path: root/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/amInstallTrigger.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-11 07:03:16 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-11 07:03:16 -0500
commit203eb0f61a09372310a2a8fb57e169cb3f47800b (patch)
tree8490329d3dae4de3c7ffd127bce1f65fdc009abd /toolkit/mozapps/extensions/amInstallTrigger.js
parente45706ca3acbb6530419433212becc61d5953a2d (diff)
parent8f6d3dab81c7f8f97ef197e26ab9439b09735b8f (diff)
Merge branch 'ext-work'FF_Checkpoint_1
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/mozapps/extensions/amInstallTrigger.js')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/amInstallTrigger.js b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/amInstallTrigger.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b83cbe60b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/amInstallTrigger.js
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
+const XPINSTALL_MIMETYPE = "application/x-xpinstall";
+const MSG_INSTALL_ENABLED = "WebInstallerIsInstallEnabled";
+const MSG_INSTALL_ADDONS = "WebInstallerInstallAddonsFromWebpage";
+const MSG_INSTALL_CALLBACK = "WebInstallerInstallCallback";
+let log = Log.repository.getLogger("AddonManager.InstallTrigger");
+log.level = Log.Level[Preferences.get("extensions.logging.enabled", false) ? "Warn" : "Trace"];
+function CallbackObject(id, callback, urls, mediator) {
+ = id;
+ this.callback = callback;
+ this.urls = new Set(urls);
+ this.callCallback = function(url, status) {
+ try {
+ this.callback(url, status);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ log.warn("InstallTrigger callback threw an exception: " + e);
+ }
+ this.urls.delete(url);
+ if (this.urls.size == 0)
+ mediator._callbacks.delete(id);
+ };
+function RemoteMediator(windowID) {
+ this._windowID = windowID;
+ this._lastCallbackID = 0;
+ this._callbacks = new Map();
+ = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsISyncMessageSender);
+, this);
+RemoteMediator.prototype = {
+ receiveMessage: function(message) {
+ let payload =;
+ let callbackHandler = this._callbacks.get(payload.callbackID);
+ if (callbackHandler) {
+ callbackHandler.callCallback(payload.url, payload.status);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ enabled: function(url) {
+ let params = {
+ };
+ return, params)[0];
+ },
+ install: function(installs, principal, callback, window) {
+ let callbackID = this._addCallback(callback, installs.uris);
+ installs.mimetype = XPINSTALL_MIMETYPE;
+ installs.triggeringPrincipal = principal;
+ installs.callbackID = callbackID;
+ if (Services.appinfo.processType == Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
+ // When running in the main process this might be a frame inside an
+ // in-content UI page, walk up to find the first frame element in a chrome
+ // privileged document
+ let element = window.frameElement;
+ let ssm = Services.scriptSecurityManager;
+ while (element && !ssm.isSystemPrincipal(element.ownerDocument.nodePrincipal))
+ element = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement;
+ if (element) {
+ let listener = Cc[";1"].
+ getService(Ci.nsIMessageListener);
+ return listener.wrappedJSObject.receiveMessage({
+ target: element,
+ data: installs,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Fall back to sending through the message manager
+ let messageManager = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
+ .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation)
+ .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell)
+ .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
+ .getInterface(Ci.nsIContentFrameMessageManager);
+ return messageManager.sendSyncMessage(MSG_INSTALL_ADDONS, installs)[0];
+ },
+ _addCallback: function(callback, urls) {
+ if (!callback || typeof callback != "function")
+ return -1;
+ let callbackID = this._windowID + "-" + ++this._lastCallbackID;
+ let callbackObject = new CallbackObject(callbackID, callback, urls, this);
+ this._callbacks.set(callbackID, callbackObject);
+ return callbackID;
+ },
+ QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference])
+function InstallTrigger() {
+InstallTrigger.prototype = {
+ // Here be magic. We've declared ourselves as providing the
+ // nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer interface, and are registered in the
+ // "JavaScript-global-property" category in the XPCOM category manager. This
+ // means that for newly created windows, XPCOM will createinstance this
+ // object, and then call init, passing in the window for which we need to
+ // provide an instance. We then initialize ourselves and return the webidl
+ // version of this object using the webidl-provided _create method, which
+ // XPCOM will then duly expose as a property value on the window. All this
+ // indirection is necessary because webidl does not (yet) support statics
+ // (bug 863952). See bug 926712 for more details about this implementation.
+ init: function(window) {
+ this._window = window;
+ this._principal = window.document.nodePrincipal;
+ this._url = window.document.documentURIObject;
+ window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor);
+ let utils = window.getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
+ this._mediator = new RemoteMediator(utils.currentInnerWindowID);
+ return window.InstallTriggerImpl._create(window, this);
+ },
+ enabled: function() {
+ return this._mediator.enabled(this._url.spec);
+ },
+ updateEnabled: function() {
+ return this.enabled();
+ },
+ install: function(installs, callback) {
+ let installData = {
+ uris: [],
+ hashes: [],
+ names: [],
+ icons: [],
+ };
+ for (let name of Object.keys(installs)) {
+ let item = installs[name];
+ if (typeof item === "string") {
+ item = { URL: item };
+ }
+ if (!item.URL) {
+ throw new this._window.DOMError("Error", "Missing URL property for '" + name + "'");
+ }
+ let url = this._resolveURL(item.URL);
+ if (!this._checkLoadURIFromScript(url)) {
+ throw new this._window.DOMError("SecurityError", "Insufficient permissions to install: " + url.spec);
+ }
+ let iconUrl = null;
+ if (item.IconURL) {
+ iconUrl = this._resolveURL(item.IconURL);
+ if (!this._checkLoadURIFromScript(iconUrl)) {
+ iconUrl = null; // If page can't load the icon, just ignore it
+ }
+ }
+ installData.uris.push(url.spec);
+ installData.hashes.push(item.Hash || null);
+ installData.names.push(name);
+ installData.icons.push(iconUrl ? iconUrl.spec : null);
+ }
+ return this._mediator.install(installData, this._principal, callback, this._window);
+ },
+ startSoftwareUpdate: function(url, flags) {
+ let filename =, null, null)
+ .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL)
+ .filename;
+ let args = {};
+ args[filename] = { "URL": url };
+ return this.install(args);
+ },
+ installChrome: function(type, url, skin) {
+ return this.startSoftwareUpdate(url);
+ },
+ _resolveURL: function (url) {
+ return, null, this._url);
+ },
+ _checkLoadURIFromScript: function(uri) {
+ let secman = Services.scriptSecurityManager;
+ try {
+ secman.checkLoadURIWithPrincipal(this._principal,
+ uri,
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ classID: Components.ID("{9df8ef2b-94da-45c9-ab9f-132eb55fddf1}"),
+ contractID: ";1",
+ QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports, Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer])
+this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([InstallTrigger]);