path: root/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/window_browser_drop.xul
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2020-02-25 15:07:00 -0500
committerwolfbeast <>2020-04-14 12:55:19 +0200
commiteb70e6e3d0bff11c25f14b1196025791bf2308fb (patch)
tree5ef4ce17db83c74d7b05ec12c8f59e095a6dd5bd /toolkit/content/tests/chrome/window_browser_drop.xul
parent32ead795290b3399d56b4708fc75b77d296f6a1a (diff)
Issue #439 - Remove tests from toolkit/
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/content/tests/chrome/window_browser_drop.xul')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 242 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/window_browser_drop.xul b/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/window_browser_drop.xul
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d9bcd2a1..000000000
--- a/toolkit/content/tests/chrome/window_browser_drop.xul
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
-<window title="Browser Drop Tests"
- xmlns="">
- <script type="application/javascript"
- src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"/>
- <script type="application/javascript"
- src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"/>
-function dropOnRemoteBrowserAsync(browser, data, shouldExpectStateChange) {
- ContentTask.setTestScope(window); // Need this so is/isnot/ok are available inside the contenttask
- return ContentTask.spawn(browser, {data, shouldExpectStateChange}, function*({data, shouldExpectStateChange}) {
- let { interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
- Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm");
- if (!content.document.documentElement) {
- // Wait until the testing document gets loaded.
- yield new Promise(resolve => {
- let onload = function() {
- content.window.removeEventListener("load", onload);
- resolve();
- };
- content.window.addEventListener("load", onload);
- });
- }
- let dataTransfer = new content.DataTransfer();
- for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
- let types = data[i];
- for (let j = 0; j < types.length; j++) {
- dataTransfer.mozSetDataAt(types[j].type, types[j].data, i);
- }
- }
- let event = content.document.createEvent("DragEvent");
- event.initDragEvent("drop", true, true, content, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- false, false, false, false, 0, null, dataTransfer);
- content.document.body.dispatchEvent(event);
- let links = [];
- try {
- links = Services.droppedLinkHandler.dropLinks(event, true);
- } catch (ex) {
- if (shouldExpectStateChange) {
- ok(false, "Should not have gotten an exception from the dropped link handler, but got: " + ex);
- Cu.reportError(ex);
- }
- }
- return links;
- });
-function* expectLink(browser, expectedLinks, data, testid, onbody=false) {
- let lastLinks = [];
- let lastLinksPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
- browser.droppedLinkHandler = function(event, links) {
- info(`droppedLinkHandler called, received links ${JSON.stringify(links)}`);
- if (expectedLinks.length == 0) {
- ok(false, `droppedLinkHandler called for ${JSON.stringify(links)} which we didn't expect.`);
- }
- lastLinks = links;
- resolve(links);
- };
- });
- function dropOnBrowserSync() {
- let dropEl = onbody ? browser.contentDocument.body : browser;
- synthesizeDrop(dropEl, dropEl, data, "", dropEl.ownerDocument.defaultView);
- }
- let links;
- if (browser.isRemoteBrowser) {
- let remoteLinks = yield dropOnRemoteBrowserAsync(browser, data, expectedLinks.length != 0);
- is(remoteLinks.length, expectedLinks.length, testid + " remote links length");
- for (let i = 0, length = remoteLinks.length; i < length; i++) {
- is(remoteLinks[i].url, expectedLinks[i].url, testid + "[" + i + "] remote link");
- is(remoteLinks[i].name, expectedLinks[i].name, testid + "[" + i + "] remote name");
- }
- if (expectedLinks.length == 0) {
- // There is no way to check if nothing happens asynchronously.
- return;
- }
- links = yield lastLinksPromise;
- } else {
- dropOnBrowserSync();
- links = lastLinks;
- }
- is(links.length, expectedLinks.length, testid + " links length");
- for (let i = 0, length = links.length; i < length; i++) {
- is(links[i].url, expectedLinks[i].url, testid + "[" + i + "] link");
- is(links[i].name, expectedLinks[i].name, testid + "[" + i + "] name");
- }
-function* dropLinksOnBrowser(browser, type) {
- // Dropping single text/plain item with single link should open single
- // page.
