path: root/toolkit/components/viewconfig/content
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /toolkit/components/viewconfig/content
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/viewconfig/content')
2 files changed, 736 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/viewconfig/content/config.js b/toolkit/components/viewconfig/content/config.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..562962894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/viewconfig/content/config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+const nsIPrefLocalizedString = Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString;
+const nsISupportsString = Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString;
+const nsIPrefBranch = Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch;
+const nsIClipboardHelper = Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper;
+const nsSupportsString_CONTRACTID = ";1";
+const nsPrompt_CONTRACTID = ";1";
+const nsPrefService_CONTRACTID = ";1";
+const nsClipboardHelper_CONTRACTID = ";1";
+const nsAtomService_CONTRACTID = ";1";
+const gPrefBranch = Services.prefs;
+const gClipboardHelper = Components.classes[nsClipboardHelper_CONTRACTID].getService(nsIClipboardHelper);
+var gLockProps = ["default", "user", "locked"];
+// we get these from a string bundle
+var gLockStrs = [];
+var gTypeStrs = [];
+const PREF_IS_USER_SET = 1;
+const PREF_IS_LOCKED = 2;
+var gPrefHash = {};
+var gPrefArray = [];
+var gPrefView = gPrefArray; // share the JS array
+var gSortedColumn = "prefCol";
+var gSortFunction = null;
+var gSortDirection = 1; // 1 is ascending; -1 is descending
+var gConfigBundle = null;
+var gFilter = null;
+var view = {
+ get rowCount() { return gPrefView.length; },
+ getCellText : function(index, col) {
+ if (!(index in gPrefView))
+ return "";
+ var value = gPrefView[index][];
+ switch ( {
+ case "lockCol":
+ return gLockStrs[value];
+ case "typeCol":
+ return gTypeStrs[value];
+ default:
+ return value;
+ }
+ },
+ getRowProperties : function(index) { return ""; },
+ getCellProperties : function(index, col) {
+ if (index in gPrefView)
+ return gLockProps[gPrefView[index].lockCol];
+ return "";
+ },
+ getColumnProperties : function(col) { return ""; },
+ treebox : null,
+ selection : null,
+ isContainer : function(index) { return false; },
+ isContainerOpen : function(index) { return false; },
+ isContainerEmpty : function(index) { return false; },
+ isSorted : function() { return true; },
+ canDrop : function(index, orientation) { return false; },
+ drop : function(row, orientation) {},
+ setTree : function(out) { this.treebox = out; },
+ getParentIndex: function(rowIndex) { return -1; },
+ hasNextSibling: function(rowIndex, afterIndex) { return false; },
+ getLevel: function(index) { return 1; },
+ getImageSrc: function(row, col) { return ""; },
+ toggleOpenState : function(index) {},
+ cycleHeader: function(col) {
+ var index = this.selection.currentIndex;
+ if ( == gSortedColumn) {
+ gSortDirection = -gSortDirection;
+ gPrefArray.reverse();
+ if (gPrefView != gPrefArray)
+ gPrefView.reverse();
+ if (index >= 0)
+ index = gPrefView.length - index - 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ var pref = null;
+ if (index >= 0)
+ pref = gPrefView[index];
+ var old = document.getElementById(gSortedColumn);
+ old.removeAttribute("sortDirection");
+ gPrefArray.sort(gSortFunction = gSortFunctions[]);
+ if (gPrefView != gPrefArray)
+ gPrefView.sort(gSortFunction);
+ gSortedColumn =;
+ if (pref)
+ index = getViewIndexOfPref(pref);
+ }
+ col.element.setAttribute("sortDirection", gSortDirection > 0 ? "ascending" : "descending");
+ this.treebox.invalidate();
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ this.treebox.ensureRowIsVisible(index);
+ }
+ },
+ selectionChanged : function() {},
+ cycleCell: function(row, col) {},
+ isEditable: function(row, col) { return false; },
+ isSelectable: function(row, col) { return false; },
+ setCellValue: function(row, col, value) {},
+ setCellText: function(row, col, value) {},
+ performAction: function(action) {},
+ performActionOnRow: function(action, row) {},
+ performActionOnCell: function(action, row, col) {},
+ isSeparator: function(index) { return false; }
+// find the index in gPrefView of a pref object
