpath_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-<title>Test for bug 346337</title>
-<h3>Text Fields</h3>
-<input type="text" name="input">
-<input type="text" name="spaced 1">
-<h3>Checkboxes and Radio buttons</h3>
-<input type="checkbox" name="check"> Check 1
-<input type="checkbox" name="uncheck" checked> Check 2
-<input type="radio" name="group" value="1"> Radio 1
-<input type="radio" name="group" value="some"> Radio 2
-<input type="radio" name="group" checked> Radio 3
-<select name="any">
- <option value="1"> Select 1
- <option value="some"> Select 2
- <option>Select 3
-<select multiple="multiple">
- <option value=1> Multi-select 1
- <option value=2> Multi-select 2
- <option value=3> Multi-select 3
- <option value=4> Multi-select 4
-<h3>Text Areas</h3>
-<textarea name="testarea"></textarea>
-<textarea name="sized one" rows="5" cols="25"></textarea>
-<h3>File Selector</h3>
-<input type="file">
-<input type="file" multiple>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d152f77..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- Ensure that frameset history works properly when restoring a tab,
- provided that the frameset is static.
- */
-// Loading a toplevel frameset
-add_task(function() {
- let testURL = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "browser_frame_history_index.html";
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- info("Opening a page with three frames, 4 loads should take place");
- yield waitForLoadsInBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser, 4);
- let browser_b = tab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("frame")[1];
- let document_b = browser_b.contentDocument;
- let links = document_b.getElementsByTagName("a");
- // We're going to click on the first link, so listen for another load event
- info("Clicking on link 1, 1 load should take place");
- let promise = waitForLoadsInBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser, 1);
- EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({type:"click"}, links[0], browser_b.contentWindow);
- yield promise;
- info("Clicking on link 2, 1 load should take place");
- promise = waitForLoadsInBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser, 1);
- EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({type:"click"}, links[1], browser_b.contentWindow);
- yield promise;
- info("Close then un-close page, 4 loads should take place");
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- let newTab = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- yield waitForLoadsInBrowser(newTab.linkedBrowser, 4);
- info("Go back in time, 1 load should take place");
- gBrowser.goBack();
- yield waitForLoadsInBrowser(newTab.linkedBrowser, 1);
- let expectedURLEnds = ["a.html", "b.html", "c1.html"];
- let frames = newTab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("frame");
- for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
- is(frames[i].contentDocument.location,
- getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "browser_frame_history_" + expectedURLEnds[i],
- "frame " + i + " has the right url");
- }
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
-// Loading the frameset inside an iframe
-add_task(function() {
- let testURL = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "browser_frame_history_index2.html";
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- info("iframe: Opening a page with an iframe containing three frames, 5 loads should take place");
- yield waitForLoadsInBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser, 5);
- let browser_b = tab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.
- getElementById("iframe").contentDocument.
- getElementsByTagName("frame")[1];
- let document_b = browser_b.contentDocument;
- let links = document_b.getElementsByTagName("a");
- // We're going to click on the first link, so listen for another load event
- info("iframe: Clicking on link 1, 1 load should take place");
- let promise = waitForLoadsInBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser, 1);
- EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({type:"click"}, links[0], browser_b.contentWindow);
- yield promise;
- info("iframe: Clicking on link 2, 1 load should take place");
- promise = waitForLoadsInBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser, 1);
- EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({type:"click"}, links[1], browser_b.contentWindow);
- yield promise;
- info("iframe: Close then un-close page, 5 loads should take place");
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- let newTab = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- yield waitForLoadsInBrowser(newTab.linkedBrowser, 5);
- info("iframe: Go back in time, 1 load should take place");
- gBrowser.goBack();
- yield waitForLoadsInBrowser(newTab.linkedBrowser, 1);
- let expectedURLEnds = ["a.html", "b.html", "c1.html"];
- let frames = newTab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.
- getElementById("iframe").contentDocument.
- getElementsByTagName("frame");
- for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
- is(frames[i].contentDocument.location,
- getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "browser_frame_history_" + expectedURLEnds[i],
- "frame " + i + " has the right url");
- }
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
-// Now, test that we don't record history if the iframe is added dynamically
-add_task(function() {
- // Start with an empty history
- let blankState = JSON.stringify({
- windows: [{
- tabs: [{ entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }] }],
- _closedTabs: []
- }],
- _closedWindows: []
- });
- ss.setBrowserState(blankState);
- let testURL = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "browser_frame_history_index_blank.html";
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(testURL);
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- yield waitForLoadsInBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser, 1);
- info("dynamic: Opening a page with an iframe containing three frames, 4 dynamic loads should take place");
- let doc = tab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument;
- let iframe = doc.createElement("iframe");
- = "iframe";
- iframe.src="browser_frame_history_index.html";
- doc.body.appendChild(iframe);
- yield waitForLoadsInBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser, 4);
- let browser_b = tab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.
- getElementById("iframe").contentDocument.
- getElementsByTagName("frame")[1];
- let document_b = browser_b.contentDocument;
- let links = document_b.getElementsByTagName("a");
- // We're going to click on the first link, so listen for another load event
- info("dynamic: Clicking on link 1, 1 load should take place");
- let promise = waitForLoadsInBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser, 1);
- EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({type:"click"}, links[0], browser_b.contentWindow);
- yield promise;
- info("dynamic: Clicking on link 2, 1 load should take place");
- promise = waitForLoadsInBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser, 1);
- EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({type:"click"}, links[1], browser_b.contentWindow);
- yield promise;
- info("Check in the state that we have not stored this history");
- let state = ss.getBrowserState();
- info(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(state), null, "\t"));
- is(state.indexOf("c1.html"), -1, "History entry was not stored in the session state");;
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
-// helper functions
-function waitForLoadsInBrowser(aBrowser, aLoadCount) {
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- let loadCount = 0;
- aBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
- if (++loadCount < aLoadCount) {
- info("Got " + loadCount + " loads, waiting until we have " + aLoadCount);
- return;
- }
- aBrowser.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
- deferred.resolve();
- }, true);
- return deferred.promise;
-function timeout(delay, task) {
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- setTimeout(() => deferred.resolve(true), delay);
- task.then(() => deferred.resolve(false), deferred.reject);
- return deferred.promise;
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_a.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_a.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 8e7b35d7a..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_a.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- <body>
- I'm A!
- </body>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_b.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_b.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 38b43da21..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_b.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- <body>
- I'm B!<br/>
- <a target="c" href="browser_frame_history_c1.html">click me first</a><br/>
- <a target="c" href="browser_frame_history_c2.html">then click me</a><br/>
- Close this tab.<br/>
- Restore this tab.<br/>
- Click back.<br/>
- </body>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_c.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_c.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 0efd7d902..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_c.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- <body>
- I'm C!
- </body>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_c1.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_c1.html
deleted file mode 100755
index b55c1d45a..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_c1.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- <body>
- I'm C1!
- </body>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_c2.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_c2.html
deleted file mode 100755
index aec504141..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_c2.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- <body>
- I'm C2!
- </body>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_index.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 76eeb4c4d..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- <frameset cols="20%,80%">
- <frameset rows="30%,70%">
- <frame src="browser_frame_history_a.html"/>
- <frame src="browser_frame_history_b.html"/>
- </frameset>
- <frame src="browser_frame_history_c.html" name="c"/>
- </frameset>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_index2.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_index2.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e4dfb4083..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_index2.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- <iframe src="browser_frame_history_index.html" id="iframe" />
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_index_blank.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_index_blank.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 30fd1f58c..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frame_history_index_blank.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- <body>
- </body>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frametree.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frametree.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a342f8c66..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frametree.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const URL = HTTPROOT + "browser_frametree_sample.html";
-const URL_FRAMESET = HTTPROOT + "browser_frametree_sample_frameset.html";
- * This ensures that loading a page normally, aborting a page load, reloading
- * a page, navigating using the bfcache, and ignoring frames that were
- * created dynamically work as expect. We expect the frame tree to be reset
- * when a page starts loading and we also expect a valid frame tree to exist
- * when it has stopped loading.
- */
-add_task(function test_frametree() {
- const FRAME_TREE_SINGLE = { href: URL };
- children: [{href: URL}, {href: URL}, {href: URL}]
- };
- // Create a tab with a single frame.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseNewFrameTree(browser);
- yield checkFrameTree(browser, FRAME_TREE_SINGLE,
- "loading a page resets and creates the frame tree correctly");
- // Load the frameset and create two frames dynamically, the first on
- // DOMContentLoaded and the second on load.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:createDynamicFrames", {id: "frames", url: URL});
- browser.loadURI(URL_FRAMESET);
- yield promiseNewFrameTree(browser);
- yield checkFrameTree(browser, FRAME_TREE_FRAMESET,
- "dynamic frames created on or after the load event are ignored");
- // Go back to the previous single-frame page. There will be no load event as
- // the page is still in the bfcache. We thus make sure this type of navigation
- // resets the frame tree.
- browser.goBack();
- yield promiseNewFrameTree(browser);
- yield checkFrameTree(browser, FRAME_TREE_SINGLE,
- "loading from bfache resets and creates the frame tree correctly");
- // Load the frameset again but abort the load early.
- // The frame tree should still be reset and created.
- browser.loadURI(URL_FRAMESET);
- executeSoon(() => browser.stop());
- yield promiseNewFrameTree(browser);
- // Load the frameset and check the tree again.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:createDynamicFrames", {id: "frames", url: URL});
- browser.loadURI(URL_FRAMESET);
- yield promiseNewFrameTree(browser);
- yield checkFrameTree(browser, FRAME_TREE_FRAMESET,
- "reloading a page resets and creates the frame tree correctly");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- * This test ensures that we ignore frames that were created dynamically at or
- * after the load event. SessionStore can't handle these and will not restore
- * or collect any data for them.
- */
-add_task(function test_frametree_dynamic() {
- // The frame tree as expected. The first two frames are static
- // and the third one was created on DOMContentLoaded.
- const FRAME_TREE = {
- children: [{href: URL}, {href: URL}, {href: URL}]
- };
- children: [{href: URL}, {href: URL}]
- };
- // Add an empty tab for a start.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Create dynamic frames on "DOMContentLoaded" and on "load".
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:createDynamicFrames", {id: "frames", url: URL});
- browser.loadURI(URL_FRAMESET);
- yield promiseNewFrameTree(browser);
- // Check that the frame tree does not contain the frame created on "load".
- // The two static frames and the one created on DOMContentLoaded must be in
- // the tree.
- yield checkFrameTree(browser, FRAME_TREE,
- "frame tree contains first four frames");
- // Remove the last frame in the frameset.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:removeLastFrame", {id: "frames"});
- // Check that the frame tree didn't change.
- yield checkFrameTree(browser, FRAME_TREE,
- "frame tree contains first four frames");
- // Remove the last frame in the frameset.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:removeLastFrame", {id: "frames"});
- // Check that the frame tree excludes the removed frame.
- yield checkFrameTree(browser, FRAME_TREE_REMOVED,
- "frame tree contains first three frames");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- * Checks whether the current frame hierarchy of a given |browser| matches the
- * |expected| frame hierarchy.
- */
-function checkFrameTree(browser, expected, msg) {
- return sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:mapFrameTree").then(tree => {
- is(JSON.stringify(tree), JSON.stringify(expected), msg);
- });
- * Returns a promise that will be resolved when the given |browser| has loaded
- * and we received messages saying that its frame tree has been reset and
- * recollected.
- */
-function promiseNewFrameTree(browser) {
- let reset = promiseContentMessage(browser, "ss-test:onFrameTreeCollected");
- let collect = promiseContentMessage(browser, "ss-test:onFrameTreeCollected");
- return Promise.all([reset, collect]);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frametree_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frametree_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index dda129448..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frametree_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>browser_frametree_sample.html</title>
- </head>
- <body style='width: 100000px; height: 100000px;'>top</body>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frametree_sample_frameset.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frametree_sample_frameset.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e1cd08735..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_frametree_sample_frameset.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN">
-<html lang="en">
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>browser_frametree_sample_frameset.html</title>
- </head>
- <frameset id="frames" rows="50%, 50%">
- <frame src="browser_frametree_sample.html">
- <frame src="browser_frametree_sample.html">
- </frameset>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_global_store.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_global_store.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 792154830..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_global_store.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Tests the API for saving global session data.
-add_task(function* () {
- const key1 = "Unique name 1: " +;
- const key2 = "Unique name 2: " +;
- const value1 = "Unique value 1: " + Math.random();
- const value2 = "Unique value 2: " + Math.random();
- let global = {};
- global[key1] = value1;
- const testState = {
- windows: [
- {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }] },
- ]
- }
- ],
- global: global
- };
- function testRestoredState() {
- is(ss.getGlobalValue(key1), value1, "restored state has global value");
- }
- function testGlobalStore() {
- is(ss.getGlobalValue(key2), "", "global value initially not set");
- ss.setGlobalValue(key2, value1);
- is(ss.getGlobalValue(key2), value1, "retreived value matches stored");
- ss.setGlobalValue(key2, value2);
- is(ss.getGlobalValue(key2), value2, "previously stored value was overwritten");
- ss.deleteGlobalValue(key2);
- is(ss.getGlobalValue(key2), "", "global value was deleted");
- }
- yield promiseBrowserState(testState);
- testRestoredState();
- testGlobalStore();
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_history_persist.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_history_persist.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b9e62abc..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_history_persist.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-env mozilla/frame-script */
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
- * Ensure that history entries that should not be persisted are restored in the
- * same state.
- */
-add_task(function check_history_not_persisted() {
- // Create an about:blank tab
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Retrieve the tab state.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- ok(!state.entries[0].persist, "Should have collected the persistence state");
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- browser = null;
- // Open a new tab to restore into.
- tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabState(tab, state);
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function() {
- let sessionHistory = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsISHistory);
- is(sessionHistory.count, 1, "Should be a single history entry");
- is(sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(0, false).URI.spec, "about:blank", "Should be the right URL");
- });
- // Load a new URL into the tab, it should replace the about:blank history entry
- browser.loadURI("about:robots");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function() {
- let sessionHistory = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsISHistory);
- is(sessionHistory.count, 1, "Should be a single history entry");
- is(sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(0, false).URI.spec, "about:robots", "Should be the right URL");
- });
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- * Check that entries default to being persisted when the attribute doesn't
- * exist
- */
-add_task(function check_history_default_persisted() {
- // Create an about:blank tab
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Retrieve the tab state.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- delete state.entries[0].persist;
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- browser = null;
- // Open a new tab to restore into.
- tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabState(tab, state);
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function() {
- let sessionHistory = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsISHistory);
- is(sessionHistory.count, 1, "Should be a single history entry");
- is(sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(0, false).URI.spec, "about:blank", "Should be the right URL");
- });
- // Load a new URL into the tab, it should replace the about:blank history entry
- browser.loadURI("about:robots");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function() {
- let sessionHistory = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsISHistory);
- is(sessionHistory.count, 2, "Should be two history entries");
- is(sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(0, false).URI.spec, "about:blank", "Should be the right URL");
- is(sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(1, false).URI.spec, "about:robots", "Should be the right URL");
- });
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_label_and_icon.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_label_and_icon.js
deleted file mode 100644
index db68eb042..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_label_and_icon.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci} = Components;
- * Make sure that tabs are restored on demand as otherwise the tab will start
- * loading immediately and we can't check its icon and label.
- */
-add_task(function setup() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", true);
- registerCleanupFunction(() => {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand");
- });
- * Ensure that a pending tab has label and icon correctly set.
- */
-add_task(function test_label_and_icon() {
- // Create a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:robots");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Retrieve the tab state.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let state = ss.getTabState(tab);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- browser = null;
- // Open a new tab to restore into.
- tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- ss.setTabState(tab, state);
- yield promiseTabRestoring(tab);
- // Check that label and icon are set for the restoring tab.
- ok(gBrowser.getIcon(tab).startsWith("data:image/png;"), "icon is set");
- is(tab.label, "Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!", "label is set");
- let serhelper = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsISerializationHelper);
- let serializedPrincipal = tab.getAttribute("iconLoadingPrincipal");
- let iconLoadingPrincipal = serhelper.deserializeObject(serializedPrincipal)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPrincipal);
- is(iconLoadingPrincipal.origin, "about:robots", "correct loadingPrincipal used");
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_merge_closed_tabs.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_merge_closed_tabs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b26e86f22..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_merge_closed_tabs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
- * This test ensures that closed tabs are merged when restoring
- * a window state without overwriting tabs.
- */
-add_task(function () {
- const initialState = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "about:blank" }] }
- ],
- _closedTabs: [
- { state: { entries: [{ ID: 1000, url: "about:blank" }]} },
- { state: { entries: [{ ID: 1001, url: "about:blank" }]} }
- ]
- }]
- }
- const restoreState = {
- windows: [{
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "about:robots" }] }
- ],
- _closedTabs: [
- { state: { entries: [{ ID: 1002, url: "about:robots" }]} },
- { state: { entries: [{ ID: 1003, url: "about:robots" }]} },
- { state: { entries: [{ ID: 1004, url: "about:robots" }]} }
- ]
- }]
- }
- const maxTabsUndo = 4;
- gPrefService.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", maxTabsUndo);
- // Open a new window and restore it to an initial state.
- let win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded({private: false});
- SessionStore.setWindowState(win, JSON.stringify(initialState), true);
- is(SessionStore.getClosedTabCount(win), 2, "2 closed tabs after restoring initial state");
- // Restore the new state but do not overwrite existing tabs (this should
- // cause the closed tabs to be merged).
- SessionStore.setWindowState(win, JSON.stringify(restoreState), false);
- // Verify the windows closed tab data is correct.
- let iClosed =[0]._closedTabs;
- let rClosed =[0]._closedTabs;
- let cData = JSON.parse(SessionStore.getClosedTabData(win));
- is(cData.length, Math.min(iClosed.length + rClosed.length, maxTabsUndo),
- "Number of closed tabs is correct");
- // When the closed tabs are merged the restored tabs are considered to be
- // closed more recently.
- for (let i = 0; i < cData.length; i++) {
- if (i < rClosed.length) {
- is(cData[i].state.entries[0].ID, rClosed[i].state.entries[0].ID,
- "Closed tab entry matches");
- } else {
- is(cData[i].state.entries[0].ID, iClosed[i - rClosed.length].state.entries[0].ID,
- "Closed tab entry matches");
- }
- }
- // Clean up.
