path: root/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit
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-<H1 LAST_MODIFIED="1177541029">Bookmarks</H1>
- <DT><H3 ID="rdf:#$ZvPhC3">Mozilla Firefox</H3>
- <DL><p>
- </DL><p>
- <DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1177541020" LAST_MODIFIED="1177541050" ID="rdf:#$74Gpx2">test</H3>
-<DD>folder test comment
- <DL><p>
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-<DD>item description
- </DL>
- <DT><H3 UNFILED_BOOKMARKS_FOLDER="true">Unsorted Bookmarks</H3>
- <DL><p>
- <DT><A HREF="http://example.tld">Example.tld</A>
- </DL><p>
- <DT><H3 LAST_MODIFIED="1177541040" PERSONAL_TOOLBAR_FOLDER="true" ID="rdf:#$FvPhC3">Bookmarks Toolbar Folder</H3>
-<DD>Add bookmarks to this folder to see them displayed on the Bookmarks Toolbar
- <DL><p>
- <DT><A HREF="" LAST_MODIFIED="1177541035" FEEDURL="" ID="rdf:#$HvPhC3">Latest Headlines</A>
- <DT><A HREF="" ICON="b0rked" ID="rdf:#$GvPhC3">Getting Started</A>
-<DD>Livemark test comment
- </DL><p>
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-<H1 LAST_MODIFIED="1177541029">Bookmarks</H1>
- <DT><H3 ID="rdf:#$ZvPhC3">Mozilla Firefox</H3>
- <DL><p>
- </DL><p>
- <HR>
- <DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1177541020" LAST_MODIFIED="1177541050" ID="rdf:#$74Gpx2">test</H3>
-<DD>folder test comment
- <DL><p>
- <DT><A HREF="http://test/post" ADD_DATE="1177375336" LAST_MODIFIED="1177375423" SHORTCUTURL="test" WEB_PANEL="true" POST_DATA="hidden1%3Dbar&amp;text1%3D%25s" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1" ID="rdf:#$pYFe7">test post keyword</A>
-<DD>item description
- </DL>
- <DT><H3 UNFILED_BOOKMARKS_FOLDER="true">Unsorted Bookmarks</H3>
- <DL><p>
- <DT><A HREF="http://example.tld">Example.tld</A>
- </DL><p>
- <DT><H3 LAST_MODIFIED="1177541040" PERSONAL_TOOLBAR_FOLDER="true" ID="rdf:#$FvPhC3">Bookmarks Toolbar Folder</H3>
-<DD>Add bookmarks to this folder to see them displayed on the Bookmarks Toolbar
- <DL><p>
- <DT><A HREF="" LAST_MODIFIED="1177541035" FEEDURL="" ID="rdf:#$HvPhC3">Latest Headlines</A>
-<DD>Livemark test comment
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- <DT><A HREF="">Mozilla</A>
- </DL><p>
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-{"guid":"root________","title":"","index":0,"dateAdded":1475084731479000,"lastModified":1475084731479000,"id":1,"type":"text/x-moz-place-container","root":"placesRoot","children":[{"guid":"menu________","title":"Bookmarks Menu","index":0,"dateAdded":1475084731479000,"lastModified":1475084731955000,"id":2,"type":"text/x-moz-place-container","root":"bookmarksMenuFolder","children":[{"guid":"Utodo9b0oVws","title":"Firefox Accounts","index":0,"dateAdded":1475084731955000,"lastModified":1475084731955000,"id":3,"type":"text/x-moz-place","uri":""}]},{"guid":"toolbar_____","title":"Bookmarks Toolbar","index":1,"dateAdded":1475084731479000,"lastModified":1475084731938000,"id":4,"type":"text/x-moz-place-container","root":"toolbarFolder"},{"guid":"unfiled_____","title":"Other Bookmarks","index":3,"dateAdded":1475084731479000,"lastModified":1475084731938000,"id":5,"type":"text/x-moz-place-container","root":"unfiledBookmarksFolder"},{"guid":"mobile______","title":"Mobile Bookmarks","index":4,"dateAdded":1475084731479000,"lastModified":1475084731961000,"id":6,"annos":[{"name":"mobile/bookmarksRoot","flags":0,"expires":4,"value":1}],"type":"text/x-moz-place-container","root":"mobileFolder","children":[{"guid":"a17yW6-nTxEJ","title":"Mozilla","index":0,"dateAdded":1475084731959000,"lastModified":1475084731959000,"id":7,"type":"text/x-moz-place","uri":""},{"guid":"xV10h9Wi3FBM","title":"Bugzilla","index":1,"dateAdded":1475084731961000,"lastModified":1475084731961000,"id":8,"type":"text/x-moz-place","uri":""}]}]} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/nsDummyObserver.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/nsDummyObserver.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9049d04b3..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/nsDummyObserver.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-// Dummy boomark/history observer
-function DummyObserver() {
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "dummy-observer-created", null);
-DummyObserver.prototype = {
- // history observer
- onBeginUpdateBatch: function () {},
- onEndUpdateBatch: function () {},
- onVisit: function (aURI, aVisitID, aTime, aSessionID, aReferringID, aTransitionType) {
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "dummy-observer-visited", null);
- },
- onTitleChanged: function () {},
- onDeleteURI: function () {},
- onClearHistory: function () {},
- onPageChanged: function () {},
- onDeleteVisits: function () {},
- // bookmark observer
- // onBeginUpdateBatch: function() {},
- // onEndUpdateBatch: function() {},
- onItemAdded: function(aItemId, aParentId, aIndex, aItemType, aURI) {
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "dummy-observer-item-added", null);
- },
- onItemChanged: function () {},
- onItemRemoved: function() {},
- onItemVisited: function() {},
- onItemMoved: function() {},
- classID: Components.ID("62e221d3-68c3-4e1a-8943-a27beb5005fe"),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
- Ci.nsINavBookmarkObserver,
- Ci.nsINavHistoryObserver,
- ])
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([DummyObserver]);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/nsDummyObserver.manifest b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/nsDummyObserver.manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index ed4d87fff..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/nsDummyObserver.manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-component 62e221d3-68c3-4e1a-8943-a27beb5005fe nsDummyObserver.js
-contract;1 62e221d3-68c3-4e1a-8943-a27beb5005fe
-category bookmark-observers nsDummyObserver;1
-category history-observers nsDummyObserver;1
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/places.sparse.sqlite b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/places.sparse.sqlite
deleted file mode 100644
index 915089021..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/places.sparse.sqlite
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_000_frecency.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_000_frecency.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 64ee86b59..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_000_frecency.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-Autocomplete Frecency Tests
-- add a visit for each score permutation
-- search
-- test number of matches
-- test each item's location in results
-try {
- var histsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
- var bmsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
- var prefs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get services\n");
-var bucketPrefs = [
- [ "firstBucketCutoff", "firstBucketWeight"],
- [ "secondBucketCutoff", "secondBucketWeight"],
- [ "thirdBucketCutoff", "thirdBucketWeight"],
- [ "fourthBucketCutoff", "fourthBucketWeight"],
- [ null, "defaultBucketWeight"]
-var bonusPrefs = {
- embedVisitBonus: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_EMBED,
- framedLinkVisitBonus: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK,
- linkVisitBonus: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_LINK,
- typedVisitBonus: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_TYPED,
- bookmarkVisitBonus: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_BOOKMARK,
- downloadVisitBonus: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_DOWNLOAD,
- permRedirectVisitBonus: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_REDIRECT_PERMANENT,
- tempRedirectVisitBonus: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_REDIRECT_TEMPORARY,
- reloadVisitBonus: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_RELOAD,
-// create test data
-var searchTerm = "frecency";
-var results = [];
-var matchCount = 0;
-var now =;
-var prefPrefix = "places.frecency.";
-function* task_initializeBucket(bucket) {
- let [cutoffName, weightName] = bucket;
- // get pref values
- var weight = prefs.getIntPref(prefPrefix + weightName, 0);
- var cutoff = prefs.getIntPref(prefPrefix + cutoffName, 0);
- if (cutoff < 1)
- return;
- // generate a date within the cutoff period
- var dateInPeriod = (now - ((cutoff - 1) * 86400 * 1000)) * 1000;
- for (let [bonusName, visitType] of Object.entries(bonusPrefs)) {
- var frecency = -1;
- var calculatedURI = null;
- var matchTitle = "";
- var bonusValue = prefs.getIntPref(prefPrefix + bonusName);
- // unvisited (only for first cutoff date bucket)
- if (bonusName == "unvisitedBookmarkBonus" || bonusName == "unvisitedTypedBonus") {
- if (cutoffName == "firstBucketCutoff") {
- let points = Math.ceil(bonusValue / parseFloat(100.0) * weight);
- var visitCount = 1; // bonusName == "unvisitedBookmarkBonus" ? 1 : 0;
- frecency = Math.ceil(visitCount * points);
- calculatedURI = uri("http://" + searchTerm + ".com/" +
- bonusName + ":" + bonusValue + "/cutoff:" + cutoff +
- "/weight:" + weight + "/frecency:" + frecency);
- if (bonusName == "unvisitedBookmarkBonus") {
- matchTitle = searchTerm + "UnvisitedBookmark";
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.unfiledBookmarksFolder, calculatedURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, matchTitle);
- }
- else {
- matchTitle = searchTerm + "UnvisitedTyped";
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({
- uri: calculatedURI,
- title: matchTitle,
- transition: visitType,
- visitDate: now
- });
- histsvc.markPageAsTyped(calculatedURI);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // visited
- // visited bookmarks get the visited bookmark bonus twice
- if (visitType == Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_BOOKMARK)
- bonusValue = bonusValue * 2;
- let points = Math.ceil(1 * ((bonusValue / parseFloat(100.000000)).toFixed(6) * weight) / 1);
- if (!points) {
- if (visitType == Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_EMBED ||
- visitType == Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK ||
- visitType == Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_DOWNLOAD ||
- visitType == Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_RELOAD ||
- bonusName == "defaultVisitBonus")
- frecency = 0;
- else
- frecency = -1;
- }
- else
- frecency = points;
- calculatedURI = uri("http://" + searchTerm + ".com/" +
- bonusName + ":" + bonusValue + "/cutoff:" + cutoff +
- "/weight:" + weight + "/frecency:" + frecency);
- if (visitType == Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_BOOKMARK) {
- matchTitle = searchTerm + "Bookmarked";
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.unfiledBookmarksFolder, calculatedURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, matchTitle);
- }
- else
- matchTitle = calculatedURI.spec.substr(calculatedURI.spec.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({
- uri: calculatedURI,
- transition: visitType,
- visitDate: dateInPeriod
- });
- }
- if (calculatedURI && frecency) {
- results.push([calculatedURI, frecency, matchTitle]);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({
- uri: calculatedURI,
- title: matchTitle,
- transition: visitType,
- visitDate: dateInPeriod
- });
- }
- }
-function AutoCompleteInput(aSearches) {
- this.searches = aSearches;
-AutoCompleteInput.prototype = {
- constructor: AutoCompleteInput,
- searches: null,
- minResultsForPopup: 0,
- timeout: 10,
- searchParam: "",
- textValue: "",
- disableAutoComplete: false,
- completeDefaultIndex: false,
- get searchCount() {
- return this.searches.length;
- },
- getSearchAt: function(aIndex) {
- return this.searches[aIndex];
- },
- onSearchBegin: function() {},
- onSearchComplete: function() {},
- popupOpen: false,
- popup: {
- setSelectedIndex: function(aIndex) {},
- invalidate: function() {},
- // nsISupports implementation
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
- },
- // nsISupports implementation
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
-add_task(function* test_frecency()
- // Disable autoFill for this test.
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.autoFill", false);
- do_register_cleanup(() => Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.autoFill"));
- for (let bucket of bucketPrefs) {
- yield task_initializeBucket(bucket);
- }
- // sort results by frecency
- results.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]);
- // Make sure there's enough results returned
- prefs.setIntPref("browser.urlbar.maxRichResults", results.length);
- // DEBUG
- // results.every(function(el) { dump("result: " + el[1] + ": " + el[0].spec + " (" + el[2] + ")\n"); return true; })
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- var controller = Components.classes[";1"].
- getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAutoCompleteController);
- // Make an AutoCompleteInput that uses our searches
- // and confirms results on search complete
- var input = new AutoCompleteInput(["unifiedcomplete"]);
- controller.input = input;
- // always search in history + bookmarks, no matter what the default is
- prefs.setIntPref("", 3);
- prefs.setIntPref("browser.urlbar.default.behavior", 0);
- var numSearchesStarted = 0;
- input.onSearchBegin = function() {
- numSearchesStarted++;
- do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
- };
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- input.onSearchComplete = function() {
- do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
- do_check_eq(controller.searchStatus,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_MATCH);
- // test that all records with non-zero frecency were matched
- do_check_eq(controller.matchCount, results.length);
- // test that matches are sorted by frecency
- for (var i = 0; i < controller.matchCount; i++) {
- let searchURL = controller.getValueAt(i);
- let expectURL = results[i][0].spec;
- if (searchURL == expectURL) {
- do_check_eq(controller.getValueAt(i), results[i][0].spec);
- do_check_eq(controller.getCommentAt(i), results[i][2]);
- } else {
- // If the results didn't match exactly, perhaps it's still the right
- // frecency just in the wrong "order" (order of same frecency is
- // undefined), so check if frecency matches. This is okay because we
- // can still ensure the correct number of expected frecencies.
- let getFrecency = aURL => aURL.match(/frecency:(-?\d+)$/)[1];
- print("### checking for same frecency between '" + searchURL +
- "' and '" + expectURL + "'");
- do_check_eq(getFrecency(searchURL), getFrecency(expectURL));
- }
- }
- deferred.resolve();
- };
- controller.startSearch(searchTerm);
- yield deferred.promise;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_1085291.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_1085291.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3159ff8bc..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_1085291.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-add_task(function* () {
- // test that nodes inserted by incremental update for bookmarks of all types
- // have the extra bookmark properties (bookmarkGuid, dateAdded, lastModified).
- // getFolderContents opens the root node.
- let root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId).root;
- function* insertAndTest(bmInfo) {
- bmInfo = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert(bmInfo);
- let node = root.getChild(root.childCount - 1);
- Assert.equal(node.bookmarkGuid, bmInfo.guid);
- Assert.equal(node.dateAdded, bmInfo.dateAdded * 1000);
- Assert.equal(node.lastModified, bmInfo.lastModified * 1000);
- }
- // Normal bookmark.
- yield insertAndTest({ parentGuid: root.bookmarkGuid
- , type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK
- , title: "Test Bookmark"
- , url: "http://test.url.tld" });
- // place: query
- yield insertAndTest({ parentGuid: root.bookmarkGuid
- , type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK
- , title: "Test Query"
- , url: "place:folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU" });
- // folder
- yield insertAndTest({ parentGuid: root.bookmarkGuid
- , type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER
- , title: "Test Folder" });
- // separator
- yield insertAndTest({ parentGuid: root.bookmarkGuid
- , type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR });
- root.containerOpen = false;
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_1105208.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_1105208.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 39a27c95f..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_1105208.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// Test that result node for folder shortcuts get the target folder title if
-// the shortcut itself has no title set.
-add_task(function* () {
- let shortcutInfo = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- url: "place:folder=TOOLBAR"
- });
- let unfiledRoot =
- PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId).root;
- let shortcutNode = unfiledRoot.getChild(unfiledRoot.childCount - 1);
- Assert.equal(shortcutNode.bookmarkGuid, shortcutInfo.guid);
- let toolbarInfo =
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid);
- Assert.equal(shortcutNode.title, toolbarInfo.title);
- unfiledRoot.containerOpen = false;
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_1105866.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_1105866.js
deleted file mode 100644
index eb376bbe2..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_1105866.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-add_task(function* test_folder_shortcuts() {
- let shortcutInfo = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- url: "place:folder=TOOLBAR"
- });
- let unfiledRoot =
- PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId).root;
- let shortcutNode = unfiledRoot.getChild(unfiledRoot.childCount - 1);
- Assert.strictEqual(shortcutNode.itemId,
- yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(shortcutInfo.guid));
- Assert.strictEqual(PlacesUtils.asQuery(shortcutNode).folderItemId,
- PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId);
- Assert.strictEqual(shortcutNode.bookmarkGuid, shortcutInfo.guid);
- Assert.strictEqual(PlacesUtils.asQuery(shortcutNode).targetFolderGuid,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid);
- // test that a node added incrementally also behaves just as well.
- shortcutInfo = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- url: "place:folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU"
- });
- shortcutNode = unfiledRoot.getChild(unfiledRoot.childCount - 1);
- Assert.strictEqual(shortcutNode.itemId,
- yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(shortcutInfo.guid));
- Assert.strictEqual(PlacesUtils.asQuery(shortcutNode).folderItemId,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId);
- Assert.strictEqual(shortcutNode.bookmarkGuid, shortcutInfo.guid);
- Assert.strictEqual(PlacesUtils.asQuery(shortcutNode).targetFolderGuid,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid);
- unfiledRoot.containerOpen = false;
-add_task(function* test_plain_folder() {
- let folderInfo = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- });
- let unfiledRoot =
- PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId).root;
- let lastChild = unfiledRoot.getChild(unfiledRoot.childCount - 1);
- Assert.strictEqual(lastChild.bookmarkGuid, folderInfo.guid);
- Assert.strictEqual(PlacesUtils.asQuery(lastChild).targetFolderGuid,
- folderInfo.guid);
-add_task(function* test_non_item_query() {
- let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- let root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(
- PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(), options).root;
- Assert.strictEqual(root.itemId, -1);
- Assert.strictEqual(PlacesUtils.asQuery(root).folderItemId, -1);
- Assert.strictEqual(root.bookmarkGuid, "");
- Assert.strictEqual(PlacesUtils.asQuery(root).targetFolderGuid, "");
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_317472.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_317472.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a08651916..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_317472.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const charset = "UTF-8";
-const CHARSET_ANNO = "URIProperties/characterSet";
-const TEST_URI = uri("");
-const TEST_BOOKMARKED_URI = uri("");
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- // add pages to history
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URI);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_BOOKMARKED_URI);
- // create bookmarks on TEST_BOOKMARKED_URI
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
- PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
- PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId,
- // set charset on not-bookmarked page
- yield PlacesUtils.setCharsetForURI(TEST_URI, charset);
- // set charset on bookmarked page
- yield PlacesUtils.setCharsetForURI(TEST_BOOKMARKED_URI, charset);
- // check that we have created a page annotation
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.annotations.getPageAnnotation(TEST_URI, CHARSET_ANNO), charset);
- // get charset from not-bookmarked page
- do_check_eq((yield PlacesUtils.getCharsetForURI(TEST_URI)), charset);
- // get charset from bookmarked page
- do_check_eq((yield PlacesUtils.getCharsetForURI(TEST_BOOKMARKED_URI)), charset);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
- // ensure that charset has gone for not-bookmarked page
- do_check_neq((yield PlacesUtils.getCharsetForURI(TEST_URI)), charset);
- // check that page annotation has been removed
- try {
- PlacesUtils.annotations.getPageAnnotation(TEST_URI, CHARSET_ANNO);
- do_throw("Charset page annotation has not been removed correctly");
- } catch (e) {}
- // ensure that charset still exists for bookmarked page
- do_check_eq((yield PlacesUtils.getCharsetForURI(TEST_BOOKMARKED_URI)), charset);
- // remove charset from bookmark and check that has gone
- yield PlacesUtils.setCharsetForURI(TEST_BOOKMARKED_URI, "");
- do_check_neq((yield PlacesUtils.getCharsetForURI(TEST_BOOKMARKED_URI)), charset);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_331487.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_331487.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 55d41aebf..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_331487.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Get history service
-try {
- var histsvc = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get history service\n");
-var bmsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
-// main
-function run_test() {
- // add a folder
- var folder = bmsvc.createFolder(bmsvc.placesRoot, "test folder", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- // add a bookmark to the folder
- var b1 = bmsvc.insertBookmark(folder, uri(""),
- bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "1 title");
- // add a subfolder
- var sf1 = bmsvc.createFolder(folder, "subfolder 1", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- // add a bookmark to the subfolder
- var b2 = bmsvc.insertBookmark(sf1, uri(""),
- bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "2 title");
- // add a subfolder to the subfolder
- var sf2 = bmsvc.createFolder(sf1, "subfolder 2", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- // add a bookmark to the subfolder of the subfolder
- var b3 = bmsvc.insertBookmark(sf2, uri(""),
- bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "3 title");
- // bookmark query that should result in the "hierarchical" result
- // because there is one query, one folder,
- // no begin time, no end time, no domain, no uri, no search term
- // and no max results. See GetSimpleBookmarksQueryFolder()
- // for more details.
- var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.queryType = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS;
- var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([folder], 1);
- var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 2);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).itemId, b1);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).itemId, sf1);
- // check the contents of the subfolder
- var sf1Node = root.getChild(1);
- sf1Node = sf1Node.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- sf1Node.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(sf1Node.childCount, 2);
- do_check_eq(sf1Node.getChild(0).itemId, b2);
- do_check_eq(sf1Node.getChild(1).itemId, sf2);
- // check the contents of the subfolder's subfolder
- var sf2Node = sf1Node.getChild(1);
- sf2Node = sf2Node.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- sf2Node.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(sf2Node.childCount, 1);
- do_check_eq(sf2Node.getChild(0).itemId, b3);
- sf2Node.containerOpen = false;
- sf1Node.containerOpen = false;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // bookmark query that should result in a flat list
- // because we specified max results
- options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.queryType = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS;
- options.maxResults = 10;
- query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([folder], 1);
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 3);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).itemId, b1);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).itemId, b2);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(2).itemId, b3);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // test that if we have: more than one query,
- // multiple folders, a begin time, an end time, a domain, a uri
- // or a search term, that we get the (correct) flat list results
- // (like we do when specified maxResults)
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_384370.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_384370.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ec6f43683..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_384370.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-const LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/loadInSidebar";
-const DESCRIPTION_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/description";
-var tagData = [
- { uri: uri(""), tags: ["indie", "kentucky", "music"] },
- { uri: uri(""), tags: ["dinosaur", "dj", "rad word"] }
-var bookmarkData = [
- { uri: uri(""), title: "indie, kentucky, music" },
- { uri: uri(""), title: "dinosaur, dj, rad word" }
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
- - import legacy bookmarks
- - export as json, import, test (tests integrity of html > json)
- - export as html, import, test (tests integrity of json > html)
- - create a bookmark in each root
- - tag multiple URIs with multiple tags
- - export as json, import, test
-add_task(function* () {
- // Remove eventual bookmarks.exported.json.
- let jsonFile = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "bookmarks.exported.json");
- if ((yield OS.File.exists(jsonFile)))
- yield OS.File.remove(jsonFile);
- // Test importing a pre-Places canonical bookmarks file.
- // Note: we do not empty the db before this import to catch bugs like 380999
- let htmlFile = OS.Path.join(do_get_cwd().path, "bookmarks.preplaces.html");
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(htmlFile, true);
- // Populate the database.
- for (let { uri, tags } of tagData) {
- PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(uri, tags);
- }
- for (let { uri, title } of bookmarkData) {
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- url: uri,
- title });
- }
- for (let { uri, title } of bookmarkData) {
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
- url: uri,
- title });
- }
- yield validate();
- // Test exporting a Places canonical json file.
- // 1. export to bookmarks.exported.json
- yield BookmarkJSONUtils.exportToFile(jsonFile);
- do_print("exported json");
- // 2. empty bookmarks db
- // 3. import bookmarks.exported.json
- yield BookmarkJSONUtils.importFromFile(jsonFile, true);
- do_print("imported json");
- // 4. run the test-suite
- yield validate();
- do_print("validated import");
-function* validate() {
- yield testMenuBookmarks();
- yield testToolbarBookmarks();
- testUnfiledBookmarks();
- testTags();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-// Tests a bookmarks datastore that has a set of bookmarks, etc
-// that flex each supported field and feature.
-function* testMenuBookmarks() {
- let root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId).root;
- Assert.equal(root.childCount, 3);
- let separatorNode = root.getChild(1);
- Assert.equal(separatorNode.type, separatorNode.RESULT_TYPE_SEPARATOR);
- let folderNode = root.getChild(2);
- Assert.equal(folderNode.type, folderNode.RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER);
- Assert.equal(folderNode.title, "test");
- let folder = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch(folderNode.bookmarkGuid);
- Assert.equal(folder.dateAdded.getTime(), 1177541020000);
- Assert.equal(PlacesUtils.asQuery(folderNode).hasChildren, true);
- Assert.equal("folder test comment",
- PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(folderNode.itemId,
- // open test folder, and test the children
- folderNode.containerOpen = true;
- Assert.equal(folderNode.childCount, 1);
- let bookmarkNode = folderNode.getChild(0);
- Assert.equal("http://test/post", bookmarkNode.uri);
- Assert.equal("test post keyword", bookmarkNode.title);
- Assert.ok(PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(bookmarkNode.itemId,
- Assert.equal(bookmarkNode.dateAdded, 1177375336000000);
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: bookmarkNode.uri });
- Assert.equal("test", entry.keyword);
- Assert.equal("hidden1%3Dbar&text1%3D%25s", entry.postData);
- Assert.equal("ISO-8859-1",
- (yield PlacesUtils.getCharsetForURI(NetUtil.newURI(bookmarkNode.uri))));
- Assert.equal("item description",
- PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(bookmarkNode.itemId,
- folderNode.containerOpen = false;
- root.containerOpen = false;
-function* testToolbarBookmarks() {
- let root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId).root;
- // child count (add 2 for pre-existing items)
- Assert.equal(root.childCount, bookmarkData.length + 2);
- let livemarkNode = root.getChild(1);
- Assert.equal("Latest Headlines", livemarkNode.title);
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ id: livemarkNode.itemId });
- Assert.equal("",
- livemark.siteURI.spec);
- Assert.equal("",
- livemark.feedURI.spec);
- // test added bookmark data
- let bookmarkNode = root.getChild(2);
- Assert.equal(bookmarkNode.uri, bookmarkData[0].uri.spec);
- Assert.equal(bookmarkNode.title, bookmarkData[0].title);
- bookmarkNode = root.getChild(3);
- Assert.equal(bookmarkNode.uri, bookmarkData[1].uri.spec);
- Assert.equal(bookmarkNode.title, bookmarkData[1].title);
- root.containerOpen = false;
-function testUnfiledBookmarks() {
- let root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId).root;
- // child count (add 1 for pre-existing item)
- Assert.equal(root.childCount, bookmarkData.length + 1);
- for (let i = 1; i < root.childCount; ++i) {
- let child = root.getChild(i);
- Assert.equal(child.uri, bookmarkData[i - 1].uri.spec);
- Assert.equal(child.title, bookmarkData[i - 1].title);
- if (child.tags)
- Assert.equal(child.tags, bookmarkData[i - 1].title);
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
-function testTags() {
- for (let { uri, tags } of tagData) {
- do_print("Test tags for " + uri.spec + ": " + tags + "\n");
- let foundTags = PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(uri);
- Assert.equal(foundTags.length, tags.length);
- Assert.ok(tags.every(tag => foundTags.includes(tag)));
- }
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_385397.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_385397.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b60d4768..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_385397.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const TOTAL_SITES = 20;
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- let now = ( - 10000) * 1000;
- for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
- let site = "http://www.test-" + i + ".com/";
- let testURI = uri(site);
- let testImageURI = uri(site + "blank.gif");
- let when = now + (i * TOTAL_SITES * 1000);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([
- { uri: testURI, visitDate: when, transition: TRANSITION_TYPED },
- { uri: testImageURI, visitDate: when + 1000, transition: TRANSITION_EMBED },
- { uri: testImageURI, visitDate: when + 2000, transition: TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK },
- { uri: testURI, visitDate: when + 3000, transition: TRANSITION_LINK },
- ]);
- }
- // verify our visits AS_VISIT, ordered by date descending
- // including hidden
- // we should get 80 visits:
- //
- //
- //
- //
- // ...
- //
- //
- //
- //
- let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_VISIT;
- options.includeHidden = true;
- let root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(),
- options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- let cc = root.childCount;
- // Embed visits are not added to the database, thus they won't appear.
- do_check_eq(cc, 3 * TOTAL_SITES);
- for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
- let index = i * 3;
- let node = root.getChild(index);
- let site = "http://www.test-" + (TOTAL_SITES - 1 - i) + ".com/";
- do_check_eq(node.uri, site);
- do_check_eq(node.type, Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_URI);
- node = root.getChild(++index);
- do_check_eq(node.uri, site + "blank.gif");
- do_check_eq(node.type, Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_URI);
- node = root.getChild(++index);
- do_check_eq(node.uri, site);
- do_check_eq(node.type, Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_URI);
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // verify our visits AS_VISIT, ordered by date descending
- // we should get 40 visits:
- //
- //
- // ...
- //
- //
- options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_VISIT;
- root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(),
- options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- cc = root.childCount;
- // 2 * TOTAL_SITES because we count the TYPED and LINK, but not EMBED or FRAMED
- do_check_eq(cc, 2 * TOTAL_SITES);
- for (let i=0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
- let index = i * 2;
- let node = root.getChild(index);
- let site = "http://www.test-" + (TOTAL_SITES - 1 - i) + ".com/";
- do_check_eq(node.uri, site);
- do_check_eq(node.type, Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_URI);
- node = root.getChild(++index);
- do_check_eq(node.uri, site);
- do_check_eq(node.type, Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_URI);
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // test our optimized query for the places menu
- // place:type=0&sort=4&maxResults=10
- // verify our visits AS_URI, ordered by date descending
- // we should get 10 visits:
- //
- // ...
- //
- options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING;
- options.maxResults = 10;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_URI;
- root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(),
- options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- cc = root.childCount;
- do_check_eq(cc, options.maxResults);
- for (let i=0; i < cc; i++) {
- let node = root.getChild(i);
- let site = "http://www.test-" + (TOTAL_SITES - 1 - i) + ".com/";
- do_check_eq(node.uri, site);
- do_check_eq(node.type, Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_URI);
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // test without a maxResults, which executes a different query
- // but the first 10 results should be the same.
- // verify our visits AS_URI, ordered by date descending
- // we should get 20 visits, but the first 10 should be
- //
- // ...
- //
- options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_URI;
- root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(),
- options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- cc = root.childCount;
- do_check_eq(cc, TOTAL_SITES);
- for (let i=0; i < 10; i++) {
- let node = root.getChild(i);
- let site = "http://www.test-" + (TOTAL_SITES - 1 - i) + ".com/";
- do_check_eq(node.uri, site);
- do_check_eq(node.type, Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_URI);
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_399264_query_to_string.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_399264_query_to_string.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e6cc279c..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_399264_query_to_string.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Obtains the id of the folder obtained from the query.
- *
- * @param aFolderID
- * The id of the folder we want to generate a query for.
- * @returns the string representation of the query for the given folder.
- */
-function query_string(aFolderID)
- var hs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([aFolderID], 1);
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- return hs.queriesToQueryString([query], 1, options);
-function run_test()
- var bs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
- const QUERIES = [
- "folder=PLACES_ROOT"
- , "folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU"
- , "folder=TAGS"
- , "folder=TOOLBAR"
- ];
- const FOLDER_IDS = [
- bs.placesRoot
- , bs.bookmarksMenuFolder
- , bs.tagsFolder
- , bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder
- , bs.toolbarFolder
- ];
- for (var i = 0; i < QUERIES.length; i++) {
- var result = query_string(FOLDER_IDS[i]);
- dump("Looking for '" + QUERIES[i] + "' in '" + result + "'\n");
- do_check_neq(-1, result.indexOf(QUERIES[i]));
- }
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_399264_string_to_query.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_399264_string_to_query.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bd29316d9..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_399264_string_to_query.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Obtains the id of the folder obtained from the query.
- *
- * @param aQuery
- * The query to obtain the folder id from.
- * @returns the folder id of the folder of the root node of the query.
- */
-function folder_id(aQuery)
- var hs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
- dump("Checking query '" + aQuery + "'\n");
- var options = { };
- var queries = { };
- var size = { };
- hs.queryStringToQueries(aQuery, queries, size, options);
- var result = hs.executeQueries(queries.value, size.value, options.value);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_true(root.hasChildren);
- var folderID = root.getChild(0).parent.itemId;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- return folderID;
-function run_test()
- var bs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
- const QUERIES = [
- "place:folder=PLACES_ROOT"
- , "place:folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU"
- , "place:folder=TAGS"
- , "place:folder=UNFILED_BOOKMARKS"
- , "place:folder=TOOLBAR"
- ];
- const FOLDER_IDS = [
- bs.placesRoot
- , bs.bookmarksMenuFolder
- , bs.tagsFolder
- , bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder
- , bs.toolbarFolder
- ];
- // add something in the bookmarks menu folder so a query to it returns results
- bs.insertBookmark(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri(""),
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.DEFAULT_INDEX, "bmf");
- // add something to the tags folder
- var ts = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsITaggingService);
- ts.tagURI(uri(""), ["tag"]);
- // add something to the unfiled bookmarks folder
- bs.insertBookmark(bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder, uri(""),
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.DEFAULT_INDEX, "ubf");
- // add something to the toolbar folder
- bs.insertBookmark(bs.toolbarFolder, uri(""),
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.DEFAULT_INDEX, "tf");
- for (var i = 0; i < QUERIES.length; i++) {
- var result = folder_id(QUERIES[i]);
- dump("expected " + FOLDER_IDS[i] + ", got " + result + "\n");
- do_check_eq(FOLDER_IDS[i], result);
- }
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_399266.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_399266.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 296d69414..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_399266.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const TOTAL_SITES = 20;
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- let places = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
- for (let j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
- places.push({ uri: uri("http://www.test-" + i + ".com/"),
- transition: TRANSITION_TYPED });
- // because these are embedded visits, they should not show up on our
- // query results. If they do, we have a problem.
- places.push({ uri: uri(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_EMBED });
- places.push({ uri: uri(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK });
- }
- }
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(places);
- // test our optimized query for the "Most Visited" item
- // in the "Smart Bookmarks" folder
- // place:queryType=0&sort=8&maxResults=10
- // verify our visits AS_URI, ordered by visit count descending
- // we should get 10 visits:
- //
- // ...
- //
- let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_VISITCOUNT_DESCENDING;
- options.maxResults = 10;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_URI;
- let root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(),
- options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- let cc = root.childCount;
- do_check_eq(cc, options.maxResults);
- for (let i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
- let node = root.getChild(i);
- let site = "http://www.test-" + (TOTAL_SITES - 1 - i) + ".com/";
- do_check_eq(node.uri, site);
- do_check_eq(node.type, Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_URI);
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // test without a maxResults, which executes a different query
- // but the first 10 results should be the same.
- // verify our visits AS_URI, ordered by visit count descending
- // we should get 20 visits, but the first 10 should be
- //
- // ...
- //
- options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_VISITCOUNT_DESCENDING;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_URI;
- root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(),
- options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- cc = root.childCount;
- do_check_eq(cc, TOTAL_SITES);
- for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- let node = root.getChild(i);
- let site = "http://www.test-" + (TOTAL_SITES - 1 - i) + ".com/";
- do_check_eq(node.uri, site);
- do_check_eq(node.type, Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_URI);
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_402799.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_402799.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 263e20aa5..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_402799.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Get history services
-try {
- var histsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
- var bhist = histsvc.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIBrowserHistory);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get history services\n");
-// Get bookmark service
-try {
- var bmsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
-catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get the nav-bookmarks-service\n");
-// Get tagging service
-try {
- var tagssvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsITaggingService);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get tagging service\n");
-// main
-function run_test() {
- var uri1 = uri("");
- // create 2 bookmarks on the same uri
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri1,
- bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "title 1");
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.toolbarFolder, uri1,
- bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "title 2");
- // add some tags
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri1, ["foo", "bar", "foobar", "foo bar"]);
- // check that a generic bookmark query returns only real bookmarks
- var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.queryType = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS;
- var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var cc = root.childCount;
- do_check_eq(cc, 2);
- var node1 = root.getChild(0);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getFolderIdForItem(node1.itemId), bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder);
- var node2 = root.getChild(1);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getFolderIdForItem(node2.itemId), bmsvc.toolbarFolder);
- root.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_405497.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_405497.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 951302b84..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_405497.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var hs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-var bs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
- * The callback object for runInBatchMode.
- *
- * @param aService
- * Takes a reference to the history service or the bookmark service.
- * This determines which service should be called when calling the second
- * runInBatchMode the second time.
- */
-function callback(aService)
- this.callCount = 0;
- this.service = aService;
-callback.prototype = {
- // nsINavHistoryBatchCallback
- runBatched: function(aUserData)
- {
- this.callCount++;
- if (this.callCount == 1) {
- // We want to call run in batched once more.
- this.service.runInBatchMode(this, null);
- return;
- }
- do_check_eq(this.callCount, 2);
- do_test_finished();
- },
- // nsISupports
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsINavHistoryBatchCallback])
-function run_test() {
- // checking the history service
- do_test_pending();
- hs.runInBatchMode(new callback(hs), null);
- // checking the bookmark service
- do_test_pending();
- bs.runInBatchMode(new callback(bs), null);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_408221.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_408221.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b41ce1a2..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_408221.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var current_test = 0;
-function AutoCompleteInput(aSearches) {
- this.searches = aSearches;
-AutoCompleteInput.prototype = {
- constructor: AutoCompleteInput,
- searches: null,
- minResultsForPopup: 0,
- timeout: 10,
- searchParam: "",
- textValue: "",
- disableAutoComplete: false,
- completeDefaultIndex: false,
- get searchCount() {
- return this.searches.length;
- },
- getSearchAt: function(aIndex) {
- return this.searches[aIndex];
- },
- onSearchBegin: function() {},
- onSearchComplete: function() {},
- popupOpen: false,
- popup: {
- setSelectedIndex: function(aIndex) {},
- invalidate: function() {},
- // nsISupports implementation
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
- },
- // nsISupports implementation
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
-// Get tagging service
-try {
- var tagssvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsITaggingService);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get tagging service\n");
-function ensure_tag_results(uris, searchTerm)
- var controller = Components.classes[";1"].
- getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAutoCompleteController);
- // Make an AutoCompleteInput that uses our searches
- // and confirms results on search complete
- var input = new AutoCompleteInput(["unifiedcomplete"]);
- controller.input = input;
- // Search is asynchronous, so don't let the test finish immediately
- do_test_pending();
- var numSearchesStarted = 0;
- input.onSearchBegin = function() {
- numSearchesStarted++;
- do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
- };
- input.onSearchComplete = function() {
- do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
- do_check_eq(controller.searchStatus,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_MATCH);
- do_check_eq(controller.matchCount, uris.length);
- let vals = [];
- for (let i=0; i<controller.matchCount; i++) {
- // Keep the URL for later because order of tag results is undefined
- vals.push(controller.getValueAt(i));
- do_check_eq(controller.getStyleAt(i), "bookmark-tag");
- }
- // Sort the results then check if we have the right items
- vals.sort().forEach((val, i) => do_check_eq(val, uris[i].spec))
- if (current_test < (tests.length - 1)) {
- current_test++;
- tests[current_test]();
- }
- do_test_finished();
- };
- controller.startSearch(searchTerm);
-var uri1 = uri("http://site.tld/1");
-var uri2 = uri("http://site.tld/2");
-var uri3 = uri("http://site.tld/3");
-var uri4 = uri("http://site.tld/4");
-var uri5 = uri("http://site.tld/5");
-var uri6 = uri("http://site.tld/6");
-var tests = [function() { ensure_tag_results([uri1, uri2, uri3], "foo"); },
- function() { ensure_tag_results([uri1, uri2, uri3], "Foo"); },
- function() { ensure_tag_results([uri1, uri2, uri3], "foO"); },
- function() { ensure_tag_results([uri4, uri5, uri6], "bar mud"); },
- function() { ensure_tag_results([uri4, uri5, uri6], "BAR MUD"); },
- function() { ensure_tag_results([uri4, uri5, uri6], "Bar Mud"); }];
- * Properly tags a uri adding it to bookmarks.
- *
- * @param aURI
- * The nsIURI to tag.
- * @param aTags
- * The tags to add.
- */
-function tagURI(aURI, aTags) {
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- aURI,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "A title");
- tagssvc.tagURI(aURI, aTags);
- * Test bug #408221
- */
-function run_test() {
- // always search in history + bookmarks, no matter what the default is
- var prefs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
- prefs.setIntPref("", 3);
- prefs.setIntPref("browser.urlbar.default.behavior", 0);
- tagURI(uri1, ["Foo"]);
- tagURI(uri2, ["FOO"]);
- tagURI(uri3, ["foO"]);
- tagURI(uri4, ["BAR"]);
- tagURI(uri4, ["MUD"]);
- tagURI(uri5, ["bar"]);
- tagURI(uri5, ["mud"]);
- tagURI(uri6, ["baR"]);
- tagURI(uri6, ["muD"]);
- tests[0]();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_412132.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_412132.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 827391f18..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_412132.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *
- * Tests patch to Bug 412132:
- *
- */
-add_task(function* changeuri_unvisited_bookmark()
- do_print("After changing URI of bookmark, frecency of bookmark's " +
- "original URI should be zero if original URI is unvisited and " +
- "no longer bookmarked.");
- const TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let id = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "bookmark title");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("Bookmarked => frecency of URI should be != 0");
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.changeBookmarkURI(id, uri(""));
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("Unvisited URI no longer bookmarked => frecency should = 0");
- do_check_eq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
-add_task(function* changeuri_visited_bookmark()
- do_print("After changing URI of bookmark, frecency of bookmark's " +
- "original URI should not be zero if original URI is visited.");
- const TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let id = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "bookmark title");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("Bookmarked => frecency of URI should be != 0");
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URI);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.changeBookmarkURI(id, uri(""));
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("*Visited* URI no longer bookmarked => frecency should != 0");
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
-add_task(function* changeuri_bookmark_still_bookmarked()
- do_print("After changing URI of bookmark, frecency of bookmark's " +
- "original URI should not be zero if original URI is still " +
- "bookmarked.");
- const TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let id1 = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "bookmark 1 title");
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "bookmark 2 title");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("Bookmarked => frecency of URI should be != 0");
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.changeBookmarkURI(id1, uri(""));
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("URI still bookmarked => frecency should != 0");
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
-add_task(function* changeuri_nonexistent_bookmark()
- do_print("Changing the URI of a nonexistent bookmark should fail.");
- function tryChange(itemId)
- {
- try {
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.changeBookmarkURI(itemId + 1, uri(""));
- do_throw("Nonexistent bookmark should throw.");
- }
- catch (ex) {}
- }
- // First try a straight-up bogus item ID, one greater than the current max
- // ID.
- let stmt = DBConn().createStatement("SELECT MAX(id) FROM moz_bookmarks");
- stmt.executeStep();
- let maxId = stmt.getInt32(0);
- stmt.finalize();
- tryChange(maxId + 1);
- // Now add a bookmark, delete it, and check.
- let id = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- uri(""),
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "bookmark title");
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeItem(id);
- tryChange(id);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_413784.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_413784.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6df4dfbbb..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_413784.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-Test autocomplete for non-English URLs
-- add a visit for a page with a non-English URL
-- search
-- test number of matches (should be exactly one)
-var histsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-var bmsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
-// create test data
-var searchTerm = "ユニコード";
-var decoded = "" + searchTerm + "/";
-var url = uri(decoded);
-function AutoCompleteInput(aSearches) {
- this.searches = aSearches;
-AutoCompleteInput.prototype = {
- constructor: AutoCompleteInput,
- searches: null,
- minResultsForPopup: 0,
- timeout: 10,
- searchParam: "",
- textValue: "",
- disableAutoComplete: false,
- completeDefaultIndex: false,
- get searchCount() {
- return this.searches.length;
- },
- getSearchAt: function(aIndex) {
- return this.searches[aIndex];
- },
- onSearchBegin: function() {},
- onSearchComplete: function() {},
- popupOpen: false,
- popup: {
- setSelectedIndex: function(aIndex) {},
- invalidate: function() {},
- // nsISupports implementation
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
- },
- // nsISupports implementation
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
-function run_test()
- do_test_pending();
- PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(url).then(continue_test);
-function continue_test()
- var controller = Components.classes[";1"].
- getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAutoCompleteController);
- // Make an AutoCompleteInput that uses our searches
- // and confirms results on search complete
- var input = new AutoCompleteInput(["unifiedcomplete"]);
- controller.input = input;
- var numSearchesStarted = 0;
- input.onSearchBegin = function() {
- numSearchesStarted++;
- do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
- };
- input.onSearchComplete = function() {
- do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
- do_check_eq(controller.searchStatus,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_MATCH);
- // test that we found the entry we added
- do_check_eq(controller.matchCount, 1);
- // Make sure the url is the same according to spec, so it can be deleted
- do_check_eq(controller.getValueAt(0), url.spec);
- do_test_finished();
- };
- controller.startSearch(searchTerm);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_415460.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_415460.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f2e049f09..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_415460.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var hs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
- * Checks to see that a search has exactly one result in the database.
- *
- * @param aTerms
- * The terms to search for.
- * @returns true if the search returns one result, false otherwise.
- */
-function search_has_result(aTerms)
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.maxResults = 1;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_URI;
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- query.searchTerms = aTerms;
- var result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var cc = root.childCount;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- return (cc == 1);
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- const SEARCH_TERM = "ユニコード";
- const TEST_URL = "" + SEARCH_TERM + "/";
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(uri(TEST_URL));
- do_check_true(search_has_result(SEARCH_TERM));
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_415757.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_415757.js
deleted file mode 100644
index afd396183..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_415757.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Checks to see that a URI is in the database.
- *
- * @param aURI
- * The URI to check.
- * @returns true if the URI is in the DB, false otherwise.
- */
-function uri_in_db(aURI) {
- var options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.maxResults = 1;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_URI
- var query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- query.uri = aURI;
- var result = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var cc = root.childCount;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- return (cc == 1);
-const TOTAL_SITES = 20;
-// main
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- // add pages to global history
- for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
- let site = "http://www.test-" + i + ".com/";
- let testURI = uri(site);
- let when = * 1000 + (i * TOTAL_SITES);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: testURI, visitDate: when });
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
- let site = "" + i + "/";
- let testURI = uri(site);
- let when = * 1000 + (i * TOTAL_SITES);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: testURI, visitDate: when });
- }
- // set a page annotation on one of the urls that will be removed
- var testAnnoDeletedURI = uri("");
- var testAnnoDeletedName = "foo";
- var testAnnoDeletedValue = "bar";
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setPageAnnotation(testAnnoDeletedURI,
- testAnnoDeletedName,
- testAnnoDeletedValue, 0,
- PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_WITH_HISTORY);
- // set a page annotation on one of the urls that will NOT be removed
- var testAnnoRetainedURI = uri("");
- var testAnnoRetainedName = "foo";
- var testAnnoRetainedValue = "bar";
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setPageAnnotation(testAnnoRetainedURI,
- testAnnoRetainedName,
- testAnnoRetainedValue, 0,
- PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_WITH_HISTORY);
- // remove pages from
- PlacesUtils.history.removePagesFromHost("", false);
- // check that all pages in have been removed
- for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
- let site = "" + i + "/";
- let testURI = uri(site);
- do_check_false(uri_in_db(testURI));
- }
- // check that all pages in have NOT been removed
- for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
- let site = "http://www.test-" + i + ".com/";
- let testURI = uri(site);
- do_check_true(uri_in_db(testURI));
- }
- // check that annotation on the removed item does not exists
- try {
- PlacesUtils.annotations.getPageAnnotation(testAnnoDeletedURI, testAnnoName);
- do_throw("fetching page-annotation that doesn't exist, should've thrown");
- } catch (ex) {}
- // check that annotation on the NOT removed item still exists
- try {
- var annoVal = PlacesUtils.annotations.getPageAnnotation(testAnnoRetainedURI,
- testAnnoRetainedName);
- } catch (ex) {
- do_throw("The annotation has been removed erroneously");
- }
- do_check_eq(annoVal, testAnnoRetainedValue);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_418643_removeFolderChildren.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_418643_removeFolderChildren.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eed02921..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_418643_removeFolderChildren.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Get services.
-try {
- var histSvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
- var bmSvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
- var annoSvc = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIAnnotationService);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get services\n");
-var validAnnoName = "validAnno";
-var validItemName = "validItem";
-var deletedAnnoName = "deletedAnno";
-var deletedItemName = "deletedItem";
-var bookmarkedURI = uri("");
-// set lastModified to the past to prevent VM timing bugs
-var pastDate = * 1000 - 1;
-var deletedBookmarkIds = [];
-// bookmarks observer
-var observer = {
- // cached ordered array of notified items
- _onItemRemovedItemIds: [],
- onItemRemoved: function(aItemId, aParentId, aIndex) {
- // We should first get notifications for children, then for their parent
- do_check_eq(this._onItemRemovedItemIds.indexOf(aParentId), -1);
- // Ensure we are not wrongly removing 1 level up
- do_check_neq(aParentId, bmSvc.toolbarFolder);
- // Removed item must be one of those we have manually deleted
- do_check_neq(deletedBookmarkIds.indexOf(aItemId), -1);
- this._onItemRemovedItemIds.push(aItemId);
- },
- QueryInterface: function(aIID) {
- if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsINavBookmarkObserver) ||
- aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports)) {
- return this;
- }
- }
-bmSvc.addObserver(observer, false);
-function add_bookmarks() {
- // This is the folder we will cleanup
- var validFolderId = bmSvc.createFolder(bmSvc.toolbarFolder,
- validItemName,
- annoSvc.setItemAnnotation(validFolderId, validAnnoName,
- "annotation", 0,
- annoSvc.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- bmSvc.setItemLastModified(validFolderId, pastDate);
- // This bookmark should not be deleted
- var validItemId = bmSvc.insertBookmark(bmSvc.toolbarFolder,
- bookmarkedURI,
- validItemName);
- annoSvc.setItemAnnotation(validItemId, validAnnoName,
- "annotation", 0, annoSvc.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- // The following contents should be deleted
- var deletedItemId = bmSvc.insertBookmark(validFolderId,
- bookmarkedURI,
- deletedItemName);
- annoSvc.setItemAnnotation(deletedItemId, deletedAnnoName,
- "annotation", 0, annoSvc.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- deletedBookmarkIds.push(deletedItemId);
- var internalFolderId = bmSvc.createFolder(validFolderId,
- deletedItemName,
- annoSvc.setItemAnnotation(internalFolderId, deletedAnnoName,
- "annotation", 0, annoSvc.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- deletedBookmarkIds.push(internalFolderId);
- deletedItemId = bmSvc.insertBookmark(internalFolderId,
- bookmarkedURI,
- deletedItemName);
- annoSvc.setItemAnnotation(deletedItemId, deletedAnnoName,
- "annotation", 0, annoSvc.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- deletedBookmarkIds.push(deletedItemId);
- return validFolderId;
-function check_bookmarks(aFolderId) {
- // check that we still have valid bookmarks
- var bookmarks = bmSvc.getBookmarkIdsForURI(bookmarkedURI);
- for (var i = 0; i < bookmarks.length; i++) {
- do_check_eq(bmSvc.getItemTitle(bookmarks[i]), validItemName);
- do_check_true(annoSvc.itemHasAnnotation(bookmarks[i], validAnnoName));
- }
- // check that folder exists and has still its annotation
- do_check_eq(bmSvc.getItemTitle(aFolderId), validItemName);
- do_check_true(annoSvc.itemHasAnnotation(aFolderId, validAnnoName));
- // check that folder is empty
- var options = histSvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- var query = histSvc.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([aFolderId], 1);
- var result = histSvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 0);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // test that lastModified got updated
- do_check_true(pastDate < bmSvc.getItemLastModified(aFolderId));
- // test that all children have been deleted, we use annos for that
- var deletedItems = annoSvc.getItemsWithAnnotation(deletedAnnoName);
- do_check_eq(deletedItems.length, 0);
- // test that observer has been called for (and only for) deleted items
- do_check_eq(observer._onItemRemovedItemIds.length, deletedBookmarkIds.length);
- // Sanity check: all roots should be intact
- do_check_eq(bmSvc.getFolderIdForItem(bmSvc.placesRoot), 0);
- do_check_eq(bmSvc.getFolderIdForItem(bmSvc.bookmarksMenuFolder), bmSvc.placesRoot);
- do_check_eq(bmSvc.getFolderIdForItem(bmSvc.tagsFolder), bmSvc.placesRoot);
- do_check_eq(bmSvc.getFolderIdForItem(bmSvc.unfiledBookmarksFolder), bmSvc.placesRoot);
- do_check_eq(bmSvc.getFolderIdForItem(bmSvc.toolbarFolder), bmSvc.placesRoot);
-// main
-function run_test() {
- var folderId = add_bookmarks();
- bmSvc.removeFolderChildren(folderId);
- check_bookmarks(folderId);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_419731.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_419731.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b1a434e12..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_419731.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function run_test() {
- let uri1 = NetUtil.newURI("");
- // create 2 bookmarks
- let bookmark1id = PlacesUtils.bookmarks
- .insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId,
- uri1,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "title 1");
- let bookmark2id = PlacesUtils.bookmarks
- .insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId,
- uri1,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "title 2");
- // add a new tag
- PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(uri1, ["foo"]);
- // get tag folder id
- let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- let query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId], 1);
- let result = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options);
- let tagRoot = result.root;
- tagRoot.containerOpen = true;
- let tagNode = tagRoot.getChild(0)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- let tagItemId = tagNode.itemId;
- tagRoot.containerOpen = false;
- // change bookmark 1 title
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setItemTitle(bookmark1id, "new title 1");
- // Workaround timers resolution and time skews.
- let bookmark2LastMod = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemLastModified(bookmark2id);
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setItemLastModified(bookmark1id, bookmark2LastMod + 1000);
- // Query the tag.
- options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.queryType = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_TAG_QUERY;
- query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- result = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options);
- let root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 1);
- let theTag = root.getChild(0)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- // Bug 524219: Check that renaming the tag shows up in the result.
- do_check_eq(theTag.title, "foo")
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setItemTitle(tagItemId, "bar");
- // Check that the item has been replaced
- do_check_neq(theTag, root.getChild(0));
- theTag = root.getChild(0)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- do_check_eq(theTag.title, "bar");
- // Check that tag container contains new title
- theTag.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(theTag.childCount, 1);
- let node = theTag.getChild(0);
- do_check_eq(node.title, "new title 1");
- theTag.containerOpen = false;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // Change bookmark 2 title.
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setItemTitle(bookmark2id, "new title 2");
- // Workaround timers resolution and time skews.
- let bookmark1LastMod = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemLastModified(bookmark1id);
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setItemLastModified(bookmark2id, bookmark1LastMod + 1000);
- // Check that tag container contains new title
- options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.queryType = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_TAG_CONTENTS;
- query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([tagItemId], 1);
- result = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 1);
- node = root.getChild(0);
- do_check_eq(node.title, "new title 2");
- root.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_419792_node_tags_property.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_419792_node_tags_property.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c726d667..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_419792_node_tags_property.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// get services
-var histsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-var bmsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
-var tagssvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsITaggingService);
-function run_test() {
- // get toolbar node
- var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([bmsvc.toolbarFolder], 1);
- var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- var toolbarNode = result.root;
- toolbarNode.containerOpen = true;
- // add a bookmark
- var bookmarkURI = uri("");
- var bookmarkId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.toolbarFolder, bookmarkURI,
- bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "");
- // get the node for the new bookmark
- var node = toolbarNode.getChild(toolbarNode.childCount-1);
- do_check_eq(node.itemId, bookmarkId);
- // confirm there's no tags via the .tags property
- do_check_eq(node.tags, null);
- // add a tag
- tagssvc.tagURI(bookmarkURI, ["foo"]);
- do_check_eq(node.tags, "foo");
- // add another tag, to test delimiter and sorting
- tagssvc.tagURI(bookmarkURI, ["bar"]);
- do_check_eq(node.tags, "bar, foo");
- // remove the tags, confirming the property is cleared
- tagssvc.untagURI(bookmarkURI, null);
- do_check_eq(node.tags, null);
- toolbarNode.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_425563.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_425563.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bee3a4a54..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_425563.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- let count_visited_URIs = ["",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ""];
- let notcount_visited_URIs = ["",
- "",
- "",
- ""];
- // add visits, one for each transition type
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([
- { uri: uri(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_LINK },
- { uri: uri(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_TYPED },
- { uri: uri(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_BOOKMARK },
- { uri: uri(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_EMBED },
- { uri: uri(""),
- { uri: uri(""),
- { uri: uri(""),
- { uri: uri(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_DOWNLOAD },
- { uri: uri(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_RELOAD },
- ]);
- // check that all links are marked as visited
- for (let visited_uri of count_visited_URIs) {
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(uri(visited_uri)));
- }
- for (let visited_uri of notcount_visited_URIs) {
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(uri(visited_uri)));
- }
- // check that visit_count does not take in count embed and downloads
- // maxVisits query are directly binded to visit_count
- let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_VISITCOUNT_DESCENDING;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_VISIT;
- options.includeHidden = true;
- let query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- query.minVisits = 1;
- let root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- let cc = root.childCount;
- do_check_eq(cc, count_visited_URIs.length);
- for (let i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
- let node = root.getChild(i);
- do_check_neq(count_visited_URIs.indexOf(node.uri), -1);
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_429505_remove_shortcuts.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_429505_remove_shortcuts.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e0b6be64c..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_429505_remove_shortcuts.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-- add a folder
-- add a folder-shortcut to the new folder
-- query for the shortcut
-- remove the folder-shortcut
-- confirm the shortcut is removed from the query results
-function run_test() {
- const IDX = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX;
- var folderId =
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.createFolder(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId, "", IDX);
- var queryId =
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId,
- uri("place:folder=" + folderId), IDX, "");
- var root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId, false, true).root;
- var oldCount = root.childCount;
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeItem(queryId);
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, oldCount-1);
- root.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_433317_query_title_update.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_433317_query_title_update.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 52558e844..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_433317_query_title_update.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function run_test() {
- try {
- var histsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
- var bmsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
- } catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Unable to initialize Places services");
- }
- // create a query bookmark
- var queryId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.toolbarFolder, uri("place:"),
- 0 /* first item */, "test query");
- // query for that query
- var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([bmsvc.toolbarFolder], 1);
- var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var queryNode = root.getChild(0);
- do_check_eq(queryNode.title, "test query");
- // change the title
- bmsvc.setItemTitle(queryId, "foo");
- // confirm the node was updated
- do_check_eq(queryNode.title, "foo");
- root.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_433525_hasChildren_crash.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_433525_hasChildren_crash.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 92dac0b17..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_433525_hasChildren_crash.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- try {
- var histsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
- var bmsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
- } catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Unable to initialize Places services");
- }
- // add a visit
- var testURI = uri("http://test");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(testURI);
- // query for the visit
- var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.maxResults = 1;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_URI;
- var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- query.uri = testURI;
- var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- // check hasChildren while the container is closed
- do_check_eq(root.hasChildren, true);
- // now check via the saved search path
- var queryURI = histsvc.queriesToQueryString([query], 1, options);
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.toolbarFolder, uri(queryURI),
- 0 /* first item */, "test query");
- // query for that query
- options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([bmsvc.toolbarFolder], 1);
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var queryNode = root.getChild(0);
- do_check_eq(queryNode.title, "test query");
- queryNode.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- do_check_eq(queryNode.hasChildren, true);
- root.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_452777.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_452777.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 97b2852f6..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_452777.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
- * vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This test ensures that when removing a folder within a transaction, undoing
- * the transaction restores it with the same id (as received by the observers).
- */
-var bs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
-function run_test()
- const TITLE = "test folder";
- // Create two test folders; remove the first one. This ensures that undoing
- // the removal will not get the same id by chance (the insert id's can be
- // reused in SQLite).
- let id = bs.createFolder(bs.placesRoot, TITLE, -1);
- bs.createFolder(bs.placesRoot, "test folder 2", -1);
- let transaction = bs.getRemoveFolderTransaction(id);
- transaction.doTransaction();
- // Now check to make sure it gets added with the right id
- bs.addObserver({
- onItemAdded: function(aItemId, aFolder, aIndex, aItemType, aURI, aTitle)
- {
- do_check_eq(aItemId, id);
- do_check_eq(aTitle, TITLE);
- }
- }, false);
- transaction.undoTransaction();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_454977.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_454977.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 606e83048..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_454977.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Cache actual visit_count value, filled by add_visit, used by check_results
-var visit_count = 0;
-// Returns the Place ID corresponding to an added visit.
-function* task_add_visit(aURI, aVisitType)
- // Add the visit asynchronously, and save its visit ID.
