path: root/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/parser-implied.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/parser-implied.js
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/parser-implied.js')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/parser-implied.js b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/parser-implied.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f67a2ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/parser-implied.js
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+ Parser implied
+ All the functions that deal with microformats implied rules
+ Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 Glenn Jones. All Rights Reserved.
+ MIT License:
+ Dependencies dates.js, domutils.js, html.js, isodate,js, text.js, utilities.js, url.js
+var Modules = (function (modules) {
+ // check parser module is loaded
+ if(modules.Parser){
+ /**
+ * applies "implied rules" microformat output structure i.e. feed-title, name, photo, url and date
+ *
+ * @param {DOM Node} node
+ * @param {Object} uf (microformat output structure)
+ * @param {Object} parentClasses (classes structure)
+ * @param {Boolean} impliedPropertiesByVersion
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.impliedRules = function(node, uf, parentClasses) {
+ var typeVersion = (uf.typeVersion)? uf.typeVersion: 'v2';
+ // TEMP: override to allow v1 implied properties while spec changes
+ if(this.options.impliedPropertiesByVersion === false){
+ typeVersion = 'v2';
+ }
+ if(node && uf && {
+ uf = this.impliedBackwardComp( node, uf, parentClasses );
+ if(typeVersion === 'v2'){
+ uf = this.impliedhFeedTitle( uf );
+ uf = this.impliedName( node, uf );
+ uf = this.impliedPhoto( node, uf );
+ uf = this.impliedUrl( node, uf );
+ }
+ uf = this.impliedValue( node, uf, parentClasses );
+ uf = this.impliedDate( uf );
+ // TEMP: flagged while spec changes are put forward
+ if(this.options.parseLatLonGeo === true){
+ uf = this.impliedGeo( uf );
+ }
+ }
+ return uf;
+ };
+ /**
+ * apply implied name rule
+ *
+ * @param {DOM Node} node
+ * @param {Object} uf
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.impliedName = function(node, uf) {
+ // implied name rule
+ /*
+ img.h-x[alt] <img class="h-card" src="glenn.htm" alt="Glenn Jones"></a>
+ area.h-x[alt] <area class="h-card" href="glenn.htm" alt="Glenn Jones"></area>
+ abbr.h-x[title] <abbr class="h-card" title="Glenn Jones"GJ</abbr>
+ .h-x>img:only-child[alt]:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><a src="glenn.htm" alt="Glenn Jones"></a></div>
+ .h-x>area:only-child[alt]:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><area href="glenn.htm" alt="Glenn Jones"></area></div>
+ .h-x>abbr:only-child[title] <div class="h-card"><abbr title="Glenn Jones">GJ</abbr></div>
+ .h-x>:only-child>img:only-child[alt]:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><span><img src="jane.html" alt="Jane Doe"/></span></div>
+ .h-x>:only-child>area:only-child[alt]:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><span><area href="jane.html" alt="Jane Doe"></area></span></div>
+ .h-x>:only-child>abbr:only-child[title] <div class="h-card"><span><abbr title="Jane Doe">JD</abbr></span></div>
+ */
+ var name,
+ value;
+ if(! {
+ value = this.getImpliedProperty(node, ['img', 'area', 'abbr'], this.getNameAttr);
+ var textFormat = this.options.textFormat;
+ // if no value for tags/properties use text
+ if(!value) {
+ name = [modules.text.parse(this.document, node, textFormat)];
+ }else{
+ name = [modules.text.parseText(this.document, value, textFormat)];
+ }
+ if(name && name[0] !== ''){
+ = name;
+ }
+ }
+ return uf;
+ };
+ /**
+ * apply implied photo rule
+ *
+ * @param {DOM Node} node
+ * @param {Object} uf
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.impliedPhoto = function(node, uf) {
+ // implied photo rule
+ /*
+ img.h-x[src] <img class="h-card" alt="Jane Doe" src="jane.jpeg"/>
+ object.h-x[data] <object class="h-card" data="jane.jpeg"/>Jane Doe</object>
+ .h-x>img[src]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><img alt="Jane Doe" src="jane.jpeg"/></div>
+ .h-x>object[data]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><object data="jane.jpeg"/>Jane Doe</object></div>
+ .h-x>:only-child>img[src]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><span><img alt="Jane Doe" src="jane.jpeg"/></span></div>
+ .h-x>:only-child>object[data]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><span><object data="jane.jpeg"/>Jane Doe</object></span></div>