+// or -1 if it does not exist in the filtered view
+function getViewIndexOfPref(pref)
+ var low = -1, high = gPrefView.length;
+ var index = (low + high) >> 1;
+ while (index > low) {
+ var mid = gPrefView[index];
+ if (mid == pref)
+ return index;
+ if (gSortFunction(mid, pref) < 0)
+ low = index;
+ else
+ high = index;
+ index = (low + high) >> 1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+// find the index in gPrefView where a pref object belongs
+function getNearestViewIndexOfPref(pref)
+ var low = -1, high = gPrefView.length;
+ var index = (low + high) >> 1;
+ while (index > low) {
+ if (gSortFunction(gPrefView[index], pref) < 0)
+ low = index;
+ else
+ high = index;
+ index = (low + high) >> 1;
+ }
+ return high;
+// find the index in gPrefArray of a pref object
+function getIndexOfPref(pref)
+ var low = -1, high = gPrefArray.length;
+ var index = (low + high) >> 1;
+ while (index > low) {
+ var mid = gPrefArray[index];
+ if (mid == pref)
+ return index;
+ if (gSortFunction(mid, pref) < 0)
+ low = index;
+ else
+ high = index;
+ index = (low + high) >> 1;
+ }
+ return index;
+function getNearestIndexOfPref(pref)
+ var low = -1, high = gPrefArray.length;
+ var index = (low + high) >> 1;
+ while (index > low) {
+ if (gSortFunction(gPrefArray[index], pref) < 0)
+ low = index;
+ else
+ high = index;
+ index = (low + high) >> 1;
+ }
+ return high;
+var gPrefListener =
+ observe: function(subject, topic, prefName)
+ {
+ if (topic != "nsPref:changed")
+ return;
+ var arrayIndex = gPrefArray.length;
+ var viewIndex = arrayIndex;
+ var selectedIndex = view.selection.currentIndex;
+ var pref;
+ var updateView = false;
+ var updateArray = false;
+ var addedRow = false;
+ if (prefName in gPrefHash) {
+ pref = gPrefHash[prefName];
+ viewIndex = getViewIndexOfPref(pref);
+ arrayIndex = getIndexOfPref(pref);
+ fetchPref(prefName, arrayIndex);
+ // fetchPref replaces the existing pref object
+ pref = gPrefHash[prefName];
+ if (viewIndex >= 0) {
+ // Might need to update the filtered view
+ gPrefView[viewIndex] = gPrefHash[prefName];
+ view.treebox.invalidateRow(viewIndex);
+ }
+ if (gSortedColumn == "lockCol" || gSortedColumn == "valueCol") {
+ updateArray = true;
+ gPrefArray.splice(arrayIndex, 1);
+ if (gFilter && gFilter.test(pref.prefCol + ";" + pref.valueCol)) {
+ updateView = true;
+ gPrefView.splice(viewIndex, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ fetchPref(prefName, arrayIndex);
+ pref = gPrefArray.pop();
+ updateArray = true;
+ addedRow = true;
+ if (gFilter && gFilter.test(pref.prefCol + ";" + pref.valueCol)) {
+ updateView = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (updateArray) {
+ // Reinsert in the data array
+ var newIndex = getNearestIndexOfPref(pref);
+ gPrefArray.splice(newIndex, 0, pref);
+ if (updateView) {
+ // View is filtered, reinsert in the view separately
+ newIndex = getNearestViewIndexOfPref(pref);
+ gPrefView.splice(newIndex, 0, pref);
+ }
+ else if (gFilter) {
+ // View is filtered, but nothing to update
+ return;
+ }
+ if (addedRow)
+ view.treebox.rowCountChanged(newIndex, 1);
+ // Invalidate the changed range in the view
+ var low = Math.min(viewIndex, newIndex);
+ var high = Math.max(viewIndex, newIndex);
+ view.treebox.invalidateRange(low, high);
+ if (selectedIndex == viewIndex) {
+ selectedIndex = newIndex;
+ }
+ else if (selectedIndex >= low && selectedIndex <= high) {
+ selectedIndex += (newIndex > viewIndex) ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ if (selectedIndex >= 0) {
+ if (selectedIndex == newIndex)
+ view.treebox.ensureRowIsVisible(selectedIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function prefObject(prefName, prefIndex)
+ this.prefCol = prefName;
+prefObject.prototype =
+ typeCol: nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING,
+ valueCol: ""
+function fetchPref(prefName, prefIndex)
+ var pref = new prefObject(prefName);
+ gPrefHash[prefName] = pref;
+ gPrefArray[prefIndex] = pref;
+ if (gPrefBranch.prefIsLocked(prefName))
+ pref.lockCol = PREF_IS_LOCKED;
+ else if (gPrefBranch.prefHasUserValue(prefName))
+ pref.lockCol = PREF_IS_USER_SET;
+ try {
+ switch (gPrefBranch.getPrefType(prefName)) {
+ case gPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL:
