path: root/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_json_updatecheck.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-10 02:49:12 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-10 02:49:12 -0500
commit4fb11cd5966461bccc3ed1599b808237be6b0de9 (patch)
treed7f0ccd49cebb3544d52635ff1bd6ed4d763823f /toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_json_updatecheck.js
parentf164d9124708b50789dbb6959e1de96cc5697c48 (diff)
Move WebExtensions enabled Add-ons Manager
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_json_updatecheck.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 372 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_json_updatecheck.js b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_json_updatecheck.js
deleted file mode 100644
index adf789afb..000000000
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_json_updatecheck.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- *
- */
-"use strict";
-// This verifies that AddonUpdateChecker works correctly for JSON
-// update manifests, particularly for behavior which does not
-// cleanly overlap with RDF manifests.
-const TOOLKIT_ID = "";
-const TOOLKIT_MINVERSION = "42.0a1";
-createAppInfo("", "XPCShell", "42.0a2", "42.0a2");
-let testserver = createHttpServer();
-gPort = testserver.identity.primaryPort;
-let gUpdateManifests = {};
-function mapManifest(aPath, aManifestData) {
- gUpdateManifests[aPath] = aManifestData;
- testserver.registerPathHandler(aPath, serveManifest);
-function serveManifest(request, response) {
- let manifest = gUpdateManifests[request.path];
- response.setHeader("Content-Type", manifest.contentType, false);
- response.write(;
-const extensionsDir = gProfD.clone();
-function checkUpdates(aData) {
- // Registers JSON update manifest for it with the testing server,
- // checks for updates, and yields the list of updates on
- // success.
- let extension = aData.manifestExtension || "json";
- let path = `/updates/${}.${extension}`;
- let updateUrl = `http://localhost:${gPort}${path}`
- let addonData = {};
- if ("updates" in aData)
- addonData.updates = aData.updates;
- let manifestJSON = {
- "addons": {
- []: addonData
- }
- };
- mapManifest(path.replace(/\?.*/, ""),
- { data: JSON.stringify(manifestJSON),
- contentType: aData.contentType || "application/json" });
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- AddonUpdateChecker.checkForUpdates(, aData.updateKey, updateUrl, {
- onUpdateCheckComplete: resolve,
- onUpdateCheckError: function(status) {
- reject(new Error("Update check failed with status " + status));
- }
- });
- });
-add_task(function* test_default_values() {
- // Checks that the appropriate defaults are used for omitted values.
- startupManager();
- let updates = yield checkUpdates({
- id: "",
- version: "0.1",
- updates: [{
- version: "0.2"
- }]
- });
- equal(updates.length, 1);
- let update = updates[0];
- equal(update.targetApplications.length, 1);
- let targetApp = update.targetApplications[0];
- equal(, TOOLKIT_ID);
- equal(targetApp.minVersion, TOOLKIT_MINVERSION);
- equal(targetApp.maxVersion, "*");
- equal(update.version, "0.2");
- equal(update.multiprocessCompatible, true, "multiprocess_compatible flag");
- equal(update.strictCompatibility, false, "inferred strictConpatibility flag");
- equal(update.updateURL, null, "updateURL");
- equal(update.updateHash, null, "updateHash");
- equal(update.updateInfoURL, null, "updateInfoURL");
- // If there's no applications property, we default to using one
- // containing "gecko". If there is an applications property, but
- // it doesn't contain "gecko", the update is skipped.
- updates = yield checkUpdates({
- id: "",
- version: "0.1",
- updates: [{
- version: "0.2",
- applications: { "foo": {} }
- }]
- });
- equal(updates.length, 0);
- // Updates property is also optional. No updates, but also no error.
- updates = yield checkUpdates({
- id: "",
- version: "0.1",
- });
- equal(updates.length, 0);
-add_task(function* test_explicit_values() {
- // Checks that the appropriate explicit values are used when
- // provided.
- let updates = yield checkUpdates({
- id: "",
- version: "0.1",
- updates: [{
- version: "0.2",
- update_link: "",
- update_hash: "sha256:0",
- update_info_url: "",
- multiprocess_compatible: false,
- applications: {
- gecko: {
- strict_min_version: "42.0a2.xpcshell",
- strict_max_version: "43.xpcshell"
- }
- }
- }]
- });
- equal(updates.length, 1);
- let update = updates[0];
- equal(update.targetApplications.length, 1);
- let targetApp = update.targetApplications[0];
- equal(, TOOLKIT_ID);
- equal(targetApp.minVersion, "42.0a2.xpcshell");
- equal(targetApp.maxVersion, "43.xpcshell");
- equal(update.version, "0.2");
- equal(update.multiprocessCompatible, false, "multiprocess_compatible flag");
- equal(update.strictCompatibility, true, "inferred strictCompatibility flag");
- equal(update.updateURL, "", "updateURL");
- equal(update.updateHash, "sha256:0", "updateHash");
- equal(update.updateInfoURL, "", "updateInfoURL");
-add_task(function* test_secure_hashes() {
- // Checks that only secure hash functions are accepted for
- // non-secure update URLs.