- let deferUpdatePlaces = new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
- {
- PlacesUtils.asyncHistory.updatePlaces({
- uri: aURI,
- visits: [{ transitionType: aVisitType, visitDate: * 1000 }]
- }, {
- handleError: function TAV_handleError() {
- reject(new Error("Unexpected error in adding visit."));
- },
- handleResult: function (aPlaceInfo) {
- this.visitId = aPlaceInfo.visits[0].visitId;
- },
- handleCompletion: function TAV_handleCompletion() {
- resolve(this.visitId);
- }
- });
- });
- let visitId = yield deferUpdatePlaces;
- // Increase visit_count if applicable
- if (aVisitType != 0 &&
- aVisitType != TRANSITION_EMBED &&
- aVisitType != TRANSITION_RELOAD) {
- visit_count ++;
- }
- // Get the place id
- if (visitId > 0) {
- let sql = "SELECT place_id FROM moz_historyvisits WHERE id = ?1";
- let stmt = DBConn().createStatement(sql);
- stmt.bindByIndex(0, visitId);
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- let placeId = stmt.getInt64(0);
- stmt.finalize();
- do_check_true(placeId > 0);
- return placeId;
- }
- return 0;
- * Checks for results consistency, using visit_count as constraint
- * @param aExpectedCount
- * Number of history results we are expecting (excluded hidden ones)
- * @param aExpectedCountWithHidden
- * Number of history results we are expecting (included hidden ones)
- */
-function check_results(aExpectedCount, aExpectedCountWithHidden)
- let query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- // used to check visit_count
- query.minVisits = visit_count;
- query.maxVisits = visit_count;
- let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.queryType = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY;
- let root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- // Children without hidden ones
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, aExpectedCount);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // Execute again with includeHidden = true
- // This will ensure visit_count is correct
- options.includeHidden = true;
- root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- // Children with hidden ones
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, aExpectedCountWithHidden);
- root.containerOpen = false;
-// main
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- const TEST_URI = uri("");
- // Add a visit that force hidden
- yield task_add_visit(TEST_URI, TRANSITION_EMBED);
- check_results(0, 0);
- let placeId = yield task_add_visit(TEST_URI, TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK);
- check_results(0, 1);
- // Add a visit that force unhide and check the place id.
- // - We expect that the place gets hidden = 0 while retaining the same
- // place id and a correct visit_count.
- do_check_eq((yield task_add_visit(TEST_URI, TRANSITION_TYPED)), placeId);
- check_results(1, 1);
- // Add a visit that should not increase visit_count
- do_check_eq((yield task_add_visit(TEST_URI, TRANSITION_RELOAD)), placeId);
- check_results(1, 1);
- // Add a visit that should not increase visit_count
- do_check_eq((yield task_add_visit(TEST_URI, TRANSITION_DOWNLOAD)), placeId);
- check_results(1, 1);
- // Add a visit, check that hidden is not overwritten
- // - We expect that the place has still hidden = 0, while retaining
- // correct visit_count.
- yield task_add_visit(TEST_URI, TRANSITION_EMBED);
- check_results(1, 1);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_463863.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_463863.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f7cece4a..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_463863.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *
- * This test checks that in a basic history query all transition types visits
- */
-var transitions = [
-function runQuery(aResultType) {
- let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.resultType = aResultType;
- let root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(),
- options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- let cc = root.childCount;
- do_check_eq(cc, transitions.length - 2);
- for (let i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
- let node = root.getChild(i);
- // Check that all transition types but EMBED and FRAMED appear in results
- do_check_neq(node.uri.substr(6, 1), TRANSITION_EMBED);
- do_check_neq(node.uri.substr(6, 1), TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK);
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- // add visits, one for each transition type
- for (let transition of transitions) {
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({
- uri: uri("http://" + transition + ""),
- transition: transition
- });
- }
- runQuery(Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.RESULTS_AS_VISIT);
- runQuery(Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.RESULTS_AS_URI);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_485442_crash_bug_nsNavHistoryQuery_GetUri.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_485442_crash_bug_nsNavHistoryQuery_GetUri.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 873174ffd..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_485442_crash_bug_nsNavHistoryQuery_GetUri.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var hs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-function run_test() {
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.resultType = options.RESULT_TYPE_QUERY;
- var result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.root.containerOpen = true;
- var rootNode = result.root;
- rootNode.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode);
- var queries = rootNode.getQueries();
- do_check_eq(queries[0].uri, null); // Should be null, instead of crashing the browser
- rootNode.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_486978_sort_by_date_queries.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_486978_sort_by_date_queries.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 05f3f83e7..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_486978_sort_by_date_queries.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- *
- * This test checks that setting a sort on a RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY query,
- * children of inside containers are sorted accordingly.
- */
-var hs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-// Will be inserted in this order, so last one will be the newest visit.
-var pages = [
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_initialize()
- var noon = new Date();
- noon.setHours(12);
- // Add visits.
- for (let pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < pages.length; ++pageIndex) {
- let page = pages[pageIndex];
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({
- uri: uri(page),
- visitDate: noon - (pages.length - pageIndex) * 1000
- });
- }
- * Tests that sorting date query by none will sort by title asc.
- */
-add_task(function() {
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY;
- // This should sort by title asc.
- options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_NONE;
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- var result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var dayContainer = root.getChild(0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- dayContainer.containerOpen = true;
- var cc = dayContainer.childCount;
- do_check_eq(cc, pages.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
- var node = dayContainer.getChild(i);
- do_check_eq(pages[i], node.uri);
- }
- dayContainer.containerOpen = false;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- * Tests that sorting date query by date will sort accordingly.
- */
-add_task(function() {
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY;
- // This should sort by title asc.
- options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING;
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- var result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var dayContainer = root.getChild(0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- dayContainer.containerOpen = true;
- var cc = dayContainer.childCount;
- do_check_eq(cc, pages.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
- var node = dayContainer.getChild(i);
- do_check_eq(pages[pages.length - i - 1], node.uri);
- }
- dayContainer.containerOpen = false;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- * Tests that sorting date site query by date will still sort by title asc.
- */
-add_task(function() {
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_DATE_SITE_QUERY;
- // This should sort by title asc.
- options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING;
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- var result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var dayContainer = root.getChild(0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- dayContainer.containerOpen = true;
- var siteContainer = dayContainer.getChild(0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- do_check_eq(siteContainer.title, "");
- siteContainer.containerOpen = true;
- var cc = siteContainer.childCount;
- do_check_eq(cc, pages.length / 2);
- for (var i = 0; i < cc / 2; i++) {
- var node = siteContainer.getChild(i);
- do_check_eq(pages[i], node.uri);
- }
- siteContainer.containerOpen = false;
- dayContainer.containerOpen = false;
- root.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_536081.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_536081.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b61b91866..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_536081.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var hs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-var bh = hs.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIBrowserHistory);
-var db = hs.QueryInterface(Ci.nsPIPlacesDatabase).DBConnection;
-const URLS = [
- { u: "",
- s: "goog" },
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- for (let url of URLS) {
- yield task_test_url(url);
- }
-function* task_test_url(aURL) {
- print("Testing url: " + aURL.u);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(uri(aURL.u));
- let query = hs.getNewQuery();
- query.searchTerms = aURL.s;
- let options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- let root = hs.executeQuery(query, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- let cc = root.childCount;
- do_check_eq(cc, 1);
- print("Checking url is in the query.");
- let node = root.getChild(0);
- print("Found " + node.uri);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- bh.removePage(uri(node.uri));
-function check_empty_table(table_name) {
- print("Checking url has been removed.");
- let stmt = db.createStatement("SELECT count(*) FROM " + table_name);
- try {
- stmt.executeStep();
- do_check_eq(stmt.getInt32(0), 0);
- }
- finally {
- stmt.finalize();
- }
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1280ce3e7..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function run_test() {
- // Tell the search service we are running in the US. This also has the
- // desired side-effect of preventing our geoip lookup.
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("", true);
- Services.prefs.setCharPref("", "US");
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("", false);
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* search_engine_match() {
- let engine = yield promiseDefaultSearchEngine();
- let token = engine.getResultDomain();
- let match = yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByToken(token.substr(0, 1));
- do_check_eq(match.url, engine.searchForm);
- do_check_eq(match.engineName,;
- do_check_eq(match.iconUrl, engine.iconURI ? engine.iconURI.spec : null);
-add_task(function* no_match() {
- do_check_eq(null, yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByToken("test"));
-add_task(function* hide_search_engine_nomatch() {
- let engine = yield promiseDefaultSearchEngine();
- let token = engine.getResultDomain();
- let promiseTopic = promiseSearchTopic("engine-changed");
- yield promiseTopic;
- do_check_true(engine.hidden);
- do_check_eq(null, yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByToken(token.substr(0, 1)));
-add_task(function* add_search_engine_match() {
- let promiseTopic = promiseSearchTopic("engine-added");
- do_check_eq(null, yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByToken("bacon"));
-"bacon", "", "pork", "Search Bacon",
- "GET", "http://www.bacon.moz/?search={searchTerms}");
- yield promiseTopic;
- let match = yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByToken("bacon");
- do_check_eq(match.url, "http://www.bacon.moz");
- do_check_eq(match.engineName, "bacon");
- do_check_eq(match.iconUrl, null);
-add_task(function* test_aliased_search_engine_match() {
- do_check_eq(null, yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByAlias("sober"));
- // Lower case
- let match = yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByAlias("pork");
- do_check_eq(match.engineName, "bacon");
- do_check_eq(match.alias, "pork");
- do_check_eq(match.iconUrl, null);
- // Upper case
- let match1 = yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByAlias("PORK");
- do_check_eq(match1.engineName, "bacon");
- do_check_eq(match1.alias, "pork");
- do_check_eq(match1.iconUrl, null);
- // Cap case
- let match2 = yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByAlias("Pork");
- do_check_eq(match2.engineName, "bacon");
- do_check_eq(match2.alias, "pork");
- do_check_eq(match2.iconUrl, null);
-add_task(function* test_aliased_search_engine_match_upper_case_alias() {
- let promiseTopic = promiseSearchTopic("engine-added");
- do_check_eq(null, yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByToken("patch"));
-"patch", "", "PR", "Search Patch",
- "GET", "http://www.patch.moz/?search={searchTerms}");
- yield promiseTopic;
- // lower case
- let match = yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByAlias("pr");
- do_check_eq(match.engineName, "patch");
- do_check_eq(match.alias, "PR");
- do_check_eq(match.iconUrl, null);
- // Upper case
- let match1 = yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByAlias("PR");
- do_check_eq(match1.engineName, "patch");
- do_check_eq(match1.alias, "PR");
- do_check_eq(match1.iconUrl, null);
- // Cap case
- let match2 = yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByAlias("Pr");
- do_check_eq(match2.engineName, "patch");
- do_check_eq(match2.alias, "PR");
- do_check_eq(match2.iconUrl, null);
-add_task(function* remove_search_engine_nomatch() {
- let engine ="bacon");
- let promiseTopic = promiseSearchTopic("engine-removed");
- yield promiseTopic;
- do_check_eq(null, yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByToken("bacon"));
-add_task(function* test_parseSubmissionURL_basic() {
- // Most of the logic of parseSubmissionURL is tested in the search service
- // itself, thus we only do a sanity check of the wrapper here.
- let engine = yield promiseDefaultSearchEngine();
- let submissionURL = engine.getSubmission("terms").uri.spec;
- let result = PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.parseSubmissionURL(submissionURL);
- do_check_eq(result.engineName,;
- do_check_eq(result.terms, "terms");
- result = PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.parseSubmissionURL("");
- do_check_eq(result, null);
-function promiseDefaultSearchEngine() {
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- () => {
- deferred.resolve(;
- });
- return deferred.promise;
-function promiseSearchTopic(expectedVerb) {
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- Services.obs.addObserver( function observe(subject, topic, verb) {
- do_print("browser-search-engine-modified: " + verb);
- if (verb == expectedVerb) {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observe, "browser-search-engine-modified");
- deferred.resolve();
- }
- }, "browser-search-engine-modified", false);
- return deferred.promise;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_PlacesUtils_asyncGetBookmarkIds.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_PlacesUtils_asyncGetBookmarkIds.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 182f75eac..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_PlacesUtils_asyncGetBookmarkIds.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- * This file tests PlacesUtils.asyncGetBookmarkIds method.
- */
-const TEST_URL = "";
-var promiseAsyncGetBookmarkIds = Task.async(function* (url) {
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- PlacesUtils.asyncGetBookmarkIds(url, (itemIds, uri) => {
- Assert.equal(uri, url);
- resolve({ itemIds, url });
- });
- });
-add_task(function* test_no_bookmark() {
- let { itemIds, url } = yield promiseAsyncGetBookmarkIds(TEST_URL);
- Assert.equal(itemIds.length, 0);
- Assert.equal(url, TEST_URL);
-add_task(function* test_one_bookmark() {
- let bookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- url: TEST_URL,
- title: "test"
- });
- let itemId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.guid);
- {
- let { itemIds, url } = yield promiseAsyncGetBookmarkIds(NetUtil.newURI(TEST_URL));
- Assert.equal(itemIds.length, 1);
- Assert.equal(itemIds[0], itemId);
- Assert.equal(url.spec, TEST_URL);
- }
- {
- let { itemIds, url } = yield promiseAsyncGetBookmarkIds(TEST_URL);
- Assert.equal(itemIds.length, 1);
- Assert.equal(itemIds[0], itemId);
- Assert.equal(url, TEST_URL);
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark);
-add_task(function* test_multiple_bookmarks() {
- let ids = [];
- let bookmark1 = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- url: TEST_URL,
- title: "test"
- });
- ids.push((yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark1.guid)));
- let bookmark2 = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- url: TEST_URL,
- title: "test"
- });
- ids.push((yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark2.guid)));
- let { itemIds, url } = yield promiseAsyncGetBookmarkIds(TEST_URL);
- Assert.deepEqual(ids, itemIds);
- Assert.equal(url, TEST_URL);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark1);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark2);
-add_task(function* test_cancel() {
- let pending = PlacesUtils.asyncGetBookmarkIds(TEST_URL, () => {
- Assert.ok(false, "A canceled pending statement should not be invoked");
- });
- pending.cancel();
- let { itemIds, url } = yield promiseAsyncGetBookmarkIds(TEST_URL);
- Assert.equal(itemIds.length, 0);
- Assert.equal(url, TEST_URL);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_PlacesUtils_invalidateCachedGuidFor.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_PlacesUtils_invalidateCachedGuidFor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b7906ec5c..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_PlacesUtils_invalidateCachedGuidFor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-add_task(function* () {
- do_print("Add a bookmark.");
- let bm = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ url: "",
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
- let id = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bm.guid);
- Assert.equal((yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemGuid(id)), bm.guid);
- // Ensure invalidating a non-existent itemId doesn't throw.
- PlacesUtils.invalidateCachedGuidFor(null);
- PlacesUtils.invalidateCachedGuidFor(9999);
- do_print("Change the GUID.");
- yield PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("test", Task.async(function*(db) {
- yield db.execute("UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET guid = :guid WHERE id = :id",
- { guid: "123456789012", id});
- }));
- // The cache should still point to the wrong id.
- Assert.equal((yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemGuid(id)), bm.guid);
- do_print("Invalidate the cache.");
- PlacesUtils.invalidateCachedGuidFor(id);
- Assert.equal((yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemGuid(id)), "123456789012");
- Assert.equal((yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId("123456789012")), id);
- yield Assert.rejects(PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bm.guid), /no item found for the given GUID/);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_PlacesUtils_lazyobservers.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_PlacesUtils_lazyobservers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f0e9c5517..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_PlacesUtils_lazyobservers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function run_test() {
- do_test_pending();
- const TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("")
- let observer = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
- Ci.nsINavBookmarkObserver,
- ]),
- onBeginUpdateBatch: function () {},
- onEndUpdateBatch: function () {},
- onItemAdded: function (aItemId, aParentId, aIndex, aItemType, aURI) {
- do_check_true(aURI.equals(TEST_URI));
- PlacesUtils.removeLazyBookmarkObserver(this);
- do_test_finished();
- },
- onItemRemoved: function () {},
- onItemChanged: function () {},
- onItemVisited: function () {},
- onItemMoved: function () {},
- };
- // Check registration and removal with uninitialized bookmarks service.
- PlacesUtils.addLazyBookmarkObserver(observer);
- PlacesUtils.removeLazyBookmarkObserver(observer);
- // Add a proper lazy observer we will test.
- PlacesUtils.addLazyBookmarkObserver(observer);
- // Check that we don't leak when adding and removing an observer while the
- // bookmarks service is instantiated but no change happened (bug 721319).
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks;
- PlacesUtils.addLazyBookmarkObserver(observer);
- PlacesUtils.removeLazyBookmarkObserver(observer);
- try {
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeObserver(observer);
- do_throw("Trying to remove a nonexisting observer should throw!");
- } catch (ex) {}
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "Bookmark title");
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_adaptive.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_adaptive.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 78ffaedb5..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_adaptive.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Test for bug 395739 to make sure the feedback to the search results in those
- * entries getting better ranks. Additionally, exact matches should be ranked
- * higher. Because the interactions among adaptive rank and visit counts is not
- * well defined, this test holds one of the two values constant when modifying
- * the other.
- *
- * This also tests bug 395735 for the instrumentation feedback mechanism.
- *
- * Bug 411293 is tested to make sure the drop down strongly prefers previously
- * typed pages that have been selected and are moved to the top with adaptive
- * learning.
- */
-function AutoCompleteInput(aSearches) {
- this.searches = aSearches;
-AutoCompleteInput.prototype = {
- constructor: AutoCompleteInput,
- get minResultsForPopup() {
- return 0;
- },
- get timeout() {
- return 10;
- },
- get searchParam() {
- return "";
- },
- get textValue() {
- return "";
- },
- get disableAutoComplete() {
- return false;
- },
- get completeDefaultIndex() {
- return false;
- },
- get searchCount() {
- return this.searches.length;
- },
- getSearchAt: function (aIndex) {
- return this.searches[aIndex];
- },
- onSearchBegin: function () {},
- onSearchComplete: function() {},
- get popupOpen() {
- return false;
- },
- popup: {
- set selectedIndex(aIndex) {},
- invalidate: function () {},
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup])
- },
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput])
- * Checks that autocomplete results are ordered correctly.
- */
-function ensure_results(expected, searchTerm)
- let controller = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController);
- // Make an AutoCompleteInput that uses our searches
- // and confirms results on search complete.
- let input = new AutoCompleteInput(["unifiedcomplete"]);
- controller.input = input;
- input.onSearchComplete = function() {
- do_check_eq(controller.searchStatus,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_MATCH);
- do_check_eq(controller.matchCount, expected.length);
- for (let i = 0; i < controller.matchCount; i++) {
- print("Testing for '" + expected[i].uri.spec + "' got '" + controller.getValueAt(i) + "'");
- do_check_eq(controller.getValueAt(i), expected[i].uri.spec);
- do_check_eq(controller.getStyleAt(i), expected[i].style);
- }
- deferEnsureResults.resolve();
- };
- controller.startSearch(searchTerm);
- * Asynchronous task that bumps up the rank for an uri.
- */
-function* task_setCountRank(aURI, aCount, aRank, aSearch, aBookmark)
- // Bump up the visit count for the uri.
- let visits = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
- visits.push({ uri: aURI, visitDate: d1, transition: TRANSITION_TYPED });
- }
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(visits);
- // Make a nsIAutoCompleteController and friends for instrumentation feedback.
- let thing = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController]),
- get popup() {
- return thing;
- },
- get controller() {
- return thing;
- },
- popupOpen: true,
- selectedIndex: 0,
- getValueAt: function() {
- return aURI.spec;
- },
- searchString: aSearch
- };
- // Bump up the instrumentation feedback.
- for (let i = 0; i < aRank; i++) {
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(thing, "autocomplete-will-enter-text", null);
- }
- // If this is supposed to be a bookmark, add it.
- if (aBookmark) {
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- aURI,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "test_book");
- // And add the tag if we need to.
- if (aBookmark == "tag") {
- PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(aURI, ["test_tag"]);
- }
- }
- * Decay the adaptive entries by sending the daily idle topic.
- */
-function doAdaptiveDecay()
- PlacesUtils.history.runInBatchMode({
- runBatched: function() {
- for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- PlacesUtils.history.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObserver)
- .observe(null, "idle-daily", null);
- }
- }
- }, this);
-var uri1 = uri("http://site.tld/1");
-var uri2 = uri("http://site.tld/2");
-// d1 is some date for the page visit
-var d1 = new Date( - 1000 * 60 * 60) * 1000;
-// c1 is larger (should show up higher) than c2
-var c1 = 10;
-var c2 = 1;
-// s1 is a partial match of s2
-var s0 = "";
-var s1 = "si";
-var s2 = "site";
-var observer = {
- results: null,
- search: null,
- runCount: -1,
- observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData)
- {
- if (--this.runCount > 0)
- return;
- ensure_results(this.results,;
- }
-Services.obs.addObserver(observer, PlacesUtils.TOPIC_FEEDBACK_UPDATED, false);
- * Make the result object for a given URI that will be passed to ensure_results.
- */
-function makeResult(aURI, aStyle = "favicon") {
- return {
- uri: aURI,
- style: aStyle,
- };
-var tests = [
- // Test things without a search term.
- function*() {
- print("Test 0 same count, diff rank, same term; no search");
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri1),
- makeResult(uri2),
- ];
- = s0;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c2;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c1, c1, s2);
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c1, c2, s2);
- },
- function*() {
- print("Test 1 same count, diff rank, same term; no search");
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri2),
- makeResult(uri1),
- ];
- = s0;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c2;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c1, c2, s2);
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c1, c1, s2);
- },
- function*() {
- print("Test 2 diff count, same rank, same term; no search");
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri1),
- makeResult(uri2),
- ];
- = s0;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c1;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c1, c1, s2);
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c2, c1, s2);
- },
- function*() {
- print("Test 3 diff count, same rank, same term; no search");
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri2),
- makeResult(uri1),
- ];
- = s0;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c1;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c2, c1, s2);
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c1, c1, s2);
- },
- // Test things with a search term (exact match one, partial other).
- function*() {
- print("Test 4 same count, same rank, diff term; one exact/one partial search");
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri1),
- makeResult(uri2),
- ];
- = s1;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c1;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c1, c1, s1);
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c1, c1, s2);
- },
- function*() {
- print("Test 5 same count, same rank, diff term; one exact/one partial search");
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri2),
- makeResult(uri1),
- ];
- = s1;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c1;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c1, c1, s2);
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c1, c1, s1);
- },
- // Test things with a search term (exact match both).
- function*() {
- print("Test 6 same count, diff rank, same term; both exact search");
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri1),
- makeResult(uri2),
- ];
- = s1;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c2;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c1, c1, s1);
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c1, c2, s1);
- },
- function*() {
- print("Test 7 same count, diff rank, same term; both exact search");
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri2),
- makeResult(uri1),
- ];
- = s1;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c2;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c1, c2, s1);
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c1, c1, s1);
- },
- // Test things with a search term (partial match both).
- function*() {
- print("Test 8 same count, diff rank, same term; both partial search");
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri1),
- makeResult(uri2),
- ];
- = s1;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c2;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c1, c1, s2);
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c1, c2, s2);
- },
- function*() {
- print("Test 9 same count, diff rank, same term; both partial search");
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri2),
- makeResult(uri1),
- ];
- = s1;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c2;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c1, c2, s2);
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c1, c1, s2);
- },
- function*() {
- print("Test 10 same count, same rank, same term, decay first; exact match");
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri2),
- makeResult(uri1),
- ];
- = s1;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c1;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c1, c1, s1);
- doAdaptiveDecay();
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c1, c1, s1);
- },
- function*() {
- print("Test 11 same count, same rank, same term, decay second; exact match");
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri1),
- makeResult(uri2),
- ];
- = s1;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c1;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c1, c1, s1);
- doAdaptiveDecay();
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c1, c1, s1);
- },
- // Test that bookmarks are hidden if the preferences are set right.
- function*() {
- print("Test 12 same count, diff rank, same term; no search; history only");
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.history", true);
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark", false);
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.openpage", false);
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri1),
- makeResult(uri2),
- ];
- = s0;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c2;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c1, c1, s2, "bookmark");
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c1, c2, s2);
- },
- // Test that tags are shown if the preferences are set right.
- function*() {
- print("Test 13 same count, diff rank, same term; no search; history only with tag");
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.history", true);
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark", false);
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.openpage", false);
- observer.results = [
- makeResult(uri1, "tag"),
- makeResult(uri2),
- ];
- = s0;
- observer.runCount = c1 + c2;
- yield task_setCountRank(uri1, c1, c1, s2, "tag");
- yield task_setCountRank(uri2, c1, c2, s2);
- },
- * This deferred object contains a promise that is resolved when the
- * ensure_results function has finished its execution.
- */
-var deferEnsureResults;
- * Test adaptive autocomplete.
- */
-add_task(function* test_adaptive()
- // Disable autoFill for this test.
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.autoFill", false);
- do_register_cleanup(() => Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.autoFill"));
- for (let test of tests) {
- // Cleanup.
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeFolderChildren(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId);
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeFolderChildren(PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId);
- observer.runCount = -1;
- let types = ["history", "bookmark", "openpage"];
- for (let type of types) {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.suggest." + type);
- }
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
- deferEnsureResults = Promise.defer();
- yield test();
- yield deferEnsureResults.promise;
- }
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, PlacesUtils.TOPIC_FEEDBACK_UPDATED);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_adaptive_bug527311.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_adaptive_bug527311.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 024553bba..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_adaptive_bug527311.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const TEST_URL = "";
-const SEARCH_STRING = "adapt";
-const SUGGEST_TYPES = ["history", "bookmark", "openpage"];
-var hs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-var bs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
-var os = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIObserverService);
-var ps = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
- "places-autocomplete-feedback-updated";
-function cleanup() {
- for (let type of SUGGEST_TYPES) {
- ps.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.suggest." + type);
- }
-function AutoCompleteInput(aSearches) {
- this.searches = aSearches;
-AutoCompleteInput.prototype = {
- constructor: AutoCompleteInput,
- searches: null,
- minResultsForPopup: 0,
- timeout: 10,
- searchParam: "",
- textValue: "",
- disableAutoComplete: false,
- completeDefaultIndex: false,
- get searchCount() {
- return this.searches.length;
- },
- getSearchAt: function ACI_getSearchAt(aIndex) {
- return this.searches[aIndex];
- },
- onSearchComplete: function ACI_onSearchComplete() {},
- popupOpen: false,
- popup: {
- setSelectedIndex: function() {},
- invalidate: function() {},
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
- },
- onSearchBegin: function() {},
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
-function check_results() {
- let controller = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController);
- let input = new AutoCompleteInput(["unifiedcomplete"]);
- controller.input = input;
- input.onSearchComplete = function() {
- do_check_eq(controller.searchStatus,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_NO_MATCH);
- do_check_eq(controller.matchCount, 0);
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything().then(() => {
- cleanup();
- do_test_finished();
- });
- };
- controller.startSearch(SEARCH_STRING);
-function addAdaptiveFeedback(aUrl, aSearch, aCallback) {
- let observer = {
- observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- do_timeout(0, aCallback);
- }
- };
- os.addObserver(observer, PLACES_AUTOCOMPLETE_FEEDBACK_UPDATED_TOPIC, false);
- let thing = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController]),
- get popup() { return thing; },
- get controller() { return thing; },
- popupOpen: true,
- selectedIndex: 0,
- getValueAt: () => aUrl,
- searchString: aSearch
- };
- os.notifyObservers(thing, "autocomplete-will-enter-text", null);
-function run_test() {
- do_test_pending();
- // Add a bookmark to our url.
- bs.insertBookmark(bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder, uri(TEST_URL),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "test_book");
- // We want to search only history.
- for (let type of SUGGEST_TYPES) {
- type == "history" ? ps.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest." + type, true)
- : ps.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest." + type, false);
- }
- // Add an adaptive entry.
- addAdaptiveFeedback(TEST_URL, SEARCH_STRING, check_results);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_analyze.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_analyze.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 456270101..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_analyze.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Tests sqlite_sta1 table exists, it should be created by analyze.
-// Since the bookmark roots are created when the DB is created (bug 704855),
-// the table will contain data.
-function run_test() {
- do_test_pending();
- let stmt = DBConn().createAsyncStatement(
- "SELECT ROWID FROM sqlite_stat1"
- );
- stmt.executeAsync({
- _gotResult: false,
- handleResult: function(aResultSet) {
- this._gotResult = true;
- },
- handleError: function(aError) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error (" + aError.result + "): " + aError.message);
- },
- handleCompletion: function(aReason) {
- do_check_true(this._gotResult);
- do_test_finished();
- }
- });
- stmt.finalize();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_annotations.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_annotations.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a37d7e6c9..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_annotations.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Get bookmark service
-try {
- var bmsvc = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get nav-bookmarks-service\n");
-// Get annotation service
-try {
- var annosvc= Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIAnnotationService);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get annotation service\n");
-var annoObserver = {
- PAGE_lastSet_URI: "",
- PAGE_lastSet_AnnoName: "",
- onPageAnnotationSet: function(aURI, aName) {
- this.PAGE_lastSet_URI = aURI.spec;
- this.PAGE_lastSet_AnnoName = aName;
- },
- ITEM_lastSet_Id: -1,
- ITEM_lastSet_AnnoName: "",
- onItemAnnotationSet: function(aItemId, aName) {
- this.ITEM_lastSet_Id = aItemId;
- this.ITEM_lastSet_AnnoName = aName;
- },
- PAGE_lastRemoved_URI: "",
- PAGE_lastRemoved_AnnoName: "",
- onPageAnnotationRemoved: function(aURI, aName) {
- this.PAGE_lastRemoved_URI = aURI.spec;
- this.PAGE_lastRemoved_AnnoName = aName;
- },
- ITEM_lastRemoved_Id: -1,
- ITEM_lastRemoved_AnnoName: "",
- onItemAnnotationRemoved: function(aItemId, aName) {
- this.ITEM_lastRemoved_Id = aItemId;
- this.ITEM_lastRemoved_AnnoName = aName;
- }
-// main
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- var testURI = uri("");
- var testItemId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, testURI, -1, "");
- var testAnnoName = "moz-test-places/annotations";
- var testAnnoVal = "test";
- annosvc.addObserver(annoObserver);
- // create new string annotation
- try {
- annosvc.setPageAnnotation(testURI, testAnnoName, testAnnoVal, 0, 0);
- } catch (ex) {
- do_throw("unable to add page-annotation");
- }
- do_check_eq(annoObserver.PAGE_lastSet_URI, testURI.spec);
- do_check_eq(annoObserver.PAGE_lastSet_AnnoName, testAnnoName);
- // get string annotation
- do_check_true(annosvc.pageHasAnnotation(testURI, testAnnoName));
- var storedAnnoVal = annosvc.getPageAnnotation(testURI, testAnnoName);
- do_check_true(testAnnoVal === storedAnnoVal);
- // string item-annotation
- try {
- var lastModified = bmsvc.getItemLastModified(testItemId);
- // Verify that lastModified equals dateAdded before we set the annotation.
- do_check_eq(lastModified, bmsvc.getItemDateAdded(testItemId));
- // Workaround possible VM timers issues moving last modified to the past.
- bmsvc.setItemLastModified(testItemId, --lastModified);
- annosvc.setItemAnnotation(testItemId, testAnnoName, testAnnoVal, 0, 0);
- var lastModified2 = bmsvc.getItemLastModified(testItemId);
- // verify that setting the annotation updates the last modified time
- do_check_true(lastModified2 > lastModified);
- } catch (ex) {
- do_throw("unable to add item annotation");
- }
- do_check_eq(annoObserver.ITEM_lastSet_Id, testItemId);
- do_check_eq(annoObserver.ITEM_lastSet_AnnoName, testAnnoName);
- try {
- var annoVal = annosvc.getItemAnnotation(testItemId, testAnnoName);
- // verify the anno value
- do_check_true(testAnnoVal === annoVal);
- } catch (ex) {
- do_throw("unable to get item annotation");
- }
- // test getPagesWithAnnotation
- var uri2 = uri("http://www.tests.tld");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(uri2);
- annosvc.setPageAnnotation(uri2, testAnnoName, testAnnoVal, 0, 0);
- var pages = annosvc.getPagesWithAnnotation(testAnnoName);
- do_check_eq(pages.length, 2);
- // Don't rely on the order
- do_check_false(pages[0].equals(pages[1]));
- do_check_true(pages[0].equals(testURI) || pages[1].equals(testURI));
- do_check_true(pages[0].equals(uri2) || pages[1].equals(uri2));
- // test getItemsWithAnnotation
- var testItemId2 = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri2, -1, "");
- annosvc.setItemAnnotation(testItemId2, testAnnoName, testAnnoVal, 0, 0);
- var items = annosvc.getItemsWithAnnotation(testAnnoName);
- do_check_eq(items.length, 2);
- // Don't rely on the order
- do_check_true(items[0] != items[1]);
- do_check_true(items[0] == testItemId || items[1] == testItemId);
- do_check_true(items[0] == testItemId2 || items[1] == testItemId2);
- // get annotation that doesn't exist
- try {
- annosvc.getPageAnnotation(testURI, "blah");
- do_throw("fetching page-annotation that doesn't exist, should've thrown");
- } catch (ex) {}
- try {
- annosvc.getItemAnnotation(testURI, "blah");
- do_throw("fetching item-annotation that doesn't exist, should've thrown");
- } catch (ex) {}
- // get annotation info
- var flags = {}, exp = {}, storageType = {};
- annosvc.getPageAnnotationInfo(testURI, testAnnoName, flags, exp, storageType);
- do_check_eq(flags.value, 0);
- do_check_eq(exp.value, 0);
- do_check_eq(storageType.value, Ci.nsIAnnotationService.TYPE_STRING);
- annosvc.getItemAnnotationInfo(testItemId, testAnnoName, flags, exp, storageType);
- do_check_eq(flags.value, 0);
- do_check_eq(exp.value, 0);
- do_check_eq(storageType.value, Ci.nsIAnnotationService.TYPE_STRING);
- // get annotation names for a uri
- var annoNames = annosvc.getPageAnnotationNames(testURI);
- do_check_eq(annoNames.length, 1);
- do_check_eq(annoNames[0], "moz-test-places/annotations");
- // get annotation names for an item
- annoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(testItemId);
- do_check_eq(annoNames.length, 1);
- do_check_eq(annoNames[0], "moz-test-places/annotations");
- // copy annotations to another uri
- var newURI = uri("");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(newURI);
- annosvc.setPageAnnotation(testURI, "oldAnno", "new", 0, 0);
- annosvc.setPageAnnotation(newURI, "oldAnno", "old", 0, 0);
- annoNames = annosvc.getPageAnnotationNames(newURI);
- do_check_eq(annoNames.length, 1);
- do_check_eq(annoNames[0], "oldAnno");
- var oldAnnoNames = annosvc.getPageAnnotationNames(testURI);
- do_check_eq(oldAnnoNames.length, 2);
- var copiedAnno = oldAnnoNames[0];
- annosvc.copyPageAnnotations(testURI, newURI, false);
- var newAnnoNames = annosvc.getPageAnnotationNames(newURI);
- do_check_eq(newAnnoNames.length, 2);
- do_check_true(annosvc.pageHasAnnotation(newURI, "oldAnno"));
- do_check_true(annosvc.pageHasAnnotation(newURI, copiedAnno));
- do_check_eq(annosvc.getPageAnnotation(newURI, "oldAnno"), "old");
- annosvc.setPageAnnotation(newURI, "oldAnno", "new", 0, 0);
- annosvc.copyPageAnnotations(testURI, newURI, true);
- newAnnoNames = annosvc.getPageAnnotationNames(newURI);
- do_check_eq(newAnnoNames.length, 2);
- do_check_true(annosvc.pageHasAnnotation(newURI, "oldAnno"));
- do_check_true(annosvc.pageHasAnnotation(newURI, copiedAnno));
- do_check_eq(annosvc.getPageAnnotation(newURI, "oldAnno"), "new");
- // copy annotations to another item
- newURI = uri("");
- var newItemId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, newURI, -1, "");
- var itemId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, testURI, -1, "");
- annosvc.setItemAnnotation(itemId, "oldAnno", "new", 0, 0);
- annosvc.setItemAnnotation(itemId, "testAnno", "test", 0, 0);
- annosvc.setItemAnnotation(newItemId, "oldAnno", "old", 0, 0);
- annoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(newItemId);
- do_check_eq(annoNames.length, 1);
- do_check_eq(annoNames[0], "oldAnno");
- oldAnnoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(itemId);
- do_check_eq(oldAnnoNames.length, 2);
- copiedAnno = oldAnnoNames[0];
- annosvc.copyItemAnnotations(itemId, newItemId, false);
- newAnnoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(newItemId);
- do_check_eq(newAnnoNames.length, 2);
- do_check_true(annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(newItemId, "oldAnno"));
- do_check_true(annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(newItemId, copiedAnno));
- do_check_eq(annosvc.getItemAnnotation(newItemId, "oldAnno"), "old");
- annosvc.setItemAnnotation(newItemId, "oldAnno", "new", 0, 0);
- annosvc.copyItemAnnotations(itemId, newItemId, true);
- newAnnoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(newItemId);
- do_check_eq(newAnnoNames.length, 2);
- do_check_true(annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(newItemId, "oldAnno"));
- do_check_true(annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(newItemId, copiedAnno));
- do_check_eq(annosvc.getItemAnnotation(newItemId, "oldAnno"), "new");
- // test int32 anno type
- var int32Key = testAnnoName + "/types/Int32";
- var int32Val = 23;
- annosvc.setPageAnnotation(testURI, int32Key, int32Val, 0, 0);
- do_check_true(annosvc.pageHasAnnotation(testURI, int32Key));
- flags = {}, exp = {}, storageType = {};
- annosvc.getPageAnnotationInfo(testURI, int32Key, flags, exp, storageType);
- do_check_eq(flags.value, 0);
- do_check_eq(exp.value, 0);
- do_check_eq(storageType.value, Ci.nsIAnnotationService.TYPE_INT32);
- var storedVal = annosvc.getPageAnnotation(testURI, int32Key);
- do_check_true(int32Val === storedVal);
- annosvc.setItemAnnotation(testItemId, int32Key, int32Val, 0, 0);
- do_check_true(annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(testItemId, int32Key));
- annosvc.getItemAnnotationInfo(testItemId, int32Key, flags, exp, storageType);
- do_check_eq(flags.value, 0);
- do_check_eq(exp.value, 0);
- storedVal = annosvc.getItemAnnotation(testItemId, int32Key);
- do_check_true(int32Val === storedVal);
- // test int64 anno type
- var int64Key = testAnnoName + "/types/Int64";
- var int64Val = 4294967296;
- annosvc.setPageAnnotation(testURI, int64Key, int64Val, 0, 0);
- annosvc.getPageAnnotationInfo(testURI, int64Key, flags, exp, storageType);
- do_check_eq(flags.value, 0);
- do_check_eq(exp.value, 0);
- storedVal = annosvc.getPageAnnotation(testURI, int64Key);
- do_check_true(int64Val === storedVal);
- annosvc.setItemAnnotation(testItemId, int64Key, int64Val, 0, 0);
- do_check_true(annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(testItemId, int64Key));
- annosvc.getItemAnnotationInfo(testItemId, int64Key, flags, exp, storageType);
- do_check_eq(flags.value, 0);
- do_check_eq(exp.value, 0);
- storedVal = annosvc.getItemAnnotation(testItemId, int64Key);
- do_check_true(int64Val === storedVal);
- // test double anno type
- var doubleKey = testAnnoName + "/types/Double";
- var doubleVal = 0.000002342;
- annosvc.setPageAnnotation(testURI, doubleKey, doubleVal, 0, 0);
- annosvc.getPageAnnotationInfo(testURI, doubleKey, flags, exp, storageType);
- do_check_eq(flags.value, 0);
- do_check_eq(exp.value, 0);
- storedVal = annosvc.getPageAnnotation(testURI, doubleKey);
- do_check_true(doubleVal === storedVal);
- annosvc.setItemAnnotation(testItemId, doubleKey, doubleVal, 0, 0);
- do_check_true(annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(testItemId, doubleKey));
- annosvc.getItemAnnotationInfo(testItemId, doubleKey, flags, exp, storageType);
- do_check_eq(flags.value, 0);
- do_check_eq(exp.value, 0);
- do_check_eq(storageType.value, Ci.nsIAnnotationService.TYPE_DOUBLE);
- storedVal = annosvc.getItemAnnotation(testItemId, doubleKey);
- do_check_true(doubleVal === storedVal);
- // test annotation removal
- annosvc.removePageAnnotation(testURI, int32Key);
- annosvc.setItemAnnotation(testItemId, testAnnoName, testAnnoVal, 0, 0);
- // verify that removing an annotation updates the last modified date
- var lastModified3 = bmsvc.getItemLastModified(testItemId);
- // Workaround possible VM timers issues moving last modified to the past.
- bmsvc.setItemLastModified(testItemId, --lastModified3);
- annosvc.removeItemAnnotation(testItemId, int32Key);
- var lastModified4 = bmsvc.getItemLastModified(testItemId);
- do_print("verify that removing an annotation updates the last modified date");
- do_print("lastModified3 = " + lastModified3);
- do_print("lastModified4 = " + lastModified4);
- do_check_true(lastModified4 > lastModified3);
- do_check_eq(annoObserver.PAGE_lastRemoved_URI, testURI.spec);
- do_check_eq(annoObserver.PAGE_lastRemoved_AnnoName, int32Key);
- do_check_eq(annoObserver.ITEM_lastRemoved_Id, testItemId);
- do_check_eq(annoObserver.ITEM_lastRemoved_AnnoName, int32Key);
- // test that getItems/PagesWithAnnotation returns an empty array after
- // removing all items/pages which had the annotation set, see bug 380317.
- do_check_eq(annosvc.getItemsWithAnnotation(int32Key).length, 0);
- do_check_eq(annosvc.getPagesWithAnnotation(int32Key).length, 0);
- // Setting item annotations on invalid item ids should throw
- var invalidIds = [-1, 0, 37643];
- for (var id of invalidIds) {
- try {
- annosvc.setItemAnnotation(id, "foo", "bar", 0, 0);
- do_throw("setItemAnnotation* should throw for invalid item id: " + id)
- }
- catch (ex) { }
- }
- // setting an annotation with EXPIRE_HISTORY for an item should throw
- itemId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, testURI, -1, "");
- try {
- annosvc.setItemAnnotation(itemId, "foo", "bar", 0, annosvc.EXPIRE_WITH_HISTORY);
- do_throw("setting an item annotation with EXPIRE_HISTORY should throw");
- }
- catch (ex) {
- }
- annosvc.removeObserver(annoObserver);
-add_test(function test_getAnnotationsHavingName() {
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let id = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
- PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId, uri,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "cat");
- let fid = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.createFolder(
- PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId, "pillow",
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- const ANNOS = {
- "int": 7,
- "double": 7.7,
- "string": "seven"
- };
- for (let name in ANNOS) {
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setPageAnnotation(
- uri, name, ANNOS[name], 0,
- PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_SESSION);
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setItemAnnotation(
- id, name, ANNOS[name], 0,
- PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_SESSION);
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setItemAnnotation(
- fid, name, ANNOS[name], 0,
- PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_SESSION);
- }
- for (let name in ANNOS) {
- let results = PlacesUtils.annotations.getAnnotationsWithName(name);
- do_check_eq(results.length, 3);
- for (let result of results) {
- do_check_eq(result.annotationName, name);
- do_check_eq(result.annotationValue, ANNOS[name]);
- if (result.uri)
- do_check_true(result.uri.equals(uri));
- else
- do_check_true(result.itemId > 0);
- if (result.itemId != -1) {
- if (result.uri)
- do_check_eq(result.itemId, id);
- else
- do_check_eq(result.itemId, fid);
- do_check_guid_for_bookmark(result.itemId, result.guid);
- }
- else {
- do_check_guid_for_uri(result.uri, result.guid);
- }
- }
- }
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_asyncExecuteLegacyQueries.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_asyncExecuteLegacyQueries.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7296fe061..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_asyncExecuteLegacyQueries.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- *
- */
-// This is a test for asyncExecuteLegacyQueries API.
-var tests = [
-function test_history_query() {
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let title = "Test visit";
- PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: uri, title: title }).then(function () {
- let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.sortingMode = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING;
- let query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- PlacesUtils.history.QueryInterface(Ci.nsPIPlacesDatabase)
- .asyncExecuteLegacyQueries([query], 1, options, {
- handleResult: function (aResultSet) {
- for (let row; (row = aResultSet.getNextRow());) {
- try {
- do_check_eq(row.getResultByIndex(1), uri.spec);
- do_check_eq(row.getResultByIndex(2), title);
- } catch (e) {
- do_throw("Error while fetching page data.");
- }
- }
- },
- handleError: function (aError) {
- do_throw("Async execution error (" + aError.result + "): " + aError.message);
- },
- handleCompletion: function (aReason) {
- run_next_test();
- },
- });
- });
-function test_bookmarks_query() {
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let title = "Test bookmark";
- bookmark(uri, title);
- let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.sortingMode = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_LASMODIFIED_DESCENDING;
- options.queryType = options.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS;
- let query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- PlacesUtils.history.QueryInterface(Ci.nsPIPlacesDatabase)
- .asyncExecuteLegacyQueries([query], 1, options, {
- handleResult: function (aResultSet) {
- for (let row; (row = aResultSet.getNextRow());) {
- try {
- do_check_eq(row.getResultByIndex(1), uri.spec);
- do_check_eq(row.getResultByIndex(2), title);
- } catch (e) {
- do_throw("Error while fetching page data.");
- }
- }
- },
- handleError: function (aError) {
- do_throw("Async execution error (" + aError.result + "): " + aError.message);
- },
- handleCompletion: function (aReason) {
- run_next_test();
- },
- });
-function bookmark(aURI, aTitle)
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- aURI,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- aTitle);
-function run_test()
- do_test_pending();
- run_next_test();
-function run_next_test() {
- if (tests.length == 0) {
- do_test_finished();
- return;
- }
- Promise.all([
- PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory(),
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything()
- ]).then(tests.shift());
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_async_history_api.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_async_history_api.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a012fcda2..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_async_history_api.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1118 +0,0 @@
- * This file tests the async history API exposed by mozIAsyncHistory.
- */
-// Globals
-const TEST_DOMAIN = "";
-const URI_VISIT_SAVED = "uri-visit-saved";
-const RECENT_EVENT_THRESHOLD = 15 * 60 * 1000000;
-// Helpers
- * Object that represents a mozIVisitInfo object.
- *
- * @param [optional] aTransitionType
- * The transition type of the visit. Defaults to TRANSITION_LINK if not
- * provided.
- * @param [optional] aVisitTime
- * The time of the visit. Defaults to now if not provided.
- */
-function VisitInfo(aTransitionType,
- aVisitTime) {
- this.transitionType =
- aTransitionType === undefined ? TRANSITION_LINK : aTransitionType;
- this.visitDate = aVisitTime || * 1000;
-function promiseUpdatePlaces(aPlaces) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- PlacesUtils.asyncHistory.updatePlaces(aPlaces, {
- _errors: [],
- _results: [],
- handleError(aResultCode, aPlace) {
- this._errors.push({ resultCode: aResultCode, info: aPlace});
- },
- handleResult(aPlace) {
- this._results.push(aPlace);
- },
- handleCompletion() {
- resolve({ errors: this._errors, results: this._results });
- }
- });
- });
- * Listens for a title change notification, and calls aCallback when it gets it.
- *
- * @param aURI
- * The URI of the page we expect a notification for.
- * @param aExpectedTitle
- * The expected title of the URI we expect a notification for.
- * @param aCallback
- * The method to call when we have gotten the proper notification about
- * the title changing.
- */
-function TitleChangedObserver(aURI,
- aExpectedTitle,
- aCallback) {
- this.uri = aURI;
- this.expectedTitle = aExpectedTitle;
- this.callback = aCallback;
-TitleChangedObserver.prototype = {
- __proto__: NavHistoryObserver.prototype,
- onTitleChanged(aURI, aTitle, aGUID) {
- do_print("onTitleChanged(" + aURI.spec + ", " + aTitle + ", " + aGUID + ")");
- if (!this.uri.equals(aURI)) {
- return;
- }
- do_check_eq(aTitle, this.expectedTitle);
- do_check_guid_for_uri(aURI, aGUID);
- this.callback();
- },
- * Listens for a visit notification, and calls aCallback when it gets it.
- *
- * @param aURI
- * The URI of the page we expect a notification for.
- * @param aCallback
- * The method to call when we have gotten the proper notification about
- * being visited.
- */
-function VisitObserver(aURI,
- aGUID,
- aCallback)
- this.uri = aURI;
- this.guid = aGUID;
- this.callback = aCallback;
-VisitObserver.prototype = {
- __proto__: NavHistoryObserver.prototype,
- onVisit: function(aURI,
- aVisitId,
- aTime,
- aSessionId,
- aReferringId,
- aTransitionType,
- aGUID)
- {
- do_print("onVisit(" + aURI.spec + ", " + aVisitId + ", " + aTime +
- ", " + aSessionId + ", " + aReferringId + ", " +
- aTransitionType + ", " + aGUID + ")");
- if (!this.uri.equals(aURI) || this.guid != aGUID) {
- return;
- }
- this.callback(aTime, aTransitionType);
- },
- * Tests that a title was set properly in the database.
- *
- * @param aURI
- * The uri to check.
- * @param aTitle
- * The expected title in the database.
- */
-function do_check_title_for_uri(aURI,
- aTitle)
- let stack = Components.stack.caller;
- let stmt = DBConn().createStatement(
- `SELECT title
- FROM moz_places
- WHERE url_hash = hash(:url) AND url = :url`
- );
- stmt.params.url = aURI.spec;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep(), stack);
- do_check_eq(stmt.row.title, aTitle, stack);
- stmt.finalize();
-// Test Functions
-add_task(function* test_interface_exists() {
- let history = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsISupports);
- do_check_true(history instanceof Ci.mozIAsyncHistory);
-add_task(function* test_invalid_uri_throws() {
- // First, test passing in nothing.
- let place = {
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- try {
- yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- do_throw("Should have thrown!");
- }
- catch (e) {
- do_check_eq(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
- // Now, test other bogus things.
- const TEST_VALUES = [
- null,
- undefined,
- {},
- [],
- TEST_DOMAIN + "test_invalid_id_throws",
- ];
- for (let i = 0; i < TEST_VALUES.length; i++) {
- place.uri = TEST_VALUES[i];
- try {
- yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- do_throw("Should have thrown!");
- }
- catch (e) {
- do_check_eq(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
- }
-add_task(function* test_invalid_places_throws() {
- // First, test passing in nothing.
- try {
- PlacesUtils.asyncHistory.updatePlaces();
- do_throw("Should have thrown!");
- }
- catch (e) {
- do_check_eq(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS);
- }
- // Now, test other bogus things.
- const TEST_VALUES = [
- null,
- undefined,
- {},
- [],
- "",
- ];
- for (let i = 0; i < TEST_VALUES.length; i++) {
- let value = TEST_VALUES[i];
- try {
- yield promiseUpdatePlaces(value);
- do_throw("Should have thrown!");
- }
- catch (e) {
- do_check_eq(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
- }
-add_task(function* test_invalid_guid_throws() {
- // First check invalid length guid.
- let place = {
- guid: "BAD_GUID",
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_invalid_guid_throws"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- try {
- yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- do_throw("Should have thrown!");
- }
- catch (e) {
- do_check_eq(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
- // Now check invalid character guid.
- place.guid = "__BADGUID+__";
- do_check_eq(place.guid.length, 12);
- try {
- yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- do_throw("Should have thrown!");
- }
- catch (e) {
- do_check_eq(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_no_visits_throws() {
- const TEST_URI =
- NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_no_id_or_guid_no_visits_throws");
- let log_test_conditions = function(aPlace) {
- let str = "Testing place with " +
- (aPlace.uri ? "uri" : "no uri") + ", " +
- (aPlace.guid ? "guid" : "no guid") + ", " +
- (aPlace.visits ? "visits array" : "no visits array");
- do_print(str);
- };
- // Loop through every possible case. Note that we don't actually care about
- // the case where we have no uri, place id, or guid (covered by another test),
- // but it is easier to just make sure it too throws than to exclude it.
- let place = { };
- for (let uri = 1; uri >= 0; uri--) {
- place.uri = uri ? TEST_URI : undefined;
- for (let guid = 1; guid >= 0; guid--) {
- place.guid = guid ? TEST_GUID : undefined;
- for (let visits = 1; visits >= 0; visits--) {
- place.visits = visits ? [] : undefined;
- log_test_conditions(place);
- try {
- yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- do_throw("Should have thrown!");
- }
- catch (e) {
- do_check_eq(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-add_task(function* test_add_visit_no_date_throws() {
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_add_visit_no_date_throws"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- delete place.visits[0].visitDate;
- try {
- yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- do_throw("Should have thrown!");
- }
- catch (e) {
- do_check_eq(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_add_visit_no_transitionType_throws() {
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_add_visit_no_transitionType_throws"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- delete place.visits[0].transitionType;
- try {
- yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- do_throw("Should have thrown!");
- }
- catch (e) {
- do_check_eq(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_add_visit_invalid_transitionType_throws() {
- // First, test something that has a transition type lower than the first one.
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN +
- "test_add_visit_invalid_transitionType_throws"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(TRANSITION_LINK - 1),
- ],
- };
- try {
- yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- do_throw("Should have thrown!");
- }
- catch (e) {
- do_check_eq(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
- // Now, test something that has a transition type greater than the last one.
- place.visits[0] = new VisitInfo(TRANSITION_RELOAD + 1);
- try {
- yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- do_throw("Should have thrown!");
- }
- catch (e) {
- do_check_eq(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_non_addable_uri_errors() {
- // Array of protocols that nsINavHistoryService::canAddURI returns false for.
- const URLS = [
- "about:config",
- "imap://",
- "news://",
- "mailbox:Inbox",
- "moz-anno:favicon:",
- "view-source:",
- "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul",
- "resource://gre-resources/hiddenWindow.html",
- "data:,Hello%2C%20World!",
- "wyciwyg:/0/",
- "javascript:alert('hello wolrd!');",
- "blob:foo",
- ];
- let places = [];
- URLS.forEach(function(url) {
- try {
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(url),
- title: "test for " + url,
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- places.push(place);
- }
- catch (e) {
- if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE) {
- throw e;
- }
- // NetUtil.newURI() can throw if e.g. our app knows about imap://
- // but the account is not set up and so the URL is invalid for us.
- // Note this in the log but ignore as it's not the subject of this test.
- do_print("Could not construct URI for '" + url + "'; ignoring");
- }
- });
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(places);
- if (placesResult.results.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected success.");
- }
- for (let place of placesResult.errors) {
- do_print("Checking '" + + "'");
- do_check_eq(place.resultCode, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(;
- }
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-add_task(function* test_duplicate_guid_errors() {
- // This test ensures that trying to add a visit, with a guid already found in
- // another visit, fails.
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_duplicate_guid_fails_first"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- let placeInfo = placesResult.results[0];
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(placeInfo.uri));
- let badPlace = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_duplicate_guid_fails_second"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- guid: placeInfo.guid,
- };
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(badPlace.uri));
- placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(badPlace);
- if (placesResult.results.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected success.");
- }
- let badPlaceInfo = placesResult.errors[0];
- do_check_eq(badPlaceInfo.resultCode, Cr.NS_ERROR_STORAGE_CONSTRAINT);
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(;
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-add_task(function* test_invalid_referrerURI_ignored() {
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN +
- "test_invalid_referrerURI_ignored"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- place.visits[0].referrerURI = NetUtil.newURI(place.uri.spec + "_unvisistedURI");
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.visits[0].referrerURI));
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- let placeInfo = placesResult.results[0];
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(placeInfo.uri));
- // Check to make sure we do not visit the invalid referrer.
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.visits[0].referrerURI));
- // Check to make sure from_visit is zero in database.
- let stmt = DBConn().createStatement(
- `SELECT from_visit
- FROM moz_historyvisits
- WHERE id = :visit_id`
- );
- stmt.params.visit_id = placeInfo.visits[0].visitId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- do_check_eq(stmt.row.from_visit, 0);
- stmt.finalize();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-add_task(function* test_nonnsIURI_referrerURI_ignored() {
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN +
- "test_nonnsIURI_referrerURI_ignored"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- place.visits[0].referrerURI = place.uri.spec + "_nonnsIURI";
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- let placeInfo = placesResult.results[0];
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(placeInfo.uri));
- // Check to make sure from_visit is zero in database.
- let stmt = DBConn().createStatement(
- `SELECT from_visit
- FROM moz_historyvisits
- WHERE id = :visit_id`
- );
- stmt.params.visit_id = placeInfo.visits[0].visitId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- do_check_eq(stmt.row.from_visit, 0);
- stmt.finalize();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-add_task(function* test_old_referrer_ignored() {
- // This tests that a referrer for a visit which is not recent (specifically,
- // older than 15 minutes as per RECENT_EVENT_THRESHOLD) is not saved by
- // updatePlaces.
- let oldTime = ( * 1000) - (RECENT_EVENT_THRESHOLD + 1);
- let referrerPlace = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_old_referrer_ignored_referrer"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(TRANSITION_LINK, oldTime),
- ],
- };
- // First we must add our referrer to the history so that it is not ignored
- // as being invalid.
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(referrerPlace.uri));
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(referrerPlace);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- // Now that the referrer is added, we can add a page with a valid
- // referrer to determine if the recency of the referrer is taken into
- // account.
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(referrerPlace.uri));
- let visitInfo = new VisitInfo();
- visitInfo.referrerURI = referrerPlace.uri;
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_old_referrer_ignored_page"),
- visits: [
- visitInfo,
- ],
- };
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- let placeInfo = placesResult.results[0];
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- // Though the visit will not contain the referrer, we must examine the
- // database to be sure.
- do_check_eq(placeInfo.visits[0].referrerURI, null);
- let stmt = DBConn().createStatement(
- `SELECT COUNT(1) AS count
- FROM moz_historyvisits
- JOIN moz_places h ON = place_id
- WHERE url_hash = hash(:page_url) AND url = :page_url
- AND from_visit = 0`
- );
- stmt.params.page_url = place.uri.spec;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- do_check_eq(stmt.row.count, 1);
- stmt.finalize();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-add_task(function* test_place_id_ignored() {
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_place_id_ignored_first"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- let placeInfo = placesResult.results[0];
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- let placeId = placeInfo.placeId;
- do_check_neq(placeId, 0);
- let badPlace = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_place_id_ignored_second"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- placeId: placeId,
- };
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(badPlace.uri));
- placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(badPlace);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- placeInfo = placesResult.results[0];
- do_check_neq(placeInfo.placeId, placeId);
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(badPlace.uri));
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-add_task(function* test_handleCompletion_called_when_complete() {
- // We test a normal visit, and embeded visit, and a uri that would fail
- // the canAddURI test to make sure that the notification happens after *all*
- // of them have had a callback.
- let places = [
- { uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN +
- "test_handleCompletion_called_when_complete"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- new VisitInfo(TRANSITION_EMBED),
- ],
- },
- { uri: NetUtil.newURI("data:,Hello%2C%20World!"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- },
- ];
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(places[0].uri));
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(places[1].uri));
- let {results, errors} = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(places);
- do_check_eq(results.length, EXPECTED_COUNT_SUCCESS);
- do_check_eq(errors.length, EXPECTED_COUNT_FAILURE);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-add_task(function* test_add_visit() {
- const VISIT_TIME = * 1000;
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_add_visit"),
- title: "test_add_visit title",
- visits: [],
- };
- for (let t in PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITIONS) {
- let transitionType = PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITIONS[t];
- place.visits.push(new VisitInfo(transitionType, VISIT_TIME));
- }
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- let callbackCount = 0;
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- for (let placeInfo of placesResult.results) {
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- // Check mozIPlaceInfo properties.
- do_check_true(place.uri.equals(placeInfo.uri));
- do_check_eq(placeInfo.frecency, -1); // We don't pass frecency here!
- do_check_eq(placeInfo.title, place.title);
- // Check mozIVisitInfo properties.
- let visits = placeInfo.visits;
- do_check_eq(visits.length, 1);
- let visit = visits[0];
- do_check_eq(visit.visitDate, VISIT_TIME);
- do_check_true(Object.values(PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITIONS).includes(visit.transitionType));
- do_check_true(visit.referrerURI === null);
- // For TRANSITION_EMBED visits, many properties will always be zero or
- // undefined.
- if (visit.transitionType == TRANSITION_EMBED) {
- // Check mozIPlaceInfo properties.
- do_check_eq(placeInfo.placeId, 0, '//');
- do_check_eq(placeInfo.guid, null);
- // Check mozIVisitInfo properties.
- do_check_eq(visit.visitId, 0);
- }
- // But they should be valid for non-embed visits.
- else {
- // Check mozIPlaceInfo properties.
- do_check_true(placeInfo.placeId > 0);
- do_check_valid_places_guid(placeInfo.guid);
- // Check mozIVisitInfo properties.