- gPrefService.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_multiple_navigateAndRestore.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_multiple_navigateAndRestore.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fc958b293..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_multiple_navigateAndRestore.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const PAGE_1 = "data:text/html,<html><body>A%20regular,%20everyday,%20normal%20page.";
-const PAGE_2 = "data:text/html,<html><body>Another%20regular,%20everyday,%20normal%20page.";
-add_task(function*() {
- // Load an empty, non-remote tab at about:blank...
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank", {
- forceNotRemote: true,
- });
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- ok(!browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Ensure browser is not remote");
- // Load a remote page, and then another remote page immediately
- // after.
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_1);
- browser.stop();
- browser.loadURI(PAGE_2);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "Should have switched remoteness");
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- let entries = state.entries;
- is(entries.length, 1, "There should only be one entry");
- is(entries[0].url, PAGE_2, "Should have PAGE_2 as the sole history entry");
- is(browser.currentURI.spec, PAGE_2, "Should have PAGE_2 as the browser currentURI");
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, PAGE_2, function*(PAGE_2) {
- docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation);
- Assert.equal(docShell.currentURI.spec, PAGE_2,
- "Content should have PAGE_2 as the browser currentURI");
- });
- yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_newtab_userTypedValue.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_newtab_userTypedValue.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 66dc93380..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_newtab_userTypedValue.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
- * Test that when restoring an 'initial page' with session restore, it
- * produces an empty URL bar, rather than leaving its URL explicitly
- * there as a 'user typed value'.
- */
-add_task(function* () {
- let win = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(win.gBrowser, "about:logo");
- let tabOpenedAndSwitchedTo = BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(win.gBrowser, () => {});
- // This opens about:newtab:
- win.BrowserOpenTab();
- let tab = yield tabOpenedAndSwitchedTo;
- is(win.gURLBar.value, "", "URL bar should be empty");
- is(tab.linkedBrowser.userTypedValue, null, "userTypedValue should be null");
- let state = JSON.parse(SessionStore.getTabState(tab));
- ok(!state.userTypedValue, "userTypedValue should be undefined on the tab's state");
- tab = null;
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- ok(SessionStore.getClosedWindowCount(), "Should have a closed window");
- win = SessionStore.undoCloseWindow(0);
- yield TestUtils.topicObserved("sessionstore-single-window-restored",
- subject => subject == win);
- // Don't wait for load here because it's about:newtab and we may have swapped in
- // a preloaded browser.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
- is(win.gURLBar.value, "", "URL bar should be empty");
- tab = win.gBrowser.selectedTab;
- is(tab.linkedBrowser.userTypedValue, null, "userTypedValue should be null");
- state = JSON.parse(SessionStore.getTabState(tab));
- ok(!state.userTypedValue, "userTypedValue should be undefined on the tab's state");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);
- for (let url of gInitialPages) {
- if (url == BROWSER_NEW_TAB_URL) {
- continue; // We tested about:newtab using BrowserOpenTab() above.
- }
- info("Testing " + url + " - " + new Date());
- yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(win.gBrowser, url);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- ok(SessionStore.getClosedWindowCount(), "Should have a closed window");
- win = SessionStore.undoCloseWindow(0);
- yield TestUtils.topicObserved("sessionstore-single-window-restored",
- subject => subject == win);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
- is(win.gURLBar.value, "", "URL bar should be empty");
- tab = win.gBrowser.selectedTab;
- is(tab.linkedBrowser.userTypedValue, null, "userTypedValue should be null");
- state = JSON.parse(SessionStore.getTabState(tab));
- ok(!state.userTypedValue, "userTypedValue should be undefined on the tab's state");
- info("Removing tab - " + new Date());
- yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);
- info("Finished removing tab - " + new Date());
- }
- info("Removing window - " + new Date());
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- info("Finished removing window - " + new Date());
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageStyle.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageStyle.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7abee5d9d..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageStyle.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const URL = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "browser_pageStyle_sample.html";
-const URL_NESTED = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "browser_pageStyle_sample_nested.html";
- * This test ensures that page style information is correctly persisted.
- */
-add_task(function page_style() {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- let sheets = yield getStyleSheets(browser);
- // Enable all style sheets one by one.
- for (let [title, disabled] of sheets) {
- yield enableStyleSheetsForSet(browser, title);
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- let sheets = yield getStyleSheets(tab2.linkedBrowser);
- let enabled = sheets.filter(([title, disabled]) => !disabled);
- if (title.startsWith("fail_")) {
- ok(!enabled.length, "didn't restore " + title);
- } else {
- is(enabled.length, 1, "restored one style sheet");
- is(enabled[0][0], title, "restored correct sheet");
- }
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- }
- // Disable all styles and verify that this is correctly persisted.
- yield setAuthorStyleDisabled(browser, true);
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- let authorStyleDisabled = yield getAuthorStyleDisabled(tab2.linkedBrowser);
- ok(authorStyleDisabled, "disabled all stylesheets");
- // Clean up.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- * This test ensures that page style notification from nested documents are
- * received and the page style is persisted correctly.
- */
-add_task(function nested_page_style() {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL_NESTED);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield enableSubDocumentStyleSheetsForSet(browser, "alternate");
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- let [{state: {pageStyle}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- let expected = JSON.stringify({children: [{pageStyle: "alternate"}]});
- is(JSON.stringify(pageStyle), expected, "correct pageStyle persisted");
-function getStyleSheets(browser) {
- return sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:getStyleSheets");
-function enableStyleSheetsForSet(browser, name) {
- return sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:enableStyleSheetsForSet", name);
-function enableSubDocumentStyleSheetsForSet(browser, name) {
- return sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:enableSubDocumentStyleSheetsForSet", {
- id: "iframe", set: name
- });
-function getAuthorStyleDisabled(browser) {
- return sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:getAuthorStyleDisabled");
-function setAuthorStyleDisabled(browser, val) {
- return sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setAuthorStyleDisabled", val)
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageStyle_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageStyle_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 810054049..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageStyle_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>pageStyle sample</title>
- <link href="404.css" title="default" rel="stylesheet">
- <link href="404.css" title="alternate" rel="alternate stylesheet">
- <link href="404.css" title="altERnate" rel=" styLEsheet altERnate ">
- <link href="404.css" title="media_empty" rel="alternate stylesheet" media="">
- <link href="404.css" title="media_all" rel="alternate stylesheet" media="all">
- <link href="404.css" title="media_ALL" rel="alternate stylesheet" media=" ALL ">
- <link href="404.css" title="media_screen" rel="alternate stylesheet" media="screen">
- <link href="404.css" title="media_print_screen" rel="alternate stylesheet" media="print,screen">
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageStyle_sample_nested.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageStyle_sample_nested.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 157609fa6..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageStyle_sample_nested.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>pageStyle sample (nested)</title>
- <iframe id="iframe" src="browser_pageStyle_sample.html"/>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_page_title.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_page_title.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bbb1ca76..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_page_title.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const URL = "data:text/html,<title>initial title</title>";
-add_task(function* () {
- // Create a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- // Remove the tab.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // Check the title.
- let [{state: {entries}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- is(entries[0].title, "initial title", "correct title");
-add_task(function* () {
- // Create a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Flush to ensure we collected the initial title.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Set a new title.
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- addEventListener("DOMTitleChanged", function onTitleChanged() {
- removeEventListener("DOMTitleChanged", onTitleChanged);
- resolve();
- });
- content.document.title = "new title";
- });
- });
- // Remove the tab.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // Check the title.
- let [{state: {entries}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- is(entries[0].title, "new title", "correct title");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_parentProcessRestoreHash.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_parentProcessRestoreHash.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1deb461c8..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_parentProcessRestoreHash.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
- "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/" +
- "components/sessionstore/test/browser_parentProcessRestoreHash.js";
-const Cm = Components.manager;
-const TESTCLASSID = "78742c04-3630-448c-9be3-6c5070f062de";
-const TESTURL = "about:testpageforsessionrestore#foo";
-let TestAboutPage = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAboutModule]),
- getURIFlags: function(aURI) {
- // No CAN_ or MUST_LOAD_IN_CHILD means this loads in the parent:
- return Ci.nsIAboutModule.ALLOW_SCRIPT |
- },
- newChannel: function(aURI, aLoadInfo) {
- // about: page inception!
- let newURI =, null, null);
- let channel =,
- aLoadInfo);
- channel.originalURI = aURI;
- return channel;
- },
- createInstance: function(outer, iid) {
- if (outer != null) {
- }
- return this.QueryInterface(iid);
- },
- register: function() {
- Cm.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar).registerFactory(
- Components.ID(TESTCLASSID), "Only here for a test",
- ";1?what=testpageforsessionrestore", this);
- },
- unregister: function() {
- Cm.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar).unregisterFactory(
- Components.ID(TESTCLASSID), this);
- }
- * Test that switching from a remote to a parent process browser
- * correctly clears the userTypedValue
- */
-add_task(function* () {
- TestAboutPage.register();
- let tab = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, "", true, true);
- ok(tab.linkedBrowser.isRemoteBrowser, "Browser should be remote");
- let resolveLocationChangePromise;
- let locationChangePromise = new Promise(r => resolveLocationChangePromise = r);
- let wpl = {
- onStateChange(wpl, request, state, status) {
- let location = request.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel).originalURI;
- // Ignore about:blank loads.
- let docStop = Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP |
- Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK;
- if (location.spec == "about:blank" || (state & docStop == docStop)) {
- return;
- }
- is(location.spec, TESTURL, "Got the expected URL");
- resolveLocationChangePromise();
- },
- };
- gBrowser.addProgressListener(wpl);
- gURLBar.value = TESTURL;
- EventUtils.sendKey("return");
- yield locationChangePromise;
- ok(!tab.linkedBrowser.isRemoteBrowser, "Browser should no longer be remote");
- is(gURLBar.textValue, TESTURL, "URL bar visible value should be correct.");
- is(gURLBar.value, TESTURL, "URL bar value should be correct.");
- is(gURLBar.getAttribute("pageproxystate"), "valid", "URL bar is in valid page proxy state");
- ok(!tab.linkedBrowser.userTypedValue, "No userTypedValue should be on the browser.");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);
- gBrowser.removeProgressListener(wpl);
- TestAboutPage.unregister();
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pending_tabs.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pending_tabs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e734e55c9..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pending_tabs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const TAB_STATE = {
- entries: [{ url: "about:mozilla" }, { url: "about:robots" }],
- index: 1,
-add_task(function* () {
- // Create a background tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // The tab shouldn't be restored right away.
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", true);
- // Prepare the tab state.
- let promise = promiseTabRestoring(tab);
- ss.setTabState(tab, JSON.stringify(TAB_STATE));
- ok(tab.hasAttribute("pending"), "tab is pending");
- yield promise;
- // Flush to ensure the parent has all data.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Check that the shistory index is the one we restored.
- let tabState = TabState.collect(tab);
- is(tabState.index, TAB_STATE.index, "correct shistory index");
- // Check we don't collect userTypedValue when we shouldn't.
- ok(!tabState.userTypedValue, "tab didn't have a userTypedValue");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_privatetabs.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_privatetabs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cc02e56cf..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_privatetabs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-add_task(function cleanup() {
- info("Forgetting closed tabs");
- while (ss.getClosedTabCount(window)) {
- ss.forgetClosedTab(window, 0);
- }
-add_task(function() {
- let URL_PUBLIC = "" + Math.random();
- let URL_PRIVATE = "" + Math.random();
- let tab1, tab2;
- try {
- // Setup a public tab and a private tab
- info("Setting up public tab");
- tab1 = gBrowser.addTab(URL_PUBLIC);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab1.linkedBrowser);
- info("Setting up private tab");
- tab2 = gBrowser.addTab();
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab2.linkedBrowser);
- yield setUsePrivateBrowsing(tab2.linkedBrowser, true);
- tab2.linkedBrowser.loadURI(URL_PRIVATE);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab2.linkedBrowser);
- info("Flush to make sure chrome received all data.");
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab1.linkedBrowser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab2.linkedBrowser);
- info("Checking out state");
- let state = yield promiseRecoveryFileContents();
- info("State: " + state);
- // Ensure that sessionstore.js only knows about the public tab
- ok(state.indexOf(URL_PUBLIC) != -1, "State contains public tab");
- ok(state.indexOf(URL_PRIVATE) == -1, "State does not contain private tab");
- // Ensure that we can close and undo close the public tab but not the private tab
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- tab2 = null;
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab1);
- tab1 = null;
- tab1 = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- ok(true, "Public tab supports undo close");
- is(ss.getClosedTabCount(window), 0, "Private tab does not support undo close");
- } finally {
- if (tab1) {
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab1);
- }
- if (tab2) {
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- }
- }
-add_task(function () {
- const FRAME_SCRIPT = "data:," +
- "docShell.QueryInterface%28Components.interfaces.nsILoadContext%29.usePrivateBrowsing%3Dtrue";
- // Clear the list of closed windows.
- forgetClosedWindows();
- // Create a new window to attach our frame script to.
- let win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- let mm = win.getGroupMessageManager("browsers");
- mm.loadFrameScript(FRAME_SCRIPT, true);
- // Create a new tab in the new window that will load the frame script.
- let tab = win.gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Check that we consider the tab as private.
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- ok(state.isPrivate, "tab considered private");
- // Ensure we don't allow restoring closed private tabs in non-private windows.
- win.gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- is(ss.getClosedTabCount(win), 0, "no tabs to restore");
- // Create a new tab in the new window that will load the frame script.
- tab = win.gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
- browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Check that we consider the tab as private.
- state = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- ok(state.isPrivate, "tab considered private");
- // Check that all private tabs are removed when the non-private
- // window is closed and we don't save windows without any tabs.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 0, "no windows to restore");
-add_task(function () {
- // Clear the list of closed windows.
- forgetClosedWindows();
- // Create a new window to attach our frame script to.
- let win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded({private: true});
- // Create a new tab in the new window that will load the frame script.
- let tab = win.gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Check that we consider the tab as private.
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- ok(state.isPrivate, "tab considered private");
- // Ensure that closed tabs in a private windows can be restored.
- win.gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- is(ss.getClosedTabCount(win), 1, "there is a single tab to restore");
- // Ensure that closed private windows can never be restored.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 0, "no windows to restore");
-function setUsePrivateBrowsing(browser, val) {
- return sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setUsePrivateBrowsing", val);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_purge_shistory.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_purge_shistory.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 28c6f6f24..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_purge_shistory.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
- * This test checks that pending tabs are treated like fully loaded tabs when
- * purging session history. Just like for fully loaded tabs we want to remove
- * every but the current shistory entry.
- */
-const TAB_STATE = {
- entries: [{url: "about:mozilla"}, {url: "about:robots"}],
- index: 1,
-function checkTabContents(browser) {
- return ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () {
- let Ci = Components.interfaces;
- let webNavigation = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation);
- let history = webNavigation.sessionHistory.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISHistoryInternal);
- Assert.ok(history && history.count == 1 && content.document.documentURI == "about:mozilla",
- "expected tab contents found");
- });
-add_task(function* () {
- // Create a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield promiseTabState(tab, TAB_STATE);
- // Create another new tab.
- let tab2 = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser2 = tab2.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser2);
- // The tab shouldn't be restored right away.
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", true);
- // Prepare the tab state.
- let promise = promiseTabRestoring(tab2);
- ss.setTabState(tab2, JSON.stringify(TAB_STATE));
- ok(tab2.hasAttribute("pending"), "tab is pending");
- yield promise;
- // Purge session history.
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "browser:purge-session-history", "");
- yield checkTabContents(browser);
- ok(tab2.hasAttribute("pending"), "tab is still pending");
- // Kick off tab restoration.
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab2;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- yield checkTabContents(browser2);
- ok(!tab2.hasAttribute("pending"), "tab is not pending anymore");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_remoteness_flip_on_restore.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_remoteness_flip_on_restore.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dbee03fd..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_remoteness_flip_on_restore.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
- * This set of tests checks that the remoteness is properly
- * set for each browser in a window when that window has
- * session state loaded into it.
- */
- * Takes a SessionStore window state object for a single
- * window, sets the selected tab for it, and then returns
- * the object to be passed to SessionStore.setWindowState.
- *
- * @param state (object)
- * The state to prepare to be sent to a window. This is
- * state should just be for a single window.
- * @param selected (int)
- * The 1-based index of the selected tab. Note that
- * If this is 0, then the selected tab will not change
- * from what's already selected in the window that we're
- * sending state to.
- * @returns (object)
- * The JSON encoded string to call
- * SessionStore.setWindowState with.
- */
-function prepareState(state, selected) {
- // We'll create a copy so that we don't accidentally
- // modify the caller's selected property.
- let copy = {};
- Object.assign(copy, state);
- copy.selected = selected;
- return {
- windows: [ copy ],
- };
-const SIMPLE_STATE = {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: "title" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: "title" }] },
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: "title" }] },
- ],
- title: "",
- _closedTabs: [],
-const PINNED_STATE = {
- tabs: [
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: "title" }], pinned: true },
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: "title" }], pinned: true },
- { entries: [{ url: "", title: "title" }] },
- ],
- title: "",
- _closedTabs: [],
- * This is where most of the action is happening. This function takes
- * an Array of "test scenario" Objects and runs them. For each scenario, a
- * window is opened, put into some state, and then a new state is
- * loaded into that window. We then check to make sure that the
- * right things have happened in that window wrt remoteness flips.
- *
- * The schema for a testing scenario Object is as follows:
- *
- * initialRemoteness:
- * an Array that represents the starting window. Each bool
- * in the Array represents the window tabs in order. A "true"
- * indicates that that tab should be remote. "false" if the tab
- * should be non-remote.
- *
- * initialSelectedTab:
- * The 1-based index of the tab that we want to select for the
- * restored window. This is 1-based to avoid confusion with the
- * selectedTab property described down below, though you probably
- * want to set this to be greater than 0, since the initial window
- * needs to have a defined initial selected tab. Because of this,
- * the test will throw if initialSelectedTab is 0.
- *
- * stateToRestore:
- * A JS Object for the state to send down to the window.
- *
- * selectedTab:
- * The 1-based index of the tab that we want to select for the
- * restored window. Leave this at 0 if you don't want to change
- * the selection from the initial window state.
- *
- * expectedFlips:
- * an Array that represents the window that we end up with after
- * restoring state. Each bool in the Array represents the window tabs,
- * in order. A "true" indicates that the tab should have flipped
- * its remoteness once. "false" indicates that the tab should never
- * have flipped remoteness. Note that any tab that flips its remoteness
- * more than once will cause a test failure.