- let hashFunctions = ["sha512",
- "sha256",
- "sha1",
- "md5",
- "md4",
- "xxx"];
- let updateItems =, idx) => ({
- version: `0.${idx}`,
- update_link: `http://localhost:${gPort}/updates/${idx}-${hash}.xpi`,
- update_hash: `${hash}:08ac852190ecd81f40a514ea9299fe9143d9ab5e296b97e73fb2a314de49648a`,
- }));
- let { messages, result: updates } = yield promiseConsoleOutput(() => {
- return checkUpdates({
- id: "",
- version: "0.1",
- updates: updateItems
- });
- });
- equal(updates.length, hashFunctions.length);
- updates = updates.filter(update => update.updateHash || update.updateURL);
- equal(updates.length, 2, "expected number of update hashes were accepted");
- ok(updates[0].updateHash.startsWith("sha512:"), "sha512 hash is present");
- ok(updates[0].updateURL);
- ok(updates[1].updateHash.startsWith("sha256:"), "sha256 hash is present");
- ok(updates[1].updateURL);
- messages = messages.filter(msg => /Update link.*not secure.*strong enough hash \(needs to be sha256 or sha512\)/.test(msg.message));
- equal(messages.length, hashFunctions.length - 2, "insecure hashes generated the expected warning");
-add_task(function* test_strict_compat() {
- // Checks that strict compatibility is enabled for strict max
- // versions other than "*", but not for advisory max versions.
- // Also, ensure that strict max versions take precedence over
- // advisory versions.
- let { messages, result: updates } = yield promiseConsoleOutput(() => {
- return checkUpdates({
- id: "",
- version: "0.1",
- updates: [
- { version: "0.2",
- applications: { gecko: { strict_max_version: "*" } } },
- { version: "0.3",
- applications: { gecko: { strict_max_version: "43" } } },
- { version: "0.4",
- applications: { gecko: { advisory_max_version: "43" } } },
- { version: "0.5",
- applications: { gecko: { advisory_max_version: "43",
- strict_max_version: "44" } } },
- ]
- });
- });
- equal(updates.length, 4, "all update items accepted");
- equal(updates[0].targetApplications[0].maxVersion, "*");
- equal(updates[0].strictCompatibility, false);
- equal(updates[1].targetApplications[0].maxVersion, "43");
- equal(updates[1].strictCompatibility, true);
- equal(updates[2].targetApplications[0].maxVersion, "43");
- equal(updates[2].strictCompatibility, false);
- equal(updates[3].targetApplications[0].maxVersion, "44");
- equal(updates[3].strictCompatibility, true);
- messages = messages.filter(msg => /Ignoring 'advisory_max_version'.*'strict_max_version' also present/.test(msg.message));
- equal(messages.length, 1, "mix of advisory_max_version and strict_max_version generated the expected warning");
-add_task(function* test_update_url_security() {
- // Checks that update links to privileged URLs are not accepted.
- let { messages, result: updates } = yield promiseConsoleOutput(() => {
- return checkUpdates({
- id: "",
- version: "0.1",
- updates: [
- { version: "0.2",
- update_link: "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul",
- update_hash: "sha256:08ac852190ecd81f40a514ea9299fe9143d9ab5e296b97e73fb2a314de49648a" },
- { version: "0.3",
- update_link: "",
- update_hash: "sha256:18ac852190ecd81f40a514ea9299fe9143d9ab5e296b97e73fb2a314de49648a" },
- ]
- });
- });
- equal(updates.length, 2, "both updates were processed");
- equal(updates[0].updateURL, null, "privileged update URL was removed");
- equal(updates[1].updateURL, "", "safe update URL was accepted");
- messages = messages.filter(msg => /http:\/\/localhost.*\/updates\/.*may not load or link to chrome:/.test(msg.message));
- equal(messages.length, 1, "privileged upate URL generated the expected console message");
-add_task(function* test_no_update_key() {
- // Checks that updates fail when an update key has been specified.
- let { messages } = yield promiseConsoleOutput(function* () {
- yield Assert.rejects(
- checkUpdates({
- id: "",
- version: "0.1",
- updateKey: "ayzzx=",
- updates: [
- { version: "0.2" },
- { version: "0.3" },
- ]
- }),
- null, "updated expected to fail");
- });
- messages = messages.filter(msg => /Update keys are not supported for JSON update manifests/.test(msg.message));
- equal(messages.length, 1, "got expected update-key-unsupported error");
-add_task(function* test_type_detection() {
- // Checks that JSON update manifests are detected correctly
- // regardless of extension or MIME type.
- let tests = [
- { contentType: "application/json",
- extension: "json",
- valid: true },
- { contentType: "application/json",
- extension: "php",
- valid: true },
- { contentType: "text/plain",
- extension: "json",
- valid: true },
- { contentType: "application/octet-stream",
- extension: "json",
- valid: true },
- { contentType: "text/plain",
- extension: "json?foo=bar",
- valid: true },
- { contentType: "text/plain",
- extension: "php",
- valid: true },
- { contentType: "text/plain",
- extension: "rdf",
- valid: true },
- { contentType: "application/json",
- extension: "rdf",
- valid: true },
- { contentType: "text/xml",
- extension: "json",
- valid: true },
- { contentType: "application/rdf+xml",
- extension: "json",
- valid: true },
- ];
- for (let [i, test] of tests.entries()) {
- let { messages } = yield promiseConsoleOutput(function *() {
- let id = `updatecheck-typedetection-${i}`;
- let updates;
- try {
- updates = yield checkUpdates({
- id: id,
- version: "0.1",
- contentType: test.contentType,
- manifestExtension: test.extension,
- updates: [{ version: "0.2" }]
- });
- } catch (e) {
- ok(!test.valid, "update manifest correctly detected as RDF");
- return;
- }
- ok(test.valid, "update manifest correctly detected as JSON");
- equal(updates.length, 1, "correct number of updates");
- equal(updates[0].id, id, "update is for correct extension");
- });
- if (test.valid) {
- // Make sure we don't get any XML parsing errors from the
- // XMLHttpRequest machinery.
- ok(!messages.some(msg => /not well-formed/.test(msg.message)),
- "expect XMLHttpRequest not to attempt XML parsing");
- }
- messages = messages.filter(msg => /Update manifest was not valid XML/.test(msg.message));
- equal(messages.length, !test.valid, "expected number of XML parsing errors");
- }