- do_check_true(visit.visitId > 0);
- }
- // If we have had all of our callbacks, continue running tests.
- if (++callbackCount == place.visits.length) {
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- }
- }
-add_task(function* test_properties_saved() {
- // Check each transition type to make sure it is saved properly.
- let places = [];
- for (let t in PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITIONS) {
- let transitionType = PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITIONS[t];
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_properties_saved/" +
- transitionType),
- title: "test_properties_saved test",
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(transitionType),
- ],
- };
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- places.push(place);
- }
- let callbackCount = 0;
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(places);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- for (let placeInfo of placesResult.results) {
- let uri = placeInfo.uri;
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(uri));
- let visit = placeInfo.visits[0];
- print("TEST-INFO | test_properties_saved | updatePlaces callback for " +
- "transition type " + visit.transitionType);
- // Note that TRANSITION_EMBED should not be in the database.
- const EXPECTED_COUNT = visit.transitionType == TRANSITION_EMBED ? 0 : 1;
- // mozIVisitInfo::date
- let stmt = DBConn().createStatement(
- `SELECT COUNT(1) AS count
- FROM moz_places h
- JOIN moz_historyvisits v
- ON = v.place_id
- WHERE h.url_hash = hash(:page_url) AND h.url = :page_url
- AND v.visit_date = :visit_date`
- );
- stmt.params.page_url = uri.spec;
- stmt.params.visit_date = visit.visitDate;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- do_check_eq(stmt.row.count, EXPECTED_COUNT);
- stmt.finalize();
- // mozIVisitInfo::transitionType
- stmt = DBConn().createStatement(
- `SELECT COUNT(1) AS count
- FROM moz_places h
- JOIN moz_historyvisits v
- ON = v.place_id
- WHERE h.url_hash = hash(:page_url) AND h.url = :page_url
- AND v.visit_type = :transition_type`
- );
- stmt.params.page_url = uri.spec;
- stmt.params.transition_type = visit.transitionType;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- do_check_eq(stmt.row.count, EXPECTED_COUNT);
- stmt.finalize();
- // mozIPlaceInfo::title
- stmt = DBConn().createStatement(
- `SELECT COUNT(1) AS count
- FROM moz_places h
- WHERE h.url_hash = hash(:page_url) AND h.url = :page_url
- AND h.title = :title`
- );
- stmt.params.page_url = uri.spec;
- stmt.params.title = placeInfo.title;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- do_check_eq(stmt.row.count, EXPECTED_COUNT);
- stmt.finalize();
- // If we have had all of our callbacks, continue running tests.
- if (++callbackCount == places.length) {
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- }
- }
-add_task(function* test_guid_saved() {
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_guid_saved"),
- guid: "__TESTGUID__",
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- do_check_valid_places_guid(place.guid);
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- let placeInfo = placesResult.results[0];
- let uri = placeInfo.uri;
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(uri));
- do_check_eq(placeInfo.guid, place.guid);
- do_check_guid_for_uri(uri, place.guid);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-add_task(function* test_referrer_saved() {
- let places = [
- { uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_referrer_saved/referrer"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- },
- { uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_referrer_saved/test"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- },
- ];
- places[1].visits[0].referrerURI = places[0].uri;
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(places[0].uri));
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(places[1].uri));
- let resultCount = 0;
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(places);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- for (let placeInfo of placesResult.results) {
- let uri = placeInfo.uri;
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(uri));
- let visit = placeInfo.visits[0];
- // We need to insert all of our visits before we can test conditions.
- if (++resultCount == places.length) {
- do_check_true(places[0].uri.equals(visit.referrerURI));
- let stmt = DBConn().createStatement(
- `SELECT COUNT(1) AS count
- FROM moz_historyvisits
- JOIN moz_places h ON = place_id
- WHERE url_hash = hash(:page_url) AND url = :page_url
- AND from_visit = (
- FROM moz_historyvisits v
- JOIN moz_places h ON = place_id
- WHERE url_hash = hash(:referrer) AND url = :referrer
- )`
- );
- stmt.params.page_url = uri.spec;
- stmt.params.referrer = visit.referrerURI.spec;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- do_check_eq(stmt.row.count, 1);
- stmt.finalize();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- }
- }
-add_task(function* test_guid_change_saved() {
- // First, add a visit for it.
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_guid_change_saved"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- // Then, change the guid with visits.
- place.guid = "_GUIDCHANGE_";
- place.visits = [new VisitInfo()];
- placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- do_check_guid_for_uri(place.uri, place.guid);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-add_task(function* test_title_change_saved() {
- // First, add a visit for it.
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_title_change_saved"),
- title: "original title",
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- // Now, make sure the empty string clears the title.
- place.title = "";
- place.visits = [new VisitInfo()];
- placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- do_check_title_for_uri(place.uri, null);
- // Then, change the title with visits.
- place.title = "title change";
- place.visits = [new VisitInfo()];
- placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- do_check_title_for_uri(place.uri, place.title);
- // Lastly, check that the title is cleared if we set it to null.
- place.title = null;
- place.visits = [new VisitInfo()];
- placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- do_check_title_for_uri(place.uri, place.title);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-add_task(function* test_no_title_does_not_clear_title() {
- const TITLE = "test title";
- // First, add a visit for it.
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_no_title_does_not_clear_title"),
- title: TITLE,
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- // Now, make sure that not specifying a title does not clear it.
- delete place.title;
- place.visits = [new VisitInfo()];
- placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- do_check_title_for_uri(place.uri, TITLE);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-add_task(function* test_title_change_notifies() {
- // There are three cases to test. The first case is to make sure we do not
- // get notified if we do not specify a title.
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_title_change_notifies"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- let silentObserver =
- new TitleChangedObserver(place.uri, "DO NOT WANT", function() {
- do_throw("unexpected callback!");
- });
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(silentObserver, false);
- let placesResult = yield promiseUpdatePlaces(place);
- if (placesResult.errors.length > 0) {
- do_throw("Unexpected error.");
- }
- // The second case to test is that we get the notification when we add
- // it for the first time. The first case will fail before our callback if it
- // is busted, so we can do this now.
- place.uri = NetUtil.newURI(place.uri.spec + "/new-visit-with-title");
- place.title = "title 1";
- function promiseTitleChangedObserver(aPlace) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let callbackCount = 0;
- let observer = new TitleChangedObserver(aPlace.uri, aPlace.title, function() {
- switch (++callbackCount) {
- case 1:
- // The third case to test is to make sure we get a notification when
- // we change an existing place.
- observer.expectedTitle = place.title = "title 2";
- place.visits = [new VisitInfo()];
- PlacesUtils.asyncHistory.updatePlaces(place);
- break;
- case 2:
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(silentObserver);
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(observer);
- resolve();
- break;
- }
- });
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(observer, false);
- PlacesUtils.asyncHistory.updatePlaces(aPlace);
- });
- }
- yield promiseTitleChangedObserver(place);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-add_task(function* test_visit_notifies() {
- // There are two observers we need to see for each visit. One is an
- // nsINavHistoryObserver and the other is the uri-visit-saved observer topic.
- let place = {
- guid: "abcdefghijkl",
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_DOMAIN + "test_visit_notifies"),
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(place.uri));
- function promiseVisitObserver(aPlace) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let callbackCount = 0;
- let finisher = function() {
- if (++callbackCount == 2) {
- resolve();
- }
- }
- let visitObserver = new VisitObserver(place.uri, place.guid,
- function(aVisitDate,
- aTransitionType) {
- let visit = place.visits[0];
- do_check_eq(visit.visitDate, aVisitDate);
- do_check_eq(visit.transitionType, aTransitionType);
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(visitObserver);
- finisher();
- });
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(visitObserver, false);
- let observer = function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- do_print("observe(" + aSubject + ", " + aTopic + ", " + aData + ")");
- do_check_true(aSubject instanceof Ci.nsIURI);
- do_check_true(aSubject.equals(place.uri));
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, URI_VISIT_SAVED);
- finisher();
- };
- Services.obs.addObserver(observer, URI_VISIT_SAVED, false);
- PlacesUtils.asyncHistory.updatePlaces(place);
- });
- }
- yield promiseVisitObserver(place);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-// test with empty mozIVisitInfoCallback object
-add_task(function* test_callbacks_not_supplied() {
- const URLS = [
- "imap://", // bad URI
- "" // valid URI
- ];
- let places = [];
- URLS.forEach(function(url) {
- try {
- let place = {
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(url),
- title: "test for " + url,
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(),
- ],
- };
- places.push(place);
- }
- catch (e) {
- if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE) {
- throw e;
- }
- // NetUtil.newURI() can throw if e.g. our app knows about imap://
- // but the account is not set up and so the URL is invalid for us.
- // Note this in the log but ignore as it's not the subject of this test.
- do_print("Could not construct URI for '" + url + "'; ignoring");
- }
- });
- PlacesUtils.asyncHistory.updatePlaces(places, {});
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-// Test that we don't wrongly overwrite typed and hidden when adding new visits.
-add_task(function* test_typed_hidden_not_overwritten() {
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
- let places = [
- { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""),
- title: "test",
- visits: [
- new VisitInfo(TRANSITION_TYPED),
- new VisitInfo(TRANSITION_LINK)
- ]
- },
- { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""),
- title: "test",
- visits: [
- ]
- },
- ];
- yield promiseUpdatePlaces(places);
- let db = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
- let rows = yield db.execute(
- "SELECT hidden, typed FROM moz_places WHERE url_hash = hash(:url) AND url = :url",
- { url: "" });
- Assert.equal(rows[0].getResultByName("typed"), 1,
- "The page should be marked as typed");
- Assert.equal(rows[0].getResultByName("hidden"), 0,
- "The page should be marked as not hidden");
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_async_in_batchmode.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_async_in_batchmode.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b39b26519..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_async_in_batchmode.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// This is testing the frankenstein situation Sync forces Places into.
-// Sync does runInBatchMode() and before the callback returns the Places async
-// APIs are used (either by Sync itself, or by any other code in the system)
-// As seen in bug 1197856 and bug 1190131.
-// This function "waits" for a promise to resolve by spinning a nested event
-// loop.
-function waitForPromise(promise) {
- let thread = Cc[";1"].getService().currentThread;
- let finalResult, finalException;
- promise.then(result => {
- finalResult = result;
- }, err => {
- finalException = err;
- });
- // Keep waiting until our callback is triggered (unless the app is quitting).
- while (!finalResult && !finalException) {
- thread.processNextEvent(true);
- }
- if (finalException) {
- throw finalException;
- }
- return finalResult;
-add_test(function() {
- let testCompleted = false;
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.runInBatchMode({
- runBatched() {
- // create a bookmark.
- let info = { parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- url: "" };
- let insertPromise = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert(info);
- let bookmark = waitForPromise(insertPromise);
- // Check we got a bookmark (bookmark creation failed completely in
- // bug 1190131)
- equal(bookmark.url, info.url);
- // Check the promiseItemGuid and promiseItemId helpers - failure in these
- // was the underlying reason for the failure.
- let id = waitForPromise(PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.guid));
- let guid = waitForPromise(PlacesUtils.promiseItemGuid(id));
- equal(guid, bookmark.guid, "id and guid round-tripped correctly");
- testCompleted = true;
- }
- }, null);
- // make sure we tested what we think we tested.
- ok(testCompleted);
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_async_transactions.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_async_transactions.js
deleted file mode 100644
index edc9abf87..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_async_transactions.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1739 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const bmsvc = PlacesUtils.bookmarks;
-const tagssvc = PlacesUtils.tagging;
-const annosvc = PlacesUtils.annotations;
-const PT = PlacesTransactions;
-const rootGuid = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid;
-// Create and add bookmarks observer.
-var observer = {
- __proto__: NavBookmarkObserver.prototype,
- tagRelatedGuids: new Set(),
- reset: function () {
- this.itemsAdded = new Map();
- this.itemsRemoved = new Map();
- this.itemsChanged = new Map();
- this.itemsMoved = new Map();
- this.beginUpdateBatch = false;
- this.endUpdateBatch = false;
- },
- onBeginUpdateBatch: function () {
- this.beginUpdateBatch = true;
- },
- onEndUpdateBatch: function () {
- this.endUpdateBatch = true;
- },
- onItemAdded:
- function (aItemId, aParentId, aIndex, aItemType, aURI, aTitle, aDateAdded,
- aGuid, aParentGuid) {
- // Ignore tag items.
- if (aParentId == PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId ||
- (aParentId != PlacesUtils.placesRootId &&
- bmsvc.getFolderIdForItem(aParentId) == PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId)) {
- this.tagRelatedGuids.add(aGuid);
- return;
- }
- this.itemsAdded.set(aGuid, { itemId: aItemId
- , parentGuid: aParentGuid
- , index: aIndex
- , itemType: aItemType
- , title: aTitle
- , url: aURI });
- },
- onItemRemoved:
- function (aItemId, aParentId, aIndex, aItemType, aURI, aGuid, aParentGuid) {
- if (this.tagRelatedGuids.has(aGuid))
- return;
- this.itemsRemoved.set(aGuid, { parentGuid: aParentGuid
- , index: aIndex
- , itemType: aItemType });
- },
- onItemChanged:
- function (aItemId, aProperty, aIsAnnoProperty, aNewValue, aLastModified,
- aItemType, aParentId, aGuid, aParentGuid) {
- if (this.tagRelatedGuids.has(aGuid))
- return;
- let changesForGuid = this.itemsChanged.get(aGuid);
- if (changesForGuid === undefined) {
- changesForGuid = new Map();
- this.itemsChanged.set(aGuid, changesForGuid);
- }
- let newValue = aNewValue;
- if (aIsAnnoProperty) {
- if (annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(aItemId, aProperty))
- newValue = annosvc.getItemAnnotation(aItemId, aProperty);
- else
- newValue = null;
- }
- let change = { isAnnoProperty: aIsAnnoProperty
- , newValue: newValue
- , lastModified: aLastModified
- , itemType: aItemType };
- changesForGuid.set(aProperty, change);
- },
- onItemVisited: () => {},
- onItemMoved:
- function (aItemId, aOldParent, aOldIndex, aNewParent, aNewIndex, aItemType,
- aGuid, aOldParentGuid, aNewParentGuid) {
- this.itemsMoved.set(aGuid, { oldParentGuid: aOldParentGuid
- , oldIndex: aOldIndex
- , newParentGuid: aNewParentGuid
- , newIndex: aNewIndex
- , itemType: aItemType });
- }
-// index at which items should begin
-var bmStartIndex = 0;
-function run_test() {
- bmsvc.addObserver(observer, false);
- do_register_cleanup(function () {
- bmsvc.removeObserver(observer);
- });
- run_next_test();
-function sanityCheckTransactionHistory() {
- do_check_true(PT.undoPosition <= PT.length);
- let check_entry_throws = f => {
- try {
- f();
- do_throw("PT.entry should throw for invalid input");
- } catch (ex) {}
- };
- check_entry_throws( () => PT.entry(-1) );
- check_entry_throws( () => PT.entry({}) );
- check_entry_throws( () => PT.entry(PT.length) );
- if (PT.undoPosition < PT.length)
- do_check_eq(PT.topUndoEntry, PT.entry(PT.undoPosition));
- else
- do_check_null(PT.topUndoEntry);
- if (PT.undoPosition > 0)
- do_check_eq(PT.topRedoEntry, PT.entry(PT.undoPosition - 1));
- else
- do_check_null(PT.topRedoEntry);
-function getTransactionsHistoryState() {
- let history = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < PT.length; i++) {
- history.push(PT.entry(i));
- }
- return [history, PT.undoPosition];
-function ensureUndoState(aExpectedEntries = [], aExpectedUndoPosition = 0) {
- // ensureUndoState is called in various places during this test, so it's
- // a good places to sanity-check the transaction-history APIs in all
- // cases.
- sanityCheckTransactionHistory();
- let [actualEntries, actualUndoPosition] = getTransactionsHistoryState();
- do_check_eq(actualEntries.length, aExpectedEntries.length);
- do_check_eq(actualUndoPosition, aExpectedUndoPosition);
- function checkEqualEntries(aExpectedEntry, aActualEntry) {
- do_check_eq(aExpectedEntry.length, aActualEntry.length);
- aExpectedEntry.forEach( (t, i) => do_check_eq(t, aActualEntry[i]) );
- }
- aExpectedEntries.forEach( (e, i) => checkEqualEntries(e, actualEntries[i]) );
-function ensureItemsAdded(...items) {
- Assert.equal(observer.itemsAdded.size, items.length);
- for (let item of items) {
- Assert.ok(observer.itemsAdded.has(item.guid));
- let info = observer.itemsAdded.get(item.guid);
- Assert.equal(info.parentGuid, item.parentGuid);
- for (let propName of ["title", "index", "itemType"]) {
- if (propName in item)
- Assert.equal(info[propName], item[propName]);
- }
- if ("url" in item)
- Assert.ok(info.url.equals(item.url));
- }
-function ensureItemsRemoved(...items) {
- Assert.equal(observer.itemsRemoved.size, items.length);
- for (let item of items) {
- // We accept both guids and full info object here.
- if (typeof(item) == "string") {
- Assert.ok(observer.itemsRemoved.has(item));
- }
- else {
- Assert.ok(observer.itemsRemoved.has(item.guid));
- let info = observer.itemsRemoved.get(item.guid);
- Assert.equal(info.parentGuid, item.parentGuid);
- if ("index" in item)
- Assert.equal(info.index, item.index);
- }
- }
-function ensureItemsChanged(...items) {
- for (let item of items) {
- do_check_true(observer.itemsChanged.has(item.guid));
- let changes = observer.itemsChanged.get(item.guid);
- do_check_true(changes.has(;
- let info = changes.get(;
- do_check_eq(info.isAnnoProperty, Boolean(item.isAnnoProperty));
- do_check_eq(info.newValue, item.newValue);
- if ("url" in item)
- do_check_true(item.url.equals(info.url));
- }
-function ensureAnnotationsSet(aGuid, aAnnos) {
- do_check_true(observer.itemsChanged.has(aGuid));
- let changes = observer.itemsChanged.get(aGuid);
- for (let anno of aAnnos) {
- do_check_true(changes.has(;
- let changeInfo = changes.get(;
- do_check_true(changeInfo.isAnnoProperty);
- do_check_eq(changeInfo.newValue, anno.value);
- }
-function ensureItemsMoved(...items) {
- do_check_true(observer.itemsMoved.size, items.length);
- for (let item of items) {
- do_check_true(observer.itemsMoved.has(item.guid));
- let info = observer.itemsMoved.get(item.guid);
- do_check_eq(info.oldParentGuid, item.oldParentGuid);
- do_check_eq(info.oldIndex, item.oldIndex);
- do_check_eq(info.newParentGuid, item.newParentGuid);
- do_check_eq(info.newIndex, item.newIndex);
- }
-function ensureTimestampsUpdated(aGuid, aCheckDateAdded = false) {
- do_check_true(observer.itemsChanged.has(aGuid));
- let changes = observer.itemsChanged.get(aGuid);
- if (aCheckDateAdded)
- do_check_true(changes.has("dateAdded"))
- do_check_true(changes.has("lastModified"));
-function ensureTagsForURI(aURI, aTags) {
- let tagsSet = tagssvc.getTagsForURI(aURI);
- do_check_eq(tagsSet.length, aTags.length);
- do_check_true(aTags.every( t => tagsSet.includes(t)));
-function createTestFolderInfo(aTitle = "Test Folder") {
- return { parentGuid: rootGuid, title: "Test Folder" };
-function isLivemarkTree(aTree) {
- return !!aTree.annos &&
- aTree.annos.some( a => == PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI );
-function* ensureLivemarkCreatedByAddLivemark(aLivemarkGuid) {
- // This throws otherwise.
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ guid: aLivemarkGuid });
-// Checks if two bookmark trees (as returned by promiseBookmarksTree) are the
-// same.
-// false value for aCheckParentAndPosition is ignored if aIsRestoredItem is set.
-function* ensureEqualBookmarksTrees(aOriginal,
- aNew,
- aIsRestoredItem = true,
- aCheckParentAndPosition = false) {
- // Note "id" is not-enumerable, and is therefore skipped by Object.keys (both
- // ours and the one at deepEqual). This is fine for us because ids are not
- // restored by Redo.
- if (aIsRestoredItem) {
- Assert.deepEqual(aOriginal, aNew);
- if (isLivemarkTree(aNew))
- yield ensureLivemarkCreatedByAddLivemark(aNew.guid);
- return;
- }
- for (let property of Object.keys(aOriginal)) {
- if (property == "children") {
- Assert.equal(aOriginal.children.length, aNew.children.length);
- for (let i = 0; i < aOriginal.children.length; i++) {
- yield ensureEqualBookmarksTrees(aOriginal.children[i],
- aNew.children[i],
- false,
- true);
- }
- }
- else if (property == "guid") {
- // guid shouldn't be copied if the item was not restored.
- Assert.notEqual(aOriginal.guid, aNew.guid);
- }
- else if (property == "dateAdded") {
- // dateAdded shouldn't be copied if the item was not restored.
- Assert.ok(is_time_ordered(aOriginal.dateAdded, aNew.dateAdded));
- }
- else if (property == "lastModified") {
- // same same, except for the never-changed case
- if (!aOriginal.lastModified)
- Assert.ok(!aNew.lastModified);
- else
- Assert.ok(is_time_ordered(aOriginal.lastModified, aNew.lastModified));
- }
- else if (aCheckParentAndPosition ||
- (property != "parentGuid" && property != "index")) {
- Assert.deepEqual(aOriginal[property], aNew[property]);
- }
- }
- if (isLivemarkTree(aNew))
- yield ensureLivemarkCreatedByAddLivemark(aNew.guid);
-function* ensureBookmarksTreeRestoredCorrectly(...aOriginalBookmarksTrees) {
- for (let originalTree of aOriginalBookmarksTrees) {
- let restoredTree =
- yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(originalTree.guid);
- yield ensureEqualBookmarksTrees(originalTree, restoredTree);
- }
-function* ensureNonExistent(...aGuids) {
- for (let guid of aGuids) {
- Assert.strictEqual((yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(guid)), null);
- }
-add_task(function* test_recycled_transactions() {
- function* ensureTransactThrowsFor(aTransaction) {
- let [txns, undoPosition] = getTransactionsHistoryState();
- try {
- yield aTransaction.transact();
- do_throw("Shouldn't be able to use the same transaction twice");
- }
- catch (ex) { }
- ensureUndoState(txns, undoPosition);
- }
- let txn_a = PT.NewFolder(createTestFolderInfo());
- yield txn_a.transact();
- ensureUndoState([[txn_a]], 0);
- yield ensureTransactThrowsFor(txn_a);
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndoState([[txn_a]], 1);
- ensureTransactThrowsFor(txn_a);
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
- ensureTransactThrowsFor(txn_a);
- let txn_b = PT.NewFolder(createTestFolderInfo());
- yield PT.batch(function* () {
- try {
- yield txn_a.transact();
- do_throw("Shouldn't be able to use the same transaction twice");
- }
- catch (ex) { }
- ensureUndoState();
- yield txn_b.transact();
- });
- ensureUndoState([[txn_b]], 0);
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndoState([[txn_b]], 1);
- ensureTransactThrowsFor(txn_a);
- ensureTransactThrowsFor(txn_b);
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
- observer.reset();
-add_task(function* test_new_folder_with_annotation() {
- const ANNO = { name: "TestAnno", value: "TestValue" };
- let folder_info = createTestFolderInfo();
- folder_info.index = bmStartIndex;
- folder_info.annotations = [ANNO];
- ensureUndoState();
- let txn = PT.NewFolder(folder_info);
- folder_info.guid = yield txn.transact();
- let ensureDo = function* (aRedo = false) {
- ensureUndoState([[txn]], 0);
- yield ensureItemsAdded(folder_info);
- ensureAnnotationsSet(folder_info.guid, [ANNO]);
- if (aRedo)
- ensureTimestampsUpdated(folder_info.guid, true);
- observer.reset();
- };
- let ensureUndo = () => {
- ensureUndoState([[txn]], 1);
- ensureItemsRemoved({ guid: folder_info.guid
- , parentGuid: folder_info.parentGuid
- , index: bmStartIndex });
- observer.reset();
- };
- yield ensureDo();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureUndo();
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureDo(true);
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndo();
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
-add_task(function* test_new_bookmark() {
- let bm_info = { parentGuid: rootGuid
- , url: NetUtil.newURI("")
- , index: bmStartIndex
- , title: "Test creating an item" };
- ensureUndoState();
- let txn = PT.NewBookmark(bm_info);
- bm_info.guid = yield txn.transact();
- let ensureDo = function* (aRedo = false) {
- ensureUndoState([[txn]], 0);
- yield ensureItemsAdded(bm_info);
- if (aRedo)
- ensureTimestampsUpdated(bm_info.guid, true);
- observer.reset();
- };
- let ensureUndo = () => {
- ensureUndoState([[txn]], 1);
- ensureItemsRemoved({ guid: bm_info.guid
- , parentGuid: bm_info.parentGuid
- , index: bmStartIndex });
- observer.reset();
- };
- yield ensureDo();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndo();
- yield PT.redo(true);
- yield ensureDo();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndo();
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
-add_task(function* test_merge_create_folder_and_item() {
- let folder_info = createTestFolderInfo();
- let bm_info = { url: NetUtil.newURI("")
- , title: "Test Bookmark"
- , index: bmStartIndex };
- let [folderTxnResult, bkmTxnResult] = yield PT.batch(function* () {
- let folderTxn = PT.NewFolder(folder_info);
- folder_info.guid = bm_info.parentGuid = yield folderTxn.transact();
- let bkmTxn = PT.NewBookmark(bm_info);
- bm_info.guid = yield bkmTxn.transact();
- return [folderTxn, bkmTxn];
- });
- let ensureDo = function* () {
- ensureUndoState([[bkmTxnResult, folderTxnResult]], 0);
- yield ensureItemsAdded(folder_info, bm_info);
- observer.reset();
- };
- let ensureUndo = () => {
- ensureUndoState([[bkmTxnResult, folderTxnResult]], 1);
- ensureItemsRemoved(folder_info, bm_info);
- observer.reset();
- };
- yield ensureDo();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndo();
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureDo();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndo();
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
-add_task(function* test_move_items_to_folder() {
- let folder_a_info = createTestFolderInfo("Folder A");
- let bkm_a_info = { url: new URL("")
- , title: "Bookmark A" };
- let bkm_b_info = { url: NetUtil.newURI("")
- , title: "Bookmark B" };
- // Test moving items within the same folder.
- let [folder_a_txn_result, bkm_a_txn_result, bkm_b_txn_result] = yield PT.batch(function* () {
- let folder_a_txn = PT.NewFolder(folder_a_info);
- folder_a_info.guid = bkm_a_info.parentGuid = bkm_b_info.parentGuid =
- yield folder_a_txn.transact();
- let bkm_a_txn = PT.NewBookmark(bkm_a_info);
- bkm_a_info.guid = yield bkm_a_txn.transact();
- let bkm_b_txn = PT.NewBookmark(bkm_b_info);
- bkm_b_info.guid = yield bkm_b_txn.transact();
- return [folder_a_txn, bkm_a_txn, bkm_b_txn];
- });
- ensureUndoState([[bkm_b_txn_result, bkm_a_txn_result, folder_a_txn_result]], 0);
- let moveTxn = PT.Move({ guid: bkm_a_info.guid
- , newParentGuid: folder_a_info.guid });
- yield moveTxn.transact();
- let ensureDo = () => {
- ensureUndoState([[moveTxn], [bkm_b_txn_result, bkm_a_txn_result, folder_a_txn_result]], 0);
- ensureItemsMoved({ guid: bkm_a_info.guid
- , oldParentGuid: folder_a_info.guid
- , newParentGuid: folder_a_info.guid
- , oldIndex: 0
- , newIndex: 1 });
- observer.reset();
- };
- let ensureUndo = () => {
- ensureUndoState([[moveTxn], [bkm_b_txn_result, bkm_a_txn_result, folder_a_txn_result]], 1);
- ensureItemsMoved({ guid: bkm_a_info.guid
- , oldParentGuid: folder_a_info.guid
- , newParentGuid: folder_a_info.guid
- , oldIndex: 1
- , newIndex: 0 });
- observer.reset();
- };
- ensureDo();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndo();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureDo();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndo();
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory(false, true);
- ensureUndoState([[bkm_b_txn_result, bkm_a_txn_result, folder_a_txn_result]], 0);
- // Test moving items between folders.
- let folder_b_info = createTestFolderInfo("Folder B");
- let folder_b_txn = PT.NewFolder(folder_b_info);
- folder_b_info.guid = yield folder_b_txn.transact();
- ensureUndoState([ [folder_b_txn]
- , [bkm_b_txn_result, bkm_a_txn_result, folder_a_txn_result] ], 0);
- moveTxn = PT.Move({ guid: bkm_a_info.guid
- , newParentGuid: folder_b_info.guid
- , newIndex: bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX });
- yield moveTxn.transact();
- ensureDo = () => {
- ensureUndoState([ [moveTxn]
- , [folder_b_txn]
- , [bkm_b_txn_result, bkm_a_txn_result, folder_a_txn_result] ], 0);
- ensureItemsMoved({ guid: bkm_a_info.guid
- , oldParentGuid: folder_a_info.guid
- , newParentGuid: folder_b_info.guid
- , oldIndex: 0
- , newIndex: 0 });
- observer.reset();
- };
- ensureUndo = () => {
- ensureUndoState([ [moveTxn]
- , [folder_b_txn]
- , [bkm_b_txn_result, bkm_a_txn_result, folder_a_txn_result] ], 1);
- ensureItemsMoved({ guid: bkm_a_info.guid
- , oldParentGuid: folder_b_info.guid
- , newParentGuid: folder_a_info.guid
- , oldIndex: 0
- , newIndex: 0 });
- observer.reset();
- };
- ensureDo();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndo();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureDo();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndo();
- // Clean up
- yield PT.undo(); // folder_b_txn
- yield PT.undo(); // folder_a_txn + the bookmarks;
- do_check_eq(observer.itemsRemoved.size, 4);
- ensureUndoState([ [moveTxn]
- , [folder_b_txn]
- , [bkm_b_txn_result, bkm_a_txn_result, folder_a_txn_result] ], 3);
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
-add_task(function* test_remove_folder() {
- let folder_level_1_info = createTestFolderInfo("Folder Level 1");
- let folder_level_2_info = { title: "Folder Level 2" };
- let [folder_level_1_txn_result,
- folder_level_2_txn_result] = yield PT.batch(function* () {
- let folder_level_1_txn = PT.NewFolder(folder_level_1_info);
- folder_level_1_info.guid = yield folder_level_1_txn.transact();
- folder_level_2_info.parentGuid = folder_level_1_info.guid;
- let folder_level_2_txn = PT.NewFolder(folder_level_2_info);
- folder_level_2_info.guid = yield folder_level_2_txn.transact();
- return [folder_level_1_txn, folder_level_2_txn];
- });
- ensureUndoState([[folder_level_2_txn_result, folder_level_1_txn_result]]);
- yield ensureItemsAdded(folder_level_1_info, folder_level_2_info);
- observer.reset();
- let remove_folder_2_txn = PT.Remove(folder_level_2_info);
- yield remove_folder_2_txn.transact();
- ensureUndoState([ [remove_folder_2_txn]
- , [folder_level_2_txn_result, folder_level_1_txn_result] ]);
- yield ensureItemsRemoved(folder_level_2_info);
- // Undo Remove "Folder Level 2"
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndoState([ [remove_folder_2_txn]
- , [folder_level_2_txn_result, folder_level_1_txn_result] ], 1);
- yield ensureItemsAdded(folder_level_2_info);
- ensureTimestampsUpdated(folder_level_2_info.guid, true);
- observer.reset();
- // Redo Remove "Folder Level 2"
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureUndoState([ [remove_folder_2_txn]
- , [folder_level_2_txn_result, folder_level_1_txn_result] ]);
- yield ensureItemsRemoved(folder_level_2_info);
- observer.reset();
- // Undo it again
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndoState([ [remove_folder_2_txn]
- , [folder_level_2_txn_result, folder_level_1_txn_result] ], 1);
- yield ensureItemsAdded(folder_level_2_info);
- ensureTimestampsUpdated(folder_level_2_info.guid, true);
- observer.reset();
- // Undo the creation of both folders
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndoState([ [remove_folder_2_txn]
- , [folder_level_2_txn_result, folder_level_1_txn_result] ], 2);
- yield ensureItemsRemoved(folder_level_2_info, folder_level_1_info);
- observer.reset();
- // Redo the creation of both folders
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureUndoState([ [remove_folder_2_txn]
- , [folder_level_2_txn_result, folder_level_1_txn_result] ], 1);
- yield ensureItemsAdded(folder_level_1_info, folder_level_2_info);
- ensureTimestampsUpdated(folder_level_1_info.guid, true);
- ensureTimestampsUpdated(folder_level_2_info.guid, true);
- observer.reset();
- // Redo Remove "Folder Level 2"
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureUndoState([ [remove_folder_2_txn]
- , [folder_level_2_txn_result, folder_level_1_txn_result] ]);
- yield ensureItemsRemoved(folder_level_2_info);
- observer.reset();
- // Undo everything one last time
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndoState([ [remove_folder_2_txn]
- , [folder_level_2_txn_result, folder_level_1_txn_result] ], 1);
- yield ensureItemsAdded(folder_level_2_info);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndoState([ [remove_folder_2_txn]
- , [folder_level_2_txn_result, folder_level_1_txn_result] ], 2);
- yield ensureItemsRemoved(folder_level_2_info, folder_level_2_info);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
-add_task(function* test_add_and_remove_bookmarks_with_additional_info() {
- const testURI = NetUtil.newURI("http://add.remove.tag");
- const TAG_1 = "TestTag1";
- const TAG_2 = "TestTag2";
- const KEYWORD = "test_keyword";
- const POST_DATA = "post_data";
- const ANNO = { name: "TestAnno", value: "TestAnnoValue" };
- let folder_info = createTestFolderInfo();
- folder_info.guid = yield PT.NewFolder(folder_info).transact();
- let ensureTags = ensureTagsForURI.bind(null, testURI);
- // Check that the NewBookmark transaction preserves tags.
- observer.reset();
- let b1_info = { parentGuid: folder_info.guid, url: testURI, tags: [TAG_1] };
- b1_info.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(b1_info).transact();
- ensureTags([TAG_1]);
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureTags([]);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureTimestampsUpdated(b1_info.guid, true);
- ensureTags([TAG_1]);
- // Check if the Remove transaction removes and restores tags of children
- // correctly.
- yield PT.Remove(folder_info.guid).transact();
- ensureTags([]);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureTimestampsUpdated(b1_info.guid, true);
- ensureTags([TAG_1]);
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureTags([]);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureTimestampsUpdated(b1_info.guid, true);
- ensureTags([TAG_1]);
- // * Check that no-op tagging (the uri is already tagged with TAG_1) is
- // also a no-op on undo.
- // * Test the "keyword" property of the NewBookmark transaction.
- observer.reset();
- let b2_info = { parentGuid: folder_info.guid
- , url: testURI, tags: [TAG_1, TAG_2]
- , keyword: KEYWORD
- , postData: POST_DATA
- , annotations: [ANNO] };
- b2_info.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(b2_info).transact();
- let b2_post_creation_changes = [
- { guid: b2_info.guid
- , isAnnoProperty: true
- , property:
- , newValue: ANNO.value },
- { guid: b2_info.guid
- , property: "keyword"
- , newValue: KEYWORD } ];
- ensureItemsChanged(...b2_post_creation_changes);
- ensureTags([TAG_1, TAG_2]);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureItemsRemoved(b2_info);
- ensureTags([TAG_1]);
- // Check if Remove correctly restores keywords, tags and annotations.
- // Since both bookmarks share the same uri, they also share the keyword that
- // is not removed along with one of the bookmarks.
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureItemsChanged({ guid: b2_info.guid
- , isAnnoProperty: true
- , property:
- , newValue: ANNO.value });
- ensureTags([TAG_1, TAG_2]);
- // Test Remove for multiple items.
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.Remove(b1_info.guid).transact();
- yield PT.Remove(b2_info.guid).transact();
- yield PT.Remove(folder_info.guid).transact();
- yield ensureItemsRemoved(b1_info, b2_info, folder_info);
- ensureTags([]);
- // There is no keyword removal notification cause all bookmarks are removed
- // before the keyword itself, so there's no one to notify.
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(KEYWORD);
- Assert.equal(entry, null, "keyword has been removed");
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureItemsAdded(folder_info);
- ensureTags([]);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureItemsChanged(...b2_post_creation_changes);
- ensureTags([TAG_1, TAG_2]);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureItemsAdded(b1_info);
- ensureTags([TAG_1, TAG_2]);
- // The redo calls below cleanup everything we did.
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureItemsRemoved(b1_info);
- ensureTags([TAG_1, TAG_2]);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureItemsRemoved(b2_info);
- ensureTags([]);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureItemsRemoved(folder_info);
- ensureTags([]);
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
-add_task(function* test_creating_and_removing_a_separator() {
- let folder_info = createTestFolderInfo();
- let separator_info = {};
- let undoEntries = [];
- observer.reset();
- let create_txns = yield PT.batch(function* () {
- let folder_txn = PT.NewFolder(folder_info);
- folder_info.guid = separator_info.parentGuid = yield folder_txn.transact();
- let separator_txn = PT.NewSeparator(separator_info);
- separator_info.guid = yield separator_txn.transact();
- return [separator_txn, folder_txn];
- });
- undoEntries.unshift(create_txns);
- ensureUndoState(undoEntries, 0);
- ensureItemsAdded(folder_info, separator_info);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndoState(undoEntries, 1);
- ensureItemsRemoved(folder_info, separator_info);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureUndoState(undoEntries, 0);
- ensureItemsAdded(folder_info, separator_info);
- observer.reset();
- let remove_sep_txn = PT.Remove(separator_info);
- yield remove_sep_txn.transact();
- undoEntries.unshift([remove_sep_txn]);
- ensureUndoState(undoEntries, 0);
- ensureItemsRemoved(separator_info);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndoState(undoEntries, 1);
- ensureItemsAdded(separator_info);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndoState(undoEntries, 2);
- ensureItemsRemoved(folder_info, separator_info);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureUndoState(undoEntries, 1);
- ensureItemsAdded(folder_info, separator_info);
- // Clear redo entries and check that |redo| does nothing
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory(false, true);
- undoEntries.shift();
- ensureUndoState(undoEntries, 0);
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureItemsAdded();
- ensureItemsRemoved();
- // Cleanup
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndoState(undoEntries, 1);
- ensureItemsRemoved(folder_info, separator_info);
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
-add_task(function* test_add_and_remove_livemark() {
- let createLivemarkTxn = PT.NewLivemark(
- { feedUrl: NetUtil.newURI("http://test.remove.livemark")
- , parentGuid: rootGuid
- , title: "Test Remove Livemark" });
- let guid = yield createLivemarkTxn.transact();
- let originalInfo = yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(guid);
- Assert.ok(originalInfo);
- yield ensureLivemarkCreatedByAddLivemark(guid);
- let removeTxn = PT.Remove(guid);
- yield removeTxn.transact();
- yield ensureNonExistent(guid);
- function* undo() {
- ensureUndoState([[removeTxn], [createLivemarkTxn]], 0);
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndoState([[removeTxn], [createLivemarkTxn]], 1);
- yield ensureBookmarksTreeRestoredCorrectly(originalInfo);
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureUndoState([[removeTxn], [createLivemarkTxn]], 2);
- yield ensureNonExistent(guid);
- }
- function* redo() {
- ensureUndoState([[removeTxn], [createLivemarkTxn]], 2);
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureUndoState([[removeTxn], [createLivemarkTxn]], 1);
- yield ensureBookmarksTreeRestoredCorrectly(originalInfo);
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureUndoState([[removeTxn], [createLivemarkTxn]], 0);
- yield ensureNonExistent(guid);
- }
- yield undo();
- yield redo();
- yield undo();
- yield redo();
- // Cleanup
- yield undo();
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
-add_task(function* test_edit_title() {
- let bm_info = { parentGuid: rootGuid
- , url: NetUtil.newURI("")
- , title: "Original Title" };
- function ensureTitleChange(aCurrentTitle) {
- ensureItemsChanged({ guid: bm_info.guid
- , property: "title"
- , newValue: aCurrentTitle});
- }
- bm_info.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(bm_info).transact();
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.EditTitle({ guid: bm_info.guid, title: "New Title" }).transact();
- ensureTitleChange("New Title");
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureTitleChange("Original Title");
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureTitleChange("New Title");
- // Cleanup
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureTitleChange("Original Title");
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureItemsRemoved(bm_info);
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
-add_task(function* test_edit_url() {
- let oldURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let newURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let bm_info = { parentGuid: rootGuid, url: oldURI, tags: ["TestTag"] };
- function ensureURIAndTags(aPreChangeURI, aPostChangeURI, aOLdURITagsPreserved) {
- ensureItemsChanged({ guid: bm_info.guid
- , property: "uri"
- , newValue: aPostChangeURI.spec });
- ensureTagsForURI(aPostChangeURI, bm_info.tags);
- ensureTagsForURI(aPreChangeURI, aOLdURITagsPreserved ? bm_info.tags : []);
- }
- bm_info.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(bm_info).transact();
- ensureTagsForURI(oldURI, bm_info.tags);
- // When there's a single bookmark for the same url, tags should be moved.
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.EditUrl({ guid: bm_info.guid, url: newURI }).transact();
- ensureURIAndTags(oldURI, newURI, false);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureURIAndTags(newURI, oldURI, false);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureURIAndTags(oldURI, newURI, false);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureURIAndTags(newURI, oldURI, false);
- // When there're multiple bookmarks for the same url, tags should be copied.
- let bm2_info = Object.create(bm_info);
- bm2_info.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(bm2_info).transact();
- let bm3_info = Object.create(bm_info);
- bm3_info.url = newURI;
- bm3_info.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(bm3_info).transact();
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.EditUrl({ guid: bm_info.guid, url: newURI }).transact();
- ensureURIAndTags(oldURI, newURI, true);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureURIAndTags(newURI, oldURI, true);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureURIAndTags(oldURI, newURI, true);
- // Cleanup
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureURIAndTags(newURI, oldURI, true);
- yield PT.undo();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureItemsRemoved(bm3_info, bm2_info, bm_info);
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
-add_task(function* test_edit_keyword() {
- let bm_info = { parentGuid: rootGuid
- , url: NetUtil.newURI("http://test.edit.keyword") };
- const KEYWORD = "test_keyword";
- bm_info.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(bm_info).transact();
- function ensureKeywordChange(aCurrentKeyword = "") {
- ensureItemsChanged({ guid: bm_info.guid
- , property: "keyword"
- , newValue: aCurrentKeyword });
- }
- bm_info.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(bm_info).transact();
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.EditKeyword({ guid: bm_info.guid, keyword: KEYWORD, postData: "postData" }).transact();
- ensureKeywordChange(KEYWORD);
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(KEYWORD);
- Assert.equal(entry.url.href, bm_info.url.spec);
- Assert.equal(entry.postData, "postData");
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureKeywordChange();
- entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(KEYWORD);
- Assert.equal(entry, null);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureKeywordChange(KEYWORD);
- entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(KEYWORD);
- Assert.equal(entry.url.href, bm_info.url.spec);
- Assert.equal(entry.postData, "postData");
- // Cleanup
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureKeywordChange();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureItemsRemoved(bm_info);
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
-add_task(function* test_edit_specific_keyword() {
- let bm_info = { parentGuid: rootGuid
- , url: NetUtil.newURI("http://test.edit.keyword") };
- bm_info.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(bm_info).transact();
- function ensureKeywordChange(aCurrentKeyword = "", aPreviousKeyword = "") {
- ensureItemsChanged({ guid: bm_info.guid
- , property: "keyword"
- , newValue: aCurrentKeyword
- });
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "kw1", url: bm_info.url.spec, postData: "postData1" });
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "kw2", url: bm_info.url.spec, postData: "postData2" });
- bm_info.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(bm_info).transact();
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.EditKeyword({ guid: bm_info.guid, keyword: "keyword", oldKeyword: "kw2" }).transact();
- ensureKeywordChange("keyword", "kw2");
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("kw1");
- Assert.equal(entry.url.href, bm_info.url.spec);
- Assert.equal(entry.postData, "postData1");
- entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("keyword");
- Assert.equal(entry.url.href, bm_info.url.spec);
- Assert.equal(entry.postData, "postData2");
- entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("kw2");
- Assert.equal(entry, null);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureKeywordChange("kw2", "keyword");
- entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("kw1");
- Assert.equal(entry.url.href, bm_info.url.spec);
- Assert.equal(entry.postData, "postData1");
- entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("kw2");
- Assert.equal(entry.url.href, bm_info.url.spec);
- Assert.equal(entry.postData, "postData2");
- entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("keyword");
- Assert.equal(entry, null);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureKeywordChange("keyword", "kw2");
- entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("kw1");
- Assert.equal(entry.url.href, bm_info.url.spec);
- Assert.equal(entry.postData, "postData1");
- entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("keyword");
- Assert.equal(entry.url.href, bm_info.url.spec);
- Assert.equal(entry.postData, "postData2");
- entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("kw2");
- Assert.equal(entry, null);
- // Cleanup
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureKeywordChange("kw2");
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureItemsRemoved(bm_info);
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
-add_task(function* test_tag_uri() {
- // This also tests passing uri specs.
- let bm_info_a = { url: "http://bookmarked.uri"
- , parentGuid: rootGuid };
- let bm_info_b = { url: NetUtil.newURI("http://bookmarked2.uri")
- , parentGuid: rootGuid };
- let unbookmarked_uri = NetUtil.newURI("http://un.bookmarked.uri");
- function* promiseIsBookmarked(aURI) {
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- PlacesUtils.asyncGetBookmarkIds(aURI, ids => {
- deferred.resolve(ids.length > 0);
- });
- return deferred.promise;
- }
- yield PT.batch(function* () {
- bm_info_a.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(bm_info_a).transact();
- bm_info_b.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(bm_info_b).transact();
- });
- function* doTest(aInfo) {
- let urls = "url" in aInfo ? [aInfo.url] : aInfo.urls;
- let tags = "tag" in aInfo ? [aInfo.tag] : aInfo.tags;
- let ensureURI = url => typeof(url) == "string" ? NetUtil.newURI(url) : url;
- urls =;
- let tagWillAlsoBookmark = new Set();
- for (let url of urls) {
- if (!(yield promiseIsBookmarked(url))) {
- tagWillAlsoBookmark.add(url);
- }
- }
- function* ensureTagsSet() {
- for (let url of urls) {
- ensureTagsForURI(url, tags);
- Assert.ok(yield promiseIsBookmarked(url));
- }
- }
- function* ensureTagsUnset() {
- for (let url of urls) {
- ensureTagsForURI(url, []);
- if (tagWillAlsoBookmark.has(url))
- Assert.ok(!(yield promiseIsBookmarked(url)));
- else
- Assert.ok(yield promiseIsBookmarked(url));
- }
- }
- yield PT.Tag(aInfo).transact();
- yield ensureTagsSet();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureTagsUnset();
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureTagsSet();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureTagsUnset();
- }
- yield doTest({ url: bm_info_a.url, tags: ["MyTag"] });
- yield doTest({ urls: [bm_info_a.url], tag: "MyTag" });
- yield doTest({ urls: [bm_info_a.url, bm_info_b.url], tags: ["A, B"] });
- yield doTest({ urls: [bm_info_a.url, unbookmarked_uri], tag: "C" });
- // Cleanup
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureItemsRemoved(bm_info_a, bm_info_b);
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
-add_task(function* test_untag_uri() {
- let bm_info_a = { url: NetUtil.newURI("http://bookmarked.uri")
- , parentGuid: rootGuid
- , tags: ["A", "B"] };
- let bm_info_b = { url: NetUtil.newURI("http://bookmarked2.uri")
- , parentGuid: rootGuid
- , tag: "B" };
- yield PT.batch(function* () {
- bm_info_a.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(bm_info_a).transact();
- ensureTagsForURI(bm_info_a.url, bm_info_a.tags);
- bm_info_b.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(bm_info_b).transact();
- ensureTagsForURI(bm_info_b.url, [bm_info_b.tag]);
- });
- function* doTest(aInfo) {
- let urls, tagsRemoved;
- if (aInfo instanceof Ci.nsIURI) {
- urls = [aInfo];
- tagsRemoved = [];
- }
- else if (Array.isArray(aInfo)) {
- urls = aInfo;
- tagsRemoved = [];
- }
- else {
- urls = "url" in aInfo ? [aInfo.url] : aInfo.urls;
- tagsRemoved = "tag" in aInfo ? [aInfo.tag] : aInfo.tags;
- }
- let preRemovalTags = new Map();
- for (let url of urls) {
- preRemovalTags.set(url, tagssvc.getTagsForURI(url));
- }
- function ensureTagsSet() {
- for (let url of urls) {
- ensureTagsForURI(url, preRemovalTags.get(url));
- }
- }
- function ensureTagsUnset() {
- for (let url of urls) {
- let expectedTags = tagsRemoved.length == 0 ?
- [] : preRemovalTags.get(url).filter(tag => !tagsRemoved.includes(tag));
- ensureTagsForURI(url, expectedTags);
- }
- }
- yield PT.Untag(aInfo).transact();
- yield ensureTagsUnset();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureTagsSet();
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureTagsUnset();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureTagsSet();
- }
- yield doTest(bm_info_a);
- yield doTest(bm_info_b);
- yield doTest(bm_info_a.url);
- yield doTest(bm_info_b.url);
- yield doTest([bm_info_a.url, bm_info_b.url]);
- yield doTest({ urls: [bm_info_a.url, bm_info_b.url], tags: ["A", "B"] });
- yield doTest({ urls: [bm_info_a.url, bm_info_b.url], tag: "B" });
- yield doTest({ urls: [bm_info_a.url, bm_info_b.url], tag: "C" });
- yield doTest({ urls: [bm_info_a.url, bm_info_b.url], tags: ["C"] });
- // Cleanup
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureItemsRemoved(bm_info_a, bm_info_b);
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- ensureUndoState();
-add_task(function* test_annotate() {
- let bm_info = { url: NetUtil.newURI("http://test.item.annotation")
- , parentGuid: rootGuid };
- let anno_info = { name: "TestAnno", value: "TestValue" };
- function ensureAnnoState(aSet) {
- ensureAnnotationsSet(bm_info.guid,
- [{ name:
- , value: aSet ? anno_info.value : null }]);
- }
- bm_info.guid = yield PT.NewBookmark(bm_info).transact();
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.Annotate({ guid: bm_info.guid, annotation: anno_info }).transact();
- ensureAnnoState(true);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureAnnoState(false);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureAnnoState(true);
- // Test removing the annotation by not passing the |value| property.
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.Annotate({ guid: bm_info.guid,
- annotation: { name: }}).transact();
- ensureAnnoState(false);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureAnnoState(true);
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureAnnoState(false);
- // Cleanup
- yield PT.undo();
- observer.reset();
-add_task(function* test_annotate_multiple() {
- let guid = yield PT.NewFolder(createTestFolderInfo()).transact();
- let itemId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(guid);
- function AnnoObj(aName, aValue) {
- = aName;
- this.value = aValue;
- this.flags = 0;
- this.expires = Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER;
- }
- function annos(a = null, b = null) {
- return [new AnnoObj("A", a), new AnnoObj("B", b)];
- }
- function verifyAnnoValues(a = null, b = null) {
- let currentAnnos = PlacesUtils.getAnnotationsForItem(itemId);
- let expectedAnnos = [];
- if (a !== null)
- expectedAnnos.push(new AnnoObj("A", a));
- if (b !== null)
- expectedAnnos.push(new AnnoObj("B", b));
- Assert.deepEqual(currentAnnos, expectedAnnos);
- }
- yield PT.Annotate({ guid: guid, annotations: annos(1, 2) }).transact();
- verifyAnnoValues(1, 2);
- yield PT.undo();
- verifyAnnoValues();
- yield PT.redo();
- verifyAnnoValues(1, 2);
- yield PT.Annotate({ guid: guid
- , annotation: { name: "A" } }).transact();
- verifyAnnoValues(null, 2);
- yield PT.Annotate({ guid: guid
- , annotation: { name: "B", value: 0 } }).transact();
- verifyAnnoValues(null, 0);
- yield PT.undo();
- verifyAnnoValues(null, 2);
- yield PT.redo();
- verifyAnnoValues(null, 0);
- yield PT.undo();
- verifyAnnoValues(null, 2);
- yield PT.undo();
- verifyAnnoValues(1, 2);
- yield PT.undo();
- verifyAnnoValues();
- // Cleanup
- yield PT.undo();
- observer.reset();
-add_task(function* test_sort_folder_by_name() {
- let folder_info = createTestFolderInfo();
- let url = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let preSep = ["3", "2", "1"].map(i => ({ title: i, url }));
- let sep = {};
- let postSep = ["c", "b", "a"].map(l => ({ title: l, url }));
- let originalOrder = [...preSep, sep, ...postSep];
- let sortedOrder = [...preSep.slice(0).reverse(),
- sep,
- ...postSep.slice(0).reverse()];
- yield PT.batch(function* () {
- folder_info.guid = yield PT.NewFolder(folder_info).transact();
- for (let info of originalOrder) {
- info.parentGuid = folder_info.guid;
- info.guid = yield info == sep ?
- PT.NewSeparator(info).transact() :
- PT.NewBookmark(info).transact();
- }
- });
- let folderId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(folder_info.guid);
- let folderContainer = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(folderId).root;
- function ensureOrder(aOrder) {
- for (let i = 0; i < folderContainer.childCount; i++) {
- do_check_eq(folderContainer.getChild(i).bookmarkGuid, aOrder[i].guid);
- }
- }
- ensureOrder(originalOrder);
- yield PT.SortByName(folder_info.guid).transact();
- ensureOrder(sortedOrder);
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureOrder(originalOrder);
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureOrder(sortedOrder);
- // Cleanup
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureOrder(originalOrder);
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureItemsRemoved(...originalOrder, folder_info);
-add_task(function* test_livemark_txns() {
- let livemark_info =
- { feedUrl: NetUtil.newURI("http://test.feed.uri")
- , parentGuid: rootGuid
- , title: "Test Livemark" };
- function ensureLivemarkAdded() {
- ensureItemsAdded({ guid: livemark_info.guid
- , title: livemark_info.title
- , parentGuid: livemark_info.parentGuid
- , itemType: bmsvc.TYPE_FOLDER });
- let annos = [{ name: PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI
- , value: livemark_info.feedUrl.spec }];
- if ("siteUrl" in livemark_info) {
- annos.push({ name: PlacesUtils.LMANNO_SITEURI
- , value: livemark_info.siteUrl.spec });
- }
- ensureAnnotationsSet(livemark_info.guid, annos);
- }
- function ensureLivemarkRemoved() {
- ensureItemsRemoved({ guid: livemark_info.guid
- , parentGuid: livemark_info.parentGuid });
- }
- function* _testDoUndoRedoUndo() {
- observer.reset();
- livemark_info.guid = yield PT.NewLivemark(livemark_info).transact();
- ensureLivemarkAdded();
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureLivemarkRemoved();
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.redo();
- ensureLivemarkAdded();
- yield PT.undo();
- ensureLivemarkRemoved();
- }
- yield* _testDoUndoRedoUndo()
- livemark_info.siteUrl = NetUtil.newURI("");
- yield* _testDoUndoRedoUndo();
- // Cleanup
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
-add_task(function* test_copy() {
- function* duplicate_and_test(aOriginalGuid) {
- let txn = PT.Copy({ guid: aOriginalGuid, newParentGuid: rootGuid });
- yield duplicateGuid = yield txn.transact();
- let originalInfo = yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(aOriginalGuid);
- let duplicateInfo = yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(duplicateGuid);
- yield ensureEqualBookmarksTrees(originalInfo, duplicateInfo, false);
- function* redo() {
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureBookmarksTreeRestoredCorrectly(originalInfo);
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureBookmarksTreeRestoredCorrectly(duplicateInfo);
- }
- function* undo() {
- yield PT.undo();
- // also undo the original item addition.
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureNonExistent(aOriginalGuid, duplicateGuid);
- }
- yield undo();
- yield redo();
- yield undo();
- yield redo();
- // Cleanup. This also remove the original item.
- yield PT.undo();
- observer.reset();
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- }
- // Test duplicating leafs (bookmark, separator, empty folder)
- PT.NewBookmark({ url: new URL("http://test.item.duplicate")
- , parentGuid: rootGuid
- , annos: [{ name: "Anno", value: "AnnoValue"}] });
- let sepTxn = PT.NewSeparator({ parentGuid: rootGuid, index: 1 });
- let livemarkTxn = PT.NewLivemark(
- { feedUrl: new URL("http://test.feed.uri")
- , parentGuid: rootGuid
- , title: "Test Livemark", index: 1 });
- let emptyFolderTxn = PT.NewFolder(createTestFolderInfo());
- for (let txn of [livemarkTxn, sepTxn, emptyFolderTxn]) {
- let guid = yield txn.transact();
- yield duplicate_and_test(guid);
- }
- // Test duplicating a folder having some contents.
- let filledFolderGuid = yield PT.batch(function *() {
- let folderGuid = yield PT.NewFolder(createTestFolderInfo()).transact();
- let nestedFolderGuid =
- yield PT.NewFolder({ parentGuid: folderGuid
- , title: "Nested Folder" }).transact();
- // Insert a bookmark under the nested folder.
- yield PT.NewBookmark({ url: new URL("http://nested.nested.bookmark")
- , parentGuid: nestedFolderGuid }).transact();
- // Insert a separator below the nested folder
- yield PT.NewSeparator({ parentGuid: folderGuid }).transact();
- // And another bookmark.
- yield PT.NewBookmark({ url: new URL("http://nested.bookmark")
- , parentGuid: folderGuid }).transact();
- return folderGuid;
- });
- yield duplicate_and_test(filledFolderGuid);
- // Cleanup
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
-add_task(function* test_array_input_for_batch() {
- let folderTxn = PT.NewFolder(createTestFolderInfo());
- let folderGuid = yield folderTxn.transact();
- let sep1_txn = PT.NewSeparator({ parentGuid: folderGuid });
- let sep2_txn = PT.NewSeparator({ parentGuid: folderGuid });
- yield PT.batch([sep1_txn, sep2_txn]);
- ensureUndoState([[sep2_txn, sep1_txn], [folderTxn]], 0);
- let ensureChildCount = function* (count) {
- let tree = yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(folderGuid);
- if (count == 0)
- Assert.ok(!("children" in tree));
- else
- Assert.equal(tree.children.length, count);
- };
- yield ensureChildCount(2);
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureChildCount(0);
- yield PT.redo()
- yield ensureChildCount(2);
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureChildCount(0);
- yield PT.undo();
- Assert.equal((yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(folderGuid)), null);
- // Cleanup
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
-add_task(function* test_copy_excluding_annotations() {
- let folderInfo = createTestFolderInfo();
- let anno = n => { return { name: n, value: 1 } };
- folderInfo.annotations = [anno("a"), anno("b"), anno("c")];
- let folderGuid = yield PT.NewFolder(folderInfo).transact();
- let ensureAnnosSet = function* (guid, ...expectedAnnoNames) {
- let tree = yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(guid);
- let annoNames = "annos" in tree ?