+ */
+ var value;
+ if(! {
+ value = this.getImpliedProperty(node, ['img', 'object'], this.getPhotoAttr);
+ if(value) {
+ // relative to absolute URL
+ if(value && value !== '' && this.options.baseUrl !== '' && value.indexOf('://') === -1) {
+ value = modules.url.resolve(value, this.options.baseUrl);
+ }
+ = [modules.utils.trim(value)];
+ }
+ }
+ return uf;
+ };
+ /**
+ * apply implied URL rule
+ *
+ * @param {DOM Node} node
+ * @param {Object} uf
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.impliedUrl = function(node, uf) {
+ // implied URL rule
+ /*
+ a.h-x[href] <a class="h-card" href="glenn.html">Glenn</a>
+ area.h-x[href] <area class="h-card" href="glenn.html">Glenn</area>
+ .h-x>a[href]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card" ><a href="glenn.html">Glenn</a><p>...</p></div>
+ .h-x>area[href]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card" ><area href="glenn.html">Glenn</area><p>...</p></div>
+ */
+ var value;
+ if(! {
+ value = this.getImpliedProperty(node, ['a', 'area'], this.getURLAttr);
+ if(value) {
+ // relative to absolute URL
+ if(value && value !== '' && this.options.baseUrl !== '' && value.indexOf('://') === -1) {
+ value = modules.url.resolve(value, this.options.baseUrl);
+ }
+ = [modules.utils.trim(value)];
+ }
+ }
+ return uf;
+ };
+ /**
+ * apply implied date rule - if there is a time only property try to concat it with any date property
+ *
+ * @param {DOM Node} node
+ * @param {Object} uf
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.impliedDate = function(uf) {
+ // implied date rule
+ //
+ //
+ var newDate;
+ if(uf.times.length > 0 && uf.dates.length > 0) {
+ newDate = modules.dates.dateTimeUnion(uf.dates[0][1], uf.times[0][1], this.options.dateFormat);
+[this.removePropPrefix(uf.times[0][0])][0] = newDate.toString(this.options.dateFormat);
+ }
+ // clean-up object
+ delete uf.times;
+ delete uf.dates;
+ return uf;
+ };
+ /**
+ * get an implied property value from pre-defined tag/attriubte combinations
+ *
+ * @param {DOM Node} node
+ * @param {String} tagList (Array of tags from which an implied value can be pulled)
+ * @param {String} getAttrFunction (Function which can extract implied value)
+ * @return {String || null}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.getImpliedProperty = function(node, tagList, getAttrFunction) {
+ // i.e. img.h-card
+ var value = getAttrFunction(node),
+ descendant,
+ child;
+ if(!value) {
+ // i.e. .h-card>img:only-of-type:not(.h-card)
+ descendant = modules.domUtils.getSingleDescendantOfType( node, tagList);
+ if(descendant && this.hasHClass(descendant) === false){
+ value = getAttrFunction(descendant);
+ }
+ if(node.children.length > 0 ){
+ // i.e. .h-card>:only-child>img:only-of-type:not(.h-card)
+ child = modules.domUtils.getSingleDescendant(node);
+ if(child && this.hasHClass(child) === false){
+ descendant = modules.domUtils.getSingleDescendantOfType(child, tagList);
+ if(descendant && this.hasHClass(descendant) === false){
+ value = getAttrFunction(descendant);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+ };
+ /**
+ * get an implied name value from a node
+ *
+ * @param {DOM Node} node
+ * @return {String || null}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.getNameAttr = function(node) {
+ var value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['img','area'], 'alt');
+ if(!value) {
+ value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['abbr'], 'title');
+ }
+ return value;
+ };
+ /**
+ * get an implied photo value from a node
+ *
+ * @param {DOM Node} node
+ * @return {String || null}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.getPhotoAttr = function(node) {
+ var value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['img'], 'src');
+ if(!value && modules.domUtils.hasAttributeValue(node, 'class', 'include') === false) {
+ value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['object'], 'data');
+ }
+ return value;
+ };
+ /**
+ * get an implied photo value from a node
+ *
+ * @param {DOM Node} node
+ * @return {String || null}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.getURLAttr = function(node) {
+ var value = null;
+ if(modules.domUtils.hasAttributeValue(node, 'class', 'include') === false){
+ value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['a'], 'href');
+ if(!value) {
+ value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['area'], 'href');
