path: root/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/ui/component.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/ui/component.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/ui/component.js b/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/ui/component.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d1f12c95e..000000000
--- a/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/ui/component.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-// Internal properties not exposed to the public.
-const cache = Symbol("component/cache");
-const writer = Symbol("component/writer");
-const isFirstWrite = Symbol("component/writer/first-write?");
-const currentState = Symbol("component/state/current");
-const pendingState = Symbol("component/state/pending");
-const isWriting = Symbol("component/writing?");
-const isntNull = x => x !== null;
-const Component = function(options, children) {
- this[currentState] = null;
- this[pendingState] = null;
- this[writer] = null;
- this[cache] = null;
- this[isFirstWrite] = true;
- this[Component.construct](options, children);
-Component.Component = Component;
-// Constructs component.
-Component.construct = Symbol("component/construct");
-// Called with `options` and `children` and must return
-// initial state back.
-Component.initial = Symbol("component/initial");
-// Function patches current `state` with a given update.
-Component.patch = Symbol("component/patch");
-// Function that replaces current `state` with a passed state.
-Component.reset = Symbol("component/reset");
-// Function that must return render tree from passed state.
-Component.render = Symbol("component/render");
-// Path of the component with in the mount point.
-Component.path = Symbol("component/path");
-Component.isMounted = component => !!component[writer];
-Component.isWriting = component => !!component[isWriting];
-// Internal method that mounts component to a writer.
-// Mounts component to a writer.
-Component.mount = (component, write) => {
- if (Component.isMounted(component)) {
- throw Error("Can not mount already mounted component");
- }
- component[writer] = write;
- Component.write(component);
- if (component[Component.mounted]) {
- component[Component.mounted]();
- }
-// Unmounts component from a writer.
-Component.unmount = (component) => {
- if (Component.isMounted(component)) {
- component[writer] = null;
- if (component[Component.unmounted]) {
- component[Component.unmounted]();
- }
- } else {
- console.warn("Unmounting component that is not mounted is redundant");
- }
- // Method invoked once after inital write occurs.
-Component.mounted = Symbol("component/mounted");
-// Internal method that unmounts component from the writer.
-Component.unmounted = Symbol("component/unmounted");
-// Function that must return true if component is changed
-Component.isUpdated = Symbol("component/updated?");
-Component.update = Symbol("component/update");
-Component.updated = Symbol("component/updated");
-const writeChild = base => (child, index) => Component.write(child, base, index)
-Component.write = (component, base, index) => {
- if (component === null) {
- return component;
- }
- if (!(component instanceof Component)) {
- const path = base ? `${base}${component.key || index}/` : `/`;
- return Object.assign({}, component, {
- [Component.path]: path,
- children: component.children && component.children.
- map(writeChild(path)).
- filter(isntNull)
- });
- }
- component[isWriting] = true;
- try {
- const current = component[currentState];
- const pending = component[pendingState] || current;
- const isUpdated = component[Component.isUpdated];
- const isInitial = component[isFirstWrite];
- if (isUpdated(current, pending) || isInitial) {
- if (!isInitial && component[Component.update]) {
- component[Component.update](pending, current)
- }
- // Note: [Component.update] could have caused more updates so can't use
- // `pending` as `component[pendingState]` may have changed.
- component[currentState] = component[pendingState] || current;
- component[pendingState] = null;
- const tree = component[Component.render](component[currentState]);
- component[cache] = Component.write(tree, base, index);
- if (component[writer]) {
- component[writer].call(null, component[cache]);
- }
- if (!isInitial && component[Component.updated]) {
- component[Component.updated](current, pending);
- }
- }
- component[isFirstWrite] = false;
- return component[cache];
- } finally {
- component[isWriting] = false;
- }
-Component.prototype = Object.freeze({
- constructor: Component,
- [Component.mounted]: null,
- [Component.unmounted]: null,
- [Component.update]: null,
- [Component.updated]: null,
- get state() {
- return this[pendingState] || this[currentState];
- },
- [Component.construct](settings, items) {
- const initial = this[Component.initial];
- const base = initial(settings, items);
- const options = Object.assign(Object.create(null), base.options, settings);
- const children = base.children || items || null;
- const state = Object.assign(Object.create(null), base, {options, children});
- this[currentState] = state;
- if (this.setup) {
- this.setup(state);
- }
- },
- [Component.initial](options, children) {
- return Object.create(null);
- },
- [Component.patch](update) {
- this[Component.reset](Object.assign({}, this.state, update));
- },
- [Component.reset](state) {
- this[pendingState] = state;
- if (Component.isMounted(this) && !Component.isWriting(this)) {
- Component.write(this);
- }
- },
- [Component.isUpdated](before, after) {
- return before != after
- },
- [Component.render](state) {
- throw Error("Component must implement [Component.render] member");
- }
-module.exports = Component;