- => : [];
- Assert.deepEqual(annoNames, expectedAnnoNames);
- };
- yield ensureAnnosSet(folderGuid, "a", "b", "c");
- let excluding_a_dupeGuid =
- yield PT.Copy({ guid: folderGuid
- , newParentGuid: rootGuid
- , excludingAnnotation: "a" }).transact();
- yield ensureAnnosSet(excluding_a_dupeGuid, "b", "c");
- let excluding_ac_dupeGuid =
- yield PT.Copy({ guid: folderGuid
- , newParentGuid: rootGuid
- , excludingAnnotations: ["a", "c"] }).transact();
- yield ensureAnnosSet(excluding_ac_dupeGuid, "b");
- // Cleanup
- yield PT.undo();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
-add_task(function* test_invalid_uri_spec_throws() {
- Assert.throws(() =>
- PT.NewBookmark({ parentGuid: rootGuid
- , url: "invalid uri spec"
- , title: "test bookmark" }));
- Assert.throws(() =>
- PT.Tag({ tag: "TheTag"
- , urls: ["invalid uri spec"] }));
- Assert.throws(() =>
- PT.Tag({ tag: "TheTag"
- , urls: ["about:blank", "invalid uri spec"] }));
-add_task(function* test_annotate_multiple_items() {
- let parentGuid = rootGuid;
- let guids = [
- yield PT.NewBookmark({ url: "about:blank", parentGuid }).transact(),
- yield PT.NewFolder({ title: "Test Folder", parentGuid }).transact()];
- let annotation = { name: "TestAnno", value: "TestValue" };
- yield PT.Annotate({ guids, annotation }).transact();
- function *ensureAnnoSet() {
- for (let guid of guids) {
- let itemId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(guid);
- Assert.equal(annosvc.getItemAnnotation(itemId,,
- annotation.value);
- }
- }
- function *ensureAnnoUnset() {
- for (let guid of guids) {
- let itemId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(guid);
- Assert.ok(!annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(itemId,;
- }
- }
- yield ensureAnnoSet();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureAnnoUnset();
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureAnnoSet();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureAnnoUnset();
- // Cleanup
- yield PT.undo();
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureNonExistent(...guids);
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- observer.reset();
-add_task(function* test_remove_multiple() {
- let guids = [];
- yield PT.batch(function* () {
- let folderGuid = yield PT.NewFolder({ title: "Test Folder"
- , parentGuid: rootGuid }).transact();
- let nestedFolderGuid =
- yield PT.NewFolder({ title: "Nested Test Folder"
- , parentGuid: folderGuid }).transact();
- yield PT.NewSeparator(nestedFolderGuid).transact();
- guids.push(folderGuid);
- let bmGuid =
- yield PT.NewBookmark({ url: new URL("http://test.bookmark.removed")
- , parentGuid: rootGuid }).transact();
- guids.push(bmGuid);
- });
- let originalInfos = [];
- for (let guid of guids) {
- originalInfos.push(yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(guid));
- }
- yield PT.Remove(guids).transact();
- yield ensureNonExistent(...guids);
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureBookmarksTreeRestoredCorrectly(...originalInfos);
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureNonExistent(...guids);
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureBookmarksTreeRestoredCorrectly(...originalInfos);
- // Undo the New* transactions batch.
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureNonExistent(...guids);
- // Redo it.
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureBookmarksTreeRestoredCorrectly(...originalInfos);
- // Redo remove.
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureNonExistent(...guids);
- // Cleanup
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- observer.reset();
-add_task(function* test_remove_bookmarks_for_urls() {
- let urls = [new URL("http://test.url.1"), new URL("http://test.url.2")];
- let guids = [];
- yield PT.batch(function* () {
- for (let url of urls) {
- for (let title of ["test title a", "test title b"]) {
- let txn = PT.NewBookmark({ url, title, parentGuid: rootGuid });
- guids.push(yield txn.transact());
- }
- }
- });
- let originalInfos = [];
- for (let guid of guids) {
- originalInfos.push(yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(guid));
- }
- yield PT.RemoveBookmarksForUrls(urls).transact();
- yield ensureNonExistent(...guids);
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureBookmarksTreeRestoredCorrectly(...originalInfos);
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureNonExistent(...guids);
- yield PT.undo();
- yield ensureBookmarksTreeRestoredCorrectly(...originalInfos);
- // Cleanup.
- yield PT.redo();
- yield ensureNonExistent(...guids);
- yield PT.clearTransactionsHistory();
- observer.reset();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_autocomplete_stopSearch_no_throw.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_autocomplete_stopSearch_no_throw.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d5df565f..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_autocomplete_stopSearch_no_throw.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Added with bug 508102 to make sure that calling stopSearch on our
- * AutoComplete implementation does not throw.
- */
-// Globals and Constants
-var hs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-var ac = Cc[";1?name=unifiedcomplete"].
- getService(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteSearch);
-// Test Functions
-function test_stopSearch()
- try {
- ac.stopSearch();
- }
- catch (e) {
- do_throw("we should not have caught anything!");
- }
-// Test Runner
-var tests = [
- test_stopSearch,
-function run_test()
- tests.forEach(test => test());
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmark_catobs.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmark_catobs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e2b589090..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmark_catobs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test()
-add_task(function* test_observers() {
- do_load_manifest("nsDummyObserver.manifest");
- let dummyCreated = false;
- let dummyReceivedOnItemAdded = false;
- Services.obs.addObserver(function created() {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(created, "dummy-observer-created");
- dummyCreated = true;
- }, "dummy-observer-created", false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(function added() {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(added, "dummy-observer-item-added");
- dummyReceivedOnItemAdded = true;
- }, "dummy-observer-item-added", false);
- let initialObservers = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getObservers();
- // Add a common observer, it should be invoked after the category observer.
- let notificationsPromised = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.addObserver( {
- __proto__: NavBookmarkObserver.prototype,
- onItemAdded() {
- let observers = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getObservers();
- Assert.equal(observers.length, initialObservers.length + 1);
- // Check the common observer is the last one.
- for (let i = 0; i < initialObservers.length; ++i) {
- Assert.equal(initialObservers[i], observers[i]);
- }
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeObserver(this);
- observers = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getObservers();
- Assert.equal(observers.length, initialObservers.length);
- // Check the category observer has been invoked before this one.
- Assert.ok(dummyCreated);
- Assert.ok(dummyReceivedOnItemAdded);
- resolve();
- }
- }, false);
- });
- // Add a bookmark
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- uri(""),
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "bookmark");
- yield notificationsPromised;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_html.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_html.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b10dc6185..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_html.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/loadInSidebar";
-const DESCRIPTION_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/description";
-// An object representing the contents of bookmarks.preplaces.html.
-var test_bookmarks = {
- menu: [
- { title: "Mozilla Firefox",
- children: [
- { title: "Help and Tutorials",
- url: "",
- },
- { title: "Customize Firefox",
- url: "",
- },
- { title: "Get Involved",
- url: "",
- },
- { title: "About Us",
- url: "",
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- type: Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_SEPARATOR
- },
- { title: "test",
- description: "folder test comment",
- dateAdded: 1177541020000000,
- lastModified: 1177541050000000,
- children: [
- { title: "test post keyword",
- description: "item description",
- dateAdded: 1177375336000000,
- lastModified: 1177375423000000,
- keyword: "test",
- sidebar: true,
- postData: "hidden1%3Dbar&text1%3D%25s",
- charset: "ISO-8859-1",
- url: "http://test/post"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- toolbar: [
- { title: "Getting Started",
- url: "",
- },
- { title: "Latest Headlines",
- url: "",
- feedUrl: ""
- }
- ],
- unfiled: [
- { title: "Example.tld",
- url: "http://example.tld/"
- }
- ]
-// Pre-Places bookmarks.html file pointer.
-var gBookmarksFileOld;
-// Places bookmarks.html file pointer.
-var gBookmarksFileNew;
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* setup() {
- // Avoid creating smart bookmarks during the test.
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion", -1);
- // File pointer to legacy bookmarks file.
- gBookmarksFileOld = do_get_file("bookmarks.preplaces.html");
- // File pointer to a new Places-exported bookmarks file.
- gBookmarksFileNew = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsILocalFile);
- gBookmarksFileNew.append("bookmarks.exported.html");
- if (gBookmarksFileNew.exists()) {
- gBookmarksFileNew.remove(false);
- }
- // This test must be the first one, since it setups the new bookmarks.html.
- // Test importing a pre-Places canonical bookmarks file.
- // 1. import bookmarks.preplaces.html
- // 2. run the test-suite
- // Note: we do not empty the db before this import to catch bugs like 380999
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(gBookmarksFileOld, true);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield testImportedBookmarks();
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.exportToFile(gBookmarksFileNew);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_import_new()
- // Test importing a Places bookmarks.html file.
- // 1. import bookmarks.exported.html
- // 2. run the test-suite
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(gBookmarksFileNew, true);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield testImportedBookmarks();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_emptytitle_export()
- // Test exporting and importing with an empty-titled bookmark.
- // 1. import bookmarks
- // 2. create an empty-titled bookmark.
- // 3. export to bookmarks.exported.html
- // 4. empty bookmarks db
- // 5. import bookmarks.exported.html
- // 6. run the test-suite
- // 7. remove the empty-titled bookmark
- // 8. export to bookmarks.exported.html
- // 9. empty bookmarks db and continue
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(gBookmarksFileNew, true);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- const NOTITLE_URL = "";
- let bookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- });
- test_bookmarks.unfiled.push({ title: "", url: NOTITLE_URL });
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.exportToFile(gBookmarksFileNew);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(gBookmarksFileNew, true);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield testImportedBookmarks();
- // Cleanup.
- test_bookmarks.unfiled.pop();
- // HTML imports don't restore GUIDs yet.
- let reimportedBookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX
- });
- Assert.equal(reimportedBookmark.url.href, bookmark.url.href);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(reimportedBookmark);
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.exportToFile(gBookmarksFileNew);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_import_chromefavicon()
- // Test exporting and importing with a bookmark pointing to a chrome favicon.
- // 1. import bookmarks
- // 2. create a bookmark pointing to a chrome favicon.
- // 3. export to bookmarks.exported.html
- // 4. empty bookmarks db
- // 5. import bookmarks.exported.html
- // 6. run the test-suite
- // 7. remove the bookmark pointing to a chrome favicon.
- // 8. export to bookmarks.exported.html
- // 9. empty bookmarks db and continue
- const PAGE_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- const CHROME_FAVICON_URI = NetUtil.newURI("chrome://global/skin/icons/information-16.png");
- const CHROME_FAVICON_URI_2 = NetUtil.newURI("chrome://global/skin/icons/error-16.png");
- do_print("Importing from html");
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(gBookmarksFileNew, true);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("Insert bookmark");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- url: PAGE_URI,
- title: "Test"
- });
- do_print("Set favicon");
- yield new Promise(resolve => {
- PlacesUtils.favicons.setAndFetchFaviconForPage(
- PlacesUtils.favicons.FAVICON_LOAD_NON_PRIVATE,
- resolve, Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal());
- });
- let data = yield new Promise(resolve => {
- PlacesUtils.favicons.getFaviconDataForPage(
- PAGE_URI, (uri, dataLen, faviconData, mimeType) => resolve(faviconData));
- });
- let base64Icon = "data:image/png;base64," +
- base64EncodeString(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, data));
- test_bookmarks.unfiled.push(
- { title: "Test", url: PAGE_URI.spec, icon: base64Icon });
- do_print("Export to html");
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.exportToFile(gBookmarksFileNew);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("Set favicon");
- // Change the favicon to check it's really imported again later.
- yield new Promise(resolve => {
- PlacesUtils.favicons.setAndFetchFaviconForPage(
- PlacesUtils.favicons.FAVICON_LOAD_NON_PRIVATE,
- resolve, Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal());
- });
- do_print("import from html");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(gBookmarksFileNew, true);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("Test imported bookmarks");
- yield testImportedBookmarks();
- // Cleanup.
- test_bookmarks.unfiled.pop();
- // HTML imports don't restore GUIDs yet.
- let reimportedBookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX
- });
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(reimportedBookmark);
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.exportToFile(gBookmarksFileNew);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_import_ontop()
- // Test importing the exported bookmarks.html file *on top of* the existing
- // bookmarks.
- // 1. empty bookmarks db
- // 2. import the exported bookmarks file
- // 3. export to file
- // 3. import the exported bookmarks file
- // 4. run the test-suite
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(gBookmarksFileNew, true);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.exportToFile(gBookmarksFileNew);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(gBookmarksFileNew, true);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield testImportedBookmarks();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-function* testImportedBookmarks()
- for (let group in test_bookmarks) {
- do_print("[testImportedBookmarks()] Checking group '" + group + "'");
- let root;
- switch (group) {
- case "menu":
- root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId).root;
- break;
- case "toolbar":
- root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId).root;
- break;
- case "unfiled":
- root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId).root;
- break;
- }
- let items = test_bookmarks[group];
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, items.length);
- for (let key in items) {
- yield checkItem(items[key], root.getChild(key));
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
- }
-function* checkItem(aExpected, aNode)
- let id = aNode.itemId;
- return Task.spawn(function* () {
- for (prop in aExpected) {
- switch (prop) {
- case "type":
- do_check_eq(aNode.type, aExpected.type);
- break;
- case "title":
- do_check_eq(aNode.title, aExpected.title);
- break;
- case "description":
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.annotations
- .getItemAnnotation(id, DESCRIPTION_ANNO),
- aExpected.description);
- break;
- case "dateAdded":
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemDateAdded(id),
- aExpected.dateAdded);
- break;
- case "lastModified":
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemLastModified(id),
- aExpected.lastModified);
- break;
- case "url":
- if (!("feedUrl" in aExpected))
- do_check_eq(aNode.uri, aExpected.url)
- break;
- case "icon":
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- PlacesUtils.favicons.getFaviconDataForPage(
- NetUtil.newURI(aExpected.url),
- function (aURI, aDataLen, aData, aMimeType) {
- deferred.resolve(aData);
- });
- let data = yield deferred.promise;
- let base64Icon = "data:image/png;base64," +
- base64EncodeString(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, data));
- do_check_true(base64Icon == aExpected.icon);
- break;
- case "keyword": {
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: aNode.uri });
- Assert.equal(entry.keyword, aExpected.keyword);
- break;
- }
- case "sidebar":
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.annotations
- .itemHasAnnotation(id, LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO),
- aExpected.sidebar);
- break;
- case "postData": {
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: aNode.uri });
- Assert.equal(entry.postData, aExpected.postData);
- break;
- }
- case "charset":
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI(aNode.uri);
- do_check_eq((yield PlacesUtils.getCharsetForURI(testURI)), aExpected.charset);
- break;
- case "feedUrl":
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ id: id });
- do_check_eq(livemark.siteURI.spec, aExpected.url);
- do_check_eq(livemark.feedURI.spec, aExpected.feedUrl);
- break;
- case "children":
- let folder = aNode.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- do_check_eq(folder.hasChildren, aExpected.children.length > 0);
- folder.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(folder.childCount, aExpected.children.length);
- for (let index = 0; index < aExpected.children.length; index++) {
- yield checkItem(aExpected.children[index], folder.getChild(index));
- }
- folder.containerOpen = false;
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error("Unknown property");
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_html_corrupt.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_html_corrupt.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 845b2227b..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_html_corrupt.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- * This test ensures that importing/exporting to HTML does not stop
- * if a malformed uri is found.
- */
-const DESCRIPTION_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/description";
-const LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/loadInSidebar";
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_corrupt_file() {
- // avoid creating the places smart folder during tests
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion", -1);
- // Import bookmarks from the corrupt file.
- let corruptHtml = OS.Path.join(do_get_cwd().path, "bookmarks.corrupt.html");
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(corruptHtml, true);
- // Check that bookmarks that are not corrupt have been imported.
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield database_check();
-add_task(function* test_corrupt_database() {
- // Create corruption in the database, then export.
- let corruptBookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
- url: "",
- title: "We love belugas" });
- yield PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("test", Task.async(function*(db) {
- yield db.execute("UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET fk = NULL WHERE guid = :guid",
- { guid: corruptBookmark.guid });
- }));
- let bookmarksFile = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "bookmarks.exported.html");
- if ((yield OS.File.exists(bookmarksFile)))
- yield OS.File.remove(bookmarksFile);
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.exportToFile(bookmarksFile);
- // Import again and check for correctness.
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(bookmarksFile, true);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield database_check();
- * Check for imported bookmarks correctness
- *
- * @return {Promise}
- * @resolves When the checks are finished.
- * @rejects Never.
- */
-var database_check = Task.async(function* () {
- let root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId).root;
- Assert.equal(root.childCount, 2);
- let folderNode = root.getChild(1);
- Assert.equal(folderNode.type, folderNode.RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER);
- Assert.equal(folderNode.title, "test");
- Assert.equal(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemDateAdded(folderNode.itemId), 1177541020000000);
- Assert.equal(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemLastModified(folderNode.itemId), 1177541050000000);
- Assert.equal("folder test comment",
- PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(folderNode.itemId,
- // open test folder, and test the children
- PlacesUtils.asQuery(folderNode);
- Assert.equal(folderNode.hasChildren, true);
- folderNode.containerOpen = true;
- Assert.equal(folderNode.childCount, 1);
- let bookmarkNode = folderNode.getChild(0);
- Assert.equal("http://test/post", bookmarkNode.uri);
- Assert.equal("test post keyword", bookmarkNode.title);
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: bookmarkNode.uri });
- Assert.equal("test", entry.keyword);
- Assert.equal("hidden1%3Dbar&text1%3D%25s", entry.postData);
- Assert.ok(PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(bookmarkNode.itemId,
- Assert.equal(bookmarkNode.dateAdded, 1177375336000000);
- Assert.equal(bookmarkNode.lastModified, 1177375423000000);
- Assert.equal((yield PlacesUtils.getCharsetForURI(NetUtil.newURI(bookmarkNode.uri))),
- "ISO-8859-1");
- Assert.equal("item description",
- PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(bookmarkNode.itemId,
- // clean up
- folderNode.containerOpen = false;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId).root;
- Assert.equal(root.childCount, 3);
- // For now some promises are resolved later, so we can't guarantee an order.
- let foundLivemark = false;
- for (let i = 0; i < root.childCount; ++i) {
- let node = root.getChild(i);
- if (node.title == "Latest Headlines") {
- foundLivemark = true;
- Assert.equal("Latest Headlines", node.title);
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ guid: node.bookmarkGuid });
- Assert.equal("",
- livemark.siteURI.spec);
- Assert.equal("",
- livemark.feedURI.spec);
- }
- }
- Assert.ok(foundLivemark);
- // cleanup
- root.containerOpen = false;
- root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId).root;
- Assert.equal(root.childCount, 1);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // favicons
- yield new Promise(resolve => {
- PlacesUtils.favicons.getFaviconDataForPage(uri(TEST_FAVICON_PAGE_URL),
- (aURI, aDataLen, aData, aMimeType) => {
- // aURI should never be null when aDataLen > 0.
- Assert.notEqual(aURI, null);
- // Favicon data is stored in the bookmarks file as a "data:" URI. For
- // simplicity, instead of converting the data we receive to a "data:" URI
- // and comparing it, we just check the data size.
- Assert.equal(TEST_FAVICON_DATA_SIZE, aDataLen);
- resolve();
- });
- });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_html_import_tags.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_html_import_tags.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e4ba433a3..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_html_import_tags.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-var bookmarkData = [
- { uri: uri(""),
- title: "Nathan's Toasty Technology Page",
- tags: ["technology", "personal", "retro"] },
- { uri: uri(""),
- title: "reddit: the front page of the internet",
- tags: ["social media", "news", "humour"] },
- { uri: uri(""),
- title: "4chan",
- tags: ["discussion", "imageboard", "anime"] }
- - Add bookmarks with tags
- - Export tagged bookmarks as HTML file
- - Delete bookmarks
- - Import bookmarks from HTML file
- - Check that all bookmarks are successfully imported with tags
-add_task(function* test_import_tags() {
- // Removes bookmarks.html if the file already exists.
- let HTMLFile = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "bookmarks.html");
- if ((yield OS.File.exists(HTMLFile)))
- yield OS.File.remove(HTMLFile);
- // Adds bookmarks and tags to the database.
- let bookmarkList = new Set();
- for (let { uri, title, tags } of bookmarkData) {
- bookmarkList.add(yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- url: uri,
- title }));
- PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(uri, tags);
- }
- // Exports the bookmarks as a HTML file.
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.exportToFile(HTMLFile);
- // Deletes bookmarks and tags from the database.
- for (let bookmark of bookmarkList) {
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark.guid);
- }
- // Re-imports the bookmarks from the HTML file.
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(HTMLFile, true);
- // Tests to ensure that the tags are still present for each bookmark URI.
- for (let { uri, tags } of bookmarkData) {
- do_print("Test tags for " + uri.spec + ": " + tags + "\n");
- let foundTags = PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(uri);
- Assert.equal(foundTags.length, tags.length);
- Assert.ok(tags.every(tag => foundTags.includes(tag)));
- }
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_html_singleframe.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_html_singleframe.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 02b430ff2..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_html_singleframe.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Test for bug #801450
-// Get Services
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_bookmarks_html_singleframe()
- let bookmarksFile = OS.Path.join(do_get_cwd().path, "bookmarks_html_singleframe.html");
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(bookmarksFile, true);
- let root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId).root;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 1);
- let folder = root.getChild(0);
- PlacesUtils.asContainer(folder).containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(folder.title, "Subtitle");
- do_check_eq(folder.childCount, 1);
- let bookmark = folder.getChild(0);
- do_check_eq(bookmark.uri, "");
- do_check_eq(bookmark.title, "Mozilla");
- folder.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_json.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_json.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a6801540a..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_json.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
-const LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/loadInSidebar";
-const DESCRIPTION_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/description";
-// An object representing the contents of bookmarks.json.
-var test_bookmarks = {
- menu: [
- { guid: "OCyeUO5uu9FF",
- title: "Mozilla Firefox",
- children: [
- { guid:"OCyeUO5uu9FG",
- title: "Help and Tutorials",
- url: "",
- },
- { guid:"OCyeUO5uu9FH",
- title: "Customize Firefox",
- url: "",
- },
- { guid:"OCyeUO5uu9FI",
- title: "Get Involved",
- url: "",
- },
- { guid:"OCyeUO5uu9FJ",
- title: "About Us",
- url: "",
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- guid: "OCyeUO5uu9FK",
- type: Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_SEPARATOR
- },
- {
- guid:"OCyeUO5uu9FL",
- title: "test",
- description: "folder test comment",
- dateAdded: 1177541020000000,
- // lastModified: 1177541050000000,
- children: [
- { guid:"OCyeUO5uu9GX",
- title: "test post keyword",
- description: "item description",
- dateAdded: 1177375336000000,
- // lastModified: 1177375423000000,
- keyword: "test",
- sidebar: true,
- postData: "hidden1%3Dbar&text1%3D%25s",
- charset: "ISO-8859-1"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- toolbar: [
- { guid: "OCyeUO5uu9FB",
- title: "Getting Started",
- url: "",
- },
- { guid:"OCyeUO5uu9FR",
- title: "Latest Headlines",
- url: "",
- feedUrl: ""
- }
- ],
- unfiled: [
- { guid: "OCyeUO5uu9FW",
- title: "Example.tld",
- url: "http://example.tld/"
- }
- ]
-// Exported bookmarks file pointer.
-var bookmarksExportedFile;
-add_task(function* test_import_bookmarks() {
- let bookmarksFile = OS.Path.join(do_get_cwd().path, "bookmarks.json");
- yield BookmarkJSONUtils.importFromFile(bookmarksFile, true);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield testImportedBookmarks();
-add_task(function* test_export_bookmarks() {
- bookmarksExportedFile = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir,
- "bookmarks.exported.json");
- yield BookmarkJSONUtils.exportToFile(bookmarksExportedFile);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-add_task(function* test_import_exported_bookmarks() {
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield BookmarkJSONUtils.importFromFile(bookmarksExportedFile, true);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield testImportedBookmarks();
-add_task(function* test_import_ontop() {
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield BookmarkJSONUtils.importFromFile(bookmarksExportedFile, true);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield BookmarkJSONUtils.exportToFile(bookmarksExportedFile);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield BookmarkJSONUtils.importFromFile(bookmarksExportedFile, true);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- yield testImportedBookmarks();
-add_task(function* test_clean() {
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-function* testImportedBookmarks() {
- for (let group in test_bookmarks) {
- do_print("[testImportedBookmarks()] Checking group '" + group + "'");
- let root;
- switch (group) {
- case "menu":
- root =
- PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId).root;
- break;
- case "toolbar":
- root =
- PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId).root;
- break;
- case "unfiled":
- root =
- PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId).root;
- break;
- }
- let items = test_bookmarks[group];
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, items.length);
- for (let key in items) {
- yield checkItem(items[key], root.getChild(key));
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
- }
-function* checkItem(aExpected, aNode) {
- let id = aNode.itemId;
- return Task.spawn(function* () {
- for (prop in aExpected) {
- switch (prop) {
- case "type":
- do_check_eq(aNode.type, aExpected.type);
- break;
- case "title":
- do_check_eq(aNode.title, aExpected.title);
- break;
- case "description":
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(
- id, DESCRIPTION_ANNO), aExpected.description);
- break;
- case "dateAdded":
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemDateAdded(id),
- aExpected.dateAdded);
- break;
- case "lastModified":
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemLastModified(id),
- aExpected.lastModified);
- break;
- case "url":
- if (!("feedUrl" in aExpected))
- do_check_eq(aNode.uri, aExpected.url);
- break;
- case "icon":
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- PlacesUtils.favicons.getFaviconDataForPage(
- NetUtil.newURI(aExpected.url),
- function (aURI, aDataLen, aData, aMimeType) {
- deferred.resolve(aData);
- });
- let data = yield deferred.promise;
- let base64Icon = "data:image/png;base64," +
- base64EncodeString(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, data));
- do_check_true(base64Icon == aExpected.icon);
- break;
- case "keyword": {
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: aNode.uri });
- Assert.equal(entry.keyword, aExpected.keyword);
- break;
- }
- case "guid":
- let guid = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemGuid(id);
- do_check_eq(guid, aExpected.guid);
- break;
- case "sidebar":
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(
- id, LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO), aExpected.sidebar);
- break;
- case "postData": {
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: aNode.uri });
- Assert.equal(entry.postData, aExpected.postData);
- break;
- }
- case "charset":
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI(aNode.uri);
- do_check_eq((yield PlacesUtils.getCharsetForURI(testURI)), aExpected.charset);
- break;
- case "feedUrl":
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ id: id });
- do_check_eq(livemark.siteURI.spec, aExpected.url);
- do_check_eq(livemark.feedURI.spec, aExpected.feedUrl);
- break;
- case "children":
- let folder = aNode.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- do_check_eq(folder.hasChildren, aExpected.children.length > 0);
- folder.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(folder.childCount, aExpected.children.length);
- for (let index = 0; index < aExpected.children.length; index++) {
- yield checkItem(aExpected.children[index], folder.getChild(index));
- }
- folder.containerOpen = false;
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error("Unknown property");
- }
- }
- });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_restore_notification.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_restore_notification.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f8022c6b..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_restore_notification.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Tests the bookmarks-restore-* nsIObserver notifications after restoring
- * bookmarks from JSON and HTML. See bug 470314.
- */
-// The topics and data passed to nsIObserver.observe() on bookmarks restore
-const NSIOBSERVER_TOPIC_BEGIN = "bookmarks-restore-begin";
-const NSIOBSERVER_TOPIC_SUCCESS = "bookmarks-restore-success";
-const NSIOBSERVER_TOPIC_FAILED = "bookmarks-restore-failed";
-const NSIOBSERVER_DATA_JSON = "json";
-const NSIOBSERVER_DATA_HTML = "html";
-const NSIOBSERVER_DATA_HTML_INIT = "html-initial";
-// Bookmarks are added for these URIs
-var uris = [
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- * Adds some bookmarks for the URIs in |uris|.
- */
-function* addBookmarks() {
- for (let url of uris) {
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- url: url, parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid
- })
- }
- checkBookmarksExist();
- * Checks that all of the bookmarks created for |uris| exist. It works by
- * creating one query per URI and then ORing all the queries. The number of
- * results returned should be uris.length.
- */
-function checkBookmarksExist() {
- let hs = PlacesUtils.history;
- let queries = (u) {
- let q = hs.getNewQuery();
- q.uri = uri(u);
- return q;
- });
- let options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.queryType = options.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS;
- let root = hs.executeQueries(queries, uris.length, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- Assert.equal(root.childCount, uris.length);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- * Creates an file in the profile directory.
- *
- * @param aBasename
- * e.g., "foo.txt" in the path /some/long/path/foo.txt
- * @return {Promise}
- * @resolves to an OS.File path
- */
-function promiseFile(aBasename) {
- let path = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, aBasename);
- do_print("opening " + path);
- return, { truncate: true })
- .then(aFile => {
- aFile.close();
- return path;
- });
- * Register observers via promiseTopicObserved helper.
- *
- * @param {boolean} expectSuccess pass true when expect a success notification
- * @return {Promise[]}
- */
-function registerObservers(expectSuccess) {
- let promiseBegin = promiseTopicObserved(NSIOBSERVER_TOPIC_BEGIN);
- let promiseResult;
- if (expectSuccess) {
- promiseResult = promiseTopicObserved(NSIOBSERVER_TOPIC_SUCCESS);
- } else {
- promiseResult = promiseTopicObserved(NSIOBSERVER_TOPIC_FAILED);
- }
- return [promiseBegin, promiseResult];
- * Check notification results.
- *
- * @param {Promise[]} expectPromises array contain promiseBegin and promiseResult
- * @param {object} expectedData contain data and folderId
- */
-function* checkObservers(expectPromises, expectedData) {
- let [promiseBegin, promiseResult] = expectPromises;
- let beginData = (yield promiseBegin)[1];
- Assert.equal(beginData,,
- "Data for current test should be what is expected");
- let [resultSubject, resultData] = yield promiseResult;
- Assert.equal(resultData,,
- "Data for current test should be what is expected");
- // Make sure folder ID is what is expected. For importing HTML into a
- // folder, this will be an integer, otherwise null.
- if (resultSubject) {
- Assert.equal(aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRInt64).data,
- expectedData.folderId);
- } else {
- Assert.equal(expectedData.folderId, null);
- }
- * Run after every test cases.
- */
-function* teardown(file, begin, success, fail) {
- // On restore failed, file may not exist, so wrap in try-catch.
- try {
- yield OS.File.remove(file, {ignoreAbsent: true});
- } catch (e) {}
- // clean up bookmarks
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_json_restore_normal() {
- // data: the data passed to nsIObserver.observe() corresponding to the test
- // folderId: for HTML restore into a folder, the folder ID to restore into;
- // otherwise, set it to null
- let expectedData = {
- folderId: null
- }
- let expectPromises = registerObservers(true);
- do_print("JSON restore: normal restore should succeed");
- let file = yield promiseFile("bookmarks-test_restoreNotification.json");
- yield addBookmarks();
- yield BookmarkJSONUtils.exportToFile(file);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- try {
- yield BookmarkJSONUtils.importFromFile(file, true);
- } catch (e) {
- do_throw(" Restore should not have failed" + e);
- }
- yield checkObservers(expectPromises, expectedData);
- yield teardown(file);
-add_task(function* test_json_restore_empty() {
- let expectedData = {
- folderId: null
- }
- let expectPromises = registerObservers(true);
- do_print("JSON restore: empty file should succeed");
- let file = yield promiseFile("bookmarks-test_restoreNotification.json");
- try {
- yield BookmarkJSONUtils.importFromFile(file, true);
- } catch (e) {
- do_throw(" Restore should not have failed" + e);
- }
- yield checkObservers(expectPromises, expectedData);
- yield teardown(file);
-add_task(function* test_json_restore_nonexist() {
- let expectedData = {
- folderId: null
- }
- let expectPromises = registerObservers(false);
- do_print("JSON restore: nonexistent file should fail");
- let file = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsILocalFile);
- file.append("this file doesn't exist because nobody created it 1");
- try {
- yield BookmarkJSONUtils.importFromFile(file, true);
- do_throw(" Restore should have failed");
- } catch (e) {}
- yield checkObservers(expectPromises, expectedData);
- yield teardown(file);
-add_task(function* test_html_restore_normal() {
- let expectedData = {
- folderId: null
- }
- let expectPromises = registerObservers(true);
- do_print("HTML restore: normal restore should succeed");
- let file = yield promiseFile("bookmarks-test_restoreNotification.html");
- yield addBookmarks();
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.exportToFile(file);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- try {
- BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(file, false)
- .then(null, do_report_unexpected_exception);
- } catch (e) {
- do_throw(" Restore should not have failed");
- }
- yield checkObservers(expectPromises, expectedData);
- yield teardown(file);
-add_task(function* test_html_restore_empty() {
- let expectedData = {
- folderId: null
- }
- let expectPromises = registerObservers(true);
- do_print("HTML restore: empty file should succeed");
- let file = yield promiseFile("bookmarks-test_restoreNotification.init.html");
- try {
- BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(file, false)
- .then(null, do_report_unexpected_exception);
- } catch (e) {
- do_throw(" Restore should not have failed");
- }
- yield checkObservers(expectPromises, expectedData);
- yield teardown(file);
-add_task(function* test_html_restore_nonexist() {
- let expectedData = {
- folderId: null
- }
- let expectPromises = registerObservers(false);
- do_print("HTML restore: nonexistent file should fail");
- let file = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsILocalFile);
- file.append("this file doesn't exist because nobody created it 2");
- try {
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(file, false);
- do_throw("Should fail!");
- } catch (e) {}
- yield checkObservers(expectPromises, expectedData);
- yield teardown(file);
-add_task(function* test_html_init_restore_normal() {
- let expectedData = {
- folderId: null
- }
- let expectPromises = registerObservers(true);
- do_print("HTML initial restore: normal restore should succeed");
- let file = yield promiseFile("bookmarks-test_restoreNotification.init.html");
- yield addBookmarks();
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.exportToFile(file);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- try {
- BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(file, true)
- .then(null, do_report_unexpected_exception);
- } catch (e) {
- do_throw(" Restore should not have failed");
- }
- yield checkObservers(expectPromises, expectedData);
- yield teardown(file);
-add_task(function* test_html_init_restore_empty() {
- let expectedData = {
- folderId: null
- }
- let expectPromises = registerObservers(true);
- do_print("HTML initial restore: empty file should succeed");
- let file = yield promiseFile("bookmarks-test_restoreNotification.init.html");
- try {
- BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(file, true)
- .then(null, do_report_unexpected_exception);
- } catch (e) {
- do_throw(" Restore should not have failed");
- }
- yield checkObservers(expectPromises, expectedData);
- yield teardown(file);
-add_task(function* test_html_init_restore_nonexist() {
- let expectedData = {
- folderId: null
- }
- let expectPromises = registerObservers(false);
- do_print("HTML initial restore: nonexistent file should fail");
- let file = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsILocalFile);
- file.append("this file doesn't exist because nobody created it 3");
- try {
- yield BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromFile(file, true);
- do_throw("Should fail!");
- } catch (e) {}
- yield checkObservers(expectPromises, expectedData);
- yield teardown(file);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_setNullTitle.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_setNullTitle.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 959dfe85f..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bookmarks_setNullTitle.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Both SetItemtitle and insertBookmark should allow for null titles.
- */
-const bs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
-const TEST_URL = "";
-function run_test() {
- // Insert a bookmark with an empty title.
- var itemId = bs.insertBookmark(bs.toolbarFolder,
- uri(TEST_URL),
- "");
- // Check returned title is an empty string.
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemTitle(itemId), "");
- // Set title to null.
- bs.setItemTitle(itemId, null);
- // Check returned title is null.
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemTitle(itemId), null);
- // Cleanup.
- bs.removeItem(itemId);
- // Insert a bookmark with a null title.
- itemId = bs.insertBookmark(bs.toolbarFolder,
- uri(TEST_URL),
- null);
- // Check returned title is null.
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemTitle(itemId), null);
- // Set title to an empty string.
- bs.setItemTitle(itemId, "");
- // Check returned title is an empty string.
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemTitle(itemId), "");
- // Cleanup.
- bs.removeItem(itemId);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_broken_folderShortcut_result.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_broken_folderShortcut_result.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b67e141e6..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_broken_folderShortcut_result.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
- PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId, NetUtil.newURI(""),
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "Bookmark 1"
- );
- let id1 = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
- PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId, NetUtil.newURI("place:folder=1234"),
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "Shortcut 1"
- );
- let id2 = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
- PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId, NetUtil.newURI("place:folder=-1"),
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "Shortcut 2"
- );
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
- PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId, NetUtil.newURI(""),
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "Bookmark 2"
- );
- // Add also a simple visit.
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(uri(("")));
- // Query containing a broken folder shortcuts among results.
- let query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId], 1);
- let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- let root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 4);
- let shortcut = root.getChild(1);
- do_check_eq(shortcut.uri, "place:folder=1234");
- PlacesUtils.asContainer(shortcut);
- shortcut.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(shortcut.childCount, 0);
- shortcut.containerOpen = false;
- // Remove the broken shortcut while the containing result is open.
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeItem(id1);
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 3);
- shortcut = root.getChild(1);
- do_check_eq(shortcut.uri, "place:folder=-1");
- PlacesUtils.asContainer(shortcut);
- shortcut.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(shortcut.childCount, 0);
- shortcut.containerOpen = false;
- // Remove the broken shortcut while the containing result is open.
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeItem(id2);
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 2);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // Broken folder shortcut as root node.
- query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([1234], 1);
- options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 0);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // Broken folder shortcut as root node with folder=-1.
- query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([-1], 1);
- options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 0);
- root.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_browserhistory.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_browserhistory.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f88c26e3..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_browserhistory.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
-const TEST_SUBDOMAIN_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
-add_task(function* test_addPage() {
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URI);
- do_check_eq(1, PlacesUtils.history.hasHistoryEntries);
-add_task(function* test_removePage() {
- PlacesUtils.bhistory.removePage(TEST_URI);
- do_check_eq(0, PlacesUtils.history.hasHistoryEntries);
-add_task(function* test_removePages() {
- let pages = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- pages.push(NetUtil.newURI(TEST_URI.spec + i));
- }
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits( => ({ uri: uri })));
- // Bookmarked item should not be removed from moz_places.
- const ANNO_INDEX = 1;
- const ANNO_NAME = "testAnno";
- const ANNO_VALUE = "foo";
- const BOOKMARK_INDEX = 2;
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setPageAnnotation(pages[ANNO_INDEX],
- Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "test bookmark");
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setPageAnnotation(pages[BOOKMARK_INDEX],
- Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- PlacesUtils.bhistory.removePages(pages, pages.length);
- do_check_eq(0, PlacesUtils.history.hasHistoryEntries);
- // Check that the bookmark and its annotation still exist.
- do_check_true(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getIdForItemAt(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId, 0) > 0);
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.annotations.getPageAnnotation(pages[BOOKMARK_INDEX], ANNO_NAME),
- // Check the annotation on the non-bookmarked page does not exist anymore.
- try {
- PlacesUtils.annotations.getPageAnnotation(pages[ANNO_INDEX], ANNO_NAME);
- do_throw("did not expire expire_never anno on a not bookmarked item");
- } catch (ex) {}
- // Cleanup.
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeFolderChildren(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
-add_task(function* test_removePagesByTimeframe() {
- let visits = [];
- let startDate = ( - 10000) * 1000;
- for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- visits.push({
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(TEST_URI.spec + i),
- visitDate: startDate + i * 1000
- });
- }
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(visits);
- // Delete all pages except the first and the last.
- PlacesUtils.bhistory.removePagesByTimeframe(startDate + 1000, startDate + 8000);
- // Check that we have removed the correct pages.
- for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- do_check_eq(page_in_database(NetUtil.newURI(TEST_URI.spec + i)) == 0,
- i > 0 && i < 9);
- }
- // Clear remaining items and check that all pages have been removed.
- PlacesUtils.bhistory.removePagesByTimeframe(startDate, startDate + 9000);
- do_check_eq(0, PlacesUtils.history.hasHistoryEntries);
-add_task(function* test_removePagesFromHost() {
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URI);
- PlacesUtils.bhistory.removePagesFromHost("", true);
- do_check_eq(0, PlacesUtils.history.hasHistoryEntries);
-add_task(function* test_removePagesFromHost_keepSubdomains() {
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([{ uri: TEST_URI }, { uri: TEST_SUBDOMAIN_URI }]);
- PlacesUtils.bhistory.removePagesFromHost("", false);
- do_check_eq(1, PlacesUtils.history.hasHistoryEntries);
-add_task(function* test_history_clear() {
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
- do_check_eq(0, PlacesUtils.history.hasHistoryEntries);
-add_task(function* test_getObservers() {
- // Ensure that getObservers() invalidates the hasHistoryEntries cache.
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URI);
- do_check_eq(1, PlacesUtils.history.hasHistoryEntries);
- // This is just for testing purposes, never do it.
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- DBConn().executeSimpleSQLAsync("DELETE FROM moz_historyvisits", {
- handleError: function(error) {
- reject(error);
- },
- handleResult: function(result) {
- },
- handleCompletion: function(result) {
- // Just invoking getObservers should be enough to invalidate the cache.
- PlacesUtils.history.getObservers();
- do_check_eq(0, PlacesUtils.history.hasHistoryEntries);
- resolve();
- }
- });
- });
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bug636917_isLivemark.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bug636917_isLivemark.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a7ad1257a..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_bug636917_isLivemark.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// Test that asking for a livemark in a annotationChanged notification works.
-add_task(function* () {
- let annoPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
- let annoObserver = {
- onItemAnnotationSet(id, name) {
- if (name == PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI) {
- PlacesUtils.annotations.removeObserver(this);
- resolve();
- }
- },
- onItemAnnotationRemoved() {},
- onPageAnnotationSet() {},
- onPageAnnotationRemoved() {},
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
- Ci.nsIAnnotationObserver
- ]),
- };
- PlacesUtils.annotations.addObserver(annoObserver, false);
- });
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "livemark title"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX
- , siteURI: uri("")
- , feedURI: uri("")
- });
- yield annoPromise;
- livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ guid: livemark.guid });
- Assert.ok(livemark);
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.removeLivemark({ guid: livemark.guid });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_childlessTags.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_childlessTags.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c3e38fa4..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_childlessTags.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Ensures that removal of a bookmark untags the bookmark if it's no longer
- * contained in any regular, non-tag folders. See bug 444849.
- */
-// Add your tests here. Each is an object with a summary string |desc| and a
-// method run() that's called to run the test.
-var tests = [
- {
- desc: "Removing a tagged bookmark should cause the tag to be removed.",
- run: function () {
- print(" Make a bookmark.");
- var bmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.unfiledBookmarksFolder,
- "test bookmark");
- do_check_true(bmId > 0);
- print(" Tag it up.");
- var tags = ["foo", "bar"];
- tagssvc.tagURI(BOOKMARK_URI, tags);
- ensureTagsExist(tags);
- print(" Remove the bookmark. The tags should no longer exist.");
- bmsvc.removeItem(bmId);
- ensureTagsExist([]);
- }
- },
- {
- desc: "Removing a folder containing a tagged bookmark should cause the " +
- "tag to be removed.",
- run: function () {
- print(" Make a folder.");
- var folderId = bmsvc.createFolder(bmsvc.unfiledBookmarksFolder,
- "test folder",
- do_check_true(folderId > 0);
- print(" Stick a bookmark in the folder.");
- var bmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(folderId,
- "test bookmark");
- do_check_true(bmId > 0);
- print(" Tag the bookmark.");
- var tags = ["foo", "bar"];
- tagssvc.tagURI(BOOKMARK_URI, tags);
- ensureTagsExist(tags);
- print(" Remove the folder. The tags should no longer exist.");
- bmsvc.removeItem(folderId);
- ensureTagsExist([]);
- }
- }
-var bmsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
-var histsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-var tagssvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsITaggingService);
-const BOOKMARK_URI = uri("");
- * Runs a tag query and ensures that the tags returned are those and only those
- * in aTags. aTags may be empty, in which case this function ensures that no
- * tags exist.
- *
- * @param aTags
- * An array of tags (strings)
- */
-function ensureTagsExist(aTags) {
- var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- var opts = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- opts.resultType = opts.RESULTS_AS_TAG_QUERY;
- var resultRoot = histsvc.executeQuery(query, opts).root;
- // Dupe aTags.
- var tags = aTags.slice(0);
- resultRoot.containerOpen = true;
- // Ensure that the number of tags returned from the query is the same as the
- // number in |tags|.
- do_check_eq(resultRoot.childCount, tags.length);
- // For each tag result from the query, ensure that it's contained in |tags|.
- // Remove the tag from |tags| so that we ensure the sets are equal.
- for (let i = 0; i < resultRoot.childCount; i++) {
- var tag = resultRoot.getChild(i).title;
- var indexOfTag = tags.indexOf(tag);
- do_check_true(indexOfTag >= 0);
- tags.splice(indexOfTag, 1);
- }
- resultRoot.containerOpen = false;
-function run_test()
- tests.forEach(function (test) {
- print("Running test: " + test.desc);
- });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_corrupt_telemetry.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_corrupt_telemetry.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cd9e9ec0c..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_corrupt_telemetry.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Tests that history initialization correctly handles a request to forcibly
-// replace the current database.
-add_task(function* () {
- let profileDBPath = yield OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "places.sqlite");
- yield OS.File.remove(profileDBPath, {ignoreAbsent: true});
- // Ensure that our database doesn't already exist.
- Assert.ok(!(yield OS.File.exists(profileDBPath)), "places.sqlite shouldn't exist");
- let dir = yield OS.File.getCurrentDirectory();
- let src = OS.Path.join(dir, "corruptDB.sqlite");
- yield OS.File.copy(src, profileDBPath);
- Assert.ok(yield OS.File.exists(profileDBPath), "places.sqlite should exist");
- let count = Services.telemetry
- .snapshot()
- .counts[3];
- Assert.equal(count, 0, "There should be no telemetry");
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.history.databaseStatus,
- PlacesUtils.history.DATABASE_STATUS_CORRUPT);
- count = Services.telemetry
- .snapshot()
- .counts[3];
- Assert.equal(count, 1, "Telemetry should have been added");
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_crash_476292.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_crash_476292.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f0862022..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_crash_476292.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * This tests a crash during startup found in bug 476292 that was caused by
- * getting the bookmarks service during nsNavHistory::Init when the bookmarks
- * service was created before the history service was.
- */
-function run_test()
- // First, we need to move our old database file into our test profile
- // directory. This will trigger DATABASE_STATUS_UPGRADED (CREATE is not
- // sufficient since there will be no entries to update frecencies for, which
- // causes us to get the bookmarks service in the first place).
- let dbFile = do_get_file("bug476292.sqlite");
- let profD = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIProperties).
- get(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, Ci.nsIFile);
- dbFile.copyTo(profD, "places.sqlite");
- // Now get the bookmarks service. This will crash when the bug exists.
- Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_database_replaceOnStartup.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_database_replaceOnStartup.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e83d0fdae..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_database_replaceOnStartup.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Tests that history initialization correctly handles a request to forcibly
-// replace the current database.
-function run_test() {
- // Ensure that our database doesn't already exist.
- let dbFile = gProfD.clone();
- dbFile.append("places.sqlite");
- do_check_false(dbFile.exists());
- dbFile = gProfD.clone();
- dbFile.append("places.sqlite.corrupt");
- do_check_false(dbFile.exists());
- let file = do_get_file("default.sqlite");
- file.copyToFollowingLinks(gProfD, "places.sqlite");
- file = gProfD.clone();
- file.append("places.sqlite");
- // Create some unique stuff to check later.
- let db =;
- db.executeSimpleSQL("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)");
- db.close();
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("places.database.replaceOnStartup", true);
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.history.databaseStatus,
- PlacesUtils.history.DATABASE_STATUS_CORRUPT);
- dbFile = gProfD.clone();
- dbFile.append("places.sqlite");
- do_check_true(dbFile.exists());
- // Check the new database is really a new one.
- db =;
- try {
- db.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE * FROM test");
- do_throw("The new database should not have our unique content");
- } catch (ex) {}
- db.close();
- dbFile = gProfD.clone();
- dbFile.append("places.sqlite.corrupt");
- do_check_true(dbFile.exists());
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_download_history.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_download_history.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 643360b20..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_download_history.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
- * This file tests the nsIDownloadHistory Places implementation.
- */
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gDownloadHistory",
- ";1",
- "nsIDownloadHistory");
-const DOWNLOAD_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
-const REFERRER_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
-const PRIVATE_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- * Waits for the first visit notification to be received.
- *
- * @param aCallback
- * Callback function to be called with the same arguments of onVisit.
- */
-function waitForOnVisit(aCallback) {
- let historyObserver = {
- __proto__: NavHistoryObserver.prototype,
- onVisit: function HO_onVisit() {
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(this);
- aCallback.apply(null, arguments);
- }
- };
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(historyObserver, false);
- * Waits for the first onDeleteURI notification to be received.
- *
- * @param aCallback
- * Callback function to be called with the same arguments of onDeleteURI.
- */
-function waitForOnDeleteURI(aCallback) {
- let historyObserver = {
- __proto__: NavHistoryObserver.prototype,
- onDeleteURI: function HO_onDeleteURI() {
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(this);
- aCallback.apply(null, arguments);
- }
- };
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(historyObserver, false);
- * Waits for the first onDeleteVisits notification to be received.
- *
- * @param aCallback
- * Callback function to be called with the same arguments of onDeleteVisits.
- */
-function waitForOnDeleteVisits(aCallback) {
- let historyObserver = {
- __proto__: NavHistoryObserver.prototype,
- onDeleteVisits: function HO_onDeleteVisits() {
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(this);
- aCallback.apply(null, arguments);
- }
- };
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(historyObserver, false);
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_dh_is_from_places()
- // Test that this nsIDownloadHistory is the one places implements.
- do_check_true(gDownloadHistory instanceof Ci.mozIAsyncHistory);
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_dh_addRemoveDownload()
- waitForOnVisit(function DHAD_onVisit(aURI) {
- do_check_true(aURI.equals(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- // Verify that the URI is already available in results at this time.
- do_check_true(!!page_in_database(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- waitForOnDeleteURI(function DHRAD_onDeleteURI(aDeletedURI) {
- do_check_true(aDeletedURI.equals(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- // Verify that the URI is already available in results at this time.
- do_check_false(!!page_in_database(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- run_next_test();
- });
- gDownloadHistory.removeAllDownloads();
- });
- gDownloadHistory.addDownload(DOWNLOAD_URI, null, * 1000);
-add_test(function test_dh_addMultiRemoveDownload()
- PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({
- transition: TRANSITION_TYPED
- }).then(function () {
- waitForOnVisit(function DHAD_onVisit(aURI) {
- do_check_true(aURI.equals(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- do_check_true(!!page_in_database(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- waitForOnDeleteVisits(function DHRAD_onDeleteVisits(aDeletedURI) {
- do_check_true(aDeletedURI.equals(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- do_check_true(!!page_in_database(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory().then(run_next_test);
- });
- gDownloadHistory.removeAllDownloads();
- });
- gDownloadHistory.addDownload(DOWNLOAD_URI, null, * 1000);
- });
-add_test(function test_dh_addBookmarkRemoveDownload()
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "A bookmark");
- waitForOnVisit(function DHAD_onVisit(aURI) {
- do_check_true(aURI.equals(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- do_check_true(!!page_in_database(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- waitForOnDeleteVisits(function DHRAD_onDeleteVisits(aDeletedURI) {
- do_check_true(aDeletedURI.equals(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- do_check_true(!!page_in_database(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory().then(run_next_test);
- });
- gDownloadHistory.removeAllDownloads();
- });
- gDownloadHistory.addDownload(DOWNLOAD_URI, null, * 1000);
-add_test(function test_dh_addDownload_referrer()
- waitForOnVisit(function DHAD_prepareReferrer(aURI, aVisitID) {
- do_check_true(aURI.equals(REFERRER_URI));
- let referrerVisitId = aVisitID;
- waitForOnVisit(function DHAD_onVisit(aVisitedURI, unused, unused2, unused3,
- aReferringID) {
- do_check_true(aVisitedURI.equals(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- do_check_eq(aReferringID, referrerVisitId);
- // Verify that the URI is already available in results at this time.
- do_check_true(!!page_in_database(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory().then(run_next_test);
- });
- gDownloadHistory.addDownload(DOWNLOAD_URI, REFERRER_URI, * 1000);
- });
- // Note that we don't pass the optional callback argument here because we must
- // ensure that we receive the onVisit notification before we call addDownload.
- PlacesUtils.asyncHistory.updatePlaces({
- visits: [{
- transitionType: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_TYPED,
- visitDate: * 1000
- }]
- });
-add_test(function test_dh_addDownload_disabledHistory()
- waitForOnVisit(function DHAD_onVisit(aURI) {
- // We should only receive the notification for the non-private URI. This
- // test is based on the assumption that visit notifications are received in
- // the same order of the addDownload calls, which is currently true because
- // database access is serialized on the same worker thread.
- do_check_true(aURI.equals(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- do_check_true(!!page_in_database(DOWNLOAD_URI));
- do_check_false(!!page_in_database(PRIVATE_URI));
- PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory().then(run_next_test);
- });
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("places.history.enabled", false);
- gDownloadHistory.addDownload(PRIVATE_URI, REFERRER_URI, * 1000);
- // The addDownload functions calls CanAddURI synchronously, thus we can set
- // the preference back to true immediately (not all apps enable places by
- // default).
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("places.history.enabled", true);
- gDownloadHistory.addDownload(DOWNLOAD_URI, REFERRER_URI, * 1000);
- * Tests that nsIDownloadHistory::AddDownload saves the additional download
- * details if the optional destination URL is specified.
- */
-add_test(function test_dh_details()
- const REMOTE_URI = NetUtil.newURI("http://localhost/");
- const SOURCE_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- const DEST_FILE_NAME = "dest.txt";
- // We must build a real, valid file URI for the destination.
- let destFileUri = NetUtil.newURI(FileUtils.getFile("TmpD", [DEST_FILE_NAME]));
- let titleSet = false;
- let destinationFileUriSet = false;
- let destinationFileNameSet = false;
- function checkFinished()
- {
- if (titleSet && destinationFileUriSet && destinationFileNameSet) {
- PlacesUtils.annotations.removeObserver(annoObserver);
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(historyObserver);
- PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory().then(run_next_test);
- }
- }
- let annoObserver = {
- onPageAnnotationSet: function AO_onPageAnnotationSet(aPage, aName)
- {
- if (aPage.equals(SOURCE_URI)) {
- let value = PlacesUtils.annotations.getPageAnnotation(aPage, aName);
- switch (aName)
- {
- case "downloads/destinationFileURI":
- destinationFileUriSet = true;
- do_check_eq(value, destFileUri.spec);
- break;
- case "downloads/destinationFileName":
- destinationFileNameSet = true;
- do_check_eq(value, DEST_FILE_NAME);
- break;
- }
- checkFinished();
- }
- },
- onItemAnnotationSet: function() {},
- onPageAnnotationRemoved: function() {},
- onItemAnnotationRemoved: function() {}
- }
- let historyObserver = {
- onBeginUpdateBatch: function() {},
- onEndUpdateBatch: function() {},
- onVisit: function() {},
- onTitleChanged: function HO_onTitleChanged(aURI, aPageTitle)
- {
- if (aURI.equals(SOURCE_URI)) {
- titleSet = true;
- do_check_eq(aPageTitle, DEST_FILE_NAME);
- checkFinished();
- }
- },
- onDeleteURI: function() {},
- onClearHistory: function() {},
- onPageChanged: function() {},
- onDeleteVisits: function() {}
- };
- PlacesUtils.annotations.addObserver(annoObserver, false);
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(historyObserver, false);
- // Both null values and remote URIs should not cause errors.
- gDownloadHistory.addDownload(SOURCE_URI, null, * 1000);
- gDownloadHistory.addDownload(SOURCE_URI, null, * 1000, null);
- gDownloadHistory.addDownload(SOURCE_URI, null, * 1000, REMOTE_URI);
- // Valid local file URIs should cause the download details to be saved.
- gDownloadHistory.addDownload(SOURCE_URI, null, * 1000,
- destFileUri);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_frecency.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_frecency.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a04befe00..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_frecency.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Test for bug 406358 to make sure frecency works for empty input/search, but
- * this also tests for non-empty inputs as well. Because the interactions among
- * *DIFFERENT* visit counts and visit dates is not well defined, this test
- * holds one of the two values constant when modifying the other.
- *
- * Also test bug 419068 to make sure tagged pages don't necessarily have to be
- * first in the results.
- *
- * Also test bug 426166 to make sure that the results of autocomplete searches
- * are stable. Note that failures of this test will be intermittent by nature
- * since we are testing to make sure that the unstable sort algorithm used
- * by SQLite is not changing the order of the results on us.
- */
-function AutoCompleteInput(aSearches) {
- this.searches = aSearches;
-AutoCompleteInput.prototype = {
- constructor: AutoCompleteInput,
- searches: null,
- minResultsForPopup: 0,
- timeout: 10,
- searchParam: "",
- textValue: "",
- disableAutoComplete: false,
- completeDefaultIndex: false,
- get searchCount() {
- return this.searches.length;
- },
- getSearchAt: function(aIndex) {
- return this.searches[aIndex];
- },
- onSearchBegin: function() {},
- onSearchComplete: function() {},
- popupOpen: false,
- popup: {
- setSelectedIndex: function(aIndex) {},
- invalidate: function() {},
- // nsISupports implementation
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
- },
- // nsISupports implementation
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
-function ensure_results(uris, searchTerm)
- PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates()
- .then(() => ensure_results_internal(uris, searchTerm));
-function ensure_results_internal(uris, searchTerm)
- var controller = Components.classes[";1"].
- getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAutoCompleteController);
- // Make an AutoCompleteInput that uses our searches
- // and confirms results on search complete
- var input = new AutoCompleteInput(["unifiedcomplete"]);
- controller.input = input;
- var numSearchesStarted = 0;
- input.onSearchBegin = function() {
- numSearchesStarted++;
- do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
- };
- input.onSearchComplete = function() {
- do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
- do_check_eq(controller.searchStatus,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_MATCH);
- do_check_eq(controller.matchCount, uris.length);
- for (var i=0; i<controller.matchCount; i++) {
- do_check_eq(controller.getValueAt(i), uris[i].spec);
- }
- deferEnsureResults.resolve();
- };
- controller.startSearch(searchTerm);
-// Get history service
-try {
- var histsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
- var bhist = histsvc.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIBrowserHistory);
- var tagssvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsITaggingService);
- var bmksvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get history service\n");
-function* task_setCountDate(aURI, aCount, aDate)
- // We need visits so that frecency can be computed over multiple visits
- let visits = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
- visits.push({ uri: aURI, visitDate: aDate, transition: TRANSITION_TYPED });
- }
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(visits);
-function setBookmark(aURI)
- bmksvc.insertBookmark(bmksvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, aURI, -1, "bleh");
-function tagURI(aURI, aTags) {
- bmksvc.insertBookmark(bmksvc.unfiledBookmarksFolder, aURI,
- bmksvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "bleh");
- tagssvc.tagURI(aURI, aTags);
-var uri1 = uri("http://site.tld/1");
-var uri2 = uri("http://site.tld/2");
-var uri3 = uri("http://aaaaaaaaaa/1");
-var uri4 = uri("http://aaaaaaaaaa/2");
-// d1 is younger (should show up higher) than d2 (PRTime is in usecs not msec)
-// Make sure the dates fall into different frecency buckets
-var d1 = new Date( - 1000 * 60 * 60) * 1000;
-var d2 = new Date( - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 10) * 1000;
-// c1 is larger (should show up higher) than c2
-var c1 = 10;
-var c2 = 1;
-var tests = [
-// test things without a search term
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 0: same count, different date");
- yield task_setCountDate(uri1, c1, d1);
- yield task_setCountDate(uri2, c1, d2);
- tagURI(uri1, ["site"]);
- ensure_results([uri1, uri2], "");
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 1: same count, different date");
- yield task_setCountDate(uri1, c1, d2);
- yield task_setCountDate(uri2, c1, d1);
- tagURI(uri1, ["site"]);
- ensure_results([uri2, uri1], "");
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 2: different count, same date");
- yield task_setCountDate(uri1, c1, d1);
- yield task_setCountDate(uri2, c2, d1);
- tagURI(uri1, ["site"]);
- ensure_results([uri1, uri2], "");
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 3: different count, same date");
- yield task_setCountDate(uri1, c2, d1);
- yield task_setCountDate(uri2, c1, d1);
- tagURI(uri1, ["site"]);
- ensure_results([uri2, uri1], "");
-// test things with a search term
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 4: same count, different date");
- yield task_setCountDate(uri1, c1, d1);
- yield task_setCountDate(uri2, c1, d2);
- tagURI(uri1, ["site"]);
- ensure_results([uri1, uri2], "site");
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 5: same count, different date");
- yield task_setCountDate(uri1, c1, d2);
- yield task_setCountDate(uri2, c1, d1);
- tagURI(uri1, ["site"]);
- ensure_results([uri2, uri1], "site");
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 6: different count, same date");
- yield task_setCountDate(uri1, c1, d1);
- yield task_setCountDate(uri2, c2, d1);
- tagURI(uri1, ["site"]);
- ensure_results([uri1, uri2], "site");
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 7: different count, same date");
- yield task_setCountDate(uri1, c2, d1);
- yield task_setCountDate(uri2, c1, d1);
- tagURI(uri1, ["site"]);
- ensure_results([uri2, uri1], "site");
-// There are multiple tests for 8, hence the multiple functions
-// Bug 426166 section
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 8.1a: same count, same date");
- setBookmark(uri3);
- setBookmark(uri4);
- ensure_results([uri4, uri3], "a");
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 8.1b: same count, same date");
- setBookmark(uri3);
- setBookmark(uri4);
- ensure_results([uri4, uri3], "aa");
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 8.2: same count, same date");
- setBookmark(uri3);
- setBookmark(uri4);
- ensure_results([uri4, uri3], "aaa");
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 8.3: same count, same date");
- setBookmark(uri3);
- setBookmark(uri4);
- ensure_results([uri4, uri3], "aaaa");
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 8.4: same count, same date");
- setBookmark(uri3);
- setBookmark(uri4);
- ensure_results([uri4, uri3], "aaa");
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 8.5: same count, same date");
- setBookmark(uri3);
- setBookmark(uri4);
- ensure_results([uri4, uri3], "aa");
-function*() {
- print("TEST-INFO | Test 8.6: same count, same date");
- setBookmark(uri3);
- setBookmark(uri4);
- ensure_results([uri4, uri3], "a");
- * This deferred object contains a promise that is resolved when the
- * ensure_results_internal function has finished its execution.