- *
- * expectedRemoteness:
- * an Array that represents the window that we end up with after
- * restoring state. Each bool in the Array represents the window
- * tabs in order. A "true" indicates that the tab be remote, and
- * a "false" indicates that the tab should be "non-remote". We
- * need this Array in order to test pinned tabs which will also
- * be loaded by default, and therefore should end up remote.
- *
- */
-function* runScenarios(scenarios) {
- for (let scenario of scenarios) {
- // Let's make sure our scenario is sane first.
- Assert.equal(scenario.expectedFlips.length,
- scenario.expectedRemoteness.length,
- "All expected flips and remoteness needs to be supplied");
- Assert.ok(scenario.initialSelectedTab > 0,
- "You must define an initially selected tab");
- // First, we need to create the initial conditions, so we
- // open a new window to put into our starting state...
- let win = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- let tabbrowser = win.gBrowser;
- Assert.ok(tabbrowser.selectedBrowser.isRemoteBrowser,
- "The initial browser should be remote.");
- // Now put the window into the expected initial state.
- for (let i = 0; i < scenario.initialRemoteness.length; ++i) {
- let tab;
- if (i > 0) {
- // The window starts with one tab, so we need to create
- // any of the additional ones required by this test.
- info("Opening a new tab");
- tab = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(tabbrowser)
- } else {
- info("Using the selected tab");
- tab = tabbrowser.selectedTab;
- }
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- let remotenessState = scenario.initialRemoteness[i];
- tabbrowser.updateBrowserRemoteness(browser, remotenessState);
- }
- // And select the requested tab.
- let tabToSelect = tabbrowser.tabs[scenario.initialSelectedTab - 1];
- if (tabbrowser.selectedTab != tabToSelect) {
- yield BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(tabbrowser, tabToSelect);
- }
- // Hook up an event listener to make sure that the right
- // tabs flip remoteness, and only once.
- let flipListener = {
- seenBeforeTabs: new Set(),
- seenAfterTabs: new Set(),
- handleEvent(e) {
- let index = Array.from(tabbrowser.tabs).indexOf(;
- switch (e.type) {
- case "BeforeTabRemotenessChange":
- info(`Saw tab at index ${index} before remoteness flip`);
- if (this.seenBeforeTabs.has( {
- Assert.ok(false, "Saw tab before remoteness flip more than once");
- }
- this.seenBeforeTabs.add(;
- break;
- case "TabRemotenessChange":
- info(`Saw tab at index ${index} after remoteness flip`);
- if (this.seenAfterTabs.has( {
- Assert.ok(false, "Saw tab after remoteness flip more than once");
- }
- this.seenAfterTabs.add(;
- break;
- }
- },
- };
- win.addEventListener("BeforeTabRemotenessChange", flipListener);
- win.addEventListener("TabRemotenessChange", flipListener);
- // Okay, time to test!
- let state = prepareState(scenario.stateToRestore,
- scenario.selectedTab);
- SessionStore.setWindowState(win, state, true);
- win.removeEventListener("BeforeTabRemotenessChange", flipListener);
- win.removeEventListener("TabRemotenessChange", flipListener);
- // Because we know that scenario.expectedFlips and
- // scenario.expectedRemoteness have the same length, we
- // can check that we satisfied both with the same loop.
- for (let i = 0; i < scenario.expectedFlips.length; ++i) {
- let expectedToFlip = scenario.expectedFlips[i];
- let expectedRemoteness = scenario.expectedRemoteness[i];
- let tab = tabbrowser.tabs[i];
- if (expectedToFlip) {
- Assert.ok(flipListener.seenBeforeTabs.has(tab),
- `We should have seen tab at index ${i} before remoteness flip`);
- Assert.ok(flipListener.seenAfterTabs.has(tab),
- `We should have seen tab at index ${i} after remoteness flip`);
- } else {
- Assert.ok(!flipListener.seenBeforeTabs.has(tab),
- `We should not have seen tab at index ${i} before remoteness flip`);
- Assert.ok(!flipListener.seenAfterTabs.has(tab),
- `We should not have seen tab at index ${i} after remoteness flip`);
- }
- Assert.equal(tab.linkedBrowser.isRemoteBrowser, expectedRemoteness,
- "Should have gotten the expected remoteness " +
- `for the tab at index ${i}`);
- }
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- }
- * Tests that if we restore state to browser windows with
- * a variety of initial remoteness states, that we only flip
- * the remoteness on the necessary tabs. For this particular
- * set of tests, we assume that tabs are restoring on demand.
- */
-add_task(function*() {
- // This test opens and closes windows, which might bog down
- // a debug build long enough to time out the test, so we
- // extend the tolerance on timeouts.
- requestLongerTimeout(5);
- yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
- "set": [["browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", true]],
- });
- const TEST_SCENARIOS = [
- // Only one tab in the new window, and it's remote. This
- // is the common case, since this is how restoration occurs
- // when the restored window is being opened.
- {
- initialRemoteness: [true],
- initialSelectedTab: 1,
- stateToRestore: SIMPLE_STATE,
- selectedTab: 3,
- // The initial tab is remote and should go into
- // the background state. The second and third tabs
- // are new and should be initialized non-remote.
- expectedFlips: [true, false, true],
- // Only the selected tab should be remote.
- expectedRemoteness: [false, false, true],
- },
- // A single remote tab, and this is the one that's going
- // to be selected once state is restored.
- {
- initialRemoteness: [true],
- initialSelectedTab: 1,
- stateToRestore: SIMPLE_STATE,
- selectedTab: 1,
- // The initial tab is remote and selected, so it should
- // not flip remoteness. The other two new tabs should
- // be non-remote by default.
- expectedFlips: [false, false, false],
- // Only the selected tab should be remote.
- expectedRemoteness: [true, false, false],
- },
- // A single remote tab which starts selected. We set the
- // selectedTab to 0 which is equivalent to "don't change
- // the tab selection in the window".
- {
- initialRemoteness: [true],
- initialSelectedTab: 1,
- stateToRestore: SIMPLE_STATE,
- selectedTab: 0,
- // The initial tab is remote and selected, so it should
- // not flip remoteness. The other two new tabs should
- // be non-remote by default.
- expectedFlips: [false, false, false],
- // Only the selected tab should be remote.
- expectedRemoteness: [true, false, false],
- },
- // An initially remote tab, but we're going to load
- // some pinned tabs now, and the pinned tabs should load
- // right away.
- {
- initialRemoteness: [true],
- initialSelectedTab: 1,
- stateToRestore: PINNED_STATE,
- selectedTab: 3,
- // The initial tab is pinned and will load right away,
- // so it should stay remote. The second tab is new
- // and pinned, so it should start remote and not flip.
- // The third tab is not pinned, but it is selected,
- // so it will start non-remote, and then flip remoteness.
- expectedFlips: [false, false, true],
- // Both pinned tabs and the selected tabs should all
- // end up being remote.
- expectedRemoteness: [true, true, true],
- },
- // A single non-remote tab.
- {
- initialRemoteness: [false],
- initialSelectedTab: 1,
- stateToRestore: SIMPLE_STATE,
- selectedTab: 2,
- // The initial tab is non-remote and should stay
- // that way. The second and third tabs are new and
- // should be initialized non-remote.
- expectedFlips: [false, true, false],
- // Only the selected tab should be remote.
- expectedRemoteness: [false, true, false],
- },
- // A mixture of remote and non-remote tabs.
- {
- initialRemoteness: [true, false, true],
- initialSelectedTab: 1,
- stateToRestore: SIMPLE_STATE,
- selectedTab: 3,
- // The initial tab is remote and should flip to non-remote
- // as it is put into the background. The second tab should
- // stay non-remote, and the third one should stay remote.
- expectedFlips: [true, false, false],
- // Only the selected tab should be remote.
- expectedRemoteness: [false, false, true],
- },
- // An initially non-remote tab, but we're going to load
- // some pinned tabs now, and the pinned tabs should load
- // right away.
- {
- initialRemoteness: [false],
- initialSelectedTab: 1,
- stateToRestore: PINNED_STATE,
- selectedTab: 3,
- // The initial tab is pinned and will load right away,
- // so it should flip remoteness. The second tab is new
- // and pinned, so it should start remote and not flip.
- // The third tab is not pinned, but it is selected,
- // so it will start non-remote, and then flip remoteness.
- expectedFlips: [true, false, true],
- // Both pinned tabs and the selected tabs should all
- // end up being remote.
- expectedRemoteness: [true, true, true],
- },
- ];
- yield* runScenarios(TEST_SCENARIOS);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_replace_load.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_replace_load.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5464a0874..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_replace_load.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const STATE = {
- entries: [{url: "about:robots"}, {url: "about:mozilla"}],
- selected: 2
- * Bug 1100223. Calling browser.loadURI() while a tab is loading causes
- * sessionstore to override the desired target URL. This test ensures that
- * calling loadURI() on a pending tab causes the tab to no longer be marked
- * as pending and correctly finish the instructed load while keeping the
- * restored history around.
- */
-add_task(function* () {
- yield testSwitchToTab("about:mozilla#fooobar", {ignoreFragment: "whenComparingAndReplace"});
- yield testSwitchToTab("about:mozilla?foo=bar", {replaceQueryString: true});
-var testSwitchToTab = Task.async(function* (url, options) {
- // Create a background tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // The tab shouldn't be restored right away.
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", true);
- // Prepare the tab state.
- let promise = promiseTabRestoring(tab);
- ss.setTabState(tab, JSON.stringify(STATE));
- ok(tab.hasAttribute("pending"), "tab is pending");
- yield promise;
- // Switch-to-tab with a similar URI.
- switchToTabHavingURI(url, false, options);
- // Tab should now restore
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- is(browser.currentURI.spec, url, "correct URL loaded");
- // Check that we didn't lose any history entries.
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function* () {
- let Ci = Components.interfaces;
- let webNavigation = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation);
- let history = webNavigation.sessionHistory.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISHistoryInternal);
- Assert.equal(history && history.count, 3, "three history entries");
- });
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_restore_cookies_noOriginAttributes.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_restore_cookies_noOriginAttributes.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5767c6c0f..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_restore_cookies_noOriginAttributes.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
- * Bug 1267910 - The regression test case for session cookies.
- */
-"use strict";
-const TEST_HOST = "";
-const COOKIE =
- name: "test1",
- value: "yes1",
- path: "/browser/browser/components/sessionstore/test/"
-const SESSION_DATA = `
- "version": ["sessionrestore", 1],
- "windows": [{
- "tabs": [{
- "entries": [],
- "lastAccessed": 1463893009797,
- "hidden": false,
- "attributes": {},
- "image": null
- }, {
- "entries": [{
- "url": "",
- \"charset": "UTF-8",
- "ID": 0,
- "docshellID": 2,
- "originalURI": "",
- \"docIdentifier": 0,
- "persist": true
- }],
- "lastAccessed": 1463893009321,
- "hidden": false,
- "attributes": {},
- "userContextId": 0,
- "index": 1,
- "image": ""
- }],
- "selected": 1,
- "_closedTabs": [],
- "busy": false,
- "width": 1024,
- "height": 768,
- "screenX": 4,
- "screenY": 23,
- "sizemode": "normal",
- "cookies": [{
- "host": "",
- "value": "yes1",
- "path": "/browser/browser/components/sessionstore/test/",
- "name": "test1"
- }]
- }],
- "selectedWindow": 1,
- "_closedWindows": [],
- "session": {
- "lastUpdate": 1463893009801,
- "startTime": 1463893007134,
- "recentCrashes": 0
- },
- "global": {}
-const SESSION_DATA_OA = `
- "version": ["sessionrestore", 1],
- "windows": [{
- "tabs": [{
- "entries": [],
- "lastAccessed": 1463893009797,
- "hidden": false,
- "attributes": {},
- "image": null
- }, {
- "entries": [{
- "url": "",
- \"charset": "UTF-8",
- "ID": 0,
- "docshellID": 2,
- "originalURI": "",
- \"docIdentifier": 0,
- "persist": true
- }],
- "lastAccessed": 1463893009321,
- "hidden": false,
- "attributes": {},
- "userContextId": 0,
- "index": 1,
- "image": ""
- }],
- "selected": 1,
- "_closedTabs": [],
- "busy": false,
- "width": 1024,
- "height": 768,
- "screenX": 4,
- "screenY": 23,
- "sizemode": "normal",
- "cookies": [{
- "host": "",
- "value": "yes1",
- "path": "/browser/browser/components/sessionstore/test/",
- "name": "test1",
- "originAttributes": {
- "addonId": "",
- "appId": 0,
- "inIsolatedMozBrowser": false,
- "userContextId": 0
- }
- }]
- }],
- "selectedWindow": 1,
- "_closedWindows": [],
- "session": {
- "lastUpdate": 1463893009801,
- "startTime": 1463893007134,
- "recentCrashes": 0
- },
- "global": {}
-add_task(function* run_test() {
- // Wait until initialization is complete.
- yield SessionStore.promiseInitialized;
- // Clear cookies.
- Services.cookies.removeAll();
- // Open a new window.
- let win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- // Restore window with session cookies that have no originAttributes.
- ss.setWindowState(win, SESSION_DATA, true);
- let enumerator = Services.cookies.getCookiesFromHost(TEST_HOST, {});
- let cookie;
- let cookieCount = 0;
- while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
- cookie = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsICookie);
- cookieCount++;
- }
- // Check that the cookie is restored successfully.
- is(cookieCount, 1, "expected one cookie");
- is(,, "cookie name successfully restored");
- is(cookie.value, COOKIE.value, "cookie value successfully restored");
- is(cookie.path, COOKIE.path, "cookie path successfully restored");
- // Clear cookies.
- Services.cookies.removeAll();
- // Restore window with session cookies that have originAttributes within.
- ss.setWindowState(win, SESSION_DATA_OA, true);
- enumerator = Services.cookies.getCookiesFromHost(TEST_HOST, {});
- cookieCount = 0;
- while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
- cookie = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsICookie);
- cookieCount++;
- }
- // Check that the cookie is restored successfully.
- is(cookieCount, 1, "expected one cookie");
- is(,, "cookie name successfully restored");
- is(cookie.value, COOKIE.value, "cookie value successfully restored");
- is(cookie.path, COOKIE.path, "cookie path successfully restored");
- // Close our window.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_restore_redirect.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_restore_redirect.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bea6e9f47..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_restore_redirect.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const BASE = "";
-const TARGET = BASE + "restore_redirect_target.html";
- * Ensure that a http redirect leaves a working tab.
- */
-add_task(function check_http_redirect() {
- let state = {
- entries: [{ url: BASE + "restore_redirect_http.html" }]
- };
- // Open a new tab to restore into.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabState(tab, state);
- info("Restored tab");
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let data = TabState.collect(tab);
- is(data.entries.length, 1, "Should be one entry in session history");
- is(data.entries[0].url, TARGET, "Should be the right session history entry");
- ok(!("__SS_data" in browser), "Temporary restore data should have been cleared");
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- * Ensure that a js redirect leaves a working tab.
- */
-add_task(function check_js_redirect() {
- let state = {
- entries: [{ url: BASE + "restore_redirect_js.html" }]
- };
- let loadPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
- function listener(msg) {
- if ("restore_redirect_target.html")) {
- window.messageManager.removeMessageListener("ss-test:loadEvent", listener);
- resolve();
- }
- }
- window.messageManager.addMessageListener("ss-test:loadEvent", listener);
- });
- // Open a new tab to restore into.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabState(tab, state);
- info("Restored tab");
- yield loadPromise;
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let data = TabState.collect(tab);
- is(data.entries.length, 1, "Should be one entry in session history");
- is(data.entries[0].url, TARGET, "Should be the right session history entry");
- ok(!("__SS_data" in browser), "Temporary restore data should have been cleared");
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_revive_crashed_bg_tabs.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_revive_crashed_bg_tabs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e29cd5e49..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_revive_crashed_bg_tabs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
- * Tests that even if the user has set their tabs to restore
- * immediately on session start, that background tabs after a
- * content process crash restore on demand.
- */
-"use strict";
-const PAGE_1 = "data:text/html,<html><body>A%20regular,%20everyday,%20normal%20page.";
-const PAGE_2 = "data:text/html,<html><body>Another%20regular,%20everyday,%20normal%20page.";
-add_task(function* setup() {
- yield pushPrefs(["dom.ipc.processCount", 1],
- ["browser.tabs.animate", false],
- ["browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", false]);
-add_task(function* test_revive_bg_tabs_on_demand() {
- let newTab1 = gBrowser.addTab(PAGE_1);
- let browser1 = newTab1.linkedBrowser;
- gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab1;
- let newTab2 = gBrowser.addTab(PAGE_2);
- let browser2 = newTab2.linkedBrowser;
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser1);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser2);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser2);
- // Now crash the selected tab
- let windowReady = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(window, "SSWindowStateReady");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser1);
- ok(newTab1.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Selected tab should be crashed");
- ok(!newTab2.hasAttribute("crashed"), "Background tab should not be crashed");
- // Wait until we've had a chance to restore all tabs immediately
- yield windowReady;
- // But we should not have restored the background tab
- ok(newTab2.hasAttribute("pending"), "Background tab should be pending");
- // Now select newTab2 to make sure it restores.
- let newTab2Restored = promiseTabRestored(newTab2);
- gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab2;
- yield newTab2Restored;
- ok(browser2.isRemoteBrowser, "Restored browser should be remote");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(newTab1);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(newTab2);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositions.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositions.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 865520772..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositions.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const BASE = ""
-const URL = BASE + "browser_scrollPositions_sample.html";
-const URL_FRAMESET = BASE + "browser_scrollPositions_sample_frameset.html";
-// Randomized set of scroll positions we will use in this test.
-const SCROLL_X = Math.round(100 * (1 + Math.random()));
-const SCROLL_Y = Math.round(200 * (1 + Math.random()));
-const SCROLL_STR = SCROLL_X + "," + SCROLL_Y;
-const SCROLL2_X = Math.round(300 * (1 + Math.random()));
-const SCROLL2_Y = Math.round(400 * (1 + Math.random()));
-const SCROLL2_STR = SCROLL2_X + "," + SCROLL2_Y;
- * This test ensures that we properly serialize and restore scroll positions
- * for an average page without any frames.
- */
-add_task(function test_scroll() {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Scroll down a little.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: SCROLL_X, y: SCROLL_Y});
- yield checkScroll(tab, {scroll: SCROLL_STR}, "scroll is fine");
- // Duplicate and check that the scroll position is restored.
- let tab2 = ss.duplicateTab(window, tab);
- let browser2 = tab2.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- let scroll = yield sendMessage(browser2, "ss-test:getScrollPosition");
- is(JSON.stringify(scroll), JSON.stringify({x: SCROLL_X, y: SCROLL_Y}),
- "scroll position has been duplicated correctly");
- // Check that reloading retains the scroll positions.
