path: root/toolkit/components/downloads/test/unit/test_app_rep.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /toolkit/components/downloads/test/unit/test_app_rep.js
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/downloads/test/unit/test_app_rep.js')
1 files changed, 342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/downloads/test/unit/test_app_rep.js b/toolkit/components/downloads/test/unit/test_app_rep.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..636a71e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/downloads/test/unit/test_app_rep.js
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+const gAppRep = Cc[";1"].
+ getService(Ci.nsIApplicationReputationService);
+var gHttpServ = null;
+var gTables = {};
+var ALLOW_LIST = 0;
+var BLOCK_LIST = 1;
+var NO_LIST = 2;
+var whitelistedURI = createURI("");
+var exampleURI = createURI("");
+var blocklistedURI = createURI("");
+const appRepURLPref = "browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.url";
+function readFileToString(aFilename) {
+ let f = do_get_file(aFilename);
+ let stream = Cc[";1"]
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream);
+ stream.init(f, -1, 0, 0);
+ let buf = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(stream, stream.available());
+ return buf;
+// Registers a table for which to serve update chunks. Returns a promise that
+// resolves when that chunk has been downloaded.
+function registerTableUpdate(aTable, aFilename) {
+ // If we haven't been given an update for this table yet, add it to the map
+ if (!(aTable in gTables)) {
+ gTables[aTable] = [];
+ }
+ // The number of chunks associated with this table.
+ let numChunks = gTables[aTable].length + 1;
+ let redirectPath = "/" + aTable + "-" + numChunks;
+ let redirectUrl = "localhost:4444" + redirectPath;
+ // Store redirect url for that table so we can return it later when we
+ // process an update request.
+ gTables[aTable].push(redirectUrl);
+ gHttpServ.registerPathHandler(redirectPath, function(request, response) {
+ do_print("Mock safebrowsing server handling request for " + redirectPath);
+ let contents = readFileToString(aFilename);
+ do_print("Length of " + aFilename + ": " + contents.length);
+ response.setHeader("Content-Type",
+ "application/", false);
+ response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
+ response.bodyOutputStream.write(contents, contents.length);
+ });
+add_task(function* test_setup() {
+ // Set up a local HTTP server to return bad verdicts.
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref(appRepURLPref,
+ "http://localhost:4444/download");
+ // Ensure safebrowsing is enabled for this test, even if the app
+ // doesn't have it enabled.
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled", true);
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled", true);
+ do_register_cleanup(function() {
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled");
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled");
+ });
+ // Set block and allow tables explicitly, since the allowlist is normally
+ // disabled on non-Windows platforms.
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref("urlclassifier.downloadBlockTable",
+ "goog-badbinurl-shavar");
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref("urlclassifier.downloadAllowTable",
+ "goog-downloadwhite-digest256");
+ do_register_cleanup(function() {
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("urlclassifier.downloadBlockTable");
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("urlclassifier.downloadAllowTable");
+ });
+ gHttpServ = new HttpServer();
+ gHttpServ.registerDirectory("/", do_get_cwd());
+ gHttpServ.registerPathHandler("/download", function(request, response) {
+ do_throw("This test should never make a remote lookup");
+ });
+ gHttpServ.start(4444);
+function run_test() {
+ run_next_test();
+function check_telemetry(aCount,
+ aShouldBlockCount,
+ aListCounts) {
+ let count = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsITelemetry)
+ .snapshot();
+ do_check_eq(count.counts[1], aCount);
+ let local = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsITelemetry)
+ .snapshot();
+ do_check_eq(local.counts[ALLOW_LIST], aListCounts[ALLOW_LIST],
+ "Allow list counts don't match");
+ do_check_eq(local.counts[BLOCK_LIST], aListCounts[BLOCK_LIST],
+ "Block list counts don't match");
+ do_check_eq(local.counts[NO_LIST], aListCounts[NO_LIST],
+ "No list counts don't match");
+ let shouldBlock = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsITelemetry)
+ .snapshot();
+ // SHOULD_BLOCK = true
+ do_check_eq(shouldBlock.counts[1], aShouldBlockCount);
+ // Sanity check that SHOULD_BLOCK total adds up to the COUNT.
