path: root/toolkit/modules/tests/xpcshell/test_GMPInstallManager.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2020-02-25 15:07:00 -0500
committerwolfbeast <>2020-04-14 12:55:19 +0200
commiteb70e6e3d0bff11c25f14b1196025791bf2308fb (patch)
tree5ef4ce17db83c74d7b05ec12c8f59e095a6dd5bd /toolkit/modules/tests/xpcshell/test_GMPInstallManager.js
parent32ead795290b3399d56b4708fc75b77d296f6a1a (diff)
Issue #439 - Remove tests from toolkit/
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/modules/tests/xpcshell/test_GMPInstallManager.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 794 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/modules/tests/xpcshell/test_GMPInstallManager.js b/toolkit/modules/tests/xpcshell/test_GMPInstallManager.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 74d5ad43d..000000000
--- a/toolkit/modules/tests/xpcshell/test_GMPInstallManager.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,794 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu, manager: Cm} = Components;
-const URL_HOST = "http://localhost";
-var GMPScope = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/GMPInstallManager.jsm");
-var { computeHash } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/addons/ProductAddonChecker.jsm");
-var ProductAddonCheckerScope = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/addons/ProductAddonChecker.jsm");
-function run_test() { Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm")
- Preferences.set("media.gmp.log.dump", true);
- Preferences.set("media.gmp.log.level", 0);
- run_next_test();
- * Tests that the helper used for preferences works correctly
- */
-add_task(function* test_prefs() {
- let addon1 = "addon1", addon2 = "addon2";
- GMPScope.GMPPrefs.set(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_URL, "http://not-really-used");
- GMPScope.GMPPrefs.set(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_URL_OVERRIDE, "http://not-really-used-2");
- GMPScope.GMPPrefs.set(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_LAST_UPDATE, "1", addon1);
- GMPScope.GMPPrefs.set(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, "2", addon1);
- GMPScope.GMPPrefs.set(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_LAST_UPDATE, "3", addon2);
- GMPScope.GMPPrefs.set(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, "4", addon2);
- GMPScope.GMPPrefs.set(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_AUTOUPDATE, false, addon2);
- GMPScope.GMPPrefs.set(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_CERT_CHECKATTRS, true);
- do_check_eq(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.get(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_URL), "http://not-really-used");
- do_check_eq(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.get(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_URL_OVERRIDE),
- "http://not-really-used-2");
- do_check_eq(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.get(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_LAST_UPDATE, "", addon1), "1");
- do_check_eq(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.get(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, "", addon1), "2");
- do_check_eq(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.get(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_LAST_UPDATE, "", addon2), "3");
- do_check_eq(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.get(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, "", addon2), "4");
- do_check_eq(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.get(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_AUTOUPDATE, undefined, addon2),
- false);
- do_check_true(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.get(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_CERT_CHECKATTRS));
- GMPScope.GMPPrefs.set(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_AUTOUPDATE, true, addon2);
- * Tests that an uninit without a check works fine
- */
-add_task(function* test_checkForAddons_uninitWithoutCheck() {
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- installManager.uninit();
- * Tests that an uninit without an install works fine
- */
-add_test(function test_checkForAddons_uninitWithoutInstall() {
- overrideXHR(200, "");
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let promise = installManager.checkForAddons();
- promise.then(res => {
- do_check_true(res.usedFallback);
- installManager.uninit();
- run_next_test();
- });
- * Tests that no response returned rejects
- */
-add_test(function test_checkForAddons_noResponse() {
- overrideXHR(200, "");
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let promise = installManager.checkForAddons();
- promise.then(res => {
- do_check_true(res.usedFallback);
- installManager.uninit();
- run_next_test();
- });
- * Tests that no addons element returned resolves with no addons
- */
-add_task(function* test_checkForAddons_noAddonsElement() {
- overrideXHR(200, "<updates></updates>");
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let res = yield installManager.checkForAddons();
- do_check_eq(res.gmpAddons.length, 0);
- installManager.uninit();
- * Tests that empty addons element returned resolves with no addons
- */
-add_task(function* test_checkForAddons_emptyAddonsElement() {
- overrideXHR(200, "<updates><addons/></updates>");