- browser2.reload();
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser2);
- yield checkScroll(tab2, {scroll: SCROLL_STR}, "reloading retains scroll positions");
- // Check that a force-reload resets scroll positions.
- browser2.reloadWithFlags(Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser2);
- yield checkScroll(tab2, null, "force-reload resets scroll positions");
- // Scroll back to the top and check that the position has been reset. We
- // expect the scroll position to be "null" here because there is no data to
- // be stored if the frame is in its default scroll position.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: 0, y: 0});
- yield checkScroll(tab, null, "no scroll stored");
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab2);
- * This tests ensures that we properly serialize and restore scroll positions
- * for multiple frames of pages with framesets.
- */
-add_task(function test_scroll_nested() {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL_FRAMESET);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Scroll the first child frame down a little.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: SCROLL_X, y: SCROLL_Y, frame: 0});
- yield checkScroll(tab, {children: [{scroll: SCROLL_STR}]}, "scroll is fine");
- // Scroll the second child frame down a little.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: SCROLL2_X, y: SCROLL2_Y, frame: 1});
- yield checkScroll(tab, {children: [{scroll: SCROLL_STR}, {scroll: SCROLL2_STR}]}, "scroll is fine");
- // Duplicate and check that the scroll position is restored.
- let tab2 = ss.duplicateTab(window, tab);
- let browser2 = tab2.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- let scroll = yield sendMessage(browser2, "ss-test:getScrollPosition", {frame: 0});
- is(JSON.stringify(scroll), JSON.stringify({x: SCROLL_X, y: SCROLL_Y}),
- "scroll position #1 has been duplicated correctly");
- scroll = yield sendMessage(browser2, "ss-test:getScrollPosition", {frame: 1});
- is(JSON.stringify(scroll), JSON.stringify({x: SCROLL2_X, y: SCROLL2_Y}),
- "scroll position #2 has been duplicated correctly");
- // Check that resetting one frame's scroll position removes it from the
- // serialized value.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: 0, y: 0, frame: 0});
- yield checkScroll(tab, {children: [null, {scroll: SCROLL2_STR}]}, "scroll is fine");
- // Check the resetting all frames' scroll positions nulls the stored value.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: 0, y: 0, frame: 1});
- yield checkScroll(tab, null, "no scroll stored");
- // Cleanup.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab2);
- * Test that scroll positions persist after restoring background tabs in
- * a restored window (bug 1228518).
- */
-add_task(function test_scroll_background_tabs() {
- pushPrefs(["browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", true]);
- let newWin = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- let tab = newWin.gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
- // Scroll down a little.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: SCROLL_X, y: SCROLL_Y});
- yield checkScroll(tab, {scroll: SCROLL_STR}, "scroll is fine");
- // Close the window
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
- // Now restore the window
- newWin = ss.undoCloseWindow(0);
- // Make sure to wait for the window to be restored.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(newWin, "SSWindowStateReady");
- is(newWin.gBrowser.tabs.length, 2, "There should be two tabs");
- // The second tab should be the one we loaded URL at still
- tab = newWin.gBrowser.tabs[1];
- yield promiseTabRestoring(tab);
- ok(tab.hasAttribute("pending"), "Tab should be pending");
- browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- // Ensure there are no pending queued messages in the child.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Now check to see if the background tab remembers where it
- // should be scrolled to.
- newWin.gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- yield checkScroll(tab, {scroll: SCROLL_STR}, "scroll is still fine");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositionsReaderMode.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositionsReaderMode.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 735a87634..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositionsReaderMode.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const BASE = ""
-const READER_MODE_URL = "about:reader?url=" +
- encodeURIComponent(BASE + "browser_scrollPositions_readerModeArticle.html");
-// Randomized set of scroll positions we will use in this test.
-const SCROLL_READER_MODE_Y = Math.round(400 * (1 + Math.random()));
- * Test that scroll positions of about reader page after restoring background
- * tabs in a restored window (bug 1153393).
- */
-add_task(function test_scroll_background_about_reader_tabs() {
- pushPrefs(["browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", true]);
- let newWin = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- let tab = newWin.gBrowser.addTab(READER_MODE_URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield Promise.all([
- BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser),
- BrowserTestUtils.waitForContentEvent(browser, "AboutReaderContentReady")
- ]);
- // Scroll down a little.
- yield sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:setScrollPosition", {x: 0, y: SCROLL_READER_MODE_Y});
- yield checkScroll(tab, {scroll: SCROLL_READER_MODE_STR}, "scroll is fine");
- // Close the window
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
- // Now restore the window
- newWin = ss.undoCloseWindow(0);
- // Make sure to wait for the window to be restored.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(newWin, "SSWindowStateReady");
- is(newWin.gBrowser.tabs.length, 2, "There should be two tabs");
- // The second tab should be the one we loaded URL at still
- tab = newWin.gBrowser.tabs[1];
- yield promiseTabRestoring(tab);
- ok(tab.hasAttribute("pending"), "Tab should be pending");
- browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- // Ensure there are no pending queued messages in the child.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // Now check to see if the background tab remembers where it
- // should be scrolled to.
- newWin.gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- yield Promise.all([
- promiseTabRestored(tab),
- BrowserTestUtils.waitForContentEvent(tab.linkedBrowser, "AboutReaderContentReady")
- ]);
- yield checkScroll(tab, {scroll: SCROLL_READER_MODE_STR}, "scroll is still fine");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositions_readerModeArticle.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositions_readerModeArticle.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 55452e043..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositions_readerModeArticle.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<title>Article title</title>
-<meta name="description" content="This is the article description." />
-<header>Site header</header>
-<h1>Article title</h1>
-<h2 class="author">by Jane Doe</h2>
-<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus. Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas congue ligula ac quam viverra nec consectetur ante hendrerit. Donec et mollis dolor. Praesent et diam eget libero egestas mattis sit amet vitae augue. Nam tincidunt congue enim, ut porta lorem lacinia consectetur. Donec ut libero sed arcu vehicula ultricies a non tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut gravida lorem. Ut turpis felis, pulvinar a semper sed, adipiscing id dolor. Pellentesque auctor nisi id magna consequat sagittis. Curabitur dapibus enim sit amet elit pharetra tincidunt feugiat nisl imperdiet. Ut convallis libero in urna ultrices accumsan. Donec sed odio eros. Donec viverra mi quis quam pulvinar at malesuada arcu rhoncus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In rutrum accumsan ultricies. Mauris vitae nisi at sem facilisis semper ac in est.</p>
-<p>Vivamus fermentum semper porta. Nunc diam velit, adipiscing ut tristique vitae, sagittis vel odio. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper ultricies. Curabitur ornare, ligula semper consectetur sagittis, nisi diam iaculis velit, id fringilla sem nunc vel mi. Nam dictum, odio nec pretium volutpat, arcu ante placerat erat, non tristique elit urna et turpis. Quisque mi metus, ornare sit amet fermentum et, tincidunt et orci. Fusce eget orci a orci congue vestibulum. Ut dolor diam, elementum et vestibulum eu, porttitor vel elit. Curabitur venenatis pulvinar tellus gravida ornare. Sed et erat faucibus nunc euismod ultricies ut id justo. Nullam cursus suscipit nisi, et ultrices justo sodales nec. Fusce venenatis facilisis lectus ac semper. Aliquam at massa ipsum. Quisque bibendum purus convallis nulla ultrices ultricies. Nullam aliquam, mi eu aliquam tincidunt, purus velit laoreet tortor, viverra pretium nisi quam vitae mi. Fusce vel volutpat elit. Nam sagittis nisi dui.</p>
-<p>Vivamus fermentum semper porta. Nunc diam velit, adipiscing ut tristique vitae, sagittis vel odio. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper ultricies. Curabitur ornare, ligula semper consectetur sagittis, nisi diam iaculis velit, id fringilla sem nunc vel mi. Nam dictum, odio nec pretium volutpat, arcu ante placerat erat, non tristique elit urna et turpis. Quisque mi metus, ornare sit amet fermentum et, tincidunt et orci. Fusce eget orci a orci congue vestibulum. Ut dolor diam, elementum et vestibulum eu, porttitor vel elit. Curabitur venenatis pulvinar tellus gravida ornare. Sed et erat faucibus nunc euismod ultricies ut id justo. Nullam cursus suscipit nisi, et ultrices justo sodales nec. Fusce venenatis facilisis lectus ac semper. Aliquam at massa ipsum. Quisque bibendum purus convallis nulla ultrices ultricies. Nullam aliquam, mi eu aliquam tincidunt, purus velit laoreet tortor, viverra pretium nisi quam vitae mi. Fusce vel volutpat elit. Nam sagittis nisi dui.</p>
-<p>Vivamus fermentum semper porta. Nunc diam velit, adipiscing ut tristique vitae, sagittis vel odio. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper ultricies. Curabitur ornare, ligula semper consectetur sagittis, nisi diam iaculis velit, id fringilla sem nunc vel mi. Nam dictum, odio nec pretium volutpat, arcu ante placerat erat, non tristique elit urna et turpis. Quisque mi metus, ornare sit amet fermentum et, tincidunt et orci. Fusce eget orci a orci congue vestibulum. Ut dolor diam, elementum et vestibulum eu, porttitor vel elit. Curabitur venenatis pulvinar tellus gravida ornare. Sed et erat faucibus nunc euismod ultricies ut id justo. Nullam cursus suscipit nisi, et ultrices justo sodales nec. Fusce venenatis facilisis lectus ac semper. Aliquam at massa ipsum. Quisque bibendum purus convallis nulla ultrices ultricies. Nullam aliquam, mi eu aliquam tincidunt, purus velit laoreet tortor, viverra pretium nisi quam vitae mi. Fusce vel volutpat elit. Nam sagittis nisi dui.</p>
-<p>Vivamus fermentum semper porta. Nunc diam velit, adipiscing ut tristique vitae, sagittis vel odio. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper ultricies. Curabitur ornare, ligula semper consectetur sagittis, nisi diam iaculis velit, id fringilla sem nunc vel mi. Nam dictum, odio nec pretium volutpat, arcu ante placerat erat, non tristique elit urna et turpis. Quisque mi metus, ornare sit amet fermentum et, tincidunt et orci. Fusce eget orci a orci congue vestibulum. Ut dolor diam, elementum et vestibulum eu, porttitor vel elit. Curabitur venenatis pulvinar tellus gravida ornare. Sed et erat faucibus nunc euismod ultricies ut id justo. Nullam cursus suscipit nisi, et ultrices justo sodales nec. Fusce venenatis facilisis lectus ac semper. Aliquam at massa ipsum. Quisque bibendum purus convallis nulla ultrices ultricies. Nullam aliquam, mi eu aliquam tincidunt, purus velit laoreet tortor, viverra pretium nisi quam vitae mi. Fusce vel volutpat elit. Nam sagittis nisi dui.</p>
-<p>Vivamus fermentum semper porta. Nunc diam velit, adipiscing ut tristique vitae, sagittis vel odio. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper ultricies. Curabitur ornare, ligula semper consectetur sagittis, nisi diam iaculis velit, id fringilla sem nunc vel mi. Nam dictum, odio nec pretium volutpat, arcu ante placerat erat, non tristique elit urna et turpis. Quisque mi metus, ornare sit amet fermentum et, tincidunt et orci. Fusce eget orci a orci congue vestibulum. Ut dolor diam, elementum et vestibulum eu, porttitor vel elit. Curabitur venenatis pulvinar tellus gravida ornare. Sed et erat faucibus nunc euismod ultricies ut id justo. Nullam cursus suscipit nisi, et ultrices justo sodales nec. Fusce venenatis facilisis lectus ac semper. Aliquam at massa ipsum. Quisque bibendum purus convallis nulla ultrices ultricies. Nullam aliquam, mi eu aliquam tincidunt, purus velit laoreet tortor, viverra pretium nisi quam vitae mi. Fusce vel volutpat elit. Nam sagittis nisi dui.</p>
-<p>Vivamus fermentum semper porta. Nunc diam velit, adipiscing ut tristique vitae, sagittis vel odio. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper ultricies. Curabitur ornare, ligula semper consectetur sagittis, nisi diam iaculis velit, id fringilla sem nunc vel mi. Nam dictum, odio nec pretium volutpat, arcu ante placerat erat, non tristique elit urna et turpis. Quisque mi metus, ornare sit amet fermentum et, tincidunt et orci. Fusce eget orci a orci congue vestibulum. Ut dolor diam, elementum et vestibulum eu, porttitor vel elit. Curabitur venenatis pulvinar tellus gravida ornare. Sed et erat faucibus nunc euismod ultricies ut id justo. Nullam cursus suscipit nisi, et ultrices justo sodales nec. Fusce venenatis facilisis lectus ac semper. Aliquam at massa ipsum. Quisque bibendum purus convallis nulla ultrices ultricies. Nullam aliquam, mi eu aliquam tincidunt, purus velit laoreet tortor, viverra pretium nisi quam vitae mi. Fusce vel volutpat elit. Nam sagittis nisi dui.</p>
-<p>Vivamus fermentum semper porta. Nunc diam velit, adipiscing ut tristique vitae, sagittis vel odio. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper ultricies. Curabitur ornare, ligula semper consectetur sagittis, nisi diam iaculis velit, id fringilla sem nunc vel mi. Nam dictum, odio nec pretium volutpat, arcu ante placerat erat, non tristique elit urna et turpis. Quisque mi metus, ornare sit amet fermentum et, tincidunt et orci. Fusce eget orci a orci congue vestibulum. Ut dolor diam, elementum et vestibulum eu, porttitor vel elit. Curabitur venenatis pulvinar tellus gravida ornare. Sed et erat faucibus nunc euismod ultricies ut id justo. Nullam cursus suscipit nisi, et ultrices justo sodales nec. Fusce venenatis facilisis lectus ac semper. Aliquam at massa ipsum. Quisque bibendum purus convallis nulla ultrices ultricies. Nullam aliquam, mi eu aliquam tincidunt, purus velit laoreet tortor, viverra pretium nisi quam vitae mi. Fusce vel volutpat elit. Nam sagittis nisi dui.</p>
-<p>Vivamus fermentum semper porta. Nunc diam velit, adipiscing ut tristique vitae, sagittis vel odio. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper ultricies. Curabitur ornare, ligula semper consectetur sagittis, nisi diam iaculis velit, id fringilla sem nunc vel mi. Nam dictum, odio nec pretium volutpat, arcu ante placerat erat, non tristique elit urna et turpis. Quisque mi metus, ornare sit amet fermentum et, tincidunt et orci. Fusce eget orci a orci congue vestibulum. Ut dolor diam, elementum et vestibulum eu, porttitor vel elit. Curabitur venenatis pulvinar tellus gravida ornare. Sed et erat faucibus nunc euismod ultricies ut id justo. Nullam cursus suscipit nisi, et ultrices justo sodales nec. Fusce venenatis facilisis lectus ac semper. Aliquam at massa ipsum. Quisque bibendum purus convallis nulla ultrices ultricies. Nullam aliquam, mi eu aliquam tincidunt, purus velit laoreet tortor, viverra pretium nisi quam vitae mi. Fusce vel volutpat elit. Nam sagittis nisi dui.</p>
-<p>Vivamus fermentum semper porta. Nunc diam velit, adipiscing ut tristique vitae, sagittis vel odio. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper ultricies. Curabitur ornare, ligula semper consectetur sagittis, nisi diam iaculis velit, id fringilla sem nunc vel mi. Nam dictum, odio nec pretium volutpat, arcu ante placerat erat, non tristique elit urna et turpis. Quisque mi metus, ornare sit amet fermentum et, tincidunt et orci. Fusce eget orci a orci congue vestibulum. Ut dolor diam, elementum et vestibulum eu, porttitor vel elit. Curabitur venenatis pulvinar tellus gravida ornare. Sed et erat faucibus nunc euismod ultricies ut id justo. Nullam cursus suscipit nisi, et ultrices justo sodales nec. Fusce venenatis facilisis lectus ac semper. Aliquam at massa ipsum. Quisque bibendum purus convallis nulla ultrices ultricies. Nullam aliquam, mi eu aliquam tincidunt, purus velit laoreet tortor, viverra pretium nisi quam vitae mi. Fusce vel volutpat elit. Nam sagittis nisi dui.</p>
-<p>Vivamus fermentum semper porta. Nunc diam velit, adipiscing ut tristique vitae, sagittis vel odio. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper ultricies. Curabitur ornare, ligula semper consectetur sagittis, nisi diam iaculis velit, id fringilla sem nunc vel mi. Nam dictum, odio nec pretium volutpat, arcu ante placerat erat, non tristique elit urna et turpis. Quisque mi metus, ornare sit amet fermentum et, tincidunt et orci. Fusce eget orci a orci congue vestibulum. Ut dolor diam, elementum et vestibulum eu, porttitor vel elit. Curabitur venenatis pulvinar tellus gravida ornare. Sed et erat faucibus nunc euismod ultricies ut id justo. Nullam cursus suscipit nisi, et ultrices justo sodales nec. Fusce venenatis facilisis lectus ac semper. Aliquam at massa ipsum. Quisque bibendum purus convallis nulla ultrices ultricies. Nullam aliquam, mi eu aliquam tincidunt, purus velit laoreet tortor, viverra pretium nisi quam vitae mi. Fusce vel volutpat elit. Nam sagittis nisi dui.</p>
-<p>Vivamus fermentum semper porta. Nunc diam velit, adipiscing ut tristique vitae, sagittis vel odio. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper ultricies. Curabitur ornare, ligula semper consectetur sagittis, nisi diam iaculis velit, id fringilla sem nunc vel mi. Nam dictum, odio nec pretium volutpat, arcu ante placerat erat, non tristique elit urna et turpis. Quisque mi metus, ornare sit amet fermentum et, tincidunt et orci. Fusce eget orci a orci congue vestibulum. Ut dolor diam, elementum et vestibulum eu, porttitor vel elit. Curabitur venenatis pulvinar tellus gravida ornare. Sed et erat faucibus nunc euismod ultricies ut id justo. Nullam cursus suscipit nisi, et ultrices justo sodales nec. Fusce venenatis facilisis lectus ac semper. Aliquam at massa ipsum. Quisque bibendum purus convallis nulla ultrices ultricies. Nullam aliquam, mi eu aliquam tincidunt, purus velit laoreet tortor, viverra pretium nisi quam vitae mi. Fusce vel volutpat elit. Nam sagittis nisi dui.</p>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositions_sample.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositions_sample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0182783db..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositions_sample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>browser_scrollPositions_sample.html</title>
- </head>
- <body style='width: 100000px; height: 100000px;'>top</body>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositions_sample_frameset.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositions_sample_frameset.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c7e363fa1..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_scrollPositions_sample_frameset.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN">
-<html lang="en">
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>browser_scrollPositions_sample_frameset.html</title>
- </head>
- <frameset id="frames" rows="50%, 50%">
- <frame src="browser_scrollPositions_sample.html">
- <frame src="browser_scrollPositions_sample.html">
- </frameset>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_send_async_message_oom.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_send_async_message_oom.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6afd771db..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_send_async_message_oom.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-const {Services} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", {});
- * Test that an OOM in sendAsyncMessage in a framescript will be reported
- * to Telemetry.