+ pref.typeCol = gPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL;
+ // convert to a string
+ pref.valueCol = gPrefBranch.getBoolPref(prefName).toString();
+ break;
+ case gPrefBranch.PREF_INT:
+ pref.typeCol = gPrefBranch.PREF_INT;
+ // convert to a string
+ pref.valueCol = gPrefBranch.getIntPref(prefName).toString();
+ break;
+ default:
+ case gPrefBranch.PREF_STRING:
+ pref.valueCol = gPrefBranch.getComplexValue(prefName, nsISupportsString).data;
+ // Try in case it's a localized string (will throw an exception if not)
+ if (pref.lockCol == PREF_IS_DEFAULT_VALUE &&
+ /^chrome:\/\/.+\/locale\/.+\.properties/.test(pref.valueCol))
+ pref.valueCol = gPrefBranch.getComplexValue(prefName, nsIPrefLocalizedString).data;
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Also catch obscure cases in which you can't tell in advance
+ // that the pref exists but has no user or default value...
+ }
+function onConfigLoad()
+ // Load strings
+ gConfigBundle = document.getElementById("configBundle");
+ gLockStrs[PREF_IS_DEFAULT_VALUE] = gConfigBundle.getString("default");
+ gLockStrs[PREF_IS_USER_SET] = gConfigBundle.getString("user");
+ gLockStrs[PREF_IS_LOCKED] = gConfigBundle.getString("locked");
+ gTypeStrs[nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING] = gConfigBundle.getString("string");
+ gTypeStrs[nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INT] = gConfigBundle.getString("int");
+ gTypeStrs[nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL] = gConfigBundle.getString("bool");
+ var showWarning = gPrefBranch.getBoolPref("general.warnOnAboutConfig");
+ if (showWarning)
+ document.getElementById("warningButton").focus();
+ else
+ ShowPrefs();
+// Unhide the warning message
+function ShowPrefs()
+ gPrefBranch.getChildList("").forEach(fetchPref);
+ var descending = document.getElementsByAttribute("sortDirection", "descending");
+ if (descending.item(0)) {
+ gSortedColumn = descending[0].id;
+ gSortDirection = -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ var ascending = document.getElementsByAttribute("sortDirection", "ascending");
+ if (ascending.item(0))
+ gSortedColumn = ascending[0].id;
+ else
+ document.getElementById(gSortedColumn).setAttribute("sortDirection", "ascending");
+ }
+ gSortFunction = gSortFunctions[gSortedColumn];
+ gPrefArray.sort(gSortFunction);
+ gPrefBranch.addObserver("", gPrefListener, false);
+ var configTree = document.getElementById("configTree");
+ configTree.view = view;
+ configTree.controllers.insertControllerAt(0, configController);
+ document.getElementById("configDeck").setAttribute("selectedIndex", 1);
+ document.getElementById("configTreeKeyset").removeAttribute("disabled");
+ if (!document.getElementById("showWarningNextTime").checked)
+ gPrefBranch.setBoolPref("general.warnOnAboutConfig", false);
+ // Process about:config?filter=<string>
+ var textbox = document.getElementById("textbox");
+ // About URIs don't support query params, so do this manually
+ var loc = document.location.href;
+ var matches = /[?&]filter\=([^&]+)/i.exec(loc);
+ if (matches)
+ textbox.value = decodeURIComponent(matches[1]);
+ // Even if we did not set the filter string via the URL query,
+ // textbox might have been set via some other mechanism
+ if (textbox.value)
+ FilterPrefs();
+ textbox.focus();
+function onConfigUnload()
+ if (document.getElementById("configDeck").getAttribute("selectedIndex") == 1) {
+ gPrefBranch.removeObserver("", gPrefListener);
+ var configTree = document.getElementById("configTree");
+ configTree.view = null;
+ configTree.controllers.removeController(configController);
+ }
+function FilterPrefs()
+ if (document.getElementById("configDeck").getAttribute("selectedIndex") != 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var substring = document.getElementById("textbox").value;
+ // Check for "/regex/[i]"
+ if (substring.charAt(0) == '/') {
+ var r = substring.match(/^\/(.*)\/(i?)$/);
+ try {
+ gFilter = RegExp(r[1], r[2]);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ return; // Do nothing on incomplete or bad RegExp
+ }
+ }
+ else if (substring) {
+ gFilter = RegExp(substring.replace(/([^* \w])/g, "\\$1")
+ .replace(/^\*+/, "").replace(/\*+/g, ".*"), "i");
+ } else {
+ gFilter = null;
+ }
+ var prefCol = (view.selection && view.selection.currentIndex < 0) ?