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let res = yield installManager.checkForAddons();
- do_check_eq(res.gmpAddons.length, 0);
- installManager.uninit();
- * Tests that a response with the wrong root element rejects
- */
-add_test(function test_checkForAddons_wrongResponseXML() {
- overrideXHR(200, "<digits_of_pi>3.141592653589793....</digits_of_pi>");
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let promise = installManager.checkForAddons();
- promise.then(res => {
- do_check_true(res.usedFallback);
- installManager.uninit();
- run_next_test();
- });
- * Tests that a 404 error works as expected
- */
-add_test(function test_checkForAddons_404Error() {
- overrideXHR(404, "");
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let promise = installManager.checkForAddons();
- promise.then(res => {
- do_check_true(res.usedFallback);
- installManager.uninit();
- run_next_test();
- });
- * Tests that a xhr abort() works as expected
- */
-add_test(function test_checkForAddons_abort() {
- let overriddenXhr = overrideXHR(200, "", { dropRequest: true} );
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let promise = installManager.checkForAddons();
- overriddenXhr.abort();
- promise.then(res => {
- do_check_true(res.usedFallback);
- installManager.uninit();
- run_next_test();
- });
- * Tests that a defensive timeout works as expected
- */
-add_test(function test_checkForAddons_timeout() {
- overrideXHR(200, "", { dropRequest: true, timeout: true });
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let promise = installManager.checkForAddons();
- promise.then(res => {
- do_check_true(res.usedFallback);
- installManager.uninit();
- run_next_test();
- });
- * Tests that we throw correctly in case of ssl certification error.
- */
-add_test(function test_checkForAddons_bad_ssl() {
- //
- // Add random stuff that cause CertUtil to require https.
- //
- Preferences.get(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_URL_OVERRIDE, undefined);
- Preferences.reset(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_URL_OVERRIDE);
- Preferences.get(CERTS_BRANCH_DOT_ONE, undefined);
- Services.prefs.setCharPref(CERTS_BRANCH_DOT_ONE, "funky value");
- overrideXHR(200, "");
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let promise = installManager.checkForAddons();
- promise.then(res => {
- do_check_true(res.usedFallback);
- installManager.uninit();
- Preferences.set(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_URL_OVERRIDE,
- }
- Preferences.set(CERTS_BRANCH_DOT_ONE,
- }
- run_next_test();
- });
- * Tests that gettinga a funky non XML response works as expected
- */
-add_test(function test_checkForAddons_notXML() {
- overrideXHR(200, "3.141592653589793....");
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let promise = installManager.checkForAddons();
- promise.then(res => {
- do_check_true(res.usedFallback);
- installManager.uninit();
- run_next_test();
- });
- * Tests that getting a response with a single addon works as expected
- */
-add_task(function* test_checkForAddons_singleAddon() {
- let responseXML =
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +
- "<updates>" +
- " <addons>" +
- " <addon id=\"gmp-gmpopenh264\"" +
- " URL=\"\"" +
- " hashFunction=\"sha256\"" +
- " hashValue=\"1118b90d6f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee\"" +
- " version=\"1.1\"/>" +
- " </addons>" +
- "</updates>"
- overrideXHR(200, responseXML);
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let res = yield installManager.checkForAddons();
- do_check_eq(res.gmpAddons.length, 1);
- let gmpAddon = res.gmpAddons[0];
- do_check_eq(, "gmp-gmpopenh264");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.URL, "");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.hashFunction, "sha256");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.hashValue, "1118b90d6f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.version, "1.1");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.size, undefined);
- do_check_true(gmpAddon.isValid);
- do_check_false(gmpAddon.isInstalled);
- installManager.uninit();
- * Tests that getting a response with a single addon with the optional size
- * attribute parses as expected.
- */
-add_task(function* test_checkForAddons_singleAddonWithSize() {
- let responseXML =
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +
- "<updates>" +
- " <addons>" +
- " <addon id=\"openh264-plugin-no-at-symbol\"" +
- " URL=\"\"" +
- " hashFunction=\"sha256\"" +
- " size=\"42\"" +
- " hashValue=\"1118b90d6f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee\"" +
- " version=\"1.1\"/>" +
- " </addons>" +
- "</updates>"
- overrideXHR(200, responseXML);
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let res = yield installManager.checkForAddons();
- do_check_eq(res.gmpAddons.length, 1);
- let gmpAddon = res.gmpAddons[0];
- do_check_eq(, "openh264-plugin-no-at-symbol");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.URL, "");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.hashFunction, "sha256");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.hashValue, "1118b90d6f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.size, 42);
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.version, "1.1");
- do_check_true(gmpAddon.isValid);
- do_check_false(gmpAddon.isInstalled);
- installManager.uninit();
- * Tests that checking for multiple addons work correctly.