- */
-add_task(function* init() {
- Services.telemetry.canRecordExtended = true;
-function frameScript() {
- // Make send[A]syncMessage("SessionStore:update", ...) simulate OOM.
- // Other operations are unaffected.
- let mm = docShell.sameTypeRootTreeItem.
- QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell).
- QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
- getInterface(Ci.nsIContentFrameMessageManager);
- let wrap = function(original) {
- return function(name, ...args) {
- if (name != "SessionStore:update") {
- return original(name, ...args);
- }
- throw new Components.Exception("Simulated OOM", Cr.NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
- }
- }
- mm.sendAsyncMessage = wrap(mm.sendAsyncMessage);
- mm.sendSyncMessage = wrap(mm.sendSyncMessage);
-add_task(function*() {
- // Capture original state.
- let snapshot = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(HISTOGRAM_NAME).snapshot();
- // Open a browser, configure it to cause OOM.
- let newTab = gBrowser.addTab("about:robots");
- let browser = newTab.linkedBrowser;
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, frameScript);
- let promiseReported = new Promise(resolve => {
- browser.messageManager.addMessageListener("SessionStore:error", resolve);
- });
- // Attempt to flush. This should fail.
- let promiseFlushed = TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- promiseFlushed.then((success) => {
- if (success) {
- throw new Error("Flush should have failed")
- }
- });
- // The frame script should report an error.
- yield promiseReported;
- // Give us some time to handle that error.
- yield new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10));
- // By now, Telemetry should have been updated.
- let snapshot2 = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(HISTOGRAM_NAME).snapshot();
- gBrowser.removeTab(newTab);
- Assert.ok(snapshot2.sum > snapshot.sum);
-add_task(function* cleanup() {
- Services.telemetry.canRecordExtended = false;
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f4523e06a..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
- * Ensure that starting a load invalidates shistory.
- */
-add_task(function test_load_start() {
- // Create a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Load a new URI.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(browser, "about:mozilla");
- // Remove the tab before it has finished loading.
- yield promiseContentMessage(browser, "ss-test:OnHistoryReplaceEntry");
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // Undo close the tab.
- tab = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- // Check that the correct URL was restored.
- is(browser.currentURI.spec, "about:mozilla", "url is correct");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- * Ensure that anchor navigation invalidates shistory.
- */
-add_task(function test_hashchange() {
- const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<a id=a href=%23>clickme</a>";
- // Create a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Check that we start with a single shistory entry.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(entries.length, 1, "there is one shistory entry");
- // Click the link and wait for a hashchange event.
- browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:click", {id: "a"});
- yield promiseContentMessage(browser, "ss-test:hashchange");
- // Check that we now have two shistory entries.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- is(entries.length, 2, "there are two shistory entries");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- * Ensure that loading pages from the bfcache invalidates shistory.
- */
-add_task(function test_pageshow() {
- const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<h1>first</h1>";
- const URL2 = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<h1>second</h1>";
- // Create a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Create a second shistory entry.
- browser.loadURI(URL2);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Go back to the previous url which is loaded from the bfcache.
- browser.goBack();
- yield promiseContentMessage(browser, "ss-test:onFrameTreeCollected");
- is(browser.currentURI.spec, URL, "correct url after going back");
- // Check that loading from bfcache did invalidate shistory.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let {index} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(index, 1, "first history entry is selected");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- * Ensure that subframe navigation invalidates shistory.
- */
-add_task(function test_subframes() {
- const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," +
- "<iframe src=http%3A// name=t></iframe>" +
- "<a id=a1 href=http%3A// target=t>clickme</a>" +
- "<a id=a2 href=http%3A// target=t>clickme</a>";
- // Create a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Check that we have a single shistory entry.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(entries.length, 1, "there is one shistory entry");
- is(entries[0].children.length, 1, "the entry has one child");
- // Navigate the subframe.
- browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:click", {id: "a1"});
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser, false /* don't ignore subframes */);
- // Check shistory.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- is(entries.length, 2, "there now are two shistory entries");
- is(entries[1].children.length, 1, "the second entry has one child");
- // Go back in history.
- browser.goBack();
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser, false /* don't ignore subframes */);
- // Navigate the subframe again.
- browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:click", {id: "a2"});
- yield promiseContentMessage(browser, "ss-test:hashchange");
- // Check shistory.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- is(entries.length, 2, "there now are two shistory entries");
- is(entries[1].children.length, 1, "the second entry has one child");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- * Ensure that navigating from an about page invalidates shistory.
- */
-add_task(function test_about_page_navigate() {
- // Create a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Check that we have a single shistory entry.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(entries.length, 1, "there is one shistory entry");
- is(entries[0].url, "about:blank", "url is correct");
- browser.loadURI("about:robots");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Check that we have changed the history entry.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- is(entries.length, 1, "there is one shistory entry");
- is(entries[0].url, "about:robots", "url is correct");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- * Ensure that history.pushState and history.replaceState invalidate shistory.
- */
-add_task(function test_pushstate_replacestate() {
- // Create a new tab.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Check that we have a single shistory entry.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(entries.length, 1, "there is one shistory entry");
- is(entries[0].url, "", "url is correct");
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, {}, function* () {
- content.window.history.pushState({}, "", 'test-entry/');
- });
- // Check that we have added the history entry.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- is(entries.length, 2, "there is another shistory entry");
- is(entries[1].url, "", "url is correct");
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, {}, function* () {
- content.window.history.replaceState({}, "", "test-entry2/");
- });
- // Check that we have modified the history entry.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- is(entries.length, 2, "there is still two shistory entries");
- is(entries[1].url, "", "url is correct");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- * Ensure that slow loading subframes will invalidate shistory.
- */
-add_task(function test_slow_subframe_load() {
- const SLOW_URL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/components/" +
- "sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory_slow.sjs";
- const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," +
- "<frameset cols=50%25,50%25>" +
- "<frame src='" + SLOW_URL + "'>" +
- "</frameset>";
- // Add a new tab with a slow loading subframe
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- // Check the number of children.
- is(entries.length, 1, "there is one root entry ...");
- is(entries[0].children.length, 1, "... with one child entries");
- // Check URLs.
- ok(entries[0].url.startsWith("data:text/html"), "correct root url");
- is(entries[0].children[0].url, SLOW_URL, "correct url for subframe");
- // Cleanup.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory_slow.sjs b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory_slow.sjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 41da3c2ad..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory_slow.sjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const DELAY_MS = "2000";
-let timer;
-function handleRequest(req, resp) {
- resp.processAsync();
- resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache", false);
- resp.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=utf-8", false);
- timer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
- timer.init(() => {
- resp.write("hi");
- resp.finish();
- }, DELAY_MS, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStorage.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStorage.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e2dccf4a..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStorage.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>browser_sessionStorage.html</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <script type="text/javascript;version=1.8">
- let isOuter = window ==;
- let args ="&");
- let rand = args[0];
- if (isOuter) {
- let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
- let isSecure = args.indexOf("secure") > -1;
- let scheme = isSecure ? "https" : "http";
- iframe.setAttribute("src", scheme + "://" + location.pathname + "?" + rand);
- document.body.appendChild(iframe);
- }
- if (sessionStorage.length === 0) {
- sessionStorage.test = (isOuter ? "outer" : "inner") + "-value-" + rand;
- document.title = sessionStorage.test;
- }
- </script>
- </body>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStorage.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStorage.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b580c5cc2..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStorage.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const RAND = Math.random();
-const URL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStorage.html" +
- "?" + RAND;
-const OUTER_VALUE = "outer-value-" + RAND;
-const INNER_VALUE = "inner-value-" + RAND;
- * This test ensures that setting, modifying and restoring sessionStorage data
- * works as expected.
- */
-add_task(function session_storage() {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Flush to make sure chrome received all data.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let {storage} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- is(storage[""].test, INNER_VALUE,
- "sessionStorage data for has been serialized correctly");
- is(storage["http://mochi.test:8888"].test, OUTER_VALUE,
- "sessionStorage data for mochi.test has been serialized correctly");
- // Ensure that modifying sessionStore values works for the inner frame only.
- yield modifySessionStorage(browser, {test: "modified1"}, {frameIndex: 0});
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- ({storage} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- is(storage[""].test, "modified1",
- "sessionStorage data for has been serialized correctly");
- is(storage["http://mochi.test:8888"].test, OUTER_VALUE,
- "sessionStorage data for mochi.test has been serialized correctly");
- // Ensure that modifying sessionStore values works for both frames.
- yield modifySessionStorage(browser, {test: "modified"});
- yield modifySessionStorage(browser, {test: "modified2"}, {frameIndex: 0});
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- ({storage} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
- is(storage[""].test, "modified2",
- "sessionStorage data for has been serialized correctly");
- is(storage["http://mochi.test:8888"].test, "modified",
- "sessionStorage data for mochi.test has been serialized correctly");
- // Test that duplicating a tab works.
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- let browser2 = tab2.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- // Flush to make sure chrome received all data.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser2);
- ({storage} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab2)));
- is(storage[""].test, "modified2",
- "sessionStorage data for has been duplicated correctly");
- is(storage["http://mochi.test:8888"].test, "modified",
- "sessionStorage data for mochi.test has been duplicated correctly");
- // Ensure that the content script retains restored data
- // (by e.g. duplicateTab) and sends it along with new data.
- yield modifySessionStorage(browser2, {test: "modified3"});
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser2);
- ({storage} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab2)));
- is(storage[""].test, "modified2",
- "sessionStorage data for has been duplicated correctly");
- is(storage["http://mochi.test:8888"].test, "modified3",
- "sessionStorage data for mochi.test has been duplicated correctly");
- // Check that loading a new URL discards data.
- browser2.loadURI("http://mochi.test:8888/");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser2);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser2);
- ({storage} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab2)));
- is(storage["http://mochi.test:8888"].test, "modified3",
- "navigating retains correct storage data");
- ok(!storage[""], "storage data was discarded");
- // Check that loading a new URL discards data.
- browser2.loadURI("about:mozilla");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser2);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser2);
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab2));
- ok(!state.hasOwnProperty("storage"), "storage data was discarded");
- // Clean up.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab2);
- * This test ensures that purging domain data also purges data from the
- * sessionStorage data collected for tabs.
- */
-add_task(function purge_domain() {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Purge data for "mochi.test".
- yield purgeDomainData(browser, "mochi.test");
- // Flush to make sure chrome received all data.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let {storage} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- ok(!storage["http://mochi.test:8888"],
- "sessionStorage data for mochi.test has been purged");
- is(storage[""].test, INNER_VALUE,
- "sessionStorage data for has been preserved");
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- * This test ensures that collecting sessionStorage data respects the privacy
- * levels as set by the user.
- */
-add_task(function respect_privacy_level() {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL + "&secure");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- let [{state: {storage}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- is(storage["http://mochi.test:8888"].test, OUTER_VALUE,
- "http sessionStorage data has been saved");
- is(storage[""].test, INNER_VALUE,
- "https sessionStorage data has been saved");
- // Disable saving data for encrypted sites.
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.privacy_level", 1);
- tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL + "&secure");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- [{state: {storage}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- is(storage["http://mochi.test:8888"].test, OUTER_VALUE,
- "http sessionStorage data has been saved");
- ok(!storage[""],
- "https sessionStorage data has *not* been saved");
- // Disable saving data for any site.
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.privacy_level", 2);
- // Check that duplicating a tab copies all private data.
- tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL + "&secure");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- // With privacy_level=2 the |tab| shouldn't have any sessionStorage data.
- [{state: {storage}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- ok(!storage, "sessionStorage data has *not* been saved");
- // Remove all closed tabs before continuing with the next test.
- // As isn't monotonic we might sometimes check
- // the wrong closedTabData entry.
- while (ss.getClosedTabCount(window) > 0) {
- ss.forgetClosedTab(window, 0);
- }
- // Restore the default privacy level and close the duplicated tab.
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.privacy_level");
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab2);
- // With privacy_level=0 the duplicated |tab2| should persist all data.
- [{state: {storage}}] = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedTabData(window));
- is(storage["http://mochi.test:8888"].test, OUTER_VALUE,
- "http sessionStorage data has been saved");
- is(storage[""].test, INNER_VALUE,
- "https sessionStorage data has been saved");
-function purgeDomainData(browser, domain) {
- return sendMessage(browser, "ss-test:purgeDomainData", domain);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStorage_size.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStorage_size.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d1d894611..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStorage_size.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-const RAND = Math.random();
-const URL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" +
- "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStorage.html" +
- "?" + RAND;
-const OUTER_VALUE = "outer-value-" + RAND;
-// Test that we record the size of messages.
-add_task(function* test_telemetry() {
- Services.telemetry.canRecordExtended = true;
- let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("FX_SESSION_RESTORE_DOM_STORAGE_SIZE_ESTIMATE_CHARS");
- let snap1 = histogram.snapshot();
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Flush to make sure chrome received all data.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let snap2 = histogram.snapshot();
- Assert.ok(snap2.counts[5] > snap1.counts[5]);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- Services.telemetry.canRecordExtended = false;
-// Lower the size limit for DOM Storage content. Check that DOM Storage
-// is not updated, but that other things remain updated.
-add_task(function* test_large_content() {
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.dom_storage_limit", 5);
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- // Flush to make sure chrome received all data.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
- info(JSON.stringify(state, null, "\t"));
- Assert.equal(, null, "We have no storage for the tab");
- Assert.equal(state.entries[0].title, OUTER_VALUE);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.dom_storage_limit");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStoreContainer.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStoreContainer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bc9537e2..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionStoreContainer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-add_task(function* () {
- for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("", { userContextId: i });
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- Assert.equal(tab2.getAttribute("usercontextid"), i);
- let browser2 = tab2.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2)
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser2, { expectedId: i }, function* (args) {
- let loadContext = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext);
- Assert.equal(loadContext.originAttributes.userContextId,
- args.expectedId, "The docShell has the correct userContextId");
- });
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab2);
- }
-add_task(function* () {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("", { userContextId: 1 });
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- let tab2 = gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab);
- let browser2 = tab2.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2)
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser2, { expectedId: 1 }, function* (args) {
- Assert.equal(docShell.getOriginAttributes().userContextId,
- args.expectedId,
- "The docShell has the correct userContextId");
- });
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab2);
-add_task(function* () {
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("", { userContextId: 1 });
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- let tab2 = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
- Assert.equal(tab2.getAttribute("usercontextid"), 1);
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab2);
- yield ContentTask.spawn(tab2.linkedBrowser, { expectedId: 1 }, function* (args) {
- Assert.equal(docShell.getOriginAttributes().userContextId,
- args.expectedId,
- "The docShell has the correct userContextId");
- });
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab2);
-// Opens "uri" in a new tab with the provided userContextId and focuses it.
-// Returns the newly opened tab.
-function* openTabInUserContext(userContextId) {
- // Open the tab in the correct userContextId.
- let tab = gBrowser.addTab("", { userContextId });
- // Select tab and make sure its browser is focused.
- gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- tab.ownerGlobal.focus();
- let browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
- return { tab, browser };
-function waitForNewCookie() {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- Services.obs.addObserver(function observer(subj, topic, data) {
- let cookie = subj.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICookie2);
- if (data == "added") {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, topic);
- resolve();
- }
- }, "cookie-changed", false);
- });
-add_task(function* test() {
- const USER_CONTEXTS = [
- "default",
- "personal",
- "work",
- ];
- const ss = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsISessionStore);
- const { TabStateFlusher } = Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/TabStateFlusher.jsm", {});
- // Make sure userContext is enabled.
- yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
- "set": [ [ "privacy.userContext.enabled", true ] ]
- });
- let lastSessionRestore;
- for (let userContextId of Object.keys(USER_CONTEXTS)) {
- // Load the page in 3 different contexts and set a cookie
- // which should only be visible in that context.
- let cookie = USER_CONTEXTS[userContextId];
- // Open our tab in the given user context.
- let { tab, browser } = yield* openTabInUserContext(userContextId);
- yield Promise.all([
- waitForNewCookie(),
- ContentTask.spawn(browser, cookie, cookie => content.document.cookie = cookie)
- ]);
- // Ensure the tab's session history is up-to-date.
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- lastSessionRestore = ss.getWindowState(window);
- // Remove the tab.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- }
- let state = JSON.parse(lastSessionRestore);
- is([0].cookies.length, USER_CONTEXTS.length,
- "session restore should have each container's cookie");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_swapDocShells.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_swapDocShells.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 839f060e7..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_swapDocShells.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-add_task(function* () {
- let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("about:mozilla");
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
- let win = gBrowser.replaceTabWithWindow(tab);
- yield promiseDelayedStartupFinished(win);
- yield promiseBrowserHasURL(win.gBrowser.browsers[0], "about:mozilla");
- win.duplicateTabIn(win.gBrowser.selectedTab, "tab");
- yield promiseTabRestored(win.gBrowser.tabs[1]);
- let browser = win.gBrowser.browsers[1];
- is(browser.currentURI.spec, "about:mozilla", "tab was duplicated");
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
-function promiseDelayedStartupFinished(win) {
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- whenDelayedStartupFinished(win, deferred.resolve);
- return deferred.promise;
-function promiseBrowserHasURL(browser, url) {
- let promise = Promise.resolve();
- if (browser.contentDocument.readyState === "complete" &&
- browser.currentURI.spec === url) {
- return promise;
- }
- return promise.then(() => promiseBrowserHasURL(browser, url));
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_switch_remoteness.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_switch_remoteness.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eb8c260a..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_switch_remoteness.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const URL = "";
-function countHistoryEntries(browser, expected) {
- return ContentTask.spawn(browser, { expected }, function* (args) {
- let Ci = Components.interfaces;
- let webNavigation = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation);
- let history = webNavigation.sessionHistory.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISHistoryInternal);
- Assert.equal(history && history.count, args.expected,
- "correct number of shistory entries");
- });
-add_task(function* () {
- // Open a new window.