+ null : gPrefView[view.selection.currentIndex].prefCol;
+ var oldlen = gPrefView.length;
+ gPrefView = gPrefArray;
+ if (gFilter) {
+ gPrefView = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < gPrefArray.length; ++i)
+ if (gFilter.test(gPrefArray[i].prefCol + ";" + gPrefArray[i].valueCol))
+ gPrefView.push(gPrefArray[i]);
+ }
+ view.treebox.invalidate();
+ view.treebox.rowCountChanged(oldlen, gPrefView.length - oldlen);
+ gotoPref(prefCol);
+function prefColSortFunction(x, y)
+ if (x.prefCol > y.prefCol)
+ return gSortDirection;
+ if (x.prefCol < y.prefCol)
+ return -gSortDirection;
+ return 0;
+function lockColSortFunction(x, y)
+ if (x.lockCol != y.lockCol)
+ return gSortDirection * (y.lockCol - x.lockCol);
+ return prefColSortFunction(x, y);
+function typeColSortFunction(x, y)
+ if (x.typeCol != y.typeCol)
+ return gSortDirection * (y.typeCol - x.typeCol);
+ return prefColSortFunction(x, y);
+function valueColSortFunction(x, y)
+ if (x.valueCol > y.valueCol)
+ return gSortDirection;
+ if (x.valueCol < y.valueCol)
+ return -gSortDirection;
+ return prefColSortFunction(x, y);
+const gSortFunctions =
+ prefCol: prefColSortFunction,
+ lockCol: lockColSortFunction,
+ typeCol: typeColSortFunction,
+ valueCol: valueColSortFunction
+const configController = {
+ supportsCommand: function supportsCommand(command) {
+ return command == "cmd_copy";
+ },
+ isCommandEnabled: function isCommandEnabled(command) {
+ return view.selection && view.selection.currentIndex >= 0;
+ },
+ doCommand: function doCommand(command) {
+ copyPref();
+ },
+ onEvent: function onEvent(event) {
+ }
+function updateContextMenu()
+ var lockCol = PREF_IS_LOCKED;
+ var typeCol = nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING;
+ var valueCol = "";
+ var copyDisabled = true;
+ var prefSelected = view.selection.currentIndex >= 0;
+ if (prefSelected) {
+ var prefRow = gPrefView[view.selection.currentIndex];
+ lockCol = prefRow.lockCol;
+ typeCol = prefRow.typeCol;
+ valueCol = prefRow.valueCol;
+ copyDisabled = false;
+ }
+ var copyPref = document.getElementById("copyPref");
+ copyPref.setAttribute("disabled", copyDisabled);
+ var copyName = document.getElementById("copyName");
+ copyName.setAttribute("disabled", copyDisabled);
+ var copyValue = document.getElementById("copyValue");
+ copyValue.setAttribute("disabled", copyDisabled);
+ var resetSelected = document.getElementById("resetSelected");
+ resetSelected.setAttribute("disabled", lockCol != PREF_IS_USER_SET);
+ var canToggle = typeCol == nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL && valueCol != "";
+ // indicates that a pref is locked or no pref is selected at all
+ var isLocked = lockCol == PREF_IS_LOCKED;
+ var modifySelected = document.getElementById("modifySelected");
+ modifySelected.setAttribute("disabled", isLocked);
+ modifySelected.hidden = canToggle;
+ var toggleSelected = document.getElementById("toggleSelected");
+ toggleSelected.setAttribute("disabled", isLocked);
+ toggleSelected.hidden = !canToggle;
+function copyPref()
+ var pref = gPrefView[view.selection.currentIndex];
+ gClipboardHelper.copyString(pref.prefCol + ';' + pref.valueCol);
+function copyName()
+ gClipboardHelper.copyString(gPrefView[view.selection.currentIndex].prefCol);
+function copyValue()
+ gClipboardHelper.copyString(gPrefView[view.selection.currentIndex].valueCol);
+function ModifySelected()
+ if (view.selection.currentIndex >= 0)
+ ModifyPref(gPrefView[view.selection.currentIndex]);