- * Also tests that invalid addons work correctly.
- */
-add_task(function* test_checkForAddons_multipleAddonNoUpdatesSomeInvalid() {
- let responseXML =
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +
- "<updates>" +
- " <addons>" +
- // valid openh264
- " <addon id=\"gmp-gmpopenh264\"" +
- " URL=\"\"" +
- " hashFunction=\"sha256\"" +
- " hashValue=\"1118b90d6f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee\"" +
- " version=\"1.1\"/>" +
- // valid not openh264
- " <addon id=\"NOT-gmp-gmpopenh264\"" +
- " URL=\"\"" +
- " hashFunction=\"sha512\"" +
- " hashValue=\"141592656f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee\"" +
- " version=\"9.1\"/>" +
- // noid
- " <addon notid=\"NOT-gmp-gmpopenh264\"" +
- " URL=\"\"" +
- " hashFunction=\"sha512\"" +
- " hashValue=\"141592656f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee\"" +
- " version=\"9.1\"/>" +
- // no URL
- " <addon id=\"NOT-gmp-gmpopenh264\"" +
- " notURL=\"\"" +
- " hashFunction=\"sha512\"" +
- " hashValue=\"141592656f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee\"" +
- " version=\"9.1\"/>" +
- // no hash function
- " <addon id=\"NOT-gmp-gmpopenh264\"" +
- " URL=\"\"" +
- " nothashFunction=\"sha512\"" +
- " hashValue=\"141592656f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee\"" +
- " version=\"9.1\"/>" +
- // no hash function
- " <addon id=\"NOT-gmp-gmpopenh264\"" +
- " URL=\"\"" +
- " hashFunction=\"sha512\"" +
- " nothashValue=\"141592656f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee\"" +
- " version=\"9.1\"/>" +
- // not version
- " <addon id=\"NOT-gmp-gmpopenh264\"" +
- " URL=\"\"" +
- " hashFunction=\"sha512\"" +
- " hashValue=\"141592656f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee\"" +
- " notversion=\"9.1\"/>" +
- " </addons>" +
- "</updates>"
- overrideXHR(200, responseXML);
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let res = yield installManager.checkForAddons();
- do_check_eq(res.gmpAddons.length, 7);
- let gmpAddon = res.gmpAddons[0];
- do_check_eq(, "gmp-gmpopenh264");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.URL, "");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.hashFunction, "sha256");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.hashValue, "1118b90d6f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.version, "1.1");
- do_check_true(gmpAddon.isValid);
- do_check_false(gmpAddon.isInstalled);
- gmpAddon = res.gmpAddons[1];
- do_check_eq(, "NOT-gmp-gmpopenh264");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.URL, "");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.hashFunction, "sha512");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.hashValue, "141592656f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.version, "9.1");
- do_check_true(gmpAddon.isValid);
- do_check_false(gmpAddon.isInstalled);
- for (let i = 2; i < res.gmpAddons.length; i++) {
- do_check_false(res.gmpAddons[i].isValid);
- do_check_false(res.gmpAddons[i].isInstalled);
- }
- installManager.uninit();
- * Tests that checking for addons when there are also updates available
- * works as expected.