- let win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- // Add a new tab.
- let tab = win.gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "browser is remote");
- // Get the maximum number of preceding entries to save.
- const MAX_BACK = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_serialize_back");
- ok(MAX_BACK > -1, "check that the default has a value that caps data");
- // Load more pages than we would save to disk on a clean shutdown.
- for (let i = 0; i < MAX_BACK + 2; i++) {
- browser.loadURI(URL + i);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
- ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "browser is still remote");
- }
- // Check we have the right number of shistory entries.
- yield countHistoryEntries(browser, MAX_BACK + 2);
- // Load a non-remote page.
- browser.loadURI("about:robots");
- yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
- ok(!browser.isRemoteBrowser, "browser is not remote anymore");
- // Check that we didn't lose any shistory entries.
- yield countHistoryEntries(browser, MAX_BACK + 3);
- // Cleanup.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_undoCloseById.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_undoCloseById.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f2f0f919c..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_undoCloseById.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
- * This test is for the undoCloseById function.
- */
-function openAndCloseTab(window, url) {
- let tab = window.gBrowser.addTab(url);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser, true, url);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
-function* openWindow(url) {
- let win = yield promiseNewWindowLoaded();
- let flags = Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_REPLACE_HISTORY;
- win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.loadURIWithFlags(url, flags);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, true, url);
- return win;
-function closeWindow(win) {
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- // Wait 20 ms to allow SessionStorage a chance to register the closed window.
- yield new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 20));
-add_task(function* test_undoCloseById() {
- // Clear the lists of closed windows and tabs.
- forgetClosedWindows();
- while (SessionStore.getClosedTabCount(window)) {
- SessionStore.forgetClosedTab(window, 0);
- }
- // Open a new window.
- let win = yield openWindow("about:robots");
- // Open and close a tab.
- yield openAndCloseTab(win, "about:mozilla");
- is(SessionStore.lastClosedObjectType, "tab", "The last closed object is a tab");
- // Record the first closedId created.
- let initialClosedId = SessionStore.getClosedTabData(win, false)[0].closedId;
- // Open and close another window.
- let win2 = yield openWindow("about:mozilla");
- yield closeWindow(win2); // closedId == initialClosedId + 1
- is(SessionStore.lastClosedObjectType, "window", "The last closed object is a window");
- // Open and close another tab in the first window.
- yield openAndCloseTab(win, "about:robots"); // closedId == initialClosedId + 2
- is(SessionStore.lastClosedObjectType, "tab", "The last closed object is a tab");
- // Undo closing the second tab.
- let tab = SessionStore.undoCloseById(initialClosedId + 2);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- is(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:robots", "The expected tab was re-opened");
- let notTab = SessionStore.undoCloseById(initialClosedId + 2);
- is(notTab, undefined, "Re-opened tab cannot be unClosed again by closedId");
- // Now the last closed object should be a window again.
- is(SessionStore.lastClosedObjectType, "window", "The last closed object is a window");
- // Undo closing the first tab.
- let tab2 = SessionStore.undoCloseById(initialClosedId);
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab2.linkedBrowser);
- is(tab2.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:mozilla", "The expected tab was re-opened");
- // Close the two tabs we re-opened.
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab); // closedId == initialClosedId + 3
- is(SessionStore.lastClosedObjectType, "tab", "The last closed object is a tab");
- yield promiseRemoveTab(tab2); // closedId == initialClosedId + 4
- is(SessionStore.lastClosedObjectType, "tab", "The last closed object is a tab");
- // Open another new window.
- let win3 = yield openWindow("about:mozilla");
- // Close both windows.
- yield closeWindow(win); // closedId == initialClosedId + 5
- is(SessionStore.lastClosedObjectType, "window", "The last closed object is a window");
- yield closeWindow(win3); // closedId == initialClosedId + 6
- is(SessionStore.lastClosedObjectType, "window", "The last closed object is a window");
- // Undo closing the second window.
- win = SessionStore.undoCloseById(initialClosedId + 6);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(win, "load");
- // Make sure we wait until this window is restored.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(win.gBrowser.tabContainer,
- "SSTabRestored");
- is(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:mozilla", "The expected window was re-opened");
- let notWin = SessionStore.undoCloseById(initialClosedId + 6);
- is(notWin, undefined, "Re-opened window cannot be unClosed again by closedId");
- // Close the window again.
- yield closeWindow(win);
- is(SessionStore.lastClosedObjectType, "window", "The last closed object is a window");
- // Undo closing the first window.
- win = SessionStore.undoCloseById(initialClosedId + 5);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(win, "load");
- // Make sure we wait until this window is restored.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(win.gBrowser.tabContainer,
- "SSTabRestored");
- is(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "about:robots", "The expected window was re-opened");
- // Close the window again.
- yield closeWindow(win);
- is(SessionStore.lastClosedObjectType, "window", "The last closed object is a window");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_unrestored_crashedTabs.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_unrestored_crashedTabs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e46348e59..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_unrestored_crashedTabs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
- * Tests that if we have tabs that are still in the "click to
- * restore" state, that if their browsers crash, that we don't
- * show the crashed state for those tabs (since selecting them
- * should restore them anyway).
- */
-const PREF = "browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand";
-const PAGE = "data:text/html,<html><body>A%20regular,%20everyday,%20normal%20page.";
-add_task(function* test() {
- yield pushPrefs([PREF, true]);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({
- gBrowser,
- url: PAGE,
- }, function*(browser) {
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- // We'll create a second "pending" tab. This is the one we'll
- // ensure doesn't go to about:tabcrashed. We start it non-remote
- // since this is how SessionStore creates all browsers before
- // they are restored.
- let unrestoredTab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank", {
- skipAnimation: true,
- forceNotRemote: true,
- });
- let state = {
- entries: [{url: PAGE}],
- };
- ss.setTabState(unrestoredTab, JSON.stringify(state));
- ok(!unrestoredTab.hasAttribute("crashed"), "tab is not crashed");
- ok(unrestoredTab.hasAttribute("pending"), "tab is pending");
- // Now crash the selected browser.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.crashBrowser(browser);
- ok(!unrestoredTab.hasAttribute("crashed"), "tab is still not crashed");
- ok(unrestoredTab.hasAttribute("pending"), "tab is still pending");
- // Selecting the tab should now restore it.
- gBrowser.selectedTab = unrestoredTab;
- yield promiseTabRestored(unrestoredTab);
- ok(!unrestoredTab.hasAttribute("crashed"), "tab is still not crashed");
- ok(!unrestoredTab.hasAttribute("pending"), "tab is no longer pending");
- // The original tab should still be crashed
- let originalTab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser);
- ok(originalTab.hasAttribute("crashed"), "original tab is crashed");
- ok(!originalTab.isRemoteBrowser, "Should not be remote");
- // We'd better be able to restore it still.
- gBrowser.selectedTab = originalTab;
- SessionStore.reviveCrashedTab(originalTab);
- yield promiseTabRestored(originalTab);
- // Clean up.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(unrestoredTab);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_upgrade_backup.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_upgrade_backup.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 768671051..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_upgrade_backup.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", this);
-Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", this);
-Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", this);
-Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm", this);
-const Paths = SessionFile.Paths;
-const PREF_UPGRADE = "browser.sessionstore.upgradeBackup.latestBuildID";
-const PREF_MAX_UPGRADE_BACKUPS = "browser.sessionstore.upgradeBackup.maxUpgradeBackups";
- * Prepares tests by retrieving the current platform's build ID, clearing the
- * build where the last backup was created and creating arbitrary JSON data
- * for a new backup.
- */
-var prepareTest = Task.async(function* () {
- let result = {};
- result.buildID = Services.appinfo.platformBuildID;
- Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_UPGRADE, "");
- result.contents = JSON.stringify({"browser_upgrade_backup.js": Math.random()});
- return result;
- * Retrieves all upgrade backups and returns them in an array.
- */
-var getUpgradeBackups = Task.async(function* () {
- let iterator;
- let backups = [];
- let upgradeBackupPrefix = Paths.upgradeBackupPrefix;
- try {
- iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(Paths.backups);
- // iterate over all files in the backup directory
- yield iterator.forEach(function (file) {
- // check the upgradeBackupPrefix
- if (file.path.startsWith(Paths.upgradeBackupPrefix)) {
- // the file is a backup
- backups.push(file.path);
- }
- }, this);
- } finally {
- if (iterator) {
- iterator.close();
- }
- }
- // return results
- return backups;
-add_task(function* init() {
- // Wait until initialization is complete
- yield SessionStore.promiseInitialized;
- yield SessionFile.wipe();
-add_task(function* test_upgrade_backup() {
- let test = yield prepareTest();
- info("Let's check if we create an upgrade backup");
- yield OS.File.writeAtomic(Paths.clean, test.contents);
- yield; // First call to read() initializes the SessionWorker
- yield SessionFile.write(""); // First call to write() triggers the backup
- is(Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_UPGRADE), test.buildID, "upgrade backup should be set");
- is((yield OS.File.exists(Paths.upgradeBackup)), true, "upgrade backup file has been created");
- let data = yield;
- is(test.contents, (new TextDecoder()).decode(data), "upgrade backup contains the expected contents");
- info("Let's check that we don't overwrite this upgrade backup");
- let newContents = JSON.stringify({"something else entirely": Math.random()});
- yield OS.File.writeAtomic(Paths.clean, newContents);
- yield; // Reinitialize the SessionWorker
- yield SessionFile.write(""); // Next call to write() shouldn't trigger the backup
- data = yield;
- is(test.contents, (new TextDecoder()).decode(data), "upgrade backup hasn't changed");
-add_task(function* test_upgrade_backup_removal() {
- let test = yield prepareTest();
- let maxUpgradeBackups = Preferences.get(PREF_MAX_UPGRADE_BACKUPS, 3);
- info("Let's see if we remove backups if there are too many");
- yield OS.File.writeAtomic(Paths.clean, test.contents);
- // if the nextUpgradeBackup already exists (from another test), remove it
- if (OS.File.exists(Paths.nextUpgradeBackup)) {
- yield OS.File.remove(Paths.nextUpgradeBackup);
- }
- // create dummy backups
- yield OS.File.writeAtomic(Paths.upgradeBackupPrefix + "20080101010101", "");
- yield OS.File.writeAtomic(Paths.upgradeBackupPrefix + "20090101010101", "");
- yield OS.File.writeAtomic(Paths.upgradeBackupPrefix + "20100101010101", "");
- yield OS.File.writeAtomic(Paths.upgradeBackupPrefix + "20110101010101", "");
- yield OS.File.writeAtomic(Paths.upgradeBackupPrefix + "20120101010101", "");
- yield OS.File.writeAtomic(Paths.upgradeBackupPrefix + "20130101010101", "");
- // get currently existing backups
- let backups = yield getUpgradeBackups();
- // trigger new backup
- yield; // First call to read() initializes the SessionWorker
- yield SessionFile.write(""); // First call to write() triggers the backup and the cleanup
- // a new backup should have been created (and still exist)
- is(Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_UPGRADE), test.buildID, "upgrade backup should be set");
- is((yield OS.File.exists(Paths.upgradeBackup)), true, "upgrade backup file has been created");
- // get currently existing backups and check their count
- let newBackups = yield getUpgradeBackups();
- is(newBackups.length, maxUpgradeBackups, "expected number of backups are present after removing old backups");
- // find all backups that were created during the last call to `SessionFile.write("");`
- // ie, filter out all the backups that have already been present before the call
- newBackups = newBackups.filter(function (backup) {
- return backups.indexOf(backup) < 0;
- });
- // check that exactly one new backup was created
- is(newBackups.length, 1, "one new backup was created that was not removed");
- yield SessionFile.write(""); // Second call to write() should not trigger anything
- backups = yield getUpgradeBackups();
- is(backups.length, maxUpgradeBackups, "second call to SessionFile.write() didn't create or remove more backups");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_windowRestore_perwindowpb.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_windowRestore_perwindowpb.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 781692909..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_windowRestore_perwindowpb.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-* file, You can obtain one at */
-// This test checks that closed private windows can't be restored
-function test() {
- waitForExplicitFinish();
- // Purging the list of closed windows
- forgetClosedWindows();
- // Load a private window, then close it
- // and verify it doesn't get remembered for restoring
- whenNewWindowLoaded({private: true}, function (win) {
- info("The private window got loaded");
- win.addEventListener("SSWindowClosing", function onclosing() {
- win.removeEventListener("SSWindowClosing", onclosing, false);
- executeSoon(function () {
- is(ss.getClosedWindowCount(), 0,
- "The private window should not have been stored");
- });
- }, false);
- BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win).then(finish);
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_windowStateContainer.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_windowStateContainer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index beb838088..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_windowStateContainer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-add_task(function* setup() {
- yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
- set: [["dom.ipc.processCount", 1]]
- });
-add_task(function* () {
- let win = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- // Create 4 tabs with different userContextId.
- for (let userContextId = 1; userContextId < 5; userContextId++) {
- let tab = win.gBrowser.addTab("", {userContextId});
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
- }
- // Move the default tab of window to the end.
- // We want the 1st tab to have non-default userContextId, so later when we
- // restore into win2 we can test restore into an existing tab with different
- // userContextId.
- win.gBrowser.moveTabTo(win.gBrowser.tabs[0], win.gBrowser.tabs.length - 1);
- let winState = JSON.parse(ss.getWindowState(win));
- for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- Assert.equal([0].tabs[i].userContextId, i + 1,
- "1st Window: tabs[" + i + "].userContextId should exist.");
- }
- let win2 = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- // Create tabs with different userContextId, but this time we create them with
- // fewer tabs and with different order with win.
- for (let userContextId = 3; userContextId > 0; userContextId--) {
- let tab = win2.gBrowser.addTab("", {userContextId});
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
- }
- ss.setWindowState(win2, JSON.stringify(winState), true);
- for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- let browser = win2.gBrowser.tabs[i].linkedBrowser;
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, { expectedId: i + 1 }, function* (args) {
- Assert.equal(docShell.getOriginAttributes().userContextId,
- args.expectedId,
- "The docShell has the correct userContextId");
- Assert.equal(content.document.nodePrincipal.originAttributes.userContextId,
- args.expectedId,
- "The document has the correct userContextId");
- });
- }
- // Test the last tab, which doesn't have userContextId.
- let browser = win2.gBrowser.tabs[4].linkedBrowser;
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, { expectedId: 0 }, function* (args) {
- Assert.equal(docShell.getOriginAttributes().userContextId,
- args.expectedId,
- "The docShell has the correct userContextId");
- Assert.equal(content.document.nodePrincipal.originAttributes.userContextId,
- args.expectedId,
- "The document has the correct userContextId");
- });
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win2);
-add_task(function* () {
- let win = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
- let tab = win.gBrowser.addTab("", { userContextId: 1 });
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab.linkedBrowser);
- // win should have 1 default tab, and 1 container tab.
- Assert.equal(win.gBrowser.tabs.length, 2, "win should have 2 tabs");
- let winState = JSON.parse(ss.getWindowState(win));
- for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- Assert.equal([0].tabs[i].userContextId, i,
- "1st Window: tabs[" + i + "].userContextId should be " + i);
- }
- let win2 = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
- let tab2 = win2.gBrowser.addTab("", { userContextId : 1 });
- yield promiseBrowserLoaded(tab2.linkedBrowser);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(tab2.linkedBrowser);
- // Move the first normal tab to end, so the first tab of win2 will be a
- // container tab.
- win2.gBrowser.moveTabTo(win2.gBrowser.tabs[0], win2.gBrowser.tabs.length - 1);
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(win2.gBrowser.tabs[0].linkedBrowser);
- ss.setWindowState(win2, JSON.stringify(winState), true);
- for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- let browser = win2.gBrowser.tabs[i].linkedBrowser;
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, { expectedId: i }, function* (args) {
- Assert.equal(docShell.getOriginAttributes().userContextId,
- args.expectedId,
- "The docShell has the correct userContextId");
- Assert.equal(content.document.nodePrincipal.originAttributes.userContextId,
- args.expectedId,
- "The document has the correct userContextId");
- });
- }
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win);
- yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win2);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/content-forms.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/content-forms.js
deleted file mode 100644
index da7bc9c08..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/content-forms.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
- * This frame script is only loaded for sessionstore mochitests. It contains
- * a bunch of utility functions used to test form data collection and
- * restoration in remote browsers.