- */
-var deferEnsureResults;
-add_task(function* test_frecency()
- // Disable autoFill for this test.
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.autoFill", false);
- do_register_cleanup(() => Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.autoFill"));
- // always search in history + bookmarks, no matter what the default is
- var prefs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
- prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.history", true);
- prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.bookmark", true);
- prefs.setBoolPref("browser.urlbar.suggest.openpage", false);
- for (let test of tests) {
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
- deferEnsureResults = Promise.defer();
- yield test();
- yield deferEnsureResults.promise;
- }
- for (let type of ["history", "bookmark", "openpage"]) {
- prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.suggest." + type);
- }
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_frecency_observers.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_frecency_observers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fadd4ae9..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_frecency_observers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
-// Each of these tests a path that triggers a frecency update. Together they
-// hit all sites that update a frecency.
-// InsertVisitedURIs::UpdateFrecency and History::InsertPlace
-add_task(function* test_InsertVisitedURIs_UpdateFrecency_and_History_InsertPlace() {
- // InsertPlace is at the end of a path that UpdateFrecency is also on, so kill
- // two birds with one stone and expect two notifications. Trigger the path by
- // adding a download.
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI("");
- Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIDownloadHistory).
- addDownload(uri);
- yield Promise.all([onFrecencyChanged(uri), onFrecencyChanged(uri)]);
-// nsNavHistory::UpdateFrecency
-add_task(function* test_nsNavHistory_UpdateFrecency() {
- let bm = PlacesUtils.bookmarks;
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI("");
- bm.insertBookmark(bm.unfiledBookmarksFolder, uri,
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.DEFAULT_INDEX, "test");
- yield onFrecencyChanged(uri);
-// nsNavHistory::invalidateFrecencies for particular pages
-add_task(function* test_nsNavHistory_invalidateFrecencies_somePages() {
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI("");
- // Bookmarking the URI is enough to add it to moz_places, and importantly, it
- // means that removePagesFromHost doesn't remove it from moz_places, so its
- // frecency is able to be changed.
- let bm = PlacesUtils.bookmarks;
- bm.insertBookmark(bm.unfiledBookmarksFolder, uri,
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.DEFAULT_INDEX, "test");
- PlacesUtils.history.removePagesFromHost(, false);
- yield onFrecencyChanged(uri);
-// nsNavHistory::invalidateFrecencies for all pages
-add_task(function* test_nsNavHistory_invalidateFrecencies_allPages() {
- yield Promise.all([onManyFrecenciesChanged(), PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory()]);
-// nsNavHistory::DecayFrecency and nsNavHistory::FixInvalidFrecencies
-add_task(function* test_nsNavHistory_DecayFrecency_and_nsNavHistory_FixInvalidFrecencies() {
- // FixInvalidFrecencies is at the end of a path that DecayFrecency is also on,
- // so expect two notifications. Trigger the path by making nsNavHistory
- // observe the idle-daily notification.
- PlacesUtils.history.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObserver).
- observe(null, "idle-daily", "");
- yield Promise.all([onManyFrecenciesChanged(), onManyFrecenciesChanged()]);
-function onFrecencyChanged(expectedURI) {
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- let obs = new NavHistoryObserver();
- obs.onFrecencyChanged =
- (uri, newFrecency, guid, hidden, visitDate) => {
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(obs);
- do_check_true(!!uri);
- do_check_true(uri.equals(expectedURI));
- deferred.resolve();
- };
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(obs, false);
- return deferred.promise;
-function onManyFrecenciesChanged() {
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- let obs = new NavHistoryObserver();
- obs.onManyFrecenciesChanged = () => {
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(obs);
- do_check_true(true);
- deferred.resolve();
- };
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(obs, false);
- return deferred.promise;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_frecency_zero_updated.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_frecency_zero_updated.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e60030ca5..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_frecency_zero_updated.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Tests a zero frecency is correctly updated when inserting new valid visits.
-function run_test()
- run_next_test()
-add_task(function* ()
- const TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let id = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "A title");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_check_true(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI) > 0);
- // Removing the bookmark should leave an orphan page with zero frecency.
- // Note this would usually be expired later by expiration.
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeItem(id);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_check_eq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- // Now add a valid visit to the page, frecency should increase.
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: TEST_URI });
- do_check_true(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI) > 0);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_getChildIndex.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_getChildIndex.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cf164d45..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_getChildIndex.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
- * vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et:
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Tests nsNavHistoryContainerResultNode::GetChildIndex(aNode) functionality.
- */
-function run_test() {
- // Add a bookmark to the menu.
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId,
- uri(""),
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "Test bookmark");
- // Add a bookmark to unfiled folder.
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- uri(""),
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "Unfiled bookmark");
- // Get the unfiled bookmark node.
- let unfiledNode = getNodeAt(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId, 0);
- if (!unfiledNode)
- do_throw("Unable to find bookmark in hierarchy!");
- do_check_eq(unfiledNode.title, "Unfiled bookmark");
- let hs = PlacesUtils.history;
- let query = hs.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId], 1);
- let options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.queryType = options.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS;
- let root = hs.executeQuery(query, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- // Check functionality for proper nodes.
- for (let i = 0; i < root.childCount; i++) {
- let node = root.getChild(i);
- print("Now testing: " + node.title);
- do_check_eq(root.getChildIndex(node), i);
- }
- // Now search for an invalid node and expect an exception.
- try {
- root.getChildIndex(unfiledNode);
- do_throw("Searching for an invalid node should have thrown.");
- } catch (ex) {
- print("We correctly got an exception.");
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
-function getNodeAt(aFolderId, aIndex) {
- let hs = PlacesUtils.history;
- let query = hs.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([aFolderId], 1);
- let options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.queryType = options.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS;
- let root = hs.executeQuery(query, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- if (root.childCount < aIndex)
- do_throw("Not enough children to find bookmark!");
- let node = root.getChild(aIndex);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- return node;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_getPlacesInfo.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_getPlacesInfo.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dfecb934..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_getPlacesInfo.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-function promiseGetPlacesInfo(aPlacesIdentifiers) {
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- PlacesUtils.asyncHistory.getPlacesInfo(aPlacesIdentifiers, {
- _results: [],
- _errors: [],
- handleResult: function handleResult(aPlaceInfo) {
- this._results.push(aPlaceInfo);
- },
- handleError: function handleError(aResultCode, aPlaceInfo) {
- this._errors.push({ resultCode: aResultCode, info: aPlaceInfo });
- },
- handleCompletion: function handleCompletion() {
- deferred.resolve({ errors: this._errors, results: this._results });
- }
- });
- return deferred.promise;
-function ensurePlacesInfoObjectsAreEqual(a, b) {
- do_check_true(a.uri.equals(b.uri));
- do_check_eq(a.title, b.title);
- do_check_eq(a.guid, b.guid);
- do_check_eq(a.placeId, b.placeId);
-function* test_getPlacesInfoExistentPlace() {
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("http://www.example.tld");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(testURI);
- let getPlacesInfoResult = yield promiseGetPlacesInfo([testURI]);
- do_check_eq(getPlacesInfoResult.results.length, 1);
- do_check_eq(getPlacesInfoResult.errors.length, 0);
- let placeInfo = getPlacesInfoResult.results[0];
- do_check_true(placeInfo instanceof Ci.mozIPlaceInfo);
- do_check_true(placeInfo.uri.equals(testURI));
- do_check_eq(placeInfo.title, "test visit for " + testURI.spec);
- do_check_true(placeInfo.guid.length > 0);
- do_check_eq(placeInfo.visits, null);
-function* test_getPlacesInfoNonExistentPlace() {
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("http://www.example_non_existent.tld");
- let getPlacesInfoResult = yield promiseGetPlacesInfo(testURI);
- do_check_eq(getPlacesInfoResult.results.length, 0);
- do_check_eq(getPlacesInfoResult.errors.length, 1);
-function* test_promisedHelper() {
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI("http://www.helper_existent_example.tld");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(uri);
- let placeInfo = yield PlacesUtils.promisePlaceInfo(uri);
- do_check_true(placeInfo instanceof Ci.mozIPlaceInfo);
- uri = NetUtil.newURI("http://www.helper_non_existent_example.tld");
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.promisePlaceInfo(uri);
- do_throw("PlacesUtils.promisePlaceInfo should have rejected the promise");
- }
- catch (ex) { }
-function* test_infoByGUID() {
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("http://www.guid_example.tld");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(testURI);
- let placeInfoByURI = yield PlacesUtils.promisePlaceInfo(testURI);
- let placeInfoByGUID = yield PlacesUtils.promisePlaceInfo(placeInfoByURI.guid);
- ensurePlacesInfoObjectsAreEqual(placeInfoByURI, placeInfoByGUID);
-function* test_invalid_guid() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.promisePlaceInfo("###");
- do_throw("getPlacesInfo should fail for invalid guids")
- }
- catch (ex) { }
-function* test_mixed_selection() {
- let placeInfo1, placeInfo2;
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI("http://www.mixed_selection_test_1.tld");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(uri);
- placeInfo1 = yield PlacesUtils.promisePlaceInfo(uri);
- uri = NetUtil.newURI("http://www.mixed_selection_test_2.tld");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(uri);
- placeInfo2 = yield PlacesUtils.promisePlaceInfo(uri);
- let getPlacesInfoResult = yield promiseGetPlacesInfo([placeInfo1.uri, placeInfo2.guid]);
- do_check_eq(getPlacesInfoResult.results.length, 2);
- do_check_eq(getPlacesInfoResult.errors.length, 0);
- do_check_eq(getPlacesInfoResult.results[0].uri.spec, placeInfo1.uri.spec);
- do_check_eq(getPlacesInfoResult.results[1].guid, placeInfo2.guid);
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d194cde1..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Get history services
-var histsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
- * Checks to see that a URI is in the database.
- *
- * @param aURI
- * The URI to check.
- * @returns true if the URI is in the DB, false otherwise.
- */
-function uri_in_db(aURI) {
- var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.maxResults = 1;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_URI
- var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- query.uri = aURI;
- var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var cc = root.childCount;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- return (cc == 1);
-// main
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- // we have a new profile, so we should have imported bookmarks
- do_check_eq(histsvc.databaseStatus, histsvc.DATABASE_STATUS_CREATE);
- // add a visit
- var testURI = uri("");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(testURI);
- // now query for the visit, setting sorting and limit such that
- // we should retrieve only the visit we just added
- var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING;
- options.maxResults = 1;
- // TODO: using full visit crashes in xpcshell test
- // options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_FULL_VISIT;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_VISIT;
- var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var cc = root.childCount;
- for (var i=0; i < cc; ++i) {
- var node = root.getChild(i);
- // test node properties in RESULTS_AS_VISIT
- do_check_eq(node.uri, testURI.spec);
- do_check_eq(node.type, Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_URI);
- // TODO: change query type to RESULTS_AS_FULL_VISIT and test this
- // do_check_eq(node.transitionType, histsvc.TRANSITION_TYPED);
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // add another visit for the same URI, and a third visit for a different URI
- var testURI2 = uri("");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(testURI);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(testURI2);
- options.maxResults = 5;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_URI;
- // test minVisits
- query.minVisits = 0;
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(result.root.childCount, 2);
- result.root.containerOpen = false;
- query.minVisits = 1;
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(result.root.childCount, 2);
- result.root.containerOpen = false;
- query.minVisits = 2;
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(result.root.childCount, 1);
- query.minVisits = 3;
- result.root.containerOpen = false;
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(result.root.childCount, 0);
- result.root.containerOpen = false;
- // test maxVisits
- query.minVisits = -1;
- query.maxVisits = -1;
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(result.root.childCount, 2);
- result.root.containerOpen = false;
- query.maxVisits = 0;
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(result.root.childCount, 0);
- result.root.containerOpen = false;
- query.maxVisits = 1;
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(result.root.childCount, 1);
- result.root.containerOpen = false;
- query.maxVisits = 2;
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(result.root.childCount, 2);
- result.root.containerOpen = false;
- query.maxVisits = 3;
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(result.root.childCount, 2);
- result.root.containerOpen = false;
- // test annotation-based queries
- var annos = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIAnnotationService);
- annos.setPageAnnotation(uri(""), "testAnno", 0, 0,
- Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- query.annotation = "testAnno";
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(result.root.childCount, 1);
- do_check_eq(result.root.getChild(0).uri, "");
- result.root.containerOpen = false;
- // test annotationIsNot
- query.annotationIsNot = true;
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(result.root.childCount, 1);
- do_check_eq(result.root.getChild(0).uri, "");
- result.root.containerOpen = false;
- // By default history is enabled.
- do_check_true(!histsvc.historyDisabled);
- // test getPageTitle
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: uri(""), title: "title" });
- let placeInfo = yield PlacesUtils.promisePlaceInfo(uri(""));
- do_check_eq(placeInfo.title, "title");
- // query for the visit
- do_check_true(uri_in_db(testURI));
- // test for schema changes in bug 373239
- // get direct db connection
- var db = histsvc.QueryInterface(Ci.nsPIPlacesDatabase).DBConnection;
- var q = "SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks";
- var statement;
- try {
- statement = db.createStatement(q);
- } catch (ex) {
- do_throw("bookmarks table does not have id field, schema is too old!");
- }
- finally {
- statement.finalize();
- }
- // bug 394741 - regressed history text searches
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(uri(""));
- options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- // options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_VISIT;
- query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- query.searchTerms = "moz";
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_true(root.childCount > 0);
- root.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_autocomplete_tags.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_autocomplete_tags.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a5e0e1cb1..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_autocomplete_tags.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var current_test = 0;
-function AutoCompleteInput(aSearches) {
- this.searches = aSearches;
-AutoCompleteInput.prototype = {
- constructor: AutoCompleteInput,
- searches: null,
- minResultsForPopup: 0,
- timeout: 10,
- searchParam: "",
- textValue: "",
- disableAutoComplete: false,
- completeDefaultIndex: false,
- get searchCount() {
- return this.searches.length;
- },
- getSearchAt: function(aIndex) {
- return this.searches[aIndex];
- },
- onSearchBegin: function() {},
- onSearchComplete: function() {},
- popupOpen: false,
- popup: {
- setSelectedIndex: function(aIndex) {},
- invalidate: function() {},
- // nsISupports implementation
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
- },
- // nsISupports implementation
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
-// Get tagging service
-try {
- var tagssvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsITaggingService);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get tagging service\n");
-function ensure_tag_results(uris, searchTerm)
- print("Searching for '" + searchTerm + "'");
- var controller = Components.classes[";1"].
- getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAutoCompleteController);
- // Make an AutoCompleteInput that uses our searches
- // and confirms results on search complete
- var input = new AutoCompleteInput(["unifiedcomplete"]);
- controller.input = input;
- // Search is asynchronous, so don't let the test finish immediately
- do_test_pending();
- var numSearchesStarted = 0;
- input.onSearchBegin = function() {
- numSearchesStarted++;
- do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
- };
- input.onSearchComplete = function() {
- do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
- do_check_eq(controller.searchStatus,
- uris.length ?
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_MATCH :
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_NO_MATCH);
- do_check_eq(controller.matchCount, uris.length);
- let vals = [];
- for (let i=0; i<controller.matchCount; i++) {
- // Keep the URL for later because order of tag results is undefined
- vals.push(controller.getValueAt(i));
- do_check_eq(controller.getStyleAt(i), "bookmark-tag");
- }
- // Sort the results then check if we have the right items
- vals.sort().forEach((val, i) => do_check_eq(val, uris[i].spec))
- if (current_test < (tests.length - 1)) {
- current_test++;
- tests[current_test]();
- }
- do_test_finished();
- };
- controller.startSearch(searchTerm);
-var uri1 = uri("http://site.tld/1/aaa");
-var uri2 = uri("http://site.tld/2/bbb");
-var uri3 = uri("http://site.tld/3/aaa");
-var uri4 = uri("http://site.tld/4/bbb");
-var uri5 = uri("http://site.tld/5/aaa");
-var uri6 = uri("http://site.tld/6/bbb");
-var tests = [
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri1, uri4, uri6], "foo"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri1], "foo aaa"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri4, uri6], "foo bbb"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri2, uri4, uri5, uri6], "bar"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri5], "bar aaa"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri2, uri4, uri6], "bar bbb"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri3, uri5, uri6], "cheese"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri3, uri5], "chees aaa"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri6], "chees bbb"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri4, uri6], "fo bar"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([], "fo bar aaa"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri4, uri6], "fo bar bbb"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri4, uri6], "ba foo"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([], "ba foo aaa"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri4, uri6], "ba foo bbb"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri5, uri6], "ba chee"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri5], "ba chee aaa"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri6], "ba chee bbb"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri5, uri6], "cheese bar"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri5], "cheese bar aaa"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri6], "chees bar bbb"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri6], "cheese bar foo"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([], "foo bar cheese aaa"),
- () => ensure_tag_results([uri6], "foo bar cheese bbb"),
- * Properly tags a uri adding it to bookmarks.
- *
- * @param aURI
- * The nsIURI to tag.
- * @param aTags
- * The tags to add.
- */
-function tagURI(aURI, aTags) {
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- aURI,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "A title");
- tagssvc.tagURI(aURI, aTags);
- * Test history autocomplete
- */
-function run_test() {
- // always search in history + bookmarks, no matter what the default is
- var prefs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
- prefs.setIntPref("", 3);
- prefs.setIntPref("browser.urlbar.default.behavior", 0);
- tagURI(uri1, ["foo"]);
- tagURI(uri2, ["bar"]);
- tagURI(uri3, ["cheese"]);
- tagURI(uri4, ["foo bar"]);
- tagURI(uri5, ["bar cheese"]);
- tagURI(uri6, ["foo bar cheese"]);
- tests[0]();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_catobs.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_catobs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e0a81d67b..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_catobs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* () {
- do_load_manifest("nsDummyObserver.manifest");
- let dummyCreated = false;
- let dummyReceivedOnVisit = false;
- Services.obs.addObserver(function created() {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(created, "dummy-observer-created");
- dummyCreated = true;
- }, "dummy-observer-created", false);
- Services.obs.addObserver(function visited() {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(visited, "dummy-observer-visited");
- dummyReceivedOnVisit = true;
- }, "dummy-observer-visited", false);
- let initialObservers = PlacesUtils.history.getObservers();
- // Add a common observer, it should be invoked after the category observer.
- let notificationsPromised = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver({
- __proto__: NavHistoryObserver.prototype,
- onVisit() {
- let observers = PlacesUtils.history.getObservers();
- Assert.equal(observers.length, initialObservers.length + 1);
- // Check the common observer is the last one.
- for (let i = 0; i < initialObservers.length; ++i) {
- Assert.equal(initialObservers[i], observers[i]);
- }
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(this);
- observers = PlacesUtils.history.getObservers();
- Assert.equal(observers.length, initialObservers.length);
- // Check the category observer has been invoked before this one.
- Assert.ok(dummyCreated);
- Assert.ok(dummyReceivedOnVisit);
- resolve();
- }
- }, false);
- });
- // Add a visit.
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(uri(""));
- yield notificationsPromised;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_clear.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_clear.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 56d34994f..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_clear.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var mDBConn = DBConn();
-function promiseOnClearHistoryObserved() {
- let deferred = Promise.defer();
- let historyObserver = {
- onBeginUpdateBatch: function() {},
- onEndUpdateBatch: function() {},
- onVisit: function() {},
- onTitleChanged: function() {},
- onDeleteURI: function(aURI) {},
- onPageChanged: function() {},
- onDeleteVisits: function() {},
- onClearHistory: function() {
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(this, false);
- deferred.resolve();
- },
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
- Ci.nsINavHistoryObserver,
- ])
- }
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(historyObserver, false);
- return deferred.promise;
-// This global variable is a promise object, initialized in run_test and waited
-// upon in the first asynchronous test. It is resolved when the
-// "places-init-complete" notification is received. We cannot initialize it in
-// the asynchronous test, because then it's too late to register the observer.
-var promiseInit;
-function run_test() {
- // places-init-complete is notified after run_test, and it will
- // run a first frecency fix through async statements.
- // To avoid random failures we have to run after all of this.
- promiseInit = promiseTopicObserved(PlacesUtils.TOPIC_INIT_COMPLETE);
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_history_clear()
- yield promiseInit;
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([
- { uri: uri(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_TYPED },
- { uri: uri(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_LINK },
- { uri: uri(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_DOWNLOAD },
- { uri: uri(""),
- referrer: ""},
- { uri: uri(""),
- referrer: ""},
- ]);
- // add a place: bookmark
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- uri("place:folder=4"),
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "shortcut");
- // Add an expire never annotation
- // Actually expire never annotations are removed as soon as a page is removed
- // from the database, so this should act as a normal visit.
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setPageAnnotation(uri(""),
- "never", "never", 0,
- PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- // Add a bookmark
- // Bookmarked page should have history cleared and frecency = -1
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- uri(""),
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "bookmark");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([
- { uri: uri(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_BOOKMARK },
- { uri: uri(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_LINK },
- ]);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- // Clear history and wait for the onClearHistory notification.
- let promiseWaitClearHistory = promiseOnClearHistoryObserved();
- PlacesUtils.history.clear();
- yield promiseWaitClearHistory;
- // check browserHistory returns no entries
- do_check_eq(0, PlacesUtils.history.hasHistoryEntries);
- yield promiseTopicObserved(PlacesUtils.TOPIC_EXPIRATION_FINISHED);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- // Check that frecency for not cleared items (bookmarks) has been converted
- // to -1.
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- "SELECT FROM moz_places h WHERE h.frecency > 0 ");
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `SELECT FROM moz_places h WHERE h.frecency < 0
- AND EXISTS (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE fk = LIMIT 1`);
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // Check that all visit_counts have been brought to 0
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- "SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE visit_count <> 0 LIMIT 1");
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // Check that history tables are empty
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- "SELECT * FROM (SELECT id FROM moz_historyvisits LIMIT 1)");
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // Check that all moz_places entries except bookmarks and place: have been removed
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `SELECT FROM moz_places h WHERE
- url_hash NOT BETWEEN hash('place', 'prefix_lo') AND hash('place', 'prefix_hi')
- AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE fk = LIMIT 1`);
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // Check that we only have favicons for retained places
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE favicon_id = LIMIT 1`);
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // Check that we only have annotations for retained places
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE id = a.place_id) LIMIT 1`);
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // Check that we only have inputhistory for retained places
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `SELECT i.place_id FROM moz_inputhistory i WHERE NOT EXISTS
- (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE id = i.place_id) LIMIT 1`);
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // Check that place:uris have frecency 0
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `SELECT FROM moz_places h
- WHERE url_hash BETWEEN hash('place', 'prefix_lo')
- AND hash('place', 'prefix_hi')
- AND h.frecency <> 0 LIMIT 1`);
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_notifications.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_notifications.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e1e635a0..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_notifications.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-const NS_PLACES_INIT_COMPLETE_TOPIC = "places-init-complete";
-const NS_PLACES_DATABASE_LOCKED_TOPIC = "places-database-locked";
-add_task(function* () {
- // Create a dummy places.sqlite and open an unshared connection on it
- let db = Services.dirsvc.get('ProfD', Ci.nsIFile);
- db.append("places.sqlite");
- let dbConn =;
- Assert.ok(db.exists(), "The database should have been created");
- // We need an exclusive lock on the db
- dbConn.executeSimpleSQL("PRAGMA locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE");
- // Exclusive locking is lazy applied, we need to make a write to activate it
- dbConn.executeSimpleSQL("PRAGMA USER_VERSION = 1");
- // Try to create history service while the db is locked
- let promiseLocked = promiseTopicObserved(NS_PLACES_DATABASE_LOCKED_TOPIC);
- Assert.throws(() => Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService),
- yield promiseLocked;
- // Close our connection and try to cleanup the file (could fail on Windows)
- dbConn.close();
- if (db.exists()) {
- try {
- db.remove(false);
- } catch (e) {
- do_print("Unable to remove dummy places.sqlite");
- }
- }
- // Create history service correctly
- let promiseComplete = promiseTopicObserved(NS_PLACES_INIT_COMPLETE_TOPIC);
- Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
- yield promiseComplete;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_observer.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_observer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c101cfb61..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_observer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
- * Generic nsINavHistoryObserver that doesn't implement anything, but provides
- * dummy methods to prevent errors about an object not having a certain method.
- */
-function NavHistoryObserver() {
-NavHistoryObserver.prototype = {
- onBeginUpdateBatch: function() { },
- onEndUpdateBatch: function() { },
- onVisit: function() { },
- onTitleChanged: function() { },
- onDeleteURI: function() { },
- onClearHistory: function() { },
- onPageChanged: function() { },
- onDeleteVisits: function() { },
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsINavHistoryObserver])
- * Registers a one-time history observer for and calls the callback
- * when the specified nsINavHistoryObserver method is called.
- * Returns a promise that is resolved when the callback returns.
- */
-function onNotify(callback) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- let obs = new NavHistoryObserver();
- obs[] = function () {
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(this);
- callback.apply(this, arguments);
- resolve();
- };
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(obs, false);
- });
- * Asynchronous task that adds a visit to the history database.
- */
-function* task_add_visit(uri, timestamp, transition) {
- uri = uri || NetUtil.newURI("");
- timestamp = timestamp || * 1000;
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({
- uri: uri,
- transition: transition || TRANSITION_TYPED,
- visitDate: timestamp
- });
- return [uri, timestamp];
-add_task(function* test_onVisit() {
- let promiseNotify = onNotify(function onVisit(aURI, aVisitID, aTime,
- aSessionID, aReferringID,
- aTransitionType, aGUID,
- aHidden, aVisitCount, aTyped) {
- Assert.ok(aURI.equals(testuri));
- Assert.ok(aVisitID > 0);
- Assert.equal(aTime, testtime);
- Assert.equal(aSessionID, 0);
- Assert.equal(aReferringID, 0);
- Assert.equal(aTransitionType, TRANSITION_TYPED);
- do_check_guid_for_uri(aURI, aGUID);
- Assert.ok(!aHidden);
- Assert.equal(aVisitCount, 1);
- Assert.equal(aTyped, 1);
- });
- let testuri = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testtime = * 1000;
- yield task_add_visit(testuri, testtime);
- yield promiseNotify;
-add_task(function* test_onVisit() {
- let promiseNotify = onNotify(function onVisit(aURI, aVisitID, aTime,
- aSessionID, aReferringID,
- aTransitionType, aGUID,
- aHidden, aVisitCount, aTyped) {
- Assert.ok(aURI.equals(testuri));
- Assert.ok(aVisitID > 0);
- Assert.equal(aTime, testtime);
- Assert.equal(aSessionID, 0);
- Assert.equal(aReferringID, 0);
- Assert.equal(aTransitionType, TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK);
- do_check_guid_for_uri(aURI, aGUID);
- Assert.ok(aHidden);
- Assert.equal(aVisitCount, 1);
- Assert.equal(aTyped, 0);
- });
- let testuri = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testtime = * 1000;
- yield task_add_visit(testuri, testtime, TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK);
- yield promiseNotify;
-add_task(function* test_multiple_onVisit() {
- let testuri = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let promiseNotifications = new Promise(resolve => {
- let observer = {
- _c: 0,
- __proto__: NavHistoryObserver.prototype,
- onVisit(uri, id, time, unused, referrerId, transition, guid,
- hidden, visitCount, typed) {
- Assert.ok(testuri.equals(uri));
- Assert.ok(id > 0);
- Assert.ok(time > 0);
- Assert.ok(!hidden);
- do_check_guid_for_uri(uri, guid);
- switch (++this._c) {
- case 1:
- Assert.equal(referrerId, 0);
- Assert.equal(transition, TRANSITION_LINK);
- Assert.equal(visitCount, 1);
- Assert.equal(typed, 0);
- break;
- case 2:
- Assert.ok(referrerId > 0);
- Assert.equal(transition, TRANSITION_LINK);
- Assert.equal(visitCount, 2);
- Assert.equal(typed, 0);
- break;
- case 3:
- Assert.equal(referrerId, 0);
- Assert.equal(transition, TRANSITION_TYPED);
- Assert.equal(visitCount, 3);
- Assert.equal(typed, 1);
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(observer, false);
- resolve();
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(observer, false);
- });
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([
- { uri: testuri, transition: TRANSITION_LINK },
- { uri: testuri, referrer: testuri, transition: TRANSITION_LINK },
- { uri: testuri, transition: TRANSITION_TYPED },
- ]);
- yield promiseNotifications;
-add_task(function* test_onDeleteURI() {
- let promiseNotify = onNotify(function onDeleteURI(aURI, aGUID, aReason) {
- Assert.ok(aURI.equals(testuri));
- // Can't use do_check_guid_for_uri() here because the visit is already gone.
- Assert.equal(aGUID, testguid);
- Assert.equal(aReason, Ci.nsINavHistoryObserver.REASON_DELETED);
- });
- let [testuri] = yield task_add_visit();
- let testguid = do_get_guid_for_uri(testuri);
- PlacesUtils.bhistory.removePage(testuri);
- yield promiseNotify;
-add_task(function* test_onDeleteVisits() {
- let promiseNotify = onNotify(function onDeleteVisits(aURI, aVisitTime, aGUID,
- aReason) {
- Assert.ok(aURI.equals(testuri));
- // Can't use do_check_guid_for_uri() here because the visit is already gone.
- Assert.equal(aGUID, testguid);
- Assert.equal(aReason, Ci.nsINavHistoryObserver.REASON_DELETED);
- Assert.equal(aVisitTime, 0); // All visits have been removed.
- });
- let msecs24hrsAgo = - (86400 * 1000);
- let [testuri] = yield task_add_visit(undefined, msecs24hrsAgo * 1000);
- // Add a bookmark so the page is not removed.
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- testuri,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "test");
- let testguid = do_get_guid_for_uri(testuri);
- PlacesUtils.bhistory.removePage(testuri);
- yield promiseNotify;
-add_task(function* test_onTitleChanged() {
- let promiseNotify = onNotify(function onTitleChanged(aURI, aTitle, aGUID) {
- Assert.ok(aURI.equals(testuri));
- Assert.equal(aTitle, title);
- do_check_guid_for_uri(aURI, aGUID);
- });
- let [testuri] = yield task_add_visit();
- let title = "test-title";
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({
- uri: testuri,
- title: title
- });
- yield promiseNotify;
-add_task(function* test_onPageChanged() {
- let promiseNotify = onNotify(function onPageChanged(aURI, aChangedAttribute,
- aNewValue, aGUID) {
- Assert.equal(aChangedAttribute, Ci.nsINavHistoryObserver.ATTRIBUTE_FAVICON);
- Assert.ok(aURI.equals(testuri));
- Assert.equal(aNewValue, SMALLPNG_DATA_URI.spec);
- do_check_guid_for_uri(aURI, aGUID);
- });
- let [testuri] = yield task_add_visit();
- // The new favicon for the page must have data associated with it in order to
- // receive the onPageChanged notification. To keep this test self-contained,
- // we use an URI representing the smallest possible PNG file.
- PlacesUtils.favicons.setAndFetchFaviconForPage(testuri, SMALLPNG_DATA_URI,
- false,
- PlacesUtils.favicons.FAVICON_LOAD_NON_PRIVATE,
- null,
- Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal());
- yield promiseNotify;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_sidebar.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_sidebar.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c03547d7..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_sidebar.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Get history service
-var hs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-var bh = hs.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIBrowserHistory);
-var bs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
-var ps = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
- * Adds a test URI visit to the database.
- *
- * @param aURI
- * The URI to add a visit for.
- * @param aTime
- * Reference "now" time.
- * @param aDayOffset
- * number of days to add, pass a negative value to subtract them.
- */
-function* task_add_normalized_visit(aURI, aTime, aDayOffset) {
- var dateObj = new Date(aTime);
- // Normalize to midnight
- dateObj.setHours(0);
- dateObj.setMinutes(0);
- dateObj.setSeconds(0);
- dateObj.setMilliseconds(0);
- // Days where DST changes should be taken in count.
- var previousDateObj = new Date(dateObj.getTime() + aDayOffset * 86400000);
- var DSTCorrection = (dateObj.getTimezoneOffset() -
- previousDateObj.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60 * 1000;
- // Substract aDayOffset
- var PRTimeWithOffset = (previousDateObj.getTime() - DSTCorrection) * 1000;
- var timeInMs = new Date(PRTimeWithOffset/1000);
- print("Adding visit to " + aURI.spec + " at " + timeInMs);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({
- uri: aURI,
- visitDate: PRTimeWithOffset
- });
-function days_for_x_months_ago(aNowObj, aMonths) {
- var oldTime = new Date();
- // Set day before month, otherwise we could try to calculate 30 February, or
- // other nonexistent days.
- oldTime.setDate(1);
- oldTime.setMonth(aNowObj.getMonth() - aMonths);
- oldTime.setHours(0);
- oldTime.setMinutes(0);
- oldTime.setSeconds(0);
- // Stay larger for eventual timezone issues, add 2 days.
- return parseInt((aNowObj - oldTime) / (1000*60*60*24)) + 2;
-var nowObj = new Date();
-// This test relies on en-US locale
-// Offset is number of days
-/* eslint-disable comma-spacing */
-var containers = [
- { label: "Today" , offset: 0 , visible: true },
- { label: "Yesterday" , offset: -1 , visible: true },
- { label: "Last 7 days" , offset: -3 , visible: true },
- { label: "This month" , offset: -8 , visible: nowObj.getDate() > 8 },
- { label: "" , offset: -days_for_x_months_ago(nowObj, 0) , visible: true },
- { label: "" , offset: -days_for_x_months_ago(nowObj, 1) , visible: true },
- { label: "" , offset: -days_for_x_months_ago(nowObj, 2) , visible: true },
- { label: "" , offset: -days_for_x_months_ago(nowObj, 3) , visible: true },
- { label: "" , offset: -days_for_x_months_ago(nowObj, 4) , visible: true },
- { label: "Older than 6 months" , offset: -days_for_x_months_ago(nowObj, 5) , visible: true },
-/* eslint-enable comma-spacing */
-var visibleContainers = containers.filter(
- function(aContainer) { return aContainer.visible });
- * Asynchronous task that fills history and checks containers' labels.
- */
-function* task_fill_history() {
- print("\n\n*** TEST Fill History\n");
- // We can't use "now" because our hardcoded offsets would be invalid for some
- // date. So we hardcode a date.
- for (let i = 0; i < containers.length; i++) {
- let container = containers[i];
- var testURI = uri("http://mirror"+i+"");
- yield task_add_normalized_visit(testURI, nowObj.getTime(), container.offset);
- testURI = uri("http://mirror"+i+"");
- yield task_add_normalized_visit(testURI, nowObj.getTime(), container.offset);
- testURI = uri("http://mirror"+i+"");
- yield task_add_normalized_visit(testURI, nowObj.getTime(), container.offset);
- testURI = uri("http://mirror"+i+"");
- yield task_add_normalized_visit(testURI, nowObj.getTime(), container.offset);
- // Bug 485703 - Hide date containers not containing additional entries
- // compared to previous ones.
- // Check after every new container is added.
- check_visit(container.offset);
- }
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_DATE_SITE_QUERY;
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- var result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var cc = root.childCount;
- print("Found containers:");
- var previousLabels = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
- let container = visibleContainers[i];
- var node = root.getChild(i);
- print(node.title);
- if (container.label)
- do_check_eq(node.title, container.label);
- // Check labels are not repeated.
- do_check_eq(previousLabels.indexOf(node.title), -1);
- previousLabels.push(node.title);
- }
- do_check_eq(cc, visibleContainers.length);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- * Bug 485703 - Hide date containers not containing additional entries compared
- * to previous ones.
- */
-function check_visit(aOffset) {
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_DATE_SITE_QUERY;
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- var result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var cc = root.childCount;
- var unexpected = [];
- switch (aOffset) {
- case 0:
- unexpected = ["Yesterday", "Last 7 days", "This month"];
- break;
- case -1:
- unexpected = ["Last 7 days", "This month"];
- break;
- case -3:
- unexpected = ["This month"];
- break;
- default:
- // Other containers are tested later.
- }
- print("Found containers:");
- for (var i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
- var node = root.getChild(i);
- print(node.title);
- do_check_eq(unexpected.indexOf(node.title), -1);
- }
- root.containerOpen = false;
- * Queries history grouped by date and site, checking containers' labels and
- * children.
- */
-function test_RESULTS_AS_DATE_SITE_QUERY() {
- print("\n\n*** TEST RESULTS_AS_DATE_SITE_QUERY\n");
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_DATE_SITE_QUERY;
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- var result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- // Check one of the days
- var dayNode = root.getChild(0)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- dayNode.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(dayNode.childCount, 2);
- // Items should be sorted by host
- var site1 = dayNode.getChild(0)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- do_check_eq(site1.title, "");
- var site2 = dayNode.getChild(1)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- do_check_eq(site2.title, "");
- site1.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(site1.childCount, 2);
- // Inside of host sites are sorted by title
- var site1visit = site1.getChild(0);
- do_check_eq(site1visit.uri, "");
- // Bug 473157: changing sorting mode should not affect the containers
- result.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_TITLE_DESCENDING;
- // Check one of the days
- dayNode = root.getChild(0)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- dayNode.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(dayNode.childCount, 2);
- // Hosts are still sorted by title
- site1 = dayNode.getChild(0)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- do_check_eq(site1.title, "");
- site2 = dayNode.getChild(1)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- do_check_eq(site2.title, "");
- site1.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(site1.childCount, 2);
- // But URLs are now sorted by title descending
- site1visit = site1.getChild(0);
- do_check_eq(site1visit.uri, "");
- site1.containerOpen = false;
- dayNode.containerOpen = false;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- * Queries history grouped by date, checking containers' labels and children.
- */
-function test_RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY() {
- print("\n\n*** TEST RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY\n");
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY;
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- var result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var cc = root.childCount;
- do_check_eq(cc, visibleContainers.length);
- print("Found containers:");
- for (var i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
- var container = visibleContainers[i];
- var node = root.getChild(i);
- print(node.title);
- if (container.label)
- do_check_eq(node.title, container.label);
- }
- // Check one of the days
- var dayNode = root.getChild(0)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- dayNode.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(dayNode.childCount, 4);
- // Items should be sorted by title
- var visit1 = dayNode.getChild(0);
- do_check_eq(visit1.uri, "");
- var visit2 = dayNode.getChild(3);
- do_check_eq(visit2.uri, "");
- // Bug 473157: changing sorting mode should not affect the containers
- result.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_TITLE_DESCENDING;
- // Check one of the days
- dayNode = root.getChild(0)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- dayNode.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(dayNode.childCount, 4);
- // But URLs are now sorted by title descending
- visit1 = dayNode.getChild(0);
- do_check_eq(visit1.uri, "");
- visit2 = dayNode.getChild(3);
- do_check_eq(visit2.uri, "");
- dayNode.containerOpen = false;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- * Queries history grouped by site, checking containers' labels and children.
- */
-function test_RESULTS_AS_SITE_QUERY() {
- print("\n\n*** TEST RESULTS_AS_SITE_QUERY\n");
- // add a bookmark with a domain not in the set of visits in the db
- var itemId = bs.insertBookmark(bs.toolbarFolder, uri("http://foobar"),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "");
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_SITE_QUERY;
- options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_TITLE_ASCENDING;
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- var result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, containers.length * 2);
-/* Expected results:
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "", <== We check for this site (index 6)
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ...
- // Items should be sorted by host
- var siteNode = root.getChild(6)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- do_check_eq(siteNode.title, "");
- siteNode.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(siteNode.childCount, 2);
- // Inside of host sites are sorted by title
- var visitNode = siteNode.getChild(0);
- do_check_eq(visitNode.uri, "");
- // Bug 473157: changing sorting mode should not affect the containers
- result.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_TITLE_DESCENDING;
- siteNode = root.getChild(6)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- do_check_eq(siteNode.title, "");
- siteNode.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(siteNode.childCount, 2);
- // But URLs are now sorted by title descending
- var visit = siteNode.getChild(0);
- do_check_eq(visit.uri, "");
- siteNode.containerOpen = false;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // Cleanup.
- bs.removeItem(itemId);
- * Checks that queries grouped by date do liveupdate correctly.
- */
-function* task_test_date_liveupdate(aResultType) {
- var midnight = nowObj;
- midnight.setHours(0);
- midnight.setMinutes(0);
- midnight.setSeconds(0);
- midnight.setMilliseconds(0);
- // TEST 1. Test that the query correctly updates when it is root.
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.resultType = aResultType;
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- var result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, visibleContainers.length);
- // Remove "Today".
- hs.removePagesByTimeframe(midnight.getTime() * 1000, * 1000);
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, visibleContainers.length - 1);
- // Open "Last 7 days" container, this way we will have a container accepting
- // the new visit, but we should still add back "Today" container.
- var last7Days = root.getChild(1)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- last7Days.containerOpen = true;
- // Add a visit for "Today". This should add back the missing "Today"
- // container.
- yield task_add_normalized_visit(uri(""), nowObj.getTime(), 0);
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, visibleContainers.length);
- last7Days.containerOpen = false;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // TEST 2. Test that the query correctly updates even if it is not root.
- var itemId = bs.insertBookmark(bs.toolbarFolder,
- uri("place:type=" + aResultType),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "");
- // Query toolbar and open our query container, then check again liveupdate.
- options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- query = hs.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([bs.toolbarFolder], 1);
- result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 1);
- var dateContainer = root.getChild(0).QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- dateContainer.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(dateContainer.childCount, visibleContainers.length);
- // Remove "Today".
- hs.removePagesByTimeframe(midnight.getTime() * 1000, * 1000);
- do_check_eq(dateContainer.childCount, visibleContainers.length - 1);
- // Add a visit for "Today".
- yield task_add_normalized_visit(uri(""), nowObj.getTime(), 0);
- do_check_eq(dateContainer.childCount, visibleContainers.length);
- dateContainer.containerOpen = false;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // Cleanup.
- bs.removeItem(itemId);
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_history_sidebar()
- // If we're dangerously close to a date change, just bail out.
- if (nowObj.getHours() == 23 && nowObj.getMinutes() >= 50) {
- return;
- }
- yield task_fill_history();
- yield task_test_date_liveupdate(Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.RESULTS_AS_DATE_SITE_QUERY);
- yield task_test_date_liveupdate(Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY);
- // The remaining views are
- // -> test_399266.js
- // -> test_385397.js
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_hosts_triggers.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_hosts_triggers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c3359e76..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_hosts_triggers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
- * This file tests the validity of various triggers that add remove hosts from moz_hosts
- */
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gHistory",
- ";1",
- "mozIAsyncHistory");
-// add some visits and remove them, add a bookmark,
-// change its uri, then remove it, and
-// for each change check that moz_hosts has correctly been updated.
-function isHostInMozPlaces(aURI)
- let stmt = DBConn().createStatement(
- `SELECT url
- FROM moz_places
- WHERE url_hash = hash(:host) AND url = :host`
- );
- let result = false;
- = aURI.spec;
- while (stmt.executeStep()) {
- if (stmt.row.url == aURI.spec) {
- result = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- stmt.finalize();
- return result;
-function isHostInMozHosts(aURI, aTyped, aPrefix)
- let stmt = DBConn().createStatement(
- `SELECT host, typed, prefix
- FROM moz_hosts
- WHERE host = fixup_url(:host)
- AND frecency NOTNULL`
- );
- let result = false;
- =;
- if (stmt.executeStep()) {
- result = aTyped == stmt.row.typed && aPrefix == stmt.row.prefix;
- }
- stmt.finalize();
- return result;
-var urls = [{uri: NetUtil.newURI(""),
- expected: "",
- typed: 0,
- prefix: null
- },
- {uri: NetUtil.newURI(""),
- expected: "",
- typed: 0,
- prefix: null
- },
- {uri: NetUtil.newURI(""),
- expected: "",
- typed: 1,
- prefix: "www."
- },
- ];
-const NEW_URL = "";
-add_task(function* test_moz_hosts_update()
- let places = [];
- urls.forEach(function(url) {
- let place = { uri: url.uri,
- title: "test for " + url.url,
- transition: url.typed ? TRANSITION_TYPED : undefined };
- places.push(place);
- });
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(places);
- do_check_true(isHostInMozHosts(urls[0].uri, urls[0].typed, urls[0].prefix));
- do_check_true(isHostInMozHosts(urls[1].uri, urls[1].typed, urls[1].prefix));
- do_check_true(isHostInMozHosts(urls[2].uri, urls[2].typed, urls[2].prefix));
-add_task(function* test_remove_places()
- for (let idx in urls) {
- PlacesUtils.history.removePage(urls[idx].uri);
- }
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
- for (let idx in urls) {
- do_check_false(isHostInMozHosts(urls[idx].uri, urls[idx].typed, urls[idx].prefix));
- }
-add_task(function* test_bookmark_changes()
- let testUri = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let itemId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- testUri,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "bookmark title");
- do_check_true(isHostInMozPlaces(testUri));
- // Change the hostname
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.changeBookmarkURI(itemId, NetUtil.newURI(NEW_URL));
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
- let newUri = NetUtil.newURI(NEW_URL);
- do_check_true(isHostInMozPlaces(newUri));
- do_check_true(isHostInMozHosts(newUri, false, null));
- do_check_false(isHostInMozHosts(NetUtil.newURI(""), false, null));
-add_task(function* test_bookmark_removal()
- let itemId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getIdForItemAt(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- let newUri = NetUtil.newURI(NEW_URL);
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeItem(itemId);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
- do_check_false(isHostInMozHosts(newUri, false, null));
-add_task(function* test_moz_hosts_typed_update()
- const TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let places = [{ uri: TEST_URI
- , title: "test for " + TEST_URI.spec
- },
- { uri: TEST_URI
- , title: "test for " + TEST_URI.spec
- , transition: TRANSITION_TYPED
- }];
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(places);
- do_check_true(isHostInMozHosts(TEST_URI, true, null));
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
-add_task(function* test_moz_hosts_www_remove()
- function* test_removal(aURIToRemove, aURIToKeep, aCallback) {
- let places = [{ uri: aURIToRemove
- , title: "test for " + aURIToRemove.spec
- , transition: TRANSITION_TYPED
- },
- { uri: aURIToKeep
- , title: "test for " + aURIToKeep.spec
- , transition: TRANSITION_TYPED
- }];
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(places);
- print("removing " + aURIToRemove.spec + " keeping " + aURIToKeep);
- dump_table("moz_hosts");
- dump_table("moz_places");
- PlacesUtils.history.removePage(aURIToRemove);
- let prefix = /www/.test(aURIToKeep.spec) ? "www." : null;
- dump_table("moz_hosts");
- dump_table("moz_places");
- do_check_true(isHostInMozHosts(aURIToKeep, true, prefix));
- }
- const TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- const TEST_WWW_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- yield test_removal(TEST_URI, TEST_WWW_URI);
- yield test_removal(TEST_WWW_URI, TEST_URI);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
-add_task(function* test_moz_hosts_ftp_matchall()
- const TEST_URI_1 = NetUtil.newURI("");
- const TEST_URI_2 = NetUtil.newURI("");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([
- { uri: TEST_URI_1, transition: TRANSITION_TYPED },
- { uri: TEST_URI_2, transition: TRANSITION_TYPED }
- ]);
- do_check_true(isHostInMozHosts(TEST_URI_1, true, "ftp://"));
-add_task(function* test_moz_hosts_ftp_not_matchall()
- const TEST_URI_1 = NetUtil.newURI("");
- const TEST_URI_2 = NetUtil.newURI("");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([
- { uri: TEST_URI_1, transition: TRANSITION_TYPED },
- { uri: TEST_URI_2, transition: TRANSITION_TYPED }
- ]);
- do_check_true(isHostInMozHosts(TEST_URI_1, true, null));
-add_task(function* test_moz_hosts_update_2()
- // Check that updating trigger takes into account prefixes for different
- // rev_hosts.
- const TEST_URI_1 = NetUtil.newURI("");
- const TEST_URI_2 = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let places = [{ uri: TEST_URI_1
- , transition: TRANSITION_TYPED
- },
- { uri: TEST_URI_2
- }];
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(places);
- do_check_true(isHostInMozHosts(TEST_URI_1, true, "https://www."));
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_import_mobile_bookmarks.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_import_mobile_bookmarks.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 771a6ac17..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_import_mobile_bookmarks.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-function* importFromFixture(fixture, replace) {
- let cwd = yield OS.File.getCurrentDirectory();
- let path = OS.Path.join(cwd, fixture);
- do_print(`Importing from ${path}`);
- yield BookmarkJSONUtils.importFromFile(path, replace);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
-function* treeEquals(guid, expected, message) {
- let root = yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(guid);
- let bookmarks = (function nodeToEntry(node) {
- let entry = { guid: node.guid, index: node.index }
- if (node.children) {
- entry.children =;
- }
- if (node.annos) {
- entry.annos = node.annos;
- }
- return entry;
- }(root));
- do_print(`Checking if ${guid} tree matches ${JSON.stringify(expected)}`);
- do_print(`Got bookmarks tree for ${guid}: ${JSON.stringify(bookmarks)}`);
- deepEqual(bookmarks, expected, message);
-add_task(function* test_restore_mobile_bookmarks_root() {
- yield* importFromFixture("mobile_bookmarks_root_import.json",
- /* replace */ true);
- yield* treeEquals(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
- index: 0,
- children: [{
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- index: 0,
- children: [
- { guid: "X6lUyOspVYwi", index: 0 },
- ],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
- index: 1,
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- index: 3,
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
- index: 4,
- annos: [{
- name: "mobile/bookmarksRoot",
- flags: 0,
- expires: 4,
- value: 1,
- }],
- children: [
- { guid: "_o8e1_zxTJFg", index: 0 },
- { guid: "QCtSqkVYUbXB", index: 1 },
- ],
- }],
- }, "Should restore mobile bookmarks from root");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_import_mobile_bookmarks_root() {
- yield* importFromFixture("mobile_bookmarks_root_import.json",
- /* replace */ false);
- yield* importFromFixture("mobile_bookmarks_root_merge.json",
- /* replace */ false);
- yield* treeEquals(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
- index: 0,
- children: [{
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- index: 0,
- children: [
- { guid: "Utodo9b0oVws", index: 0 },
- { guid: "X6lUyOspVYwi", index: 1 },
- ],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
- index: 1,
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- index: 3,
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
- index: 4,
- annos: [{
- name: "mobile/bookmarksRoot",
- flags: 0,
- expires: 4,
- value: 1,
- }],
- children: [
- { guid: "a17yW6-nTxEJ", index: 0 },
- { guid: "xV10h9Wi3FBM", index: 1 },
- { guid: "_o8e1_zxTJFg", index: 2 },
- { guid: "QCtSqkVYUbXB", index: 3 },
- ],
- }],
- }, "Should merge bookmarks root contents");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_restore_mobile_bookmarks_folder() {
- yield* importFromFixture("mobile_bookmarks_folder_import.json",
- /* replace */ true);
- yield* treeEquals(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
- index: 0,
- children: [{
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- index: 0,
- children: [
- { guid: "X6lUyOspVYwi", index: 0 },
- { guid: "XF4yRP6bTuil", index: 1 },
- ],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
- index: 1,
- children: [{ guid: "buy7711R3ZgE", index: 0 }],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- index: 3,
- children: [{ guid: "KIa9iKZab2Z5", index: 0 }],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
- index: 4,
- annos: [{
- name: "mobile/bookmarksRoot",
- flags: 0,
- expires: 4,
- value: 1,
- }],
- children: [
- { guid: "_o8e1_zxTJFg", index: 0 },
- { guid: "QCtSqkVYUbXB", index: 1 },
- ],
- }],
- }, "Should restore mobile bookmark folder contents into mobile root");
- // We rewrite queries to point to the root ID instead of the name
- // ("MOBILE_BOOKMARKS") so that we don't break them if the user downgrades
- // to an earlier release channel. This can be removed along with the anno in
- // bug 1306445.
- let queryById = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch("XF4yRP6bTuil");
- equal(queryById.url.href, "place:folder=" + PlacesUtils.mobileFolderId,
- "Should rewrite mobile query to point to root ID");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_import_mobile_bookmarks_folder() {
- yield* importFromFixture("mobile_bookmarks_folder_import.json",
- /* replace */ false);
- yield* importFromFixture("mobile_bookmarks_folder_merge.json",
- /* replace */ false);
- yield* treeEquals(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
- index: 0,
- children: [{
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- index: 0,
- children: [
- { guid: "Utodo9b0oVws", index: 0 },
- { guid: "X6lUyOspVYwi", index: 1 },
- { guid: "XF4yRP6bTuil", index: 2 },
- ],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
- index: 1,
- children: [{ guid: "buy7711R3ZgE", index: 0 }],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- index: 3,
- children: [{ guid: "KIa9iKZab2Z5", index: 0 }],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
- index: 4,
- annos: [{
- name: "mobile/bookmarksRoot",
- flags: 0,
- expires: 4,
- value: 1,
- }],
- children: [
- { guid: "a17yW6-nTxEJ", index: 0 },
- { guid: "xV10h9Wi3FBM", index: 1 },
- { guid: "_o8e1_zxTJFg", index: 2 },
- { guid: "QCtSqkVYUbXB", index: 3 },
- ],
- }],
- }, "Should merge bookmarks folder contents into mobile root");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_restore_multiple_bookmarks_folders() {
- yield* importFromFixture("mobile_bookmarks_multiple_folders.json",
- /* replace */ true);
- yield* treeEquals(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
- index: 0,
- children: [{
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- index: 0,
- children: [
- { guid: "buy7711R3ZgE", index: 0 },
- { guid: "F_LBgd1fS_uQ", index: 1 },
- { guid: "oIpmQXMWsXvY", index: 2 },
- ],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
- index: 1,
- children: [{ guid: "Utodo9b0oVws", index: 0 }],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- index: 3,
- children: [{ guid: "xV10h9Wi3FBM", index: 0 }],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
- index: 4,
- annos: [{
- name: "mobile/bookmarksRoot",
- flags: 0,
- expires: 4,
- value: 1,
- }],
- children: [
- { guid: "sSZ86WT9WbN3", index: 0 },
- { guid: "a17yW6-nTxEJ", index: 1 },
- ],
- }],
- }, "Should restore multiple bookmarks folder contents into root");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_import_multiple_bookmarks_folders() {
- yield* importFromFixture("mobile_bookmarks_root_import.json",
- /* replace */ false);
- yield* importFromFixture("mobile_bookmarks_multiple_folders.json",
- /* replace */ false);
- yield* treeEquals(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
- index: 0,
- children: [{
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- index: 0,
- children: [
- { guid: "buy7711R3ZgE", index: 0 },
- { guid: "F_LBgd1fS_uQ", index: 1 },
- { guid: "oIpmQXMWsXvY", index: 2 },
- { guid: "X6lUyOspVYwi", index: 3 },
- ],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
- index: 1,
- children: [{ guid: "Utodo9b0oVws", index: 0 }],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- index: 3,
- children: [{ guid: "xV10h9Wi3FBM", index: 0 }],
- }, {
- guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
- index: 4,
- annos: [{
- name: "mobile/bookmarksRoot",
- flags: 0,
- expires: 4,
- value: 1,
- }],
- children: [
- { guid: "sSZ86WT9WbN3", index: 0 },
- { guid: "a17yW6-nTxEJ", index: 1 },
- { guid: "_o8e1_zxTJFg", index: 2 },
- { guid: "QCtSqkVYUbXB", index: 3 },
- ],
- }],
- }, "Should merge multiple mobile folders into root");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_isPageInDB.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_isPageInDB.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 249853fa9..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_isPageInDB.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-add_task(function* test_execute() {
- var good_uri = uri("");
- var bad_uri = uri("");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({uri: good_uri});
- do_check_true(yield PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(good_uri));
- do_check_false(yield PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(bad_uri));
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_isURIVisited.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_isURIVisited.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 93c010e83..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_isURIVisited.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Tests functionality of the isURIVisited API.
-const SCHEMES = {
- "http://": true,
- "https://": true,
- "ftp://": true,
- "file:///": true,
- "about:": false,
-// nsIIOService.newURI() can throw if e.g. the app knows about imap://
-// but the account is not set up and so the URL is invalid for it.
-// "imap://": false,
- "news://": false,
- "mailbox:": false,
- "moz-anno:favicon:http://": false,
- "view-source:http://": false,
- "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul?": false,
- "resource://": false,
- "data:,": false,
- "wyciwyg:/0/http://": false,
- "javascript:": false,
-var gRunner;
-function run_test()
- do_test_pending();
- gRunner = step();
-function* step()
- let history = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.mozIAsyncHistory);
- for (let scheme in SCHEMES) {
- do_print("Testing scheme " + scheme);
- for (let t in PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITIONS) {
- do_print("With transition " + t);
- let transition = PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITIONS[t];
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI(scheme + "");
- history.isURIVisited(uri, function(aURI, aIsVisited) {
- do_check_true(uri.equals(aURI));
- do_check_false(aIsVisited);
- let callback = {
- handleError: function () {},
- handleResult: function () {},
- handleCompletion: function () {
- do_print("Added visit to " + uri.spec);
- history.isURIVisited(uri, function (aURI2, aIsVisited2) {
- do_check_true(uri.equals(aURI2));
- let checker = SCHEMES[scheme] ? do_check_true : do_check_false;
- checker(aIsVisited2);
- PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory().then(function () {
- history.isURIVisited(uri, function(aURI3, aIsVisited3) {
- do_check_true(uri.equals(aURI3));
- do_check_false(aIsVisited3);
- });
- });
- });
- },
- };
- history.updatePlaces({ uri: uri
- , visits: [ { transitionType: transition
- , visitDate: * 1000
- } ]
- }, callback);
- });
- yield undefined;
- }
- }
- do_test_finished();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_isvisited.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_isvisited.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d7bcc2851..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_isvisited.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- var referrer = uri("about:blank");
- // add a http:// uri
- var uri1 = uri("");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({uri: uri1, referrer: referrer});
- do_check_guid_for_uri(uri1);
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(uri1));
- // add a https:// uri
- var uri2 = uri("");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({uri: uri2, referrer: referrer});
- do_check_guid_for_uri(uri2);
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(uri2));
- // add a ftp:// uri
- var uri3 = uri("");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({uri: uri3, referrer: referrer});
- do_check_guid_for_uri(uri3);
- do_check_true(yield promiseIsURIVisited(uri3));
- // check if a nonexistent uri is visited
- var uri4 = uri("");
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(uri4));
- // check that certain schemes never show up as visited
- // even if we attempt to add them to history
- // see CanAddURI() in nsNavHistory.cpp
- const URLS = [
- "about:config",
- "imap://",
- "news://",
- "mailbox:Inbox",
- "moz-anno:favicon:",
- "view-source:",
- "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul",
- "resource://gre-resources/hiddenWindow.html",
- "data:,Hello%2C%20World!",
- "wyciwyg:/0/",
- "javascript:alert('hello wolrd!');",
- "http://localhost/" + "a".repeat(1984),
- ];
- for (let currentURL of URLS) {
- try {
- var cantAddUri = uri(currentURL);
- }
- catch (e) {
- // nsIIOService.newURI() can throw if e.g. our app knows about imap://
- // but the account is not set up and so the URL is invalid for us.
- // Note this in the log but ignore as it's not the subject of this test.
- do_print("Could not construct URI for '" + currentURL + "'; ignoring");
- }
- if (cantAddUri) {
- PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({uri: cantAddUri, referrer: referrer}).then(() => {
- do_throw("Should not have added history for invalid URI.");
- }, error => {
- do_check_true(error.message.includes("No items were added to history"));
- });
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(cantAddUri));
- }
- }
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_keywords.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_keywords.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 57b734c5d..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_keywords.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-"use strict"
-function* check_keyword(aExpectExists, aHref, aKeyword, aPostData = null) {
- // Check case-insensitivity.