- */
-add_task(function* test_checkForAddons_updatesWithAddons() {
- let responseXML =
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +
- " <updates>" +
- " <update type=\"minor\" displayVersion=\"33.0a1\" appVersion=\"33.0a1\" platformVersion=\"33.0a1\" buildID=\"20140628030201\">" +
- " <patch type=\"complete\" URL=\"\" hashFunction=\"sha512\" hashValue=\"f3f90d71dff03ae81def80e64bba3e4569da99c9e15269f731c2b167c4fc30b3aed9f5fee81c19614120230ca333e73a5e7def1b8e45d03135b2069c26736219\" size=\"85249896\"/>" +
- " </update>" +
- " <addons>" +
- " <addon id=\"gmp-gmpopenh264\"" +
- " URL=\"\"" +
- " hashFunction=\"sha256\"" +
- " hashValue=\"1118b90d6f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee\"" +
- " version=\"1.1\"/>" +
- " </addons>" +
- "</updates>"
- overrideXHR(200, responseXML);
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let res = yield installManager.checkForAddons();
- do_check_eq(res.gmpAddons.length, 1);
- let gmpAddon = res.gmpAddons[0];
- do_check_eq(, "gmp-gmpopenh264");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.URL, "");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.hashFunction, "sha256");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.hashValue, "1118b90d6f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee");
- do_check_eq(gmpAddon.version, "1.1");
- do_check_true(gmpAddon.isValid);
- do_check_false(gmpAddon.isInstalled);
- installManager.uninit();
- * Tests that installing found addons works as expected
- */
-function* test_checkForAddons_installAddon(id, includeSize, wantInstallReject) {
- do_print("Running installAddon for id: " + id +
- ", includeSize: " + includeSize +
- " and wantInstallReject: " + wantInstallReject);
- let httpServer = new HttpServer();
- let dir = FileUtils.getDir("TmpD", [], true);
- httpServer.registerDirectory("/", dir);
- httpServer.start(-1);
- let testserverPort = httpServer.identity.primaryPort;
- let zipFileName = "test_" + id + "";
- let zipURL = URL_HOST + ":" + testserverPort + "/" + zipFileName;
- do_print("zipURL: " + zipURL);
- let data = "e~=0.5772156649";
- let zipFile = createNewZipFile(zipFileName, data);
- let hashFunc = "sha256";
- let expectedDigest = yield computeHash(hashFunc, zipFile.path);
- let fileSize = zipFile.fileSize;
- if (wantInstallReject) {
- fileSize = 1;
- }
- let responseXML =
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +
- "<updates>" +
- " <addons>" +
- " <addon id=\"" + id + "-gmp-gmpopenh264\"" +
- " URL=\"" + zipURL + "\"" +
- " hashFunction=\"" + hashFunc + "\"" +
- " hashValue=\"" + expectedDigest + "\"" +
- (includeSize ? " size=\"" + fileSize + "\"" : "") +
- " version=\"1.1\"/>" +
- " </addons>" +
- "</updates>"
- overrideXHR(200, responseXML);
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let res = yield installManager.checkForAddons();
- do_check_eq(res.gmpAddons.length, 1);
- let gmpAddon = res.gmpAddons[0];
- do_check_false(gmpAddon.isInstalled);
- try {
- let extractedPaths = yield installManager.installAddon(gmpAddon);
- if (wantInstallReject) {
- do_check_true(false); // installAddon() should have thrown.
- }
- do_check_eq(extractedPaths.length, 1);
- let extractedPath = extractedPaths[0];
- do_print("Extracted path: " + extractedPath);
- let extractedFile = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
- extractedFile.initWithPath(extractedPath);
- do_check_true(extractedFile.exists());
- let readData = readStringFromFile(extractedFile);
- do_check_eq(readData, data);
- // Make sure the prefs are set correctly
- do_check_true(!!GMPScope.GMPPrefs.get(
- do_check_eq(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.get(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, "",
- "1.1");
- do_check_eq(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.get(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_ABI, "",
- UpdateUtils.ABI);
- // Make sure it reports as being installed
- do_check_true(gmpAddon.isInstalled);
- // Cleanup
- extractedFile.parent.remove(true);
- zipFile.remove(false);
- httpServer.stop(function() {});
- installManager.uninit();
- } catch (ex) {
- zipFile.remove(false);
- if (!wantInstallReject) {
- do_throw("install update should not reject " + ex.message);
- }
- }
-add_task(test_checkForAddons_installAddon.bind(null, "1", true, false));