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [ { url: "",
- name: "" } ],
- [ [ { type: "text/plain",
- data: "" } ] ],
- "text/plain drop on browser " + type);
- // Dropping single text/plain item with multiple links should open
- // multiple pages.
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [ { url: "",
- name: "" },
- { url: "",
- name: "" } ],
- [ [ { type: "text/plain",
- data: "\n" } ] ],
- "text/plain with 2 URLs drop on browser " + type);
- // Dropping sinlge unsupported type item should not open anything.
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [],
- [ [ { type: "text/link",
- data: "" } ] ],
- "text/link drop on browser " + type);
- // Dropping single text/uri-list item with single link should open single
- // page.
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [ { url: "",
- name: "" } ],
- [ [ { type: "text/uri-list",
- data: "" } ] ],
- "text/uri-list drop on browser " + type);
- // Dropping single text/uri-list item with multiple links should open
- // multiple pages.
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [ { url: "",
- name: "" },
- { url: "",
- name: "" }],
- [ [ { type: "text/uri-list",
- data: "\n" } ] ],
- "text/uri-list with 2 URLs drop on browser " + type);
- // Name in text/x-moz-url should be handled.
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [ { url: "",
- name: "" } ],
- [ [ { type: "text/x-moz-url",
- data: "\" } ] ],
- "text/x-moz-url drop on browser " + type);
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [ { url: "",
- name: "" },
- { url: "",
- name: "" } ],
- [ [ { type: "text/x-moz-url",
- data: "\\n\" } ] ],
- "text/x-moz-url with 2 URLs drop on browser " + type);
- // Dropping single item with multiple types should open single page.
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [ { url: "",
- name: "" } ],
- [ [ { type: "text/plain",
- data: "" },
- { type: "text/x-moz-url",
- data: "\" } ] ],
- "text/plain and text/x-moz-url drop on browser " + type);
- // Dropping javascript or data: URLs should fail:
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [],
- [ [ { type: "text/plain",
- data: "javascript:'bad'" } ] ],
- "text/plain javascript url drop on browser " + type);
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [],
- [ [ { type: "text/plain",
- data: "jAvascript:'also bad'" } ] ],
- "text/plain mixed-case javascript url drop on browser " + type);
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [],
- [ [ { type: "text/plain",
- data: "data:text/html,bad" } ] ],
- "text/plain data url drop on browser " + type);
- // Dropping a chrome url should fail as we don't have a source node set,
- // defaulting to a source of file:///
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [],
- [ [ { type: "text/x-moz-url",
- data: "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul" } ] ],
- "text/x-moz-url chrome url drop on browser " + type);
- if (browser.type == "content") {
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function() {
- content.window.stopMode = true;
- });
- // stopPropagation should not prevent the browser link handling from occuring
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [ { url: "",
- name: "" } ],
- [ [ { type: "text/uri-list",
- data: "" } ] ],
- "text/x-moz-url drop on browser with stopPropagation drop event", true);
- yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, function() {
- content.window.cancelMode = true;
- });
- // Canceling the event, however, should prevent the link from being handled.
- yield* expectLink(browser,
- [],
- [ [ { type: "text/uri-list", data: "" } ] ],
- "text/x-moz-url drop on browser with cancelled drop event", true);
- }
-function info(msg) {; }
-function is(l, r, n) {,r,n); }
-function ok(v, n) { window.opener.wrappedJSObject.SimpleTest.ok(v,n); }
-<browser id="chromechild" src="about:blank"/>
-<browser id="contentchild" type="content" width="100" height="100"
- src="data:text/html,&lt;html draggable='true'&gt;&lt;body draggable='true' style='width: 100px; height: 100px;' ondragover='event.preventDefault()' ondrop='if (window.stopMode) event.stopPropagation(); if (window.cancelMode) event.preventDefault();'&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;"/>
-<browser id="remote-contentchild" type="content" width="100" height="100" remote="true"
- src="data:text/html,&lt;html draggable='true'&gt;&lt;body draggable='true' style='width: 100px; height: 100px;' ondragover='event.preventDefault()' ondrop='if (window.stopMode) event.stopPropagation(); if (window.cancelMode) event.preventDefault();'&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;"/>