path: root/browser/components/migration/tests/unit/test_fx_telemetry.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/migration/tests/unit/test_fx_telemetry.js')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/migration/tests/unit/test_fx_telemetry.js b/browser/components/migration/tests/unit/test_fx_telemetry.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a276f52f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/migration/tests/unit/test_fx_telemetry.js
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+/* globals do_get_tempdir */
+"use strict";
+function run_test() {
+ run_next_test();
+function readFile(file) {
+ let stream = Cc[";1"]
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream);
+ stream.init(file, -1, -1, Ci.nsIFileInputStream.CLOSE_ON_EOF);
+ let sis = Cc[";1"]
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream);
+ sis.init(stream);
+ let contents =;
+ sis.close();
+ return contents;
+function checkDirectoryContains(dir, files) {
+ print("checking " + dir.path + " - should contain " + Object.keys(files));
+ let seen = new Set();
+ let enumerator = dir.directoryEntries;
+ while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
+ let file = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile);
+ print("found file: " + file.path);
+ Assert.ok(file.leafName in files, file.leafName + " exists, but shouldn't");
+ let expectedContents = files[file.leafName];
+ if (typeof expectedContents != "string") {
+ // it's a subdir - recurse!
+ Assert.ok(file.isDirectory(), "should be a subdir");
+ let newDir = dir.clone();
+ newDir.append(file.leafName);
+ checkDirectoryContains(newDir, expectedContents);
+ } else {
+ Assert.ok(!file.isDirectory(), "should be a regular file");
+ let contents = readFile(file);
+ Assert.equal(contents, expectedContents);
+ }
+ seen.add(file.leafName);
+ }
+ let missing = [];
+ for (let x in files) {
+ if (!seen.has(x)) {
+ missing.push(x);
+ }
+ }
+ Assert.deepEqual(missing, [], "no missing files in " + dir.path);
+function getTestDirs() {
+ // we make a directory structure in a temp dir which mirrors what we are
+ // testing.
+ let tempDir = do_get_tempdir();
+ let srcDir = tempDir.clone();
+ srcDir.append("test_source_dir");
+ srcDir.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY);
+ let targetDir = tempDir.clone();
+ targetDir.append("test_target_dir");
+ targetDir.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY);
+ // no need to cleanup these dirs - the xpcshell harness will do it for us.
+ return [srcDir, targetDir];
+function writeToFile(dir, leafName, contents) {
+ let file = dir.clone();
+ file.append(leafName);
+ let outputStream = FileUtils.openFileOutputStream(file);
+ outputStream.write(contents, contents.length);
+ outputStream.close();
+function createSubDir(dir, subDirName) {
+ let subDir = dir.clone();
+ subDir.append(subDirName);
+ subDir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY);
+ return subDir;
+function promiseMigrator(name, srcDir, targetDir) {
+ let migrator = Cc[";1?app=browser&type=firefox"]
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsISupports)
+ .wrappedJSObject;
+ let migrators = migrator._getResourcesInternal(srcDir, targetDir);
+ for (let m of migrators) {
+ if ( == name) {
+ return new Promise(resolve => m.migrate(resolve));
+ }
+ }
+ throw new Error("failed to find the " + name + " migrator");
+function promiseTelemetryMigrator(srcDir, targetDir) {
+ return promiseMigrator("telemetry", srcDir, targetDir);
+add_task(function* test_empty() {
+ let [srcDir, targetDir] = getTestDirs();
+ let ok = yield promiseTelemetryMigrator(srcDir, targetDir);
+ Assert.ok(ok, "callback should have been true with empty directories");
+ // check both are empty
+ checkDirectoryContains(srcDir, {});
+ checkDirectoryContains(targetDir, {});
+add_task(function* test_migrate_files() {
+ let [srcDir, targetDir] = getTestDirs();
+ // Set up datareporting files, some to copy, some not.
+ let stateContent = JSON.stringify({
+ clientId: "68d5474e-19dc-45c1-8e9a-81fca592707c",
+ });
+ let sessionStateContent = "foobar 5432";
+ let subDir = createSubDir(srcDir, "datareporting");
+ writeToFile(subDir, "state.json", stateContent);
+ writeToFile(subDir, "session-state.json", sessionStateContent);
+ writeToFile(subDir, "other.file", "do not copy");
+ let archived = createSubDir(subDir, "archived");
+ writeToFile(archived, "other.file", "do not copy");
+ // Set up FHR files, they should not be copied.
+ writeToFile(srcDir, "healthreport.sqlite", "do not copy");
+ writeToFile(srcDir, "healthreport.sqlite-wal", "do not copy");
+ subDir = createSubDir(srcDir, "healthreport");
+ writeToFile(subDir, "state.json", "do not copy");
+ writeToFile(subDir, "other.file", "do not copy");
+ // Perform migration.