-add_task(test_checkForAddons_installAddon.bind(null, "2", false, false));
-add_task(test_checkForAddons_installAddon.bind(null, "3", true, true));
- * Tests simpleCheckAndInstall when autoupdate is disabled for a GMP
- */
-add_task(function* test_simpleCheckAndInstall_autoUpdateDisabled() {
- GMPScope.GMPPrefs.set(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_AUTOUPDATE, false, GMPScope.OPEN_H264_ID);
- let responseXML =
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +
- "<updates>" +
- " <addons>" +
- // valid openh264
- " <addon id=\"gmp-gmpopenh264\"" +
- " URL=\"\"" +
- " hashFunction=\"sha256\"" +
- " hashValue=\"1118b90d6f645eefc2b99af17bae396636ace1e33d079c88de715177584e2aee\"" +
- " version=\"1.1\"/>" +
- " </addons>" +
- "</updates>"
- overrideXHR(200, responseXML);
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let result = yield installManager.simpleCheckAndInstall();
- do_check_eq(result.status, "nothing-new-to-install");
- Preferences.reset(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_UPDATE_LAST_CHECK);
- GMPScope.GMPPrefs.set(GMPScope.GMPPrefs.KEY_PLUGIN_AUTOUPDATE, true, GMPScope.OPEN_H264_ID);
- * Tests simpleCheckAndInstall nothing to install
- */
-add_task(function* test_simpleCheckAndInstall_nothingToInstall() {
- let responseXML =
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +
- "<updates>" +
- "</updates>"
- overrideXHR(200, responseXML);
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let result = yield installManager.simpleCheckAndInstall();
- do_check_eq(result.status, "nothing-new-to-install");
- * Tests simpleCheckAndInstall too frequent
- */
-add_task(function* test_simpleCheckAndInstall_tooFrequent() {
- let responseXML =
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +
- "<updates>" +
- "</updates>"
- overrideXHR(200, responseXML);
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let result = yield installManager.simpleCheckAndInstall();
- do_check_eq(result.status, "too-frequent-no-check");
- * Tests that installing addons when there is no server works as expected
- */
-add_test(function test_installAddon_noServer() {
- let dir = FileUtils.getDir("TmpD", [], true);
- let zipFileName = "";
- let zipURL = URL_HOST + ":0/" + zipFileName;
- let data = "e~=0.5772156649";
- let zipFile = createNewZipFile(zipFileName, data);
- let responseXML =
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" +
- "<updates>" +
- " <addons>" +
- " <addon id=\"gmp-gmpopenh264\"" +
- " URL=\"" + zipURL + "\"" +
- " hashFunction=\"sha256\"" +
- " hashValue=\"11221cbda000347b054028b527a60e578f919cb10f322ef8077d3491c6fcb474\"" +
- " version=\"1.1\"/>" +
- " </addons>" +
- "</updates>"
- overrideXHR(200, responseXML);
- let installManager = new GMPInstallManager();
- let checkPromise = installManager.checkForAddons();
- checkPromise.then(res => {
- do_check_eq(res.gmpAddons.length, 1);
- let gmpAddon = res.gmpAddons[0];
- GMPInstallManager.overrideLeaveDownloadedZip = true;
- let installPromise = installManager.installAddon(gmpAddon);
- installPromise.then(extractedPaths => {
- do_throw("No server for install should reject");
- }, err => {
- do_check_true(!!err);
- installManager.uninit();
- run_next_test();
- });
- }, () => {
- do_throw("check should not reject for install no server");
- });
- * Returns the read stream into a string
- */
-function readStringFromInputStream(inputStream) {
- let sis = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream);
- sis.init(inputStream);
- let text =;
- sis.close();
- return text;
- * Reads a string of text from a file.
- * This function only works with ASCII text.
- */
-function readStringFromFile(file) {
- if (!file.exists()) {
- do_print("readStringFromFile - file doesn't exist: " + file.path);
- return null;
- }
- let fis = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream);
- fis.init(file, FileUtils.MODE_RDONLY, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE, 0);
- return readStringFromInputStream(fis);
- * Bare bones XMLHttpRequest implementation for testing onprogress, onerror,
- * and onload nsIDomEventListener handleEvent.
- */
-function makeHandler(aVal) {
- if (typeof aVal == "function")
- return { handleEvent: aVal };
- return aVal;
- * Constructs a mock xhr which is used for testing different aspects
- * of responses.