+ do_check_eq(shouldBlock.counts[0] + shouldBlock.counts[1], aCount);
+function get_telemetry_counts() {
+ let count = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsITelemetry)
+ .snapshot();
+ let local = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsITelemetry)
+ .snapshot();
+ let shouldBlock = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsITelemetry)
+ .snapshot();
+ return { total: count.counts[1],
+ shouldBlock: shouldBlock.counts[1],
+ listCounts: local.counts };
+add_test(function test_nullSourceURI() {
+ let counts = get_telemetry_counts();
+ gAppRep.queryReputation({
+ // No source URI
+ fileSize: 12,
+ }, function onComplete(aShouldBlock, aStatus) {
+ do_check_eq(Cr.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED, aStatus);
+ do_check_false(aShouldBlock);
+ check_telemetry( + 1, counts.shouldBlock, counts.listCounts);
+ run_next_test();
+ });
+add_test(function test_nullCallback() {
+ let counts = get_telemetry_counts();
+ try {
+ gAppRep.queryReputation({
+ sourceURI: createURI(""),
+ fileSize: 12,
+ }, null);
+ do_throw("Callback cannot be null");
+ } catch (ex) {
+ if (ex.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER)
+ throw ex;
+ // We don't even increment the count here, because there's no callback.
+ check_telemetry(, counts.shouldBlock, counts.listCounts);
+ run_next_test();
+ }
+// Set up the local whitelist.
+add_test(function test_local_list() {
+ // Construct a response with redirect urls.
+ function processUpdateRequest() {
+ let response = "n:1000\n";
+ for (let table in gTables) {
+ response += "i:" + table + "\n";
+ for (let i = 0; i < gTables[table].length; ++i) {
+ response += "u:" + gTables[table][i] + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ do_print("Returning update response: " + response);
+ return response;
+ }
+ gHttpServ.registerPathHandler("/downloads", function(request, response) {
+ let blob = processUpdateRequest();
+ response.setHeader("Content-Type",
+ "application/", false);
+ response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
+ response.bodyOutputStream.write(blob, blob.length);
+ });
+ let streamUpdater = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIUrlClassifierStreamUpdater);
+ // Load up some update chunks for the safebrowsing server to serve.
+ // This chunk contains the hash of
+ registerTableUpdate("goog-badbinurl-shavar", "data/block_digest.chunk");
+ // This chunk contains the hash of
+ registerTableUpdate("goog-downloadwhite-digest256", "data/digest.chunk");
+ // Download some updates, and don't continue until the downloads are done.
+ function updateSuccess(aEvent) {
+ // Timeout of n:1000 is constructed in processUpdateRequest above and
+ // passed back in the callback in nsIUrlClassifierStreamUpdater on success.
+ do_check_eq("1000", aEvent);
+ do_print("All data processed");
+ run_next_test();
+ }
+ // Just throw if we ever get an update or download error.
+ function handleError(aEvent) {
+ do_throw("We didn't download or update correctly: " + aEvent);
+ }
+ streamUpdater.downloadUpdates(
+ "goog-downloadwhite-digest256,goog-badbinurl-shavar",
+ "goog-downloadwhite-digest256,goog-badbinurl-shavar;\n",
+ true, // isPostRequest.