+function ResetSelected()
+ var entry = gPrefView[view.selection.currentIndex];
+ gPrefBranch.clearUserPref(entry.prefCol);
+function NewPref(type)
+ var result = { value: "" };
+ var dummy = { value: 0 };
+ if (Services.prompt.prompt(window,
+ gConfigBundle.getFormattedString("new_title",
+ [gTypeStrs[type]]),
+ gConfigBundle.getString("new_prompt"),
+ result,
+ null,
+ dummy)) {
+ result.value = result.value.trim();
+ if (!result.value) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var pref;
+ if (result.value in gPrefHash)
+ pref = gPrefHash[result.value];
+ else
+ pref = { prefCol: result.value, lockCol: PREF_IS_DEFAULT_VALUE, typeCol: type, valueCol: "" };
+ if (ModifyPref(pref))
+ setTimeout(gotoPref, 0, result.value);
+ }
+function gotoPref(pref)
+ // make sure the pref exists and is displayed in the current view
+ var index = pref in gPrefHash ? getViewIndexOfPref(gPrefHash[pref]) : -1;
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ view.treebox.ensureRowIsVisible(index);
+ } else {
+ view.selection.clearSelection();
+ view.selection.currentIndex = -1;
+ }
+function ModifyPref(entry)
+ if (entry.lockCol == PREF_IS_LOCKED)
+ return false;
+ var title = gConfigBundle.getFormattedString("modify_title", [gTypeStrs[entry.typeCol]]);
+ if (entry.typeCol == nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL) {
+ var check = { value: entry.valueCol == "false" };
+ if (!entry.valueCol && !, title, entry.prefCol, 2, [false, true], check))
+ return false;
+ gPrefBranch.setBoolPref(entry.prefCol, check.value);
+ } else {
+ var result = { value: entry.valueCol };
+ var dummy = { value: 0 };
+ if (!Services.prompt.prompt(window, title, entry.prefCol, result, null, dummy))
+ return false;
+ if (entry.typeCol == nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INT) {
+ // | 0 converts to integer or 0; - 0 to float or NaN.
+ // Thus, this check should catch all cases.
+ var val = result.value | 0;
+ if (val != result.value - 0) {
+ var err_title = gConfigBundle.getString("nan_title");
+ var err_text = gConfigBundle.getString("nan_text");
+ Services.prompt.alert(window, err_title, err_text);
+ return false;
+ }
+ gPrefBranch.setIntPref(entry.prefCol, val);
+ } else {
+ var supportsString = Components.classes[nsSupportsString_CONTRACTID].createInstance(nsISupportsString);
+ = result.value;
+ gPrefBranch.setComplexValue(entry.prefCol, nsISupportsString, supportsString);
+ }
+ }
+ Services.prefs.savePrefFile(null);
+ return true;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/viewconfig/content/config.xul b/toolkit/components/viewconfig/content/config.xul
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25ce39da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/viewconfig/content/config.xul
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/in-content/info-pages.css" type="text/css"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/config.css" type="text/css"?>
+<!DOCTYPE window SYSTEM "chrome://global/locale/config.dtd">
+<window id="config"
+ xmlns=""
+ title="&window.title;"
+ windowtype="Preferences:ConfigManager"
+ role="application"
+ aria-describedby="warningTitle warningText"
+ width="750"
+ height="500"
+ disablefastfind="true"
+ onunload="onConfigUnload();"
+ onload="onConfigLoad();">
+<script src="chrome://global/content/config.js"/>
+<stringbundle id="configBundle" src="chrome://global/locale/"/>
+<menupopup id="configContext" onpopupshowing="if ( == this) updateContextMenu();">