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+ };
+ /**
+ *
+ *
+ * @param {DOM Node} node
+ * @param {Object} uf
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.impliedValue = function(node, uf, parentClasses){
+ // intersection of implied name and implied value rules
+ if( {
+ if(uf.value && parentClasses.root.length > 0 && === 1){
+ uf = this.getAltValue(uf,[0][0], 'p-name',[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ // intersection of implied URL and implied value rules
+ if( {
+ if(parentClasses && parentClasses.root.length === 1 && === 1){
+ uf = this.getAltValue(uf,[0][0], 'u-url',[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ // apply alt value
+ if(uf.altValue !== null){
+ uf.value = uf.altValue.value;
+ }
+ delete uf.altValue;
+ return uf;
+ };
+ /**
+ * get alt value based on rules about parent property prefix
+ *
+ * @param {Object} uf
+ * @param {String} parentPropertyName
+ * @param {String} propertyName
+ * @param {String} value
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.getAltValue = function(uf, parentPropertyName, propertyName, value){
+ if(uf.value && !uf.altValue){
+ // first p-name of the h-* child
+ if(modules.utils.startWith(parentPropertyName,'p-') && propertyName === 'p-name'){
+ uf.altValue = {name: propertyName, value: value};
+ }
+ // if it's an e-* property element
+ if(modules.utils.startWith(parentPropertyName,'e-') && modules.utils.startWith(propertyName,'e-')){
+ uf.altValue = {name: propertyName, value: value};
+ }
+ // if it's an u-* property element
+ if(modules.utils.startWith(parentPropertyName,'u-') && propertyName === 'u-url'){
+ uf.altValue = {name: propertyName, value: value};
+ }
+ }
+ return uf;
+ };
+ /**
+ * if a h-feed does not have a title use the title tag of a page
+ *
+ * @param {Object} uf
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.impliedhFeedTitle = function( uf ){
+ if(uf.type && uf.type.indexOf('h-feed') > -1){
+ // has no name property
+ if( === undefined ||[0] === '' ){
+ // use the text from the title tag
+ var title = modules.domUtils.querySelector(this.document, 'title');
+ if(title){
+ = [modules.domUtils.textContent(title)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return uf;
+ };
+ /**
+ * implied Geo from pattern <abbr class="p-geo" title="37.386013;-122.082932">
+ *
+ * @param {Object} uf
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.impliedGeo = function( uf ){
+ var geoPair,
+ parts,
+ longitude,
+ latitude,
+ valid = true;
+ if(uf.type && uf.type.indexOf('h-geo') > -1){
+ // has no latitude or longitude property
+ if( === undefined || === undefined ){
+ geoPair = ([0] : null;
+ geoPair = (!geoPair && : geoPair;
+ if(geoPair){
+ // allow for the use of a ';' as in microformats and also ',' as in Geo URL
+ geoPair = geoPair.replace(';',',');
+ // has sep char
+ if(geoPair.indexOf(',') > -1 ){
+ parts = geoPair.split(',');
+ // only correct if we have two or more parts
+ if(parts.length > 1){
+ // latitude no value outside the range -90 or 90
+ latitude = parseFloat( parts[0] );
+ if(modules.utils.isNumber(latitude) && latitude > 90 || latitude < -90){
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ // longitude no value outside the range -180 to 180
+ longitude = parseFloat( parts[1] );
+ if(modules.utils.isNumber(longitude) && longitude > 180 || longitude < -180){
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if(valid){
+ = [latitude];
+ = [longitude];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return uf;
+ };
+ /**
+ * if a backwards compat built structure has no properties add name through this.impliedName
+ *
+ * @param {Object} uf
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ modules.Parser.prototype.impliedBackwardComp = function(node, uf, parentClasses){
+ // look for pattern in parent classes like "p-geo h-geo"
+ // these are structures built from backwards compat parsing of geo
+ if(parentClasses.root.length === 1 && === 1) {
+ if(parentClasses.root[0].replace('h-','') === this.removePropPrefix([0][0])) {
+ // if microformat has no properties apply the impliedName rule to get value from containing node
+ // this will get value from html such as <abbr class="geo" title="30.267991;-97.739568">Brighton</abbr>
+ if( modules.utils.hasProperties( === false ){
+ uf = this.impliedName( node, uf );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return uf;
+ };
+ }
+ return modules;
+} (Modules || {}));