+ let ok = yield promiseTelemetryMigrator(srcDir, targetDir);
+ Assert.ok(ok, "callback should have been true with important telemetry files copied");
+ checkDirectoryContains(targetDir, {
+ "datareporting": {
+ "state.json": stateContent,
+ "session-state.json": sessionStateContent,
+ },
+ });
+add_task(function* test_fallback_fhr_state() {
+ let [srcDir, targetDir] = getTestDirs();
+ // Test that we fall back to migrating FHR state if the datareporting
+ // state file does not exist.
+ let stateContent = JSON.stringify({
+ clientId: "68d5474e-19dc-45c1-8e9a-81fca592707c",
+ });
+ let subDir = createSubDir(srcDir, "healthreport");
+ writeToFile(subDir, "state.json", stateContent);
+ // Perform migration.
+ let ok = yield promiseTelemetryMigrator(srcDir, targetDir);
+ Assert.ok(ok, "callback should have been true");
+ checkDirectoryContains(targetDir, {
+ "healthreport": {
+ "state.json": stateContent,
+ },
+ });
+add_task(function* test_datareporting_not_dir() {
+ let [srcDir, targetDir] = getTestDirs();
+ writeToFile(srcDir, "datareporting", "I'm a file but should be a directory");
+ let ok = yield promiseTelemetryMigrator(srcDir, targetDir);
+ Assert.ok(ok, "callback should have been true even though the directory was a file");
+ checkDirectoryContains(targetDir, {});
+add_task(function* test_datareporting_empty() {
+ let [srcDir, targetDir] = getTestDirs();
+ // Migrate with an empty 'datareporting' subdir.
+ createSubDir(srcDir, "datareporting");
+ let ok = yield promiseTelemetryMigrator(srcDir, targetDir);
+ Assert.ok(ok, "callback should have been true");
+ // We should end up with no migrated files.
+ checkDirectoryContains(targetDir, {
+ "datareporting": {},
+ });
+add_task(function* test_healthreport_empty() {
+ let [srcDir, targetDir] = getTestDirs();
+ // Migrate with no 'datareporting' and an empty 'healthreport' subdir.
+ createSubDir(srcDir, "healthreport");
+ let ok = yield promiseTelemetryMigrator(srcDir, targetDir);
+ Assert.ok(ok, "callback should have been true");
+ // We should end up with no migrated files.
+ checkDirectoryContains(targetDir, {});
+add_task(function* test_datareporting_many() {
+ let [srcDir, targetDir] = getTestDirs();
+ // Create some datareporting files.
+ let subDir = createSubDir(srcDir, "datareporting");
+ let shouldBeCopied = "should be copied";
+ writeToFile(subDir, "state.json", shouldBeCopied);
+ writeToFile(subDir, "session-state.json", shouldBeCopied);
+ writeToFile(subDir, "something.else", "should not");
+ createSubDir(subDir, "emptyDir");
+ let ok = yield promiseTelemetryMigrator(srcDir, targetDir);
+ Assert.ok(ok, "callback should have been true");
+ checkDirectoryContains(targetDir, {
+ "datareporting" : {
+ "state.json": shouldBeCopied,
+ "session-state.json": shouldBeCopied,
+ }
+ });
+add_task(function* test_no_session_state() {
+ let [srcDir, targetDir] = getTestDirs();
+ // Check that migration still works properly if we only have state.json.
+ let subDir = createSubDir(srcDir, "datareporting");
+ let stateContent = "abcd984";
+ writeToFile(subDir, "state.json", stateContent);
+ let ok = yield promiseTelemetryMigrator(srcDir, targetDir);
+ Assert.ok(ok, "callback should have been true");
+ checkDirectoryContains(targetDir, {
+ "datareporting" : {
+ "state.json": stateContent,
+ }
+ });
+add_task(function* test_no_state() {
+ let [srcDir, targetDir] = getTestDirs();
+ // Check that migration still works properly if we only have session-state.json.
+ let subDir = createSubDir(srcDir, "datareporting");
+ let sessionStateContent = "abcd512";
+ writeToFile(subDir, "session-state.json", sessionStateContent);
+ let ok = yield promiseTelemetryMigrator(srcDir, targetDir);
+ Assert.ok(ok, "callback should have been true");
+ checkDirectoryContains(targetDir, {
+ "datareporting" : {
+ "session-state.json": sessionStateContent,
+ }
+ });
+add_task(function* test_times_migration() {
+ let [srcDir, targetDir] = getTestDirs();
+ // create a times.json in the source directory.
+ let contents = JSON.stringify({created: 1234});
+ writeToFile(srcDir, "times.json", contents);
+ let earliest =;
+ let ok = yield promiseMigrator("times", srcDir, targetDir);
+ Assert.ok(ok, "callback should have been true");
+ let latest =;
+ let timesFile = targetDir.clone();
+ timesFile.append("times.json");
+ let raw = readFile(timesFile);
+ let times = JSON.parse(raw);
+ Assert.ok(times.reset >= earliest && times.reset <= latest);
+ // and it should have left the creation time alone.
+ Assert.equal(times.created, 1234);