+ <menuitem id="toggleSelected" default="true"
+ label="&toggle.label;" accesskey="&toggle.accesskey;"
+ oncommand="ModifySelected();"/>
+ <menuitem id="modifySelected" default="true"
+ label="&modify.label;" accesskey="&modify.accesskey;"
+ oncommand="ModifySelected();"/>
+ <menuseparator/>
+ <menuitem id="copyPref" label="&copyPref.label;" accesskey="&copyPref.accesskey;" oncommand="copyPref();"/>
+ <menuitem id="copyName" label="&copyName.label;" accesskey="&copyName.accesskey;" oncommand="copyName();"/>
+ <menuitem id="copyValue" label="&copyValue.label;" accesskey="&copyValue.accesskey;" oncommand="copyValue();"/>
+ <menu label="&new.label;" accesskey="&new.accesskey;">
+ <menupopup>
+ <menuitem label="&string.label;" accesskey="&string.accesskey;" oncommand="NewPref(nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING);"/>
+ <menuitem label="&integer.label;" accesskey="&integer.accesskey;" oncommand="NewPref(nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INT);"/>
+ <menuitem label="&boolean.label;" accesskey="&boolean.accesskey;" oncommand="NewPref(nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL);"/>
+ </menupopup>
+ </menu>
+ <menuitem id="resetSelected" label="&reset.label;" accesskey="&reset.accesskey;" oncommand="ResetSelected();"/>
+<keyset id="configTreeKeyset" disabled="true">
+ <key keycode="VK_RETURN" oncommand="ModifySelected();"/>
+ <key key="&focusSearch.key;" modifiers="accel" oncommand="document.getElementById('textbox').focus();"/>
+ <key key="&focusSearch2.key;" modifiers="accel" oncommand="document.getElementById('textbox').focus();"/>
+<deck id="configDeck" flex="1">
+ <vbox id="warningScreen" flex="1" align="center" style="overflow: auto;">
+ <spacer flex="1"/>
+ <vbox id="warningBox" class="container">
+ <hbox class="title" flex="1">
+ <label id="warningTitle" class="title-text" flex="1">&aboutWarningTitle.label;</label>
+ </hbox>
+ <vbox class="description" flex="1">
+ <label id="warningText">&aboutWarningText.label;</label>
+ <checkbox id="showWarningNextTime" label="&aboutWarningCheckbox.label;" checked="true"/>
+ <hbox class="button-container">
+ <button id="warningButton" class="primary" oncommand="ShowPrefs();" label="&aboutWarningButton2.label;"/>
+ </hbox>
+ </vbox>
+ </vbox>
+ <spacer flex="2"/>
+ </vbox>
+ <vbox flex="1">
+ <hbox id="filterRow" align="center">
+ <label value="&searchPrefs.label;" accesskey="&searchPrefs.accesskey;" control="textbox"/>
+ <textbox id="textbox" flex="1" type="search" class="compact"
+ aria-controls="configTree"
+ oncommand="FilterPrefs();"/>
+ </hbox>
+ <tree id="configTree" flex="1" seltype="single"
+ onselect="updateCommands('select');"
+ enableColumnDrag="true" context="configContext">
+ <treecols>
+ <treecol id="prefCol" label="&prefColumn.label;" flex="7"
+ ignoreincolumnpicker="true"
+ persist="hidden width ordinal sortDirection"/>
+ <splitter class="tree-splitter" />
+ <treecol id="lockCol" label="&lockColumn.label;" flex="1"
+ persist="hidden width ordinal sortDirection"/>
+ <splitter class="tree-splitter" />
+ <treecol id="typeCol" label="&typeColumn.label;" flex="1"
+ persist="hidden width ordinal sortDirection"/>
+ <splitter class="tree-splitter" />
+ <treecol id="valueCol" label="&valueColumn.label;" flex="10"
+ persist="hidden width ordinal sortDirection"/>
+ </treecols>
+ <treechildren id="configTreeBody" ondblclick="if (event.button == 0) ModifySelected();"/>
+ </tree>
+ </vbox>