- */
-function xhr(inputStatus, inputResponse, options) {
- this.inputStatus = inputStatus;
- this.inputResponse = inputResponse;
- this.status = 0;
- this.responseXML = null;
- this._aborted = false;
- this._onabort = null;
- this._onprogress = null;
- this._onerror = null;
- this._onload = null;
- this._onloadend = null;
- this._ontimeout = null;
- this._url = null;
- this._method = null;
- this._timeout = 0;
- this._notified = false;
- this._options = options || {};
-xhr.prototype = {
- overrideMimeType: function(aMimetype) { },
- setRequestHeader: function(aHeader, aValue) { },
- status: null,
- channel: { set notificationCallbacks(aVal) { } },
- open: function(aMethod, aUrl) {
- =, null, null);
- this._method = aMethod; this._url = aUrl;
- },
- abort: function() {
- this._dropRequest = true;
- this._notify(["abort", "loadend"]);
- },
- responseXML: null,
- responseText: null,
- send: function(aBody) {
- do_execute_soon(function() {
- try {
- if (this._options.dropRequest) {
- if (this._timeout > 0 && this._options.timeout) {
- this._notify(["timeout", "loadend"]);
- }
- return;
- }
- this.status = this.inputStatus;
- this.responseText = this.inputResponse;
- try {
- let parser = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMParser);
- this.responseXML = parser.parseFromString(this.inputResponse,
- "application/xml");
- } catch (e) {
- this.responseXML = null;
- }
- if (this.inputStatus === 200) {
- this._notify(["load", "loadend"]);
- } else {
- this._notify(["error", "loadend"]);
- }
- } catch (ex) {
- do_throw(ex);
- }
- }.bind(this));
- },
- set onabort(aValue) { this._onabort = makeHandler(aValue); },
- get onabort() { return this._onabort; },
- set onprogress(aValue) { this._onprogress = makeHandler(aValue); },
- get onprogress() { return this._onprogress; },
- set onerror(aValue) { this._onerror = makeHandler(aValue); },
- get onerror() { return this._onerror; },
- set onload(aValue) { this._onload = makeHandler(aValue); },
- get onload() { return this._onload; },
- set onloadend(aValue) { this._onloadend = makeHandler(aValue); },
- get onloadend() { return this._onloadend; },
- set ontimeout(aValue) { this._ontimeout = makeHandler(aValue); },
- get ontimeout() { return this._ontimeout; },
- set timeout(aValue) { this._timeout = aValue; },
- _notify: function(events) {
- if (this._notified) {
- return;
- }
- this._notified = true;
- for (let item of events) {
- let k = "on" + item;
- if (this[k]) {
- do_print("Notifying " + item);
- let e = {
- target: this,
- type: item,
- };
- this[k](e);
- } else {
- do_print("Notifying " + item + ", but there are no listeners");
- }
- }
- },
- addEventListener: function(aEvent, aValue, aCapturing) {
- eval("this._on" + aEvent + " = aValue");
- },
- flags: Ci.nsIClassInfo.SINGLETON,
- getScriptableHelper: () => null,
- getInterfaces: function(aCount) {
- let interfaces = [Ci.nsISupports];
- aCount.value = interfaces.length;
- return interfaces;
- },
- classDescription: "XMLHttpRequest",
- contractID: ";1",
- classID: Components.ID("{c9b37f43-4278-4304-a5e0-600991ab08cb}"),
- createInstance: function(aOuter, aIID) {
- if (aOuter == null)
- return this.QueryInterface(aIID);
- },
- QueryInterface: function(aIID) {
- if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIClassInfo) ||
- aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports))
- return this;
- },
- get wrappedJSObject() { return this; }
- * Helper used to overrideXHR requests (no matter to what URL) with the
- * specified status and response.
- * @param status The status you want to get back when an XHR request is made
- * @param response The response you want to get back when an XHR request is made
- */
-function overrideXHR(status, response, options) {
- overrideXHR.myxhr = new xhr(status, response, options);
- ProductAddonCheckerScope.CreateXHR = function() {
- return overrideXHR.myxhr;
- };
- return overrideXHR.myxhr;
- * Creates a new zip file containing a file with the specified data
- * @param zipName The name of the zip file
- * @param data The data to go inside the zip for the filename
- */
-function createNewZipFile(zipName, data) {
- // Create a zip file which will be used for extracting
- let stream = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIStringInputStream);
- stream.setData(data, data.length);
- let zipWriter = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIZipWriter);
- let zipFile = FileUtils.getFile("TmpD", [zipName]);
- if (zipFile.exists()) {
- zipFile.remove(false);
- }
- // From prio.h
- const PR_RDWR = 0x04;
- const PR_CREATE_FILE = 0x08;
- const PR_TRUNCATE = 0x20;
- zipWriter.addEntryStream("",,
- Ci.nsIZipWriter.COMPRESSION_BEST, stream, false);
- zipWriter.close();
- stream.close();
- do_print("zip file created on disk at: " + zipFile.path);
- return zipFile;