path: root/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/windows/firefox.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/windows/firefox.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/windows/firefox.js b/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/windows/firefox.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eb1d8488..000000000
--- a/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/windows/firefox.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-const { Class } = require('../core/heritage');
-const { observer } = require('./observer');
-const { isBrowser, getMostRecentBrowserWindow, windows, open, getInnerId,
- getWindowTitle, getToplevelWindow, isFocused, isWindowPrivate } = require('../window/utils');
-const { List, addListItem, removeListItem } = require('../util/list');
-const { viewFor } = require('../view/core');
-const { modelFor } = require('../model/core');
-const { emit, emitOnObject, setListeners } = require('../event/core');
-const { once } = require('../dom/events');
-const { EventTarget } = require('../event/target');
-const { getSelectedTab } = require('../tabs/utils');
-const { Cc, Ci } = require('chrome');
-const { Options } = require('../tabs/common');
-const system = require('../system/events');
-const { ignoreWindow, isPrivate, isWindowPBSupported } = require('../private-browsing/utils');
-const { data, isPrivateBrowsingSupported } = require('../self');
-const { setImmediate } = require('../timers');
-const supportPrivateWindows = isPrivateBrowsingSupported && isWindowPBSupported;
-const modelsFor = new WeakMap();
-const viewsFor = new WeakMap();
-const Window = Class({
- implements: [EventTarget],
- initialize: function(domWindow) {
- modelsFor.set(domWindow, this);
- viewsFor.set(this, domWindow);
- },
- get title() {
- return getWindowTitle(viewsFor.get(this));
- },
- activate: function() {
- viewsFor.get(this).focus();
- },
- close: function(callback) {
- let domWindow = viewsFor.get(this);
- if (callback) {
- // We want to catch the close event immediately after the close events are
- // emitted everywhere but without letting the event loop spin. Registering
- // for the same events as windowEventListener but afterwards does this
- let listener = (event, closedWin) => {
- if (event != "close" || closedWin != domWindow)
- return;
-"*", listener);
- callback();
- }
- observer.on("*", listener);
- }
- domWindow.close();
- }
-const windowTabs = new WeakMap();
-const BrowserWindow = Class({
- extends: Window,
- get tabs() {
- let tabs = windowTabs.get(this);
- if (tabs)
- return tabs;
- return new WindowTabs(this);
- }
-const WindowTabs = Class({
- implements: [EventTarget],
- extends: List,
- initialize: function(window) {
- windowTabs.set(window, this);
- viewsFor.set(this, viewsFor.get(window));
- // Make sure the tabs module has loaded and found all existing tabs
- const tabs = require('../tabs');
- for (let tab of tabs) {
- if (tab.window == window)
- addListItem(this, tab);
- }
- },
- get activeTab() {
- return modelFor(getSelectedTab(viewsFor.get(this)));
- },
- open: function(options) {
- options = Options(options);
- let domWindow = viewsFor.get(this);
- let { Tab } = require('../tabs/tab-firefox');
- // The capturing listener will see the TabOpen event before
- // sdk/tabs/observer giving us time to set up the tab and listeners before
- // the real open event is fired
- let listener = event => {
- new Tab(, options);
- };
- once(domWindow, "TabOpen", listener, true);
- domWindow.gBrowser.addTab(options.url);
- }
-const BrowserWindows = Class({
- implements: [EventTarget],
- extends: List,
- initialize: function() {
- },
- get activeWindow() {
- let domWindow = getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
- if (ignoreWindow(domWindow))
- return null;
- return modelsFor.get(domWindow);
- },
- open: function(options) {
- if (typeof options == "string")
- options = { url: options };
- let { url, isPrivate } = options;
- if (url)
- url = data.url(url);
- let args = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString);
- = url;
- let features = {
- chrome: true,
- all: true,
- dialog: false
- };
- features.private = supportPrivateWindows && isPrivate;
- let domWindow = open(null, {
- parent: null,
- name: "_blank",
- features,
- args
- })
- let window = makeNewWindow(domWindow, true);
- setListeners(window, options);
- return window;
- }
-const browserWindows = new BrowserWindows();
-exports.browserWindows = browserWindows;
-function windowEmit(window, event, ...args) {
- if (window instanceof BrowserWindow && (event == "open" || event == "close"))
- emitOnObject(window, event, browserWindows, window, ...args);
- else
- emit(window, event, window, ...args);
- if (window instanceof BrowserWindow)
- emit(browserWindows, event, window, ...args);
-function makeNewWindow(domWindow, browserHint = false) {
- if (browserHint || isBrowser(domWindow))
- return new BrowserWindow(domWindow);
- else
- return new Window(domWindow);
-for (let domWindow of windows(null, {includePrivate: supportPrivateWindows})) {
- let window = makeNewWindow(domWindow);
- if (window instanceof BrowserWindow)
- addListItem(browserWindows, window);
-var windowEventListener = (event, domWindow, ...args) => {
- let toplevelWindow = getToplevelWindow(domWindow);
- if (ignoreWindow(toplevelWindow))
- return;
- let window = modelsFor.get(toplevelWindow);
- if (!window)
- window = makeNewWindow(toplevelWindow);
- if (isBrowser(toplevelWindow)) {
- if (event == "open")
- addListItem(browserWindows, window);
- else if (event == "close")
- removeListItem(browserWindows, window);
- }
- windowEmit(window, event, ...args);
- // The window object shouldn't be reachable after closed
- if (event == "close") {
- viewsFor.delete(window);
- modelsFor.delete(toplevelWindow);
- }
-observer.on("*", windowEventListener);
-viewFor.define(BrowserWindow, window => {
- return viewsFor.get(window);
-const isBrowserWindow = (x) => x instanceof BrowserWindow;
-isPrivate.when(isBrowserWindow, (w) => isWindowPrivate(viewsFor.get(w)));
-isFocused.when(isBrowserWindow, (w) => isFocused(viewsFor.get(w)));