- aKeyword = aKeyword.toUpperCase();
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(aKeyword);
- Assert.deepEqual(entry, yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ keyword: aKeyword }));
- if (aExpectExists) {
- Assert.ok(!!entry, "A keyword should exist");
- Assert.equal(entry.url.href, aHref);
- Assert.equal(entry.postData, aPostData);
- Assert.deepEqual(entry, yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ keyword: aKeyword, url: aHref }));
- let entries = [];
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: aHref }, e => entries.push(e));
- Assert.ok(entries.some(e => e.url.href == aHref && e.keyword == aKeyword.toLowerCase()));
- } else {
- Assert.ok(!entry || entry.url.href != aHref,
- "The given keyword entry should not exist");
- Assert.equal(null, yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ keyword: aKeyword, url: aHref }));
- }
- * Polls the keywords cache waiting for the given keyword entry.
- */
-function* promiseKeyword(keyword, expectedHref) {
- let href = null;
- do {
- yield new Promise(resolve => do_timeout(100, resolve));
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(keyword);
- if (entry)
- href = entry.url.href;
- } while (href != expectedHref);
-function* check_no_orphans() {
- let db = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
- let rows = yield db.executeCached(
- `SELECT id FROM moz_keywords k
- WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM moz_places WHERE id = k.place_id)
- `);
- Assert.equal(rows.length, 0);
-function expectBookmarkNotifications() {
- let notifications = [];
- let observer = new Proxy(NavBookmarkObserver, {
- get(target, name) {
- if (name == "check") {
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeObserver(observer);
- return expectedNotifications =>
- Assert.deepEqual(notifications, expectedNotifications);
- }
- if (name.startsWith("onItemChanged")) {
- return function(itemId, property) {
- if (property != "keyword")
- return;
- let args = Array.from(arguments, arg => {
- if (arg && arg instanceof Ci.nsIURI)
- return new URL(arg.spec);
- if (arg && typeof(arg) == "number" && arg >= * 1000)
- return new Date(parseInt(arg/1000));
- return arg;
- });
- notifications.push({ name: name, arguments: args });
- }
- }
- if (name in target)
- return target[name];
- return undefined;
- }
- });
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.addObserver(observer, false);
- return observer;
-add_task(function* test_invalid_input() {
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(null),
- /Invalid keyword/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(5),
- /Invalid keyword/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(undefined),
- /Invalid keyword/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ keyword: null }),
- /Invalid keyword/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ keyword: {} }),
- /Invalid keyword/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ keyword: 5 }),
- /Invalid keyword/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({}),
- /At least keyword or url must be provided/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ keyword: "test" }, "test"),
- /onResult callback must be a valid function/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: "test" }),
- /is not a valid URL/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: {} }),
- /is not a valid URL/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: null }),
- /is not a valid URL/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: "" }),
- /is not a valid URL/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert(null),
- /Input should be a valid object/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert("test"),
- /Input should be a valid object/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert(undefined),
- /Input should be a valid object/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ }),
- /Invalid keyword/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: null }),
- /Invalid keyword/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: 5 }),
- /Invalid keyword/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "" }),
- /Invalid keyword/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "test", postData: 5 }),
- /Invalid POST data/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "test", postData: {} }),
- /Invalid POST data/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "test" }),
- /is not a valid URL/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "test", url: 5 }),
- /is not a valid URL/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "test", url: "" }),
- /is not a valid URL/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "test", url: null }),
- /is not a valid URL/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "test", url: "mozilla" }),
- /is not a valid URL/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.remove(null),
- /Invalid keyword/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.remove(""),
- /Invalid keyword/);
- Assert.throws(() => PlacesUtils.keywords.remove(5),
- /Invalid keyword/);
-add_task(function* test_addKeyword() {
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- let fc = yield foreign_count("");
- let observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword", url: "" });
- observer.check([]);
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc + 1); // +1 keyword
- // Now remove the keyword.
- observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.remove("keyword");
- observer.check([]);
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc); // -1 keyword
- // Check using URL.
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword", url: new URL("") });
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.remove("keyword");
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- yield check_no_orphans();
-add_task(function* test_addBookmarkAndKeyword() {
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- let fc = yield foreign_count("");
- let bookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ url: "",
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
- let observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword", url: "" });
- observer.check([{ name: "onItemChanged",
- arguments: [ (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.guid)),
- "keyword", false, "keyword",
- bookmark.lastModified, bookmark.type,
- (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.parentGuid)),
- bookmark.guid, bookmark.parentGuid, "",
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT ] } ]);
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc + 2); // +1 bookmark +1 keyword
- // Now remove the keyword.
- observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.remove("keyword");
- observer.check([{ name: "onItemChanged",
- arguments: [ (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.guid)),
- "keyword", false, "",
- bookmark.lastModified, bookmark.type,
- (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.parentGuid)),
- bookmark.guid, bookmark.parentGuid, "",
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT ] } ]);
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc + 1); // -1 keyword
- // Add again the keyword, then remove the bookmark.
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword", url: "" });
- observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark.guid);
- // the notification is synchronous but the removal process is async.
- // Unfortunately there's nothing explicit we can wait for.
- while ((yield foreign_count("")));
- // We don't get any itemChanged notification since the bookmark has been
- // removed already.
- observer.check([]);
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- yield check_no_orphans();
-add_task(function* test_addKeywordToURIHavingKeyword() {
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- let fc = yield foreign_count("");
- let observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword", url: "" });
- observer.check([]);
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc + 1); // +1 keyword
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword2", url: "" });
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword2");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc + 2); // +1 keyword
- let entries = [];
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: "" }, e => entries.push(e));
- Assert.equal(entries.length, 2);
- Assert.deepEqual(entries[0], entry);
- // Now remove the keywords.
- observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.remove("keyword");
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.remove("keyword2");
- observer.check([]);
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword2");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc); // -1 keyword
- yield check_no_orphans();
-add_task(function* test_addBookmarkToURIHavingKeyword() {
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- let fc = yield foreign_count("");
- let observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword", url: "" });
- observer.check([]);
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc + 1); // +1 keyword
- observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- let bookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ url: "",
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc + 2); // +1 bookmark
- observer.check([]);
- observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark.guid);
- // the notification is synchronous but the removal process is async.
- // Unfortunately there's nothing explicit we can wait for.
- while ((yield foreign_count("")));
- // We don't get any itemChanged notification since the bookmark has been
- // removed already.
- observer.check([]);
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- yield check_no_orphans();
-add_task(function* test_sameKeywordDifferentURL() {
- let fc1 = yield foreign_count("");
- let bookmark1 = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ url: "",
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
- let fc2 = yield foreign_count("");
- let bookmark2 = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ url: "",
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword", url: "" });
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc1 + 2); // +1 bookmark +1 keyword
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc2 + 1); // +1 bookmark
- // Assign the same keyword to another url.
- let observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword", url: "" });
- observer.check([{ name: "onItemChanged",
- arguments: [ (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark1.guid)),
- "keyword", false, "",
- bookmark1.lastModified, bookmark1.type,
- (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark1.parentGuid)),
- bookmark1.guid, bookmark1.parentGuid, "",
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT ] },
- { name: "onItemChanged",
- arguments: [ (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark2.guid)),
- "keyword", false, "keyword",
- bookmark2.lastModified, bookmark2.type,
- (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark2.parentGuid)),
- bookmark2.guid, bookmark2.parentGuid, "",
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT ] } ]);
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc1 + 1); // -1 keyword
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc2 + 2); // +1 keyword
- // Now remove the keyword.
- observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.remove("keyword");
- observer.check([{ name: "onItemChanged",
- arguments: [ (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark2.guid)),
- "keyword", false, "",
- bookmark2.lastModified, bookmark2.type,
- (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark2.parentGuid)),
- bookmark2.guid, bookmark2.parentGuid, "",
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT ] } ]);
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc1 + 1);
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc2 + 1); // -1 keyword
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark1);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark2);
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc1); // -1 bookmark
- while ((yield foreign_count(""))); // -1 keyword
- yield check_no_orphans();
-add_task(function* test_sameURIDifferentKeyword() {
- let fc = yield foreign_count("");
- let observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- let bookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ url: "",
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({keyword: "keyword", url: "" });
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc + 2); // +1 bookmark +1 keyword
- observer.check([{ name: "onItemChanged",
- arguments: [ (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.guid)),
- "keyword", false, "keyword",
- bookmark.lastModified, bookmark.type,
- (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.parentGuid)),
- bookmark.guid, bookmark.parentGuid, "",
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT ] } ]);
- observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword2", url: "" });
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword2");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc + 3); // +1 keyword
- observer.check([{ name: "onItemChanged",
- arguments: [ (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.guid)),
- "keyword", false, "keyword2",
- bookmark.lastModified, bookmark.type,
- (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.parentGuid)),
- bookmark.guid, bookmark.parentGuid, "",
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT ] } ]);
- // Add a third keyword.
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword3", url: "" });
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword2");
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword3");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc + 4); // +1 keyword
- // Remove one of the keywords.
- observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.remove("keyword");
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword2");
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword3");
- observer.check([{ name: "onItemChanged",
- arguments: [ (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.guid)),
- "keyword", false, "",
- bookmark.lastModified, bookmark.type,
- (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.parentGuid)),
- bookmark.guid, bookmark.parentGuid, "",
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT ] } ]);
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc + 3); // -1 keyword
- // Now remove the bookmark.
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark);
- while ((yield foreign_count("")));
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword2");
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword3");
- check_no_orphans();
-add_task(function* test_deleteKeywordMultipleBookmarks() {
- let fc = yield foreign_count("");
- let observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- let bookmark1 = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ url: "",
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
- let bookmark2 = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ url: "",
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword", url: "" });
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc + 3); // +2 bookmark +1 keyword
- observer.check([{ name: "onItemChanged",
- arguments: [ (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark2.guid)),
- "keyword", false, "keyword",
- bookmark2.lastModified, bookmark2.type,
- (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark2.parentGuid)),
- bookmark2.guid, bookmark2.parentGuid, "",
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT ] },
- { name: "onItemChanged",
- arguments: [ (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark1.guid)),
- "keyword", false, "keyword",
- bookmark1.lastModified, bookmark1.type,
- (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark1.parentGuid)),
- bookmark1.guid, bookmark1.parentGuid, "",
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT ] } ]);
- observer = expectBookmarkNotifications();
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.remove("keyword");
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc + 2); // -1 keyword
- observer.check([{ name: "onItemChanged",
- arguments: [ (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark2.guid)),
- "keyword", false, "",
- bookmark2.lastModified, bookmark2.type,
- (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark2.parentGuid)),
- bookmark2.guid, bookmark2.parentGuid, "",
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT ] },
- { name: "onItemChanged",
- arguments: [ (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark1.guid)),
- "keyword", false, "",
- bookmark1.lastModified, bookmark1.type,
- (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark1.parentGuid)),
- bookmark1.guid, bookmark1.parentGuid, "",
- Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT ] } ]);
- // Now remove the bookmarks.
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark1);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark2);
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc); // -2 bookmarks
- check_no_orphans();
-add_task(function* test_multipleKeywordsSamePostData() {
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword", url: "", postData: "postData1" });
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword", "postData1");
- // Add another keyword with same postData, should fail.
- yield Assert.rejects(PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword2", url: "", postData: "postData1" }),
- /constraint failed/);
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword2", "postData1");
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.remove("keyword");
- check_no_orphans();
-add_task(function* test_oldPostDataAPI() {
- let bookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ url: "",
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword", url: "" });
- let itemId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.guid);
- yield PlacesUtils.setPostDataForBookmark(itemId, "postData");
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword", "postData");
- Assert.equal(PlacesUtils.getPostDataForBookmark(itemId), "postData");
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.remove("keyword");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark);
- check_no_orphans();
-add_task(function* test_oldKeywordsAPI() {
- let bookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ url: "",
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- let itemId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.guid);
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setKeywordForBookmark(itemId, "keyword");
- yield promiseKeyword("keyword", "");
- // Remove the keyword.
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setKeywordForBookmark(itemId, "");
- yield promiseKeyword("keyword", null);
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword", url: "" });
- Assert.equal(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getKeywordForBookmark(itemId), "keyword");
- Assert.equal(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getURIForKeyword("keyword").spec, "");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark);
- check_no_orphans();
-add_task(function* test_bookmarkURLChange() {
- let fc1 = yield foreign_count("");
- let fc2 = yield foreign_count("");
- let bookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ url: "",
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "keyword",
- url: "" });
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc1 + 2); // +1 bookmark +1 keyword
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.update({ guid: bookmark.guid,
- url: ""});
- yield promiseKeyword("keyword", "");
- yield check_keyword(false, "", "keyword");
- yield check_keyword(true, "", "keyword");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc1); // -1 bookmark -1 keyword
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), fc2 + 2); // +1 bookmark +1 keyword
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_lastModified.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_lastModified.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c75494932..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_lastModified.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- /**
- * Test that inserting a new bookmark will set lastModified to the same
- * values as dateAdded.
- */
-// main
-function run_test() {
- var bs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
- var itemId = bs.insertBookmark(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder,
- uri(""),
- "itemTitle");
- var dateAdded = bs.getItemDateAdded(itemId);
- do_check_eq(dateAdded, bs.getItemLastModified(itemId));
- // Change lastModified, then change dateAdded. LastModified should be set
- // to the new dateAdded.
- // This could randomly fail on virtual machines due to timing issues, so
- // we manually increase the time value. See bug 500640 for details.
- bs.setItemLastModified(itemId, dateAdded + 1000);
- do_check_true(bs.getItemLastModified(itemId) === dateAdded + 1000);
- do_check_true(bs.getItemDateAdded(itemId) < bs.getItemLastModified(itemId));
- bs.setItemDateAdded(itemId, dateAdded + 2000);
- do_check_true(bs.getItemDateAdded(itemId) === dateAdded + 2000);
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemDateAdded(itemId), bs.getItemLastModified(itemId));
- bs.removeItem(itemId);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_markpageas.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_markpageas.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ba4f740c6..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_markpageas.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var gVisits = [{url: "",
- transition: TRANSITION_TYPED},
- {url: "",
- {url: "",
- transition: TRANSITION_LINK}];
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- let observer;
- let completionPromise = new Promise(resolveCompletionPromise => {
- observer = {
- __proto__: NavHistoryObserver.prototype,
- _visitCount: 0,
- onVisit: function (aURI, aVisitID, aTime, aSessionID, aReferringID,
- aTransitionType, aAdded)
- {
- do_check_eq(aURI.spec, gVisits[this._visitCount].url);
- do_check_eq(aTransitionType, gVisits[this._visitCount].transition);
- this._visitCount++;
- if (this._visitCount == gVisits.length) {
- resolveCompletionPromise();
- }
- },
- };
- });
- PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(observer, false);
- for (var visit of gVisits) {
- if (visit.transition == TRANSITION_TYPED)
- PlacesUtils.history.markPageAsTyped(uri(visit.url));
- else if (visit.transition == TRANSITION_BOOKMARK)
- PlacesUtils.history.markPageAsFollowedBookmark(uri(visit.url))
- else {
- // because it is a top level visit with no referrer,
- // it will result in TRANSITION_LINK
- }
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({
- uri: uri(visit.url),
- transition: visit.transition
- });
- }
- yield completionPromise;
- PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(observer);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_mozIAsyncLivemarks.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_mozIAsyncLivemarks.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5136591ba..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_mozIAsyncLivemarks.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,514 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Tests functionality of the mozIAsyncLivemarks interface.
-const FEED_URI = NetUtil.newURI("http://feed.rss/");
-const SITE_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
-// This test must be the first one, since it's testing the cache.
-add_task(function* test_livemark_cache() {
- // Add a livemark through other APIs.
- let folder = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
- title: "test",
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- });
- let id = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(folder.guid);
- PlacesUtils.annotations
- .setItemAnnotation(id, PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI,
- "",
- 0, PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- PlacesUtils.annotations
- .setItemAnnotation(id, PlacesUtils.LMANNO_SITEURI,
- "",
- 0, PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ guid: folder.guid });
- Assert.equal(folder.guid, livemark.guid);
- Assert.equal(folder.dateAdded * 1000, livemark.dateAdded);
- Assert.equal(folder.parentGuid, livemark.parentGuid);
- Assert.equal(folder.index, livemark.index);
- Assert.equal(folder.title, livemark.title);
- Assert.equal(id,;
- Assert.equal(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId, livemark.parentId);
- Assert.equal("", livemark.feedURI.spec);
- Assert.equal("", livemark.siteURI.spec);
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.removeLivemark(livemark);
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_noArguments_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark();
- do_throw("Invoking addLivemark with no arguments should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS);
- }
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_emptyObject_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({});
- do_throw("Invoking addLivemark with empty object should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_badParentId_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({ parentId: "test" });
- do_throw("Invoking addLivemark with a bad parent id should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_invalidParentId_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({ parentId: -2 });
- do_throw("Invoking addLivemark with an invalid parent id should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_noIndex_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({
- parentId: PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId });
- do_throw("Invoking addLivemark with no index should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_badIndex_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { parentId: PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId
- , index: "test" });
- do_throw("Invoking addLivemark with a bad index should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_invalidIndex_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { parentId: PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId
- , index: -2
- });
- do_throw("Invoking addLivemark with an invalid index should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_noFeedURI_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
- do_throw("Invoking addLivemark with no feedURI should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_badFeedURI_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: "test" });
- do_throw("Invoking addLivemark with a bad feedURI should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_badSiteURI_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- , siteURI: "test" });
- do_throw("Invoking addLivemark with a bad siteURI should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_badGuid_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfileGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- , guid: "123456" });
- do_throw("Invoking addLivemark with a bad guid should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_parentId_succeeds() {
- let onItemAddedCalled = false;
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.addObserver({
- __proto__: NavBookmarkObserver.prototype,
- onItemAdded: function onItemAdded(aItemId, aParentId, aIndex, aItemType,
- aURI, aTitle)
- {
- onItemAddedCalled = true;
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeObserver(this);
- do_check_eq(aParentId, PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId);
- do_check_eq(aIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(aItemType, Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.TYPE_FOLDER);
- do_check_eq(aTitle, "test");
- }
- }, false);
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentId: PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId
- , feedURI: FEED_URI });
- do_check_true(onItemAddedCalled);
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_noSiteURI_succeeds() {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- });
- do_check_true( > 0);
- do_check_valid_places_guid(livemark.guid);
- do_check_eq(livemark.title, "test");
- do_check_eq(livemark.parentId, PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId);
- do_check_eq(livemark.parentGuid, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid);
- do_check_true(livemark.feedURI.equals(FEED_URI));
- do_check_eq(livemark.siteURI, null);
- do_check_true(livemark.lastModified > 0);
- do_check_true(is_time_ordered(livemark.dateAdded, livemark.lastModified));
- let bookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch(livemark.guid);
- do_check_eq(livemark.index, bookmark.index);
- do_check_eq(livemark.dateAdded, bookmark.dateAdded * 1000);
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_succeeds() {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- , siteURI: SITE_URI
- });
- do_check_true( > 0);
- do_check_valid_places_guid(livemark.guid);
- do_check_eq(livemark.title, "test");
- do_check_eq(livemark.parentId, PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId);
- do_check_eq(livemark.parentGuid, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid);
- do_check_true(livemark.feedURI.equals(FEED_URI));
- do_check_true(livemark.siteURI.equals(SITE_URI));
- do_check_true(PlacesUtils.annotations
- .itemHasAnnotation(,
- PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI));
- do_check_true(PlacesUtils.annotations
- .itemHasAnnotation(,
- PlacesUtils.LMANNO_SITEURI));
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_bogusid_succeeds() {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { id: 100 // Should be ignored.
- , title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- , siteURI: SITE_URI
- });
- do_check_true( > 0);
- do_check_neq(, 100);
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_bogusParentId_fails() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentId: 187
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- });
- do_throw("Adding a livemark with a bogus parent should fail");
- } catch (ex) {}
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_bogusParentGuid_fails() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: "123456789012"
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- });
- do_throw("Adding a livemark with a bogus parent should fail");
- } catch (ex) {}
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_intoLivemark_fails() {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- });
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: livemark.guid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- });
- do_throw("Adding a livemark into a livemark should fail");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_forceGuid_succeeds() {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- , guid: "1234567890AB"
- });
- do_check_eq(livemark.guid, "1234567890AB");
- do_check_guid_for_bookmark(, "1234567890AB");
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_dateAdded_succeeds() {
- let dateAdded = new Date("2013-03-01T01:10:00") * 1000;
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- , dateAdded
- });
- do_check_eq(livemark.dateAdded, dateAdded);
-add_task(function* test_addLivemark_lastModified_succeeds() {
- let now = * 1000;
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- , lastModified: now
- });
- do_check_eq(livemark.dateAdded, now);
- do_check_eq(livemark.lastModified, now);
-add_task(function* test_removeLivemark_emptyObject_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.removeLivemark({});
- do_throw("Invoking removeLivemark with empty object should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_removeLivemark_noValidId_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.removeLivemark({ id: -10, guid: "test"});
- do_throw("Invoking removeLivemark with no valid id should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_removeLivemark_nonExistent_fails() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.removeLivemark({ id: 1337 });
- do_throw("Removing a non-existent livemark should fail");
- }
- catch (ex) {
- }
-add_task(function* test_removeLivemark_guid_succeeds() {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- , guid: "234567890ABC"
- });
- do_check_eq(livemark.guid, "234567890ABC");
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.removeLivemark({
- id: 789, guid: "234567890ABC"
- });
- do_check_eq((yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch("234567890ABC")), null);
-add_task(function* test_removeLivemark_id_succeeds() {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- });
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.removeLivemark({ id: });
- do_check_eq((yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch("234567890ABC")), null);
-add_task(function* test_getLivemark_emptyObject_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({});
- do_throw("Invoking getLivemark with empty object should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_getLivemark_noValidId_throws() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ id: -10, guid: "test"});
- do_throw("Invoking getLivemark with no valid id should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
- }
-add_task(function* test_getLivemark_nonExistentId_fails() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ id: 1234 });
- do_throw("getLivemark for a non existent id should fail");
- } catch (ex) {}
-add_task(function* test_getLivemark_nonExistentGUID_fails() {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ guid: "34567890ABCD" });
- do_throw("getLivemark for a non-existent guid should fail");
- } catch (ex) {}
-add_task(function* test_getLivemark_guid_succeeds() {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- , guid: "34567890ABCD" });
- // invalid id to check the guid wins.
- let livemark =
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ id: 789, guid: "34567890ABCD" });
- do_check_eq(livemark.title, "test");
- do_check_eq(livemark.parentId, PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId);
- do_check_eq(livemark.parentGuid, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid);
- do_check_true(livemark.feedURI.equals(FEED_URI));
- do_check_eq(livemark.siteURI, null);
- do_check_eq(livemark.guid, "34567890ABCD");
- let bookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch("34567890ABCD");
- do_check_eq(livemark.index, bookmark.index);
-add_task(function* test_getLivemark_id_succeeds() {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- });
- livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ id: });
- do_check_eq(livemark.title, "test");
- do_check_eq(livemark.parentId, PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId);
- do_check_eq(livemark.parentGuid, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid);
- do_check_true(livemark.feedURI.equals(FEED_URI));
- do_check_eq(livemark.siteURI, null);
- do_check_guid_for_bookmark(, livemark.guid);
- let bookmark = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch(livemark.guid);
- do_check_eq(livemark.index, bookmark.index);
-add_task(function* test_getLivemark_removeItem_contention() {
- // do not yield.
- PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({ title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- }).catch(() => { /* swallow errors*/ });
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- });
- livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ guid: livemark.guid });
- do_check_eq(livemark.title, "test");
- do_check_eq(livemark.parentId, PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId);
- do_check_true(livemark.feedURI.equals(FEED_URI));
- do_check_eq(livemark.siteURI, null);
- do_check_guid_for_bookmark(, livemark.guid);
-add_task(function* test_title_change() {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI
- });
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.update({ guid: livemark.guid,
- title: "test2" });
- // Poll for the title change.
- while (true) {
- let lm = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ guid: livemark.guid });
- if (lm.title == "test2")
- break;
- yield new Promise(resolve => do_timeout(resolve, 100));
- }
-add_task(function* test_livemark_move() {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI } );
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.update({ guid: livemark.guid,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
- index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX });
- // Poll for the parent change.
- while (true) {
- let lm = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ guid: livemark.guid });
- if (lm.parentGuid == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid)
- break;
- yield new Promise(resolve => do_timeout(resolve, 100));
- }
-add_task(function* test_livemark_removed() {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark(
- { title: "test"
- , parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid
- , feedURI: FEED_URI } );
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(livemark.guid);
- // Poll for the livemark removal.
- while (true) {
- try {
- yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({ guid: livemark.guid });
- } catch (ex) {
- break;
- }
- yield new Promise(resolve => do_timeout(resolve, 100));
- }
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_multi_queries.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_multi_queries.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d485355a5..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_multi_queries.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Adds a test URI visit to history.
- *
- * @param aURI
- * The URI to add a visit for.
- * @param aReferrer
- * The referring URI for the given URI. This can be null.
- */
-function* add_visit(aURI, aDayOffset, aTransition) {
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({
- uri: aURI,
- transition: aTransition,
- visitDate: ( + aDayOffset*86400000) * 1000
- });
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- yield add_visit(uri(""), -1, TRANSITION_LINK);
- yield add_visit(uri(""), -2, TRANSITION_LINK);
- yield add_visit(uri(""), -4, TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK);
- yield add_visit(uri(""), -1, TRANSITION_EMBED);
- yield add_visit(uri(""), -2, TRANSITION_LINK);
- yield add_visit(uri(""), -3, TRANSITION_LINK);
- yield add_visit(uri(""), -4, TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK);
- let queries = [
- PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(),
- PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery()
- ];
- queries[0].domain = "";
- queries[1].domain = "";
- let root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQueries(
- queries, queries.length, PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions()
- ).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- let childCount = root.childCount;
- root.containerOpen = false;
- do_check_eq(childCount, 3);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_multi_word_tags.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_multi_word_tags.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a0e5f130..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_multi_word_tags.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Get history service
-try {
- var histsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get history service\n");
-// Get bookmark service
-try {
- var bmsvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
-catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get the nav-bookmarks-service\n");
-// Get tagging service
-try {
- var tagssvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsITaggingService);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get tagging service\n");
-// main
-function run_test() {
- var uri1 = uri("http://site.tld/1");
- var uri2 = uri("http://site.tld/2");
- var uri3 = uri("http://site.tld/3");
- var uri4 = uri("http://site.tld/4");
- var uri5 = uri("http://site.tld/5");
- var uri6 = uri("http://site.tld/6");
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri1, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, null);
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri2, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, null);
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri3, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, null);
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri4, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, null);
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri5, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, null);
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri6, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, null);
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri1, ["foo"]);
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri2, ["bar"]);
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri3, ["cheese"]);
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri4, ["foo bar"]);
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri5, ["bar cheese"]);
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri6, ["foo bar cheese"]);
- // exclude livemark items, search for "item", should get one result
- var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.queryType = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS;
- var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- query.searchTerms = "foo";
- var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 3);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).uri, "http://site.tld/1");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).uri, "http://site.tld/4");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(2).uri, "http://site.tld/6");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- query.searchTerms = "bar";
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 4);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).uri, "http://site.tld/2");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).uri, "http://site.tld/4");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(2).uri, "http://site.tld/5");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(3).uri, "http://site.tld/6");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- query.searchTerms = "cheese";
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 3);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).uri, "http://site.tld/3");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).uri, "http://site.tld/5");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(2).uri, "http://site.tld/6");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- query.searchTerms = "foo bar";
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 2);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).uri, "http://site.tld/4");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).uri, "http://site.tld/6");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- query.searchTerms = "bar foo";
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 2);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).uri, "http://site.tld/4");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).uri, "http://site.tld/6");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- query.searchTerms = "bar cheese";
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 2);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).uri, "http://site.tld/5");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).uri, "http://site.tld/6");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- query.searchTerms = "cheese bar";
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 2);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).uri, "http://site.tld/5");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).uri, "http://site.tld/6");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- query.searchTerms = "foo bar cheese";
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 1);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).uri, "http://site.tld/6");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- query.searchTerms = "cheese foo bar";
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 1);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).uri, "http://site.tld/6");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- query.searchTerms = "cheese bar foo";
- result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 1);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).uri, "http://site.tld/6");
- root.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_nsINavHistoryViewer.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_nsINavHistoryViewer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 037ab7d08..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_nsINavHistoryViewer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Get history service
-var histsvc = PlacesUtils.history;
-var bhist = PlacesUtils.bhistory;
-var bmsvc = PlacesUtils.bookmarks;
-var resultObserver = {
- insertedNode: null,
- nodeInserted: function(parent, node, newIndex) {
- this.insertedNode = node;
- },
- removedNode: null,
- nodeRemoved: function(parent, node, oldIndex) {
- this.removedNode = node;
- },
- nodeAnnotationChanged: function() {},
- newTitle: "",
- nodeChangedByTitle: null,
- nodeTitleChanged: function(node, newTitle) {
- this.nodeChangedByTitle = node;
- this.newTitle = newTitle;
- },
- newAccessCount: 0,
- newTime: 0,
- nodeChangedByHistoryDetails: null,
- nodeHistoryDetailsChanged: function(node,
- updatedVisitDate,
- updatedVisitCount) {
- this.nodeChangedByHistoryDetails = node
- this.newTime = updatedVisitDate;
- this.newAccessCount = updatedVisitCount;
- },
- movedNode: null,
- nodeMoved: function(node, oldParent, oldIndex, newParent, newIndex) {
- this.movedNode = node;
- },
- openedContainer: null,
- closedContainer: null,
- containerStateChanged: function (aNode, aOldState, aNewState) {
- if (aNewState == Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode.STATE_OPENED) {
- this.openedContainer = aNode;
- }
- else if (aNewState == Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode.STATE_CLOSED) {
- this.closedContainer = aNode;
- }
- },
- invalidatedContainer: null,
- invalidateContainer: function(node) {
- this.invalidatedContainer = node;
- },
- sortingMode: null,
- sortingChanged: function(sortingMode) {
- this.sortingMode = sortingMode;
- },
- inBatchMode: false,
- batching: function(aToggleMode) {
- do_check_neq(this.inBatchMode, aToggleMode);
- this.inBatchMode = aToggleMode;
- },
- result: null,
- reset: function() {
- this.insertedNode = null;
- this.removedNode = null;
- this.nodeChangedByTitle = null;
- this.nodeChangedByHistoryDetails = null;
- this.replacedNode = null;
- this.movedNode = null;
- this.openedContainer = null;
- this.closedContainer = null;
- this.invalidatedContainer = null;
- this.sortingMode = null;
- }
-var testURI = uri("");
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function check_history_query() {
- var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_VISIT;
- var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.addObserver(resultObserver, false);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_neq(resultObserver.openedContainer, null);
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.nodeInserted
- // add a visit
- PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(testURI).then(function() {
- do_check_eq(testURI.spec, resultObserver.insertedNode.uri);
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.nodeHistoryDetailsChanged
- // adding a visit causes nodeHistoryDetailsChanged for the folder
- do_check_eq(root.uri, resultObserver.nodeChangedByHistoryDetails.uri);
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.itemTitleChanged for a leaf node
- PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: testURI, title: "baz" }).then(function () {
- do_check_eq(resultObserver.nodeChangedByTitle.title, "baz");
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.nodeRemoved
- var removedURI = uri("");
- PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(removedURI).then(function() {
- bhist.removePage(removedURI);
- do_check_eq(removedURI.spec, resultObserver.removedNode.uri);
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.invalidateContainer
- bhist.removePagesFromHost("", false);
- do_check_eq(root.uri, resultObserver.invalidatedContainer.uri);
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.sortingChanged
- resultObserver.invalidatedContainer = null;
- result.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_TITLE_ASCENDING;
- do_check_eq(resultObserver.sortingMode, options.SORT_BY_TITLE_ASCENDING);
- do_check_eq(resultObserver.invalidatedContainer, result.root);
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.invalidateContainer
- PlacesTestUtils.clearHistoryEnabled().then(() => {
- do_check_eq(root.uri, resultObserver.invalidatedContainer.uri);
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.batching
- do_check_false(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- histsvc.runInBatchMode({
- runBatched: function (aUserData) {
- do_check_true(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- }
- }, null);
- do_check_false(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- bmsvc.runInBatchMode({
- runBatched: function (aUserData) {
- do_check_true(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- }
- }, null);
- do_check_false(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- do_check_eq(resultObserver.closedContainer, resultObserver.openedContainer);
- result.removeObserver(resultObserver);
- resultObserver.reset();
- PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates().then(run_next_test);
- });
- });
- });
- });
-add_test(function check_bookmarks_query() {
- var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder], 1);
- var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.addObserver(resultObserver, false);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_neq(resultObserver.openedContainer, null);
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.nodeInserted
- // add a bookmark
- var testBookmark = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "foo");
- do_check_eq("foo", resultObserver.insertedNode.title);
- do_check_eq(testURI.spec, resultObserver.insertedNode.uri);
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.nodeHistoryDetailsChanged
- // adding a visit causes nodeHistoryDetailsChanged for the folder
- do_check_eq(root.uri, resultObserver.nodeChangedByHistoryDetails.uri);
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.nodeTitleChanged for a leaf node
- bmsvc.setItemTitle(testBookmark, "baz");
- do_check_eq(resultObserver.nodeChangedByTitle.title, "baz");
- do_check_eq(resultObserver.newTitle, "baz");
- var testBookmark2 = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri(""), bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "foo");
- bmsvc.moveItem(testBookmark2, bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, 0);
- do_check_eq(resultObserver.movedNode.itemId, testBookmark2);
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.nodeRemoved
- bmsvc.removeItem(testBookmark2);
- do_check_eq(testBookmark2, resultObserver.removedNode.itemId);
- // XXX nsINavHistoryResultObserver.invalidateContainer
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.sortingChanged
- resultObserver.invalidatedContainer = null;
- result.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_TITLE_ASCENDING;
- do_check_eq(resultObserver.sortingMode, options.SORT_BY_TITLE_ASCENDING);
- do_check_eq(resultObserver.invalidatedContainer, result.root);
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.batching
- do_check_false(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- histsvc.runInBatchMode({
- runBatched: function (aUserData) {
- do_check_true(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- }
- }, null);
- do_check_false(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- bmsvc.runInBatchMode({
- runBatched: function (aUserData) {
- do_check_true(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- }
- }, null);
- do_check_false(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- do_check_eq(resultObserver.closedContainer, resultObserver.openedContainer);
- result.removeObserver(resultObserver);
- resultObserver.reset();
- PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates().then(run_next_test);
-add_test(function check_mixed_query() {
- var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- query.onlyBookmarked = true;
- var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
- result.addObserver(resultObserver, false);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_neq(resultObserver.openedContainer, null);
- // nsINavHistoryResultObserver.batching
- do_check_false(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- histsvc.runInBatchMode({
- runBatched: function (aUserData) {
- do_check_true(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- }
- }, null);
- do_check_false(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- bmsvc.runInBatchMode({
- runBatched: function (aUserData) {
- do_check_true(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- }
- }, null);
- do_check_false(resultObserver.inBatchMode);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- do_check_eq(resultObserver.closedContainer, resultObserver.openedContainer);
- result.removeObserver(resultObserver);
- resultObserver.reset();
- PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates().then(run_next_test);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_null_interfaces.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_null_interfaces.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 524837ca3..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_null_interfaces.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-* file, You can obtain one at */
- * Test bug 489872 to make sure passing nulls to nsNavHistory doesn't crash.
- */
-// Make an array of services to test, each specifying a class id, interface
-// and an array of function names that don't throw when passed nulls
-var testServices = [
- ["browser/nav-history-service;1",
- ["nsINavHistoryService"],
- ["queryStringToQueries", "removePagesByTimeframe", "removePagesFromHost", "getObservers"]
- ],
- ["browser/nav-bookmarks-service;1",
- ["nsINavBookmarksService", "nsINavHistoryObserver", "nsIAnnotationObserver"],
- ["createFolder", "getObservers", "onFrecencyChanged", "onTitleChanged",
- "onPageAnnotationSet", "onPageAnnotationRemoved", "onDeleteURI"]
- ],
- ["browser/livemark-service;2", ["mozIAsyncLivemarks"], ["reloadLivemarks"]],
- ["browser/annotation-service;1", ["nsIAnnotationService"], []],
- ["browser/favicon-service;1", ["nsIFaviconService"], []],
- ["browser/tagging-service;1", ["nsITaggingService"], []],
-function run_test()
- for (let [cid, ifaces, nothrow] of testServices) {
- do_print(`Running test with ${cid} ${ifaces.join(", ")} ${nothrow}`);
- let s = Cc["" + cid].getService(Ci.nsISupports);
- for (let iface of ifaces) {
- s.QueryInterface(Ci[iface]);
- }
- let okName = function(name) {
- do_print(`Checking if function is okay to test: ${name}`);
- let func = s[name];
- let mesg = "";
- if (typeof func != "function")
- mesg = "Not a function!";
- else if (func.length == 0)
- mesg = "No args needed!";
- else if (name == "QueryInterface")
- mesg = "Ignore QI!";
- if (mesg) {
- do_print(`${mesg} Skipping: ${name}`);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- do_print(`Generating an array of functions to test service: ${s}`);
- for (let n of Object.keys(s).filter(i => okName(i)).sort()) {
- do_print(`\nTesting ${ifaces.join(", ")} function with null args: ${n}`);
- let func = s[n];
- let num = func.length;
- do_print(`Generating array of nulls for #args: ${num}`);
- let args = Array(num).fill(null);
- let tryAgain = true;
- while (tryAgain == true) {
- try {
- do_print(`Calling with args: ${JSON.stringify(args)}`);
- func.apply(s, args);
- do_print(`The function did not throw! Is it one of the nothrow? ${nothrow}`);
- Assert.notEqual(nothrow.indexOf(n), -1);
- do_print("Must have been an expected nothrow, so no need to try again");
- tryAgain = false;
- }
- catch (ex) {
- if (ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) {
- do_print(`Caught an expected exception: ${}`);
- do_print("Moving on to the next test..");
- tryAgain = false;
- } else if (ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_XPC_NEED_OUT_OBJECT) {
- let pos = Number(ex.message.match(/object arg (\d+)/)[1]);
- do_print(`Function call expects an out object at ${pos}`);
- args[pos] = {};
- } else if (ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {
- do_print(`Method not implemented exception: ${}`);
- do_print("Moving on to the next test..");
- tryAgain = false;
- } else {
- throw ex;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_onItemChanged_tags.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_onItemChanged_tags.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a0eb354d..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_onItemChanged_tags.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// This test checks that changing a tag for a bookmark with multiple tags
-// notifies OnItemChanged("tags") only once, and not once per tag.
-function run_test() {
- do_test_pending();
- let tags = ["a", "b", "c"];
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let id = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
- PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId, uri,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "Bookmark 1"
- );
- PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(uri, tags);
- let bookmarksObserver = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
- Ci.nsINavBookmarkObserver
- ]),
- _changedCount: 0,
- onItemChanged: function (aItemId, aProperty, aIsAnnotationProperty, aValue,
- aLastModified, aItemType) {
- if (aProperty == "tags") {
- do_check_eq(aItemId, id);
- this._changedCount++;
- }
- },
- onItemRemoved: function (aItemId, aParentId, aIndex, aItemType) {
- if (aItemId == id) {
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeObserver(this);
- do_check_eq(this._changedCount, 2);
- do_test_finished();
- }
- },
- onItemAdded: function () {},
- onBeginUpdateBatch: function () {},
- onEndUpdateBatch: function () {},
- onItemVisited: function () {},
- onItemMoved: function () {},
- };
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.addObserver(bookmarksObserver, false);
- PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(uri, ["d"]);
- PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(uri, ["e"]);
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeItem(id);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_pageGuid_bookmarkGuid.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_pageGuid_bookmarkGuid.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f6131b211..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_pageGuid_bookmarkGuid.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const bmsvc = PlacesUtils.bookmarks;
-const histsvc = PlacesUtils.history;
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test_addBookmarksAndCheckGuids() {
- let folder = bmsvc.createFolder(bmsvc.placesRoot, "test folder", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(folder, uri(""),
- bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "1 title");
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(folder, uri(""),
- bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "2 title");
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(folder, uri(""),
- bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "3 title");
- bmsvc.insertSeparator(folder, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- bmsvc.createFolder(folder, "test folder 2", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- let root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(folder).root;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 5);
- // check bookmark guids
- let bookmarkGuidZero = root.getChild(0).bookmarkGuid;
- do_check_eq(bookmarkGuidZero.length, 12);
- // bookmarks have bookmark guids
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).bookmarkGuid.length, 12);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(2).bookmarkGuid.length, 12);
- // separator has bookmark guid
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(3).bookmarkGuid.length, 12);
- // folder has bookmark guid
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(4).bookmarkGuid.length, 12);
- // all bookmark guids are different.
- do_check_neq(bookmarkGuidZero, root.getChild(1).bookmarkGuid);
- do_check_neq(root.getChild(1).bookmarkGuid, root.getChild(2).bookmarkGuid);
- do_check_neq(root.getChild(2).bookmarkGuid, root.getChild(3).bookmarkGuid);
- do_check_neq(root.getChild(3).bookmarkGuid, root.getChild(4).bookmarkGuid);
- // check page guids
- let pageGuidZero = root.getChild(0).pageGuid;
- do_check_eq(pageGuidZero.length, 12);
- // bookmarks have page guids
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).pageGuid.length, 12);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(2).pageGuid.length, 12);
- // folder and separator don't have page guids
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(3).pageGuid, "");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(4).pageGuid, "");
- do_check_neq(pageGuidZero, root.getChild(1).pageGuid);
- do_check_neq(root.getChild(1).pageGuid, root.getChild(2).pageGuid);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_updateBookmarksAndCheckGuids() {
- let folder = bmsvc.createFolder(bmsvc.placesRoot, "test folder", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- let b1 = bmsvc.insertBookmark(folder, uri(""),
- bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "1 title");
- let f1 = bmsvc.createFolder(folder, "test folder 2", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- let root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(folder).root;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 2);
- // ensure the bookmark and page guids remain the same after modifing other property.
- let bookmarkGuidZero = root.getChild(0).bookmarkGuid;
- let pageGuidZero = root.getChild(0).pageGuid;
- bmsvc.setItemTitle(b1, "1 title mod");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).title, "1 title mod");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).bookmarkGuid, bookmarkGuidZero);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).pageGuid, pageGuidZero);
- let bookmarkGuidOne = root.getChild(1).bookmarkGuid;
- let pageGuidOne = root.getChild(1).pageGuid;
- bmsvc.setItemTitle(f1, "test foolder 234");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).title, "test foolder 234");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).bookmarkGuid, bookmarkGuidOne);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).pageGuid, pageGuidOne);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_addVisitAndCheckGuid() {
- // add a visit and test page guid and non-existing bookmark guids.
- let sourceURI = uri("");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: sourceURI });
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getBookmarkedURIFor(sourceURI), null);
- let options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- let query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- query.uri = sourceURI;
- let root = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 1);
- do_check_valid_places_guid(root.getChild(0).pageGuid);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).bookmarkGuid, "");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
-add_task(function* test_addItemsWithInvalidGUIDsFails() {
- const INVALID_GUID = "XYZ";
- try {
- bmsvc.createFolder(bmsvc.placesRoot, "XYZ folder",
- do_throw("Adding a folder with an invalid guid should fail");
- }
- catch (ex) { }
- let folder = bmsvc.createFolder(bmsvc.placesRoot, "test folder",
- try {
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(folder, uri("http://test.tld"), bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "title", INVALID_GUID);
- do_throw("Adding a bookmark with an invalid guid should fail");
- }
- catch (ex) { }
- try {
- bmsvc.insertSeparator(folder, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, INVALID_GUID);
- do_throw("Adding a separator with an invalid guid should fail");
- }
- catch (ex) { }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_addItemsWithGUIDs() {
- const BOOKMARK_GUID = "BM------GUID";
- const SEPARATOR_GUID = "SEP-----GUID";
- let folder = bmsvc.createFolder(bmsvc.placesRoot, "test folder",
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(folder, uri(""), bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "1 title", BOOKMARK_GUID);
- bmsvc.insertSeparator(folder, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, SEPARATOR_GUID);
- let root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(folder).root;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 2);
- do_check_eq(root.bookmarkGuid, FOLDER_GUID);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).bookmarkGuid, BOOKMARK_GUID);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).bookmarkGuid, SEPARATOR_GUID);
- root.containerOpen = false;
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_emptyGUIDIgnored() {
- let folder = bmsvc.createFolder(bmsvc.placesRoot, "test folder",
- bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "");
- do_check_valid_places_guid(PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(folder)
- .root.bookmarkGuid);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_usingSameGUIDFails() {
- bmsvc.createFolder(bmsvc.placesRoot, "test folder",
- try {
- bmsvc.createFolder(bmsvc.placesRoot, "test folder 2",
- do_throw("Using the same guid twice should fail");
- }
- catch (ex) { }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_placeURIs.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_placeURIs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f585ca51..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_placeURIs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Get history service
-try {
- var histsvc = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get history service\n");
-// main
-function run_test() {
- // XXX Full testing coverage for QueriesToQueryString and
- // QueryStringToQueries
- var bs = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
- const NHQO = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions;
- // Bug 376798
- var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([bs.placesRoot], 1);
- do_check_eq(histsvc.queriesToQueryString([query], 1, histsvc.getNewQueryOptions()),
- "place:folder=PLACES_ROOT");
- // Bug 378828
- var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.sortingAnnotation = "test anno";
- var placeURI =
- "&sortingAnnotation=test%20anno";
- do_check_eq(histsvc.queriesToQueryString([query], 1, options),
- placeURI);
- options = {};
- histsvc.queryStringToQueries(placeURI, { }, {}, options);
- do_check_eq(options.value.sortingAnnotation, "test anno");
- do_check_eq(options.value.sortingMode, NHQO.SORT_BY_ANNOTATION_DESCENDING);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_placesTxn.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_placesTxn.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cc9809bb..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_placesTxn.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,937 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var bmsvc = PlacesUtils.bookmarks;
-var tagssvc = PlacesUtils.tagging;
-var annosvc = PlacesUtils.annotations;
-var txnManager = PlacesUtils.transactionManager;
-const DESCRIPTION_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/description";
-function* promiseKeyword(keyword, href, postData) {
- while (true) {
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(keyword);
- if (href == null && !entry)
- break;
- if (entry && entry.url.href == href && entry.postData == postData) {
- break;
- }
- yield new Promise(resolve => do_timeout(100, resolve));
- }
-// create and add bookmarks observer
-var observer = {
- onBeginUpdateBatch: function() {
- this._beginUpdateBatch = true;
- },
- _beginUpdateBatch: false,
- onEndUpdateBatch: function() {
- this._endUpdateBatch = true;
- },
- _endUpdateBatch: false,
- onItemAdded: function(id, folder, index, itemType, uri) {
- this._itemAddedId = id;
- this._itemAddedParent = folder;
- this._itemAddedIndex = index;
- this._itemAddedType = itemType;
- },
- _itemAddedId: null,
- _itemAddedParent: null,
- _itemAddedIndex: null,
- _itemAddedType: null,
- onItemRemoved: function(id, folder, index, itemType) {
- this._itemRemovedId = id;
- this._itemRemovedFolder = folder;
- this._itemRemovedIndex = index;
- },
- _itemRemovedId: null,
- _itemRemovedFolder: null,
- _itemRemovedIndex: null,
- onItemChanged: function(id, property, isAnnotationProperty, newValue,
- lastModified, itemType) {
- // The transaction manager is being rewritten in bug 891303, so just
- // skip checking this for now.
- if (property == "tags")
- return;
- this._itemChangedId = id;
- this._itemChangedProperty = property;
- this._itemChanged_isAnnotationProperty = isAnnotationProperty;
- this._itemChangedValue = newValue;
- },
- _itemChangedId: null,
- _itemChangedProperty: null,
- _itemChanged_isAnnotationProperty: null,
- _itemChangedValue: null,
- onItemVisited: function(id, visitID, time) {
- this._itemVisitedId = id;
- this._itemVisitedVistId = visitID;
- this._itemVisitedTime = time;
- },
- _itemVisitedId: null,
- _itemVisitedVistId: null,
- _itemVisitedTime: null,
- onItemMoved: function(id, oldParent, oldIndex, newParent, newIndex,
- itemType) {
- this._itemMovedId = id;
- this._itemMovedOldParent = oldParent;
- this._itemMovedOldIndex = oldIndex;
- this._itemMovedNewParent = newParent;
- this._itemMovedNewIndex = newIndex;
- },
- _itemMovedId: null,
- _itemMovedOldParent: null,
- _itemMovedOldIndex: null,
- _itemMovedNewParent: null,
- _itemMovedNewIndex: null,
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsINavBookmarkObserver) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports)) {
- return this;
- }
- }
-// index at which items should begin
-var bmStartIndex = 0;
-// get bookmarks root id
-var root = PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId;
-add_task(function* init() {
- bmsvc.addObserver(observer, false);
- do_register_cleanup(function () {
- bmsvc.removeObserver(observer);
- });
-add_task(function* test_create_folder_with_description() {
- const TEST_FOLDERNAME = "Test creating a folder with a description";
- const TEST_DESCRIPTION = "this is my test description";
- let annos = [{ name: DESCRIPTION_ANNO,
- type: annosvc.TYPE_STRING,
- flags: 0,
- expires: annosvc.EXPIRE_NEVER }];
- let txn = new PlacesCreateFolderTransaction(TEST_FOLDERNAME, root, bmStartIndex, annos);
- txnManager.doTransaction(txn);
- // This checks that calling undoTransaction on an "empty batch" doesn't
- // undo the previous transaction (getItemTitle will fail)
- txnManager.beginBatch(null);
- txnManager.endBatch(false);
- txnManager.undoTransaction();
- let folderId = observer._itemAddedId;
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemTitle(folderId), TEST_FOLDERNAME);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, bmStartIndex);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, root);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, folderId);
- do_check_eq(TEST_DESCRIPTION, annosvc.getItemAnnotation(folderId, DESCRIPTION_ANNO));
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, folderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, root);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, bmStartIndex);
- txn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, bmStartIndex);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, root);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, folderId);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, folderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, root);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, bmStartIndex);
-add_task(function* test_create_item() {
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let txn = new PlacesCreateBookmarkTransaction(testURI, root, bmStartIndex,
- "Test creating an item");
- txnManager.doTransaction(txn);
- let id = bmsvc.getBookmarkIdsForURI(testURI)[0];
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, id);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, bmStartIndex);
- do_check_true(bmsvc.isBookmarked(testURI));
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, id);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, bmStartIndex);
- do_check_false(bmsvc.isBookmarked(testURI));
- txn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_true(bmsvc.isBookmarked(testURI));
- let newId = bmsvc.getBookmarkIdsForURI(testURI)[0];
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, bmStartIndex);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, root);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, newId);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, newId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, root);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, bmStartIndex);
-add_task(function* test_create_item_to_folder() {
- const TEST_FOLDERNAME = "Test creating item to a folder";
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let folderId = bmsvc.createFolder(root, TEST_FOLDERNAME, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- let txn = new PlacesCreateBookmarkTransaction(testURI, folderId, bmStartIndex,
- "Test creating item");
- txnManager.doTransaction(txn);
- let bkmId = bmsvc.getBookmarkIdsForURI(testURI)[0];
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, bkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, bmStartIndex);
- do_check_true(bmsvc.isBookmarked(testURI));
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, bkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, bmStartIndex);
- txn.redoTransaction();
- let newBkmId = bmsvc.getBookmarkIdsForURI(testURI)[0];
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, bmStartIndex);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, folderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, newBkmId);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, newBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, folderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, bmStartIndex);
-add_task(function* test_move_items_to_folder() {
- let testFolderId = bmsvc.createFolder(root, "Test move items", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testBkmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(testFolderId, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "1: Test move items");
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(testFolderId, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "2: Test move items");
- // Moving items between the same folder
- let sameTxn = new PlacesMoveItemTransaction(testBkmId, testFolderId, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- sameTxn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldParent, testFolderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewParent, testFolderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewIndex, 1);
- sameTxn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldParent, testFolderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldIndex, 1);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewParent, testFolderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewIndex, 0);
- sameTxn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldParent, testFolderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewParent, testFolderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewIndex, 1);
- sameTxn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldParent, testFolderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldIndex, 1);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewParent, testFolderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewIndex, 0);
- // Moving items between different folders
- let folderId = bmsvc.createFolder(testFolderId,
- "Test move items between different folders",
- let diffTxn = new PlacesMoveItemTransaction(testBkmId, folderId, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- diffTxn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldParent, testFolderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewParent, folderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewIndex, 0);
- sameTxn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldParent, folderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewParent, testFolderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewIndex, 0);
- diffTxn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldParent, testFolderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewParent, folderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewIndex, 0);
- sameTxn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldParent, folderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedOldIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewParent, testFolderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemMovedNewIndex, 0);
-add_task(function* test_remove_folder() {
- let testFolder = bmsvc.createFolder(root, "Test Removing a Folder", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- let folderId = bmsvc.createFolder(testFolder, "Removed Folder", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- let txn = new PlacesRemoveItemTransaction(folderId);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, folderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, 0);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, folderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, 0);
- txn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, folderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, 0);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, folderId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, 0);
-add_task(function* test_remove_item_with_tag() {
- // Notice in this case the tag persists since other bookmarks have same uri.
- let testFolder = bmsvc.createFolder(root, "Test removing an item with a tag",
- const TAG_NAME = "tag-test_remove_item_with_tag";
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testBkmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(testFolder, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "test-item1");
- // create bookmark for not removing tag.
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(testFolder, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "test-item2");
- // set tag
- tagssvc.tagURI(testURI, [TAG_NAME]);
- let txn = new PlacesRemoveItemTransaction(testBkmId);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(testURI), TAG_NAME);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- let newbkmk2Id = observer._itemAddedId;
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(testURI)[0], TAG_NAME);
- txn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, newbkmk2Id);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(testURI)[0], TAG_NAME);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(testURI)[0], TAG_NAME);
-add_task(function* test_remove_item_with_keyword() {
- // Notice in this case the tag persists since other bookmarks have same uri.
- let testFolder = bmsvc.createFolder(root, "Test removing an item with a keyword",
- const KEYWORD = "test: test removing an item with a keyword";
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testBkmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(testFolder, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "test-item1");
- // set keyword
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: testURI.spec, keyword: KEYWORD});
- let txn = new PlacesRemoveItemTransaction(testBkmId);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, 0);
- yield promiseKeyword(KEYWORD, null);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- let newbkmk2Id = observer._itemAddedId;
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, 0);
- yield promiseKeyword(KEYWORD, testURI.spec);
- txn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, newbkmk2Id);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, 0);
- yield promiseKeyword(KEYWORD, null);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, 0);
-add_task(function* test_creating_separator() {
- let testFolder = bmsvc.createFolder(root, "Test creating a separator", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- let txn = new PlacesCreateSeparatorTransaction(testFolder, 0);
- txn.doTransaction();
- let sepId = observer._itemAddedId;
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, testFolder);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, sepId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, 0);
- txn.redoTransaction();
- let newSepId = observer._itemAddedId;
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, testFolder);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, newSepId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, 0);
-add_task(function* test_removing_separator() {
- let testFolder = bmsvc.createFolder(root, "Test removing a separator", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- let sepId = bmsvc.insertSeparator(testFolder, 0);
- let txn = new PlacesRemoveItemTransaction(sepId);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, sepId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, 0);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, sepId); // New separator created
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, 0);
- txn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, sepId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedFolder, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedIndex, 0);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, sepId); // New separator created
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedParent, testFolder);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, 0);
-add_task(function* test_editing_item_title() {
- const TITLE = "Test editing item title";
- const MOD_TITLE = "Mod: Test editing item title";
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testBkmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(root, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, TITLE);
- let txn = new PlacesEditItemTitleTransaction(testBkmId, MOD_TITLE);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "title");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedValue, MOD_TITLE);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "title");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedValue, TITLE);
- txn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "title");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedValue, MOD_TITLE);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "title");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedValue, TITLE);
-add_task(function* test_editing_item_uri() {
- const OLD_TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- const NEW_TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testBkmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(root, OLD_TEST_URI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "Test editing item title");
- tagssvc.tagURI(OLD_TEST_URI, ["tag"]);
- let txn = new PlacesEditBookmarkURITransaction(testBkmId, NEW_TEST_URI);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "uri");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedValue, NEW_TEST_URI.spec);
- do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(NEW_TEST_URI)), JSON.stringify(["tag"]));
- do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(OLD_TEST_URI)), JSON.stringify([]));
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "uri");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedValue, OLD_TEST_URI.spec);
- do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(OLD_TEST_URI)), JSON.stringify(["tag"]));
- do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(NEW_TEST_URI)), JSON.stringify([]));
- txn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "uri");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedValue, NEW_TEST_URI.spec);
- do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(NEW_TEST_URI)), JSON.stringify(["tag"]));
- do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(OLD_TEST_URI)), JSON.stringify([]));
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "uri");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedValue, OLD_TEST_URI.spec);
- do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(OLD_TEST_URI)), JSON.stringify(["tag"]));
- do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(NEW_TEST_URI)), JSON.stringify([]));
-add_task(function* test_edit_description_transaction() {
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testBkmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(root, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "Test edit description transaction");
- let anno = {
- type: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.TYPE_STRING,
- flags: 0,
- value: "Test edit Description",
- expires: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER,
- };
- let txn = new PlacesSetItemAnnotationTransaction(testBkmId, anno);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, DESCRIPTION_ANNO);
-add_task(function* test_edit_keyword() {
- const KEYWORD = "keyword-test_edit_keyword";
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testBkmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(root, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "Test edit keyword");
- let txn = new PlacesEditBookmarkKeywordTransaction(testBkmId, KEYWORD, "postData");
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "keyword");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedValue, KEYWORD);
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.getPostDataForBookmark(testBkmId), "postData");
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "keyword");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedValue, "");
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.getPostDataForBookmark(testBkmId), null);
-add_task(function* test_edit_specific_keyword() {
- const KEYWORD = "keyword-test_edit_keyword2";
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testBkmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(root, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "Test edit keyword");
- // Add multiple keyword to this uri.
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "kw1", url: testURI.spec, postData: "postData1" });
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({keyword: "kw2", url: testURI.spec, postData: "postData2" });
- // Try to change only kw2.