- */
-function queryElement(data) {
- let frame = content;
- if (data.hasOwnProperty("frame")) {
- frame = content.frames[data.frame];
- }
- let doc = frame.document;
- if (data.hasOwnProperty("id")) {
- return doc.getElementById(;
- }
- if (data.hasOwnProperty("selector")) {
- return doc.querySelector(data.selector);
- }
- if (data.hasOwnProperty("xpath")) {
- let xptype = Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE;
- return doc.evaluate(data.xpath, doc, null, xptype, null).singleNodeValue;
- }
- throw new Error("couldn't query element");
-function dispatchUIEvent(input, type) {
- let event = input.ownerDocument.createEvent("UIEvents");
- event.initUIEvent(type, true, true, input.ownerGlobal, 0);
- input.dispatchEvent(event);
-function defineListener(type, cb) {
- addMessageListener("ss-test:" + type, function ({data}) {
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:" + type, cb(data));
- });
-defineListener("sendKeyEvent", function (data) {
- let frame = content;
- if (data.hasOwnProperty("frame")) {
- frame = content.frames[data.frame];
- }
- let ifreq = frame.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor);
- let utils = ifreq.getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
- let keyCode = data.key.charCodeAt(0);
- let charCode = Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_A + keyCode - "a".charCodeAt(0);
- utils.sendKeyEvent("keydown", keyCode, charCode, null);
- utils.sendKeyEvent("keypress", keyCode, charCode, null);
- utils.sendKeyEvent("keyup", keyCode, charCode, null);
-defineListener("getInnerHTML", function (data) {
- return queryElement(data).innerHTML;
-defineListener("getTextContent", function (data) {
- return queryElement(data).textContent;
-defineListener("getInputValue", function (data) {
- return queryElement(data).value;
-defineListener("setInputValue", function (data) {
- let input = queryElement(data);
- input.value = data.value;
- dispatchUIEvent(input, "input");
-defineListener("getInputChecked", function (data) {
- return queryElement(data).checked;
-defineListener("setInputChecked", function (data) {
- let input = queryElement(data);
- input.checked = data.checked;
- dispatchUIEvent(input, "change");
-defineListener("getSelectedIndex", function (data) {
- return queryElement(data).selectedIndex;
-defineListener("setSelectedIndex", function (data) {
- let input = queryElement(data);
- input.selectedIndex = data.index;
- dispatchUIEvent(input, "change");
-defineListener("getMultipleSelected", function (data) {
- let input = queryElement(data);
- return, (opt, idx) => idx)
- .filter(idx => input.options[idx].selected);
-defineListener("setMultipleSelected", function (data) {
- let input = queryElement(data);
- Array.forEach(input.options, (opt, idx) => opt.selected = data.indices.indexOf(idx) > -1);
- dispatchUIEvent(input, "change");
-defineListener("getFileNameArray", function (data) {
- return queryElement(data).mozGetFileNameArray();
-defineListener("setFileNameArray", function (data) {
- let input = queryElement(data);
- input.mozSetFileNameArray(data.names, data.names.length);
- dispatchUIEvent(input, "input");
-defineListener("setFormElementValues", function (data) {
- for (let elem of content.document.forms[0].elements) {
- elem.value = data.value;
- dispatchUIEvent(elem, "input");
- }
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/content.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/content.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e815a6783..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/content.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-var Cu = Components.utils;
-var Ci = Components.interfaces;
-Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/FrameTree.jsm", this);
-var gFrameTree = new FrameTree(this);
-function executeSoon(callback) {
-, Components.interfaces.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
- onFrameTreeReset: function () {
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:onFrameTreeReset");
- },
- onFrameTreeCollected: function () {
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:onFrameTreeCollected");
- }
-var historyListener = {
- OnHistoryNewEntry: function () {
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:OnHistoryNewEntry");
- },
- OnHistoryGoBack: function () {
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:OnHistoryGoBack");
- return true;
- },
- OnHistoryGoForward: function () {
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:OnHistoryGoForward");
- return true;
- },
- OnHistoryGotoIndex: function () {
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:OnHistoryGotoIndex");
- return true;
- },
- OnHistoryPurge: function () {
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:OnHistoryPurge");
- return true;
- },
- OnHistoryReload: function () {
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:OnHistoryReload");
- return true;
- },
- OnHistoryReplaceEntry: function () {
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:OnHistoryReplaceEntry");
- },
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
- Ci.nsISHistoryListener,
- Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference
- ])
-var {sessionHistory} = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation);
-if (sessionHistory) {
- sessionHistory.addSHistoryListener(historyListener);
- * This frame script is only loaded for sessionstore mochitests. It enables us
- * to modify and query docShell data when running with multiple processes.
- */
-addEventListener("hashchange", function () {
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:hashchange");
-addMessageListener("ss-test:purgeDomainData", function ({data: domain}) {
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "browser:purge-domain-data", domain);
- content.setTimeout(() => sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:purgeDomainData"));
-addMessageListener("ss-test:getStyleSheets", function (msg) {
- let sheets = content.document.styleSheets;
- let titles =, ss => [ss.title, ss.disabled]);
- sendSyncMessage("ss-test:getStyleSheets", titles);
-addMessageListener("ss-test:enableStyleSheetsForSet", function (msg) {
- let sheets = content.document.styleSheets;
- let change = false;
- for (let i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) {
- if (sheets[i].disabled != ([i].title) == -1)) {
- change = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- function observer() {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "style-sheet-applicable-state-changed");
- // It's possible our observer will run before the one in
- // content-sessionStore.js. Therefore, we run ours a little
- // later.
- executeSoon(() => sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:enableStyleSheetsForSet"));
- }
- if (change) {
- // We don't want to reply until content-sessionStore.js has seen
- // the change.
- Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "style-sheet-applicable-state-changed", false);
- content.document.enableStyleSheetsForSet(;
- } else {
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:enableStyleSheetsForSet");
- }
-addMessageListener("ss-test:enableSubDocumentStyleSheetsForSet", function (msg) {
- let iframe = content.document.getElementById(;
- iframe.contentDocument.enableStyleSheetsForSet(;
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:enableSubDocumentStyleSheetsForSet");
-addMessageListener("ss-test:getAuthorStyleDisabled", function (msg) {
- let {authorStyleDisabled} =
- docShell.contentViewer;
- sendSyncMessage("ss-test:getAuthorStyleDisabled", authorStyleDisabled);
-addMessageListener("ss-test:setAuthorStyleDisabled", function (msg) {
- let markupDocumentViewer =
- docShell.contentViewer;
- markupDocumentViewer.authorStyleDisabled =;
- sendSyncMessage("ss-test:setAuthorStyleDisabled");
-addMessageListener("ss-test:setUsePrivateBrowsing", function (msg) {
- let loadContext =
- docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext);
- loadContext.usePrivateBrowsing =;
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:setUsePrivateBrowsing");
-addMessageListener("ss-test:getScrollPosition", function (msg) {
- let frame = content;
- if ("frame")) {
- frame = content.frames[];
- }
- let {scrollX: x, scrollY: y} = frame;
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:getScrollPosition", {x: x, y: y});
-addMessageListener("ss-test:setScrollPosition", function (msg) {
- let frame = content;
- let {x, y} =;
- if ("frame")) {
- frame = content.frames[];
- }
- frame.scrollTo(x, y);
- frame.addEventListener("scroll", function onScroll(event) {
- if (frame.document == {
- frame.removeEventListener("scroll", onScroll);
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:setScrollPosition");
- }
- });
-addMessageListener("ss-test:createDynamicFrames", function ({data}) {
- function createIFrame(rows) {
- let frames = content.document.getElementById(;
- frames.setAttribute("rows", rows);
- let frame = content.document.createElement("frame");
- frame.setAttribute("src", data.url);
- frames.appendChild(frame);
- }
- addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function onContentLoaded(event) {
- if (content.document == {
- removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onContentLoaded, true);
- // DOMContentLoaded is fired right after we finished parsing the document.
- createIFrame("33%, 33%, 33%");
- }
- }, true);
- addEventListener("load", function onLoad(event) {
- if (content.document == {
- removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
- // Creating this frame on the same tick as the load event
- // means that it must not be included in the frame tree.
- createIFrame("25%, 25%, 25%, 25%");
- }
- }, true);
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:createDynamicFrames");
-addMessageListener("ss-test:removeLastFrame", function ({data}) {
- let frames = content.document.getElementById(;
- frames.lastElementChild.remove();
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:removeLastFrame");
-addMessageListener("ss-test:mapFrameTree", function (msg) {
- let result = => ({href: frame.location.href}));
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:mapFrameTree", result);
-addMessageListener("ss-test:click", function ({data}) {
- content.document.getElementById(;
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:click");
-addEventListener("load", function(event) {
- let subframe = != content.document;
- sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:loadEvent", {subframe: subframe, url:});
-}, true);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/head.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/head.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a8c5dbfc..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/head.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const ROOT = getRootDirectory(gTestPath);
-const HTTPROOT = ROOT.replace("chrome://mochitests/content/", "");
-const FRAME_SCRIPTS = [
- ROOT + "content.js",
- ROOT + "content-forms.js"
-var mm = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIMessageListenerManager);
-for (let script of FRAME_SCRIPTS) {
- mm.loadFrameScript(script, true);
-registerCleanupFunction(() => {
- for (let script of FRAME_SCRIPTS) {
- mm.removeDelayedFrameScript(script, true);
- }
-const {Promise} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", {});
-const {SessionStore} = Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionStore.jsm", {});
-const {SessionSaver} = Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionSaver.jsm", {});
-const {SessionFile} = Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionFile.jsm", {});
-const {TabState} = Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/TabState.jsm", {});
-const {TabStateFlusher} = Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/TabStateFlusher.jsm", {});
-const ss = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsISessionStore);
-// Some tests here assume that all restored tabs are loaded without waiting for
-// the user to bring them to the foreground. We ensure this by resetting the
-// related preference (see the "firefox.js" defaults file for details).
-Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand", false);
-registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.restore_on_demand");
-// Obtain access to internals
-Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.sessionstore.debug", true);
-registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.debug");
-// This kicks off the search service used on about:home and allows the
-// session restore tests to be run standalone without triggering errors.
-function provideWindow(aCallback, aURL, aFeatures) {
- function callbackSoon(aWindow) {
- executeSoon(function executeCallbackSoon() {
- aCallback(aWindow);
- });
- }
- let win = openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "", aFeatures || "chrome,all,dialog=no", aURL || "about:blank");
- whenWindowLoaded(win, function onWindowLoaded(aWin) {
- if (!aURL) {
- info("Loaded a blank window.");
- callbackSoon(aWin);
- return;
- }
- aWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function selectedBrowserLoadListener() {
- aWin.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", selectedBrowserLoadListener, true);
- callbackSoon(aWin);
- }, true);
- });
-// This assumes that tests will at least have some state/entries
-function waitForBrowserState(aState, aSetStateCallback) {
- if (typeof aState == "string") {
- aState = JSON.parse(aState);
- }
- if (typeof aState != "object") {
- throw new TypeError("Argument must be an object or a JSON representation of an object");
- }
- let windows = [window];
- let tabsRestored = 0;
- let expectedTabsRestored = 0;
- let expectedWindows =;
- let windowsOpen = 1;
- let listening = false;
- let windowObserving = false;
- let restoreHiddenTabs = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
- "browser.sessionstore.restore_hidden_tabs");
- (winState) {
- winState.tabs.forEach(function (tabState) {
- if (restoreHiddenTabs || !tabState.hidden)
- expectedTabsRestored++;
- });
- });
- // There must be only hidden tabs and restoreHiddenTabs = false. We still
- // expect one of them to be restored because it gets shown automatically.
- if (!expectedTabsRestored)
- expectedTabsRestored = 1;
- function onSSTabRestored(aEvent) {
- if (++tabsRestored == expectedTabsRestored) {
- // Remove the event listener from each window
- windows.forEach(function(win) {
- win.gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, true);
- });
- listening = false;
- info("running " +;
- executeSoon(aSetStateCallback);
- }
- }
- // Used to add our listener to further windows so we can catch SSTabRestored
- // coming from them when creating a multi-window state.
- function windowObserver(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- if (aTopic == "domwindowopened") {
- let newWindow = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
- newWindow.addEventListener("load", function() {
- newWindow.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
- if (++windowsOpen == expectedWindows) {
- Services.ww.unregisterNotification(windowObserver);
- windowObserving = false;
- }
- // Track this window so we can remove the progress listener later
- windows.push(newWindow);
- // Add the progress listener
- newWindow.gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, true);
- }, false);
- }
- }
- // We only want to register the notification if we expect more than 1 window
- if (expectedWindows > 1) {
- registerCleanupFunction(function() {
- if (windowObserving) {
- Services.ww.unregisterNotification(windowObserver);
- }
- });
- windowObserving = true;
- Services.ww.registerNotification(windowObserver);
- }
- registerCleanupFunction(function() {
- if (listening) {
- windows.forEach(function(win) {
- win.gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, true);
- });
- }
- });
- // Add the event listener for this window as well.
- listening = true;
- gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", onSSTabRestored, true);
- // Ensure setBrowserState() doesn't remove the initial tab.
- gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.tabs[0];
- // Finally, call setBrowserState
- ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(aState));
-function promiseBrowserState(aState) {
- return new Promise(resolve => waitForBrowserState(aState, resolve));
-function promiseTabState(tab, state) {
- if (typeof(state) != "string") {
- state = JSON.stringify(state);
- }
- let promise = promiseTabRestored(tab);
- ss.setTabState(tab, state);
- return promise;
- * Wait for a content -> chrome message.
- */
-function promiseContentMessage(browser, name) {
- let mm = browser.messageManager;
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- function removeListener() {
- mm.removeMessageListener(name, listener);
- }
- function listener(msg) {
- removeListener();
- resolve(;
- }
- mm.addMessageListener(name, listener);
- registerCleanupFunction(removeListener);
- });
-function waitForTopic(aTopic, aTimeout, aCallback) {
- let observing = false;
- function removeObserver() {
- if (!observing)
- return;
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, aTopic);
- observing = false;
- }
- let timeout = setTimeout(function () {
- removeObserver();
- aCallback(false);
- }, aTimeout);
- function observer(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- removeObserver();
- timeout = clearTimeout(timeout);
- executeSoon(() => aCallback(true));
- }
- registerCleanupFunction(function() {
- removeObserver();
- if (timeout) {
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- }
- });
- observing = true;
- Services.obs.addObserver(observer, aTopic, false);
- * Wait until session restore has finished collecting its data and is
- * has written that data ("sessionstore-state-write-complete").
- *
- * @param {function} aCallback If sessionstore-state-write-complete is sent
- * within buffering interval + 100 ms, the callback is passed |true|,
- * otherwise, it is passed |false|.
- */
-function waitForSaveState(aCallback) {
- let timeout = 100 +
- Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.sessionstore.interval");
- return waitForTopic("sessionstore-state-write-complete", timeout, aCallback);
-function promiseSaveState() {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- waitForSaveState(isSuccessful => {
- if (!isSuccessful) {
- throw new Error("timeout");
- }
- resolve();
- });
- });
-function forceSaveState() {
- return;
-function promiseRecoveryFileContents() {
- let promise = forceSaveState();
- return promise.then(function() {
- return, { encoding: "utf-8" });
- });
-var promiseForEachSessionRestoreFile = Task.async(function*(cb) {
- for (let key of SessionFile.Paths.loadOrder) {
- let data = "";
- try {
- data = yield[key], { encoding: "utf-8" });
- } catch (ex) {
- // Ignore missing files
- if (!(ex instanceof OS.File.Error && ex.becauseNoSuchFile)) {
- throw ex;
- }
- }
- cb(data, key);
- }
-function promiseBrowserLoaded(aBrowser, ignoreSubFrames = true, wantLoad = null) {
- return BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(aBrowser, !ignoreSubFrames, wantLoad);
-function whenWindowLoaded(aWindow, aCallback = next) {
- aWindow.addEventListener("load", function windowLoadListener() {
- aWindow.removeEventListener("load", windowLoadListener, false);
- executeSoon(function executeWhenWindowLoaded() {
- aCallback(aWindow);
- });
- }, false);
-function promiseWindowLoaded(aWindow) {
- return new Promise(resolve => whenWindowLoaded(aWindow, resolve));
-var gUniqueCounter = 0;
-function r() {
- return + "-" + (++gUniqueCounter);
-function* BrowserWindowIterator() {
- let windowsEnum = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
- while (windowsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
- let currentWindow = windowsEnum.getNext();
- if (!currentWindow.closed) {
- yield currentWindow;
- }
- }
-var gWebProgressListener = {
- _callback: null,
- setCallback: function (aCallback) {
- if (!this._callback) {
- window.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(this);
- }
- this._callback = aCallback;
- },
- unsetCallback: function () {
- if (this._callback) {
- this._callback = null;
- window.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(this);
- }
- },
- onStateChange: function (aBrowser, aWebProgress, aRequest,
- aStateFlags, aStatus) {
- if (aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP &&
- aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK &&
- aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_WINDOW) {
- this._callback(aBrowser);
- }
- }
-registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- gWebProgressListener.unsetCallback();
-var gProgressListener = {
- _callback: null,
- setCallback: function (callback) {
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "sessionstore-debug-tab-restored", false);
- this._callback = callback;
- },
- unsetCallback: function () {
- if (this._callback) {
- this._callback = null;
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "sessionstore-debug-tab-restored");
- }
- },
- observe: function (browser, topic, data) {
- gProgressListener.onRestored(browser);
- },
- onRestored: function (browser) {
- if (browser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_RESTORING) {
- let args = [browser].concat(gProgressListener._countTabs());
- gProgressListener._callback.apply(gProgressListener, args);
- }
- },
- _countTabs: function () {
- let needsRestore = 0, isRestoring = 0, wasRestored = 0;
- for (let win of BrowserWindowIterator()) {
- for (let i = 0; i < win.gBrowser.tabs.length; i++) {
- let browser = win.gBrowser.tabs[i].linkedBrowser;
- if (!browser.__SS_restoreState)
- wasRestored++;
- else if (browser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_RESTORING)
- isRestoring++;
- else if (browser.__SS_restoreState == TAB_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE)
- needsRestore++;
- }
- }
- return [needsRestore, isRestoring, wasRestored];
- }
-registerCleanupFunction(function () {
- gProgressListener.unsetCallback();
-// Close all but our primary window.
-function promiseAllButPrimaryWindowClosed() {
- let windows = [];
- for (let win of BrowserWindowIterator()) {
- if (win != window) {
- windows.push(win);
- }
- }
- return Promise.all(;
-// Forget all closed windows.
-function forgetClosedWindows() {
- while (ss.getClosedWindowCount() > 0) {
- ss.forgetClosedWindow(0);
- }
- * When opening a new window it is not sufficient to wait for its load event.
- * We need to use whenDelayedStartupFinshed() here as the browser window's
- * delayedStartup() routine is executed one tick after the window's load event
- * has been dispatched. browser-delayed-startup-finished might be deferred even
- * further if parts of the window's initialization process take more time than
- * expected (e.g. reading a big session state from disk).
- */
-function whenNewWindowLoaded(aOptions, aCallback) {
- let features = "";
- let url = "about:blank";
- if (aOptions && aOptions.private || false) {
- features = ",private";
- url = "about:privatebrowsing";
- }
- let win = openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "", "chrome,all,dialog=no" + features, url);
- let delayedStartup = promiseDelayedStartupFinished(win);
- let browserLoaded = new Promise(resolve => {
- if (url == "about:blank") {
- resolve();
- return;
- }
- win.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
- win.removeEventListener("load", onLoad);
- let browser = win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- promiseBrowserLoaded(browser).then(resolve);
- });
- });
- Promise.all([delayedStartup, browserLoaded]).then(() => aCallback(win));
-function promiseNewWindowLoaded(aOptions) {
- return new Promise(resolve => whenNewWindowLoaded(aOptions, resolve));
- * This waits for the browser-delayed-startup-finished notification of a given
- * window. It indicates that the windows has loaded completely and is ready to
- * be used for testing.