+ "http://localhost:4444/downloads",
+ updateSuccess, handleError, handleError);
+add_test(function test_unlisted() {
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref(appRepURLPref,
+ "http://localhost:4444/download");
+ let counts = get_telemetry_counts();
+ let listCounts = counts.listCounts;
+ listCounts[NO_LIST]++;
+ gAppRep.queryReputation({
+ sourceURI: exampleURI,
+ fileSize: 12,
+ }, function onComplete(aShouldBlock, aStatus) {
+ do_check_eq(Cr.NS_OK, aStatus);
+ do_check_false(aShouldBlock);
+ check_telemetry( + 1, counts.shouldBlock, listCounts);
+ run_next_test();
+ });
+add_test(function test_non_uri() {
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref(appRepURLPref,
+ "http://localhost:4444/download");
+ let counts = get_telemetry_counts();
+ let listCounts = counts.listCounts;
+ // No listcount is incremented, since the sourceURI is not an nsIURL
+ let source = NetUtil.newURI("data:application/octet-stream,ABC");
+ do_check_false(source instanceof Ci.nsIURL);
+ gAppRep.queryReputation({
+ sourceURI: source,
+ fileSize: 12,
+ }, function onComplete(aShouldBlock, aStatus) {
+ do_check_eq(Cr.NS_OK, aStatus);
+ do_check_false(aShouldBlock);
+ check_telemetry( + 1, counts.shouldBlock, listCounts);
+ run_next_test();
+ });
+add_test(function test_local_blacklist() {
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref(appRepURLPref,
+ "http://localhost:4444/download");
+ let counts = get_telemetry_counts();
+ let listCounts = counts.listCounts;
+ listCounts[BLOCK_LIST]++;
+ gAppRep.queryReputation({
+ sourceURI: blocklistedURI,
+ fileSize: 12,
+ }, function onComplete(aShouldBlock, aStatus) {
+ do_check_eq(Cr.NS_OK, aStatus);
+ do_check_true(aShouldBlock);
+ check_telemetry( + 1, counts.shouldBlock + 1, listCounts);
+ run_next_test();
+ });
+add_test(function test_referer_blacklist() {
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref(appRepURLPref,
+ "http://localhost:4444/download");
+ let counts = get_telemetry_counts();
+ let listCounts = counts.listCounts;
+ listCounts[BLOCK_LIST]++;
+ gAppRep.queryReputation({
+ sourceURI: exampleURI,
+ referrerURI: blocklistedURI,
+ fileSize: 12,
+ }, function onComplete(aShouldBlock, aStatus) {
+ do_check_eq(Cr.NS_OK, aStatus);
+ do_check_true(aShouldBlock);
+ check_telemetry( + 1, counts.shouldBlock + 1, listCounts);
+ run_next_test();
+ });
+add_test(function test_blocklist_trumps_allowlist() {
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref(appRepURLPref,
+ "http://localhost:4444/download");
+ let counts = get_telemetry_counts();
+ let listCounts = counts.listCounts;
+ listCounts[BLOCK_LIST]++;
+ gAppRep.queryReputation({
+ sourceURI: whitelistedURI,
+ referrerURI: blocklistedURI,
+ fileSize: 12,
+ }, function onComplete(aShouldBlock, aStatus) {
+ do_check_eq(Cr.NS_OK, aStatus);
+ do_check_true(aShouldBlock);
+ check_telemetry( + 1, counts.shouldBlock + 1, listCounts);
+ run_next_test();
+ });
+add_test(function test_redirect_on_blocklist() {
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref(appRepURLPref,
+ "http://localhost:4444/download");
+ let counts = get_telemetry_counts();
+ let listCounts = counts.listCounts;
+ listCounts[BLOCK_LIST]++;
+ listCounts[ALLOW_LIST]++;
+ let secman = Services.scriptSecurityManager;
+ let badRedirects = Cc[";1"]
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsIMutableArray);
+ badRedirects.appendElement(secman.createCodebasePrincipal(exampleURI, {}),
+ false);
+ badRedirects.appendElement(secman.createCodebasePrincipal(blocklistedURI, {}),
+ false);
+ badRedirects.appendElement(secman.createCodebasePrincipal(whitelistedURI, {}),
+ false);
+ gAppRep.queryReputation({
+ sourceURI: whitelistedURI,
+ referrerURI: exampleURI,
+ redirects: badRedirects,
+ fileSize: 12,
+ }, function onComplete(aShouldBlock, aStatus) {
+ do_check_eq(Cr.NS_OK, aStatus);
+ do_check_true(aShouldBlock);
+ check_telemetry( + 1, counts.shouldBlock + 1, listCounts);
+ run_next_test();
+ });