- let txn = new PlacesEditBookmarkKeywordTransaction(testBkmId, KEYWORD, "postData2", "kw2");
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "keyword");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedValue, KEYWORD);
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("kw1");
- Assert.equal(entry.url.href, testURI.spec);
- Assert.equal(entry.postData, "postData1");
- yield promiseKeyword(KEYWORD, testURI.spec, "postData2");
- yield promiseKeyword("kw2", null);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "keyword");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedValue, "kw2");
- do_check_eq(PlacesUtils.getPostDataForBookmark(testBkmId), "postData1");
- entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("kw1");
- Assert.equal(entry.url.href, testURI.spec);
- Assert.equal(entry.postData, "postData1");
- yield promiseKeyword("kw2", testURI.spec, "postData2");
- yield promiseKeyword("keyword", null);
-add_task(function* test_LoadInSidebar_transaction() {
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testBkmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(root, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "Test LoadInSidebar transaction");
- const LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/loadInSidebar";
- let anno = { name: LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO,
- type: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.TYPE_INT32,
- flags: 0,
- value: true,
- expires: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER };
- let txn = new PlacesSetItemAnnotationTransaction(testBkmId, anno);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChanged_isAnnotationProperty, true);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChanged_isAnnotationProperty, true);
-add_task(function* test_generic_item_annotation() {
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testBkmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(root, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "Test generic item annotation");
- let itemAnnoObj = { name: "testAnno/testInt",
- type: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.TYPE_INT32,
- flags: 0,
- value: 123,
- expires: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER };
- let txn = new PlacesSetItemAnnotationTransaction(testBkmId, itemAnnoObj);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "testAnno/testInt");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChanged_isAnnotationProperty, true);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "testAnno/testInt");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChanged_isAnnotationProperty, true);
- txn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedId, testBkmId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "testAnno/testInt");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChanged_isAnnotationProperty, true);
-add_task(function* test_editing_item_date_added() {
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testBkmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(root, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "Test editing item date added");
- let oldAdded = bmsvc.getItemDateAdded(testBkmId);
- let newAdded = * 1000 + 1000;
- let txn = new PlacesEditItemDateAddedTransaction(testBkmId, newAdded);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(newAdded, bmsvc.getItemDateAdded(testBkmId));
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(oldAdded, bmsvc.getItemDateAdded(testBkmId));
-add_task(function* test_edit_item_last_modified() {
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let testBkmId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(root, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "Test editing item last modified");
- let oldModified = bmsvc.getItemLastModified(testBkmId);
- let newModified = * 1000 + 1000;
- let txn = new PlacesEditItemLastModifiedTransaction(testBkmId, newModified);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(newModified, bmsvc.getItemLastModified(testBkmId));
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(oldModified, bmsvc.getItemLastModified(testBkmId));
-add_task(function* test_generic_page_annotation() {
- const TEST_ANNO = "testAnno/testInt";
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(testURI).then(function () {
- let pageAnnoObj = { name: TEST_ANNO,
- type: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.TYPE_INT32,
- flags: 0,
- value: 123,
- expires: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER };
- let txn = new PlacesSetPageAnnotationTransaction(testURI, pageAnnoObj);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_true(annosvc.pageHasAnnotation(testURI, TEST_ANNO));
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_false(annosvc.pageHasAnnotation(testURI, TEST_ANNO));
- txn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_true(annosvc.pageHasAnnotation(testURI, TEST_ANNO));
- });
-add_task(function* test_sort_folder_by_name() {
- let testFolder = bmsvc.createFolder(root, "Test PlacesSortFolderByNameTransaction",
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(testFolder, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "bookmark3");
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(testFolder, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "bookmark2");
- bmsvc.insertBookmark(testFolder, testURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, "bookmark1");
- let bkmIds = bmsvc.getBookmarkIdsForURI(testURI);
- bkmIds.sort();
- let b1 = bkmIds[0];
- let b2 = bkmIds[1];
- let b3 = bkmIds[2];
- do_check_eq(0, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b1));
- do_check_eq(1, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b2));
- do_check_eq(2, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b3));
- let txn = new PlacesSortFolderByNameTransaction(testFolder);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(2, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b1));
- do_check_eq(1, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b2));
- do_check_eq(0, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b3));
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(0, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b1));
- do_check_eq(1, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b2));
- do_check_eq(2, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b3));
- txn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(2, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b1));
- do_check_eq(1, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b2));
- do_check_eq(0, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b3));
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(0, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b1));
- do_check_eq(1, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b2));
- do_check_eq(2, bmsvc.getItemIndex(b3));
-add_task(function* test_tagURI_untagURI() {
- const TAG_1 = "tag-test_tagURI_untagURI-bar";
- const TAG_2 = "tag-test_tagURI_untagURI-foo";
- let tagURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- // Test tagURI
- let tagTxn = new PlacesTagURITransaction(tagURI, [TAG_1, TAG_2]);
- tagTxn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(tagURI)), JSON.stringify([TAG_1, TAG_2]));
- tagTxn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(tagURI).length, 0);
- tagTxn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(tagURI)), JSON.stringify([TAG_1, TAG_2]));
- // Test untagURI
- let untagTxn = new PlacesUntagURITransaction(tagURI, [TAG_1]);
- untagTxn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(tagURI)), JSON.stringify([TAG_2]));
- untagTxn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(tagURI)), JSON.stringify([TAG_1, TAG_2]));
- untagTxn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(JSON.stringify(tagssvc.getTagsForURI(tagURI)), JSON.stringify([TAG_2]));
-add_task(function* test_aggregate_removeItem_Txn() {
- let testFolder = bmsvc.createFolder(root, "Test aggregate removeItem transaction", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- const TEST_URL = "";
- const FOLDERNAME = "Folder";
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI(TEST_URL);
- let bkmk1Id = bmsvc.insertBookmark(testFolder, testURI, 0, "Mozilla");
- let bkmk2Id = bmsvc.insertSeparator(testFolder, 1);
- let bkmk3Id = bmsvc.createFolder(testFolder, FOLDERNAME, 2);
- let bkmk3_1Id = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bkmk3Id, testURI, 0, "Mozilla");
- let bkmk3_2Id = bmsvc.insertSeparator(bkmk3Id, 1);
- let bkmk3_3Id = bmsvc.createFolder(bkmk3Id, FOLDERNAME, 2);
- let childTxn1 = new PlacesRemoveItemTransaction(bkmk1Id);
- let childTxn2 = new PlacesRemoveItemTransaction(bkmk2Id);
- let childTxn3 = new PlacesRemoveItemTransaction(bkmk3Id);
- let transactions = [childTxn1, childTxn2, childTxn3];
- let txn = new PlacesAggregatedTransaction("RemoveItems", transactions);
- txn.doTransaction();
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemIndex(bkmk1Id), -1);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemIndex(bkmk2Id), -1);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemIndex(bkmk3Id), -1);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemIndex(bkmk3_1Id), -1);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemIndex(bkmk3_2Id), -1);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemIndex(bkmk3_3Id), -1);
- // Check last removed item id.
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, bkmk3Id);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- let newBkmk1Id = bmsvc.getIdForItemAt(testFolder, 0);
- let newBkmk2Id = bmsvc.getIdForItemAt(testFolder, 1);
- let newBkmk3Id = bmsvc.getIdForItemAt(testFolder, 2);
- let newBkmk3_1Id = bmsvc.getIdForItemAt(newBkmk3Id, 0);
- let newBkmk3_2Id = bmsvc.getIdForItemAt(newBkmk3Id, 1);
- let newBkmk3_3Id = bmsvc.getIdForItemAt(newBkmk3Id, 2);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemType(newBkmk1Id), bmsvc.TYPE_BOOKMARK);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getBookmarkURI(newBkmk1Id).spec, TEST_URL);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemType(newBkmk2Id), bmsvc.TYPE_SEPARATOR);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemType(newBkmk3Id), bmsvc.TYPE_FOLDER);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemTitle(newBkmk3Id), FOLDERNAME);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getFolderIdForItem(newBkmk3_1Id), newBkmk3Id);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemType(newBkmk3_1Id), bmsvc.TYPE_BOOKMARK);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getBookmarkURI(newBkmk3_1Id).spec, TEST_URL);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getFolderIdForItem(newBkmk3_2Id), newBkmk3Id);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemType(newBkmk3_2Id), bmsvc.TYPE_SEPARATOR);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getFolderIdForItem(newBkmk3_3Id), newBkmk3Id);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemType(newBkmk3_3Id), bmsvc.TYPE_FOLDER);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemTitle(newBkmk3_3Id), FOLDERNAME);
- // Check last added back item id.
- // Notice items are restored in reverse order.
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, newBkmk1Id);
- txn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemIndex(newBkmk1Id), -1);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemIndex(newBkmk2Id), -1);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemIndex(newBkmk3Id), -1);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemIndex(newBkmk3_1Id), -1);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemIndex(newBkmk3_2Id), -1);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemIndex(newBkmk3_3Id), -1);
- // Check last removed item id.
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, newBkmk3Id);
- txn.undoTransaction();
- newBkmk1Id = bmsvc.getIdForItemAt(testFolder, 0);
- newBkmk2Id = bmsvc.getIdForItemAt(testFolder, 1);
- newBkmk3Id = bmsvc.getIdForItemAt(testFolder, 2);
- newBkmk3_1Id = bmsvc.getIdForItemAt(newBkmk3Id, 0);
- newBkmk3_2Id = bmsvc.getIdForItemAt(newBkmk3Id, 1);
- newBkmk3_3Id = bmsvc.getIdForItemAt(newBkmk3Id, 2);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemType(newBkmk1Id), bmsvc.TYPE_BOOKMARK);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getBookmarkURI(newBkmk1Id).spec, TEST_URL);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemType(newBkmk2Id), bmsvc.TYPE_SEPARATOR);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemType(newBkmk3Id), bmsvc.TYPE_FOLDER);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemTitle(newBkmk3Id), FOLDERNAME);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getFolderIdForItem(newBkmk3_1Id), newBkmk3Id);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemType(newBkmk3_1Id), bmsvc.TYPE_BOOKMARK);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getBookmarkURI(newBkmk3_1Id).spec, TEST_URL);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getFolderIdForItem(newBkmk3_2Id), newBkmk3Id);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemType(newBkmk3_2Id), bmsvc.TYPE_SEPARATOR);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getFolderIdForItem(newBkmk3_3Id), newBkmk3Id);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemType(newBkmk3_3Id), bmsvc.TYPE_FOLDER);
- do_check_eq(bmsvc.getItemTitle(newBkmk3_3Id), FOLDERNAME);
- // Check last added back item id.
- // Notice items are restored in reverse order.
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, newBkmk1Id);
-add_task(function* test_create_item_with_childTxn() {
- let testFolder = bmsvc.createFolder(root, "Test creating an item with childTxns", bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- const BOOKMARK_TITLE = "parent item";
- let testURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let childTxns = [];
- let newDateAdded = * 1000 - 20000;
- let editDateAdddedTxn = new PlacesEditItemDateAddedTransaction(null, newDateAdded);
- childTxns.push(editDateAdddedTxn);
- let itemChildAnnoObj = { name: "testAnno/testInt",
- type: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.TYPE_INT32,
- flags: 0,
- value: 123,
- expires: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER };
- let annoTxn = new PlacesSetItemAnnotationTransaction(null, itemChildAnnoObj);
- childTxns.push(annoTxn);
- let itemWChildTxn = new PlacesCreateBookmarkTransaction(testURI, testFolder, bmStartIndex,
- BOOKMARK_TITLE, null, null,
- childTxns);
- try {
- txnManager.doTransaction(itemWChildTxn);
- let itemId = bmsvc.getBookmarkIdsForURI(testURI)[0];
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, itemId);
- do_check_eq(newDateAdded, bmsvc.getItemDateAdded(itemId));
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "testAnno/testInt");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChanged_isAnnotationProperty, true);
- do_check_true(annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(itemId,
- do_check_eq(annosvc.getItemAnnotation(itemId,, itemChildAnnoObj.value);
- itemWChildTxn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, itemId);
- itemWChildTxn.redoTransaction();
- do_check_true(bmsvc.isBookmarked(testURI));
- let newId = bmsvc.getBookmarkIdsForURI(testURI)[0];
- do_check_eq(newDateAdded, bmsvc.getItemDateAdded(newId));
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, newId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChangedProperty, "testAnno/testInt");
- do_check_eq(observer._itemChanged_isAnnotationProperty, true);
- do_check_true(annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(newId,
- do_check_eq(annosvc.getItemAnnotation(newId,, itemChildAnnoObj.value);
- itemWChildTxn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_eq(observer._itemRemovedId, newId);
- }
- catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Setting a child transaction in a createItem transaction did throw: " + ex);
- }
-add_task(function* test_create_folder_with_child_itemTxn() {
- let childURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let childItemTxn = new PlacesCreateBookmarkTransaction(childURI, root,
- bmStartIndex, "childItem");
- let txn = new PlacesCreateFolderTransaction("Test creating a folder with child itemTxns",
- root, bmStartIndex, null, [childItemTxn]);
- try {
- txnManager.doTransaction(txn);
- let childItemId = bmsvc.getBookmarkIdsForURI(childURI)[0];
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, childItemId);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, 0);
- do_check_true(bmsvc.isBookmarked(childURI));
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_false(bmsvc.isBookmarked(childURI));
- txn.redoTransaction();
- let newchildItemId = bmsvc.getBookmarkIdsForURI(childURI)[0];
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedIndex, 0);
- do_check_eq(observer._itemAddedId, newchildItemId);
- do_check_true(bmsvc.isBookmarked(childURI));
- txn.undoTransaction();
- do_check_false(bmsvc.isBookmarked(childURI));
- }
- catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Setting a child item transaction in a createFolder transaction did throw: " + ex);
- }
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_preventive_maintenance.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_preventive_maintenance.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a533c8295..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_preventive_maintenance.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1356 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- /**
- * Test preventive maintenance
- * For every maintenance query create an uncoherent db and check that we take
- * correct fix steps, without polluting valid data.
- */
-// Include PlacesDBUtils module
-const FINISHED_MAINTENANCE_NOTIFICATION_TOPIC = "places-maintenance-finished";
-// Get services and database connection
-var hs = PlacesUtils.history;
-var bs = PlacesUtils.bookmarks;
-var ts = PlacesUtils.tagging;
-var as = PlacesUtils.annotations;
-var fs = PlacesUtils.favicons;
-var mDBConn = hs.QueryInterface(Ci.nsPIPlacesDatabase).DBConnection;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Helpers
-var defaultBookmarksMaxId = 0;
-function cleanDatabase() {
- mDBConn.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM moz_places");
- mDBConn.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM moz_historyvisits");
- mDBConn.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM moz_anno_attributes");
- mDBConn.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM moz_annos");
- mDBConn.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM moz_items_annos");
- mDBConn.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM moz_inputhistory");
- mDBConn.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM moz_keywords");
- mDBConn.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM moz_favicons");
- mDBConn.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id > " + defaultBookmarksMaxId);
-function addPlace(aUrl, aFavicon) {
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- "INSERT INTO moz_places (url, url_hash, favicon_id) VALUES (:url, hash(:url), :favicon)");
- stmt.params["url"] = aUrl || "";
- stmt.params["favicon"] = aFavicon || null;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- return mDBConn.lastInsertRowID;
-function addBookmark(aPlaceId, aType, aParent, aKeywordId, aFolderType, aTitle) {
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `INSERT INTO moz_bookmarks (fk, type, parent, keyword_id, folder_type,
- title, guid)
- VALUES (:place_id, :type, :parent, :keyword_id, :folder_type, :title,
- stmt.params["place_id"] = aPlaceId || null;
- stmt.params["type"] = aType || bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
- stmt.params["parent"] = aParent || bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder;
- stmt.params["keyword_id"] = aKeywordId || null;
- stmt.params["folder_type"] = aFolderType || null;
- stmt.params["title"] = typeof(aTitle) == "string" ? aTitle : null;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- return mDBConn.lastInsertRowID;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Tests
-var tests = [];
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "A.1",
- desc: "Remove obsolete annotations from moz_annos",
- _obsoleteWeaveAttribute: "weave/test",
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid.
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Add an obsolete attribute.
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- "INSERT INTO moz_anno_attributes (name) VALUES (:anno)"
- );
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._obsoleteWeaveAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `INSERT INTO moz_annos (place_id, anno_attribute_id)
- VALUES (:place_id,
- (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno)
- )`
- );
- stmt.params['place_id'] = this._placeId;
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._obsoleteWeaveAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that the obsolete annotation has been removed.
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- "SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno"
- );
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._obsoleteWeaveAttribute;
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
- name: "A.2",
- desc: "Remove obsolete annotations from moz_items_annos",
- _obsoleteSyncAttribute: "sync/children",
- _obsoleteGuidAttribute: "placesInternal/GUID",
- _obsoleteWeaveAttribute: "weave/test",
- _placeId: null,
- _bookmarkId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid.
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Add a bookmark.
- this._bookmarkId = addBookmark(this._placeId);
- // Add an obsolete attribute.
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `INSERT INTO moz_anno_attributes (name)
- VALUES (:anno1), (:anno2), (:anno3)`
- );
- stmt.params['anno1'] = this._obsoleteSyncAttribute;
- stmt.params['anno2'] = this._obsoleteGuidAttribute;
- stmt.params['anno3'] = this._obsoleteWeaveAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `INSERT INTO moz_items_annos (item_id, anno_attribute_id)
- SELECT :item_id, id
- FROM moz_anno_attributes
- WHERE name IN (:anno1, :anno2, :anno3)`
- );
- stmt.params['item_id'] = this._bookmarkId;
- stmt.params['anno1'] = this._obsoleteSyncAttribute;
- stmt.params['anno2'] = this._obsoleteGuidAttribute;
- stmt.params['anno3'] = this._obsoleteWeaveAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that the obsolete annotations have been removed.
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes
- WHERE name IN (:anno1, :anno2, :anno3)`
- );
- stmt.params['anno1'] = this._obsoleteSyncAttribute;
- stmt.params['anno2'] = this._obsoleteGuidAttribute;
- stmt.params['anno3'] = this._obsoleteWeaveAttribute;
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
- name: "A.3",
- desc: "Remove unused attributes",
- _usedPageAttribute: "usedPage",
- _usedItemAttribute: "usedItem",
- _unusedAttribute: "unused",
- _placeId: null,
- _bookmarkId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // add a bookmark
- this._bookmarkId = addBookmark(this._placeId);
- // Add a used attribute and an unused one.
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_anno_attributes (name) VALUES (:anno)");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedPageAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedItemAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._unusedAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_annos (place_id, anno_attribute_id) VALUES(:place_id, (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno))");
- stmt.params['place_id'] = this._placeId;
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedPageAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_items_annos (item_id, anno_attribute_id) VALUES(:item_id, (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno))");
- stmt.params['item_id'] = this._bookmarkId;
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedItemAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that used attributes are still there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedPageAttribute;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedItemAttribute;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- // Check that unused attribute has been removed
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._unusedAttribute;
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "B.1",
- desc: "Remove annotations with an invalid attribute",
- _usedPageAttribute: "usedPage",
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Add a used attribute.
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_anno_attributes (name) VALUES (:anno)");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedPageAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_annos (place_id, anno_attribute_id) VALUES(:place_id, (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno))");
- stmt.params['place_id'] = this._placeId;
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedPageAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- // Add an annotation with a nonexistent attribute
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_annos (place_id, anno_attribute_id) VALUES(:place_id, 1337)");
- stmt.params['place_id'] = this._placeId;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that used attribute is still there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedPageAttribute;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // check that annotation with valid attribute is still there
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_annos WHERE anno_attribute_id = (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno)");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedPageAttribute;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // Check that annotation with bogus attribute has been removed
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_annos WHERE anno_attribute_id = 1337");
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "B.2",
- desc: "Remove orphan page annotations",
- _usedPageAttribute: "usedPage",
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Add a used attribute.
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_anno_attributes (name) VALUES (:anno)");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedPageAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_annos (place_id, anno_attribute_id) VALUES(:place_id, (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno))");
- stmt.params['place_id'] = this._placeId;
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedPageAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.reset();
- // Add an annotation to a nonexistent page
- stmt.params['place_id'] = 1337;
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedPageAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that used attribute is still there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedPageAttribute;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // check that annotation with valid attribute is still there
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_annos WHERE anno_attribute_id = (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno)");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedPageAttribute;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // Check that an annotation to a nonexistent page has been removed
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_annos WHERE place_id = 1337");
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "C.1",
- desc: "fix missing Places root",
- setup: function() {
- // Sanity check: ensure that roots are intact.
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.placesRoot), 0);
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder), bs.placesRoot);
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.tagsFolder), bs.placesRoot);
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder), bs.placesRoot);
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.toolbarFolder), bs.placesRoot);
- // Remove the root.
- mDBConn.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = 0");
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = 0");
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- },
- check: function() {
- // Ensure the roots have been correctly restored.
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.placesRoot), 0);
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder), bs.placesRoot);
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.tagsFolder), bs.placesRoot);
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder), bs.placesRoot);
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.toolbarFolder), bs.placesRoot);
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "C.2",
- desc: "Fix roots titles",
- setup: function() {
- // Sanity check: ensure that roots titles are correct. We can use our check.
- this.check();
- // Change some roots' titles.
- bs.setItemTitle(bs.placesRoot, "bad title");
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemTitle(bs.placesRoot), "bad title");
- bs.setItemTitle(bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder, "bad title");
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemTitle(bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder), "bad title");
- },
- check: function() {
- // Ensure all roots titles are correct.
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemTitle(bs.placesRoot), "");
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemTitle(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder),
- PlacesUtils.getString("BookmarksMenuFolderTitle"));
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemTitle(bs.tagsFolder),
- PlacesUtils.getString("TagsFolderTitle"));
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemTitle(bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder),
- PlacesUtils.getString("OtherBookmarksFolderTitle"));
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemTitle(bs.toolbarFolder),
- PlacesUtils.getString("BookmarksToolbarFolderTitle"));
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "D.1",
- desc: "Remove items without a valid place",
- _validItemId: null,
- _invalidItemId: null,
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this.placeId = addPlace();
- // Insert a valid bookmark
- this._validItemId = addBookmark(this.placeId);
- // Insert a bookmark with an invalid place
- this._invalidItemId = addBookmark(1337);
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that valid bookmark is still there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = :item_id");
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._validItemId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- // Check that invalid bookmark has been removed
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._invalidItemId;
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "D.2",
- desc: "Remove items that are not uri bookmarks from tag containers",
- _tagId: null,
- _bookmarkId: null,
- _separatorId: null,
- _folderId: null,
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Create a tag
- this._tagId = addBookmark(null, bs.TYPE_FOLDER, bs.tagsFolder);
- // Insert a bookmark in the tag
- this._bookmarkId = addBookmark(this._placeId, bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK, this._tagId);
- // Insert a separator in the tag
- this._separatorId = addBookmark(null, bs.TYPE_SEPARATOR, this._tagId);
- // Insert a folder in the tag
- this._folderId = addBookmark(null, bs.TYPE_FOLDER, this._tagId);
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that valid bookmark is still there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE type = :type AND parent = :parent");
- stmt.params["type"] = bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
- stmt.params["parent"] = this._tagId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- // Check that separator is no more there
- stmt.params["type"] = bs.TYPE_SEPARATOR;
- stmt.params["parent"] = this._tagId;
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- // Check that folder is no more there
- stmt.params["type"] = bs.TYPE_FOLDER;
- stmt.params["parent"] = this._tagId;
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "D.3",
- desc: "Remove empty tags",
- _tagId: null,
- _bookmarkId: null,
- _emptyTagId: null,
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Create a tag
- this._tagId = addBookmark(null, bs.TYPE_FOLDER, bs.tagsFolder);
- // Insert a bookmark in the tag
- this._bookmarkId = addBookmark(this._placeId, bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK, this._tagId);
- // Create another tag (empty)
- this._emptyTagId = addBookmark(null, bs.TYPE_FOLDER, bs.tagsFolder);
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that valid bookmark is still there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = :id AND type = :type AND parent = :parent");
- stmt.params["id"] = this._bookmarkId;
- stmt.params["type"] = bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
- stmt.params["parent"] = this._tagId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["id"] = this._tagId;
- stmt.params["type"] = bs.TYPE_FOLDER;
- stmt.params["parent"] = bs.tagsFolder;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["id"] = this._emptyTagId;
- stmt.params["type"] = bs.TYPE_FOLDER;
- stmt.params["parent"] = bs.tagsFolder;
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "D.4",
- desc: "Move orphan items to unsorted folder",
- _orphanBookmarkId: null,
- _orphanSeparatorId: null,
- _orphanFolderId: null,
- _bookmarkId: null,
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Insert an orphan bookmark
- this._orphanBookmarkId = addBookmark(this._placeId, bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK, 8888);
- // Insert an orphan separator
- this._orphanSeparatorId = addBookmark(null, bs.TYPE_SEPARATOR, 8888);
- // Insert a orphan folder
- this._orphanFolderId = addBookmark(null, bs.TYPE_FOLDER, 8888);
- // Create a child of the last created folder
- this._bookmarkId = addBookmark(this._placeId, bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK, this._orphanFolderId);
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that bookmarks are now children of a real folder (unsorted)
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = :item_id AND parent = :parent");
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._orphanBookmarkId;
- stmt.params["parent"] = bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._orphanSeparatorId;
- stmt.params["parent"] = bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._orphanFolderId;
- stmt.params["parent"] = bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._bookmarkId;
- stmt.params["parent"] = this._orphanFolderId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "D.6",
- desc: "Fix wrong item types | bookmarks",
- _separatorId: null,
- _folderId: null,
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Add a separator with a fk
- this._separatorId = addBookmark(this._placeId, bs.TYPE_SEPARATOR);
- // Add a folder with a fk
- this._folderId = addBookmark(this._placeId, bs.TYPE_FOLDER);
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that items with an fk have been converted to bookmarks
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = :item_id AND type = :type");
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._separatorId;
- stmt.params["type"] = bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._folderId;
- stmt.params["type"] = bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "D.7",
- desc: "Fix wrong item types | bookmarks",
- _validBookmarkId: null,
- _invalidBookmarkId: null,
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Add a bookmark with a valid place id
- this._validBookmarkId = addBookmark(this._placeId, bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK);
- // Add a bookmark with a null place id
- this._invalidBookmarkId = addBookmark(null, bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK);
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check valid bookmark
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = :item_id AND type = :type");
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._validBookmarkId;
- stmt.params["type"] = bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- // Check invalid bookmark has been converted to a folder
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._invalidBookmarkId;
- stmt.params["type"] = bs.TYPE_FOLDER;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "D.9",
- desc: "Fix wrong parents",
- _bookmarkId: null,
- _separatorId: null,
- _bookmarkId1: null,
- _bookmarkId2: null,
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Insert a bookmark
- this._bookmarkId = addBookmark(this._placeId, bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK);
- // Insert a separator
- this._separatorId = addBookmark(null, bs.TYPE_SEPARATOR);
- // Create 3 children of these items
- this._bookmarkId1 = addBookmark(this._placeId, bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK, this._bookmarkId);
- this._bookmarkId2 = addBookmark(this._placeId, bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK, this._separatorId);
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that bookmarks are now children of a real folder (unsorted)
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = :item_id AND parent = :parent");
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._bookmarkId1;
- stmt.params["parent"] = bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._bookmarkId2;
- stmt.params["parent"] = bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "D.10",
- desc: "Recalculate positions",
- _unfiledBookmarks: [],
- _toolbarBookmarks: [],
- setup: function() {
- const NUM_BOOKMARKS = 20;
- bs.runInBatchMode({
- runBatched: function (aUserData) {
- // Add bookmarks to two folders to better perturbate the table.
- for (let i = 0; i < NUM_BOOKMARKS; i++) {
- bs.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- NetUtil.newURI(""),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "testbookmark");
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < NUM_BOOKMARKS; i++) {
- bs.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId,
- NetUtil.newURI(""),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "testbookmark");
- }
- }
- }, null);
- function randomize_positions(aParent, aResultArray) {
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET position = :rand
- WHERE id IN (
- SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = :parent
- )`
- );
- for (let i = 0; i < (NUM_BOOKMARKS / 2); i++) {
- stmt.params["parent"] = aParent;
- stmt.params["rand"] = Math.round(Math.random() * (NUM_BOOKMARKS - 1));
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.reset();
- }
- stmt.finalize();
- // Build the expected ordered list of bookmarks.
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `SELECT id, position
- FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = :parent
- );
- stmt.params["parent"] = aParent;
- while (stmt.executeStep()) {
- aResultArray.push(;
- print( + "\t" + stmt.row.position + "\t" +
- (aResultArray.length - 1));
- }
- stmt.finalize();
- }
- // Set random positions for the added bookmarks.
- randomize_positions(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- this._unfiledBookmarks);
- randomize_positions(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId, this._toolbarBookmarks);
- },
- check: function() {
- function check_order(aParent, aResultArray) {
- // Build the expected ordered list of bookmarks.
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `SELECT id, position FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = :parent
- ORDER BY position ASC`
- );
- stmt.params["parent"] = aParent;
- let pass = true;
- while (stmt.executeStep()) {
- print( + "\t" + stmt.row.position);
- if (aResultArray.indexOf( != stmt.row.position) {
- pass = false;
- }
- }
- stmt.finalize();
- if (!pass) {
- dump_table("moz_bookmarks");
- do_throw("Unexpected unfiled bookmarks order.");
- }
- }
- check_order(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId, this._unfiledBookmarks);
- check_order(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId, this._toolbarBookmarks);
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "D.12",
- desc: "Fix empty-named tags",
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- let placeId = addPlace();
- // Create a empty-named tag.
- this._untitledTagId = addBookmark(null, bs.TYPE_FOLDER, bs.tagsFolder, null, null, "");
- // Insert a bookmark in the tag, otherwise it will be removed.
- addBookmark(placeId, bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK, this._untitledTagId);
- // Create a empty-named folder.
- this._untitledFolderId = addBookmark(null, bs.TYPE_FOLDER, bs.toolbarFolder, null, null, "");
- // Create a titled tag.
- this._titledTagId = addBookmark(null, bs.TYPE_FOLDER, bs.tagsFolder, null, null, "titledTag");
- // Insert a bookmark in the tag, otherwise it will be removed.
- addBookmark(placeId, bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK, this._titledTagId);
- // Create a titled folder.
- this._titledFolderId = addBookmark(null, bs.TYPE_FOLDER, bs.toolbarFolder, null, null, "titledFolder");
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that valid bookmark is still there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- "SELECT title FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = :id"
- );
- stmt.params["id"] = this._untitledTagId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- do_check_eq(stmt.row.title, "(notitle)");
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["id"] = this._untitledFolderId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- do_check_eq(stmt.row.title, "");
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["id"] = this._titledTagId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- do_check_eq(stmt.row.title, "titledTag");
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["id"] = this._titledFolderId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- do_check_eq(stmt.row.title, "titledFolder");
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "E.1",
- desc: "Remove orphan icons",
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Insert favicon entries
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_favicons (id, url) VALUES(:favicon_id, :url)");
- stmt.params["favicon_id"] = 1;
- stmt.params["url"] = "";
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["favicon_id"] = 2;
- stmt.params["url"] = "";
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- // Insert a place using the existing favicon entry
- this._placeId = addPlace("", 1);
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that used icon is still there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_favicons WHERE id = :favicon_id");
- stmt.params["favicon_id"] = 1;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- // Check that unused icon has been removed
- stmt.params["favicon_id"] = 2;
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "F.1",
- desc: "Remove orphan visits",
- _placeId: null,
- _invalidPlaceId: 1337,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Add a valid visit and an invalid one
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_historyvisits(place_id) VALUES (:place_id)");
- stmt.params["place_id"] = this._placeId;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["place_id"] = this._invalidPlaceId;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that valid visit is still there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_historyvisits WHERE place_id = :place_id");
- stmt.params["place_id"] = this._placeId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- // Check that invalid visit has been removed
- stmt.params["place_id"] = this._invalidPlaceId;
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "G.1",
- desc: "Remove orphan input history",
- _placeId: null,
- _invalidPlaceId: 1337,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Add input history entries
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_inputhistory (place_id, input) VALUES (:place_id, :input)");
- stmt.params["place_id"] = this._placeId;
- stmt.params["input"] = "moz";
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["place_id"] = this._invalidPlaceId;
- stmt.params["input"] = "moz";
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that inputhistory on valid place is still there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT place_id FROM moz_inputhistory WHERE place_id = :place_id");
- stmt.params["place_id"] = this._placeId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- // Check that inputhistory on invalid place has gone
- stmt.params["place_id"] = this._invalidPlaceId;
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "H.1",
- desc: "Remove item annos with an invalid attribute",
- _usedItemAttribute: "usedItem",
- _bookmarkId: null,
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Insert a bookmark
- this._bookmarkId = addBookmark(this._placeId);
- // Add a used attribute.
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_anno_attributes (name) VALUES (:anno)");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedItemAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_items_annos (item_id, anno_attribute_id) VALUES(:item_id, (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno))");
- stmt.params['item_id'] = this._bookmarkId;
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedItemAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- // Add an annotation with a nonexistent attribute
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_items_annos (item_id, anno_attribute_id) VALUES(:item_id, 1337)");
- stmt.params['item_id'] = this._bookmarkId;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that used attribute is still there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedItemAttribute;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // check that annotation with valid attribute is still there
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_items_annos WHERE anno_attribute_id = (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno)");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedItemAttribute;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // Check that annotation with bogus attribute has been removed
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_items_annos WHERE anno_attribute_id = 1337");
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "H.2",
- desc: "Remove orphan item annotations",
- _usedItemAttribute: "usedItem",
- _bookmarkId: null,
- _invalidBookmarkId: 8888,
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Add a place to ensure place_id = 1 is valid
- this._placeId = addPlace();
- // Insert a bookmark
- this._bookmarkId = addBookmark(this._placeId);
- // Add a used attribute.
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_anno_attributes (name) VALUES (:anno)");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedItemAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_items_annos (item_id, anno_attribute_id) VALUES (:item_id, (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno))");
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._bookmarkId;
- stmt.params["anno"] = this._usedItemAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.reset();
- // Add an annotation to a nonexistent item
- stmt.params["item_id"] = this._invalidBookmarkId;
- stmt.params["anno"] = this._usedItemAttribute;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that used attribute is still there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedItemAttribute;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // check that annotation with valid attribute is still there
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_items_annos WHERE anno_attribute_id = (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :anno)");
- stmt.params['anno'] = this._usedItemAttribute;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // Check that an annotation to a nonexistent page has been removed
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_items_annos WHERE item_id = 8888");
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "I.1",
- desc: "Remove unused keywords",
- _bookmarkId: null,
- _placeId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Insert 2 keywords
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_keywords (id, keyword, place_id) VALUES(:id, :keyword, :place_id)");
- stmt.params["id"] = 1;
- stmt.params["keyword"] = "unused";
- stmt.params["place_id"] = 100;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that "used" keyword is still there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_keywords WHERE keyword = :keyword");
- // Check that "unused" keyword has gone
- stmt.params["keyword"] = "unused";
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "L.1",
- desc: "Fix wrong favicon ids",
- _validIconPlaceId: null,
- _invalidIconPlaceId: null,
- setup: function() {
- // Insert a favicon entry
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO moz_favicons (id, url) VALUES(1, :url)");
- stmt.params["url"] = "";
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- // Insert a place using the existing favicon entry
- this._validIconPlaceId = addPlace("", 1);
- // Insert a place using a nonexistent favicon entry
- this._invalidIconPlaceId = addPlace("", 1337);
- },
- check: function() {
- // Check that bogus favicon is not there
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE favicon_id = :favicon_id");
- stmt.params["favicon_id"] = 1337;
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- // Check that valid favicon is still there
- stmt.params["favicon_id"] = 1;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- // Check that place entries are there
- stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE id = :place_id");
- stmt.params["place_id"] = this._validIconPlaceId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.params["place_id"] = this._invalidIconPlaceId;
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "L.2",
- desc: "Recalculate visit_count and last_visit_date",
- setup: function* () {
- function setVisitCount(aURL, aValue) {
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `UPDATE moz_places SET visit_count = :count WHERE url_hash = hash(:url)
- AND url = :url`
- );
- stmt.params.count = aValue;
- stmt.params.url = aURL;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- }
- function setLastVisitDate(aURL, aValue) {
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `UPDATE moz_places SET last_visit_date = :date WHERE url_hash = hash(:url)
- AND url = :url`
- );
- = aValue;
- stmt.params.url = aURL;
- stmt.execute();
- stmt.finalize();
- }
- let now = * 1000;
- // Add a page with 1 visit.
- let url = "";
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: uri(url), visitDate: now++ });
- // Add a page with 1 visit and set wrong visit_count.
- url = "";
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: uri(url), visitDate: now++ });
- setVisitCount(url, 10);
- // Add a page with 1 visit and set wrong last_visit_date.
- url = "";
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: uri(url), visitDate: now++ });
- setLastVisitDate(url, now++);
- // Add a page with 1 visit and set wrong stats.
- url = "";
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: uri(url), visitDate: now++ });
- setVisitCount(url, 10);
- setLastVisitDate(url, now++);
- // Add a page without visits.
- url = "";
- addPlace(url);
- // Add a page without visits and set wrong visit_count.
- url = "";
- addPlace(url);
- setVisitCount(url, 10);
- // Add a page without visits and set wrong last_visit_date.
- url = "";
- addPlace(url);
- setLastVisitDate(url, now++);
- // Add a page without visits and set wrong stats.
- url = "";
- addPlace(url);
- setVisitCount(url, 10);
- setLastVisitDate(url, now++);
- },
- check: function() {
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement(
- `SELECT FROM moz_places h
- JOIN moz_historyvisits v ON v.place_id = AND visit_type NOT IN (0,4,7,8,9)
- GROUP BY HAVING h.visit_count <> count(*)
- SELECT FROM moz_places h
- JOIN moz_historyvisits v ON v.place_id =
- GROUP BY HAVING h.last_visit_date <> MAX(v.visit_date)`
- );
- do_check_false(stmt.executeStep());
- stmt.finalize();
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "L.3",
- desc: "recalculate hidden for redirects.",
- *setup() {
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([
- { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_TYPED },
- { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""),
- transition: TRANSITION_TYPED },
- { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""),
- referrer: NetUtil.newURI("") },
- { uri: NetUtil.newURI(""),
- referrer: NetUtil.newURI("") },
- ]);
- },
- check: function () {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- let stmt = mDBConn.createAsyncStatement(
- "SELECT h.url FROM moz_places h WHERE h.hidden = 1"
- );
- stmt.executeAsync({
- _count: 0,
- handleResult: function(aResultSet) {
- for (let row; (row = aResultSet.getNextRow());) {
- let url = row.getResultByIndex(0);
- do_check_true(/redirecting/.test(url));
- this._count++;
- }
- },
- handleError: function(aError) {
- },
- handleCompletion: function(aReason) {
- dump_table("moz_places");
- dump_table("moz_historyvisits");
- do_check_eq(aReason, Ci.mozIStorageStatementCallback.REASON_FINISHED);
- do_check_eq(this._count, 2);
- resolve();
- }
- });
- stmt.finalize();
- });
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "L.4",
- desc: "recalculate foreign_count.",
- *setup() {
- this._pageGuid = (yield PlacesUtils.history.insert({ url: "",
- visits: [{ date: new Date() }] })).guid;
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ url: "",
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid});
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: "", keyword: "kw" });
- Assert.equal((yield this._getForeignCount()), 2);
- },
- *_getForeignCount() {
- let db = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
- let rows = yield db.execute(`SELECT foreign_count FROM moz_places
- WHERE guid = :guid`, { guid: this._pageGuid });
- return rows[0].getResultByName("foreign_count");
- },
- *check() {
- Assert.equal((yield this._getForeignCount()), 2);
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "L.5",
- desc: "recalculate hashes when missing.",
- *setup() {
- this._pageGuid = (yield PlacesUtils.history.insert({ url: "",
- visits: [{ date: new Date() }] })).guid;
- Assert.ok((yield this._getHash()) > 0);
- yield PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("change url hash", Task.async(function* (db) {
- yield db.execute(`UPDATE moz_places SET url_hash = 0`);
- }));
- Assert.equal((yield this._getHash()), 0);
- },
- *_getHash() {
- let db = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
- let rows = yield db.execute(`SELECT url_hash FROM moz_places
- WHERE guid = :guid`, { guid: this._pageGuid });
- return rows[0].getResultByName("url_hash");
- },
- *check() {
- Assert.ok((yield this._getHash()) > 0);
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: "Z",
- desc: "Sanity: Preventive maintenance does not touch valid items",
- _uri1: uri(""),
- _uri2: uri(""),
- _folderId: null,
- _bookmarkId: null,
- _separatorId: null,
- setup: function* () {
- // use valid api calls to create a bunch of items
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([
- { uri: this._uri1 },
- { uri: this._uri2 },
- ]);
- this._folderId = bs.createFolder(bs.toolbarFolder, "testfolder",
- do_check_true(this._folderId > 0);
- this._bookmarkId = bs.insertBookmark(this._folderId, this._uri1,
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "testbookmark");
- do_check_true(this._bookmarkId > 0);
- this._separatorId = bs.insertSeparator(bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder,
- do_check_true(this._separatorId > 0);
- ts.tagURI(this._uri1, ["testtag"]);
- fs.setAndFetchFaviconForPage(this._uri2, SMALLPNG_DATA_URI, false,
- PlacesUtils.favicons.FAVICON_LOAD_NON_PRIVATE,
- null,
- Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal());
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: this._uri1.spec, keyword: "testkeyword" });
- as.setPageAnnotation(this._uri2, "anno", "anno", 0, as.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- as.setItemAnnotation(this._bookmarkId, "anno", "anno", 0, as.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- },
- check: Task.async(function* () {
- // Check that all items are correct
- let isVisited = yield promiseIsURIVisited(this._uri1);
- do_check_true(isVisited);
- isVisited = yield promiseIsURIVisited(this._uri2);
- do_check_true(isVisited);
- do_check_eq(bs.getBookmarkURI(this._bookmarkId).spec, this._uri1.spec);
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemIndex(this._folderId), 0);
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemType(this._folderId), bs.TYPE_FOLDER);
- do_check_eq(bs.getItemType(this._separatorId), bs.TYPE_SEPARATOR);
- do_check_eq(ts.getTagsForURI(this._uri1).length, 1);
- do_check_eq((yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: this._uri1.spec })).keyword, "testkeyword");
- do_check_eq(as.getPageAnnotation(this._uri2, "anno"), "anno");
- do_check_eq(as.getItemAnnotation(this._bookmarkId, "anno"), "anno");
- yield new Promise(resolve => {
- fs.getFaviconURLForPage(this._uri2, aFaviconURI => {
- do_check_true(aFaviconURI.equals(SMALLPNG_DATA_URI));
- resolve();
- });
- });
- })
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-add_task(function* test_preventive_maintenance()
- // Get current bookmarks max ID for cleanup
- let stmt = mDBConn.createStatement("SELECT MAX(id) FROM moz_bookmarks");
- stmt.executeStep();
- defaultBookmarksMaxId = stmt.getInt32(0);
- stmt.finalize();
- do_check_true(defaultBookmarksMaxId > 0);
- for (let test of tests) {
- dump("\nExecuting test: " + + "\n" + "*** " + test.desc + "\n");
- yield test.setup();
- let promiseMaintenanceFinished =
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("places.database.lastMaintenance");
- let callbackInvoked = false;
- PlacesDBUtils.maintenanceOnIdle(() => callbackInvoked = true);
- yield promiseMaintenanceFinished;
- do_check_true(callbackInvoked);
- // Check the lastMaintenance time has been saved.
- do_check_neq(Services.prefs.getIntPref("places.database.lastMaintenance"), null);
- yield test.check();
- cleanDatabase();
- }
- // Sanity check: all roots should be intact
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.placesRoot), 0);
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder), bs.placesRoot);
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.tagsFolder), bs.placesRoot);
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder), bs.placesRoot);
- do_check_eq(bs.getFolderIdForItem(bs.toolbarFolder), bs.placesRoot);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_preventive_maintenance_checkAndFixDatabase.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_preventive_maintenance_checkAndFixDatabase.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a8acb4be0..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_preventive_maintenance_checkAndFixDatabase.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- /**
- * Test preventive maintenance checkAndFixDatabase.
- */
-// Include PlacesDBUtils module.
-function run_test() {
- do_test_pending();
- PlacesDBUtils.checkAndFixDatabase(function(aLog) {
- let sections = [];
- let positives = [];
- let negatives = [];
- let infos = [];
- aLog.forEach(function (aMsg) {
- print (aMsg);
- switch (aMsg.substr(0, 1)) {
- case "+":
- positives.push(aMsg);
- break;
- case "-":
- negatives.push(aMsg);
- break;
- case ">":
- sections.push(aMsg);
- break;
- default:
- infos.push(aMsg);
- }
- });
- print("Check that we have run all sections.");
- do_check_eq(sections.length, 5);
- print("Check that we have no negatives.");
- do_check_false(!!negatives.length);
- print("Check that we have positives.");
- do_check_true(!!positives.length);
- print("Check that we have info.");
- do_check_true(!!infos.length);
- do_test_finished();
- });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_preventive_maintenance_runTasks.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_preventive_maintenance_runTasks.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ebe308f03..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_preventive_maintenance_runTasks.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
- /**
- * Test preventive maintenance runTasks.
- */
-// Include PlacesDBUtils module.
-function run_test() {
- do_test_pending();
- PlacesDBUtils.runTasks([PlacesDBUtils.reindex], function(aLog) {
- let sections = [];
- let positives = [];
- let negatives = [];
- let infos = [];
- aLog.forEach(function (aMsg) {
- print (aMsg);
- switch (aMsg.substr(0, 1)) {
- case "+":
- positives.push(aMsg);
- break;
- case "-":
- negatives.push(aMsg);
- break;
- case ">":
- sections.push(aMsg);
- break;
- default:
- infos.push(aMsg);
- }
- });
- print("Check that we have run all sections.");
- do_check_eq(sections.length, 1);
- print("Check that we have no negatives.");
- do_check_false(!!negatives.length);
- print("Check that we have positives.");
- do_check_true(!!positives.length);
- do_test_finished();
- });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_promiseBookmarksTree.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_promiseBookmarksTree.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0719a0cd4..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_promiseBookmarksTree.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function* check_has_child(aParentGuid, aChildGuid) {
- let parentTree = yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(aParentGuid);
- do_check_true("children" in parentTree);
- do_check_true(parentTree.children.find( e => e.guid == aChildGuid ) != null);
-function* compareToNode(aItem, aNode, aIsRootItem, aExcludedGuids = []) {
- // itemId==-1 indicates a non-bookmark node, which is unexpected.
- do_check_neq(aNode.itemId, -1);
- function check_unset(...aProps) {
- aProps.forEach( p => { do_check_false(p in aItem); } );
- }
- function strict_eq_check(v1, v2) {
- dump("v1: " + v1 + " v2: " + v2 + "\n");
- do_check_eq(typeof v1, typeof v2);
- do_check_eq(v1, v2);
- }
- function compare_prop(aItemProp, aNodeProp = aItemProp, aOptional = false) {
- if (aOptional && aNode[aNodeProp] === null)
- check_unset(aItemProp);
- else
- strict_eq_check(aItem[aItemProp], aNode[aNodeProp]);
- }
- function compare_prop_to_value(aItemProp, aValue, aOptional = true) {
- if (aOptional && aValue === null)
- check_unset(aItemProp);
- else
- strict_eq_check(aItem[aItemProp], aValue);
- }
- // Bug 1013053 - bookmarkIndex is unavailable for the query's root
- if (aNode.bookmarkIndex == -1) {
- compare_prop_to_value("index",
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemIndex(aNode.itemId),
- false);
- }
- else {
- compare_prop("index", "bookmarkIndex");
- }
- compare_prop("dateAdded");
- compare_prop("lastModified");
- if (aIsRootItem && aNode.itemId != PlacesUtils.placesRootId) {
- do_check_true("parentGuid" in aItem);
- yield check_has_child(aItem.parentGuid, aItem.guid)
- }
- else {
- check_unset("parentGuid");
- }
- let expectedAnnos = PlacesUtils.getAnnotationsForItem(;
- if (expectedAnnos.length > 0) {
- let annosToString = annos => {
- return => + ":" + a.value).sort().join(",");
- };
- do_check_true(Array.isArray(aItem.annos))
- do_check_eq(annosToString(aItem.annos), annosToString(expectedAnnos));
- }
- else {
- check_unset("annos");
- }
- const BOOKMARK_ONLY_PROPS = ["uri", "iconuri", "tags", "charset", "keyword"];
- const FOLDER_ONLY_PROPS = ["children", "root"];
- let nodesCount = 1;
- switch (aNode.type) {
- case Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER:
- do_check_eq(aItem.type, PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE_CONTAINER);
- compare_prop("title", "title", true);
- check_unset(...BOOKMARK_ONLY_PROPS);
- let expectedChildrenNodes = [];
- PlacesUtils.asContainer(aNode);
- if (!aNode.containerOpen)
- aNode.containerOpen = true;
- for (let i = 0; i < aNode.childCount; i++) {
- let childNode = aNode.getChild(i);
- if (childNode.itemId == PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId ||
- aExcludedGuids.includes(childNode.bookmarkGuid)) {
- continue;
- }
- expectedChildrenNodes.push(childNode);
- }
- if (expectedChildrenNodes.length > 0) {
- do_check_true(Array.isArray(aItem.children));
- do_check_eq(aItem.children.length, expectedChildrenNodes.length);
- for (let i = 0; i < aItem.children.length; i++) {
- nodesCount +=
- yield compareToNode(aItem.children[i], expectedChildrenNodes[i],
- false, aExcludedGuids);
- }
- }
- else {
- check_unset("children");
- }
- switch ( {
- case PlacesUtils.placesRootId:
- compare_prop_to_value("root", "placesRoot");
- break;
- case PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId:
- compare_prop_to_value("root", "bookmarksMenuFolder");
- break;
- case PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId:
- compare_prop_to_value("root", "toolbarFolder");
- break;
- case PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId:
- compare_prop_to_value("root", "unfiledBookmarksFolder");
- break;
- case PlacesUtils.mobileFolderId:
- compare_prop_to_value("root", "mobileFolder");
- break;
- default:
- check_unset("root");
- }
- break;
- case Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_SEPARATOR:
- do_check_eq(aItem.type, PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE_SEPARATOR);
- break;
- default:
- do_check_eq(aItem.type, PlacesUtils.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE);
- compare_prop("uri");
- // node.tags's format is "a, b" whilst promiseBoookmarksTree is "a,b"
- if (aNode.tags === null)
- check_unset("tags");
- else
- compare_prop_to_value("tags", aNode.tags.replace(/, /g, ","), false);
- if (aNode.icon) {
- let nodeIconData = aNode.icon.replace("moz-anno:favicon:", "");
- compare_prop_to_value("iconuri", nodeIconData);
- }
- else {
- check_unset(aItem.iconuri);
- }
- check_unset(...FOLDER_ONLY_PROPS);
- let itemURI = uri(aNode.uri);
- compare_prop_to_value("charset",
- yield PlacesUtils.getCharsetForURI(itemURI));
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: aNode.uri });
- compare_prop_to_value("keyword", entry ? entry.keyword : null);
- if ("title" in aItem)
- compare_prop("title");
- else
- do_check_null(aNode.title);
- }
- if (aIsRootItem)
- do_check_eq(aItem.itemsCount, nodesCount);
- return nodesCount;
-var itemsCount = 0;
-function* new_bookmark(aInfo) {
- ++itemsCount;
- if (!("url" in aInfo))
- aInfo.url = uri("http://test.item." + itemsCount);
- if (!("title" in aInfo))
- aInfo.title = "Test Item (bookmark) " + itemsCount;
- yield PlacesTransactions.NewBookmark(aInfo).transact();
-function* new_folder(aInfo) {
- if (!("title" in aInfo))
- aInfo.title = "Test Item (folder) " + itemsCount;
- return yield PlacesTransactions.NewFolder(aInfo).transact();
-// Walks a result nodes tree and test promiseBookmarksTree for each node.
-// DO NOT COPY THIS LOGIC: It is done here to accomplish a more comprehensive
-// test of the API (the entire hierarchy data is available in the very test).
-function* test_promiseBookmarksTreeForEachNode(aNode, aOptions, aExcludedGuids) {
- do_check_true(aNode.bookmarkGuid && aNode.bookmarkGuid.length > 0);
- let item = yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(aNode.bookmarkGuid, aOptions);
- yield* compareToNode(item, aNode, true, aExcludedGuids);
- for (let i = 0; i < aNode.childCount; i++) {
- let child = aNode.getChild(i);
- if (child.itemId != PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId)
- yield test_promiseBookmarksTreeForEachNode(child,
- { includeItemIds: true },
- aExcludedGuids);
- }
- return item;
-function* test_promiseBookmarksTreeAgainstResult(aItemGuid = "",
- aOptions = { includeItemIds: true },
- aExcludedGuids) {
- let itemId = aItemGuid ?
- yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(aItemGuid) : PlacesUtils.placesRootId;
- let node = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(itemId).root;
- return yield test_promiseBookmarksTreeForEachNode(node, aOptions, aExcludedGuids);
-add_task(function* () {
- // Add some bookmarks to cover various use cases.
- yield new_bookmark({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid });
- yield new_folder({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- annotations: [{ name: "TestAnnoA", value: "TestVal" },
- { name: "TestAnnoB", value: 0 }]});
- let sepInfo = { parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid };
- yield PlacesTransactions.NewSeparator(sepInfo).transact();
- let folderGuid = yield new_folder({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid });
- yield new_bookmark({ title: null,
- parentGuid: folderGuid,
- keyword: "test_keyword",
- tags: ["TestTagA", "TestTagB"],
- annotations: [{ name: "TestAnnoA", value: "TestVal2"}]});
- let urlWithCharsetAndFavicon = uri("http://charset.and.favicon");
- yield new_bookmark({ parentGuid: folderGuid, url: urlWithCharsetAndFavicon });
- yield PlacesUtils.setCharsetForURI(urlWithCharsetAndFavicon, "UTF-8");
- yield promiseSetIconForPage(urlWithCharsetAndFavicon, SMALLPNG_DATA_URI);
- // Test the default places root without specifying it.
- yield test_promiseBookmarksTreeAgainstResult();
- // Do specify it
- yield test_promiseBookmarksTreeAgainstResult(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid);
- // Exclude the bookmarks menu.
- // The calllback should be four times - once for the toolbar, once for
- // the bookmark we inserted under, and once for the menu (and not
- // at all for any of its descendants) and once for the unsorted bookmarks
- // folder. However, promiseBookmarksTree is called multiple times, so
- // rather than counting the calls, we count the number of unique items
- // passed in.
- let guidsPassedToExcludeCallback = new Set();
- let placesRootWithoutTheMenu =
- yield test_promiseBookmarksTreeAgainstResult(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, {
- excludeItemsCallback: aItem => {
- guidsPassedToExcludeCallback.add(aItem.guid);
- return aItem.root == "bookmarksMenuFolder";
- },
- includeItemIds: true
- }, [PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid]);
- do_check_eq(guidsPassedToExcludeCallback.size, 5);
- do_check_eq(placesRootWithoutTheMenu.children.length, 3);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_resolveNullBookmarkTitles.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_resolveNullBookmarkTitles.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 01fb3eef9..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_resolveNullBookmarkTitles.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_resolveNullBookmarkTitles() {
- let uri1 = uri("http://foo.tld/");
- let uri2 = uri("https://bar.tld/");
- PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([
- { uri: uri1, title: "foo title" },
- { uri: uri2, title: "bar title" }
- ]).then(function () {
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId,
- uri1,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- null);
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId,
- uri2,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- null);
- PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(uri1, ["tag 1"]);
- PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(uri2, ["tag 2"]);
- let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.queryType = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS;
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_TAG_CONTENTS;
- let query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- // if we don't set a tag folder, RESULTS_AS_TAG_CONTENTS will return all
- // tagged URIs
- let root = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 2);
- // actually RESULTS_AS_TAG_CONTENTS return results ordered by place_id DESC
- // so they are reversed
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).title, "bar title");
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).title, "foo title");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- run_next_test();
- });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_result_sort.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_result_sort.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 35405ac50..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_result_sort.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const NHQO = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions;
- * Waits for onItemVisited notifications to be received.
- */
-function promiseOnItemVisited() {
- let defer = Promise.defer();
- let bookmarksObserver = {
- __proto__: NavBookmarkObserver.prototype,
- onItemVisited: function BO_onItemVisited() {
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeObserver(this);
- // Enqueue to be sure that all onItemVisited notifications ran.
- do_execute_soon(defer.resolve);
- }
- };
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.addObserver(bookmarksObserver, false);
- return defer.promise;
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* test() {
- let testFolder = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.createFolder(
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.placesRoot,
- "Result-sort functionality tests root",
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- let uri1 = NetUtil.newURI("http://foo.tld/a");
- let uri2 = NetUtil.newURI("http://foo.tld/b");
- let id1 = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
- testFolder, uri1, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "b");
- let id2 = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
- testFolder, uri2, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "a");
- // url of id1, title of id2
- let id3 = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
- testFolder, uri1, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "a");
- // query with natural order
- let result = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(testFolder);
- let root = result.root;
- do_check_eq(root.childCount, 3);
- function checkOrder(a, b, c) {
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).itemId, a);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).itemId, b);
- do_check_eq(root.getChild(2).itemId, c);
- }
- // natural order
- do_print("Natural order");
- checkOrder(id1, id2, id3);
- // title: id3 should precede id2 since we fall-back to URI-based sorting
- do_print("Sort by title asc");
- result.sortingMode = NHQO.SORT_BY_TITLE_ASCENDING;
- checkOrder(id3, id2, id1);
- // In reverse
- do_print("Sort by title desc");
- result.sortingMode = NHQO.SORT_BY_TITLE_DESCENDING;
- checkOrder(id1, id2, id3);
- // uri sort: id1 should precede id3 since we fall-back to natural order
- do_print("Sort by uri asc");
- result.sortingMode = NHQO.SORT_BY_URI_ASCENDING;
- checkOrder(id1, id3, id2);
- // test live update
- do_print("Change bookmark uri liveupdate");
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.changeBookmarkURI(id1, uri2);
- checkOrder(id3, id1, id2);
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.changeBookmarkURI(id1, uri1);
- checkOrder(id1, id3, id2);
- // keyword sort
- do_print("Sort by keyword asc");
- result.sortingMode = NHQO.SORT_BY_KEYWORD_ASCENDING;
- checkOrder(id3, id2, id1); // no keywords set - falling back to title sort
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: uri1.spec, keyword: "a" });
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: uri2.spec, keyword: "z" });
- checkOrder(id3, id1, id2);
- // XXXtodo: test history sortings (visit count, visit date)
- // XXXtodo: test different item types once folderId and bookmarkId are merged.
- // XXXtodo: test sortingAnnotation functionality with non-bookmark nodes
- do_print("Sort by annotation desc");
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setItemAnnotation(id1, "testAnno", "a", 0, 0);
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setItemAnnotation(id3, "testAnno", "b", 0, 0);
- result.sortingAnnotation = "testAnno";
- // id1 precedes id2 per title-descending fallback
- checkOrder(id3, id1, id2);
- // XXXtodo: test dateAdded sort
- // XXXtodo: test lastModified sort
- // test live update
- do_print("Annotation liveupdate");
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setItemAnnotation(id1, "testAnno", "c", 0, 0);
- checkOrder(id1, id3, id2);
- // Add a visit, then check frecency ordering.
- // When the bookmarks service gets onVisit, it asynchronously fetches all
- // items for that visit, and then notifies onItemVisited. Thus we must
- // explicitly wait for that.
- let waitForVisited = promiseOnItemVisited();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: uri2, transition: TRANSITION_TYPED });
- yield waitForVisited;
- do_print("Sort by frecency desc");
- for (let i = 0; i < root.childCount; ++i) {
- print(root.getChild(i).uri + " " + root.getChild(i).title);
- }
- // For id1 and id3, since they have same frecency and no visits, fallback
- // to sort by the newest bookmark.
- checkOrder(id2, id3, id1);
- do_print("Sort by frecency asc");
- for (let i = 0; i < root.childCount; ++i) {
- print(root.getChild(i).uri + " " + root.getChild(i).title);
- }
- checkOrder(id1, id3, id2);
- root.containerOpen = false;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_resultsAsVisit_details.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_resultsAsVisit_details.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e71ffd0d..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_resultsAsVisit_details.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-const {bookmarks, history} = PlacesUtils
-add_task(function* test_addVisitCheckFields() {
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI("");
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([
- { uri },
- { uri, referrer: uri },
- { uri, transition: history.TRANSITION_TYPED },
- ]);
- let options = history.getNewQueryOptions();
- let query = history.getNewQuery();
- query.uri = uri;
- // Check RESULTS_AS_VISIT node.
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_VISIT;
- let root = history.executeQuery(query, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- equal(root.childCount, 3);
- let child = root.getChild(0);
- equal(child.visitType, history.TRANSITION_LINK, "Visit type should be TRANSITION_LINK");
- equal(child.visitId, 1, "Visit ID should be 1");
- equal(child.fromVisitId, -1, "Should have no referrer visit ID");
- child = root.getChild(1);
- equal(child.visitType, history.TRANSITION_LINK, "Visit type should be TRANSITION_LINK");
- equal(child.visitId, 2, "Visit ID should be 2");
- equal(child.fromVisitId, 1, "First visit should be the referring visit");
- child = root.getChild(2);
- equal(child.visitType, history.TRANSITION_TYPED, "Visit type should be TRANSITION_TYPED");
- equal(child.visitId, 3, "Visit ID should be 3");
- equal(child.fromVisitId, -1, "Should have no referrer visit ID");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- // Check RESULTS_AS_URI node.
- options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_URI;
- root = history.executeQuery(query, options).root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- equal(root.childCount, 1);
- child = root.getChild(0);
- equal(child.visitType, 0, "Visit type should be 0");
- equal(child.visitId, -1, "Visit ID should be -1");
- equal(child.fromVisitId, -1, "Referrer visit id should be -1");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
-add_task(function* test_bookmarkFields() {
- let folder = bookmarks.createFolder(bookmarks.placesRoot, "test folder", bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- bookmarks.insertBookmark(folder, uri(""),
- bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, "test4 title");
- let root = PlacesUtils.getFolderContents(folder).root;
- equal(root.childCount, 1);
- equal(root.visitType, 0, "Visit type should be 0");
- equal(root.visitId, -1, "Visit ID should be -1");
- equal(root.fromVisitId, -1, "Referrer visit id should be -1");
- let child = root.getChild(0);
- equal(child.visitType, 0, "Visit type should be 0");
- equal(child.visitId, -1, "Visit ID should be -1");
- equal(child.fromVisitId, -1, "Referrer visit id should be -1");
- root.containerOpen = false;
- yield bookmarks.eraseEverything();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_sql_guid_functions.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_sql_guid_functions.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 41e6bab9e..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_sql_guid_functions.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
- * This file tests that the guid function generates a guid of the proper length,
- * with no invalid characters.
- */
- * Checks all our invariants about our guids for a given result.
- *
- * @param aGuid
- * The guid to check.