- */
-function whenDelayedStartupFinished(aWindow, aCallback) {
- Services.obs.addObserver(function observer(aSubject, aTopic) {
- if (aWindow == aSubject) {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, aTopic);
- executeSoon(aCallback);
- }
- }, "browser-delayed-startup-finished", false);
-function promiseDelayedStartupFinished(aWindow) {
- return new Promise(resolve => whenDelayedStartupFinished(aWindow, resolve));
-function promiseEvent(element, eventType, isCapturing = false) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- element.addEventListener(eventType, function listener(event) {
- element.removeEventListener(eventType, listener, isCapturing);
- resolve(event);
- }, isCapturing);
- });
-function promiseTabRestored(tab) {
- return promiseEvent(tab, "SSTabRestored");
-function promiseTabRestoring(tab) {
- return promiseEvent(tab, "SSTabRestoring");
-function sendMessage(browser, name, data = {}) {
- browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage(name, data);
- return promiseContentMessage(browser, name);
-// This creates list of functions that we will map to their corresponding
-// ss-test:* messages names. Those will be sent to the frame script and
-// be used to read and modify form data.
-const FORM_HELPERS = [
- "getTextContent",
- "getInputValue", "setInputValue",
- "getInputChecked", "setInputChecked",
- "getSelectedIndex", "setSelectedIndex",
- "getMultipleSelected", "setMultipleSelected",
- "getFileNameArray", "setFileNameArray",
-for (let name of FORM_HELPERS) {
- let msg = "ss-test:" + name;
- this[name] = (browser, data) => sendMessage(browser, msg, data);
-// Removes the given tab immediately and returns a promise that resolves when
-// all pending status updates (messages) of the closing tab have been received.
-function promiseRemoveTab(tab) {
- return BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab);
-// Write DOMSessionStorage data to the given browser.
-function modifySessionStorage(browser, data, options = {}) {
- return ContentTask.spawn(browser, [data, options], function* ([data, options]) {
- let frame = content;
- if (options && "frameIndex" in options) {
- frame = content.frames[options.frameIndex];
- }
- let keys = new Set(Object.keys(data));
- let storage = frame.sessionStorage;
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- addEventListener("MozSessionStorageChanged", function onStorageChanged(event) {
- if (event.storageArea == storage) {
- keys.delete(event.key);
- }
- if (keys.size == 0) {
- removeEventListener("MozSessionStorageChanged", onStorageChanged, true);
- resolve();
- }
- }, true);
- for (let key of keys) {
- frame.sessionStorage[key] = data[key];
- }
- });
- });
-function pushPrefs(...aPrefs) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": aPrefs}, resolve);
- });
-function popPrefs() {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(resolve);
- });
-function* checkScroll(tab, expected, msg) {
- let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
- yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
- let scroll = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)).scroll || null;
- is(JSON.stringify(scroll), JSON.stringify(expected), msg);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/restore_redirect_http.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/restore_redirect_http.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/restore_redirect_http.html
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/restore_redirect_http.html^headers^ b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/restore_redirect_http.html^headers^
deleted file mode 100644
index 533bda36f..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/restore_redirect_http.html^headers^
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-HTTP 302 Moved Temporarily
-Location: restore_redirect_target.html
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/restore_redirect_js.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/restore_redirect_js.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f5f0e54c..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/restore_redirect_js.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-var newLocation = window.location.toString().replace("restore_redirect_js.html", "restore_redirect_target.html");
-</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/restore_redirect_target.html b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/restore_redirect_target.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c8b3aae5..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/restore_redirect_target.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<title>Test page</title>
-<body>Test page</body>
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/.eslintrc.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/.eslintrc.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d35787cd2..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/.eslintrc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-module.exports = {
- "extends": [
- "../../../../../testing/xpcshell/xpcshell.eslintrc.js"
- ]
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/data/sessionCheckpoints_all.json b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/data/sessionCheckpoints_all.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 928de6a39..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/data/sessionCheckpoints_all.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-{"profile-after-change":true,"final-ui-startup":true,"sessionstore-windows-restored":true,"quit-application-granted":true,"quit-application":true,"sessionstore-final-state-write-complete":true,"profile-change-net-teardown":true,"profile-change-teardown":true,"profile-before-change":true} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/data/sessionstore_invalid.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/data/sessionstore_invalid.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a8c3ff2ff..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/data/sessionstore_invalid.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- "windows": // invalid json
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/data/sessionstore_valid.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/data/sessionstore_valid.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f9511f29f..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/data/sessionstore_valid.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- "windows": []
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/head.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/head.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b62856012..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/head.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-var Cu = Components.utils;
-var Cc = Components.classes;
-var Ci = Components.interfaces;
-// Call a function once initialization of SessionStartup is complete
-function afterSessionStartupInitialization(cb) {
- do_print("Waiting for session startup initialization");
- let observer = function() {
- try {
- do_print("Session startup initialization observed");
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "sessionstore-state-finalized");
- cb();
- } catch (ex) {
- do_throw(ex);
- }
- };
- // We need the Crash Monitor initialized for sessionstartup to run
- // successfully.
- Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/CrashMonitor.jsm");
- CrashMonitor.init();
- // Start sessionstartup initialization.
- let startup = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIObserver);
- Services.obs.addObserver(startup, "final-ui-startup", false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(startup, "quit-application", false);
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "final-ui-startup", "");
- Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "sessionstore-state-finalized", false);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_backup_once.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_backup_once.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fff34ad58..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_backup_once.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-"use strict";
-var {OS} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", {});
-var {XPCOMUtils} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", {});
-var {Task} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", {});
-var {SessionWorker} = Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionWorker.jsm", {});
-var File = OS.File;
-var Paths;
-var SessionFile;
-// We need a XULAppInfo to initialize SessionFile
-Cu.import("resource://testing-common/AppInfo.jsm", this);
- name: "SessionRestoreTest",
- ID: "{230de50e-4cd1-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66}",
- version: "1",
- platformVersion: "",
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* init() {
- // Make sure that we have a profile before initializing SessionFile
- let profd = do_get_profile();
- SessionFile = Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionFile.jsm", {}).SessionFile;
- Paths = SessionFile.Paths;
- let source = do_get_file("data/sessionstore_valid.js");
- source.copyTo(profd, "sessionstore.js");
- // Finish initialization of SessionFile
- yield;
-var pathStore;
-var pathBackup;
-var decoder;
-function promise_check_exist(path, shouldExist) {
- return Task.spawn(function*() {
- do_print("Ensuring that " + path + (shouldExist?" exists":" does not exist"));
- if ((yield OS.File.exists(path)) != shouldExist) {
- throw new Error("File " + path + " should " + (shouldExist?"exist":"not exist"));
- }
- });
-function promise_check_contents(path, expect) {
- return Task.spawn(function*() {
- do_print("Checking whether " + path + " has the right contents");
- let actual = yield, { encoding: "utf-8"});
- Assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(actual), expect, `File ${path} contains the expected data.`);
- });
-function generateFileContents(id) {
- let url = `${id}_${Math.random()}`;
- return {windows: [{tabs: [{entries: [{url}], index: 1}]}]}
-// Write to the store, and check that it creates:
-// - $Path.recovery with the new data
-// - $Path.nextUpgradeBackup with the old data
-add_task(function* test_first_write_backup() {
- let initial_content = generateFileContents("initial");
- let new_content = generateFileContents("test_1");
- do_print("Before the first write, none of the files should exist");
- yield promise_check_exist(Paths.backups, false);
- yield File.makeDir(Paths.backups);
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.clean, JSON.stringify(initial_content), { encoding: "utf-8" });
- yield SessionFile.write(new_content);
- do_print("After first write, a few files should have been created");
- yield promise_check_exist(Paths.backups, true);
- yield promise_check_exist(Paths.clean, false);
- yield promise_check_exist(Paths.cleanBackup, true);
- yield promise_check_exist(Paths.recovery, true);
- yield promise_check_exist(Paths.recoveryBackup, false);
- yield promise_check_exist(Paths.nextUpgradeBackup, true);
- yield promise_check_contents(Paths.recovery, new_content);
- yield promise_check_contents(Paths.nextUpgradeBackup, initial_content);
-// Write to the store again, and check that
-// - $Path.clean is not written
-// - $Path.recovery contains the new data
-// - $Path.recoveryBackup contains the previous data
-add_task(function* test_second_write_no_backup() {
- let new_content = generateFileContents("test_2");
- let previous_backup_content = yield, { encoding: "utf-8" });
- previous_backup_content = JSON.parse(previous_backup_content);
- yield OS.File.remove(Paths.cleanBackup);
- yield SessionFile.write(new_content);
- yield promise_check_exist(Paths.backups, true);
- yield promise_check_exist(Paths.clean, false);
- yield promise_check_exist(Paths.cleanBackup, false);
- yield promise_check_exist(Paths.recovery, true);
- yield promise_check_exist(Paths.nextUpgradeBackup, true);
- yield promise_check_contents(Paths.recovery, new_content);
- yield promise_check_contents(Paths.recoveryBackup, previous_backup_content);
-// Make sure that we create $Paths.clean and remove $Paths.recovery*
-// upon shutdown
-add_task(function* test_shutdown() {
- let output = generateFileContents("test_3");
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.recovery, "I should disappear");
- yield File.writeAtomic(Paths.recoveryBackup, "I should also disappear");
- yield"write", [output, { isFinalWrite: true, performShutdownCleanup: true}]);
- do_check_false((yield File.exists(Paths.recovery)));
- do_check_false((yield File.exists(Paths.recoveryBackup)));
- yield promise_check_contents(Paths.clean, output);
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_histogram_corrupt_files.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_histogram_corrupt_files.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c7d8b03ed..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_histogram_corrupt_files.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
- * The primary purpose of this test is to ensure that
- * the sessionstore component records information about
- * corrupted backup files into a histogram.
- */
-"use strict";
-Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", this);
-const Telemetry = Services.telemetry;
-const Path = OS.Path;
-// Prepare the session file.
-var profd = do_get_profile();
-Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionFile.jsm", this);
- * A utility function for resetting the histogram and the contents
- * of the backup directory.
- */
-function reset_session(backups = {}) {
- // Reset the histogram.
- Telemetry.getHistogramById(HistogramId).clear();
- // Reset the contents of the backups directory
- OS.File.makeDir(SessionFile.Paths.backups);
- for (let key of SessionFile.Paths.loadOrder) {
- if (backups.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- OS.File.copy(backups[key], SessionFile.Paths[key]);
- } else {
- OS.File.remove(SessionFile.Paths[key]);
- }
- }
- * In order to use FX_SESSION_RESTORE_ALL_FILES_CORRUPT histogram
- * it has to be registered in "toolkit/components/telemetry/Histograms.json".
- * This test ensures that the histogram is registered and empty.
- */
-add_task(function* test_ensure_histogram_exists_and_empty() {
- let s = Telemetry.getHistogramById(HistogramId).snapshot();
- Assert.equal(s.sum, 0, "Initially, the sum of probes is 0");
- * Makes sure that the histogram is negatively updated when no
- * backup files are present.
- */
-add_task(function* test_no_files_exist() {
- // No session files are available to SessionFile.
- reset_session();
- yield;
- // Checking if the histogram is updated negatively
- let h = Telemetry.getHistogramById(HistogramId);
- let s = h.snapshot();
- Assert.equal(s.counts[0], 1, "One probe for the 'false' bucket.");
- Assert.equal(s.counts[1], 0, "No probes in the 'true' bucket.");
- * Makes sure that the histogram is negatively updated when at least one
- * backup file is not corrupted.
- */
-add_task(function* test_one_file_valid() {
- // Corrupting some backup files.
- let invalidSession = "data/sessionstore_invalid.js";
- let validSession = "data/sessionstore_valid.js";
- reset_session({
- clean : invalidSession,
- cleanBackup: validSession,
- recovery: invalidSession,
- recoveryBackup: invalidSession
- });
- yield;
- // Checking if the histogram is updated negatively.
- let h = Telemetry.getHistogramById(HistogramId);
- let s = h.snapshot();
- Assert.equal(s.counts[0], 1, "One probe for the 'false' bucket.");
- Assert.equal(s.counts[1], 0, "No probes in the 'true' bucket.");
- * Makes sure that the histogram is positively updated when all
- * backup files are corrupted.
- */
-add_task(function* test_all_files_corrupt() {
- // Corrupting all backup files.
- let invalidSession = "data/sessionstore_invalid.js";
- reset_session({
- clean : invalidSession,
- cleanBackup: invalidSession,
- recovery: invalidSession,
- recoveryBackup: invalidSession
- });
- yield;
- // Checking if the histogram is positively updated.
- let h = Telemetry.getHistogramById(HistogramId);
- let s = h.snapshot();
- Assert.equal(s.counts[1], 1, "One probe for the 'true' bucket.");
- Assert.equal(s.counts[0], 0, "No probes in the 'false' bucket.");
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_shutdown_cleanup.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_shutdown_cleanup.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b99e566e9..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_shutdown_cleanup.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
- * This test ensures that we correctly clean up the session state before
- * writing to disk a last time on shutdown. For now it only tests that each
- * tab's shistory is capped to a maximum number of preceding and succeeding
- * entries.
- */
-const {XPCOMUtils} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", {});
-const {Task} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", {});
-const {SessionWorker} = Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionWorker.jsm", {});
-const profd = do_get_profile();
-const {SessionFile} = Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionFile.jsm", {});
-const {Paths} = SessionFile;
-const {OS} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", {});
-const {File} = OS;
-const MAX_ENTRIES = 9;
-const URL = "";
-// We need a XULAppInfo to initialize SessionFile
-Cu.import("resource://testing-common/AppInfo.jsm", this);
- name: "SessionRestoreTest",
- ID: "{230de50e-4cd1-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66}",
- version: "1",
- platformVersion: "",
-add_task(function* setup() {
- let source = do_get_file("data/sessionstore_valid.js");
- source.copyTo(profd, "sessionstore.js");
- // Finish SessionFile initialization.
- yield;
- // Reset prefs on cleanup.
- do_register_cleanup(() => {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.max_serialize_back");
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.sessionstore.max_serialize_forward");
- });
-function createSessionState(index) {
- // Generate the tab state entries and set the one-based
- // tab-state index to the middle session history entry.
- let tabState = {entries: [], index};
- for (let i = 0; i < MAX_ENTRIES; i++) {
- tabState.entries.push({url: URL + i});
- }
- return {windows: [{tabs: [tabState]}]};
-function* setMaxBackForward(back, fwd) {
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_serialize_back", back);
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_serialize_forward", fwd);
- yield;
-function* writeAndParse(state, path, options = {}) {
- yield"write", [state, options]);
- return JSON.parse(yield, {encoding: "utf-8"}));
-add_task(function* test_shistory_cap_none() {
- let state = createSessionState(5);
- // Don't limit the number of shistory entries.
- yield setMaxBackForward(-1, -1);
- // Check that no caps are applied.
- let diskState = yield writeAndParse(state, Paths.clean, {isFinalWrite: true});
- Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "no cap applied");
-add_task(function* test_shistory_cap_middle() {
- let state = createSessionState(5);
- yield setMaxBackForward(2, 3);
- // Cap is only applied on clean shutdown.
- let diskState = yield writeAndParse(state, Paths.recovery);
- Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "no cap applied");
- // Check that the right number of shistory entries was discarded
- // and the shistory index updated accordingly.
- diskState = yield writeAndParse(state, Paths.clean, {isFinalWrite: true});
- let tabState =[0].tabs[0];
- tabState.entries = tabState.entries.slice(2, 8);
- tabState.index = 3;
- Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "cap applied");
-add_task(function* test_shistory_cap_lower_bound() {
- let state = createSessionState(1);
- yield setMaxBackForward(5, 5);
- // Cap is only applied on clean shutdown.
- let diskState = yield writeAndParse(state, Paths.recovery);
- Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "no cap applied");
- // Check that the right number of shistory entries was discarded.
- diskState = yield writeAndParse(state, Paths.clean, {isFinalWrite: true});
- let tabState =[0].tabs[0];
- tabState.entries = tabState.entries.slice(0, 6);
- Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "cap applied");
-add_task(function* test_shistory_cap_upper_bound() {
- let state = createSessionState(MAX_ENTRIES);
- yield setMaxBackForward(5, 5);
- // Cap is only applied on clean shutdown.
- let diskState = yield writeAndParse(state, Paths.recovery);
- Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "no cap applied");
- // Check that the right number of shistory entries was discarded
- // and the shistory index updated accordingly.
- diskState = yield writeAndParse(state, Paths.clean, {isFinalWrite: true});
- let tabState =[0].tabs[0];
- tabState.entries = tabState.entries.slice(3);
- tabState.index = 6;
- Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "cap applied");
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_startup_invalid_session.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_startup_invalid_session.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f6df8585..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_startup_invalid_session.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function run_test() {
- let profd = do_get_profile();
- let sourceSession = do_get_file("data/sessionstore_invalid.js");
- sourceSession.copyTo(profd, "sessionstore.js");
- let sourceCheckpoints = do_get_file("data/sessionCheckpoints_all.json");
- sourceCheckpoints.copyTo(profd, "sessionCheckpoints.json");
- do_test_pending();
- let startup = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsISessionStartup);
- afterSessionStartupInitialization(function cb() {
- do_check_eq(startup.sessionType, Ci.nsISessionStartup.NO_SESSION);
- do_test_finished();
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_startup_nosession_async.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_startup_nosession_async.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5185b02d6..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_startup_nosession_async.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Test nsISessionStartup.sessionType in the following scenario:
-// - no sessionstore.js;
-// - the session store has been loaded, so no need to go
-// through the synchronous fallback
-function run_test() {
- do_get_profile();
- // Initialize the profile (the session startup uses it)
- do_test_pending();
- let startup = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsISessionStartup);
- afterSessionStartupInitialization(function cb() {
- do_check_eq(startup.sessionType, Ci.nsISessionStartup.NO_SESSION);
- do_test_finished();
- });
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_startup_session_async.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_startup_session_async.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 459acf885..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/test_startup_session_async.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Test nsISessionStartup.sessionType in the following scenario:
-// - valid sessionstore.js;
-// - valid sessionCheckpoints.json with all checkpoints;
-// - the session store has been loaded
-function run_test() {
- let profd = do_get_profile();
- let sourceSession = do_get_file("data/sessionstore_valid.js");
- sourceSession.copyTo(profd, "sessionstore.js");
- let sourceCheckpoints = do_get_file("data/sessionCheckpoints_all.json");
- sourceCheckpoints.copyTo(profd, "sessionCheckpoints.json");
- do_test_pending();
- let startup = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsISessionStartup);
- afterSessionStartupInitialization(function cb() {
- do_check_eq(startup.sessionType, Ci.nsISessionStartup.DEFER_SESSION);
- do_test_finished();
- });
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/xpcshell.ini b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/xpcshell.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 09980f877..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/unit/xpcshell.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-head = head.js
-tail =
-firefox-appdir = browser
-skip-if = toolkit == 'android'
-support-files =
- data/sessionCheckpoints_all.json
- data/sessionstore_invalid.js
- data/sessionstore_valid.js