- */
-function check_invariants(aGuid)
- do_print("Checking guid '" + aGuid + "'");
- do_check_valid_places_guid(aGuid);
-// Test Functions
-function test_guid_invariants()
- const kExpectedChars = 64;
- const kAllowedChars =
- "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_"
- do_check_eq(kAllowedChars.length, kExpectedChars);
- const kGuidLength = 12;
- let checkedChars = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < kGuidLength; i++) {
- checkedChars[i] = {};
- for (let j = 0; j < kAllowedChars; j++) {
- checkedChars[i][kAllowedChars[j]] = false;
- }
- }
- // We run this until we've seen every character that we expect to see in every
- // position.
- let seenChars = 0;
- let stmt = DBConn().createStatement("SELECT GENERATE_GUID()");
- while (seenChars != (kExpectedChars * kGuidLength)) {
- do_check_true(stmt.executeStep());
- let guid = stmt.getString(0);
- check_invariants(guid);
- for (let i = 0; i < guid.length; i++) {
- let character = guid[i];
- if (!checkedChars[i][character]) {
- checkedChars[i][character] = true;
- seenChars++;
- }
- }
- stmt.reset();
- }
- stmt.finalize();
- // One last reality check - make sure all of our characters were seen.
- for (let i = 0; i < kGuidLength; i++) {
- for (let j = 0; j < kAllowedChars; j++) {
- do_check_true(checkedChars[i][kAllowedChars[j]]);
- }
- }
- run_next_test();
-function test_guid_on_background()
- // We should not assert if we execute this asynchronously.
- let stmt = DBConn().createAsyncStatement("SELECT GENERATE_GUID()");
- let checked = false;
- stmt.executeAsync({
- handleResult: function(aResult) {
- try {
- let row = aResult.getNextRow();
- check_invariants(row.getResultByIndex(0));
- do_check_eq(aResult.getNextRow(), null);
- checked = true;
- }
- catch (e) {
- do_throw(e);
- }
- },
- handleCompletion: function(aReason) {
- do_check_eq(aReason, Ci.mozIStorageStatementCallback.REASON_FINISHED);
- do_check_true(checked);
- run_next_test();
- }
- });
- stmt.finalize();
-// Test Runner
- test_guid_invariants,
- test_guid_on_background,
-function run_test()
- run_next_test();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_svg_favicon.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_svg_favicon.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cec40ddef..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_svg_favicon.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-const PAGEURI = NetUtil.newURI("");
-add_task(function* () {
- // First, add a history entry or else Places can't save a favicon.
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({
- uri: PAGEURI,
- transition: TRANSITION_LINK,
- visitDate: * 1000
- });
- yield new Promise(resolve => {
- function onSetComplete(aURI, aDataLen, aData, aMimeType) {
- equal(aURI.spec, SMALLSVG_DATA_URI.spec, "setFavicon aURI check");
- equal(aDataLen, 263, "setFavicon aDataLen check");
- equal(aMimeType, "image/svg+xml", "setFavicon aMimeType check");
- resolve();
- }
- PlacesUtils.favicons.setAndFetchFaviconForPage(PAGEURI, SMALLSVG_DATA_URI,
- false,
- PlacesUtils.favicons.FAVICON_LOAD_NON_PRIVATE,
- onSetComplete,
- Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal());
- });
- let data = yield PlacesUtils.promiseFaviconData(PAGEURI.spec);
- equal(data.uri.spec, SMALLSVG_DATA_URI.spec, "getFavicon aURI check");
- equal(data.dataLen, 263, "getFavicon aDataLen check");
- equal(data.mimeType, "image/svg+xml", "getFavicon aMimeType check");
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_sync_utils.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_sync_utils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f8c7e6b58..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_sync_utils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1150 +0,0 @@
-Cu.importGlobalProperties(["crypto", "URLSearchParams"]);
-const DESCRIPTION_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/description";
-const LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO = "bookmarkProperties/loadInSidebar";
-const SYNC_PARENT_ANNO = "sync/parent";
-function makeGuid() {
- return ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(9)), {
- pad: false,
- });
-function makeLivemarkServer() {
- let server = new HttpServer();
- server.registerPrefixHandler("/feed/", do_get_file("./livemark.xml"));
- server.start(-1);
- return {
- server,
- get site() {
- let { identity } = server;
- let host = identity.primaryHost.includes(":") ?
- `[${identity.primaryHost}]` : identity.primaryHost;
- return `${identity.primaryScheme}://${host}:${identity.primaryPort}`;
- },
- stopServer() {
- return new Promise(resolve => server.stop(resolve));
- },
- };
-function shuffle(array) {
- let results = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
- let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
- results[i] = results[randomIndex];
- results[randomIndex] = array[i];
- }
- return results;
-function compareAscending(a, b) {
- if (a > b) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (a < b) {
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-function assertTagForURLs(tag, urls, message) {
- let taggedURLs = PlacesUtils.tagging.getURIsForTag(tag).map(uri => uri.spec);
- deepEqual(taggedURLs.sort(compareAscending), urls.sort(compareAscending), message);
-function assertURLHasTags(url, tags, message) {
- let actualTags = PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(uri(url));
- deepEqual(actualTags.sort(compareAscending), tags, message);
-var populateTree = Task.async(function* populate(parentGuid, ...items) {
- let guids = {};
- for (let index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
- let item = items[index];
- let guid = makeGuid();
- switch (item.kind) {
- case "bookmark":
- case "query":
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- url: item.url,
- title: item.title,
- parentGuid, guid, index,
- });
- break;
- case "separator":
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR,
- parentGuid, guid,
- });
- break;
- case "folder":
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
- title: item.title,
- parentGuid, guid,
- });
- if (item.children) {
- Object.assign(guids, yield* populate(guid, ...item.children));
- }
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error(`Unsupported item type: ${item.type}`);
- }
- if (item.exclude) {
- let itemId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(guid);
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setItemAnnotation(
- itemId, PlacesUtils.EXCLUDE_FROM_BACKUP_ANNO, "Don't back this up", 0,
- PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- }
- guids[item.title] = guid;
- }
- return guids;
-var syncIdToId = Task.async(function* syncIdToId(syncId) {
- let guid = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.syncIdToGuid(syncId);
- return PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(guid);
-add_task(function* test_order() {
- do_print("Insert some bookmarks");
- let guids = yield populateTree(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, {
- kind: "bookmark",
- title: "childBmk",
- url: "",
- }, {
- kind: "bookmark",
- title: "siblingBmk",
- url: "",
- }, {
- kind: "folder",
- title: "siblingFolder",
- }, {
- kind: "separator",
- title: "siblingSep",
- });
- do_print("Reorder inserted bookmarks");
- {
- let order = [guids.siblingFolder, guids.siblingSep, guids.childBmk,
- guids.siblingBmk];
- yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.order(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, order);
- let childSyncIds = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetchChildSyncIds(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid);
- deepEqual(childSyncIds, order, "New bookmarks should be reordered according to array");
- }
- do_print("Reorder with unspecified children");
- {
- yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.order(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, [
- guids.siblingSep, guids.siblingBmk,
- ]);
- let childSyncIds = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetchChildSyncIds(
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid);
- deepEqual(childSyncIds, [guids.siblingSep, guids.siblingBmk,
- guids.siblingFolder, guids.childBmk],
- "Unordered children should be moved to end");
- }
- do_print("Reorder with nonexistent children");
- {
- yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.order(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, [
- guids.childBmk, makeGuid(), guids.siblingBmk, guids.siblingSep,
- makeGuid(), guids.siblingFolder, makeGuid()]);
- let childSyncIds = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetchChildSyncIds(
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid);
- deepEqual(childSyncIds, [guids.childBmk, guids.siblingBmk, guids.siblingSep,
- guids.siblingFolder], "Nonexistent children should be ignored");
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_changeGuid_invalid() {
- yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.changeGuid(makeGuid()),
- "Should require a new GUID");
- yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.changeGuid(makeGuid(), "!@#$"),
- "Should reject invalid GUIDs");
- yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.changeGuid(makeGuid(), makeGuid()),
- "Should reject nonexistent item GUIDs");
- yield rejects(
- PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.changeGuid(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- makeGuid()),
- "Should reject roots");
-add_task(function* test_changeGuid() {
- let item = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- url: "",
- });
- let id = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(item.guid);
- let newGuid = makeGuid();
- let result = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.changeGuid(item.guid, newGuid);
- equal(result, newGuid, "Should return new GUID");
- equal(yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(newGuid), id, "Should map ID to new GUID");
- yield rejects(PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(item.guid), "Should not map ID to old GUID");
- equal(yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemGuid(id), newGuid, "Should map new GUID to ID");
-add_task(function* test_order_roots() {
- let oldOrder = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetchChildSyncIds(
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid);
- yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.order(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
- shuffle(oldOrder));
- let newOrder = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetchChildSyncIds(
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid);
- deepEqual(oldOrder, newOrder, "Should ignore attempts to reorder roots");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_update_tags() {
- do_print("Insert item without tags");
- let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "bookmark",
- url: "",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- });
- do_print("Add tags");
- {
- let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: item.syncId,
- tags: ["foo", "bar"],
- });
- deepEqual(updatedItem.tags, ["foo", "bar"], "Should return new tags");
- assertURLHasTags("", ["bar", "foo"],
- "Should set new tags for URL");
- }
- do_print("Add new tag, remove existing tag");
- {
- let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: item.syncId,
- tags: ["foo", "baz"],
- });
- deepEqual(updatedItem.tags, ["foo", "baz"], "Should return updated tags");
- assertURLHasTags("", ["baz", "foo"],
- "Should update tags for URL");
- assertTagForURLs("bar", [], "Should remove existing tag");
- }
- do_print("Tags with whitespace");
- {
- let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: item.syncId,
- tags: [" leading", "trailing ", " baz ", " "],
- });
- deepEqual(updatedItem.tags, ["leading", "trailing", "baz"],
- "Should return filtered tags");
- assertURLHasTags("", ["baz", "leading", "trailing"],
- "Should trim whitespace and filter blank tags");
- }
- do_print("Remove all tags");
- {
- let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: item.syncId,
- tags: null,
- });
- deepEqual(updatedItem.tags, [], "Should return empty tag array");
- assertURLHasTags("", [],
- "Should remove all existing tags");
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_update_keyword() {
- do_print("Insert item without keyword");
- let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "bookmark",
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- url: "",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- });
- do_print("Add item keyword");
- {
- let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: item.syncId,
- keyword: "moz",
- });
- equal(updatedItem.keyword, "moz", "Should return new keyword");
- let entryByKeyword = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("moz");
- equal(entryByKeyword.url.href, "",
- "Should set new keyword for URL");
- let entryByURL = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({
- url: "",
- });
- equal(entryByURL.keyword, "moz", "Looking up URL should return new keyword");
- }
- do_print("Change item keyword");
- {
- let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: item.syncId,
- keyword: "m",
- });
- equal(updatedItem.keyword, "m", "Should return updated keyword");
- let newEntry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("m");
- equal(newEntry.url.href, "", "Should update keyword for URL");
- let oldEntry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("moz");
- ok(!oldEntry, "Should remove old keyword");
- }
- do_print("Remove existing keyword");
- {
- let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: item.syncId,
- keyword: null,
- });
- ok(!updatedItem.keyword,
- "Should not include removed keyword in properties");
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({
- url: "",
- });
- ok(!entry, "Should remove new keyword from URL");
- }
- do_print("Remove keyword for item without keyword");
- {
- yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: item.syncId,
- keyword: null,
- });
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({
- url: "",
- });
- ok(!entry,
- "Removing keyword for URL without existing keyword should succeed");
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_update_annos() {
- let guids = yield populateTree(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, {
- kind: "folder",
- title: "folder",
- }, {
- kind: "bookmark",
- title: "bmk",
- url: "",
- });
- do_print("Add folder description");
- {
- let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: guids.folder,
- description: "Folder description",
- });
- equal(updatedItem.description, "Folder description",
- "Should return new description");
- let id = yield syncIdToId(updatedItem.syncId);
- equal(PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(id, DESCRIPTION_ANNO),
- "Folder description", "Should set description anno");
- }
- do_print("Clear folder description");
- {
- let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: guids.folder,
- description: null,
- });
- ok(!updatedItem.description, "Should not return cleared description");
- let id = yield syncIdToId(updatedItem.syncId);
- ok(!PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(id, DESCRIPTION_ANNO),
- "Should remove description anno");
- }
- do_print("Add bookmark sidebar anno");
- {
- let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: guids.bmk,
- loadInSidebar: true,
- });
- ok(updatedItem.loadInSidebar, "Should return sidebar anno");
- let id = yield syncIdToId(updatedItem.syncId);
- ok(PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(id, LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO),
- "Should set sidebar anno for existing bookmark");
- }
- do_print("Clear bookmark sidebar anno");
- {
- let updatedItem = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: guids.bmk,
- loadInSidebar: false,
- });
- ok(!updatedItem.loadInSidebar, "Should not return cleared sidebar anno");
- let id = yield syncIdToId(updatedItem.syncId);
- ok(!PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(id, LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO),
- "Should clear sidebar anno for existing bookmark");
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_update_move_root() {
- do_print("Move root to same parent");
- {
- // This should be a no-op.
- let sameRoot = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: "menu",
- parentSyncId: "places",
- });
- equal(sameRoot.syncId, "menu",
- "Menu root GUID should not change");
- equal(sameRoot.parentSyncId, "places",
- "Parent Places root GUID should not change");
- }
- do_print("Try reparenting root");
- yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: "menu",
- parentSyncId: "toolbar",
- }));
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_insert() {
- do_print("Insert bookmark");
- {
- let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "bookmark",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- url: "",
- });
- let { type } = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ guid: item.syncId });
- equal(type, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- "Bookmark should have correct type");
- }
- do_print("Insert query");
- {
- let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "query",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- url: "place:terms=term&folder=TOOLBAR&queryType=1",
- folder: "Saved search",
- });
- let { type } = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ guid: item.syncId });
- equal(type, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- "Queries should be stored as bookmarks");
- }
- do_print("Insert folder");
- {
- let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "folder",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- title: "New folder",
- });
- let { type } = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ guid: item.syncId });
- equal(type, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
- "Folder should have correct type");
- }
- do_print("Insert separator");
- {
- let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "separator",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- });
- let { type } = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ guid: item.syncId });
- equal(type, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR,
- "Separator should have correct type");
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_insert_livemark() {
- let { site, stopServer } = makeLivemarkServer();
- try {
- do_print("Insert livemark with feed URL");
- {
- let livemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "livemark",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- feed: site + "/feed/1",
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- });
- let bmk = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({
- guid: yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.syncIdToGuid(livemark.syncId),
- })
- equal(bmk.type, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
- "Livemarks should be stored as folders");
- }
- let livemarkSyncId;
- do_print("Insert livemark with site and feed URLs");
- {
- let livemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "livemark",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- site,
- feed: site + "/feed/1",
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- });
- livemarkSyncId = livemark.syncId;
- }
- do_print("Try inserting livemark into livemark");
- {
- let livemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "livemark",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- site,
- feed: site + "/feed/1",
- parentSyncId: livemarkSyncId,
- });
- ok(!livemark, "Should not insert livemark as child of livemark");
- }
- } finally {
- yield stopServer();
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_update_livemark() {
- let { site, stopServer } = makeLivemarkServer();
- let feedURI = uri(site + "/feed/1");
- try {
- // We shouldn't reinsert the livemark if the URLs are the same.
- do_print("Update livemark with same URLs");
- {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- feedURI,
- siteURI: uri(site),
- index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- });
- yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: livemark.guid,
- feed: feedURI,
- });
- // `nsLivemarkService` returns references to `Livemark` instances, so we
- // can compare them with `==` to make sure they haven't been replaced.
- equal(yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({
- guid: livemark.guid,
- }), livemark, "Livemark with same feed URL should not be replaced");
- yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: livemark.guid,
- site,
- });
- equal(yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({
- guid: livemark.guid,
- }), livemark, "Livemark with same site URL should not be replaced");
- yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: livemark.guid,
- feed: feedURI,
- site,
- });
- equal(yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.getLivemark({
- guid: livemark.guid,
- }), livemark, "Livemark with same feed and site URLs should not be replaced");
- }
- do_print("Change livemark feed URL");
- {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- feedURI,
- index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- });
- // Since we're reinserting, we need to pass all properties required
- // for a new livemark. `update` won't merge the old and new ones.
- yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: livemark.guid,
- feed: site + "/feed/2",
- }), "Reinserting livemark with changed feed URL requires full record");
- let newLivemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- kind: "livemark",
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- syncId: livemark.guid,
- feed: site + "/feed/2",
- });
- equal(newLivemark.syncId, livemark.guid,
- "GUIDs should match for reinserted livemark with changed feed URL");
- equal(newLivemark.feed.href, site + "/feed/2",
- "Reinserted livemark should have changed feed URI");
- }
- do_print("Add livemark site URL");
- {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- feedURI,
- });
- ok(livemark.feedURI.equals(feedURI), "Livemark feed URI should match");
- ok(!livemark.siteURI, "Livemark should not have site URI");
- yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: livemark.guid,
- site,
- }), "Reinserting livemark with new site URL requires full record");
- let newLivemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- kind: "livemark",
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- syncId: livemark.guid,
- feed: feedURI,
- site,
- });
- notEqual(newLivemark, livemark,
- "Livemark with new site URL should replace old livemark");
- equal(newLivemark.syncId, livemark.guid,
- "GUIDs should match for reinserted livemark with new site URL");
- equal(, site + "/",
- "Reinserted livemark should have new site URI");
- equal(newLivemark.feed.href, feedURI.spec,
- "Reinserted livemark with new site URL should have same feed URI");
- }
- do_print("Remove livemark site URL");
- {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- feedURI,
- siteURI: uri(site),
- index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- });
- yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: livemark.guid,
- site: null,
- }), "Reinserting livemark witout site URL requires full record");
- let newLivemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- kind: "livemark",
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- syncId: livemark.guid,
- feed: feedURI,
- site: null,
- });
- notEqual(newLivemark, livemark,
- "Livemark without site URL should replace old livemark");
- equal(newLivemark.syncId, livemark.guid,
- "GUIDs should match for reinserted livemark without site URL");
- ok(!, "Reinserted livemark should not have site URI");
- }
- do_print("Change livemark site URL");
- {
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- feedURI,
- siteURI: uri(site),
- index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- });
- yield rejects(PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- syncId: livemark.guid,
- site: site + "/new",
- }), "Reinserting livemark with changed site URL requires full record");
- let newLivemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- kind: "livemark",
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- syncId: livemark.guid,
- feed:feedURI,
- site: site + "/new",
- });
- notEqual(newLivemark, livemark,
- "Livemark with changed site URL should replace old livemark");
- equal(newLivemark.syncId, livemark.guid,
- "GUIDs should match for reinserted livemark with changed site URL");
- equal(, site + "/new",
- "Reinserted livemark should have changed site URI");
- }
- // Livemarks are stored as folders, but have different kinds. We should
- // remove the folder and insert a livemark with the same GUID instead of
- // trying to update the folder in-place.
- do_print("Replace folder with livemark");
- {
- let folder = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- title: "Plain folder",
- });
- let livemark = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.update({
- kind: "livemark",
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- syncId: folder.guid,
- feed: feedURI,
- });
- equal(livemark.guid, folder.syncId,
- "Livemark should have same GUID as replaced folder");
- }
- } finally {
- yield stopServer();
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_insert_tags() {
- yield Promise.all([{
- kind: "bookmark",
- url: "",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- tags: ["foo", "bar"],
- }, {
- kind: "bookmark",
- url: "",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "toolbar",
- tags: ["foo", "baz"],
- }, {
- kind: "query",
- url: "place:queryType=1&sort=12&maxResults=10",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "toolbar",
- folder: "bar",
- tags: ["baz", "qux"],
- title: "bar",
- }].map(info => PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert(info)));
- assertTagForURLs("foo", ["", ""],
- "2 URLs with new tag");
- assertTagForURLs("bar", [""], "1 URL with existing tag");
- assertTagForURLs("baz", ["",
- "place:queryType=1&sort=12&maxResults=10"],
- "Should support tagging URLs and tag queries");
- assertTagForURLs("qux", ["place:queryType=1&sort=12&maxResults=10"],
- "Should support tagging tag queries");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_insert_tags_whitespace() {
- do_print("Untrimmed and blank tags");
- let taggedBlanks = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "bookmark",
- url: "",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- tags: [" untrimmed ", " ", "taggy"],
- });
- deepEqual(taggedBlanks.tags, ["untrimmed", "taggy"],
- "Should not return empty tags");
- assertURLHasTags("", ["taggy", "untrimmed"],
- "Should set trimmed tags and ignore dupes");
- do_print("Dupe tags");
- let taggedDupes = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "bookmark",
- url: "",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "toolbar",
- tags: [" taggy", "taggy ", " taggy ", "taggy"],
- });
- deepEqual(taggedDupes.tags, ["taggy", "taggy", "taggy", "taggy"],
- "Should return trimmed and dupe tags");
- assertURLHasTags("", ["taggy"],
- "Should ignore dupes when setting tags");
- assertTagForURLs("taggy", ["", ""],
- "Should exclude falsy tags");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_insert_keyword() {
- do_print("Insert item with new keyword");
- {
- yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "bookmark",
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- url: "",
- keyword: "moz",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- });
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("moz");
- equal(entry.url.href, "",
- "Should add keyword for item");
- }
- do_print("Insert item with existing keyword");
- {
- yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "bookmark",
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- url: "",
- keyword: "moz",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- });
- let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("moz");
- equal(entry.url.href, "",
- "Should reassign keyword to new item");
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_insert_annos() {
- do_print("Bookmark with description");
- let descBmk = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "bookmark",
- url: "",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- description: "Bookmark description",
- });
- {
- equal(descBmk.description, "Bookmark description",
- "Should return new bookmark description");
- let id = yield syncIdToId(descBmk.syncId);
- equal(PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(id, DESCRIPTION_ANNO),
- "Bookmark description", "Should set new bookmark description");
- }
- do_print("Folder with description");
- let descFolder = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "folder",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- description: "Folder description",
- });
- {
- equal(descFolder.description, "Folder description",
- "Should return new folder description");
- let id = yield syncIdToId(descFolder.syncId);
- equal(PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(id, DESCRIPTION_ANNO),
- "Folder description", "Should set new folder description");
- }
- do_print("Bookmark with sidebar anno");
- let sidebarBmk = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "bookmark",
- url: "",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- loadInSidebar: true,
- });
- {
- ok(sidebarBmk.loadInSidebar, "Should return sidebar anno for new bookmark");
- let id = yield syncIdToId(sidebarBmk.syncId);
- ok(PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(id, LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO),
- "Should set sidebar anno for new bookmark");
- }
- do_print("Bookmark without sidebar anno");
- let noSidebarBmk = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "bookmark",
- url: "",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "toolbar",
- loadInSidebar: false,
- });
- {
- ok(!noSidebarBmk.loadInSidebar,
- "Should not return sidebar anno for new bookmark");
- let id = yield syncIdToId(noSidebarBmk.syncId);
- ok(!PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(id, LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO),
- "Should not set sidebar anno for new bookmark");
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_insert_tag_query() {
- let tagFolder = -1;
- do_print("Insert tag query for new tag");
- {
- deepEqual(PlacesUtils.tagging.allTags, [], "New tag should not exist yet");
- let query = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "query",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "toolbar",
- url: "place:type=7&folder=90",
- folder: "taggy",
- title: "Tagged stuff",
- });
- notEqual(query.url.href, "place:type=7&folder=90",
- "Tag query URL for new tag should differ");
- [, tagFolder] = /\bfolder=(\d+)\b/.exec(query.url.pathname);
- ok(tagFolder > 0, "New tag query URL should contain valid folder");
- deepEqual(PlacesUtils.tagging.allTags, ["taggy"], "New tag should exist");
- }
- do_print("Insert tag query for existing tag");
- {
- let url = "place:type=7&folder=90&maxResults=15";
- let query = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "query",
- url,
- folder: "taggy",
- title: "Sorted and tagged",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- });
- notEqual(query.url.href, url, "Tag query URL for existing tag should differ");
- let params = new URLSearchParams(query.url.pathname);
- equal(params.get("type"), "7", "Should preserve query type");
- equal(params.get("maxResults"), "15", "Should preserve additional params");
- equal(params.get("folder"), tagFolder, "Should update tag folder");
- deepEqual(PlacesUtils.tagging.allTags, ["taggy"], "Should not duplicate existing tags");
- }
- do_print("Use the public tagging API to ensure we added the tag correctly");
- {
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
- url: "",
- title: "Mozilla",
- });
- PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(uri(""), ["taggy"]);
- assertURLHasTags("", ["taggy"],
- "Should set tags using the tagging API");
- }
- do_print("Removing the tag should clean up the tag folder");
- {
- PlacesUtils.tagging.untagURI(uri(""), null);
- deepEqual(PlacesUtils.tagging.allTags, [],
- "Should remove tag folder once last item is untagged");
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_insert_orphans() {
- let grandParentGuid = makeGuid();
- let parentGuid = makeGuid();
- let childGuid = makeGuid();
- let childId;
- do_print("Insert an orphaned child");
- {
- let child = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "bookmark",
- parentSyncId: parentGuid,
- syncId: childGuid,
- url: "",
- });
- equal(child.syncId, childGuid,
- "Should insert orphan with requested GUID");
- equal(child.parentSyncId, "unfiled",
- "Should reparent orphan to unfiled");
- childId = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(childGuid);
- equal(PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(childId, SYNC_PARENT_ANNO),
- parentGuid, "Should set anno to missing parent GUID");
- }
- do_print("Insert the grandparent");
- {
- yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "folder",
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- syncId: grandParentGuid,
- });
- equal(PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(childId, SYNC_PARENT_ANNO),
- parentGuid, "Child should still have orphan anno");
- }
- // Note that only `PlacesSyncUtils` reparents orphans, though Sync adds an
- // observer that removes the orphan anno if the orphan is manually moved.
- do_print("Insert the missing parent");
- {
- let parent = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "folder",
- parentSyncId: grandParentGuid,
- syncId: parentGuid,
- });
- equal(parent.syncId, parentGuid, "Should insert parent with requested GUID");
- equal(parent.parentSyncId, grandParentGuid,
- "Parent should be child of grandparent");
- ok(!PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation(childId, SYNC_PARENT_ANNO),
- "Orphan anno should be removed after reparenting");
- let child = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ guid: childGuid });
- equal(child.parentGuid, parentGuid,
- "Should reparent child after inserting missing parent");
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_fetch() {
- let folder = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- kind: "folder",
- description: "Folder description",
- });
- let bmk = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- kind: "bookmark",
- url: "",
- description: "Bookmark description",
- loadInSidebar: true,
- tags: ["taggy"],
- });
- let folderBmk = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: folder.syncId,
- kind: "bookmark",
- url: "",
- keyword: "kw",
- });
- let folderSep = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: folder.syncId,
- kind: "separator",
- });
- let tagQuery = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "query",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "toolbar",
- url: "place:type=7&folder=90",
- folder: "taggy",
- title: "Tagged stuff",
- });
- let [, tagFolderId] = /\bfolder=(\d+)\b/.exec(tagQuery.url.pathname);
- let smartBmk = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- kind: "query",
- syncId: makeGuid(),
- parentSyncId: "toolbar",
- url: "place:folder=TOOLBAR",
- query: "BookmarksToolbar",
- title: "Bookmarks toolbar query",
- });
- do_print("Fetch empty folder with description");
- {
- let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(folder.syncId);
- deepEqual(item, {
- syncId: folder.syncId,
- kind: "folder",
- parentSyncId: "menu",
- description: "Folder description",
- childSyncIds: [folderBmk.syncId, folderSep.syncId],
- parentTitle: "Bookmarks Menu",
- title: "",
- }, "Should include description, children, title, and parent title in folder");
- }
- do_print("Fetch bookmark with description, sidebar anno, and tags");
- {
- let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(bmk.syncId);
- deepEqual(Object.keys(item).sort(), ["syncId", "kind", "parentSyncId",
- "url", "tags", "description", "loadInSidebar", "parentTitle", "title"].sort(),
- "Should include bookmark-specific properties");
- equal(item.syncId, bmk.syncId, "Sync ID should match");
- equal(item.url.href, "", "Should return URL");
- equal(item.parentSyncId, "menu", "Should return parent sync ID");
- deepEqual(item.tags, ["taggy"], "Should return tags");
- equal(item.description, "Bookmark description", "Should return bookmark description");
- strictEqual(item.loadInSidebar, true, "Should return sidebar anno");
- equal(item.parentTitle, "Bookmarks Menu", "Should return parent title");
- strictEqual(item.title, "", "Should return empty title");
- }
- do_print("Fetch bookmark with keyword; without parent title or annos");
- {
- let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(folderBmk.syncId);
- deepEqual(Object.keys(item).sort(), ["syncId", "kind", "parentSyncId",
- "url", "keyword", "tags", "loadInSidebar", "parentTitle", "title"].sort(),
- "Should omit blank bookmark-specific properties");
- strictEqual(item.loadInSidebar, false, "Should not load bookmark in sidebar");
- deepEqual(item.tags, [], "Tags should be empty");
- equal(item.keyword, "kw", "Should return keyword");
- strictEqual(item.parentTitle, "", "Should include parent title even if empty");
- strictEqual(item.title, "", "Should include bookmark title even if empty");
- }
- do_print("Fetch separator");
- {
- let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(folderSep.syncId);
- strictEqual(item.index, 1, "Should return separator position");
- }
- do_print("Fetch tag query");
- {
- let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(tagQuery.syncId);
- deepEqual(Object.keys(item).sort(), ["syncId", "kind", "parentSyncId",
- "url", "title", "folder", "parentTitle"].sort(),
- "Should include query-specific properties");
- equal(item.url.href, `place:type=7&folder=${tagFolderId}`, "Should not rewrite outgoing tag queries");
- equal(item.folder, "taggy", "Should return tag name for tag queries");
- }
- do_print("Fetch smart bookmark");
- {
- let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(smartBmk.syncId);
- deepEqual(Object.keys(item).sort(), ["syncId", "kind", "parentSyncId",
- "url", "title", "query", "parentTitle"].sort(),
- "Should include smart bookmark-specific properties");
- equal(item.query, "BookmarksToolbar", "Should return query name for smart bookmarks");
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
-add_task(function* test_fetch_livemark() {
- let { site, stopServer } = makeLivemarkServer();
- try {
- do_print("Create livemark");
- let livemark = yield PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
- feedURI: uri(site + "/feed/1"),
- siteURI: uri(site),
- index: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- });
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setItemAnnotation(, DESCRIPTION_ANNO,
- "Livemark description", 0, PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- do_print("Fetch livemark");
- let item = yield PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch(livemark.guid);
- deepEqual(Object.keys(item).sort(), ["syncId", "kind", "parentSyncId",
- "description", "feed", "site", "parentTitle", "title"].sort(),
- "Should include livemark-specific properties");
- equal(item.description, "Livemark description", "Should return description");
- equal(item.feed.href, site + "/feed/1", "Should return feed URL");
- equal(, site + "/", "Should return site URL");
- strictEqual(item.title, "", "Should include livemark title even if empty");
- } finally {
- yield stopServer();
- }
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_tag_autocomplete_search.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_tag_autocomplete_search.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 92930e329..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_tag_autocomplete_search.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var current_test = 0;
-function AutoCompleteInput(aSearches) {
- this.searches = aSearches;
-AutoCompleteInput.prototype = {
- constructor: AutoCompleteInput,
- searches: null,
- minResultsForPopup: 0,
- timeout: 10,
- searchParam: "",
- textValue: "",
- disableAutoComplete: false,
- completeDefaultIndex: false,
- get searchCount() {
- return this.searches.length;
- },
- getSearchAt: function(aIndex) {
- return this.searches[aIndex];
- },
- onSearchBegin: function() {},
- onSearchComplete: function() {},
- popupOpen: false,
- popup: {
- setSelectedIndex: function(aIndex) {},
- invalidate: function() {},
- // nsISupports implementation
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
- },
- // nsISupports implementation
- QueryInterface: function(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
- iid.equals(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
-// Get tagging service
-try {
- var tagssvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsITaggingService);
-} catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Could not get tagging service\n");
-function ensure_tag_results(results, searchTerm)
- var controller = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController);
- // Make an AutoCompleteInput that uses our searches
- // and confirms results on search complete
- var input = new AutoCompleteInput(["places-tag-autocomplete"]);
- controller.input = input;
- var numSearchesStarted = 0;
- input.onSearchBegin = function input_onSearchBegin() {
- numSearchesStarted++;
- do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
- };
- input.onSearchComplete = function input_onSearchComplete() {
- do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
- if (results.length)
- do_check_eq(controller.searchStatus,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_MATCH);
- else
- do_check_eq(controller.searchStatus,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_NO_MATCH);
- do_check_eq(controller.matchCount, results.length);
- for (var i=0; i<controller.matchCount; i++) {
- do_check_eq(controller.getValueAt(i), results[i]);
- }
- if (current_test < (tests.length - 1)) {
- current_test++;
- tests[current_test]();
- }
- else {
- // finish once all tests have run
- do_test_finished();
- }
- };
- controller.startSearch(searchTerm);
-var uri1 = uri("http://site.tld/1");
-var tests = [
- function test1() { ensure_tag_results(["bar", "Baz", "boo"], "b"); },
- function test2() { ensure_tag_results(["bar", "Baz"], "ba"); },
- function test3() { ensure_tag_results(["bar", "Baz"], "Ba"); },
- function test4() { ensure_tag_results(["bar"], "bar"); },
- function test5() { ensure_tag_results(["Baz"], "Baz"); },
- function test6() { ensure_tag_results([], "barb"); },
- function test7() { ensure_tag_results([], "foo"); },
- function test8() { ensure_tag_results(["first tag, bar", "first tag, Baz"], "first tag, ba"); },
- function test9() { ensure_tag_results(["first tag; bar", "first tag; Baz"], "first tag; ba"); }
- * Test tag autocomplete
- */
-function run_test() {
- // Search is asynchronous, so don't let the test finish immediately
- do_test_pending();
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri1, ["bar", "Baz", "boo", "*nix"]);
- tests[0]();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_tagging.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_tagging.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ccb287050..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_tagging.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Notice we use createInstance because later we will have to terminate the
-// service and restart it.
-var tagssvc = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance().QueryInterface(Ci.nsITaggingService);
-function run_test() {
- var options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
- var query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId], 1);
- var result = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options);
- var tagRoot = result.root;
- tagRoot.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(tagRoot.childCount, 0);
- var uri1 = uri("http://foo.tld/");
- var uri2 = uri("https://bar.tld/");
- // this also tests that the multiple folders are not created for the same tag
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri1, ["tag 1"]);
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri2, ["tag 1"]);
- do_check_eq(tagRoot.childCount, 1);
- var tag1node = tagRoot.getChild(0)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode);
- var tag1itemId = tag1node.itemId;
- do_check_eq(tag1node.title, "tag 1");
- tag1node.containerOpen = true;
- do_check_eq(tag1node.childCount, 2);
- // Tagging the same url twice (or even thrice!) with the same tag should be a
- // no-op
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri1, ["tag 1"]);
- do_check_eq(tag1node.childCount, 2);
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri1, [tag1itemId]);
- do_check_eq(tag1node.childCount, 2);
- do_check_eq(tagRoot.childCount, 1);
- // also tests bug 407575
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri1, [tag1itemId, "tag 1", "tag 2", "Tag 1", "Tag 2"]);
- do_check_eq(tagRoot.childCount, 2);
- do_check_eq(tag1node.childCount, 2);
- // test getTagsForURI
- var uri1tags = tagssvc.getTagsForURI(uri1);
- do_check_eq(uri1tags.length, 2);
- do_check_eq(uri1tags[0], "Tag 1");
- do_check_eq(uri1tags[1], "Tag 2");
- var uri2tags = tagssvc.getTagsForURI(uri2);
- do_check_eq(uri2tags.length, 1);
- do_check_eq(uri2tags[0], "Tag 1");
- // test getURIsForTag
- var tag1uris = tagssvc.getURIsForTag("tag 1");
- do_check_eq(tag1uris.length, 2);
- do_check_true(tag1uris[0].equals(uri1));
- do_check_true(tag1uris[1].equals(uri2));
- // test allTags attribute
- var allTags = tagssvc.allTags;
- do_check_eq(allTags.length, 2);
- do_check_eq(allTags[0], "Tag 1");
- do_check_eq(allTags[1], "Tag 2");
- // test untagging
- tagssvc.untagURI(uri1, ["tag 1"]);
- do_check_eq(tag1node.childCount, 1);
- // removing the last uri from a tag should remove the tag-container
- tagssvc.untagURI(uri2, ["tag 1"]);
- do_check_eq(tagRoot.childCount, 1);
- // cleanup
- tag1node.containerOpen = false;
- // get array of tag folder ids => title
- // for testing tagging with mixed folder ids and tags
- var child = tagRoot.getChild(0);
- var tagId = child.itemId;
- var tagTitle = child.title;
- // test mixed id/name tagging
- // as well as non-id numeric tags
- var uri3 = uri("http://testuri/3");
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri3, [tagId, "tag 3", "456"]);
- var tags = tagssvc.getTagsForURI(uri3);
- do_check_true(tags.includes(tagTitle));
- do_check_true(tags.includes("tag 3"));
- do_check_true(tags.includes("456"));
- // test mixed id/name tagging
- tagssvc.untagURI(uri3, [tagId, "tag 3", "456"]);
- tags = tagssvc.getTagsForURI(uri3);
- do_check_eq(tags.length, 0);
- // Terminate tagging service, fire up a new instance and check that existing
- // tags are there. This will ensure that any internal caching system is
- // correctly filled at startup and we are not losing previously existing tags.
- var uri4 = uri("http://testuri/4");
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri4, [tagId, "tag 3", "456"]);
- tagssvc = null;
- tagssvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsITaggingService);
- var uri4Tags = tagssvc.getTagsForURI(uri4);
- do_check_eq(uri4Tags.length, 3);
- do_check_true(uri4Tags.includes(tagTitle));
- do_check_true(uri4Tags.includes("tag 3"));
- do_check_true(uri4Tags.includes("456"));
- // Test sparse arrays.
- let curChildCount = tagRoot.childCount;
- try {
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri1, [, "tagSparse"]);
- do_check_eq(tagRoot.childCount, curChildCount + 1);
- } catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Passing a sparse array should not throw");
- }
- try {
- tagssvc.untagURI(uri1, [, "tagSparse"]);
- do_check_eq(tagRoot.childCount, curChildCount);
- } catch (ex) {
- do_throw("Passing a sparse array should not throw");
- }
- // Test that the API throws for bad arguments.
- try {
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri1, ["", "test"]);
- do_throw("Passing a bad tags array should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(, "NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE");
- }
- try {
- tagssvc.untagURI(uri1, ["", "test"]);
- do_throw("Passing a bad tags array should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(, "NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE");
- }
- try {
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri1, [0, "test"]);
- do_throw("Passing a bad tags array should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(, "NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE");
- }
- try {
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri1, [0, "test"]);
- do_throw("Passing a bad tags array should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(, "NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE");
- }
- // Tag name length should be limited to nsITaggingService.MAX_TAG_LENGTH (bug407821)
- try {
- // generate a long tag name. i.e. looooo...oong_tag
- var n = Ci.nsITaggingService.MAX_TAG_LENGTH;
- var someOos = new Array(n).join('o');
- var longTagName = "l" + someOos + "ng_tag";
- tagssvc.tagURI(uri1, ["short_tag", longTagName]);
- do_throw("Passing a bad tags array should throw");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(, "NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE");
- }
- // cleanup
- tagRoot.containerOpen = false;
- // Tagging service should trim tags (Bug967196)
- let exampleURI = uri("");
- PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(exampleURI, [ " test " ]);
- let exampleTags = PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(exampleURI);
- do_check_eq(exampleTags.length, 1);
- do_check_eq(exampleTags[0], "test");
- PlacesUtils.tagging.untagURI(exampleURI, [ "test" ]);
- exampleTags = PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(exampleURI);
- do_check_eq(exampleTags.length, 0);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_telemetry.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_telemetry.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f36d78c..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_telemetry.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-// Tests common Places telemetry probes by faking the telemetry service.
-var histograms = {
- PLACES_PAGES_COUNT: val => do_check_eq(val, 1),
- PLACES_BOOKMARKS_COUNT: val => do_check_eq(val, 1),
- PLACES_TAGS_COUNT: val => do_check_eq(val, 1),
- PLACES_KEYWORDS_COUNT: val => do_check_eq(val, 1),
- PLACES_SORTED_BOOKMARKS_PERC: val => do_check_eq(val, 100),
- PLACES_TAGGED_BOOKMARKS_PERC: val => do_check_eq(val, 100),
- PLACES_DATABASE_FILESIZE_MB: val => do_check_true(val > 0),
- PLACES_DATABASE_PAGESIZE_B: val => do_check_eq(val, 32768),
- PLACES_DATABASE_SIZE_PER_PAGE_B: val => do_check_true(val > 0),
- PLACES_EXPIRATION_STEPS_TO_CLEAN2: val => do_check_true(val > 1),
- // PLACES_AUTOCOMPLETE_1ST_RESULT_TIME_MS: val => do_check_true(val > 1),
- PLACES_IDLE_FRECENCY_DECAY_TIME_MS: val => do_check_true(val >= 0),
- PLACES_IDLE_MAINTENANCE_TIME_MS: val => do_check_true(val > 0),
- // One from the `setItemAnnotation` call; the other from the mobile root.
- // This can be removed along with the anno in bug 1306445.
- PLACES_ANNOS_BOOKMARKS_COUNT: val => do_check_eq(val, 2),
- PLACES_ANNOS_PAGES_COUNT: val => do_check_eq(val, 1),
- PLACES_MAINTENANCE_DAYSFROMLAST: val => do_check_true(val >= 0),
- * Forces an expiration run.
- *
- * @param [optional] aLimit
- * Limit for the expiration. Pass -1 for unlimited.
- * Any other non-positive value will just expire orphans.
- *
- * @return {Promise}
- * @resolves When expiration finishes.
- * @rejects Never.
- */
-function promiseForceExpirationStep(aLimit) {
- let promise = promiseTopicObserved(PlacesUtils.TOPIC_EXPIRATION_FINISHED);
- let expire = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIObserver);
- expire.observe(null, "places-debug-start-expiration", aLimit);
- return promise;
- * Returns a PRTime in the past usable to add expirable visits.
- *
- * param [optional] daysAgo
- * Expiration ignores any visit added in the last 7 days, so by default
- * this will be set to 7.
- * @note to be safe against DST issues we go back one day more.
- */
-function getExpirablePRTime(daysAgo = 7) {
- let dateObj = new Date();
- // Normalize to midnight
- dateObj.setHours(0);
- dateObj.setMinutes(0);
- dateObj.setSeconds(0);
- dateObj.setMilliseconds(0);
- dateObj = new Date(dateObj.getTime() - (daysAgo + 1) * 86400000);
- return dateObj.getTime() * 1000;
-add_task(function* test_execute()
- // Put some trash in the database.
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let folderId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.createFolder(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId,
- "moz test",
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- let itemId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(folderId,
- uri,
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX,
- "moz test");
- PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(uri, ["tag"]);
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: uri.spec, keyword: "keyword"});
- // Set a large annotation.
- let content = "";
- while (content.length < 1024) {
- content += "0";
- }
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setItemAnnotation(itemId, "test-anno", content, 0,
- PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- PlacesUtils.annotations.setPageAnnotation(uri, "test-anno", content, 0,
- PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER);
- // Request to gather telemetry data.
- Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIObserver)
- .observe(null, "gather-telemetry", null);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- // Test expiration probes.
- let timeInMicroseconds = getExpirablePRTime(8);
- function newTimeInMicroseconds() {
- timeInMicroseconds = timeInMicroseconds + 1000;
- return timeInMicroseconds;
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({
- uri: NetUtil.newURI("http://" + i + ""),
- visitDate: newTimeInMicroseconds()
- });
- }
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("places.history.expiration.max_pages", 0);
- yield promiseForceExpirationStep(2);
- yield promiseForceExpirationStep(2);
- // Test autocomplete probes.
- /*
- // This is useful for manual testing by changing the minimum time for
- // autocomplete telemetry to 0, but there is no way to artificially delay
- // autocomplete by more than 50ms in a realiable way.
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("", 3);
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.urlbar.default.behavior", 0);
- function AutoCompleteInput(aSearches) {
- this.searches = aSearches;
- }
- AutoCompleteInput.prototype = {
- timeout: 10,
- textValue: "",
- searchParam: "",
- popupOpen: false,
- minResultsForPopup: 0,
- invalidate: function() {},
- disableAutoComplete: false,
- completeDefaultIndex: false,
- get popup() { return this; },
- onSearchBegin: function() {},
- onSearchComplete: function() {},
- setSelectedIndex: function() {},
- get searchCount() { return this.searches.length; },
- getSearchAt: function(aIndex) { return this.searches[aIndex]; },
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
- Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput,
- Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup,
- ])
- };
- let controller = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController);
- controller.input = new AutoCompleteInput(["unifiedcomplete"]);
- controller.startSearch("moz");
- */
- // Test idle probes.
- PlacesUtils.history.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObserver)
- .observe(null, "idle-daily", null);
- PlacesDBUtils.maintenanceOnIdle();
- yield promiseTopicObserved("places-maintenance-finished");
- for (let histogramId in histograms) {
- do_print("checking histogram " + histogramId);
- let validate = histograms[histogramId];
- let snapshot = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(histogramId).snapshot();
- validate(snapshot.sum);
- do_check_true(snapshot.counts.reduce((a, b) => a + b) > 0);
- }
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_update_frecency_after_delete.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_update_frecency_after_delete.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 662ea0841..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_update_frecency_after_delete.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- * Bug 455315
- *
- *
- * Ensures that the frecency of a bookmark's URI is what it should be after the
- * bookmark is deleted.
- */
-add_task(function* removed_bookmark() {
- do_print("After removing bookmark, frecency of bookmark's URI should be " +
- "zero if URI is unvisited and no longer bookmarked.");
- const TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let bm = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- title: "bookmark title",
- url: TEST_URI
- });
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("Bookmarked => frecency of URI should be != 0");
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bm);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("Unvisited URI no longer bookmarked => frecency should = 0");
- do_check_eq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
-add_task(function* removed_but_visited_bookmark() {
- do_print("After removing bookmark, frecency of bookmark's URI should " +
- "not be zero if URI is visited.");
- const TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let bm = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- title: "bookmark title",
- url: TEST_URI
- });
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("Bookmarked => frecency of URI should be != 0");
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URI);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bm);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("*Visited* URI no longer bookmarked => frecency should != 0");
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
-add_task(function* remove_bookmark_still_bookmarked() {
- do_print("After removing bookmark, frecency of bookmark's URI should " +
- "not be zero if URI is still bookmarked.");
- const TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- let bm1 = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- title: "bookmark 1 title",
- url: TEST_URI
- });
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- title: "bookmark 2 title",
- url: TEST_URI
- });
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("Bookmarked => frecency of URI should be != 0");
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bm1);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("URI still bookmarked => frecency should != 0");
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
-add_task(function* cleared_parent_of_visited_bookmark() {
- do_print("After removing all children from bookmark's parent, frecency " +
- "of bookmark's URI should not be zero if URI is visited.");
- const TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- title: "bookmark title",
- url: TEST_URI
- });
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("Bookmarked => frecency of URI should be != 0");
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URI);
- PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeFolderChildren(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("*Visited* URI no longer bookmarked => frecency should != 0");
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
-add_task(function* cleared_parent_of_bookmark_still_bookmarked() {
- do_print("After removing all children from bookmark's parent, frecency " +
- "of bookmark's URI should not be zero if URI is still " +
- "bookmarked.");
- const TEST_URI = NetUtil.newURI("");
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
- title: "bookmark 1 title",
- url: TEST_URI
- });
- let folder = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
- type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
- title: "bookmark 2 folder"
- });
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
- title: "bookmark 2 title",
- parentGuid: folder.guid,
- url: TEST_URI
- });
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- do_print("Bookmarked => frecency of URI should be != 0");
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(folder);
- yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates();
- // URI still bookmarked => frecency should != 0.
- do_check_neq(frecencyForUrl(TEST_URI), 0);
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_utils_backups_create.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_utils_backups_create.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a30589c44..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_utils_backups_create.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- /**
- * Check for correct functionality of bookmarks backups
- */
-const NUMBER_OF_BACKUPS = 10;
-function run_test() {
- run_next_test();
-add_task(function* () {
- // Generate random dates.
- let dateObj = new Date();
- let dates = [];
- while (dates.length < NUMBER_OF_BACKUPS) {
- // Use last year to ensure today's backup is the newest.
- let randomDate = new Date(dateObj.getFullYear() - 1,
- Math.floor(12 * Math.random()),
- Math.floor(28 * Math.random()));
- if (!dates.includes(randomDate.getTime()))
- dates.push(randomDate.getTime());
- }
- // Sort dates from oldest to newest.
- dates.sort();
- // Get and cleanup the backups folder.
- let backupFolderPath = yield PlacesBackups.getBackupFolder();
- let bookmarksBackupDir = new FileUtils.File(backupFolderPath);
- // Fake backups are created backwards to ensure we won't consider file
- // creation time.
- // Create fake backups for the newest dates.
- for (let i = dates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- let backupFilename = PlacesBackups.getFilenameForDate(new Date(dates[i]));
- let backupFile = bookmarksBackupDir.clone();
- backupFile.append(backupFilename);
- backupFile.create(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, parseInt("0666", 8));
- do_print("Creating fake backup " + backupFile.leafName);
- if (!backupFile.exists())
- do_throw("Unable to create fake backup " + backupFile.leafName);
- }
- yield PlacesBackups.create(NUMBER_OF_BACKUPS);
- // Add today's backup.
- dates.push(dateObj.getTime());
- // Check backups. We have 11 dates but we the max number is 10 so the
- // oldest backup should have been removed.
- for (let i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) {
- let backupFilename;
- let shouldExist;
- let backupFile;
- if (i > 0) {
- let files = bookmarksBackupDir.directoryEntries;
- while (files.hasMoreElements()) {
- let entry = files.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile);
- if (PlacesBackups.filenamesRegex.test(entry.leafName)) {
- backupFilename = entry.leafName;
- backupFile = entry;
- break;
- }
- }
- shouldExist = true;
- }
- else {
- backupFilename = PlacesBackups.getFilenameForDate(new Date(dates[i]));
- backupFile = bookmarksBackupDir.clone();
- backupFile.append(backupFilename);
- shouldExist = false;
- }
- if (backupFile.exists() != shouldExist)
- do_throw("Backup should " + (shouldExist ? "" : "not") + " exist: " + backupFilename);
- }
- // Cleanup backups folder.
- // XXX: Can't use bookmarksBackupDir.remove(true) because file lock happens
- // on WIN XP.
- let files = bookmarksBackupDir.directoryEntries;
- while (files.hasMoreElements()) {
- let entry = files.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile);
- entry.remove(false);
- }
- do_check_false(bookmarksBackupDir.directoryEntries.hasMoreElements());
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_utils_getURLsForContainerNode.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_utils_getURLsForContainerNode.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e2f88c21..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_utils_getURLsForContainerNode.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- /**
- * Check for correct functionality of PlacesUtils.getURLsForContainerNode and
- * PlacesUtils.hasChildURIs (those helpers share almost all of their code)
- */
-var PU = PlacesUtils;
-var hs = PU.history;
-var bs = PU.bookmarks;
-var tests = [
-function() {
- dump("\n\n*** TEST: folder\n");
- // This is the folder we will check for children.
- var folderId = bs.createFolder(bs.toolbarFolder, "folder", bs.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- // Create a folder and a query node inside it, these should not be considered
- // uri nodes.
- bs.createFolder(folderId, "inside folder", bs.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- bs.insertBookmark(folderId, uri("place:sort=1"),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "inside query");
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([bs.toolbarFolder], 1);
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- dump("Check folder without uri nodes\n");
- check_uri_nodes(query, options, 0);
- dump("Check folder with uri nodes\n");
- // Add an uri node, this should be considered.
- bs.insertBookmark(folderId, uri(""),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "bookmark");
- check_uri_nodes(query, options, 1);
-function() {
- dump("\n\n*** TEST: folder in an excludeItems root\n");
- // This is the folder we will check for children.
- var folderId = bs.createFolder(bs.toolbarFolder, "folder", bs.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- // Create a folder and a query node inside it, these should not be considered
- // uri nodes.
- bs.createFolder(folderId, "inside folder", bs.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- bs.insertBookmark(folderId, uri("place:sort=1"), bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "inside query");
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([bs.toolbarFolder], 1);
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.excludeItems = true;
- dump("Check folder without uri nodes\n");
- check_uri_nodes(query, options, 0);
- dump("Check folder with uri nodes\n");
- // Add an uri node, this should be considered.
- bs.insertBookmark(folderId, uri(""),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "bookmark");
- check_uri_nodes(query, options, 1);
-function() {
- dump("\n\n*** TEST: query\n");
- // This is the query we will check for children.
- bs.insertBookmark(bs.toolbarFolder, uri("place:folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU&sort=1"),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "inside query");
- // Create a folder and a query node inside it, these should not be considered
- // uri nodes.
- bs.createFolder(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder, "inside folder", bs.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- bs.insertBookmark(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri("place:sort=1"),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "inside query");
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([bs.toolbarFolder], 1);
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- dump("Check query without uri nodes\n");
- check_uri_nodes(query, options, 0);
- dump("Check query with uri nodes\n");
- // Add an uri node, this should be considered.
- bs.insertBookmark(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri(""),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "bookmark");
- check_uri_nodes(query, options, 1);
-function() {
- dump("\n\n*** TEST: excludeItems Query\n");
- // This is the query we will check for children.
- bs.insertBookmark(bs.toolbarFolder, uri("place:folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU&sort=8"),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "inside query");
- // Create a folder and a query node inside it, these should not be considered
- // uri nodes.
- bs.createFolder(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder, "inside folder", bs.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- bs.insertBookmark(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri("place:sort=1"),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "inside query");
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([bs.toolbarFolder], 1);
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.excludeItems = true;
- dump("Check folder without uri nodes\n");
- check_uri_nodes(query, options, 0);
- dump("Check folder with uri nodes\n");
- // Add an uri node, this should be considered.
- bs.insertBookmark(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri(""),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "bookmark");
- check_uri_nodes(query, options, 1);
-function() {
- dump("\n\n*** TEST: !expandQueries Query\n");
- // This is the query we will check for children.
- bs.insertBookmark(bs.toolbarFolder, uri("place:folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU&sort=8"),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "inside query");
- // Create a folder and a query node inside it, these should not be considered
- // uri nodes.
- bs.createFolder(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder, "inside folder", bs.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- bs.insertBookmark(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri("place:sort=1"),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "inside query");
- var query = hs.getNewQuery();
- query.setFolders([bs.toolbarFolder], 1);
- var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
- options.expandQueries = false;
- dump("Check folder without uri nodes\n");
- check_uri_nodes(query, options, 0);
- dump("Check folder with uri nodes\n");
- // Add an uri node, this should be considered.
- bs.insertBookmark(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder, uri(""),
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "bookmark");
- check_uri_nodes(query, options, 1);
- * Executes a query and checks number of uri nodes in the first container in
- * query's results. To correctly test a container ensure that the query will
- * return only your container in the first level.
- *
- * @param aQuery
- * nsINavHistoryQuery object defining the query
- * @param aOptions
- * nsINavHistoryQueryOptions object defining the query's options
- * @param aExpectedURINodes
- * number of expected uri nodes
- */
-function check_uri_nodes(aQuery, aOptions, aExpectedURINodes) {
- var result = hs.executeQuery(aQuery, aOptions);
- var root = result.root;
- root.containerOpen = true;
- var node = root.getChild(0);
- do_check_eq(PU.hasChildURIs(node), aExpectedURINodes > 0);
- do_check_eq(PU.hasChildURIs(node, true), aExpectedURINodes > 1);
- do_check_eq(PU.getURLsForContainerNode(node).length, aExpectedURINodes);
- root.containerOpen = false;
-add_task(function* () {
- for (let test of tests) {
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
- test();
- }
- // Cleanup.
- yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_utils_setAnnotationsFor.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_utils_setAnnotationsFor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 62947620d..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_utils_setAnnotationsFor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
- /**
- * Check for correct functionality of PlacesUtils.setAnnotationsForItem/URI
- */
-var hs = PlacesUtils.history;
-var bs = PlacesUtils.bookmarks;
-var as = PlacesUtils.annotations;
-const TEST_URL = "";
-function run_test() {
- var testURI = uri(TEST_URL);
- // add a bookmark
- var itemId = bs.insertBookmark(bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder, testURI,
- bs.DEFAULT_INDEX, "test");
- // create annotations array
- var testAnnos = [{ name: "testAnno/test0",
- flags: 0,
- value: "test0",
- expires: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER },
- { name: "testAnno/test1",
- flags: 0,
- value: "test1",
- expires: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER },
- { name: "testAnno/test2",
- flags: 0,
- value: "test2",
- expires: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER },
- { name: "testAnno/test3",
- flags: 0,
- value: 0,
- expires: Ci.nsIAnnotationService.EXPIRE_NEVER }];
- // Add item annotations
- PlacesUtils.setAnnotationsForItem(itemId, testAnnos);
- // Check for correct addition
- testAnnos.forEach(function(anno) {
- do_check_true(as.itemHasAnnotation(itemId,;
- do_check_eq(as.getItemAnnotation(itemId,, anno.value);
- });
- // Add page annotations
- PlacesUtils.setAnnotationsForURI(testURI, testAnnos);
- // Check for correct addition
- testAnnos.forEach(function(anno) {
- do_check_true(as.pageHasAnnotation(testURI,;
- do_check_eq(as.getPageAnnotation(testURI,, anno.value);
- });
- // To unset annotations we unset their values or set them to
- // null/undefined
- testAnnos[0].value = null;
- testAnnos[1].value = undefined;
- delete testAnnos[2].value;
- delete testAnnos[3].value;
- // Unset all item annotations
- PlacesUtils.setAnnotationsForItem(itemId, testAnnos);
- // Check for correct removal
- testAnnos.forEach(function(anno) {
- do_check_false(as.itemHasAnnotation(itemId,;
- // sanity: page annotations should not be removed here
- do_check_true(as.pageHasAnnotation(testURI,;
- });
- // Unset all page annotations
- PlacesUtils.setAnnotationsForURI(testURI, testAnnos);
- // Check for correct removal
- testAnnos.forEach(function(anno) {
- do_check_false(as.pageHasAnnotation(testURI,;
- });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_visitsInDB.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_visitsInDB.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cab39ed9..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_visitsInDB.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-add_task(function* test_execute() {
- const TEST_URI = uri("");
- do_check_eq(0, yield PlacesTestUtils.visitsInDB(TEST_URI));
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({uri: TEST_URI});
- do_check_eq(1, yield PlacesTestUtils.visitsInDB(TEST_URI));
- yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({uri: TEST_URI});
- do_check_eq(2, yield PlacesTestUtils.visitsInDB(TEST_URI));
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 60bba4758..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-head = head_bookmarks.js
-tail =
-firefox-appdir = browser
-skip-if = toolkit == 'android'
-support-files =
- bookmarks.corrupt.html
- bookmarks.json
- bookmarks.preplaces.html
- bookmarks_html_singleframe.html
- bug476292.sqlite
- corruptDB.sqlite
- default.sqlite
- livemark.xml
- mobile_bookmarks_folder_import.json
- mobile_bookmarks_folder_merge.json
- mobile_bookmarks_multiple_folders.json
- mobile_bookmarks_root_import.json
- mobile_bookmarks_root_merge.json
- nsDummyObserver.js
- nsDummyObserver.manifest
- places.sparse.sqlite
-# Bug 676989: test hangs consistently on Android
-skip-if = os == "android"
-# Bug 676989: test fails consistently on Android
-fail-if = os == "android"
-# Bug 676989: test fails consistently on Android
-fail-if = os == "android"
-# Bug 821781: test fails intermittently on Linux
-skip-if = os == "linux"
-# Bug 676989: test hangs consistently on Android
-skip-if = os == "android"
-# Bug 676989: test hangs consistently on Android
-skip-if = os == "android"
-# Bug 676989: test hangs consistently on Android
-skip-if = os == "android"
-skip-if = (os == "win" && os_version == "5.1") # Bug 1158887
-# Bug 676989: test fails consistently on Android
-fail-if = os == "android"
-# Bug 676989: test hangs consistently on Android
-skip-if = os == "android"
-# Bug 676989: test hangs consistently on Android
-skip-if = os == "android"
-# Bug 676989: test fails consistently on Android
-fail-if = os == "android"
-# Bug 902248: intermittent timeouts on all platforms
-skip-if = true
-# Bug 676989: test hangs consistently on Android
-skip-if = os == "android"
-# Bug 676989: test hangs consistently on Android
-skip-if = os == "android"
-# Bug 676989: test hangs consistently on Android
-skip-if = os == "android"
-# Bug 676989: test hangs consistently on Android
-skip-if = os == "android"